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General Trias City, Cavite…..) S.S



We, BBB, 21 years old, single, daughter of AAA Sr., and CCC
23 years old, single, daughter of AAA Sr., both residing at #068
Pinagpala Street, Barangay Bacao, General Trias City, accuses
our brother AAA Jr. who is also a son of our father, of the crime
of Parricide under Article 246 of the Revised Penal Code as
amended, for killing our father AAA Sr., by hitting the latter in his
head with a stone due to altercation between them that occur
in our residence. Committed as follows, to wit:

1. On 16th May of 2023, the time was more or less 08:00 in

the evening, while the AAA Jr., our brother. and AAA Sr., our
father was having a drinking spree, we heard an altercation
between them;

2. Because the sound of the altercation was intensified, we

went outside of our house and tried to stop our brother and our
father, but our efforts remain futile;

3. There we saw that our brother picked up a stone and

made a hasty attack toward our father and hit the latter on the
head four times;

4. We saw that the our father fell to the ground and his
head was covered with blood so we immediately brought him
to the General Trias City Hospital but was declared dead on

5. Meanwhile, we saw the accused fled the scene before

the responding police officers arrived.

6. Article 246 of the RPC provides that Parricide is

committed by any person when: (1) a person is killed; (2) the
deceased is killed by the accused; (3) the deceased is the
father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a
legitimate other ascendants or other descendants, or the
legitimate spouse of the accused.
7. WHEREFORE, in the presence of all the elements of
Parricide, we most respectfully pray to this Honorable Office to
indict the accused for the crime of Parricide

We are executing this Sworn Statement to attest the

truthfulness of the foregoing facts. IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have
hereunto affix our signatures this 2nd day of September 2023 at
City Prosecution Office of General Trias City, Cavite, Philippines


SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me this_______________ at

General City Cavite Philippines.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined the

herein complainant/s and that I am convinced that he/she/they
voluntarily executed and understood his/her//their affidavit.

City Prosecutor

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