Science and Technology: Grade 10

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Science and Technology

Grade 10

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Curriculum Development Centre
Publisher: Government of Nepal
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Curriculum Development Centre
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

© Curriculum Development Centre

All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced,

transmitted in any other form or by any means without the written
permission of the publisher. However, this does not prohibit
making photocopies of its pages for teacher training or other
non-profit making purposes.

First Edition: 2023

Send your comment and suggestions to:

Editing and Publishing Section, Curriculum Development Centre

Phone: 01-6630-588, Fax: 01-6630-797
Email: [email protected]

School education is the foundation for preparing the citizen who

are loyal to the nation and nationality, committed to the norms and
values of federal democratic republic, self-reliant and respecting the
social and cultural diversity. It is also remarkable for developing a
good moral character with the practical know-how of the use of ICT
along with the application of scientific concept and positive thinking.
It is also expected to prepare the citizens who are moral and ethical,
disciplined, social and human value sensitive with the consciousness
about the environmental conversation and sustainable development.
Moreover, it should be helpful for developing the skills for solving
the real life problems. This textbook 'Science and Technology, Grade 10'
is fully aligned with the intent carried out by the National Curriculum
Framework for School Education, 2076 and is developed fully in
accordance with the new Secondary Level Curriculum, Grade 9-10, 2078.
This textbook is initially written by Dr. Indra Raj Upadhaya, Mrs.
Mina Shrestha, Mr. Janak Raj Pant, Mr. Yubraj Aadhikari and Lav Dev
Bhatta . It has been translated by Mrs. Rajani Maharjan, Mr. Narayan
Acharaya and Mr. Suraj Babu Ghimere. The contribution made
by Director General Mr. Baikuntha Prasad Aryal, Prof. Dr. Krishna
Bhakta Maharjan, Dr. Kamal Prasad Acharya, Mr. Uma Nath Lamsal,
Mr. Hedemba Raj Kandal, Mr Keshar Bahadur Khulal, Mr. Shailesh
Bahadur Pradhan, Mr Pashupati Shrestha, Mr. Krishna prasad Bhusal,
Mr. Bishnu Poudel and Mrs. Pramila Bhakati is remarkable in bringing
the book in this form. The language of the book has been edited by Ms.
Kunti Adhikari. Art editing of this book was done by Mr. Shreehari
Shrestha by making it four colour. The Curriculum Development Centre
extends sincere gratitude to all of them.
The textbook is a primary resource for classroom teaching. Considerable
efforts have been made to make the book helpful in achieving the
expected competencies of the curriculum. Curriculum Development
Centre always welcomes constructive feedback for further betterment
of its publications.
2080 BS Curriculum Development Centre
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Unit Topic Page

1 Scientific Learning 1

2 Classification of Living Beings 15

3 Honey Bee 59

4 Heredity 73

5 Physiological Structure and Life Process 111

6 Nature and Environment 142

7 Motion and Force 167

8 Pressure 197

9 Heat 224

10 Wave 242

11 Electricity and Magnetism 302

12 Universe 328
13 Information and Communication Technology 339
14 Classification of Elements 363
15 Chemical Reaction 381
16 Gases 395
17 Metal and Not metals 415
18 Hydrocarbon and its Compounds 426

19 Chemicals used in Daily Life 442

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