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Journal d’Indochine

Acquarone | Chandler | Sheets | Covner

Legal and Attributions Art Attribution and Rights

Writing / Creation: All art is either commissioned by Sons of the Singularity,

Francis Acquarone from the Public Domain, or obtained by license
Patrick Chandler agreement. The following are copyrighted works-for-
Jason Sheets hire owned by the Sons of the Singularity:
Jesse Covner
• Viet Minh Recruitment Poster (cover) by Thuan Nguyen
Editing: • Faugn-Nyth N’gha by Vincent Van Hoof
Damon Lang • Expedition by Jennifer S. Lange
Phillip O’Brien • Fishing Boat by Jennifer S. Lange
Keith Mageau • Slugman by Thuan Nguyen
• Halong Bay Deepones by Thuan Nguyen
Layout: • All character portraits by L. Hsiang
Jesse Covner • Vietnam Mythos poster by Veronica Minaro
• Some maps provided by Antoine Royal, Ludovic
Chaosium Licensing: Chabant, and Jesse Covner
Michael O’Brien, James Lowder, Mike Mason • Mythos Flora by Dominik Nax
• City of Yian-Ho by Ludovic Chabant
Produced under license from Chaosium Inc. (chaosium. • Rachel Chandler, The Gift
com). Call of Cthulhu, Chaosium Inc., and the Chaosium
logo are registered trademarks of Chaosium Inc. Used Photos taken by Mr. Acquarone’s grandfather, featured
with permission. in the Operation Desperado scenario, are owned by Mr.
Acquarone. Sons of the Singularity uses these pictures
Call of Cthulhu © 1981–2021 Chaosium Inc. Used with with Journal d’Indochine with permission.
The following pieces of art are available for commercial
use with attribution:

• Fishermen Near Danang, by Ron Holde, CCBY

• St. Joseph’s Cathedral Hanoi, by Arno Kohlem, CCBY
• Water puppets by Farpost2, CCBY
Certain names, descriptions, and depictions applied to • Work boat lake travel paddle-fishing-603297, by
this supplement are derived from works copyrighted
by and include trademarks owned by Chaosium Inc., • Mangrove forest Tonle Sap by Jakub Hałun, CCBY
and may not be used or reused without permission. • Main Corridor Cave Hospital, Cat Ba Island Vietnam,
by Tom Fitzhenry, CCBY
All material not owned by Chaosium Inc. or under the • The jungle inside Waipoua Forest, by Prof.Chen
Creative Commons Attribution license are owned by Hualin, CCBY
the Sons of the Singularity LLC. Journal d’Indochine, • Shoggoth di A Monti - Buzzetti by Flannedrius, CCBY
is copyright of Sons of the Singularity, and all rights
are reserved. Any reproduction of material without
permission is strictly prohibited.
Special Thanks to Play Testers
This book presents descriptions of real people, events,
and places from 1925 to 1954. These depictions may not Julien, “the Colonel” Bing, Trev, Pat, Rich, Dan, Katia,
be historically accurate, but are depictions of how those Dmitri, Ludo, Bill, Aaron, Ju, Bernie, and Mr. Royal.
people, events and places might have been influenced Brian, Dean, Sabine, and Dom. GM Tammy Spiller and
by the Cthulhu Mythos. No offense to anyone living or members of her crew: DracOnyx, Michaela Wendler,
dead is intended. Donovan Connelly, Honor Connelly, Simdragon, Tian,
Mike Laincz, Drew, Frank Yu, Dave Vronay, Chris “Mr.
Magic” Parsons, Ben Sanders, Albert Boada, and Jacob

Specials thanks to Patrick D., Ly and Dan Bass

Table of Contents
Introduction4 Bình Xuyên and Organized Crime Faction 154
Historical Overview 5
Lore Sheet Rules for Call of Cthulhu 11 Operation Desperado 157
The Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina 13 Camp Demarcation 163
Background14 Flight Nectar Quebec 399 ​Is Not Responding 165
Prologue: The Dream Team 19 The March to DZ Condor  167
The River Runs Through It 20 Through Enemy Lines 169
The Plantation 22 Anne-Marie’s Last Kiss 170
The Director’s Manse: Home Invasion 34 Inside the Bunker 171
Year One: Rumble in the Jungle  36 Epilogue- Escaping Đien Biên Phu  183
Plantation Stand: Dammed if You Don’t  37 Handouts184
The Jungle: A Walk on the Wild Side (Optional) 38 Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-
The Village: Parlé 40 Espionnage (SDECE) 195
The Gift: Un Choix (Optional) 42
Epilogues: So it’s Come to This… 43 Red Napoleon’s Vanguard 198
Flora of the Cosmos 44 The Red Napoleon 199
Handouts 47 Eliane Weeps 202
Crossing the Nam Yum 203
Black Sea Rising 63 Drop Zone Natasha (Optional) 204
Background 64 Anne-Marie’s Ghost 205
The Empty Rice Bowl  68 Inside the Bunker  206
Signals Intelligence 70 Epilogue: Meet the Enemy  209
Cát Bà Island 71
What’s Wrong with the Radio (Floating) 76 Viet Minh Player Faction 214
The Resistance in the Caves (Optional) 77
The Fishing Trawler 79 Appendix I- Pre-Gen Lore Sheets 216
The Wreck (Optional) 80 Appendix II- Risk Counters & Jungle Mishap 224
Frog Islet Camp 83 Acknowledgements225
The Source 86

OSS Player Faction 94

Expédition Lemont: The Lost City of Yian-Ho 97

The Banquet 102
Sûreté Nationale 105
Government Archives  107
St Joseph’s Seminary 108
Chicory Café 110
Time for Happy Hour 111
Chambre de Commerce de Saigon  113
Under His Eye 114
The Search for Mai Hang 119
Welcome to the Jungle 123
Somewhere in the Jungle  127
The Encounter 129
Yian-Ho: The Lone Stupa 131
Entering the Mystical City 136
Epilogues 139


You hold in your hands Journal d’Indochine, the second information or character backgrounds. Lore Sheets
book in Sons of the Singularity’s Asian Horror series. tie character background into the scenarios, while
Journal d’Indochine is a collection of scenarios and providing players with useful historical and settings
other content for running Call of Cthulhu games set information. Secret missions and information relevant
in colonial-era French Indochina. It is designed to help to an investigator may also be distributed to players
the Keeper and Investigators quickly get up to speed through the use of Lore Sheets.
on French Indochina’s history, themes, and factions.
Journal d’Indochine includes vital information on the The Sons of the Singularity design philosophy for
region, as well as numerous Lore Sheets. campaigns is to allow Keepers to develop, expand,
and complete their campaign partially based on
This book includes four scenarios, each of which “emergent narrative.” The scenarios here do not
present different styles of play, evoking investigation, follow a predefined path to a certain outcome. Rather,
intrigue, wilderness adventure, and horror. All scenarios we hope the tools contained within the pages of this
take place in a historical context set between 1925 and book provide you with a fleshed-out framework for
1954, and can be played in either a purist or pulp mode. your game sessions, from which your gaming group
can expand upon.
Journal d’Indochine includes tools for running and
expanding campaigns set in Indochina: Player Factions Keepers may allow players to use the pre-generated
and Lore Sheets. The Player Faction sections presented in characters included with each scenario, together with
this book include critical content that allows roleplaying the Lore Sheets or back-stories specifically crafted for
Journal d’Indochine from a different perspective and such investigators. The pre-generated investigators
with a different set of goals and potential outcomes. are designed to offer a diversity of backgrounds and
Each Player Faction comes with a description of the complementary skillsets.
faction and its goals, a faction campaign hook, and
scenario hooks. Player Factions potentially allow your Mid-20th century Indochina is a world setting filled with
table to replay a scenario with different goals and beauty, hidden secrets, harsh injustice, and otherworldly
approaches. Lore Sheets can be used simply as hand- terror. Welcome to the world of Journal d’Indochine.
outs to provide Investigators with additional settings

Handouts, Lore Sheets, and

Pre-Gen Characters for
Journal d’Indochine can be
downloaded from DTRPG
at this link.

Historical Overview

Origins and Chinese Influence European Colonization

The lands of South East Asia have always been rich in life, “Wonderment to European explorers, full of potential
and rich in many cultures. Civilizations in the southern adrenaline and mystery. Explorations that ventured
part of Asia go back thousands of years and are as old into the region were few and far between, and the
as the great empires of the central plains to the north. stories that returned were often romanticized with
tales of mysterious people and creatures.”
The Việt peoples originally came from the area of the – Charles Rivers Editors
Sông Cái river, in what is today Southern China. Legend
has it that a giant crane led the ancient Việt tribes away In the 16th century Europeans arrived with a new God.
from the enormous Kingdom of Zhou and into the rich The Franciscans, Jesuits and other orders came to
and fertile lands of Northern Vietnam, where early Việt Indochina to spread the faith of the Catholic Church. In
kingdoms flourished. Vietnam, they found a kingdom which had a long tradition
of religious acceptance and non-violence between
In the first century BCE, the Han dynasty conquered Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. In addition
Vietnam, starting almost a millennium of Chinese rule. to bringing the Word of God, Catholic missionaries
The land became known as the province of Annam, introduced the Latin script, which became the national
“Peaceful South” (安南). Through this time, Vietnam written language of Vietnam, the chữ Quốc ngữ.
adopted China’s written language, construction
techniques and rice farming. Vietnamese elite embraced By the mid-19th century, France and Spain had gained a
Chinese culture and wrote poetry in Chinese. foothold in Indochina and were expanding aggressively.
Emperor Nguyễn executed Catholic missionaries who
Eventually, “Đại Việt” or “Great Viet,” won independence had fomented revolt against the emperor. France
from China. For over a thousand years the Vietnamese and Spain used this event as a pretext to begin an
competed with and traded with their northern invasion that would become known as the Cochinchina
neighbors, repulsing attacks when they could and Campaign. The Nguyễn dynasty ceded control of the
strategically bowing when they must. provinces of Biên Hòa, Gia Định, and Định Tường in
1862, with the signing of the Treaty of Saigon. These
provinces would combine to form the French colony
of Cochinchina. A century of French domination over
the region would have an indelible impact on local
culture and customs.

Battle of Bach Dang River (938 AD)

From Cochinchina in the south, France’s inexorable time enforcing assimilation (which went against the
conquest over the region continued, eventually leading principles) on those they set to govern. France hoped
to a series of conflicts against both the Vietnamese and that ousting local leadership and implementing French
Chinese armies for the occupation of Tonkin in northern leadership would turn the colony into a copy of France.
Vietnam. Known as the Sino-French War, this conflict The result, however, did not turn out the way France
lasted three years, between 1883 to 1886, with the intended. French efforts to assimilate threatened the
French finally establishing control in the province. The continuation of local customs and culture, leaving many
Treaty of Tientsin (1885) was signed, requiring China Vietnamese in a state of limbo. This led to feelings of
to recognize both the provinces of Tonkin and Annam resentment, which would eventually lead to rebellions
as under French protectorate, officially abandoning its against their colonial rulers.
claims in Vietnam.
Rubber Plantations in French-Indochina
French Indochina - officially the Indochinese Union
- was formed on October 17, 1887, with the grouping The Colonial officials of the time had little interest
of three Vietnamese regions of Annam, Tonkin, and in growing native plants that locals were harvesting
Cochinchina, with the Kingdom of Cambodia. Laos and instead aimed to cultivate the land with foreign
joined the Union after the Franco-Siamese War in 1893. botanicals. France believed that harvesting resources
like sugar, tea, and coffee, as well as strict regulations
“Indochina” became part of common languages of on these resources, could pay for their expensive
Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century. activities in the region. However, rubber production
It was a term that was used to describe the cultural was not controlled by the government. Instead, certain
influence from both China and India in the region independent foreign companies and individuals were
known as Mainland Southeast Asia. The term Indo- allowed to operate plantations on their own. Profits
Chinese was a word the Colonialists used to label from rubber flowed into the French coffers in the
the inhabitants of the region. By the time the French form of taxes and tariffs, while the products supplied a
colonized the region, the term had become almost myriad of down-stream industries. The rubber barons
synonymous with the French rule, and its usage usually were provided with general tracks of land and financing
was in reference to the French colony. by the French government.

The French Government was determined to turn the In 1897 Hevea (rubber tree) seeds made their way to
colony into an economic power which would serve Saigon. From there, it was experimented on alongside
as an unconstrained source of commodities and other plants as the first plantations were being developed
natural resources to fuel France’s economy and bring in the region. Southern Vietnam had the proper climate
about its next developmental revolution. To this end, and ideal conditions for rubber trees to thrive. To
France granted large loans to develop Indochina’s develop the land for rubber cultivation, officials sold
infrastructure and industry. Railways were extended the opportunity to European companies and presented
across the countryside. Crop sustaining irrigation the land as uninhabited, ready to be appropriated for
systems were laid down. Roads were paved, connecting use. The reality was that plantation lands were, in fact,
rubber plantations to the cities and allowing for ease home to many indigenous and local populations, who
of movement of this extremely valuable resource. were forcibly evicted from their ancestral homes and
often conscripted into plantation labor.
Perhaps the most important infrastructure of all, the
French education system, was promoted and propagated In 1925, during a boom in rubber demand, the Michelin
in the large cities. During this time (and with French in company would go on to develop the largest plantation
control), the Chữ Nôm Chinese-Vietnamese logogram network in the colony. Notorious for its ill-treatment
characters in use for almost 2000 years were pushed of workers, Michelin’s plantations were frequently the
aside. The French forced the Latin script and the Chữ sites of bloody revolts and uprisings, including the mass
Quốc Ngữ writing system onto the Vietnamese. communist-instigated riots at its Thuân-Loï plantation
near Phú Riềng in the Biên Hòa Province of Cochinchina.
Although determined to turn this new colony into an
economic machine, France was presented with a moral The conditions on the plantations were deadly, with
dilemma on its governance. As a nation, France was death rates particularly high in the 1920s. On some of
proud to govern itself and act upon the basic principles the plantations, the death rates pushed fifty percent.
of life, liberty, and fraternity. Naturally, they would This, however, was of little consequence to the colonial
expect their colonies to be governed by those same owners and operators of these plantations as they
principles. The dilemma France faced was how could placed local worker lives much lower than profits. When
they uphold those basic principles while at the same new plantations were developed, workers were forced

into action from dawn till dusk. They would spend their former soldiers sought out and joined nationalist
days clearing large swaths of jungle, chopping down movements trying to overthrow the French rule.
huge trees, and clearing thorny brush. These harsh
tasks were only made harder by the consistent threat of After the war, Vietnam felt the economic prosperity of
wildlife such as tigers, elephants, venomous snakes, and the 1920s. There was a significant increase in foreign
an abundance of stinging insects. Countless workers investment in the colony. Mines in the north were
succumbed to the harsh conditions, and many more developed at increasing rates, and rubber plantations
were left permanently disabled. Broken bones and loss in the south and central areas flourished. A very small
of limbs were a regular occurrence. but growing urban working class developed in this
industrial boom, driving greater economic disparity.
Their work and lives did not become easier once the The reality was, however, that most of the wealth was
rubber trees and their latex were able to be harvested. saved for the French and the ruling classes. Ninety
On average, a worker tasked as a tapper had to cut up percent of the Vietnamese were peasants and overall
to six-hundred trees a day. Exhaustion and sickness claimed very little of the colony’s total income. Many of
amongst the workers were common, and a lack of them farmed small lots of land that they owned, some
appropriate medical care meant that many were allowed worked for Vietnamese landlords, and many worked
to die from their illnesses. On some plantations, malaria on French plantations.
amongst workers pushed ninety percent. Instead of
attributing the poor health of the workers to the The French had begun educating young Vietnamese
insufficient medical care provided to them by the to serve functions in their colonized society. They
company, the rubber companies would, in turn, blame trained them to fill clerical roles in government and
workers themselves for having primitive attitudes industry, although they could not expect to attain
towards health and personal hygiene. higher status. The sons of wealthy Vietnamese landlords
and business folk often went to France to study, and
In addition to the horrendous working conditions often returned home with a new set of ideals, causing
and back-breaking labor, workers regularly faced generational conflict between themselves and their
violence and abuse from plantation overseers. Rapes more conservative parents.
and beatings occurred regularly and were handed down
alongside lesser punishments like next-to-nothing pay One particular young man from an upper-class
and little food. When they were not suffering the harsh Vietnamese family had left Vietnam to live abroad. His
work environment, their downtime would be spent in name was Nguyễn Tất Thành, but is mostly known to the
their cramped, ramshackle barracks – which offered world as Hồ Chí Minh. After living and working in France,
little protection from the elements and was a breeding the United States, and England for many years, Hồ
ground for the spread of sickness. pursued higher education in France, where he developed
an interest in politics. In 1920, Hồ became one of the
founding members of the French Communist Party.
Seeds of Revolution When he returned to Asia, Hồ taught socialist thought
to Vietnamese revolutionaries at the Whampoa military
By design, France had created the Indochina colony academy (in Guangzhou, China), alongside Zhou Enlai. In
under the concept of economic exploitation, and as 1925, Hồ founded the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth
such, it became a resource for the military during League (Việt Nam Thanh Niên Cách Mệnh Đồng Chí
World War One. Before the outbreak of war, France Hội). This would eventually merge with other groups and
worked diligently on creating monopolies in various transform to become the Indochina Communist Party.
industries within the colony as well as heavy-handed
crackdowns on nationalistic movements. In 1928, following the split between the Nationalists
and Communists in China, the Youth League was forced
The French entry into WW1 saw France press thousands underground, causing different “cells” to splinter into
of Vietnamese into military service for Europe, leading other organizations. At that time a rival faction formed in
to riots in the Cochinchina province – significantly Southern Vietnam, resembling the Chinese Kuomintang
the Cochinchina uprising in 1916. Throughout the War, (the nationalists). This group was known as the Việt Nam
almost 100,000 Vietnamese went to Europe to fight or Quốc Dân Đảng, the Vietnamese Nationalist Party, led
serve as laborers on the French battlefront. Vietnamese by a young teacher named Nguyễn Thái Học.
troops fought in significant battles of Somme and Picardy.
Many of these troops, upon returning to their homeland, The early 1930s was a period of extreme turbulence
were soured by the notion that they had just fought in Indochina, beginning with the Yên Bái mutiny – an
and died for the liberty of another nation while they uprising of Vietnamese soldiers in the French colonial
remained under colonial rule. A large number of these army in tandem with civilian collaborators in the

Vietnamese Nationalist Party. On many occasions, resources, attacked Japanese controlled distribution
workers, fed up with taxes and poor treatment, rose centers, and arranged relief efforts. They also aspired
up against the French-owned rubber plantations. to unify all nationalist parties through collaboration or
Eventually, the French Foreign Legion was called in through force to become the dominant voice of a free
to deal with the revolting peasants. Large numbers and independent Vietnam.
were executed, and many more given life sentences.
Nguyễn Thái Học’s fledgling nationalist movement was Shortly after Free French and allied forces liberated
crushed by the French imperialists, to be replaced with France in the spring of 1945, the Japanese imperial
the far more radicalized Hồ Chí Minh. army launched operation Bright Moon. They swiftly
overran French garrisons and installed Bảo Đại as the
After France’s capitulation in June 1940, French forces Emperor of Vietnam.
present in the colony were quick to oblige and rule
under the auspice of the newly formed Vichy Regime. A
few months later, the Japanese imperial army and navy The Post-WW2 Power Vacuum
launched a series of attacks on the northern Tonkin
region of the colony. Like the French, the Japanese The Japanese capitulation in August 1945 ignited the
recognized Vietnam’s valuable natural resources, aspirations of nationalist movements throughout
particularly its rice. Controlling these resources was Southeast Asia. The events that unfolded in French
a priority, and they became indispensable to Japan’s Indochina epitomize the post-WW2 anti-colonialism
war efforts. After a few skirmishes and swift Japanese era and the beginning of the Cold War. The departure of
victories, Tokyo agreed to maintain both the French the Japanese Imperial Army created an unprecedented
Vichy collaborative government and Emperor Bảo Đại power vacuum. The Free French Forces were in no
in power, further alienating the nationalist parties who position to reestablish France’s hegemony on its old
hoped to gain their independence. colony. It would take weeks for De Gaulle to send the
necessary resources to the territory. Emperor Bảo
While Japan was effectively ruling through its puppet Đại, who collaborated with the Japanese, was also in
apparatus, the World War Two conflict offered a no position to establish a constitutional monarchy and
platform for many Vietnamese nationalistic movements was forced to abdicate. Amidst the looming political
to expand their ranks and, in some instances, secure crisis, various resistance groups, some supported by the
aid from allied countries. To unify the various groups Americans, began declaring Vietnam’s independence.
into a viable force, in 1941, Hồ Chí Minh formed the
League for the Independence of Vietnam (Việt Nam The Việt Minh had spent the waning months of the war
độc lập đồng minh) – the Việt Minh. carrying out guerrilla attacks on Japanese forces and
distributing food to starving citizens. When Japanese
The Việt Minh turned to the Americans for support. surrendered, the Việt Minh immediately moved in to
The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was quick to take control in the power vacuum.
dispatch military assistance and advisers to support
a movement in which they recognized nationalistic In the North, the Việt Minh marched past defeated
aspirations first, and communism ideals second. Hồ Japanese troops to take control of Hanoi and declare the
Chí Minh expected France and Britain, the remaining establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
imperialistic powers, to commit to decolonization after on September 2nd. Thus, briefly, the imperialists who had
the war. The Atlantic Charter signed in 1941 included a controlled Vietnam since the 1880s had been replaced.
“New World Order,” under which European colonialism This event would be called “The August Revolution.”
would end, and independence, sovereignty, and self- During his inaugural speech, Hồ Chí Minh quoted
determination would be fundamental rights for all Thomas Jefferson: “all people are entitled to liberty.”
people and nations.
The situation was different in the South. The Việt
Indochina’s economy and agricultural resources Minh had served as an umbrella organization for many
had grown fragile after decades of intensive French nationalist liberation groups, but was controlled by the
exploitation. In 1944, with the military situation in Indochine Communist Party. When disparate groups
Japan becoming more desperate, Japan’s military took over cities, they did so under the auspices of the
plundered Indochina’s resources, seizing food crops Việt Minh, but not under the control of Hồ Chí Minh
to convert to fuel for Japan’s failing heavy industries. and the Communists.
This precipitated the great Famine of 1945. As many as
two million Vietnamese starved to death and refugees The dream of independence was short-lived. French and
flooded into cities looking for aid. In response to the British forces arrived in Saigon in mid-September. Just
famine, Hồ Chí Minh and the Việt Minh mobilized their twenty days in, the newly arrived Free French Forces

ousted the Việt Minh government in the southern state Looking to repeat the success of Nà Sản, Navarre and
of Cochinchina, and declared French authority restored. the High Command formulated the hedgehog concept.
Elite French forces supported by colonial troops would
“During the revolutionary war, our armies will be establish a fortified position in the heart of the enemy
everywhere and nowhere.” – General Giáp territory. Operation Castor was launched late 1953 in
the valley Battle of Điện Biên Phủ.
With the cold war looming, America turned on their
former allies and supported the Provisional Government
of the French Republic. President De Gaulle even warned The Siege of Đien Biên Phu
America that if France could not restore its colonies,
anti-Communist forces would lose political ground Prior to 1954, the valley of Điện Biên Phủ in northwestern
domestically, which would result in a Communist Tonkin had relatively been untouched by the conflict.
electoral victory. The Viêt Minh used the valley as a staging base for
their operations in Laos.
After months of international conciliation and
negotiation, the hostilities were officially declared late Navarre and the French high command designed a plan
1946 and lasted for almost eight years until July 1954. that would cut off Viêt Minh supply lines and draw the
The Indochina War or the Anti-French Resistance War enemy into a major confrontation.
was one of the bloodiest conflicts of the second half  
of the 20th century. On one side the Viêt Minh and its Commencing on November 20, 1953, the French
People’s Army led by Võ Nguyên Giáp fought the French dropped 9,000 troops in the valley over three days. They
Union’s Far East Expeditionary Corps composed of quickly defeated the local Viêt Minh garrison, prepared
colonial troops (Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, Laotian, an airstrip, and consolidated their positions in the
Cambodian, and Vietnamese ethnic minorities), French valley. The French forces needed to fly in 36,000 tons
professional units, and the French Foreign Legion. of equipment to turn the positions into an impregnable
fortress. They managed a paltry 4,000 tons.
The war was extremely unpopular. To prevent the  
leftists from gaining more political ground, the French The French forces under the command of Colonel de
government never called on home units and never Castries set up seven satellite positions, apparently
instituted a mandatory draft. named after de Castries’ former mistresses. Their
fortified HQ was centrally located and supported by
After a series of indecisive and costly pitched battles, bases Huguette, Claudine, Dominique, Anne-Marie,
the Viêt Minh turned to guerrilla tactics until it had the Beatrice, Gabrielle, and Isabelle. While the French
means to defeat French forces in a conventional battle. built trenches and bunkers, Giáp devised his battle
Significant combat took place in the northern Tonkin plan. He ordered the 148th Infantry Regiment and the
region in Vietnam, and fighting and skirmishes were 316th Division to attack Lai Chau as he moved over
frequent in all provinces, including Laos and Cambodia. 50,000 men from his 304th, 308th, 312nd, and 316th infantry
By 1949, the conflict had become a geopolitical power divisions, and the 351st artillery division to Điện Biên
play between communist forces backed by the Soviet Phủ. They quickly surrounded the 20,000 French forces.
Union and the newly established People’s Republic of
China, and the United States, who funded sixty percent The battle that ensued was reminiscent of WW1 trench
of France’s counterinsurgency effort. warfare. The Viêt Minh besieged the French forces, cut
their aerial supply, and destroyed positions one by one.
Armed with Soviet weaponry and Chinese logistical The defeat led to France’s withdrawal from Vietnam.
support, the Viêt Minh intensified their attack, cut supply
lines, ambushed convoys, and attacked isolated posts By some estimates, the 8-year conflict cost the lives
along critical arteries. France’s position in Tonkin was of 55,000 French forces and about 300,000 Viêt Minh.
becoming precarious; French High Command pushed Perhaps up to 400,000 civilians also perished during
the Viêt Minh to attack well-defended positions. The the conflict.
rationale was simple; it had to lure the Viêt Minh into
attacking strategic locations that could be resupplied by The history of French Indochina is filled with
aviation far from the enemy’s staging bases. The strategy, atrocities committed by many different people and
although costly, proved effective at the Battle of Nà Sản in factions. We do not have the ability to cover them
1953. By 1954, the newly appointed commander, General all here. If you decide to incorporate a historical
Henry Navarre, had a single order to create military atrocity into your game, please be sure not to gloss
conditions that would lead to an honorable political over it or minimize it.
solution and get France out of the longstanding quagmire.

Tonkin Mon cai
dien Bien Phu
Hanoi Ha long bay
Hai Phong

Minorities in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government today

recognizes 54 different ethnic minorities
in Vietnam from seven primary cultural
– linguistic groups. The Viet are the
“majority” ethnicity across Vietnam.
Of note, in the South, the Khmer and Laos
Cham form a large percentage of the
population, while many Hmong and Tai
live in the North. There are also many
ethnic Chinese people of Cantonese Da Nang /
and Hakka descent as well as Mandarin- Tourane
Chinese speakers throughout Vietnam.
As the Vietnamese came to desire their
own nation state, so too did many other
ethnic groups, many of which have been
conquered or historically oppressed by
A n n am
the old Viet dynasties.

Tay Ninh

Lore Sheet Rules Lore Sheets

for Call of Cthulhu Crouching Tiger - In 1941, on the eve

of America’s entry into the war against
the Axis powers, Claire Lee Chennault
Lore Sheets are handouts that provide Investigators with background recruited an all-volunteer force to form
information about their characters, story settings, and game world. the First American Volunteer Group
A Keeper may also use Lore Sheets as a means of introducing (AVG) of the Republic of China Air Force
inter-party conflict or player-versus-player (“PvP conflict”) into to fight against Japanese aggression.
the campaign. See the example in the sidebar. This volunteer air force, which had no
ranks, was nicknamed the “Flying Tigers”.
Each Investigator should receive a Lore Sheet at the beginning of The Flying Tigers first saw combat
a scenario. Even if you don’t want to use these Lore Sheet rules, on December 20th, 1941, just 12 days
you should at least consider using Lore Sheets as extra handouts after Pearl Harbor. The Flying Tigers
to enhance player immersion. employed innovative tactics and enjoyed
operational success against Japanese
Lore Sheets made for Call of Cthulhu all come with a permanent skill forces. It was disbanded on July 4th,
bonus. Some Lore Sheets may also come with a contact relationship. 1942, and officially absorbed into the US
The GM may hand out new Lore Sheets at the beginning of new Army Air Force.
I was a pilot for the Flying Tigers. My
Lore Sheets in this book usually contain a settings portion (the first last mission as a Flying Tiger ended in
paragraph) and a character-hook portion. Please feel free to modify a dogfight near Rangoon in the Spring
the Lore Sheets in this book to reflect changes to setting and hooks of ‘42. I successfully downed four Zeros
for your specific campaign. If you are not using the character-hook before my P-40 got knocked out of the
portion, just cross that section out. sky. Deep into enemy occupied territory, I
had few choices. I surreptitiously slipped
Creating and Giving Lore Sheets across the border of Burma, hiked
through Thailand during the nights, and
Working together, Investigators and Keepers can both personalize entered Cochinchina without attracting
Lore Sheets or create their own. When creating or changing Lore the attention of the occupying forces. In
Sheets, the Keeper should ensure that the content meshes with the Saigon, I pretended to be French. Which
campaign setting, and ideally adds elements to the setting. The Lore worked well until I bumped into a patrol of
Sheet should not upset per-established settings and Game World Japanese soldiers and a Kenpeitai officer.
logic, nor conflict with other Investigators’ backstories. They chased me through the streets until
I ran into the residence of Ernest Hoeffel,
Lore Sheets should be handed out secretly during a private French Governor of Cochinchina. An
conversation between the Keeper and Investigators before the argument ensued between the soldiers
game session starts or during breaks. Lore Sheets should not be and Governor Hoeffel, which came down
forced upon an Investigator except in cases of pre-made characters to the idea that since I was not French, I
before the scenario starts. could not take refuge on French sovereign
land. Governor Hoeffel then had me raise
Once an Investigator has selected a Lore Sheet, have them attach it to my hand and swear to the service of the
their character sheet. Remind them that there may be consequences French Foreign Legion. In retrospect, this
of sharing the contents of the Lore Sheet with other players. was probably not legally binding or even
sanctioned by French law, but I kept me
Note: The Keeper cannot force Investigators to take any particular out of a Japanese controlled prison, and
Lore Sheet. No one can create new Lore Sheets during regular now I serve the Foreign Legion.
play; only during down time and between Sessions. The Keeper Pilot (aircraft) +5%, Navigation +5%,
can offer and hand-out new Lore Sheets during play. Survival +5%

Occupied City Risk Counter
Risk Counters
Increase Risk for the following actions:
Sneaking past check points; tailing a target; Risk Counters represent background danger, such as discovery by
pickpocketing a mark; asking questions about sentries and guards or worse. These are often used to add drama
illicit topics; appearing in the wrong part of and narration to tasks such as a stealth infiltration into a secret base,
town; fleeing from the scene of a crime. cracking a safe, and performing a complex Mythos ritual.

0 Starting Risk for Urban City We provide three general Risk Counters in Journal d’Indochine, found
4 Suspicion Rises. Non-allied NPCs eye the at the back of this book:
Investigators, who must quickly remove
themselves from the scene or attract more • Occupied City: used for tracking background risk within a city
attention. that is controlled by antagonists.
8 Papers Please. Armed adversaries • Indoor Infiltration: used for tracking background risk when
approach Investigators and demand to see performing missions, in disguise or with stealth, inside a base
identification. Failure to produce proper or building.
papers or deflect may cause a violent reaction • In the Bush: used for tracking risk and hardship while trekking
or, at the very least, further increase this through the wilderness.
Risk Counter.
12 Counter Investigation. Adversaries Risk Counters increase when a failed roll would logically create
investigate the Investigators and their danger to the party within a scene. When this happens the Keeper
associates. Friendly NPCs are reluctant to should increase the relevant Risk Counter by 1D6. A failed Pushed
provide assistance; all Credit Rating rolls Roll or Critical Failure should increase a Risk Counter by 2D6.
receive 1 Penalty Die. Allies may be arrested.
16 Wanted. Adversaries attempt to arrest the It’s important to keep in mind that the Keeper may always allow failed
Investigators. Patrols (police and guards) rolls to succeed while increasing the Risk Counter. The Keeper can
are informed of the Investigators identity also offer a choice to the Investigators to accept higher higher risk
and appearance. All rolls to sneak or deflect level for success. For example:
attention receive 1 Penalty Die.
20 All Points Bulletin. Known associates may be You failed your Locksmith roll. You can back off from your attempt
“disappeared”. Large search parties patrol the to pick the locked door or you can force the lock open, but in the
streets and shelter is difficult to find. process you will probably make a racket (and increase the Risk
Counter by 1D6).

The Keeper can always increase a counter by any amount she chooses,
based on events in the Game World. For example, if the Keeper thinks
the Investigators did something stupid, such as kill innocent NPCs
in broad daylight, the Keeper can just add 8 points to the Occupied
City Risk Counter.

Investigators can attempt to reduce a Risk Counter. They can bribe

police, assassinate witnesses, create scape-goats, and spend time
replenishing provisions in the jungle. When Investigators make
successful efforts to reduce risk, reduce 1D6 from the Risk Counter.

Risk Counters may be used “face up” and shown to players, or

hidden, used only by the Keeper as a tracking tool.

The Fertile Red Lands of
by Patrick Chandler

At the end of the nineteenth century, technological Unprecedented global military activity due to the First
advances, including materials manufacturing and World War, combined with the booming automobile
production methods, led to an increased demand for industry, increased the global demand for rubber, and
rubber products. At this point, rubber production was by 1921 approximately 29,000 hectares in Cochinchina
limited to a few hundred tons annually, originating were planted with rubber trees. The largest of the
from wild latex plants located mainly in West Africa and rubber producers in the region was the mighty Michelin
Brazil. A desire for fast profits led to crude harvesting Corporation.
methods in these regions, in particular Africa, where
trees were over-tapped, cut down and uprooted, In an attempt to compete with Michelin, and claim a
leading to endangerment and depletion of the supply. share of the booming rubber trade, a rival emerged.
The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation was able
Rubber was introduced into Colonial Indochina in 1897 to secure significant investment capital from France
after Hevea brasiliensis plants were brought in from and rapidly expanded their operations.
Malaya. Production only truly began around 1907, after
the expansion of the British plantations in Malaya The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation clear-cut
proved to be profitable operations. The first rubber and destroyed large swaths of the jungle to make way
plantations were established within a fifteen-kilometer for their plantation operations. They allowed only the
region surrounding Saigon, known as the “grey lands” existing rubber trees to remain and went on to plant
(terres grises). additional rubber trees to augment the existing ones.
They created vast forests where substantial quantities
The rapid expansion of rubber production in Colonial of rubber could be harvested.
Indochina came about after the First World War. Large
plantations emerged in the harsh, undeveloped, isolated, Local populations were displaced as the French-Indochina
yet fertile “red lands” (terres rouge) of Cochinchina. The Rubber Corporation asserted its influence and attempted
red lands extended from the southeast to northwest to tame the jungle. Commercial greed destroyed the
of Saigon, approximately three hundred kilometers plants and animals that the locals needed for survival
long and forty kilometers wide. The French colonial and their very way of life. Many of the displaced locals
administration actively supported investment into went on to work as laborers on the plantation, essentially
rubber plantations, giving away large parcels of land becoming the Corporation’s property. Others fled to
and building a road network that extended into the surrounding villages or were forcibly moved to the city
red lands. of Saigon. Those that resisted their displacement or
refused to become laborers were eliminated.

The Horrible Truth: Lore Sheets

In 1922, a torn piece of parchment was discovered between the Life on the River. The plantation is
drawers of a filing cabinet in the French Chamber of Commerce currently only accessible by water, via
archives in Saigon. the Saigon River (Sông Sài Gòn)and Dong
Nai River (Sông Đồng Nai).
The torn page seemed to have come from a journal, detailing
what appeared to be some sort of journey through the jungles of The Saigon River is located in Cochinchina
Cochinchina. The page detailed the vivid red-colored earth of the Province. It flows south and southeast
location and the strange “otherworldly” vegetation growing in the emptying into the Soài Rạp River (Sông
jungle. The cryptic passage had no name, but the date read 1899. Soài Rạp), and eventually into the East
Sea (or the modern-day South China Sea).
Keepers can elect to share this torn page from Father Lemont’s The Saigon River is of utmost importance
journal with investigators at an appropriate time. (see Handout 1: to the city of Saigon as it is home to
Father Lemont’s Journal Entry). The most appropriate time may Saigon Port. Saigon Port plays a key
be when they are searching through Director Boucher’s desk in role in the development of Indochina’s
the Director’s Manse. (For more information on Father Lemont, industry and serves as a major gateway
see scenario Expédition Lemont on page 98). for the import and export of materials
to and from the colony. The Dong Nai
The page made itself into the hands of an influential owner interested River is the longest river located entirely
in further understanding the red lands, and the mysterious flora in Vietnam. It connects twenty-nine
growing there. This eventually led to the establishment of the French- kilometers away from the northeast of
Indochina Rubber Corporation, a legitimate business operating in Saigon with the Saigon River.
the red lands of Cochinchina. A small plantation was established
in an extremely remote area of the Red Lands, accessible only by The French-Indochina Rubber
riverboat. Rubber production, however, was not the major focus Corporation’s plantation is located
of this operation. The true focus was the study of the native plants along a small river exiting the Dong
and wildlife of the region. Nai River. While unofficial, this small
river is known by those who travel it as
The Partnership: The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation is a “Plantation River” or “Sông Trồng.”
partnership with three owners. Each of these owners has numerous
concerns internationally, with each owner being shrouded in Before my employment with The
mystery. Many of their operations would fall into the categories of French-Indochina Rubber Corporation,
illegal or unethical, and nobody ever deals with them aside from I worked as an assistant captain, under
direct reports and assistants. The De-facto Corporate Officer of the Captain Pham, on a riverboat that ferried
Plantation is Violaine Auger, who reports directly to the owners. She supplies up and down the Saigon River
represents The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation on behalf of and its tributaries. I consider Captain
its owners who are removed from day-to-day plantation operations. Pham to be my mentor and friend.
Navigation +5%, Survival (River) +5%
Working mainly behind the scenes, this partnership uses its numerous
business, political, and religious connections worldwide to conduct
its affairs with relative ease; often able to garner significant public
and government support for their endeavours.

Perhaps most significantly is their involvement in occult activity

around the world. Uniquely aware of the unrealized Mythos potential
that the Red Lands of Cochinchina provides, this shadowy partnership
established the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation.

While the owners (who do not live on the plantation themselves)

have hidden intentions on the Red Lands, the rest of the operational
staff believe this to be just a rubber plantation and business.

• The Partnership directly hired Director Benoit Boucher to lead

the plantation operations due to his ruthless nature and lack of
sympathy for the locals. They wanted the locals removed at all
costs and knew that Boucher could deliver. Director Boucher has

Lore Sheets some limited knowledge of the Mythos due to his initial encounter
with the Nguoi Rung, a strange tribe of locals he evicted to build
Automobiles in 1920s Indochina. Saigon the plantation. Boucher reports directly to Violaine on plantation
was the capital of the automobile operations and The Partnership on any Mythos elements.
industry in Indochina during the 1920s • Violaine Auger and Director Benoit Boucher subsequently hired
and was greatly supported by the local Dr. Etienne Chastain to lead the biological study of the flora on
rubber industry. By 1929, there were over the Red Lands and report back to them directly and regularly
twenty thousand cars in Indochina, with with his findings. Dr. Etienne Chastain is starting to learn about
more than half of these vehicles located Mythos elements as a result of studying some of the otherworldly
in Cochinchina. Saigon had numerous plants growing in the jungle.
garages, insurance dealerships, rentals,
and tire shops. Several automobile Director Boucher and Dr. Chastain weren’t originally provided with a
companies entered the market, great deal of information on the red lands when they were recruited,
including American companies like Ford, as they were brought on as useful pawns in an unrealized scheme.
which held a major market share. French
companies like Citroën and Peugeot also The Partnership is an “open-ended” sinister cabal-like organization
enjoyed a significant presence. with figureheads that are involved in several business, political,
religious, and Mythos-related activities worldwide. The Partnership
Before accepting my position with transcends this scenario and can be involved in other scenarios.
the French-Indochina Corporation, I A Keeper can build upon their backstories and history as needed,
worked as an auto mechanic in Saigon, and determine their level of activity in The Fertile Red Lands of
and I worked on customizing vehicles Cochinchina scenario and other scenarios in Journal d’Indochine.
for more rugged purposes – including
developing and installing prototype off-
road tires on the Ford Model T, for use The Nguoi Rung: Boucher and the plantation staff displaced and
on farms and plantations. murdered many members of the Nguoi Rung tribe, a small group
Mechanical Repair +5%, Drive (Auto) +5% of cosmic servants. The Nguoi Rung resemble humans, and those
unaware of their origins may simply mistake them for a human
ethnic group. This particular group of Nguoi Rung are cultivators
of cosmic flora. The plants and vegetation being cultivated in
Sink or Swim - I was captured by the the jungle by the Nguoi Rung have numerous properties, and the
French police in Saigon for involvement Nguoi Rung use them for many purposes – from mind control to
in the opium trade and immediately hallucinogenic potions to communal rituals. The destruction of the
sentenced to transportation to Devil’s Nguoi Rung’s lands by the French has weakened their connection
Island penal colony. After about one day and means of communication with their most worshiped deity:
out at sea, in the dead of night, my fellow Chaugnar Faugn. Whilst the majority of the Nguoi Rung have been
inmates and I managed to break out of wiped out in this area, the few that remained went into hiding in the
the single-cell where we were all kept. jungles surrounding the plantation, where they once again began
We sprung for the open seas, grabbing cultivating their cosmic plant-life in the fertile red soils.
whatever we could that might keep us
afloat on the water, and abandoned ship. Strange Botany: For eons, through thousands of cosmic journeys,
There were ten of us in the jailbreak. strange plants have made their way to Earth and have taken root
Six of us made it off the ship alive, four in its jungles. In the same way that the plants of the Earth have
others were shot in the water, and two numerous medicinal and industrial purposes, so too does this
of us managed to float away into the otherworldly foliage. There is no way of knowing what sort of
darkness. After a few days of floating, impact these plants will have on humans who come into contact
doing our best to paddle, and navigating with them. The results can range from instantaneous healing of
as best we could, only one of us made wounds, psychotic frenzies, extreme hallucinations and visions,
it back land and to Saigon. mind control, and more. After their displacement from the plantation
Survival (Ocean) +5%, Swim + 10% grounds, the Nguoi Rung have begun re-cultivating their cosmic
crops in the jungle surrounding the plantation. The plants – being
cosmic - grow at a much faster pace than earthly plants and have
started encroaching upon the outer perimeter of the plantation.

The Keeper should feel free to create any number of Faugn’s Servant of Death: Faugn-Nyth N’gha is a
plants that would best fit the direction of the story, monstrosity, an avatar of the ancient Great Old One
and then have the investigators come into contact Chaugnar Faugn. When called upon, Faugn-Nyth N’gha
with them at appropriate times. ushers in death and punishment to those who have
caused grievous offense. It was called forth by the Nguoi
The Gift: These plants all have a singular origin. An Rung people, in their dismay and anger at having their
unnamed, unknown presence that sows seeds and homelands destroyed and many of their tribe murdered
spores across the universe. The Nguoi Rung, uniquely by the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation. It is
aware of this “origin” are attempting to bring a reflection almost amphibian in appearance, and although large,
of it to Earth to transform the planet into a new world about the size of an elephant, it can move quickly and
for humanity, as humanity progresses towards its next stealthily throughout the jungles and riverways. It has
phase of evolution. The Nguoi Rung view this “origin” no head or face, but rather a bloated forward-facing
as a gift from their ancient deity Chaugnar Faugn, belly that opens as a maw; a long trunk-like appendage
and they believe they are engaged in a benevolent extends from this maw when opened. The tip of the
act of terraforming Earth. (For more information on appendage contains a set of jaws like that of a lamprey
Chaugnar Faugn, See Scenario Expédition Lemont). eel. Faugn-Nyth N’gha uses its trunk to both crush
victims and drain their bodily fluids. This trunk-like
The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation’s destruction appendage is Chaugnar Faugn’s trunk manifesting in the
of the jungle caused great dismay amongst the local real world. It is an active predator, yet it will only prey
Nguoi Rung, and as a result, the Nguoi Rung called upon those who the Nguoi Rung deem punishable. It
upon an ancient force of revenge and punishment to cannot survive without preying upon those deserving
defend them and the jungles where they prepare for of punishment; in a sense, it derives its “nourishment”
The Gift’s arrival. from punishing the guilty. It will not feed upon those
who are undeserving of punishment as it would derive
The Missing Director: Director Benoit Boucher of no nourishment from them. Faugn-Nyth N’gha is linked
the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation has been to the Nguoi Rung in mind, and it is the Nguoi Rung
kidnapped. The French guards on the plantation claim who determine who deserves punishment, not Faugn-
the culprits to be disgruntled locals who were forcibly Nyth N’gha itself. It is susceptible to human weaponry
removed from their land under Boucher’s oversight to or earthly substances. If wounded, it may ooze or bleed
develop the plantation. It has been a few days since a purplish latex sap. It is immune to the effects of any
Boucher’s disappearance, and the French guards have type of cosmic flora, and predatory flora won’t attack
ceased their investigation, unwilling to venture further it either. It has no natural predators on Earth. There
out into the jungle without reinforcements. may be more than one instance of this avatar existing
at the same time, and any flesh and blood lifeform can
The Obsessed Botanist: Dr. Etienne Chastain was hired be used as the initial body in this ritual.
to conduct research and study the flora in the region.
He was directed to collect samples, make notes, and The Nguoi Rung summoned Faugn-Nyth N’gha using
report back with any of his findings. Throughout his the ancient cosmic flora growing in the Cochinchina
research, Dr. Chastain ventured further and further into jungles. The ritual was quite crude, involving an
the surrounding jungles in search of discovery. Deep in incubation, mutation, and birthing process, which
the jungle, Dr. Chastain discovered a village. The locals used the latex sap from the Purpura Hevea Brasiliensis
were not human but alien. They were a group of Nguoi (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 46). It grows to
Rung survivors, the ones who had managed to escape the size of its containment vessel – which serves as a
the carnage of Director Boucher’s establishment of the womb. It can also regenerate itself when submerged
plantation. The Nguoi Rung “educated” Dr. Chastain, in Purpura sap as well.
showing him their purpose. They serve Chaugnar Faugn
and are remodeling the Earth to create a new home The Nguoi Rung chose a host to fully submerge and
for humanity. To create this new home, the jungle drown in this sap. Their choice of host was Benoit
must flourish with growth, and the invaders must be Boucher, Director of the French-Indochina Rubber
removed. With a new sense of purpose, Dr. Chastain Corporation’s plantation. They chose Boucher as a
was allowed to return to the plantation to continue his means of revenge against him for the atrocities he
research and wait for Faugn’s Servant of Death to arrive committed against the Nguoi Rung in establishing
and cleanse the plantation of offenders. Days before the the plantation. They kidnapped Director Boucher,
kidnapping of Director Boucher, Dr. Chastain set out bludgeoned him unconscious, and drowned him in a
into the jungle to join the Nguoi Rung, abandoning his vat of latex sap from the Purpura. Faugn-Nyth N’gha
position at the French-Indochina Rubber Plantation. was gestated and carried out its duties. The French
population on the plantation was all but eliminated, yet

the local Vietnamese laborers were allowed to survive. At the Keeper’s election, the entourage may also
They still served a purpose and were not seen by the include NPCs as extra muscle, otherwise known as
Nguoi Rung as agitators. Faugn-Nyth N’gha remains victims.
hidden, dormant, and regenerating until it is called
upon again. The Locations do not need to be investigated in any
particular order, as each location will have clues that
For more than one Faugn-Nyth N’gha to exist at the same point to other locations as the game progresses.
time, the requirements need to exist, which include Investigators don’t need to explore every location.
containment vessels and enough of the Purpura Hevea
Brasiliensis sap to grow it and allow mutation to occur.

Getting the Investigators Involved • Prologue: The Dream Team

• The River Runs Through It
Investigators have been recruited by the French- • The Plantation
Indochina Rubber Corporation’s ownership to travel »» Workers’ Quarters: Soup’s Up!
to the plantation on a recovery and pacification mission. »» Guards’ Quarters: Is Anybody Home?
»» The Plantation Farm: Put Out to Pasture
Several events have taken place recently on the French- »» Rubber Crop: The Strange Harvest
Indochina Rubber Corporation plantation, culminating »» Radio Tower: Code Blue, Code Yellow, Code Red
in a disturbing distress call received by the Saigon police. »» The Infirmary: Psychopathological Diagnosis
The call came from a panicking guard on the plantation. »» Botany Lab: Mythos-synthesis
»» Director’s Manse: Home Invasion
The team should include essential professions for »» Year One: Rumble in the Jungle (Core, Flashback)
this type of mission, including people with combat, »» Processing Building: Manufacturing a Monster
medical, science, and evidence-collecting backgrounds. • Plantation Stand: Damned if You Don’t (Optional)
Investigators with these skills can come from any • The Jungle: A Walk on the Wild Side (Optional)
number of professions. • The Village: Parlé (Optional)
• The Gift: Un Choix (Optional)
• Epilogues: So, it’s Come to This…


December 1922 – Discovery of mysterious journal January 1926 – Dr. Etienne Chastain hired to conduct
page mentioning the red lands and the strange flora botanical research on the plantation. While there,
in the area. Dr. Chastain ventured into the jungle many times
on his own.
December 1924 – Violaine Auger hired by the
Partnership to take over plantation corporate and June 29, 1926 – Dr. Chastain departs for an extended
business operations, hiring Director Benoit Boucher excursion into the jungle.
shortly after.
July 3, 1926 – Guard Marcus Lavalle is attacked by
March 1925 – Director Boucher secures investment assailants in the jungle. Event reported to Violaine
on behalf of The Partnership to develop a plantation Auger and the Corporation on July 3.
in the red lands of Cochinchina.
July 7, 1926 – Director Benoit Boucher has gone
June 1925 – Director Boucher leads a team to annex missing, suspected kidnapped July 7th
a parcel of the red lands from a group of indigenous
locals, a campaign that would take two months to July 12, 1926 – Faugn-Nyth N’gha rises and decimates
complete. the population of the plantation, with a distress call
placed to Saigon Police.
August 1925 – Construction of plantation begins
July 14, 1926 – Rescue and retrieval crew dispatched,
January 1926 – Essential infrastructure buildings arrives at plantation on July 18th
completed. Plantation operations begin.

Prologue: Violaine Auger, Corporate Officer

The Dream Team 45

50 45 50 75 60 60 75

59 9
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Firearms (Pistol) .22: 45% 1D6, 10 yards, 1(3)/
round, 100 mal
Location: Various locales in Saigon
Dodge: 25%
Date: July 13th, 1926
Purpose: Investigators are recruited individually to participate in a Skills: Accounting 50%, Appraise 60%,
mission to take place at the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation Credit Rating 40%, Cthulhu Mythos 1%, Law
Plantation. 50%, Library Use 40%, Natural World 40%,
Occult 30%, Psychology 60%, Charm 60%,
The year is 1926, and your work, travels, and adventures have Intimidate 60%
landed you in Cochinchina, a colony in French-Indochina. You Languages: French 75%, English 40%,
find yourself approached by a representative from the French- Vietnamese 4%
Indochina Rubber Corporation. Her name is Violaine Auger. She
has come to you offering you a job. You’re being recruited by
the Corporation as a part of a critical search and rescue mission
at the plantation, and the need for someone with your skills is
essential. It’s simply an offer you cannot refuse. There Were These Girls - Gangster
brothers Ba Ngọc and Ba Gin run
Violaine will brief the characters on the mission objectives, including brothels in the Saigon- Chợ Lớn area.
giving them their briefing dossiers. She can answer some questions They run crews that transport girls
about the nature of the mission. Violaine can provide general from the countryside to work in their
information about the plantation and how it was formed, as well establishments. Prostitutes were big
as any other information that a Keeper deems relevant. business, and the Ba brothers are the
best in the business.
Investigators will then be able to enter into a negation phase with
Violaine to determine their compensation for this mission, as well I was a recruiter for the Ba brothers, and
as any additional support they require from the Corporation in the it was my job to go to various villages
form of supplies or even additional support staff to accompany and offer young women work. They
them. Investigators will then sign their contracts of employment. were easy to convince – they were poor
(See Handout 2: Contract of Employment). and desperate. After recruiting a few
women, I would have to transport them
The directives for this excursion are simple and are included in back to the city. This meant driving the
a briefing and a dossier provided to the investigators before the French-patrolled roads. The women and
mission begins. (See Handout 3: The Briefing Dossier.) cash were usually enough to satisfy the
checkpoint guards, but I found myself
Importantly, the investigators should be driven to complete the having to come up with some crazy
mission, and an excellent method of hooking the investigators is to stories to tell the guards just to get past
have them employed by the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation them on certain occasions.
with the promise that they will receive compensation for their labor
once they have completed their objectives and returned to Saigon. This all changed when one day, my
Investigators can be aware of how much compensation they will younger sister fell prey to another man in
receive before they set out on their mission. the business. I was so confused because
my sister was never poor or desperate.
The damage that I was doing had come
full circle. Now I do everything in my
power to save these women from a life
of degradation, and I find myself coming
up with stories to convince them to go
back home!
Fast talk +10%, Persuade +5%

The River Runs Through It

Lead in: The Dream Team Keeper’s Note: Captain Pham is the Uncle of Bishop
Location: Riverboat on the Saigon River, approaching Pham. (See Scenario Expédition Lemont.)
the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation Plantation.
Date: July 18, 1926 Captain Pham will be able to provide some general
Purpose: This scene serves as the entrance into the information that investigators may find useful, although
otherworldly, and subsequent arrival at the plantation. he won’t be able to offer up any information of real
The investigators’ first exposure to the strange plants significance.
that grow in this area of the jungle.
If asked, Captain Pham can provide:
Le Progrès, your riverboat, moves serenely along
the river, slicing through the jungle. It has been a • “We are within radio range, and I have tried to call the
long journey. Captain Pham, a sturdy middle-aged plantation in hopes of connecting with someone. I was
Vietnamese man with a welcoming smile, is the not able to pick up a signal and could not get through.
commander of Le Progrès. He meets you on deck. “We Perhaps a storm has damaged their radio tower?”
are nearing our destination; and will soon be turning • General safety information for surviving in the jungles
onto Plantation River for the final leg of our journey. and on the rivers, including some safety tips and
I suggest everyone begins making preparations for suggestions. For example, he may suggest that you
our arrival, gathering any necessary supplies they don’t want to get caught outside or on the water in
may need.” the middle of a storm. He may also warn of various
diseases like Malaria and Encephalitis in the jungles
and on the rivers.
At this point, the investigators will have the opportunity • Some general information on the French-Indochina
to explore the riverboat at their leisure and gather any Rubber Corporation plantation. He has traveled to it
potential supplies they might need. The boat is well many times, so he is aware of its layout, buildings, etc.
equipped with a variety of tools, weapons, first-aid • Some information on the background of the
supplies, etc. development of the plantation. For example, he could
provide a bit of the backstory on the destruction
Captain Pham is available to chat and interact with the of the jungle and the displacement of the locals.
characters. He may also have some crew members that (For more information on Plantations, see Rubber
can chat with the investigators. Plantations on pg. 6. For more information on the
French-Indochina Rubber Plantation’s development
see The Horrible Truth on pg. 14)

The boat begins slowing down as it approaches a large mass of Lore Sheets
foliage stretching from bank to bank of the river. It is a tangled Captain Pham is a short, older Vietnamese
mess of vines, flowers, and roots; about one meter above the man in his fifties, by the looks of it. Years of
water level, and about two meters thick. It extends from bank to boating under the hot sun has turned his skin
bank, effectively sealing off the river. Captain Pham directs over quite dark and leathery. He wears a white
vest, tan-colored pants with the ankles rolled
the intercom: “Everyone, we will need to clear a path, or we go
up and is barefoot. He also carries a pistol
no further.” tucked into the waist of his pants. Captain
Pham is a veteran of these waterways and has
In all of his years on the waterways of Cochinchina, Captain Pham been working for French companies doing
has never seen overgrowth to this extent. Captain Pham may business in Cochinchina for many years. His
also comment on how these plants seem somewhat strange, and English and French are quite good.
unlike any plants that he has seen before. Captain Pham might
Pham, Riverboat Captain
also comment along the lines of “the Jungle hides many things…”
in reference to himself not quite recognizing some of the plants
in the tangled blockage. The blockage is significant enough that 60 60 50 70 60 50 50 60
players may be able to exit the boat and stand on the dense mass. SAN HP
Investigators will notice strange black lotuses growing in and 50 11
amongst the tangled blockage.
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
.38 revolver pistol: 55%, 1D10, 15 yards, 1(3)
See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44 to determine which plants per round, 100 mal
may make up the blockage. Plants can be a combination of both Dodge: 35%
earthly plants, such as River Hyacinths and Mangrove roots and
cosmic plants, such as Acidic Chrysanthemums and Lotus of Venus. Skills: Credit Rating 20%, First Aid 50%,
Listen 40%, Navigate 80%, Pilot (Boat) 60%,
Once investigators manage to clear the blockage, the boat can steer Spot Hidden 50%, Survival (River) 80%, Swim
70%, Track 40%
its way through. If investigators look back, they will notice that the
blockage has already begun re-growing to seal the river off once Languages: Vietnamese 60%, English 40%,
again. The rest of the trip may proceed uneventfully. French 40%

Not far in the distance, investigators can start to make out the Saigon Boat and the Riverboats. The
shapes of buildings. riverboats used by the French-Indochina
Rubber Corporation are built by a
The boat approaches the dock, and once again, you hear Captain Saigon company called Thuyền Sài
Pham’s voice blast over the speakers. “Boat is arriving; we need Gòn (Saigon Boat). The company was
someone at the dock to catch the mooring line!” Captain Pham locally owned by a wealthy Vietnamese
blares the airhorn. You notice that nobody is there to greet the family, before being acquired by the
boat on the dock. There’s no movement on the dock or near the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation.
boathouse whatsoever. “Ok, someone’s going to have to jump Saigon Boat specialized in riverboats and
down to the dock and tie down the boat!” industrial fishing boats and trawlers,
but immediately upon acquisition, the
Corporation had Saigon Boat build
Once the boat is secure, Captain Pham exits across the dock, cursing several large transport ships that would
under his breath as he goes. Investigators watch him round the be used to move products from the
corner behind the boathouse and disappear from sight. plantation to Saigon, as well as ferry
staff to and from the location. These
Keeper’s Note: As an option, Captain Pham can make a reappearance ships are extremely slow-moving when
later in the story as a device to drive forward the investigation. full of cargo, but can move relatively fast
It could be that investigators find his dead body, or he could when empty.
reunite with investigators claiming that he has found some key
piece of evidence that is missing. Captain Pham’s quarters are on My family has long been connected to the
his boat, and investigators may return to find him there. It may boating industry, and my uncle designed
be that Captain Pham has gone to the workers’ quarters to get many of Saigon Boat’s transport ship
something to eat and look for some of his local friends who are hulls. I have first-hand experience sailing
laborers on the plantation. He may have consumed the Daucus the prototype that was built before the
Sopitos (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44) and is now Corporation’s fleet went into production.
harvesting rubber with the other local laborers. Pilot (Boat) +10%

The Plantation

Lead in: The River Runs Through It Keeper’s Note: Throughout the entire scenario,
Location: The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation there are “Lotus Effect” sections. These are narrative
plantation deep in the Jungles of Cochinchina Province elements that are explained to Investigators who are
Date: July 1926 under the influence of Lotus of the Venus. Because the
Purpose: The plantation is an open world, and Lotus of Venus grows everywhere on the plantation,
investigators can explore at will. all investigators have been inadvertently exposed to
its effects. (For more information see The Flora of
the Cosmos on page 44).
The massive plantation features numerous buildings,
each serving a different operational purpose. The • Firearms, shell casings, bullet-holes: These items
plantation is noticeably overgrown and unkempt. The may be found scattered on the plantation at various
jungle surrounds the plantation except for the river locations as a result of the commotion caused by Faugn-
on the eastern edge. It looks as though the jungles Nyth N’gha’s appearance. Shell casings would be found
on the perimeter of the plantation are reclaiming where the weapon was discharged. Firearms would be
the outer borders. Pitch black lotus-like plants are where they were either dropped or close to a corpse.
seemingly growing everywhere on the plantation, Bullet-holes would be on buildings where a target may
sprouting from the reddish colored earth underfoot. have once been. Finding these items, particularly if
useful, requires a successful Spot Hidden roll.
These are the famed Redlands of Cochinchina… • The Glowing-Fungi: If investigators decide to take
a more proactive approach and examine these
strange fungi, they will find decaying human remains
Recurring Elements on the Plantation underneath these fungi mounds. The bodies are
slowly being reclaimed by the earth, and as nutrients
• Spore Mounds: These verdant mounds of flowers, for the plants growing on them. The discovery of
fungi, and growth indicate the location of a body, human remains will require investigators to make a
whether human or otherwise. The bodies serve as SAN check (0/1).
nutrients for the plant-life growing and covering • Automobiles: There are some cars and motorcycles
them. If disturbed or unearthed, investigators may on the plantation. Automobiles are reserved for key
find a decaying corpse underneath it, as well as staff (including the director, doctor, and guards), and
clothing or other personal items (of that person). laborers would not have access to them.
Growing on the mounds would be Glowing Fungi, • Things to track: A lot has happened on the plantation,
Acidic Chrysanthemums, and other plants. (See The and footprints and tracks can be found and possibly
Flora of the Cosmos on page 44) A successful Spot followed. The tracks may be of Faugn-Nyth N’gha, or
Hidden roll indicates the presence of a corpse under from people who worked on the plantation. Tracks
the mound before actually disturbing it. Finding a could also be tire tracks. There also may be droplets
corpse requires a SAN check (0/1). of blood that can be followed or even flecks of latex.
• Bones, corpses, and carrion: The investigators find • Nguoi Rung in the jungles: Jungle surrounds the
carrion at various locations on the plantation. In plantation, and the Nguoi Rung are willing to venture
addition to human remains, investigators may find closer and closer, encroaching on the perimeter. They
dead farm animals that may have escaped their pens, may be noticed if investigators are at the edges of the
as they have not been tended to in several days, and jungle. They may also attack investigators who venture
have fallen to wild animals, starvation, and disease. too close to the edge of the plantation and jungle.
Carrion birds circle overhead.
• Lotus of Venus: The Lotus is growing everywhere on
the plantation. The Lotus causes temporal disturbances
and may cause Investigators to experience very
realistic visions of what has happened in the past,
in that location. It is almost as though the past and
present are overlapping in that brief instance in time.

Dorée Lafleur Dorée Lafleur
Dorée is the lab assistant of Dr. Etienne
Chastain. She is a young, mixed French-
Dorée Lafleur, the assistant of Dr. Etienne Chastain, has survived
Vietnamese woman in her late teens. Her
father is an affluent Vietnamese landlord the encounter with Faugn-Nyth N’gha and is hiding somewhere
and agent who made a fortune in property on the plantation. She’s wearing beige cargo pants, hiking boots,
sales and rental to French businesses. Her and a shirt with many pockets. Dorée is in rough shape, covered in
mother is a linguist who spent many years dirt, scratches, and dried blood. Her long brown hair is a chaotic
traveling around Asia, learning languages and mess, clumped together with blood and dirt. Underneath her hair,
culture. Her mother returned to Paris when
is a large wound, where Faugn-Nyth N’gha has attempted to use
Dorée was very young, and Dorée was raised
mainly by her grandparents in Saigon. Dorée its trunk to latch on. Dorée seems to have lost a lot of her sanity,
has never traveled outside of Cochinchina. and it will take some effort to get her back to health and talking.
She speaks both Vietnamese and French and
has taken her mother’s surname. Dorée had Keeper’s Note: Dorée can appear anywhere on the plantation that
no formal training in botany but was hired the Keeper sees fit. However, a suggested location is at Director
by Dr. Chastain as a favor to her father. She Boucher’s manse, which is a much larger and more secure building
has learned a lot working with Dr. Chastain
and has a fairly strong knowledge of flora than the others. It would also be more comfortable for someone
and fauna in the region. hiding out.
A Keeper can determine just how many of the plants Dorée is
50 50 50 50 70 70 50 70 aware of, and whether or not she is aware of the experiment that
SAN HP Dr. Chastain conducted. Dorée may also serve as a replacement
7 10
character if an investigator has an untimely demise.

Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3 When discovered, Dorée can provide the following information on
Dodge: 25% various lines of questioning.

Skills: On Faugn-Nyth N’gha and the plantation attack:

Accounting 40%, Charm 70%, CR 60%,
• A description of what she encountered, and managed to escape
Cthulhu Mythos 1%, First Aid 50%, Listen
25%, Natural World 50%, Science (Botany) from, including details on Faugn-Nyth N’gha attempting to latch
60%, Science (Pharmaceutics) 50%, Spot onto her.
Hidden 45%, Stealth 50%, Survival (Jungle) • That Faugn-Nyth N’gha can be injured. Guns seem to hurt it, or
30% at least make it “bleed.”
Languages: Vietnamese 70%, French 40%
On Dr. Chastain and the flora:
• Dr. Chastain had left a few days earlier for a trip into the jungle,
and that Dr. Chastain was venturing deeper and deeper into the
jungle, and for longer and longer stays.
• Each time Dr. Chastain would return after spending a few days
in the jungle, he seemed a bit different. He was less talkative and
seemed more on edge.
• She used to go with him into the jungle on day trips, but about a
month or so ago, he stopped bringing her.
• One day she followed him in secret from a distance until she
eventually lost sight of him in the jungle. Before she lost sight of
him, the last thing she saw him do was take one of these strange
lotus flowers out of his pocket and gaze at it…
• Details on some of the plants that she and Dr. Chastain discovered
in the jungles around the plantation and on some of the experiments
they conducted. (See Handout #8)

Boat House: Arrival being offered up is what appears to be a broth. One of
the workers walks slowly over to the boiling pot and
The boathouse is the closest building to the investigators. dumps in a large bowl of chopped Drowsing Tubers.
It’s attached to the dock and hangs partly out over the
water with a wide opening for boats to enter. Attached The pantry seems somewhat bare, with little other
to the boathouse is another building, with crates piled edible offerings. On the shelves are boxes of rotting
high outside of it. Each of the crates bears the logo of vegetables that have come from the farm. They haven’t
the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation. Inside the been touched in days, and it’s clear that these vegetables
boathouse, investigators find two small paddleboats up are not being consumed.
against the wall, as well as drums of oil and other tools.
The men’s and women’s dormitories are empty. The
The other building is a warehouse where rubber products beds seem unused, and a layer of dust covers them.
are stored for shipping. Investigators succeeding on a Apparently, nobody is sleeping in them. There isn’t much
Spot Hidden roll notice that the processed latex in some else for investigators to discover inside the dormitories.
of the boxes is a white color, while in other boxes, it
seems to be more of a lavender or light purple color. Keeper’s Note: A Keeper should feel free to use the
dormitories to whatever purpose they wish, or not.

Workers’ Quarters: Soup’s Up!

Guards’ Quarters: Is Anybody Home?
The workers reside in a large building, which is divided
into four sections. The workers’ quarters contain a mess Here, Investigators will have the chance to gather
hall, kitchen, men’s dormitory, and women’s dormitory. weapons that may prove useful for them should they
The quarters are barracks-like. Spartan in design and decide to venture out into the jungle. They may also
function, with only the essentials for living inside. This find a clue as to the disappearance of Director Boucher.
is a stark contrast to the luxurious manse where the
director resides. A large dinner bell hangs outside the The guardhouse is a large building, divided into two
main entrance.  sections. The main door leads into an open room.

Keeper’s Note: The keeper may have the dinner The Lotus Effect: Investigators will enter and
bell ring at any time during the scenario. This bell immediately witness an interrogation taking place.
will signal to the workers that it is mealtime. The Two guards (Donatien Chevalier and Jean-Bernard
bell can also be used to lure the investigators to Arsenault) are standing over another man in a
the building if necessary and progress the story guard’s uniform, tied to a chair in the middle of the
forward. Additionally, the bell can also ring while room. “Who were you working with?” “Nobody! I’m
the investigators are inside the workers’ quarters. innocent!” cries the detained guard. Jean-Bernard
Investigators will then be able to witness the workers delivers a blow to the man’s head. “Where is Director
consuming the Drowsing Tubers (See The Flora of Boucher?” “I don’t know,” pleads the guard, followed
the Cosmos on page 44) by another blow, knocking the man unconscious. The
guards untie their captive and drag him over to a cell
The entrance through the main doors leads into the on the right side of the room, locking him inside.
mess hall. Six large tables take up the floor space,
each able to seat thirty people. At the end of one of Outside of the guardhouse, investigators have a brief
the tables, there is a cart. The cart has a few used vision of two guards carrying a large crate. They will
wooden bowls in it; the dishes from a meal at some carry it around the corner of the building and then
point earlier in the day. disappear out of sight. Unbeknownst to investigators,
this will be a crate of dynamite that the guards are
On the side of the room opposite the entrance are three moving to a more remote location of the plantation
doors. The ones on the left and right side lead to the for safekeeping.
men’s and women’s quarters. The door in the center
leads to the kitchen. Noises come from the center The door opens with a greeting of an almost unbearable
door. It sounds like something is being slowly chopped. stench—human excrement. A raspy, lethargic voice
calls out. “Bonjour… l’eau, l’eau.” The voice is coming
Inside the kitchen, investigators will find two workers. from behind a large dark curtain that is drawn across
Like all the workers on the plantation, they are in a the right quarter of the room. Behind the curtain are
trance-like state. A large tureen boils on a wood-fire two separate cells - practically cages - in each corner.
stove, as the two workers prepare a meal. The only thing

Oscar Dubois “L’eau… l’eau” comes the voice again. Inside one of the cells is
Oscar is a French guard on the plantation a scraggly-looking man, clearly in distress… The cell is about
in his late twenties. Before taking up the
two square meters with no furnishings other than a metal pail.
guard’s position on the plantation, Oscar
was a gendarme at la Sûreté Générale Human excrement is covering the floor and beginning to seep
Indochinoise – the Indochinese General out underneath the bars and into the room. It’s clear that this
Security, a fearsome, repressive and man has been here for at least a few days. This man is on his
militaristic police force created to counter last legs and hasn’t eaten or had any water for some time now.
the growing nationalist movements coming He’s starving and dehydrated. He seems to have been beaten up
out of World War One. Oscar left la Sûreté
pretty badly. His nose looks broken, and he has two black eyes
after several years and countless violent
acts. Hoping to turn over a new leaf outside and bruises all over his body.
of the city, he took a security position on
the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation Before investigators can question this man, they may want to attempt
plantation. With his room and board covered, to nurse him back to a healthier state. A successful First Aid roll
Oscar hopes to save enough salary to get or Medicine roll keeps him from dying during any interrogation.
him back to France with some extra money
to start anew.
Keeper’s Note: Oscar can become a replacement character for an
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU investigator who has perished.
70 60 60 50 50 50 45 45
Oscar Dubois can provide the following information if asked the
right questions:
28 12

Fighting (Brawl): 70%, fist 1D3+ DB

• Oscar is not sure how long he’s been here. A few days, at least.
(Fire Arms) Rifle: 60% Time is meaningless when locked up here in the dark.
• He was locked in here by his colleagues, who accused him of
Credit Rating: 20%, Intimidation 50%, Stealth allowing Director Boucher to be kidnapped. They accused him
50%, Survival (Jungle) 40% of working with the kidnappers.
Languages: French 50%, English 25%, • The night Director Boucher disappeared, Oscar was standing
Vietnamese 12%
guard at his manse. It was dark, and he didn’t see anything – he’d
fallen asleep at his post.
• When he was awoken by the noise of gun retorts, it was too late.
The director was missing. Oscar sounded the alarm.
• His fellow guards beat him and interrogated him. Oscar told them
everything he knew, which was admitting to falling asleep at his post.
• Oscar can recount that while he was locked up, not long ago,
he heard a huge commotion outside. People were screaming,
gunshots, and what sounded like some sort of large animal
grunting, slurping, and gurgling.
• He mentions that the guards came running into the guardhouse
yelling: “Obtenir des armes, il y a une bête de la jungle!” (Get
weapons, there’s a jungle beast on the loose!”)
• The commotion didn’t last long, and it’s has been mostly silent
since then… but at times, he heard similar, strange creature
sounds outside. The same ones that he heard days earlier. There’s
something out there.
• Oscar insists that there is something out there.

A successful Psychology roll will show that Oscar appears to be

telling the truth.

A wooden desk sits in the middle of the room with a few papers on
it. On the desk is a telephone. Investigators may be able to make
phone calls from this only once they have repaired the radio tower.
Within the desk drawer, investigators can discover a log. The log
contains an account of all incidents on the plantation where the
guards became involved. Some incidents of note occurred in July.
(See Handout 4: Incident Reports).

There is a large cabinet on the left side of the room. The There are a few - no more than ten - local workers
cabinet doors are wide open, and contained within are who are still tending to the farm. They are all barefoot
some rifles, pistols, and boxes of assorted ammunition. and dressed in simple gear, vests, loose-fitting pants,
There are scattered bullets on the floor around the and conical sunhats. A Psychology roll is not required
cabinet, and a few guns have fallen out onto the floor as to deduce that each of the workers is in a trance-like
well. It appears as though weapons were grabbed with state, going about their business, tending to the crop
haste. On the inside of the cabinet door is a clipboard of strange vegetables. These workers are dedicated to
with a record of all of the weapons contained within, their task and pay little attention to the investigators.
and the name of the person who may have a weapon They are very docile, but if provoked violently, they
at any given time. (See Handout 5: Firearms Log). will fight back. These workers are mindless and can’t
provide any valuable information verbally. If talked to, a
Investigators with successful Accounting rolls will be successful Psychoanalysis roll will enable an interaction
able to determine that several weapons are missing whereby the worker can mutter in Vietnamese, “we are
from the cabinet and that those weapons missing will trapped here, trapped in our minds.” If the roll is a hard
not be reflected on the ledger. This is because weapons or critical success, they may reveal the following. “Our
were collected in such haste that there was no time bodies are not our own anymore. They belong to the
nor the concern to mark the record sheet. A successful Nguoi Rung, who belong to Chaugnar Faugn.” These
Spot Hidden or hard Accounting roll finds a record of workers have been consuming the Drowsing Tuber.
Director Boucher’s orders to store a crate of dynamite (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44).
in a covered ditch near the northern edge of the jungle,
to keep it cool. Inside the farmhouse, there are a few large tables and
large shelves along the walls. Vegetables are piled up
Outside of the guardhouse is a wooden shed. The smell on the shelves and tables, being sorted by two workers.
of diesel fuel lingers in the air around the shed, and as There is a large cart beside one of the tables, just about
investigators approach, they will notice bullet holes in full of Drowsing Tubers. A worker drops a few more
the structure. Upon opening the wooden hinged doors, tubers into the cart and then wheels it out the door.
investigators enter into a small space, mostly taken up She begins pushing it away from the farm toward the
by two large generators. The smell of fuel is very strong other end of the plantation. If they follow her, she will
inside. The generators have taken gunfire, and their have pushed it to the workers’ quarters next to the
fuel tanks seem to have leaked out. Investigators may latex harvesting area.
fix the generator with a successful Mechanical Repair
roll. Fixing the generator is a prerequisite to using the If an investigator consumes a Drowsing Tuber, they
radio in any meaningful way. will immediately begin to feel its effects. Under the
effects, their main reactions would be to either go
The Plantation Farm: Put Out to Pasture about working on the farm harvesting or tending to
the tubers or begin moving to the other side of the
The farmhouse is a large wooden building with an plantation and start harvesting latex. While under
adjoining barn and chicken coup. It is quite standard the influence of the tubers, they may also lash out at
by most accounts. anyone they deem as a threat. Investigators may be
able to break free from the effects with a successful
The farm is the source of the food that is being fed to the POW roll. Anyone coming out of the effects will have a
local workers who are doing the harvesting. It is located 3 point SAN loss. Investigators’ only real option to assist
close to the river, which is necessary for crop irrigation. one of their group that has fallen under the effects of
the Drowsing Tuber is to subdue them until the effects
There is a large fenced paddock, where farm animals slowly wear off. Depending on how much is consumed,
like oxen, horses, and cows would be able to wander the effects can last up to a day, with the investigator
and graze. Next to the paddock is a large swath of acting to consume more before the initial effect wears
land, with various crops growing like maize, beans, and off – creating a cycle of consumption.
sweet potatoes. Upon closer inspection of the crops,
investigators will notice a strange vegetable growing Next to the farmhouse is a large barn. There are six stalls
in a much smaller garden. These are Daucus Sopitos. in the barn, three of them have cows, and two of them
(See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44). Closer to have horses. The cows and horses seem to be thinning
the river’s edge is a rice paddy. Investigators will notice from neglect. A successful Natural World or INT roll
all of the crops aside from the strange vegetable seem will determine that they are starving and dehydrated.
to have been neglected and are rotting or drying out Just outside of the barn is a pigpen. There are no hogs,
and withering. but rather bones and rotting carcasses. A successful
Natural World or another relevant roll will determine

Drugged Worker that the hogs outside have been devoured by a wild animal, likely
a leopard. In the field connected to the barn, a large water buffalo
carcass rots in a flooded area, also devoured by wildlife. A small
40 20 50 40 50 50 25 40
chicken coup attached to the barn houses about twenty hens and
SAN HP a large rooster. Flies and bugs are everywhere on the farm due to
25 7 the rotting animals and uncleaned animal feces in the barn.

Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3

Fighting (Farming Implement): 50%, 1D6
Rubber Crop: The Strange Harvest

Investigators approach the edge of a large forest of rubber trees that

Rubber Tapping. Latex harvesting is done begins blending with the jungle on its furthermost outskirts. The
through a procedure called “tapping.” It rubber trees stand a few feet apart from each other, and amongst
is collected by slicing about a quarter of these trees are about five workers, harvesting latex sap. (Typically,
an inch into a latex tree on a diagonal, there would be more workers on a plantation this large. This means
using a hooked knife. The bark is then that some of them must be elsewhere for some reason.) The workers
peeled back, exposing the interior wood pay no attention to the investigators and continue their work.
of the tree. A rubber tapper will remove Periodically, a worker will carry up a bucket of latex sap and pour
a thin layer of the bark in a downward it into a much larger vat that rests on a cart. The cart is on a set of
spiral, allowing the latex sap to then flow tracks that lead directly to the Process and Manufacturing building.
down into a collection bucket. Trees will
be tapped one side at a time, allowing The workers seem almost in a trance-like state: mindless and
the opposite side to regrow its bark and machine-like. If they are approached and questioned, they will not
heal. Tapping typically would happen be able to provide any relevant information. If talked to, a successful
at nighttime or early morning before Psychoanalysis roll will enable an interaction whereby the worker
temperatures rise, causing the latex can mutter in Vietnamese, “we are trapped here, trapped in our
to coagulate and stop flowing. If done minds.” If the roll is a hard or critical success, they may reveal the
effectively, trees can be harvested for following. “Our bodies are not our own anymore. They belong to
up to five hours. Wooden structures are the Nguoi Rung, who belong to Chaugnar Faugn.” These workers
often erected around the trees to allow have been consuming the Drowsing Tuber. (See The Flora of the
workers to climb up and tap the upper Cosmos on page 44). If investigators violently provoke the workers
sections of the trees. or inhibit their ability to tap the rubber trees, the workers band
together to attack. Once any deemed threat has been removed,
I was forced to work on a plantation, the workers will return to their labor. Someone or something is
yes, forced. I was paid a pittance. I was controlling these workers; they seem to have a unified mind. It
not allowed to leave. Many others were is almost as if they have been programmed to serve the function
worked to death. I escaped. If I find my of harvesting latex sap. Investigators succeeding on an Easy Spot
former workmaster, I would love to put Hidden roll notice that these workers have strange darkly colored
a tapping knife in his gut. growths and deformities on their bodies, mainly on their hands
Science (Botany) +5% and arms. A Hard First Aid roll will determine that these growths
are similar to an allergic reaction from prolonged exposure to the
Latex sap they are harvesting.

These workers have been consuming the Drowsing Tuber (See The
Flora of the Cosmos on page 44). They have been fed these vegetables
at the order of Director Boucher when it was discovered that the
tubers made them more docile, suggestible, and controllable. The
effects of the tubers eventually wear off if not consumed for some
time folks will slowly come back to their senses.

Investigators that come into contact with the sap from the Purpura
Hevea Brasiliensis trees will not immediately notice any sort of
physical mutations or changes. (See The Flora of the Cosmos on
page 44). These changes happen over time, and only if there is
prolonged exposure. However, even trace elements of the sap can
cause mutations.

If investigators determine that they need to destroy Calling for reinforcements may be a poor idea, however,
these trees, the workers will respond violently. The and investigators will need to come to this conclusion
investigators will be grossly outnumbered. These on their own. Although part of their mission is to re-
workers are in place to serve two purposes: the first establish radio communication with Corporation HQ, if
to harvest, and the second to protect the trees and they provide too much information – depending on what
their harvest. they already know, it might trigger the Corporation to
send a “clean-up crew,” which may result in the demise
Radio Tower: of the investigators. (See Epilogue 1).
Code Blue, Code Yellow, Code Red

There are telephones on the plantation; however, they The Infirmary:

are unusable if the Radio Tower isn’t repaired. Psychopathological Diagnosis

The radio tower is broken, and it is up to the Keeper Investigators visit the infirmary and learn that the
to decide what happened to it. Some possibilities plantation and the jungle are full of both terrestrial and
may include sabotage by someone on the plantation, extraterrestrial threats. Investigators find clues as to
damaged by a Nguoi Rung, damaged during Faugn- the medical conditions or causes of death of various
Nyth N’gha’s arrival, or damaged by a storm. plantation staff and workers.

The Radio Tower of the plantation is the main source of The Lotus Effect: Investigators enter the infirmary
communication to the outside world. For some reason, and have a vision. They witness Dr. Deschamps
it is not working. The tower is a wooden and steel standing over an operating table, sawing what appears
structure about 100 ft tall. It is built from latticed wood to be a disfigured limb from a body lying on the table.
and steel support beams, with a thin ladder leading to Suddenly, the door bursts open. Long Bui and Jean-
a small platform near the top. At the top of the tower, Bernard Arsenault enter the room, carrying a body
where there should be an antenna, there isn’t one. The of what appears to be another guard. “There was an
large antenna that would normally transmit signals attack!” calls Jean-Bernard. “He needs help now!”
is sitting in a twisted pile on the ground beside the
tower. It seems to have come crashing down to earth. The infirmary is a small one-story concrete building,
The antenna is quite large and weighs around 200 lbs. nothing like the large French hospitals back in Saigon.
Generally, any sort of serious injury on the plantation
The antenna is in bad shape, a mess of mangled metal would lead to death, and in most cases, the infirmary
and wire. Repairing it will require a group effort. It will serves as a place where severely injured staff and
need to be repaired and carried up to the top of the tower laborers would spend their last days.
to be reinstalled. Investigators will need a successful
Mechanical Repair or Electrical Repair to repair the There are two sections to the infirmary. The first is the
antenna while on the ground. Investigators will need to main ward, where patients are treated and reside. This
find some way to get the antenna to the top of the tower is the first room that investigators access after entering
to install it. The antenna is quite heavy and will require the building through the front door. The second area
more than one set of hands to get it to the top. Successful is the doctor’s quarters. The doctor’s quarters are
Climb rolls from two investigators will get the antenna connected to the main ward, through a door.
to the top. A failed roll will have the investigator fall from
about 50 ft. This will result in instant death. If only one The infirmary is dark inside, and investigators are
investigator fails the roll, the other will need to make a immediately greeted by the stench of decaying flesh.
strength roll to get the antenna the rest of the way up on The smell is almost overpowering. There are three
their own. This is not intended to be an easy task and not beds in the main ward up against the wall. All three are
advised. The safer option is for Investigators to rig some occupied with partially decayed corpses – the cause
sort of hoisting system to pull the antenna up to the top. of the stench. These corpses have been here for at
This would require a Climb roll from one investigator to least a few days. There is a fair-sized supply cabinet
get to the top (without carrying the antenna,) followed against one of the walls, containing basic medical and
by a strength roll to hoist it up. A failed Climb in this surgical supplies such as bandages, syringes, scalpels,
instance would not mean a plummet, but rather that and vials of morphine.
the investigator is not able to even attempt the climb.
The strength roll may come from investigators on the
ground. This is much a safer option, as it won’t require
the treacherous maneuvering of a heavy, cumbersome
object up a thin ladder.

• The first bed: The body has started to decay; The Lotus Effect: Dr. Chastain is in his lab, packing
investigators will be able to determine that one of his backpack and gear, checking items off a list. He is
the arms is missing. A successful Medicine or INT roll dressed to set out into the jungle. A successful Spot
provides that the arm has been amputated. Beside Hidden roll may reveal to an investigator that Dr.
the bed is a table with tools that would have been Chastain has what appears to be the petal of a flower
used in the amputation, including a bone-saw and poking out of the breast pocket of his shirt. A Hard
an iron used for cauterization. or Critical Success will have Dr. Chastain mutter to
• The second bed: The body in the second bed, while himself, “the Lotus shows the way…” Investigators will
intact, has some obvious signs of wounds. Namely, watch Chastain finish packing his gear, and walk out
one of the legs has a bandage wrapped around the the door. They will witness him walking in a general
calf and another bandage wrapped around the upper direction towards the Director’s Manse at the edge
torso area. The bandages are stained with blood, of the jungle, before blinking out of existence.
indicating several things. A successful Medicine roll
will determine that the leg-wound is going right During The Lotus Effect, the botany lab interior and
through the flesh, from one side to the other. A exterior are not overgrown with plant-life. A keeper
successful roll will also determine the torso wound may also determine how to introduce the checklist
is on the shoulder, has not hit any vitals, but gone to the characters. Through a successful relevant roll
straight through the shoulder from front to back. A such as Survival, the checklist lists that the supplies
successful Medicine or Forensics roll will determine Dr. Chastain is packing are for what appears to be
that these injuries were caused by some sort of multiple days in the jungle. Savvy investigators may
piercing projectile, like a spear or an arrow. also be able to determine this on their own without
• The third bed: The corpse in the third bed seems to rolling. (See Handout 7: Chastain’s Jungle Gear).
be fully intact without any physical injuries; however,
investigators will note that the arms and feet have Like many of the buildings on the plantation, the
been tied to the four bedposts. This is an attempt botany lab is a small, single-story concrete building.
to subdue this person for some reason or another. It has the same layout as the infirmary. The exterior
On the bedside table are basic medical supplies that of the building is covered in thick, dense foliage and
a physician would use to administer an injection: various plants of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of
some bandages, tape, and a syringe. The syringe is these plants have appeared in other locations on the
half-full of a clear liquid. A successful Medicine roll plantation. Vines and growth have pushed their way
determines that this is a heavy sedative: morphine. through the thin glass windows, and completely block
the view into the building if the windows are peered
The doctor’s quarters is a small room with a simple bed through from outside. The building seems as though
in the corner, a small bureau, and a desk. The desk is it has been consumed.
neatly kept and uncluttered. In the center of the desk
is a ledger that contains patient records and notes. The interior of the botany lab is very similar to the
(See Handout 6: Patient Records). exterior. Growth is everywhere. Strange pulsating
roots have pushed their way up through the concrete
If players have read Dr. Boucher’s journals, they would floor. All four walls are covered in vines, and a canopy
have seen the same phrase “offenders beware, émissaire of leaves and branches extend overhead, covering the
de la mort et du châtiment, offenders beware” having been ceiling. The room is hot and humid inside.
uttered. If so, they must make a SAN check (0/1D2).
The lab trays in the middle of the room are completely
overgrown. Any specimens that were being studied have
The Botany Lab: Mythos-synthesis escaped their limited confines and grown out of control.

The botany lab is key to Investigators discovering the A successful Spot Hidden roll will reveal a microscope
properties of a number of the plants growing on the on an overgrown lab-table. Also in amongst the foliage
plantation and in the surrounding jungle. Investigators on the table is a grotesque, lumpy, scaly black object,
may already have a few suspicions of what these plants about a foot long. A successful Medicine roll will
are capable of, and the notes and studies of the Chief determine that this is a human arm.
Botanist may confirm or deny these suspicions.
Investigators can determine the whereabouts of Dr.
Chastain through a series of clues.

If investigators decide to look into the microscope, a SAN roll is Juvenile Faugn-Nyth N’gha
required (SAN (0/1D2). What is visible in the microscope is almost STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
unfathomable. It is the pitch-black abyss of the cosmos. Stars
20 85 15 80 50 - 50 -
surround the viewer, and in the very center is a gigantic mass of
foliage, seeming to float in space. Vines dangle and float all around SAN HP
it. As if it notices the viewer, it begins to shake, almost as if agitated. - 10
It contracts briefly, and then all of a sudden, it expands, releasing a
burst of vividly colored dust into the black emptiness of space. This Damage Bonus: -2
Move: 8
is the “The Gift,” floating in its otherworldly home in the cosmos,
and it seems to be somehow aware that it is being “witnessed.” (for Attacks per round: 2
more information on The Gift, See the Horrible Truth.) Trunk Slam 80%: 1D4+DB
Drain (mnvr): 1D10+5 STR drain/round;
At some point, as investigators look around the interior of the Botany sufficiently hydrated survivors can recover
Lab, they may notice large pieces of shattered glass on the floor. They 10 STR per/day.
will also notice a purplish, sticky substance on the ground as well, Dodge: 40%
Armor: 1 point, thick skin.
partially dried out. A successful Track or Spot Hidden roll will show
some animal-like clawed footprints, about the size of a housecat’s Stealth (in jungle): 33%
footprint, leading to a corner of the room that is particularly dense
in terms of foliage covering it. Investigators who approach this area SAN Loss: 1/1D8 SAN points
are immediately attacked by a juvenile, Faugn-Nyth N’gha.

Bursting out from within the foliage, a black trunk-like appendage

will extend out, latching onto an investigator who fails a Dodge roll,
immediately causing 1HP loss as the creature attaches its trunk and
begins to feed. Removing the trunk from an investigator’s body will
leave an open wound that will need to be treated.

The creature hiding in the Botany Lab is an instance of Faugn-Nyth

N’gha, yet much smaller. It is the result of an experiment conducted
by Dr. Chastain on the mutagenic properties of Purpura Hevea

The door to the left of the room is partly visible but covered in vines.
Entry would require some removal of the vines blocking the way.
If investigators decide to chop at the vines to attempt entry to the
room, a notable rustling of the other leaves and plants surrounding
them will occur, indicating that the plants have some sense of
feeling and awareness.

The desk in the corner of the room is covered in thick foliage.

Another successful Spot Hidden roll will produce a notebook.
The cover is titled “Découvertes Botaniques dans les Jungles de
Cochinchine.” (See Handout 8: Découvertes Botaniques dans les
Jungles de Cochinchine).

The first half of the book is filled with drawings, descriptions, and
notes regarding plant-life that has been discovered and studied on
the plantation and surrounding jungle. A recurring comment for
each plant in the book is an observation that when experimenting,
dissecting, and working on specimens, other plants of varying
variety seemed aware, and had a combined sense of feeling. It was
as though they shared some sort of unified mind. In the book, it
is noted that the cellular structure of each plant is the same, even
though the types of plants are different. A successful Natural World
roll tells the investigator that the structure does not match that of
any plants known to humans. Investigators making this realization
must make a SAN check (0/1).

Processing Building: Investigators may either enter the building through
Manufacturing a Monster the main doors to the processing warehouse, through
the doors leading into the hanging and drying room or
If Investigators have already encountered (or through the entrance to the packaging and loading bay.
possibly defeated) Faugn-Nyth N’gha, this area may
serve as a discovery scene as to what happened to At any point during an investigation of this building,
Director Benoit Boucher. Depending on the door that investigators may come across latex products in various
investigators approach to enter, the Lotus Effect can stages of processing. They will note that it is a light
take place at that door. purple, almost lavender color. A successful Natural
World roll or a Hard EDU roll will reveal that this is not
a normal color for latex products in such early stages
The Lotus Effect: As investigators approach the large of production. Typically, these products would be a
doors of the building, the day blackens into night, milky white color.
investigators hear pandemonium in the distance.
Raised voices are yelling in a panicked manner. The entrance to the processing warehouse is through
Investigators making a successful Listen roll hear a a set of large, rolling doors; large enough to move big
voice say, “Director Boucher is not in his room. We items through, if necessary. Along the wall, furthest
cannot find him!” Investigators witness what appears from the entrance is a series of wheels that are used
in the darkness to be a hunchbacked or disfigured to press and cut dried latex into a product that could
figure approach the doors, reach out, slide one open be ready for shipment. In the center of the room is a
just wide enough, and disappear inside. A successful large table spanning much of the length of the room.
Easy Spot Hidden roll determines that it is not a Such a table would be used by workers for a variety of
disfigured person they see, but rather a tribesman purposes, including pulling, stretching, and hanging
carrying a body. rubber sheets. On the table, there are also a few smaller
tubes that would contain latex as it was being processed.
Two huge vats stand in the corner of the room with a
The Process and Manufacturing Building is a huge ladder between them. The vats almost reach the ceiling
warehouse-type building, constructed from wood and - which is about twenty feet high - and their tops are
concrete. The building is divided into three connected just a few feet beneath it. The vats have large faucets at
areas: processing, drying, and packaging. The entrances the bottom of them. These vats would be used to store
to the building are at three separate points, each section raw latex that has recently been harvested.
having its own external entry and exit point, as well as
doors connecting all of them. Its floor has embedded rail If investigators enter through this doorway, as they
tracks running the length of the building, connecting approach, they will immediately see that the doors
all the sections and exiting the building leading to have been forcibly removed from their wheeled tracks,
the rubber trees and the docks. These tracks were and are laying a few feet away from the entrance.
important for the efficient movement of products These doors are heavy and would require some serious
around the plantation. strength to bring them down. They may also notice
some splintering and cracking of the wood.

The floor is sticky, covered with purplish latex sap, and feet seem Faugn-Nyth N’gha
to stick to it briefly, making walking slow going. A successful Spot
Hidden or Tracking roll finds a set of large animal-like footprints. A
100 110 180 70 50 - 50 -
successful Natural World roll will determine that these tracks are not
from an animal native to the jungles of Cochinchina; a Hard success SAN HP
on this roll determines that these tracks were created by something, - 29
not of this world. If it is determined that the tracks are otherworldly,
a SAN check will be required (SAN 0/1). The room is otherwise in HP 29 MP 10
Damage Bonus: +2D6
fair shape, aside from a large vat that appears to have fallen over,
Move: 8
the source of the sticky floor. Investigators will notice that the vat
has been destroyed. It rests on the floor, a heap of twisted jagged Attacks per round: 2
steel. A successful Spot Hidden roll will reveal shredded pieces of Trample: 50% 2D6 + DB
cloth in and around the vat. If investigators previously found the Trunk Slam 80%: 1D6+DB
torn piece of fabric in Director Boucher’s bedroom, they will come Drain (mnvr): 4D10+5 STR drain/round;
to the conclusion that this was his clothing. sufficiently hydrated survivors can recover
10 STR per/day.
A large door at that opposite end of the production warehouse leads Dodge: 35%
to a large room with a high ceiling. Purplish strips of drying latex Armor: 4 points, thick skin.
hang down from beams, giving an eerie latticed effect. This is the
hanging and drying room, where processed latex hangs to dry out. Stealth (in jungle): 33%

SAN Loss: 1/1D10 SAN points

Following the hanging and drying room is a final room with the
walls are lined with boxes, bearing the French-Indochina Rubber
Corporation logo. This is where the product is packaged and prepared
for shipping. This area also has a large sliding door that serves as
a loading bay for shipments. If they look inside the boxes, they will Latex Production. Latex production
find purplish, dried rubber sheets, ready to ship. involves numerous steps beginning with
latex sap being harvested and collected
If the investigators have not previously encountered Faugn-Nyth from trees. Once harvested, it must
N’gha, it could be that it is resting dormant in the undestroyed vat. If be stored properly; otherwise, it will
this is the case, and the investigators disturb the vat, it may awaken. If coagulate. It is stored in large vats called
investigators have already determined that it is dormant inside a vat, “coagulation tanks” in preparation for
they may be able to destroy it as it rests. If Faugn-Nyth N’gha is not in it to become dry rubber. Coagulation
a vat, perhaps it is waiting in the darkness in one of the other rooms. tanks control the rate at which the latex
begins to solidify. It then goes through
Should Faugn-Nyth N’gha make an appearance as investigators a process where it is stretched out
inspect the large vats, they will notice the top of the intact vat and hung to dry. These rubber sheets
begins bubbling over the top. Latex sap splashes down on the would then go on to further production
feet of investigators close by. The trunk of Faugn-Nyth N’gha will at another facility where they would
immediately come whipping out of the top of the vat and lash undergo additional processing to create
out at investigators in the area. Investigators will need to make a all manner of useful items from tires to
successful Dodge roll or otherwise be smashed by the trunk. If an shoes.
investigator fumbles this roll, the trunk will latch onto them and
begin draining their fluids. Rubber is booming in Indochina, and
many businesses are in some way
Bursting forth in a mess of concrete, steel, and latex sap is a involved in the industry. I used to live
monstrosity. Through the dripping latex sap, its black-figure just down the road from a small factory
becomes visible. A bloated headless creature. A giant quadrupedal that made rubber bicycle tires. Every
maw. Protruding from its gut, a tongue-like trunk writhes and day I would see crates of rubber being
pulsates. It seems to notice prey in its vicinity, and its trunk lashes unloaded from trucks – fresh from their
out in that direction. long journey from a distant plantation, to
be made into bicycle tires for the people
The Nguoi Rung can create additional iterations of Faugn-Nyth of Indochina.
N’gha. It requires them to have access to a host body and sufficient Craft (latex production) +10%
latex to submerge it in.

The Director’s Manse:
Home Invasion

Location: Director Boucher’s manse at the edge of the It has doors on each of the four walls – the entrance
plantation to the manse being one of them.
Lead in: The Plantation
Date: July 1926 The door to the right opens to a staircase leading to
Purpose: The investigators collect some important the second floor, and Director Boucher’s quarters – the
clues in this scene, and gather some information on the entirety of the second floor. At the top of the staircase
circumstances of Director Boucher’s disappearance. is a small landing with a door to the left, which leads
to the master bedroom. The door to the left will lead
to both the dining room and the kitchen behind it,
The Manse is a large two-story French-inspired and the door to the far end of the foyer will lead to a
building. The building sits on the very edge of the corridor with access to guest rooms.
plantation, and behind it are jungles and forests as far
as the eye can see. It seems that the jungle is almost The Director’s Master Bedroom: Investigators enter
reclaiming this building, and bright green vines crawl through the already wide-open doors at the top of the
up and down all sides of it. The vines range in girth, stairs, and immediately find themselves in Director
with the thickest parts about fifty centimeters in Boucher’s bedroom. Some sort of struggle has happened
diameter. (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44). here. Furnishings and decorations are askew, books,
If the investigators look closely at the vines, they will papers, and broken glass cover the carpet. The large
notice them pulsating slowly, and thicker areas of the window looking out into the jungle is broken wide open.
vines seem to be leaking a greenish gel-like substance. Vines have begun creeping into the house through it. A
successful Spot Hidden will find a torn scrap of fabric,
The interior of the building is posh and luxurious, a speckled with blood is hanging on the jagged broken
stark contrast to the rough conditions outside on the windowpane. No roll is necessary to determine that
plantation. The front-foyer is quite large and empty. this soft cotton is from sleepwear.

The Director’s Office: On the left side of the bedroom is a On the desk, also sits a candlestick telephone and
closed door. The door leads to Director Boucher’s office. its ringer box. If the radio tower has been repaired,
investigators can make a call in which they will be
The Lotus Effect: The director’s office door is closed, connected to a manual exchange operator who answers
but isn’t locked. Investigators will experience short in both Vietnamese and French. (Xin chào, bạn muốn
vibrational sounds, followed by brief blurred vision. gọi cho ai? Bonjour, qui aimeriez-vous appeler?) She
From the outside, investigators hear the voice of a will be able to connect the investigators to a number
male. Director Boucher sits at his desk, talking on a that they wish to reach, or to an organization,
telephone. “Yes, we have made significant progress. Dr. including French law enforcement or military in
Chastain is hard at work. He has recently discovered Saigon. Investigators may want to contact Violaine at
an edible tuber with strong sedative qualities. We the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation. They can
are experimenting with it now, and the workers have relay situational information to Violaine and possibly
been consuming it during meals…” Keeper can decide request reinforcements. Reinforcements will take a
who Director Boucher is conversing with over the minimum of three days to arrive.
phone. It could be that he is on the phone with his
boss, a member of “The Partnership.” A keeper may elect to have investigators also find
the page of Father Lemont’s first expedition and his
The room inside is in pristine condition. There is no description of the jungles and flowers of the area they
evidence of any disturbance within. A large rosewood contained. The Corporation retrieved “lost texts” from
desk sits in the corner facing the wall. The desk is one of Father Lemont’s journals detailing that the flora
neatly kept. Above the desk on the wall is a framed of this location - The Red Lands - had all sorts of magical
map of the region. properties. (For more information on Father Lemont,
see scenario Expédition Lemont on page 97).
On the desk rests a massive hunting knife, inside a
leather sheath. A successful Spot Hidden will reveal that A door from the office leads to a balcony overlooking
the butt of the handle can be unscrewed. Contained the plantation. The balcony is quite simple; it holds a
within the handle is a fine black powder. (See the Flora few chairs, a small table, and a metal fire pit. It provides
of the Cosmos, The Ancient Rage on Page 44). a great view of most of the plantation.

There is a locked drawer to the desk containing a The Dining Room: The dining room is quite large,
leather-bound book. “Un Récit de l’Obscur en able to host up to eight people easily. In the center is
Indochine, Benoit Boucher” The book is an accounting a large rosewood table, set with beautiful china dishes
of the establishment of the plantation, detailing the and polished silverware. There is no sign of any sort of
initial loan from the French Central Bank, to the forced disturbance in this room.
removal of the locals, and the atrocities committed by
Director Boucher on behalf of the Corporation. The Kitchen: The kitchen is a fair size, yet not too
large. It has all of the features that any kitchen would
Reading this book will take players into Rumble in have: a gas stove, sink, pantry, and icebox. If inspected,
the Jungle (Optional, Flashback), an account of the investigators would find that the ice in the icebox has
forced removal of an indigenous tribe on the land. completely melted. This would be providing them with
(See Handout 9: Un Récit de l’Obscur en Indochine, some indication of timeframe, as they would know that
Benoit Boucher). ice in an icebox would typically melt within a few days.

Investigators will find a large tan envelope bearing The Guest Bedrooms: The guest bedrooms are empty
the seal of the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation. and well kept, indicating that nobody was visiting or had
Within the envelope are two documents. The first used them recently. In all likelihood, the only people
is Director Benoit’s contract of employment with that entered those rooms would be the maid to do
The Corporation. To an untrained eye, it would some light cleaning.
seem fairly standard as far as employment contracts
go. Investigators succeeding on an Accounting or The Guest Bedrooms are an excellent place for Dorée
Appraisal roll note that Director Boucher is being Lafleur to have barricaded herself.
paid an exceptionally large salary and that his services
have been retained indefinitely. The second document
is a non-disclosure agreement, detailing elements
regarding the need for discretion and secrecy.

Year One: Rumble in the Jungle
(Core, Flashback)

Lead in: The Director’s Manse: Home Invasion Regardless of the outcome of this particular raid, the
Location: The Jungles of Cochinchina, on the land final result should be the same. The French eventually
where the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation will overpower the Nguoi Rung and any locals who have
establish a plantation. resisted relocation. There may be a display of power
Date: June 1925 in the form of executions. Benoit Boucher is a violent
Purpose: This scene sets the stage for the events to man and may execute any Nguoi Rung prisoners.
come in the main story. Players will experience the
initial conflict between the French-Indochina Rubber After this conflict has concluded, read or share this
Corporation and the local peoples that they are final excerpt from Un Récit de l’Obscur en Indochine.
displacing to establish a rubber plantation.
August 30, 1925
We have eliminated the Nguoi Rung. It was a massacre.
Assign players to either the invading French side or the The survivors have retreated into the depths of the
indigenous locals defending their land. It is important to jungle. We have set fire to their village. As punishment
explicitly state to the players that they will be enacting for the death of my men, I have ordered that the
an event, which for all intents and purposes, is to be Nguoi Rung we have captured to be executed. They
considered one of Director Boucher’s journal entries. will not be going to Saigon to stand any sort of trial.
Disseminate Handout 9, Un Récit de l’Obscur en This tribe will die out in the jungles of Cochinchina.
Indochine to set the stage. Players need to understand
that what they play out in this flashback scene has been Following the reading of Un Récit de l’Obscur en
recorded in Boucher’s journal. Indochine, investigators must make a SAN check
The following handouts should be shared appropriately,
and in secret with players assuming the roles of the locals
and the invaders: Handout 10: Information for players Director Benoit Boucher
assuming the role of locals, Handout 11: Information
for players assuming the role of the invaders.
Director Boucher is a fearsome man. He’s in his mid-
The raid: The locals may begin their raid in any way forties, tall and lean. He wears a tan-colored buttoned
that the players deem necessary. It could be a silent shirt, with brown pants tucked into knee-high leather
raid, or it could be a frontal assault. The French players boots. He sports a neatly trimmed beard and curled
will have to defend their position, and depending on mustache. Covering his blonde locks is a beige pith
how the attack progresses, they may wish to lead a hat. Director Boucher carries a rifle slung over his back
counter-attack on the village. The French should make and a hunting knife, pistol, and bullwhip on his waist.
rolls such as Listen to determine if they hear anything Boucher is ill-tempered, but not impulsive. He seethes
out in the darkness while they are on watch. If they when he is angry – resisting any instant gratification.
hear something, a Spot Hidden might reveal something Instead, he plots and calculates his every move –
lurking. The Nguoi Rung may attempt to make Stealth unleashing his fury upon his foes with surgical-like
rolls to sneak up on their opponents. Listen and Spot precision. Boucher’s past is murky, but his expertise
Hidden should be rolled against Stealth. in both business operations and warfare suggest that
he has had training and experience in both.
At some point during the conflict, a Keeper might want
to have a dying Nguoi Rung give a cryptic warning.
“Offenders beware. Chaugnar Faugn. Faugn-Nyth N’gha.
Emissaire de la mort et du châtiment. Offenders beware”.
If investigators have previously seen the patient records
at the infirmary with the patient who has said the same
thing, they must make a SAN check (0/1D2).

Plantation Stand: Nguoi Rung Warrior

Dammed if You Don’t

50 50 45 50 50 40 50 -


- 9

Fighting (Knife): 60%, fist 1D3: 1d4+1+DB

Fighting (Spear): 60%, 1D6: 1D8+DB
Bow: 50% 1D6+1D4+ ½ DB, 30 yards

Intimidate 40%, Listen 50%, Stealth 60%,

Swim 45%, Track 50%
Lead in: Open
Location: Any Any attempt to maintain control while
Date: July 1926 under the effects of Ancient Rage requires
Purpose: Investigators may, at some point, begin to feel that their a successful POW roll. A failed POW roll
may have the Nguoi Rung lash out at others
presence on the plantation is threatened, and they may want to
closest to him, friend or foe.
defend a position. This may be as a result of killing Faugn-Nyth N’gha,
or a result of killing a Nguoi Rung in the jungle. It could also be that
investigators have called for reinforcement from the Corporation,
and they plan to hunker down and wait until reinforcements arrive.

A successful Spot Hidden roll reveals Nguoi Rung moving stealthily

around the perimeter and the investigators. Investigators will notice
that the Nguoi Rung seemed to be armed with bows and spears.
The Nguoi Rung also carry knives.

A Keeper can determine just how many Nguoi Rung warriors

are participating in this assault, based on the relative size and
strength of the party.

The Nguoi Rung will attempt to surround the position on all sides,
and gain entry to the structure (or possibly boat). Investigators may
have a very difficult time defending this position, as they should
be outnumbered by the Nguoi Rung. Additionally, the Nguoi Rung
may be supported by Faugn-Nyth N’gha.

The Nguoi Rung will use the Ancient Rage during this attack. (See
the Flora of the Cosmos on page 44).

Lore Sheets
The Jungle: A Walk
The Jungles and Waterways. The
jungles of Cochinchina are dense and on the Wild Side
treacherous, filled with all manner
of flora and fauna. The biodiversity
of the region consists of many larger
mammals, including tigers, leopards,
bears, elephants, and various species
of monkey. The smaller jungle fauna in
the region are vampire bats, numerous Lead In: The Plantation
species of birds, reptiles, and venomous Location: The jungle surrounding the plantation
snakes. Many of these animals are Date: July 1926
harmless, but some of the larger ones Purpose: If the investigators determine that they need to escape
and venomous ones will pose a threat to somehow, or believe that they need to trek through the jungle
humans who encroach on their territory. or attempt to travel on a river, they will be faced with obstacles
including the elements, dense vegetation, wildlife, and Nguoi Rung
The waterways of Cochinchina can who may attack them. If they can survive and make it through the
be just as treacherous as the jungles jungle, they may arrive at a small Nguoi Rung village.
and are inhabited by larger species of
dangerous reptiles, including crocodiles,
snakes, and water monitors. There are The Lotus Effect: If investigators were able to notice Dr. Chastain
many less dangerous species of animals had pocketed a lotus when he set out, and they had done the
that live on the rivers, like turtles and same thing, they will be able to have intermittent visions of Dr.
waterfowl. Many species of fish also live Chastain as he treks through the jungle. They may be able to
in the rivers of Cochinchina, notably a follow him for all or part of his trek.
giant species of catfish that can grow
to over three hundred pounds - and The going may be perilous. It is feasible to run through this jungle,
certainly pose a danger to swimmers. although it will require some athletics as there are overhanging
branches, trees to dodge, and roots and rocks underfoot that
I used to go on hunting and fishing trips may trip one up. If investigators are running, they should make a
with my father when I was younger. He successful Dodge or Jump roll or suffer a trip and fall. In addition
taught me about all of the dangerous to the earthly obstacles that exist in the jungle, investigators will
wildlife that lived in the jungles and need to be ready to avoid (or fight back) against cosmic threats such
rivers of Cochinchina. Despite all his as Dionaea Tentorium Parasitus or Dionaea Muscipula Enterré.
knowledge of dangers, my father was (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44).
taken from me by a snakebite. It was
his last lesson. No matter how much The investigator with the highest Survival can roll to navigate the
you think you know, and no matter how jungles, making one roll per day. It will take six days – six successful
much you prepare, the jungle always rolls – to get out of the jungle. A Hard Success may be used to reduce
decides your fate. one day from the journey or forage for one day of food along the
Survival +10% way. On a Critical Failure, Faugn-Nyth N’gha or a Nguoi Rung band
will surprise ambush the party.

Any failure on a Survival roll – to navigate the jungle, find food, or

anything else - will increase the “In the Bush” Risk Counter by
1D6 (see pg 224). If the Investigators began this journey without
provisions, add +3 to the counter.

After six successful Survival rolls, the Keeper will need to decide if
the Investigators reach a “safe” human village or reach The Village:
Parlé (next scene). This decision is based on the “tone” the Keeper
would like to conclude the scenario on. On the other hand, if the Risk
Counter progresses to “Lost in the Wilderness”, surviving investigators
can progress to either The Village: Parlé or The Gift: Un Choix.

If investigators are attempting to travel along a river, they should Lore Sheets
be able to make successful Pilot (Boat) rolls to steer their vessel.
Depending on the size of the vessel (but in most cases, it would Fever Dreams. The jungles and waters
be a small boat), the investigators will be more at the mercy of the are filled with dangerous diseases and
river. Any investigators who fall into the river will need to make a parasites that can be deadly to humans
successful Swim roll to get back to the boat. If they fail the Swim if contracted. Common methods of
roll, they can make another Swim roll to keep their head above contracting such parasites are through
the surface and tread water. If two subsequent Swim rolls fail, the drinking water, tainted food sources,
investigator will succumb to the current and be carried down the and via transmission through insect
river, or drown. No friend will be able to save them at that point. bites - like mosquitoes. Dangerous
diseases to humans in Cochinchina
Pursuer Encounter include Typhoid Fever - an illness that
causes vomiting, headaches, rashes, and
The Keeper will need to determine if it is Faugn-Nyth N’gha or the confusion. It’s treatable in most cases
Nguoi Rung (or both) that interact with the investigators during a with the use of antibiotics; Japanese
Pursuer Encounter. Encephalitis - a dangerous virus often
contracted through mosquito bites with
If the investigators have not killed Faugn-Nyth N’gha, it may attack flu-like symptoms and potential seizures
them during their journey on the river or as they travel through or coma, leading to a potentially fatal
the jungle if the Risk Counter progresses to the Hunted level. If inflammation of the brain; Rabies - a
investigators fail their Spot Hidden rolls, they will be ambushed, deadly disease transmitted through bites
and Faugn-Nyth N’gha will act first in attack. If a Spot Hidden is or scratches from an infected animal,
successful, they will be able to react fast enough to avoid the initial often a canine, monkey, or bat. Initial
ambush attack, although combat will still happen. symptoms may be headache or fever,
but can also include partial paralysis,
Whether the Investigators are tromping through the jungle or hallucinations, violent and erratic
floating on the river, they may sense that they are being watched, behavior, and a fear of water. Eventually,
not by wildlife, but by figures in the trees or along the river banks. rabies will lead to delirium and coma,
These are Nguoi Rung. It is not apparent how many of them there with death occurring between two and
are, but a successful Spot Hidden roll determines that there are at ten days after initial symptoms.
least three. If the Investigators choose not to interact with the Nguoi
Rung, the Nguoi Rung will approach the Investigators if the Risk When I was younger, I experienced a
Counter reaches Hunted level, or as the Keeper deems appropriate. sickness as I had never experienced
before. The doctors said that I had
If investigators’ interaction with the Nguoi Rung is violent, they will come down with typhoid fever. I spent
need to eliminate all three of them. If one escapes, it will return to almost thirty days in the hospital. As I
its village and notify others who may either be waiting in ambush lay in my sickbed, I overheard all of the
at the village or who may provide reinforcement and commence conversations that the doctors would
the attack again in the jungle. A violent interaction with the Nguoi have with other patients and their
Rung may also cause Faugn-Nyth N’gha to make an appearance. families in the ward. I remembered
much of what I overheard and always
knew to be wary of the sicknesses of
the jungles and rivers.
Medicine +5%

Dr. Etienne Chastain
Chief Botanist of the plantation, The Village:
Parlé (Optional)
Dr. Etienne Chastain is a taller man, tanned
dark by the sun, with a beard that is growing
unkempt. He’s completely naked, aside from
a loin-cloth, much like the clothes that the
Nguoi Rung wear. Dr. Chastain seems to have
embraced a new lifestyle and has integrated
with the tribe.
Lead In: The Jungle: A Walk on the Wild Side
Location: The Nguoi Rung village deep in the jungle
50 60 50 60 70 50 50 70
Date: July 1926
SAN HP Purpose: Key information will be revealed in this scene, including
3 11 some of the history of the plantation, the red lands, the cosmic
flora, and its “origin,” and Faugn-Nyth N’gha. Investigators will then
Fighting (Knife): 50%, fist 1D4+1 have to determine their next move. Do they resist the Nguoi Rung,
Dodge: 30%
or do they accept their fates and become part of the red lands?
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 10%, First Aid
50%, Listen 25%, Medicine 50%, Natural
World 60%, Science (Botany) 70%, Science Investigators will likely be entering the village in one of three
(Pharmaceutics) 60%, Spot Hidden 50%, general ways:
Stealth 50%, Survival (Jungle) 50%

Languages: French 70%, English 35%,

• They will enter the village peacefully, likely with the Nguoi Rung
German 35%. Latin 35%, Vietnamese 17%, they encountered in the jungle.
Nguoi Rung 17% • They will enter the village as prisoners of the Nguoi Rung they
encountered in the jungle.
• They will enter the village in some form of attack.

The Nguoi Rung village is small, with only a few wooden huts. There
are a handful of Vietnamese humans tending to what appear to be
gardens. Several Nguoi Rung are walking about, tending to various
tasks. Watering plants, carrying tools, preparing food. Some Nguoi
Rung are standing with weapons at the ready: spears and bows.

These humans in the village are plantation workers who have since
been taken to the Nguoi Rung village to work in their gardens. They
are under the effects of the Drowsing Tuber. (See The Flora of the
Cosmos on page 44.) Standing, watching the workers, is a Caucasian
man. One would easily assume that he is French. He looks in the
direction of the investigators.

If investigators enter the village through some form of attack,

they may be able to capture Dr. Chastain, in which case they can
interrogate him and ask questions. Otherwise, they may witness
Dr. Chastain escape off into the jungle that surrounds the village.

If investigators are entering the village amicably, Dr. Chastain will

bring them into the largest of the huts. The hut is simplistic inside.
The floor is dirt, and there is only a small pile of ferns in the corner,
which one would assume are being used as a mattress. Dr. Chastain
sits down on the floor. “Bienvenue, join me.”

If investigators enter the village as prisoners, they will be stripped

naked and locked in a wooden cage. This may spell the end for
the investigators, as the Nguoi Rung are cannibalistic, and would
certainly have no qualms about eating humans. Dr. Chastain may
entertain a conversation with the Investigators before leaving them
to their fate.

If talked with, Dr. Chastain can provide information on of evolution. The world will be built for humanity’s
a number of subjects. next stage. It will be anew through the growth that
starts in these jungles. Chaugnar Faugn has seeded
On his circumstances: the earth here with a glorious gift.
• The Nguoi Rung that escaped were able to rebuild
• He was hired by the French-Indochina Rubber some semblance of their life. They rebuilt with the
Corporation to study the plant-life on the plantation help of Chaugnar Faugn. Through Chaugnar Faugn’s
and the surrounding jungles. guidance, the Nguoi Rung were given the means for
• The Corporation hired him because they wanted revenge and punishment. They were able to bring
to learn as much as they could; perhaps there were forth Faugn’s herald of death, to lay waste to the
opportunities to harvest additional resources and offenders on the plantation.”
develop new revenues. The claim made to Dr. Chastain
was that his work would help them determine that, On Chaugnar Faugn:
or at least that is what they told him.
• Dr. Chastain was discovering all sorts of vegetation that • Chaugnar is an ancient deity, slumbering under the
had been previously undiscovered. His work brought ancient city of Yian-Ho. The Nguoi Rung worship
him deeper and deeper into the jungle in hopes of him. Chaugnar will bring humanity to its next stage
finding more new specimens. It was dangerous, but of evolution.
Dr. Chastain was dedicated to his research.
• He recounts that on one such excursion, he came A Keeper can determine how much Dr. Chastain
into contact with a tribal community. They called knows or reveals on Chaugnar Faugn. (See Scenario
themselves the Nguoi Rung. They were like no human Expédition Lemont on page 97 for more details
he’d ever seen before. Dr. Chastain was convinced that on Chaugnar Faugn).
this would be the discovery of a lifetime. The tribe
brought him to their village. Dr. Chastain recounts On The Gift:
that although at first, he could not communicate with
them, after partaking in a communal ritual where they • Chastain claims that he first saw it under the
consumed the lotus, they became connected in mind. microscope during his initial studies. Quand vous
• Dr. Chastian makes the claim that he now understands regardez dans l’abîme, l’abîme vous regarde. (When
what had happened and what must be done. He claims you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.)”
that his purpose is to serve Chaugnar Faugn and to Chastain mutters.
prepare the world for his coming; to prepare the • The Nguoi Rung showed him what was growing in
world for the next stage of humanity’s evolution. the jungle. It was beautiful and terrifying. Those who
give themselves to The Gift are rewarded with the
On Faugn-Nyth N’gha: gift of a new purpose. The Gift is the source of new
life. This life will spring forth from these jungles and
• The Nguoi Rung people call it “Faugn-Nyth N’gha”. It engulf the world.
means Chaugnar Faugn’s “emissaire de la mort et du • Dr. Chastain will offer to take the investigators to The
châtiment” - Faugn’s herald of death and punishment. Gift. It has taken root in the jungles, not far from here.
• The Nguoi Rung brought it into this world to punish
those who have caused them great suffering. Those Investigators may not want to witness “The Gift.” They
who destroyed their homelands and forced them out. may decline and may attempt to try and escape. If
• Director Boucher was the cause of this. He was they do, the Nguoi Rung will pursue and try to trap
the host for Faugn-Nyth N’gha. The Nguoi Rung and kidnap. Investigators who resist violently will be
kidnapped him and transformed him. killed. Investigators who are kidnapped will be force-fed
• The latex sap has mutagenic properties. It alters Drowsing Tubers (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page
lifeforms into Chaugnar Faugn’s creations. 44) or potentially be eaten. After consuming the tubers,
investigators will mindlessly begin working the gardens
On the Nguoi Rung: in the Nguoi Rung village. Investigators can break free
from the tuber’s effects with successful POW roll.
• The Nguoi Rung lived on this land first; the corporation
murdered many of them. Director Boucher carried
out the orders. The corporation razed the lands,
burning swaths of forest for development.
• They are servants of Chaugnar Faugn; they are
preparing the world for his coming. They are
preparing for humanity to progress to a new stage

The Gift
The Gift: Un Choix
100 140 220 70 100

- 100 -

- 36

HP 36 MP 20
Damage Bonus: +3D6
Lead In: The Jungle: A Walk on the Wile Side or The Village: Parlé
Move: 0
Location: A jungle clearing, not far from the Nguoi Rung village.
Armor: 7 – steel-like vines; bullets and Date: July 1926
piercing weapons do 1 point of damage; Purpose: Investigators may either be led to “The Gift” by Dr. Chastain
bladed weapons do ½ damage. or by the Nguoi Rung, or they may discover it on their own in the
Vulnerability: The Gift is vulnerable to fire. jungle. The investigators will need to decide in this scene. They can
allow “The Gift” to continue growing or to attempt to destroy it,
Attacks per round: 4
Thrashing Vines 50%: 10/yard, 1D6+DB and put a stop to the Nguoi Rung and Dr. Chastain. How they come
Constriction (mnvr): 1D6+DB upon it will be partly a determining factor of how they react to it.
SAN Loss: 1/1D10 SAN points

Investigators arrive at a large clearing in the jungle. In the center is

an unearthly mass of brightly colored foliage, vines, thorns, leaves,
and fungi. It’s huge, standing over twenty feet tall and spreads
over a large swath of land. Almost as if it has become aware of the
investigators’ presence, it begins to shake violently. It contracts and
expands rapidly, releasing a cloud of shimmering, sparkling dust:
pollen or spores of some sort. Investigators who are exposed and
breathe in this dust will have to start making regular CON rolls.
Failure of this roll may result in several things. An investigator may
lose their ability to make decisions and become a drooling fool,
incapable of comprehension and function. Alternatively, failure
may mean that they turn and attack their fellow investigators to
defend The Gift.

The Keeper can take liberties with what exactly these spores or
pollen do and is encouraged to create effects that best fit the
current situation.

The Gift is extremely resilient and will fight back any sort of attack
on it. Pistols will do very little to harm it, as well as bladed weaponry.
As with most types of flora, the best way to combat it would be with
fire. The Gift is a mass of foliage, which would include many of the
plants that investigators have previously encountered throughout
the plantation and the jungle. It will have the ability to “weaponize”
those plants against the investigators. It will use thorny vines to
lash out and snare those around it. It will devour the prey that it

Epilogues: So it’s Come to

All of these are intended to serve as potential Lost in the Jungle: Investigators may find themselves
outcomes and should be adjusted as a keeper sees fit. lost in the jungle. A successful Survival (Jungle) or CON
roll will give them the strength to continue, trying to find
Reinforcements Arrive: French-Indochina Rubber a way out. An unsuccessful roll means the investigator
Corporation reinforcements arrive by boat if they must stop and rest. A successful Navigation roll may
were requested. The reinforcements have a militaristic point them in the right direction to go. (AMBIGUOUS)
element to them. They are armed with rifles and wearing
combat gear in the same fashion as that of the French Jungle Devotee: Investigators who succumb to The
Foreign Legion, yet their uniforms are all black. They Gift’s control, or have been fed Drowsing Tubers
are a mixture of Caucasian and Asian men. They detain (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page 44) will find
the surviving investigators. Locked in a prison hole in themselves mindlessly begin gardening a patch of earth
the ship, from above, investigators hear a familiar voice; at the Nguoi Rung village. A successful POW roll will
Violaine. A successful Listen roll will hear, “interrogate allow them to break free and attempt to escape into
them, torture if necessary, then execute.” A successful the surrounding jungle. (WIN/LOSS)
Locksmith roll will jailbreak the investigators. Each
investigator who attempts to escape will need a The Gift’s Fate: If the gift has been destroyed during
successful Stealth roll to avoid being seen by the armed a conflict, surviving investigators may escape into
men. Being seen will trigger “all hands on deck” to re- the jungle, if they can avoid being captured by the
detain the prisoners. Investigators may have a fighting Nguoi Rung. Any investigators who have been detained,
chance if they jump overboard. A successful Luck roll succumbed to The Gift’s control (before its destruction),
will avoid them being hit by bullets in the water, and a or have consumed Drowsing Tubers, will witness Dr.
successful Swim roll will get the investigator to the other Chastain walk into the center of the village. He carries
side of the river and into the brush. (LOSS/AMBIGUOUS) a rather large pulsing, multicolored seed. Investigators
will dig a hole in the earth, in which Dr. Chastain will
An Escape to Saigon: Investigators may make it back gently place the seed. It is covered, and investigators
to Saigon by river. Along the river, they will witness a will pour water over the spot. Immediately a sprout
boat approaching. A successful Spot Hidden roll will bursts out of the ground. (If Dr. Chastain has been
reveal Captain Pham in the wheelhouse and may notice killed, a Nguoi Rung or an investigator may take his
themselves of days prior on the boat. The boat passes place planting the seed.) (LOSS)
through them and disappears. Along the riverbank, if
Dr. Chastain has survived, investigators may notice
him standing, reaching into a satchel at his waist and
scattering seeds along the bank. (WIN)

Flora of the Cosmos

Nymphaea Vénus (The Lotus of Venus)

The Lotus of Venus is a pitch-black flower, resembling

an earthly lotus flower. They grow both on the land and
in the water. Every part of the plant is black, from its
stem to its leaves and seeds. Wherever this plant grows,
the boundaries of time and space twist and blur. Those
exposed may experience “fragments” of events that
have happened in the past or may happen in the future.
They may experience extreme hallucinations, visions,
and sounds of people, places, or things that happen
somewhere in time, at a location where the lotus grows.
The effects come in short bursts, generally only lasting
for a few moments. Those experiencing these effects
are not able to interact with objects they witness from
other time periods, even though those objects appear
to exist in real-time. People who experience the effects
of the lotus may begin to feel nausea, headaches, and
blurred vision, as well as a gradual impact on their
sanity. -1 SAN for the first time they experience the
Lotus Effect, -2 for the second time, -3 for the third
time, and so on.

For individual scenes, use The Lotus Effect to describe

the time distortion that is happening at that location.
Hard or Critical Success Rolls during The Lotus Effect
may allow investigators to interact physically with
the events of The Effect for a brief moment.

Chrysanthemum Indicum Acidum

(Acidic Chrysanthemum)

These plants will somewhat resemble earthly

chrysanthemums; however, they are significantly larger
and grow taller. They are colored, bright turquoise,
blue, pink, purple, and orange. The plants also seem
to have glisten or sheen to them. The vivid colors of
these plants should come as a warning to anyone who
has some background in biology or natural science:
brightly colored means danger. The plants are extremely
dangerous and will cause toxic burns to the touch. If
done correctly, these plants can be synthesized into
some sort of corrosive weapon. The Nguoi Rung use
the nectar of these plants in weaponry, and coat arrow
and spear tips with it. (+1D4 acid damage)

Vitis Coil (Tendril Vines)
These otherworldly vines are generally harmless. They
move and pulsate slowly, and it’s easy to avoid contact
with them. They are rough to the touch, and almost
seem muscular and veiny. If lacerated, the greenish
gel-like substance inside them can be used to treat
superficial wounds like cuts and burns. This is because
the gel has numbing qualities. Consuming or applying it
to the body can provide temporary pain relief, while also
limiting the effects of pain-inducing injuries occurred
after application or consumption.

Fungus Lucida (Glowing Fungi)

These strange mushrooms glow during the day, and

even brighter during the night. They grow on decaying
human or animal tissue large enough to sustain them.
If consumed, these fungi can provide a brief vision into
the mind of the person or animal’s last act while they
were alive. The Nguoi Rung would use these as part of
their funeral rites, oftentimes using to “relive” a lost
one’s last actions, thoughts, and words when they were
alive. The Nguoi Rung maintain pottery that contains
the dried fungi that grew upon dead members of their
family or tribe. They would consume them during times
of memorial or grieving. Oddly enough, these fungi
continue to glow even after being picked and dried.
Those who consume and experience the effects of the
Fungus will have a SAN loss. (1D6)

Dionaea Tentorium Parasitus

(Paired Snappers)

This parasitic plant grows on other trees, typically

taller ones. The Snappers grow off the higher branches
of trees. This is where they get their name - from
pairing themselves with other plants. These plants are
predatory vines that will drop down from above and
snatch prey with their wide flat jaws, similar to that of a
fly-trap. Once secured in the jaws, the vines will recoil
back to their heights, wrapping and constricting their
prey. A successful Spot Hidden roll will reveal these
growing on the high branches of trees. A successful
Dodge will allow an investigator to jump out of the
way if a Snapper attacks. Getting bitten by a Snapper
causes 2 damage. Being snared and constricted causes
1D4 damage for each action that takes place as the
investigator is wrapped up.

Dionaea Muscipula Enterré (Buried Pit Trap) The Ancient Rage
The Buried Pit Trap is an extremely large carnivorous The Ancient Rage comes from a concoction of cosmic
plant that grows underneath the surface of the earth plants that are dried out and ground into a fine black
and resembles a maw-like trap. When walked over, the powder. The method of consumption is typically
plant will sense prey, and open its jaws to swallow. There through nasal inhalation. Those under its effects are
are a few telltale signs that this plant may be nearby. said to be channeling the rage of the Ancient Gods.
For instance, the earth surrounding the plant will be Users will experience instantaneous increases in
disturbed if it has just fed. A successful Spot Hidden strength, stamina, and speed – at the cost of their
roll will reveal a Trap nearby that has just fed, while a mental abilities. This causes users to lash out viciously
hard success will reveal a Trap nearby that has not fed at those surrounding them, whether friend or foe. The
and is ready for prey. It is possible to rescue someone Nguoi Rung use it during combat, and as a last resort
who has fallen in, although the jaws will likely have in the heat of battle when about to be overwhelmed by
already done serious damage. (1D8 + 6) enemies. (Using The Ancient Rage will allow players to
temporarily swap attributes at 1 for 1, for the duration
of the scene. They can swap points from APP, INT, and
EDU for STR, CON, and POW. -5 SAN per use. +2 HP
Daucus Sopitos (Drowsing Tuber) for the duration of the scene.)

This vegetable grows under the surface of the ground,

similar to a carrot, but bright red. The only visible part
of this plant is the bluish stalk that protrudes from the
ground. The tuber is highly addictive and causes a sense
of euphoria and sedation to those that consume it.
Those under its effects may be highly suggestible and
influenced by others. Without any human direction,
those who consume the tubers may act under the
influence of another directive. If not consumed for
some time, the effects will eventually begin to wear
off. Those under its effects do not require sleep or rest.

Purpura Hevea Brasiliensis

(Purple Latex Trees)
Although they resemble earthly latex trees, these trees
seem to grow taller and thicker, with purplish leaves.
To an untrained eye, these would simply be latex trees.
Anyone who understands botany, forestry, or latex
production would determine that these are not typical
latex trees. The sap produced from these trees has
mutagenic properties, and prolonged exposure will
cause human tissue deformities. While the sap from
latex trees has the consistency and color of milk, the sap
from these purple latex trees is a thicker, viscous light-
purple liquid. The sap from these trees causes growths
and deformities on those who have prolonged exposure
to it. The Nguoi Rung use the sap from these trees in
their summoning ritual to bring forth Faugn-Nyth N’gha.
Those who experience mutations to their bodies will
suffer a SAN loss of 1D2 for minor mutations and 1D8
for more severe mutations due to longer exposure.


Handout 1: Father Lemont’s Journal Entry

24 October 1899

The jungles here are dense, filled with all sorts of

sounds and colors. The dirt underneath my feet is a
blood-red color, I've never seen anything like it before.
The deeper I trek into the overgrowth, the stranger
I begin to feel. I am starting to experience feelings of
nausea and what I can only describe as hallucinations.
I can't be sure if the things I'm seeing are real or in
my head. The jungle is watching me.

These strange black lotus flowers appeal to me. The

closer I get to them, the more enlightened I feel. I
have picked one and taken it with me. I cannot tell
anymore if what I am experiencing is real or not or
if the sickness is a symptom of the lotus or some jungle
disease. Nevertheless, I continue the course, walking
in both the past and present at the same time.

Handout 2: Contract of Employment


This contract, dated on the ____ day of ______________ in the year ____,
is made between Caoutchouc Franco-Indochinois and [name] ______________
of [city] ______________, [country] ______________. This document
constitutes an employment agreement between these two parties and is governed
by the laws of the French Colony of Indochina.

Whereas the Employer desires to retain the services of the Employee, and the
Employee desires to render such services, these terms and conditions are set


The Employee agrees that he or she will faithfully carry out the duties as
communicated to them by the Employer. The Employee shall comply with all
company rules and policies at all times.

As compensation for the services provided as detailed by the Corporation,

the Employee shall be paid a total amount of ______________ upon return
to Saigon.

It is the intention of both parties to form a mutually profitable relationship.

However, this relationship may be terminated by Caoutchouc Franco-Indochinois
at any time.

In service of Caoutchouc Franco-Indochinois, you will have access to

confidential information that is the property of the Employer. You are not
permitted to disclose information outside of the Corporation.

This contract represents the entire agreement between the two parties and
supersedes any previous written or oral agreement. This agreement may be
modified at any time by Caoutchouc Franco-Indochinois.

This contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the French
Colony of Indochina.

Signature de l’accord:

Handout 3: The Briefing Dossier


* Search for and rescue any survivors

on the plantation, principally both
Director Boucher and Dr. Etienne
Chastain. Return them to Saigon dead
or alive.

* Recover all of Director Boucher’s

notebooks and other documents.

* Recover all of Dr. Etienne Chastain’s

research, including notebooks and
botanical samples.

* Restore radio communication with


*Eliminate all threats on the plantation July 12

and surrounding area so that normal Around midday, a distress call was
operations may safely recommence. received by the Saigon Police from the
plantation. The call was exceptionally
!!!Discretion is vital at all times. All brief, lasting no longer than ten
events and actions that have taken place seconds. There was a request for
on the plantation or actions that are immediate police and military support
undertaken during this mission are to at the plantation. The panicked voice
be kept strictly confidential. on the line did not give their name
but claimed that some sort of jungle
INFORMATIONS DE LA MISSION: creature had appeared on the plantation
and was attacking the population. The
July 3 officer who answered reported hearing
Guard Marcus Lavalle is attacked by yelling and gunshots in the background
assailants in the jungle. This incident before the call ended abruptly.
was reported to French-Indochina
Rubber Corporation HQ the same day. PERSONNEL DE LA PLANTATION

July 7 – July 8 Director Benoit Boucher – status:

Director Benoit Boucher was kidnapped reported kidnapped, missing, unknown
in the middle of the night on July 7 at Dr. Etienne Chastain, Botanist – status:
around 11 pm. He was allegedly abducted unknown
by unknown assailants. Guard Oscar Dorée Lafleur, Botany Lab Assistant –
Dubois is reported to the suspect as status: unknown
he was on guard duty at the Director’s Dr. Alexandre Deschamps, Physician –
manse on the night of the kidnapping. status: unknown
He has been apprehended by Head Guard, Nurse Hoa Deschamps – status: unknown
Jean-Bernard Arsenault. The guards Jean-Bernard Arsenault, Chief Guard –
went out on a search and rescue mission status: unknown
into the jungle in an attempt to locate Donatien Chevalier, Guard – status:
Boucher, yet were fruitless in their unknown
endeavor. Events were reported to the Long Bui, Guard – status: unknown
French-Indochina Rubber Corporation Marcus Lavalle, Guard – status: injured,
HQ on the morning of July 8. infirmary, presumed deceased
Oscar Dubois, Guard – status: imprisoned,
guardhouse, presumed deceased

Handout 4: Incident Report

DATE: July 3
Guard Marcus Lavalle was ambushed at the edge of the plantation
while retrieving explosives. A party of Oscar, Donatien, and I
went into the jungle to try and locate the attackers; however,
we were unsuccessful. Marcus is dying in the infirmary and
most likely will not survive.

DATES: July 7
Director Boucher has been kidnapped. It happened in the middle
of the night. Guard Oscar Dubois was guarding the manse when
it happened and did not sound the alarm until it was too late.
This has aroused suspicion that Oscar may have been involved
in the kidnapping. As a precaution, we have detained Oscar for
interrogation. I also suspect that he may have been involved
in the attack on Lavalle as well. Oscar was part of the search
party in which we were unable to find the perpetrators of that

DATE: July 8
It has been 24 hours since Director Boucher has gone missing. I am
assuming crisis-command of the plantation. I have radioed the
Company head office in Saigon to inform them of the situation.
We have been given orders to maintain plantation operations
as the corporation liaises with Saigon police.

Handout 5: Firearms Log

Handout 7: Chastain’s

four water jugs

four tins of beans
one bag of rice, one bag of oatmeal
extra socks, extra shirt
mosquito mesh
sleeping items, blanket
kerosene lamp, matches
machete, pistol
sample collecting tools, spade, scissors,
pressing book
medicines and bandages

Handout 6: Patient Records

Patient Records
PATIENT NAME: Hien Vu, local laborer
DATE: June 28
The patient is suffering from large tumor-like growths on the right arm,
extending from the fingers to the elbow. The growths are a dark color, and
over the last few days have begun to spread at a faster rate.
The cause is indeterminate, but the hypothesis is that it is some sort of fungal
infection that was picked up while harvesting latex.
The patient is not complaining of significant pain or discomfort, and because
I have not been able to conclusively diagnose this condition. I will continue
monitoring changes.
After three days of monitoring the situation, with no apparent improvement
in the condition and the growths spreading faster, the most prudent course of
treatment will be amputation.
The amputation was successful, with the patient calm and sedated. I have sent
the severed limb to Botany Lab for further study. This will help to try and
determine the exact cause and if there are preventative measures that can be
taken so that other plantation staff and workers can avoid this illness.

PATIENT NAME: Marcus Lavalle, guard

DATE: July 3
The patient is suffering from large wounds to both the shoulder and left leg,
caused by arrows. Witnesses claimed that the patient was found bleeding out
on the edge of the jungle that surrounds the plantation.
The arrows have been successfully removed from the patient’s body. The
patient has been attacked by some hostile natives that must still be residing in
the jungle, unbeknownst to us.
The entry and exit wounds of these arrows seem to have caused some sort of
corrosive burns. I have sent the arrows to Dr. Chastain to be examined.
The patient is in a stable physical condition, and once he becomes responsive,
Director Boucher and I will question him on what he encountered.

PATIENT NAME: Unknown, local laborer

DATE: July 9
The patient began exhibiting extremely violent behavior, attacking guard staff.
He was subdued and brought to the infirm.
Administered twice the normal dosage of morphine, and the patient has
calmed down sufficiently. As an exercise of caution, we have bound the limbs
to restrict any acts of harm to self or others.
The patient has begun rambling in the middle of the night, partly in French,
partly in Vietnamese, partly in English, and partly in some language that I
have not come across. From my understanding of the French and English,
it would seem that these ravings are some sort of warning. One particular
phrase that has been repeated many times is “offenders beware, émissaire de
la mort et du châtiment, offenders beware.”
The patient shows symptoms of severe, rapid-onset dementia. The underlying
cause is unknown. The treatment, for the time being, is high dosages of
morphine and bindings. Director Boucher has required that this patient be
executed for his attacks and violent behavior. I have managed to convince him
to stay punishment so that I may further study this condition and perhaps
discover the underlying cause.

Handout 8: Découvertes Botaniques dans les Jungles de Cochinchine


By Dr. Etienne Chastain
Nymphaea Vénus The sap also has a consistency that is slightly
I initially discovered this plant deep within the more viscous than that of the other latex trees.
jungle; however, I have begun noticing it growing The workers continue to harvest it, and we
more frequently on the plantation. I collected continue processing it – it can be turned into
some samples and began studying them further. rubber. Prolonged exposure to human skin seems
My initial contact with the plant brought about to have some sort of mutagenic properties. I
headaches and nausea. I wondered if it was began studying a sample of an amputated limb
some sort of pollen or odor emanating from the from Dr. Deschamps’s infirmary. The arm was
plant. I also considered if it could have been some that of a worker, and it had become completely
sort of poisonous effect from touching it. I have engrossed in lumpy black growths – to the
concluded that it is none of those. Prolonged point of the arm losing functionality. I have
exposure to the plant somehow seems to cause attempted an experiment on a rat to try and
hallucinations or visions. I began experiencing fully understand the effects.
them – at first just brief flashes, but increasingly
more vivid. I don’t fully understand its effects, Day 1
but I am driven to unlock the mystery. I have captured a rat and submersed it in a vat
of Purpura sap. I observed the rat struggling at
Chrysanthemum Indicum Acidum first; however, it has ceased. I believe that it has
These chrysanthemums grow abundantly in the expired.
jungle, yet grow much larger and taller, and in a
variety of colors. To this point, I have discovered Day 2
them in bright turquoise, blue, pink, purple, I have noticed small air bubbles forming on the
orange, and yellow. In biodiversity, bright and surface of the sap inside the jar. I hypothesize
vividly colored life often comes as a warning, and that it is air and gasses escaping the deceased
such is true with these. They are coated with corpse of the rat.
a thin film-like substance that causes corrosive
burns to the touch. I have experimented with Day 3
this substance on items, including wood, metals, Air bubbles continue to appear on the surface
various other plants, rats, and fish. The substance of the sap. Most strikingly, I can see portions of
immediately begins eating away at flesh, and the rat through the sap, beginning to press up
prolonged exposure to certain objects produces against the jar. I have noticed the outline of the
a chemical reaction, emanating smoke. The rats rat’s tail, yet it seems a much darker color. It
and fish were reduced to the bone in a matter would appear that the specimen inside the jar
of hours. And when in contact with other plants, is growing in size. Is this just a severe bloating
it seems to degrade them as well, burning effect from death?
them away in smoke. Other objects seem to be
unaffected. Dionaea Muscipula Enterré
I discovered this plant in the jungle by pure
Fungus Lucida happenstance. It resembles a flytrap of sorts, yet
I discovered these strange mushrooms growing its maw is suited for much larger prey, which to
on the decaying body of a leopard in the jungle. my knowledge, it digests over an extremely long
The guards had shot it days prior. They glow a time. The plant remains buried until it senses
bright green, even during the day. I have not prey above it. At that point, it will open, and
consumed them yet; however, I have managed to prey will fall into its gaping trap. Thankfully I
feed them to some rats. The rats’ eyes, normally had discovered this plant after it had just fed,
black, would almost instantly turn a milky and the earth around it was disturbed enough
white color. The rats would stop eating and that I could see parts of the plant. I began digging
immediately begin twitching rapidly, almost in carefully around the surface, clearing earth
some sort of seizure. Moments later, their eyes away from the plant, excavating it. From my
would return to black; they would stop twitching measurements, it extended over three meters in
and seemingly return to normal. I may one day length and one meter in width. The plant is a
have the courage to consume or seek volunteers reddish-brown color, providing some camouflage
to consume. in the red soils. The jaws extend down over two
meters, and I have finally reached the roots of the
Purpura Hevea Brasiliensis plant. There is no telling how far down these roots
These seem to be in the same genus as the other travel. I have roped off the area of jungle where I
rubber trees native to this area, and similar to discovered this plant for the safety of others and
the ones that the Corporation imported and so that I may continue studying it, yet I suspect
planted here. Oddly, the latex sap that they the jungle may be full of these things.
produce is different in color. It is a light purple.

Handout 9: Un Récit de l’Obscur en Indochine, Benoit Boucher

Un Récit de l’Obscur en Indochine, Benoit Boucher

August 12, 1925

We have come to this land at the directive of The Corporation. They were
intent that this land is where we developed the plantation. The grounds here
are fertile and full of nutrients, and there are already many rubber trees
growing here.

I managed to secure investment from the French Government. A move that

seemed unnecessary to me considering that The Corporation already had lots
of money behind it. The justification was that these funds were intended for
the legitimate areas of the plantation operation and that the other monies
were for different reasons. Reasons with which I have become entwined.

August 15, 1925

We have discovered a tribe of ethnic locals living on the land here. They live in
a small village not far from the river’s edge. They are strange people. Nothing
like I have ever seen before. They refer to themselves as the Nguoi Rung. They
are shorter than most peoples I have come across in Indochina, and have a
reddish skin color. Similar in tone to the red colored lands on which they live.

Our attempts at communication with them are futile. They don’t speak a
language that we understand. They will have to leave this land so that our
operations can begin, yet our gifts of foods, money, and trinkets do not seem
of interest to them. They are truly dedicated to this land. We may need to
take another approach.

August 21, 1925

We have established an outpost of a few tents on the river’s edge. The camp is
a mere five-hundred meters away from the Nguoi Rung village. We want the
Nguoi Rung to recognize that we are not planning on leaving. We will choke
off their water supply. Any man who strays too far from the village in search
of water at the river will be shot dead. These people will have to leave and
venture elsewhere if they want to survive.

August 23, 1925

The Nguoi Rung people are becoming desperate with their water supply
strangled off. I sense greater conflict to come. They are unwavering in their
dedication to this land. But why? Why not just move elsewhere? What is it
about this land that compels them to stay? One of my men was shot in the eye
with an arrow today. Tensions are high amongst the crew. I have ordered them
on high alert.

Handout 10: Information for players assuming the role of locals

Nguoi Rung Warrior You are preparing for a nighttime raid. These invaders are choking
off your village water supply. The village won’t survive without
reclaiming it. The men of the village are all gathered in the largest
50 50 45 50 50 40 50 -
hut – the elder’s hut. There are about ten of you. The elder, an ancient
SAN HP blind Nguoi Rung, provides each of you with a small leather bag.
- 9 You know what is in the bag. It contains the powers of the ancient
gods – only to be used in extreme circumstances. (See The Flora
Fighting (Knife): 60%, fist 1D3: 1d4+1+DB of the Cosmos on page 44).
Fighting (Spear): 60%, 1D6: 1D8+DB
Bow: 50% 1D6+1D4+ ½ DB, 30 yards Throughout the scene, the Ancient Rage gives its user a +1D4 DB
on all Fighting attacks and +3 HP. It also renders the user incapable
Intimidate 40%, Listen 50%, Stealth 60%,
Swim 45%, Track 50% of higher-level thinking. It is truly a blaze of glory.

The bows and arrows of the Nguoi Rung are laced with the nectar
of Acidic Chrysanthemums (See The Flora of the Cosmos on page
44), which causes corrosive burns to their targets adding +1D4 of
acid burns, but also causes a 1HP loss to the wielder.

Any attempt to maintain control while under the effects of Ancient Rage
requires a successful POW roll. A failed POW roll may have the Nguoi Rung
lash out at others closest to him, friend or foe.

Handout 11: Information for players assuming the role of the invaders

French Mercenary You have established a small settlement of a few tents at the river’s
edge - a command post of sorts – only a mere five-hundred meters
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU away from where the locals reside. Constant watches are necessary,
50 50 50 60 50 50 50 - as there is a growing fear of an ambush by the locals. About ten men
reside in this small encampment. Anchored in the river is a riverboat
SAN HP about twenty meters from the shore, where the remaining French,
- 10 including your boss Benoit Boucher, reside. Paddleboats are used
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 to ferry men and supplies back and forth. Your contingent, led by
Firearm (Rifle) Lee-Enfield .303: 60%, 2D6+4, Benoit Boucher, totals twenty-five armed settlers, while the locals
110 yards, 1/round, 100 mal number around forty or fifty.
Firearm (MG) .303 Vickers Machine Gun:
60%, 2D4+4, 110 yrds, 250 full auto, 99 mal You are on the late watch. It is you and four other men. You sit at
Listen 30%, Stealth 30%, Swim 30%, Spot the perimeter of your small encampment, smoking cigarettes, and
Hidden 50% drinking coffee. You are on the lookout for hostiles – in this case,
the hostiles are the locals. They’ve already picked off a few of the
men, and until further reinforcements arrive, everyone must be
on their guard. There is no talking during a watch. One must have
their senses about them. You are expected to ring the alarm – a
large bell - if you come under any sort of attack. The alarm will
rouse the others from their sleep and will call them to arms. The
rest of your crew, including Director Benoit Boucher, are sleeping
on the riverboat, with a crew on the boat also on watch. The large
spotlight on the boat may aid your cause in the darkness, as well
as the 30-Caliber Vickers Machine Gun on it.

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Brett Appin Gender M Age 40

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Veterinary Surgeon Birthplace Moree, NSW
Characteristics HP
40 20 60 30 60 30 50 25 70 35 50 25 60 30 70 35
8 12 12 10 14 10 12 14
Damage Bonus Move
Drives 60
1. Help local farmers raise healthier livestock. Luck
2. Proselytize. Improve lives by introducing the Lord’s good word.
3. Help in all ways possible. Often called upon to administer first aid and
medicine to sick and injured farmers and villagers.
4. Brett never shirks responsibility and always answers the call of duty. MP
Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( Farm and Ranch )
60 30 Firearms 50 25
Mech. Repair (10%) 40
Spot Hidden (25%)
12 (Handgun)(20%) 10 8
Medicine (01%) 60 30
Stealth (20%)
(Rifle)(25%) 12
60 30 Survival (10%) 30 15
12 ( Jungle
Natural World (10%) ) 6

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 70 35

Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 30

15  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 50 25
Language (Other)(00%)
35 17 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French, Latin ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Arabic 35 17

Psychology (10%)
50 25
7 10

Drive (20%) 40 20 Vietnamese 20 10  Psychoanalysis

8 4 (01%)
Elec Repair (10%)
( English
70 35
Ride (05%)
25 12
7 5

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 25 12 5 1d3+db touch
.45 revolver 50 25 10 1d10+2 15 1 (3) 6 100

Other Equipment
Vet Kit, including surgery tools, syringes, medicines Major Wound
Bible, and 3 extra copies
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Alice S. Corbeau Gender F Age 29

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Criminal Birthplace Arkham, MA
Characteristics HP
45 22 60 30 40 20 55 27 80 40 80 40 50 25 50 25
9 12 8 11 16 16 10 10
Damage Bonus None Move 9
Drives 50
1. Wanderlust Luck
2. Master of own destiny

3. Curiosity MP
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 80 40
Law (05%)
Science (01%) 46 23
16 ( Pharmacy ) 9
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

50 25
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 70 35
Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%) 50
(Handgun)(20%) 14 10
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) 70 35
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 30

15  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
30 15 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 30 15


Drive (20%) 40 20  Psychoanalysis

8 (01%)
Elec Repair (10%)
50 25
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 25 12 5 1d3+db touch
.45 Revolver 70 35 14 1d10+2 100 1 (3) 6 100
Remington Model 95 .41s Derringer (2B) 70 35 14 1d8 3 1 (2) 2 100

Other Equipment
.45 Colt Revolver Major Wound
Temp Insane
Pearl handled Remington Derringer
Injuries & Phobias
Cloivis Thorel’s “Notes médicales du voyage d'exploration du Mékong” a
doctoral thesis on the medicinal properties of exotic plants found and
cataloged in French Indochina (1870).

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Theodor Menno Coehoorn Gender M Age 30

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Soldier Birthplace Amsterdam
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 60 30 80 40 45 22 55 27 70 35
10 10 10 12 16 9 11 14
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 55
1. Make the world a better place. Luck
2. Atonement for sins of the past.

3. Act honorably, even if doing so may result in my death. MP

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 50 25
( Military ) 10

Anthropology (01%) Fighting 70 35

Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 14

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( Rubber Production )
40 20 Firearms
Mech. Repair (10%) 60
Spot Hidden (25%)
8 (Handgun)(20%) 12
Firearms 75 37
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 60 30
(Rifle)(25%) 15 12
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle )
50 25

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 50 25

Navigate (10%) Swim (20%) 50 25
10 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) 20 10

Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 30 30

15 15  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 6 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
70 35 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) 14 ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) 30 15
Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( Dutch
70 35
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 70 35 14 1d3+db touch
.30-06 Bolt Action 75 37 15 2d6+4 110 1 1 100
Machete 70 35 14 1d8 touch

Other Equipment
Backpack Major Wound
Temp Insane
Mess Kit Injuries & Phobias
Waterproof Matches

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Mavis Harper Gender F Age 22

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Dilettante Birthplace Boston
Characteristics HP
45 22 55 27 45 22 50 25 60 30 70 35 70 35 70 35
9 11 9 10 12 14 14 14
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 14
Adventure - Mavis is looking to have a good time, even if that might get Luck
her into troubling situations.
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 60 Law (05%)
Science (01%)
( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 50 25

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

25 12
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 50 Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%)
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 70 35
(Rifle)(25%) 14
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) 60 30
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) 30 Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 70

35  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
14 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
50 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 50 25

Drive (20%) 40 20  Psychoanalysis

8 (01%)
Elec Repair (10%)
( English
70 Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 25 12 5 1d3+db touch
Remington Model 95 .41s Derringer (2B) 50 25 10 1d8 15 1 (2) 2 100

Other Equipment
Silver cigarette lighter (doesn’t really smoke, but not above putting on a show.) Major Wound
Hip ßask (doesnÕt really drink, that often.)
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Martin Dugas Gender M Age 28

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Doctor Birthplace Paris, France
Characteristics HP
50 25 45 22 55 27 55 27 70 35 50 25 55 27 80 40
10 9 11 11 14 10 11 16
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 55
1. Humanitarianism Luck
2. Socialism

3. Egalitarianism MP
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 50 25
( Biology ) 10

Use (20%) 30 Pharmacy 50

Fighting 15 25
Anthropology (01%) Library
(Brawl)(25%) 6 10

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%) Firearms
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%)
Firearms 50 25
Medicine (01%) 70 35
Stealth (20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 10 14 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 70 35
Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 35

17  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
7 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 50 25
Language (Other)(00%)
30 15 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( German ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) English 30 15

Psychology (10%)
50 25
6 10

Drive (20%) Vietnamese 30 15  Psychoanalysis

6 (01%)

Elec Repair (10%)

( French
80 40
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 25 12 5 1d3+db touch

Other Equipment
Cane Major Wound
Medical Bag
Temp Insane
Linen Suit Injuries & Phobias
Chevalier Legion d’Honneur Limp

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Kong Dai Gender m Age 63

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Big Game Hunter Birthplace Tonkin
Characteristics HP
50 25 70 35 50 25 50 25 60 30 50 25 80 40 50 25
10 14 10 10 12 10 16 10
Damage Bonus none Move 5
Drives 80
1. Confucianism and ancestor worship. Luck
2. Spiritualism and adulation of the God of Luck.

3. Kong loves, hates, fears and revears tigers. Kong is convinced that, for MP
better or worse, his fate is inextricably intertwined with tigers. 16
Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 50
Firearms 25
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 10
Firearms 70 35
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 60 30
(Rifle)(25%) 14 12
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle )
60 30

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 40 20

Navigate (10%) Swim (20%) 40 20
8 8

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20 60

10  Op. Hv. Machine 30
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 (01%) 12

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Language (Other)(00%)
20 10 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( Vietnamese
50 25
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 25 12 5 1d3+db touch
Elephant Gun 70 35 14 3d6+4 100 1 or 2 2 100
Machete 25 12 5 1d8 touch

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias
Scarred leg; limp

Black Sea Rising
by Jason Sheets


By the winter of 1944, Japan was in full retreat. Japanese Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, including the newly
Imperial General Headquarters identified Indochina as formed Empire of Vietnam nominally governed by
a defendable fallback position for retreating troops. Emperor Bai Dai. All of Indochina had become a part of
Concerned about an impending Allied invasion and Japan’s “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere,” client
a possible uprising by French and local forces, the kingdoms that would acquiesce to Japanese demands.
Japanese moved to secure their hold on Indochina.
On May 15, 1945, General Tsuchihashi declared
On 9 March 1945, the Japanese launched Operation Operation Bright Moon complete.
Bright Moon (明号作戦), a coup d’état in French
Indochina. Japanese forces arrested and replaced
French officials and ordered French soldiers and The Horrible Truth
police to disarm. Fighting broke out in Saigon, Nha
Trang, Hanoi, Haïphong and Lang Song, as Japanese Early June 1945, the tides of war have clearly turned
forces launched conventional attacks against towns against Japan. Drought and famine in Northern and
and garrisons that refused to capitulate. Central Vietnam are taking a toll; millions of Vietnamese
are starving to death. In a last-ditch attempt to slow
Japanese forces seized major cities and towns in Laos advancing allied forces and prevent an Allied victory
and Cambodia without much resistance. Although over Japan and its “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
the Japanese took and held these cities with minimal Sphere,” Japanese Naval Intelligence (特別警察隊,情報局)
effort, the countryside remained untamed and local and elite members of Gen’Yosha (玄洋社) spearheaded a
militias and anti-Japanese forces maintained freedom secret mission called “Operation Mood God Ascending”
of movement. (月読上昇作戦). Operation Moon God Ascending sought
to locate and negotiate with a Deep One colony in Ha
The French-fortified Northern Frontier held out the Long Bay. Although all members of the mission were
longest. However, the Japanese ultimately decimated killed or sacrificed, a terrible bargain was made; a
the French forces at Lang Song and Dong Dang, and bargain that could turn back the tide of war; a bargain
the remnants of the French forces scattered, some that could wake Great Cthulhu from his slumber
fleeing to neighboring China, Laos and Cambodia and beneath the South Pacific Ocean.
others hiding in the mountains and hills of Vietnam.
In just a matter of a few days, French resistance to the
coup was crushed and all French garrisons had been The Investigators are members of the OSS and Việt Minh
captured or destroyed. French loses were severe and the tasked with disrupting Operation Moon God Ascending,
French were effectively removed from power in Indochina. a secret mission being conducted by Japanese Naval
The Japanese then installed puppet governments in Intelligence and the Gen’Yosha.

Japanese Troops on the Way to Haïphong

Spine Lore Sheets

• The Empty Rice Bowl – The scenario begins in media res with The Fall of Hai Phong - On March 9th,
an assault against a Japanese held rice warehouse in Hải Phòng, 1945, the Japanese staged a coup d’état
Vietnam. against the French colonial forces whom
• Signals Intelligence – The Investigators receive orders to disrupt were formerly loyal to the now-defeated
Operation Moon God Ascending. Vichy government. In Haïphong, the
• Cát Bà Island – The Investigators travel to Cát Bà Island in search Japanese assaulted the Bouet barracks.
of Operation Moon God Ascending. Japanese army units rolled over
• What’s Wrong with the Radio? (Floating) – While in the field, French colonial forces, however the
Investigators pick up a bizarre broadcast. commanding officer of French forces
• The Resistance in the Caves (Optional) – The Investigators meet in Haïphong, Colonel Lapierre, refused
the Việt Minh Resistance hiding in a cave complex on Cát Bà Island. to sign surrender messages for the
• The Fishing Trawler – A Việt Minh sympathizer agrees to use his remaining garrisons in the area. He also
fishing trawler to ferry the Investigators to the Japanese camp burned the codebooks, thus severing
on “Frog Islet.” The Investigators board a fishing trawler and set his ability to communicate with other
sail for Frog Islet. garrisons and forcing the Japanese to
• The Wreck (Optional) – Investigators find the wreckage of a take each garrison by force.
beached Japanese Hashidate-class gunboat. A deranged Japanese
sailor lives among the wreckage. I’m not sure I agree with Lapierre’s
• Frog Islet Camp – Investigators find an abandoned Japanese camp decision to burn the code books. After
recently used by Japanese operatives. Investigators discover clues all, at this point, who are we fighting
about the purposes of “Operation Moon God Ascending.” for? We all knew this day was coming
• The Source – The Investigators find the source of interstellar and so did Lapierre. When the Allies
transmissions, and hopefully destroy it. took France, it was only a matter of time
before Japan would move to take control
of Indochina. On the eve of Japanese
attack, Lapierre gave my squad mate
orders to burn the codebooks. He then
turned to me and gave me orders to burn
other documents. I read some of these
before stuffing them into the incinerator.
One document mentioned that Japanese
Naval Intelligence had taken an interest
in Cát Bà island, and had dispatched an
elite military police unit to Cát Bà island
under the command of Japanese Vice
Admiral Ueda. Before my bunker was
surrounded, Lapierre arranged for my
escape although most of the rest of my
comrades were captured or killed. Now
I must decide who I fight for and where
to go to survive.
Cryptography: +15%

Equipping the Investigators

Investigators playing this scenario are members of At any given moment, the Investigators are able to
the OSS, Việt Minh and the remnants of other groups send and receive messages to radio receivers and
resisting Japanese Imperial occupation of Indochina. transmitters up to 50 miles away, including receivers
The scenario assumes that they are in possession of and transmitters fixed to moving airplanes and naval
adequate equipment, albeit most of it scavenged and vessels. Additionally, the OSS have recently erected
pieced together. a British Aspidistra prototype medium-wave (AM)
radio transmitter in the Philippines. Using this radio
Communications transmitter, the OSS is able to broadcast orders to
Operational Units in the South Pacific theatre, including
One critical item that one of the Investigators must Vietnam. The SCR-694 is able to receive messages from
lug around with them through the scenario is an OSS this Aspidistra radio transmitter, but it lacks the signal
sourced portable two-way radio designed to be worn strength to send a message back.
on the back of a soldier. The Keeper should pick the
Investigator most likely to be issued the portable radio, As mentioned, the Investigators are otherwise short on
and inform that that they are responsible for carrying supplies. Firearms and explosives are limited to what
this piece of critical equipment. is described below, and ammunition is in short supply.

Load Out

Investigators who are members of the OSS may be

armed with an M1 Garand (.30-06) and a Colt M1911
(.45) service pistol. For each M1 Garand, there are 20
rounds of .30-06 ammunition, and for each Colt M1911,
there are 14 rounds of .45 ammunition.

Investigators who are members of the Việt Minh, French

Foreign Legion or other remnants of French forces may
be armed with a Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I. For each Lee-
Enfield rifle, there are 20 rounds of .303 ammunition.

Additionally, the OSS has managed to find and make

available to the Investigators the following items:

OSS modified SCR-694 portable two-wayM1891

Mosin–Nagant radio set • 1 Suppressed OSS M3 grease gun (.45) and 1 magazine
(30) bullets
Range: Up to 20 miles on voice, up to 50 miles on • 2 Type 14 Nambu pistols (13 bullets, total)
Morse code • 3 Japanese Type 97 Antipersonnel Grenades
Transmitter: Crystal control, frequency amplifier, • 1 M1A1 Bazooka (and 2 M6 rockets)
AM and CW
Power supply: 12 Volts DC
Accessories: Water-proofed backpack, hand crank
generator, lightweight repair kit including spare tubes
Weight: 20 pounds

Weapons list
M1 Garand: 2D6+4 | 110 yards | 1/round | 10 mag | 100 mal

Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I: 2D6+4 | 110 yards | 1/round | 10 mag | 100 mal

Type 14 Nambu: 1D8 | 15 yards | 1(3)/round | 7 mag | 97 mal

Colt M1911: 1D10+2 | 15 yards | 1(3)/round | 7 mag | 100 mal

OSS M3 grease gun (.45): 1D10+2 | 15 yards | 1(3)(full)/round | 30 mag | 96 mal

M1A1 Bazooka with M6 rocket: 6D10 | 3 yards, 200 yards | ½ round | 1 use | 95 mal

Type 97 Grenade: 4D8 | 3 yards | STR/5 yards | ½ round | 1 use | 98 mal

7.7mm Vickers MK 1: 2D6+4 | 110 yards | (full)/round | 250 mag | 99 mal

6.5mm Nambu Type 11: 2D6 | 110 yards | (full)/round | 200 mag | 99 mal

 The Empty Rice Bowl

Scene Type: Introduction, in media res The railway terminates at a bumper post in front of
Lead Outs: Signals Intelligence to the warehouse’s elevated loading zone. The sliding
Purpose: Shock and awe doors to the warehouse are made of corrugated steel,
and have been painted red.

6 June 1945, Just outside of a rice storage facility, a three- Just inside the warehouse, Investigators find plats
story white stucco and red brick warehouse next to the covered in 50-pound, bleach-white rice bags, and on
Kunming - Hải Phòng railway terminal in Hải Phòng. the far side of the warehouse, the Investigators can see
two medium sized silos and six waist high bins, about
Little Lee caught a bullet in the head. Nobody saw it 15’ in diameter each, and an industrial grain dryer. The
coming. The pair of Japanese guards standing in front bins are full of rice.
of the warehouse loading dock had lowered their
rifles and were about to surrender at the suggestion Any Investigator succeeding on an INT or EDU roll
of our Nisei linguist. knows that silos and their content are particularly
combustible and silo related explosions are not unheard
Then their Lieutenant walked out of the warehouse, of. There could be a massive explosion, if for some
stepped over the railroad track, and started squeezing reason the silos are exposed to flame, and such a reason
the trigger of his Type 14 Nambu as fast as he could. is about to appear.
In the flash of a muzzle, Little Lee was gone.
Investigators succeeding on a Listen roll or a Hard Spot
Keepers should at this point present the table with a Hidden roll hear the rail outside rattling and notice
tactical map showing the warehouse, railway terminal that a diesel-powered Japanese Type 93 Armored Car
and railroad, and then ask each player to place their is moving down the rail at a decent speed. It will arrive
Investigator somewhere on the map, presumably at the warehouse loading zone in 2 rounds.
outside the warehouse, and then ask them what they
do next. The Type 93 Armored Car was recently sent from
Kunming with orders to protect Imperial assets, such
Keepers are encouraged to run this scene swiftly, as rice stores, from rioting locals and raiding Việt Minh.
describing the violence in vivid detail. Should an The driver and a commander currently move down the
Investigator be mortally wounded, find the player rail towards the warehouse, and neither the driver nor
another Investigator for the reminder of the scenario. the commander are likely to have noticed that something
is amiss. If the Investigators made a mess in dispatching
Once the Japanese soldiers are dealt with, the the Japanese guards, the Armored Car commander will
Investigators can do what they came here to do in know something is wrong, and prepare the Vickers MK
the first place: take enough rice for themselves and 1 for use against anybody he perceives as a threat.
the rest of their camp, and give the remaining rice to
the malnourished locals.


Armored Car Approach

If the Investigators manage to capture the Type 93 Car, it has enough Gunso (2nd Lieutenant) Imperial
petrol to travel 60 kilometers. However, it is currently set on flanged Japanese Army
steel wheels for rail use, and switching to the rubber tires requires STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
a successful Mechanical Repair roll and ten minutes time. Whether 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 60
or not Investigators would have such time depends entirely on luck
and whether or not they engaged in a noisy firefight.
50 10
The Vickers machine gun is built into the car, but the Nambu Type 11 Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3
machine guns can be dismounted with a successful Mechanical Repair Type 14 Nambu Pistol: 60% 1D8, 15 yards,
1(3)/round, 7 mag, 97 mal
roll. The car holds a full belt of ammunition for each machine gun.
Dodge: 30

Skills: Intimidate 60%, Spot Hidden 30%,

Stealth 50%
Languages: Japanese 60%, Vietnamese

Soldier First Class (Private), Imperial

Japanese Army
Japanese Type 93 Armored Car (九三式装甲自動車) 60 50 50 45 50 50 50 45
Skill: Operate Heavy Machinery SAN HP
Mov: 10
50 10
Build: 16
Armor: 18 Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 50% 2D6+4, 110 yards,
Crew: 2-6 1/round, 1 mag, 100 mal

Manufacturer: Ishikawajima Motorcar Factory Languages: Japanese 50%, Vietnamese 25%

Mass: 4.5 metric tons
Main armament: 1x 7.7mm Vickers Mk I Medium Machine Gun Armored Car Commander, Imperial
Secondary Armament: 4x 6.5mm Nambu Type 11 machine guns Japanese Army
Engine: Diesel gasoline STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
Operational range: 110 mi 50 50 40 50 60 50 50 60
Maximum speed: 24mph
Designed to be operated on rail or roads, the Type 93 Armored 50 9
Car was equipped with flanged steel wheels for railroad use and Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
solid rubber tires for roads. Machine Gun: 50%

Skills: Mechanical Repair 50%, Operate Heavy

Machinery 50%, Spot Hidden 30%
Languages: Japanese 60%, Cantonese 15%

Armored Car Driver, Imperial Japanese

60 50 40 60 50 40 50 50

50 9
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Machine Gun: 40%

Skills: Mechanical Repair 70%, Operate Heavy

Machinery 70%
Languages: Japanese 50%

Lore Sheets

Dōmei News Agency - The Domei

Signals Intelligence
News Agency collects intelligence and
dispenses propaganda. It maintains Lead Ins: The Empty Rice Bowl
offices around the world, including in Lead Outs: Cát Bà Island
Hanoi, where it disseminates (mostly) Purpose: The Investigators receive mission orders to disrupt
fake news and propaganda meant to Japanese Operation Moon God Ascending.
dishearten resistance forces. Many
of the “local” language announcers
used by the agency were forced into The team took the loss of Little Lee very poorly, and now its
service in one way or another, including members sit around a fire in a makeshift camp. Everyone wrongly
the infamous Tokyo Rose, Iva Toguri assumed that the oppressive heat and humidity would let up at
D’Aquino, who was trapped in Japan sundown. Someone is fiddling with the SCR-694 portable radio.
when she was visiting her ancestral
homeland to attend a funeral. “Xin chào and good evening. I am your hostess Vivian, and this is
Dōmei Radio. Just this minute, I am enjoying a cup of Joe and an
Sae “Vivian” Tanaka (age 23 in 1945) works armoured heifer. It is one of life’s rare pleasures, and I hope you
for Dōmei. Vivian’s Japanese father died are enjoying it too. Although I’m no eager beaver, it is time for
when she was in grade school, Vivian’s me to read you the news. The Empire of Vietnam has declared
Vietnamese mother raised her in Hanoi, ‘independence’ and Bai Dai has been installed as the head of the
and she considers herself Vietnamese. Empire of Vietnam. You can thank Supreme Emperor Hirohito, in
As a young adult, Viviian attended Lycée all of his infinite and glorious wisdom, for bringing Vietnam into
Albert Sarraut French lyceum in Hanoi the fold of the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.”
(where Võ Nguyên Giáp and Bảo Đại
were thought to have gone to school). My boss, ole’ Chrome Dome Yamada-san was really busting my
She excelled in languages and drama. chops the other day. While eating a big bowl of tori teriyaki, the
Sae speaks fluent Vietnamese, French, geezer told me I was neither grateful enough of the things the
English, and her mother language Emperor has given me, nor respectful enough to keep my job. If
Japanese. Vivian secretly supports the you ask me, I’m getting a bum rap.
forces that fight against fascism. Vivian
works under Yamada Masahito, Director In other news, General Tsuchihashi has declared the Empire of
of Dōmei Radio Vietnam, who’s English Vietnam ready to withstand any allied invasion. This is the same
and French language abilities are not General Tsuchihashi who oversaw the change in government
adequate enough to pick up on Vivian’s personnel last May. Despite what you hear here, the General
on-air sarcasm about the Japanese war isn’t a happy camper these days. Rubba-dub-dub, a few tubs have
effort. So far, no one has visibly become gone down in Ha Long Bay. Rumor has it giant squid are sinking
suspicious of the strange slang Vivian imperial rust buckets these days, cause golly, it couldn’t possibly
uses to convey coded messages to have been Uncle Sam.
resistance fighters.
Cheer up buckaroo, if you’re listening, you are on the high beam.
Vivian and I were lovers. She could help This is Vivian, for Dōmei Radio, reminding you to always look on
me receive vital information, including the bright side of life.” The radio broadcast switches over to a
intel on her boss. recording of Dizzy Gillespie’s “A Night in Tunisia.”
Contact: Sae “Vivian” Tanaka
Allow the Investigators to chew over the Dōmei Radio broadcast.
Before the discussion becomes stale, inform the team that OSS
operations in the Philippines are broadcasting new mission brief
orders. It takes a few minutes to decode the broadcast. The mission
briefing and orders are as follows:
1. Captured KoHyoteki Class Midget Sub. Intercepted JNI - GenYosha
comms. Initiated Operation Moon God Ascending. Gulf of Tonkin.
Cat Ba Island.
2. JNI testing new technology. Could turn tide of war.
3. Friendly Việt Minh on Cat Ba. Hospital cave.
4. Disrupt Operation Moon God Ascending, in process on or near
Cat Ba Island.

Cát Bà Island Lore Sheets

The moon and the island of women -

Cát Bà gets its name from the words
Scene Type: Core “Cac” meaning “all”, and “Ba” meaning
Lead Ins: Signals Intelligence “women”. Legend has it that during the
Lead Outs: The Resistance in the Caves (Optional), The Fishing Trawler Tran Dynasty, many centuries ago, three
Purpose: The investigators travel to Cát Bà Island in search of women were sacrificed to the God of the
Operation Moon God Rising. Sea, and that the women were so pure
that the God of the Sea was unable to
drag them to his watery kingdom of hell
How the investigators get from Hải Phòng to Cát Bà Island is up to at the bottom of the ocean. The bodies of
them. Travel to Cát Bà Island should be relatively easy and uneventful, these three women drifted all the way to
unless the investigators stole the Japanese Type 93 Armored Car Cát Bà Island, each body washing up on a
or did something else that made it easy for the Kempeitai or other different beach. The bodies of the women
Japanese governmental authorities to track them. were recovered by a local fisherman, who
built a temple for each woman, and this is
Cát Bà Island spans some 100 square miles and is made up of rough how the island became known as Cát Bà.
limestone hills draped in foliage that hasn’t evolved much since
Jurassic times; natural caves offer refuge to those hoping not to be Another legend says that in the time
found. The air is fresh and the weather is temperate, though humid; before history, Cát Bà was a religious
a significant improvement over the past few days. site only populated by women. It is said
that these women dedicated their life
Given the size of the island, the rugged interior and the sheer to the worship of the God of the Sea,
volume of caves, it would be near to impossible to find the Việt Minh and that these women consorted with
resistance without a local guide. (Only an investigator with some the fish-men servants of the God of the
local knowledge and an Extreme success on Navigation or Tracking Sea, holding ritualistic orgies down on
could find the Việt Minh Hospital Cave, and only after considerable the island’s southern beach during the
time and effort trekking about the island.) There is a good-sized Lunar Equinox and every Lunar eclipse.
fishing village come minor tourist retreat on the southernmost tip
of the island. Investigators preferring a bed to a mat on the jungle 25 June 1945 is a Lunar Eclipse. Perhaps
floor could find lodging in one of the beach house estates converted people have taken to the old traditions
into an inn for tourists. again.
+5% Occult

Ha Long

Ha Long Bay

Hai Phong
Cat Ba Island

Lore Sheets Keepers should ask and access whether any of the Investigators
have any prior experience or knowledge of Cát Bà Island. The
Wild Bill - Director Joseph “Wild included Lore Sheets can be handed out to any receptive
Bill” Donovan heads up the Office of players, provided that they make sense given their Investigators’
Strategic Services (“OSS”). Although personalities and backgrounds and the other narrative elements
Director Donovan resides in Bethesda, of the story. Of course, the Keeper and the Players can make their
Maryland, he spends much of his time in own Lore Sheets or even wing this scene without any previous
Asia theater. In fact, Donovan personally connection to Cát Bà Island.
oversaw Detachment 101’s special
operations prior to the immensely Most residents on Cát Bà Island are Viet-Chinese fisherman or their
successful invasion of Hollandia, New descendants. Many of the families speak Cantonese in addition to
Guinea in April of 1944. I know this Vietnamese, and most are too busy trying to make a living to bother
because I was there. I was part of the with the politics of nationalism.
OSS team that did target acquisition for
the initial bombing raids that decimated On the southern tip of the island is a beautiful beach that looks out
the Japanese air force, and let me tell over the ocean. On clear days, you can see for miles and miles. This is
you, we saw and did some things that a useful feature if you want to prepare yourself for invasions by sea.
would make your skin crawl.
To the east of Cát Bà Island is Ha Long Bay, a collection of mysterious
I remember how, during a planning rocks that jut up through the ocean, forming a natural wave break
staff meeting, Director Donovan got and a beautiful, if not strange, ocean vista. Many fishermen haul-in
so excited that he snorted like a race a good catch while fishing Ha Long Bay. For this reason, a couple of
horse. He was like a child playing army, well-stocked fish markets have sprung up on the Cát Bà’s southern
moving around toy soldiers over various beach. Fishermen sell their catch to the markets, and the markets
maps, and hooting when he knew his sell the fish to the islanders and the visiting tourists.
plan would succeed. Then he would talk
to himself, sometimes in Latin and other A surprising number of tourists visit the island during the dry
tongues I did not recognize. I don’t know season. This may be in part because of the excellent weather, or it
how Director Donovan got the nickname may be because of the beautiful scenery.
“Wild Bill”, but given his behavior, the
name suits him well. A newly laid road snakes along the island’s shores and green hills,
ending at the white beach and flourishing town on the south side
Since I’ve joined the OSS, I have been of the island. A short trek to the east provides the hiker with an
involved in inordinate number of amazing view of the rocky formations that jut out of the sea.
odd, hairball missions, and each time,
Director Donovan has always been French tourists began visiting the island in the early 20’s and
directly involved, calling the shots continued to do so, up until the Japanese Coup in March. Although
behind the scenes. In fact, Director the tourism business quickly dropped off, Japanese officials have
Donovan personally asked me to taken an interest in the island.
volunteer for the present mission. He
told me that if I accepted this mission, I Tourists, and now the Japanese, are accommodated in the family
would likely encounter inexplicable alien dwellings converted into restaurants and cozy inns. Most of these
threats, and that I would be responsible buildings feature Chinese architecture (四合院): family compounds
for dispatching such threats by any designed to house four related families. Some of the more expensive
means at my avail. I considered turning accommodations sit on the nearby hill, overlooking the beach.
down this mission, but I heard that the
last officer who turned down one of
Donovan’s unusual missions ended up
stationed somewhere on the South Pole.
Cthulhu Mythos +1%, SAN -1

La Marée de la Lune Tran Kim, Proprietor of Marées de
Lune, age 39
Anyone taking the road spots Cát Bà’s premier restaurant and inn, STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
“La Marée de la Lune,” a French-style villa built between the beach 50 50 50 50 70 60 60 70
and the base of the last hill before the island meets the sea.
Parked out front is a forest green 1936 Hotchkiss. It sparkles in 60 10
the sunlight and is obviously well maintained, despite rust-prone Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3
environmental conditions. The Hotchkiss belongs to Tran Kim, Fighting (Butcher Knife): 50%, 1D6
Dodge: 25%
the proprietor of the La Marée de la Lune, however, it has been
“requisitioned” by Mr. Yamada Masahito of Dōmei Radio Vietnam, Skills: Accounting 40%, Appraise 40%, Charm
while he is visiting the island. 70%, Craft (Chef) 60%, Credit Rating 60%,
Library Use 40%, Listen 50%, Persuade 50%,
Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 40%

Languages: Vietnamese 70%, French 35%,

Japanese 35%

Yamada Masahito, Director of Dōmei

Radio Vietnam, age 58
50 50 50 50 70 70 50 70

50 10
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Dodge: 25%

Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) 60%, Charm 70%,

Credit Rating 40%, Drive (Automobile) 50%,
Disguise 40%, Electrical Repair 40%, Fast
Talk 60%, History 40%, Operate Heavy
Machinery 35%, Psychology 50%

Next to the luxury vehicle is a Sumida/Chiyoda K93 staff car. The staff Languages: Japanese 70%, French 35%,
car belongs to Vice Admiral Ueda of the Imperial Japanese Navy. English 35%
Vice Admiral Ueda and Mr. Yamada are inside enjoying a fine meal
of freshly caught fish, together with Mr. Kurokawa, a Gen’Yosha Ueda Kenzo, Vice Admiral, Imperial
agent. Proprietor Tran is personally waiting their table, making Japanese Navy, age 50
extra efforts to keep the Japanese men satisfied. STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
50 70 40 60 70 50 50 70

50 11
Fighting (Brawl): 55%, fist 1D3
Fighting (Katana): 55% 1D8+1
Firearms (Pistol)(Type 14 Nambu): 55% 1D8,
15 yards, 1(3)/round, 7 mag, 97 mal
Dodge: 50%

Skills: Accounting 40%, Credit Rating 50%,

Pilot (Boat) 70%, Intimidate 55%, Navigate
60%, Persuade 50%, First Aid 40%, Operate
Heavy Machinery 35%, Psychology 40%

Languages: Japanese 70%, English 35%

A canvas-backed truck (Isuzu Type 97 truck) belonging to the
Imperial Japanese Navy has been parked in the sand, across the
street from the restaurant.

Vice Admiral Ueda, despite being short and stocky, wears a uniform
that fits him perfectly. His emotions are easier to read; when the
table is discussing the war effort he wears the serious face of a stern
officer, and when the table is discussing other topics, he smiles as
if genuinely enjoying himself.

Mr. Yamada is a thin, bald man wearing an expensive looking western

suit. He drinks heavily and laughs gregariously regardless of the
topic being discussed. As he gets drunk, he grows louder and curses

Mr. Kurokawa wears a sneer at all times. He probes at the fish on

the center of the table with his chopsticks, and occasionally picks
a bone out of his teeth. He has a round, fat face and sinister looking
eyes that dart back and forth.

Standing nearby are two bored looking guards; they wear the
Imperial Japanese Navy uniform of an enlisted sailor. A successful
Japanese language roll provides that their uniform marks them as
Mr. Kurokawa, Gen’Yosha Cultist, age 36 members of the “Information Department” of the Special Naval
Police (特別警察隊,情報局). Although these sailors are rank-in-file
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU in most important respects, they are members of a unit that both
65 65 55 55 70 40 50 65 serves as the Military Police and is responsible for collecting and
SAN HP assessing naval intelligence. The rest of their squad is sitting outside,
in the stuffy, canvass covered truck, unhappy with their lot in life.
7 12

Fighting (Brawl): 50 %, fist 1D3 Investigators who inconspicuously pass themselves off as diners at
Firearms (Pistol) (Type 14 Nambu): 60% 1D8, La Marée de la Lune may overhear critical parts of the discussion
15 yards, 1(3)/round, 7 mag, 97 mal amongst the Japanese men if they succeed on a Listen roll and
Dodge: 27% speak Japanese (either a successful Japanese language roll or 33%
or more in the Japanese language skill). Vice Admiral Ueda mentions
Skills: Anthropology 50%, Credit Rating 30%,
Cthulhu Mythos 10%, History 40%, Library “deploying a special unit to Frog Islet a week ago,” and Mr. Kurokawa
Use 40%, Listen 50%, Intimidate 50%, Occult speaks with some excitement in anticipation of hearing back from
70%, Science (Astronomy) 60%, Stealth 46%, that special unit soon.
Swim 60%
Vice Admiral Ueda and Mr. Kurokawa are resistant to engaging in a
Languages: Japanese 65%, Mandarin Chinese conversation with other people, and nothing less than a successful
21%, Vietnamese 21%
Hard roll in Charm or Fast Talk would succeed in a sparking a
Suggested Spells: Summon Deep One, Attract conversation, albeit a guarded discussion about their business on
Fish, Breath of the Deep Cát Bà Island. A successful Psychology roll informs the Investigators
that they are definitely doing their best to hide information yet
Upon transforming into a Deep One: remain polite and civil in responding to any inquiry.
SIZ goes up to 65, and HP becomes 13
STR goes up to 75, and DB becomes +1D4
Fighting (Claws): 50% 1D6+DB
Mr. Yamada, like many in broadcasting business, is easier to engage
Gains Jump 45% with (a successful Charm, Fast Talk or Persuade), but he speaks
Gains Special Ability: Water Breathing about Operation Moon God Ascending only when separated from the
Gains: 1 point of Armor, scales others. A successful Psychology roll would provide this insight, and
a strategy like casually speaking with Mr. Yamada in the washroom
Witnessing the metamorphosis costs SAN could potentially work, particularly as Mr. Yamada continues to
imbibe alcoholic beverages.

The Japanese men are all staying at private chateaus located on Seaman First Class, Escort Detail,
Tran Kim’s property adjacent to the restaurant. A guard detail Imperial Japanese Navy
protects Vice Admiral Ueda at all times, but both Mr. Yamada and STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
Mr. Kurokawa sleep in their own rooms. 50 45 45 45 50 50 50 50

Vice Admiral Ueda and Mr. Yamada know the operation involves
radio transmissions, but incorrectly believe that they are testing a 50 9
small and powerful two-way radio system for use on submarines. Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Only Mr. Kurokawa, the Gen’Yosha agent, really understands the Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 50% 2D6+4, 110 yards,
1/round, 1 mag, 100 mal
full significance of the operation, namely that the technology they
obtained from the Deep Ones could very well awaken Great Cthulhu Listen 25%, Spot Hidden 25%
from his slumber in sunken R’lyeh.
Languages: Japanese 50%
All three men are hoping to hear the good news from the field in
the next day or so. When the special unit deployed to Frog Islet
does not send word of their success or failure, these three Japanese
men will (wrongly) assume that the mission was a failure and they The Ha Long Archaeological Dig - In
will make arrangements to leave the island. 1938, a group of French archaeologists
led by Madeline Colani initiated an
Mr. Yamada intends to return to Saigon by ferry and then to Hải archaeological dig in the hills just north
Phòng by train. The other two men will take a Japanese gunboat and east of the island’s southernmost
back to a Japanese Destroyer patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin. tip and Cát Bà village. Their excavations
discovered fishing nets, statues, pottery,
Mr. Kurokawa the cultist is unlikely to be particularly helpful to the advanced bronze implements and human
party even if abducted. Additionally, Mr. Kurokawa is a Deep One hybrid remains belonging to Cai Beo people. The
who has not yet started metamorphosis. If he is subjected to stress, like archaeological evidence suggests that
interrogation or torture, while at sea or near the Deep One colony at the Cai Beo people settled Cát Bà Island
Ha Long Bay, he could experience early onset of the transformation, approximately 6,000 to 7,000 years ago,
making him particularly dangerous to the Investigators. and are perhaps the first population of
humans to occupy the Ha Long region.
Investigators who privately approach the waitstaff, line chefs,
or a dish washer are able to identify one of them as a local Việt I was a member of Colani’s archaeological
Minh sympathizer with a successful Psychology roll. Investigators excavation, and I personally assisted in
succeeding on a Persuade roll could convince such Việt Minh recovering many of the artifacts and
sympathizer to escort them to the Hospital Cave hidden in the hills human remains found at the dig site. I
just 10 kilometers north of town. was impressed with how technologically
advanced these people must have been,
Fish Markets given the plethora of bronze tools found.
But I also observed something more
The beach is lined with fish markets that are bustling with patrons surprising and disturbing. All of the
in the early morning and evening. Investigators interfacing with human remains that were recovered
fishermen and fishmongers are able to identify one of the fishermen, were female in origin, and many of
Pham Duc, as a local Việt Minh sympathizer with a successful them had various physical deformities,
Psychology roll. ranging from elongated heads and
enlarged eye sockets to webbed fingers
Investigators succeeding on a Charm, Fast Talk or Persuade roll and toes. Privately, Madeline Colani
could convince Pham Duc to escort them to the Hospital Cave expressed doubts as to whether or not
hidden in the hills just 10 kilometers north of town. Additionally, these artifacts and remains were of the
Investigators who know that they are looking for Frog Islet can Cai Beo people. Madeline Colani saw it
convince Pham to take them there on his Fishing Trawler. (See the fit not to disclose these findings to the
Fishing Trawler scene for Pham Duc’s statistics.) public, and I saw no reason to go against
her wishes and better judgment.
+5% Archaeology

What’s Wrong with the Radio (Floating)

Scene Type: Floating, Recurring Investigators that monitor this broadcast will witness
Lead Ins: Any a reply, with a slightly weaker signal, exactly 2 hours
Purpose: While in the field, Investigators pick up a and 42 minutes later. The response is similar, like a
bizarre broadcast. dying whale song set at 104 beats a minute.

Unusual signal strength suggests that the Japanese

This scene is triggered when the Investigators make are deploying a new and highly advanced broadcasting
use of their SCR-694 portable two-way radio. This technology, and occasionally, the Investigators will
scene could be triggered when the Investigators check- also pick up the chatter of Japanese operators who
in to see if the OSS has issued any new or updated also heard the signal, and the Japanese operators are
orders. This scene could be triggered if the Investigators all very confused; they all seem to believe that the
attempt to monitor enemy communications. If the message was meant for them, but none of them are
Investigators do not make use of their SCR-694, the able to decipher it.
Keeper could prompt them by having a US OSS spotter
plane fly over their position. Additionally, this scene Investigators monitoring the radio may recognize
could be triggered any time anybody, including an a pattern in the broadcasts. Every time this strange
NPC turns on a radio; so, it could be triggered in the signal is broadcast, a slightly weaker response will arrive
Resistance in the Caves scene or while Investigators spy exactly 2 hours and 42 minutes. With a successful INT
on Mr. Kurokawa, Mr. Yamada, or Vice Admiral Ueda or roll, an Investigator could correctly surmise that the
his Imperial Japanese Navy escorts. Additionally, there broadcasts are a coded dialogue (one that Japanese Naval
is no reason why this scene couldn’t or shouldn’t be Intelligence has yet to decode), originating from a radio
triggered multiple times over the course of the scenario. transmitter relatively close to the Investigator’s position,
and a response from a transmitter very far away.
A strange squeal, static and feedback erupt from the
radio. The static becomes a drum-like beat, 104 beats An Investigator making an Extreme success on Science:
per minutes, a heartbeat. A death rattle. Then the Physics or Science: Astronomy could deduce that
moaning lets in like a symphony of pain, an orchestra the lag times in the dialogue could be accounted for if
of the macabre, a jazz band from the bowels of hell. the discussion was taking place over great distances.
A simple calculation on the back of a napkin could
The signal is strong and it permeates all frequencies model a dialogue between Earth and Saturn. A radio
that the SCR-694 is able to pick-up and nothing short wave sent from Earth to Saturn would take 1 hour
of turning off the radio will stop the noise for the next and 16 minutes to arrive. The broadcast would play
five minutes. The performance continues for a full 5 for 5 minutes, and then another hour and 16 minutes
minutes before suddenly cutting off. Listening to the later, the reply would arrive on Earth. This realization
broadcast requires a SAN check (0/1D2). requires a SAN roll 0/1D2.

The Resistance in Mr. Antoine Vu, Architect and Mason,
age 38

the Caves (Optional) STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
50 70 60 50 65 50 50 65

Scene Type: Optional 50 13
Lead Ins: Cát Bà Island
Lead Outs: The Fishing Trawler Fighting (Brawl): 45%, fist 1D3
Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 45% 2D6+4, 110 yards,
Purpose: The Investigators find the Việt Minh safehouse and hospital
1/round, 1 mag, 100 mal
hidden in a cave north of town. They provide support and aid to the
Investigators, including information on where to find the Japanese Dodge: 25%
Skills: Architecture 60%, Art/Craft (Masonry)
70%, Credit Rating 30%, Electrical Repair
60%, History 40%, Listen 40%, Mechanical
“Hospital Cave” is a Việt Minh hospital and safehouse hidden in
Repair 50%, Psychology 50%, Spot Hidden
caves 10 kilometers north of Cát Bà town. 40%, Stealth 50%

The easiest way to find Hospital Cave is to convince a Việt Minh- Languages: Vietnamese 65%, French 32%,
friendly islander to escort them there. This could be Pham Duc, the Japanese 16%
fisherman, or this could be a worker at Marées de Lune.

Finding the Hospital Cave without the help of an islander is extremely

Dr. Mong Van, age 63
difficult and time consuming. Following a Việt Minh agent to the
Hospital Cave would require a successful Stealth roll and a Hard STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
Tracking roll. Alternatively, an Investigator with prior experience 45 45 45 65 80 50 50 70
on Cát Bà Island might find the general area of the cave by making
a successful Navigation roll and a Hard Spot Hidden roll.
50 9
The Hospital Cave was built by Mr. Antoine Vu, an architect and a
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, fist 1D3
mason of considerable skill. The structure currently has two finished
floors, but Mr. Vu intends to add another floor when he gets the Skills: Art/Craft (Western Chess) 50%, Charm
chance. The first floor includes living quarters and a rudimentary 60%, Credit Rating 20%, First Aid 70%,
kitchen. The second floor serves as a first aid station and includes Medicine 60%, Occult 21%, Psychology 50%,
a pair of cots and a simple operating table. The walls of the cave Science (Biology) 40%, Science (Pharmacy)
have been reinforced with iron rebar and concrete. A pair of diesel 50%, Spot Hidden 40%
generators keep the cave lit with sufficient yellow light. Languages: Vietnamese 70%, Mandarin
Chinese 55%, English 21%
The Hospital Cave is fairly well equipped with rations, tools, spare
ammunition and medical supplies stolen from the Imperial Japanese
Navy. At most times, only a few Việt Minh can be found here. This
will almost always include Mr. Vu and Dr. Mong Van.
School Of Mayhem And Murder - In
The sturdy Mr. Antoine Vu spends most of his time in the kitchen, the early days of the Office of Strategic
smoking cigarettes and listening to a shortwave radio. Services (“OSS”), training of agents took
place at Camp X, a secret military base
Provided the Investigators have done nothing to earn Mr. Vu’s operated the British Special Operations
distrust, he is willing to tell them what he knows about the Japanese near Whitby, Ontario.
presence on and near the island:
• A high-ranking officer of the Imperial Japanese Navy and his I participated in the training program
entourage are staying at a chateau owned by Mr. Tran Kim, the at Camp X. Training topics included
proprietor of Marées de Lune. assassination, self-defense, escape and
• The Imperial Japanese Navy took an interest in Cát Bà Island and evasion, survival, and sabotage.
Ha Long Bay, and they came into town a little over a week ago. Fighting (Knife) +5%, Stealth +5%, Survival
They’ve been asking the locals a lot of strange questions about (Forest) +5%
the history of the area.
• Last week, various islanders have seen a Japanese gunboat

Lore Sheets sailing around Ha Long Bay. Fisherman Pham Duc, a Việt Minh
sympathizer that Mr. Vu has known his whole life, says that the
Fishing guide - Cát Bà Island has long Japanese set up a camp on the shores of “Frog Islet”.
served as a strategic look-out point • Fisherman Pham might be willing to take the Investigators to
for kingdoms and governments weary Frog Islet on his fishing trawler for a small fee. Mr. Vu is willing
of foreign invasion and pirates. The to introduce Fisherman Pham and put in a good word for the
French navy patrolled the area and Investigators. Investigators may talk Pham into ferrying them
established a watchtower on the island to Frog Islet with a successful Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or
that the Japanese are now presumably Credit Rating.
using. The island also features many • A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a Japanese radio communication.
caves hidden in the rugged hills covered One of the radio operators said they lost a frigate (“Kaibōkan”)
in tropical foliage. Locals have often here in the Gulf of Tonkin to a sea monster.
hidden from foreign invaders in those
caves, and rumor has it that Việt Minh Dr. Mong, an older man with a scraggly beard, sometimes sits in
have recently built a safehouse and the kitchen and forces Mr. Vu to play Western chess with him; at
hospital in a cave not far from the fish other times, he can be found on the second floor studying various
markets, restaurants, and inns that make Western and Chinese books on medicine. Dr. Mong is willing to
up Cát Bà village. provide medical aid to wounded Investigators upon request.

When I was younger, my mother and Neither Mr. Vu nor Dr. Mong are willing to travel to Frog Islet, unless
I would fish in Ha Long Bay, always the group of Investigators have suffered a casualty, and they are
catching a rich bounty of seafood. We serving as replacement characters.
would often sell some of our catch at the
beach front markets on the southern tip
of Cát Bà Island. Now that I am older, A hallway in the Cave Hospital
I’ve given up fishing for a living, but I do
occasionally provide wealthy foreigners
guided fishing tours in Ha Long Bay. I
know my way around Cát Bà Island. I
can easily find food and supplies and
lodging, I might even be able to find the
Việt Minh’s Hospital Cave if I needed to.
+10% Navigation, +5% Craft (fishing)

Frog Man -In 1939, Dr. Lambertsen,

an expert in environmental and
diving medicine, developed an oxygen
rebreather set he called the LARU
(Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory
Unit). The LARU was designed for the
US Navy, with the purposes of enabling
diving and amphibious assaults. The
US Navy rejected the design, but the
OSS embraced the design and recruited
Dr. Lambertsen to lead their OSS
Operational Swimmer Group.

I am a member of the OSS Operational

Swimmer Group.
Swim +5%

The Fishing Trawler

Scene Type: Core I’ve never seen frog-men, but that’s a story one of
Lead Ins: Cát Bà Island, The Resistance in the Caves my uncles told me years ago.
Lead Outs: The Wreck, Frog Islet Camp • Of course there are sea monsters in the sea; why do
Purpose: The Investigators board a fishing trawler you think us Vietnamese sailors always paint eyes on
and set out for Frog Islet, somewhere in Ha Long Bay. the prows of our boats?
• The Japanese should have painted eyes on their ships.
A couple of weeks ago, they lost a frigate here in the
Fisherman Pham Duc owns and operates a large, Gulf of Tonkin to a sea monster. At least that’s what
traditional wooden fishing boat, equipped with two Mr. Vu told me.
sails. The well-built and maintained boat bares uniquely
Vietnamese features, including a pair of eyes Pham Ha Long Bay is filled with more than 2,000 monoliths,
Duc personally painted on the prow of the ship to karsts, islands and islets of various shapes and sizes.
scare away sea monsters; thus far, the tactic appears Fisherman Pham Duc knows all of them like the back
to have worked. of his hand. The Investigators could do no better at
finding a vessel or a guide to take them to Frog Islet,
The Fishing Trawler is equipped with everything a and they are unlikely to face any difficulties with Pham
fisherman might need to catch fish and everything a Duc at the helm.
sailor might want to help keep his craft afloat. Pham
Duc keeps a compass around his neck and an old map This scene, however, assumes that the Investigators
at hand, though he knows the bay by heart and rarely have actually made an arrangement with Pham to take
refers to the map. The trawler is equipped with fishing them to Frog Islet. This tour of Ha Long Bay could
nets and baskets and other accoutrements useful for easily take a turn for the worst if they don’t have Pham
sailing and fishing in Ha Long Bay. working for them or if something awful happens to
Pham, like he falls overboard or is mauled in the face
Pham is personable, but only proficient in Vietnamese. by Mr. Kurokawa.
Investigators who speak Vietnamese (either a successful
Vietnamese language roll or 33% or more in the Investigators who are at sea without Pham’s guidance
Vietnamese language skill) can ask Pham about Ha should be called on to make various Navigate, Pilot
Long Bay. He is able to offer the following responses: (Boat), and Survival (Ocean) rolls.

• “Ha Long” means descending dragon, and Vietnamese

legend has it that a mother dragon descended into
the bay and then defended it from a fleet of Chinese
invaders by calling forth rocks and stones which
Pham Duc, Fisherman, age 30
suddenly jutted out of the sea, striking and sinking
the invader’s ships and forming a defensive barrier STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
of rocky monoliths and islands. 75 70 50 65 65 45 50 40
• Many of the islands are hollow and have great
cave complexes filled with massive stalactites and SAN HP
stalagmites. I once got paid to take some French men 50 12
to Hang Dau Go (Wooden Stakes cave). They had a Fighting (Brawl): 68%, fist 1D3 +1D4
picnic in the cave. They cut it short and begged me Flare Gun: 35%, 1D10+1d3 burn, 10 yards, ½
to take them ashore when they heard strange noises per round, 100 mal
from deep inside the cave. Dodge: 32%
• I saw a Japanese gunboat in Ha Long Bay a little more
than a week ago. They were criss-crossing through Skills: Credit Rating 10%, First Aid 50%, Listen
40%, Navigate 80%, Pilot (Boat) 50%, Spot
the bay in a rather inefficient but methodic way;
Hidden 50%, Survival (Ocean) 80%, Swim
perhaps because they were looking for something. 70%, Track 50%
Maybe twenty people on that boat?
• “Frog Islet” is called frog islet because there are a lot Languages: Vietnamese 40%, French 2%
of frogs on it. And maybe frog-men. I’m not too sure.

The Wreck (Optional)

Scene Type: Optional

Lead Ins: The Fishing Trawler Debris litters the shore; gentle waves and white foam
Purpose: Build tension. roll over waterlogged bodies. Feasting crabs pick
meat from dead sailors wearing the uniform of the
Imperial Japanese Navy.
In transit to Frog Islet, the Investigators will pass by
the wreckage of a beached gunboat – it was likely 80
meters long before it was beached. Debris from the ship The bodies have been exposed to the elements at least
is scattered about the shores of a tree covered island. three days and are in a terrible state of decay; it is not
possible to tell how the sailors died.
Investigators making a Spot Hidden roll can see three
or four big gashes down the side of the boat where Investigators making a successful Spot Hidden roll will
perhaps they hit some submerged rocks or coral while notice two large cylindrical drums in the sand, among
moving at a high speed. Without going ashore, it is the other wreckage. Any Investigator with naval military
impossible to tell if there are any survivors, any salvable experience or any Investigator succeeding on an EDU
equipment, or even if the boat is a Japanese vessel or or INT roll will recognize these drums as depth charges.
an Allied vessel.
One of the depth charges is badly damaged and
Debris and Bodies most Investigators will think twice about disturbing
a potentially unstable explosive. The other depth
If the Investigators go ashore, the will quickly conclude charge, however, could be salvaged with a successful
this ship will never sail again. The hull of the gunboat Demolitions roll. On a failed Demolitions roll, the
is broken into pieces, with some cabin space crushed corroded igniter is badly damaged, and the charge is
under the weight of the boat. Investigators succeeding rendered inert. These depth charges weigh 324 pounds
on a Hard EDU roll or with experience serving in the each, making them particularly unwieldly to move.
Navy or Marines are able to identify the wreck as a
Japanese Hashidate-class gunboat. Those succeeding Salvaged Depth Charge - Demolitions, 8d10/10 yards,
on the roll will also know that the standard armament in place, 1 use, 98 mal
for this type of ship is three 120mm naval guns and
depth charges.

Japanese Hashidate-class gunboat

Wreckage Matsu Kentaro, Petty Officer Third
Class, Imperial Japanese Navy
Those inspecting the wrecked gunboat discover that it was retro- STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
fitted with survey equipment. 50 45 45 50 60 50 40 60

Inspection of the 120mm naval guns will find that they are of not SAN HP
much use in their current condition. They could perhaps be fired - 9
at a passing ship or airplane, but they will not be moved without a
blow torch and a crane. Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Katana: 60%, 1D10
Anybody venturing into the wheel house and making a successful Intimidate: 25%, Jump 50%, Listen 50%,
Spot Hidden roll will find nautical maps of Ha Long Bay; someone Swim 50%
has circled one of the islets (Frog Islet) with a red pencil.
Languages: Japanese 60%
Field Radio

A successful Spot Hidden roll by an Investigator standing on the

beach finds a field radio, crank battery, and bent antennae set up Nisei Linguist - In 1943, a representative
on the edge of the beach and the jungle that clings to this island. from the Office of Strategic Services
The radio weighs approximately 80 pounds and was carried to its (“OSS”) visited the 442nd Infantry
current location by a surviving sailor. Regiment looking to recruit volunteers
willing to undertake “extremely
Any Investigator succeeding on a Track roll finds boot prints that hazardous assignment.” All selected were
lead from the radio to the jungle. If they follow the tracks, they will second-generation Japanese-Americans,
encounter Petty Officer Matsu Kentaro. Investigators succeeding also known as “Nisei”. These volunteers
on a Listen roll will get the drop on the Petty Officer; it is up to the were all assigned to OSS Deer Team
Investigators as to how they will use this advantage. (Vietnam) and Detachments 101 (Burma)
and 202 (China).
Investigators are able to operate the radio if they succeed on an
Electrical Repair roll. (Please note that this can trigger the “What’s I am Nisei, and I volunteered to join
Wrong with the Radio” scene, which is floating and reoccurring.) the OSS. Most of my work involves
Turning on the radio will alert Kentaro of the Investigator’s presence translating documents and monitoring
on the island, thus leading to him charging the radio operator(s) radio communications. Occasionally, I
with his katana. help interrogate captured prisoners and
conduct special operations.
Since the wreck, Matsu’s entire existence has been in a deafening Japanese Language +15%
solitude punctuated only by the interruptions of a haunting radio
broadcast. Before the wreck, words cannot express the terrifying
nature of what Matsu experienced at sea and on Frog Islet. He has
suffered a series of traumatic psychological experiences from which
he is likely to never recover. If Investigators manage to successfully
subdue him and interrogate him, he relays a story involving “Frog
Islet” and “discourse with sea monsters.”

Petty Officer Matsu carries on his person three prized possessions.

First, he keeps a katana that has been in his family for over 300
years. Second, he keeps a folded, sepia picture of his young wife
in the breast pocket of his uniform. Third, he keeps his Captain’s
journal stashed away in his small Navy-issued knapsack.

Matsu’s Captain, Ishikawa Kenji kept a record of his thoughts in a

leather-bound journal. Matsu recovered the journal after Captain
Ishikawa’s death several days ago. Matsu has started to keep notes
of his own, often confused thoughts. At times, he confuses himself
with the Captain, and writes as though the preceding thoughts
were his own and his current thoughts are those of the deceased
Captain Ishikawa Kenji.

Lore Sheets Investigators finding the Captain’s journal and succeeding on a
Japanese roll are able to discern the following:
Sabatier’s Tonkin Division - After
Germany conquered France, French • The journal belonged to Captain Ishikawa, a young officer in the
colonial Indochina chose to side with Imperial Japanese Navy who had recently been promoted to his
the newly created Vichy collaborator current rank.
government and was subservient to the • There are two sets of handwriting in the journal. The first,
Axis powers. When France was liberated, belonging to the Captain. The second, likely belonging to Petty
colonial Indochina was set adrift. The Officer Matsu.
newly liberated French considered • Ishikawa was disappointed at being commissioned the captain of
collaborators in French Indochina traitors a gunboat; he had expected and wanted a better class of ship. His
to Metropolitan France, and Japanese disappointment was quickly dispelled when he was given orders
forces worried that the French officials to carry out “Operation Moon God Ascending,” an operation that
in Indochina could no longer be trusted. he was told could change the course of the war.
On March 9th, 1945, the Japanese staged • Ishikawa mentions being introduced to two ultranationalists
a coup d’état against the French colonial named Toyama Daiichi and Kurokawa Taiga, who “sponsored”
forces. General Gabriel Sabattier’s Tonkin the Operation.
division, based in Hanoi, sought escape • Ishikawa’s observation that the ultranationalists Toyama and
from imminent Japanese attack and Kurokawa were members of the Black Sea secret society, Gen’Yosha
directed his division towards the Chinese (玄洋社), and that they possessed an uncanny understanding of
border. No one came to his aid; China the nautical sciences.
(both the KMT and CCP) hated colonialists
and America had no love for those The last entry in the journal before the change in handwriting:
formerly loyal to the Vichy government.
The American government ordered forces • Operation Moon God Ascending involved testing advanced radio
in the region to provide no aid, although technologies that would enable the transmission of complex
General Claire Lee Chennault (of the and coded communications from the depths of the ocean to the
Flying Tigers) disobeyed orders to provide depths of space.
some assistance. Along the escape route,
harried by Japanese bombers and pursued The entries in the journal after the change in handwriting:
by Japanese infantry, the French soldiers
abandoned all their heavy weapons, • Paragraphs that hint at the horrible thing I, as Captain, had to do
ammunition, and vehicles. Men died of to Mr. Toyama, at Mr. Toyama’s own insistence.
disease or simply went missing. Locally • “The terrible sounds of its three-chambered heart pounding in
recruited soldiers were decommissioned my head.”
en rout. Some of them were captured and • The recurring dreams of frozen cyclopean cities, both lost beneath
many later joined the Việt Minh. Most of waves of hydrogen and oxygen or helium.
those that made it to China were detained
by the KMT.

I was in Sabatier’s Tonkin division. I

fled through the jungle with my troops.
Sometime – I can’t tell when – I succumbed
to fatigue and was left for dead. I didn’t die
though. I got up and walked through the
jungle. I encountered a tribal group of men French Soldiers Retreating to China
and women with sharpened teeth and
strange cultural and ritualistic practices.
They fed me a bowl of tea made from
various mountain roots and medicinal
plants, including the black lotus. Under
the influence of this drug, I sensed danger
and decided to escape the tribe by fleeing
into the jungle. I lived to fight another day,
although I’m not sure who I will fight for.
Survival +5; Cthulhu Mythos +1; SAN -5

Frog Islet Camp

Scene Type: Core machine gun nests, no officers on camp stools. Tents
Lead Ins: The Fishing Trawler, The Wreck still stand at attention. Considerable effort has been
Lead Outs: The Source invested in setting up camp; firewood gathered, wash
Purpose: Investigators find the Japanese camp and stations and drying racks lashed together, the flag of
clues to the diabolical plans of the Black Sea Society. the rising sun hanging high above the military camp.
Not a person moves. The camp is only occupied by the
sounds of waves and the static feedback of a radio.
Frog Islet is not much more than half a mile long and
a quarter of a mile wide; it is graced with one beach, A Japanese two-way radio, a metal box of LEDs and
tropical foliage and an ancient, monolithic limestone dials, hisses and whines repetitively.
tower that is perhaps fifty or sixty feet tall.
A command tent stands just in front of a set of archaic
If the fisherman, Pham Duc, brought the Investigators to stairs carved from the monolithic limestone five or
the island, he will sail his fishing trawler into the shallows, six millennia ago. The stairs ascend about fifty feet
and motion for the Investigators to wade ashore. Pham up to the rocky top of the islet.
also informs anyone who can speak Vietnamese that he
will return to the island one hour before night fall to take Investigators succeeding on a Track or Hard Spot
the Investigators back to Cát Bà Island. Investigators Hidden roll find in the sand around the camp tracks
could convince Pham to set anchor in the shallows with made by a biped with webbed feet, calling for SAN
a successful Persuade roll. Only a Hard success on a check (0/1).
Persuade roll could convince Pham to stay until after
night fall. Pham will not agree to venture onto the island, Investigators searching the camp find:
unless the group has experienced a causality and Pham • Crates containing military rations
has become a replacement character. • 12 barrels of fresh water
• 6 Arisaka Type 99 Rifles (2D6+4, 110 yards, 1/round,
Nothing moves, except the waves that relentlessly 1 mag, 100 mal), and six metal ammunition boxes
pound the white shores. The wind does not blow the • Various tools and equipment, including shovels and
leaves of the coconut trees, and the coconut trees hemp rope
bear no fruit. Frog Islet does not entice or welcome • Pots, pans, personal flatware, canteens, kerosene
its visitors with anything other than heavy air. lamps and a medical kit
• Sandbags, tents and plenty of camping implements
The last visitors, Japanese sailors and cultists, erected lashed together with twine and wood
a makeshift camp on the beach. The camp has been • Other items the Keeper may think appropriate for
abandoned; no guards on patrol, no soldiers in an abandoned Japanese navy camp

The Source

Beach and Camp

Deep One A success on a Survival roll allows the Investigators to deduce
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU that if the unit stationed here was platoon sized (approximately
70 50 80 50 65 - 65 - 50 men). They were prepared to stay here for at least two weeks
without resupply.
- 10 13 The center of the camp features a large Japanese two-way radio,
Move: 8/10 Swimming approximately 5’ x 5’, a 30’ antenna with a tripod base, all connected
to and powered by a diesel generator. Radio static feedback drowns
Fighting (Brawl): 45%, claws 1D6+DB
out the sound of the diesel generator. A camp table and camp
Dodge: 25%
Armor: 1 point skin and scales. stools stand next to the radio; a couple of journals, microphone,
headphones, and a German Magnetophon reel-to-reel tape recorder
Special Ability: Breath Underwater rest on the table.

SAN Loss: 0/1D6 SAN points to see a Deep A successful Electronic Repair roll tells the Investigators that this
One. radio is not the source of the powerful terrestrial transmission that
Spells: Each Deep One has a 40% chance of has been interfering with their own SCR-694 radio; rather, this
knowing 1D4 spells radio is picking up the same signal. However, the signal is strong
Suggested Spells: Attract Fish, Breath of here, and its source must be nearby.
the Deep, Wave of Oblivion, Contact Father
Dagon The journals on the table belonged to Toyama Daiichi and are
written in classical Japanese. An Investigator succeeding on a
Japanese language roll is able to thumb through the journals and
notice the following:

• Entries in the Journals begin around 1855 (Edo period, two years
after the arrival of Commodore Matthew C. Perry’s fleet in Edo
Bay) and continue up to a little less than a week ago. The entries
appear to be written in hand, by the same person, meaning that
whoever wrote this would have to be well over ninety years old.
• Many of the entries are so bizarre, they border on nonsensical.
For example, the journals contain:
»» A retelling of an Australian aboriginal story about two
courageous but destructive brothers who came to Earth from
the stars.
»» An extensive scholarly note on the hidden meaning of the
Chinese words (南二門), which directly translates to “South
second gate,” but apparently has some spiritual significance
to the author.
»» A detailed description of the biology, anatomy and life cycle
of something called a “Shoggoth.” Significant paragraphs
are dedicated to discussing the functional uses of a juvenile
Shoggoth’s chrysalis.
»» Mathematical calculations related to Saturn and the alignment
of the stars and a notation indicating that the “Stars are Right”
from 6 August to 9 August 1945.
• The Deep Old One gift is a kind of transmitter and receiver for
important prayers; use of this gift is not without its price; one
must be pure of heart and willing to make a great psychological
• Vice Admiral Ueda of the Imperial Japanese Navy has been told
that the purpose of Operation Moon God Ascending is to bargain
with the Deep Ones of Ha Long Bay for an important radio
communications technology. The “true” purpose of Operation
Moon God Ascending is to awaken Great Cthulhu and bring him
forth from R’lyeh, his city beneath the waves.

Investigators succeeding who rolled a Hard success on their Japanese Lore Sheets
Language roll understand that:
The Poet - According to tradition, the
• The journals are written in the way Japanese language would have goddess Izanami and the god Izanagi –
been spoken from the 1400s to 1600s. mighty celestial beings who created the
• The very last entry, dated less than a week ago from today, is Japanese islands, also invented Japanese
written in poetry format. It calls forth the children of the Sea God, poetry. Historical Japanese poetry
and implores them to come prepared to barter with a powerful dates back to the Nara period in the
sorcerer, Onmyōji (陰陽師), capable of commanding fierce spirits. 8th century CE, although at that time,
Japanese poetry was mostly Chinese
The poem in the journal, and the chant that is recorded on the poetry, heavily influenced by Tang
German Magnetophon reel-to-reel tape recorder is the spell dynasty luminaries like Li Bai. As time
“Summon Deep Ones,” and when it is broadcast through the Japanese progressed, Japanese developed their
radio on the beach, it successfully draws 1D6+1 Deep Ones to the own styles of poetry: classical Waka,
beach camp in 1D6+4 rounds. (In the event of large or overpowered Tanka, and famous Haiku short form
Investigator groups, Keepers may elect to have another set of poetry. Shortly before the war, a new
Deep Ones arrive in another 1D6+4 rounds if the reel-to-reel tape wave of poetry developed, reflecting
recorder is still playing.) influences from Western Poetry mixed
with Japanese short form meter.
Dark storm clouds quickly gather over the bay as the reel-to-reel
recorder broadcasts the call to the Deep Ones. The sea turns black. I’m a student of Japanese poetry. I study
The air pressure drops suddenly, and the stagnant air is replaced Japanese language of course, but I’m
with a wind that howls as it whips over the islet. thrilled by the stark and implied imagery
one can perceive from contemplating
Deep Ones called to the Frog Islet beach are expecting those Japanese poetry. Someday, I hope to
who called them to barter. Assuming the Investigators are wholly enter into a poetry contest!
unprepared for the arrival of the Deep Ones, a combat is likely. Language: Japanese +15%

If Pham Duc was convinced to set anchor, Keepers should feel free
to turn him into fish food for dramatic effect. OSS Deer Team - In 1945, the Office of
Strategic Services (“OSS”) established
Keepers are encouraged to allow their Investigators to engage in a OSS Deer Team with the purpose of
retreating defensive action or flee up the stairs carved into the rock. conducting covert operations and
guerrilla warfare against Japanese forces
The Deep Ones will methodically comb through the camp, searching in Indochina. Deer Team was originally
for and attacking characters attempting to hide. They will also based out of Tonkin (Hanoi), and it’s
shamble and hop their way up the stairs, so long as the interstellar first missions involved disrupting the
transmitter is still functioning. (See “The Source”.) In the event the rail lines between north Vietnam and
Investigators destroy the interstellar transmitter, the Deep Ones Kunming. Thereafter, OSS Deer Team’s
lose interest and return to the sea. efforts shifted to training Viet Minh
guerrillas and supporting their fighting
against the Japanese.

Toyama Daiichi’s Journals I am a member of OSS Deer Team, and

Language: Japanese I helped train almost 100 Viet Minh
Date: 1855 – 1945 soldiers. I’ve meet Hồ Chí Minh, who
Weeks of Study: 16 we call “Mr. Hoo”, and I consider myself
SAN Loss: 1D8 friends with General Võ Nguyên Giáp,
Cthulhu Mythos Initial: +3% who we call “Mr. Van”.
Cthulhu Mythos final: +6% Vietnamese Language +15%
Mythos Rating: 28
Suggested Spells: Contact Deep One, Contact Father Dagon,
Contact Mother Hydra, Wave of Oblivion, Contact Ghoul, Contact
Nguoi Rung, Bind Shoggoth, Contact Cthulhu

The Daiichi Interstellar Radio

HP 15
The Source
Armor: 20, Shoggoth Chrysalid
Vulnerability: Mouth transceiver has no

Move: 0 Scene Type: Conclusion

Scene Purpose: The Investigators find the source of the strange
Sonic Blast: 75%, 1D3, 20/yard, SAN Check
broadcast signal.
Lead Ins: Frog Islet Camp

A few days ago, Gen’Yosha agent, Toyama Daiichi traded the Ha Long
Bay Deep Ones an entire platoon of Japanese Special Naval Police (
特別警察隊,情報局) in exchange for a Shoggoth chrysalid. The Deep
Ones promptly ate the platoon, and then Daiichi volunteered to
have his body fused together with the chrysalid, thus repurposing
the chrysalid into interstellar transmitter and receiver.

Before making his ultimate sacrifice, Toyama Daiichi consulted

his sky charts and performed some calculations. He correctly
determined that the alignment of Saturn and the stars would
soon present a window of opportunity to awaken Great Cthulhu.
Hopefully, the Investigators destroy Daiichi’s interstellar radio,
because if they fail, Cthulhu will again walk the Earth when the
Stars are Right on 6 August 1945.

Wind blows violently atop the islet’s limestone The Daiichi Interstellar Radio has one vulnerability:
apex, which spans no more than fifty yards in either the mouth transceiver has no armor. An Investigator
direction. A strange organic tower, roughly eighteen could exploit this weakness, for example, by placing a
feet tall and with a diameter of four feet, punctuates grenade in the mouth.
the otherwise barren apex. The tower is a chrysalid
formed around a knot of pseudopods and tentacles. Reward: Investigators who successfully destroy the
Daiichi Interstellar Radio silence the broadcast recover
Toyoma Daiichi’s fate revealed: his body, fused to the 2D6 SAN.
tower, serves as a macabre interface of sorts. The
chrysalid grows through his skull, grossly enlarging a
single ear, which serves as a receiver. Daiichi’s mouth
gapes open; his lips are curled back over his teeth;
his mouth serves as a transmitter. The hollow tower
amplifies his breathing.

Viewing the chrysalid tower requires a SAN Check


The Daiichi Interstellar Radio is capable of making a

sonic blast attack using its mouth transceiver. This
attack can break eardrums and cause other physical
injuries, but more importantly, anyone hit by the attack
must make a SAN roll (0/1D4).

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Victor Andrews Gender M Age 30

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Pilot (OSS OfÞcer) Birthplace Hardisty, Alberta
Characteristics HP
45 22 55 27 45 22 70 35 80 40 60 30 45 22 60 30
9 11 9 14 16 12 9 12
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 45
Intelligent risk taker.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 70 Law (05%)
Science (01%) 30
( Astronomy )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 70 Mech. Repair (10%) 35 Spot Hidden (25%) 50
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 50
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Island )

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) 50 Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20 Intimidate (15%)  Op.

Hv. Machine Track (10%)

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Language (Other)(00%) Pilot(01%) 70
Disguise (05%) ( ) ( Aircraft )
Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 30

Drive (20%) 50  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 25
Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec ( ) Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Colt M1911 70 35 14 1d10+2 15 1(3) 7 100

Other Equipment
Backpack Major Wound
Regional maps
Temp Insane
Binoculars Injuries & Phobias
Lighter, Cigarettes
Choclate Bar x3

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name John Nishikawa Gender M Age 22

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Nisei Linguist, OSS Birthplace San Diego, CA
Characteristics HP
40 20 60 30 40 20 60 30 70 35 50 25 60 30 80 40
8 12 8 12 14 10 12 16
Damage Bonus -1 Move 8
Drives 60
1. American presents opportunities for those who are patient and willing Luck
to work hard.
2. Representative democracy is better than tyrannical rule.
3. I am a man of science and reason, not religion.
4. I have always been physically smaller than most Americans, and as such MP
I have been the target of bullies. I use my wits to outsmart bullies.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 70 35
Law (05%)
Science (01%) 70 35
14 ( Engineering & Physics ) 14

Anthropology (01%) Fighting

Library Use (20%) Cryptography 16 8
(Brawl)(25%) 3

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( Forgery )
50 25 Firearms 70 35
Mech. Repair (10%) 50
Spot Hidden (25%) 30
10 (Handgun)(20%) 14 10 6
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 30 15
(Rifle)(25%) 6
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 30 Hv. Machine 30

15  Op. 15
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 (01%) 6

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Language (Other)(00%)
50 25 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Japanese ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 70 80
35 Language (Own)(EDU) 40
Elec Ride (05%)
14 ( English ) 16

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Colt M1911 70 35 14 1d10=2 15 1(3) 7 100

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Jean-Pierre Clement Gender M Age 36

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Mathematician/OSS Cyptographer
Birthplace Mons, Belgium
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 65 32 50 25 65 32 80 40
10 10 10 10 13 10 13 16
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 65
Jean-Pierre takes a while to warm up to new people, but he is more than
willing to discourse at length on his fabulous theories. At his core, he is a Luck
curious problem solver who has a talent for explaining complex ideas to
the layman.
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 75 37
( Mathematics ) 15

Use (20%) 40 Cryptography 70

Fighting 20 35
Anthropology (01%) Library
(Brawl)(25%) 8 14

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) Physics 50 25


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 35
Firearms 17
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 7
Firearms 60 30
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 60 30
(Rifle)(25%) 12 12
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20

10  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( English ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Vietnamese 10 5

Psychology (10%)
25 12
2 5

Drive (20%) Japanese 10 5  Psychoanalysis

2 (01%)
Repair (10%) 50 80
25 Language (Own)(EDU) 40
Elec Ride (05%)
10 ( Dutch, French, German ) 16

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
M-1 Garand 60 30 12 2d6+4 110 1 10 100

Other Equipment
Notepad, pens and pencils Major Wound
Slide rule
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Larry Szabo Gender M

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side


Occupation US Navy Seaman Birthplace New York, NY

Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 70 35 80 40 50 25 50 25 60 30
10 10 10 14 16 10 10 12
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 50
1. Fight alone, die alone. Team work keeps the squad alive. Luck
2. The OSS is my family.
3. The sea both gives and takes; feed yourself with her bounties but never
underestimate the wrath of her storms.
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 60 30
( Astronomy ) 12

Anthropology (01%) Fighting

Library Use (20%) Science (Military) 25 12
(Brawl)(25%) 5

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Repair (10%) 50
Firearms 25
( ) Mech. Spot Hidden (25%)
(Handgun)(20%) 10
Firearms 70 35
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 14 10
(Machine Gun) 50 25 Survival (10%)
50 25
Natural World (10%) ( Sea ) 10

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 40 20

Navigate (10%) 35 17
Swim (20%) 50 25
8 7 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 9 50

4 25  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
1 10 (01%)

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Firearms (Heavy Weapons)
50 25
Language (Other)(00%) Pilot(01%) 50 25
Disguise (05%) ( ) ( Boat ) 10

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 31
15 Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec ( ) Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
M1 Garand 70 35 14 2d6+4 110 1 10 100

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Nguyen Trang Gender F Age 22

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Smuggler, Viet Minh Birthplace Haiphong
Characteristics HP
45 22 55 27 45 22 70 35 70 35 55 50 70
9 11 9 14 14
Damage Bonus None Move 8
1. Liberation of the Vietnamese people will come at a cost, but is well Luck
worth it.

2. Self-confidence.
3. Always have more than one backup plan.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 50 25
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
10 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 50 25

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

50 25
Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 30
Firearms 15
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 6
Firearms 65 32
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 13 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) 50 25
Swim (20%) 50 25
10 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20

10  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%) 50 25
Disguise (05%) ( Japanese ) ( Boat )
8 10

Dodge (Half DEX) English 30 15

Psychology (10%) 30 15
6 6

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( Vietnamese
70 35
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
M1 Garand 65 32 13 2d6+4 110 1 10 100

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name David Vronay Gender M Age 47

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Psychologist/OSS Psy-Ops Birthplace Los Angeles, CA
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 70 25 50 25 60 30 80 40
10 10 10 10 10 10 12 16
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 60
1. I have diagnosed and treated a great number of patients with different Luck
and extreme psychological disorders. My practical experience eclipses
most others in the mental health profession.
2. A creative and active mind is often able to find solutions where others
assume the worst. MP
3. I enjoy the comradery of the OSS; I feel like I have found a second 12
family in the OSS.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 50 25
( Pharmacology ) 10

Use (20%) 30
Fighting 15
Anthropology (01%) Library
(Brawl)(25%) 6

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 50 25
Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%) 50
(Handgun)(20%) 10 10
Medicine (01%) 50 25
Stealth (20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 10 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 30

15  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 50 25
Language (Other)(00%)
50 25 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Japanese 30 15

Psychology (10%) 70 35
6 14

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis 70 35

(01%) 14
Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec Repair (10%) ( ) Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Colt M1911 50 25 10 1d10+2 15 1(3) 7 100

Other Equipment
Pad and Pencil Major Wound
Medical Bag
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Confidential Information

OSS Player Faction

Campaign Hook OSS Operational Groups

President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of • Vietnam: OSS Deer Team trained and advised Viet
Strategic Services (OSS) on June 13, 1942 for the purpose Minh guerrilla forces.
of collecting military intelligence. The brilliant and • Burma (Myanmar): Detachment 101 coordinated
enigmatic William Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan serves guerrilla actions with various local tribal groups,
his country as the Director of the newly formed U.S. including the fiercely anti-Japanese Kachin Rangers.
Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He has the daunting • China: Detachment 202 provided military support
responsibility of leading an understaffed, ragtag team and aid to the Kuomintang (KMT).
tasked with conducting espionage throughout the • Eastern India: Detachment 303 organized resistance
World. To make matters worse, Donovan is acutely to the Axis powers.
aware that an alien Mythos threatens the very
future of humanity, and has taken it upon himself to OSS Faction Leaders
organize a defense against both foreign nations and
alien monstrosities. Director Donovan leverages the Director William Joseph (“Wild Bill”) Donovan; Lt.
resources of the OSS in his war against the Mythos. In Colonel Archimedes Leonidas Attilio Patti.
South East Asia, Donovan’s most important resource
is Lt. Colonel Archimedes Leonidas Attilio Patti, a Other key members of the OSS Faction
young and idealistic officer dedicated to the mission
of protecting humanity from the worst of evils. • Stanley P. Lovell “Professor Moriarty” – Boston
Chemist and head of the OSS R&D program that
Investigators working for the OSS Faction are officers, developed secret weapons and equipment like the
analysts, field agents and allies of the OSS. OSS Faction Beano grenade and the button compass.
investigators serve their country and humanity at the • Colonel Austin Glass – OSS Deer Team officer
direction of Director Donovan and Lt. Colonel Patti. and Standard Oil employee with over 25 years of
experience living and working in Vietnam.
Description • Major Allison K. Thomas – OSS Deer Team officer
who advised and worked closely with Hồ Chí Minh
Founded on June 13, 1942, the OSS organized Operational and Võ Nguyên Giáp.
Groups for deployment throughout the Asia, including • Carleton B. Swift Jr.— U.S. Navy seaman and OSS Deer
Saigon, Hanoi, Canton, Taipei and Shanghai. Among Team agent, who helped train Viet Minh guerrillas
other operations conducted throughout the World, to resist Japanese occupation.
the OSS provided military training to regional guerrilla • Pfc Paul Hoagland – OSS Medic who saved Hồ Chí
forces resisting Japanese occupation, including Viet Minh’s life by treating him for dysentery, dengue
Minh troops in Vietnam and Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) fever and hepatitis.
troops in China. Efforts included gathering intelligence,
identify targets for bombing, conduct raids and other OSS Weapons & Equipment
guerrilla actions, rescue downed Allied airmen.
Stanley P. Lovell “Professor Moriarty” and his OSS R&D
The OSS is an informal organization where an officer’s department crafted many different weapons, gadgets,
rank means little. Operational Group are made up of tools and other equipment for secret operations
many freewheeling, independent thinkers. Officers and acts of espionage. Some of these weapons and
and agents wield a wide variety of skills and expertise; equipment include:
the type of skills and expertise useful in conducting • T13 Beano Grenade, a baseball-shaped grenade that
espionage and executing covert operations behind explodes on impact
enemy lines. • Silenced pistols
• Light-weight submachine guns
The OSS ceased operation on September 20, 1945. • LARU (Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit)
The CIA was formed on September 18, 1947 and is oxygen rebreather set
still operating. • Button Compasses, easily hidden in uniform buttons
• Playing cards that concealed maps

Confidential Information

• 16mm Kodak cameras in the shape of a matchbox In 1912, Donovan helped organize the New York National
• Tasteless poison tablets designed to look like aspirin Guard cavalry troop, and in 1916 he led this unit in
• Cigarettes laced with THC General Pershing’s hunt for Pancho Villa. Donovan was
• Wiretaps promoted to major in the field and returned to Buffalo,
• Electronic beacons New York. During the Great War, Major Donovan lead
• Joan-Eleanor portable radio transceiver systems the 1st battalion, 165th infantry, 42d division. Never
• Fake IDs, passports, ration cards and counterfeit one to lead from behind, Donovan suffered a shrapnel
currency wound to the leg and ended up in a field hospital, next
to British pilot, Victor Sassoon, who was also suffering
Historical Personalities from a similar wound. Sassoon and Donovan, cooped up
in the hospital and relatively immobile, spent many an
Archimedes Leonidas Attilio Patti (July 21, 1913 – hour discussing the existential threat of the Mythos to
April 23, 1998) – serves as a lieutenant colonel in all of humankind. Donovan and Sassoon would remain
the United states Army and OSS officer stationed in in contact with each other for many years to come.
OSS Operational Group based out of Tonkin (Hanoi). After the Great War, Donovan and his wife toured
Patti is an advisor to Hồ Chí Minh, and provides training Japan, Korea and China. While in China, he reunited
and other logistical support to the Viet Minh. with Victor Sassoon in Shanghai, and then ventured
alone into Siberia, leaving his wife in the comfort of
Patti was born in the Bronx, New York on July 21, 1913, Victor’s Cathay Hotel. One could only guess at what
to Sicilian immigrants. In the early years of World War dark secrets Donovan was pursing in Siberia.
2, Patti served in Europe and North Africa as a Special
Agent to the U.S. War Department. In January of 1941, Donovan and his wife also travelled extensively
OSS Director Donovan tricked Patti into volunteering throughout Europe, where he conducted business
to work for the OSS in the Asian theater. Despite the and gathered intelligence, with the goal of establishing
fair amount of misdirection and trickery, Patti and himself as a player in international affairs. He met with
Donovan remain on excellent terms, and Patti is fully foreign leaders, including Benito Mussolini and leading
committed to executing Donovan’s orders. figures in Nazi Germany, who he would publicly assail
as dictators and tyrants.
Patti is something of an idealist, and wholeheartedly
supports self-determination for the people of Vietnam. With the outbreak of World War 2, Donovan returned
Patti possess little sympathy for the hardships of the to active duty in the U.S. Army, where he would then
French colonists, and he has never been very successful go on to form the OSS.
in building up a reliable network amongst the French
in Indochina. It is not at all surprising that the French For more outstanding material related to the OSS
intelligence community does not place any trust or faction see Delta Green (Arc Publishing) and The Fall
confidence in Patti. of Delta Green (Pelgrane Press).

William Joseph (“Wild Bill”) Donovan (January 1, 1883

– February 8, 1959) – serves as the Director of the OSS
from June 13, 1942 until September 20, 1945.

Donovan was born to an Irish-American family in Buffalo,

New York. Prior to his decision to become a lawyer, he
flirted with the idea of becoming a Catholic priest.
He attended Niagara University, a Catholic university
and seminary, where he played sports and joined a
fraternity. Unbeknownst to Donovan, his fraternity
was consorting with the local ghouls, whom he was
introduced to during pledge night. Shortly after this
harrowing experience, Donovan won an oratory contest
by speaking on corrupt Mythos forces threatening the
fabric of American society. Donovan transferred to
Columbia University to study law. At Columbia, Donovan
grew interested in comparative religion and attended
both Protestant and Jewish services. His interest in
religion, philosophy and the unknown would continue
for the rest of his life.

Confidential Information


HOOK: DOCTOR BONES The OSS was dissolved on September 20, 1945, and
essentially superseded by the CIA in 1947. Joseph “Wild
OSS Director Donovan has asked you to recruit (or Bill” Donovan was unable to find a role at the CIA, and
employ) the drunk and disgraced archaeologist Doctor elected to return to the United States to restart his law
Bones (an NPC from the Sassoon Files) as a guide and practice. Later, in August of 1953, Donovan accepted
cultural knowledge expert. Dr. Bones was recently an appointment to the post of Ambassador to Thailand.
spotted at the Rex Hotel in Saigon. In fact, he scuffled While serving as Ambassador to Thailand, Donovan
with a waiter after a protracted argument with a found many opportunities to visit Vietnam.
trumpet player in the hotel’s band. Thereafter, he was
arrested by the gendarme and hauled away, so it is likely The purported purposes of those trips were to liaison
that he will not be difficult to locate. Director Donovan with influential Vietnamese figures in an attempt to
is known for his odd-ball schemes, and recruiting Dr. stem the tide of communism, but Donovan increasingly
Bones is clearly one of these schemes. Heaven knows traveled alone and to undisclosed destinations.
to what use Director Donovan has for Doctor Bones. Donovan’s wife would later be quoted by an attending
physician as saying Donovan’s behavior had become
“erratic” and “nearly unbearable”. According to medical
HOOK: ANTHRAX ARMY-WORMS records, Donovan began experiencing hallucinations,
tremors and other symptoms of dementia. In 1954 he
The OSS has intercepted Japanese military was forced to resign from his post as Ambassador to
communications between a Japanese battleship group Thailand, and called home.
in the South China Sea and a Japanese installation just
outside of Hue. OSS Nisei Linguists have translated and For the past few years, Donovan has been in and out
decoded the message, they say originating from Unit 731 of various mental health facilities. During his last, and
of the Imperial Japanese Army, the unit responsible for most recent stint, he broke out Mount Sinai Hospital,
the development and deployment of biological weapons. fleeing barefoot and in pajamas. The beat cops who
It appears that Unit 731 has, using an alien technology, detained him quoted him as saying that he could see
modified army-worms to carry an anthrax-like disease, “Great Cthulhu coming up and over the 59th Street
and is seeking permission to deploy the army-worms bridge, into Manhattan.”
in a nearby rice field.


All OSS Operational groups have been outfitted with and

trained on the use of sophisticated British short-wave
radio equipment. Recently, British Naval Intelligence
and OSS Operational Groups in the Asia Pacific theater
have reported the intercept of strange short-wave
transmissions originating from somewhere off the
coast of Vietnam. These transmissions appear to be
amplified beyond anything necessary for terrestrial
communication, and have at times disrupted the
transmission of important classified orders to US and
British Naval vessels in the region. What device is
transmitting these messages and to what ends?

William Joseph (“Wild Bill”) Donovan 

Expédition Lemont:
The Lost City of Yian-Ho

by Francis Acquarone


Augustin Lemont, a French Roman Catholic priest, destructions divines, a book containing creational and
traveled throughout Southern Indochina (now Vietnam destructive rituals in 1839. Both scholars referred to
and Cambodia) in the late 19th Century (1886-1899). the Nguoi Rung as the Tchortcha Tribe.
He was known for his anthropological research on
Indochinese ethnic minorities and remote tribes. Through his secret research into the Mythos, Lemont
During one of his first expeditions, Lemont spent several became obsessed with the Nguoi Rung and the legends
months living with the Nguoi Rung, an isolated hill tribe. surrounding the lost city of Yian-Ho. He was convinced
Following an ethnographic approach, Lemont embraced of the existence of the Great Old Ones and yearned to
the tribe’s customs and partook in its mysterious rituals. contact these entities in order to guide humankind into
One day, the tribe’s shaman led Lemont to the Nguoi its next cycle in evolution. Over time, it became more
Rung’s most sacred site, a small abandoned Cham difficult for the Church to ignore Lemont’s deviations
stupa. According to the shaman, the ruins stood above from catholic teachings and the repudiation of his
a magnificent underground city named Yian-Ho. The faith. The final straw was the enlisting of some of his
inhabitants of Yian-Ho were guardians of a gate that seminary students into his secret research. In 1898, at
led to a mysterious world called the “Plateau of Sung.” the age of 36, Lemont was excommunicated.

Upon returning to Saigon, Lemont presented his Lemont was unperturbed and welcomed the opportunity
report and wrote a manuscript, “Incerta et Fabulosis to devote more time to what had become the focus of
in Paeninsulam Indosinensem” (Myths and Mysteries in his life. By then, various cultists had entered in contact
Indochina, see Handout #7) intended to both clergy and with him, including a shadowy occult society known as
civilian authorities, confident it would spark immediate the Partnership. Lemont was eager to prove his worth
interest and warrant additional research. to the Partnership and obtain funds and equipment for
another expedition.
But as archeology and anthropology were not high
priorities for l’Union Indochinoise’s administration, his In the spring of 1899, Lemont set out into the
funding request for a second expedition was refused by wilderness with a few local guides and former pupils.
both Church and State. Over the next ten years, Lemont The expedition was a disaster as Lemont quickly ran
lived parallel lives. Officially, he returned to teaching and out of resources, and his followers soon deserted him,
guiding novices to the priesthood. Secretly, he spent one by one. The story goes that after getting lost for
his time studying Nguoi Rung rituals, incantations, and days in the wetlands, the dwindling band managed
animist practices. He also probed into the tribe’s worship to find a remote village belonging to an ethnic tribe
of a pantheon of unknown “divinities.” called the Cho-Ro. Lemont asked the tribe’s village
elder for the location of the Nguoi Rung, certain it
Lemont’s investigations led him to establish regular would be impossible for the village inhabitants not to
correspondence with other European anthropologists be aware of the whereabouts of the mysterious people
and occultists, including Professeur Charles Robequain, who called themselves the guardians of the “gate.” To
author of “Lieux sacrés et cachés d’Asie” (Sacred and his astonishment, the village elder spoke of the Nguoi
Hidden Sites in Asia), and assistant to the famed Jean- Rung as distant relatives. According to him, most of the
Xavier Pochi, who published Rituels de créations et Nguoi Rung had moved to dwellings built under a gorge.

He disclosed the location of one settlement and provided supplies. Lore Sheets
Lemont set-out on a last attempt to find the Great Old Ones.
The Pacification - Summer 1946, on
The group found a community of Nguoi Rung hidden in a gorge. The the eve of a new round of negotiation
priest rejoiced; he could once again partake in the tribe’s ritualistic between the French government and
activities and increase his occult lore. Days became weeks. Lemont’s the newly formed Democratic Republic
remaining companions finally abandoned him when he forced one of Vietnam (DRV); the country is divided
of them to lay on a stone altar and offer his essence to a great and governed by two separate entities.
divinity. Speaking in a weird tongue, Lemont summoned forth an The Việt Minh control the north, while
uncharacteristically large elephant trunk which sprung from the earth newly arrived French forces re-occupy
and engulfed the victim’s head, who was never heard from again. the south and prepare staging bases
for an imminent “re-capture” of the
Those who deserted him and made their way back to Saigon were north. The French government and
traumatized and profoundly altered by the experience. A young its proxy, the Union Indochinoise, are
member of Lemont’s former flock, Diem Nguyen, or Gabriel Nguyen, also launching in parallel a considerable
based on his Christian name, had second thoughts when he returned public relations strategy aiming to
to St-Joseph’s Seminary. Reflecting on the expedition, he was utterly win the hearts and minds of the
convinced that what he experienced was more significant than local populations. The governmental
life or God. He ransacked Lemont’s former quarters, pilfering the authorities are also seeking to gain
priest’s notes, diary, and lifelong work, the Incerta et Fabulosis in a positive image of France’s colonial
Paeninsulam Indosinensem. rule internationally. This initiative,
branded “Pacification,” includes
For years, Diem Nguyen continued the priest’s research and delved significant infrastructure projects and
deeper into the Mythos. In the 1920s, he used his findings and beliefs countrywide public health initiatives.
to influence the founding members of the Cao Đài religion. He tried Academic research and anthropological
to convince Caodaists that the religion’s symbol of faith, the “Left Eye studies play a vital role in showcasing
of God” was a representation of a Great Old One known as Chaugnar France’s desire to promote national
Faugn, the hyper-dimensional guardian of Yian-Ho, he who looks out interest under a well-defined French
onto the Plateau of Sung. administration.

It didn’t take long for Diem Nguyen to estrange his Cao Đài brothers, I’m a scholar of South East Asian
and after several esoteric and philosophical debates, the religious Anthropology with a doctorate degree
organization ostracized him. In 1926, Diem took a few loyal followers from l’École Polytechnique. I was tapped
with him, left Tây Ninh, the Holy See of Caodaism, and is said to to provide consulting to Monsieur
have gone into the wilderness to complete Lemont’s work and gain Henry de Constance, Deputy High
access to the Plateau of Sung. Commissioner at the former Palais du
Gouvernement General in Saigon.
The Horrible Truth Science (Anthropology: +10%)

After several weeks of exploration, Diem and his band of cultists

found the Cham temple ruins. There were, however, no traces of
any Nguoi Rung tribes in the area. Focussing their efforts on the
temple ruins, the cultists cleared the ruins from the overgrowth,
searching for signs of the forgotten city.

While many of his followers fell into despair, Diem redoubled efforts
and spent considerable time in his tent revisiting Lemont’s notes
and reading other arcane volumes he had brought with him.

He turned to passages of the Sutra of Sung, a volume written by

U Pao, a Burmese scholar. The Sutra of Sung explores the nature
of life on earth and beyond. The prized volume also dabbles with
arcane theories related to the evolution of humankind. Likewise,
Professor Robequain’s Lieux sacrés et cachés d’Asie suggests that
the “chosen ones” will be shown the way into another realm where
they will be able to evolve into higher beings.

The most relevant portions of Lieux sacrés et cachés Sung. Overwhelmed by what he saw, Lemont made a
d’Asie feature passages from the Liber Tenebris, known pack with Chaugnar Faugn. He promised to deliver
to some as the Tome de la Noirceur or Book of Darkness. recruits in exchange for unlimited access to the Plateau.
According to Pochi, the Liber Tenebris was originally The Great Old One accepted and even granted Lemont
written in an alien world and later deposited in Yian-Ho. “all the time in the world” to study and understand
Furthermore, Pochi attested to only being allowed to the Mythos. Chaugnar Faugn elevated Lemont to an
gaze at a copy of the Liber Tenebris during his brief visit ageless immortal being – capable of being destroyed
to Asia, but such a brief moment left a deep impression but never aging. The concept of time no longer exists
upon Pochi. Prof. Robequain relied on content from for Lemont, provided he remains in Yian-Ho.
the Tome de la Noirceur to hypothesize about inter-
dimensional travel to the Plateau of Sung through the Lemont correctly deduced that Chaugnar Faugn’s ability
Yian-Ho gate hidden somewhere in South East Asia. to keep the gate to the Plateau of Sung required human
sacrifices, and absent such sacrifices, Chaugnar Faugn
According to Prof. Robequain, Yian-Ho is an would return to a state of hibernation. Therefore,
extraordinary underground city built by highly Lemont, who maintained a correspondence with the
intelligent humanoid creatures from other worlds who outside world with the help of nearby tribes, managed
travel to and from the Plateau of Sung. Moreover, to trick a Siamese mining expedition to venture out to
Robequain posits that the Plateau of Sung lies in the Yian-Ho. The unfortunate souls appeased the Great
center of the cosmos and serves as a transportation hub Old One, for a while. A few years elapsed, and just as
to other planets. The professor’s theory was, however, the Great Old One was about to fall into hibernation,
highly criticized. Several cultists and researchers place Diem’s expedition departed Tây Ninh.
the Plateau’s entrance in Tibet. Others are adamant that
the entrance lies in Burma. It is plausible that various After a long search, Diem and his followers finally
gates, or portals, exist and these would all lead to the discovered the Cham stupa and gained access to the
Plateau of Sung. underground world. In a moment of euphoria, knowing
they were nearing Yian-Ho, Diem ordered his followers
Although the works of Pochi, Robequain, and Lemont to paint a representation of Cao Đài the Ancient Sage
include idealistic material, if one were to piece together and Great Bodhisattva Mahasattva. Caodaists depicted
the hard data and occult riddles correctly, it would the three teachings: Saint, Sage, and Buddha in one of
allow the Investigators to navigate through the Cham the first caves. Chaugnar Faugn has since used these
ruins, encounter the Nguoi Rung, and access Yian-Ho. images as a medium to communicate with intruders
Not every traveler is, however, worthy of accessing the and gauge their worthiness.
Plateau, they must first pass several trials. Those who
pass will be granted access; those who fail will fall prey Progressing deeper underground, the group finally
to the Great Old One and are drained of their essence. found the City of Yian-Ho. They were well received
There are also rumors of explorers who are selected to by the Nguoi Rung and by Diem’s old mentor, Lemont.
perform a very specific task. These individuals come The shock of encountering his former mentor almost
back sane but changed. They morph into an avatar of proved too much for Diem, who had a sliver of sanity
the Great Old One, suffering from elephantiasis. They left. Lemont invited Diem and his followers to cleanse
are cursed to serve the deity, ensuring nearby tribes are themselves before their final journey and progress
subjugated and occasionally provide young infants to through humankind’s cycle of evolution. Lemont knew
be raised as Nguoi Rung, thus maintaining a population very well that Diem and several of his followers would
of loyal servitors. It is not clear how Chaugnar Faugn not be able to complete the last challenge.
chooses who will pass the challenge. The Nguoi Rung
speak of his liking for the erudite. In some ironic twist, Diem transformed into an Avatar
of Chaugnar Faugn. A few of his followers managed to
Unbeknownst to Diem, during his second expedition, free him and escape the Nguoi Rung’s clutches. Diem
Lemont managed to access the subterranean city of was mortally wounded during the escape and died a few
Yian-Ho with the help of the Nguoi Rung. Lemont used miles away from Tây Ninh, the Caodaist Holy See. His
both mundane psychological manipulation and arcane remaining followers begged the newly appointed Pope
spells to dominate the Nguoi Rung, and after several to grant Diem a proper Cao Đài burial. Their request was
years, became the “de facto” leader of the Nguoi Rung. granted. Escapees, most of them illiterate and certainly
He first convinced the shaman to abandon settlements not capable of reading any foreign languages, also gave
in the region and move the entire tribe to Yian-Ho in all material in Diem’s possession to the Caodaists.
order to better serve the Great Old One, Chaugnar
Faugn. This endeavor was well perceived by the Great Since Diem’s expedition, Lemont has continued to
Old One, who allowed Lemont to enter the Plateau of correspond with dedicated cultists and the Partnership.

The Cho-Ro serves as couriers and willingly relay potential - I would rather sit by the pool at the Majestic
missives to the civilized world. In 1936, Lemont tricked hotel with a cocktail – discussion and should do
a group of Singapore-based British socialites into everything in their power to set the scenario in motion.
undertaking “the journey of a lifetime to a magical city
full of gold.” To date, no one knows what happened to To find the city, Investigators will first need to discover
the eccentric British “weekend” explorers. and go through Lemont’s notes and reports, many
of which were collected over the years by various
Amid Pacification, Lemont has convinced the Cho- officials. As they decipher the documents and read
Ro’s district leader to contact French authorities and arcane passages, they will slowly lose their sanity, and
entice them to follow in his footsteps and search for like others before them, be drawn to Yian-Ho.
the infamous lost Cham city, Yian-Ho the City of Gold.
The Cho-Ro spread rumours around Cochinchina. Around the same time, Lemont also sent similar
Men of dubious ambitions were quick to take the bait. correspondence to a Việt Minh commander operating in
Lured by the possibility of fame and riches, Deputy High the area. Pausing as a communist agent, Lemont spoke
Commissioner Henry de Constance had his staff dig up of the Plateau as a unique strategic area that would
information relevant to the priest rumoured to have gone be perfect to set a staging base for future attacks in
looking for the city decades ago. He duped his peers Cochinchina. An elite squad of Việt Minh is currently
in order to gain support for the project on the basis exploring the area, looking for the Plateau. The Keeper
that the expedition would be a great anthropological may also decide to have other factions, such as the
undertaking. Other factions in Saigon have also heard OSS, dispatch agents to look for the city.
the rumors, including OSS agents stationed in the city.
Expedition Lemont is meant to be played as a campaign.
It is composed of four separate modules or phases.
Getting the Investigators Involved Each module has a series of scenes and clues. Keepers
can decide to shorten modules, remove scenes, or
Keepers should encourage a good mix of occupations move clues around. The campaign is modular in nature
and character types. Players who have opted to and provides the flexibility for Keepers to run a shorter
create their own character should be encouraged to or longer game.
consider the following occupations: anthropologist/
archaeologist; local guide (Viet, Khmer, Cao Đài); Spine
soldier or military officer (Foreign Legion soldiers
responsible for providing the security detail); Module 1: Saigon
mercenary; doctor or nurse; reporter, foreign • The Banquet
correspondent; and local civil servant. • Sûreté Nationale
• Government Archives
After character generation or selection, each player • St. Joseph Seminary
should be encouraged to have their Investigator take • Chicory Café)
on or create at least one Lore Sheet that describes a • Time for Happy Hour
part of the game world (a person, place and/or thing) • Chambre de Commerce de Saigon
and how it is related to the Investigator. Module 2: Tây Ninh
• The Arrival
Some Investigators may have already encountered • Meeting the Pope
the Mythos. However, this will be the first (and • The Blessed Archives
perhaps last) encounter with the Mythos for most • The Search for Mai Hang
Investigators. Keepers may decide if, and how, • Unearth
previous scenario characters are invited to participate Module 3: Jungle
in the expedition. • Last Point of Contact
• Stories by the Campfire
Once the Investigators begin their investigation, and • Are we there yet?
horrific tales of Lemont’s demise emerge, they may • The encounter
question the logic to partake in the expedition. The Module 4: Yian Ho
Keeper needs to ensure Investigators have a strong • The Lone Stupa
drive to push forward even at the risk of affecting their • Entering the Mystical City
sanity. It is the Keeper’s responsibility to ensure that • Epilogue 1 – The Plateau
each Investigator’s drive is strong enough to continue. • Epilogue 2 – The Cosmos
Possible drives could include curiosity, thrill-seeking, • Epilogue 3 – Escape from Yian-Ho
fame, and monetary gain. Keepers must avoid the

The Banquet

Date: Late summer 1946 took his office, he has not shied away from expenses.
Location: Saigon, Norodom Palace, former Palais du The Deputy High Commissioner surrounded himself
Gouverneur Général with a personal guard composed of Foreign Legion
Lead Outs: Sûreté Nationale soldiers. Rumors say he was a former collaborationist,
St Joseph’s Seminary, Government archives, Chicory who supported the Vichy government. He switched
Café (Optional), Time for happy hour (Optional), alliances only once Germany was clearly losing the war.
Chambre de Commerce (Optional)
Purpose: Investigators have all been hired by the Upon arrival on the grounds of the Palace, two very
Provisional Government to participate in the Pacification tall Foreign Legion guards, dressed in ceremonial
campaign. This scene serves as an opportunity to uniforms, wearing their Kepi and white gloves, ask to
introduce the Investigators and have them interact. see your invitation. Then one of the guards escorts
you to a set of double doors guarded by two additional
Foreign Legion guards. The guards salute and open
Keepers should give Handout #1 & #2 to the the doors in perfect unison.
Investigators before the scene begins. Keepers are
encouraged to also include during the first few For some of the characters, this fanfare would seem
scenes element of tensions. Perhaps the Investigators surreal and uncomfortable. Investigators failing Credit
are being followed by agents of various interested Rating rolls may botch social interactions.
factions, such as Việt Minh instigators, OSS agents,
or Cao Đài followers. The entrance opens on a lavish marble hall with a
double staircase leading to the former Governor’s
The Norodom Palace, formally the Governor’s Palace, residence on the second floor. Underneath the stairs
was built in the latter part of the 19th Century with stand two motionless Vietnamese banquet hostesses;
the intent to impress. It reflects power and France’s they are wearing black, traditional áo dài and keep
desire for cultural hegemony. another set of Parisian glass double doors open.

This palace was once the seat of l’Union Indochinoise’s Footsteps echo throughout the large empty ballroom
administration, which has since been moved to Hanoi. as the old and dry wooden floor planks creek under
Not wanting to upstage the Governor, the newly your feet. Palace staff escorts you to a side room,
appointed Lieutenant-Governor responsible for more modest in stature.
Cochinchina has moved to a more modest residence.
The 2-story neo-Baroque building, which played host A large table with a dozen seats occupies the center
to sumptuous balls for 800 guests in its heydays, has of the room. A large crystal chandelier hangs over
been turned into nothing more than a function space the center of the table. In the corner of the room, a
used for receiving foreign dignitaries visiting Saigon. four-piece ensemble composed of local musicians
perform The Marseillaise on traditional Vietnamese
Investigators with Art/Craft, Civil Engineering, or instruments. Name cards have been neatly pre-
Architecture know that the building, especially its positioned around the table. Folders rest on the
foundation, needs constant repairs. With a successful elegant dinnerware in front of each name card.
Politics or Credit Rating roll, Investigators have heard Your host has yet to enter the room.
rumors concerning Henry de Constance. Since he

Norodom Palace – Saigon

Once all Investigators are seated, distribute Handouts #3-#8. Keepers Lore Sheets
should encourage roleplay. Investigators may want to discuss current
politics, the reason they were invited to the banquet and their role Makeover- After the British troops
for the upcoming expedition. handed power back to the Free French
Forces in December 1945, prestigious
“Monsieur l’administrateur, Henry de Constance” announces a colonial buildings came back into
middle-aged Vietnamese man wearing a western-style butler fashion. The Norodom Palace has had
suit. Henry de Constance is a relatively short, overweight man. a significant makeover; high ranked
He does his best to appear elegant and stately, but he winces in administrators feel the need to display
pain as he slowly walks in. He is wearing an off-white linen suit, France’s power once more.
a purple silk bow tie, and a matching pocket square. As he sits,
he says in a deep voice as if he wanted to give authority to his It could be said that the renovations
remarks, “Pardon my tardiness, I have been suffering from a bout to the palace deeply reflect a need
of gout these days. You are probably eager to learn more about for refashioning the previous colonial
your role. Bear with me, my friends; all will be revealed soon.” He administration. Several high ranked civil
surveys the room. “I thought we could discuss an extraordinary officers, including Henry de Constance,
opportunity in a more pleasant environment, rather than meet the Deputy High Commissioner, were
in my modest government offices.” instrumental in conducting the affairs of
the Vichy regime. Could fresh whitewash
“As part of the Pacification campaign, the government has decided on the palace walls replace the stench
to launch an expedition into the Southern wetlands to find a of these former collaborators?
remote and forgotten tribe….” He pauses to let the information
sink in. “But this won’t be your typical expedition to study…” he I know Henry de Constance, as I know
pauses and says with disdain “natives. NO, Mesdames et Monsieurs, the Norodom Palace. Years ago, before
I…personally convinced the High Commissioner that we should the war, I performed an architectural
take this opportunity to investigate and locate an old Cham city study on Norodom. After the Brits left
rumoured to be full of gold.” in 1946, Constance hired me to “spruce
up the place and spare no expenses.”
He looks to his left and right before continuing: “the Provisional Architecture +10%
Government of the French Republic will compensate you handsomely
for any treasures found. Oh, and yes, I am sure some of you will The Corsican Mob - The Corsican
also be ecstatic to discover an unrecorded old Cham complex.” Franchini family played a significant
role in weaving Saigon’s underworld
“The goal is simple, my friends, using an old report prepared by…” he links. They amassed a fortune in
looks at his notes, “a priest named Augustin Lemont of the Christian trading currency, opium smuggling, and
Brothers…you will retrace his previous expedition steps, find the racketeering. The patriarch, Mathieu
tribe and locate the mysterious city. Now, you each have a folder Franchini, traveled several times a year
resting in front of you. All the information we have at present is at between Saigon and Marseille to ensure
your disposal. I invite you to peruse these documents, after bien the distribution networks in Europe
sûr, our delicious 5-meal courses prepared for us today.” He claps were running effectively. A charismatic
his hands, and banquet staff brings in the first course. individual, always wearing the latest Paris
linen suits, he surrounded himself with
Investigators should roleplay and ask questions or peruse the loyal and ex-military compatriots. The
documents in front of them. The collective drive for the Investigators Franchini family operated with impunity
at this stage is simple. They have been hired to do a job and are until the communists took over in 1975.
paid to do so.
I did “the books” for Mathieu Franchini,
The Deputy High Commissioner has, however, received an and helped him purchase the Hotel
anonymous tip that a city full of gold lay in the wetlands of Continental in 1930. It gave us a
Cochinchina. His motives are purely driven by greed. He owes several legitimate front to run our businesses
nefarious criminal organizations substantial sums of money. Some and foster our relationships with the
Investigators may have other reasons for joining the expedition, but colonial establishment. After Bảy Viễn
it is up to the individual Investigator whether or not to disclose such federated Saigon’s families, we had it all.
motive at the dinner table. Additionally, some of the Investigators There were no more rivalries; we were
may have heard the rumor of Yian-Ho, a city of lost gold. Allow this all marching to the same beat, carving
scene to play out naturally. up the “gâteau” in equal shares.
Accounting +10%, Law +5%

Henry de Constance, age 49 If Investigators ask about the location of the lost city or the forgotten
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU tribe, Henry de Constance would reply:
50 40 60 50 60 50 70 80
Well, that’s why we call it a lost city and a forgotten tribe; if we
SAN HP knew where they were located, they wouldn’t be lost and forgotten
49 10 now would they. You are the experts. That is why we hired you.
And let me remind you that you will be paid handsomely.”
Damage Bonus: none.
Weapons: Modele 1892 revolver, 8mm 50%,
The Investigators may also have questions related to the report.
damage 1D8
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, 1D3 With a Spot Hidden roll, Investigators notice:

Credit Rating 20%, Dodge 25%, Fast Talk • Lemont filed his report with the government authorities, and it
65%, Listen 50%, Persuade 48%, Sleight of was stored in the Cochinchina governmental archives.
Hand 55%, Spot Hidden 50% • His first expedition was funded by both his religious order and
the Cochinchina government.
Languages: French 80%, German 40%,
English 40% • The last page of the report includes a list of people who reviewed
and approved the report, including Saigon Chief, Sûreté Nationale
– Director Mazenq.

If Investigators discuss financial matters, Henry de Constance says:

Beef Stew - Local restaurant Nồi của dì
(Auntie’s Pot) is a notorious hangout for Of course, if you were to discover any valuables during the
nefarious types. It’s no secret. Criminal expedition, the French government is prepared to offer you a
activity and dealings happened right payment equivalent of 20% of the resale value of any antiquities
out in the open. Money was exchanged or artifacts.
for drugs, weapons, or services –
right on the dinner tables. Finally, fed If Investigators ask about Việt Minh activity in the region:
up with the brazenness, the French
authorities organized a raid. Around No such thing. The Tây Ninh province is considered a safe zone.
forty gendarmes stormed the restaurant The Cao Đài militia controls the territory and is now fighting on
one evening, brandishing pistols and our side.
clubs. The place erupted into a violent
and bloody brawl between the gangsters Investigators may also wish to ask for a sauf-conduit, a document
and the police. It wasn’t long before the stating their business on behalf of the Provisional Government. It
bullets began to fly. may prove useful to open doors, secure equipment, weapons, and
transportation. Unless Investigators roll an Extreme success on a
I was at the restaurant that night; I was Credit Rating roll, Henry de Constance will brush off the request
interviewing for a job that would have and tell them to go to Sûreté Nationale.
me acting bodyguard for the wife and
daughter of a notorious opium kingpin.
When the chaos struck, I leaped into Included with their folders, each Investigator receives a line of
action. I immediately began by hurling a credit based on their Credit Rating (see table, below). Investigators
chair at the gendarmes. Following that, I can use the line of credit throughout the game to buy equipment,
flung a scalding tureen of soup. I leaped services, information, and hire NPCs.
on the closest officer and began viciously
beating him; once I was done with him, I Cr.Rating Francs USD (120 Fr to $1USD)
jumped on the next closest one. I didn’t
0-10% 1,200 $10
have a gun, so I used everything I could
get my hands on. Bowls, chairs, bottles. 11-25% 6,000 $50
The whole event happened in a blur of 26-50% 12,000 $100
soup and blood, and then the next thing I 51-65% 24,000 $200
realized was I was out in the open air. My 66-75% 48,000 $400
new boss and I ran away together from
the scene. I think I aced that interview!
Fighting (Brawl) +10%

Sûreté Nationale

Location: Direction de la Police et de la Sûreté, Police The building is bustling with activities even though
HQ, Rue Catinat Saigon common folk avoids its vicinity. French gendarmes
Lead Ins: The Banquet, Government Archives (Optional), leave or return from patrol. Two plainclothes
St Joseph’s Seminary (Optional). detectives smoke cigarettes by the door. A small
Lead Outs: Government archives, St Joseph’s Seminar, group of local laborers busily clean an armored car.
Chicory Café (Optional), Time for happy hour (Optional),
Chambre de Commerce (Optional), Module 2 (Tây Ninh): Inside, wooden chairs for waiting are lined-up on the
Under his Eye side walls. Public announcements and wanted posters
Purpose: At this stage, Investigators do not have much cover one wall. Three counters, protected by bronzed
to rely on. They have a report complemented by a gates, stand at the end of the room. A young, uniformed
series of hand or typewritten notes. They may wish to Caucasian police officer occupies one of the gates.
consult the last person to sign-off on the expedition,
the Director of the Sûreté Nationale. Investigators The officer is reasonably helpful. It wouldn’t take much
may also want to inquire about Detective Jean Richard. to convince him to go search for Director Mazenq,
Detective Richard is no longer serving in Indochina; especially if Investigators mentioned they are working
he left in the mid-1930s, but his colleague may have for the provisional government. With a successful
more information. Persuade, Charm or Fast Talk roll, or a Hard success
on APP roll, the police clerk will inform Mazenq of the
Investigators’ presence.

The Rue Catinat was designed to mimic a French A man wearing thick glasses and an off-white linen
provincial town boulevard. Large plane trees are suit enters. Mazenq, who is in his early 50s, looks
neatly lined up on both sides of the street. Luxurious haggard and tired. The Director should be in bed,
neo-classical apartment buildings, French-style resting. “Bonjour, how can I help you.”
cafes, and chic boutiques dot the avenue. Colonial
architectural masterpieces located on Rue Catinat Director Mazenq would lead the Investigator to his
also included the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Post office. It smells of cigarettes, mold, and cognac. A map of
Office, and the Opera House. Saigon’s socialites, Cochinchine is attached to one of the walls. Conversing
composed of expatriates and privileged locals, with Mazenq reveals the following about the report:
frequent the area. Graham Green, the author of the
Quiet American, described the street as the “epitome • Mazenq signed the report a few weeks ago. He never
of colonial chic.” heard of Lemont before the report. His role is to
analyze the risk and ensure a project can proceed.
With a successful Psychology roll Investigator would
know it is a lie.

Rue Catinat – Saigon

Director Frederic Mazenq, age 53 • He says he never heard of the Nguoi Rung, the Yian-Ho city, or the
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU Plateau of Sung. With a successful Psychology roll Investigators
50 50 60 50 80 50 50 70
would know it is a lie.
• He goes through several reports per day, and he will admit that
SAN HP this “expedition” is not a high priority for him. With a successful
21 10 Psychology roll Investigators would know that this is a half-truth.
Damage Bonus: none. The expedition is not a priority for the French police, but it is
Luger: 75%, damage 1D10 of personal interest to Mazenq, as Mazenq has spent a lifetime
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, 1D3
combating Mythos threats and he recognizes that the expedition
Credit Rating 50%, Cthulhu Mythos 11%, is connected to the Mythos.
Dodge 25%, Intimidate 50%, Law 50%,
Psychology 50%, Spot Hidden 50% With a successful History role or similar investigative ability related to
Languages: French 70%, English 50%, politics, Mazenq also mentions the expedition’s link with the Cao Đài:
Japanese 50%, Mandarin Chinese: 20%
• The French are courting the Cao Đài.
• It is imperative to re-ally with the Cao Đài.
• Detective Jean Richard spent considerable time and money trying
to infiltrate the Cao Đài in the late 1920s.
• To Mazenq’s knowledge, the infiltration never yielded any reward.
Director Mazenq - The Direction de la
Police et de la Sûreté current building Investigators can call Mazenq on his lies. With a successful
dates back from early 1930 when the Psychoanalysis roll, Mazenq reveals:
original French colonial police station
was expanded. The two-floor corner • Mazenq may offer to meet one or two Investigators privately at
building, surrounded by a white stucco the Majestic. He has heard of the Tchortcha before during his
fence, certainly contrasts with other previous work in Shanghai in the 1920s. They are supposedly a
landmarks nearby. Not one peddler tribal community with strange and extraordinary powers.
dared to establish commerce in front
of the building’s facade. Locals habitually If any characters have a slight understanding or an interest in
make a point to cross to the other side the Mythos, Director Mazenq’s revelation will prove invaluable in
of the street to avoid passing in front of convincing them to see the expedition through. This is the reason
the building’s front gate. why Mazenq signed and approved the expedition in the first place.
His intentions have nothing to do with the Pacification campaign, nor
Once the French re-took Saigon after the lure of fortune and fame. Once he took his position in Vietnam,
the August Revolution of 1945, several he heard of the Red Land Plantation event and has made a vow to
political activists and insurgents were continue investigating any Mythos related leads.
tortured in the building’s basement.
Some say that old scores were also Mazenq keeps a steady correspondence with former allies in Shanghai,
settled during that period. including Sir Victor Sassoon, who is now living in Nassau. (Victor
Sassoon is a primary story “Hook” in The Sassoon Files, published
My old acquaintance Director Mazenq by Sons of the Singularity). In 1931, Sassoon, Mazenq, and other
now works in the Direction de la Police like-minded individuals formed the Righteous Companions Society.
et de la Sûreté. He does not seem suited Bishop Pham joined the Society before infiltrating the Cao Đài.
for his department nor care about “The
Pacification.” He seems to have some
obsession which is keeping him up at
night, the French Detective will not open
up to me.
Fast Talk 5%

Government Archives

Location: Hôtel de Ville de Saigon, Cochinchine make use of other skills to find and enter the Archives.
Gouvernement Administrative Bureau Wooden shelves, stacked with boxes and cardboard
Lead Ins: The Banquet, Sûreté Nationale, St Joseph’s folders, occupy the sizeable low ceiling room. Local
Seminary (Optional) staff conduct a back-aching and tedious inventory of
Lead Outs: St Joseph’s Seminary, Sûreté Nationale, boxes and folders in the Archives.
Chicory Café (Optional), Time for happy hour (Optional),
Chambre de Commerce (Optional), Module 2 (Tây Ninh): The clerk mentions: “Once we re-took the building
Under His Eye from the communists, we sadly realized that years and
Purpose: Investigators dig through the governmental years of work was lost. The Việt Minh were looking
archives to find related reports, memos, or receipts for information on collaborators. They ransacked
linked to Lemont’s original expedition or his demand the place. They stole dossiers, burned some, and left
for additional funding for a second expedition. Diligent the rest in complete disarray. I must warn you, the
Investigators find a map of Lemont’s intended route information that you seek may be missing.”
for his second expedition.
Keepers should ask Investigators how and where they
would proceed. With a successful Library Use roll,
Investigators find the following information:
Another notable example of French colonial
architecture, the Hôtel de Ville construction was • A copy of Lemont’s original report (first expedition
driven by the objective to assert colonial rule. Built – Handout #7)
by Paul Gardes between 1902 and 1908, the building • A receipt including expenditures for material and
is one of the city’s colonial landmarks. Today, it guides (first expedition)
serves as the seat of the French civil administration. • A dossier under a requisition demand for material
It comprises the High Commissioner offices and and equipment in the Department of Engineering
various bureaucratic departments, such as the and Infrastructure files (second expedition).
Department of Infrastructure & Transportation, • The dossier doesn’t reveal much, but it includes
Finance, Documentation & Archives. Lemont’s “intended route” map (inside Handout #12)

With the presentation of the Sauf-Conduit, a French

bureaucrat personally escorts the Investigators to the
basement Archives. Otherwise, Investigators must

Hotel de Ville - Saigon

Lore Sheets
St Joseph’s Seminary
Church and State - The French civil
government has long been a strong
supporter of the Roman Catholic
Church’s efforts in Indochina, and the Location: Boulevard de la Citadelle, Saigon
young novices studying to become Lead Ins: The Banquet, Sûreté Nationale, Government Archives
priests have generally been supportive (Optional)
of the French rule. Many of them came Lead Outs: Government archives (Optional), Sûreté Nationale,
from wealthy local families. One such Chicory Café (Optional), Time for happy hour (Optional), Chambre
priest is Pierre Martin Ngô Dinh Thuc, de Commerce (Optional)
the second of six sons of a prominent Purpose: Investigators consult the Christian Brothers’ archives and/
Roman Catholic family. Pierre Martin or interrogate the Seminary’s Rector. Although the current serving
Ngô Dinh Thuc’s father, Ngô Đình Khả, Rector, Father Dubois, was not present during Lemont’s time, he
served as a high ranked mandarin. certainly would have a strong opinion about Lemont.

His loyalty to France was unquestionable.

In return, his father was always able
to secure the most favorable positions The original St Joseph’s Seminary, the first Roman Catholic
for his sons. One of his older brothers, institution in Saigon, was founded shortly after the French conquest
Khôi, was named provincial governor of 1859. Bishop Dominique Lefèbvre directed the Christian Brothers
under Bảo Đại’s imperial regime. Khôi to build and run an institution where they could prepare young
supported the Vichy administration Vietnamese for the Catholic priesthood.
and the Japanese during WW2. He was
shot by the Việt Minh during the August After the original site burned to the ground, Father Louis Théodore
Revolution. His other brother Diem will Wibaux oversaw the construction of a new seminary, which opened
serve as President of South Vietnam from its doors in 1866. The number of students and teachers increased
1955 to 1963. Pierre Martin Ngô Dinh consistently over the next decades, and the building saw several
Thuc chose to follow an ecclesiastic path transformations. At its apogee in the 1920s, the Seminary counted
and joined the Seminary at the age of well over 100 students and a dozen permanent priests.
twelve. In 1938, Pierre Martin Ngô Dinh
Thuc was only the third Vietnamese to Towards the end of WW2, the Seminary was temporarily evacuated
be raised to the rank of bishop. during the allied bombing campaign of Japanese installations. It
resumed operations in the summer of 1946. The current Rector,
I attended the same Seminary as Pierre Father Dubois’ mandate is to bring the institution back to its
Martin Ngô Dinh Thuc, and I know many former glory. He is devoted to the cause and known as a simple,
of the same people. honorable man in the community.
Lore (Theology) +30%
The current two-story neo-classical building is modest in contrast
to other colonial buildings in the city. A few stairs lead to a portico
that runs from side to side of the building. The main door opens
on a small vestibule. A large but simple wooden cross hangs on
one of the walls. Two archways lead to corridors. A small bell
swings from one of the arches.

A young Vietnamese priest arrives to welcome the Investigators. If

the Investigators decide to present their sauf-conduit, the young
priest would be very impressed and ask the Investigators to wait
a few moments while searching for the Rector. Otherwise, the
Investigators must succeed on an interpersonal skill roll or wait
hours until the Rector finds time to step away from his duties.

The Rector, Father Dubois, looks relatively young for a man in his
mid-70s. He is tall, skinny with a big bushy white beard. Although
Father Dubois feels that the Investigator’s visit is quite unusual,
he would be inclined to help the Investigators with a successful

Persuade, Charm, or Lore (Theology) roll or an extreme Another successful Psychology or Charm roll reveals
success on an APP roll. He leads the Investigators to that Dubois remained in contact with Paul Tranh,
the Seminary’s hall, inviting them to converse and another former pupil of Lemont. Hard successes on
break bread. these rolls reveals the following information:

A discussion with Father Dubois reveals the following • Paul Tranh was only 15 years old and served as a
information: porter during the expedition.
• He was one of the first to abandon the group when
• A successful Psychology roll reveals that Father Lemont and others started to partake in strange
Dubois is embarrassed. He had a feeling that one day, rituals.
Father Lemont’s story would come back to haunt the • Paul found his faith once more several years after the
Order. These are powerful words from a man that has expedition and confessed his sins to Father Dubois
been trained not to show emotions nor hold grudges. before he passed away in the 1930s.
• It was before his time at the seminary, but when he • Paul’s grandson still lives in Saigon and may have
arrived in Indochina in 1905 at a very young age, more information.
priests, students, and even extended circles outside of
the seminary knew about Father Lemont and his story. If Investigators ask the priest thoughts on Lemont, he
• Father Lemont was a troubled man. He came back would conclude that the man was mad, but there is
from his first expedition a very different individual no doubt he found something during his expedition.
from when he first departed.
• Afterward, his teachings and sermons deviated from
the Order’s instruction. His previous colleagues told
him that Lemont was obsessed with the role of other
higher entities that he referred to as the Forgotten
• According to Lemont, these entities would escort
humanity to a new age and a new cycle of life. Lemont
corrupted innocent souls; an entire flock was lost.
• Father Dubois would also reveal that anything related
to Father Lemont was destroyed as if to erase a terrible
period in the Christian Brother Order’s history.
• He presumes the Governmental Archives would
have a record of his first expedition and perhaps
documents linked with his request for funding for
additional expedition.

He is not aware of what the priest did once he was

excommunicated. If pressed on this matter and with
a successful Persuade roll, he reveals:

• Once father Lemont was expelled, a few of his pupils

left the seminary and followed him.
• CORE CLUE: Father Dubois has heard rumors about
a young bright and promising local pupil, Diem, who
would later be involved with the creation of the
Cao Đài religion, which according to Dubois, “would
explain a great many things.”

Le Tranh
50 60 60 40 50 40 50 60

50 12 Location: Cafe 81, 28 Nguyễn Hữu Cầu, P. Tân Định, Q.1
Lead Ins: Sûreté Nationale, St Joseph’s Seminary (Optional)
Fighting (Brawl): 40%, Lead Outs: Time for happy hour (Optional), Module Part 2 (Tây
Switch blade 1D4
Ninh): Under His Eye
Dodge: 30%
Purpose: Investigators retrace the whereabouts of Paul Tranh’s family,
Skills: Charm 50%, Fast Talk 40% History and arrange to meet with his grandson, Le Tranh.
20%, Persuade 40%, Spot Hidden 55%,
Stealth 50%
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 30%
Café 81, located in District 1, caters to neighborhood patrons. The
place is cramped with pre-colonization paraphernalia, including
Việt Minh agents
Chinese scroll paintings. Several local customers occupy the half
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU dozen tables inside.
50 60 60 60 50 40 50 50
The café’s staff are friendly and assist the Investigators even though
SAN HP they don’t speak French. A man wearing a simple Zhongshan suit jacket
50 12 (popularized by Sun-Yatsen), signals to the Investigators to join him at
Fighting (Brawl): 40%, his small table. There are only two open seats, so other Investigators
Switch blade 1D4 may need to take a different seat or wait about awkwardly.
Firearms (R/S): 35%
Nambu type 14 pistol 1D8 Le Tranh’s doesn’t hold the French and the colonial administration in
Dodge: 30% high regard. Investigators would need a Hard success on a Persuade
or Fast Talk roll to get him to open up. A failure on these rolls will
Skills: Fast Talk 20% History 15%, Intimidate
40%, Listen 35%, Slight of hand 40%, Spot
increase the Occupied City Risk counter by 1D10. Nevertheless, a
Hidden 75%, Stealth 80% conversation with the grandson might reveal:
Languages: Vietnamese 35%, French 20%
• He blames the French and the Church for ruining his family’s fortune.
• His grandfather was never the same after accompanying Lemont. He
started drinking and gambling the family’s money after his return.
• Le Tranh only agreed to meet with them to express his discontent.
A sort of closure for his family.

Regarding his grandfather’s role in Lemont’s last expedition:

• The Grandfather, raised in the Roman Catholic faith, was one of

Lemont’s porters during Lemont’s last expedition in 1899.
• His grandfather told him most people lost their minds, including
• He deserted the group and returned to Saigon but was never
the same.
• Only a few stayed with the priest including a young novice named
Diem Nguyen.

Leaving the Café

Le Tranh is a Việt Minh agent. Le Tranh organized two members

of his cell to stand outside the café on standby, ready to tail the
Investigators after their departure. Although both Việt Minh agents
are riding bicycles, it would be very easy for them to follow the
Investigators in the crowded streets, unless Investigators score a
hard success on a Stealth roll.

Time for Happy Hour

Location: Hotel Majestic, Saigon A local band is playing popular French songs. The singer
Lead Ins: The Banquet, Sûreté Nationale, Government begins la “Vie en Rose” from Édith Piaf to the drunken
Archives (Optional), St Joseph’s Seminary (Optional), and obnoxious French officers’ acclamations.
Chicory Café (Optional)
Lead Outs: Module 2 (Tây Ninh): Under His Eye Archimedes Leonidas Attilio Patti
Purpose: If this scene is played out, Keepers are
encouraged to use it to convey information about the On the left of the stage, a group of four men wearing
setting, including the political gamesmanship being complete suits and ties sits in silence drinking what
played by the various factions seeking influence and looks like soft drinks. If Investigators roll a successful
control over Indochina. Politics, they determine the men are most likely
American and members of the OSS. One of the men
present is none other than Archimedes Leonidas
To run this Scene, it is suggested that Henry de Attilio Patti, back from Hanoi, where he engaged with
Constance provides accommodations at the Hotel high ranking Việt Minh leaders. Patti is interested in
Majestic for the Investigators while in Saigon. The hotel engaging with the Investigators if contact is established:
bar can serve a meeting or debriefing local.
• Patti wants to know about Constance’s plans
Adjacent to the Saigon river, the Hotel Majestic • He does not believe in Yian-Ho.
is one of the most prized addresses in Saigon. • He is personally opposed to the Pacification and
Businesspeople, dignitaries, and diplomats traveling against French rule in general.
to Saigon would sojourn at the hotel.
Loc Van Tien
The main bar, located on the fifth floor of the hotel,
was a favourite with expats and Saigon’s nouveaux At one point during the scene, a Vietnamese man Loc
riches. A large mahogany bar and half a dozen cocktail Van Tien, wearing a western suit approaches one of the
tables await patrons upon their entrance. Further Investigators, trying to strike a conversation. Loc Van Tien
down, tables face a small stage where local and foreign is a member of the Binh Xuyên and is hoping to get the
acts touring Asia’s vibrant cities entertain guests. A Investigators to discuss their plans for finding Yian-Ho:
rooftop terrace at the opposite end of the entrance
offers spectacular views of the city and the Saigon I believe we have a mutual friend; de Constance. He
River. The décor is a mix of art deco and Parisian- tells us he was working on a significant deal. Do you
designed interior. The establishment can comfortably know anything about this?
accommodate close to one hundred guests. L’apéro –
happy hour – is always a good time at Hotel Majestic.

Loc Van Tien, Binh Xuyên Gangster • Constance told gangsters about Yian-Ho and the rumors of gold.
Lieutenant The Binh Xuyên half-believe Henry de Constance; they know
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU about the Investigators and their expedition and will admit this
50 60 50 60 60 60 50 50 knowledge to the Investigators during conversation.
• Deputy Henry de Constance owes a considerable amount of money
to the gangster organizations, debts accumulated over the years.
50 11 This fact is not something which Loc Van Tien would tell the
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 Investigators unless the Investigators bring the conversation to
Luger: 60% 1D10 the subject of de Constance’s relationship with the Binh Xuyên.
Dodge: 30
• Loc Van Tien will ask the Investigators pointed questions about
Skills: Intimidate 60%, Psychology 40%, Spot their investigation so far. If the Investigators are tight-lipped about
Hidden 30%, Stealth 50%, Sleight of Hand Yian-Ho, he will say: “Hey, I don’t believe in this myself. At all. Silly
25% fairy tales if you ask me. But some of my brothers are listening
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 25% to Constance. For me, it’s about... collateral and debt. You see,
de Constance has some collateral and a lot of debt. My brothers
Binh Xuyên Gangster Foot Soldier think that just the idea of Yian-Ho can increase de Constance’s
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU collateral. Me, I don’t agree, but I’m not a man who’s opinion about
50 60 60 60 50 40 50 40 these things counts.”
Other Guests
50 12
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 On the opposite side of the room, a group of men orders several
.38 S&W: 60% 1D8
bottles of champagne. A successful Language roll would reveal
Dodge: 30
the men to be Chinese. If Investigators ask waiters, or score an
Skills: Intimidate 50%, Psychology 20%, Spot extreme success on a Politics roll, they recognize General Lu Han,
Hidden 25%, Stealth 30% commander of the Kuomintang (KMT) First Group Army. Once
Languages: Vietnamese 40%, French 20% Japanese forces capitulated, General Lu’s forces occupied northern
Vietnam for a period of six months before the return of Free French
OSS Agents Forces in late 1946. Lu supported and equipped the Việt Nam Quốc
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU Dân Đảng (VNQDD), a Vietnamese nationalist movement, and rival
50 50 50 60 60 60 50 80 to the Việt Minh.
Keepers may want to include a covert action by the Việt Minh,
50 10 especially if Investigators antagonized Le Tranh. Possible actions
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 could consist of an assassination attempt on a prominent figure such
Colt 1911: 75% 1D10+2 as French High Commissioner for Indochina Thierry d’Argenlieu
Dodge: 30
who is present at the hotel while Investigators are in town.
Skills: Credit Rating 50%, Fast Talk 70%,
Intimidate 60%, Persuade 50%, Psychology During the course of the evening, Investigators may roll a Spot
50%, Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 30% Hidden. With a success, Investigators notice that one of the waiters
Languages: English 80, French 40%, is not wearing hotel-issued leather shoes, but what looks more like
Vietnamese 10% sandals.
Việt Minh Assassin
Sensing that he’s been made, the young man pulls a revolver
from his pants. He leaps between a table, converging on a VIP
60 50 60 80 60 50 50 50 area occupied by the French High Commissioner for Indochina
SAN HP Thierry d’Argenlieu.
50 12
Investigators have a chance to react to neutralize the assassin before
Fighting (Brawl): 70%, fist 1D3 +1 (martial arts)
Firearms (R/P): 75% S&W 38 1D10+2
he has a chance to fire his weapon.
Dodge: 45%

Skills: Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 70%

Languages: Vietnamese 25%, French 10%,

Madame Eglantine Rochequier
Chambre de Commerce de Saigon STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
40 50 50 60 60 50 50 80
(French Chamber of Commerce) SAN HP
50 10
Skills: Accounting 25%, Charm 20%, History
45%,Credit Rating 20%, Library use 75%,
Psychology 30%,
Location: 1 place Rigault de Genouilly, Saigon
Languages: French 60%, Vietnamese 40%
Lead Ins: The Banquet, Sûreté Nationale, Government Archives
(Optional), St Joseph’s Seminary (Optional), Chicory Café (Optional)
Lead Out:Module 2 (Tây Ninh): Under His Eye
Purpose: Investigators visit the French Chamber of Commerce to Madame Rochequier - Eglantine
obtain more information related to the Red Land of Cochichina Rochequier is considered an “old
plantations, as alluded to on Handout #5, which was distributed Indochina hand.” She is the daughter of
in scene “The Banquet”. tycoon François du Rocheqier and has
been living in and around Saigon for her
entire life. Her father oversaw several
ventures in Cochinchina and Annan,
The Chambre de Commerce de Saigon two-story building including the Société des Sucreries et
incorporated both neo-classical and art deco features. Interestingly, Raffineries de l’Indochine. He died of
the French architects also amalgamated several Chàm and Khmer unexplained causes in early 1920. His
references in their work, giving the building a strange and eclectic widow decided to stay in Indochina
look. As you walk in, a French woman in her mid-fifties, eyes deep and live off her husband’s fortune until
in their sockets as if she was recently ill, greets you. her untimely demise in 1945, when Việt
Minh commandos brutally murdered
Madame Rochequier escorts the Investigators into an office. Madame Rochequier during the August
Revolution. The commandos burned
A small but elegant mahogany reception desk occupies the office. down the Rochequier estate, and most of
Several stacks of dossiers as well as a courier tray rest on the marble the family’s fortune vanished. Eglantine
cover top. A lone French table flag lays in the middle of the paperwork. Rochequier could have decided to travel
back to France but chose instead to stay
If Investigators search for the author of the 1923 note (pre-game in her country of birth. 
Handout #5), they find the following information on a successful
Accounting roll or a hard success on an INT: I’m a close friend of Eglantine. I used to
  be acquaintances with her parents and
• The bill was signed by B.B. A corporate stamp of The French when they were murdered, I mourned
Indochina Rubber Corporation is visible at on the back of the note. along with Eglantine. For the last three
years, Eglantine has been holed up in the
With a roll of Library Use Investigators will find: library of the Chamber of Commerce.
She seems to know a lot of political
• Lemont’s flora passage description (Handout #9) and economic comings and goings
• The French Indochina Rubber Corporation is a partnership, with throughout Vietnam.
three equal shareowners.  Contact: Eglantine Rochequier
• The company was dissolved after the mid-1920s incident at Red
Land plantations (see “Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina” scenario)
• No one knows of the current whereabouts of the previous owners. 
• Staff would suggest visiting the Governmental Archives or the
St Joseph Seminary.

Mme Rochequier will assist Investigators, searching through the

Chamber’s records for clues. Keepers may reveal information
missed by Investigators, for instance, Lemont’s map (inside
Handout #12) or even a reference to Paul Thran (as a known
survivor of Lemont’s second expedition).

Under His Eye

Location: The Cao Đài Holy See, Tây Ninh City, 70 miles As the you arrive closer to the provincial capital
from Saigon. of roughly 50,000 souls, Caodaist defence forces
Lead Ins: Any or all Saigon scenes dressed in white khaki pants and white hats occupy
Lead Outs: The Search for Mai Hang (Optional), Unearth checkpoints. The convoy has no issues getting
Purpose: At this stage, Investigators have collected through. A few men escort the convoy to a small
several clues in Saigon but do not possess an exact village 2 miles east of the main city center, where
location of the Cham temple, nor do they know the religious and administrative seats reside.
the whereabouts of the Nguoi Rung. In this Scene,
Investigators follow-up on Diem’s past and establish A large contingent of workers is working on a massive
contact with the Caodaist at the Holy See in Tây Ninh. church-like structure. Even though construction is
ongoing, the unique architectural features and bright
color schemes, including pink and blue walls are a
sight to see.
The Arrival
An individual, wearing a red tunic, waves to the
The 70-mile journey to the city of Tây Ninh, site of drivers, and he signals to stop the vehicles next to
the Holy See of the Cao Đài religion, is uneventful. him. He addresses the Investigators in perfect French:
Laborers tend to their fields. French military units “Welcome to Tây Ninh and our Great Divine Temple.
are busy building watchtowers every kilometer or so. Your presence honors us. I am bishop Pham. We were
These small rectangular mud towers, defended by expecting you.”
local militias, and a few Legionnaires, are a reminder
that France is back in the picture. However, tensions This last sentence might seem bizarre and even
are still high between the new French Government disturbing for the Investigators. How would they
and the Caodaists. The new alliance is extremely know they were coming? Perhaps the Caodaists have
fragile, and if the past foretells the future, it may informants in Saigon? If the Investigators decide to
shift once more. confront Bishop Pham, he would respond: “the divine
eye is ever-present” and diffuse the situation by inviting
Investigators may stop and question peasants or French the Investigators to tour the facilities.
Legionnaires on the way to Tây Ninh.

Cao Đài Holy See - Tây Ninh

In the event of the untimely demise of an Investigator, Bishop
Pham may serve as a replacement character. Bishop Pham, age 41
50 50 50 50 70 50 60 80
“Since the reconciliation with the French Authorities, we have SAN HP
been busy rebuilding, and with the Supreme Being’s wisdom,”
45 10
he points to the Divine Temple, “build a sanctuary worthy of his
teachings.” Damage Bonus: none.
.25 Derringer: 50%, damage 1D6
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, 1D3
He leads the Investigators towards the imposing structure. Dodge: 25%

“As humanity embarks on the Third Period of religious awakening, Anthropology 60%, Charm 70%, Credit Rating
we believe that all religions will merge, and humanity will finally 40%, Cthulhu Mythos 5%, History 50% ,
achieve worldwide peace.” First Aid 50%, Listen 40%, Occult 25%, Spot
Hidden 55%, Stealth 40%, Survival (Jungle)
Throughout history, Cao Đài, or God the Father, our Supreme
Being, has revealed his truth many times through several prophets. Languages: Vietnamese 80%, French 60%,
He points to a flag, “you see our tri-colored flag. Each color English 40%
represents one of our founding faiths. Yellow for Buddhism, blue
for Taoism and red for Confucianism. Our faith also includes
basic principles from Christianity and Islam. All Religion is One.”
After a few more steps, he points to a bright color symbol painted
over the entrance door. And here is the symbol of our faith, the
Left Eye of God, it serves as a reminder that God witnesses
everything, everywhere, constantly.

Next to the Eye of God hangs a banner with a black and white
Taoism Yin and Yang. Bishop Pham continues:

“God miraculously blessed us with his birth in the beginning.

To form the Universe, the Almighty created Yin and Yang. God
took control of Yang, and the Holy Mother, or Mother Buddha,
assemble to form Yin. A perfect balanced Union was completed,
and thus the Universe was formed. I know, most of this must seem
strange and overwhelming to you. I know, I was in your shoes not
too long ago. I invite you to keep an open mind.”

During the meeting, Bishop Pham will invite the Investigators to

look at the temple and tour the grounds.

“Before we enter the Great Divine Temple, I would ask that you
leave any weapons outside. Remember, we believe in non-violence
and want to project an image of peace and harmony. You are,
however, permitted to take photos inside.”

Investigators who have never been inside the Cao Đài Great Divine
Temple are likely to be amazed. Each inch of the building’s inside
structure is painted in bright colors. Elaborately sculpted dragons
wrap around each column. The left Eye of God is ever-present.
A massive marble blue ball stands in the center of the nave on a
giant altar. Over one hundred priests and nuns are kneeling in
well-organized rows. Believers who occupy the nearest rows to the
door are all dressed in white tunics. The tunics of adepts are more
colorful as they progress closer to the altar. White tunics change
to pink and then blue, followed by red and yellow robes.

Falsely Accused - During WW2, the Vichy Bishop Pham will project a very progressive attitude, one that
government, and then the French Free might be surprising to a member of the clergy. If questioned by
Forces, accused Caodaist dignitaries of Investigators, Bishop Pham reveals:
being pro-Japanese. Several religious
leaders were arrested and deported. • He will explain that he found his faith ten years ago, and he refers
After Japan’s unconditional surrender, to the past as his “former life.” “I used to be a notary in the Tây
the Caodaists assumed they would Ninh province until I saw the light. Now, I strive to break free from
have a part to play in the independence the circle of life and death.” He studied in Paris for three years.
movement flaring up across the country • With a Psychology roll and by asking the proper questions,
and share power in a new national Investigators discover that during his studies, his uncle, who
unity government. However, once the worked as a supply boat Captain for the Red Land Rubber
Việt Minh organized into a cohesive Plantation, tragically drowned during a Mythos related event.
force, several armed bands attacked • Through his previous work for the administration in the 1930s,
Caodaist communities during the Pham investigated events linked with French Indochina Rubber
August Revolution in 1945. The Việt Corporation. He also stumbled on Lemont’s report. Curious, he
Minh intended to eliminate factions who decided to investigate.
collaborated with the Japanese. • Only an extreme success on a Psychology roll reveals that Bishop
Pham is not a true believer in the Cao Đài faith.
Caodaists also came under attack • During a work function, he approached Director Mazenq. They
again from the French. During a series quickly established a friendship and started to share notes on
of events in June 1946, one of the Mythos activities. After joining the Righteous Companions Society,
remaining Caodaist leader, Trần Quang he decided to infiltrate the Cao Đài movement.
Vinh was forced under torture to agree • Bishop Pham is hoping that the Investigator’s proposed expedition
to a truce with the newly arrived Free can answer some troubling questions related to Lemont. He
French Forces. A few days later, French genuinely hopes that the Investigators can thwart whatever alien
authorities agreed to the return of the evil lurks out there, lying in wait to consume humanity.
remaining exiled leaders. General Latour
famously declared that the Caodaists Once the ceremony concludes, Bishop Pham would invite the
had “rallied to the national cause.” The Investigators to proceed to a room adjacent to the Divine Temple’s
agreement allowed the French to secure altar where the Investigators and Pham can converse about various
areas of Cochinchina and prevented the matters.
Việt Minh from building significant bases
to launch operations in the South. Meeting the Pope

I was a student of Trần Quang Vinh. I Once the religious ceremony concludes, Bishop Pham invites you
abide by his teaching. Yet, I know this to a small room behind the Divine Temple’s nave. A simple bamboo
support of the French was brought with mat and a few colorful cushions are the only items present in the
pain and blood. It’s not what my religion room. A young nun walks in with a tray of coconut water. “Giáo-
teaches me... but... if I can hurt the French Tông, our pope, will be joining us shortly.” Bishop Pham explains:
colonialists somehow, I would. “Giáo-Tông is the Almighty’s representative on earth. As such, he
Occult 10% watches over the preservation of Cao Đài. I should also mention
that he suffered tremendously during his exile. His time with us
may be limited due to his current health condition.”

A frail older man walks in, he is dressed in all blue, and a long,
white goatee descends on his chest. He also wears a large circular
white hat with a painted eye in the center. His head is arched
slightly forward, exposing a deformed bent back. Each step seems
painful. One of his disciples offers to help him sit, but he politely
declines and proceeds to sit cross-legged on the floor, facing the

Giáo-Tông looks at you, one-by-one, as if he was peering through

your souls. “Your presence honors us, and I trust Bishop Pham
has well received you.”

Giáo-Tông lets the Investigators divulge the reason behind their Mr. Hoang Age 19
visit. Throughout the conversation, the Pope responds mostly by STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
asking questions in return. Ultimately, interactions with the Pope 50 50 50 50 70 50 60 80
should drive home two points. The first is that Diem went wayward,
in the eyes of the Cao Đài, and his actions and views were not SAN HP
consistent with the teaching of the Cao Đài. The second point is 45 10
that even though the Pope and his religion preaches something
radically different than what most, if not all of the Investigators Damage Bonus: none.
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, 1D3
will find familiar, he has a kernel of truth to offer that no one else
Dodge: 25
has thus been willing to offer up; namely that greed is a terrible
reason to search for Yian-Ho. Anthropology 30%, History 20% , First Aid
50%, Listen 40%, Occult 25%, Natural World
Specifically, in response to questions about Diem, His Holiness 50%, Spot Hidden 55%, Stealth 40%, Survival
might say something like the following: (Jungle) 70%

Languages: Chrau 50% Vietnamese 40%,

• A former follower. Did Diem lose his ways? Cao Đài teaches that French 20%
there are 36 levels of Heaven, and 72 planets having intelligent life.
The first planet is closest to Heaven, while number 72 is closest
to Hell. Earth is number 68. One could argue that a misguided Ms. Thu. Age 22
journey brought him closer to planets 70 or 71.
• CORE CLUE: Cao Đài is forgiving; our former Giáo-Tông agreed
to have Diem buried in Tây Ninh. His soul deserved to be saved. 50 50 50 50 70 50 60 80
• Is it true that some of his followers came back to repent? They SAN HP
yearned for the truth, searching for the true meaning of life.
52 10
They spoke of a city named Yian-Ho full of gold and riches. One
cannot burden himself with worldly possessions. One must free Damage Bonus: none.
his or her mind. Fighting (Brawl): 25%, 1D3
Dodge: 25
About Diem’s surviving followers: Anthropology 30%, History 20% , First Aid
50%, Listen 40%, Occult 25%, Natural World
• Have you not yet asked Bishop Pham? Though he may not realize 50%, Spot Hidden 55%, Stealth 40%, Survival
it, he is an instrument of the Supreme Being. (Jungle) 70%

The Giáo-Tông will then excuse himself, rise, and depart the room. Languages: Chrau 50% Vietnamese 40%,
French 20%
Bishop Pham would continue the discussion with the Investigators.

A further conversation with Bishop Pham would reveal:

• Bishop Pham knows how to find Mai Hang and is willing to escort
them to the Blessed Archives.
• There are a few Caodaists from the region where Diem led his
expedition. He would suggest two believers, Mr Hoang and Ms Thu,
to accompany the group on their expedition. They will be able to
provide local knowledge and support. Both Hoang and Thu speak
Chrau, the language spoken by remote tribes populating the area.
They will also add a +10% bonus on all Navigation or Track roll.
• If the Investigators wish to find where Diem was buried, he will

Throughout the scene, if Investigators make an Extreme success

on a Persuade or Fast Talk roll, Bishop Pham could reveal his true
motives. If so, he may say:

• We need to find and stop whatever is drawing so many to Yian-

Ho. We need to know the exact location of the Cham temple and
destroy it.

Lore Sheets The Blessed Archives

My Sister - Founded in 1926 in the city If Investigators inquire about the location of Diem’s remains or the
of Tây Ninh, the monotheistic syncretic location of Mai Hang, Bishop Pham will assist with some research at
religion Cao Đài combines elements the Administrative Archives, which Pham has kept in good condition.
of Buddhism, Christianity, Taosim,
Confucianism, and Islam. All humans Although smaller in size, the Caodaist Administrative Archives
can aspire to develop into higher seems exceptionally modern compared to Saigon’s Municipal
beings: Thần (angel), Thánh (saint), Tiên Archives. Bishop Pham asks two members of the clerical staff to
(sage), and Phật (buddha). Achieving search for records on Diem Nguyen and his so-called followers.
enlightenment, or becoming a Buddha, is A mid-aged woman turns to a desk resembling a library card
the hardest level to attain. Angels, Saints, catalogue system to search for records. She turns back and says:
and Sages are destined to live long lives “We have some records from the 1920s, just give me a few minutes;
in higher realms, while only Buddhas it won’t be too difficult to find the actual files.” After a few minutes,
can break free from the existing cycle she returns with a dossier, which she hands to Bishop Pham.
of life and death. The Cao Đài pantheon
includes well-known figures such as “Let’s see, Diem Nguyen, part of the founder’s council, left the
Joan of Arc, Sun Yat-Sen, Victor Hugo, Holy See in 1928. It says here that he and a few members were
Shakespeare, Louis Pasteur, and Lenin. banned from expressing views that diverged significantly from our
faith. Followers returned in 1929 with Diem’s body. They said they
My sister had a troubled life, always were misguided and begged for forgiveness. It also states here
looking for a purpose she could not find. that one follower, a woman named Mai Hang, delivered several
Then she apparently found salvation in documents, including a Latin manuscript and Diem’s journal. And
the Cao Đài. those were buried with him.”
Occult +5%
Once Diem’s followers came back to Tây Ninh to ask for forgiveness,
they gave up all material in their possession to the Caodaists,
including private journals, notes, and the Incerta et fabulosis in
paeninsulam Indosinensem manuscript. To prevent another exodus
of believers, the clergy decided to bury all documents with Diem.

Investigators asking either Bishop Pham or the clerk about Mai

Hang and her potential location are told the following:

• Mai is a fairly common surname.

• There are several Caodaists with the surname Mai.

Investigators making a successful Charm roll could convince the clerk

to go through a wooden filing cabinet holding multiple Harvard College
size cards. Each card represents a member. There are about a dozen
cards under the surname Mai. Investigators who speak Vietnamese
(at least 30%) and succeed on a Library Use roll could go through
the cabinet themselves, and pull cards bearing the surname Mai.

Investigators succeeding on another Library Use roll or an INT roll will

know to narrow the search by year and look for any Mai member that
would have joined at the religion’s inception and left in 1928, thereby
finding a possible match for Ms. Mai. The index card for the former
member named Mai Hang includes a residential address in Tây Ninh.

The Search for Mai Hang

Location: Ward 1, Tây Ninh City. A young woman, wearing a linen student’s tunic greets
Lead Ins: Meeting the Pope. The Blessed Archives the Investigators at the door. She introduces herself as
Lead Out: Unearth Mai Hang’s niece, Lily. She would be overwhelmed by
Purpose: The Investigators hunt for Mai Hang, the sole the group’s presence; it is not every day that locals see
living survivor of Diem’s previous expedition. Mai Hang’s out-of-town visitors in this neighbourhood. Outside,
mental state is an eerie warning about the dangers of in the alley, a small group of neighbours has formed
looking for lost cities and forgotten gods. downstairs, intrigued by the visit. She explains that her
aunt is not well and doesn’t receive visitors.

With a successful Persuade roll or a Hard success on

It is a short drive to Mai Hang’s residential area in an APP roll, she would agree to let the Investigators
Tây Ninh. The district in the city center is lined into her aunt’s modest abode.
with early 20th Century 2-story stone houses that
feature western architectural influences. The rows Mai is sitting next to a window draped in old newspapers,
of the buildings also include some Vietnamese a ray of light pierces through a hole and lands on Mai
characteristics. The windows and roof show intricate Hang’s hair. She seems oblivious to the Investigators’
geometric patterns. presence. Her skin is extremely pale, and her hair almost
white. Although she is in her mid-forties, she could
Mai Hang’s apartment is located on the 2nd floor. A easily be mistaken for someone in her late seventies.
corridor leads to a small alley behind the building She seems like someone who has lived a significant
where several staircases connect to a mezzanine part of her life with a terrible burden or someone who
that runs the full length of the edifice. experienced a traumatic, life altering event.

Open-air cooking pots and giant woks sitting on top of A successful Psychoanalysis role is required to get
coal-burning stoves clutter the alley. The smell of fried Mai into a relaxed state and interested in reminiscing
shallots and Thai chilis fills the air. A few elderly men the past. When Investigators mention Diem and his
are sitting at a low table playing Cắt tê, a trick-taking expedition, she almost goes into shock.
card game. Between plays, they dip clear rice paper
rolls filled with shrimps in nước chấm (fish sauce).

Mai’s apartment door is ajar; most of its paint is

peeling off. A large mosquito net is attached to the
door’s frame. From the inside, you can hear traditional
Vietnamese music playing from a radio.

Mai Hang, age 45 If Investigators manage to calm her down, Mai mentions the
60 4 50 60 70 50 50 80
• She admits having believed Diem’s faith.
SAN HP • Diem promised all followers access to a “magical place” where
3 9 humankind would evolve into superior beings.

Fighting (Brawl): 60% 1d3 With a successful INT roll, Investigators make the connection with
Skills: Anthropology 65%, Cthulhu Mythos
some of the Caodaist teachings. According to the Cao Đài, all human
5%, Navigate 30%, Survival (Jungle) 60%,
Swim 30% should strive to develop into superior beings: Thần (angel), Thánh
(saint), Tiên (sage), and Phật (buddha). Angels, Saints, and Sages
Languages: Vietnamese 80%, French 60%, have incredibly long lives; while Buddhas can break free from the
English 40%, Khmer / Chrau 10% cycle of birth and death.

• Once they found the Cham ruins, Diem started to go mad, and
things got worse as the days passed, and they couldn’t find the
passage to Yian-Ho.
• Diem spent his nights reading ancient manuscripts.
• Once we managed to understand the “riddle” and gain access to
Yian-Ho, his condition had deteriorated gravely.

If Investigators pushed the conversation and succeed on another

Psychoanalysis roll:

• Diem’s essence stayed behind.

• The city is covered in gold.
• The guardian is vicious and will request a tribute from voyagers.

If Investigators ask about her return to the Holy See, and the possible
location of the documents.

• She reveals that once the “survivors” made it back to the Holy See
with Diem’s body, they petitioned the Caodaist hierarchy to bury
Diem, but more importantly, burn all documents.
• They buried Diem, and with him, the documents.

If Investigators ask about locations, landmarks, or other geographical

• The last “known” community they encountered is the village of
Xuân Tho.

Investigators with a Survival of at least 30% realize that they should

re-check their provisions and ensure they have enough for the


Location: Cao Đài Cemetery, Holy See. Tây Ninh City The priest invites people to form the following procession:
Lead Ins: The Blessed Archives; The Search for Mai
(Optional) 1. A banner bearing the name Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ
Lead Out: Module 3: Welcome to the jungle / The Third Great Universal Religious Amnesty 
Purpose: Investigators decide to unearth Diem. The 2. An emblem of the Thượng-Sanh (Leader of the
Caodaist clergy will not agree to open a grave. Temporal Realm)
3. The altar of the deceased comes next
4. Then the choir, formed in two lines, with men on the
Investigators would need to decide how they want left and women on the right 
to proceed with unearthing the body of Diem, which 5. The coffin itself 
the Cao Đài will certainly not agree to. They may 6. The chief mourner and family mourners 
wish to do this task at night. Bishop Pham proposes 7. Then women
to use the next Rights and Services for the Dead 8. Then men
ceremony as a pretext to gain access to the cemetery
with impunity. The rest of this scene assumes that Upon arrival at the cemetery, the priest stands next
Investigators follow Pham’s advise. to the coffin. He calls to the deceased: “I follow the
order of the Supreme Being to come and pray for you,
Read this to set the stage once Investigators have my co-believer. Be light of the soul and rise towards
decided to proceed with exhuming Diem’s body. the paradise of extreme joy. Contemplate and listen
and pray to the Supreme Being to bless you.” 
A small group has assembled outside a traditional
southern Vietnamese house with walls made of The bearers lower the coffin in the dug-out grave.
woven bamboo, earthen floors, and a roof of palm The Prayers for guiding the dying person (Kinh Cầu-
leaves. Chants are audible from inside the house. A Hồn Khi Hấp-Hối ) are chanted three times. When
priest dressed in white exits the house, followed by the chanting is complete, all Caodaists bow and recite
a group of four men carrying the deceased’s coffin. the name of their pope three times. The mourners
Half a dozen teenage girls all dressed in white tunics then leave the cemetery.
continue to chant as they, in turn, exit the house.

Cao Đài Militia Captain Investigators could stay on-site with Pham. Shovels and equipment
are available in the grave’s vicinity.
60 50 50 50 60 50 60 60 Based on the preparations and the level of details prepared by
the Investigators, Keepers could decide if the group runs into any
issues during or after unearthing Diem. Some mourners may be
50 10
coming by to pay their respects, or a single priest could come to
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 investigate.
Luger: 60% 1D10
Dodge: 30 Opening the coffin requires a SAN Check (0/1d3) for all Investigators
present. Investigators observe the remains of a true abomination
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3
Firearms (Rifle) Martini-Henry .45 : 60% when they open Diem’s coffin. Diem’s head morphed into what
1d8+1d6+3, 80 yards, attacks per round: 1/3 might be described as a white elephant head.
Skills: Dodge 25%, Intimidate 50%, Law 25%,
Persuade 50%, Psychology 50%, Spot Hidden Various leather bounded journals are present on each side of his
30% body. Strangely, the journal and the paper contents are in excellent
condition. The leather is protected by some resin to prevent the
Languages: Vietnamese 60%, French 30%
inside paper from degrading.

Cao Đài Militia Soldier Pass out Handout #11 Lemont and Diem’s Journal Notes and
Handout #12 Lemont and Diem’s Journal Drawings. It will take
time for the Investigators to read through all the notes.
60 50 50 50 50 50 60 50

SAN HP After Investigators leave the cemetery, they need to decide what
50 10 to do next. They will most likely want to find a safe place to spend
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 the night and start going through the documents found. Thu and
Fighting (Club, Machete, Farm Tool): 60% 1d8 Hoang, or even Bishop Pham, would be able to assist.
Dodge: 25
From the documents and clues retrieved from the unearthing,
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 25% Investigators learn that Diem paid the ultimate price, offering his
body and soul to Chaugnar Faugn. His disciples returned the body
of a transformed man to Tây Ninh.

Clues are divided into multiple levels, and we suggest Keepers

release clues sporadically (only when Investigators spend at least
2 hours going through the material).

If Investigators run into trouble, Keepers may want to involve

the Cao Đài militia who would come to arrest the Investigators.

Welcome to the Jungle

Location: Village Xuân Tho, somewhere near the Sông The twenty-kilometer journey from Tây Ninh to the
Vàm Cỏ Đông River village of Xuân Tho requires a good portion of the day.
Lead Ins: Any or all Holy See scenes First, the Investigators will need to travel to a crossing
Lead Outs: Stories by the Campfire, Are We There point on the Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông, one of the many
Yet?, Lost and Sick tributaries of the Mekong River. Most likely, they will
Purpose: Investigators arrive at the last known village do this using motorized vehicles.
visited by both Lemont and Diem.
Once at the river crossing point, however, the
Investigators will need to leave behind their mode of
Over the years, the Cho-Ro have been supporting transportation and take a small wooden ferry from
Lemont, who occasionally ventures out of Yian-Ho. the northern shore of the Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông to a
Young villagers serve as couriers and maintain the path through mangroves on the southern shore.
priest’s correspondence with the outside world. Investigators would get a sense, finally perhaps, that
In exchange for their loyalty, they get to keep the they are entering a wild, mysterious, and exciting place.
explorers’ possessions. The Cho-Ro village also serves
as a sanctuary for the “Bland”; former explorers who The southern shore of the Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông
were drained of their essence and released into the represents one of Cochinchina’s most important and
jungle by Chaugnar Faugn. The Cho-Ro round up the diverse wetlands. The area is known to have a dense
Bland and care for them the best they can; mostly this network of rivers and streams. The ecological region
amounts to feeding them some leftovers and keeping along these rivers is diverse in terms of morphology
them penned up in a longhouse. and include permanently flooded areas such as
swamps and other areas composed of relatively dry
Although the topography would impact travel speed, jungle with a high canopy. Thankfully the path in
we suggest keeping the first part of their journey from front of you goes through a relatively dry jungle area.
Tây Ninh to the Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông uneventful to give Porters and guides stop the march at regular intervals,
the players a false sense of security. Keepers should allowing everyone a chance to catch their breath. So
confirm the Investigators’ preparations (equipment, far, the home-grown insect repellent provided by the
local guides, food, and water). local guides appears to be working wonders against
the multitudinous mosquitos.

Cochinchina village scene

Kong Tô, age 82 Around lunchtime, the group breaks for a collation of sticky rice
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU mixed with pork and dried fruits. Guides pass around some local
home-grown tobacco.
40 40 50 50 70 60 50 50

SAN HP After an additional hour of trekking, you notice that the dense
26 9 jungle gives way to tall grass. A few minutes later, the guides
stop at the edge of a rice field. A man, wearing a black tunic and
Fighting (Brawl): 40%, fist 1D3 conical leaf hat known as nón lá is plowing his field with the help
Dodge: 25
of a domesticated water buffalo.
Appraise 25%, Credit Rating 40%, Cthulhu
Mythos 2%, Fast Talk 50%, Navigate 50%, The hamlet of Xuân Tho stands before you. Occupied by the
Occult 30%, Spot Hidden 25%, Survive Cho-Ro ethnic group, the village features a dozen houses built on
(Jungle) 75% stilts. The Cho-Ro have adopted the Kinh style of dress from their
neighboring and larger southern ethnic groups. Women wear the
Languages: Chrau: 50% Vietnamese 50%, “Ao Dài”- whose basic design is of a long dress with slits on either
French 25%, English 15%
side. Men wear similar outfits characterized by a more practical
jacket that allows both flexibility and durability in the field.
With a successful Anthropology roll, Investigators would know the
following information about the Cho-Ro:
60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

SAN HP • A small ethnic minority of fewer than 50,000 people.

50 10 • Chrau language belongs to the Mon-Khmer Group.
• Both patriarchal and matriarchal customs play an essential part
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 in the daily life of the Cho-Ro. They believe that all things have
Fighting (Machete, Spear): 60% 1d8 spirits, including in particular rice plants, the river and the jungle
Dodge: 25 taken as a whole.
Credit Rating 30%, Navigate 50%, Occult
15%, Spot Hidden 25%, Stealth 50%, Survive
As you approach the village, a few kids run towards you. It’s not
(Jungle) 75% every day they meet westerners. Women also arrive and pay
Languages: Chrau 50%, Vietnamese 25% special attention to the blond Investigators, male and female,
playfully touching their hair.

The Bland A successful Anthropology or Appraise roll reveals the village is well-
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU off. All buildings have ornate features such as intricate wooden dragon
40 40 50 40 - 30 20 - rain gutters. There are also several farm animals, more than usual,
for a village of this size. Lemont has been providing material wealth
SAN HP to this village for their assistance in luring in explorers. However, the
- 9 village elder will not reveal this fact to Investigators and would likely
respond to inquiries by saying the village produces high-value crops.
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, fist 1D3
Shortly after the Investigators enter the hamlet, the village elder
comes out to greet the group. He introduces himself as Kong Tô
and invites them to sit and relax in the most prominent household.
Investigators accepting this offer are served tea and rice-based
biscuits. The village has an abundance of fresh food.

Elder Kong Tô makes an effort to appear like a gracious host. He

speaks in broken French, sometimes switching to the Chrau language
and Vietnamese intermittently, eagerly asking for help translating
his thoughts. A Hard success on a Psychology roll reveals that the
village elder is pretending to appear ignorant about the modern
world, but he and other members of his village have been to Saigon
on multiple occasions and his village is not entirely cut-off from
the outside world.

If the discussion turns to the Diem expedition, Kong ancient and powerful gods. He describes his people,
Tô reveals: the Cho-Ro as their chosen servitors.
• Elder Tô also says his people possessed ancient
• Although he was young in 1928, he remembers the secrets, superior technologies and built magnificent
Diem expedition. cities. Until very recently, some of their ancestors still
lived in the region, but they all moved underground to
With the use of Fast Talk or a Hard success on an APP escape the colonialist encroachment on their lands.
A clever Investigator asking questions about Lemont
• Elder Kong Tô talks about how Diem seemed and succeeding on a Hard Persuade or History roll or
possessed. He repetitively referred to a city of gold POW might get the Elder to say something like:
called Yian-Ho and claimed that it held a magical gate
that would take travellers to a village in the stars. • “I don’t know anyone named Lemont, but a ghost of a
• Months after they left, they returned, stopping once Caucasian priest sometimes visits us. He brings us gifts
again at this village. Diem and most of his entourage fell in exchange for services.” By deduction, Investigators
ill. His face was deformed – “touched by a Forgotten realize the gifts are materials, equipment, and money
God.” The others were feverish and probably suffering from previous expeditions.
from the “swamp disease,” i.e. malaria.
Towards the end of the discussion, Elder Tô offers
If Investigators push Elder Tô to elaborate on Diem’s hospitality for the night in exchange for some equipment
deformity or condition, he speaks of the “Gift” from a or money. Investigators may want to start reading
Great Old One that transforms those who are faithful Handout #11 Lemont and Diem’s Journal Notes, level 1.
into a reflection of itself.
During their stay in Xuân Tho Investigators could
About Yian-Ho and possible location: explore the village and conserve with other villagers.
The villagers are extremely friendly and welcoming to
• If the village elder had to guess, the entrance to Yian- the Investigators, and nothing untoward will happen to
Ho is located in a gorge North by Northwest from them provided they don’t seriously abuse their hosts’
the village; the gorge is behind a ridge that stands hospitality through acts of violence or obvious theft.
over a flooded area.
Investigators walking about the hamlet and making
If Investigators ask specific questions about the Cho- a successful Spot Hidden roll, find that one of the
Ro’s origin: huts, locked (from the outside) and unlit at all times
of day and night, houses four individuals that would
• The Elder tells the Investigators their creation myth pique their curiosity. The three men and one woman
and some of their ancient beliefs. According to him, are all Caucasian and in their late fifties. They rock
the Cho-Ro are descendants of the Great Old Ones, back and forth on their heels, wandering aimlessly

Lore Sheets inside their hut, and looking distantly into the space around them.
It is impossible to strike a conversation with them, as they are all
The Chieftain’s Son - The Chieftain’s irretrievably insane.
Son, Kiem, son of Kong Tô, is in charge
of the village’s militia. He carries an old Investigators who enter the hut and succeed on another Spot
WW1 rifle with him everywhere he goes. Hidden role find a large trunk under a few floor panels. The chest
He has an uncanny ability to lay still for contains the content of all the recruits drained of their essence by
hours tracking big game. He is respected Chaugnar Faung, including documentation and artifacts belonging
by his peers; his parents have prepared to the British explorers of 1936.
an arranged marriage with a family from
another respectable village. If Investigators confront the village elder, he would say these people
are the “un-wanted, banished, ostracised ….The Bland.” The village
For years I have been living in my father’s provides shelter for them and does its best to ease their pains. They
shadow. Doing his and the white priest’s were found wandering in the jungle, years ago.
biddings. When I courier information
and letters to the bigger cities, I dream Before the Investigators leave the village, an older woman, most
of leaving my village and family behind. likely the village chief’s wife would come and address the group.
We have been plagued by superstitions She presents a rare Black Lotus to one of the Investigators and says
and have been under the Great Old One’s something in the Chrau language. Any failed Vietnamese or Chrau
spells for generations. If only I had the language roll produces the errant translation of “see you later in
courage to leave it all behind. life”. A successful Chrau language roll or an Extreme success on a
Chrau dialect +10%, Survival (Jungle) +5% Vietnamese language roll produces the correct translation “see you
later in the afterlife.” If none of the Investigators get the translation
correct, the Keeper is encouraged to have one of the local guides
provide the accurate translation.

Somewhere in the Jungle

Location: Somewhere in the jungle, Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông Stories by the Campfire
River vicinity.
Lead Ins: Welcome to the Jungle. Their only way out is to push forward, and to do so,
Lead Outs: The Encounter they need to dive deeper into the material collected. Of
Purpose: A few days have elapsed since Investigators course, as they do so, their sanity will be tested. Keepers
left Xuân Tho village. The journey into the wilderness is should refer to the Mythos Euphoria modifier table.
getting more challenging as days go on. Keepers should
ensure Investigators are getting tired and frustrated. The rice paddies of Xuân Tho village are far behind.
Progress has been slow through a thick jungle. In
some areas, the soil turns to mud and then a brackish
“In the Bush” Risk Counter swamp. The walking speed is down to a crawl, a slow
and precise crawl.
During the journey through the jungle in search of
the lost City of Yian-Ho, have the Investigator with Clothes are soaked. Mosquitos, attracted by the smell
the highest Survival or Navigation make a roll, once and sweat, unceasingly bite necks, arms, and legs. The
per day. On the fourth success (4 days minimum), the mosquito repellent has long stopped being effective,
party will reach the Encounter (next scene). On the and each step is punctuated by instinctive, but futile
fifth success, the party will reach the entrance of the slapping.
gorge leading to The Lone Stupa.
Leaders, or more motivated characters, should emerge
Referencing the Risk Counter “In the Bush”, each failure and convince the group to move forward. Keepers can
on the Survival or Navigation roll will increase the remind players that “fortune and glory” awaits. They
counter by 1D6. If the Investigator pushed the roll and all have been promised significant sums of money.
failed, add an extra 1D6. Investigators that already dabbled with Lemont and
Diem’s journals should be inclined to unlock more
If the Investigators reach the “Hunted” level, the Keeper Mythos lore.
can arrange an encounter with a wild animal, or a
surprise attack by a party of Nguoi Rung. About an hour before sundown, the Investigators reach
a small, but relatively flat and dry clearing that could
The party will also reach Yian-Ho if they run the Risk serve as a campsite. Assuming the Investigators set
Counter to the Lost level, albeit, probably in bad shape. up camp and make a campfire, Keepers should give
Investigators a chance to read through Lemont and
A Source of Solace Diem’s expedition materials. Those who take the time
to peruse the material are told that:
Investigators who read Lemonts notes while on the
Journey will receive beneficial effects according to The reading feels like an ointment on a stressful day.
the Mythos Euphoria table, below. After Investigators Questions are answers, Investigators’ minds expand,
have lost 10 SAN due to reading Lemont’s notes, they and this new found curiosity will take over. They are
will automatically succeed in Survival or Navigation also looking to communicate this new found knowledge
rolls to locate Yian-Ho. and read aloud to other members riveting quotes.

Mythos Euphoria Table Those who do not make an effort to read any of the
materials must make a SAN check (0/1d2) to fight
SAN Level HP Modifier
the existential weariness slowly burning in all of their
Half of starting level +2 HP muscles. They will also feel ostracised, and most likely
isolate themselves in their tents. On the flip side,
Quarter of starting level + 5 HP
Investigators reading the material, or partaking in
Less than 5 SAN Back to max HP discussions, regain 1 temporary HP.

Are We There Yet? Lost and Sick (Optional)

This section should begin after 3 successful Survival Keepers may want to add another level of difficulty for
rolls or after the third day. Investigators have been the Investigators. Not only are they braving the weather,
walking around in circles. They are tired and cranky. but soon the physical exhaustion will start to have its toll.
The weariness is palpable. Tempers flare, and a mutiny
could erupt at any moment. Keepers should create an The monsoon rain has finely stopped. A thick fog has
atmosphere of uncertainty and exhaustion. formed over the marshland, making the march even
more laborious and riskier.
A few more days have elapsed. The expedition’s
food stores are down to a bare minimum. There are Ask all Investigators to make a successful CON roll.
murmurs about food shortages and the need to ration. Those Investigators failing the roll have contracted a
To make matters worse, monsoon rain, heavy and disease, see Jungle Mishap table. The Keeper is given
sticky, has started to fall. If there is a positive behind liberty to adjudicate the in-game effect of contracting
the rain, it proves a deterrent for the mosquitoes. any such disease. However, any Investigator who reads
However, leeches have now begun to sneak up and the collected material later that night will wake up the
attach themselves to bodies. They seem to have a next morning refreshed and miraculously cured.
knack for getting connected in the weirdest of all
places, armpits. After another few hours of slogging it through the
marshes, the fog will lift, if only momentarily. The
The Keeper should ask each Investigator to make a Investigator on point witnesses remnants of a small
Persuade roll. For each failed roll, a porter or other NPC, camp on a dry elevated area. It’s been reclaimed by
such as Thu or Hoang decides to desert the group. It the jungle, but a plastic tarp is still visible, hanging
is up to the Keeper if they slip away at night or vocally between two trees. Investigators have found the last
refuse to go on. It is also up to the Keeper to decide if encampment of the 1936 expedition. After a decade,
any of the deserters take or attempt to take food and not much is left on site. A search would reveal the
other supplies. following items:

Additionally, the Keeper should ask each Investigator to • Two shovels (the wooden shafts would be badly rotten)
make a Track or Survival roll in private. Thereafter, any • A small crate (with the inscription in English - British
Investigators succeeding on the roll are convinced that High Commission, Malaya)
the expedition has been heading in the wrong direction, • A rusted lantern with a tin name plate that reads
and any Investigator failing the roll is convinced that the “Cornfield and Sons, Singapore 1936”
expedition has been heading in the correct direction.
Investigators succeeding on a Survival roll would
If the Investigators can reach a quick consensus on conclude that this location makes for a good place
which direction to travel, tell them that after a few to rest and perhaps even setup a base camp. If the
hours of backbreaking walk through a marshland, they Investigators camp here, allow them to make First Aid
arrive at a drier elevated area where a camp could be rolls, potentially recovering a hit point.
set-up for the night. If, however, the Investigators are
unable to agree on the direction to travel, tell them Additionally, Keepers should also refer to the Mythos
that the sun is receding and that they must prepare Euphoria table for any Investigators reading over the
a makeshift camp in a marshy area that is less than materials related to the Lemont and Diem expeditions.
ideal. Increase the “in the Bush” Risk Counter by 2. Ask These Investigators will realize that they are close to
the Investigators what they intend to do after camp the gorge leading to Yian-Ho.
is set up.

Give Handout #11, level 3 to Investigators reading

Lemont’s notes. Turning to the notes confirms that the
expedition is indeed headed in the correct direction,
but are exposed to a loss of SAN. Keepers should refer
to the Mythos Euphoria modifier table.

The Encounter

Location: Somewhere in the jungle, Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông The Việt Minh soldiers are agitated, and if alerted to the
River vicinity. presence of the Investigators, will establish defensive
Lead Ins: Welcome to the Jungle – Stories by the positions and engage in a firefight. It would require a
Campfire. Welcome to the Jungle – Are We There Yet. critical success on a Persuade roll to be able to parley
Welcome to the Jungle – Lost and Sick with the soldiers.
Lead Outs: Module 4: Yian-Ho - The Lone Stupa
Purpose: As the Investigators locate an abandoned Once the encounter with the two Việt Minh soldiers
Nguoi Rung settlement, they run into a Việt Minh squad. is resolved, the Investigators can walk towards the
The Việt Minh squad is part of a division’s vanguard settlement, which is built into the hill.
sent to the south to set up staging bases. Most of the
division’s units were directed to neighboring provinces. The gunshots still echo on the ridge’s rocky formation.
Just one company was sent to Tây Ninh province. Once The hill is dotted with half a dozen one-story buildings.
it entered the area, it divided into platoon and squad Only a few rudimentary clay pots remain. The
size units to avoid Caodaist patrols. former occupants took worthwhile possessions and
abandoned the settlement decades ago. They are like
nothing Investigators have encountered in Indochina.
This scene begins after the Investigators have made 4 The compact, masonry-walled dwellings look more like
successful Survival or Navigation rolls. Native-American cliff dwellings. Coming from one of
the houses, Investigators hear crying.
Handout: #13, The Việt Minh Map, #14 Sketches of
the Entrance to the Gorge Investigators entering the ancient dwelling find a
Việt Minh soldier inside, on his knees, and in a state
Today’s march is in no way different from the hike of psychological shock. His clothes are in rags, skin
yesterday and the day before that. A single file line, extremely pale, and equipment in complete disarray.
with the guide upfront. Progress is difficult due to He begs the group to protect him in Vietnamese and
the intermittent Monsoon rains. The equipment feels broken French.
slippery and more cumbersome than usual.
The soldier carries very little food and water.
Keepers should confirm who is now on point, opening Investigators searching his belongings will find a small
a path with a machete. Behind vines and trees, next to journal in a satchel. The journal contains a map and a
a rocky formation, Investigators spot in the distance pencil sketch of a ridge and gorge.
movement in what seems to be a settlement built into
the side of a ridge. A successful Spot Hidden roll reveals After comparing maps, Investigators will have a bonus
two armed men looking at a map; they have not noticed die on Navigations rolls to get to Yian-Ho.
the Investigators. If all Investigators fail the Spot Hidden
roll, then they draw attention to themselves, and lose
the element of surprise.

Việt Minh soldiers Investigators who speak Vietnamese (30% or higher) and succeed
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU on a Hard Psychoanalysis roll are able to calm the prisoner and
50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 bring him back to a healthy, reasonable state.

SAN HP An interrogation of the prisoner in Vietnamese reveals:

18 10
• His name is Corporal Lê and he is part of Company C of the 102
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 Capital Regiment.
Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 60% 2D6+4
• They left the north two months ago.
Dodge: 30
• His company (over 100 men) had orders to infiltrate the Tây Ninh
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 1%, Navigate 50%, province and find an old Cham Temple.
Spot Hidden 30%, Stealth 30%, Survival • Once the location was discovered, soldiers were to search the
(Jungle) 50% area and find a secret passage to a “strategic plateau” that offered
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 25% an invaluable defensive position and could become a substantial
staging base in the province for future attacks all over Cochinchina.

If they ask questions about the Cham Temple:

Ink And Bullets - I spent years as a Bình • His eyes light up: “Oh we found the gorge and the Cham gate. But
Xuyên gangster smuggling opium all over the squad leader could not figure out how to ‘unlock the gate.’ He
South-East Asia. I spent considerable refused to leave the site. Men quickly ran out of provisions. One
time in Laos, where I picked up on some night, the squad leader was spotted walking out of the gorge by
of their customs and gained a few skills one of the sentinels. He was absent-minded and rambling about
along the way. One such skill was the an underground passage to a great city.”
art of tattoo. I learned the Laotian style • If Investigators ask the prisoner to come with him, he begs
and the symbolism that went along with Investigators to leave him behind or free him. Corporal Lê is
it. I would regularly tattoo my Bình terrified of the Cham gate, and would do anything to place distance
Xuyên brothers with symbols that would between himself and the Cham gate.
protect them from bullets, blades, and
other weapons, tattoos that believed If they ask about the location, Corporal Lê would reply:
would make a person invulnerable. I have
covered myself in all sorts of symbols, • “My unit got lost and walked around in circles until the squad
and at one point in time, I even did ink leader finally found a pathway descending into a small gorge. The
for Bình Xuyên boss, Bảy Viễn. path through the gorge led to a Cham temple.”
Art/Craft (Tattoo) +10%, Occult +5%
If they ask about the Mythos or occult:

• Corporal Lê doesn’t seem to know how to answer this question.

If pressed on the matter, he starts to scream hysterically. If
Investigators calm him with a successful Psychoanalysis roll, he
explains his daily nightmares: soldiers, his comrades kneeling
before a man with an elephant head, his trunk extending towards
the soldiers… Pushing the corporal will result in a seizure.

If Investigators succeed on Anthropology or Archaeology rolls to

investigate the dwellings, they are able to determine:

• The masonry and construction details are not native to Indochina.

• Based on the architecture and construction, the functionality is
reminiscent of the stone age. The settlement probably pre-dates
the Cham invasion by at least a thousand years. Meaning the Nguoi
Rung could be the earliest settlers in the area and continued to
live in Neolithic ways until very recently.
• Whoever lived here abandoned these dwellings a decade or more ago.

Yian-Ho: The Lone Stupa

Location: Somewhere in the jungle, Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông Entrance to the gorge
River vicinity.
Lead Ins: Any of Phase 3 Welcome to the Jungle scenes. Once Investigators arrive at the canyon’s opening,
Lead Outs: Entering the Mystical City, Escape from they need to rely on the Lemont and Diem’s collection
Yian-Ho of drawings (Handout #12) to find a sizeable stand-
Purpose: Investigators have spent several days in alone boulder. Investigators must use a combination
the jungle looking for the Nguoi Rung and the Cham of strength and levers to move the bolder and expose
temple ruins. They are exhausted, and some of them are a small cave entrance. After crawling in for a few feet,
most likely sick. Through the nightly reading sessions the tunnel opens up to another secluded gorge.
and the encounter with the Việt Minh scouts, the
Investigators have, however, found hope, hope that their After a dozen feet, the small cave entrance connects
journey is coming to an end. Keepers can decide if the with another more secluded gorge. The path is large
group discovers the Cham ruins by sheer chance, by enough to allow individuals to descend one at a time.
combining maps, or through epiphany after combing The rock walls, which are twenty feet high, close in.
through the Lemont and Diem materials. Vines obstruct the passage.

Keepers should call for the lead Investigator to make a

Climb or Hard DEX roll. If the roll is failed, the Investigator
At this stage of the expedition, any Investigator succeeding slips and suffers minor injuries (1D2 hit points), and the
on a Navigation roll is able to orient their map by lining it next Investigator down the passage must also make a
up with a small affluent in the Sông Vàm Cỏ Đông river Climb or Hard DEX roll. If the Investigator succeeds on
and some marsh sketches (see Handout #14). the roll, they make it through the passage deftly and can
help others descend without incident.
The rain has finally stopped. There is something
different about this morning. The bitter coffee seems The path is now just a few feet wide, surrounded by
to taste better, and bodies don’t ache as much. Even rocks that shoot towards the sky and strangle the
the swarms of mosquitoes seem to have thinned. light that dares to enter. The stones are about the
There is a sense among the group that you are near. same height as a five to six-story building. The air
You finally have a destination. A point on a map. An feels thick and short of oxygen.
area that was never previously considered, which
might explain why it has been so challenging to find.

Keepers may call for SAN rolls (0/1); anyone failing requires placing the earth stone in the sixty-eighth
feels claustrophobic. place-holder to match the Cao Đài’s belief of 72 planets
having intelligent life (Earth is number 68).
Thankfully, after a while, the walls of the gorge expand
to a dozen feet wide. In the distance, in front of the If the Investigators do not succeed on the requisite roll,
explorer on point, a flock of birds takes to the air. one of them must consult Lemont and Diem’s notes and
Although it is difficult to confirm, it seems the birds materials to solve the puzzle and open the door correctly.
took flight from a human-made structure. A few more Consulting the Lemont and Diem material, of course,
steps forward confirm the discovery of a red brick takes a toll on the Investigator’s sanity; please refer to
structure covered in vines. It is at least eight feet the Mythos Euphoria table.
wide and twenty feet tall, and stands in the middle
of the gorge, blocking any further progression down Once Investigators place earth in its rightful place, a
the canyon. complex mechanical mechanism is triggered.

There is a door right in the center of the building, but There is a loud “pouf,” followed by a sound of a lever
it is shut tight by a large stone slab. A stone statue activating a pulley system. The heavy door slowly
of an ancient god or spirit guards the entrance. The opens, similar to a European castle portico. A massive
icon could be a depiction of the elephant God Ganesh, dust cloud comes out of the entrance. The brick
although unlike anything ever previously discovered, hallway is pitch-black.
as the menacing figure seems to radiate malintent.
It is nearly impossible to proceed without lamps,
There is no way to go around the structure and electric torches, or some other light source.
continue down the gorge. Investigators succeeding
on an Anthropology roll or a Hard History roll discern The entrance leads to another narrow-slanted
the following clues: passage below. Walls and floors are made of red
bricks. After descending a dozen feet, the path ends in
• The building is, indeed, Cham. It appears to be a a circular, egg-shaped room with three passageways.
gopura gate-tower, but those types buildings usually The walls are covered with frescos depicting what
lead to a temple complex. could be interpreted as the representation of an
• The Cham ruins and temples scattered around Angel, Saint, and Buddha.
Central and South Vietnam are remnants of the
Champa Kingdom. Diem and his entourage painted frescos not only as
• Although the origins of the Kingdom have been an homage to the Cao Đài faith but as markers to find
challenging to prove, anthropologists believe the Cham their way for future expeditions. According to the Cao
people were colonists from the Indonesian islands. Đài faith, humans can mature into higher entities: Thần
• The Cham civilization flourished along Vietnam’s (angel), Thánh (saint), and Phật (buddha), but Buddhas
coast between the 4th and 14th centuries AD. are the only entities who can break free from the cycle of
• The Indic based civilization used the Sanskrit alphabet life. Only the Buddha passageway leads towards Yian-Ho.
and spoke a Malayo-Polynesian language.
• Siva was the primary deity worshipped. Ganesh is a Each corridor is blocked by a stone slab. When Investigators
deity from the same pantheon as Siva. touch a slab, they open a telecommunication portal with
the Great Old One, who is able to communicate with the
Opening the Gate Investigators telepathically. Conversing telepathically
with a Great Old One requires a SAN check (1/1D6). To
Investigators inspecting the stupa find strange carvings unlock the slab, an Investigator would have to answer a
embedded on the wall, underneath some foliage. series of questions. Keepers can refer to Handout #11
Seventy-two baseball-size stone circles are arranged and ask questions based on Lemont and Diem’s notes.
in seventy-three square place-holders. The circle If Investigators succeed and answer questions correctly
stones can move left, right, up, and down, allowing the Angel and Saint corridors offer a glimpse of what lays
the Investigators to place the design in a specific order outside other entrances accessing the Plateau of Sung.
to form patterns (similar to a 2D Rubik’s puzzle). Keepers could use the following description:

Investigators succeeding on a Cthulhu Mythos role • The Angel corridor: As the stone slab opens,
or an Extreme INT or EDU roll correctly deduce that Investigators start to shiver, they feel a freezing wind
each stone circle has planet-like designs on them. come down the corridor. They find themselves in a
One represents earth (humankind’s idea of what earth hanging Buddhist temple high up in the mountains
would look like from space in 1946). Opening the door of Tibet. Pochi presumably accessed Yian-Ho via

this entrance. The visions would only last for a few The Western Corridor
• The Saint corridor: As the stone slab opens, The West Corridor leads to a living space previously
Investigators feel the earth shake under their feet. occupied by Nguoi Rung. These quarters are now
They find themselves in a vast plain dotted with inhabited by the “Guardians of the Gate” who regulate
Khmer temples. Two large armies are facing each the entrance and exits to Yian-Ho. The architecture
other. One side has several war elephants who charge and functionality of the chambers would remind the
towards the enemy line. The Burmese prophet U-Pau Investigators of the dwellings found earlier. At present,
presumably accessed Yian-Ho via this entrance. The only a few servants occupy the area.
visions would only last for a few seconds.
• The Buddha corridor: As the stone slab opens, The first room encountered seems to be some sort
Investigators can progress deeper underground. of kitchen. There are wooden vessels, clay cups, and
a low ground fire pit in the middle of the room. The
If Investigators do not answer questions correctly, the pit is lukewarm, some embers still red. A few vessels
stone slab remains in place. Another Investigator may contain fresh herbs and dried meats. Above the pit,
attempt to open the slab. there is a small hole in the rock that seems to be a
ventilation system.



Coffin Chamber

Sleeping Quarter

Nguoi Rung

Buddha Corridor

Angel Corridor Saint Corridor

The chamber is a reminder of how people lived Further down the passage, Investigators notice more
thousands of years ago. There are no iron or even modern writings. The following writings would catch
bronze objects. It is odd that the people who built the Investigators’ eyes:
this had the technology to create a ventilation system • In Japanese: 皇帝の栄光のために For the Glory of the
and elaborate entrance mechanisms but based on Emperor. LT Hamada, Imperial Guard Mixed Brigade,
the items in this room they appear to still live in the 22nd Army, 1941.
Stone Ages. • In English: Greatness awaits! Jack McCormick,
Singapore 1936.
Sleeping quarters are not far from the kitchen and • In French: In ancient times, the Sage Chaugnar
consist of small stone beds set into alcoves along the Faugn ordered a servant race to build a great city
rock walls. underground at the edge of the cosmos. Once the city
was built, he ordered his people to bring him recruits
A few feet down the passage, the Investigators enter to maintain his power. Pleased with his servant’s work,
a room filled with stone coffins. 5-foot-tall humanoid he blessed them with two sacred books.
skeletons with conical-shaped heads occupy three- • In German: Nach meinen Beobachtungen wird nur der
quarters of the coffins. A successful Anthropology, Gelehrte Zugang erhalten - Based on my observations,
Archeology, Medicine, or Natural World determines only the erudite will gain access. Pochi, 1855.
that these remains are not homo sapiens. ่ วข้องกับนักบวช “Time is irrelevant
• In Thai: เวลาไม่เกีย
for the priest”.
The final chamber is composed of a single rectangular
stone coffin. There are no visible passageways. Only Once you continue your way down the corridor, you
by moving the lid over the coffin, would investigators suddenly hear screams ahead of you. They sounded
find a secret door leading to the Northern corridor. more like screams of euphoria, rather than pain
A successful STR roll is required to move the lid. The or fear. You detect footsteps; someone is running
coffin contains a horrifically deformed skeleton featuring towards you. The passage is entirely dark. The figure
tusks and a grotesquely enlarged nasal cavity; one could almost falls to the floor, tripping on his long robe.
imagine a monstrous trunk hanging from this creature’s
face.” A SAN roll (0/1d6) is required. Most Investigators will recognize the robe as a
priesthood soutane, and correctly deduce that this
The Northern Corridor figure is Father Lemont.

On each side of the walls, there are numerous inscriptions Lemont forcefully embraces the nearest Investigator, and
in Sanskrit and several Austronesian alphabets. says, “Welcome - the Great Old One has sent you to us!”

A successful Anthropology or Linguistics, or a Hard Investigators would be shocked to be in the presence of

EDU roll, would discern the writings as Sasak Script Father Lemont, who disappeared in 1899. What is even
and the Saaroa alphabet. If Investigators spend time more troubling is Lemont’s apparent age. He doesn’t
translating the various scripts, they will recall passages look a day over fifty. He is healthy and clean-shaven.
from the Sutra of Sung and the Liber Tenebris. SAN check (0/1d3).

The following passages are scribbled on the wall in Latin: Father Lemont is visibly excited and rambles on about
• The Prophet Mu Sang sat upon the hill, surrounded Yian-Ho, humankind’s evolution, and the Tchortcha
by the faithful, when he offered his last and greatest better known by contemporaries as Nguoi Rung.
• He foretold the coming of the White Acolyte from the Keepers should keep any conversation brief, as Father
West, a savior who would signal the commencement Lemont is eager to bring the recruits to Yian-Ho. Father
of the moveable holy feast and the awakening of Lemont does, however, reveal the following:
Chaugnar Faugn. At the feast, Chaugnar Faugn and
the faithful would feed and feed until devouring Regarding age/time:
the universe, before fulfilling the prophecy of • He doesn’t know what year it is. He would babble
reincarnation and rebirth. something along the lines: “I think that time is
irrelevant here.”
In between writings, the number 68 is inscribed in the
rock in various languages, including Latin, Sanskrit, On how to access Yian-Ho:
and Cham. • Yian-Ho is a transit point. What you seek lies in the
Plateau. Only the worthy ones will gain access.

On anthropological matters regarding the Nguoi Rung: Augustin Lemont – The Chosen One
• They have been living here for well before homo-sapiens migrated – age n/a
from Africa. Some had contacts with the first settlers. One lineage STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
gave birth to the Cham civilization.
50 50 50 50 70 50 80 80
• They are a great race and serve an undoubtedly important task.
Regarding Yian-Ho: 15 10
• Yian-Ho is a reflection of what is to become. Of what awaits you
beyond the Plateau. Yian-Ho is one of the many cities on the Damage Bonus: none.
Fighting (Brawl): 25%, 1D3
habitable planets. It serves as a transportation hub to other cities.
Dodge: 25

Regarding the Nguoi Rung, Chaugnar Faugn, and the Mythos: Anthropology 80%, Charm 85%, Credit Rating
• The Nguoi Rung were the former inhabitants of the wetlands. 90%, Cthulhu Mythos 45%, History 70% ,
Most of them have traveled beyond. Few remain. First Aid 50%, Listen 60%, Occult 75%, Spot
• The Supreme Being and Great Old One Chaugnar Faugn is just Hidden 55%, Stealth 40%, Survival (Jungle)
and wise. He decides who travels through the Plateau.
Languages: French 90%, Vietnamese 80%,
About the Plateau of Sung: Latin 40%, English 30%
• The Plateau of Sung is a cosmic corridor that connects all planets. Suggested Spells: Voorish Sign, Dominate,
Fauna, flora, inhabitants all blend into one. One must travel Operate Gate, Golden Pill of Agelessness
through the Plateau to connect to other worlds.

Regarding treasure, gold, and other valuables: Nguoi Rung - Unwanted

• Lemont’s eyes would sparkle. He would respond: “Yes, yes…I have STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
never seen anything like it. Look…look,” he points to his wrist and 50 50 40 60 50 50 50 50
shows a bracelet made of pure gold.
• All will be yours soon. SAN HP
- 10
Unbeknown to the Investigators, Father Lemont has been living in
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3
the subterranean city and has been traveling to other realms for the Fighting (Spear): 60% 1D8
last fifty years. He found Chaugnar Faugn and agreed to serve him. Dodge: 30
Father Lemont knows he must attain recruits to appease his new god.
Skills: Intimidate 20%, Swim 45%, Navigate
In exchange for his service, Father Lemont asked to “have all the 70%, Stealth 60%, Survival (Plateau of Sung)
time in the world” to study and understand the Mythos. Chaugnar 80%, Track 30%
Faugn has elevated Father Lemont to an immortal being. Not that he
can’t die, he just can’t age. The concept of time doesn’t exist anymore
for Father Lemont. Father Lemont encourages the Investigators to
follow him to Yian-Ho.

Yian-Ho’s unwanted

Some Nguoi Rung and previous expedition explorers are still running
around the underground city, avoiding Lemont, who gained their
trust, imposed himself as their leader, and sacrificed most of them
to Chaugnar Faugn for more power. They despise Lemont, but don’t
have the numbers to stage a coup and remove the priest and his
loyalists. The unwanted may, however, come to the Investigators’
aid if they decide to “fight their way out” of Yian-Ho.

Entering the Mystical City

Location: The Underground City of Yian-Ho the carvings. Light reflects off massive stalactites.
Lead Ins: The Lone Stupa Once the eyes have adjusted, Investigators notice
Lead Outs: Epilogues every stalactite is encrusted with gold.
Purpose: Investigators finally access the Mystical City
of Yian-Ho. This scene will serve as the last point for Investigators also notice that the floor is encrusted
the Investigators to decide if they want to push forward with gold, and every individual facing the entrance is
or force their way out. wearing a pair of golden bracelets.

The crowd parts in two, allowing the explorers to walk

Lemont leads the Investigators down the corridor and to the opposite side of the entrance. Lemont escorts
then a twenty-foot long staircase. The staircase ends the group to a three-story high stone carved temple
in a modest entrance carved into the rock. From their structure. Contrary to the architecture associated with
vantage point, Investigators can hear chants in an ancient the Champa kingdom, this façade is more reminiscent
tongue. Bright lights also shine through the entrance. of Greek temples. Four Corinthian columns flank
a double-door sized archway. The columns shoot
upwards halfway to the height of the structure.
Across from the doorway, a large crowd has formed
in a gigantic egg-shaped cave. Over one hundred With an Architecture or Archeology or an extreme
Nguoi Rung and a few human servants bow to the EDU roll, Investigators would notice that the top of
visitors. They wear bright one-piece uni-colored the column designs are more reminiscent of Balinese
robes. Individuals wearing yellow stand in front, structures than Greek. A Kala guardian face is
followed by red and a few blues. The walls are filled distinguishable at the top of the columns. Apart from
with rock-carved dwellings, stacked all the way to the opened archway, there is no other point of access.
the ceiling and perhaps beyond. Each dwelling bares The façade of the building occupies the entire width
an intricately carved façade. Small rock gargoyles of the cave. Candle lights emanating from the other
stand above each door. If the Investigators approach side allow the Investigators to perceive the refection
the adobes, they notice the carved gargoyles are of indoor columns on a body of water.
elephant faces. Thousands of wax candles hang from

Passing the archway, Investigators find themselves in what could be Nguoi Rung servants of Chaugnar Faugn
best described as the atrium of a Roman villa. A six feet by six feet STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
pool lies in the middle of the room. Strange lotus plants dance on 50 60 40 60 50 50 50 50
the water’s surface. Columns flank the pool, but these architectural
marvels are more Chinese in their design. SAN HP
- 10
Some Investigators, especially if they are purely interested in the
city’s gold and other treasures, may want to pursue their own agenda. MP: 10
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Keepers can decide if the Nguoi Rung standing in the cave would
Fighting (Spear): 50% 1D8
let them proceed or force them back to the temple. Dodge: 30

At the opposite end of the room, the Investigators spot two Nguoi Skills: Intimidate 40%, Swim 45%, Navigate
Rung and a young teenage human servant walking behind the 50%, Stealth 60%, Survival (Plateau of Sung)
columns. They are carrying large clay vessels. They disappear 50%, Track 50%
through a side door. Lemont explains: “The temple’s servants
SAN Loss: 0/1D3.
dedicate their entire lives to serving the Great Old One.”
Suggested Spells: Contact Diety: Chaugnar
Lemont invites the Investigators to go through a large archway at Faugn; Voorish Sign, Operate Gate; Wrack
the end of the atrium. The adjacent room is lit by candles hanging or Wither Limb
from a 30-foot or so ceiling. The chamber is composed of a single
rectangular stone altar about three feet high, three feet wide, and
five feet long. In the middle of the stone altar, there is an egg-shape
hole dug into the rock.

A few feet behind the altar, the Investigators shockingly observe a

rock-carved statue of a grotesque deity sitting crossed legged with a
menacing elephant-like face, endowed with an awful and elongated
trunk. Malayo-Polynesian markings, passages from Sutra of Sung
and Liber Tenebris, appear on either side on the walls.

Lemont extends his arm forward and points to the altar. Proceeding
requires a volunteer willing to lie down on the ritual altar. Keepers
may want to create a sense of false hope. If there is a volunteer,
Lemont could acknowledge that they are ready to enter the Plateau
and evolve. If Investigators question Lemont, they are told that the
Great Old One “provides the way,” and if they want to access great
riches, this is the only way.

Read this if and when a member of the expedition lies down upon
the altar:

A slithering sound can be heard emanating from the hole in the

altar. Something viscous and organic emerges, probing at and
testing the shape of the supplicant’s head, before latching on.
Suddenly the expedition member’s legs jerk violently; their entire
body shakes uncontrollably. However, they do not utter a sound.
The expedition member lets a slight audible sound, as if their soul
was detaching from its mortal coil.

Viewing this requires a SAN check (1/2D4). Anyone who persuaded,

encouraged, or cajoled the victim into laying down on the altar loses
an additional 1D6 SAN. The unfortunate volunteer was drained of
her/his essence: Destined to become a bland.

As the Great Old One drains an expedition member of their essence,

Lemont approaches the deity and then places his wrists and golden
bracelets on its surface. Extremely bright and colorful crystals form

Chaugnar Faugn in front of the deity. Rays of light peek through the crystals into the
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU room creating strange moving geometric forms. The crystals are
325 700 200 150 125 175 90 - slowly moving, giving the geometric shapes an organic feel. Father
Lemont says: “I wish you the wisdom to serve the Great Old One
SAN HP adequately.” In the middle of the deity wall, a portal appears. Lemont
- 90 walks through the portal. Only believers wearing golden bracelets
are able to travel via the portal.
Damage Bonus: +6D6 Build: 7
Magic Points: 35 Move: 20
Suddenly, a sharp, horrific roar originates from the altar’s hole. A
Attacks per round: 2 viscous, deformed elephant trunk emerges.

Fighting 80% (40/18), damage 1D6 + damage Keepers should ask for first a SAN, and then a Survival roll.
Bite and hold (maneuver) drain 1D6 hit points The trunk grabs the closest NPC or PC with the lowest SAN. The
each round trunk expands in diameter to the point of being the size of a human
Fighting attacks: Chaugnar Faugn may attack head. In a rapid and agile motion, it envelopes its victim. A loud
a target in many ways. He has hands and sucking sound is audible. The victim’s legs and entire body shake as
feet and a trunk with which to punch, push, the trunk lifts the body from the floor. Suddenly it releases it. It lands
grasp, and kick. on the floor in a pool of ooze. There is no sign of physical trauma
or blood. The victim’s eyes remain open; he or she seems content.
Bite and hold: Once bitten the target is held
and drained of 1D6 hit points per round.
A dozen new holes appear on the floor.
Drain Essence Attack: To ward off this attack
a target must roll under their CON; if failed, At this stage, some Investigators may willingly offer themselves to
the target loses 2D6+1 damage each round Chaugnar Faugn; others may try to resist or flee. If Investigators
until reaching 0 hit points and becoming damage Chaugnar Faugn’s trunk, the Great Old One would punch its
“bland”. With success, the target loses 1D6 hit way through the floor and engage battle with foolhardy Investigators.
points and falls unconscious. If an Extreme
If they try to escape, they would need to go through the Nguoi Rung
success, the target is unaffected.
blocking the entrance.
Create avatar: To ward off this attack a
target must roll under their POW; if failed, Investigators who fall prey to Chaugnar Faugn’s proboscis trunk
the target is morphed into an avatar of must make the following roll: Intelligence + Mythos minus current
Chaugnar Faugn, target’s SAN is recued to SAN (see table below)
0, targets APP is reduced to 10 and target’s
head transforms into a reflection of Chaugnar
Faugn’s head. With success, the target’s SAN
is not reduced to O, but the target’s head is
brutally disfigured, reducing target’s APP Roll Description of effect to Investigator
to 10. If an Extreme success, the target is
unaffected. Critical Becomes an avatar of Chaugnar Faugn (destined
Fail to be a Guardian of the city)
Armor: No ordinary weapon does damage;
defends against enchanted impaling weapons Fail Drained of her/his essence. Destined to become
with 10 points of super-dense hide; resists a bland (released in the jungle by the Nguoi Rung)
even the most powerful forces for 15 minutes
before becoming disincarnate. If Chaugnar Normal Can manage to break free and try to escape
Faugn loses more than 90 hit points, he Success (proceed to epilogue 3)
becomes inert and lifeless. Depending on the
Hard Granted access to the Plateau (proceed to
alignment of the stars, he requires months,
decades, or centuries of rituals and sacrifices success epilogue 1 &2)
to be restored to life. Extreme Choice to decide the outcome
SAN Loss: 1D4/2D6+1
Suggested Spells: Contact Chaugnar Faugn,
Curse of Chaugnar Faugn, Summon/Bind
Nguoi Rung servants, Open Gate, other spells
as the Keeper desires.


Location: Plateau of Sung Once your eyes and mind have adapted to your new
Lead Ins: The Mystical City surroundings, you notice strange people walking
Purpose: What happens next. Choose the Epilogue unaware of your presence a dozen feet in front of you.
that best fits the narrative. Two individuals, about five feet tall each, pass by. They
wear what could be described as a butcher’s apron,
but instead of leather, it is made of a transparent
The Plateau of Sung material, similar to plastic. Underneath the apron,
they are both wearing light pink lab coats and conical
Investigators evolve into higher beings has they navigate plastic hats. They have very delicate facial features,
through the Plateau. Evolution does come at a price. thin noses, and no sign of facial hair. As they pass
The chosen one(s) are destined to serve he Great Old you, you notice that one of them is typing on a small
One for eternity. rectangular tablet. Suddenly bright lights and images
spring up from the tablet, the individual spins around
the images in midair, and his fingers traverse the
Suddenly, a liquid starts to fall…..As it hits your body, hologram to type a set of keys. A strange solar system
you realize that it’s not water, but what seems to be map appears. Some planets are more prominent than
tiny crystals, small snowflakes. They drop slowly on others, you hear a familiar voice “the 72 habitable
you; time stands still. Everything is in slow-motion, planets of our Galaxy; the earth is number 68. The
your movements, and thoughts. You feel like you are Plateau of Sung connects to all 72 Planets.”
floating, levitating from the ground. The cave and
pillars disappear, so do the other members of the
expedition. You are flying in space. You realize that Escape from Yian-Ho
the crystal snowflakes are stars. You dance, float,
navigate, fly in the infinity of space. Is this how one Investigators may decide to escape the city and fight
enters humankind’s next cycle? their way out.

After what could have been minutes or hours, you Investigators must flee, successfully fighting, dodging,
feel grounded again. You notice two golden bracelets and defending themselves from Chaugnar Faugn, Father
on your wrists. Lemont, and Nguoi Rung servants in the cave. Keepers
may have one human servant come to their aid and
lead them down secret passageways through some
The Cosmos of the dwellings to the main entrance. In any case,
this scene should feel like a last desperate attempt to
A strange and inexplicable world awaits the Investigators. escape; with Father Lemont and Nguoi Rung servants
Nothing has prepared them for the travel to other fast on the Investigator’s heels.
words. They enter one of the 72 habitable planets, a
technocratic society, filled with unidentified advanced If Investigators make it to the surface, Keepers could
technological devices, and humanoid alien races. decide how they make it back to Saigon. One alternative
for an entertaining ending would be to distort reality.
The first oddity is the sheer size of what lays before As time and space were irrelevant in Yian-Ho, it is not
you: a gigantic piazza or city center. You have a hard farfetched to imagine the Investigators coming back to
time distinguishing where it begins and where ends. a much later year, such as 1969 amid the Tet offensive,
There is no ceiling above you. Instinctively, you turn 1975 just before the Fall of Saigon, or 2019 during the
around, and there is no wall on either side of the tourism season in the southern wetlands.
entrance door. As if the concept of space was irrelevant.

Suddenly a booming sound startles you. A few feet

behind, a two-carriage aerodynamic trainlike machine
passes at rapid speed. The train is attached to pillars
that jet to the infinite sky above you.

Handout #1 - Employment Contract Template for Investigators)

Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française

Contrat de Travail

Subject to the results of the medical examination, M_ _____________ is hired

as of__________ in the capacity of _______________ for Pacification
campaign by the office of the Deputy High Commissioner of the Provisional
Government of the French Republic, Cochinchina, Saigon. The sum of _______
will be paid on __________.

Labor Ministry

Business ID:
Registration number
Signed in Saigon, by orders of the Deputy High Commissioner

Handout #2 – The Invitation (Banquet)

Gouvernement provisoire de la République française

His Excellency, the Deputy High Commissioner Monsieur Henry

de Constance cordially invites you to join him for a banquet celebrating the
launch of the “Pacification” campaign at the Norodom Palace, Saigon
on August 1st, 1946.

Handout #3 – St-Joseph Seminary – handwritten note by Father Dufort, June 1897

Mensis lunius, MDCCCXCVII

I regret to inform you that after careful review, the Order of the Christian Brothers has decided to withhold funding for a
second expedition in search of the “Plateau of Sung” and the “City of Yian-ho.”
-Father Dufort

Handout #4 – St-Joseph Seminary - handwritten note in Latin by the Inner

Circle of the Christian Brothers. June 1898

Mensis lunius, MDCCCXCVIII

After deliberation and careful consideration, the Christian Brothers have decided to release you of your vows and
obligations to the Order of the Christian Brothers. This painful decision was reached unanimously by the Order
based on observations and complaints received. We have found your sermons to deviate significantly from the
Order and the Church of Rome’s teachings.
Excommunicado is effective immediately and non-revocable.
Handout #5 – Typewritten note - French Chamber of Commerce. 1923

Chambre de commerce française

Efforts should be made to locate the Cham temple. According to the

priest’s notes, the area is a fertile land propitious to logging, and more
importantly, the creation of rubber plantations.

Signed by B. B.

Handout #6 – Typewritten note - Sûreté Nationale Détective Jean Richard – 1925)

Ville de Saigon
Intent and usage:
Information on the person of Gabriel Diem (first name: Nguyên, last name: Diem)
Undersigned: Detective Jean Richard

The Caodaist movement is experiencing all kinds of difficulties establishing
its religious doctrine. One of its founding members, Gabriel Diem, is said
to be in deep disagreement with the intimate Caodaist circle.

Surveillance and, if possible, economic and military assistance are

imperative. Diem could certainly be persuaded to establish an external
and independent movement from the Caodaist. This new force could prove to
be an important ally for ensuring French supremacy in this region.


Handout #7 – Lemont’s report

Incerta et Fabulosis in Paeninsulam Indosinensem

Myths and Mysteries in Asia:The Case of the Nguoi Rung

Abstract Their leader, a young male, took us to a small hamlet. A

few straw and bamboo huts were arranged in a circular
The eastern edge of the Southern Wetlands has the fashion. At the center of the circle stood a stone altar
highest concentration of uncontacted indigenous tribes with highly decorated motifs carved into the stone.
in Indochina. During my recent expedition funded by These seemed to depict strange creatures, including a
the Christian Brothers, I have been able to establish human with an elephant face. This group was no more
contact and live among one of the strangest and most than 30 individuals, a dozen families at most. They
remote tribes on Earth. spoke a proto-Cham dialect, and only through the
help of a local guide were we able to communicate the
Emil Durkhein, the architect of modern social simplest of ideas. There was no visible sign of modernity
sciences, defines isolated or uncontacted peoples as and civilization. There were no modern tools, not even
“the indigenous groups that have never established shovels, axes, or oil lamps. After we arrived in their
permanent contact with national society.” The Nguoi hamlet, their leader confiscated my bible, jumped on
Rung certainly fit the description. I can comfortably say the altar, and started chanting in a weird tongue. He
that I was the first European they ever encountered. showed the book to his people, and all began to bow
Short in stature, even compared to other mountainous chanting rhythmically. At night, the villagers insisted
ethnic tribes, the Nguoi Rung people and their ritualistic on offering what we understood to be a banquet in our
based community are shrouded in secrecy. They honor. We were, however, shocked once we realized
worship gods not known to Europeans and perform the main dish would be our recently killed porters. I
on occasion cannibalistic sacraments. They also call categorically refused to partake, and the matter was
themselves the guardian of the “gate or city that leads not further discussed.
to the Plateau of Sung.”
After a few days of living in close proximity, our host
It is imperative to study the Nguoi Rung further. Church insisted on taking us to see what we understood to be
and State need to preserve a culture unadulterated their people’s Chieftain. It took us two days of trekking
by contact with Europeans. It is our duty to discover through thick jungles. I was surprised that no path
esoteric secrets known only to the Nguoi Rung. I am existed between the two settlements.
hopeful both Church and State will support, and fund,
another expedition sooner rather than later. The second village, larger than the previous hamlet,
was no different in terms of sophistication. Once again,
According with our bureaucratic practices, I filed the there was no sign of modern equipment as if the village
below synopsis with the Cochinchina authorities. It will remained frozen in the Neolithic period. The tribe
serve as the foundation for forthcoming administrative maintains fields of crops, but not with the aid of shovels
requests. or plows. The tribe also clearly possessed pottery and
polished stone tools, but metalwork was nowhere
Ethnology visible. The villagers didn’t even seem interested in
our iron machetes or tin canteens.
There are more than 3,000 recorded indigenous
residents living in the jungles of Indochina. These Men are divided into two groups, the workers who tend
mainly fall under Khmer and Cham ethnic groups. the field, and the hunter-warrior class who protect
These tribes occasionally contact and trade with larger the tribe and provide meat. Women are responsible
populations in more civilized metropolitan areas. for child-rearing.
Moving East, towards the highlands of Cambodia, I first
encountered a splinter group of Nguoi Rung. Our first
contact was rather hostile. We lost two native porters
to poison darts. Only after I unveiled my bible did they
stand down.

Handout #7 – Lemont’s report (Continued)

Religious beliefs not Cham, but probably pre-date the Cham by at least a
thousand years. Meaning the Nguoi Rung could be the
Our new host welcomed us with open arms. Their earliest settlers in the area, which would change our
Chieftain, who seems to hold both temporal and perception of homo sapiens migration to Indochina.
spiritual power, dressed in elaborate pageantry made Perhaps the Nguoi Rung are an enigmatic human
of bone and feather. He was fascinated by my leather- relative? Could they be a form of Homo Floreniensis,
bound Bible, which he kept on referring to it as the known as the archaic humans (Denisovan)?
“Liber Tenebris.”
I was told that one day, I would be allowed to enter the
He was clearly not capable of understanding, let alone temple and visit the magnificent City of Yian-ho, and
reading Latin, but he seemed to draw inspiration from from there, make my way to the Plateau beyond, where
the Book as he spouted animated sermons to his pupils. a great many truths would be revealed. According to
Although I did not speak the same language as the the Chieftain, only those worthy of the next stages of
Chieftain, I was able to communicate basic ideas with physical and spiritual evolution would be granted access
him, even more so after we consumed a lotus plant to Yian-ho; its inhabitants would judge my worthiness.
with specific medicinal and hallucinogenic properties. The first night after our group left the Cham temple,
In fact, while under the effects of the medicinal lotus we decided to bivouac in a small clearing. In the middle
plant, I was able to communicate with the Chieftain by of the night I woke up, alone in the encampment. I
mutually sharing the mind’s eye telepathically. hastily packed my goods and tried to retrace my steps.
After only an hour, I was completely lost, surrounded
I embraced the tribe’s customs as an anthropological by thick jungle. I shouted for help, and just when I was
experiment, eager to partake in their mysterious about to despair, I found a confluent of the Sông Vàm
rituals. The tribe worshiped a pantheon of unknown Cỏ Đông river.
“divinities.” As days passed, I became more versed in
their mythology.
Incantations & Rituals
After two months, I was invited to join the tribe as
an honorary Nguoi Rung, I was taken to an old Cham Based on my time with the Nguoi Rung, I have
temple, described as the tribe’s most sacred site and consolidated information at my disposal and divided
the location of a rite of passage for a young male. The the tribe’s rituals into three distinct categories.
Cham temple stood at the end of a narrow gorge and
flanked by steep cliffs. (the rest of the document is missing….)

On first inspection, the temple and surrounding stupas

appeared to be of Cham origin. However, after repeated
visits, I have come to believe that the ruins are actually

Handout #8 – Typewritten note - Sûreté Nationale Détective Jean Richard – 1925)

Ville de Saigon
Date du rapport : janvier 1926
Intent and usage:
Information reported by informant 2-b (code name: Mademoiselle Mai)
Undersigned: Detective Jean Richard

Gabriel Diem, accompanied by some faithful, has left Tây Ninh, the Cao Đài Holy See.
The group is preparing to retrace the footsteps of Father Lemont.

Informant 2-b must accompany Diem.

Handout #9 – Lemont’s Flora Passage Description

Passed the ridge, the jungles here are dense, filled with all sorts of sounds and colors.
The dirt underneath my feet is a blood red color, I've never seen anything like it before.
The deeper I trek into the overgrowth, the stranger I begin feeling. I am starting to
experience feelings of nausea and what I can only describe as hallucinations. I can't be
sure if the things I'm seeing are real or in my head. The jungle is watching me.

These strange black lotus flowers appeal to me. The closer I get to them, the more enlightened
I feel.

Handout #10 – Diem’s Map

Handout #11 – Lemont and Diem’s Journal Notes.

Level 1: Level 3
What we know is a drop, what we don’t is an ocean. The The Sermon on the Hill
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn, possesses the body of The Prophet Mu Sang sat upon the hill, surrounded by the
the sacred white elephant. His fearsome ivory tusks and faithful, when he offered his last and greatest prophesy.
his elephantine ears inspire the faithful and are worthy
of devotion. He foretold of the coming of the White Acolyte from the
West, a savior who would signal the commencement of
During the antiquity, the Chaugnar Faugn journeyed to the moveable holy feast and the awakening of Chaugnar
the East to wait for the age of his anointment. He sits Faugn. At the feast, Chaugnar Faugn and the faithful
in meditation at the mouth of a sacred cavern, guarding would feed and feed until devouring the universe, before
the gates to the Plateau of Sung. fulfilling the prophecy of reincarnation and rebirth.

The Forgotten Ones are viewed as expressions of our Professeur Charles Robequain speaks of a model fusing
primal subconscious needs and desires. Only by contacting dimensions of space and the dimension of time into a
these entities will humanity be drawn to the next level of single four-dimensional realm.
evolution. The earth is but a preliminary stage.
(In Vietnamese – Diem’s journal). We have redoubled
How far do we have to travel before we become immaterial efforts and spent considerable time revising late into
and how would we interact with other races at this point? the night Lemont’s notes. I turned to passages of the
Can a matter residing on the higher dimensional plane Sutra of Sung, a volume written by U Pao, a Burmese
also move to a lower plane?  scholar. Although Lemont was never able to get his
hands on the complete volume, there are several worthy
I witnessed infinity stretching out. All this time we behave passages in his notes.
like it is rational and reasonable to ignore everything
that’s unreasonable and irrational... Time is in you. You The Sutra of Sung explores the nature of life on earth
carry it everywhere you go.  and beyond. The prized volume also dabbles with
arcane theories related to the evolution of humankind.
In parallel, according to Pochi’s work, the chosen ones
Level 2: will be shown the way to another realm where they will
The Prophet told us of the beautiful and divine Chaugnar be able to evolve into higher beings.
Faugn, he who possess a sacred and magnificent body
and an awesome and prodigious trunk, and he who used The most relevant source in Pochi works featured passages
his own flesh and prehistoric amphibian bone to mold from the Liber Tenebris, known to as the Book of Night.
the Miri Nigri, the wonderous mermen who tended the According to Pochi, the book originally written in an alien
Seas for many epochs and who later consorted with the world was later deposited in Yian-Ho. During his journey
first humans to breed the Nguoi Rung, a more sturdy to Asia, Pochi was only allowed to gaze at a copy of the
hybrid race, a race nearly worthy of serving the Lord book, but it left a deep impression.
Chaugnar Faugn.

The Prophet told us of the Lord Chaugnar Faugn’s

promise to grant the faithful access to the Plateau of
Sung and the Forgotten Ones who, in their blessed ways,
shall elevate humanity to greatness.
Clues are divided into multiple levels, and we
“Those who know do not speak – Those who do not suggest keepers to release clues sporadically
speak do not know”, warned the Prophet as he sat upon and only when Investigators spend at least 2
the hill, surrounded by the faithful. hours going through the material).

I have established regular correspondence with other

European anthropologists and occultists, including
Professeur Charles Robequain, author of “Lieux sacrés
et cachés d’Asie”, and assistant to the famed Jean-Xavier
Pochi, who published Rituels de créations et destructions
divines, a book containing creational and destructive
rituals in 1839.

Handout #12 – Lemont and Diem’s Journal Drawings

Handout #13 – The Viet Minh’s Map

Handout #14 – Sketches of the Entrance to the Gorge

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Achille des Prés Sauvages Gender M Age 59

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Archaeologist Birthplace Toulon, France
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 70 35 50 25 60 30 80 40
10 10 10 10 14 10 12 16
Damage Bonus Move
Drives 56
1. A thirst for knowledge Luck
2. Scholarly prestige and fame

3. Epicureanism MP
Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%)
76 38 Fighting
Library Use (20%)
50 25
15 (Brawl)(25%) 10

Appraise (05%) 50 25
Listen (20%)

(01%) 60
Archaeology Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)
Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 50
Firearms 25
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 10
Firearms 60 30
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%)
(Rifle)(25%) 12
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) 70 35
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) 10 5

Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 40

20  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
8 (01%)
Mythos (00%) 4 2
Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Vietnamese ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Chinese 40 20

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%) Cham, Khemer, 30 15  Psychoanalysis

6 (01%)

Elec Repair (10%)

80 40
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
12-gaugeshotgun (2B) 60 30 12 4d6/2d6/1d6 10/20/50 1(2) 2 100

Other Equipment
Beretta 12-gauge birding shotgun and ammunition Major Wound
Brushes and other Þeld equipment
Temp Insane
Personal journal and pencil
Linen suit Injuries & Phobias
Tincture of Black Lotus ßowers

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Mai Chan Gender F Age 82

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Prof Anthropology & Biology Birthplace Saigon
Characteristics HP
25 30 20 25 40 25 30 35 10
50 10 60 12 40 8 50 10 80 16 50 10 60 12 70 14
Damage Bonus None Move 9
Drives 60
1. Meaningful change for her country through greater education and Luck
knowledge for all.
2. Discoveries in science, nature, or anthropology that might change the
course and direction of her country.
3. A shift in the balance of power that puts everyone (in particular the MP
repressed people of Vietnam) on a more equal playing field.
12 Science (01%) 30
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 25 5
Law (05%) ( Biology ) 61 12
35 Fighting 30
Anthropology (01%) 71 14 (Brawl)(25%)
Library Use (20%) 60 12

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%) 12 Firearms
( ) 25 5 (Handgun)(20%) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%)
Firearms 20
(Rifle)(25%) Medicine (01%) 41 8
Stealth (20%)

30 Survival (10%) 15
Natural World (10%) 60 12 ( River ) 30 6
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%) 40 8
Climb (20%) History (05%) 55 11
Occult (05%) Throw (20%)
20  Op. Hv. Machine
Credit Rating (00%) 40 8
Intimidate (15%)
Track (10%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 60 12
Language (Other)(00%) 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) 40 8 ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 60 12

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Language (Own)(EDU) 35
Elec Repair (10%) ( Vietnamese ) 70 14
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Emmanuel Le Nuth Gender M Age 27

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation soldier Birthplace
Characteristics HP
60 30 60 30 50 25 80 40 50 25 50 25 70 35 40 20
12 12 10 16 10 10 14 8
Damage Bonus Move
Drives 70
Emmanuel is a consumate risk taker. As his sergeant used to say, “good
initiative, poor judgment.” Emmanuel never stays in place for more than a Luck
few months. Emmanuel usually gets himself into trouble and is forced to 30
move to avoid unpleasant retribution.
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 25 12
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
5 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 75 37
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 15

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 60 30


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) 50 25

Sleight Of Hand (10%)
70 35
10 14
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 70 35
Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%)
(Handgun)(20%) 14
Firearms 50 25
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 80 40
(Rifle)(25%) 10 16
Firearm (SMG) 80 40 Survival (10%)
30 15
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle ) 6

Charm (15%) 35 17
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 40

20  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
8 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 30 15
Language (Other)(00%)
20 10 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) 40 20

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 50 40
25 Language (Own)(EDU) 20
Elec Ride (05%)
10 ( English ) 8

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 75 37 15 1d3+db touch
MAS-38 (SMG) 80 40 16 1D10+2 15 yards 1(3)(full) 32 100

Other Equipment
Various currencies. Major Wound
Temp Insane
Emmanuel maintains a hidden cache of spirits, wine, and cigarettes outside of the
garrison. Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Franklin Jean Paul Thorgrimson Gender M Age 42

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Soldier/Drifter Birthplace Kenora, CAN
Characteristics HP
65 32 50 25 60 30 50 25 70 35 50 25 65 32 50 25
13 10 12 10 14 10 13 10
Damage Bonus +1d4 Move 8
Drives 65
1. Buddhism. Explore possible ties between Buddhism and the Mythos. Luck
2. Exploration of the unknown. Travel Asia. Pursue meaning in vivid
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 26 13
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
5 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 80 40
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 16

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 50 25


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
( woodworking )
50 25 Firearms
Mech. Repair (10%) 50
Spot Hidden (25%)
10 (Handgun)(20%) 10
Firearms 65 32
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 13 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( jungle )
30 15

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) 50 25

Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 10 50

5  Op. Hv. Machine 25
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
2 (01%) 10

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) Lore (Buddhism) 30 15

Language (Other)(00%)
30 15 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Tai, Pali ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Vietnamese 20 10

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
50 25
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
.30-06 Riße 65 32 13 2d6+4 110 1 5 100

Other Equipment
Backpack Major Wound
Bow saw, ax, pocket knife
Temp Insane
Bedroll Injuries & Phobias
Flint and steel, tinderbox Slight limp

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Henri Chalifour Gender M Age 27

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Clergy Birthplace Nantes
Characteristics HP
50 25 65 32 55 27 50 25 70 35 60 30 55 27 80 40
10 13 11 10 14 12 11 16
Damage Bonus None Move 7
Drives 55
Evangelize. Luck
Father Chalifour is dedicated to evangelizing the destitute living in 55
France’s colonies. An ardent patriot, he believes in peoples’ emancipation,
but it must be under the direction of both temporal and spiritual powers. MP
Father Chalifour is convinced that communism is not the answer to 11

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 40 20
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
8 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 50
Firearms 25
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 10
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%)
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle )
50 25

Charm (15%) 50 25
First Aid (30%) 50 25
Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)
10 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) 65 32

Occult (05%) 25 12
Throw (20%)
12 5

Credit Rating (00%) 40 50

20 25  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
8 10 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) 50 25
Persuade (10%) 65 32 Lore: Theology 45 22
10 13 9
Language (Other)(00%)
25 12 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Vietnamese ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) 25 12

Psychology (10%) 25 12
5 5

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( French
80 40
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch

Other Equipment
Major Wound
Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Alain Timmerman Gender M Age 28

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Archaeologist Birthplace Saverne
Characteristics HP
65 32 50 25 60 30 50 25 70 35 50 25 50 25 70 35
13 10 12 10 14 10 10 14
Damage Bonus +1d4 Move 8
Drives 50
Alain seeks knowledge of the unknown. He is part of the ‘Lost
Generation’ and is sympathetic to the oppressed. Alain is a bit of a Luck
thrill seeker. He seeks to lift the moral tarnish the war has left
upon him. He carries a small silver cross on a chain, but doesn’t
exhibit any religious tendencies. He values logic and tends not to MP
suffer fools lightly.
Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 60 30
Library Use (20%) 50
(Brawl)(25%) 12 10

Appraise (05%) 25 12
Listen (20%)

(01%) 70
Archaeology Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)
Art/ Craft (05%)
Repair (10%) 50 Hidden (25%) 50
Firearms 25 25
( ) Mech. Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 10 10
Firearms 45 22
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%)
(Rifle)(25%) 9
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) 50 25
Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) 40 20

Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 40 35

20 17  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
8 7 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 60 30
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( German ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Cham 40 20

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
70 35
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
.303 Lee-EnÞeld 45 22 8 2d6+4 110 1 8 100
Machete 60 30 12 1d8+db touch 1

Other Equipment
Colapsable Þeld shovel, brushes and other Þeld equipment Major Wound
Personal journal and pencil
Temp Insane
Wide brimmed hat
Backpack Injuries & Phobias
Mess Kit
Waterproof matches
Cham to French dictionary

Confidential Information

Bình Xuyên and Organized

Crime Faction

Campaign Hook Description

Indochina has a long history of organized crime, varying Organized crime functions on the edges of society,
from more noble causes such as uniting to resist the operating on both sides of the law. Kingpins and
French to more sinister like the opium trade, extortion, gangsters betrayed each other to secure their fortunes,
and piracy. One of the first organized groups to emerge and trust among thieves is hard to come by. Alliances
in the colony was the Bình Xuyên in the 1920s. The were made one day and broken the next if it meant
group had more humble beginnings as river pirates, more money and power to one side or the other.
but by 1945, kingpin Dương Văn Dương AKA Ba Dương
(three oceans) had transformed them into a legitimate Organized Crime exists throughout the colony of
military force that controlled almost the entire opium Indochina, but is most predominant in the southern
trade in the country. Always looking for a leg-up on Cochinchina province, around Saigon-Chợ Lớn. In the
the competition, in this case, the wealthy and law earlier days, organized crime is less sophisticated, and
enforcement, those participating in organized crime groups of pirates prey up boats along the Saigon and
are motivated by wealth, power, and influence. Nobly Dong Nai rivers. As crime evolves, leaders emerge as
they seek to support (and in many ways protect) their the heads of gangs, some of them with numbers in the
communities who are oppressed by the French colonial hundreds. These gangs control the opium trade and
rule, and dangerously they are outlaws who have no have their hands in prostitution, extortion, murder-
qualms at committing heinous crimes. The gangsters for-hire, and protection rackets, often working with
of Indochina, motivated by power, were willing to align French law enforcement and corrupt officials to their
themselves with whoever or whatever they thought own ends. Many of these gangs are part of the growing
might bring them wealth and power. To this end, they nationalist and communist movements in the colony,
were ready and willing to use cosmic horrors to destroy depending on where the allegiance of their leaders lie.
their enemies and expand criminal dominance.
Over the course of the 20th century, the Bình Xuyên
Investigators involved in organized crime are laborers, and other criminal organizations found themselves in
thugs, pirates, and revolutionaries. They serve alliances with the Japanese, the French, and the Việt
themselves first, and their country second. Depending Minh as well as many other groups within the political
on the time or their allegiances, they may report to a fermentation.
different kingpin.

Bay Vien

Confidential Information

Organized Crime Faction Leaders HISTORICAL PERSONALITIES

• Ba Dương, leader of the Bình Xuyên from the 1920s Ba Dương (1900 – 1946) Notorious leader of the Bình
to 1946. Xuyên from the 1920s to 1946. He was born to a poor
• Bảy Viễn, leader of the Bình Xuyên Force, following family in Bến Tre Province. In the 1920s, he became
the death of Ba Dương. the leader of a gang of river pirates preying upon
and extorting money from the sampan boats along
Other Key Members of the Organized the rivers of the Mekong Delta, traveling into the
Crime Faction Chợ Lớn docks. Although his Bình Xuyên started as
a group of river pirates, they eventually progressed
• Sau Dõi – A gangster known for protection services. into further organized crime like protection services,
During his career, he bribed port officials for and in the 1930s he began protection services for the
protection of a lumberyard used by a pro-Japanese Tây Ninh-Phnom Penh bus station – one of the first
shipbuilding company in South Vietnam. early means of travel from Vietnam into the French
• Sau Tho – Led a gang which focused on kidnapping Protectorate of Cambodia. By the 1940s, Ba Dương’s
and extortion, generally targeting wealthy families. reputation and power had turned him into a kingpin
• Brothers Ba Ngọc and Ba Gin operated brothels and of the Vietnamese organized crime world. When the
ran prostitutes in the Tân Thuận area. Empire of Japan invaded in 1940, Ba Dương organized
• Tám Mạnh – A martial arts teacher and gang leader resistance movements, and after Japan’s surrender,
in Saigon. In 1940, he joined the Communist Party he worked with the Viet Minh to oppose the French
and had his gang to stop all criminal activity and occupation of the county. In 1946 Ba Dương was shot
focus on assisting the party. His gang later join Ba dead in a raid by French spitfires as he commanded
Dương’s Bình Xuyên. Bình Xuyên troops as they prepared to take back the
• Lệ Hải – The Gangster Queen of Saigon. She grew French-controlled An Hoá - Giao Hoà front.
up in an affluent family, yet was attracted to the
underworld of Saigon. She dated numerous powerful Bảy Viễn (1904 – 1972) Infamous leader of the Bình Xuyên
gangsters – who showered her with luxury. She following the death of Ba Dương. He was born in Chợ
orchestrated the deaths of more than one. Lớn to a Vietnamese mother and a Chinese father. His
father was a member of the Vietnamese branch of the
Period of Operation Heaven and Earth Society. During the 1930s and 1940s,
Bảy Viễn was one of Ba Dương lieutenants in the Bình
Organized crime has always existed to varying degrees Xuyên and was always evading capture by the French
in colonial Indochina. The period between the 1920s to authorities. Eventually, he and a number of his men
the 1960s was particularly wrought with enterprising were captured by the French and sentenced to prison in
criminals, mainly due to the ever-changing political the penal colony of Côn Sơn, an island off the southern
landscape, power grabs, and power vacuums. coast of Vietnam – where they spent time debating and
discussing politics and revolution with imprisoned Việt
Organized Crime Weapons and Equipment Minh supporters. He eventually was able to escape
with the assistance of then Bình Xuyên leader Ba Dương
The gangsters of Indochina are flexible when it comes and the Japanese Kenpeitai. Following the death Ba
to the weaponry and equipment they use to achieve Dương, Bảy Viễn was able to consolidate his power in
their goals. They will use anything that they can get the organization during the shifting political tides and
their hands on legally or illegally. formed the Bình Xuyên Force, a powerful independent
• Martial Arts weapons like swords, knives, and claws military in the Vietnamese National Army. Sensing
• Stolen firearms from the French, Japanese, and Việt a turning of the tides, as the French control slowly
Minh began eroding, Bảy Viễn secretly began negotiating for
• Smaller sampan boats and larger riverboats territory in Saigon. By 1954, his Bình Xuyên controlled
• Cars like the Ford Model-T (1920s-1930s) or Ford the Saigon-Chợ Lớn capital region and were controlling
Super Deluxe (1940s-1950s) government operations in exchange for exclusive rights
• Motorcycles and mopeds like the French FN Four to the criminal underworld of gambling, prostitution,
motorcycle, or Motobecane Mobylette moped racketeering, and opium. Bảy Viễn’s Bình Xuyên was
• Xích lô three-wheeled electric passenger bikes eventually ousted in 1955 by the Vietnamese National
• Opium Army in the Battle of Saigon.
• Counterfeit currency and banknotes
• Street informants
• Torture equipment like the French gégène
(electroshock), meat hooks, and iron chains

Confidential Information

ORGANIZED CRIME HOOKS entirely through written correspondence and radio

communications. The word on the street is that Mr.
HOOK: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES Schwartz, who self-styles as the “King of Ghouls” is
rarely seen in person, and very particular about who
Under the leadership and direction of a young Ba Dương, a and under what circumstances he will meet.
group of river pirates preys on boats along the Saigon and
Dong Nai rivers. Ba Dương has heard through secretive
channels that a boat owned by Saigon Boat – a subsidiary HOOK: THE PURPLE KING
company of the French-Indochina Rubber Corporation
was transporting an invaluable, undescribed item said to The Disciples of Vua Tím worship a mysterious being
hold mysterious powers. The item is being transported called the Purple King. They believe that the Purple
along the river from the Corporation’s Cochinchina King is set to return to his rightful place within the
plantation to Saigon, in one of two heavily armed and innermost chamber of the Forbidden Purple Palace in
guarded riverboats. Ba Dương, determined to get his the Imperial City of Huế. Further to this belief, their
hands on whatever it is on the boat, has gathered his doctrine states that when the Purple King takes back
pirate gang and plotted an ambush. his rightful seat, those who aided him will be rewarded
with riches and a seat at his side.

HOOK: WHATEVER YOU DO, STAY AWAY The Bình Xuyên in Huế are approached by an older,
FROM THE BACCARAT TABLES odd-looking Vietnamese man with pale purple eyes.
He called himself Đệ tử Pham – and had a business
proposition. He wanted to enlist the gang to help him
Located at 11 rue des Marins, the Grand Monde restore the Purple King to power – and to do so; he
entertainment complex was in the late 1940s the needed the blood of the King’s enemies in Huế; the
second-largest casino complex in the world. Everyone Japanese leadership, the French leadership, and the
frequented the Grand Monde. Old toothless and Việt Minh leadership.
miserable women rubbed shoulders with elegant
courtesans donning sparkling jewelry. The Bình Xuyên initially scoffed at this proposition,
dismissing Pham as a crazy old man. Besides, kidnapping
Initially controlled by the Macanese mob, the the leadership in Huế would be no easy task.
establishment fell under the Binh Xuyên’s yoke after
their leader united several local gangs and promised to Three days later, outside the Imperial Gate, authorities
pay the authorities a significant portion of the profit.  discovered and identified the mutilated corpses of a
French Legionnaire, a known Việt Minh supporter,
Regulars speak of table nine, a baccarat table staffed a Japanese diplomat, and a Bình Xuyên lieutenant.
by an enigmatic croupier standing at the east corner, Although all of them came from different walks of life
as cursed. Some say men have lost more than money. – they shared one thing in common; faces and hands
According to eyewitnesses, when players draw the best painted purple.
hand possible, a nine, they inevitably go into a catatonic
state. A few minutes later, the gambler is but a shell of To be included in the section on dramatic characters
their former self. and historical personalities:


The Bình Xuyên gang has been approached with a

business proposition by a mysterious Mr. Schwartz,
a man who claims to be able to procure anything,
whether luxury goods or secret information, for the
right price. Boss Ba Dương, who favors the arbitrage
business model and who sees the potential to expand
his extortion and blackmail racket, has voiced his
interest in the proposition. Ba Dương rose to power
through an abundance of caution, and understandably
wants to complete his due diligence before entering
into any kind of business arrangement with Mr.
Schwartz. Thus far, all communications have been

Operation Desperado
by Francis Acquarone and Jason Sheets


Location: Northern Highlands (Laos & Tonkin) equipment, and aviation support would prevail. Waves
Time: April 1954 (just before the fall of Điện Biên Phủ) of Việt Minh Bo Doï would crash on well-established
defenses and fortified positions, and the elite French
Nine years into a bloody conflict, the French high battalions would be left standing victorious.
command argued that the situation could still be
salvaged and the Viêt Minh defeated. The Việt Minh had, The valley of Điện Biên Phủ, a remote area by the
however, transformed into guerrilla warfare specialists. Laotian border, commonly known as “la cuvette”
Ambushes and swift hit-and-run assaults replaced because of its basin shape, was selected. The French
pitched battle tactics that proved indecisive. The French established a camp by a small creek in the middle of
quickly lost control of the jungle, allowing the Việt Minh the valley next to the remnants of a WW2 Japanese
numerous sanctuaries and staging bases for future airbase. Although the position was isolated and no
assaults. For the French command, remote outposts main arteries connected it to the valley, it could be
overlooking strategic roads and key “friendly” villages supplied by air. Undoubtedly, the high command made
were all that remained under their control in Tonkin’s a series of grave miscalculations, none more significant
highlands. These outposts were soon surrounded, cut than the ability of the Việt Minh to resupply its forces
off, and taken over. Relief columns were always too hundreds of miles away from its staging bases. French
late, or in turn, ambushed and destroyed on their way Intelligence was adamant that the mountains and jungle
to help their compatriots. The few roads connecting would prove impregnable. The Viêt Minh would not be
Hanoi to these garrisons, so vital for reinforcement and able to haul heavy artillery to the front. In one of the
supplies, became death traps. This “sale besogne” - the greatest military feats in the 20th century, Vo Nguyên
dirty job - was often given to the French Legion, men Giap mobilized some half a million civilians, known
who had no illusion of surviving convoy duty. Small as “la brigade des chevaux de fer”, the iron horses
cities and staging points turned into sin cities where brigade. Overcoming harsh conditions and challenging
men would do the unspeakable before and after convoy mountainous terrain, the brigade carried the much-
duty. The army turned a blind eye, knowing very well need supplies and heavy artillery by foot and bicycle
that these men were sent to their deaths. to support the five veteran Việt Minh divisions sent to
combat the French.
In this context, the French army top brass was persuaded
that if they could lure the Việt Minh into one last pitched The trap was set… The hunter became the hunted.
battle in a location of their choosing, French tactics,

French Trenches - Dien Bien Phu

The Horrible Truth strength. They would never tire and could understand
or follow multifaceted directives.
About 750 million years ago, a meteor containing
alien life forms travelled from Yuggoth to Earth. Since then, the Bholes have served as an instrument
Upon entering the atmosphere, the meteor split into for necromancers and sorcerers for centuries. The
five distinct fragments. According to Servitor Races secretions they produce, mixed with brain matter,
populating the planet at that time, each piece contained result in reviving previously dead mammals. Reanimated
its own “gift” from the Outer Gods. mammals tend to look for a bigger, larger host unless
they are under the spell of a necromancer who is then
One fragment containing alien slugs known as Bholes able to issue specific commands. Bholes also slow
landed in today’s Indochina. The sheer force behind the decaying process of their hosts and can live a
the impact created the valley of Điện Biên Phủ in the great number of years inside the cranial plate. They
Northern highlands of Vietnam. Although most of the reproduce more rapidly when exposed and bathing in
meteor was destroyed upon impact, some pieces could human’s subcortical white matter. Interestingly, and
still be found throughout the valley. contrary to certain beliefs, the Bholes do not morph
to form bigger worms.
Soon after, the local tribe of Serpent people led by the
great wizard Shi’ittar, discovered a fragment buried Shi’ittar quickly built an army of reanimated soldiers.
deep underground. Sensing the meteor had powerful Looking to expand his tribe’s kingdom, he marched to
magical attributes, Shi’ittar set his people to dig up the the South. The Serpent people clashed with the Nguoi
alien rocks. What they found was at first uneventful. Rung, who inhabited the Southern lands at the edge of
The meteorite was peppered with small holes giving the the Plateau of Sung. A great war lasting several decades
rock a strange organic feel. Living worms were buried ensued. The Nguoi Rung, with the help of Chaugnar
in some of the holes, not much longer than a few inches Faugn, were finally able to defeat Shi’ittar and the
each. Although numerous, the worms didn’t seem to Northern Serpent People. After marching north and
do anything extraordinary. They hissed when exposed conquering the city of Yitskish, all Serpent People
to the sunlight and seemed to be more interested were put to death, and the Nguoi Rung destroyed all
in returning within the meteor fragments. Shi’ittar the worms they could find.
practiced a series of rituals but to no avail. Nothing
happened until, by pure chance, a member of the tribe As millenniums passed, the great war became an oral
left a carcass of a goat close to the ritual altar. The folktale told by Nguoi Rung shamans to their people.
worms unexpectedly rushed for the carcass and entered Recent history dates back to the 19th Century when
the dead goat through its nose and mouth. Suddenly the Jean-Xavier Pochi published the Rituels de créations
goat sprung back to life. Resorting to necromantic dark et destructions divines. The known cultist scholar
arts, Shi’ittar controlled the previously dead goat like a mentioned a strange tribe in Northern Indochina who
puppet on strings. The goat was not quite resuscitated worshipped a “meteor” and its “living” content as an
as much as reanimated. Although its heart did not beat, alien divinity.
the goat walked, jumped, and bleated upon command.
During World War II, the Nazi Ahnenerbe organization,
After a while, the goat stopped moving, this time for an offspring of the defunct Thule Society, was
good. Shi’ittar sliced up the goat to check its vital reconstituted and reported directly to Himmler.
organs. Everything seemed normal, and no worms could Eager to unlock unimaginable powers, they studied
be found in the animal. After careful examination, and notable cultist works, including the works of Pochi.
upon opening the cranial plate, the Serpent People The Ahnenerbe convinced the Gen’yosha (the Black Sea
discovered that the worms had morphed into a goo-like Society of Japan) to send a team of researchers into the
substance that meshed with brain matter. valley of Điện Biên Phủ. The Gen’yosha sent one of their
most able and trusted cultists, Dr. Toyama Nagahiro.
Shi’ittar and his Serpent People performed more Towards the end of the war, the infamous Japanese Unit
experiments with a wide variety of animal carcasses. 731 built a state of the art underground biological and
Each time, the result was the same. The larger the chemical warfare research and development center at
animal, the longer it remained reanimated. The bigger Điện Biên Phủ. They soon found meteor fragments and
the brain, the more capable it was of performing the Bholes. For Japanese command, time was of the
complex tasks ordered by the sorcerer. essence as Iwo Jima had just fallen. The scientific team
worked around the clock in a high-level security section
The obvious next step was to experiment with recently of the bunker. Chief Science Officer Toyama Nagahiro
deceased members of the tribe. It was a resounding first used modern technology to try to replicate and
success. Those revived were capable of uncanny feats of then control the Bholes. The experiments all failed.

Once the slugs entered a dead host, they were only Following Germany’s surrender in 1945 and well into
interested in devouring the brain matter. Toyama the 1950s, several Wehrmacht officers and Non-
Nagahiro had no power over the reanimated. He then Commissioned Officers (NCOs) escaped arrest from
turned to the dark arts, and secretly conducted rituals allied forces. They made their way to the French Foreign
in his private quarters. The results exceeded his wildest Legion recruitment centers in neutral countries.
dreams. The combination of modern technology and the Rumors swirled regarding the enrolment of former
arcane had a profound effect on the Bholes. Tagahiro SS officers. Orders were clear: no one accused of war
was now able to have them replicate inside a fresh crimes was allowed to join the Foreign Legion to evade
corpse. Once their numbers exceeded the host’s ability prosecution. It would be hard to imagine Foreign Legion
to sustain them, the reanimated became extremely Officers supportive of harboring possible war criminals.
aggressive, looking for a new host. More alarming was It is, however, unquestionable that some members
their willingness to attack and infect the living, resulting of the SS were able to infiltrate the Foreign Legion
in a horrible and dreadful death for the unwilling host, ranks by posing as Wehrmacht. Infiltrators knew they
as the Bholes devoured brain matter and turned the needed to entirely remove the SS distinctive arm tattoo
once healthy host into a reanimated corpse. and create plausible new identities. Half a dozen of
Hellinker’s agents were able to enroll in the Foreign
The extraction and weaponizing of the Bholes were kept Legion, posing as former Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine
a secret from most troops stationed in the complex. Officers or NCOs.
A few days before Japan’s unconditional surrender,
Commander Nakayama Hiyoshi cabled his superiors, Fast forward to the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ. French
informing them of the “completion of the project.” soldiers and Tai ethnic minority partisans encamped
in the Anne-Marie fortified position discovered the
A few days later, all contact was lost with the forward Japanese Unit 731 bunker system. They reported their
base at Điện Biên Phủ. As partisan activity was recorded findings, and a report made its way to the Service de
in the area, the High Command assumed that the base Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage
had been overrun. (SDECE), France’s external intelligence service. Fearing
the bunker could hold unstable chemical weapons, the
After the Japanese capitulation, the existence of an troops were told to leave the bunker sealed and under
underground research bunker was forgotten. A few no circumstances enter it.
years later, the OSS interrogated captured members
of the Ahnenerbe as part of the ongoing war crimes In the meantime, the “Deuxième Bureau” was preparing
prosecution In Europe. During his interrogation, SS a large-scale operation code named “D” (Desperado).
Standartenführer Herman Hellinker revealed his role The “Groupement de Commandos Mixtes Aéroportés”
as head of Himmler’s secret occult department. In (GCMA), a para-military organization composed of
exchange for providing invaluable occult information Montagnards partisans, mainly Hmong guerillas,
that could be used against the Soviets, the OSS led by French Commando officers, would launch hit
dropped charges and enrolled Hellinker. He was shortly and run attacks on the Viêt Minh supply lines and
transferred to “The Pond,” a highly secret espionage artillery positions. They were also tasked to facilitate
organization set up separately from the OSS for the the breakthrough of any isolated and cut-off French
purpose of combating the “red threat” and led by OSS Union troops.
officer William “Wild Bill” Donovan.
As the GCMA assembled in Laos, Hellinker’s agents,
The Pond soon picked up where the Ahnenerbe had aware of the report sent by Anne-Marie’s defenders
left off. The study of the Mythos became a priority. and sensing that this would be their last opportunity,
Hellinker had carte blanche, especially when it came falsified parts of the orders and had a new set of
to hiring practices. He recruited former SS members, directives issued: a platoon was to navigate through
and unknown to the US military, debased cultists. The enemy lines, make its way to Anne-Marie’s position,
Pond was small enough that its activities flew under enter the Japanese bunker, find fragments of the
the radar. Hellinker and his band of cultists operated meteor, and then depart for Hanoi with one of the air
with impunity. supply transport planes.

After a few years of setting-up operations, France’s

military intervention in Indochina provided a unique
opportunity for Hellinker and his men to put boots on
the ground in South-East Asia. First, they would need
to infiltrate French forces, and the French Foreign
Legion offered the perfect cover-up.

Timeline & Known Facts

May 1945: Chief Science Officer Toyama Nagahiro 04:08 August 6th, 1945: Chief Science Officer Toyama
begins harvesting Bholes from meteor fragments. Nagahiro barricades himself in his quarters. He
intentionally doesn’t sound the alarm. Instead, he
May 1945: Partisans, Tai ethnic local villagers, and reaches for his notes and starts performing a reserve
recently arrested French Vichy civil servants and soldiers ritual. A few minutes later, Bholes navigating through
are brought to the compound to serve as test subjects. the ventilation system take over his secret lair just as
he is about to finish the ritual.
June/July 1945: Various experiments are conducted by
scientists. As Japan’s position worsens in the Pacific, the 04:25 – 07:00 August 6th, 1945: The reanimated are
medical team is ordered to work around the clock. Chief loose in the bunker. Commander Nakayama Hiyoshi
Science Officer Toyama Nagahiro orders his men to use a orders his men to seal off certain sections and orders
cocktail of amphetamine and methamphetamine to stay remaining survivors to trigger previously planted
awake. After unsuccessful experiments, Toyama turns to explosives to destroy any evidence of the bunker. A
the dark arts. At the risk of losing his sanity, he performs death squad executes order “Imperative 44” (命令型
rituals from the Rituels de créations et destructions divines 44) and massacres villagers in nearby Hamlets. The
in the hopes of controlling the Bholes. whereabouts of Japanese survivors is unknown.

09:35 August 1st, 1945: While working by the centrifuge, 08:00 August 6th, 1945: Commander Nakayama Hiyoshi
Biologist Kurakawa Nobushige drops a test tube commits seppuku.
containing live Bholes. He manages to pick up most of
them, but some Bholes scurry for the ventilation system. Late December 1953: French regulars and Tai partisans
Kurakawa Nobushige does not report the incident. unwillingly build a forward position on top of the Japanese
bunker. The French name the position “Anne-Marie.”
22:43, August 5th, 1945: Chief Science Officer Toyama
Nagahiro succeeds in controlling test patient 3C. January 1954: French troops find the bunker’s entrance
and report their findings to the Second Bureau. They
23:30, August 5th, 1945: Commander Nakayama are told not to enter the bunker.
Hiyoshi cables his superiors. His team has successfully
weaponized Bholes. Test patient 3C is thrown in a prison March 16th , 1954: Fall of Anne-Marie, partially deserted
cell. The reanimated attacked the living prisoner. Part by Tai of the 3rd battalion the previous night. Before
of patient 3C’s Bholes transfer to patient 4B. Chief the position is overrun during the Viêt Minh assault,
Science Officer retires to his quarters. Lieutenant Pasquier and his men enter the complex
to seek refuge inside the bunker, only to fall prey to
02:18, August 6th, 1945: Test patient 5B, imprisoned in a the Bholes.
cell block, dies from his wounds inflicted a day earlier
during a torture session. March 17th , 1954: Viêt Minh shock troops find the
bunker; they report their findings to their intelligence
02:55 August 6th, 1945: Private Yamaguchi Kazuo on section. Viêt Minh security bureau was aware of Unit
duty, removes patient 5B from his cell and brings him 731’s experiments. They order their men to seal the
to the morgue. Unbeknownst to the medical staff, since compound until further notice.
August 1st, slugs have infiltrated the morgue, and are
now infesting the dead. They attack and infect Private March 1954: French lose access to the airstrip. Viêt
Kazuo. Minh mortars make it impossible for any aircraft to
land and depart safely. The camp can only be reinforced
03:00 August 6th, 1945: Last known contact with Unit and resupplied from the air.
731’s forward base in the valley of DBP.
April 26th,1954: The bunker’s North East ceiling collapses
03:50 August 6th, 1945: The reanimated take over the during an artillery barrage. Several decomposing
medical and R&D portion of the bunker. corpses from recent attacks fall into the now breached
bunker and are exposed to the Bholes within.

May 2nd, 1954: French Operation Desperado is launched.

Getting the Investigators Involved Unknown to the investigators, a company of Viêt Minh
soldiers, part of the elite 308th Division, is also looking
All investigators should be part of the GCMA 3rd Platoon, for the meteor. Their orders are unequivocal. They are
led by Captain Vanberge. GCMAs are composed of men ordered to search the bunker and destroy it. When they
from various military units, recruited to perform a initially took the position, they came across the Bholes
specific mission. Although the bulk of the investigators and experienced first-hand what the alien slugs could
have a military background, it would not be far-fetched do when exposed to corpses. Viêt Minh units on-site
to have one or two civilian contractors on the mission, hastily sealed the underground bunker. Viêt Minh High
including women. These contractors should all have Command is sending a commando unit to eradicate
received extensive military training, and conduct any remaining traces.
tasks that require specific civilian skills. For instance,
anthropologists were crucial in facilitating contact Player Faction Approaches
with hill tribes. Keepers should ensure that at least
one investigator possesses Vietnamese language skills. This scenario lends itself to play through the lens
It is also imperative to have one player with Japanese of different Player Factions. The main body of the
language skills to decipher the numerous documents scenario, Operation Desperado, provides details and the
and clues available in the bunker. Keepers can also story arch for investigators who are part of the French
elect to have NPCs Liu Jianguo and/or John R. Smith GCMA (e.g. SDECE, French Foreign Legion, etc.). For
mandatory in the investigators’ squad if players do not Keepers interested in running this scenario from the
select pre-gen character Colonel Li (see scene Camp perspective of the Viêt Minh, we have included Red
Demarcation). Napoleon’s Vanguard immediately following Operation
Desperado. Additionally, the scenario can be presented
IMPORTANT: At the start of the scenario, each from the perspective of both the French GCMA and the
investigator is given a set of specific orders (see Viêt Minh, concurrently or even head-to-head, given
Handout: #1 Orders). These should not be shared. a sufficient number of players and talented keepers.
One investigator should receive the 2nd Bureau
Order. That investigator should do everything in Spine (GCMA Faction)
their power to secure a fragment of the meteor, and
more importantly, a Bhole specimen. The highest- • Camp Demarcation
ranked investigator should also receive a specific set • Flight Nectar Quebec 399 is not responding
of orders, namely, to access Anne-Marie and find • The March to DZ Condor
survivors (see Handout #1 Orders). Keepers should • Linking with the Hmong
have a separate conversation with the investigator • Vantage Point
playing the SDECE agent. The Keeper doesn’t need • Through Enemy Lines (Optional)
to reveal all information pertaining to the Bholes but • Anne-Marie’s Last Kiss
should make it abundantly clear that the investigator’s • Inside the Bunker
secret mission is to find and bring back whatever
was in that lab.

Valley of Dien Bien Phu

Camp Demarcation

Location: Luang Prabang Investigators succeeding on a Spot Hidden roll notice

Time Stamp: Early May 1954. that the Captain is not wearing any unit insignia. The
Lead outs: Flight Nectar Quebec 399 is not responding red beret would, however, reveal that the Captain is
Purpose: Investigators receive orders to rendezvous part of the elite Colonial Parachute Battalion.
at 0900 at Luang Prabang’s airbase. Due to the current
situation at Điện Biên Phủ, the group will not have the He takes a good look around, gazing at everyone’s
chance to have a proper sitrep at Camp Demarcation. eyes: “Men, the situation is dire. The Điện Biên Phủ
Their contact, Captain Vanberge, will meet the group on camp is lost.”
the airfield’s runway. Vanberge is leading a Groupement
de Commandos Mixtes Aétoportés (GCMA). The GCMA This could be a shock for some of the investigators.
is the SDECE’s military arm and was responsible for Their units could be engaged in the battle. They know
conducting covert operations. The GCMA includes the very well that even if the garrison surrenders, the men’s
investigators and additional French or French Union chances of surviving are slim.
NPCs. The GCMA will join Montagnard troops in the
predetermined DZ. “There is one chance, one chance. Commando units
supported by Montagnard partisans will infiltrate
enemy territory and cut their supplies lines. The
At the start of the scene, distribute Handout #1: GCMA Malo already departed earlier this morning.
Military Orders (3 different set of orders) and Handout Our GCMA will depart immediately. After we reach
#2: Điện Biên Phủ Map, April 15th our DZ close to the Tonkin border, we will link up
with Hmong partisans, separate into smaller squad
It is precisely 0900, May 2nd. Men from various elite size units, and carry out our specific assignments.
military units stand at ease at the far end of the dirt Board your planes and good luck, men. The survival
track, at Camp Demarcation’s airbase, in the French of many of our comrades depends on our swift and
Indochina province of Laos. Some are checking their successful action.”
gear. Others are rolling cigarettes. The air is hot and
thick. Soon, the dry season will give way to the spring The highest-ranked investigator will have a chance to
and summer rains. form a squad from the NPCs standing on the airfield
with them. These NPCs have all received the Handout
A GMC “Deuce and a Half” ​M135 truck and a WW2 #1 Orders (soldiers’ order). The investigator should roll
Land Rover jeep appear at the end of the runway. a Credit Rating with a bonus die if they are part of the
The convoy is speeding towards the group. The Land BPC or BEP units. A success provides 3-4 NPCs from
Rover stops abruptly, and a captain wearing khaki the following list:
standard jungle fatigues jumps off and salutes. He
has a stern look, but not unpleasant features. He • Bernard “Bernie” Roussel, Radio Operator, 6th Colonial
seems like a man who’s seen it all. He is armed with Parachute Battalion (BPC), Electrical Repair + 30%
a sidearm and a dagger at his waist. He’s also wearing • Edmund Hist, Demolition expert, 1st Foreign Parachute
his unit’s famous red beret. Battalion (BEP), Demolitions + 40%

Lore Sheets • Alejandro Reyes, Sniper, 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion (BEP).
Firearms + 40%
Those Strange Sounds - STR Operative • Pierre Pham, Scout, 5th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (BPVN),
Le Quan was sent to Hue in early 1945 Vietnamese + 70%
to set up a listening post, intercept • Liu Jianguo, Intelligence Officer, Mercenary, Japanese +55%
Japanese communications, and report on • John R. Smith, US Army adviser, CIA, Involved in Operation Black
their activity in the city. He fabricated a Sea Rising. Japanese + 50%
soundproof room in a modest apartment
in the more modern district of the Keepers are at liberty to generate stats and may want to refer to the
imperial city, not too far from Hôtel LFM for further details about these units. Keepers can also include
Morin. During the day, Agent Le works other pre-gen characters in the list above. Throughout the scenario,
as a clerk for a local magistrate. At night, NPCs should act as cannon fodder and are expected to perish at
he takes his MK2 radio and listens to the various points. If an investigator is gravely injured or worse, they
outside world. may opt to reincarnate into one of the NPCs.

Week four. I don’t know how much more If investigators engage briefly with Captain Vanberge, they can ask
I can take. Every night, when I take my questions about the military situation at Điện Biên Phủ.
post behind my radio and decrypting
transmitter, I inevitably turn my radio • The Viêt Minh just launched a massed assault against
dial to ___frequency and listen…..I….I Eliane 1, Dominique 3, and Huguette 5. French forces managed
listen to strange sounds; it is nothing like to repulse attacks on Eliane.
I never heard before. I almost feel like • The flight to DZ Condor is about 2 hours. The distance between
someone; something is taking to me. It Luang Prabang and Điện Biên Phủ is 400 km (250 miles).
is incredibly soothing and yet troubling. • Once they link up with the Hmong partisans, investigators will
I have asked other operatives and my make their way on foot to Điện Biên Phủ (24 km or 15 miles)
supervisor to have a listen. They all said • The GCMA units often infiltrated enemy lines wearing the Viêt
it was just static, and maybe it is, maybe Minh regular black fatigues “Cu Nao” (regular Bộ đội uniforms).
I am just losing my mind. The investigators could ask Captain Vanberge for Viêt Minh
Skills: operating radio +15% uniforms. If investigators secure uniforms add a bonus die to all
Camouflage or Stealth rolls.

Flight Nectar Quebec 399 ​
Is Not Responding

Location: Over the northern Highlands, DZ. Frontal wind shear affects the take-off. Non-
Lead ins: Camp Demarcation Airbase. paratroopers may have to roll a CON roll or suffer
Lead outs: The March to DZ Condor airsickness and potentially lead to an embarrassing
Purpose: The Vanberge GCMA is departing for its moment among their peers. Keepers are encouraged
designated DZ. Four platoons, a total of 40 men, are to roleplay the scene.
scheduled to link up with Hmong partisans before
making their way to Điện Biên Phủ. The investigators’ The radio operator turns and yells in the cabin, “Strap
Dakota transport airplane gets hit by antiaircraft guns yourselves in boys; we’re in for some chops….”
and crash lands, highlighting that the French have no
longer control of the skies around Điện Biên Phủ. Finally, the two Dakota aircraft manage to take off.
They circle the base a few times to pick up altitude
and then take a north east flight path. The pilot elects
Two C-47 Dakotas await the troops on the runway, to fly at mountain-top altitude.
operated by Air Group Franche Comté. Keepers should
ensure investigators are all travelling on the same C-47 During the flight, the highest-ranked investigator can
Dakota. Captain Vanderge and his men will occupy the choose to enter the cockpit and strike up a conversation
second Dakota. Investigators can use the flight time to with the crew.
discuss the mission and roleplay. They may also want
to share notes and go through the maps to prepare Regarding Việt Minh activity in the region:
their tactical approach.
• The pilot says: “Our intelligence bureau doesn’t expect
The weather took a turn for the worse. Dense and dark any activity in the area.”
clouds fill the sky. In the distance, thunder echoes. • Their forces were driven west when the Colonial
Parachute Battalions BPC retook Luang Prabang.
An adjutant navigator standing at the plane’s door • As for the flight time, the pilot says: “Less than two
yells in the direction of the men, “hurry up, grab hours in total. We will enter Hmong territory halfway.”
your gear, strap in and get in quick. The skies are
about to open up.” The pilot manages to avoid significant turbulence,
although the combination of flying at a low altitude
Keepers should ask investigators to make a Survival or and heavy thunderous clouds above complicates things.
Science (Military) roll to gauge how well they each have
prepared their equipment, including their parachutes.
Those investigators failing the test are at Disadvantage
for all other tests required during this scene.

The C-47 Dakota - Nicknamed the “Taxi”

Suddenly, machinegun fire erupts. Investigators in be jumping to their death. There is not enough height
the cockpit can clearly distinguish the gun below. for a parachute to deploy correctly. A few NPCs would
An old, but still efficient, mounted twin anti-aircraft jump, perhaps one or two would survive. Investigators
machinegun set up in a small clearing. From this who jump must succeed a Hard Dexterity roll. If they
distance, it can’t miss. Bullets pierce the aircraft’s hull. fail, their parachute doesn’t deploy properly, and they
One paratrooper lets out a sharp cry as a round goes lose 2D10 hit points.
through his foot and exits at his kneecap. Another
platoon member’s body jerks a few times when bullets The aircraft crashes in rice paddies. Investigators can
hit his back. The cockpit windshield bursts into brace for impact with a successful CON roll or lose 1-2
pieces. The pilot is hit in his chest and left shoulder. hit points. The adjutant miraculously survives. The rest of
The aircraft starts to dive. the flight crew perishes, as do most of the NPCs. Keepers
may elect investigators to roll 1d6 to decide how many
Keepers should ask investigators to determine their NPC passengers survived. The plane’s radio is also no
seating arrangements. A private Luck roll is required to longer functional. It emits intermittent static. Weapons
confirm if investigators are struck by random shrapnel. and equipment are scattered in and out of the plane.
A successful Luck roll would add an advantage die for
the rest of the scene. Investigators who fail suffer 1-2 Keepers should remind investigators to search for
HP damage. survivors and determine a strategic position to
assemble. Keepers may elect to separate the survivors
The pilot struggles to maintain speed. One engine into two groups and use walkie-talkies to reassemble.
is hit and engulfs in flames. The enemy’s fire is now Investigators would be using SCR-536, the standard-
concentrated on the second Dakota, who was flying issued GCMA’s portable radio. The SCR-536 had a
behind. An explosion resonates as the other Dakota maximum range of 30 m to 1.6 km (few hundred feet
nosedives directly into the jungle. The adjutant takes to one mile), depending on the terrain.
over the stick, “I am not going to be able to keep
this bird up for much longer.” “Prepare your men. With a successful Navigation check, the investigators
Good luck.” A small plateau, filled with rice paddies, pinpoint their position as 5 miles east of their drop zone.
is visible in the distance, and it could prove to be At this stage, investigators will need to decide if they
enough runway for the aircraft to pull an emergency proceed with their mission. It should be clear that
landing. With all his might, the adjutant pulls the stick survivors with the order to find the underground
closer to his chest to keep the plane from crashing. complex would be inclined to move forward no matter
He aligns the Dakota with the plateau and shouts what. For others, once the group joins Montagnard
wildly as the plane plunges. partisans, they know they could disrupt the Viêt Minh
supply lines and hopefully save a few besieged comrades.

Keepers should give players a chance to either brace If investigators have perished or suffered injuries
for impact or jump before they crash. It would require a preventing them from continuing on, the Keeper should
successful Dexterity to stand up, maneuver, and jump. propose to either create a new character sheet or play
Investigators should also roll EDU, a success reveals one of the surviving NPCs. For ease of the game, their
that at this altitude, there is a strong chance they would player’s original order should remain the same.

The March to DZ Condor

Location: Over the northern Highlands, across the Distribute Handout#3: Map of Điện Biên Phủ, May 2.
Laotian border into Tonkin.
Lead ins: Flight Nectar Quebec 399 is not responding,
Lead outs: Linking with the Hmong DZ Condor lies at the bottom of a small valley in
Purpose: Investigators will have to open a path through a secluded mountain range east of the Phongsaly
the jungle across a mountain range. Along the way they provincial border with Tonkin. The area is highly
will receive aid from the Hmong. forested. Montagnard hill tribes’ villages are scattered
throughout the range. There is no major city in the
area. Some communities have remained isolated for
A least one of the investigators in the party must make over a century, or even more.
a successful Navigation roll to ensure they travel in the
direction of the drop zone. If the group fails to find a The heavy rain has finally stopped, but the fog has
path to the DZ Condor, they will have to camp overnight reappeared. A small clearing in a valley is suddenly
in the jungle. Every day lost adds a penalty die on future visible: DZ Condor. In the distance, the Việt Minh
Survival and Luck rolls. Keepers can also refer to the artillery pieces raining fire on the fortified position
Jungle Mishap table to add unforeseen difficulties. of Điện Biên Phủ are audible. The battle is raging
only 15 miles from your location.

Linking with the Hmong Keepers should discuss with players how they will
approach the clearing. A successful Spot Hidden roll
Investigators are trekking to their DZ. Some men may notices a man standing by a tree smoking a cigarette.
be injured, which could slow down the group. Keepers He’s wearing traditional black linen pants and a large
should build tension by stressing that time is of the red linen belt around his waist. He is armed with a
essence; the investigators must link up with their Japanese WW2 rifle. He is barefoot, and his pants
Hmong allies before nightfall. seem too short, exposing a good portion of his ankles.
He smiles as the investigators get closer, revealing
When they arrive at the Hmong camp, Investigators will rows of black, decaying teeth. His facial features are,
be surprised to find only a handful of Hmong partisans, however, gentle. He could be in his early 20s, but this
far from what was expected. Because of renewed Việt is an educated guess at best. He throws his cigarette
Minh activity in the region, the bulk of Hmong partisans to the ground and says in broken French: “You late, we
must defend their villages. Although Điện Biên Phủ is wait for a long time.”
only 15 miles to the East, the group will need 8-10 hours
to cover the distance.

Adjudant Acquarone with partisans - Dien Bien Phu

Hmong Partisans The Hmong soldier introduces himself as Zong, their guide.
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU According to him, they should hurry up, meet up with the bulk of
50 40 50 70 50 50 60 40 the partisans less than a mile from here, and then trek overnight
to Điện Biên Phủ.
38 8 Only a handful of partisans have accompanied Zong. Because of
the recent enemy activity in the sector, men had to stay behind to
Fighting (Brawl): 40%, fist 1D3 protect their villages. The highest-ranked officer should roll Credit
Various rifles: 50% average 2D6
Rating to determine how many Hmong partisans are available to
Dodge: 30
accompany the investigators. If they succeed, 1D6 Hmong will join;
Skills: Camouflage 50%, Navigate 80%, Spot if not, only 1D4 will join.
Hidden 50%, Stealth 30%, Survival (Jungle)
80% Keepers could also provide additional maps of the valley and military
Languages: Hmong dialect 50%, Vietnamese situation based on their observations (Handout #3).
40%, French 5%
Vantage Point
Viêt Minh soldiers
Investigators arrive in the valley of Điện Biên Phủ and notice
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU first-hand the large-scale battle reminiscent of a WW1 battlefield
50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 unfolding before their eyes. From their vantage point, the outcome
is clear. French forces are surrounded, and several positions have
SAN HP already been overtaken. Based on their orders, investigators should
18 10 be inclined to progress under cover of night to the Anne-Marie
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 fortified position.
Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 60% 2D6+4
Dodge: 30
The night sky is lit up with flashes from tracer bullets shooting
Skills: Camouflage 25%, Navigate 50%, Spot upwards towards French aircraft, and from the bursts of blue and
Hidden 30%, Stealth 30%, Survival (Jungle)
50%, Tracking, 20%
red artillery explosions down in the valley.
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 25%
Two Dakota transport aircraft loiter over the camp at the lowest
altitude possible to avoid the Democratic Liberation Army
antiaircraft fire. Their mission is to drop reinforcements: Men from
various elite units who volunteered to join their brothers on their
Việt Minh Mortar Soldiers battlefield even if the cause was lost. Suddenly, a parachute lights
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU up in flame, sending a paratrooper to his death. In the distance,
50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 on the opposite mountain range, a sudden massive orange ball of
flames illuminates the night. In a desperate attempt to eliminate
SAN HP Việt Minh artillery positions, French command issued orders to
18 10 use a devastating new weapon, napalm, to no avail.
Fighting (Brawl): 40%, fist 1D3
Below lies the valley of Điện Biên Phủ. In normal circumstances,
Nambu Pistol Type 14: 30% 1D6
Dodge: 30 the valley would be an important agricultural center in northwest
Tonkin. Tai ethnic minorities have called the valley their own for
Skills: Heavy weapons 45%, Navigate 40%, centuries. Small hamlets are spread throughout the basin. Today,
Spot Hidden 30%, Stealth 30%, Survival after four months of siege, most of the villages lay in ruins and the
(Jungle) 50% fields are dotted with bomb craters. The landscape is reminiscent
Languages: Vietnamese 50%, French 25%
of WW1 battlefields.

The Anne-Marie position lies less than 5 km (3 miles) down in

the valley. The northwest position seems quiet compared to the
ongoing fighting in the south end of the valley.

Investigators need to develop a strategy and plan to access and

then leave the valley. Keepers should let the group discuss and
provide some guidance.

Through Enemy Lines

Location: Tonkin Highlands. Less than 50 feet from Anne-Marie’s hill, investigators
Lead ins: Vantage Point hear lamenting and moaning, and they discover the
Lead outs: Anne-Marie’s Last Kiss entrance of a makeshift underground field hospital just
Purpose: Investigators progress under the cover of before the French position. It is unguarded.
night to the Anne-Marie position. They need to navigate
through enemy lines to reach the position. Thankfully,
the battle is raging a few miles south, by Eliane 1 and The five-foot-high entrance leads to a small dugout
2 positions. occupied by a dozen stretchers and one operating
table. The place reeks of gangrenous wounds and
Read this to set the stage: feces. Corpses are piled up in one corner.

One of the Hmong partisans points to a trench line

at the edge of the jungle. It spurts forward into the 1D4 mutilated and crippled Việt Minh soldiers beg the
valley several miles to the French positions. To your investigators for help in Vietnamese once they walk
left and right, the remnants of a staging camp are in. Rats scurry around.
visible. There are several empty ammunition boxes
and a makeshift prep kitchen where soldiers had their If investigators assist the soldiers, provide water or
last meal before charging French positions. cigarettes, they would be inclined to discuss and answer
any questions they may have in Vietnamese only.
In between shells exploding in the distance, with a
successful Listen or Spot Hidden roll, investigators Regarding who they are and what happened:
hear and distinguish a Việt Minh mortar position at
the edge of the jungle. An NCO is busy barking orders • The field hospital was set up in early April.
at a group of 3 mortar servants. They do not expect • Wounded from the attacks on April 17 were brought
French soldiers and are not on their guard. in after the assaults on Huguette.
• One day, the doctor and stretcher-bearers just left.
If the investigators decide to dispatch the mortar crew, It must be a few days now.
the Keeper may elect to roll a secret Luck to determine
if other Việt Minh comrades would notice the silent The survivors are barely alive. They will beg the
gun and come to investigate. If the investigator rolls investigators to carry them to the Việt Minh lines.
a critical failure, a Việt Minh officer fires a flare and One may ask to end it there and now. Non-military
orders other nearby mortar positions to open fire on the investigators would have a hard time enduring the
investigators progressing in the trenches. Investigators smell and scene unfolding before their eyes. A SAN
would have to dodge the shells on their way to Anne- roll is required (0/1D2).
Marie. A successful Dodge roll will allow safe passage.
On a failure, an investigator would suffer 2D4 of shrapnel The offensive trench stops a dozen feet below the
damage. Several NPCs could be hit and perish. French position. The no man’s land between the two
positions is filled with Việt Minh bodies. The ground
About a mile down the staging trench, investigators is also littered with bent barbed wires and broken
arrive at an intersection. Trenches split off in various bamboo defensive sticks. Although the defensive
directions to the French positions. Investigators are position was only 20 feet in elevation, it proved very
required to roll a Hard success on a Navigation or an costly for Bo Doï waves that attacked the area. An
Extreme success on a POW roll to navigate the trench effort was made to push most of the cadavers into
maze to Anne-Marie’s position correctly. A failure would bomb craters.
result in a 10% chance of being spotted by a patrol as
investigators are just running around in circles in the Astonishingly, there are no sentries. Even more
trenches. They will also need to expose themselves in surprising, the position was not reinforced by Việt
the no man’s land to find their bearings. If investigators Minh and potentially used as a mortar or advanced
are spotted, Keepers can use Việt Minh soldier stats staging base for future attacks. The trenches are
on page 168. silent, unoccupied.

Colonel Maurice Belleux - The Colonel
is the perfect incarnation of a “master Anne-Marie’s Last
spy,” I’ve seen him turn an organization
in shambles into an effective a coherent
force. He did it all on his own, fighting
with Paris on what should be our goals
and in the Far East and with other
ambitious military officers eager to score Location: Tonkin Highlands.
favors with the political establishment. Lead ins: Vantage Point, Through Enemy Lines
Lead Outs: Inside the Bunker
Unfortunately, the Colonel is unaware Purpose: Once investigators arrive at Anne-Marie, they find the
of the mythos activity in the peninsula. position abandoned, empty as if combatants on both sides chose
Some of his closest advisers have tried to leave Anne-Marie. Investigators will quickly discover one of the
to brief him on several strange events bunker’s entrances.
documented by agents in the field, but
a rival faction which I nicknamed the
“5ieme Colonne” has always managed to The position of Anne-Marie was defended by a battalion of Tai
prevent the information from reaching auxiliaries (BT3) and a mixed mortar platoon from the French
him. I suspect his mistress Miss. Legion (2e Compagnie Mixte de Mortiers de Légion Étrangère or
Natasha, a “white Russian” to be the de 2nd CMMLE). A series of trenches and dugouts were erected on
facto leader of this group. The “5ieme a small hill. Wood and bamboo were used to reinforce foxholes.
Colonne”, have used the information for The position could not withstand a precise and direct artillery
their own benefit. As France’s military bombardment. It turned trenches and dugouts into graves.
position deteriorates, I am afraid they
will become bolder. I know for a fact that Debris of all sorts lay on the hill, including bodies. A boot sticks out
they have forged the Colonel’s signature from the ground in front of one of the investigators.
on several occasions to send operatives
and material to pursue their own interest Once investigators storm the position, they will find the main
(see Operation Desperado). ammunition depot. Empty wooden cases and metal boxes lie around,
Skills: Leadership +15% disorganized: a testament of the last, and no doubt, brutal assault
by the Việt Minh.

After a few minutes, Investigators notice a concrete wall and metal

door behind a pile of ammunition crates. Once investigators move
the cases, they find part of an exposed concrete wall and pyramidal
machine gun slot next to a metal door. What’s its purpose? Who
built it? Keepers may have investigators roll a Science (Military)
check – the complex would remind the investigator of the French
Maginot Line bunker complex.

The structure was discovered by chance by French engineers who

built the dugout. For some reason, they only exposed half of the
wall and decided to board off the entrance door with crates, cases,
and boxes.

Optional event
The Việt Minh units ordered to seal the bunker have booby-
trapped the depot. Investigators need to roll a Hard success on
their Spot Hidden or trigger a grenade when they move cases and
crates to access the bunker door. Investigators in the vicinity of
the explosion lose 1D10 HP.

Inside the Bunker

Location: Tonkin Highlands. A fuse box and cables running in various directions were
Lead ins: Anne-Marie’s Last Kiss used to provide electricity to the multiple instruments
Purpose: Upon entering the bunker, investigators will and lights in the entrance guard post (1.6). A large cable
become exposed to cosmic horror in the form of Bholes from the fuse box runs deeper into the complex.
that reanimate the dead in the maze-like complex.
Investigators’ drive will be questioned; arguments may The air is partially depleted of oxygen; breathing
erupt. The investigator in possession of the SDECE becomes difficult and could be an issue for
order will need to convince the group to advance investigators afflicted with claustrophobia. Until the
deeper. investigators reactivate the power generator, the lack
of oxygen will be an issue. All physical-based rolls,
Reference Handout #8, Map of Bunker including firearms, require Hard successes.

Room 1 - The South Entrance At the end of the room, a large metal door, with a
circular hatch, leads deeper into the complex.
The door leads to a small concrete entrance, protected
once more by an interior machine gun slot (1.1) designed Once investigators point their flashlights on the door,
to stop any intruders that would have made it inside. they would notice Japanese characters painted in red,
The twisted remains of a second metal door and see Handout #4.
shrapnel on the walls are visible on the right.
Investigators making a successful Japanese language
With a successful Explosives or Forensics roll, roll or a Hard Chinese language roll are able to decipher
investigators conclude that dynamite was used to blow the following Japanese inscription: “Access is forbidden
the door open from the outside. From what remains Unit 731, Japanese Imperial Army”
of the door, a successful Idea roll determines that the
door was a watertight door that isolated the bunker With a successful, subsequent History roll, the Keeper
occupants in the event of a gas attack. should provide Handout #4.

Investigators who are not aware of the Japanese Tucked in a few corners of the room, investigators find
bunker’s presence should be shocked and surprised to dynamite sticks attached by wires.
find this type of installation 20 or so feet underground.
It is clearly not part of the French defence system. As per Imperative 44 (命令型44)/ Commander Nakayama
Hiyoshi ordered his men to detonate previously planted
Past the twisted metal door, investigators enter the explosives and destroy any evidence of the bunker.
main gallery. The area served as a guard post. Two They were not able to do so before the bunker was
superposed wooden bunk beds occupy one of the side taken over by the reanimated. Each room in the bunker
walls (1.2). A photo of a young Japanese woman wearing remains wired with dynamite. Keepers should remind
a traditional kimono is pinned on one of the bed frames. investigators of the presence of explosives as they
A small door gives access to latrines (1.3). A series of move forward in the complex. At regular intervals,
holes below the ceiling served as air ducts (1.4). investigators would notice that the wires were cut.
Chief Science Officer Toyama Nagahiro sabotaged
A telephone receiver hangs on a hook fixed to the Imperative 44 in order to continue his work, which
opposite wall (1.5). It was used to communicate with explains why the Japanese were not able to eradicate
other areas of the complex. There is an alarm lever next the existence of the complex. The explosives could,
to it (1.5). With a successful Electrical Repair roll, the however, be jury-rigged and serve the investigators
investigators determine that it was once activated and to destroy the complex.
would ring once more if the power was turned back
on (see room 2).

Room 2 – NCO Sentry Post A / There is also a strange interrupter with a large
South Comms Room switch. A cable runs from it into a fuse box (2.3). If the
investigators turn it on, it would power-up the full
The metal door leads to a small room. A desk occupies complex. A series of gas or coal-burning generators
the center of the room (2.1). It is covered in dust. would activate, turning on vents and lights throughout
Investigators searching the desk find a logbook, the complex. A severe dust cloud would ensue for
softcover books, maps, and a radio. The radio is also a minute or two, blinding investigators and causing
filthy, but the publications are well preserved due to serious difficulty to draw normal breath. If Investigators
their leather bindings. A single bed occupies the second have turned the power on, lights will turn on one by
part of the room (2.2). A small mounted fan next to one down the corridor, some of the lightbulbs are
the door probably brought filtered air from inside the burned out, and others flicker, giving the area a very
bunker through a set of air ducts. daunting atmosphere.

A successful INT, EDU, Japanese language, or Medicine Another corridor is visible on the opposite wall. It
roll reveals that 2 of the books are medical books, one seems to continue deeper into the bowels of the earth. 
focusing on what seems to be anatomy, and one on bio-
medical warfare. But it would be challenging to learn Room 3 – The Kitchen
more without mastery of Japanese. With a successful
Medicine or Spot Hidden role, an investigator notices The large kitchen room includes a rear reserve room
that pages in the thanatology section of the anatomy equipped with a tank of drinking water and a tank of
book have bent corners. fuel oil (3.1). Three charcoal cookers are arranged along
one of the walls (3.2). A ventilation system connected to
This small room served dual purposes. NCO Ishikawa the central air duct allowed the evacuation of stale air.
Hideki monitored movement in and out of the complex A successful Spot Hidden roll reveals that ingredients
and carefully noted the information in a logbook, see and food were left inside the room, another clear sign
Handout #5. that the bunker was abandoned in a hurry. One of the
cabinets holds a large reserve of sake and cigarettes.
Investigators with a successful Library Use roll find If investigators score a hard success, they notice a
information pertaining to troop movement, delivery dried oozy substance, no bigger than a few inches long,
of equipment and food. Based on calculations they are hanging from the ventilation vent above the stove.
able to estimate the garrison was composed of 3 to 4 A successful Chemistry or Forensic roll reveals the
companies, about 100 men. matter to be organic.

The room also served as one of the communication Room 4 – The provision Reserve
centers for the bunker. An efficient communication
system within the bunker was vital. As such, the complex This small room served as a cold room and a pantry
was equipped with three independent means of comms, for perishable stock food. It is fully stocked, which is
ensuring a remarkable cohesion: the telephone, the not surprising as the unit operating the complex had
radio, and the optical Morse code machine. A large several months of full autonomy. When investigators
antenna would have once stood above this room outside open the door, they discover the foul stench of rotten
in the open. meat slowly decomposing over the years. Investigators
should roll a CON check; failure would induce vomiting.
With a successful Electrical Repair roll, an
investigator can connect a power or battery source Event 1: Oversized Rat (optional)
to the radio and have it function. An oversized infected rat could be feeding on what’s
left of the meat provisions. See pg. 174 for infected rat
Next to the radio, there is a strange device featuring two stats. Investigators may also spot the oozy, glue-like
large plastic wheels filled with coated-plastic tape. The substance dried up next to the air ducts.
initials AEG, the acronym for Allgemeine Elektricitäts-
Gesellschaft, are visible on the side of the device. Once Room 5 – The Power Station
investigators have turned on the power, they could
play the device with a successful Mechanical Repair One of the most significant rooms of the bunker
Machinery roll. The magnetophone, or tape recorder, was referred to as “the factory.” It is equipped with
plays the following message on repeat in Japanese: generators capable of producing 3kw of continuous
“What have we done....” electrical current. Each generator is composed of a
3-cylinder diesel motor producing 0.5kw. Jerry cans full
of fuel are neatly packed on a metal shelf. The jerry cans

are highly combustible. On one of the walls, multiple Room 8 – Rice Storage
cables attached to several power boxes dispense
electricity to the compound. This room is filled with bags of rice. Rats are feasting
on the rice. Some rats are infected by Bholes and will
5.1: The adjacent room is equipped with a diesel tank. look for a larger host once investigators walk in. Some
Large metal pipes run from the tank upwards through of the rats seem extremely aggressive and lunge at the
the concrete ceiling towards the surface. The container investigators.
is ¾ full. There is a large quantity of dynamite under
and around the tank. Event 3: Infected Rat Pack
Assume 10 infected rats per pack. A successful firearm
5.2: The second adjacent room is filled wall to wall or melee attack by an investigator kills 1 rat, 2 on a
with a large water tank resting on stills. A charcoal critical success. Attacks with an area effect, such as
oven below would heat the water in the tank. The a Molotov cocktail, kills 1 rat for every hitpoint of
primary function of the tank was to dispense hot water damage dealt. As these rats are infected, they cannot
throughout the complex. be scared away. (See pg. 174 for Rat Pack Stats)

If investigators have turned the switch on in Room 2, Although Bholes are prone to look for bigger hosts,
they will notice one of the diesel motors activated and we do not recommend revealing their existence at
running (5.3). To add a level of complexity, Keepers may this stage. If investigators perform an autopsy on the
wish to have the diesel shut down once investigators infected rat, the Keeper could mention the head was
are further along in the bunker. Lights would switch damaged during combat or that the cranial plate is
off, and the ventilation system would stop functioning. too small to reveal any valuable information without
the use of proper lab equipment.
Event 2: Artillery Barrage
The Việt Minh have noticed the GCMA accessing the Room 9 – Ammunition Depot
bunker. They have ordered an artillery barrage on
the position, forcing the French forces deeper into Several boxes of light rounds, some cases of grenades,
the complex. TNT, mortar shells, and a type 1 47 mm anti-tank gun
with ammunition can be found in this area. The TNT
Inside the bunker, Investigators hear the explosion may be unstable at this stage and could detonate easier
above their positions. The ground shakes and dust than expected. The room has not been appropriately
rains down from the ceiling. The bunker should be ventilated for almost a decade. Past room 9, the corridor
strong enough to withstand the bombardment. The was destroyed during the recent Việt Minh artillery
barrage would, however, seal off the north entrance. barrage (see Event 2).
The ceiling past room nine has collapsed. The corridor
is filed with debris. It is impossible to progress any Event 4: Viet Minh Commandos Enter
further along the east corridor. Investigators will have The artillery barrage suddenly stops. The commandos
to find another way to exit the complex (through will attempt to enter the bunker from the south
Zone 3). entrance. Keepers should instill a sense of urgency
for the investigators. If the investigators have left
Room 6 – Equipment Shed sentinels in the south entrance, the Việt Minh
will engage in a firefight and pin down the troops
This room is filled with mechanical tools, spare guarding the entrance. Investigators need to push
equipment parts, wood boards, crowbars, shovels, pikes, deeper underground as the only entrance known
and other useful and relevant equipment necessary for to them has been cut off. If the south entrance was
the efficient function of this complex. not defended, the Việt Minh commandos will make
their way in the complex. Keepers can periodically
Room 7 – The Garage And The Start Of tell investigators about how much noise they are
The Compound’s Rail System making as they progress past the entrance. We also
recommend Keepers to mention that the commandos
After what seems to be half a mile, the tunnel on the are not interested in moving in silently. If investigators
right leads to compound B of the complex. A small mine backtrack and decide to have a look, they will notice
railway runs along the corridor. A mine cart is present the Việt Minh soldiers attaching new wires to the
halfway on the track next to a dugout room. explosives. Alternatively, Keepers can also decide
to have the GCMA combat a recently infected
reanimated from their squad or from the sentinels
left in the south entrance. (See pg. 176 for stats)

Infected Rat Pack Keepers note: If two opposite groups of players are concurrently
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU playing, the Việt Minh commando unit contacts the Việt Minh
35 55 35 70 - - 50 40 investigators to let them know of the GCMA’s presence.
Room 10 & 11 – Officers & Troupes’ Toilets & Showers
- 10
The squat toilets are located on a raised platform about 5 steps (1
Attacks per round: 1 meter) high. This device allows the flow of materials directly into
Fighting attacks: Rats attack with teeth and
a chemical tank, which in turn, empties in the main sewer.
Overwhelm (mnvr): As long as there 5 or more
infected rats in the pack, they may assault If the power was turned on, some of the showers would re-activate
and overwhelm an individual using the (some were in use when the outbreak happened). The hot water,
maneuver rules. Because of their numbers, combined with the lack of ventilation, would create tremendous steam
they gain one bonus die on the attack. Such in the room, blinding investigators in the vicinity of the showers.
an attack would involve swarming over the
target, biting and scratching as they do so.
Fighting 40%, damage 1D3
Overwhelm (mnvr), damage 2D6 Event 5: French Reanimated Attack
Dodge 42%
The steam is thick and drapes the investigators as they pass the
entrance of the shower. Water starts to flow out of the shower room
into the corridor. Something must obstruct the drainage system.
Lieutenant Pasquier Suddenly they hear a series of footsteps in the pool of water that
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU has accumulated on the floor. Someone is running inside the room.
70 50 70 70 - 30 20 - Leaping out of the shower room, through the steam, is a French
lieutenant of the 2e CMMLE.
- 20 The lieutenant’s clothes are in tatters and he seems completely
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 + 2. 1 slug possessed. His eyes are bloodshot. He moves with extreme agility
for someone who shows some severe injuries. The lieutenant
would try to find a new host, grabbing the closest investigator.
A slug exits his nostrils and tries to enter its way into the brain
Bholes (One) of an Investigator.
5 5 5 40 - - 20 - Lieutenant Pasquier’s group quickly fell prey to Bholes. They
managed to hold off the reanimated running around the complex.
They barricaded themselves in the shower room. While they were
- 1 resting, a few slugs entered the confined space through the air
Fighting attacks: n/a. Bholes will try to enter duct and infected two of Pasquier’s men. A vicious hand to hand
a new host. skirmish ensued. If Investigators roll a successful Spot Hidden
Move: 5
check, they find a small personal handbook note inside Pasquier’s
Bholes will attempt to enter the host and pocket. Pasquier recorded a detailed account of Anne-Marie’s last
attach itself to the brain through the person’s stand, including their entry in the bunker. His last entry states:
nostrils or ears. The unwilling host can resist “Sergeant Osling and private Stanescu are penetrating deeper in
by grabbing, cutting, or setting the slug on the bunker to find another exit.”
fire before it enters the body. A general rule of
thumb is to allow 1D3 actions for the person
Inside the room: Investigators find the remains of the other French
to combat the slug. Once a Bhole has entered
a new host, nothing can be done to reverse soldiers. They have been knifed several times, and their guts lay
the process. The Bholes will first devour on the floor. With a success on a Spot Hidden roll, Investigators
part of the brain matter and attach itself to notice some of the shower heads and drain are deliberately blocked.
the cerebrum, controlling the host’s muscle
movements. Death would come quickly and Room 12, 13, 14, and 15 Sleeping Quarters &
painfully. It would then take an additional Officer’s Quarters
12-15 minutes for a new host to transform
into a reanimated.
Not far from the latrines, four rooms offer 34 bunk beds for infantry
and an additional 5 single beds in the fourth room intended for
non-commissioned officers and officers.

The layout of the rooms, although basic, is functional. Room 16 – Equipment Depot
Facing the beds, a row of wooden shelves is fixed to
the wall (12.1). Folding tables on which the men would This room served as an equipment depot filled with
take their meals are located underneath the shelves. essential parts for the air purification chamber across
Each room is equipped with a telephone (12.2). the corridor.

There are also cabinets for rifles and ammunition (12.3). Room 17 – Air Purification Chamber

Investigators succeeding on a Spot Hidden role notice One of the vital areas of the compound, this chamber
empty shells on the floor matching Japanese Arisaka renews ambient air collected outside and distributes it
Type 99 7.7mm rifles. Empty 7.7mm shells are scattered throughout the compound. The used air is returned to
all over one of the rooms, and a few bullet holes are this chamber and is purified in a series of 8 carbon filters
noticeable in the concrete wall. Investigators would (17.1). A set of valves and two centrifugal compressors
find the last bed flipped on its side as if to barricade controlled from wall-mounted electrical cabinets, can,
the remaining portion of the chamber. in a matter of seconds, isolate any compromised rooms
Investigators find the following clues and equipment
in the Officer’s room: Investigators may decide to turn off the air circulation in
• A katana certain areas of the compound in the hopes of limiting
• Captain Sato Eiji’s diary, see handout #6). the movement of the Bholes. To date, the Bholes have
used the air duct to circulate throughout the complex.
When the ventilation system is turned on, Bholes are
Event 6: The sound of the reanimated literally pushed forward between various rooms. When
A loud shriek resonates throughout the corridor. investigators reach Room 17, Bholes are moving from
The recent intense artillery barrage perforated one Room 35 to adjacent rooms and from Room 10 towards
of the northern earth chambers in the ammunition Zone 2. Bholes can reach an adjacent room every two
depot’s vicinity. Corpses from the recent battles rounds. If the system is shutdown, it would take the
where pushed into the bunker. Bholes in the area Bholes at least a dozen rounds to reach the next room.
have infected half a dozen fallen soldiers.
Room 18 – Observation Block A
At this stage, even battle-hardened soldiers would
have second doubts about progressing in the complex. A small ladder would have once led to a small observation
Unfortunately for the investigators, the North post on the surface. The remaining Japanese survivors
entrance is no longer an option due to the recent destroyed the outside Block A observation turret during
artillery bombardments. If investigators have made the evacuation. Investigators may be able to blast
their way to Room 9, realizing the North entrance is through the debris on top of the ladder with dynamite.
collapsed requires a SAN Check (0/1).

Private Yamaguchi Kazuo Room 19 – Medical Officer’s Chamber
Private quarters of the chief medical officer.
20 50 40 60 - 10 0 - With a successful Spot Hidden roll, investigators find the medical
SAN HP chief’s note (Handout # 7). With a successful Medicine or Forensics
- 15
roll or even a hard success on an EDU, investigators notice that the
Fighting (Brawl): 30%, fist 1D3 (can only use incubation period is no less than 12 minutes.
one arm effectively)
Arisaka Type 99 Rifle: 60% 2D6+4 Room 20 - Infirmary
Dodge: 0
The field infirmary was fully equipped and would enable medical
Bholes (one slug exits Private Kazuo) services ranging from the treatment of common ailments to the
performance of complicated surgical operations. The first section is
POW 20 HP 1 a small waiting room equipped with a wooden bench and a portable
Fighting attacks: n/a. Bholes will try to enter radiator (20.1). The second section allowed the medic to provide
a new host. light care services (20.2). A telephone set is hooked on one of the
Move: 5 walls. The room is still filled with all necessities to run a clinic,
including morphine. The last section is an operating room (20.3).

A body is strapped onto the operating table. With a successful Spot

Hidden or Medicine roll, investigators would notice several claws
and bite marks, and part of his left arm was chewed off. Although
the patient file indicates the man to be Private Yamaguchi Kazuo,
hospitalized on August 6th, 1945, the body has not advanced past
the active decaying stage. If an investigator scored a success on
their Spot Hidden, they see a small white slug crawling under the
table. The slug will try to attach itself to one of the investigator’s or
NPC’s legs and try to make its way to the character’s nose or ears.
Investigators will have a chance to roll DEX to grab the Bhole. This
scene also allows for the investigators with the order to bring back
the alien slugs to capture a Bhole.

Event 7: Private Yamaguchi Kazuo

The infirmary staff tried to restrain Private Yamaguchi Kazuo. His
left arm is bound by a leather strap to the table. His body jerks,
trying to get close to investigators in order to transfer Bholes to
a new host.

Next to the infirmary, a set of red painted characters and numbers

on the wall indicate that investigators are about to enter Zone 2.

Room 21- Document Room (Zone 2 – High-Security

Clearance Required)

Past a set of double doors, a small room functioned as the compound

document center. On a shelf that goes around the room, the crew’s
individual dossiers are organized by alphabetical order. A blackboard
provides the bunker’s information, available men, those on leave,
or in the infirmary.

With a hard success on a Library Use roll, Investigators find interesting

information in financial records related to the construction of the
facility. A large portion of the cost was paid in part by an organization
referred to as Gen’yosha (“Black Sea Society”).

Event: ZONE 2 Reanimated NCOs (two)
A couple of NCOs who stayed behind with Colonel Nakayama are
standing at the end of the corridor, outside the communication
60 50 40 70 - 10 10 -
center. Once the investigators open the doors to ZONE 2, the
reanimated will rush towards them. SAN HP
- 13
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3 + 1 slug
Room 22 - Command Post Officers’ Quarters Dodge: 30

The compound’s highest-ranked officer, Colonel Nakayama Hiyoshi,

and his 4 subordinates had their quarters next to the Command
Post. If the garrison was in charge of providing protection, Colonel Bholes (one slug per NCO)
Nakayama and his men were in command of the bunker. Colonel STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
Nakayama plays an integral role in the Unit 731 extraction, test, and 5 5 5 40 - - 20 -
weaponizing of the Bholes.
The colonel’s quarters, although small, were well-organized. A small - 1
bed, cabinet, sink, and a hot water tank are present. A traditional Fighting attacks: n/a. Bholes will try to enter
Japanese Kakejiku (landscape hung scroll painting) is attached to a new host.
Move: 5
one of the walls. A telephone rests on a small table (22.1). On one
of the walls, hooks for Daisho, a pair of warrior swords, are empty.

The second part of the room is furnished with 4 single beds, wooden
shelves, and a rifle cabinet. Contrary to the other officers’ quarters,
no personal effects are available. There are no letters or diaries.
The last survivors destroyed the journals before abandoning the
compound (and traces of burned paper can be found in a metal
garbage bin).

Room 23 – Intelligence Post

The first section of the room would analyze information on partisan

activity and movements in the region (23.1). The second section is
reserved for treating information from informants, counterespionage,
and covert operations in the Tonkin. Vital information was chalked
on blackboards. A safe containing secret documents shared a wall
with a pair of telephones (23.2). The safe was emptied of its content.

Room 24 – Infantry Command Post

The chamber walls are covered with maps and operational boards.
A center table is filled with documents, order sheets, and reports.
Investigators also find a map of the bunker pinned on a wall; see
Handout #8.

With a successful Spot Hidden roll, investigators notice blood streaks

on the floor as if a body was dragged to the opposite corner of the
room. Blood splatter is visible on the wall. A successful Forensics roll
reveals a melee attack caused the blood splatter. In the second part
of the room, a body of a previously reanimated soldier is impaled on
one of the tables by a katana. Bholes left the host after the melee
strike, looking to infect the attacker.

Captain Sato Eiji Room 25 – Command Post Toilets & Showers
The door is locked from the outside. If investigators open the door,
50 50 40 70 - 10 10 -
they find another gruesome spectacle. The inside light flickers
SAN HP revealing numerous blood splatters on the white tile walls.
- 17
Event 8: Seppuku
Fighting (Brawl): 80%, fist 1D3 + 1 slug The bodies of four officers dressed in kimonos lay in a pool of
Dodge: 30
their own blood. Three of them have their heads cut off. With a
successful History roll, investigators know the officers performed
Bholes (one slug exits the officer) Seppuku and were “seconded,” meaning their heads were cut
off after they plunged the short sword into their bellies. Colonel
Nakayama encouraged his men to follow orders and reminded
5 5 5 40 - - 20 - them that they were bound by duty. A fourth body lays behind, a
SAN HP short wakizashi sword plunged in his stomach. As investigators
- 1 walk in to examine the room, the fourth body springs back to
Fighting attacks: n/a. Bholes will try to enter life and attacks.
a new host.
Move: 5 Room 26 – Communication Center

The communication center is made up of three areas. Power and cable

Japanese reanimated soldier distribution cabinets are installed in the first zone. Each of them is
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU protected by an airtight cast iron lid (26.1). A bunk bed for the comms
60 50 40 80 - 10 10 - chief and NCOs faces the cabinets. The next area features the actual
compound switchboard. On the right wall, there are two entry and
SAN HP exit boards (26.2). The third area is an independent telephone and
- 17 soundproof booth for ultra-private communications (26.3).
Fighting (Brawl): 70%, fist 1D3 + 1 slug
Dodge: 30 With a successful Spot Hidden or Electrical Repair roll, investigators
notice that the system and all external lines were sabotaged.
Investigators also notice another magnetophone, or tape recorder,
linked to the external phone system. The last conversation is
recorded, see Handout #9.

Room 27 – Officers’ Mess

The door is locked from the inside. A successful Locksmith roll is

required to open the door. The small room is a sharp contrast to
all other chambers in the bunker. A tatami covers the floor. There
is no furniture except a small low table in the center of the room.
A Go set is placed on the table. Several white and black stones are
placed on a board. The walls are covered with Kakejiku. Air is thin;
it is difficult to breathe inside the room.

Behind the low table, the decayed body of Colonel Nakayama

lays in a fetal position on its side. Dried blood is visible on the
tatami. Executing the seppuku tradition, Colonel Nakayama wore
a traditional Kimono and used his wakizashi to take his own life.
Next to him, a block of ink and calligraphy brush are visible.
Investigators find a poem under the Go board.

Investigators succeeding on a Spot Hidden roll notice that all air

ducts have been blocked (to prevent Bholes from creeping in).

Underneath the body, investigators also find a large key chain holding
two dozen keys to the entire compound. There is one master key
among the 20 keys.

Room 28 – Air Purification & Ladder to Event 11: The Viet Minh arrive (north
Observation Post entrance)
Việt Minh commandos have entered from the north
See description of Room 17 and 18. Note the machine entrance. They will confront recently infected French
gun post on the west side of the corridor. Several shells and Tai corpses around the prison cells. Part of the
lay on the floor. commando unit will remove debris blocking the
access to room 9 and 8 (a successful Demolition
roll is required). If they are successful, Keepers can
Event 9: Reanimated decide to split the commandos in two, flanking the
An unfortunate Japanese private was not able to investigators. (See pg. 168 for stats)
evacuate the bunker in time before it was sealed off.
As the investigators approach room 28, he would Keeper note: If this scenario is being played by two
make a dash for the nearest person. opposite groups, Keepers should consort and share
(See pg. 178 for stats) notes. It is conceivable that while the GCMA Faction
investigates the lab area, the Việt Minh commandos
will be busy investigating the prison cells. Keepers
Room 29 – Airlock should ensure the two groups meet around room #38.

A locked door blocks the corridor. Once investigators enter Zone 3, they would hear a
continuous alarm ring. Red lights, installed at regular
Investigators succeeding on a Japanese Language roll intervals on the corridor wall, fickler on and off.
understand the writing to be a warning: “Forbidden,
ZONE 3. Biological and Chemical Warfare Research and Room 30 – Lab Staff’s Quarters
Development Center.” The airlock is five feet long. There
is a heavy buzzing sound from a large vent hanging This chamber comfortably accommodates 4 scientists.
above. On one of the sidewalls, several white lab coats A telephone set is hooked on a wall (30.1). The room
hang on metal hooks. also has a gramophone. Investigators find books of
poetry and historical fiction novels set during the
Edo period. Unlike the military barracks, personal
Event 10: Slugs from above effects were allowed in ZONE 3 (a small luxury for the
Investigators inside the airlock will first need to roll scientists dealing with the unknown). Each nightstand
a successful Spot Hidden to notice 1D12 slugs falling has several letters to loved ones and photos of their
from the above vent onto the shoulders and head of families. If investigators read part of the letters, they
the characters. Although the slugs are no longer than would notice that each speaks of their assignment in
a few inches in length and move slightly faster than a a medical hospital in Hanoi, and there are even photos
garden snail, investigators need a successful Dodge of them standing in front of a non-descript hospital or
roll to avoid the viscous alien creatures landing on posing in front of famous city landmarks.
their heads or faces. An investigator would only have 1
action to remove a Bhole from his face or head before Room 31 – Washrooms & Showers
it enters their body. Keepers can allow Investigators
to roll a DEX in order to grab and remove Bholes on Identical to room 10.
their person or compatriots.
Room 32 – Chief Scientist Chamber
The door is locked; a lever in the sidewall would unlock
the door. Typical officer room. A telephone set is hooked on one
of the walls. Plum wine, opium balls, and an intricately
The second door would only open when the first door is designed pipe rest in one of the cabinets (32.1). There
closed. Only 3 investigators can go through the airlock are no letters or photos of family members. There is a
at any given time. secret door behind a Kakejiku on the north wall, leading
to a secret chamber (32.2). Interestingly, there are clear
signs that the room has been used very recently.

Secret incantation chamber - The entrance behind

the Kakejiku leads to a small earth room. The room is
composed of a small table and several candles attached
to walls. Some candles are lit, proving the area is still
frequented. A copy of Jean-Xavier Pochi’s Rituels de

créations et destructions divines rests on the table. Chief investigators to take control of the scene and roleplay
Scientist and Gen’yosha member Toyama Nagahiro’s the effect. Although the Bholes would be under the
goals were twofold: first to extract and study the effect spell of the “amateur” necromancer, the spell does not
of the Bholes, and secondly, to learn how to issue prevent the already infected reanimated from attacking.
commands and control the reanimated.
Room 33 – Laboratory
Rituels de créations et destructions divines
French, by Jean-Xavier Pochi, 1839 The mid-sized room is filled with typical medical lab
paraphernalia. Two research tables equipped with a pair
Properly known as Rituels et incantations divines. of Chiyoda MKH field microscopes stand in the middle
A quarto, possibly printed in Lyon. This volume, of the room (33.1). There are several glass cabinets of all
long referred to as the Black Book , tells of Pochi’s sizes along the concrete walls (33.2). Several papers and
connections to various cults and secret societies. folders lay in disarray as if the occupants left in a hurry.
If investigators succeed on a Spot Hidden roll, they find
SAN Loss: 2D8 the following clues:
Cthulhu Mythos Initial: +5%
Cthulhu Mythos Final: +10% • In one of the cabinets, a sealed glass jar is peculiar
Mythos Rating: 45 and would draw attention. A few leech-like creatures
Study: 52 weeks float and swim in formaldehyde. The investigator
Suggested Spells: Revivify (Resurrection), Approach with the order to “bring back and study” has found
Brother (Contact Ghoul), and others the Keeper an important clue.
deems appropriate. • The Bholes inside the jar are in hibernation mode,
floating in formaldehyde. They would, however, revive
Bind Reanimated and try to infect investigators if someone breaks the jar.
Cost: 1D8 SAN points; 4 magic points
Casting time: 2 rounds Glass Cabinets - A large metal briefcase in one of
the other cabinets piques curiosity. It would require a
The caster spends 4 magic points, takes the SAN loss successful Locksmith roll to open the locked briefcase.
and spend two rounds chanting before a Reanimated A softball-size rock sits in a foam compartment. The
can be bound to the caster’s commands. Binding the stone is filled with holes, giving it a strange organic look.
Reanimated requires an opposed roll and opposed If investigators take a closer look, they would feel drawn
rolls cannot be pushed; if the opposed roll is failed, to the rock, as if there was something inside calling to
the slugs attempt to enter the caster. An attacking the investigator. The later may feel disoriented, and a
Reanimated cannot be bound by the person it is successful contested POW roll is required to resist the
fighting; however, it could be bound by a person able strange pull of the otherworldly rock. If investigators
to hold back from the fray. The caster must be able fail their roll, they will still be able to break free from
to see the Reanimated and be within 30 yards of it. the psychic effect, but lose 5 points of SAN.

Microscopes - An organic tissue specimen is sitting on

Once the outbreak happened, Chief Scientist Toyama a thin sheet of glass. With a successful INT or Medicine
Nagahiro managed to barricade himself in his quarters. roll, investigators realize that the tissue is actually part
Although he did get infected through prior rituals, the of the strange white slug. Investigators succeeding on a
Bholes did not devour the cultist’s brain. They have Medicine, Natural World or Science (Biology) roll and
left him in a perpetual state between life and death. looking at the specimen through the microscope un-
Over the years, the Bholes have transformed Toyama derstand that the composition of the tissue is unknown
Nagahiro into a serpent-like creature. The new entity and likely of alien origin. Such a realization requires a
spends his days and nights alternating between the SAN check (0/1D6). The cell structures do not have any
extraction room, digging through the meteorite for known earthly counterparts. Moreover, the cells seem
more Bholes, and his quarters, reading through Pochi’s to remain animated and “alive” after all these years.
work. Investigators conducting chemistry experiments (suc-
cessful Chemistry roll) are unable to determine the core
The Nameless Cult book is opened to a page featuring elements of the meteor material and believe they may
a series of incantations to control the reanimated. have found a new element not yet on the periodic table.
With a successful Mythos or hard success on an
Occult, investigators find a spell to reverse the effect Investigators with a successful Spot Hidden roll also
of controlling the reanimated. Keepers should allow the find: Biologist’s logbook, see Handout #10.

Room 34 – Test Infirmary With a successful Spot Hidden roll, investigators find
a small 3-by-3 foot metal door located at the height of
Half a dozen beds fill the room. There are a few portable a medical rolling bed on the opposite wall. Behind the
IV pumps and blood bags suspended on metal racks. door, a 45-degree earth tunnel seems to lead to the
Three patients, or what remains of the patients, are surface as gunfire and explosions echo through the
belted to their beds by leather straps. All three have tunnel. A metal hook and cable run to the surface. On
tubes and blood bags attached to them. the left side, a control panel operates the pulley system.
The morgue pulley system and the tunnel could be one
There are 3 dossiers available on a table next to the of the exit ways for the investigators if they become
door. The records identify the patients as test subjects trapped.
3A, 3B, and 4A (see Handout #11).

The closest bodies to the entrance have already gone Room 37 - Observation Post C
through several stages of decomposition. There is not
much skin left on them. Even the fabric from their Identical to Room 17 and 18.
gown has deteriorated. Rat bite marks are also clearly
visible. One patient’s eyes were eaten away. Room 38 - Extraction room

Patients 3A and 3B both show advanced signs of decay. This room exposes the irony behind Unit 731’s plans.
Upon closer inspection, patient 3B appears to have been Engineers built the morgue next to the extraction area,
burned, although it was probably done in a hurry and not maximizing the risk of contagion.
methodical as only part of the mattress was consumed.
With a successful Forensics roll, the patients are clearly Event 12a: Chief Scientist & Gen’yosha
dead and have been gone for a while. member Toyama Nagahiro; Slugman
Investigators see in the back of the room a 7-foot-
As they approach patient 4A, investigators notice that tall humanoid creature, digging through what seems
body is in relatively good condition and not decomposed to be the meteorite. The creature is alerted by the
compared to the other bodies. Suddenly the body springs Investigators’ presence. It turns slowly to face them.
to life and starts jerking intensely in bed, biting in mid-air. Investigators notice the legs have meshed together.
The Tai woman subject should have been dead for over The Bholes’ secretion has bonded the legs together
9 years, however her left arm violently thrashes back and transformed them into a slug-like tail. The
and forth and is jerked free from the bed’s restraints. creature’s chest is still human. It wears a piece of a lab
The rusted bed frame won’t hold her for long. coat. Investigators succeeding on a Spot Hidden roll
notice half a dozen Bholes moving on the creature’s
Event 12: Infected Tai Grandmother arm and face. Investigators should roll a SAN check
The reanimated would be particularly aggressive – (0/1D8). (see pg. 182 for stats)
more so than others encountered. The Bholes have
been waiting 9 years for a new host. The Reanimated,
although a 50-year-old 5’3 Tai woman, displays Event 12b: A Vietnamese standoff or
incredible speed, agility, and strength. (See pg. 182 Unite to Defeat the Mythos
for stats) As the GCMA is engaging with Toyama Nagahiro;
Slugman , this could be an opportune moment to
introduce the second Việt Minh commando unit.
Room 35 – Cultivation Room The Việt Minh commando unit arrives just outside
Room 38. Investigators may decide to also start a
Several centrifuges and Petri dishes where specimens firefight with the Việt Minh, or unite to defeat the
of Bholes were cultured before it could be identified. Mythos threat and destroy the bunker. Keepers can
Investigators would have to manipulate the equipment also decide to have the reanimated attacking the
with extreme precaution. Việt Minh commandos from behind, forcing the two
groups to unite their efforts against the Mythos. (see
Room 36 - Morgue pg. 168 for stats)

The stench from inside is almost unbearable. A few

corpses are rotting away on metal bed racks attached Room 39 – Airlock
to each sidewall. Some are in opaque plastic body bags.
A tag is assigned to each corpse’s left foot big toe, or A short corridor from the lab leads to another airlock.
to the zipper of the body bags. It is identical to Room 29.

Infected Tai Grandmother Room 40 – Prison Cells
30 30 50 60 - 10 -- - Half a dozen low-ceiling prison cells. Outside each prison door, a
dossier is visible in a wooden rack. Mites and other insects have
severely damaged the paper documents inside the cardboard folders.
- 8 Investigators would be able to make out some numbers on two
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 + 2 slugs less-damaged folders: 5A and 6B.
Dodge: 0
The heavy wooden doors all have a sliding window grill allowing a
quick peek inside the cell. There are 4 corpses in the cell, burned. They
Slugman were probably left behind when the Japanese evacuated the base.
50 50 70 65 80 - 65 80
In one of the cells, investigators find, alive, Sergeant Osling (see event
#5). He’s been held prisoner by Chief Scientist Toyama Nagahiro,
SAN HP for almost two months now. The man has a sliver of sanity left. It
- 12 is not clear why Osling is not infected and why Toyama Nagahiro
kept him alive. This interaction is meant to provide some comfort
Magic Points: 13
Move: 8 to the investigators that have ventured and suffered thought out
the complex. A small victory, knowing they saved one of their own.
Armor: 1 point, thick skin
Room 41 – Torture Chamber
Type 14 Nambu Pistol: 60% 1D8, 15 yards,
1(3)/round, 7 mag, 97 mal A small corridor leads to another prison cell. A few leather aprons
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 + 2 slugs
Dodge: 32 and thick pairs of plastic gloves are hung on hooks outside the
door. Another dossier outside the door indicates that the prisoner
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos: 15%, Intimidate was test subject 4C.
60%, Medicine 50%, Occult: 50%, Science: Inside the cell, a man who’s wearing what looks like military fatigues
(Biology) 50%, Science: Chemistry) 25%, Spot is attached to the walls by metal chains hooked to a metal choker
Hidden 30%, Stealth 50% around his neck. Incredibly, the man is still standing and doesn’t
Languages: Japanese 60%, Vietnamese 15%
show decomposition signs even though he’s been dead for close to
Spells: Wrack, Wither Limb, Dominate 10 years. His skin is very pale, and in some areas, he exhibits signs
of scabies (microscopic creatures that have been feeding on him
SAN Loss: 0/1D8 SAN to observe the slugman. for a while). Suddenly he raises his head and opens his eyes. A few
muffled sounds are audible.

An old car battery and cables sit on a small table along one of the
walls. A whip and buckets full of stagnant water are also present.
Distant Rumors - Very little is known of
the Japanese activity in the valley of Điện Investigators with military experience are able to determine that the
Biên Phủ. The villagers were displaced, man in military fatigues wears the shoulder insignia of Vichy France
and most of the remaining Tai living in security forces who provided military police duties in Indochina
the vicinity of the future site of Anne- until 1945 when the Japanese troops invaded the country.
Marie were killed during Order 44. With a successful Medicine roll, investigators retrieve the following

When we were kids, our grandparents • No communication can be established.

told us stories of the haunted hills • The man was tortured before being infected.
surrounding the Nan Yum. They told us • He was probably infected right after death as there is almost no
of Japanese ghosts living underground. sign of decomposition.
They said that if we wandered too far the
ghosts would steal us away. We always Room 42: Corridor Connecting To North Exit
thought they were stories to scare us
and keep us in line, if only we knew. Part of the corridor collapsed, the result of the recent Việt Minh
+ 5% Occult artillery barrage. Investigators could still navigate through the
corridor and connect with the north exit, although they would
need to do so one by one and on all fours. French soldiers’ body
parts are scattered in the rubble.

Epilogue- Escaping Đien Biên Phu

Location: Tonkin Highlands. Valley of Điện Biên Phủ Make a Run for It

Purpose: If Investigators manage to escape the bunker Another option is for the investigators to head back to
and its horrors, they will need to decide what to do the mountains and search for the GCMA Malo led by
next. As the Việt Minh is closing in on the French CP, Jean Sassi. The GCMA will trek back to Luang Prabang,
only a few options remain. avoiding Việt Minh patrols and pursuers.

United they Stand

Death to us All
Investigators have joined the Việt Minh commandos
to defeat the reanimated. The Việt Minh will insist on If, at any given point, an investigator in possession of
destroying any evidence of the bunker and its contents, the Bholes would decide to release the plague upon the
including the meteorite and Bholes. The commandos world, the result would be catastrophic and possibly
will invite the investigators to join them in fighting the trigger the apocalypse.
real enemy, the Mythos.

Glory in Defeat

Investigators may push through the enemy lines

surrounding Eliane to brief Colonel De Castries or
cover the four miles to Isabelle’s position. Both efforts
will result in the same outcomes. They will be taken
prisoner by the Việt Minh on May 8th and begin the
march to captivity.


Commandement Supérieur Commandement Supérieur Commandement Supérieur
Des Troupes Française Des Troupes Française Des Troupes Française
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
Service de Documentation Extérieure Service de Documentation Extérieure Service de Documentation Extérieure
et de Contre-Espionnage et de Contre-Espionnage et de Contre-Espionnage
N*157/CAB. N*157/CAB.
Opération : Desperado
Opération : Desperado Opération : Desperado Type de mission : Search & Rescue
Type de mission : Search & Rescue Type de mission : Search & Rescue Destination : Dien Bien Phu
Destination : Dien Bien Phu Destination : Dien Bien Phu Contact : Captain Vanberge - GMCA
Contact : Captain Vanberge - GMCA Contact : Captain Vanberge - GMCA
1. Rendez-vous 0900 – May 2nd Northeast 1. Rendez-vous 0900 – May 2nd Northeast
runaway Luang Prabang airbase. 1. Rendez-vous 0900 – May 2nd Northeast runaway Luang Prabang airbase.
2. Sitrep by GMCA Captain Vanberge. runaway Luang Prabang airbase. 2. Sitrep by GMCA Captain Vanberge.
3. Depart Luang Prabang airbase at 13:00 2. Sitrep by GMCA Captain Vanberge. 3. Depart Luang Prabang airbase at 13:00
for DZ Condor (Highlands surrounding 3. Depart Luang Prabang airbase at 13:00 for DZ Condor (Highlands surrounding
the valley of Dien Bien Phu). for DZ Condor (Highlands surrounding the valley of Dien Bien Phu).
4. Link with Hmong partisans (contact the valley of Dien Bien Phu). 4. Link with Hmong partisans (contact
Zong, will be waiting at the DZ 14:00 4. Lead 3rd platoon to link with Hmong Zong, will be waiting at the DZ 14:00
to 15:00). partisans (contact Zong, waiting at to 15:00).
5. Navigate through enemy lines, rescue DZ Condor 14:00 to 15:00). 5. Navigate through enemy lines to the
stranded French and local partisan 5. Navigate through enemy lines, access fortified position Anne-Marie.
the fortified position of Anne-Marie. 6. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (destroy after

units at fortified position Anne-

Marie. 6. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: According to the reading) Under the cover of the GMCA’s
Handout #1 – Military Orders

6. Return to Luang Prabang by all means last communication with Anne-Marie, Search & Rescue mission, locate an
necessary. Lieutenant Pasquier and some of his abandoned WW2 underground bunker
men, part of the 2e CMMLE (Foreign discovered by Anne-Marie’s defenders.
Hanoi, le 28 avril 1954 Legion Mortar Mixed Company), sought According to our intel, the facility
Colonel Maurice Belleux refuge in an underground complex in hosted a Japanese biological and
the center of the position. Find and chemical warfare R&D Center.
save these men. 7. Enter the complex, locate the medical
7. Return to Luang Prabang by all means research lab, and bring back samples
necessary. of the occupant’s previous research.
8. Return to Luang Prabang by all means
Hanoi, le 28 avril 1954 necessary.
Colonel Maurice Belleux
Hanoi, le 28 avril 1954
Colonel Maurice Belleux
Handout #2 –Map of Dien Bien Phu April 15th Situation)

Handout #3 – BDP Map


West Entrance NCO Ishikawa Hideki’s Through a quick glimpse of the 04:25 August 6 th , 1945:
立ち入り禁止 logbook: diary, an investigator would Commander Nakayama
731部隊 figure out the following: Hiyoshi orders to seal off zone
Before August 6th 0300 the 3. West Entrance has turned
Translation: information pertains to the These barracks hosted a regular on the alarm.
Access is forbidden movement of the troops in and infantry company part of Unit
Handout # 4 - Japanese writing and historical background)

Unit 731, Japanese Imperial Army out of the bunker, delivery of 731. The men, and even the 04:43: Private Yamaguchi
equipment, and supplies. officers, were not necessarily Kazuo is brought in. He seems
Historical Background aware of the work conducted unconscious. High fever. His
Handout # 6 - Captain Sato Eiji (佐藤 影次) ‘s diary

The Japanese Imperial Army 23:30 August 5th, 1945: Nightly by the Unit. legs and head tremble. His
Unit 731 conducted covert report to Hanoi Tonkin Imperial pressure is extremely low. Low

Handout # 7 - Medical Officer’s logbook

biological and chemical warfare Army C-in-C. Their duty was to provide heartbeat. Suddenly his body
experiments through WW2. protection, patrol the area, and stops shaking, blood starts to
03:50 August 6th, 1945: Incident deal with partisans. drip from his nose and ears.
Handout # 5 - NCO’s Logbook

reported in the morgue.

One passage in the Captain’s 04:46: Officers confirmed
04:25 August 6th, 1945: Commander diary reports how he distrusts Yamaguchi exhibited signs
Nakayama Hiyoshi orders to seal Toyama Nagahiro ( 頭山長溥), the after transporting prisoner
off the bunker Chief Science Officer in charge to the morgue.
of the R&D.
07:30 August 6th 1945: Commander 05:55: By the devil’s trickery,
Nakayama Hiyoshi executes Another passage also shows he Private Yamaguchi Kazuo (
Imperative 44 (命令型44)/ doesn’t approve of the torturing, 山口 一男) is now standing,
remaining survivors trigger and whatever else is happening what he, he…..(last entry on
previously planted explosives in Zone 3: “We can hear the the logbook).
to destroy any evidence of the screams through the air ducts.”
bunker). I am ordered to follow He tried on several occasions to
特別攻撃隊the death squad and engage in conversations with the
dispatch villagers in nearby Chief Science Officer, but each
hamlets. time Toyama Nagahiro told him
to either:
くたばれ kutabare – drop dead
しんじまえ shinjimae – go to hell
Handout #8 - Map of the bunker

Handout #10 - Biologist Kurakawa Handout # 9 - Record of the last call)
Nobushige’s logbook
23:30, August 5th 1945:
Commander Nakayama Hiyoshi: Our
June/July 1945: As our navy’s position worsens in
team has successfully weaponized
the Pacific, we are ordered to work around the
clock. Chief Science Officer Toyama Nagahiro ( 頭
Bholes. Test patient 3C was thrown in
山長溥) orders us to use a cocktail of amphetamine
a prison cell with patient 4B. 3C attacked
test subject 4B. Some of patient 3C’s
and methamphetamine to stay awake.
leeches transferred to patient 4B. At
last success!
09:35 August 1st, 1945: Working by the centrifuge
this morning. I know, I should have said something
Chief Science Officer retires to his
after I dropped a test tube containing live slugs,
but I am confident I picked up most of them. I
decided not to report the incident.
Over and out
22:43, August 5th, 1945: Chief Science Officer
succeeded in controlling test patient 3C.
Handout # 11 - Patients medical record
23:20 – 23:40, August 5th, 1945: Success! We are
now able to control the slugs. A euphoric moment
for all of us. We decided to bring test patient 3C
into a prisoner’s cell to see what happens. We
Japanese Medical Record:
restrained the prisoner to minimize movements.
1A: Removed from complex (fail)
Oh, what a horrific scene! The reanimated
1B: Removed from complex (fail)
attacked the living prisoner. Patient 3C’s slugs
1C: Unknown
exited from his nostrils and pushed their way
2A: Morgue (fail)
through the prisoner’s nose and ears. His screams
2B: Morgue (fail)
were alarming. I have never seen anything like it.
2C: Morgue (fail)
We could tell the slugs were devouring his brain.
3A: Dead in Room 34 (test infirmary)
Within a dozen minutes the prisoner was dead
and infected. Chief Science Officer retired to his
3B: Dead in Room 34 (test infirmary)
quarters. He seems tired and mentally drained. I
fear the stress of the last few months has almost
3C: Patient ZERO
been too much to bear.
4A: Reanimated (chained in test
Mineral/Metal test:
4B: Prison (infected by Patient ZERO)
No magnesium, iron, or other known metal found
4C: Torture chamber
in the meteor fragments. Chief Science Officer
5A: Prison – (infected)
Toyama Nagahiro thinks the meteor is actually
5B: Prison – moved to morgue by
not composed of what we refer to as a rock but
Private Yamaguchi Kazuo (infected and
organic matter and plays a vital role in sustaining
responsible for the outbreak)
the leeches.
6B: Prison

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Claude Nguyen Gender M Age 34

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Paratrooper Birthplace Saigon
Characteristics HP
50 25 65 32 45 22 80 40 60 30 40 20 50 25 55 27
10 13 9 16 12 8 10 11
Damage Bonus None Move 9
Drives 50
Social status, arrogance and the need to be recognized.


Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 50 25
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 10

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

60 30
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 60 30
Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%) 70
(Handgun)(20%) 12 14
Firearms 50 25
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 10 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle )
50 25

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 50 25

Navigate (10%) Swim (20%) 40 20
10 8

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%) 40 20


Credit Rating (00%) 20 40

10 20  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 8 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) Parachute 20 10
Language (Other)(00%) Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( ) ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) 60 30
Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec Repair (10%) ( ) Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
S&W .38 60 30 12 1d10 15 1(3) 6 100
Combat Knife 50 25 10 1d4+2+db

Other Equipment
Utility pouch Major Wound
Bivouac kit
Temp Insane
2X days water rations
2X days food rations Injuries & Phobias
Maps of region

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Antione LaFlamme (“Magellan”) Gender M Age 22

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Birthplace Southern
Caporal, 6th Colonial Parachute Battalion
Characteristics HP
50 25 70 35 50 25 60 30 50 25 50 25 80 40 50 25
10 14 10 12 10 10 16 10
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 80
Collaborate with the Indochinese people to build a new modern and just Luck
system that would embrace nationalistic views under the French Fourth
Republic’s guidance.

Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 60 30
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 12

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 50
Firearms 25
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 10
Firearms 50 25
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 60 30
(Rifle)(25%) 10 12
(SMG) 70 35 Survival (10%)
40 20
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle ) 8

Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 50 25

Navigate (10%) 50 25
Swim (20%)
10 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20

10  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) Parachute 40 20
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Vietnamese ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) 50 25

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( French
50 25
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 60 30 12 1d3+db touch
Combat Knife 60 30 12 1d4+2+db
MAT-49 SMG (9mm) 70 35 14 1d10 15 1(3) full 32 97

Other Equipment
Utility pouch Major Wound
Bivouac kit
Temp Insane
2X days water rations
2X days food rations Injuries & Phobias
Maps of region

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Nadine Grondin Gender F Age 27

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Nurse Birthplace St. Denis
Characteristics HP
50 25 60 30 40 20 50 25 60 30 50 25 80 40 70 35
10 12 8 10 12 10 16 14
Damage Bonus None Move 9
Drives 80
1. Emancipation of women. Luck
2. Bringing honor to herself and her family.
3. Saving lives.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 50 25
( Biology ) 10

Anthropology (01%) Fighting 45 22

Library Use (20%) 40
(Brawl)(25%) 9 8

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Repair (10%) 30
Firearms 15
( ) Mech. Spot Hidden (25%)
(Handgun)(20%) 6
Medicine (01%) 51 25
Stealth (20%)
(Rifle)(25%) 11
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) 60 30
( Jungle )
50 25
12 10

Charm (15%) 35 17
First Aid (30%) 90 45
Navigate (10%) 60 30
Swim (20%)
7 18 12

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Intimidate (15%)  Op. Hv. Machine Track (10%)

Credit Rating (00%) (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 50 25 Parachute 20 10
10 4
Language (Other)(00%)
20 10 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( Vietnamese ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Latin 20 10

Psychology (10%) 50 25
4 10

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis 21 10

(01%) 4

Elec Repair (10%)

( French
80 40
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Hunting Knife 45 22 9 1d4+2+db

Other Equipment
Bivouac kit (equivalent of Foreign Legion Kit) Major Wound
First Aid kit (including 3X morphine doses) Temp Insane
Basic biology kit Injuries & Phobias
2X days water ration
2X days food ration
Insect repellent

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Maurice Wolff Gender M

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side


Occupation Captain - 6th BCP Birthplace

Schiltigheim, France

Characteristics HP
50 25 60 30 50 25 80 40 50 25 70 35 60 30 40 20
10 12 10 16 10 14 12 8
Damage Bonus Move
Drives 60
All I know, and all I do well, is to lead men. Luck

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 55 27
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
11 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 40 20
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 8

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 40 20


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) 21 10

Sleight Of Hand (10%)
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 75 37
Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%) 85
(Handgun)(20%) 15 17
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( Jungle )
30 15

Charm (15%) 55 27
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) 50 25
Swim (20%)
11 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%) 50 25


Credit Rating (00%) 30

15  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
6 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 75 37 Parachute 15 7
15 3
Language (Other)(00%)
20 10 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( German ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 60 30


Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis 21 10

(01%) 4

Repair (10%) 25 40
12 Language (Own)(EDU) 20
Elec ( French ) Ride (05%)
5 8

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
S&W .38 75 37 15 1d10 15 1(3) 6 100
Combat Knife 40 20 8 1d4+2+db
Grenades x2 50 25 10 4d10/3 yards STR/5 1 99

Other Equipment
Utility pouch (see Foreign Legion faction) Major Wound
Bivouac kit (equivalent of Foreign Legion Kit) Temp Insane
2X days water rations Injuries & Phobias
2X days food rations
Maps of region
Short wave walkie talkie

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Enrique José Regueiro (“Blanco”) Gender M Age 41

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation 2nd Foreign Infantry Reg Birthplace Madrid
Characteristics HP
50 25 60 30 40 20 50 25 70 35 50 25 60 30 80 40
10 12 8 10 14 10 12 16
Damage Bonus none Move 9
Drives 60
One day Spain will be Free! Luck

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) 25 12
Law (05%)
Science (01%)
5 ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 75 37
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 15

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 70 35


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) 51 25

Sleight Of Hand (10%)
80 40
10 16
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 60 30
Mech. Repair (10%) 70
Spot Hidden (25%)
(Handgun)(20%) 12 14
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%)
Heavy Weapons 60 30
Natural World (10%)
Survival (10%)
12 ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) 50 25
Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) 40 20
History (05%) 25 12
Occult (05%) Throw (20%)
8 5

Credit Rating (00%) 9

4  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
1 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)
Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 50 80
25 Language (Own)(EDU) 40
Elec Ride (05%)
10 ( Spanish ) 16

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 75 37 15 1d3+db touch
S&W .38 60 30 12 1d10 15 1(3) 6 100
Flame thrower 60 30 12 2d6+burn 25 1 >10 93
Hunting Knife 75 37 15 1d4+2+db

Other Equipment
Bivouac kit (equivalent of Foreign Legion Kit) Major Wound
2X days water rations
Temp Insane
2X days food rations
Maps of region Injuries & Phobias

Confidential Information

Service de Documentation
Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage
Campaign Hook Description

The Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre- The SDECE was composed of four separate, and often
Espionnage (SDECE), a.k.a France’s external intelligence autonomous, branches:
service was created by De Gaulle and the Provisional
Government of the French Republic in late 1945. It • Service de Renseignement (SR): The traditional
replaced the defunct Deuxième Bureau de l’État-major intelligence gathering spy network (operating mainly
général (Second Bureau of the General Staff) abolished outside French territory) ;
after France’s capitulation in 1940. The new intelligence- • Service de Contre-espionage (SCE): The French and
gathering service kept its predecessor’s sobriquet, the Vietnamese counterintelligence service responsible
2nd Bureau. Although the newly appointed Director for tracking enemies of the state;
Henri-Alexis Ribiere was a well-known member of the • Service Technique de Recherches (STR): The analytical
Resistance, it took a few months for the new agency to and decryption branch;
remove all operatives who served the Vichy government • Groupement de Commandos Mixtes Aétoportés
in Indochina. Colonel De la Croix, the former spy Director (GMCA): The commando units composed of local
in the region, and some of his men were assisting the partisans and French officers. The GMCA was
new administration when Free French Forces officers responsible for conducting guerrilla-style operations
arrived in Saigon. The League for the Independence of and intelligence-gathering behind enemy lines.
Vietnam had just declared its independence; there was
no time for a “chasse aux sorcières” (witch-hunt). These
men not only kept their positions, but some of them The STR branch was hugely successful in codebreaking
thrived under the new administration. the enemy’s communications, but the amount of
material produced proved too much to be processed
The “2nd Bureau” never paid any real attention to the adequately and disseminated effectively to the units in
Mythos threat. Undoubtedly, some of its members the field. Internal rivalries and the lack of coordination
encountered cosmic horrors, but there was no also inhered the ability of the SDECE to brief the French
coordinated strategy to understand the danger; and, Far East Expeditionary Corps properly. To make matters
more importantly, to plan a response. As such, the worse, the French governmental apparatus was also
organization was extremely vulnerable to the influence comprised of a myriad of other intelligence units, such
of forces looking to undermine or use the organization as the Sûreté Fédérale, present in Indochina.
to its benefits. Previous members of the Nazi Ahnerbe
organization (see Dien Bien Phu scenario) infiltrated SDECE Operational Groups
the 2nd Bureau. On some occasions, even succeeding
in thwarting mission orders and directing efforts to • Bangladesh/Indochina: Force 136 composed of
purposefully propagate Mythos activities. volunteers who joined the Free France Forces in
June 1945 to serve and fight behind enemy lines.
SDECE faction investigators can be analysts, handlers, • Laos/China Border: Mission 5 network of undercover
field operatives, technicians, and commandos. agents operating on the China border and around
Investigators may have ulterior motives; however, their the Plain of Jars.
loyalty may not lay with the newly formed provisional • North Vietnam: GMCA units active in the Tonkin. They
government. were often composed of Hmong and Tai partisans.
• Laos: Clandestine Group C coordinated the purchase
and redistribution of opium from Hmong partisans
to finance unsanctioned operations.
• Hanoi: STR Hanoi decoded and exploited Việt Minh
radio signals between battalions.
• Cochinchina: “The Brigades” infiltrated Việt Minh
circles in Saigon.

Confidential Information


Director Maurice Belleux, SDECE Indochina (1947-1955); Maurice Belleux (March 26th, 1908 – April 5th, 2002)- A
Colonel Foucard, Director of the STR. graduate of the Saint-Cyr special military school, the
equivalent of West Point Academy, Belleux joined the
air force in 1931. Officer and certified pilot, he served
Other key members of the SDECE on various based across the Middle East and Africa
before WW2.
• Captain Jean Sassi – WW2 commando veteran, Sassi
lead the GMCA Malo during Operation Desperado. Demobilized after France’s capitulation, he launched
The operation’s objectives were to weaken the in March 1943 the Resistance cell “Hunter.” Following
enemy supply lines and facilitate the breakthrough the Allies victory, the new provisional Government
of besieged French units at Điện Biên Phủ. appoints Belleux as the SDECE Director in the Far East.
• Colonel Roger Trinquier – Operation X commandant. The assignment was supposed to be six-months, but
Colonel Trinquier organized the infamous covert drug thanks to innate politicking skills, he will remain in
trafficking operation in order to finance unsanctioned his position until France’s withdrawal from Indochina.
SDECE operations. General Lucien Bodard said of the enigmatic figure:
• Adjudant-Chef Roger Vandenberghe – Black Tigers “Chubby, with a pinkish tone in summer or winter,
GMCA commandant. Vandenberghe was undoubtedly Belleux kept a quaint but beautiful little house, with a
the most famous and decorated commando packed cellar, and exotic gardens. There were always
commandant of the Indochina War. C-in-C General de lots of dogs and a very good lady! It was not uncommon
Lattre de Tassigny once said, “ give me 100 hundred to see at his place agents, subordinates, and political
Vandenberghe, and we will defeat the Việt Minh”. guests. There was always a drink or a file in his hands.
• Captain Hebert – SR commandant. Hebert was The Colonel had an air of mystery, denoting his
responsible for parachuting agents behind enemy importance and profession. In Indochina Generals come
lines. In late 1953, the SR sent a considerable number and go, Belleux remains, without ostentatiousness.”
of men and women tasked with infiltrating Việt Minh
units and report on troop movements towards Điện Jean Sassi (June 11th, 1917 – January 9th, 2009) - In
Biên Phủ. August 1943, Jean Sassi volunteered to carry out
• Suzi Pinel – Résau Jean Tricoire, assisted allied clandestine missions in occupied France with the
paratroopers and provided shelters to several downed Jedburgh unit. Volunteer to continue fighting against
pilots. the Japanese, he joined the Force 136 after VE and
followed a rigorous jungle training at ME 25 in Colombo.
Period of Operation
Between 1949 and 1953, he was assigned to the 11th
The SDECE was launched in November 1944 and ceased shock battalion, commanded by Colonel Godard. In
operation in 1982. The GMCA was active throughout August 1953, Sassi re-enrolled for a second tour in
the Indochina and the Algeria wars. Indochina, joining the GMCA in Laos. Alongside Prince
Touby, spiritual and military leader of the Hmong, he
SDECE Weapons & Equipment organized several Hmong partisan groups.

• SSTR-1, radio (concealed in a suitcase) Sassi participated in operation Desperado, marching a

• Type 3 MK 2 clandestine radio Hmong relief column to Điện Biên Phủ. He also served
• Midget Radio (hidden in a book) in Algeria, where he was promoted to the rank colonel.
• SRC 300 walkie-talkie In 1971, he left the military after 33 years of service.
• First aid kit
• Fake IDs, passports, ration cards, and counterfeit
• Commando Dagger
• Nambu type 14 Pistol
• Luger P08 and Walter PPK (captured from German
forces during WW2)
• M1A1 Carabine
• Sten submachine gun
• MAT 48 submachine gun
• Mk2 grenade
• Explosives

Confidential Information

SDECE Hooks To this, Florian has enlisted a small crew of men from
the Sûreté Générale Indochinoise. Men he deemed
to be trustworthy. Men that he felt may be above the
HOOK: Operation X corruption of men and mythos. This team was dubbed
Les Anges Descendants and were given carte blanche
There are covert operations, and then there is Operation by the Deputy Director to interrogate and torture if
X. The Colonel has appointed me, Trinquier, as the Chef need be anyone suspected of having involvement in
de Mission for what could well be the most bizarre the occult. Florian hoped his task force could access
operation ever conducted by the SDECE in Indochina. information that might lead him closer to discovering
I have to buy large quantities of the poppy from our just what this shadowy organization was, and to what
Hmong allies, transfer the production through Laos, end were its machinations.
and then identified distributors for the local and
international markets.

I have organized a GCMA to oversee the first part of the

operation and deal directly with Touby Ly Phoung, the
Hmong chieftain. We use a Douglas DC-3 twin-engine
aircraft from the Plain of Jars to transport the cargo
back to Saigon (a private airfield in Cap-Saint-Jacques).
Our record to date is 1.5 tonnes of opium. Once the
drugs arrive in Saigon, we separate the products for our
distributors. Nearly 500 kilos are sent to the “Grand
Monde,” a gambling house in the Chinatown of Saigon
held by the Binh Xuyen.

Even if we only organize 2 to 3 deliveries per year, we

are accumulating large sums of money that are used
for other unsanctioned operations.

HOOK: The Partnership

During the early decades of the 20th century, the Jean Sassi
SDECE’s precursor, the 2nd Bureau, relied heavily on
local law enforcement agencies in French colonies
to conduct operations on its behalf. In the 1920s, the
Sûreté Générale Indochinoise - a brutal and militaristic
police force designed to suppress political and religious
dissent in the colony – was called upon a great many
times to assist the intelligence bureau.

Through deep undercover investigations in various

subversive circles, the 2nd Bureau has learned of the
existence of a shadowy organization. The Leadership
of this organization seems perpetually obfuscated, and
from the limited intelligence gathered, it appears that
this organization has permeated levels of government,
military, and industry. Concern is growing that this
organization uses the occult to exert its influence, and
suspicions have it that even the mighty 2nd Bureau
may be corrupted.

Florian Cadieux, a Deputy Director of the Deuxième

Bureau, has taken it upon himself to eliminate the
suspected corruption in his organization and determine
if the cause is influenced by the otherworldly.

Red Napoleon’s Vanguard

A Different Perspective with other regiments to form the 308th, a “Capital

Division” drawn from Hanoi and the surrounding areas.
Red Napoleon’s Vanguard allows Operation Desperado to The elite 308th Division initially received training in
be played from the perspective of the Việt Minh faction. It Southern China and has been well supplied.
also enables roleplaying the scenario for two groups, one
French and one Vietnamese, concurrently or even head-
to-head. If the scenario is being played concurrently or Prior to the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ, the 308th Division
head-to-head, the Keeper(s) run each Player Faction was operating in the Tai Highlands, where they
group through their respective scenes, bringing the engaged French forces on the Plain of Jars in Laos. The
groups together when appropriate. The Keeper(s) Plain of Jars consists of thousands of Neolithic stone
should keep track when investigators’ actions modify jars scattered about the central plains of Xianghoang
the setting. For example, if the GCMA Faction fix the Plateau and provides an excellent scenario seed.
power generators, repair communications equipment,
or leave an airlock door open, the information should Like the French investigators in Operation Desperado,
be conveyed to the Việt Minh Investigators when they investigators playing Red Napoleon’s Vanguard may
reach the relevant locations. elect to clash with the French forces that have infiltrated
the bunker, or work with them to defeat a greater
Getting the Investigators Involved cosmic Mythos threat.

Việt Minh faction investigators are commandos of the

88th Infantry Regiment of the 308th Division.
The 308th Division, known as General Giap’s “Quan Tien
Phong” or “Vanguard.” The 88th Infantry Regiment was
formed in January of 1946, and in 1950 it was consolidated

Operation Desperado Red Napoleon’s Vanguard
Camp Demarcation The Red Napoleon
Flight Nectar Quebec 399 is not Eliane Weeps
The March to DZ Condor Crossing the Nam Yum
Through Enemy Lines Drop Zone Natasha
Anne-Marie’s Last Kiss Anne-Marie’s Ghost
Inside the Bunker Inside the Bunker
(Việt Minh Faction)
Epilogue: Escaping Điện Biên Phủ Epilogue: Meet the Enemy

Võ Nguyên Giáp

The Red Napoleon

Time: Late April Nguyên Giáp confidently studies a field map of the
Location: Cave Bunker North East of Điện Biên Phủ. region written in French; the General has added a few
Lead outs: Eliane Weeps Vietnamese annotations to various strategic locations.
Purpose: Introduce investigators who are members of A crystal ashtray filled with discarded cigarettes pins a
the Việt Minh Player Faction. General Giap and Colonel corner of the map to a rickety wooden table. Colonel
Vu brief the investigators on a dangerous mission in Vương Thừa Vũ, a man in his early 40s like the General,
Điện Biên Phủ. drags on a cigarette with his long, thin lips, before
smothering it.

Việt Minh Field HQs are set up inside a hidden cave The school history teacher turned General is an
bunker set into a short mountain ridge roughly two awe-inspiring sight. General Võ Nguyên Giáp has
dozen kilometers from Điện Biên Phủ. The investigators led the Việt Minh to victories never before thought
assemble inside the bunker’s entrance at the request possible, and he has the air about him to do so again.
of their commanding officers. The enemy calls him the “Red Napoleon,” and it is a
fitting name.
The entryway into the command center is blocked by Colonel Vương Thừa Vũ serves as the commandant of
two bulky sentries. The first looks like he manages to the 308th “vanguard” infantry division, including the
eat twice the allotted rations; the other looks like he elite commandos of the 88th regiment. The Colonel is
ate another person. The sentries tell the investigators well respected amongst the soldiers, having trained
they have to wait patiently here by the entrance until with the 88th regiment in Southern China, even before
they are called by the General. the founding of the 308th Division in 1950, and has a
reputation for fully exploiting the competencies and
Keepers should ask the players to introduce their capabilities of his soldiers.
investigators, including their names, known skill sets
and any “nick names” they may have earned. Ask them General Giap looks up at the small group of
to flesh out how they have come to know each other. commandos assembled before him and then nods
Further promote this opportunity to roleplay by calling to the Colonel. The Colonel clears his throat and
on a player to describe the exterior of the bunker, begins a mission briefing.
before the guards inform them that the General is
ready to see them.

Cigarette smoke clouds the air in the small bunker

carved from solid limestone. The young General Võ

The following details are explained during the briefing: Conversations with Private Tran

• The French have set up defensive outposts in Điện Private Tran can be found outside the bunker, sitting on
Biên Phủ late 1953; the outposts are named after a rock, trying her best to read a weathered paperback
French women. novel that has turned yellow with age. She is in such
• On March 13 and 14th, we took the two northernmost a mental state that she can’t seem to get past the first
outposts, Béatrice and Gabrielle, respectively. paragraph of the first page. Speaking with her only
• The northwestern outpost is known as Anne-Marie. A requires initiative on the part of the investigators.
Tai informant told us they assigned a few Legionnaires Private Tran is a young woman originally born in a
and a unit of Tai partisan troops to Anne-Marie, so village just outside of Hanoi. She has a disheveled
we started to distribute propaganda leaflets in the Tai appearance and seems to carry the weight of the world
language. On the foggy morning of March 17th, many on her shoulder. Her personnel records reveal her
of their Tai soldiers defected. The Colonel ordered an to be a commended soldier and true believer in the
infantry company to take Anne-Marie. We took the communist struggle for liberation from capitalist and
position before noon. However, one of our platoons bourgeois oppressors.
made a shocking discovery.
• (Core Clue) The French built Anne-Marie on top of a Upon inquiry, Private Tran will tell a disjointed tale
decade old, forgotten buried Japanese bunker. Once involving a shootout on the north side of Anne-Marie
their position was overrun, some of the surviving with French soldiers who fled down a steel ladder and
French soldiers attempted to retreat into the Japanese into an underground bunker.
bunker. There was a firefight and our forces prevailed,
at first. Details are sketchy at this point, but the Private Tran’s account: “I dropped a grenade in the
entire platoon was wiped out, save for one soldier hole, which then ended the firefight. When there was
who swears that the dead French soldiers turned into no more noise, I caught my breath and drank water
“hopping vampires.” This soldier, Private Tran, can from my canteen. A few squad mates went down
give you an account, although his mental condition into the bunker to confirm the death of the French
must be questioned. soldiers. They came back, gave the all clear, and then
• Local sources have since told us multiple stories of sat down to rest for a moment. Then the French men,
how their friends and family members went missing some missing eyes and arms and other body parts,
near the end of the war. Some think the Japanese climbed up and out of the hole to seek retribution.
army kidnapped them. They came back as vengeful ‘hopping vampires’.
• (Core Clue) A few nights ago, we successfully shot
down an American airplane transporting French We had to fight them with everything we had. We
commandos headed for this theatre. We believe their used all our ammunition and resorted to hacking
objective was to infiltrate the Japanese bunker at these monsters, these vampires with combat knives
Anne-Marie, although we do not know why. Some and shovels. The vampires dragged down all of my
of those commandos managed to parachute out of squad mates but I fought until I was the last one
the plane before it went down. All except one of the standing. When the fighting was over, I just ran. I’m
survivors evaded capture. That survivor is in our not sure but I think that another squad sealed up the
custody and awaiting your interrogation. bunker after I fled; at least that’s what the Colonel
• General Giap provides the investigators with a map of has told me.”
Điện Biên Phủ, including markings for each outpost.
General Giap encourages the investigators to study Investigators making a successful Psychology roll
the map carefully, as the mission requires infiltrating determine that Private Tran believes her account to
the enemy lines and entering a bunker buried under be accurate and truthful. The minute details in Private
the Anne-Marie outpost. General Giap expects the Tran’s story make it more likely true than not; there
investigators to plan accordingly. is good reason to believe that something caused the
dead French soldiers to get up again and attack again.
The Orders: The investigators’ mission is to infiltrate Investigators making an Extreme Psychology success
the Japanese Bunker at Anne-Marie and then to find and are able to get Private Tran to recount a particular
destroy whatever the French Commandos are seeking. disturbing detail: dozens of aggressive white slugs
Deny the enemy their objective. To carry out these crawled across the skin of the fallen French soldiers.
orders, the investigators are instructed to accompany Investigators making a successful Psychoanalysis roll
Colonel Vu to the forward command post in trenches are able to calm Private Tran and convince her that
just east of Điện Biên Phủ. Once the investigators are there is a rational explanation for what she experienced.
ready to proceed, Colonel Vu will create a diversion by The investigators conclude that the “hopping vampires”
coordinating an attack against Eliane and Dominique. is Private Tran’s fantasy rationalization for her traumatic

experience, and that such rationalization was drawn from ghost Private Tran, Sapper, 301 Infantry
stories prevalent in North Vietnam and Southern China. Investigators Division, 88th Regiment,
making a Hard Psychoanalysis roll are able to help Private Tran STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU
understand that somewhere deep down she knows she did not 60 70 50 70 60 50 50 50
experience hopping vampires or vengeful ghosts. Investigators
making a Hard success may also be able to convince Private Tran
to face her fears by joining the investigators in their mission. 35 12

Interrogating the Captive Commando M1 Garand: 50% 2D6+4 110 Yards, 1/round,
8 rounds in magazine, Mal 100
Fighting (Brawl): 75%, fist 1D3+db
The Việt Minh keep the captured GCMA operative in a small cell deep Throw: 50%
in their cave bunker. Investigators will have no problem conducting Demolitions + 30%
an interrogation of the Commando, provided they are able to speak Dodge: 35%
the captive’s language.

The Captive Commando could be any one of the NPCs set out in The Geomancer - Phong thủy is the
the Operation Desperado scene “Flight Nectar Quebec 399 is not ancient art of aligning natural energy
responding.” We would recommend: patterns and forces with the body and
dwelling places of humans. It’s often used
• John R. Smith, US Army Advisor; to determine appropriate orientation
• Bernard “Bernie” Roussel, Radio Operator, 6th Colonial and placement of buildings, however
Parachute Battalion (BPC); or the science extends to all aspects of life
• Alejandro Reyes, Sniper, 1st Foreign Parachute Battalion (BEP) and society.

Keepers who are running concurrent or head-to-head Player My Phong thủy teacher is Nguyễn Tất
Factions are advised to be careful in not choosing an NPC who Đạt. Đạt is Hồ Chí Minh and provides
died “on screen.” his expertise and knowledge to rich and
poor alike. Recently, Dat has learned of
Upon interrogation by the investigators, the captured GCMA a great misalignment of ley lines near a
commando provides only his name, rank and serial number. Further village in the Red Lands of Cochinchina.
interrogation leads only to a mention of “Operation Desperado.” Occult +5%
Investigators succeeding on an Intimidation roll are able to obtain
the commando’s specific orders (see Handout: #1 Orders). In the
event the investigators succeed on a Hard roll, they have captured a
SDECE agent whose orders include finding a meteorite and bringing
back samples of whatever was in the lab. Investigators succeeding
on an Extreme roll have captured a former SS officer currently in
the employ of Herman Hellinker. The captive officer not only has
orders to obtain a live Bhole specimen but has some idea as to how
such specimens might be put to use.

Eliane Weeps

Location: Điện Biên Phủ, just east of Eliane The Colonel has access to all of the same intelligence
Lead ins: The Red Napoleon gathered by the investigators. He believes that the bunker
Lead outs: Crossing the Nam Yum must contain a valuable military asset because the French
Purpose: Colonel Vu arranges for a diversion. forces would not have dispatched elite commandos
Investigators witness the destructive capabilities of otherwise. The Colonel, having been the target of a failed
modern conventional weapons before sneaking past assassination attempt, sees the French commandos
enemy lines. as the greatest threat to the investigators. He doesn’t
believe in hopping vampires or vengeful ghosts.

Morning sun has yet to rise. After a week-long lull in While the investigators interact with the Colonel, the
the fighting, the Việt Minh soldiers on the front lines sound of diesel engines can be heard from behind a
and in the trenches are itching for a fight. There is nearby hill. Members of the 88th Regiment’s Mobile
a palpable buzz in the air, as the NCOs bark orders Artillery company drive two Russian trucks, with
and the soldiers prepare for combat. rectangular frames and racks of rockets, down a gravel
Flashes of light and the sounds of accompanying
explosions mark the beginning of an assault. A few The 88th regiment has been entrusted with the mobile
machine gun tracer bullets streak overhead, and rifle Katyusha rockets obtained from the Russians, and they
reports are heard all along the line. A few squads intend to put them to good use. Once the trucks are
jump out of the trenches. One comrade makes it into situated on a hill and within range of Eliane, the Việt
the French trenches, and then scrambles up a wall Minh launch a devastating barrage of rockets. The
of sandbags. She waives a red flag back and forth, pitched sounds of rockets and the white flares that trail
encouraging others to follow her lead, before being each rocket command the attention of all combatants
mowed down in a hail of bullets. on the field. The launch of the Katyusha make for an
awe-inspiring spectacle.
The 308th infantry unit is launching attacks against
Outposts Eliane and Dominique from the east. Once the racks of rockets upon each truck are expended,
the attending soldiers move about quickly in attempt
The wide Nam Yum River, visible even from the Việt to reload the racks. Many minutes pass, and just before
Minh trenches, winds slowly and methodically behind one of the trucks is ready to fire again, it explodes in a
Outposts Eliane and Dominque. The Japanese bunker massive fireball as multiple artillery rounds converge
lies hidden under Outpost Anne-Marie, on the other upon it. The French have destroyed it using a “TOT”
side of the river. (time on target) strike.

Colonel Vu has accompanied the investigators into the Investigators may react to this bombardment. The
trenches. The Colonel makes great effort to boost the French artillery bombardment will continue for a very
morale of the investigators. Investigators succeeding long minute, expanding the target area to include
on a Persuade or Credit Rating roll are able to obtain nearby trenches. Investigators failing to take cover
any material support the Colonel can reasonably must make a Dodge roll or be struck with shrapnel
spare. Supplies are short all the way around, but at for 1D4 hit points.
the Keeper’s discretion, extra material support could
include grenades, explosives, machine guns and other After the artillery barrage concludes, French soldiers
firearms, extra ammunition, and other military surplus begin cheering and taunting the Việt Minh. Their
such as binoculars, flare guns, flashlights and inflatable celebration is cut short with a muffled explosion and
rafts. Investigators succeeding on a Psychology roll get the collapse of Eliane’s ramparts. Việt Minh sappers
the feeling the Colonel does not expect to see them have successfully detonated a mine under Eliane 2,
alive again. bringing down its defensive structures. The Colonel
turns a sly smile to the investigators and tells them
that the explosion is their signal to slip across enemy
lines and cross the river.

Crossing the Nam Yum Injured French Legionnaire
50 50 50 50 50 40 60 50

18 3
Time Stamp: Late April 1954.
Location: Nam Yum river Fighting (Brawl): 30%, fist 1D3
M1 Garand Rifle: 60% 2D6+4
Lead ins: Eliane Weeps
Lead outs: Drop Zone Natasha (Optional), Anne-Marie’s Ghost
Purpose: Investigators cross a wide river on the way to their objective.

Battle rages just south of the investigators, as they move through

body-filled trenches, over ruined ramparts, and past a collapsed
pillbox. Ask if the investigators are attempting to sneak or run past
enemy lines. Investigators sneaking through the enemy lines must
make a Stealth roll or be spotted by an injured French Legionnaire
pulling himself out of the wrecked pillbox. Investigators running
through the enemy lines must make a Luck roll or be spotted;
investigators with a Move of 9 or greater gain advantage on this roll.

Reeds and cattail grow along the Nam Yum. Although the Nam
Yum moves slowly, it is wide and deep and presents a challenge
to traverse. Occasionally, French soldiers and Việt Minh corpses
drift by the group. Investigators making a successful Listen roll
hear fighting off in the distance; the fighting is too far away to be
of concern. The investigators do not identify any immediate threats
beyond the inherent threat of drowning.

The sun is threatening to take to the sky. An artillery pitted airfield

awaits the investigators on the other side of the river. Crossing the
open airfield will be easier in the dark.

Investigators may attempt to swim across the Nam Yum or raft

across. Investigators swimming across must make a successful
Swimming roll or lose 1 hit point and be caught in the current
that takes them 30 yards down river. An investigator failing their
swimming roll may attempt another Swimming role on their next
turn. Investigators with an inflatable raft may cross the river without
incident. Investigators attempting to build a make-shift raft must
succeed on an Art/Craft (Boat Making), Survival (River) roll or a
Hard Art/Craft (Wood Working), Mechanical Repair or similar roll.
Investigators failing on this attempt to fashion a raft will not realize
their failure until they are already well into the river. They must
make a Hard Swimming roll or lose 1 hit point and be caught in the
current that takes them 30 yards down river. Investigators rolling a
Critical failure on their attempt to fashion a raft are caught-up in
their sinking raft and must make an Extreme Swimming roll or lose
1 hit point and be caught in the current that takes them 30 yards
down river. The investigators failing their first swimming roll may
attempt another normal Swimming roll on their next turn.

There are, of course, other means of crossing the river, including

for example, sending the group’s strongest swimmer to the other
side with a tow line. Keepers should reward strong plans and punish
weak ones.

French Legionnaire Sniper

50 50 60 50 50 50 50

50 10
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
M1 Garand: 50% 2D6+4 110 Yards, 1/round,
8 rounds in magazine, Mal 100
Time Stamp: Late April 1954.
Dodge: 30
Location: Điện Biên Phủ, Drop Zone Natasha
Skills: Spot Hidden 50%, Stealth 50% Lead outs: Anne-Marie’s Ghost
Languages: French 50%, Vietnamese 10% Purpose: Challenge the investigators.

The French call the artillery-pocked landing strip in the heart of

Điện Biên Phủ “Drop Zone Natasha.” It is an open field that can be
easily observed from the nearby outposts. Investigators may make
Wounded Legionnaire Staff Sargent
a Science (Military) roll with advantage to know that it would be
STR CON SIZ DEX INT APP POW EDU dangerous for them to be caught in an open field like this one in
50 50 50 50 60 50 50 60 broad daylight.
The investigators are currently crouching in tall grass not far from
40 3
the river shore. Outpost Huguette overlooks the runway and is
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3
Sten SMG: 50% 1D10+2, 15 yards, 1(3)(full)/ immediately opposite from the current position of the investigators.
round, 30 mag, 96 mal Outpost Anne-Marie is to the north west of the runway and is visible
from the investigators’ current position.
Investigators looking for threats will spot a sniper hiding in a short
tower overlooking the airstrip with a successful Spot Hidden
roll. From the embankment, the short tower is 150 yards away.
Võ Nguyên Giáp - Võ Nguyên Giáp Investigators using binoculars or a scope gain advantage on this roll.
started his professional career as a Assuming the investigators reach Drop Zone Natasha before the
history professor and French language morning light, they can sneak across the runway with a successful
professor. He loved to study the Stealth roll. Investigators failing this roll are spotted by the sniper.
biographies of famous generals and Investigators who suffered a serious mishap in a prior scene may
revolutionaries; Napoleon in particular. reach this location just as the sun rises. Sneaking across the runway
Giáp never had any military training. on their bellies requires two successful Stealth rolls and is extremely
Leading armies is something he learned time consuming.
on-the-job. With the help of extensive
supplies and armaments from China in Investigators running across the landing strip become a target for
starting in 1949, Giáp would lead the the sniper, and the airstrip is devoid of cover. The sniper will shoot
rag-tag forces of Việt Minh to become at any targets, so long as they remain in range.
a force that would shake nations. Giáp
become known as one of the 20th Investigators may also explore the idea of making a sacrifice. If an
centuries greatest generals. Giáp’s life investigator or friendly NPC charges at the tower, the remaining
was dedicated first to the liberation of investigators may be able to reach a collection of crates and steel
Vietnam, and second, to the overthrow shipping containers on the far north-western side of the landing
of reactionaries, regressive elements, strip. The crates and containers would provide sufficient cover
and any nationalist faction who does not from the sniper.
100% align with the Communist Party
of Vietnam. Investigators electing to assault the short tower in force will suffer
the sniper’s attacks until they cross the landing strip. The sniper has
I was a student of Giáp and took his barricaded himself and a wounded NCO into the tower; both will
course on the History of the French fight to the death. The French still hold Huguette, and investigators
Revolution. who remain in the vicinity after killing these two Legionnaires will
History +5% find themselves hunted by a full platoon of competent Legionnaires.

Anne-Marie’s Mangled Reanimated Legionnaire

Ghost 40

40 50 40 - - 10 0

0 6
Fighting (Brawl): 50%, fist 1D3

SAN loss: 0/1D3

Time Stamp: Late April 1954.
Location: Điện Biên Phủ, Anne-Marie
Lead outs: Inside the Bunker (Việt Minh Faction)
Purpose: Once investigators arrive at Anne-Marie, they find La Lutte - The Việt Minh campaigned
abandoned pillboxes, empty machine gun nests, and trenches filled against both colonialism and fascism. As
with bodies of both French and Việt Minh combatants. Thereafter, a popular front, it was controlled by the
the investigators find the north entrance to the Japanese bunker. “orthodox” Communist Party. However,
within its ranks were an assortment of
other communist and nationalist factions.
The defensive position of Anne-Marie was defended by a battalion One faction of Trotskyist Communists,
of Tai auxiliaries (BT3) and a mixed mortar platoon from the French led by the charismatic Tạ Thu Thâu
Legion (2e CMMLE). A series of trenches and dugouts were erected and Nguyễn An Ninh, started a French
on a small hill. Wood and bamboo were used to reinforce foxholes. language revolutionary newspaper, “La
As evidenced by the wreckage, Anne-Marie was unable to withstand Lutte.” (roughly, Trotskyists believed that
a precise and direct artillery bombardment. Artillery bombardment Communism should transcend national
turned Anne-Marie’s trenches and dugouts into graves. identity in a “permanent revolution”).
Thâu and Ninh used their newspaper as
The elevated position is flanked by numerous offensive trenches a platform to organize workers against
dug by Việt Minh sappers. The trenches offered staging bases before capitalist oppressors. The main challenge
assaults. Some feature abandoned makeshift field hospitals and to their plan was that during the paper’s
ammunition depots. Between trenches and the Anne-Marie lies a no- publication, there were very few non-
man’s land filled with debris of all sorts. Bodies resting in grotesque agricultural workers in Vietnam, and
postures. A shoeless foot sticks out from the ground, a few feet in most potential proletarian supporters
front of the investigators. Artillery barrages and sapper work have could not read French.
completely transformed the area into a battlefield reminiscent of WW1.
I’m a reporter for La Lutte. I write about
If Private Tran is with the investigators, she is able to escort them atrocities committed against Vietnamese
directly to the north entrance of the Japanese bunker. If not, workers in mines, on the docks, and in
investigators may find the north entrance of the Japanese bunker by rubber processing factories.
succeeding on a Navigation roll and probing recently dug trenches. Persuade +5%
If the investigators fail their Navigation rolls, they find the north
entrance, but not without first making a disturbance that draws (Note: Thâu is executed by the Việt Minh
the attention of a badly mangled Reanimated Legionnaire up the in 1945 and Ninh dies in a French prison
ladder towards the sealed entrance that the investigators will soon in 1943
breach, creating a possible jump scare scene initiated by flesh that
should be dead and still.

Note: Although a Bhole slug continues to feed upon this victim’s

brain and spinal cord, it will not immediately exit the body once it
becomes uninhabitable. It crawls out of the body’s open wounds,
nose or other orifices a few minutes to several hours after it has
collapsed under the investigator’s attack.

Event VM1: Infected Rat

55 35 70 - - 50 -

(Viet Minh Faction)
- 10
Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: Rats attack with teeth and
Location: Tonkin Highlands, Ban Keo village ruins
Fighting 40%, damage 1D3
Overwhelm (mnvr), damage 2D6 Lead ins: Anne-Marie’s Ghost
Dodge 42% Purpose: Based on intelligence provided by Private Tran, the
investigators access the North entrance of the Japanese compound.
Although Bholes are prone to look for bigger Upon entering the bunker, investigators will become exposed to
hosts, we do not recommend revealing their cosmic horror in the form of Bholes that reanimate the dead in the
existence at this stage. maze-like complex.

Uncle Ho - When he was a young man, Handouts: #4 Japanese writing & historical background
before he became a liberator of the
Vietnamese people, Nguyễn Tất Thành The North Entrance
(aka Hồ Chí Minh) worked as a baker
aboard ships and at luxury hotels in the Bunker architects built a secondary exit in the village of Ban Keo.
United States, England, and France. He Japanese troops expropriated the inhabitants. Today, only charred
traveled the world on his own, making remains stand where the village once stood. Both French engineers
money where he could. This man, who and Vietnamese sappers encountered the entrance while digging
was trained in French literature and trenches; neither entered the Japanese bunker until Private Tran’s
classical Chinese poetry, made some squad chased fleeing Legionnaires down the hole. Command ordered
coin cleaning dishes and scrubbing the vertical tunnel entrance sealed with wooden planks after Private
ship decks. Through his travels, he Tran’s incident was reported. There are no locks or intricate system
came to know African-American civil to prevent entry; a sign in Vietnamese reads: “Entrance Forbidden.”
rights movement leaders in the USA and
communist intellectuals in France. A ladder leads ten feet underground to a small earth-dug room. The
room is shrouded in darkness. A few metal cases are neatly stacked
When I was young, I was a cook on a in the corner of the room. If investigators point their flashlights on
ship with Thành. He was working his the cases, they notice Japanese characters painted in red.
way over to France, where, it could be
said, he began his political career as Investigators making a successful Japanese language roll or a
one of the founding members of the Hard Chinese language roll are able to read the following Japanese
French Communist Party. I would say inscription:Unit 731, Japanese Imperial Army
we were friends, though now there are
just too many years that separate us. With a successful, subsequent History roll, investigators are aware
I kept traveling through my life, and of the Imperial Army Unit 731 conducting covert biological and
saw many things. Eventually I wound chemical warfare experiments through WW2.
up in the employ of Victor Sassoon
in Shanghai. Sassoon gave me a task The North Corridor
to travel to Vietnam and warn Thành
about the time traveling Nguoi Rung. A small corridor leads to a wider, larger area about 6 to 7 feet wide.
The leader of the movement must be The corridor meanders for a good 30 yards. There are several
informed about the dangers of working construction tools, sand, and water barrels to create cement. It
with those time traveling man eaters. seems the occupants of the bunker ran out of time to complete
Mythos +5% this section.

With a successful Spot Hidden or Listen roll, investigators distinguish

a few decomposed corpses. They notice a pair of yellow eyes of what
looks like an oversized rat feeding on a corpse.

The Intersection Vichy French Prisoner


An intersection would have once led to the ammunition depot and
60 50 40 80 - 10 10 -
Eastern Corridor if one would have continued straight. Turning
to the west, the corridor connects with the prison cells. A recent SAN HP
artillery barrage has completely blocked the eastern corridor, leaving - 17
only one option for the investigators.
Fighting (Brawl): 80%, fist 1D3 + 1 slug
Dodge: 30
Event VM2: The sound of the reanimated
A loud shriek resonates throughout the corridor. Whatever lies
ahead vaguely sounded human. With a successful Listen roll,
investigators also hear the sound of metal bars or a cage rattle.
Investigators should roll a SAN Check or suffer a loss of (0/1).
Bholes (one slug exits the prisoner)
Room 41 – Torture Chamber 5 5 5 40 - - 20 -

A few leather aprons and thick pairs of plastic gloves are hung on SAN HP
hooks outside the door. Another dossier outside the door indicates - 1
that the prisoner was test subject 4C.
POW 20 HP 1
Fighting attacks: n/a. Bholes will try to enter
a new host.
Move: 5
Event VM3: Vichy French Prisoner
Suddenly the door shakes. Someone is pounding the door from
the inside of the cell. The banging stops. If investigators decide
to open the door, a man is standing in the middle of the room,
looking at the floor. He’s wearing what looks like military fatigues
and a metal choker. The prisoner was clearly chained to the walls
but managed to break free. Incredibly, the man is still standing and
doesn’t show decomposition signs even though he’s been dead
for close to 10 years. His skin is very pale, and in some areas, he
exhibits signs of scabies (microscopic creatures that have been
feeding on him for a while). Suddenly he raises his head and lunges
at the investigators.

An old car battery and cables sit on a small table along one of the
walls. A whip and buckets full of stagnant water are also present.
Investigators with military experience are able to determine that the
man in military fatigues wears the shoulder insignia of Vichy France
security forces who provided military police duties in Indochina
until 1945 when the Japanese troops invaded the country.

With a successful Medicine roll, investigators retrieve the following

• No communication can be established.
• The man was tortured before being infected.
• He was probably infected right after death as there is almost no
sign of decomposition.

French Commando Room 40 – Prison Cells
50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 Half a dozen low-ceiling prison cells. Outside each prison door, a
dossier is visible in a wooden rack. Mites and other insects have
severely damaged the paper documents inside the cardboard folders.
18 10 Investigators would be able to make out some numbers on two
Fighting (Brawl): 60%, fist 1D3 less-damaged folders: 5A and 6B.
Sten SMG: 60% 1D10+2, 15 yards, 1(3)(full)/
round, 30 mag, 96 mal
The heavy wooden doors all have a sliding window grill allowing a
Dodge: 30
quick peek inside the cell. There are 4 corpses in the cell, burned. They
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Navigate 50%, were probably left behind when the Japanese evacuated the base.
Spot Hidden 75%, Stealth 50%, Survival
(Jungle) 50% Room 39 – Airlock
Languages: French 50%, Vietnamese 25%
A short corridor from the lab leads to another airlock. It is identical
to Room 32. Keepers have the option to include GCMA event #10.

Room 38 - Extraction room

Event VM4: The Confrontation

As the Investigators approach, they hear the sounds of a pitched
battle and screaming. The Việt Minh have caught up to the GCMA.

Investigators see in the back of the room a 7-foot-tall humanoid

creature. Investigators notice the legs have meshed together. The
Bholes’ secretion has bonded the legs together and transformed
them into a slug-like tail. The creature’s chest is still human. It
wears a piece of a lab coat. Investigators succeeding on a Spot
Hidden roll notice half a dozen Bholes moving on the creature’s
arm and face. Investigators should roll a SAN check (0/1D8).

GCMA forces face off against Toyama Nagahiro.

The Việt Minh faction investigators may decide to fight both foes
or unite with the GCMA and destroy the bunker. Keepers can
also decide to have additional reanimated escaping prison cells
to attack the Việt Minh investigators from behind, encouraging
the two groups to unite their efforts against the Mythos.

If the group is not playing the scenario concurrently or head-to-

head, the GCMA forces are French Commandos equal in number
to Việt Minh faction investigators (See statistics below). Provided
further, if the Việt Minh faction Investigators decide to engage
with the GCMA, Keepers may choose to have some of the deceased
GCMA rise as Reanimated.

Epilogue: Meet the Enemy

Death to Us All
Some possible outcomes after the Confrontation
include: Việt Minh and GCMA faction forces fail to defeat
Toyama Nagahiro and the Bholes. The investigators
United they Stand suffer a TPK or similar crushing defeat. Keepers may
reload by running a sequel scenario in which the new
Việt Minh and GCMA faction forces work together to batch of investigators are challenged to clean up the
defeat the Mythos threat of Toyama Nagahiro and the mess left behind by the old batch of investigators.
Bholes. Humankind is spared. As long as the uneasy
truce holds, the investigators escape the Japanese Bhole Plague
Bunker at Điện Biên Phủ.
A surviving investigator in possession of a live Bhole
Fire in the Hole specimen intentionally or unintentionally releases the
Bhole above ground, causing a global catastrophe of
Việt Minh or GCMA faction forces detonate explosives apocalyptic proportions. Keepers may elect to run a
sufficient to collapse the bunker and kill or trap follow up scenario in which investigators race against
whatever Mythos threats it contains. The Investigators time to stop a global Bhole plague.
sacrifice themselves to save humankind.

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Vu Hao Hang Gender F Age 28

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Propaganda Unit #1 Birthplace Hanoi
Characteristics HP
50 25 60 30 40 20 50 25 60 30 80 40 60 30 70 35
10 12 8 10 12 16 12 14
Damage Bonus None Move 9
Drives 60
Although Vu Hao Hang Þrst joined the Viet Minh to Luck
avenge her father, she is now convinced communism is
the only vehicle to break the colonial bond.
Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Library Use (20%)
Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

50 25
Art/ Craft (05%) Firearms
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot Hidden (25%)
Firearms 60 30
Medicine (01%) Stealth (20%) 40 20
(Rifle)(25%) 12 8
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) 50 25
( Jungle )
50 25
10 10

Charm (15%) 75 37
First Aid (30%) 50 25
Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)
15 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) 70 35

Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 10

5  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
2 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) 60 30
50 25 Language (Other)(00%)
60 30 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( )
10 ( German ) 12

Dodge (Half DEX) French 40 20

Psychology (10%) 30 15
8 6

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis 6 3

(01%) 1

Elec Repair (10%)

( Vietnamese
70 35
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
StG 44 AR (8mm) 60 30 12 2d6 110 1(3)(full) 30 97

Other Equipment
Post cards of East Germany Major Wound
Original works of Karl Marx Temp Insane
Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Ly Vinh Long Gender M Age 28

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Viet Minh Commando Birthplace Hanoi
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 80 40 65 32 50 25 50 25 65 32
10 10 10 16 13 10 10 13
Damage Bonus None Move 8
Drives 50
Defend Vietnam from her enemies. Bring glory to my family’s name.

Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%)
Science (01%) 40 20
( Sapping ) 8

Anthropology (01%) Fighting 40 20

Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 8

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) 50 25

Sleight Of Hand (10%)
40 20
10 8
Art/ Craft (05%)
( )
Firearms 60 30
Mech. Repair (10%) 40
Spot Hidden (25%) 45 22
(Handgun)(20%) 12 8 9
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 40 20
(Rifle)(25%) 8
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
30 15

Charm (15%) 50 25
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%)

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%) 60 30


Credit Rating (00%) 20

10  Op. Hv. Machine
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 (01%)
Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%) Demolitions 70 35
Language (Other)(00%) Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( ) ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Repair (10%) 50
25 Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec Ride (05%)
10 ( )

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Type 14 Nambu Pistol (8mm) 60 30 12 1d8 15 1(3) 7 97
Combat Knife 40 20 8 1d4+2+db 1
Dynamite 4d10/3 yards 1 1 99

Other Equipment
Folding shovel Major Wound
Blasting Cap x1
Temp Insane
Batteries Injuries & Phobias
Dynamite (3 sticks)

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Tien Du Gender F Age 32

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Viet Minh Commando Birthplace Hanoi
Characteristics HP
50 25 50 25 50 25 70 35 70 35 50 25 50 25 70 35
10 10 10 14 14 10 10 14
Damage Bonus Move
Drives 50
I am a member of the Viet Minh, and I have dedicated myself to the Luck
liberation of my people from imperialist rule.

Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting
Library Use (20%)
40 20
(Brawl)(25%) 8

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%)

Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 30
Firearms 15
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 6
Firearms 70 35
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 14 10
Survival (10%)
Natural World (10%) ( )
Charm (15%) 25 12
First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) 50 25
Swim (20%)
5 10

Climb (20%) History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%)

Credit Rating (00%) 20 50 50

10 25  Op. Hv. Machine 25
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 10 (01%) 10

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Language (Other)(00%)
40 20 Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( French ) ( )

Dodge (Half DEX) English 40 20

Psychology (10%)

Drive (20%) Japanese 40 20  Psychoanalysis

8 (01%)
Language (Own)(EDU)
Elec Repair (10%) ( ) Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
StG 44 AR (8mm) 70 35 14 2d6 110 1(3)(full) 30 97

Other Equipment
Map of region Major Wound
Temp Insane
Pocket Knife
Note pad, pencil Injuries & Phobias

Journal d'Indochine Character Sheet
Name Tran Te Cong Gender M Age 40

Attach Lore Sheets and Other Documentation on Back Side

Occupation Viet Minh Commando Birthplace Hanoi
Characteristics HP
70 35 80 40 60 30 60 30 50 25 40 20 50 25 50 25
14 16 12 12 10 8 10 10
Damage Bonus +1d4 Move 8
Drives 59
I hate liars. The foreign colonial powers employ armies of liars. They use Luck
lies to oppress us. I’ve had enough of their lies, and I will do everything I
can to dispel the lies and vanquish the liars.

Science (01%)
Accounting (05%) Fast Talk (05%) Law (05%) ( )
Anthropology (01%) Fighting 70 35
Library Use (20%)
(Brawl)(25%) 14

Appraise (05%) Listen (20%) 40 20


Archaeology (01%) Locksmith (01%) Sleight Of Hand (10%)

Art/ Craft (05%)
Hidden (25%) 45
Firearms 22
( ) Mech. Repair (10%) Spot
(Handgun)(20%) 9
Firearms 60 30
Medicine (01%) Stealth(20%) 50 25
(Rifle)(25%) 12 10
Heavy Weapons 50 25
Natural World (10%)
Survival (10%)
10 ( )
Charm (15%) First Aid (30%) Navigate (10%) Swim (20%) 40 20

Climb (20%) 40 20
History (05%) Occult (05%) Throw (20%) 40 20
8 8

Credit Rating (00%) 20 60 30

10 30  Op. Hv. Machine 15
Intimidate (15%) Track (10%)
4 12 (01%) 6

Mythos (00%) Jump (20%) Persuade (10%)

Language (Other)(00%) Pilot(01%)
Disguise (05%) ( ) ( )
Dodge (Half DEX) Psychology (10%) 50 25

Drive (20%)  Psychoanalysis

Elec Repair (10%)
( Vietnamese
50 25
Ride (05%)

Weapon Reg Hard Ext Damage Range Atks Ammo Malf
unarmed 1d3+db touch
Truong dao (Vietnamese Falchion) 70 35 14 1d8+1+1d4
Mosin–Nagant m1891 60 30 12 2d6+4 110 1 5 100
Hand Grenades x2 40 20 8 4d10/3 yards STR/5 yards 1 1 99

Other Equipment
Bedroll Major Wound
Mess Kit
Temp Insane
2X days water rations
2X days food rations Injuries & Phobias

Confidential Information

Viet Minh Player Faction

Campaign Hook popular support for the cause while Võ Nguyên Giáp
recruits Vietnamese and minority tribesmen to conduct
The Việt Minh – full name Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh guerrilla raids.
Hoi – is the League for the Independence of Vietnam.
The independence movement was formed by Hồ Chí After the Chinese Communist Party takes over mainland
Minh in 1941 to fight for the liberation of Vietnam from China in 1949, the Việt Minh military will grow and re-
the Empire of Japan and French colonial rule. Although organize into 5 full infantry divisions equipped with
it serves as the umbrella front for all factions which the latest in military hardware from the Soviet Union.
oppose colonialists in Vietnam, the Việt Minh is wholly
controlled by the Indochinese Communist Party. The Following French surrender, Việt Minh ceases to exist,
military forces of the Việt Minh are directed by the replaced with the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) in
legendary general Võ Nguyên Giáp. In 1941, the Việt the north.
Minh started off with less than a hundred men, some
armed with breach-loading flintlock rifles. To grow the Viet Minh Faction Leaders
strength of his forces, Giáp and Hồ Chí Minh recruit
tribes men in the jungles near the Chinese border and Hồ Chí Minh, Võ Nguyên Giáp
later work with OSS operatives to train up their fighters.
While working with tribesmen, Giáp makes contact with Other Key Members of the Faction
the Nguoi Rung in the deep jungles. There he receives
dark visions of possible futures. Ho and Giáp know that • Lê Duẩn - Vietnamese politician and labor organizer
certain Mythos forces represent extreme dangers to who would establish the Viet Cong.
humanity. However, at the moment, they primarily fight • Trường Chinh – One of Hồ Chí Minh’s trusted circle
against foreign colonists who have virtually enslaved and the “ideological leader” of the Communist Party.
Vietnam for about a hundred years; Ho and Giáp will • Lê Đức Thọ, a general of the Việt Minh.
use any resource they can get to free their people. • Văn Tiến Dũng, military leader and second to Giáp.

Investigators working for the Việt Minh Faction are first Weapons & Equipment
and foremost revolutionaries who strive for the creation
of a free and independent Vietnam nation state. They Pre-1949
are soldiers, college revolutionaries, secret undercover • Type 14 8 mm Nambu Pistol
agents, labor leaders, and other agent provocateurs. • Type 38 rifle
Việt Minh faction investigators serve the dream of an • Mosin–Nagant M1944
established Vietnam, while fighting against imperialist • Hanyang 88
and Mythos threats.
• Tokarev TT-33
Description • Walther P38
• Mosin–Nagant M1891
The Việt Minh - League for the Independence of • Type 49 submachine gun (PPSh-41 copy)
Vietnam- is an umbrella organization for groups seeking
to free Vietnam from foreign occupiers. Although
organized by the leaders of the Indochinese Communist
Party, nationalists of all political persuasions fight
together to free Vietnam (and Laos and Cambodia).

During WW2, the Việt Minh had irregular guerrilla bases

and operations all across Indochina. Their leadership
was decentralized. By the time of the August Revolution
in 1945, the Việt Minh had over 5000 fighters, including
500 Japanese volunteers. Hồ Chí Minh, as the political
head of the Việt Minh, focuses attention on organizing

Confidential Information

Viet Minh Hooks Guangzhou. While in France, Van discovered a book

called “Le Roi en Jaune”. Later, as a side project to
La Propagande promote the proletarian revolution in South East Asia,
Van developed an inspirational propaganda track called
While studying in France between 1919 and 1923, a Quotations of the Chairman in Yellow - written in a
young Hồ Chí Minh, going by the name Nguyễn Tất mixture of French and traditional Vietnamese with
Thành, joined the Groupe des Patriotes Annamites (The extended Mongolian and Arabic language passages.
Group of Vietnamese Patriots). The group advocated
for Vietnamese independence from French colonial After the First Indochina war broke out, Van moved
rule, and published newspapers in France to spread from Guangzhou to Saigon. He brought with him 10
and deliver this message. copies of the “Little Yellow Book”, which he hoped
would inspire people of the south to rise up against
In hopes of gaining momentum for their organization, the French. Van convinced the shop owner of Cafe
The Group of Vietnamese Patriots were set to publish Chicory to allow him to perform a reading of selected
an article scooping a connection between French “inspirational” passages from the Chairman in Yellow.
leadership in Saigon and their subservience to a Mythos After the reading, Van left out of fear of being reported
deity. The story was strategically planned to release on to French agents. He left 5 copies of the Little Yellow
the same day that France made public their demands Book at the coffee shop. After he departed from the
during Treaty of Versailles negotiations. The hope was coffee shop, the patrons who heard Van’s reading poked
that with the world watching, they might shed some out their own eardrums with chopsticks. The shop
light on France’s activity in Vietnam, and demonstrate owner, who flipped through a copy of the Little Yellow
the need for Vietnamese independence from France, Book, poked out his own eyes.
and the occult.
Võ Nguyên Giáp heard about Van and his Little Yellow
Unfortunately, other forces at play would disrupt this plan. Book. Giáp believes that the occult book will hurt the
The group’s small apartment office in Paris was trashed, cause of the Viet Minh. He dispatches the Investigators
including the small printing press that was housed there. to track down and destroy Van and all copies of the
All copies of the printed article had vanished, save for Quotations of the Chairman in Yellow.
a few early handwritten working drafts and notes that
had been shared amongst members. Just one day later, a
counter-propaganda piece was published in Le Temps
newspaper, twisting the original scoop. The article
besmirched The Group of Vietnamese Patriots and
alleged that it was the Group and its supporters in
France and Vietnam that were connected to the occult.
It further claimed that they were using the Mythos to
forcefully spread the tenants of socialism in Indochina
and upset the French rule.

With the devastating Le Temps propaganda effectively

crippling the Group’s reputation, it is up to Group
supporters in France to seek out who destroyed the
office. Perhaps more importantly, they need to discover
who (or what) does not want any word of the French-
Mythos connection in Vietnam to spread in the media,
with the whole world watching.

Giap and Ho
The Little Yellow Book

Nguyen Van Nguyen was an editor for La Lute during

the brief time that orthodox Comintern members and
Trotskyists worked together. Like other Communist
“Vanguards”, Van first learned his revolutionary chops
in France, then went on to continue his studies in the
Soviet Union, and later traveled to China, along with
Hồ Chí Minh at the Whampoa Military Academy in

Appendix I- Pre-Gen Lore Sheets
The Fertile Red Lands Of Cochinchina
Martin Dugas - Martin Dugas has seen the horrors
of the Great War and the suffering it inflicted on
Kong Dai - Kong is in his 60s, world-weary, stoic, and both soldiers and civilians. He dedicates himself to
a drinker. He fears and respects the jungle. Once, he healing and reducing suffering through his medical
was mauled by a tiger; he has the scars to prove it. training. As a Socialist living in a Capitalist world,
His leg has never worked quite right since, and he he is sympathetic to the Việt Minh cause.
has phantom pain at night. 
Martin dresses in a light linen suit with a fedora. His
Kong is the guy brought in to make sure the team suit is adorned with his Legion d’honneur medal. He
doesn’t get picked off by wild tigers. Kong is being wears glasses and has a beard, and he usually carries
brought in to replace the last tiger hunter, who has a cane and a medical bag. Martin walks with a slight
disappeared into the jungle. Could have run off, but limp from a war wound. Due to the stresses of war,
then again, it is a dangerous profession. he looks older than his actual age.

Kong is deeply superstitious and often prays to the He was born to a shopkeeper family on Sep 10, 1897.
God of Luck, e.g. he burns a scrap of paper every Martin joined the French army after turning 18. For
morning to please his ancestors; he keeps a pocketful actions and wounds taken at the Battle of Verdun, he
of salt to ward off evil spirits, has a few fertilized duck was awarded the Chevalier Legion d’honneur. Martin
eggs in his pocket for when he needs to change his left the army after the armistice. Both parents died
luck (called “Balut”).  Kong only lets a priest cut his from the Spanish Flu in 1919.
hair, so he is not affected by ‘memory loss’ or other
bad luck. Using family money and capitalizing on his war
record, he attended the University of Paris. While
Kong’s hobby is to hunt for sapphires in the creeks. It in college, he became involved with Socialist politics.
was an activity he used to do with his father, although After graduation, he moved to French Indochina to
to date, Kong has never found anything. Perhaps he complete his residency. He left the hospital to start
is not praying to the God of Luck enough! a private practice serving the wealthy French citizens
Tracking +5% living in the colony.

He uses much of his money to fund free clinics

Marvis Harper - Marvis Harper is a slender young and travel to support the local populace. His free
woman with blonde hair styled in true flapper fashion. clinics are popular with criminals and revolutionaries
The daughter of a wealthy French merchant, Mavis, because of his no questions asked policy.
flits around between the local enclave of artists and Medicine +5%
poets with too much time on her hands. At 22, she
would rather focus on experiencing the world and
partying than finding a husband (or a job, for that
matter). Her father brought her with him to French
Indochina to try and knock some sense into her. While
Mavis is a newly minted graduate of Smith College,
she tends to leap without looking. This time, she may
have really done it.

Mavis’ uncle, Benoit Boucher, operates a rubber

plantation on behalf of the French-Indochina Rubber
Corporation. Mavis overheard a discussion between
her mother and Violaine Auger, a representative of
the company. Ms. Auger told her mom that she was
sending a riverboat, Le Progrès, up the Saigon river
to re-establish contact with the plantation. Mavis
resolved to visit her Uncle Benoit and is now a stow-
away on Le Progrès.
Stealth +5%

Alice S. Corbeau - Alice owned the “Twilight”, a Theodor Menno Coehoorn - Coehoorn joined the
speakeasy on the western end of the French hill Dutch armed forces, following a long family tradition
quarter of Arkham, Massachusetts. She purveyed of military service. He was sent to Indonesia as part of
in and occasionally partook in opium with her more a force intended to cement Dutch control of its colony.
discreet clientele. Over time, her business expanded
to include various exotic medicinal treatments and During Coehoorn’s time of service, he gained a
cures. Alice’s opium and other exotic botanicals were reputation as a brave soldier with a mind for tactical
sourced from South East Asia. Over time, Alice threw warfare. He also developed and used a knowledge of
in with a shady shipping organization that procured engineering, using the land’s natural features to help
Asian opium and smuggled Irish whiskey. fortify positions and encampments. During his stint
in Indonesia, he also learned a thing or two about the
On October evening, Alice received a mysterious rubber trade and rubber plantations.
dinner invitation, which she could not pass up.
Unfortunately, the dinner was something other than a Over time, Coehoorn grew disillusioned with military
social call, and in the aftermath, Alice faked her death service and with his country’s interference with
to escape the wrath of the shipping organization. the politics and people of the region. He honorably
withdrew from service and relocated to Saigon.
Alice traveled to French Indochina, leaving behind a Coehoorn is trying to “make up” for his part in
very dear friend, and has immersed herself in Saigon’s what he now views as the wrongs he had a part in
French colonial city. Alice knows something of the perpetrating in the region. He has pledged himself
opium trade, as well as the pharmacological uses of to use his knowledge, wealth, and resources to help
more exotic drugs. She has acquired a copy of Dr. those in the region rebuild.
Clovis Thorel’s doctoral thesis identifying the medicinal
properties of exotic plants found in Indochina and Coehoorn is a Mason, and upon arrival in Saigon, he
has taken an interest in obtaining a specimen of the sought out the local Masonic Lodge. At first, the Lodge
infamous “Black Lotus”, with the hopes of establishing only opened its doors to those of European descent,
a business in the distribution of rare and exotic drugs. but Coehoorn and a group of members have led an
effort to make membership attainable to all men in the
Alice currently lives life as a loafer, making do the region. Some of the Masons have grumbled about these
best she can. She often thinks back to the friendship changes, but many have embraced the new approach.
she sacrificed. Alice grows bored of Saigon’s foolish In his time spent at the Lodge and working among
and foppish men who pay for her needs and will the locals, Coehoorn has heard whispers about some
soon set out looking for a means to establish a new strange occurrences in the Red Lands. His curiosity
business venture. is piqued, and he wants to learn more.
Science (Pharmacology) +5%
Coehoorn has decided to sign on as a security advisor
Brett Appin - Brett is a Veterinary Surgeon who has to a rubber company operating a plantation in the
traveled to Indochina to serve God by proselytizing Red Lands. The company acknowledges that his skills
as a Christian Missionary. He was born in 1885 in would prove useful, and Coehoorn has a desire to
Moree, New South Wales, Australia, to a wealthy see the Red Lands first-hand. This time, hopefully,
grazier family. Although Brett may, at any time, return contributing to the quality of life of the locals and
to his family’s ranch (and considerable fortune), he the greater good.
does not carry such wealth on his person, preferring Art/Craft (Rubber Production) +5%
to live a humble lifestyle.

Brett studied Veterinary Science at the University of

Melbourne. He served in the Australia Imperial Force
(AIC), 6th Mobile Veterinary section of the ANZAC
Mounted Division. While serving in Palestine, Brett
converted to Christianity and found a true calling:
he works hard to improve the quality of life of those
around him.

Brett is tall, bald, and on the portly side. He hates

the humidity and will complain about it to anyone
who will listen.
Lore (Theology) +5%

Black Sea Rising Jean-Pierre Clement - Jean-Pierre Clement was born
into a working-class family in the Walloon region of
John Nishikawa - My grandfather was a professor of Belgium. He’s had a chip on his shoulder from the
engineering at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. beginning, always having to scrape and scratch for
As part of the government efforts made during the any morsel of recognition. Though quite intelligent
Meiji restoration, my grandfather was dispatched to and a talented mathematician, he’s no genius, which
the United States of America to learn about steam meant that his deficiencies in other areas (lack of
engines and industrial engineering. My grandfather social niceties, working-class background) weighed
fell in love with the promise of America and never left. more heavily against his success. Nevertheless, he
I am a 2nd generation Japanese-American. Although I completed his studies (focusing on Combinatorics
speak Japanese fluently, I have never known anything and Number Theory) and was ultimately awarded
other than life in America. Because I am only “half”, I an untenured junior professorship. Though popular
know I would never be accepted in Japanese society. enough with his students, he has had much less
I choose to embrace my American side.Language success with his peers and has struggled to publish
(Japanese) +5% novel research. He knows that his position at the
University is in the balance, which has led him down
the dark rabbit hole of questionable Renaissance
David Vronay - I was born in Los Angeles to a family of sources and his brush with the Mythos. In 1936,
educators. My father taught mechanical engineering he traveled to Indochina following the threads of
at the University of California at Los Angeles, and his research, desperate to retain his position at the
my mother taught nursing. My mother taught me University. Unfortunately, Jean-Pierre was still in
anatomy and biology, and my father taught me critical Indochina when war with the Axis powers broke out.
thinking. My decision to go into the Science of the With no practical means of returning to his home
Mind made both of them proud. Maybe they were just in war-torn Europe, he has had little choice but to
happy that, unlike my brother, I elected to abandon bide his time.
the pursuit of my grade school business of distilling
and distributing moonshine. In March of 1945, the Japanese coup d’état further
complicated Jean-Pierre’s life. Vulnerable and quickly
Before the war, I operated a private practice in running out of resources, he thought it fortuitous
Hollywood. My clientele were almost exclusively to be the subject of recruitment efforts by the US
actors and actresses; I’ve seen more extreme Operation of Strategic Services, who wanted to put
psychological disorders than you could imagine. his mathematical talents to work in cryptography. In
just a few short weeks, the OSS turned Jean-Pierre,
Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, I was the struggling academic, into a code-breaking spy
approached by Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan, the head of and an integral member of Indochina’s anti-Japanese
the US Office of Strategic Services (“OSS”). Donovan resistance.
asked me to join him in building out an intelligence
network to counter Japanese imperialism. I agreed, Jean-Pierre has touched the Mythos through his
and I am now an officer in the OSS. They stationed me work, though he isn’t aware of it. His discovery
in Vietnam, presumably to use my French language of some obscure mathematical manuscripts from
skills, and they’ve asked me to work on propaganda the Renaissance and it has left its mark on him. He is
and psychological operations against the Japanese obsessed with being recognized in the mathematics
occupation.Art/Craft (Distill Alcohol) +5%, Contacts: field and thinks unraveling the numerical labyrinth
Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan, Bette Davis, Errol Flynn, he’s discovered is how to do it.
and Ronald Reagan Cryptography +3%, Cthulhu Mythos +2%, SAN -4

Victor Andrews - Victor was born in Hardisty, Alberta, Larry Szabo - I was born in New York. My father
Canada, to a modest family that farmed barley and rye. died in an industrial factory accident in 1917, and
His father taught him how to fly a crop-duster when my mother contracted the Spanish Flu and died in
he was 12 years old. During U.S. prohibition, his father 1919. I was just five years old when I was orphaned.
used his crop-duster to smuggle Canadian Whiskey
across the border during the off-season. The harvest I found work on a steam tram when I turned fourteen.
in ‘29 was particularly bad, and the onset of the Great I earned a fair wage, and l learned my way around a
Depression forced Victor’s parents to sell the farm and ship. The ocean is my jealous mistress; she demands
seek alternative employment. Victor’s father took on my time and attention, and in return, she rewards me
a job as a truck-driver Teamster, and relocated the with a livelihood. To me, a salty sea breeze carries
family to Chicago, Illinois. As Victor’s father was often the smell of freedom. I joined the U.S. Navy shortly
away on work, Victor developed a strong sense of after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. After a few
self-reliance and independence, which later evolved years, I took a Naval Advancement Exam with the
into brazen, but intelligent risk-taking. hopes of being promoted to a non-commissioned
officer rank. I never received the promotion, but I did
In 1932 Victor joined the U.S. Army-Corp, and quickly find myself being recruited into the Office of Naval
moved up the ranks, as he impressed his officers Intelligence, and then sent to work as an agent for
and instructors with superior piloting skills. In just the newly formed Office of Strategic Services (“OSS”).
three short years, Victor was promoted to the rank Navigate +5%
of 2nd Lieutenant, and shortly thereafter, took on the
responsibility of training young new pilots. In 1941, on Expédition Lemont
the eve of America’s entry into the war against the
Axis powers, Claire Lee Chennault recruited an all- Henri Chalifour - Henri Chalifour understood his
volunteer force to form the First American Volunteer calling at a young age was to spread the Gospel rather
Group (AVG) of the Republic of China Air Force to fight than follow in his father’s footsteps, a prominent and
against Japanese aggression. This volunteer air force, influential businessman in Nantes. After graduating
which had no ranks, was nicknamed the “Flying Tigers”. from the University of Chartres with a degree in
Chennault specifically recruited Victor to help develop Theology, Chalifour joined the Benedictines order.
innovative tactics for fighting against Japanese forces. He chose the missionary vocation and, as a young
ordained priest, spent five years on a religious
The Flying Tigers first saw combat on Dec 20, 1941, mission in Papua New Guinea. Father Chalifour is
just 12 days after Pearl Harbor. Victor flew a dozen a charismatic and persuasive person but known to
missions, with three confirmed kills, and successful succumb to an excess of anger occasionally. He is of
bombing raids against Japanese controlled railways and average height with a slightly muscular body, small
bridges. The Flying Tigers were disbanded and then beard, shoulder-length hair, and mysterious scars
absorbed into the US Army Air force on Jul 4, 1942. on his back. He has a natural empathy for all things
Victor was recruited into the OSS shortly thereafter. cultural and social. Chalifour is convinced he can do
Pilot (Aircraft) +5% good in this world through his actions.
Lore: Theology +5%

Nguyen Trang - I come from a large family of

fishermen. I have three brothers and four sisters; I Emmanuel Le Nuth - Emmanuel’s past remains
have always been the cleverest one in the family, and I shrouded in secrecy. He took advantage of the Foreign
always have a scheme. At a young age, I learned that I Legion’s “annonymat” rule when he joined the 5th REI
could make more money smuggling contraband than in early 1942. Corporal Le Nuth goes by his nickname
I could fishing. Unfortunately, one of my schemes got “Caporal Tout Nu” (Corporal Butt Naked). To his peers,
two of my brothers killed when a Japanese gunboat Emmanuel pretends to be a former US Marine who
stopped them on a routine patrol. decided to join the Foreign Legion after concluding
a tour in the Pacific. Although Emmanuel did serve
I am now a member of the Việt Minh, and I have as a US Marine, he deserted just before facing a
dedicated myself to fighting the Japanese occupation. court-martial.  He thought it would be “amusing”
I’ve been trained by Americans who are members of to seduce the local governor’s wife.  Based in Lang
the Office of Strategic Services (“OSS”). I use my mind Son, Emmanuel is getting in all sorts of shenanigans,
and my skills to undermine the Japanese occupation smuggling booze, and trading restricted goods with
of my homeland. local merchants.
Survival (Sea) +5% Fast Talk +5%

Alain Timmerman - Alain Timmerman was born Achille des Pres Sauvage - Achille des Pres Sauvage
in 1897 in Saverne, France, during the German (born 1865) is a Professor of Archaeology and Far
occupation of the Alsace. His father was a teacher Eastern Studies at the École française d’Extrême-
and his mother a seamstress. He was encouraged to Orient in Hanoi. He has published extensively on
leave occupied Alsace, seek higher education, and his expeditions in the highlands along the Burmese
then travel as much as possible to see the world for border. He is respected as an authority on the
himself. When the Great War interrupted Alain’s indigenous people of that area by scholars around
plans, he served in the 94th eme RI and was wounded the world. Always immaculately dressed, he is an
at Verdun. During the war, his home was shelled, average-sized man with greying hair and beard. A
and his parents were killed. By war’s end, with no member of the colonial elite, he is a wealthy, worldly
ties to Alsace left for him, he struck out for Paris to man living his middle-age years in comfort amidst
complete his education.  his books, fine food, and wine.

While studying at the Ecole du Louvre in 1919, he Achille is a pleasant, polite man if a bit old-fashioned
had a chance encounter over an afternoon with and formal. He can become tiresome when discussing
a charismatic fellow named Nguyen Sinh Cung. his favorite topics, however. He can read and write
Their vigorous conversation about colonialism vs. French, English, Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese,
occupation had a lasting impact on Alain. His mind and several dialects of the northern highland
was now firmly set to see “more” as soon as possible. natives. Consumed by the occult practices of the
He applied to join an expedition in the Levant and Montagnards, he maintains an extensive personal
soon found himself a working archaeologist in library on the subject in his home in addition to the
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and eventually Egypt.  many volumes he has obtained for the school’s library
over the years. As time passes since his last major
By 1923, Alain’s reputation for being able to secure publication, he grows increasingly anxious to mount
backing, proper permits, organize an expedition, and a new expedition or make a new discovery so he can
work closely with local people; got the attention of see his name in print once again.
Henri Parmentier. As head of the E cole Francaise
d’Extreme Orient, Hanoi Dr. Parmentier had the His last expedition to the highlands was over fifteen
resources to offer Alain the opportunity to bring years ago. That is when he uncovered an ancient city.
his talents to Indochina. By 1925 Alain had worked It was only after several weeks of archaeological work
at Angkor Wat, Po Nagar, and on other excavations. that he discovered that the city was not abandoned.
He was quickly becoming an authority in Champa, The experience was harrowing. He barely escaped the
Oc Eo, and Nam Giao worship ritual.  city’s strange, cannibalistic inhabitants but managed
Timmerman’s regular haunt is the Cercle Sportif to carry away several artifacts and notes. 
Saigonnias reading room and the bar at the
Continental, where he seeks new backers, maintains Among these treasures is a tincture of black lotus
useful contacts, and engages in some indulgent flowers. A single drop of the bitter-tasting elixir into
escape.  a cup of sweetened tea opens a portal to a land in
Achille’s dreams. In that land, he is a Hề chèo, the
At 6’, 190 lbs, Alain is larger than life. He is outwardly court jester character of Vietnam’s traveling theater
gregarious yet focused. He often appears to be in troupes. His bottle is almost empty, even though he
meditation or just vigilantly observing. Wartime has rationed it carefully. His need to find more black
horrors have given him tough mental conditioning. lotus flowers is more than enough reason for Achille
As a veteran experienced with the horrors of trench to risk his life in the highlands once again.Cthulhu
warfare, he is relatively unphased by violent death. Mythos +3%; SAN -6; Contact: Louis Finot (Noted
Credit Rating +5% Archaeologist)

Franklin Jean Paul Thorgrimson - Franklin was born Mai Chan - Professor Mai is 82 years old, educated
on a small farm just outside of Kenora, Ontario. He is and wise. In Professor Mai is 82 years old, educated,
of Scottish Icelandic descent, though his family has and wise. In her many years, she has witnessed the
worked the hard, cold land of Western Ontario for ever-changing landscape of despots, dictators, and
many generations. debauched leaders of her country. It has turned her
cynical but not yet apathetic. She still has dreams of
When Franklin was a young man, he fell through seeing her country in the hands of a leader who will
some thin ice while playing hockey. He suffered a preserve the Vietnamese culture, identity, natural
mild period of malaise and then began to experience beauty, and way of life. 
very vivid dreams. Franklin answered England’s call  
to war in the summer of 1914 as a chance to escape Mai was born in 1844 before the French had really
the monotony of rural life. Trench warfare quickly gained control in Vietnam. She was raised in a small
showed him the error of that decision. During the village along the Saigon river, and at twelve years old,
war, Franklin’s dreams grew even more intense, and she began receiving formal education from a Jesuit
in some cases, begin to come true. Towards the end missionary. The Nguyễn dynasty executed her first
of the war, Franklin’s dreams turned towards Asia teacher, one of many missionaries executed, leading
and existential threats to humanity. to the French launching the Cochinchina Campaign.
Showing great potential as a student, Mai received a
Franklin shared a fox hole with a bloke from Yorkshire formal education at a number of French institutions,
named Edward Thomas, who taught him about including receiving a Doctorate in Anthropology and
Buddhism’s eightfold path, the four noble truths a Doctorate in History at the University of Paris in
and certain elements of theosophical Buddhism, the early 1900s, in her fifties. 
a fledgling movement amongst esoteric occultists  
mostly organizing and practicing in London, New Growing up along the river, Mai became very familiar
York, and Berlin. with the water and is a strong swimmer. In fact, she
regularly swims to keep active and in shape. Swimming,
Immediately following the Armistice of 1918, she credits, has kept her healthy all her life. 
Franklin set off for Asia in search of answers. He  
spent considerable time in India, Nepal, and Siam While not an overt socialist or communist, Mai does
before reaching French Indochina. Since leaving have some left-leaning beliefs, particularly when it
the service, has been nothing but a drifter, typically comes to the rights of her fellow Vietnamese. She
finding seasonal and temporary employment as a recognizes that she is privileged in academia and
laborer at local Buddhist temples and monasteries. wants to use that position (without jeopardizing it) to
Although he plans to travel to Japan to study Zen, push for meaningful change. Mai is unique in that she
fate keeps throwing up roadblocks. At the moment, has the respect and ears of the French ruling class,
he is too destitute to pay for carriage to Japan. yet always remains guarded and chooses her words
wisely – she is Vietnamese after all, and the favor she
Although penniless, Franklin is well known among the has curried to this point could disappear in an instant. 
local scholars and occultists as an expert in esoteric Swim +5%
Buddhism and related religious sects. Perhaps he can
use his knowledge to secure a paying job to enable
his further travels and scholarly pursuits. Operation Desperado & Red Napoleons

Franklin drinks tea, hates coffee, and avoids alcohol. Tran Te Cong - I hate liars. The foreign colonial powers
Lore (Buddhism) +3%, Cthulhu Mythos +2%, SAN -4 employ armies of liars. They use lies to oppress us. I’ve
had enough of their lies, and I will do everything I can
to dispel the lies and vanquish the liars.

I am a commando in General Giap’s vanguard, the 88th

Infantry Regiment of the 308th Division. We are the
finest fighting force in all of Vietnam, and we have
encircled the French forces and their arrogant leaders
at Dien Bien Phu. We are poised to crush the enemy.
Psychology: +5%

Nadine Grondin - Supported by her parents to pursue Enrique José Regueiro (“Blanco”) - Following the
a degree in medicine, Nadine left for Paris in late 1949 Spanish Civil War, Republican Enrique “Blanco”
and enrolled in Université de Paris. Her studies turned was captured by Nationalist troops while trying to
out to be a real nightmare, discriminated against and flee the country and thrown into one of Franco’s
bullied based on her gender and skin color; Nadine concentration camps. Using a forged release order,
decided to volunteer as a Red Cross Air Rescue Pilot he escaped and crossed the border into France only
Nurse (IPSA). to be arrested once again.
She arrived in Indochina in late 1952 after serving a His salvation came in the form of a Foreign Legion
full year in North Africa, where she also received her Recruiter, who offered a clean sheet through the
paratrooper wings. Contrary to her time in University, Legion’s “anonymat” rule. Trained with several other
surrounded by men that constantly undermined her, compatriots, Enrique fought at Bir Harkeim, hailed
Nadine quickly gained the trust and admiration of as one of the Legion’s most glorious victories.
her “brothers.” She has over a dozen combat drops  
and countless hours bushwhacking behind enemy After driving the Axis out of North Africa, “Blanco”
lines to rescue and aid down pilots. Her bravery has and several hundred other Spaniards shipped out
earned her to military citations. to England, healed and trained, and then landed
at Utah Beach in the invasion of Normandy in June
Even though Nadine has a slender physique, she 1944.  Enrique and his fellow Spaniards rushed
is exceptionally resilient and possesses a robust into Paris ahead of most other forces to support a
constitution. She follows her mother’s Malagasy Resistance uprising and seize a share of the glory for
Beliefs, honoring Zanahary, the Sky God, and Spain’s cause. One of the armored cars was named
gatekeeper of the passage between the living and “Madrid.” The group proudly unfurled Republican
the dead. flags as crowds cheered.
Parachute: +5%  
Granted French citizenship for his service, Enrique
worked as a painter in a Renault factory near the
Maurice Wolff - Son of WW1 veteran, Maurice’s French capital. One day, Enrique had enough with
reach adulthood Son of WW1 veteran, Maurice’s the continuous bullying and abuse by right-wing
reach adulthood under Nazi occupation, when the management. After a heated dispute, he cracked the
Reich annexed the French region of Alsace into supervisor with an iron bar. The blow was not fatal, but
the Motherland. Fearing that he would have to join the man staggered and fell back into the production
the ranks of the “malgré nous” - against our will – line, where he was killed by heavy machinery.
and fight in a German uniform, Maurice joined the  
resistance Force Française de l’Intérieur (FFI) where Fearing he may spend the rest of his life in jail, or
he quickly rose in rank and responsibilities.  worst, Enrique rushed to the nearest Foreign Legion
recruitment center. Given the option to re-enlist or
Ensuring the call for young and able men to join the go to jail, Enrique re-enlisted, thinking his time in
Free French Forces after the war, Maurice volunteered the Legion would be brief or that the army would
for commando training and, eventually, the Colonial be easier to escape from than a prison.
Parachutists. He served with distinction during the Op. Hv. Machine +5%
Battle of Tu Lê in October 1952. Known as one of
Bigeard’s Lieutenant, Maurice was recently promoted
to Captain’s rank and recruited to lead a GMCA behind Ly Vinh Long - I come from a long line of famous
enemy lines. warriors. My family has fought Chinese invaders for
over a thousand years. It is my destiny that I will
Charismatic, he believes he should lead by example. continue to serve Vietnam’s interests by fighting
He keeps a photo of an old flame met in Alger during those who would invade and oppress us.
R&R from commando school. During his downtime, he
pens letters to Agnes but never dares to post them, I am a commando in General Giap’s vanguard, the
knowing very well that his chance will run out one 88th Infantry Regiment of the 308th Division. My
day like so many of his compatriots. area of expertise is sapping and demolitions. My
Parachute: +5% hands are fast and steady, and my mind agile. I will
use both my hands and my mind to protect Vietnam
from the enemy.
Demolitions: +5%

Antione LaFlamme (“Magellan”) - Born in 1932 in Tien Du - I am the daughter of a prominent Vietnamese
a remote village in the Alpes-Maritimes region of family from Hanoi. I was educated in private Catholic
southern France, Antione dreamed at a young age schools, and I spent four years abroad studying in
to one day “explore the world.” The military offered France. I am interested in diplomacy and a future
the young lad a chance to learn new skills and that looked bright until the Japanese imperial army
travel to faraway lands. Following in the footsteps invaded Vietnam. The Japanese imperialists murdered
of his childhood idol, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, he my father and took everything.
joined the French Air Force in 1949. His first years
of service were spent between Kasba Tadla’s airbase I formally joined the Việt Minh in 1944, and I was
in Morocco and various stations in the Metropole. trained by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services. We
Resilient and strong-willed, Antoine was selected to fought against the Japanese invaders until their
join the commandos of the 6th Colonial Parachute defeat a year later. We thought we had won our
Battalion. His orders to depart for Indochina came in independence from foreign colonial powers, but the
early 1953. His first months in the colony profoundly French quickly reinserted themselves into our affairs.
changed him. He realized that France’s colonial ideal
was nothing more than remnants of a distant past. The year is 1954, and we are still struggling against
His interactions with Vietnamese fighting for l’ Union foreign oppression. I am now a commando in General
Indochinoise convinced him that France needed to Giap’s vanguard, the 88th Infantry Regiment of the
engage with native populations on an equal basis. 308th Division. As a member of the elite 308th
Language (Vietnamese): +5% Division, I received additional training in Southern
China in 1952 and returned to the front lines last year.
Now, we have encircled the French forces and their
collaborators at Dien Bien Phu; the tides of war are
Claude Nguyen - Claude proudly wears his paratrooper turning in our favor. I will not give up this fight until
wings and Adjudent epaulets every chance he gets. we Vietnamese are liberated!
He finds joy and comfort parading on Rue Catinat in Language (Japanese): +5%
Saigon, knowing very well the French Army gave him
an opportunity to elevate his status in society. He
promptly corrects detractors that see him as nothing Vu Hao Hang - Known as “Kleine Schwester” or the
more than an occupier’s dog tasked with translating Little Sister, Vu Hao Hang joined the Việt Minh in
orders. He’s a soldier and a damn good one. 1948. A European literature student at the Indochinese
University of Hanoi. She experienced first-hand colonial
He was one of the first Vietnamese to be called to repression when her father, a small town influential
paratrooper school and trained as a commando. civil servant, was shot during a French reprisal raid. 
After serving with various GMCAs, Claude joined  
the 5th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (BPVN) as After a few months of writing articles for underground
the highest rankled NCO. revolutionary magazines, her Hanoi cell leader realized
she was ready for greater responsibilities. Her language
Highly astute and agile, Claude has an uncanny ability skills and understanding of the European culture could
to detect ambushes before they happen. Claude’s be put to better use. Vu Hao Hang was sent to the
prowess can be explained in part by his addiction German Democratic Republic (GDR) for language
to amphetamines and other illicit stimulants. He and advanced propaganda training. She returned to
procures the drugs from the Bình Xuyên when he’s off Indochina in late 1949 and joined the Propaganda Unit
duty. To date, he has racked up quite a debt with the #1. Embedded with forward troops, Vu Hao Hang’s role
organized crime syndicate. One day, they will collect. is to broadcast messages in German close distance
Spot Hidden: +5% to French Foreign Legion outposts to entice German
nationals to defect. Her messages include news from
the front, quotes from the works of Lenin and Marx, and
also news from home. Her soft tone and ability to appeal
to what mattered most made her an instant celebrity
among German Legionnaires. Her unit is responsible
for the defection of over 275 German nationals to date.  
Psychology: +5%

Appendix II- Risk Counters & Jungle Mishap
• If Investigators fail a skill roll resulting in increased danger to the party, then increase the Risk Counter by 1D6.
• Failed Pushed Roll and Critical Failures increase the Risk Counter by 2D6.
• The Keeper may always allow failed rolls to succeed while increasing the Risk Counter.

Occupied City Indoor Infiltration In the Bush

Failed rolls to accomplish the following activities increase these Risk Counter:
Sneaking past check points; tailing a Fast talking to gain entry; disguising self Travelling one whole day in the
target; pickpocketing a mark; asking as an employee; picking locked doors; wilderness; sneaking up on, fleeing, or
questions about illicit topics; appearing climbing a building’s side-wall; fumbling chasing after an adversary in the jungle.
in the wrong part of town; fleeing from around while sneaking in a large facility. See the Jungle Mishap Table below for
the scene of a crime. details below of effects.

0 Starting Point for Urban City 0 Starting Point for Buildings 0 Starting Point for Wilderness
4 Suspicion Rises. Non-allied NPCs eye 4 Suspicion Rises. Unarmed workers eye 2 Pest attack. Each Investigator, each
the Investigators, who must quickly the Investigators with some suspicion day, rolls D6: (1-3) nothing (4) fire ants
remove themselves from the scene or and inquire about the Investigators’ (5) leeches (6) snake bite
attract more attention. purpose. 4 Trip. Due to fatigue, each Investigator
8 Papers Please. Armed adversaries 8 Papers Please. Armed adversaries must make a Dodge or Jump Roll or
approach Investigators and demand approach Investigators and demand suffer a sprain.
to see identification. Failure to produce to see identification. Failure to produce 6 Food Supply Depletion. Every
proper papers or deflect may cause a proper papers or deflect will cause Investigator has hunger unless they
violent reaction or, at the very least, hostile action. find food (by spending a day and
further increase this Risk Counter. 12 Reporting Suspicious Activity. All making Survival Roll).
12 Counter Investigation. Adversaries rolls to Charm or Fast Talk through 10 Hunted. “Pursuer Encounters” may
investigate the Investigators and their encounters will receive a Penalty Die. occur. Investigators must make a Spot
associates. Friendly NPCs are reluctant 15 Hunted. A group of adversaries hunt Hidden roll to become aware of the
to provide assistance; all Credit Rating the Investigators. The Investigators pursuers.
rolls receive 1 Penalty Die. Allies may must make a Listening roll to hear the 12 Disease. Each Investigator makes a
be arrested. approaching threat or be caught flat CON roll. Those who fail will receive
16 Wanted. Adversaries attempt to footed. either (1-4) dysentery, (5-6) malaria.
arrest the Investigators. Patrols 18 Lock Down. Investigators receive a 14 Lost. Investigators must make a Hard
(police and guards) are informed of the Penalty Die on all rolls for Disguise. All Success on Survival or Navigation
Investigators identity and appearance. doors are locked. Workers who spot the in order to find the correct path
All rolls to sneak or deflect attention Investigators sound the alarm. and continue on their journey. “Lost
receive 1 Penalty Die. 20 Trapped. The normal entrances and Encounters” with antagonistic forces
20 All Points Bulletin. Known associates exits of the building are surrounded or Mythos beings may occur.
may be “disappeared”. Large search by Adversaries.
parties patrol the streets and shelter is
difficult to find.

Jungle Mishap Table

Cause Symptoms Consequence & Cure.
Fire ant bites Ant bites cause a burning sensation and pain. Leeches Make a CON roll or -1 HP and add penalty die on all
or leeches are gross and suck blood. Sanity checks for 1 day. Cured with topical ointments.
Sprain limb Sprained ankle, back, or wrist, causing -1 HP. Cured with rest
discomfort and pain.
Snake bite Intense pain or hallucinations -5 HP and -2 points of SAN
Hunger or Malaise, abdominal cramps and pain, eventual death -1 HP and - 2 SAN per day
Dysentery Irritable bowels, bloody diarrhea -1 HP and add penalty die on all Sanity checks for 3
days. Cured with rest and electrolytes
Malaria High fever, cold sweats, nausea, shakes -3 HP and -1 SAN. Add penalty die on all Sanity checks
for 3 days. Cured with antimalarials.

Legionnaire Colonel / David Robinson Todd Smith Curtis Y. Takahashi
Thuong ta David Rodemaker Travis D. Corrie
Dean Reilly Ville Dag Torleif Petersen
-TIE- Doug B Will Tierney Daniel Ley
Alan Olson Douglas Brod William Stowers Daniel Robichaud
Brooke Cheng Drouot Maxime Xavier Brinon daniel svenson
Christine L. Eric Xavier Chung Minh Danulon
Computer North Eva MONGNE-OLIVIER Zac Gasnola Darin Kerr
David Vronay Fred C Zachary Dragan David Bickerstaff
Errant Venatus Gabor Kiss David Brownless
Florence Blea Andrews Gruson David Churchill
Frank Maybell Hanse Davion Legionnaire Capitaine David Hall
Jean François Royal Ian Burgess / Đai úy David Paterson
Joe Adams Ian Wilson davrion
Jon Cohorn Jacob Chimera Achab DeAnna Ferguson
Kevin Putnam Jacob Forsman Adam Devin Randall
Maeve chandler Jacob Ohlin Adam Crossingham don cogswell
Markus Karlsson James af beer Doug Wilson
Martin Davis James Winward-Stuart Alexandre Mirzabekiantz Dweller on the
Paul Thorgrimson Jarett André Roy Threshold
Wayne Stewart Jason Conlon Andrew Campbell E.J. Blaauw
Jim Bob Andrew Dacey Eddy Nyarlathotep
Johannes Svedqvist Andrew Long Ensley F. Guffey
FLGS jonathan wilson Andy Erich eric priehs
Justin Matthew anonymous1453 Erik J. Rogers
David Nyman, Rare K Tsui Armen Erik Odeldahl
Roleplay Kazuya Murakami Arne Kuhn Erin Collins
Roland Bahr, Keith E. Hartman Asharon Eugene Doherty
Sphärenmeisters Spiele Kevin Miller Bardo Fabrice Canepa
Kim Haling Ben W Bell Fabrice Gatille
Lantbo Bill Walsh Fastjack
Legionnaire lehmann Bob Geis fgsheajr
Commandant / Thieu tá Ludovic Mouton Boris Jjvc Francis Acquarone
Maciej Rychlicki Bryan Thao Worra Frits Kuijlman
Andrew Ham Magallian Bud’s RPG review Gil Cruz
Andrew Lewis Martin Saunders Calum McDonald Grier3d
Andrew Rodwell Matthew Ruane Carl Cedergren Grimpilgrim
Andrzej Krakowian Michael Holzhausen Cena Guillermo
Artur Lepiarz Michał Kozłowski Charles Thomas Hal Smith
asturman Nathan Charles Wilkins HALLER
Benjoss Nathan Daniel Stout Chris Miles Harleen
Bill Rutherford Paige Ghra Chris Monken Ian
Boyd Critz Patrick Chandler Chris Tutt Innes
Brendon Paul Leone Christian Löw Iván Carabaño Rubianes
Charles Farru-Hill Pierluigi Lattaro Christian Toftdahl james braswell
Chema Rodolphe Christopher David James Gardner-Spinks
Chris McGonagle Ryan Ainsworth James Holden
[email protected] Samael Bretondragon Christopher Gray Jamie Wheeler
Connor Mason Sebasti Aan ChuckB Jared Tibbs
Conor Healy Sebastian Bauer Cory Aughenbaugh Jason
Craig Shawn P Craig Dawson Jason Seaman
Daniel Sjögren Steven Moy Crann Jennifer Dulock
Danny Dyer Thomas Ollier crazy_cat Jens Milbredt
David Tim Jennings Curtis Rozzelle Jeremiah McNichols

Jerry Chaney Pegana Brad Kane C. Alexander
Jez Perry Spiropoulos Christian Torstensson calixus
Joe Kontor Perry Tatman Dale Jennings Card Culture
John Casey phil rowe daniel b trimble Chair grills
John Parkinson Pookie Uk David Yvan Ross Chick Lewis
John W. Luther proudsword Dorian L. Alexander Chris Kirby
john west Rachael B. Randolph Doug Atkinson Contesse
Jonas Olsson revnye Gerald Smith Craig Chilton
Jonne Kuokkanen Richard Bilsker Globtopus Craig Clarke
Joost Vermeulen Richard Geo Sang Lee Gustaf daniel m.
Josh Langley Richard van Deursen Helge Schubert Darold Hunt
Joshua King Samuel James Stier Dave J.
Julian Stark Scott Bennett Jamie Murphy David campbell
Julien Lapka Scott Joest Jan Vansteenkiste David Eitelbach
Justin G Kahn Sean Veira Jonathan Frances David Lewis
K. Wilde Sean Whittaker josh clark David Schneider
Karma Choying Sergiu V. Câmpeanu Justin B Dyer Dean Engelhardt
Ken Trench Shaun Clinton Kamil Sąsiadek Derek Smith
Kirsikka Kaipainen Silvan Fricker Kassi Deu2
klecser SINTES Jerome Kristen MacLean Dirk Vandenheuvel
Krys Kamieniecki Søren Hagge Lars Holgaard Donald Stark
Kurt Ellison Spence Leon C. Glover III Donald Weed
le_clug stephanie.mann113@aim. Marc Storey Dwight Fidler
Lisa Padol com Marcin Andrzejczak Dylan Whitney
M. Sean Molley Stephen Daly Martin Ed Kowalczewski
Malot Steve Rubin Michael Emil Hamberg
Marcus Luft Steven Danielson Mikael Cerbing Forot Ariane
Mark Steven Schwartz Mike Diamond g0ldan
Markus “Rhylthar” Busse Steven Splint Mikel Ocejo Gary McBride
Martin Blake Stewart Robertson Musatye Gatling Geoff Seiler
Matthew Terje Nathaniel Mordain Govis
Matthew Savignano Thomas Dahmen Pablo Reza Arcelus Greg Davis
Matthew Snider Thomas Nelson Robin Dial Guest 908525769
Max Moraes Thomas Nissvik Ryan Guillaume Schneider
Meleas Thor Walter Kristensen Sean Kingston Gunnar Heide Aadland
Michael Davis Tim Rogers Volkada H. Alexander Velásquez
Michael Holzwarth Todd W. Olson William Lee Henning Geisler
Michael Lee Anderson Tom Van Hee Henrik Wester
Mike Sheets Tomasz Cybulski Henry
Mitch Harding Trevor Sponagle Legionnaire Lieutenant / HPLustcraft
Modoc Ursus Maior Trung úy Iain Smedley
Mortepierre Wade Mans Isabelle Junier
Munchezuma William Aaron Besson Jack
Murray Dahm William Fisher Adam Jack Liska
Nathan Ballingrud william havelin Adam Fry James Van Horn
Nathaniel Janick Wren Akule James Wood
Nicholas Detering Alex Bowers Jani Savolainen
Nicholas J. Corkigian Alex Mocaby Jason Neff
Nicholas Timperio Sassoon’s Agents Alexander Jason Peter Morris
Nigel Clarke Anders Vestermark JB Joyner
Nikolai Shiryaev Alan Stephen Andrew Ferguson Jed McClure
Nimrod Andrew Eynon Andy Miller Jeff Lay
Orin Mayer Andrew James McDole Antonin Jeff Smith
Papryk Andrew Thomson arcana06m21 Jeff Vandine
Pat Bellavance Andy Sangar ATH Jeffrey Palmer
Patrick Apskaita Bayt al Azif Jeremy Duncan
Paul Künnap Arjen Poutsma Ben Summers Jessica Gao
Paul M Herkes Bill Henderson Bentley Burnham JF Boivin

Joe Webb Res In Aere Breon Halling Iván Rodríguez
Joerg Sterner Richard Upton Pickman Bryan Gustafson J.r. Lonergan
Johan Englund Rob Bryant Durrell Jake Gardner
John McManis Robert Bush CALVIN N James Robertson
John Wright Robert Kelsey Carolyn Noe James Sarver
Jonathan Ly Davis Rod Meek Casey Kirkpatrick jamie
Joshua Haney Roland Cooke Charles Jeff Ewing
Joshua Pevner Ruben Rigillo Chase Hopper Jeff Rothecker
Julien Dufort Russel Hiatt Cheesetroll Jim Clunie
Jussi Myllyluoma Russell Andrews Chris Nichols Jiri Malinen
Kathleen Lambert Sam Heazlewood Chris Westbrook John Daly
KC4711 Samuel Krygier Christine Randolph John Wilson
Kenny Brightwell Scott Maynard Craig Earl Jon Terry
Kerry B. Shane B. Bauer Craig Hewitt Justin Saber
Kingdaddy8 Shane Jackson Craig Lawson Kacper Nosarzewski
KIRMy Simon Hunt Cryoban Karl Frost
Koan Snarkayde (Philip) Dag K Kersten Kõrge
Krzysztof A. Edelman [email protected] Danegerous Kevin McHale
Kyle M Pavlicek Stephen Hunting Daniel Clements Kiran Trivedy
Liam Dalton Stephen Lazenby Daniel Hackett Kristian A. Bjørkelo
Lorna Toolis Stephen Oldbury Daniel Turcotte Kyran Schnur
Louis-Matthieu Heck Steve Campbell danielyauger Les Mallett
Lynn Fredricks Steve Rosenstein Darcey Wunker Lon Bulgrin
M Sylvain Jacquet Dave Munro MaelstromUK
Marina T.J. Mathews David Magnus Gillberg
Mark Green Thomas Ammon David Bagdan Malte
Masayuki Sakamoto Tim Metz David Hood Manikhon
Mathew Rideout Tor Brynjar Welander David M Jacobs Marc Stalin
Matthew B TPK david mascari Marcin Miduch
Matthew Franklin Unholy Guy David Millians Mark Solino
Matthew Plank Vincent Carveth David Myers Mark Thompson
Michael Barnes Wouter Dronkers Denis Regenbrecht Markstarter
Michael C. Mihalecz Ziggwam Dylan Markus Schubert
Michael Daumen eira Matthew Wang
Michael Grant Eleanor McHugh MF
Michael Hawkins Enishi Michael Beck
Michael J. Raymond Legionnaire Caporal Eric Betts Michael Lane
Michael McVeigh / Ha sĩ Eric VanNewkirk Migihidari
Mikael Engstrom Erik Poenitz Mikael Grönlund
Mike Davis Aaron Berkowitz Fabrice Claes Mikael Theorin
Mike Douglas AC Faelan Lundeberg Moe Lane
Morgan Childs adumbratus Federico Naeternam -Weresheep
Necrothesp Alex Moore Franck Florentin of Original Sin
Niels Alfredo Amatriain Frederic MOLL Nathan
Oliver von Spreckelsen Andrew Hartsell Garrick Rahal Neil
Olivier Nowak Andrew Lotton Gavin Sinden Neil Clench
Ols Jonas Petter Olsson Angus Abranson / Geoff Oki Neil Mahoney
Patrice Mermoud Chronicle City Gord Cranford Neil Tredray
Patrick Haugh Anthony G Gilks Guest 332451768 Nethescurial
Paul Anthony Williams Guilee Noël
Paul Irwin Arkhane Asylum Hao Zhang Oliver Korpilla
PAX Publishing Henrik Hellbom Owlglass
Phil Ob Austin Whitescarver Hoang Mai Paul Adams
Philip Wiles Ayukata Howard Bishop Paul Leary
Pierre Gravelat Bardoux Iain McLean Philip Thome
Redfuji6 Barry Weatherstone Ian McFarlin Philippe Niederkorn
Reinaldo Villanueva Ben Toon incandescens Phillip McGregor
Javierre Błażej insomniac009 Ptarmigan70

recrispi The Creative Fund by
Reflectere BackerKit
Robert G. Male
robert kim Other
Robert Lang
Robert muncy Paul and Janan Chandler
Rom Elwell Remon
ROMAE33 Laila
Ronnie Nybom Lionel du Souich
Ross Payton
Sapper Joe
Scott Fuller
Sean McLaughlin
Shannon Mac
Simon Brunning
Simon White (Great
White Miniatures)
Stephan Hamat-Rains
Stephane Theriault
Stephen Smith
Steve Summersett
Steven Salter
Steven Sparkman
Sukie Wang
Süli Péter
Svend Andersen
Tahd Inskepp
The Rangdo of Arg
Thomas Iverson
Thomas Pheister
Tomoki Ishii
Tony Casab
William David Miller
Zane Grant

Engagé / Binh nhì

Alex Guertin
David Nyman
Erik Sofge
Guest 175443942
Keith Richards
Thorsten Bodner
C is for Cthulhu
Chaosium Inc.
James Droucker
Miskatonic Melfar
Patrick Healey


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