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Race Creation Cookbook

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
Race Creation Cookbook
Written By Louis Porter, Jr Design
Brandes Stoddard 350 NW 87th Terrace
Plantation, FL 33324
Addititional Material [email protected]
Neal Bailey www.lpjdesign.com

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for those that are available. Most types and subtypes
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK For game Masters grant abilities in and of themselves; GMs wishing to
vary from these abilities (such as granting Darkvision
GMs with a taste for world-building can either borrow 120 ft. to an aberration) will need to deduct the cost
races for their setting from other sources, or build new of the pre-existing ability from the cost of the newly
races from scratch. Presented below are guidelines granted ability (essentially crediting the 10-point cost
for designing new character races with access to a of Darkvision 60 ft. against the 14-point cost of Dark-
wide variety of abilities and balancing drawbacks. vision 120 ft.).
Whether these are exotic new races or variants of
more familiar fantasy races, the tools are in your Note that a race must have a type, but not necessarily
hands. This system is not, however, balanced for a subtype. The Native subtype may only be applied to
players to build their own races. the Outsider or Elemental types; as it removes more
advantages than it grants, it provides a minor cost
break to those creature types. The same goes for the
Designing New Races Goblinoid subtype, as it provides no advantages, but
two of the core Player’s Handbook races have racial
Racial advantages of all kinds are purchased with a bonuses to attack rolls against them. Finally, charm
pool of ability points. In this system, races are built person, hold person, and so forth target only human-
from a pool of 40 points. There are also a variety of oids, so other types pay six points for the privilege of
drawbacks, including racial Hit Dice, Level Adjust- being immune to these spells.
ment, and unusual racial vulnerabilities, which grant
additional ability points. This table also includes the decision to make a race
Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large (long). Large (tall)
This system is no substitute for a GM’s good judg- and larger sizes may not be purchased as Common
ment. Forty ability points, plus a bit more from draw- Abilities, given the extraordinary utility of natural
backs, could grant a race one or two exceptionally reach. Tiny races are at a remarkable disadvantage,
powerful abilities. This race would likely be more as they have a natural reach of 0 feet, and are likely to
powerful than the races of the Player’s Handbook, have great difficulty using common equipment. Simi-
which possess a larger number of less powerful abili- larly, many Large (long) creatures find that standard
ties. gear does not fit them easily. Tiny and Small size
The racial abilities presented below are divided into are generally associated with a Strength penalty, just
two major categories, classified as Common Abilities as Large size is generally associated with a Strength
and Greater Abilities. Common Abilities are those bonus. These things are not, however, considered to be
available to races without a Level Adjustment or racial intrinsic to the size categories in this case.
Hit Dice. Greater Abilities are restricted, for reasons As described in the Monster Manual, many creature
of balance, to races with at least +1 Level Adjustment types grant proficiency in some weapons and armor.
or at least two racial Hit Dice. Each of these abili- To create a balanced character of these races, however,
ties has an associated minimum Level Adjustment or a small change must be made. These creature types
racial Hit Dice requirement. should only grant weapon and armor proficiencies if
Bonuses that apply to specific creature types, weapon the race has one or more racial Hit Dice (see Greater
types, energy types, or the like may be purchased Abilities, below).
more than once, each time applying to a different
creature type, weapon type, energy type, or other Ability Score Bonuses:
option from a list. Such abilities are marked with an Ability score bonuses and penalties should balance
asterisk (*). Abilities may not otherwise be purchased out to 0 for races without a Level Adjustment or racial
twice, nor may they be purchased in both a lesser and Hit Dice. Bonuses generally should not exceed +2
a greater form. For example, “+5 ft to base speed” and penalties generally should not exceed -4, although
and “+10 ft to base speed” may not be purchased there are exceptions. The race’s size is the first consid-
together. eration in adjusting its ability scores. Tiny or Small
races should generally have a Strength penalty and
Common Abilities Large races should generally have a Strength bonus,
The first determination for a new character race is its unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.

creature type and subtype. Many creature types are The difference in gear weight (half for Small creatures
unavailable as Common Abilities; refer to Table 1.1 and double for Large creatures) makes these bonuses
and penalties all the more necessary.
It is also noteworthy that, in most campaigns, physical may be purchased more than once, each time applying


statistics are more important ability scores than mental to a different option.
statistics, and thus are worth more points. Ability score
bonuses cost more points than a penalty to the same
score grants because it is relatively easy to play to a
Miscellaneous Abilities
Table 1.8 gives ability point costs for a wide variety of
race’s strengths and minimize its weaknesses within
other abilities, from bonus feats to much more exotic
the D&D rules system.
abilities. Descriptions of these abilities may be found
starting on page 10.
Racial Bonuses to Skills
Table 1.3 gives prices for racial bonuses to specific
skills. Bonuses may be purchased to multiple skills.
The various drawbacks of Table 1.9 are intended to
This table also includes one limitation, applied to any
balance out some of a race’s strengths. The vulnerabil-
racial bonus to skills. If the racial bonus to a skill
ities to substances require the most work on the part of
check only applies in certain circumstances (half of all
the GM, so that a weakness will actually be significant
common circumstances or less, according to the GM’s
rather than a pointless footnote.
judgment), the cost for that skill bonus is reduced by
half. Dwarves, for example, have a +2 racial bonus on
Craft checks that are related to stone or metalwork; this Greater Abilities
ability costs 2 ability points rather than 4. This limita- Races with +1 Level Adjustment or greater, or 2 racial
tion does not apply to other skill-related benefits, such Hit Dice or more, gain access to an expanded list of
as the bonus skill point per level. abilities. They also act as drawbacks, and grant points
with which to buy these abilities. Not all creature
Senses types are created equal, however, and the number of
drawback points granted for racial Hit Dice varies by
Table 1.4 gives prices for unusual senses. Note that
type. Table 2.1 shows the number of drawback points
bonuses to Spot, Listen, and Search are covered by
granted by Level Adjustments up to +6 and racial Hit
Table 1.2 instead. Table 2.3 includes many of the more
Dice of various types.
exotic forms of perception.
Note that the first racial Hit Die of many creature types
Movement grants proficiency with certain weapons and armor.
Those same creature types with a Level Adjustment but
Few forms of improved movement are available as
no racial Hit Dice do not enjoy this benefit. Refer to
Common abilities. Table 1.5 gives point costs for those
the creature type descriptions for more information on
that are.
these proficiencies.
Table 1.6 gives point costs for racial weapon famil-
The point totals cited for racial Hit Dice do not take
iarity, weapon proficiency, and attack bonuses. Note
into account the point cost of the creature type found
that familiarity with exotic weapons and proficiency
on Table 1.1. Negative numbers on this table, like all
in specific martial weapons decreases in cost after the
other tables, indicate drawback points that allow more
first weapon, as for the most part a character will only
racial abilities to be purchased. Note that two outsider
use one or, at most, two martial weapons at a time, and
racial Hit Dice are sufficiently advantageous that they
four of the eleven core classes grant proficiency in all
cost points rather than granting them.
martial weapons.
Bonuses that apply to specific creature types, weapon
types, or energy types may be purchased more than
Greater Ability Score
once, each time applying to a different creature type, Adjustments
weapon type, or energy type. Races with Level Adjustments or racial Hit Dice gain
access to a broader range of ability score adjustment
Defensive Bonuses options. GMs creating races with the higher-end
ability score adjustments still need to take care that the
Table 1.7 gives point costs for racial defensive abili-
ties, techniques, and resistances to a host of different race does not become unintentionally pigeon-holed
effects. As with Table 1.5, bonuses that apply to a into one role; almost any believable race needs to be
capable of taking on a range of roles. This is, however,

specific creature type, saving throw category, type of

effect, school or subschool of magic, or energy type merely a guideline. Table 2.2 gives ability point costs
for adjustments to ability scores.
Table 2.3 presents the list of Greater Abilities. All of with each successful hit. You must have a natural bite
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK the following abilities are available only to races with attack to use this ability.
+1 Level Adjustment or 2 racial Hit Dice or more.
The Required column indicates the minimum Level
Adjustment or number of racial Hit Dice necessary to
AIR SUBTYPE (35 ability points)
This subtype usually is used for outsiders and other
purchase the ability, and is separate from the cost in
creatures with a connection to the Elemental Plane Air.
racial ability points.
An Air Subtype creature possesses the following traits.

Expanded Racial Type and Subtype List • Creatures with the Air subtype have a Fly speed
equal to their base speed and perfect maneuver-
Table 2.4 reprints the racial types and subtypes avail-
able as Common Abilities and presents the ability score
costs for several more. Refer to the detailed descrip-
tions of each type and subtype below; some of them AMPHIBIOUS (8 ability points)
have been slightly altered from the SRD. This ability only applies to creatures with the Aquatic
subtype. Creatures with this ability are able to survive
out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution,
ABERRATION TYPE (16 ability points)
after which they suffer the effects of drowning.
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities,
an alien mindset, or any combination of the three. The
aberration creature type grants the following traits. AQUATIC SUBTYPE (0 ability points)
These individuals always have swim speeds and thus
• Darkvision out to 60 feet. can move in water without making Swim checks. An
• Proficient with its natural weapons. aquatic individual can breathe underwater. It cannot
• Aberrations eat, sleep, and breathe. also breathe air unless it has the amphibious special
quality. This subtype does not cost any ability points
Aberration racial Hit Dice grant the following features:
in itself; without the Amphibious or Gills abilities, it
• d8 Hit Dice. simply defines an underwater rather than land-based
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (as campaign setting.
• Good Will saves. Aura (5 points per 5 foot radius)
• Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) Auras are a power- either defensive, neutral, or offen-
per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first sive- which radiates around the race to a set distance
Hit Die. when activated.Auras generally only effect opponents
• If generally humanoid in form, proficient in all (if the aura is offensive), or allies (if the aura is defen-
simple weapons, light armor, and shields (except sive). Neutral auras effect all parties equally. Auras
tower shields). generally require a standard action to ‘turn on’, though
the Inspiring Aura is automatically active. The cost
ABILITY DAMAGE (25 ability points) listed above is merely the cost for the delivery method,
This effect must be attached to a particular method of following is a list of actual effects that an aura may
delivery, such as a gaze attack, ray, or touch attack. possess.
This attack damages an opponent’s ability score,
• Damaging (7 points per point of damage, neutral)
dealing 1d3 points of ability damage to any one ability
score. Opponents may negate this damage by making This is a deadly cloud of some type of corro-
a Fortitude or Will save (chosen when the ability is sive fluid, magical energy, or gas. Activating a
purchased) against DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Con Damaging Aura requires a standard action. Any
modifier. For 25 points, this ability may be used once individual or object takes 1 point of energy damage
per day. Every additional two uses multiplies the cost per round for every 7 points spent in corrosive aura
by 1.75, rounding fractions up. If an attack that causes (the type of damage may be chosen from cold, fire,
ability damage scores a critical hit, it deals twice the electric, acid, or sonic- the nature of the attack
indicated amount of damage. Ability damage returns at should reflect the nature of the damage.)
the rate of 1 point per day for each affected ability.
• Inspiring (10 points per +3 bonus, defensive)
ACIDIC SALIVA (8 ability points) For whatever reason, a member of this race has

Your saliva can burn other individuals like acid. Your an inspiring presence which assists his allies in
bite attack deals an extra 1d4 points of acid damage dangerous situations.When in combat, the aura
becomes active automatically. All allies (but not effect to that individual. Any opponent the individual


the generator of the aura himself) within the area of cannot see still has total concealment against the indi-
effect gain a total +3 unnamed bonus to a selection vidual with blindsense, and the individual still has the
of three rolls, chosen between: normal miss chance when attacking foes that have
concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of an
1) attack rolls
individual with blindsense. An individual with blind-
2) attack damage rolls
sense is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class
3) saving throws (choose 1 type)
against attacks from individuals it cannot see.
4) initiative rolls
5) magic damage rolls
6) skill checks
BLINDSIGHT (40 or 55 ability points)
This ability is similar to blindsense, but is far more
The bonus may be split between three different roll discerning. Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity
types, or stacked onto a single type of roll. Any to vibrations, keen smell, acute hearing, or echoloca-
single bonus may not be improved beyond +3, tion, an individual with blindsight maneuvers and
even if Inspiring is taken more than once. fights as well as a sighted individual. Invisibility, dark-
ness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant,
• Weakening (10 points per -2 penalty, offensive,
though the individual must have line of effect to an
maximum -6 penalty)
individual or object to discern that individual or object.
Weakening auras drop the ability scores of all The ability’s range is either 30 feet (40 ability points)
actively hostile opponents who enter them.The or 60 feet (55 ability points). The individual usually
weakening aura requires a move action to turn does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice
on. There is no saving throw to prevent the individuals within range of its blindsight ability. Blind-
effect, although simply leaving the area causes a sight is continuous, and the individual need do nothing
dropped stat to return to normal. A Weakening to use it.
Aura normally only applies to a single ability
score (chosen at the time that the race is created). Bloodthirsty (14 points per hit point restored)
Multiple weakening auras can be combined to This race is known for its intense, insatiable blood-
reduce more than one ability score simultaneously. thirst. Every strike with a ranged or melee attack which
Weakening auras cannot reduce any ability score to this race launches causes it to be healed by a certain
less than 1. amount of hit points. For every 14 points spent on
the Bloodthirsty ability, 1 hit point is restored on a
BAATEZU SUBTYPE (125 ability points) successful strike for regular damage. This ability will
This subtype can only be applied to outsiders with the activate once on any given attack, thus the Bloodthirsty
Evil subtype. ability can stack several times in a round if a character
strikes multiple times, as with many shot or flurry of
A baatezu possesses the following traits. blows. Bloodthirst does not activate when a damaging
• Immunity to fire and poison. spell is cast by the race.
• Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10.
• See in Darkness (Su): All baatezu can see BREATH WEAPON (20 ability points)
perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created A breath weapon is a delivery method for some other
by a deeper darkness spell. kind of effect, such as an energy blast or paralysis.
• Summon: Baatezu share the ability to summon This form of attack fills an area, either a 20-foot cone
others of their kind. The basic baatezu subtype or a 40-foot line. The appropriate saving throw is indi-
grants the ability to summon a lemure once per cated in the description of the associated effect. Using
day, as per summon monster II (caster level equal a breath weapon is a standard action. No attack roll is
to the summoner’s Hit Dice). necessary. Creatures are immune to their own breath
• Telepathy (see the ability description, below). weapons. Creatures that do not breathe might still have
breath weapons.
BLINDSENSE (20 ability points)
Using nonvisual senses, such as acute smell or hearing, Brutality (+12 points)
an individual with blindsense notices things it cannot A race with the Brutality feature trades refined skill for
see. The individual usually does not need to make raw power- a Brutal race’s lack of technique is coun-

Spot or Listen checks to pinpoint the location of an tered by their remarkable ability to deal out and take
individual within 60 feet, provided that it has line of raw damage.
When this species goes on a destructive jag, everyone
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK around them certainly feels it. The race gains a +4 Casting Mastery (22 points)
racial bonus on all opposed strength checks to overrun The arcane and divine arts are no secret to this partic-
and bull rush, and deals an extra +4 damage on all ular species; they have a chosen group of spells at
sunder attempts. This damage is still subject to object which they excel beyond the capabilities of other races.
hardness as per normal. Adaptation: This is obviously geared more towards
‘intellectual’ races, although it can be applied to charis-
BODY SPIKES (12 ability points) matic sorcerous types as well. A species with Casting
Bony spurs or chitinous spikes protrude from your Mastery is likely to use magic to excess. There is an
joints, giving you a jagged profile and making you alternate choice however- magic could come so easily
dangerous to grapple. The spikes deal 1d4 points to the race that they consider it the work of cowards
of piercing damage to any individual engaging in a and weaklings, leaving such powers to servants.
grapple with the creature. Furthermore, the spikes deal
1d4 points of piercing damage per round to any indi- When the Casting Mastery racial feature is taken, the
vidual that swallows a member of this race using the race’s casting level and save DCs are increased by +1
swallow whole ability. with a relevant school. This stacks with the effect of
Spell Focus, as well as the effect of a granted power
which increases caster level. Casting Mastery may
Build Features (Varies) only be taken once by any given race.
All of the Build features are simple modifications to
body type, and are thus easy to apply to a race. Only
1 ‘build’ type racial feature may be taken at any one
time. CHANGE SHAPE (20 ability points)
• Agile Build (12 points) An individual with this special quality has the ability to
assume the appearance of a specific individual or type
This race possesses a much thinner and more of individual (usually a humanoid), but retains most
gracile build than would be expected for their of its own physical qualities. An individual cannot
height. Due to their slender and fluidly moving change shape to a form more than one size category
nature, a race with Agile build is not subject to smaller or larger than its original form. The creature’s
maximum dexterity adjustments for any armor they alternate form requires careful thought on the part
are wearing. For example, normally plate mail of the GM; this ability can easily do too much or too
allows you to add a maximum of +1 to your armor little, depending on the power of the alternate form.
class from dexterity. A race with graceful build Changing shape results in the following changes to the
may add their full dexterity bonus at all times. individual:
• Sturdy Build (10 points) • The individual retains the type and subtype of its
original form. It gains the size of its new form.
Sturdy, tough, solid; whatever you call it- this race
• The individual loses the natural weapons, move-
has it. With a sturdy build, a race can wear much
ment modes, and extraordinary special attacks of
heavier equipment and carry much heavier loads
its original form.
without becoming fatigued. Not only can such a
• The individual gains the natural weapons, move-
race sleep in full armor with no penalty, but the
ment modes, and extraordinary special attacks of
sturdy race suffers no armor check penalty, regard-
its new form.
less of how much armor they are wearing and
• The individual retains all other special attacks and
equipment they are carrying.
qualities of its original form, except for breath
• Mystic Build (11 points) weapons and gaze attacks.
• The individual retains the ability scores of its orig-
This race, in particular, possess a serene grasp of
inal form.
magic at its most fundamental, which allows them
• The individual retains its hit points and saves.
to cast spells very easily under any number of
• The individual retains any spellcasting ability it
conditions. Even a heavily wounded or encum-
had in its original form, although it must be able to
bered member of this species has no problem
speak intelligibly to cast spells with verbal compo-
casting a spell- such an individual may reduce any
nents and it must have humanlike hands to cast
arcane spell failure chance from armor they are

spells with somatic components.

wearing by 20%.
• The individual is effectively camouflaged as an
individual of its new form, and gains a +10 bonus
on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to create a two additional uses multiplies the ability point cost by
disguise. 1.75, rounding fractions up.
Targets of this ability may make a Will save (DC 10
CHAOTIC SUBTYPE (5 ability points) + 1/2 character level + Cha modifier) to negate the
A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to
effect. On a failed save, the target is confused (as per
the chaotic-aligned Outer Planes. Most individuals
confusion) for 1 round per two character levels of the
that have this subtype also have chaotic alignments;
however, if their alignments change they still retain the
subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects
an individual with this subtype as if the individual has
CONSTRICT (15 ability points)
An individual with this special attack can crush an
a chaotic alignment, no matter what its alignment actu-
opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, after making
ally is. The individual also suffers effects according
a successful grapple check. The constriction deals
to its actual alignment. An individual with the chaotic
1d6+Str bonus damage for Medium creatures, and
subtype overcomes damage reduction as if its natural
the die size changes as normal for larger or smaller
weapons and any weapons it wields were chaotic-
creatures. If the individual also has the improved grab
aligned (see Damage Reduction).
ability it deals constriction damage in addition to
damage dealt by the weapon used to grab.
COLD SUBTYPE (36 ability points)
An individual with the cold subtype has immunity to
cold. It has vulnerability to fire, which means it takes
CONSTRUCT TYPE (100 ability points)
A construct is an animated object or artificially
half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from
constructed individual. Constructs benefit even more
fire, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or
than other races for being of Large size, and pay five
if the save is a success or failure.
additional race for Medium and Large size.
CONFUSION (35 ability points) Traits: A construct possesses the following traits.
This effect must be attached to a particular method of
• Low-light vision.
delivery, such as a gaze attack or a touch attack. For

• Darkvision out to 60 feet.

35 points, this ability may be used once per day. Every
• Constructs do not have a Constitution score, and • Proficient with no armor.
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK so do not gain bonus hit points for having a high
Constitution. Creative Aptitude (14 points)
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, Some species seem to have a natural knack as builders,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale inventors, architects, and innovators. These species
effects). possess the Creative Aptitude racial feature- a substan-
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stun- tial enhancement for all item creation feats. A race
ning, disease, death effects, and necromancy with Creative Aptitude needs only spend half the
effects. normal experience cost when creating an item, and
• Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can items which cost less than 100 XP to create (before
be repaired by exposing them to a certain spells, modification from this feature) instead have no experi-
or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. A ence cost at all. The cost for construction materials
construct with the fast healing special quality still (and hired spellcasting, if necessary) is reduced by
benefits from that quality. 10%.
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage,
ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, DAMAGE REDUCTION (Varies)
or energy drain. An individual with this special quality ignores damage
• Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude from most weapons and natural attacks. Wounds
save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is heal immediately, or the weapon bounces off harm-
harmless). lessly (in either case, the opponent knows the attack
• Not at risk of death from massive damage. Imme- was ineffective). The individual takes normal damage
diately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells,
less. spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. A certain
• Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be kind of weapon can sometimes damage the individual
raised or resurrected. normally, as noted below.
• Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
• Because its body is a mass of unliving matter, The entry indicates the amount of damage ignored
a construct is hard to destroy. It gains bonus hit (usually 1 to 15 points) and the type of weapon that
points based on size, as shown on the following negates the ability.
table. Some individuals are vulnerable to piercing, blud-
Construct Size Bonus Hit Points geoning, or slashing damage.
Fine — Some individuals are vulnerable to certain materials,
Diminutive — such as alchemical silver, adamantine, cold-forged
Tiny — iron, or wood. Attacks from weapons that are not made
Small 10 of the correct material have their damage reduced, even
if the weapon has an enhancement bonus.
Medium 20
Large 30 Some individuals are vulnerable to magic weapons.
Huge 40 Any weapon with at least a +1 magical enhance-
Gargantuan 60 ment bonus on attack and damage rolls overcomes
the damage reduction of these individuals. Such indi-
Colossal 80
viduals’ natural weapons (but not their attacks with
Construct racial Hit Dice grant the following features: weapons) are treated as magic weapons for the purpose
of overcoming damage reduction.
• d10 Hit Dice.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (as Some individuals are vulnerable to chaotic-, evil-,
cleric). good-, or lawful-aligned weapons. When a cleric casts
• No good saving throws. align weapon, affected weapons might gain one or
• Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) more of these properties, and certain magic weapons
per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first have these properties as well. An individual with an
Hit Die. alignment subtype (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful)
• Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless can overcome this type of damage reduction with

generally humanoid in form, in which case profi- its natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the
cient with any weapon mentioned in its entry. weapons or natural weapons had an alignment (or
alignments) that match the subtype(s) of the individual.
When a damage reduction entry has a dash (–) after the
ELASTICITY (20 ability points)


slash, no weapon negates the damage reduction.
Individuals can bend and twist your body in unnatural
ways and squeeze through very tight spaces. Indi-
DARKNESS SENSITIVITY (3 drawback points) viduals gain a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist
Whether they are negatively affected by any contact
checks. Moreover, you can squeeze through an opening
with the Plane of Shadow or simply dependant upon
or passage one-tenth as wide and tall as your height,
light for their strength, races with this drawback have
in inches. An individual using this ability to move
reason to be afraid of the dark. Whenever they are
through a tight space moves at one-quarter normal
in total darkness, creatures of this race are shaken (-2
penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
ability checks).
ENERGY BLAST (20 ability points)
This effect must be attached to a particular method
Discernment (21 points) of delivery, such as a breath weapon or a ray. This
This particular race has advanced and very acute
ability may be used once per day. Every two additional
senses, combined with the faculties to use them prop-
uses per day multiply the ability point cost by 1.75,
erly. Any time a race that has the discernment quality
rounding fractions up.
makes a spot, listen, or search check they may opt to
make a second roll, choosing the better of the two. If An energy blast deals 1d6 points per two character
the checks are being made in secret by the GM, he is levels of energy damage (choose one of acid, cold,
required to roll each check twice and take the higher electricity, fire, or sonic) to its target(s). If the delivery
number. Discernment also allows 2 saving throws to method includes an attack roll of any kind, the target
be made against illusion effects. gets no saving throw. If the delivery method does not
include an attack roll (such as a breath weapon), the
EARTH SUBTYPE (15 ability points) target(s) may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 char-
This subtype usually is used for outsiders and creatures acter levels + Con modifier) to take half damage.
with a connection to the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Earth subtype individuals have burrow speeds, and ENERGY DRAIN (50 ability points)
earth subtype individuals can burrow through solid This effect must be attached to a particular method of
rock. delivery, such as a touch attack or a ray. This ability
may be used once per day. Every two additional
Eidetic Memory (10 points) uses per day multiply the ability point cost by 1.75,
Some aspect of the neurology of a race with Eidetic rounding fractions up.
memory allows them near-perfect recall. Past events,
A successful energy drain bestows one negative level.
sights, sounds, and smells are recalled with impres-
If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a
sive clarity. As a free action, a character with Eidetic
critical hit, it bestows two negative levels. A draining
memory can make a DC 10 wisdom check to perfectly
individual gains 5 temporary hit points (10 on a critical
recall any detail which he had been previously made
hit) for each negative level it bestows on an opponent.
aware of or could have reasonably noticed. The GM
These temporary hit points last for a maximum of 1
will simply inform him when asked. This includes
hour. An affected opponent takes a –1 penalty on all
inconsequential details.
skill checks and ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
throws, and loses one effective level or Hit Die (when-
ELADRIN SUBTYPE (110 ability points) ever level is used in a die roll or calculation) for each
This subtype may only be applied to outsiders of the
negative level. A spellcaster loses one spell slot of the
Good subtype.
highest level of spells she can cast and (if applicable)
An eladrin possesses the following traits. one prepared spell of that level; this loss persists until
the negative level is removed.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Low-light vision. Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or
• Immunity to electricity and petrification. until they are removed with a spell, such as restoration.
• Resistance to cold 10 and fire 10. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have
• Tongues (Su): All eladrins can speak with any passed, the affected individual must attempt a Forti-
creature that has a language, as though using a tude save (DC 10 + 1/2 draining individual’s level or

tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is racial HD + draining individual’s Cha modifier). On
always active. a success, the negative level goes away with no harm
to the individual. On a failure, the negative level goes
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK away, but the individual’s level or racial HD is also FEAR (30 ability points)
reduced by one. A separate saving throw is required This effect requires some sort of delivery method, such
for each negative level. as a gaze attack or a ray attack. This ability may be
used once per day. Every additional two uses per day
multiplies the ability point cost by 1.75, rounding frac-
EVIL SUBTYPE (5 ability points) tions up.
A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to
the evil-aligned Outer Planes. Evil subtype outsiders Targets of this effect may make a Will save (DC 10
are also called fiends. Most individuals that have this + 1/2 character level + Cha modifier) to negate its
subtype also have evil alignments; however, if their effects. If the save is failed, the target(s) are frightened
alignments change, they still retain the subtype. Any for 1d4 rounds and shaken for 5 rounds after that.
effect that depends on alignment affects an individual
with this subtype as if the individual has an evil align- FEY TYPE (14 ability points)
ment, no matter what its alignment actually is. The A fey is an individual with supernatural abilities and
individual also suffers effects according to its actual connections to nature or to some other force or place.
alignment. An individual with the evil subtype over- Fey are usually human-shaped.
comes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and
any weapons it wields were evil-aligned (see Damage Traits: A fey possesses the following traits.
Reduction). • Low-light vision.
• Fey eat, sleep, and breathe.
EXOSKELETON (10 or 15 ability points)
A thick exoskeleton forms over your skin. The exoskel- Fey racial Hit Dice grant the following features.
eton usually consists of interlocking plates of bone • d6 Hit Dice.
or chitin covering 90% or more of your body. As a • Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 total Hit Dice (as
Common Ability, you gain a +2 armor bonus and suffer wizard).
a 10% arcane spell failure; as a Greater Ability, you • Good Will and Reflex saves.
gain a +5 armor bonus, maximum Dexterity bonus • Skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
of +3, -4 armor check penalty, and 25% arcane spell per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first
failure. Creatures with this ability cannot wear armor Hit Die.
or magical robes. • Proficiency in all simple weapons, light armor, and
shields (except tower shields).
EXTRA ARMS (30 ability points)
The race possesses an additional pair of arms. The FIRE SUBTYPE (36 ability points)
extra arms look and behave exactly like the other set An individual with the fire subtype has immunity to
of arms. The race gains a +4 racial bonus on Climb fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means it takes
checks and grapple checks. For the purposes of half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from
combat, both extra arms are treated as “off hands” (that cold, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed,
is, individuals still have only one primary hand). If or if the save is a success or failure.
a character has three or more natural claw attacks, he
meets the prerequisites for the Multiattack feat. This FRIGHTFUL PRESENCE (20 ability points)
does not give you Multiattack as a bonus feat, however. This special quality makes an individual’s very pres-
ence unsettling to foes. It takes effect automatically
FAST HEALING (40 or more ability points) when the individual performs some sort of dramatic
An individual with the fast healing special quality action (such as charging, attacking, or snarling).
regains hit points at an exceptionally fast rate, usually Opponents within range who witness the action may
1 or more hit points per round, as given in the individu- become shaken. Actions required to trigger the ability
al’s entry. Except where noted here, fast healing is just are given in the individual’s descriptive text. The range
like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit is usually 30 feet, and the duration is usually 5d6
points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it rounds. This ability affects only opponents with fewer
does not allow an individual to regrow lost body parts. levels than the individual has. An affected opponent
It does not allow lost body parts to be reattached. can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC

10 + 1/2 frightful individual’s level or racial HD +

frightful individual’s Cha modifier). An opponent that
succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same
individual’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful


presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.

GAZE (20 ability points)

A gaze attack is a delivery method; races with this
ability must also buy an effect to attach to it. Energy
drain, paralysis, fear, ability damage, and confusion are
all possible effects. The saving throw for a gaze attack
is based on the associated effect. When a creature’s
gaze attack is activated as a standard action, each
opponent within 30 feet must attempt a saving throw.
Opponents can avoid the need to make a saving throw
by not looking at the individual, in one of two ways.
• Averting Eyes: The opponent avoids looking at
the individual’s face, instead looking at its body,
watching its shadow, tracking it in a reflective
surface, and so on. The opponent has a 50%
chance to not need to make a saving throw against
the gaze attack. The individual with the gaze
attack, however, gains concealment against that
• Wearing a Blindfold: The opponent cannot see
the individual at all (also possible to achieve by
turning one’s back on the individual or shutting
one’s eyes). The individual with the gaze attack
gains total concealment against the opponent.
Gaze attacks can affect ethereal opponents. An indi-
vidual is immune to gaze attacks of others of its kind
unless otherwise noted.
Allies of an individual with a gaze attack might be
affected. All the individual’s allies are considered to
be averting their eyes from the individual with the gaze
attack, and have a 50% chance to not need to make a
saving throw against the gaze attack when activated.
The individual also can veil its eyes, thus negating its
gaze ability.

GIANT TYPE (14 ability points)

A giant is a humanoid-shaped individual of great
strength, usually of at least Large size.
Traits: A giant possesses the following traits.
• Low-light vision.
• Giants eat, sleep, and breathe.
Giant racial Hit Dice grant the following features.
• d8 Hit Dice.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (as
• Good Fortitude saves.
• Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first GOOD SUBTYPE (5 ability points)
Hit Die. A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to
• Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, the good-aligned Outer Planes. Most individuals that
light armor, and shields (except tower shields). have this subtype also have good alignments; however,
if their alignments change, they still retain the subtype.
Any effect that depends on alignment affects an indi-
GILLS (15 ability points) vidual with this subtype as if the individual has a good
You grow a set of gills that can draw the oxygen out
alignment, no matter what its alignment actually is.
of water. The gills appear on your neck, chest, or back
The individual also suffers effects according to its
(near your windpipe or lungs). Individuals can breathe
actual alignment. An individual with the good subtype
both air and water. You can operate underwater indefi-
overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons
nitely, with no fear of drowning.
and any weapons it wields were good-aligned (see
Damage Reduction, above).
Good Relations (Varies)
This race has some type of symbiotic (or extremely
friendly) relationship with another species or species
GOBLINOID SUBTYPE (2 drawback points)
Goblinoids are stealthy humanoids who live by hunting
group. Choose a group from the following list, and pay
and raiding and who all speak Goblin.
the appropriate cost:

Group Point Cost GUARDINAL SUBTYPE (135 ability points)

Aberrations +10 The guardinal subtype may be applied to any outsider
Any Major Player race +13 with the Good subtype.
Chromatic Dragons +13 A guardinal possesses the following traits.
Evil Outsiders (choose one from +13
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
devils, demons, yugoloths) • Low-light vision.
Fey +10 • Immunity to electricity and petrification.
Giants +11 • Resistance to cold 10 and sonic 10.
Goblinoids +11 • Lay on Hands (Su): As the paladin class feature,
Good Outsiders (choose one from +13 except that each day, a guardinal can heal an
archons, devas, aasimon, eladrin) amount of damage equal to its full normal hit
Insectial humanoids +8
• +4 racial bonus on saves against poison.
Metallic Dragons +13 • Speak with Animals (Su): This ability works like
Neutral Outsiders (choose one from +13 speak with animals (caster level 8th) but is a free
rilmani, modrons, elementals of any action and does not require sound.
single element- including genii)
Plant Creatures +6 Heavy Hide (+7/point of reduction)
Reptilian humanoids +9 The race has a heavy, damage blunting hide. Even the
Undead +11 most powerful creatures have great difficulty inflicting
When interacting with any member of the chosen wounds on a creature with heavy hide, due to its
group, members of a race with Good Relations have a impact absorbing nature. All strength bonuses applied
starting point of “friendly” in terms of initial reaction to damage on a creature with heavy hide are reduced
for diplomacy checks. For non-intelligent species, they by 1 point of damage for every 7 points placed in the
instead gain a +8 situational modifier to handle animal heavy hide racial feature.
checks, and may make such a check untrained. Addi-
tionally, the species in question will not become hostile HIVE MIND (20 ability points)
unless attacked first. This can be waived in highly This ability only comes into effect when more than
extenuating circumstances (such as if the reacting one creature of the same race with this ability are
species member has been hired to kill you or you have within 100 feet of each other. All of these creatures
injured its young). are in constant communication. If one is aware of
a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is

not flat-footed, none of them are. None of them are

considered flanked unless all of them are. Creatures
with this ability can turn off this ability at will, though • Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1)


other creatures of their race in the area will recognize per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first
that they have done so. Hit Die.
• Proficiency in all simple weapons, light armor, and
HOLD BREATH (4 or 8 ability points) shields (except tower shields).
Races with this ability can go for longer periods of
time without risk of drowning than other races can. IMPROVED GRAB (20 ability points)
For 4 ability points, the creature can go for a number If an individual with this special attack hits with a
of rounds equal to (4 x Con score) before it risks melee weapon (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals
drowning. For 8 ability points, the creature can go for normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a
a number of rounds equal to (8 x Con score) before it free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
risks drowning. No initial touch attack is required. Improved grab
works only against opponents at least one size category
Home Advantage (varies) smaller than the individual. The individual has the
This species has a unique biology which is so suited option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use
to a particular environment that they gain substantial the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold
bonuses when they are on their home turf. When within the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes
the confines of a set type of area, a race with Home a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not consid-
Advantage gains a +1 dodge bonus to armor class, and ered grappled itself; the individual does not lose its
a +1 situational bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can
and saving throws. The selection of terrains and their use its remaining attacks against other opponents. A
point costs are listed below. The costs may be adjusted successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless
according to the prevalence of a particular type of the individual also has the Constrict special attack.
terrain in a GM’s campaign. Assume average to be 10. If the individual does not constrict, each successful
grapple check it makes during successive rounds auto-
Terrain Type Point Cost matically deals the damage indicated for the attack that
Forest 12 established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction
Desert 9 damage as well (the amount is given in the individual’s
Subterranean 11 descriptive text). When an individual gets a hold after
Mountain/steppe 9 an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its
space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportu-
Aquatic 7
nity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the
Urban 12 opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
Plains or Prairie 9
Swamp 8 LAWFUL SUBTYPE (5 ability points)
A subtype usually applied only to outsiders native to
HUMANOID TYPE (0 ability points) the lawful-aligned Outer Planes. Most individuals
A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one that have this subtype also have lawful alignments;
head, or a humanlike torso, arms, and a head. Human- however, if their alignments change, they still retain
oids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abili- the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment
ties, but most can speak and usually have well-devel- affects an individual with this subtype as if the indi-
oped societies. They usually are Small or Medium. vidual has a lawful alignment, no matter what its align-
Every humanoid individual also has a subtype. ment actually is. The individual also suffers effects
Traits: A humanoid possesses the following traits. according to its actual alignment. An individual with
the lawful subtype overcomes damage reduction as if
• Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep. its natural weapons and any weapons it wields were
lawful-aligned (see Damage Reduction).
Humanoid racial Hit Dice grant the following features.
• d8 Hit Dice. LIGHT BLINDNESS (8 drawback points)
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (as Abrupt exposure to bright light, such as sunlight or a
cleric). daylight spell, blinds you for 1 round. On subsequent
• Good Reflex saves. rounds, you are dazzled as long as you remain in the

affected area.
the material they tunnel through fills in behind them
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK LIGHT SENSITIVITY (4 drawback points) or because they do not actually dislocate any material
Your eyes cannot adjust to bright light; you are dazzled when burrowing.
in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight
MOVEMENT MODE - CLIMB (10 or 14 ability points)
An individual with a climb speed can walk walls and
LOW-LIGHT VISION (8 or 10 ability points) cling to ceilings like a spider. They have tiny barbs
An individual with low-light vision can see twice as on their hands and feet to facilitate climbing, or their
far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and fingers and toes secrete a transparent adhesive that lets
similar conditions of shadowy illumination. It retains them cling to smooth surfaces. An individual with a
the ability to distinguish color and detail under these climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks.
conditions. An individual with Improved Low-light The individual must make a Climb check to climb any
Vision can see three times as far as a human in those wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but it always
lighting conditions. can choose to take 10 even if rushed or threatened
while climbing. The individual climbs at the given
Merchant’s Regard (12 points) speed while climbing. If it chooses an accelerated
The race with Merchant’s regard has a reputation for climb it moves at double the given climb speed (or
shrewdness and skill in business and finances. As a its base land speed, whichever is lower) and makes a
result, they find it easier to accrue wealth than other single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Individuals cannot
species. run while climbing. An individual retains its Dexterity
When a race with the Merchant’s regard feature is bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and
selling objects or performing some task (such as a opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against
profession or performance) for money, they earn 25% a climbing individual.
(flat rate) more than normal. Items sold are sold for
75% of base cost, for example. In the event of a barter- MOVEMENT MODE - FLY (Varies)
based system, their items are valued 25% higher than An individual with a fly speed can move through the
they would otherwise be. air at its base speed if carrying no more than a light
load. (Note that medium armor does not necessarily
MONSTROUS HUMANOID TYPE (16 ability points) constitute a medium load.) A race’s fly speed may
Monstrous humanoids are similar to humanoids, but be faster than its base speed, at an additional cost in
with monstrous or animalistic features. They often ability points. All fly speeds include a parenthetical
have magical abilities as well. A monstrous humanoid note indicating maneuverability, as follows:
possesses the following traits. • Perfect: The individual can perform almost any
• Darkvision out to 60 feet. aerial maneuver it wishes. It moves through the air
• Monstrous humanoids eat, sleep, and breathe. as well as a human moves over smooth ground.
• Good: The individual is very agile in the air (like
Monstrous humanoid racial Hit Dice grant the a housefly or a hummingbird), but cannot change
following features. direction as readily as those with perfect maneu-
• d8 Hit Dice. verability.
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (as • Average: The individual can fly as adroitly as a
fighter). small bird.
• Good Reflex and Will saves. • Poor: The individual flies as well as a very large
• Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) bird.
per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first • Clumsy: The individual can barely maneuver at
Hit Die. all.
• Proficiency in all simple weapons, light armor, and An individual that flies can make dive attacks. A dive
shields (except tower shields). attack works just like a charge, but the diving indi-
vidual must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend
MOVEMENT MODE - BURROW (10 or 15 ability points) at least 10 feet. It can make only claw or talon attacks,
An individual with a burrow speed can tunnel through but these deal double damage. An individual can
dirt and rock. Individuals cannot charge or run while use the run action while flying, provided it flies in a

burrowing. Most burrowing individuals do not leave straight line.

behind tunnels other individuals can use, either because
one bite attack, one attack per claw or talon, one gore
MOVEMENT MODE - SWIM (8 or 12 ability points) attack, one tail attack, or one slam attack (although
An individual with a swim speed can move through Large creatures with arms or arm-like limbs can make
water at its swim speed without making Swim checks. a slam attack with each arm). Refer to the individual
It has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform monster descriptions.
some special action or avoid a hazard. The individual
can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even A natural weapon threatens a critical hit on a natural
if distracted or endangered. The individual can use the attack roll of 20.
run action while swimming, provided it swims in a
When a creature has more than one natural weapon,
straight line.
one of them (or sometimes a pair or set of them) is the
primary weapon. All the creature’s remaining natural
NATIVE SUBTYPE (4 drawback points) weapons are secondary.
A subtype applied only to outsiders. These indi-
viduals have mortal ancestors or a strong connection An attack with a primary natural weapon uses the
to the Material Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, creature’s full attack bonus. Attacks with secondary
or resurrected just as other living individuals can be. natural weapons are less effective and are made with a
Individuals with this subtype are native to the Mate- -5 penalty on the attack roll, no matter how many there
rial Plane (hence the subtype’s name). Unlike true are. (Creatures with the Multiattack feat take only a
outsiders, native outsiders need to eat and sleep. -2 penalty on secondary attacks.) This penalty applies
even when the creature makes a single attack with the
NATURAL WEAPONS (10 or 20 ability points) secondary weapon as part of the attack action or as an
Natural weapons are weapons that are physically a part attack of opportunity.
of a creature. A creature making a melee attack with Natural weapons have types just as other weapons do.
a natural weapon is considered armed and does not The most common are summarized below.
provoke attacks of opportunity. Likewise, it threatens
any space it can reach. Creatures do not receive addi- • BITE
tional attacks from a high base attack bonus when The creature attacks with its mouth, dealing

using natural weapons. The number of attacks a crea- piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage.
ture can make with its natural weapons depends on
the type of the attack—generally, a creature can make
The creature rips with a sharp appendage, dealing • Skill points equal to (8 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK piercing and slashing damage. per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first
Hit Die.
• Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons,
The creature spears the opponent with an antler,
light armor, and shields (except tower shields).
horn, or similar appendage, dealing piercing
Packhorse (varies)
• SLAM The race in question has a much higher carrying
The creature batters opponents with an appendage, capacity than it’s strength and size would seem to
dealing bludgeoning damage. indicate.The Packhorse racial feature increases the
race’s load bearing capacity by the listed percentages,
depending on how many points were placed into the
The creature slams opponents with a tail, dealing
bludgeoning damage. A creature that already has
Prehensile Tail cannot gain this ability.
PARALYSIS (40 ability points)
This effect must be attached to a particular delivery
Neutrality (17 points) method, such as a touch attack or gaze attack. This
Most peoples who populate the world have to deal with
special attack, usable once per day, renders the victim
enemies, clannishness, or just downright racism. Not
immobile. Every additional two uses per day multi-
the race with neutrality. Neutrality prevents a species
plies the ability point cost by 1.75, rounding fractions
from being discriminated against based upon their race
or culture, even if they are a vastly different or alien
group. The Neutrality feature does not prevent any Paralyzed individuals cannot move, speak, or take any
social penalties from the character simply acting poorly physical actions. The individual is rooted to the spot,
towards others, however. frozen and helpless. Paralysis works on the body, and
a character can resist it with a Fortitude saving throw
OUTSIDER TYPE (20 ability points) (DC = 10 + 1/2 character level + Charisma modifier).
An outsider is at least partially composed of the Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis
essence (but not necessarily the material) of some effect does not allow a new save each round. A winged
plane other than the Material Plane. Some individuals individual flying in the air at the time that it is para-
start out as some other type and become outsiders lyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t
when they attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual swim and may drown.
existence. An outsider possesses the following traits.
PASSIVE SEARCHING (4 ability points)
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
This ability applies to a specific condition or object,
• Unlike most other living individuals, an outsider
such as unusual stonework or secret doors. Whenever
does not have a dual nature—its soul and body
a creature with this ability passes within 10 feet of the
form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is
condition or object, it can make a Search check as if it
set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies,
were actively searching.
such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection,
don’t work on an outsider. It takes a different
magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle,
Patron Deity (14 points)
This race has an associated deity, who provides them
or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider
with power by some method. The Patron Deity allows
with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated,
the race to use the granted power from one of his
or resurrected just as other living individuals can
domains, as a spell-like ability, once per day. In the
event of a granted power which has a constant effect,
• Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep
such as a boosted caster level, the effect is consid-
(although they can do so if they wish).
ered to be continuous. This functions for any class.
Outsider racial Hit Dice grant the following features. Each individual character in a race may choose which
granted power they can call upon at creation. All level-
• d8 Hit Dice.
based effects of this power are determined by character
• Base attack bonus equal to Hit Dice (as fighter).
level. If a cleric of this race would regularly gain the

• Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves.

benefit of a spell like ability, the effect either stacks, or
grants an additional use per day.
+ poisoning individual’s Con modifier. A successful
Plague Bearer (22 points)


save avoids (negates) the damage.
The race is a carrier to some form of dangerous
disease. When the race is in direct physical contact The poison deals 1d3 points of Str, Dex, Int, Wis, or
with a creature potentially effected by the disease, the Cha damage (choose one) as its primary and secondary
creature must make a fortitude save (DC 10+ char- effect. For 10 additional ability points, this poison may
acter level+ constitution bonus) or be afflicted by the be used to coat a weapon.
disease. They lose 2 points of constitution instantly,
and are considered sickened. Every day, an additional POUNCE (25 ability points)
2 points of constitution damage are taken until the When an individual with this special attack makes a
disease is cured (requires a full day of bed rest and a charge, it can follow with a full attack—including rake
DC 10+ plague bearer’s character level heal check.) attacks if the individual also has the rake ability.

PLANT TYPE (75 ability points) POWERFUL CHARGE (8 ability points)

This type comprises sentient vegetable individuals. When an individual with this special attack makes a
Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in charge, its attack deals +4 damage in addition to the
gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores normal benefits and hazards of a charge.
and are not individuals, but objects, even though they
are alive. A plant type possesses the following traits POWER RESISTANCE (Varies)
(unless otherwise noted in a individual’s entry). An individual with power resistance can avoid the
effects of psionic powers and psi-like abilities that
• Low-light vision.
directly affect it. To determine if a power or psi-like
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
ability works against a individual with power resis-
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
tance, the caster must make a manifester level check
(1d20 + manifester level). If the result equals or
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, poly-
exceeds the individual’s power resistance, the power
morph, and stunning.
works normally, although the individual is still allowed
• Not subject to critical hits.
a saving throw.
• Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.
Plant racial Hit Dice grant the following features. PREHENSILE TAIL (10 ability points)
The creature has a tail that can grasp and hold objects.
• d8 Hit Dice.
A prehensile tail can grasp and manipulate a simple
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (as
object up to one size category smaller than the indi-
vidual’s size category. A prehensile tail cannot be used
• Good Fortitude saves.
to operate a piece of equipment that requires oppos-
• Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1)
able digits or fine motor control. An individual can
per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first
“hang” from its prehensile tail indefinitely by wrapping
Hit Die.
it around a larger object, thereby freeing up its other
• Proficiency with all simple weapons.
limbs. The prehensile tail is not dexterous or strong
enough to fire ranged weapons or make melee attacks,
POISON (30 ability points) however.
Poison attacks deal initial ability damage to the
opponent on a failed Fortitude save. Another saving
throw is required 1 minute later (regardless of the first
Prodigy, Arcane (15 points)
A race with the Arcane Prodigy feature draws upon
save’s result) to avoid secondary damage. This attack
ambient arcane power to cast minor spells. A race with
requires a delivery method of some sort, such as a
Arcane prodigy may select four 0 level sorceror or
touch attack or sting. For 30 ability points, this ability
wizard spells, which they may then cast at will, as stan-
may be used once per day. Every two additional uses
dard actions, any number of times per day. Caster level
per day multiplies this cost by 1.75, rounding fractions
is equal to the race’s character level.
An individual with a poison attack is immune to its Prodigy, Divine (25 points)
own poison and the poison of others of its kind. A race with the Divine Prodigy feature has a great

advantage- they are capable of directly tapping into

The Fortitude save DC against a poison attack is equal
divine spell energy (even without the presence of a
to 10 + 1/2 poisoning individual’s level and racial HD

God), and drawing upon that power to cast minor result of adventuring. It now manifests powers as a 3rd
spells. A race with divine prodigy may select four 0 level psion, but its psicrystal’s abilities are those appro-
level cleric or druid spells, which they may then cast at priate to a 1st-level psion.
will, as standard actions, any number of times per day.
Caster level is equal to the race’s character level. RAKE (12 ability points)
An individual with this special attack gains extra
PSIONICS (Varies) natural attacks when it grapples its foe. Normally,
Sometimes a race can manifest powers just as a an individual can attack with only one of its natural
member of a psionic class can (and can activate items weapons while grappling, but a individual with the
accordingly). Such individuals are subject to the same rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks
rules that characters are, except as follows. that it can use only against a grappled foe. Rake
attacks are not subject to the usual –4 penalty for
A psionic creature with this ability is not actually a
attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple.
member of a class, and it does not gain any class abili-
ties other than manifesting psionic powers. An indi- An individual with the rake ability must begin its turn
vidual with access to psychic warrior powers manifests grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin a grapple and
them normally, but it does not receive bonus feats as a rake in the same turn.
psychic warrior would.
The ability point cost of psionics varies according RAY (10 ability points)
This is a delivery method that must be attached to some
to which class and how many levels of that class it
sort of effect, such as an energy blast or energy drain.
imitates. Psion and wilder manifesting cost 35 points
Hitting with a ray attack requires a successful ranged
per level. Psychic warrior manifesting costs 26 points
touch attack roll, ignoring armor, natural armor, and
per level. The creature’s effective manifester level
must always be at least two levels lower than the crea- shield and using the individual’s ranged attack bonus.
Ray attacks have no range increment and a maximum
ture’s total of Level Adjustments and racial Hit Dice.
If the creature later gains levels in the class that its range of 60 feet. The effect’s descriptive text specifies
effects and any applicable saving throw.
manifesting imitates, its racial and class-granted mani-

festing stack. For example, a creature that manifests

powers as a 2nd level psion gains a level of psion as a
of seeing clearly in shadowy conditions, the creature
REPTILIAN SUBTYPE (0 ability points)


has normal concealment rather than no concealment.
These individuals are scaly and usually coldblooded.
The reptilian subtype is only used to describe a set of
humanoid races, not all animals and individuals that
SIZE (Varies)
All creatures fit into a size category. A creature’s
are truly reptiles.
size provides a modifier to its Armor Class and attack
bonus, a modifier on grapple checks it attempts, and a
RESISTANCE TO ENERGY (Varies) modifier on Hide checks; these modifiers may be found
An individual with this special quality ignores some in the Monstrous Manual. Creatures smaller than
damage of the chosen type each time it takes damage Tiny or larger than Large are probably unsuited for
of that kind (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The most forms of adventuring. A Tiny creature typically
entry indicates the amount of damage ignored. occupies a space only 2½ feet across, so four can fit
into a single square. Creatures that take up less than 1
SCENT (20 ability points) square of space typically have a natural reach of 0 feet,
This special quality allows an individual to detect meaning they can’t reach into adjacent squares. They
approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track must enter an opponent’s square to attack in melee.
by sense of smell. Individuals with the scent ability This provokes an attack of opportunity from the oppo-
can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar nent. You can attack into your own square if you need
sights. to, so you can attack such creatures normally. Since
The individual can detect opponents within 30 feet by they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the
sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range squares around them. You can move past them without
increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. provoking attacks of opportunity. They also can’t flank
Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be an enemy.
detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpow- A race’s size also determines its base speed, which
ering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, may then be modified with ability points or drawbacks.
can be detected at triple normal range. A Tiny race’s base speed is 15 feet; Small, 20 feet;
When an individual detects a scent, the exact location Medium, 30 feet; Large, 40 feet.
of the source is not revealed—only its presence some-
where within range. The individual can take a move SMOKE SCREEN
action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the A creature with this ability is able to expel chemi-
individual comes within 5 feet of the source, the indi- cals through its pores to create an inky-black cloud
vidual pinpoints the source’s location. of smoke, engulfing itself and the surrounding area.
As many times a day as its Constitution modifier
An individual with the Track feat and the scent (minimum of 1), as a free action, it can produce a 20-
ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom foot-radius cloud of smoke centered on itself. The
(or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The cloud is stationary once created. The inky-black smoke
typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet.
of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or An individual 5 feet away has one-half concealment
decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor (20% miss chance). Individuals farther away have
is, the number of individuals, and the age of the trail. total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker
For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by cannot use sight to locate the target). This ability
2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track functions underwater. A moderate wind or current
feat. Individuals tracking by scent ignore the effects of disperses the cloud in 4 rounds. A strong wind or
surface conditions and poor visibility. current disperses the cloud in 1 round.

SHADOWBLEND (15 ability points) Soulless (32 points)

Creatures with this ability have a natural affinity for The members of this species are strange, soulless
shadows, or an innate connection to the Plane of creations. Since they have no soul or spirit to speak
Shadow. Whenever the creature is in shadowy lighting of, races with the Soulless trait cannot be affected by
conditions, neither bright light nor total darkness, it any spell or power which influences the soul. A Soul-
gains the benefits of total concealment (50% miss less character can be revived by simply repairing their

chance) rather than normal concealment (20% miss body- even if they have fallen below -10 hit points.
chance). If the opponent has darkvision or other means This is achieved by simply applying the required
amount of healing magic, which will cause them to get
right back up again. However, if the body is destroyed
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK entirely or damaged beyond repair, it is completely STABILITY (3 or 6 ability points)
impossible to bring the character back through any Creatures with this ability are especially stable on their
method, up to and including Miracle or Wish spells. feet. They gain a +2 bonus (3 points) or a +4 bonus
(6 points) on ability checks made to resist being bull
rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but
SPELL (Varies) not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not
Sometimes a race can cast arcane or divine spells just
standing firmly on the ground.
as a member of a spellcasting class can (and can acti-
vate magic items accordingly). Such individuals are
subject to the same spellcasting rules that characters Standing Leap (11 points)
are, except as follows. This race has developed to have powerful leaping legs,
springtails, or a magical jumping effect- the point is
A spellcasting individual that lacks hands or arms can that it is capable of making gigantic leaps. Such a race
provide any somatic component a spell might require may make a jump from a standing position as if they
by moving its body. Such an individual also does need were running, and gains a +8 racial modifier to all
material components for its spells. The individual can jump checks. They are not subjects to limitations on
cast the spell by either touching the required compo- distance for their high or long jumps. Jumping through
nent (but not if the component is in another individual’s occupied squares does not provoke attacks of opportu-
possession) or having the required component on its nity unless the opposition is flying.
A spellcasting creature with this ability is not actually STINGER (5 ability points)
a member of a class, and it does not gain any class This is a delivery method for some other sort of effect,
abilities other than spellcasting. An individual with such as poison or energy drain. It requires a melee
access to cleric spells must prepare them in the normal attack; if successful, it delivers the associated effect
manner and receives domain spells, but it does not and deals piercing damage based on the creature’s size
receive domain granted powers unless it has at least (Tiny, 1 damage; Small, 1d2; Medium, 1d4; Large,
one level in the cleric class. 1d6). A creature may use this stinger attack as part of
its normal attack routine by taking a -5 to the stinger’s
The ability point cost of spellcasting varies according attack roll, or may use the stinger as a primary weapon
to which class and how many levels of that class it and use its normal attack bonus. Like all natural
imitates. Cleric, druid, wizard, and sorcerer spell- weapons, the stinger counts as a light weapon.
casting cost 35 points per level. Bard spellcasting
costs 26 points per level. Paladin, ranger, blackguard, SUSTENANCE HUNGER (4 or 5 drawback points)
and assassin spellcasting cost 15 points per level. The A race with this drawback must consume some type of
creature’s effective spellcaster level must always be at unusual substance in order to survive. The substance
least two levels lower than the creature’s total of Level is generally either rare and expensive (e.g., gemstones),
Adjustments and racial Hit Dice. If the creature later or consuming it violates significant cultural taboos
gains levels in the class that its spellcasting imitates, (blood).
its racial and class-granted spellcasting stack. For
example, a creature that casts spells as a 2nd level For 4 drawback points, the creature must consume
sorcerer gains a level of sorcerer as a result of adven- or destroy a particular type of valuable object (worth
turing. It now casts spells as a 3rd level sorcerer, but at least 50 gp) once every two days. If the creature
its familiar’s abilities are those appropriate to a 1st- fails to do so, it takes 1d4 points of damage to any one
level sorcerer. ability score, which cannot be healed by magic and
will not heal naturally unless the creature once again
SPELL RESISTANCE (Varies) consumes some of the appropriate substance.
An individual with spell resistance can avoid the For 5 drawback points, the creature must consume a
effects of spells and spell-like abilities that directly small amount of a particular substance that normal
affect it. To determine if a spell or spell-like ability society regards as taboo, such as blood or human
works against a individual with spell resistance, the flesh, once every two days. This should be the sort of
caster must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster substance such that, if discovered, the creature would
level). If the result equals or exceeds the individual’s face legal or violent retribution. If the creature fails to

spell resistance, the spell works normally, although the do so, it takes 1d4 points of damage to any one ability
individual is still allowed a saving throw. score, which cannot be healed by magic and will not
heal naturally unless the creature once again consumes water but which has no detrimental effect
some of the appropriate substance. on contact)
Unique or very rare Substance 2
Substance Sympathy (varies)
Certain materials seem to provide a type of benefit to a Bonus to: Cost per +1 bonus
race with Substance Sympathy. Substance Sympathy’s Attack rolls 2 (maximum +3 bonus)
cost varies according to the bonus provided, and the Damage rolls 3 (maximum +3 bonus)
substance that provokes that bonus. All substance Saving Throws (1 type) 1 (maximum +4 bonus)
Sympathies require direct physical contact with the Skill checks (per ½ (maximum +6 bonus)
substance in question to be effective.
individual skill)
Add the values from the following two tables together
The bonus gained from Substance Sympathy is consid-
in order to calculate the final cost of the ability.
ered unnamed.
Substance Type Cost As a constant effect, damage from weapons made of a
All metals 10 substance for which a race has Substance Sympathy is
Specific Metal 8 subject to a damage reduction of 1/-, which stacks with
Solid Wood or plant substances 9 all other forms of damage reduction.
Earth and Stone 8
Water 8 TANAR’RI SUBTYPE (125 ability points)
Specific fabric 8 The tanar’ri subtype may be applied to any outsider
with the Evil subtype.
Fungus and spores 4
Gasses or particulate clouds (non toxic 4 A tanar’ri possesses the following traits.
only, includes smoke, cool steam, mist, • Immunity to electricity and poison.
pollen clouds, etc) • Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, fire 10.
Harmless Liquid (such as oil, wine, blood, 4 • Summon: Tanar’ri have the ability to summon

paint, sap; any liquid less common than others of their kind. The basic tanar’ri subtype
grants the ability to summon a dretch once per day,
as per summon monster III (caster level equal to
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK the summoner’s Hit Dice). TOUCH ATTACK (5 ability points)
• Telepathy (see ability description, below). A touch attack is a delivery method for some other kind
of effect, such as ability damage, poison, or paralysis.
It requires a melee touch attack as a standard action
TELEPATHY (12 ability points) and deals no damage beyond the effect that it delivers.
A creature with this ability can communicate telepathi-
cally with any other creature within 100 feet that has a
language by forming a link as a free action. The indi- TRACKLESS STEP (8 ability points)
vidual with which the telepathic creature forms the link A creature with this ability leaves no trail in natural
must have an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, and it surroundings and cannot be tracked, including tracking
must be a willing participant in the link. The creatures with the Scent ability. The creature may choose to
can communicate telepathically through the link even leave a trail if so desired.
if they do not share a common language, but no special
control or influence is established as a result of the TRAMPLE (30 ability points)
link. If the linked individuals move more than 100 feet As a full-round action, an individual with this special
apart, the telepathic link severs instantly. A creature attack can move up to twice its speed and literally run
with telepathy can telepathically link with only one over any opponents at least one size category smaller
individual at a time during any given round, but the than itself. The individual merely has to move over the
ability can be used at will. opponents in its path; any individual whose space is
completely covered by the trampling individual’s space
TERRIFYING VOICE (12 ability points) is subject to the trample attack. If a target’s space is
Races with this ability can vex an enemy using the larger than 5 feet, it is only considered trampled if
peculiar resonance of their voices. Select any living the trampling individual moves over all the squares it
individual within 30 feet of the creature as the target, occupies. If the trampling individual moves over only
who must be able to hear your voice to be affected. some of a target’s space, the target can make an attack
The individual must make a successful Will save (DC of opportunity against the trampling individual at a –4
10 + 1/2 character level + Charisma modifier) or penalty. A trampling individual that accidentally ends
be dazed for 1 round. A successful save negates the its movement in an illegal space returns to the last legal
effect. This ability is a mind-affecting compulsion position it occupied, or the closest legal position, if
usable as many times as the creature’s Charisma bonus there’s a legal position that’s closer.
(minimum 1) per day. Using this ability is a free action. A trample attack deals bludgeoning damage (the
individual’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modi-
Thick Fur/Feathers (4 points) fier). The individual’s descriptive text gives the exact
A race with the Thick Fur/feathers trait has a dense, amount.
shaggy coat of fur which protects them from the
elements. Thick Fur/Feathers prevents a race from Trampled opponents can attempt attacks of opportu-
being effected by regular (real world) environments nity, but these take a –4 penalty. If they do not make
of extreme heat or cold, preventing any constitution attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt
damage which would be incurred from even the most Reflex saves to take half damage.
hostile of temperature conditions. Strange planar envi- The save DC against an individual’s trample attack is
ronments, say the plane of fire or ice, are not resisted in 10 + 1/2 individual’s level or racial HD + individual’s
any way by a heavily furred/feathered species. Str modifier. A trampling individual can only deal
trampling damage to each target once per round, no
Tireless (14 points) matter how many times its movement takes it over a
The race in question has an absurd amount of stamina target individual.
and never tires. The Tireless racial feature prevents
the race from being affected by fatigued or exhausted TREMORSENSE (35 or 50 ability points)
conditions, and has no natural need of sleep. Even An individual with tremorsense is sensitive to vibra-
fatigue or exhaustion provoked with the aid of magic tions in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the
fail. A Tireless race is also immune to sleep effects, location of anything that is in contact with the ground,
magical or otherwise. to a distance of 30 feet (35 ability points) or 60 feet (50

ability points). Aquatic individual with tremorsense can

also sense the location of individuals moving through
TURN RESISTANCE (5 or 10 ability points) VULNERABILITY TO ENERGY (4 to 12 drawback points)


An individual with this special quality (usually an Some individuals have an innate vulnerability to a
undead) is less easily affected by clerics or paladins. certain kind of energy effect; acid, cold, electricity, fire,
When resolving a turn, rebuke, command, or bolster force or sonic. Such an individual will receive addi-
attempt, add the indicated number to the individual’s tional damage from these types of attacks regardless of
level or racial HD total. whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a
success or failure.
UNDEAD TYPE (100 ability points)
Undead are once-living individuals animated by spiri- VULNERABILITY TO SUBSTANCE (Varies)
tual or supernatural forces. The race suffers a weakness to a particular substance
– adamantium, cold iron, silver, steel or wood. There
Traits: An undead individual possesses the following
are three degrees of weakness, described below.
• Lesser Vulnerability
• No Constitution score.
• Darkvision out to 60 feet. The race suffers an unusual intolerance for the
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, substance in question. Whenever the substance in
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale question makes direct contact with the character’s flesh
effects). (including taking damage from a weapon made of that
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stun- substance), the character is weakened or injured. There
ning, disease, and death effects. are a number of different ways to represent lesser
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, vulnerability. In creating the race, pick one of the
ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage following:
to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity,
1. The character takes 1d6 points of damage that may
and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaus-
not be reduced by damage reduction. This damage
tion effects.
stacks with weapon damage, if applicable.
• Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal
2. The character takes 1 point of Constitution damage
undead individuals. The fast healing special quality
(Fort save DC 20 negates).
works regardless of the individual’s Intelligence
3. The character takes 1 point of any other kind of
ability damage (no save).
• Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude
4. The character is sickened for 1d3 rounds (Fort save
save (unless the effect also works on objects or is
DC 20 negates).
• Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration
A more baneful version of Lesser Vulnerability, a
character coming in contact with the substance is more
• Not at risk of death from massive damage, but
grievously weakened or injured. In creating the race,
when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immedi-
the GM should pick one of the following.
ately destroyed.
• Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells 1. The character takes 3d6 points of damage that may
or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can not be reduced by damage reduction. This damage
affect undead individuals. These spells turn undead stacks with weapon damage, if applicable.
individuals back into the living individuals they 2. The character takes 2 points of Constitution
were before becoming undead. damage (Fort save DC 22 negates).
• Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep. 3. The character takes 2 points of any other kind of
ability damage (no save).
Undead racial Hit Dice grant the following features.
4. The character is nauseated for 1d3 rounds (Fort
• d12 Hit Dice. save DC 22 negates).
• Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 Hit Dice (as
wizard). Greater Vulnerability
• Good Will saves. A yet more deadly version of Vulnerability, a character
• Skill points equal to (4 + Int modifier, minimum 1) coming in contact with the substance is mortally weak-
per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first ened or injured. In creating the race, the GM should

Hit Die. pick one of the following.

• Proficiency with all simple weapons, light armor,
and shields (except tower shields).
1. The character takes 5d6 points of damage that may creatures. As the turn of the seasons sends the forest
RACE CREATION COOKBOOK not be reduced by damage reduction. This damage into deep shadow, the Daredau shepherd the more
stacks with weapon damage, if applicable. dangerous entities which arrive on the cusp of winter.
2. The character takes 4 points of Constitution
Daredau are naturalistic, and see death and rot as
damage (Fort save DC 25 negates).
extensions of the natural life of the forest. Unlike most
3. The character takes 4 points of any other kind of
other sentient creatures, the Daredau also view undeath
ability damage (no save).
as a natural occurrence, which must be dealt with
4. The character is stunned for 1d3 rounds (Fort save
through dialogue and not violence. Daredau are known
DC 25 negates).
to protect undead creatures, whom they consider to fill
a necessary predatory niche which helps to prevent an
WATER SUBTYPE (25 ability points) overabundance of life.
This subtype usually is used for outsiders and creatures
with a connection to the Elemental Plane of Water. Classes: Through an intimate knowledge of life and
Individual with the Water subtype always have swim death gleaned over many years of study, the Daredau
speeds and can move in water without making Swim have an understanding of necromancy which is
checks. A creature of the Water subtype can breathe unrivalled amongst any other peoples. Daredau are
water and air. frequently druids and clerics who specialize in Necro-
mancy. The Daredau favored class is Druid.
WOODLAND STRIDE (12 ability points) Alignment: Most Daredau tend toward neutral align-
A creature with this ability may move through any
ments. Few are evil, although equally few are good.
sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars,
Regardless of their alignment, this unusual and isolated
overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at normal speed
species tends to treat other peoples with cool detach-
and without taking damage or suffering any other
impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown
areas that have been magically manipulated to impede Appearance and manner: Daredau are slight crea-
motion still affect the creature. tures with a skin resembling polished ironwood. They
have large, reflective amber eyes and fine features-
their faces are akin to those of very somber children.
EXAMPLE RACE: Daredau Daredau have no hair, but the backs and sides of their
heads are covered with dull looking scales (like those
Let’s try an example race, shall we? For this race, we
of a pinecone) with whitish tips. They wear clothing
used a 40 point build (this is standard), and drew upon
of simple, rough fabrics, decorated in blocky patterns
the features offered in the Race Creation Cookbook.
of deep red and brown. Many wear headwraps wound
about the head and left to trail over the chest on one
Daredau side. Daredau weaponry is usually made of hardened
• +2 wisdom, -2 strength. (-2 points) char, created by running bone through a cold magical
• Casting Mastery (+1 to caster level and save DCs fire conjured by their smiths. They favor quarterstaves,
with necromancy spells) (+22 points) which are covered with designs in bright tree resin,
• Substance Sympathy (+3 to attack rolls when in different colors representing homes in different parts of
contact with sap) (+6 for the +3 bonus, +4 for the forest.
harmless liquid type for a total of +10).
Daredau speak quietly, although their voices seem
• +2 racial bonus on survival checks (+4 points)
supernaturally deep and smooth. They never address
• +1 racial bonus to attack rolls with quarterstaves
people by name unless they know them well (names
(+4 points)
are considered to hold power and are thus taboo for
• Good Relations (undead) (+11 points)
casual use), otherwise referring to people as “mada”,
• Greater Vulnerability to Cold Iron (nauseated for
which simply means ‘you’. Although they can seem
1d3 rounds, Fort save DC 22 negates (-9 points)
polite, they are not generally particularly pleasant
Now what can we do with that? company- many see other races as creatures intent
on destroying the natural balance of life to prolong
When fall creeps between the boughs and branches
their own survival, which they perceive as selfish. As
of the Tamelin Forest, the Daredau emerge from
a result, they choose to interact with other races in a

their hidden domain. These strange nature spirits

selfish and highly codified context- making extensive
are responsible for dealing with the forest’s dead,
use of complicated contracts and agreements, and
especially the wandering souls of slain fey or plant
always exchanging promises (sometimes in writing) Daredau cannot stand the touch of cold wrought iron, a


before rendering any services. metal which they associate with a goddess of destruc-
tion called the Grey Moon (which they believe to be
Culture: Daredau only leave their homes for fall and
constructed of iron). Simply coming into contact
winter, choosing to remain behind during the spring
with the substance produces nausea, and the Daredau
and summer, when they tend their gardens. They
is expected to cleanse and purify themselves through
generally live alone or in small groups, in small
atonement and bloodletting. A Daredau killed by
cottages or compounds- where they animate skeletons
cold wrought iron cannot be reincarnated, and people
they have collected to use as labor.
bearing this substance in Daredau lands will be killed
Daredau harvest sap from various trees and plants, without provocation.
which to them is symbolic of life force. Many Daredau
ceremonies are centered around gathering and puri-
fying this sap, which they anoint themselves with both
as a cosmetic, and to enhance their resolve.
Daredau also make a sap wine which is devastat-
ingly intoxicating and delicious to them, but simply
disgusting to any other creature. They offer this wine
to guests as a sign of friendship; it’s best to take it and
try at least a little bit. If they’re sharing it, they’ll be
falling over drunk and won’t notice if you don’t drink
much anyway.
During the darkest days of winter, the Daredau gather
at the cottage of a chosen host (who is decided at the
end of the meeting each year). This meeting is a type
of celebration, where the Daredau share news, hold
fastbonds and marriage ceremonies, trade goods, and
discuss the comings and goings of the forest. Daredau
make elaborate runes by digging trenches in unspoiled
snow fields, which they use as foci for powerful magics
which are used to revive the elder trees, that heart of
the forest which relies upon them. They also take this
time to reincarnate the dead amongst them, as well as
the spirits of those undead who are willing.
Daredau will sometimes head to other communities
outside of their woods during the fall and the winter-
indeed they are associated with the change of seasons
in communities where they regularly appear. There
is some superstition surrounding them due to their
association with undead, but their skill with herbs and
nourishing preserves (often brought at times of need)
can also provide them a warm welcome.
Daredau have no natural lifespan, and usually simply
choose to die when their bodies become severely weak-
ened or damaged (this tends to happen after 400 years
or so). A dying Daredau is ritually killed during the
midwinter meet, after which they are reincarnated (they
are always born as young of their own race). The next
year, the reborn Daredau will arrive from the depths of
the forest during the summer, and be brought back into

the fold of his previous home. Over time, some memo-

ries are regained.
Table 1.1: Racial Type or Subtype List
Racial Type or Subtype Cost Racial Type or Subtype Cost
Aberration Type 16 Lawful Subtype 5
Aquatic Subtype 0 Monstrous Humanoid Type 16
Chaotic Subtype 5 Native Subtype -4
Evil Subtype 5 Outsider Type 20
Fey Type 14 Reptilian Subtype 0
Giant Type 14 Tiny Size -15
Good Subtype 5 Small Size 0
Goblinoid Subtype -2 Medium Size 0
Humanoid Type 0 Large (long) Size 8

Table 1.2: Ability Score Adjustment Costs

Ability Score Adjustment +2 +4 -2 -4
Strength 8 20 -6 15
Dexterity 8 20 -6 15
Constitution 8 20 -6 15
Intelligence 6 15 -4 10
Wisdom 6 15 -4 10
Charisma 6 15 -4 10

Table 1.3: Racial Bonuses to Skills

Feature Cost
+1 racial bonus on checks with one skill* 2
+2 racial bonus on checks with one skill* 4
+3 racial bonus on checks with one skill* 8
+4 racial bonus on checks with one skill* 12
Racial bonus applies in limited circumstances ½ normal
+1 skill point per level (+4 skill points at 1st) 16
One permanent class skill* 8
Table 1.4: Unusual Senses
Feature Cost Feature Cost
Darkvision 30 ft. 8 Low-light Vision 8
Darkvision 60 ft. 10 Low-light Vision, Improved (3x normal range) 10
Darkvision 90 ft. 12 Scent 20
Darkvision 120 ft. 14 Passive Searching 4

Table 1.5: Movement

Feature Cost Feature Cost
+5 ft to base speed 15 30 ft Climb speed 14
+10 ft to base speed 30 20 ft Swim speed 8
20 ft Climb speed 10 30 ft Swim speed 12

Table 1.6: Weapons, Attack Bonuses, and Damage Bonuses

Feature Cost +1 racial bonus to attack rolls with one
Weapon Familiarity (Exotic weapon weapon type* 4
counts as Martial) 6 +1 racial bonus to weapon damage against
Weapon Familiarity (Per Exotic Weapon one creature type or subtype* 2
past the first) +3 +1 racial bonus to weapon damage 6
Weapon Proficiency (One Martial weapon) 6 +1 racial bonus to melee weapon damage
Weapon Proficiency (Two Martial weapons) 9 (choose one energy type) 5
Weapon Proficiency (Three or more Natural bite attack (1d6 for Medium) 20
Martial weapons) 12 Natural claw attack (1d4 for Medium) 10
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls against one Natural gore attack (1d6 for Medium) 20
creature type or subtype* 2 Natural slam attack (1d4 for Medium) 10
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls with Natural tail attack (1d6 for Medium) 20
thrown weapons 4

RACE CREATION COOKBOOK Table 1.8: Miscellaneous Abilities
Feature Cost Hold Breath (Constitution score times four) 4
Aura (per 5 foot radius)2 5 Hold Breath (Constitution score times eight) 8
Bonus Feat (specified) 15 Home Advantage Varies
Bonus Feat (chosen at character creation) 20 Merchant’s Regard 19
Spell-like ability or psi-like ability1 Varies Neutrality 17
Acidic Saliva (Ex) 8 Packhorse (per 25% increase in capacity) 2
Amphibious (Ex) 8 Patron Deity 14
Bloodythirsty (per hit point restored) 14 Plague Bearer 22
Brutality 12 Powerful Charge (Ex) (+4 damage) 8
Body Spikes (Ex) 12 Prodigy (Arcane) 15
Breath Weapon (Su)2 20 Prodigy (Divine) 25
Build (agile) 12 Ray (Su) 2
Build (mystic) 11 Shadowblend (Su) (50% concealment
Build (sturdy) 10 in shadowy areas) 15
Casting Mastery 22 Smoke Screen (Ex or Su) 15
Change Shape (Su) 20 Soulless 32
Creative Aptitude 14 Standing Leap 11
Discernment 21 Substance Sympathy Varies
Eidetic Memory 12 Telepathy (Su) 12
Elasticity (Ex or Su) 20 Terrifying Voice (Ex or Su) 12
Energy Blast (Su)3 20 Thick Fur 4
Exoskeleton (Ex) (+2 armor bonus, Tireless 15
10% arcane spell failure) 10 Trackless Step (Ex) 8
Extra Arms (Ex) 30 Turn Resistance +2 (Ex) 5
Gills (Ex) 15 Turn Resistance +4 (Ex) 10
Good Relations Varies Woodland Stride (Ex) 12
Heavy Hide (per point of reduction) +7
The formula for determining the cost of a spell-like ability is 4 x spell or power level (count 0-level spells and
powers as 0.5) x the number of uses per day (count at will or continuous use as 6/day).
This is a delivery method for some sort of effect. See the ability description.
This effect requires a delivery method. See the ability description.
Table 1.7: Defensive Bonuses
Feature Cost Feature Cost
+2 dodge bonus to AC against one +1 racial bonus on saving throws
creature type* 2 against spells and spell-like effects 6
+4 dodge bonus to AC against one +2 racial bonus on saving throws
creature type* 4 against spells and spell-like effects 12
+1 dodge bonus to AC 12 +2 racial bonus on saving throws
+1 racial bonus on one saving throw category* 3 against a psionic discipline* 2
+2 racial bonus on one saving throw category* 6 +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
+3 racial bonus on one saving throw category* 9 a school of magic* 2
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws 9 +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
+2 racial bonus on all saving throws 18 one subschool of magic*2 1
+2 racial bonus on saving throws Immunity to one subschool of magic* 10
against one effect*1 2 Resistance 5 to one energy type* 10
Immunity to disease 10 Resistance 10 to one energy type* 15
Immunity to poison 15 +1 natural armor bonus 10
Immunity to paralysis 15 +2 natural armor bonus 20
Immunity to sleep effects 10 +1 deflection bonus to AC 15
Immunity to polymorph 10 +2 deflection bonus to AC 25
Immunity to stunning 15 Stability +2 3
Immunity to petrification 15 Stability +4 6
Immunity to charm/compulsion 15 Damage Reduction 1/-- 15
Immunity to death magic 20 Damage Reduction 2/-- 30
Immunity to fear effects 15 Damage Reduction 2/material3 10
Immunity to gaze attacks 15 Damage Reduction 3/material3 20
Damage Reduction 4/material3 30
The entire list of applicable effects includes disease, poison, paralysis, sleep effects, polymorph, stunning,
petrification, charm/compulsion, death magic, fear effects, and gaze attacks.
The entire list of subschools includes Calling, Creation, Healing, Summoning, Teleportation, Scrying, Charm,

Compulsion, Figment, Glamer, Pattern, Phantasm, and Shadow.

Table 2.1: Level Adjustments and Racial Hit Dice

Condition Race Points Giant Type (2 HD) -8
Level Adjustment +1 -25 (Every additional HD) -6
Level Adjustment +2 -50 Humanoid Type (2 HD) -12
Level Adjustment +3 -75 (Every additional HD) -6
Level Adjustment +4 -100 Monstrous Humanoid Type (2 HD) -4
Level Adjustment +5 -125 (Every additional HD) -4
Level Adjustment +6 -150 Outsider Type (2 HD) 4
Aberration Type (2 HD) -12 (Every additional HD) -4
(Every additional HD) -6 Plant Type (2 HD) -15
Construct Type (2 HD) -18 (Every additional HD) -7

(Every additional HD) -9 Undead Type (2 HD) -16

Fey Type (2 HD) -20 (Every additional HD) -8
(Every additional HD) -15
Feature Cost
Slow (-10 ft. to speed) -10
-1 attack rolls against one individual type* -1
-1 on attack rolls with ranged attacks and ranged touch attacks -3
-2 dodge bonus to AC against one individual type* -1
-4 dodge bonus to AC against one individual type* -2
-1 penalty on one saving throw* -1
-2 penalty on one saving throw* -2
-1 penalty on all saving throws -3
-2 penalty on all saving throws -6
-2 penalty on saving throws against disease -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against poison -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against paralysis -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against fear -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against charm/compulsion -1
-1 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects -2
-2 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects -4
-2 penalty on saving throws against a psionic discipline* -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against a school of magic* -1
-2 penalty on saving throws against one subschool of magic* -1
Vulnerability to one energy type – additional 50% damage* -4
Vulnerability to one energy type – additional 100% damage* -8
Vulnerability to one energy type – additional 200% damage* -12
Lesser Vulnerability to Steel -15
Vulnerability to Steel -20
Greater Vulnerability to Steel -25
Lesser Vulnerability to Wood -10
Vulnerability to Wood -13
Greater Vulnerability to Wood -15
Lesser Vulnerability to Cold Iron -5
Vulnerability to Cold Iron -7
Greater Vulnerability to Cold Iron -9
Lesser Vulnerability to Silver -5
Vulnerability to Silver -7
Greater Vulnerability to Silver -9
Lesser Vulnerability to Adamantium -3
Vulnerability to Adamantium -4
Greater Vulnerability to Adamantium -5
Sustenance Hunger (taboo) -5
Sustenance Hunger (rare) -4
Darkness Sensitivity -3
Light Blindness -8
Light Sensitivity -4
Table 2.2: Greater Ability Score Adjustments.
Ability Score +2 +4 +6 +8 -2 -4
Strength 8 20 40 65 -6 -15
Dexterity 8 20 40 65 -6 -15
Constitution 8 20 40 65 -6 -15
Intelligence 6 15 30 50 -4 -10
Wisdom 6 15 30 50 -4 -10
Charisma 6 15 30 50 -4 -10

Table 2.4: Expanded Racial Type and Subtype List

Racial Type or Subtype Cost Required Racial Type or Subtype Cost Required
Aberration Type 16 0 Humanoid Type 0 0
Air Subtype 35 4 Lawful Subtype 5 0
Aquatic Subtype 0 0 Monstrous Humanoid Type 16 0
Baatezu Subtype 125 6 Native Subtype -4 0
Chaotic Subtype 5 0 Outsider Type 20 0
Cold Subtype 36 5 Plant Type 75 3
Construct Type 100 3 Reptilian Subtype 0 0
Earth Subtype 15 3 Tanar’ri Subtype 125 6
Eladrin Subtype 110 6 Undead Type 100 3
Evil Subtype 5 0 Water Subtype 25 3
Fey Type 14 0 Tiny Size -15 0
Fire Subtype 36 5 Small Size 0 0
Giant Type 14 0 Medium Size 0* 0
Good Subtype 5 0 Large (long) Size 8* 0
Goblinoid Subtype -2 0 Large (tall) Size 25* 3
Guardinal Subtype 135 6
*Creatures of the Construct type pay an additional 5 ability points for these sizes.

RACE CREATION COOKBOOK Table 2.3: Greater Abilities
Feature Cost Fast Healing 2 (Ex) 55 5
Req’d Every additional +1 to Fast Healing 15 N/A
Immunity to critical hits 40 4 Fear (Su)* 30 3
Power resistance 5 + character level 15 1 Frightful Presence (Ex) 20 3
Power resistance 10 + character level 20 2 Gaze (Su)** 20 4
Every additional point of base Hive Mind (Ex) 20 2
power resistance +2 N/A Improved Grab (Ex) 20 2
Spell resistance 5 + character level 15 1 Movement mode: Burrow
Spell resistance 10 + character level 20 2 (Ex or Su) 10 feet 10 3
Every additional point of base Movement mode: Burrow
spell resistance +2 N/A (Ex or Su) 20 feet 15 3
Immunity to one energy type 40 5 Movement mode: Fly
Immunity to two energy types 90 6 (Average) (Ex or Su) 25 4
Immunity to three energy types 150 7 Movement mode: Fly
Resistance 15 to one energy type* 20 1 (Clumsy) (Ex or Su) 20 4
Every 5 additional points of energy Movement mode: Fly
resistance 5 N/A (Good) (Ex or Su) 28 4
+3 natural armor bonus 30 1 Movement mode: Fly
Every additional point of natural (Perfect) (Ex or Su) 35 4
armor bonus +10 N/A Movement mode: Fly
+3 deflection bonus to AC 35 1 (Poor) (Ex or Su) 22 4
Every additional point of Every additional 5 feet of
deflection bonus to AC +10 N/A Fly speed 8 N/A
Damage Reduction 3/-- 45 1 Paralysis (Ex or Su)* 40 5
Every additional +1/-- DR +15 N/A Poison (Ex)* 30 3
Damage Reduction 5/material 40 1 Pounce (Ex) 25 2
Every additional +1/material DR +10 N/A Prehensile Tail 10 1
Ability Damage (Su)* 25 3 Psionics Varies 3
Blindsense (Ex) 60 feet 20 3 Rake (Ex) 12 1
Blindsight (Ex) 30 feet 40 4 Ray (Su or Sp)** 10 0
Blindsight (Ex) 60 feet 55 5 Spellcasting Varies 3
Breath Weapon (Su)** 20 3 Stinger** 5 1
Confusion (Su)* 35 4 Touch Attack** 5 1
Constrict (Ex) (1d6+Str bonus) 15 2 Trample (Ex) 30 3
Energy Blast (Su)** 20 0 Tremorsense (Ex or Su) 30 feet 35 3
Energy Drain (Su)* 50 6 Tremorsense (Ex or Su) 60 feet 50 4
Exoskeleton (Ex) (as per breastplate) 15 1
Fast Healing 1 (Ex) 40 5
*This attack requires a delivery method, purchased separately. See the ability description.
**This is a delivery method for an attack of some kind. See the ability description.

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