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SITUATION1 - Public Health Nurse Zafra is preparing for a meeting to discuss with his
co-workers major chronic diseases which are responsible for deaths in their city. He plans to
focus on promotive and preventive health care.

1. He wants to be sure that: health workers have common understanding of chronic disease.
The BEST definition of a chronic disease is:
A. Problems that are experienced by individual. in their lifetime that may cause financial
B. Problems in body functions and structure which is a lifetime debilitation .
C. multidimensional phenomenon resulting from the interaction between people and their
D. A condition that requires ongoing medical care, limits one can do, which likely lasts three
months or more,

2. Nurse Zafra would like to propose a month—long series of health information related to
healthy living. Some of the relevant topics should include:
1. Diet
2. Exercise
3. Pharmacotherapy
4. End-of-life care
5. Vaccination for selected condition
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 2, 3, and 5
C. 1, 2, and 4
D. 1, 2, and 5

3. Nurse Zafra emphasizes the responsibility of the nurse to increase the knowledge of the
community regarding the importance of physical activity. The minimum amount of daily physical
activity required for health benefits is:
A. 15 minutes, to be achieved every morning or afternoon, twice a week.
B. At least 30 minutes, cumulative, of moderate intensity on most days of the week.
C. 60 minutes of intensive activity, once a week.
D. 30 minutes of aerobic activities sporadically during the week.

4. Nurse Zafra explains the ABC strategies to promote healthy nutrition. These strategies are
the following, EXCEPT:
A. Build healthy nutrition—related practices
B. Aim for ideal body weight.
C. Choose food wisely.
D. Access weight—reducing herbs.
5. Stress management is also included in the proposed program. Meditation is one of the
several stress management techniques which can have beneficial effects. Which of the following
effects is NOT included?
A. Helps muscles relax.
B. Eliminates stressful thoughts
C Lowers blood pressure
D Increases respiratory rate

SITUATION 2 - The public health nurse must have an understanding of demography which
should support health care plan.

6. Demography is concerned with the study of population. Which of the following are included in
a demographic profile?
A. Size, composition, health status, and environment.
B. Change in population, distribution, and health status.
C. Size, distribution, composition, and change in population.
D. Size, distribution, and composition.

7. Based on the 2017 Demographic Report (July 2016 estimate) , the Philippine population has
A. 140 million
B 120 million
C 102 million
D 85 million

8. There are three Demographic variables in population growth. Which one is NOT included?
A. Fertility
B. Migration
C Morbidity
D Mortality

9. Population structure is a diagram of population typically presented a pyramid—like style

format based on_______________
A sex and educat.ional attainment
B age and fertility
C. age and civil status
D. age and sex

10. An aging population refers to a phenomenon in which the median age of the population in a
country rises significantly compared to the total population. This is caused by any or
combination of the following:
1. A declining birth rate
2. Rising life expectancy
3. Decreasing fertility
4. Increased child survival
5. Better health decreased fertility
A 1, 2, 3, and 4
B 1 ,2, 4, and 5
C 1, 2, and 3
D 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

SITUATION 3 - Nurse Lunar io makes several home visits to patients who were discharged from
a district hospital.

11. As Nurse Lunar prepares for the day's visits, which of the following patients should be seen
FIRST? A client with
A. Parkinson' s disease with imbalance gait
B. a history of congestive heart failure with dyspnea
C. a thoracostomy six months ago
D. a stroke with nasogastric tube (NGT)

12. Mang Bonifacio refuses to take his daily medication for hypertension. Which of the following
actions should Nurse Lunario take at this time?
A. Tell Mang Bonifacio that he will suffer from stroke.
B. Explore the reason for the client' s refusal to take the medication .
C. Administer the medication by injection.
D. Obtain help from re I atives in administering the medication.

13. Nurse Luna: io sees 65 year—old male, who is recovering from stroke. He noticed that
Mang Jose exhibits signs of unilateral neglect. Which behavior is suggestive of this unilateral
neglect? Mang Jose is_____________.
A. unable to carry out cognitive and motor activity at the same time
B. observed shaving only one side of his face
C. unable to complete a range at vision without turning his neck side to side
D. unable to distinguish between two tactile stimuli

14. Nurse Lunario is teaching a client with Parkinson' s disease on ways to prevent curvatures
of the spine associated with the disease. To prevent spinal flexion, the nurse should tell the
client to.
A rest in supine position with Lis head elevated
B sleep only in dorsal recumbent position
C periodically lie in prone position without a neck pillow
D sleep on either side, but keep his back straight
15. A client with congestive heart failure has been receiving digoxin (Lanoxin), which finding
indicates that the medication is having a desired effect?
A Increased weight
B Improved appetite
C Increased urinary output
D increased Pedal edema

SITUATION 4 - The goal of ethical reasoning in the context of nursing is to reach a mutual
peaceful agreement that is in the best interest of the client. Reaching an agreement may require

16. When an ethical issue arises, which of the following is the most important nursing
A. Ensure that a team is responsible for deciding ethical questions.
B. Remain neutral and detached when making ethical questions.
C. Be able to defend the morality of one's own actions
D. Follow the client and a family wishes exactly.

17. Which of the following is a clear violation of the underlying principles associated with
professional nursing ethics?
A health care facility policy permits the use of internal fetal monitoring which in the literature
evidence points to either support or refute this practice.
B The nurses on the unit agree to sponsor a fundraising event to support a labor strike
proposed by fellow nurses at another health care facility,
C A client reports that he didn't quite tell the doctor the truth when asked if he was following his
therapeutic diet at home
D When asked about the purpose of a medication, a nurse colleague responds, "Oh I never look
them up. I just give them what is prescribed. "

18. Which of the following statements would be most helpful when a nurse is assisting clients in
clarifying their values?
A. “The most important thing is to follow the plan of care. Did you follow the doctor’s order?"
B. "Some people might have a different decision. What led you to make your decision? "
C. "If you had asked me, would have given you, my opinion. Now, how do you feel about your
D. "That was not a good decision. Why did you think it would work?”

19. A Dying patient asks for over dosage of pills from the nurse to end his life for his unbearable
pain caused by cancer. If the nurse grants the patient’s request, she is liable for___________
A. euthanasia
B negligence
C. advance directive
D. assisted suicide.
20. The midwife is orally accusing the nurse that the latter caused the medication errors without
citing an evidence. The midwife can be sued for
A. assault
B. slander
C. defamation
D. libel

SITUATION 5 - Public Health Nurse Melchora is tasked for the day to administer vaccination to
pediatric clients in the barangays she covers. She, along with the team of midwives, should be
knowledgeable on how to provide with the most effective, necessary, and safest vaccination.

21. The foundation of medication administration is the application of the "Rights of Medication
Administration. Which of the following is NOT included in these rights?
A Right route
B. Right patient
C Right dosage
D. Right price

22. When conducting Parent Education on immunization, which of the following considerations
should Nurse Melchora include?
1. Welcomes and greets child and family
2. Explains the vaccines to be administered
3. Refuse entry to those who come late
4. Informs attendees about the procedure to be done
5. Provides parents time to ask questions
6. Refrain from answering questions from parents
A. 2, 4, 5, 6
B. 2, 3, 5, 6
C 1, 2, 4, 5
D 1, 3, 4, 6

23. When handling vaccines, the FIRST step Nurse Melchora should do is to *

A. select the correct needle size

B. reconstitute using the diluent supplied
C. check the content prior to drawing up
D. check the vial for expiration date

24. If more than one vaccine is given, the following guidelines should be observed, EXCEPT.
A. do not give more than one dose of the same vaccine in one session.
B. do not use the same arm or leg for more than one injection.
C. give doses of the same vaccine at the correct intervals.
D. use the same syringe and needle in administering two vaccines.

25. When documenting the procedures done, which of the following should NOT be recorded?
A. Date
B. Lot number
C. Manufacturer
D. Needle gauge

SITUATION 6 - Public Health Nurse Jesusa has several elderly clients in her case load.

26. Which of the following clients is MOST likely to be a victim of elder abuse? A client who
A. 65 - year old female with hip replacement
B. 76 - year old male with Parkinson's disease
C 80 - year old female with Alzheimer's dementia
D. 70 - year old male with diabetes mellitus

27. To prevent deformities of the knee joint in an elderly client with exacerbation of rheumatoid
arthritis, which of the following instructions should Nurse Jesusa make?
A. Discourage passive range of motion because it will cause further swelling.
B. Tell the client she will need joint immobilization for three weeks.
C. Tell the client to remain on bed rest until swelling subsides.
D. Encourage range of motion of the joint within the limits of pain.

28. Nurse Jesusa is visiting a client with Paget's disease. Which is an important part of
preventive care for the client with Paget's disease?
A. Advise the client to see the dentist. regularly.
B. Encourage the client to take influenza vaccine.
C. Keep the environment free of clutter.
D. Tell the client to take multivitamin daily.

29. Mrs Andrea is taking prescribed Aspirin, 325 mg daily, for her transient ischemic attacks .
Nurse Jesusa explains that aspirin was prescribed to_________________
A. boost coagulation
B. prevent headaches
C. prevent cerebral anoxia
D. decrease platelet aggregation

30. Nurse Jesusa is visiting a client with Stage III Alzheimer's disease. Which of the following is
a characteristic of this stage?
A. Wandering at night
B. Irritability
C. Dementia
D. Failure to recognize familiar objects
SITUATION 7 - Public health nurses participate in health screenings which help in the early
detection of a disease or identify those who are at—risk for a particular disease or condition.
Early detection, followed by treatment and management of the condition can result in better
outcomes, and lower the risk of serious complications.

31. Nurse Susana organized a health fair in one of the communities she covers, which was well
attended, with several SCREENING TESTS being given simultaneously. What would Nurse
Susana consider the purpose of the health fair? *
A. Community service
B. Multiphasic screening
C. Community bonding
D. Case finding

32. As nursing students were setting up a health screening at local community center, they
reviewed the need to screen for heart disease and cancer. One student asked, "But colon
cancer is prevalent; why aren't we setting up for sigmoidoscopy?" How would Nurse Susana
reply? *
A. "Can you find adequate privacy for a sigmoidoscopy?”
B. "A sigmoidoscopy is expensive to perform and invasive. "
C. "Would you like to perform that test for the screening? "
D. "What a great idea. Would you like to help arrange it? "

33. Sensitivity is the ability of a screening test to accurately identify what aspect of the
A. Persons with symptoms of the disease.
B. Persons who do not have the disease.
C. Persons who have the disease.
D. Persons who now have a diagnosis of the disease

34. The ability of a screening test to distinguish correctly between persons with and without a
disease is known as___________ *
A. reliability
B. sensitivity
C. validity
D. specificity

35. Some common examples of screening tests are the following, EXCEPT *
A. Pap Smears for cervical cancer screening in women
B. cholesterol levels in heart disease screening
C. PSA levels for prostate CA in men
D. urinalysis for male and female clients
SITUATION 8 - Many Filipinos are suffering from malnutrition. Nurse Aga knows that it is a
result from poor diet or lack of food.

36. Micronutrient supplementation is included in what program of the DOH?

A. Sentrong Sigla
B. Araw ng Sangkap Pinoy
C. Expanded program on immunization
D. Reproductive Health Bill

37. You assess for a child’s nutritional status using the mid—upper arm circumference (MUAC) .
Measurement reads 120cm which falls under the orange color of a 4—colored tape. This
indicates that the child _________________
A. should be immediately referred for supplementation
B. should be immediately referred for treatment
C. is at risk for acute malnutrition.
D. well—nourished

38 You compute for the ideal weight of Edward whose actual weight is 135lbs and height is
5'10" . His ideal body weight is__________lbs .
A. 145
B. 134
C. 154
D. 174

39. Edward's degree of malnutrition is _____ percent of ideal body weight (IBW) .
A. 108 .15
B. 87.7
C. 99.1
D. 92 .46

40. The indication for Edward's degree of malnutrition is_________

A. 3rd degree
B. no malnutrition. Normal BMI
C. 2nd degree
D. 1st degree

SITUATION 9 - Field Health Services and Information System (FHSIS) provides a summary of
data on health service delivery and selected programs from the barangay level up to the
national level. As a nurse, you should know the process on how this information is processed
and consolidated.

41. All of the following are objectives of FHSIS, EXCEPT:

A. Ensuring that data reported are useful and accurate and are disseminated in a timely and
easy to use fashion.
B. Minimizing recording and reporting burden allowing more time for patient care and promotive
C. Providing a standardized, facility level database which can be accessed for more in—depth
D. Completing the clinical picture of chronic disease and describe their natural history.

42. The fundamental block or foundation of the FHSIS is the

A. reporting forms
B. target client list
C. output record
D. family treatment record

43. The primary advantage of having a target client list is it

A Lets nurses save time and effort in monitoring treatment and services to beneficiaries
B. facilitates easier reporting for the nurses
C. helps nurses monitor service rendered to clients in general.
D. facilitates monitoring and supervision of services

44. The nurse uses the FHSIS record system INCORRECTLY when she
A records a child who has frequent diarrhea in TCL: Under Five
B. refers to other sources for completing monthly and quarterly reports
C. goes to the individual or FTR for entry confirmation in the Tally / Report Summary
D. records diarrhea in the Tally sheet/ Report form with a code FHSIS/MI

45. In assessing a patient, the is used by the nurse to record his / her address, full name, age,
symptoms, and diagnosis.
A. target client list
B. output record
C. individual treatment record
D. reporting forms

SITUATION 10 - Nurse Polistico is assigned under the Nurse Deployment Program a rural area
in Northern Luzon where endemic malaria occurs.

46. During his assessment of a client, which among the following signs and symptoms of
malaria need referral to a secondary or tertiary facility?
A. Fever and chills
B. Sweating and headache
C. Weakness and tachycardia
D Icterus and shock
47. Laboratory confirmation of malaria is done on a blood film. What does Nurse Polistico
expect to see in the film?
A. Antibodies
B. Malarial parasites
C. Antigen
D. White blood cells

48. The mode of transmission of malaria is through the bite of an infected female mosquito
called *
A. Aedes aegypti
B. Aedes poecillus
C. Anopheles
D. Culex

49. Which of the following is NOT an anti—malaria drug?

A. Tetracvcline
B . Sulfadoxine
C. Amoxicilin
D. Quinidine

50. As a PREVENTIVE measure for malaria, Nurse Polistico educates people living .in malaria
endemic areas on which of the following?
1. Avoid going out between 12nn and 3pm
2. Take chloroquine tablets once a day
3. Apply insect repellant or, house walls
4. Use long sleeved shirts when going out at night
5. Plant neem tree in their backyards
6. Clear hanging tree branches near rivers
A. 1, 3, 5, 6
B. 1, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 3, 4, 5, 6

Situation: Vital signs are important indicators of health and it provides critical information about
body functions.

51. When talking a client’s Apical pulse, where should the nurse place the stethoscope?
A. Just to the left of the median point of the sternum
B. In the fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicular line
C. Between the sixth and seventh ribs at the left medaxillary line
D. Between the third and fourth ribs and to the left of the sternum
52. During an interview, the nurse discovered that the spouse of a debilitated client’s regularly
digitally removes stool from the client’s rectum. The nurse explores other strategies to regulate
the client’s bowel movement because impaction could stimulate the vagus nerve and result in:
A. Tachycardia
B. Slowing of the Heart
C. Dilation of the Bronchioles
D. Coronary Artery Vasodilation

53. A client with episodes of a Cardiac Dysrhythmias is to wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours.
When planning a teaching session for this client, what information should the Nurse include
about the monitor? The monitor:
A. Can be taken off while bathing
B. Can record activities and manifestation of response
C. will assist in determining the size and counter of the hearth
D. will record tracing of abnormal cardiac rhythms during activities of daily living

54. The nurse document that a client’s Pulse pressure is decreasing. To determine the accuracy
of this statement, what must the Nurse calculate?
A. Force exerted against an Arterial wall
B. Different between the Apical and Radial rates
C. Difference between Systolic and Diastolic readings
D. May be a forerunner of Hemorrhage

55. Another client has undergone an Open-Heart surgery and he develops a temperature of
102°F (38.8°C). The Nurse notifies the Physician because elevated temperature:
A. Increases the cardiac workload
B. May be indicate cerebral edema
C. Are likely to lead to diaphoresis
D. May be a forerunner of hemorrhage

Situation: Good nutrition is essential to good health and disease prevention. Any person
involved in health care, needs a thorough knowledge of the body’s nutritional requirements
throughout the life span.

56. The nurse should include the information that a complete food protein of high biological
value is one that contains:
A. All of the amino acids in sufficient quantity to meet human requirements
B. All of the essential amino acids in any proportion to meet human needs
C. The essential amino acids in any proportion because the body can always fill in the difference
D. Most of the amino acids from which the body will make additional amounts of the essential
amino acids needed
57. The nurse identifies that the client understands information about vitamin K when the client
state, “Vitamin K is:
A. Found in wide variety of foods, so there is no danger of deficiency.”
B. Produced in sufficient amounts for metabolic needs by intestinal bacterial.”
C. Easily absorbed without assistance, so all that is consumed is absorbed.”
D. Rarely found in dietary food sources, so natural deficiencies can easily occur.”

58. Before the nurse can assess the response of a client to a deficiency in Vitamin C, the nurse
needs to understand that Vitamin C is related to tissue integrity and hemorrhagic disease. The
nurse needs to know that Vitamin C controls such disorders by:
A. Preventing tissue hemorrhage by providing essential blood-clotting materials
B. Preserving the structural integrity of tissue by protecting the lipid matrix of cells walls from
C. Facilitating adequate absorption of calcium and phosphorous for bone formation to prevent
bleeding in the joints
D. Strengthening capillary walls and structural tissue by depositing cementing material to build
collagen from ground substance and thus prevent tissue hemorrhage

59. A client with a high Cholesterol level says to the nurse, “Why can’t the Doctor just give me a
medication to eliminate all the Cholesterol in my body so it isn’t a problem?” The nurse need to
teach the client that Cholesterol is important in the human body for:
A. Blood clotting
B. Bone formation
C. Muscle contraction
D. Cellular membrane structure

60. A client with Hypertension is prescribed a low-sodium diet. The food lowest in natural
sodium is identified as:
A. Milk
B. Meat
C. Fruits
D. Vegetables

Situation: Felicidad recently passed the Nurse Licensure Examination and is applying as a Staff
Nurse at a tertiary hospital.

61. As Felicidad RN is being interviewed by the Chief Nurse of the Hospital, she asks, “As a
beginning practitioner, what can we expect of your competencies?” Which of the following is her
expected response?
A. “I can administer medications to patients”
B. “I am able to deliver safe and quality care to patients”
C. “I can discuss the pathophysiology of the patient’s disease process”
D. “I can set priorities given different patients of varying acuity.”
62. Felicidad understands that her practice as a Registered nurse should comply with standards
of legal, ethico-moral-spiritual responsibilities and personal and professional development. This
cluster of competencies is Felicidad’s:
A. Patient care competencies
B. Enabling competencies
C. Enhancing competencies
D. Empowering competencies

63. Efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of duties is expected of Felicidad. What key
areas of responsibilities should she demonstrate to enable Felicidad such characteristic of
A. Research
B. Management of resources and environment
C. Personal and professional development
D. Collaboration and teamwork

64. While assisting on a minor surgery, Felicidad felt the hands of the doctor pinch her buttocks.
She is really not comfortable and feels she was sexually harassed. At another occasion, the
same doctor invited her for a coffee in his room. She reports this case to her supervisor. Which
of the following statements would justify the action of Felicidad?
A. It is a justifiable action and is an ethical responsibility to report unethical and immoral
incidents to proper authorities.
B. It is a justifiable action, but first, she should have confronted the doctor privately in his room
to clarify the issue.
C. She should not report the incident to authority because it might affect her interpersonal
relationship colleagues and other members of the health team.
D. Felicidad should have gone directly to the police officer to complain.

65. An attending physician had his rounds early in the morning and noticed that the medicine he
ordered the previous day has not been started. He shouted and berated Felicidad in front of the
other staff nurses. Which of the following actions of Felicidad is appropriate?
A. Felicidad shouts back at the attending physician and tells him that his behavior is not
B. She explains to him that the drug is not available in the hospital pharmacy and had to be
purchased from another drugstore.
C. She cries and reports the incident to the nursing office.
D. She blames the staff of the previous shift for not endorsing the unavailability of the drug.

Situation: Melinda is a newly registered nurse who works as a Community Health Nurse in one
of the Barangays in Leyte. Every month, supplies for the health center arrive in the island by
ferry. Last month however their provisions from DOH were hampered by typhoon Yolanda and
their remaining resources would not suffice for the weekend’s Immunization schedule. Melinda
is aware about the rules of immunization such that needles should not be reused and shared
with other patients. She has 100 children to immunize but only 5 needles/ or syringes at hand.
66. In the theory Utilitarianism, which among the following does not apply?
A. It is consequence oriented
B. It states that what is right also maximizes some good
C. The right thing to do is the good thing to do.
D. It is process oriented.

67. In this case, Melinda decides to go ahead with the vaccination and immunization. Do you
think she is a believer of Teleology?
A. YES because the end justifies the mean
B. YES because it is for the good of the greatest number all concerned
C. NO because the end justifies the means
D. NO because it is for the good of the greatest number all concerned

68. The nurse supervisor is practising transactional leadership. This means the nurse supervisor
A. supportive
B. driven by strict rules and policies
C. One who empowers the staff
D. One who consults the staff about patient care issues

69. A 17 year old female college student was obliged to engage in pre-marital sex by her
boyfriend. Her response was, “I’m sorry, I can’t because I don’t want to get pregnant and ruin my
future. ”Her ethical response is based on:
A. Teleotological
B. Deontological
C. Neither A nor B
D. None of the above

70. An 85 year old man is refusing dialysis for his kidney failure. The primary ethical principle
involve is:
A. autonomy
B. beneficence
C. nonmaleficence
D. justice

Situation: Gloria is a head nurse in the Surgical Ward of a Tertiary Hospital. From records, she
noticed an increased rate of nosocomial infections. A research was conducted so an action plan
may be formulated. Gloria is part of the research team.

71. Gloria understands the importance of the informed consent. Which of the following is true
about an informed consent?
1. The very essence of informed consent is to make the patient understand what will
happen to him/her after a certain treatment
2. It is the patient who must decide whether or not a certain treatment or procedure must
be performed upon his/her body
3. Physicians and nurses cannot suppress the free will of the patient
4. Consent may either be implied or expressed
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 1,3,4
D. 1,4

72. Nurses understand the link between practice and theory. Nurse Precy a friend of Nurse
Gloria is developing an educational prevention program for elderly patients with poor eyesight at
home. He wanted to incorporate the theory of Abdellah into his health teachings. Which of the
following nursing problems would be appropriate to address in his activity?
A. To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort
B. To create and maintain a therapeutic environment
C. To promote safety through prevention of accidents, injury or other trauma
D. To facilitate the maintenance of sensory function

73. Which of the following theorists believe that the environment is defined as “an understanding
of the ways that human beings interact with their environment to maintain health is essential for
A. Imogene King
B. Jean Watson
C. Lydia Hall
D. Dorothea Orem

74. Which of the following situations best depicts the application of Nightingale’s theory in actual
nursing practice?
A. Giving a patient oxygen inhalation via nasal cannula(plastic tube) for difficulty of breathing
B. Keeping the patient’s bedside table and room clean with adequate ventilation to promote
C. Assessing the patient’s need for pain medications
D. Facilitating range of motion exercises to a patient with a hip fracture

75. Nurse Precy has been assigned to an Arabian patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The
patient had died this morning due to complications of his illness. The relatives of the patient
urged Nurse Annie to have the body released to them immediately. Why is this so?
A. In their culture, the dead must be washed and bathed by the relatives at the night of death
B. In their culture, the dead must be given its final rights and prayers that last one day
C. In their culture, the dead must be properly buried within 24 hours from the time of death
D. In their culture, the dead must be brought to a mosque for burial rights and lay there for a
week before burial
Situation: The Level IV students are conducting a study among the Dumagats of Dingala
Aurora. The students apply the research process in their study.

76. Which of the following is a common characteristic between nursing process and research
1. Both utilizes systematic approach
2. Assessment phase is similar to identifying phenomena in the research process
3. Implementation phase is similar to data collection in the research process
4. Planning phase is similar to the study design in the research process
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,4,
C. 1,2,3,
D. 1,2 only

77. Which of the following can the nurse use in protecting the safety of the subjects undergoing
the research study?
1. Code for Nurses
2. Nightingale's pledge
3. Patient's Bill of Rights
4. Human Rights Guidelines
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 3
C. 1, 2
D. 3 only

78. The researchers wanted to describe the relationship between women’s age and frequency
of performing breast self-examination, the study would be classified as:
A. Descriptive correlational
B. Quasi-experimental
C. Pre-experimental
D. Prospective

79. The variable that is believed to influence or cause the dependent variable:
A. Attribute variable
B. Extraneous variable
C. Independent Variable
D. Interdependent Variable

80. One major difference between quantitative designs from qualitative design is that in
qualitative design:
A. It uses statistical treatment in analyzing the data
B. In analyzing the data, it gives emphasis on the observation, thoughts and actions of the
C. It ranks the data collected using nominal or ordinal measurement
D. It computes data to accept or rejects null hypothesis

Situation: Research is important for Professional nurses to help build scientific knowledge base
for nursing practice.

81. A clinical instructor asks to rewrite the researchable question about Psychiatric nursing
which are “What are the effects of a child’s admission to a psychiatric unit on the siblings?”
Which of the following answers is appropriate to the question?
A. The effects of child’s admission in psychiatric unit to his/her siblings
B. Are there any effects of child’s admission in psychiatric unit to his/her siblings?
C. What are the siblings’ reactions to the admitted children in psychiatric unit?
D. What are the feelings of children who have had a sibling admitted to a psychiatric unit?

82. When writing the question in Level II the researcher must do which of the following?
A. Eliminate “cause “effect or any similar synonyms in your question
B. At Level II you need a minimum of four variables
C. If you know what variables are, rewrite the question at Level II
D. At Level I, have only one variable and one population in the topic

83. A researchable problem like: “What is the level of pain relief in pediatric postoperative
patients having received TENS (Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation) instruction?” could
be written as Level II which is?
A. What methods of pain relief are available to pediatric surgery patients?
B. Why does preoperative TENS instruction significantly decrease postoperative pain levels in
pediatric patients?
C. What is the relationship between level of pain and type of pain relief instruction (including
TENS) among pediatric patients?
D. What are the characteristic of pain of surgical pediatric patients after undergoing TENS

84. This research study: The Experience of Becoming a Mother for Single, Unpartnered,
Medicaid-Elligible, First Time Mothers” which aims to understand the experience of becoming a
mother for single, unpartnered, Medicaid eligible, first time mothers in one of the Barangay in
Pasay City and to discover experienced by the mothers during the first postpartum. Can be
classified as:
A. Quantitative: Correlational
B. Quantitative: Survey study
C. Qualitative: Grounded theory
D. Qualitative: Ethnography

85. In ethical consideration of doing a research, which of the following should NOT be
A. Rights and rights of others in the setting are protected
B. If the purpose of study infringe the rights of subjects, it should be re-examined or abandoned
C. Knowledge should not outweigh the risks of the study
D. Study should observe ethical considerations

Situation: Nomar an RN is a newly hired staff nurse at Imus Medical Center. As a novice nurse
and manager, Nomar observes several leadership styles displayed by other nurses.

86. Nomar understands he is expected to lead. Leadership is defined as:

A. Being in a staff nurse utilizing authority to control and power over subordinates and patients.
B. A process where a person utilizes interpersonal relationship that influences others toward
goal achievement.
C. Plans, organizes and maintains quality care to patients.
D. A head nurse watching over other staff nurses perform patient care correctly and render safe
quality patient care.

87. Nomar’s manager demonstrated passion for serving her staff rather than being served. He
takes time to listen, prefers to be a teacher first before being a leader. Nomar’s manager
displays leadership that is characteristic of a:
A. Transformational leader
B. Transactional leader
C. Servant leader
D. Charismatic leader

88. Nomar’s head nurse fostered creativity among staff members. Fostering creativity among
the team is a characteristic of which leadership style?
A. Participative
B. Directive
C. Permissive
D. Bureaucratic

89. On the other hand, Nomar notices that the Chief Nurse Executive has charismatic
leadership style. Which of the following behaviors best describes this style?
A. Possesses inspirational quality that makes followers gets attracted of him and regards him
with reverence
B. Acts as he does because he expects that his behavior will yield positive results
C. Uses visioning as the core of his leadership
D. Matches his leadership style to the situation at hand.

90. One leadership theory states that “leaders are born and not made,” which refers to which of
the following theories?
A. Trait
B. Charismatic
C. Great Man
D. Situational
Situation: Nurses are expected to be leaders making difference in the health care settings-
hospitals, clinics, communities and other organizations.

91. Why leadership plays a vital role in the nursing profession?

A. It is not really important for nurses.
B. Nurses have expert knowledge and are interacting with and influencing the clients.
C. Nurses should know how to direct people towards accomplishment of goals.
D. Nurses should always strive for higher positions in the organization.

92. Nomar understands that a Theory which states that the Leadership style is dependent on
the situation. Which of the following styles best fits a situation when the followers are
self-directed, highly motivated, experts and matured individuals?
A. Participative
B. Directive
C. Permissive
D. Bureaucratic

93. Nomar would like to be a Transformational leader. Which of the following statements best
describes this type of leadership?
A. Uses visioning as the essence of leadership.
B. Serves the followers rather than being served.
C. Maintains full trust and confidence in the subordinates
D. Possesses innate charisma that makes others feel good in his presence.

94. Grace RN is a head nurse assigned at the Intensive Care Unit of a Secondary Level
Hospital. As a manager, Grace is expected to display effective conflict resolution skills. Which of
the following is true about conflict?
A. It seldom occurs as part of the change process in health care settings.
B. It highlights differences in values, belief, or actions.
C. t is automatically negative
D. It discourages creativity and innovation.

95. Conflict that occurs between groups or teams is called:

A. Interpersonal
B. Intrapersonal
C. Organizational
D. Dysfunctional

Situation: Nurse Kat is the head nurse of the male medical ward in a tertiary specialized hospital
handling multiple cases in her unit. It is imperative that she is equipped with the basic
managerial skills.

96. In this conflict resolution method, a person ignores his or her own feelings about an issue in
order to agree with the other side.
A. Collaborating
B. Confronting
C. Accommodating
D. Withdrawing

97. With this method of conflict resolution, each side gives up something as well as gets
A. Negotiating
B. Competing
C. Avoiding
D. Compromising

98. Nurse Kat feels uncomfortable believing that she is the scapegoat of everything that goes
wrong in her department. Which of the following is the best action that she must take?
A. Identify the source of the conflict and understand the points of friction
B. Disregard what she feels and continue to work independently
C. Seek help from the Director of Nursing
D. Quit her job and look for another employment.

99. Which of the following is a characteristic of decision-making?

A. it only involves logical, rational thought
B. it is often the result of many incremental steps rather than one large step.
C. It must always be done quickly in the health care setting.
D. they generally do not assume another person’s point of view.

100. Which of the following is true about effective creative thinkers?

A. They seldom generate new ideas and alternatives.
B. They often say, “We’ve always done it this way, so let us do it this way again.”
C. They tend to analyze the components of a problem.
D. They generally do not assume another person’s point of view.

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