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Nursing Practice 1

1. The following are objectives of the FHSIS, EXCEPT: A. Ensure data reported are useful and accurate
and disseminated in a timely, easy and use fashion.
B. Complete the picture of acute and chronic disease
C. Provide standardized facility-level data base which can be used for more in-depth studies.
D. Minimize recording and recording burden allowing more time for patient care and promotive activities.

2. As a nurse, you should know the process on how this information are processed and consolidated. The fundamental
block of the FHSIS System is the _____________.

A. Reporting forms
B. Target/Client list
C. Family treatment record
D. Output record

3. The monthly field health service activity report is a form used in which of the components of the FHSIS?

A. Output report
B. Target/Client list
C. Tally report
D. Individual health record

4. In using the tally sheet, the recommended frequency in tallying activities and services is ___________. A.
B. daily
C. monthly
D. quarterly

5. To monitor clients registered in long-term regimen such as the Multi Drug Therapy, which component of the reporting
system will be most useful?

A. Tally report
B. Individual health record
C. Output report
D. Target/Client list

Situation 2 – Controlling is a management function in which performance is measured and corrective action is taken
to ensure the accomplishment of goals.

6. Which of the following is a PRIMARY task that should be performed to have an effective control system? *

A. Make an interpretation about strengths and weaknesses

B. Identify structure, process, outcome standards & criteria
C. Measure actual performances
D. Identify the values of the department.
7. Which of the following is NOT included in the controlling process?

A. Discipline of personnel
B. Performance appraisal
C. Quality assurance
D. Staff scheduling
8. Controlling is effective when?

A. Physicians are contented

B. Clients are satisfied
C. There is an increase in admission
D. Goals, objectives, and plans are accomplished

9. Which of the following distinguishing characteristics of standards is NOT included?

A. They are subjective measurements

B. They are established by authority
C. Accepted by people affected by them.
D. They are predetermined

10. Among the following standards, which is considered a structure standard? – STRUCTURE

A. All patients have their visual signs taken and recorded – P

B. Clients verbalized satisfaction of the nursing care received. – O
C. Staff mix and number are determined by the PHN supervisor. – S D. Health teachings are provided to prenatal mothers. – P

SPO o STRUCTURE – staff,

o PROCESS – intervention, management

Situation 3 – The core value of caring is essential during the implementation and evaluation phases in family nursing
practice. There is caring when the nurse is engage in the lived experience’ of the nurse-client relationship in real

11. The nurse can enhance learning towards expert caring by experiencing the process of working with the family that
provides possibilities of enriching oneself and others. One such method is through competency-based teaching and
learning. Which of the following learning principles is the LEAST consideration? Learning is:

A. A process of absorbing new knowledge and skills

B. Facilitated when experience has meaning
C. An individual matter that is built on family’s capabilities
D. Both an intellectual and emotional process.

12. The nurse must recognize that there may be problems of the family’s unwillingness to take actions on its health
problems or concerns. Which of the following factors may bring this about?

A. 2, 3, 4, & 5
B. 1, 2, and 3 only
C. 1, 2, 3, & 5
D. 2, 4, and 5 only
13. Termination of the family-nurse relationship requires a smooth process. The following are strategies that can help
with the termination, EXCEPT:

A. Decrease time between the nurse’s visits

B. Provide a written summary to the family
C. Develop a plan of transition
D. Make necessary referrals to other resources

14. Evaluation of the family nursing care plan allows the nurse to engage in critical thinking to determine if the plan is
working. Summative evaluation is done

A. to determine if the intervention strategies are carried out

B. at periodic points during the implementation phase
C. at the end of the family-nurse relationship
D. during the course of the family-nurse relationship

15. Which two interventions are most commonly used by public health nurses like Nerissa who are caring for families
and which can be subject for evaluation?

A. 2 & 3
B. 2, 4, & 5
C. 1, 3, & 5
D. 1 & 4

Situation 4 – Public Health Nurse Jia is working on some groups of women to promote their health and well-being and
help address their current health issues and problems.

16. Nurse Jia is teaching member of women’s club how to perform breast self-examination. She emphasizes the need to
have check-up at the health center if they found out that ___________. – malignant is painless

A. both breasts have nodules in the upper outer quadrants

B. the breast on the right side is slightly larger than the left breast
C. there is an irregularly shaped, nontender lump palpable in the left breast D. there is a bilateral breast tenderness with

17. Which statement of Nurse Jia correctly describes some health promotion needs of the perimenopausal years?
A. Women should be encouraged to limit alcohol intake because it increases calcium excretion
B. Dietary vitamin D supplementation is discouraged among this population. – for absorption od calcium
C. Calcium supplementation does not affect risk of fractures and bone injury
D. Smoking decreases calcium excretion that causes osteoporosis. – no effect sa calcium excretion

18. Nurse Jia observes that there are women who are experiencing abuse by their spouses. What is the goal that the
intervention BEST relates to?

A. Maintaining a physically healthy body

B. Developing and maintaining a healthy sense of self
C. Developing and maintaining friendly relationships.
D. Maintaining balance and priorities in the family.

19. In an interview with a group of young women, Nurse Jia found out that a client after every meal. The nurse
recognizes that this symptom BEST describes _________.

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. A binge eating disorder
C. Bulimia
D. Post-traumatic stress disorder

20. In the same group of young women, a client revealed to her that she is a lesbian. What statement by the client
indicates that she needs more information?

A. “I need to have routine pap smears.”

B. “I have an increased risk of heart disease.”
C. “I have less risk factors of breast cancer than a heterosexual” D. “I’m at a lower risk for sexually-transmitted disease.”

Situation 5 – Nurse Juday is preparing a smoking cessation class and believes that her class will convert many smokers
to nonsmokers once they get all the information.

21. Which of the following health care models guides her thinking?

A. Health Promotion Model

B. Basic Human Needs Model
C. Holistic Health Model
D. Health Belief Model

22. Many variables influence a client’s health beliefs and practices. Internal and external variables influence how a client
thinks and acts. An example of an internal variable would be __________.

A. family practices
B. socioeconomic factors
C. perception of functioning
D. cultural background

23. The health care model that utilizes Maslow’s hierarchy as its basis is the ________.

A. Holistic Health
B. Health Belief
C. Health Promotion
D. Basic human needs

24. Nurse Juday’s health education programs for smoking cessation is considered at what level of prevention?

A. Fourth • PRIMARY – wala pang sakit  health teaching

B. Tertiary - Early detection, early prevention
C. Secondary
• SECONDARY – may kaunti o nagsisimulang sakit
D. Primary
• TERTIARY – may sakit na, ayaw lumala

25. Nurse Juday must realize that the MOST effective

way to get people to stop smoking to prevent relapse is by ____________.

A. continuous reinforcement and informational support

B. provide free medical consultation and advice
C. tell family members to keep smoker member away from source of tobacco D. give monetary incentive to
cessation efforts

Situation 6 – In recent months, “bird flu” or avian influenza caused a significant concern among the people especially
those in Central Luzon and Metro Manila. It is both an emerging and re-emerging infection.

26. Which of the following statement is TRUE about “bird flu”?

A. All forms of bird flu can easily cause illness to humans

B. Domestic poultry flocks are much less vulnerable to infections C. Infected chickens can also
infect domestic animals like cats and dogs
D. Only birds are normally infected by the viruses, less commonly pigs.

27. When humans are infected, the following signs and symptoms of bird flu may appear, EXCEPT:

A. Fever
B. Sore eyes/Sore throat
C. Chicken rashes
D. Body weakness

28. Which of the following is NOT included in the control measures in infected birds?

A. Restrictions on the movement of the live poultry.

B. Rapid destruction of all infected or exposed birds
C. Transferring of the live poultry in another area or location. D. Vigorous disinfection of poultry farms

29. There are measures that should be observed by the humans to prevent bird flu infection. Which of the following is
NOT included?

A. Non-poultry workers should avoid contact with the chickens and ducks as much as possible.
B. All poultry farm workers should be given the current season’s flu vaccine. C. Avoid eating
chicken or any poultry products until the epidemic has abated
D. Advise people on proper cooking of poultry meat and eggs.

30. For patients with bird flu infection, health care workers should observe the following, EXCEPT: *
A. Establish a separate isolation facility
B. Utilize Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
C. Avoid going near the patient as much as possible
D. Apply the principles of handwashing.

Situation 7 – Program evaluation is a systematic process determining whether program inputs, strategies and
activities were successful in achieving program goals and objectives.

31. There are a number of considerations when designing a program evaluation. The first consideration that influences
all other aspects of the process is the _______. A. the people who will conduct the evaluation
B. purpose of the evaluation
C. type of evaluation to be conducted
D. evaluative design to be utilized
32. The nurse will conduct an evaluation of an existing program for which evaluative mechanisms were not established
during program planning. Which describes this type of evaluation?

A. Prospective
B. Retrospective
C. Process
D. Outcome

33. What is referred to as an evaluation conducted after project implementation? – you do it at the end

A. Program-based evaluation
B. Formative evaluation
C. Organizational evaluation
D. Summative evaluation

34. An evaluation area concerned with analyzing whether the goals and objectives of the projects were met is

A. Program-based evaluation
B. Process evaluation
C. Organizational evaluation
D. Structural evaluation’

35. What is considered as the BEST indicator to the final measure of the effectiveness of community empowerment

A. Community members are included in decision or policy making

B. Barangay health workers report for duty at health center
C. Schedule the program implementation is met
D. Budget is not overspent

Situation 8 – Prevention includes a wide range of activities aimed at reducing risks or threats to health.

36. Nurse Wilfredo is visiting a family with a child who recently became a paraplegic. He suggests some home
modifications to accommodate the child’s disability. What level of family-focused intervention the nurse has suggested?
– Paraplegia: paralysis of lower extrremities

A. Fourth prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Primary Prevention

37. Which of the following programs is an example of secondary prevention?

A. An exercise program for persons who had stroke

B. A community-wide nutrition program at fast food establishments
C. Immunization of persons exposed to infectious disease with immunoglobin G within 2 weeks of exposure. D. Health
education on safe water supply

38. As a result of an outbreak of influenza in Barangay Kuliglig, Nurse Wilfredo encourages the residents of the
community to receive the influenza vaccine. Which level of prevention is being used?

A. Tertiary prevention
B. Multifactorial prevention
C. Primary prevention
D. Secondary prevention
39. Nurse Wilfredo explains to the mother the general needs of a family for adequate nutrition, rest, and physical
activity. Which level of prevention does this describe? – health teaching

A. Fourth prevention
B. Primary prevention C. Tertiary prevention
D. Secondary prevention

40. Nurse Wilfredo also encounters a female patient who reported chest discomfort and shortness of breath. He placed
the patient on oxygen, electrocardiogram, and had his blood gases drawn. What level of preventive care is this patient
receiving? – inaalam kung ano yung sakit

A. Health promotion
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention D. Primary prevention

Situation 9 – Public Health Nurse Melissa wants to know why cases of diabetes in Municipality Napakatamis have
been increasing for the past five years. She intends to use community organizing participatory research (COPAR).

41. As a researcher, Nurse Melissa believes that the identification of problem such as diabetes is:

A. based on immediate problem situation defined by the community and the researcher
B. aligned to the interest of the researcher
C. done by a professional like her
D. based on statistics and interpreted by outside researchers

42. In community meetings, Nurse Melissa explains to community the purpose of the research project to address the
health problem and establish rapport with the people for cooperation in the research process. The nurse puts
community members as:

A. assistants to the researcher

B. merely providers of information
C. organizers of meetings
D. co-researchers
43. The KEY feature that distinguishes participatory research from another social research is:

A. the dialogic approach between the researcher and the people

B. the use of quantitative methods of data gathering
C. the use of conventional interview
D. didactic transmission of knowledge

44. In terms methodology option, COPAR is essentially _____________.

A. Action research
B. quantitative research
C. Basic research
D. qualitative research

45. The ULTIMATE objective of doing COPAR are the following, EXCEPT:

A. For people to develop their potentials and abilities and moral sensibilities.
B. Generate study results for the benefit of the researcher
C. Equip people with new consciousness of what must be done and how to do it.
D. Basis for planning community projects in response to perceived problem.
Situation 10– Counts and births, illnesses and deaths have to be related to the population in whom these events
occurred. This relationship with a base population becomes important when one compares these events between
groups, communities, or countries with different sizes and structures.

46. Fifteen (15) new cases of measles have been diagnosed last week in Barangay Carballo. In the same barangay, ten
(10) children are currently being treated for measles. What is the incidence of measles?

A. Unknown  Incidence – new cases over number of at risk in population

B. Ten.  Prevalence – new cases + old cases over number of at risk
C. Fifteen in population
D. Twenty-five

47. Mortality rate from two communities can be best compared after calculating the ____.

A. Prevalence rates B.
age-adjusted rates
C. crude rates.
D. gender-specific rates

48. Which of the following is a type of rate that has not been modified to take account of any of the factors such as the
demographic makeup of the population that may affect the observed rate?

A. crude rate
B. Cause-specific rate.
C. adjusted rate
D. proportionate rate

49. The term that refers to the number of deaths due to a disease that occur among persons who are afflicted with that
disease is the ________.
A. crude death rate
B. proportional mortality rate – not specific do the disease
C. morality ratio D. case-fatality rate.

50. Which of the following refers to the systematic and continuous gathering of information about the occurrence of
disease and other health phenomena?

A. Public health surveillance B.

Social survey
C. Community mapping.
D. Data analysis

Situation 11 – As a new nurse assigned in a municipality, you want to be a good player in health care team that you
belong to. You plan to initiate a community health project that will require interdisciplinary collaboration.

51. The attributes of collaborative teamwork are the following EXCEPT:

A. professional turfing. = kung ano ang trabaho yun lang ang ginagawa
B. unity of purpose
C. joint responsibility
D. shared decision-making

52. In any community project, the activities of health team members are needed for success. Defining the relationship
and responsibilities and tasks of each member are important. Which stage of collaboration does this statement refer to?

A. Commitment
B. Consensus
C. Trust building – not stage of collaboration
D. Collegiality. - the relationships of colleagues working together

53. Health teams have an obligation to work together to improve patient care. Which of the following messages does
NOT support this statement?

A. Use unique and complementary abilities of team members to optimize patient care
B. Forge independent relationship from other professions to advance learning.
C. Recognize one’s limitations in knowledge and skills
D. Communicate with team members to clarify each member’s tasks

54. A member of health team proposes another community project. What is the MOST appropriate thing to do when
you disagree with the proposal?

A. Question the proposal indirectly by telling your opinions to others B.

Blame the proponent and tell him he is unprofessional
C. Be frank while remaining flexible and open-minded.
D. Be absent in the next scheduled meeting of the health team

Ratio: Best answer Option C. This is the professional, and assertive way of speaking up

55. In a conflict situation, health team members have mutually reached an acceptable resolution to the issue that
partially satisfies parties concerned. This approach is referred to as ____________.
A. competing
B. avoiding
C. compromising
D. accommodating

Situation 12 – Nurse Hidilyn has just passed the Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE). She directly needs to refresh
herself regarding the law that governs the practice of nursing the Philippines.

56. By virtue of Section 16 of the Philippine Nursing Law, the first step Nurse Hidilyn needs to do after passing the NLE is

A. Apply for the Certificate of Registration/Professional License

B. Get an official copy of her board rating from the PRC office
C. Apply for a Professional Identification Card
D. Take oath of profession before the Philippine Regulatory Board of Nursing

57. Which government body has the power to revoke or suspend Nurse Hidilyn’s certificate of registration/professional
license, should she commit unprofessional and unethical conduct in the future?

A. Philippine Nurses Association

B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Commission on Higher Education
D. Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing

58. What Republic Act provides for a more responsive nursing profession?

A. RA 9173
B. RA 7164
C. RA 9371
D. RA 7614

59. Nurse Hidilyn intends to work as a Public Health Nurse. Which part of the Nursing Law should Nurse Hidilyn refer to
for her safe practice as a novice nurse?

A. Nursing Research
B. Nursing Personnel System
C. Scope of Nursing Practice
D. Nursing Education

60. When Nurse Hidilyn eventually gets employed in the Rural Health Unit, foremost, she is required to utilize which of
the following in rendering care to her clients in the community?

A. Nursing Process
B. Therapeutic use of self
C. Health teachings
D. Traditional and innovative approaches

Ratio: It shall be the duty of the nurse to provide nursing care through the utilization of the nursing process. Source:
Section 28 of RA 9173.
Situation 13 – Public Health Nurse Jojo asks the new nurses about their membership to the accredited professional
nursing organization and their plans for personal and professional growth.

61. Which of the following statement is true about membership to the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)? It is:

A. Voluntary and is encourage by the PRC code of ethics

B. Compulsory for new nurses wanting to practice nursing in the Philippines
C. Mandatory as stipulated in the Philippine Nursing Act if 2002 D. Required for those employed in government
health facilities

62. Why would a nurse choose to be an active member of several professional associations? PRIMARILY to:

A. Participate in the discussion and political action activities concerning the profession
B. Able to spend time with friends and colleagues
C. Part of the organization’s annual convention/conference.
D. Be able to have professional development opportunities.

63. Which of the following is the MOST important step to developing cultural competence for the nurse?

A. understand and recognize her own cultural background.

B. understand the culture of her client
C. identify the goals of cultural-congruent goals.
D. gain proficiency in another language and dialect

64. Quality of client care is ensured not only by continuing education. Professional responsibility along this line requires,

A. knowing the standards of practice.

B. understand the socioeconomic background of patients
C. getting a master’s degree in nursing
D. a nurse-centered care

65. Quality of client care is ensured not only by continuing education. Professional responsibility along this line requires,

A. Obtaining an advance academic degree in nursing

B. Attending as many as nursing conference's
C. Conforming to institution’s policies and guidelines
D. Monitoring one’s own practice according to standard set by the profession.

Situation 14 – Nurse Franz is a part of health team of a Rural Health Unit that implements the Philippine Package of
Essential NCD Intervention (PHILPEN). He is particularly assigned to conduct “hypertension screening” among 15 years
old and above during home visits.

66. The MOST accurate and reliable technique for indirect BP measurement is the _______.

A. auscultatory using a mercury manometer.

B. palpation using mercury manometer
C. auscultatory using an aneroid BP apparatus
D. palpation using an aneroid BP apparatus

Ratio: According to the AHA, mercury sphygmomanometers still are the preferred device and should be used if available
and properly maintained, although they are being removed from clinical practice for environmental reasons.

67. Nurse Franz remembers that blood pressure taken in the upper arm versus the forearm varies. Thus, there is a need
to document which site is used. Which of the following values is the correct variation in mmHg?

A. 10-15
B. 5-10
C. 14-20
D. 1-4

68. Nurse Franz needs to expose the patient’s arm and position it with palm upward and the arm slightly flexed with the
whole arm supported at which level?

A. Above heart
B. Below heart
C. Heart level
D. Any level

69. Nurse Franz took the blood pressure of a 45-year-old family member and got the reading as 146/92 mmHg. This
reading is classified as:

A. Hypertension, stage 1
B. Hypertension, stage 3
C. Hypertension, stage 2
D. Prehypertension

70. In defining and classifying hypertension, blood

pressure readings must be based on measurements done
during ________.

A. at least two visits taken one week apart

B. three consecutive daily visits
C. two readings taken two weeks apart
D. two consecutive monthly visits

Situation 15 – The Code of Ethics of Registered Nurses in the Philippines was promulgated by the Professional
Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBON) in consultation with national nursing organizations.

71. The Code’s Preamble recognizes that the PRIMARY responsibility of the nurse is to _______.

A. treat and cure simple disease

B. preserve health at all cost
C. support client in health matters
D. achieve quality of life for clients

72. Article II of the Code outline the ethical principles governing the Registered Nurses and the People. In relation to
this, the following are guidelines the nurse must observe, EXCEPT:
A. In the event of conflicts, culture and values take precedence over welfare and safety.
B. Respect the spiritual beliefs and practices regarding diet and treatment. C. consider the
individuality and totality of patients when giving care
D. Uphold the dignity and rights of individuals.

73. As a citizen and a member of society, the nurse must:

A. 2, 3, and 5 only
B. 2, 3, 4, and 5
C. 1, 2, 3 only
D. 1, 2, 3, and 4

74. As a professional, the nurse must always conduct herself appropriately. Which of the following behaviors does NOT
correspond to this statement?

A. Avoid any abuse of the privilege relationship which exists with patients.
B. Accept gift or hospitality from any person in exchange for a requested favor.
C. Not demand and receive any commission, fee or emolument for referrals made.
D. Not allowing themselves to be used in advertisement that would demean the image of profession.

75. In the said Code of Ethics for Nurses, the nurse in relation to her profession, is expected to do the following, EXCEPT:

A. Participate actively in the growth and development of the nursing profession

B. Strictly adhere to the nursing standard set by the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
C. Strive to secure equitable socio-economic and work conditions for nurses.
D. Be a member of the accredited professional organization which is the International Council of Nurses.

Situation 16 – You are making a home visit to Mr. and Mrs. Joson who are both in their seventies. Communicating
with older persons requires effective and therapeutic techniques.

76. You noted that Mrs. Joson frequently shifts the conversation to reminisce. Which of the following communication
techniques would be most effective with Mrs. Joson?

A. Asking exploring questions

B. Changing the subject
C. Giving information
D. Restarting
77. The assessment of the older adult should focus on:

A. Functional level
B. Social Functioning
C. Relationship needs – not the focus
D. Chronological age – not the focus

78. When communicating with the cognitively elderly clients, it is important to understand the use of touch. Which of
the following is true in relation to using of touch? Which of the following is true in relation of using touch with the

A. It is calming.
B. The use of touch must be determined on an individual basis.
C. It increases their agitation and confusion
D. The face should be touched to establish rapport.

79. Mr. and Mrs. Joson are an elderly couple that you are interviewing at home. Mr. Joson asks to speak you alone. He
tells you that Mrs. Joson has become forgetful lately and yesterday he received an overdue water bill. He asks, “Should I
take over this responsibility?” What would you say to Mr. Joson?

A. “Old people get forgetful at times”

B. “Could you tell Mrs. Joson that you will help with the bill paying?”
C. “Tell Mrs. Joson that you will assume the responsibility now.” D. “You don’t know what to suggest. This is a family matter.”

80. It is critical to assess hearing loss in the elderly because:

A. Only adults can only hear at 90 words per minute

B. There is an initial inability to hear low frequency consonants – high frequency
C. Deafness causes hair loss – not related
D. Hearing loss has a direct impact on communication

Situation 17 – A strong typhoon hits a rural community in the Visayas where 300 families are left without food and

81. Which reaction demonstrates the community’s readiness?

A. Community leaders activate the community disaster plan.

B. Community leaders contact the National Disaster and Relief Center about the disaster.
C. Residents run to DSWD local office to ask for donation of food and water
D. Typhoon victims are relocated to church patios, school gyms and municipal playground.

82. Nurse Kiko is working in a temporary shelter of victims immediately following a natural disaster. Which condition is
the nurse most likely to encounter?

A. Hallucination
B. Stress.
C. Communicable disease
D. Chronic illness

83. Which task would a nurse be most likely to perform while volunteering on a disaster medical assistant team? *

A. Assist in triaging disaster victims.

B. Conduct a needs disaster assessment of the community
C. Set up immunization clinics to administer anti tetanus vaccine – not a priority D. Provide medical care for disaster victims

84. Which population has a GREATER risk for disruption after disaster? *

A. 1, 2, and 4
B. 2, 3, and 4
C. 1, 3, and 5
D. 2, 4 and 5

85. After the devastating typhoon hits the community, a grassroots organization is formed to improve conditions post
recovery. Nurse Kiko joins the organization and volunteers to contact and meet with public officials and key informal
leaders about the community’s concerns. What role does Nurse Kiko demonstrate?

A. Educator
B. Advocate
C. Citizen
D. Political ally

Situation 18 – The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that “climate change is the biggest threat to public health
this century.” Climate change is happening, and scientists believe that global warming results from human activity.

86. As a public health nurse and as a citizen, you are concerned about the Earth’s warming up fast from the production
of greenhouse gases which are involved in the greenhouse effect. The most common greenhouses gases are the
following, EXCEPT:

A. Oxygen
B. Methane
C. Water Vapor
D. Carbon dioxide

87. Along with the natural greenhouse gases, there are some man-made ones that keep on increasing in the atmosphere
that contribute to the heating up of the Earth’s surface. These HARMFUL human activities include the following:
A. 1, 2, 5, and 6
B. 2, 4, 5 and 6
C. 2, 3, 4, and 5
D. 1, 3, 4, and 6

88. You are aware of the consequences of the Earth’s climate getting warm on the weather which eventually affect
people. Which of the following is NOT included?

A. A storms and floods

B. cool summer
C. droughts
D. more rains and winters

89. You are concerned about the effects of global warming on the health of people. In your advocacy, which of the
following statements should NOT be included?

A. Increased aeroallergens result in increase in cardiovascular disease.

B. There is an increase in mental health problems due to harmful and unexpected consequences.
C. Increased exposure to ultraviolet rays results in increases in skin cancers.
D. Changing patterns result in increases in vector, food and waterborne disease

90. The following messages can be included in your advocacy helping reduce the generation of greenhouse gases and
slow down global warming, EXCEPT:

A. Recycle used materials

B. Plant more trees
C. Use electricity for cooking
D. Walk or use bicycle

Situation 19 – It is important that every nurse knows about PhilHealth is one of the pillars in attaining the universal
health coverage.

91. Which of the following statements is NOT true about PHILHEALTH?

A. It provides health care, with the arrangement “consult now, pay later scheme.” B. It
is a means for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot.
C. It is a health insurance program for all Filipinos.
D. Beneficiaries have access to a comprehensive package of services.

The mandate and functions of PhilHealth are, but not limited to, the
- The healthy subsidizes the sick.
- Use services now, pay later.
- Collect and disburse National Health Insurance Fund.
- To receive and manage grants, donations, and other forms of assistance.
92. Under PhilHealth, beneficiaries have access to a comprehensive package of services. Outpatient treatment is given
for which of the following diseases?

A. Heart disease
B. Tuberculosis
C. Cancer D. Diabetes Ratio:

93. Which of the following INPATIENT care are included in PhilHealth?

A. 4 and 5
B. 1, 2, 3, and 4
C. 1, 3, and 5
D. 1, 3, and 4

94. The case rate amount depends on the final diagnosis, each diagnosis having corresponding fixed amount or package.
The case rate amount means that:
A. Patient/Family shall pay the total bill and shall be reimbursed later by the HCI.
B. The amount that can be paid by the patient on installment basis
C. Amount shall be deducted by the Health Care Insurance (HCI) from the member’s total bill.
D. Prior to discharge, amount shall be paid in full except doctors’ fees.

95. Which of the following outpatient benefits is NOT included?

A. Contract operations
B. Cosmetic surgery
C. Animal bite treatment
D. Blood transfusion

Situation 20 – Public health nurses serve a unique and vital role environmental health. They conduct specific nursing
actions that may promote health reducing environmental risks to health of the community.
96. Nurse Lolit proposes fluoridation of municipal drinking water of the community. In doing so, she is advancing the
concept of ___________.

A. active health promotion

B. wellness education
C. passive health promotion
D. illness prevention
97. Environmental factors that NEGATIVELY influence health include:

A. 3, 4 and 5
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 4 and 5
D. 2, 3 and 4

98. Nurse Pepita is concerned about the rise of mosquito-borne diseases in a rural community. Effective PRIMARY
prevention for community intervention measures would include: - PREVENTION

A. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 3 and 4

99. The amount of garbage collected in a middle-class community is huge and excessive. The best approach the nurse
can take to aid in helping decrease the amount of garbage generated is ____________.

A. promoting recycling efforts in the community

B. encouraging use of fewer polluting products
C. discouraging overuse of materials that generate trash
D. educating about overbuying household products

100. bA family lives near a creek and the toilet is separated from their own house. Their excreta fall freely to the creek.
What type of toilet is this?

A. Overhung latrine
B. Bored-hole latrine
C. Antipolo latrine
D. Open pit privy

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