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CSI’s 25th International

Sugar Conference
JUNE 2020

“Addressing productivity challenges in

the beet and cane sectors”
This conference brings together the world's leading experts from both the cane and beet
sugar sectors. CSI’s past conferences have attracted delegates from key producing
regions to elicit developments in the industry from key players from top sugar companies
and sugar technology experts.


✓ Sugar Producers and Refiners CEO’s, Managing Director, Technical
Directors, Plant Managers from Cane and Beet Industry
✓ Senior executives from international, regional and local associations
✓ Investors and Traders
✓ Key markets from America, Asia, Africa and Europe
✓ Consultants and Advisors of Sugar, Agriculture and other industries &
many more…
✓ Major exposure of your brand, products or services to a highly qualified
✓ Upgrade your Company or brand position among the market leaders
✓ Opportunity to launch new products and expand your market.
✓ Position and reposition your company within the industry.
✓ Opportunity to gain customers’ loyalty.
✓ Direct contact with the sector experts and influencers.
✓ Opportunity to differentiate your Company from your competitors.
✓ Networking and interaction with delegates in different areas.
✓ New business opportunities and enter new markets
✓ Avail yourself a speaking slot
New Global Cocktails/Lunche Informative and Online
Technical Networking on Round Table Social Engagement Networking
Insights & Opportunities! Discussions Tours Tool
Day 1 : Workshop Day 2 : Conference Proper
10:00 AM – 13:00 3 hrs Digital technologies – Industries 4, IoT, Data Analytics, Artificial 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM 30 mins Dynamics of the global sugar industry – current state of play
PM Intelligence, Machine Intelligence – understanding what they
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM 30 mins Comparative analysis of trends in beet and cane yields
are and how they can drive your business.
10:30 AM – 11:10 AM 40 mins Front end operations: Knives are out
18:00 PM – 20:00 2 hrs Welcome Reception
Cosette Quality
Cane Preparation
11:10 AM – 11:40 AM 30 mins Sponsored Refreshment break
11:40 AM – 12:10 PM Benchmarking factory performance – key indicators
12:10 PM – 12:40 PM 30 mins Co-refining cane sugar in a beet sugar factory
12:40 PM – 12:50 PM 10 mins Presentation from Platinum Sponsor
12:50 PM – 13:00 PM 10 mins Presentation from Platinum Sponsor
13:00 PM – 14:40 PM 1hr 40 Lunch
14:40 PM – 14-50 PM 10 mins Presentation from Platinum Sponsor
14:50 PM – 15:00 PM 10 mins Presentation from Platinum Sponsor
15:00 PM – 15:30 PM 30 mins Exploiting digital technologies in sugar factories and refineries
15:30 PM – 16:00 PM 30 mins Promise of digital agriculture in driving productivity
16:00 PM – 16:30 PM 30 mins Refreshment break
16:30 PM – 17:00 PM 30 mins Best practices in beet harvesting
17:00 PM – 17:10 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
17:10 PM – 17:20 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor
17:20 PM – 17:30 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor
Day 3 : Conference Proper Day 4 : Tours
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM 30 mins Diversification strategies to maintain competitiveness Option 1 Agriculture visiting top local farm and research station
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM 30 mins Opportunities for diversification in the beet sugar sector
Option 2 Factory visiting a nearby sugar factory/refinery
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM 30 mins Opportunities for diversification in the cane sugar sector tour
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM 30 mins Refreshment break
11:30 AM – 12:20PM 50 mins Strategies for minimizing post-harvest losses
Sugar beet
12:20 PM – 12:40 PM 20 mins Corrosion management in factories
12:40 PM – 12:50 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
12:50 PM – 13:00 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
13:00 PM – 14:40 PM 1hr 40 Lunch
14:40 PM – 14-50 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
14:50 PM – 15:00 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
15:00 PM – 15:30 PM 30 mins Energy management in beet sugar factories
15:30 PM – 16:00 PM 30 mins Maximising cogen output in cane sugar factories
16:00 PM – 16:30 PM 30 mins Refreshment break
16:30 PM – 17:00 PM 30 mins Best practices in cane ratooning and harvesting
17:00 PM – 17:10 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
17:10 PM – 17:20 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
17:20 PM – 17:30 PM 10 mins Presentation from Sponsor/Exhibitor
18:00 PM – 20:00 PM 2 hrs Closing Remarks and Cocktail Reception
The Strategic Location:
Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca, the largest city with a population of
over 3 million is situated in western Morocco, facing
Atlantic Ocean coast The name “Casablanca” is of
Portuguese origin that means “White House”. It is
one of the largest and most important city in Africa,
both economically and demographically.

Its strategic location has made it Morocco’s largest

port and the country’s economic capital. Casablanca,
Morocco has been called the gateway to North
Africa. Morocco is endowed with numerous
exploitable resources. With approximately 33,000
square miles (85,000 square km) of arable land (one-
seventh of which can be irrigated) and its generally
temperate Mediterranean climate, Morocco’s
agricultural potential is matched by few
other Arab or African countries. It is one of the few
Arab countries that has the potential to achieve self-
sufficiency in food production. In a normal year
Morocco produces two-thirds of the grains (chiefly
wheat, barley, and corn [maize]) needed for
domestic consumption. The country exports citrus
fruits and early vegetables to the European market;
its wine industry is developed, and production of
commercial crops (cotton, sugarcane, sugar
beets, and sunflowers) is expanding.
The Luncheon, Cocktail and Refreshment Receptions are one of the
best ways to market your products and company making networking
readily accessible.

An exhibition booth offers a spending opportunity to showcase your
products while providing easy access to existing customers to follow
up and new ones to be won over.
Taking up a sponsorship and exhibition opportunity are the best
ways for one of your Senior-Level Executives to secure a
speaking slot or you may opt for Video Presentation of your
company’s products and services.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more details

about the guidelines and paper review process and criteria.
Krisda Monthienvichienchai
Mitrphol Group, Thailand

“I would like to thank Carbo Solutions International for inviting me to be a keynote speaker at July 2017
Conference, this Seminar have many booths, was well informative and updated technology for the sugar industry.
I’m glad I was a part of this event.”

Craig Parker
Development Manager (Technical)
British Sugar, United Kingdom
“This was the first conference I have attended, organised by Carbo Solutions, as well as being the first conference I have attended focused
purely on the cane industry. I was looking forward to hearing about the challenges faced by individual businesses and countries, as well as
getting some insight into technical challenges faced and overcome. I felt the blend of papers presented helped me gain a great insight
into the wider sugar cane business in the regions represented and was impressed by some of the technical solutions presented to improve
the operations of mills and refineries. I felt the papers presented by the suppliers nicely complimented the wider agenda and will have
given some thought-provoking opportunities for the gathered attendees. A conference is much more than just the papers presented. I
think Carbo Solutions provide a great environment with their choice of hotel and its excellent conferencing facilities and of course
bringing together the representatives from the various businesses and institutions. The program, although busy, did provide ample
opportunity to catch up with old friends and of course make new ones, as well as being able follow up on topics covered by the papers
presented. Overall a very useful few days and well worth the 19,000km round trip to attend.”

Dr. Klanarong Sriroth

Director / Head of Innovation and Research Development Institute
Mitrphol Group, Thailand

"The Carbo Solutions International’s 2018 sugar conference held in Bangkok, provided a great opportunity to listen to updates from large regio
nal sugar producers, including Thailand, Pakistan, and others. The conference provided had numerous presentations demonstrating cutting
edge technology in both the sugar industry and ethanol industry that will enhance efficiencies and reduce the industries environmental
impact. By bringing together global experts and regional industry representatives, Carbo provided an invaluable networking opportunity to
develop new collaborations among regional companies facing similar problems."

Robert Capewell
Broadbent Ltd., Thailand
“CSI 21st International Conference is the 1st exhibition last year that we attended, however it gave Broadbent
success for new potential customers in Asia such as Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan. CSI conference gave us
update on technology and show new case studies that benefit to our business in sugar industry. We hope the
incoming conference in 2018 will give us more opportunity and definitely more success in our future business."
Our Partners and Sponsors 2017-2018:


The 2020 event amidst the historic splendour of Casablanca melds the issues relevant
to both the beet and cane sugar sectors.

Exploit the opportunity to sponsor our event. Sponsorship is Tailored to Your Needs!

To position your company as a market leader at this event, and to explore the range of
thought leadership, speaking, branding and marketing opportunities available, please
contact us at: [email protected]

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