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Aab e Hayat English Edition

Chapter 1
Abe hayat English editio Chapter 1

Chapter 1, Volume 1

Umera Ahmed Edited By Afira Adeeb

Published by Afira Adeeb, 2023.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events
are entirely coincidental.
First edition. July 6, 2023.
Copyright © 2023 Umera Ahmed Edited By Afira Adeeb.
Written by Umera Ahmed Edited By Afira Adeeb.

T o all those who have experienced the profound depths and

soaring heights of love, and to those who have braved the storms
and uncertainties of life, this novel is dedicated.
To the dreamers, the believers, and the relentless seekers of truth,
who find solace in the beauty of words and the power of storytelling,
this work is for you.
To the courageous souls who have faced heartbreak and loss, yet
have managed to find the strength to rise again, this dedication is a
tribute to your resilience and unwavering spirit.
To the ones who have known the bittersweet taste of love's
triumphs and tragedies, and have discovered that love can be both a
healer and a destroyer, this novel seeks to capture the essence of your
To the ones who have felt the throbbing ache of longing and the
intoxicating rush of passion, who have embraced the delicate dance
between desire and restraint, this story endeavors to weave together the
intricacies of your emotions.
To the countless souls who have grappled with the eternal
questions of fate and destiny, and have marveled at the mysterious ways
in which the universe unfolds, this dedication is an acknowledgment of
your profound curiosity and wonder.
And finally, to those who believe in the power of love to transform
and transcend, who understand that love can be a force that shapes our
lives and touches our very souls, this novel is dedicated to you.


May these words resonate within your hearts, ignite your

imagination, and remind you that love, in all its complexities, is a
journey worth taking.
With deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation,

W riting a novel is a solitary endeavor, but the completion of a

work like "Abe Hayat" would not have been possible without
the support, encouragement, and contribution of numerous
individuals. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those who
have been instrumental in bringing this novel to life.
First and foremost, I am immensely grateful to my family for their
unwavering love, understanding, and patience throughout this journey.
Their constant belief in me and their encouragement to pursue my
passion for writing have been invaluable.
I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my friends, whose unwavering
support and enthusiasm have kept me motivated during moments of
self-doubt. Your feedback, discussions, and shared experiences have
enriched the tapestry of this novel.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to my editor, whose
keen insights, meticulous guidance, and unwavering dedication have
played a pivotal role in shaping this story. Your expertise and attention
to detail have helped refine the narrative, and I am truly grateful for
your invaluable contribution.
To the publishing team, thank you for your tireless efforts in
bringing this novel into the hands of readers. Your commitment to
excellence and passion for storytelling have been instrumental in
making this dream a reality.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to the beta readers and
early reviewers who generously offered their time and provided


valuable feedback. Your perspectives and suggestions have helped me

strengthen the narrative and breathe life into the characters.
To the readers, whose love for literature and thirst for stories inspire
authors to continue creating, thank you for embarking on this journey
with me. Your support and appreciation mean the world to me.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge all the authors, poets, and
storytellers who have shaped my own love for literature. Your works
have been a constant source of inspiration and have ignited my
To all those who have contributed in big and small ways, whether
through encouragement, critique, or simply being a part of my life,
thank you from the bottom of my heart. "Abe Hayat" is a testament to
the power of collaboration and the beauty of human connection.

I n the depths of the human heart lies a profound desire for love—a
desire that can ignite our souls, heal our wounds, and carry us
through the trials and tribulations of life. Love has the power to
transform us, to shape our destinies, and to leave an indelible mark
upon our very existence. It is this eternal theme that forms the core of
"Abe Hayat."
Within these pages, you will embark on a journey—a journey that
will take you through the labyrinthine corridors of love's complexities.
It is a tale of passion and longing, of joy and sorrow, and of the myriad
emotions that stir within us when we dare to surrender ourselves to
love's embrace.
Set against a backdrop of contrasting landscapes and cultures, "Abe
Hayat" weaves together the lives of its characters, each grappling with
their own desires, fears, and aspirations. As their paths intertwine and
their destinies collide, they are faced with choices that will test the very
essence of their beings. From the bustling streets of a vibrant city to the
serene landscapes of distant lands, the novel takes you on a voyage of
self-discovery, exploring the intricacies of human relationships and the
profound impact they have on our lives.
But this is not just a story about love's triumphs; it is also an
exploration of its inherent complexities. Love, after all, is not always
a smooth path—it can be strewn with obstacles, heartbreak, and
sacrifices. It challenges us to confront our deepest fears, to question our
beliefs, and to grapple with the fleeting nature of happiness. Through
the lens of its characters' experiences, "Abe Hayat" delves into the


depths of these complexities, revealing the multi-faceted nature of love

and its profound impact on our lives.
As you turn each page, may you be transported into a world where
love reigns supreme, where emotions run deep, and where the human
spirit triumphs against all odds. May you find solace, inspiration, and
a renewed appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the human
Ultimately, "Abe Hayat" is a tribute to the boundless power of
love—a testament to its ability to heal, to transform, and to transcend.
It is my hope that within the pages of this novel, you will find echoes
of your own experiences, reflections of your own desires, and a deeper
understanding of the profound impact that love can have on our lives.
With anticipation and excitement, I invite you to join me on this
enchanting journey.

I n the realm of literature, few themes have captivated the hearts and
minds of readers as much as love. Love—undeniably the most
powerful of emotions—has inspired countless tales, poems, and songs
throughout history. It is a force that knows no boundaries, defies logic,
and resonates deeply within the human spirit.
Within the pages of "Abe Hayat," we are offered a mesmerizing
exploration of love in all its facets. From the tender blossoming of a
newfound affection to the all-consuming flames of passion, this novel
invites us to immerse ourselves in the enigmatic dance of the heart. The
story unfolds like a tapestry, intricately weaving together the lives of its
characters, each with their own desires, vulnerabilities, and dreams.
With deft strokes of the pen, the author paints vivid portraits of
the human condition, exposing the raw emotions, vulnerabilities, and
triumphs that lie beneath the surface. As we bear witness to their
journeys, we are compelled to examine our own experiences, to reflect
upon the depth of our own emotions, and to contemplate the choices
we make in the pursuit of love.
Through the lens of its characters, "Abe Hayat" delves into the
universal complexities of human relationships. It challenges us to
question our perceptions, to confront our fears, and to reevaluate the
very essence of our existence. The narrative traverses continents,
cultures, and time, reminding us that love knows no boundaries and
that its impact can be felt in every corner of the world.
But "Abe Hayat" is more than a tale of romance—it is a profound
meditation on the human spirit. It explores the indomitable strength


that lies within us, urging us to persevere in the face of adversity and
to believe in the transformative power of love. It reminds us that even
amidst the trials and tribulations of life, love has the ability to heal,
to inspire, and to give us the courage to overcome the seemingly
As we embark on this literary odyssey, let us open our hearts to
the beauty and complexity of love. Let us be swept away by the lyrical
prose, the rich tapestry of emotions, and the timeless allure of a story
that resonates with the essence of our shared humanity.
May "Abe Hayat" be a reminder that love, in all its shades and hues,
is the very fabric that binds us together. It is a celebration of the human
spirit, a testament to our capacity for resilience, and a testament to the
enduring power of love.
With great pleasure, I invite you to immerse yourself in the world
of "Abe Hayat" and to embark on a journey that will touch your heart
and linger in your soul.
Chapter 1: Adam & Eve

T he children of his feet were like the earth, the act of murder was
something else,
spread out like a star lying on the ground, and the flowers growing
on them were like
nipples. The small ones were grateful for their existence, the big
ones where they met with the
fragrant breezes, were engaged in a dance, were against the water,
the pearls were flourishing on
the existence of green leaves, they were meeting, as if they were full
and baked. He sings from
his existence. A gust of wind blows, another high in the green, like
the first wave of the tide
in the sea, dancing Irani, she comforted me, amused me and passed
from one side to the other
in a strange dedication. The earth was busy dancing. What
happened to the flowers? From flowers of each color to the next
color and your own
Colors that catch the eye. Flowers were everywhere from here to
With every wave and every thought created by the wind in the
table, they also danced with strange merriment and strange dedication
Air-borne every and that and
Went to do.
The sky was clear. Pale yellow soothing to the eyes and still
spreading like a dome, Gera Vina Pyaar


Kya everywhere from here to there.

It was introduction, presentation, and engagement. Akheli was
messing with everything there. Laughing, splashing,
then petting, sometimes first, sometimes goodness, sometimes
luck, then water, then humming again
Orai was there, not there, where was
she? He was on a path, he said there was a path and he was in
denial. What was the wait?
He let out a deep sigh. He was standing naked next to a tree in a
row of trees on both sides of this path.
Support is support.
She had come. He saw him appear far away on this path.
She was dressed in white. Wasn't that silk? Anas was the one who
lost now
Yada was something else? Agaha was so delicate that a slight breeze
blew the white gown
and her thighs or legs were visible. She was barefoot and her
beautiful feet on the green
could not bear the softness of the table. She staggered for the
Chandalaks with her feet, as if
she was shining, then she found them, then she took a step
forward once again with Big Iqbal. His black hair was lightly
blowing in the breeze
down his shoulders and down his back. They were going back and
forth kissing her
cheeks and face... coming on her face. From his chest. The burden
on his shoulder would be
filled in the air and go down again. She was busy dancing with her
being in a beautiful
black Chandar Peshi Rahane like outfit with her white dress. That
white dress was so

perfect on her marble body. Sukhoy was not playing with every lie
of the air, he
would highlight the gap of her body, suck her from her feet to her
shoulders. of a whirlwind
He was clinging to her like he was holding her body. A second gust
of wind blew her black silken tresses
He also added to this dance, he lightly settled on his shoulders and
neck in a valiant manner
Aartin, then fell down on his face and chest from the smell of his
Once she was devoted, then she started trying to hide her body
from her existence. One of the wind
And the cradle would pick them up and throw them back.
Now it was the turn of her white dress in this dance. He came
forward. He did not pay attention to it.
was To Mujeeb's surprise, she was looking at everything there in a
fascinated manner. With childlike wonder
and enthusiasm.
While walking on this path, he saw her. He had steps. In the eyes of
both of them, a
spontaneous smile appeared on his face. He had described it. He
was the only
being there, whom only two wanted.
He extended his hand. She held his hand and came close to him.
Both kept
staring into each other's eyes in a strange
dedication. His deep dark smiling eyes, glittered like diamond pits,
and this sparkle
was enhanced by seeing him. The beauty of her beautiful
cow-pearls was just a fever, as if she
had just had something to drink. Looking at her bare neck, he took
her other hand in

his grip, his eyes sparkled and his smile deepened. She was familiar
with this vein.
Then it is an expression of both. were
you waiting for me
Too late
There are not many. He was his hand and started walking
on this path. The wind was still busy with the existence of both of
them and with
Harane there.
She was now busy exploring everything there with childlike
wonder and joy.
The atmosphere was filled with its shrillness and displeasure.
Suddenly, a strange
strange instrument started to play in the air. Releasing his hand, she
took a
step forward on the path, then the man saw her dancing with both
arms in the
air. . The feathers on his body were now dancing like a flower in the
air around his
spinning body. She was now slowly rising in the air. He was being
gently carried along
with the scent of the air. She still flowed like this, dancing around
with her arms
outstretched. He continued to look at her in disbelief, she was
muttering something
now. Suddenly an instrument started playing in the air. First one
then the otherThen a lot of Puri Ka Kant on Tera was suddenly in a
sense gone and she was still
dancing in the air. To be lifted up on the wind like a bower, And
home he was watching it. Her

companion danced once again, amused to see her, then she held
out a hand, as if inviting him to her
side. She would extend that hand this time and he wouldn't eat.
His hand was also dancing in the air. From the ground and close to
him, he lived
at once, as if the work had stopped. You were looking at the sky.
Then suddenly the sky became dark.
The day turned into night and the night was more beautiful than
the day, the black sky
was full of stars. From the stars of every color and between them all
was the moon. Without
reduction, the definition of light.
Dan's light was real, soothing, intoxicating. There were countless
colors in the night light,
when had they seen such colors in the mine. Where did you see it?
Like the earth was covered
in light of every color. One star said, then another, then you and
the earth would
have had one color, sometimes another also in my sky.
He should hold her hand as if it were stuck to the vomit of
dedication. His surprise tickled her
as her dedication protected him.
They were now back on earth. Night turned into day once again.
The green is the flower
All the perfumes were there.
As he walked with her, he looked at the baby flowers as they came
to meet him for his visits, then
extended his hand. That flower came in his hand, then the second,
then the third, then all
the flowers of the garland spread far and wide, coming towards him
like a mullet. Hundreds,

thousands, millions, innumerable, easy to count, so much that his

hands could handle. Now
on her hands, now on her hair, now on her clothes, now on her
body, she was
ecstatic, ecstatic. Then he tossed them in the air with a gesture of
his hand and they went
flying towards the sky. The whole sky was filled with flowers. It was
raining flowers again for
Chandhaks. They were both. Holding flowers like raindrops in fists
and leaving, running, playing,
all those flowers fell on the ground and once again went to their
place in me. Where they were
It should have been there.
The two were once again looking at the sky, there were now clouds.
Clouds moving like
cotton cheeks were gathering at the place where they were standing
and then he saw the
first drop of rain in the sky. He reached out and took it on his bag.
After seeing this drop, he threw it
towards the sky wearing it again. This time the drop did not go up
and come back. He
had flown and brought other drops. It was raining many zam drops
and they were like
children holding these drops of water with their hands and
throwing them on each other, it was rain.
There was water, but it was not drenching their hair, their bodies.
He was like a rain of pearls, which
separated from his hair and clothes at a movement of his hands and
body and went away, and
now a layer of pearl-like drops fell on the deaf and flowers during
the rain. It was like someone

was spreading glass on the ground and they were playing this song.
He took them in his shadow and
waved his hands every day, sent the clouds in the sky from one place
to another, then called them to him.
Like painting with water. Then he
got tired of this game. It was raining. Drops of water started falling
from the
ground. Then the sky was clear in a few hours. Here and there
something called a cloud came
Don't be.
Two was now doing his hand. He looked at her in
shock. Yes, something else. He got off and
nodded. what He had asked her in vain. He smiled crudely. Or so
he childishly insisted. He smiled
more mysteriously than before. He was holding her hand and
walking towards her. Then they
both started seeing something from a distance.
Avantrin shows something. And took it.
Anything else? His happiness grew even more.
Salar opened his eyes. The room was completely dark. He did not
immediately understand where he was. His hours
and elsewhere heard the announcement of the beginning of Arabic
from a mosque. Exploring the darkness
of this room with open eyes, the next thought came to him about
this dream and Imama. He was having a dream.
From which the distance
was awakened. But what he was going to show Imama in the dream,
he did not remember anything. Imama touched his heart for a
moment as
if where was she? Was the fish a night dream? He suddenly woke
up like a curt.

With his ragged breath he frantically turned on the thought of a

yed khel leap to his left. The
darkness of the room suddenly disappeared. He quickly turned
around and looked to
his right and relaxed. His mother-in-
law will be first. And I was. He had not entered from one dream to
another. As
soon as the limit of the play side game lap fell on her face, Imama
helplessly covered her eyes and face with the back of her hand and
arm in her sleep. Salar
beat the light of the lap. He didn't want to wake her up. She was a
few feet away from him in my
peaceful sleep. He had one hand behind his face and the other was
covering his eyes. He and Ali
had beautiful henna patterns on their wrists. Carved but still
beautified her hands and wrists.
Salar remembered. That Hindi was applied to someone else. A
smile came to his lips.
He closed his eyes to the powerless stoves.
For anyone else?
The film had once again passed before his eyes in thousandths of a
second like a film one evening. He
had seen this bullet in Saeeda Amma's text after nine years and the
nine years had disappeared
Leaning forward a little, he gently moved her hand away from his
face. In the yellow flow
of the pad-side tailpipe, he donated to her and he stared at her. She
would take deep breaths as
if giving her life. Looking at it, he was in some kind of money. In a
very imperceptible manner, he

carefully worked some of the hair that fell on Imama's face with his
Anama's eyes were full of
alarm. With sindhi eyes he tried to turn off the alarm lying on
the bed side lake but instead of ringing the alarm clock fell on the
carpet. Imama's sleep disappeared
at once. The sound of the farm seemed to be getting on his nerves.
She got up leaving nothing
She was washing and washing the dishes, when she first realized
that Salar was nowhere to be seen in the
house. She washed the fine linen in her hand, leaving it like that in
the bunk and came out. He
looked all over the house. He was not at home.
Then some thought came to the two outer doors. The door was ajar,
but where it was raised. It was
definitely not home. where was ? He didn't think so. His
frustration increased. He left her alone at home on the second day
of her wedding, and had become the vice-
chancellor. He will not find all the words of the open
night to be lies. Coming to the right pan, she
kept looking at the dishes lying in the bank in a state of extreme
heartbreak. She had gone to Muhammad "Hoi" so
quickly. There was no need to care or think about it. Her
annoyance had only increased. One can change so
much in a few hours, but in the night, he was her. Rajeed Gi
to grow. She must have been
telling lies, otherwise she would have thought of me. Rajeed Gi is
now a hundred years old.
had been
She had prayed and Salar's name was still nowhere to be found. He
was a little concerned. If

he had gone for the Fajr prayer, he should have come by now. Then
he shook that concern off
his head.
When Salar came again to bring Apar. Two Gary was asleep. The
bedroom lot was
yours and the batter was on. He and Farman used to go to Maher
long before the Fajr
prayer and recite the Holy Quran. After Thar prayer, both of them
would go to the gym
in Bandag and come from there after Nazar or an hour's work out.
Farman had
brought food for both of them at the time of Bhari and he was left
alone. Salar's pretext that it
was due to a personal defect was not a personal defect. He was
happily undressing his son
in front of him and Furqtan was looking at him with interest.
Anyone but Rank
could have done it. what happened?
Salar looked at her with a bit of surprise at her silence while
acquitting him.
Farman was looking at his son in front of him.
You want to make an impact today. The spokesperson finally told
him. Good or that across. No one could have done more than this, at
least after this song. I am not
being divine. Afriqan said very seriously while pouring water in his
glass. He was more concerned
with digesting what had happened than extinguishing it. It could
have happened to anyone. Except for
the person who was shadowed first, who was currently putting the
last of the omelette with kale in his

Axis, if you can give charity etc., it is even better. Farhan once again
teased her with
Farman's eyes while talking to her in Furqan Ab in Kurdo. You are
a very good man,
Salar! Allah is very pleased with you. He stopped at Farman's word
as he took
another stand of omelette.
His hunger was suddenly gone. Without another word he parted
back and carried his dishes
into the kitchen. The happiness, contentment and peace that was
oozing from his entire being a few
moments ago, Furqan blinked and saw it vanish into smoke. On his
way to the mosque, Furqan finally asked him. Why are
you so quiet? He continued to walk silently like this.
Ignoring what? Sialya Rup remained silent. Farman
immediately thought that she will not fill it. He is
sleeping now, I have come to the alarm, there is still enough time
for Arabic, Salar
said something to the midwife.
He was looking at her again.
Stop staring at me like that. This time he said something dry to
Is something wrong with me?
He was still silent. He said to Furqan before entering the mosque,
losing his jugarza at the
door. "Tell me everything you say! But don't call me a good man."
could not say anything. Salar had entered the mosque.
Amama's eye was met by a call on the cell phone at eleven o'clock,
it was Dr. C. Ala. His heart was filled
as soon as he heard their voice. I woke you up from your sleep?"

They were apologetic. They had not considered the sound of his
No, I belonged to Allah. He lied getting out of bed.
They kept asking about his condition. He looks with a big heart or
in the presence of emptiness
Yes, I kept answering.
After saying a few words, they hung up the phone. While making a
call, he looked at
her name on his cell phone. She was startled, not immediately
remembering when she had
saved Salar's name and phone number. Of course, this will also be
his achievement. He her sms
Started reading.
Please correct me after waking up. Tells me what's important. Why
not know him by reading his badge?
You are quickly remembered. He was checking the time today. He
probably came
at 10:30. If she did not remember me while going to the office, how
can she come
sitting in the office? She was becoming increasingly suspicious of
him at the moment, and perhaps
rightly so. She was his "chief guest" the next night and the next
morning he was treating her like
an uninvited guest. At least that's how Umma felt at the time.
Neither was I.
Var was feeling strangely self-conscious. She straightened the
mattress and came out of the bedroom.
The silence of Apar Ummat added to her sadness. The sun shone
through the windows.
K Rani was also inside. The pots in the chicken bank were there as
she had left them. She

took off her clothes and went to take a bath very recklessly. She
even came out of the washroom.
First checked the cell phone. There was no match and no problem
She sat there holding the cell phone. Then she put all her ego and
planets on the top shelf.
A match was
made. She thought, he would call her right away but she was proved
wrong. Water min.
Got ten lapuras. He messaged her, checking and meeting his ego.
don't even reach
Dala, he desperately searched for an explanation to avoid the
symbol of his honor plus.
Nowadays, there is not so much work and oranges as an issue." Swat
who did to him what o literature to
die. Son, I am waiting for your call. Who now remembered Saeeda
Ama. Saeed and Amma laughed at his voice.
He is going to shed his jaws. Saida Amma did not consider his
"Is Salar okay with you?" The
arrival of Saeed Vanman was like a cold drink. Is
Salar saying something? "Saeed and Amma didn't have the first
thought. I shouldn't have married her. Imama did without
answering their
question. Saeed and Aman's senses
increased. I told you too. She was crying.
Has he been talking about his first wife to you?
Saeed and Amma were helpless about Raiq Wahid Lad Shey
regarding Salar. Molly Ravi Bama thought with
some surprise while crying. But For Salar, at that time his heart was
full of anxiety that

he confirmed the fear of

Saeedah Leman without
thinking. He replied while crying. Saeed and Aman were punched
in the chest. But he thought that
even if he takes him to his house on the first day, he will not do it at
least with his one-year-old
submissive. The tail was full of regret. What was the need to catch
any two-faced man on the road
and marry him like this? He thought regretfully. Don't worry, I will
do this to my brother myself. Saeeda. Amma said in a very short
story. While
talking to Saeed and Aman, she was feeling better than ever in such
a long time, as if
someone had lightened the burden of her heart. The position he
needed at that time
He asked about the implications of this question while sleeping in
this situation and the money father of Mir
of Panama was brainwashed. She immediately burst into tears.
Saeed and Aman were closely surrounded. What
happened? Hey, why are you crying like this? My heart is starting
to panic. What happened
They gave it to him. While talking to them, the tears that used to
flow and flow before are now all at once The country had
become Sitting in the boardroom of one of his companies ten miles
away from there, Salar realized that
while speaking in response to a question related to Karpa Aali and
Trust actor in nine of Panet's al-Qaami
question and answer given to the same Baid Analy team. He didn't
even know that his one-day-old and nine-
year-old Mahju was at home, busy trying to protect his reputation
and name. Whom at this time
This explanation was much needed from this important play team.

It happened. Crying also happened. What else was left now?

Imama thought as she finally put it on,
rubbing her eyes and nose with the natsu paper. Ravi Neem
thought of the dishes lying in the bank of the house
Reluctantly, she went into the house and washed them.
She came back to the bedroom to take out her clothes for the
evening and when she tried to sell her
cell phone, when Shah woke up to both of them, the phone was
switched off. He was Salar and this was
his fourth missed call on his mail. She took the fluid in her hand
and her finger started denying the call. Instead of
a call, his right came. He was telling him about the change in his
program that Dr. Sariatli's driver would take
him from there for an hour to Dr. Sahib's house and he was going
to come to Syed Hala Aktar Sahib's
house after Iftar.
For a few seconds, he wanted to throw the phone against the wall,
but it was his own
blood. What happened to Salar?
It makes a
difference. If he had not expressed his love for her so long and
wide, then she would not have
sat with this pile of expectations from him today, but at every
sentence of Salar, she had unconsciously
tied a knot with her Vasan last night and cried. Adaman
was now starting to annoy him badly. Dr Syed Ali was not at home.
I Kulsoom welcomed him with
great warmth and continued to show as much enthusiasm and
satisfaction as she could. Despite her
aunt's forbidding, she continued to cook and
prepare them together with them. Dr. C. Aala had come some time
before Fid and he had noted

Imama's Tujhe Ge but her privacy was not wide with Salar. How
they even connect? Salar came after Amtar was almost half gone
and met Imama for the first time,
but Salar could sense that all was not well. She smiled back at
his unexpected smile, nor did Dr Like Sayyid Ali and his wife had
responded to his greetings with warmth. She had closed her eyes and
from the lawn to the kitchen. For a moment, Salar felt that the king
had called him. After all, she might be angry
with him about something.
He sat next to Dr. Syahi, talking to him, repeating in his mind the
events of the last twenty-four
hours and trying to do something original that could shock Imama.
He didn't remember anything like that. The
last conversation between them took place at night. She was talking
with her head on his arm. was
If he was confused,
at least I didn't do anything that made him feel bad, Shah,
something like that happened
here. Salar thought acquitting himself. But what happened here?
Maybe I need to
"He was consoling himself now, but his sixth sense
was still telling him. Indeed, he was two years older than her, but
nine years
old." Every moolah he saw before was registered on his mind and
that of Imamiya
Just knew this mod. Most
of the discussions on Az Kameel also took place between Dr. Syed
Ali and Salar. They appear with oil
By the way, everyone was cooling the dishes, the silence was still
there. He came

to recite Taraweeh in the mosque with Dr. Syed Ali and after
reciting the Holy Qur'an, he performed Taraweeh once today
During their Not once. Twice he managed himself but was
drunk. They had left Dr. C. Imli's house around 10:30 to go to
Saeeda Amma's
house and Salar finally asked her.
Are you afraid of me?"
She paused to look out the window then she said. Why should
I not be with you? She was still looking out of the window with her
neck bent.
Salar something is
possible. Yes, I was also sleeping that there was no such thing that
your Mullah would have been aware of. by the window
Looking out, Imama spoke to him and read something more about
him. That
is, I am out of my mind who keeps turning off my mood for no
reason. And he did
not take lotion from my crying and actions. I kept calling you today
but you didn't pick up the phone. He was saying while driving.
Grib was comforted while thinking of
Imama. He didn't pick up the phone, he realized that I was not
taking his calls
because I knew him." Then I called his home town. He also came.
You were busy at that time, so I
didn't call. He was speaking very casually. It was good to be there.
Imama's grief increased. Then she remembered that her phone tax
had expired.
"Bring me a car for my phone. can do."
Salar heard her saying at once that she was opening her attitude and
taking something out of it

had taken out and presented it to the Salar, he had immobilized the
Salar for the Chandkhas. One thousand rupees
There was a note. Unaware of his comments, he tried to run such a
shop out of the screen
She was doing it where her secrets were available. Salar wanted her
hand while turning towards him
doing what
Wow take on it. And there's no need for it."
Imama looked at him in
shock. Who was looking at his cell phone with his eyes closed, now
were not my
eyes, so
what will you take money from you? Put it in the car. There was
silence in the pocket. He
At once the difficulty was
stopped there. In a very imperceptible way, Imama started folding
the piece of paper she was
holding in her hand. He had taken all of her money, but more than
she would have paid for the
phone bill and the party. But Ihsan also weighed more than his
kindness. He put the first layers of
kaina back into the bag. The fog of misgivings raised since the
morning had cleared at once, or so Ayama felt
for a while. Outside the country was
foggy and he was driving very carefully. Imama's heart wanted to
talk to him, but he
was weak. Shahi was thinking something or the word was Usula.
What have you been doing
all day today, she finally tried to resume the conversation. Ummah's
eyes like flash all day passed in front of Imama felt sorry, she could not
tell him what she had been doing.

It has been happening. He summed up the whole day in three

Yes, I thought, if you are awake, you must receive my call. Once
again there was silence. Papa
ki and HR are coming last evening after salar gave something,
kek imama looked at him
in shock. to meet you He added that he would have had drinking
contact with Balafar Saral
Was the one. Now she felt her stomach drop. Have you
told them about me? He asked in words that seemed too much.
No, not now,
but today I will tell you where Papa is. He was saying while keeping
it off the screen. Imama
tried to read his face. No worry, worry, apprehension, fear, fear, or
fear, she was unable
to read anything. His face was expressive and if there was anything
in his heart, it was him
Yedi was skillfully concealed.
Salar felt her searching eyes on his face. He saw Imama and took
the skirt. Imama
Made helpless eyes. Nia's flight
is half a day and Papa's is seven. I will go to the airport early
tomorrow at one
o'clock, then take another papa with me and arrive home by half
past nine I think. What are
you wearing? Salar said at once turning his attention to her dress.
After three
days of stomach ache, you finally remembered that I was wearing a
letter. Thinking this,
Imama's distress increased.
clothes The wanderer

replied. Salar was speechless. "I know clothes come first, that's why
we're six." She continued
to bend her neck and look out of the window that now he will
appreciate. He did a hundred
and four late. But he saw my clothes. There was something else in
distress. Kon Sakar Hai Ya Salar hit his feet with a black ax.
Looking out of the window, Imama's heart wanted to open the
door of the moving car and go
out. He could not even recognize the color of her clothes in the
confusion. It meant he hadn't looked at
her carefully. No foot. In this way, while writing cha from the
window, he said to the great Sir and Mir.
Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either. Today, women are wearing big
pockets too. Salar
said casually without thinking about it. And
another one was calling these lions of Copper most strange. I am
the party of this cover. Salar
Shu was repeating Prun's historical mistakes. This time Imama's
heart did not even want to
answer his words, he was not the murderer. He remembered, she
hadn't even complimented his
clothes yesterday. clothes? He didn't appreciate her either, ad did he
love her, but he didn't appreciate
her. Wasn't she so beautiful to him that he would say just once?
One sentence, one Allah, nothing,
she once again became a victim of self-pity. The expression "Moor"
does not have the same meaning for
the living and the questioner. This is what men do and do wrong.
While driving, Salar did
not realize how much he had endeared himself to the naked subject
as he chattered here and

there in search of topics for conversation. He stood as contentedly

as if he were standing with his
feet on top of a mine shaft that would explode as soon as he lifted
his feet.
After parking the car in the street of Saeed and Aman, Salar once
again tried to change the
mood of Imama. He once again made him his friend. Some time
ago, Dr. Syed Ali's house was also
searched. What happened to me? Why would she become angry
with me in just twenty four hours?
He thought with satisfaction.
As soon as Saeed and Amma opened the door, Imama was lying
down. She was shedding tears after saying
the moon. Salar J Hua. After all, they were crying together for so
long. Of course both will be doing each other.
He eventually taught himself.
Syed and Amma did not respond to Salar's greetings nor did they
hug him and love him as usual. They
hugged Imama, turned away from her and shed tears and then went
inside with her. He was left standing in the
doorway. What happened to them? He was eating badly. He tried
to bend Ehsaas by making illusions, but this time it
did not work. Something was wrong, but he stood there for a while,
then he turned around and opened the door
Did and went inside.
Both of them were talking about something, they became silent
after seeing him. Salar saw Imama
shedding her tears. He got drunk again. I bring tea. I have made
almond and carrot halwa today. Saida Amma stood saying
this and what else did she do? Salar will not be
powerless. Saeeda Amma does not need anything. We have eaten
food and have also drunk tea.

Just came to see you." He stopped,

realizing that the offer was not meant for him. Saeeda Amma was
completely focused on Imama
and Imamus refused to eat or drink from her. She did not see. I will
eat and I will walk
with you, how will you lift the burden? Imama said to Saeeda
Amma and then with
her but I left. Salar remained sitting there like a hawk. For the next
hour, he sat looking
at the things in the room, thinking about the situation. Finally,
after fifteen minutes,
Imama and Saeeda came to Amma. He noticed that Imama's eyes
were redder and swollen
than before. Of course, she was crying in the house, but for what?
He was good. At least now two
tears did not seem to be the result of the same love or passion for
Saeeda Amma. His face and eyes
looked even colder than before. He was sipping tea at that time. It
would have
been a bad thing for him to eat anything at the request of someone,
but the atmosphere that
had suddenly been created there made him want to eat. Was more
careful. Without any hesitation,
he put a little halwa 10 in the paret from Khamooi. Imama was like
Dr. Petty's house in them
without giving him the shadow of his money and cross in his tea,
then brought it to his stomach.
Hawa started eating
halwa. After a few minutes of silence, Balafar Saeed and Amma's
request was answered.
Putting aside the kari in his hand, he fixed his tank on his nose and
stared at Salar with a

piercing gaze.
Yes, they have great rights."
Salar Longa called the halwa on his plate. He first saw Saeed and
Aman, then Ayama had also come
out and some gur hawai behind Salar's back. It was another thing
to accuse him but take his shadow
and repeat them, especially when part of the accusations are based
on a lie. The two are really
surrounded. Salar doesn't have
every question, Lion and Inga. "Yes. He supported them. And
men go to hell who are their own and harass them. Saeed and
Amma spoke the next sentence. In Yarsani
wa could not support immediately. He was a man himself and the
husband. Even if he died on two hundred thousand imams,
but in the presence of his wife, the support of this tehre was like an
ax on his feet. He could not show his commitment
on the second day of marriage, which he would later regret for the
rest of his life. This
time, instead of saying anything, he took the cup of tea from his
stomach. His silence made Saeed and Amma
Gave something
else. Allah does not prevent the one who shows the heart of others.
Salar was eating halwa
I did myself on the sentence, then I shook
my head. May Bayle The official was angry
at his initials. It is not the duty of the men of the noble family to
take away the veins of others
first, and then let them be the guardians.
It became like Imama's soul. It was becoming more and
more. Your tea is getting cold. Mom! He tried to manage the

Salar looked at both of them in turn, he didn't understand the hug

and what it had to do with the first
sentences, he didn't understand either, but he didn't mind
supporting it because it was appropriate. What are

His happiness was a source of joy for Saeeda Ama. Hardly said,
looks noble. That's
why Si Bhai was also deceived. He excused Dr. Syed Ali for making
a mistake.
"There were many relationships for Amina. Saeed and Amma
spread the word
Little did she know that she was lecturing the wrong person about
the value of Imamah.
Salar took a palm plate in his hand and looked at Imama and then
at Saeed and Aman, who were talking
very excitedly.
The elder son of Zahoor had seen Amina somewhere. He told his
clearly, he said that if he will marry this girl, he also broke his
childhood friendship
with his aunt's daughter. Tehsil of such a relationship could not be
eating halwa from the dead. Imama did not try to stop Saeed and
Amma this time.
Yedi Ali was a common thing but she also seemed to be shaking to
tell Salar that she was worthy,
he could marry her only as a wife.
The boy's mother went around the place and called every
respectable man in the neighborhood. She
even called my sons to
England for this relationship. Saeed and Amma were talking. Bala
rab hai
ad tahmida was on and Imama was shaking her head in a slightly
detached manner and came to the
plate of halwa.
His parents said that you can eat whatever you want in the Cheetah
Marz, just

give us our daughter." Salar looked at his path in a desperate manner

if he was running late. Saeed and Aman said this. At least she was
not expecting
this indifference from him in
response to this conversation. Even today, her mother had come.
She was
saying very regretfully that it was a big abuse. With their drinking,
I was saying
not once, twice, that I did not leave and married someone. Why
didn't my son see you?
Saeed Ulmaan was now trying hard to touch the last limits of mala
amisi. There was still no expression
of grace on the face of Mukhlis sitting in front. He was looking up
to Nineteen One with a preoccupied
face. Saida Amma felt that she had really ruined Amina's fortune by
marrying her. In the midst of excessive
swallowing, even in the cold season, he picked up a glass of water
and drank it in one gulp. It was also bad
for Imama that it did not happen. What was he saying to Roy and
now here he didn't even have an Allah
to tell Saeeda Amma that she is important to him or that he will
take care of her or any other
promise or anything else. He should have said something to Saeeda
Amma. He felt a strange
sense of worthlessness and insignificance. The bread is cooked and
the air is blown. The distance was
a bit different. He had not even considered her worthy of two
words of praise in front of anyone else. He
should not praise me alone, but even here he said something, so his
heart was filled once again. She

didn't want Salar to treat her like a traditional husband, but she
herself became traditional towards him
So she sat for recitation. It's
getting late, I think, we have to go now. I go to the office in the
morning, a little more work today Is. Salar was not married to Mir Mir.
said to Amma with great patience and then stood up. It was now
the scene of Imama's standing,
Imama picked up the dishes placed on the tray and placed them in
the air without looking at her, and did
them with cold water.
I will stay somewhere with Saeed and
Amma." Salar was completely stunned for a few moments. He had
not once in the last several
hours made any intention of spending the night with Saeeda
Amma. And now it's yellow
Decisions to remove
Yes, absolutely not abandoned. Saida Amma immediately
supported. Imama
was waiting for his refusal. OK, and I don't mind if she wants to
stay. Salar said
loudly. Bray Meli Imama looked at him in disbelief. He hadn't
insisted on taking her
along for a minute, he was so fed up with her.
Before Salar could do anything else, she left the room with a hide.
Saeed and Amman looked
at him with angry eyes, Salar had confirmed the accusation against
such Imama. Salar could
not understand the meaning of Imama's passing, nor could Saeeda
understand the meaning of Amma's

confused eyes. Chishti Aap was about to set up two conversations.

He wanted to earn
money, but Atayim felt that he would have objected to it, and that
too in front of Saeed and Aman.
Then he came out to the gun with Saeeda Amma. He thought
that Imama would come if she put a pot in her ear and called him
God Hafiz, but she did
not come. He used to talk pointlessly with Sayyid and Amma and
kept denying it. If Saeed and Aman
were not cold, he would not have hesitated to ask them to call
While leaving Saeed and Aman's house, he once looked at the
house in front of them in this
neighborhood. It was opening him up to come back alone. He had
been without her for two years. He
was not alone either. He had spent a night with her and Jamal had
become aware of her.
The drive back from there was the longest drive of his life.
Will go to my brother tomorrow. They will not be able to do all
this, they will talk about it Saeed Walian was sitting next to him and
saying. She was extremely slanderous.
Imama did not support his words. Now his heart did not want to
do anything. He's just himself
D sat quietly with a blanket and listened to Saeed and Aman.
Well, let's go to sleep son, we have to get up for Arabic in the
morning. Saeed and Aman suddenly got an idea. He asked while
getting up from his son and leaving
the room. Grant off
He had remembered her with a jolt last night.
Let them stay. She lay down saying in a hoarse voice.
Saida Amma closed the door and left. The silence of the room
reminded him of Salar's

first room. Yes, it's good, I'm not, you can sleep comfortably with
the light on.
He wanted to say, "She started to feel sad again and even then her
nose started to bleed. Umama's
voice was finally calling with medicine to fill the neck. He was
finally calling. Thrown the
phone and side on the finish. The medicine didn't go along and
now she was missing him.
Her sadness, which I was changing. Why was she
doing this like Rani's love. She Like I did my own experience and
that's what you gave him.
I'm really sad or he's ignoring me on purpose to tell me that I'm not
that kind of person for
him. His friends. He didn't get a call back to his office, his family.
He got a message
after a few seconds. He didn't know he was going to tell her he was
doing it in a text
message. There was a reload card number for him and two words
for him
Kanat Sait Barat
he was severely insulted, then he began to cry badly. He had never
felt anything for Salar Sikandar in his
life, and even today, he was not feeling anyone for him.
After talking to Amina, Dadu and Tayyaba also talked to her and
got married. Bring
it home now, is pomegranate a part in any work or not? Sikandar
greeted him with initial salutations
and prayers.
He is in his mecca today. Salar thought something. So Barkhor
Dara, you are also numbered in your Saral and why did you raise your
face and come to your

aparat? Take it from the coals.

Do you have me too? He changed the subject.
Yes, why do you talk?
No, she is currently talking to you. A hundred thousand speak in
more money."
Sikandar immediately sat up straight. Hai Salar was sukhora, if he
was talking about me, then
it was all the same.
What's up?"
actually tells you something about Amina." Skinner
went well. He had already told them about Amina after the
marriage. Dr. Syed Ali's daughter
whom he had married in the upper sex for his personal reasons.
Sikandar Khan knew Dr. Syed Ali and
had met him two or three times through Salar. He would not have
rejected any girl instead of Dr. Syed Ali's
daughter so suddenly without informing these people. He and his
family were somewhat liberal and
Salar was a Kushal case anyway. It was not a chicken that he married
like humans. It was Tehra
Tayyaba's who was a bit upset when they got the news of his
marriage but with satisfaction. What
happened with him and now he was saying that he used to keep it
about Amina.
"It is said to be about Amina
Salar cleared his throat. How to start, I didn't know anything.
She is actually Imama." Preface He had never tied it in his life, so
how could he tie it now.
There was a sudden silence on the other side. Alexander felt that
there was nothing
divine in him. What did he mean? He

confirmed as he did. I want to. Yana was sheltered in his house by

Loktar Sahib. She was with
him for so many years. He gave her name for her protection. I was
told at the time of marriage that
she is Imama. But she is Imama.” Except for the last sentence, he did
not believe
rest of the details. Sikandar Usman breathlessly saw his wife sitting
on the same pad as someone on Star Plus
Nakshod was busy with Ekhna and Biya was good. She
stopped like this with her mother-in-law, feet on her feet and
opened the bedroom door with her influence Everyone went out in
court. Tayyaba was somewhat surprised to see them going this way. For
one, the
romance of these father-in-laws did not work out, now two will
come together. Tayyaba thought for
a moment and turned her attention to the two baronial hearts.
Sikandar Khan's fourteen classes were lighting up in the airline.
Medicine moon hours already with Tayyaba
Expressing joy and satisfaction at the birth of his last child,
planning his celebration
and he had temporarily forgotten that he was the last descendant
of Salar Sikandar.
After a long conversation with him in the lounge until the two had
dissolved, when they finally came to the
bedroom, they had both left amidst the silence of peace spoken in
Hawaii. Rua
Deh was almost empty with Dr. Sahib's Arakiya on his immense list
and the first thing he did
was check the two bed routers as soon as he arrived. First, the need
to keep something in Romer Ra Baad Witr
came up.

Of course, before going to Salar office, everything was done by

himself. He once again made his existence
I felt consumed.
One bedroom was probably already used as a guest room, while the
other bedroom was also
being used by Ahmadi. Apart from the wealth of books one by one,
piles of CDs and DVDs
were also seen on such racks. The racks in the living room also had
EVs and CDs, but
their number was much less than in this room. was Also found in
the room were some musical
instruments and a study game with a lamp on it. It was the only
trick to do that islamic
files and an archaea and it looked random. Or maybe he forgot to
fix it before he got up
He didn't have time.
For a moment he thought of fixing those papers, the next moment
he pushed the idea
out of his mind. She was worried that she couldn't do this with
Salar in the background and if
someone got around.
Var came out after closing the door. There was indeed a lot of food
in the fridge and freezer and he was
sure that most of the Salaf items were owed to Furqan and
Nooshin. Among the things that resulted
from Salar's good farming were a limited number of arks and their
food steamers, in addition to fruits. He When I saw that they had
broken all of them. Imama
disliked only one thing in food. Also food... If his stomach was not
empty from fasting, seeing
the thief and prize on these boxes, he would have started two
milling. He kept putting these waists

back in the fridge in great frustration. Chinna Roa was not bought
and kept for the purpose of maan.
If he used to buy it, he would have to steal it. His bad mood
brightened a bit. What else did he know?
He used to
open and close the quantums from Maan. He
realized that there was nothing in
this chicken apart from the fridge, just coffee cats and racks of
utensils. That pecan was only used
for breakfast and only for tea or coffee except for those with chest
pains. There he saw no
cooking utensils except a few frying pans. The crockery in the
kitchen also consisted of a dinner set and a few
water and tea cups or something else or a single fast food. The
number of people visiting his house
It was not too much. She came out of the
house. The only unexplored part of the apartment was the balcony.
She opened the door and came out and it
was the first place where her heart was happy as soon as she arrived.
It was more appropriate to call the
terrace lama balcony, terrace garan, good feet wide and twelve feet.
The gills of different shapes and sizes were inlaid
with different types of inlays and their condition even in bitterly
cold weather showed that they had taken a
lot of work and time. From the nearby balconies, he could see green
plants and sapphires, but from the balcony of Bilin Salar.
The condition was the
best. The tall Adam windows of the lounge were also in this
balcony and in the balcony there was a mat on
the ground next to these windows. He might come here and sit or
sunbathe. Perhaps he didn't realize

the purpose of the set being there on weekends during winter. A

stool was lying near the balcony
market. He would certainly come and sit there. There were few
signs of market luck for me to see. He
drinks tea or coffee while sitting here, but at some point he
definitely thought of Roy and went ahead
and drank something. There were two teri floors and a fenced lawn
and parking. A polytheist was also
seen outside the compound at some distance. He was a posh amar
ha and not much of a track on polytheism
was She came within striking
distance. She was just changing her clothes and washing her hair
when she heard the sound of more oil. Immediately But he thought of
them. But the
delivery boy of his house was standing by the drawer with a few X's.
didn't hurt. He felt that he might have been on the wrong par list.
repeated the name of the respondent Sikandar with the address.
For a few moments she
will be silent. At least he wasn't so careless about her as to forget to
make some provision for her refusal.
She was thinking that he must have left the office to take his
stomach and in his rush to reach the airport
Maybe she won't even
remember. Keeping these focuses in the house lessened his guilt
and resentment and it was perhaps due to their
influence that he felt it necessary to call and inform Salar and thank
him. He was on his way to the airport at
that time. He immediately received the call.
Imama told him about the food.

I often order dinner from this restaurant. Food is good, he replied

in a
very normal manner. I thought, I'll bring these people home by
now until you do
Bhu ki pethi rahe rahe."
She wanted to thank him but suddenly she realized that it was a
very difficult task. She
said to Salar, there was a pocket of hesitation that she felt.
And look or Swano came near the clock and she would not be
powerless at the sound of hair.
Unwillingly, she was afraid of Salar's family origin. Even as
neighbors, the two families had cordial relations
and later events ended this formality. He had lost the phone
conversation with Mukder Himan several years
ago and Shahid was concerned about the same call. While opening
the inner door, he realized
that his hands were also missing. All three people, including
Khan, were more enthusiastic than him. The restraint and
spontaneity she was looking for in
both of them, she didn't immediately see. There was some shortage
in Imama's Tardeen Nahi. During his time
at Farman's house, his visitation became less and less. Both Aya
and Tayyaba were very friendly and kept talking to him. Nausheen
and Farman had met
Salar's parents before, but Tulane was the first Bartle from the
extreme and the topic of conversation between the two. They had
children. She listened to these people like a silent listener in a very calm
manner. She didn't
want her marriage or her night to be the topic of conversation in
Farman's house.

After Danasan in her apartment, Molly Bar Sikandar and Tayyaba

talk to her in the owner's room,
and Amama realizes the hidden concern she has over the expected
origin of Amama's family. His teacher
disappeared once again. Although they didn't openly speak in front
of Imama or talk about her family,
but those people had to relate Walima's connection in Lahore
instead of Islamabad. She wanted to hear
Salar's opinion but he remained silent during the conversation.
When the number of sufferings of silence
increased during the conversation, suddenly Imama realized that
the person who came in the conversation
The reason for the lack of color was Secondly, people were not able
to talk openly
because of it. Of course, son, you go to sleep, no, you have to get up
for Arabic. We will give something
now." On her excuse of sleep, Sikandar Khan immediately did.
She got up and came to the room. It was very difficult to sleep. She
did not even think about the
worries she had two days ago. Now she thought about them.
She knew that Sikandar Usman wanted to keep their marriage a
secret so that his family would not know about him.
Don't know about.
Meanwhile, she sat on her bed thinking about the fears and dangers
she was feeling.
Back there alone at that time, for the first time, she thought about
how big a risk Salar had
taken by marrying her. Whoever married her, would have made
himself insecure to some extent, but in
the case of Salar Sikandar, the situation would have been worse as
the chances of

his affair with her being exposed were high. What more could they
do? He said he
would never kill me or Salar. He still had a blind faith that
somewhere his family would take
care of him. Most likely they will try to take me with them and then
divorce Salar and
marry somewhere else. His anxiety increased at
once. Not everything was as straightforward as what the royal was
doing or trying to
eat. It was not a matter of marrying one's will, it was a matter of
conversion to every religion. She
felt water like falling in her stomach, she went to the right bed. At
that time the High Bar Salar
He got married to a teacher. She once again stood on the edge of
the ditch from which she Patti was wandering for so many years.
In the land, they were pulling him by tying ropes around his hands.
The ropes were
so tight that her wrists began to bleed and with each movement of
them she screamed
helplessly in pain. She was being led like a prisoner in a crowd of
people in a market.
People standing on both sides were shouting loudly at him. Then
one of the
men who was pulling the ropes around her wrists. Shocked Rahi
with full force. She
fell to her knees again on the first path.
May Allah wake him up. It's been a while since the cruise ended."
She sat up. The bedside table lamp turned on. Salar stood next to
her, ignoring her actions.
Hoy was waking him
up. Sorry I scared the king. Salar apologized.

She stared blankly at his face for some time. She had become
accustomed to such
dreams over the years and the series of dreams still did not occur. It
was getting cold and she would not get up because of the cold.
quickly, the bus has left to meet."
While she was dreaming,
Salar bent down and placed her hand in the grave, calling her. She
felt here she was in any
vision. Imama shook her head. Wahab was not asleep.
"You slept without a blanket," Salar said while not drinking water
from the glass. Imama was shocked and
saw the game lying on her son. He was lying like that. Six or he had
not come to sleep in the room at night.
He left the room handing her a glass of water.
When Aleem came to the two-sting area after washing her hands,
he had left the boat and
was busy making tea, but there was no one else. Already had a go at
it on the dieting
menu. I make tea. Instead of sailing, they began to separate.
You should sleep comfortably, it will be done now. I can make tea
for myself so
I can go for you too. Salar took Lagi from her hand and sent her
back. She pulled out a chair and sat down.
Are everyone sleeping?
are It's been a while now. All night long, we and Shahida kept going
"No, I was asleep. Her tone
was very muffled." Salar realized, she was very upset with him.
Has anyone had a dream? "He opened
the chair and sat next to her while he was on the verge of leaving.

and Chukki started to eat the same food. They say

they will have breakfast in the morning, he asked, changing the
He said
helplessly. What kind of people is this your second
family? He actually used the two words for them last night
had been
They will not do it if it is removed. Allah will go to this house now.
There is a flight of ten children."
Salar waved his hand sensing her embarrassment. At
nine o'clock in the morning. Why are you leaving
early? She was surprised. These people came only to meet you. Papa
has no owner. She
comes with two children and leaves her children with the maid.
The little daughter is only yours. He
was telling. "Instead of breakfast of tea, make it yours. I will come
after my prayers and then get
ready for office with them and leave them at the airport and then
go to office." Ki Anfara and
stood up. Imama looked at him with some surprise. You
are not of interest
They will pay interest after coming from
the ice in the evening. You take
leave. Imama said fluently. On his way to the bank, Salar turned
and saw Imama and then took leave from the office to
be here helplessly? In my profession, that doesn't happen. I've been
working forty-eight, forty-eight hours without sleep for Hyun An.
That too in extreme heat and cold. I have been leaving the mother,
father and son in
the perfect condition.
It was happening

to them. Please do not wash. I have to wash my dishes now. Imama

stopped him while
emptying the teacup. She took out the bread bag and started
throwing it in
the basket. ok if so"
Salar cheerfully kept the mug in the bunk and found it. She was
like a trash can, with an artful complexion, a cocktail in one hand.
Salar glanced at it,
then at the object in the trash that had shocked him so much.
Yan was out of his mind saying Lak Dar Yek Daar in unison.
She was uncontrollably embarrassed. He was sure. Two of the
dustbins could not see Peter's empty
can from where he stood, yet he knew what she had been able to
see. He had read Niger later, Peter first ... and
if it had not been for the house of Salar Alexander, his mind would
have gone first to the non-
autonomic Arix, but here his mortgage had gone helplessly the
other way. While throwing a war,
he had looked at the other side of the country. After some time, she
stood and tried to film her
Imamat. I don't know what he must have been thinking about me
and Salar also felt a sad current. Both of
them were trying to build a bridge of trust between them. It was
also breaking from one side. ever
is on the other
side. The last time he had alcohol was eight years ago, but he drank
almost every way to
work, full of energy and fear. It didn't take him seconds to see
Ummah crouching next to the wastebasket
and knew that what was in the wastebasket could be a leg for

him. He belonged to the corporate sector and in the parlies he

attended, alcohol was present at
every game and every time he refused the drink, no one would have
thought that he was a liar in
the last eight years. is speaking, because none of them knew Salar
Sukkur from years ago. But
a person who had come to his house two days ago, had nothing to
say about Salar and his pregnancy.
There were very solid reasons for this. All of this Hogai would not
have done such actions when he was credible. Now that the past is not
If so, it will take some time to establish its authority over it. On his
way to the outer door
He had easily acquitted Imama by taking all the blame on himself.
"Shall I put on your clothes? He came into the bedroom and asked
for a wardrobe in the hanging room.
Khole was taking out his clothes.
They get my clothes pressed. He was smiling while taking out
another one. There are many.
That hand. Amanah
suddenly felt the necklace from her ears. "You
have seen my Athir rings somewhere, I kept them in the washroom,
I didn't find them there. Yes,
I took them there. They are on dredging duty." Salar took two steps
forward and
Ameer took the others towards Imama.
Grown up. It has been found. You walk with me today, I will not
take it. That air Zargar ears
I was wearing And
they give me, when I had a mission in medicine. Not old for me.
There is
no need to waste your money. Imama did

not even bother to look back to see his riba gul. She opened
the bedroom door and
went out. He stood there for the next few seconds. She is an
African by association, she was
killed by his mouth. At least Salar had noticed. Little did he realize
that he had made this end
of love a necessity. He was a man, unable to differentiate between
need and love. She
was a woman, dying to differentiate between need and love.
Dr. Syed Ali had an opportunity to have a long conversation with
Saeed and Amma that morning.
They used to call after two or three days to find out about their
condition and even today they called
to find out about the health of Saeed and Aman. She burst out
hearing his voice. Dr. Siya Ali remained
on his left. They did not understand anything about
Saeed and Aman. In the midst of great anxiety, he called Imama.
Imama was not even under
the illusion that Saida Lian would really tell everything to Dr. Sora
Ali and she also came quickly.
Dr. Syed Ali asked her about her condition. Saida sister tells me
that you have some complaints with Salar. He was very worried.
Imama's throat immediately became dry. He did not understand
whether to confess or deny. His
silence made Dr. Maula Ali dead.
And Salar has been talking to you about who is the
first. She started biting her lip helplessly, her Amin was completely
at that time. She wanted to beat all the complaints against Salar as
accusations but the

problem was that she was coming to Dr. Syed Ali and could not
painfully say all that
she had done to Saeeda Amman. While complaining to Saeedah
Amman, he had
exaggerated and he did not understand how Saeedah Amman told
who he was. His continued silence raised Dr. Seattle's furrowed
brow. There is also a reward, you tell me. There is no need to worry.
After bad sentences he forgot everything. She could not tell Dr.
Syed Ali, who was a friend, that he did not
admire her or her clothes so heartily. Not bad with him. Intziri
Nahi ki Hans comes late and leaves
home without telling her in the morning. He has been feeding her
food from Farman's
house for so many days and left her with Mufid and Aman on the
second day of the wedding.
Dr. Sati said to him without considering both his orders.
Have I mentioned any other marriage to
you?" She kept pouting her lips. She knew that she had lied to
Saeed and Aman, and it was that
lie that made Saeed and Aman so angry. Alain, Saeed and
Aman must have felt some blush. There is nothing like that. He
denied it with a Saria pellet.
On the other hand, Dr. Sait Ali said helplessly on the blood. Ap
Har Hoon
Meheda Aman. Why did you leave it? They
did it without making any mention of the other accusation.
When you both were at our house, when you had no intention of
appearing there. Did

guys have any quarrel on the way? They He answered Imama from
his last place.
I don't understand that Siri often stopped talking and asking
questions. She
was crying about Salar's crying. He was new to
them. Well, I say to the driver, you come to me. Salar also takes the
wind at Iftar, then me
I will talk to him.
Imama closed her eyes helplessly. Just then there was one thing that
didn't want to happen.
He is coming from office very late today. He came earlier last night,
maybe he can't come
today," he said in a low voice.
I call and ask him. Dr. Syed Ali did.
Yes He did it hard. Who is ready to marry anyone blindly at their
Had gone, did he justify any engagement for not coming to the
Iftar feast?
She used to know what answer Dr. Syed Ali was going to get. He
hung up the phone and bit his nails helplessly
will It was true that she had grievances with Salar, but she also did
not want him to have any such talk
of being fourth in marriage.
Pahlavi Sweetheart Five minutes later, he heard the sound of his
bull barking and his
Shamir obeyed him badly.
If there is a servant, then someone makes Christ Ali. If he doesn't
call, start preparing to
go as soon as you wake up. He was teasing her frankly, without
understanding the
situation. Amanah's guilt increased. Dr. Sia also did well without
talking to him for now

He had to go on denial.
The doctor was just talking about waiting. I told them that I will
come early from
office today and bring you with me. He was bar ha. I
kept Anama as a slave. If she had come home earlier, she would have
talked to him, apologized
and informed him about the expected situation at Dr. Sahib's
house. He was satisfied
Took science. Yes, he could.
But if you want to go, then I am not fooling you,” Salar concluded
in the very next sentence.
No, no, I will go with you. Imama was powerless. And I am a
pomegranate to them again. so what are you doing? Her heart
desires, she tells him that Du is trying to get out of the pit that she
lost to Salar.
Furqan's Tarma will come today to celebrate, usually she comes in
the morning after I leave to do the
thesis, but you are sleeping at that time, so I have forbidden her to
come at that time for now. You called
your sister-in-law and told her when she was there." He
was probably free at the office at that time. That's why he was
talking. Kuch tu bolu yaar agili shut up
why ja me he me like this. He is her. On the question bei
bhagya gazid
par wai karwa tum free ho at that time she asked very
cautious. If she was a date, she could have talked to him
now. Here she has gone into blueness. At least for today. The day
we are all gone. Those people have
left with good wishes.
He was teasing him in a double-educated

She was at a loss as to how to start the conversation without

considering his words.
Today, if the doctor did not take care of me, I would have been
sleeping and would
have eaten outside at night. In Fort Ares, there is a mission to
encourage Allah, but they will say that they will
Fortress from
The proverb about drowning in water for the first time came to me
today. But and they were
done tor wail pesh parashtar in Chalo Bhar pani is also enough for
the house. She was now trying
to start a conversation and she had no idea how to do it.
OK, then I will tell the doctor. They will be waiting. Before she
could say anything to him.
Salar ended the conversation and ended the call. She will sit and cry
with blood on her hands.
He came home at two or four o'clock and by then she had decided
how she was going to talk
to him. Salar did not come to O, he asked him to come to Peche on
phone. As she peeked in
through the now open car door, he greeted her with a smile and a
nod. He was talking to one of his
men on the phone.
WITH Meanwhile,
while driving towards the house of Dr. Selmill with a free ear, he
was constantly engaged
in the same call. It was like Imama's life. If he continued to talk all
the way, at a complete stop

he signaled him to end the call amid Salar's blunt jani tuhar and
immense shingli. The result was immediate,
after further discussion with Chand, Salar finally made the call.
Suri Ek Ka
In Koi Par important and ha was. He said after arranging the call. I
will go
to Islamabad or his next sentence would have blown Imama's
senses. Everything she had thought about was thrown
away. Umm Nizamabad Hai He looked at Salar with great
uncertainty. Yes one going this weekend. Salar said to Joe in a
coconutty manner. But how can I go? She was powerless.
If you found out, I have forbidden you not to bring me with you to
Then? Salar spoke to him.
Yes, and now they are saying that if I don't want to come along,
then bring me."
He said very fluently. She should keep it.
My family may know. He finally did after a silence of no.
It's crazy tomorrow. Where Salar in this manner
So there is no place for me to hide you for the rest of my life. And
was saying tensely.
Your family has told people about you that you settled abroad after
be Now, after so many years, if they do something about you, they
themselves will be sued. This
So I don't think they will do anything. Oh that was
satisfying. You don't know them, they won't shut up if they find
out. And went to
Yashan. There will be occasional visits, quiet visits and visits. Yaar
will not forget
them there. She fell in love with him.
If they find out, they will take me, they will kill me. She was crying.

Ask Imam, if they happen to know about you or if someone sees

you here in
Lahore and causes them some harm.
Neither will they know. I will never go anywhere. He said casually.
Your tail will melt like this and he looked at his face in shock.
There was also a tear in his eyes. I am
used to Salar Emami's breath, I don't care about it before. When I
was not working,
I did not leave the house. I have been in Lahore for so many years
but I have only seen the
markets, parks and restaurants here from the outside while
traveling on the highway and in newspapers.
If I go to these places now, I will not know what to do there. Even
when I was in Multan, there
was no other place in my life except Bail and college. Now I came
to Lahore, so here too, first the
university and the house and now the house, except for them, all
the other things seem strange to me.
Once upon a time, I used to accompany Saeeda to a small market
near her house. She was my
only concern. There was a shop. I used to take boxes for the whole
neighborhood. It's easier to
spend time with a book." He didn't
understand why he was told.
Yes, it's easy to pass the time, not to live."
He turned his neck once again and saw him drooling.
I don't matter till Salar
matters to me and matters a lot. Salar spoke to him helplessly. I
want to live a normal life like you had. If you don't go, it will all be
over. They
was asking him.
Earl like, but I am Saif."

Salar helplessly spread his arm over his shoulders.

You will still be Saif. It will not matter to him. My family can
elect Hussain. What are you thinking? Salar said. Notice
his silence as he spoke. I shouldn't have married you. I shouldn't
done it with anyone. I put you in trouble with me. It's not right. It's
too much now. Yes, if If you marry someone else, it would be
but it's not my business. I didn't take your family's insults and
insults before, now
again. Then the deceased is one of your characters? He was really
pitiful. She remained silent.
That evening, Dr. Syed Ali and his colleagues were very serious
about Salar and he did not understand any reason
for this praise. Amama was also completely silent during the meal,
but she broke her silence in the car
What was the outcome of the
conversation? Sitting in the lounge drinking tea, when Dr. Syed Ali
teased this
topic, Salar Imam had something to say to you. And started taking
a sip to go. It would
have happened if Dr. Salami had not done it, he would have taken
care of it. He looked at Dr. C Aala with
some surprise, then at Imama about him. He was staring at the cup
of tea being placed on his stove.
The first thought in his mind was the conversation in the car, but
Imama had once told the doctor
about the conversation in the car. He was very surprised.
He placed the cup on the midwives.
Amma is not happy with your crying. Dr. Sediti said the English
sentence. Salar makes a mistake in meeting the gaze.
Lust made him powerless. I eat."

You disbelieve in Imama. Let him go without Dr. Sial. It is a

difficult science
why he later saw Imama.
did Allah do to you? He said to Dr. Syed Ali looking at him crossly.
Yes, you don't talk to him properly.
Salar turned his head and looked at Imama again. She was still
looking down.
What did Imama do to you? He was as bright as a thief. Dr.
Mulla Ali shook his head. Salar involuntarily placed the center of
the tea on Kamil,
taking a corner of his lip. His time was badly messed up. This is the
most disturbing of his life
It was one of the situations.
Imama stared at the steam rising from the cup of tea in a state of
great shame and remorse,
clearing her throat, saying why did Malala want what
was happening, she did not want it. It was night. But the arrow was
out of the bow. And that you don't inform him while going somewhere.
After you have quarreled with him
Saeeda was left to her sister. This time Salar first saw Kulsoom Ai
then Dr Syed Ali again
Even if the sky had fallen on his head, he would not have been in
this condition that happened at that time.
I didn't have a fight. But the figure began to say, controlling his
was And Imama herself had told me that she wanted to stay at
Saeed and Amma's house, and I
stopped talking to her for the last four days.
He had heard Imama's idiocy. He reluctantly turned his head and
looked at Imama, who was rubbing

her nose. Kishor came and the doctor also turned towards her. Salar
could not continue talking. Kalam
came to him and consoled him. He sat still. Dr. Syed Ali asked the
employee to bring water and said that
Salar was not feeling well, but at that time there was no
opportunity to give his ablutions and explain.
He silently looked at Elijah and thought that he was an owl because
first thanks that he had been
giving again and again for the last four days were all right. Only he
had shown complacency and
After about ten minutes, everything went to waste. Dr. Sahib
continued to teach Salar until
he was almost half-dissolved. He kept listening to them while
walking silently. Equally sharp
Imama was getting extremely conservative. After that it was
difficult to face Salar alone. No
one could have understood it better than him. After half melting,
they both left there and sat
in the car. Imama did not even ask him to leave the
gate of the house of Dr. C. Ala. I can't
believe it. I can't believe it." He expected the same attitude from her.
She sat staring at the road
from the screen and then
freaked out. I'm not talking to you properly. I don't go without
telling those who I left
at Sayyid and Aman's house. They quarreled. You have lied to the
people. Imama saw it endlessly. If he had not used the word lie, he
would not
have felt bad about it. I "No lie. He did it with

great difficulty. I'm proud of you?" Salar's voice rose. "You made my
habit of sleeping in my house that night strange." He kept looking at
face helplessly.
I was worried it was just one such thing."
If I didn't like it. He said spontaneously.
And you also saw my habit of sleeping in the light if you had said
that. And this time she was silent. Salar
Raihan was getting more and more angry.
And I don't talk to you properly. He came to the next charge.
What was wrong with me, he said in that baraha way.
He belonged to Murry. They will only go and you went to Syed
Hala Kattar Sahib and told him.
I didn't say anything to them. Saida Amma did everything. He
At that moment he could not even speak about the shock.
That is, you have told them all this too? She remained silent.
He began to lick his lips. Now he was thinking about something
because of Saeed and
Aman's talk. And where do I go that I did not tell you about 4 Salar
Did you miss me during the cruise? Salar, his lover, was left to do
I go to the mosque this morning with Farahman. After that you
and Pakar Danan come home.
Now I don't even want to go to the mosque. He flourished.
Do I know where you go in the morning? I wanted to be your seat
too. Imama said.
On his explanation, he became a devotee.
Where do you think I can go during a cruise in Madan, a non-club?
From the oxy-girlfriend? Can anyone know where I can go. "And
on the word of Ayaq

Badly fed.
Well, I really am. This
And I had said that about staying in Saeeda Amma's house and
what kind of forest had happened
She remained silent.
There was no need to tell more lies and his words paid off. of the
entire Ummah
again and again." No, what is a lie of mine, why should I call it a lie?
You showed me your face in front of the doctor
What must he be thinking about me? He was really badly set.
Now finish it all. He had seen the blushes on Imama's cheeks
The prison was badly run. The issue we are talking about, Imam or
someone to cry in it
There's no need." She kept
crying. It's not okay. You said the same thing to me at the doctor's
His story was beginning to settle, but the confusion would
increase. Whatever it was. It was the fourth
day of her marriage and she was crying for the second time in an
hour. Any girl in her place
would have been crying, if she was upset, then it would have been
fine. He lay helpless. He tried to silence
her by putting his arm over her shoulder. Imama pulled out another
one from the Nashwaba Kis
lying on the dashboard, her reddened nose, and watered down on
and Salar's attempts at reconciliation. That's why I didn't want to
marry you. I thought you
would treat me like this. He froze for a moment at her attack then
he did, making a hand on her
shoulder. What behavior will you explain, so I came out again.
What have I done?

Go with you
Oh once again started crying with eyes. Salar closed his eyes
helplessly. If he wasn't
looking dry, he would have grabbed his head. The rest remain
silent. After some time she finally shut
up. Salar breathed a sigh of relief.
Even after coming to Aparat, there was no conversation between
the two. Instead of going into
the bedroom, she was about to take a couch in the living room.
Salar went to the bedroom. He changed his clothes
and came to the bedroom, she had not come inside. Well, she
might want to sit down and think about
her crying. He wanted to sleep while lying on his bed and he did
not turn off the lights of the bedroom, but the
sleep was gone from his eyes at once. Now it's okay, but what did
they think? Despite the fun passing
through the water, he was powerless when it appeared. And after
that he came out
of the bedroom. Kushi was sitting in one corner of Ani's couch,
both feet up, with Kushi on her
lap. Salar breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wasn't crying this
time. When Salar came to the lounge,
he did not even look at him. She thus held the cushion in her lap,
its thread committee. He to her He came and sat down. Keeping the
cushion aside, Imama tried helplessly to get up from the sofa. Salar
grabbed his arm and stopped him.
There are He said to her in a commanding
manner. He considered freeing the arm for a moment, then
changed his mind. She would put it again but she did
He made Salar's hand with his
arm. I have no idea. But im sorry he initiated any attempt at
reconciliation. Imama

looked at him with a smile but said something. He watched her

speak for a while but then
realized that Du had no intention of accepting her apology at the
moment. Why do you think that I am not talking to you properly?
I am talking to you
I am He said that it was for
his benefit. You keep ignoring me. After a moment's pause
he spoke up. Kishor was left frowning. Can I ignore you?
He said anxiously. Imama did not meet her
eyes. How can you even sleep? "I married you to make you white. I
been humiliating you for so many years to make
me ignore you." But you kept doing it. He insisted on his words. He
stopped talking. There was moisture in his eyes. "I have no
importance in your life
No. "Keep
ruling. I want to know what I'm doing that makes you think so
goddamn much
about me." He said with utmost seriousness, ignoring the wetness
of her eyes. I did not tell him
while going to the mosque in the morning, not even while going to
the office
Cue him to start a conversation. You didn't even
tell me that you would be waiting for Dahi. You could have come
early if you wanted. away And
Salar did without giving any explanation.
I didn't do as you said but you didn't call me. Receive your paris
You could have taken me to the airport to do or leave but you didn't
ask me. Okay fine
I said leave me at Saeeda Amma's house, you did not let me go with
you once. I was disrespected in front of them."
Earlier she was saying with tears.

Var was watching him without Pak ji. The water was no longer from
his eyes, but from his nose.
He was far from the whole heart membrane. Salar took another
one out of the sealer's Tahmil kis and
hurled it at him. He jerked her hand away on impact himself. He
rubbed his nose.
Not them. Korsalar did it again with great
patience. She wanted to say that he didn't even give her a wedding
gift. It was also a visible
vein of his, but it would be his own to mention it. He didn't
mention me. For some time she would rub
her nose. Crying with sobs. Salar finally told him.
"Me or something else in my farm now?"
I knew that you were my "after
marriage" Salar cut him off.
I know you already know everything about me." He was at his
worst. Still,
you'll have a chance to say something to me now. Go ahead and
blow your
nose. She kept rubbing.
If I could have come early from the office on the day after the
wedding, I would have come. Imama intervened.
I didn't have a petition that day and I called you. Once upon a time,
the necklace. You see your
cell blood or I will show you," said Salar in a patchy manner.
"You didn't call me in the morning,
didn't you? I was in a meeting at that time, I didn't have my year. I
made the first
call to you after leaving the boardroom. "I didn't even work at
Saeeda Amma's house,
you did it there too, instead I turned off the bill. So I should have
been angry too, you were

making me angry by wanting to do it, but I didn't." I didn't. I didn't

even think about it."
He was seriously eating it now.
It was not possible to take them to the airport with him. The
airport is on one side. I am at
my office and on the other side at home, first I will take you here
today and then the airport would go Double the time and it was not
necessary for you to go to the airport and receive them. He paused for
pivot. Then it will happen.
Do I have any doubts about you?
Imama looked up and saw him.
You decided to do this at Saeeda Amma's house, without even
bothering to ask me. his
There was a ready flood in the
eyes. I thought you wouldn't let me stay there, but you were fed up
with me. you
I didn't have to go along even once."
Salar took a deep breath. What
did I get? I thought you have a wish, I want to fulfill it. Come on,
it's my
fault. I wanted to tell you to walk, but at least you wanted to come
outside to say God Hafiz to
me. I stood waiting in the fourteen Madanman but you came out
even for a moment
In mercy."
I was angry, that's why I didn't
come." There is a pharmacy in mathematics too? She remained
silent. You were stubborn about Farman that I don't go there.
Khawamkhawa was stubborn. What
did I think, but I No, I did not obey my word. He paid Zakah for
one. Farman is my closest friend.

Farman and sister-in-law have always taken good care of me and it

is not acceptable to me that
"My lord, don't disrespect this
family," she said, ignoring another flood of tears in her eyes. This
time, Ummah
didn't offer an explanation.
I didn't even ask you that you called my prints even once and asked
them if they got out of
here properly or if their flight was fine. was saying patiently to
Wood. She was excited.
"I don't have their
number." You take it from me. If you really wanted to talk to them.
They came
here for you, so it was your responsibility to ask them about their
flight or talk
to them after they left." So you would have told me. Why
didn't you say? Yes, I didn't because these are not Sundays to me,
they are trifles. These
are not the Eleanors that I should be angry with you or quarrel
with. She did
not speak. All you did was to keep building a case against me. Keep
collecting every little
thing. Didn't complain to me but Saeeda told everything to Amma
and also to Dr. Before
talking to anyone else, you should have talked to me. She remained
silent. There was nothing wrong with her.
His owls began to subside. He was eating it with great
vigor. If I didn't listen to you, it was another matter. But you never
objected to me.
If you are sleeping, I can tell you where I am going from home, but

can't even lift a single servant just to tease that I am going. He didn't
anything here.
I wonder how this thought came to your mind. I am in the seventh
heaven from
Charon and you are saying and I am pointing at
you. But you never once praised me. Another letter to Samama
Salar looked at him shocked.
And praise for what?" He asked us in surprise. Each was a very fair
question, but this
question embarrassed Imama.
Shall I tell you too? She was a bad
performer. The ruler of your beauty made a confused guess. He was
a devotee. When am I saying the Kurds of beauty would have
appreciated any gram, my
clothes." She said it but regretted proving it. Salar's youthful
questions embarrassed
her badly. Salar gave a He looked at her, then at her clothes and
took a deep breath
Tayar Fana
Umma you are asking me to praise you with your mouth. " he said
as he passed by. It was
such a strange thing for him. Two fell badly.
Don't, when have I done." No, BR Wright. I haven't really been
appreciated for anything yet. I should have. He
became serious at once. He felt the shame of leadership.
Stretching his arm over her shoulder, he pulled Imama closer to
him. This time, Imama
did not touch him. His tears were gone now. Salar took her hand
with his other
hand. He said while caressing her hand very gently.

Such complaints are there where it is only for a few days but where
it is for a lifetime
and it all becomes very secondary. He was eating it gently with him.
Marrying you meant a lot to me and means a lot, but income also
It depends on you. Do what you owe to me, not to others. I am
answerable only to you
Imam and not to anyone else. He has taught him a lot of pain in the
had tried We were
not friends either, but we have been more frank and frank in our
relationship than friends.
Why is marriage weakening him?"
Allah looked up and saw his face. He saw the same admiration in
her eyes as he did
It was in words. He rested his head on the bar. He wasn't getting
rich, his heart admitted.
You mean more than every person and every six sports in my life.
Salar emphasized his words
What while giving But I won't be able to tell you every day in one
sentence. It doesn't mean that to me
Your imports have decreased. Your important things in my life are
now not in my hands but in your hands
in. which determines whether you will increase or decrease the self
over time."
While listening to him, Imama's eyes fell on the back of his hand
which was supporting her hand.
was The back of his hand was extremely clean. Hair on the backs of
the hands and wrists was negligible.
The fingers of the hand were not like those of an artist and were
smaller than the hands of ordinary men. his

The green and blue veins on the backs of the hands were very
prominent. A hint of friendship on his ditch
He was Far Jami used to find a lot of ways to go. She was looking at
his hand so intently for the
first time today. He liked his hands very well. Salar couldn't
figure out where his heart was and the young man's attention. He
was eating it
seriously like that. Love or marriage does not mean crossing each
other in the fist of one's hand b
If both of us only keep looking for each other's shame, then very
soon our
hearts will lose respect for each other. No matter how much love is
attached to a person, if there
is honor and respect, then love also goes. These two things are the
four walls of the house
of love. It is very difficult to save the house if
the four walls are
destroyed." Amada looked at her with great
surprise. She is gold
in her eyes in the role of the car of youth. He nodded in the
Salar brought him a little closer to him. I am not
a servant of Allah, so how can I become your husband, Imamsa, if
Allah has
ignored me so far, then you have also forgiven me.
Karo kept looking at his face in surprise, she was really unfamiliar
with this Salar
Sikandar. Salar gently touched the swollen bellies of her eyes with
his fingers. What have you done with your eyes? Don't you
pity me? He was saying
loudly. Instead of answering, Al-Nama put her head on his dress.
She was up and

relaxed. Putting her arm around him and the other hand, Noting
the hair on her face and
neck, he noticed for the first time that she looked better after
crying, but telling her that was
like kicking herself in the foot. She was unrepentant towards him. .
She was imperceptibly
running her fingers over the pleated pleats of his nightdress.
It's nice to shine. He said, glancing at her clothes in great relief. His
hand stopped
suddenly as he moved to drink. Imama raised her head and looked
at him. Salar did it
Start keeping. This has led to the dissolution of relationships
without being strong. gave them to each other,
It is very important to recognize each other's individual status, to
respect each other's right to freedom
Is. Imama turned her head and saw his face. He was glorifying
Looking into his eyes, he smiled.
I admire you."
It's up to you." Jump well. Salar muttered and looked at her clothes
again. Hoi punk? I actually haven't seen one before in a long time.
I was not on the case yesterday. Imama's eyes will be
narrow. But I was fed up with it. There was a pile of
sugar in the sand. The painting on the front wall is full of flowers.
Imama tried to perform
some killing.
Staring at the painting, Salar could not tell him that he had
brought it as a tiger. Imama was now
looking at his face. Salar took a deep breath in a somewhat casual
manner. Guess

what, I'll have to keep an ad card in my pocket to make this

marriage a success. Ho or
took while keeping Var Pyang.
It was the first morning that he had opened his eyes before Salar,
ten minutes before the
announcement meeting time. For a few minutes she lay in the bed
like that. He had no idea
who the night expert was. By picking up the alarm clock on the fair
side, he looked at the
time and then turned off the alarm. She carefully got up and sat
down. Carefully turning
on the side game lap, he rules the bridge, then he does the standing
side finish lap.
Now he saw Salar's Saila lap on. He had woken up at
some point. Imama had no idea. I thought you are a pig. He
did this in response to Salar's Islam. I
woke up because of the noise in the room." He
was lying like this and now he was looking at his blood. But I did
not make any sound.
was done
My sleep is not very deep, I wake up even if there is a sound from
Lucky in
the room. He took a deep breath and placed the nail side
on the finish. I will be careful. He said in a wishful
manner. No need, I'm used to sleeping like this. I don't care
anymore. He lay on the bed Take another pillow and put it on your
head and close your eyes. She watched him for a while before
going to the washroom. Every human being is like a book. Anyone
can read from an open book. Salar
was also an open book to him, but a book written in Chinese. That
day he

and Salar broke the fast together and did not go with the annual
furman like every day. The
two kings were trying to make up for the 26s of the past few days.
Imama's teacher, Rane, was also well-informed
and further improved by his attention.
Aaj Balad he informed him before going to the mosque.
Don't wait for me. Going to sleep after praying, I will be quite late.
He urges her as he leaves but ignores the urge of the mediciner to
wait for him
She was sitting.
Eight and a half children slept after going to her office. Again his
eyes opened to the sound of
eleven children and oil. Rubbing his eyes in sleep, he walked out of
the bedroom and opened the entrance
to the apartment. A forty, forty-five-year-old woman greeted him
with a wide-eyed look. I
have been sent by Noshin Bani. He introduced himself.
Amla suddenly remembered that she had made Nausheen the
cleaning maid to arrive the next day instead of
tomorrow. She turned away from the door opening for him.
I was so happy when Nosheen Baghi told me that Salar Sahib's wife
had arrived. I did not know
when Salar Sahib got married, while coming in behind Imama,
aunt's talk started. Where
do you start celebrating, young man?
Imamat did not come to me immediately and said what
instructions to give about cleaning.
Mom, don't worry. I will do it, it's yours, sleep well. The maid
quickly put an end to it.
Maybe it was his sleepy eyes
What did you see?
Hain you start celebrating with Ranj, I am coming

now.” The offer wasn't bad, she was really sleepy but she couldn't
sleep leaving him to work in the
house like this.
After coming to the washroom, she splashed water on her face,
changed her clothes and came out to the hall first
and to the lounge. The maid was busy with the sting. The window
blinds in the lounge were now pasted. the sun It wasn't fully felt yet, but
it was about to be. Seeing them all outside the windows of the lounge,
he thought of giving them water.
Tar Sah wanted to start the conversation once again but she got
silent seeing him going towards the
balcony. When she finished giving water to everyone, the maid
after cleaning the dye
had now gone to Salar's room which he used as a study room.
Salar Sahib is a great person."
After cleaning the apartment for hours, Imama invited him for tea.
Once again the maid started talking to him. Imama became silent
because of her.
You are not like him, the maid made her first guess about him. Not
even a good
survivor. Imama deliberately made it a topic of conversation. where
she. Hameed also says the same about Sahib.” Nizha
had taken the name of Shah Salar's servant.
But the rest of the eternal modesty is in your
man's eye." He looked at the maid as if she was very surprised. The
maid was speaking
As Farman Sahab is, so is Salar Sahab's habits. Farman Sahib is fine,
yes, there

are people there, but Salar Sahab was alone, so I should not clean
houses with single men like
this. Yes, I have seen the world, but even while working here, he did
not look up and see me. I
used to think that there will be a very lucky person who will come
to this house. The
maid was speaking softly.
Imama was lying on the sofa in front of Yater, lost in thought while
listening to his words.
The maid wondered why the rest did not hear about her husband's
praise. Baji would have been long.
At least he expected that he couldn't be a father even with a job at
home. They must have been some of
the worst kind of men, who would also keep an eye on the
housemaid and the salar was at least that kind.
could not be counted among the
men of The maid soon went and finished drinking with her
constant silence. As Imama went to close the door behind her, the maid
turned and said to her before exiting. Bani
Agal Daya Jaldi Ajaon Ajaon Aap
Ajaan Ajaon Your House?" Imama stopped right. There was an
expression on her face that made the maid
a bit confused. Baji takes the good little baby to the hospital, that's
why she was saying. He
hurriedly said, "Yes, right." Imama said this with difficulty as if
controlling herself and closed the
door. Yesterday's request to come quickly had not silenced her, but
her three words had silenced
her. "At your house was her house for which she had longed for so
many years. In which she had gone
to chase after Talal Ansar several times. She was anxiously walking
into the lounge and looking at the walls that

the world was identifying as "her home", they were truly her home.
They were not the shelters where she
had bowed her head in gratitude for so many years. She was
believing. There was a stream of tears in her
eyes, sometimes a person can't see anything that she could cry, so
how much did she cry,
so what is it, she was also going through a state while eating. She
was like a child. The door of each room
was open and continued from one place to another. She could go
there and do whatever she wanted.
This was her home. There was no place here that was off-limits to
her. All she wanted was a world for herself,
a place where she could live with dignity. Salar immediately went
back somewhere. Woman in the house
For every man is left behind.
Salar called her twice on mail from the incident but Ummah did
not pick up. Salar called the
landline again for the third time, this time Umama answered but as
soon as he heard her voice, Salar realized
that she was crying. His voice filled her. He was slandered on the
what happened ?
She on the other hand was trying to get the money through her
tears and wandering.
Why the distance?
Salar didn't really understand why she was crying. The battle on the
way was arranged in
a very happy manner. She smiled at the door in the morning and
came to see him off. Now
he was getting confused. On the other hand, Imama did not
understand how to justify

her crying. She couldn't tell that she was crying because someone
made her a housewife. Salar can't talk was Anyone can die
I miss E and Abu. Salar involuntarily took a deep breath.
It used to come into me. He immediately calmed down.
Meanwhile, she was completely
raw. What was the mention of parents? He had lied, but now
another reason for crying was removed.
The tears that were earlier, were once again shed. For some time he
could hear
her sobs and hiccups over the phone. He was in this foreign week
and used to son Asmon
Chiang to touch small and reverse 100, could make an oil-out plan
for a big mine by losing money to
prepare Monday's death taste of his left hand. It was work. He
could play the jewels of the stock
markets with the pressure of Sulfur on Proct One. He had the
ability to negotiate a deal with a difficult
investor, but even during this meeting of the marriage, he realized
that he could not shut up Imama
crying, that he could have caused those tears and Nor did he know
how to stop them. That at least
It was completely clumsy
in this arena. Nizha
had cleaned the house today after Ek Nahi Namwali, the
topic and sentence she chose to make Imama's attention from
crying was Ibishna. As Imama can't believe
that after telling her that she misses her parents, Salar asks her this.
Keeping the bullet
from Salar on the first night, he received it and put it on the pedal,
and even after the blood was
cut off, Salar realized his wrong choice of words. Looking at the
dark screen of his year, he helplessly

Took a deep
breath. For the next two years, Pani Manta sat in his hand. He
knew that if he called now, she would
not receive. After five minutes he called again. Contrary to
expectations, Imama will continue to
call. This time her voice came out but it wasn't full. Two divine
routes had
been closed. IM Suri Salar also listened to his voice.
Imama did not answer. She was not listening to him at that time.
Dhola was
trying to answer only one thing, why was she angry with Salar? The
one feeling she had
completely forgotten over the years was the feeling she had. This
feeling had become
alien to him. For so many years, he had not given any place to
anyone other than Allah. To be
angry with someone or to be mean to someone is very far. Then
now this feeling inside him Why did you wake up? Saeeda Amman, Dr.
Sir Ali and his practical class mates, none of them
ever came to him as a student. Yes, there were occasional
complaints, but that complaint never turned into a complaint,
so what happened now? Imama say something.
And Choongi. Ammar's
time is running out, I pray. He did to her in this confused way. If it
was, then it is not?
"Salar asked her. No. She said this in a low
voice. She kept asking for the
answer to this one question for a long time after the prayer and she
got the answer. In
nine years she asked for it many times from someone's tongue. It
was an expression of admiration. She

was in a crowd of well-wishers. Halibar came in the presence of a

lover. How could it not have been all this? He would
convince him, if there was a mistake, he would give him an
explanation, whether it was a guess or a
guess. But whatever it was, it was not wrong. What had
accumulated inside him over the years was like a lava.
Tomorrow, hand. Slowly she was becoming a coconut.
In the evening, Salar was surprised to see her in a cheerful mood. It
was unexpected, especially after the two
o'clock incident, but that night he took her down to the o'clock.
She was extremely excited, but after X-
end, after many years, she was sitting in the open-air part of a
restaurant and eating BQ. After the meal, the two
sons went to the market with the intention of Sha Qing. Salar had
given him a chance to adjust himself
with great gentleness and attention. He continued to talk more
than that. By the time I finished eating, I was back
to normal.
Due to Eid, the market was very deep at that time. She came there
after a long time.
The market had just changed. She was living in wonder keeping up
the light broilers and stores
that weren't there eight years ago. Whenever the sons of Dr. Syed
Ali went out for outings with
their families or Dr. Syed Ali's rallies, they would try to take him
along, but his decision not to
go out with them was known to be one of them's. So she could not
cause any more trouble. She
was thinking of marriage only as a change of living place, she did
not even think about the
change of circumstances. There must be but of Shada Tower. Some
ogi and salar's voice is veiled will be

the option. Yes, he did it right.

I was talking about shopping. Neither did
he say. They have everything I have. Imama smiled
and said. My dream is his. There was a helpless expression on
his face. Hussain, my praise
was good, he was getting safe while
teasing me. Jama turned his head and ignored him this time. While
walking along with her, she stopped
spontaneously seeing a saree personally displayed in a case. Some of
them kept looking at her colored saree
with haunted eyes. There she was in the show case, in front of
which she stopped in shock. Salar took
one look at the saree and then said to her face with great facility. I
think this saree will look great on you, you take it. Two more glasses
would have been opened.
Yes, I have a lot of fancy clothes. Imamiya stopped him by putting
his hand on his arm.
But I have nothing left for your marriage, so I want to give you
She did not speak this time. She liked that saree very well.
Sally Ra Baz Azar I asked you to praise here? They beat
spontaneously. In the bar, I just wanted to do business.
From this one they took not only that saree for free but also some
other suits. From the
second boutique to get home some festive dresses, spend some
money and gamble.
I know you have clothes, but I would like you to wear them on my
All I am doing for my own pleasure is not trying to please them."
On his first objection, Salar said very bluntly. Allah
did not object after that. Ish kuch bheek thi mein thori dar mein it
ended whenever.

Then he took all the things from his

Bamanand. I like everything about you. So don't ask me.” He would
be smiling
if he liked Salar.
Put curtains (curtains) on the windows of the lounge. Imama
remembered. What is the issue with Ek?
Not Willy, but I feel good doing it, it's beautiful."
why not. Salar said to him with a smile hiding his heartfelt
expression. He said to him
He couldn't because he was tired of
the curtains. At night, the twelve children had a coffee and a
tiramisu, and they came home at around
half past twelve. Lahore was once again covered in fog, but the fog
would clear from the path of
life. Even after coming home, she opened these things and sat on
the sofa. After how many years she
was looking at the people she met with a sense of morality and not
with the burden of thinking and
benevolence. Among the many naats for a woman, Lut used to
make her husband cry over her
Also, why was there a grandson? Dr. Syed Ali and
his wife used to buy him clothes and other things at the beginning
of every month. Saeed Walan
also used to not feed him anything. His son and Dr. Sabat Ali's
daughters were also his mistresses to some
extent, but he did not feel any such comfort while handling any of
them. It was not a charity, but it was not a
right either, it was a kindness and she had not been able to
accustom her existence to favors in so
many years. Indeed, they had definitely become a part of his life.
What was the

feeling he was getting when he held these things in his lap? Fry?
Freedom, contentment and
peace 200 or something for which he did not have Allah.
What are my pots?
Salar had left the washroom after changing his clothes and coming
into the room after
switching off the light of the dressing room, he saw Imama sitting
on the couch with all the
things spread out in the same way. He was surprised. She had
gotten good at these things since she arrived. Nothing, I went to
keep it. Imama
started to sell these things. I have made a blank. You put your
clothes in it. A wardrobe in
the guest room is empty if something else is needed. You can use it."
He was talking to her until he came out of his room.
Saida brings me her stuff from Amma's house. Imama did all things
by putting them again
in these and others. What stuff was he still referring to in the
drawer? "My light equipment" Imama did with
great reach. Anything remotely startled. There are
floating, electric things. There is also furniture but it is expensive.
There are other small ones
going on.
Duan kept Wares in a drawer and listened to him.
There is something for your personal use. He said.
They are all my personal stuff. He said casually.
He is the stuff of suggestion. Salar told him in a telling manner.
You will say no and not go. It happened a little bit.
I don't want any stuff. Salar said bluntly.
Don't think there is already a product in this appar test? I wish you
were here

Be in remote numbers. Where will you keep it? What was he

doing? Imama fell into thought.
Over the years I've been saving things for myself, but more stuff has
come from them
Is. They will be angry. She was still not
ready. Waktor took his new nets and was touching the Ab. Not
How are you? She did not speak for a while.
He did not say it himself. he said.
All three of his daughters are married in Khaleej. Imama said.
Rusty I will not treat you for not bringing something either. If it
was a gift from the
doctor, I would have kept it, but he gave it to you for your safety,
because your marriage was taking place in
a place that he did not know about completely, but he did not
know about me either. they know
And you too. Salar said to him. I
have beeti, or mili and clothes. Sixth, there are also small things that
I have sold for so many years
I am doing How do you give all this? She was unhappy.
So, what you have taken from your own, and bring release release
everything. Give it to
a charity that you brought from Sia
will give Salar conceived another pregnancy. She went to think
about something this time. be
But my account is already open."
Let's make an account in my one too. Nay nay hain hum, Angli
Sarai gives.
He applied. Imama began to sign on Monday.
I will leave them to Saeeda Amma on my way to the office in the
morning and Anna will come early today
will go. I will also play your role. Var

came towards him with some pearls in his hand. Put aside the
things that lie beside him when he sleeps
He sat down next to her.
Where it is marked, put your signature on it. This he held
a nan while extending some punctures towards him. What is it?
He looked at the same thing with some surprise.
I am playing your account in one of mine."
Then close that account Jamia did after signing. Let it stay
there. Salar also said taking it from him. Shall I give you
a check for the open amount to open the account?
Imama believed that he was a non-Mickiwak. To open an Ilya Eka
Raat will require a bit more Dar Qum
than a Malki Eka.
Your right is sealed to me. I will open it with this
money. Salar asked Parvez to keep it in an envelope.
Write a jagger on Hoon."
Imama looked in surprise at the mine-lug first one he pointed at
her. If you go, go now.
Anyone but his own will, this Salar (from India) did.
Why America?
Salar said that his father was a man. He took the car again but this
car was completely empty.
If the imam asks for his help after a few days.
He fell into a deep sleep, then he said.
If you open a glass of your own free will, you have opened a glass
Sivan Rais got into Jamia Civil. What a ready smile came to Salar's
face on All Baat Lakho.
Anama looked at the clean paper for a while and then she started
writing. 3752960. He
extended the ring pad towards Salar. Looking at the paper, the
money for two stoves came to mind, then the paper
Powerless by separating it.

what happened? He wrote from his

diary and now. He makes Imama's face smile while mentioning that
nothing was done
Hada fell but saw the answer with eyes.
Why do you look at me like that? And good from his eyes.
I am your husband, I can see them."
Ayama didn't realize, he was subtly changing the subject. They do
not listen while talking to him
Neither of them had been put in this police station.
"You have not shown me wearing a saree.
Shall I show you a sari member at this time of Araat? He is
He stood up from her. It was the first time she was exposed like this
or maybe they were
Bar was watching it happen from nearby. Imama put it on her face
while keeping it inside a bag
His eyes widened. He looked up, the elephant was looking at him.
What are you?"
I was wondering one thing. That was hope.
what happened
You look beautiful not only when you cry, but also when
you are flowing. First there was surprise in his eyes, then glitter and
then joy. Salar recognized
the fence as if someone had shown him a saying card, then he saw
him squinting,
then his face changed color, first his earlobes turned red, then his
cheeks, nose and maybe
his face. Neck too. He had never seen a woman or a man so clearly
flushed in his life as he had
seen her turn red in the face two or three times nine years ago. For
him, when a chicken

scene he was up and now he was being drugged up and was

watching it start in
this way. This scene was more interesting than that. It could drive
any man crazy. The look on his face He admitted. He had never seen a
woman in his life blush so much at such a "harmless" phrase, and
he complained that he didn't appreciate it. Salar's heart wanted.
Some more teasing with medicine.
was apparently putting me in the same league as she looked at him
with great admiration, but in her
hands they were worth it. She was still confused by his eyes. Some
of them are
such that after bringing them into the house, you don't know where
to put them. Because no
matter where you put them, that space looks so insignificant in
front of this thing. There are some things,
which after bringing them home, wherever you put them, that
place becomes the most principled and
valuable. Nothing was coming to him. Which of these things was
Imama for him? Looking at her
face, he leaned towards her with something and he gently touched
her right cheek. He caressed her right
shoulder with that gentleness, and then Emamiya saw her take a
deep breath and get up. And I
remained sitting, Salar did not look back. Two of these Amirs were
now keeping in their bedside accessory
drawer. If he looked back, the eyes of Shah Imama would surprise
him. He had kissed her shoulder
for the first time and it was not love. It was honorable and why.
Everyone did nothing.
He came to Saeed and mother's house at around ten o'clock the
next day. Imama's immediate reaction

was that she not only responded to Salar's Islam but also kissed his
forehead while showering love
on his head. Yeb also takes it. She brought it to her room, there
were two bookshelves
And there were three or four hundred dogs
want, nails and all the painting stuff too. Imama pointed to the
equipment and a nice unfinished pani angar lying against one
wall in the room. All seen is not much. Lex will also come in
sight or two,” Salar surmised looking at the books.
There are, these eyes are not enough, there are others. Imama
said. He took off his dupatta and placed it on the bed and then sat
on the muslin carpet with his knees from under the bed.
A caran started to open.
Zaheer da I put. Salar stopped him and bent down and started
pulling the carton. He admitted. He had never seen a woman in his life
blush so much at such a "harmless" phrase, and
he complained that he didn't appreciate it. Salar's heart wanted.
Some more teasing with medicine.
was apparently putting me in the same league as she looked at him
with great admiration, but in her
hands they were worth it. She was still confused by his eyes. Some
of them are

such that after bringing them into the house, you don't know where
to put them. Because no
matter where you put them, that space looks so insignificant in
front of this thing. There are some things,
which after bringing them home, wherever you put them, that
place becomes the most principled and
valuable. Nothing was coming to him. Which of these things was
Imama for him? Looking at her
face, he leaned towards her with something and he gently touched
her right cheek. He caressed her right
shoulder with that gentleness, and then Emamiya saw her take a
deep breath and get up. And I
remained sitting, Salar did not look back. Two of these Amirs were
now keeping in their bedside accessory
drawer. If he looked back, the eyes of Shah Imama would surprise
him. He had kissed her shoulder
for the first time and it was not love. It was honorable and why.
Everyone did nothing.
He came to Saeed and mother's house at around ten o'clock the
next day. Imama's immediate reaction
was that she not only responded to Salar's Islam but also kissed his
forehead while showering love
on his head. Yeb also takes it. She brought it to her room, there
were two bookshelves
And there were three or four hundred dogs

want, nails and all the painting stuff too. Imama pointed to the
equipment and a nice unfinished pani angar lying against one
wall in the room. All seen is not much. Lex will also come in
sight or two,” Salar surmised looking at the books.
There are, these eyes are not enough, there are others. Imama
said. He took off his dupatta and placed it on the bed and then sat
on the muslin carpet with his knees from under the bed.
A caran started to open.
Zaheer da I put. Salar stopped him and bent down and started
pulling the carton. A smile appeared on the face. If he had mentioned
the name of this novel in front of Imama, she would
have turned red. He opened the novel. Imama had already written
her name on the blank page inside the book. The date
the book was purchased, the date it was purchased from the
location. The date on which he started reading
the book of two wars and the date on which he finished the book
of Qum. He was surprised, such a novel he
considered rubbish. Even though he is a royal, he would not like
anyone to see this writer's Yeni Chaol in his hand, but he
had written his name and nineteen on this novel as if it were a very
important book. He continued to read a few more pages
of the novel and then with some uncertainty. Various Dr. High
kicks with Rathman Bar Kurz were featured throughout the
novel. Some actors were denied and others were made little stars.
was left helpless with a gaer asanayas. In these
lighters, there were absurd romances, beheed hai folk soupi ya tha,
zumani dialoguers. Become a star on them
They were and were intoxicated.
Salar picked up the second novel while keeping two novels, then
Tera then fourth Pakian sixth

Seventh, they were all romantics. The same handkerchiefs are poor
and they are all so high
Like it was. He is the owner of life, and he is also a friend, and there
are romances of the type of Kart Leeza
was meeting such a serious reader of " and while looking at this pile
of books it was revealed to him that he
She didn't read Hain, she used to read only Hain. These dice in the
room have two thousand edges
Only a few descriptions and poetry that we saw, all the rest were
English love. Peacocks
carry it. Seeing a hearth, two imams shouted helplessly. During two
or three
cycles of burning, there was also a small rich of some open and
some incomplete plates. Salar was busy
with these books during this time. He put the cooked rice in his
hand on the rich man of
books who was lying on the bed. Looking at the penangar lying on
the carpet, Salar realized that the peshangar
in Saeeda Amma's house were also made by her hand and the fact
that the penangar was not painted
on any wall was not available for free space. Had to be. Why did
you pick up all
the junk, you will take it with you where Saeedah said as soon as
she came to say the name, seeing the condition of the room.
Yes, he has the essentials. There was
a lot of noise when this equipment was declared as Ka Thar Ki Aad
in front of Ayani Salar. What is important among them, these dogs
would be thrown in the trash. They have taken their money
and let the picture stay in the house, where it was lying. You people
have a small house, where everything
will be fulfilled. Saeedah Amma was getting wild looking at this
pile of books. He had also read all the books of

Imama over and over again and it was not a pleasant sight for him.
No, it will come full circle, all of them in the first round, you will
use one of
them to hold this stuff but not the other stuff. To Kamil, Plas
Dargara and to Kishore etc.,
she was prepared in a sialah.
But on the son, all the equipment is useful. Decorating the house,
what will you do with
the piles of books and pictures? Does not
matter. Their dogs are also important. There are still some other
karans or shoppers that
he packs." Salar said the last sentence to Imama, turning his
rider's ankles. Around three children, all that stuff was piled up in
the guest room
at Salar's house. Farman said that day. He was also invited to his
side for Iftar but Salar refused.
Disposition was more
important. In a store some time ago, Salar had seen ale azeem and a
few bottles with glass racks. It was a coincidence
that there was a roundabout and the car did not go. Three identical
cupboards, three feet high and three feet
wide, covered one entire wall of the guest room, giving it the
appearance of a study room at once, but there
was no blinding of the Imamat's public. The cupboards in them had
accommodated almost all of his clothes. For the first
time in so many years, these books were given a place of their own.
His family and Rex, the wall of Lala Re
But were played on New Rex.
She had come up with nothing but layers and a tree in vocal
equipment when
she had no idea that she was destined to use only those two

items. Salar's Makkan Amar or now Makani Bar presented a view

of a settled
place. Use mirrors on your racks for layering, and even small
household items on counter slabs.
The shape was completely changed. When
those people finished at ten o'clock in the night, the new
equipment that came in the apartment had
already been done. Food had come for them from Farman's house,
but that night Imama also cooked in a big way I was cold. It
looks cool, doesn't it? Imama asked him with sparkling eyes.
Salar looked at the many proud dinner plates in front of him and
the glittering khari on their
sides, and if he picked up the kaina, it would have been extremely
rare. Yes, it looks like we are the first and only Kashmar on the day
of a Revarat
orhauling but the problem is that this crockery and calories is so
much that I don't want to eat it.
I cannot eat in old dishes
You are like the king of clothes. At least Hoda Jala was not the one
she wanted to meet on this occasion.
But these are very beautiful. Salar immediately corrected his
mistake. He realized that
At present she was not in the mood to praise Nadaq. There was no
change in Imamah's punishment.
Salar said while taking out the rice on his plate. After eating, we will
go somewhere. This
Once his face softened.
Takes Yakin's stuff." He said immediately. He
stopped putting the goodness of rice in his mouth. Is there still any
stuff left to bring? He was surprised.
It's a grocery store.
What kind of grocery? But I have

everything. What is rice, pulses, spices? Nothing.

Imama said, "What do I do with them? I also did not get food." But
he said to
the midwife, "But I will cook it: we can't eat from other people's
what from
There are also four containers. Imama
remembered. I am not in the mood to make such a purchase today.
I have a sense of responsibility."
Ok, will buy it tomorrow. Imama said.
That night they went as far as the repair market for Kai. They had
their coffee in the
car while eating around the car. Thankfully,
books have found their place. Hello, Choonga while drinking
coffee. She was looking out the window at the distant Shaheen.
Those books were still there in his subconscious.
There are no dogs. Salar said seriously.
Taking a sip of coffee, he looked at Salar in shock.
Ninety percent are four. I can drink in this water too. There may be
hundred or two hundred in the current years, but one and a half to
two thousand institutions
like this? Your dog can read like this and you have marked the rules
and read them. I
think. This is at my house in the biggest kaka of chap romance in
She remained silent. Enough of looking out the
window. For some time, Salar refused to accept any offer from her,
if it was not his fault, he was afraid
that she might not be accepted. Spreading his left arm over his
shoulders, he is like a mighty power

Well, wow, romance, but I like it all. And while keeping outside the
window, something
People also meet there, there is no one to get rid of. And Allah is
for me. He
looked out the window as if he were somewhere else. He
was listening to her quietly. When nothing is
going well in your life, it's nice to go to a world where everything is
flat. There's something
else you want. Roll what you think. It's a lie, everything but
nothing, it
made my life a little less bitter when I didn't chant, when I got too
many festivals,
sometimes, all day and all night, when I wore it and read, I didn't
get anyone. It did not cross. Abor
Siblings, Nephews, Nephews, Nephews where there is no one
otherwise it was very difficult to think
about anything other than my family walking all day or at night
before going to bed, worrying about
anything other than my life, I I used to have terrible dreams and
then I created a world of these
chavir ker ar hai dreams. I had to read a novel and suddenly my life
changed. I would have a family
Salar couldn't take a sip of
coffee. Hearing this person's name on his lips at that time, he was
shocked. It was not done, but it is also a small word. Such pain may have
happened to a person at the time
of death. Yes, if there is and his perfect daya and he was his rahina,
then there will be Jalal
Ansar in it. Salar could not be Alexander. He didn't live with her
and Kaanu was not in a relationship,

anywhere in the relationship of the heart. In the relationship of the

heart, maybe until now
and that was the past where there was no one else but Jalal Nasr.
Looking at his face, he was
sleeping sadly and Imama may not have realized that he had taken
Jalal's name and taken it as a slave.
Be sure to see the bird. She was still looking out of the pudding.
There was still somewhere else. now
One's patience was also being
tested. I felt like I lived in this world. There was hope, there was
light, there was hope, but
there was nothing. There was pain but not eternal, there were tears
but someone would give something, and there were
only books in which Imama was mutual. After all, every time I
wrote my name on these books, I used
to remind myself who I am. When I opened that book, it was like
the book told me who I was. She used to
call me by my old name. By the name, by which no one else had
called me in all these years. Sometimes there is so
much light in the darkness that a man can be persuaded not to see
himself, but to feel his own feelings."
His voice was still raised. She became silent on her own. Both of
them. There was coffee in her
hands and she wanted to have it now. She was now drying her eyes
by taking out a tissue paper from the litter
box lying on the floor. Salar took the coffee from her hand without
saying anything. Took the cup. After
throwing both of them for one dollar, he came back to the car and
while starting the car, he asked Imama.
The peacock is black and white.
are Wahi's route was set in unusual silence. He

has some work to do, you go to sleep, he left the room instead of
changing his clothes.
I will wait. Imama said to him. No,
I'll be a little late. He did this while ignoring the rice in Imama's
hand that she had
brought to read the opinion. He really had to do
some office work, but as he sat down to study, he realized that the
last thing Jodha wanted to do
today was that. Turned on two laptops for a while and kept on
playing, then suddenly got up Came to the guest room. Even as he
turned on the light, the shelves along the front wall filled with
books came before his eyes. He had placed these books there a few
hours ago. With great care and
subtlety. According to the name of the author, he was checked on
different racks. Until he had only
"Mama's books" for him, but now he wanted to pick up all those
books and go to Nikira Arab and give them
away, or at least throw them at Ravi. They were no longer books.
The imaginary life of Imama that she used to live with Jalal Ansar.
Those E and Two Thousand and Two
Breaths were not the romances of these characters, who were in
these four. He was the Royce
of only two characters. The high capacity of Imamah and Jalal does
not require an open heart or tolerance
for a child, rather it is more important that the mind does not
work. And for one, Ghee could not bear
these books. After Imama's confession, no husband could bear it, he
was also
her husband. He didn't want to keep
those books in the house and he could do that. She had been his.
Roti Dhoti. She would have been angry, but Ani

had no authority to keep these books there without his consent.

She could remove the whites, she could do it herself. He
was a man, he needed no tactics like stubbornness for good will.
This was his home. This was his world. He does not
want to live with conditions, nor can he. He comes into the world
with privileges and the world with him
lives in. So
the easy solution was what was making him society and his mind.
The difficult solution was what
his heart was telling him and what his heart was telling him. Let
the boils go, my friend, it is a sip of water, but
what can you do? And even if he didn't want to, he couldn't throw
this thing out of his house. which was owned by Imama.
Who was once the Mary of his sorrows. The characters in those
books were whoever she was
thinking of but the
name written on those books was her own and it was a name that
was part of her soul. There are not many smears
and no type is easy. Standing there he thought and switched off the
light and
left the room. Salar Umama's voice will be good first. She was also
standing in two doors.
You are not asleep yet.
Are you upset because of Mir? So he felt? Salar saw her face and
thought. There was
a strange fear and anxiety in his eyes. He was first around the
desperate woolen shawl spill
in Titi. Instead of answering, Salar leaned on the back of the wrong
chair and watched him.
He stopped hitting the chair. His silence seemed to add to his
anxiety. "What has your wife done? What
has the Pamiri family done? What was she

What will you say about my failure, what will your love do? she
asked him
in a low voice. She remained silent as if she didn't know the answer
to this question herself,
but she kept looking at him, as if she knew what they were saying.
He wondered how she was
good at paying mortgages.
Dura Ang Chettar asked and went to religion. He felt sorry for
Allah at that time.
Ingle Majid time
Come here, he said, straightening his left hand. He is also wild then
his embrace
I came Salar put both his hands inside hers, hers in his
Around him and taking him like a small child, you held him to your
chest and him
Nobody is saying anything and nobody is doing anything everyone
is busy with their own life and if
anything happens I will see everything. You stop worrying about
these things now.” Drooled
in his lap, the now-twice Hona was swinging on narrow toes.
Then why are you upset?
are Many of my own can. He or she took.
Imama tried to open her neck by opening it. It was the first time in
so many days that he
was so alive.
Uttam I am not worried and even if I am you are not the reason
and don't ask me this again
would do
Before he could finish, he answered the question by cutting him off
in a somewhat

stern, umbrella-like manner. It was like he was reading her mind.

He took his hand and
said nothing. This was the reason for this and Salar realized
it. What were you telling me that chicken needs some things? This
time he
had a topic with the ship. Imama once again told him the names of
these things. China grocery last night."
Allah did not say anything this time. With her head on her child
and many written on Bihar on this
soft pura, an actor and some pocket-sized Ila Hakmar wale Barash,
then she asked Salwar.
What are you doing in Wake?
He embers for another. Then he looked at Pura, following her gaze.
I work by car. He lay down on it.
He never looked good to me. Imama did not realize how ill-timed
this comment
was. I know who likes doctors. I came out for Salar.
Yes, Dr. K looks good. Imama simply looked at the board and
supported him without even
noticing the writing, resting her head on his drink. Saying this, Jalal
did not think of him, but Salar did.
"You didn't tell me what you do in one or Osama did two pa
I'm in pack relief." Why he lied, he himself had not found anything
Amma sighed helplessly. It is also
better on p. Good thing you're not into direct acting. What did you
read, Salar?
In this communication, he was telling one lie after another.
I really like this package. Show you and Anna Cha Haye."
Beni Akter 6 Salar Naga but Imam not openly.
You can become a doctor by reading this. Salar did not answer. If
he sees his face

If she had, Ami would not have been doing all these things
with sincerity. I hate doctors. Salar wrote coldly. She separated
from Salar powerless.
"Why? He looked at Salar in surprise and said.
His face was expressionless, at least Imamus did not read it.
Just. Salar shrugged and said to the old man's cold radish.
Did you do the same? There must be a reason. It happened.
Van Hain Kyun Na Fasht Mein Decker Z 6 Salar answered Turkey
by Turkey.
There are dishonesty. Imama said with great majesty. The other Ja
Salar said anxiously.
Yes, this time she was serious.
Var Salar stood up with Salar's arm around her. Salar did not try to
stop him
of She was now looking closer and looking at Pura. Notices posted
on it and one by one were not happening.
Makers belong to the people, keep them open."
He heard Salar behind him saying in a loud voice. There is a
peacock. It destroys people's faith. He replied tragically.
Despite this, people come to us. Salar said in this manner. This time
started. But they don't trust you."
She was smiling but not Saya. He looked at her in silence. Then he
A tribute to you only
It can take, but a bad one can often kill you
If there is more danger, who is it?
This time Imama did not speak. He tried to answer Awa for a few
minutes, but he did not get an
answer, so he immediately told Salar.
But I happened often so you still hated the doctors" Two was now

taking it under emotional pressure. That was the word but what else
would Two
do now? I sing no result on the houses, 00a on the ground facts.
Now if the exit If it doesn't, I
can't even comment on it." He shrugged his shoulders and
answered flatly.
"Ima's color is anything but." The answer is unexpected. At least it's
language. The Martian facts are that you're mine." And you are not
bringing me. I am different and I hate doctors.
The first time the country of her lie was taken out by Imama, the
coldness of the tone or the coldness
of the eyes. She did not speak and could not meet. A See, he had
never talked to her like that.
It's too late, it must be." Glancing
at the clock, he got up from his chair without seeing her.
Meanwhile, the
young woman who went along to the bar kept watching Ollie
Curry, unable to do anything about his
changing moolah. They weren't talking about anything that would
have made him use those words.
She was standing there trying to recall the conversation between
her and him from the beginning. There are russels. He is self-centered
and, even better, is unaware of self-centeredness, and
these two qualities were also present in his beloved. Jamal Ansar
once again gave him a severe setback. But
the owner realized that she was with him and belonged to him.
Salar Al-Alai you are looking good.”
Salar glanced at the curtains at the windows of the college for me.
He had just come home a few minutes ago. Imama
informed him as soon as he came in a state of great joy. He didn't
even take the first step into the lounge

He could not ignore this clear sign of Ali. yete He said

hiding his exterior. Ummah sees Ron at home on the style
goodness. Even today, he
came together in the waiting way. Imama had refused the decree at
home and now she
Both were making dollars together.
So sir, how was your day today?
Salar asked her while starting to eat. She will tell him about the
entire religion.
It was a detailed conversation between the two of them today. Salar
had called him again during
the day for one or other of the courts, but the matter was only up
date. I have seen in your deck, Deny, Dollars cards. You are not
going because of Mir?
said. Yes, I don't go into parmesan or dollars. Salar did it quickly.
Why ? She was
surprised. Because I think these parties make fun of the
spirit of Ramadan. I do not go to anyone's
house for iftar in Madan.
But you go to Farman's house. Kya mah ne hai saath he smiled. At
time they were also eating the food brought from Farman's
house. I have been eating at Furqan's house even before Bawar
Salman and if he invites me for Iftar
Palaz, I don't make any arrangement. We eat what is found in his
house on normal days, but it is not found
in his house on normal days. Salar pointed out three or four things
that fall on the eligible.
Then she was surprised. Freeman and Bha are also doing all the
arrangements for you because we have just got married

There is provision for you in goat and iftar, and neither do we eat
plain food. And in Ramadan
We spend about half of what we normally spend on groceries for
our homes and half on groceries
We order a whole month's ration from another chilli. Your food is
being taken. Salar attracted him
He finished eating himself and was now eating his uncle. She
was visiting Dr. C Imli's house. In the month of Ramadan, the
amount of money that came to his house would be reduced
by half. The subsistence of the accused, apart from the two servants
of the house, came from the price of this
remaining ration. Umm Salar then directed him towards the food.
She will eat delicious food. Salar had also finished the dessert and
was now waiting for him to finish the
food. Along with himself, the bull was constantly engaged in
building the mosque. He had changed to some
extent and to what extent the change in him was due to the doctor
and how much to his own thinking, it
was difficult to estimate. Always waiting for him to start eating
while eating two meals. He used to keep something
in his mouth while eating, and even after consuming his food, he
was disgusted by the completion of the food. She
didn't want to notice these things, but she couldn't live without a
pre-notice either. It was a hijab. "Mohib? Anyone else
Another word did not come to
Imama's mind. After that, the two went to buy chicken at night. If
Imama had not heard
this conversation of Salar, she would have cried out that she had
made a long and wide seat for the house,
but she acted very carefully while praying. Most of the items
purchased were containers and
also feed. He bought very little food.

She was busy in the Deccan with Farid Abda Sauda salaf, fodder
and putting them in containers the next
night when Salar came to the Maan area with an
envelope from his Al's room. In it is your checkbook. Salar told him
and left the envelope on
the inter. Imama opened the envelope and took out the checkbook
inside. A payslip also came out with
it. It was three hundred thousand. Imama felt that nothing had
happened to her. He looked at the slip again.
She was not really of Lakh E. Why did he deposit lakhs not in
his account? Clearly, there was a mistake. That envelope came into the
Kakare study room. Salar was doing some work on his
computer. Salar, do you know that you have become a dog? Imama
did as she entered.
What is going on?
For the sake of Allah, the father came close to him in front of him.
is the difference between the two?
Is it? Salar took one look at her and started looking at you again.
you deposited this amount in my account?
I lakh She was surprised.
There is also something to say, eat seven. What will happen in six
He was saying in a quick manner while topping.
But why will you cry for me? She was surprised.
Your right is sealed. Salar did it in this manner.
Iran is bringing up the dead. Imama felt that he had forgotten. It
was from Asta. I wanted to give you more credit. Salar shrugged his
shoulders. But

the problem is even worse, Salar suddenly became serious. Who has
done them, me so much money
You yourself had written me this Ram.
Salar smiled this time and looked away from the monitor.
I stopped when she said. If that is why you were writing? He
Yes. His indifference was still intact.
Oh, you're crazy. Imama felt powerless.
It is Where is Salar?
Well, what would I do if I lost a billion? She was crying now. He
have given even one billion. What was Khayazi?
Where would you escape from? She was inexplicably angry.
Why would you? what did Salar did not listen to him.
He is a hawker who eats all his life. It would be good, I would be
your debtor for the rest of my life. If the past was good, then a
billion would be needed, Jackie was saying with a smile. Imama saw
a glimpse of Salar from many years ago. Why
are you giving and he said to Majeed Gay after looking at him for
some time.
That's why you are
complete." Where did they come
to you?" Mam is in Amiri Savings. Salar said very
yesterday. Why are you giving me savings? She was
somewhat surprised. My heart wants, I don't give. If this world were
mine, I would give
it all to you. I am earning, and rupees will come to me. I don't care
what the style was. But
so much money." Salar talked about it. I didn't
want to have a lot of money, but I wanted to give Mir the right of
your will, so I asked you to

write a letter. It doesn't come if you wrote it. This religion was as
much as burning in my account.
Two, now the money was pouring out.
Now what do you call this agreement? I did not agree, I felt that
money was your trust and
I had the right to give it to you. I have been. I have given you lakhs,
I have
borrowed some money. You have been asking for a hug for two or
three months here and
there. So you have taken it easy, I will ask you if I need it. Now
let me do some work? Imama didn't say anything, she closed the
door and came out. Sitting on the
chair of the dining table, she went to see the first father. She could
never love this man. Never. He wasn't a father.
At least he hadn't realized it in so many days, but he wasn't anything
either. At least he was a father
to him once. If he wanted to please him. She didn't happen. He
wanted to look gracious, so
his shoulders began to bow. In the same month, he wanted
someone else in his life. He wanted his
favors from somewhere else. It was going to happen, but the
generosity that he was showing was killing
him. She wanted equality with him. They are equal and this person
was not getting taller, but he
was starting to have his own existence.
Ha ha we're going this evening instead of tomorrow morning. Will
stop at Karachi overnight and then tomorrow Will come back at
night. There is a flight of seven children. I will not cook Naam Sade
Pani baby,
sir, you separate it."
He called around twelve children and broadcast the new program
of Karachi from the office.

She immediately went to Fardis. So quick blink, well they were

going for a night. even
then... He was now telling her about the insects he wanted to take
with him. She was extremely tired
while sleeping.
He was there at half past five. She used to think that he would have
broken his fast in
the car but still she had brought him some food in a box and some
juice. During the drive to
the airport, the two continued to talk while eating. Six and a half
children were at the airport earlier, boarding was done. He was
traveling in first class. Therefore
Salar was possible despite some delay due to one. Salar was
greeted by some other first class tiers as he boarded the plane from
the executive lounge.
He also introduced Imama to some of them. All of them either
belonged to Yat Sukkur or were
Salar's roommates.
They were picked up by a hotel car at the airport. I
thought we would stay at Apna's house. Imama said while selling in
the car. I never
stay in a hotel in Zaharah, not at my own house. Salar told him. I
often come to Karachi.
He was saying to her while looking out the window. Sometimes I
can't even talk to Eta
when I come here.
Jama saw his face but said nothing. He was constantly busy casting
some spell on Peele. That together
He was also telling him about the areas on both sides of the road.
Then I shouldn't have come with you. Mir is
the reason. Salar scolded him for his sudden

likeness. It feels good to bring them along and bring you here to
meet Anja's family
So I had to come. Jama tried to read his choora carefully.
What am I saying? He said looking into Imama's eyes. Did you like
with me, Salar asked her at once, she smiled. You are floating here
with your Valk. While
checking in at the hotel, the guy on the road smiled at Salar. Chand
in this five-star hotel were permanently booked by Salar's bank and
Zaheer was one of the
regulars in those rooms, but today he was seeing her for the first
time. Salar nodded smilingly
and nodded. He was making some molasses from the molasses.
Such a person is slowly
shedding all the stitches around him. Two or more people are
fascinated by this world
was To whom she was introduced because of
Salar. Apna and his family had arranged for him on Ye Gori. He is
there at about 11:30
a.m. after the guys get ready in half an hour. Apart from her and her
husband, some of
her in-laws were also there. It was a Khailadar for Salar and his wife.
He was received with great
enthusiasm. His nervousness started to fade after the first few
minutes. She was quite a liberal blue,
and after a heated discussion about their marriage, the topics of the
song changed. Imama
was a bif guest but no one there kept her as a child of telescope and
this thing added to Imama's
addiction. The food was not yet served. They were gossiping,
fearing. Imama was playing the role

of a smiling silent listener in the conversation. He was also more

focused on the sea and evil
lights seen around the passage. Those people and pins were in the
air. Lahore in Karachi was not cold
either, but here he was feeling cold. If Salar hadn't asked him to take
hot north before
coming, he would have been a dentist by now. All the women there
had hundreds of bars like
this on their shoulders.
Alara, I want to go ahead and see Sundar. He whispered in a low
as he leaned towards his companion.
So go. Salar said with satisfaction.
Have done and continue like this alone you come with me. He did
on her advice.
No, you go and see there are other people standing, you too go and
see. Salar did to him.
He was now saying to her in a loud voice while picking up one lying
in her grave and placing it on the ground.
Sending something, Imama looked at the people around the
school, all of them engaged in conversation were None of them were
attracted to him. She got up and stood up. Apna on his left
also turned towards him. Go and see,
there's a better ridge over there. Good sang to him from the work
A. Imama
He shook
his head. There were more Eids than him at that time and Salar was
right. Someone would get up from
time to time and stand on the edge of this angelic place and look at
the sea. Dou was getting up
from her seat but then she started to go nuts.

Salar sat there in the dark leaves of Quetta watching him go. Imama
said twice that she saw
him with some trepidation. He smiled at both of them. Nine years
ago, the man who covered the wall
of his house and entered his room at night was not of two trusts.
Married him, then
left home. He had heard a lot about this sister named Dood, but
the girl he had been seeing
for the last ten days was not the same girl. Time had created more
destruction in his life than it had
created in the life of this girl on her way to Arshe. His style had also
changed. For nine years, if
a person is separated from his family, confined to a few places by
circumcision and pressure,
cut off from the rest of the world, he is somewhat confused,
double-minded, unmixed and e-pundit.
can He was seeing it
in action in this state of Imama and this thing was hurting him. At
he didn't want to see her in this state. Salar shouted
helplessly at the voice of Salar and Anita. He
had hit her shoulder with all his strength. So if
he comes there and has sent it now, then look at something else for
two or four minutes. She
was teasing him. He smiled and straightened up. His
brother-in-law was asking him
something. The wind was blowing Amama's hair. She was
repeatedly trying to manage them by
following the calls but was also regretting leaving them open. In
this strong wind, he had given up trying
to put two million two plays on his head, there were two previous
shawls, his campaigns could not stop

you from flying, but his body was well supported. Today, for the
first time in many years, she
was standing without a head covering. He seemed very happy. Had
she not been with Salar, she
could never have imagined standing in such a practical position.
Until ten days ago, he was leaving the house She used to hide her face
too. It was the only get-up in which she felt extremely safe. After her
marriage to Salar, she stopped hiding her pro and now indulged
herself with
him. Looking at the nicks of lights visible in the four-one
document, he once again started trying
to take the two-playa around his neck on his head. There was no
one here to stop the effort. It wasn't
easy with the wind and the yellow and loose hair.
Shall I give it to you along
with the hair? And even after eating such currents, he
breathed a sigh of relief. You scared me. He said helplessly seeing
Salar behind him. At what time
he had come, he knew.
He came to Salar's Oat from Lim Mera and Kar D, or he got a
market. Doab
not seen by others standing
there. I wanted to tell you that the wind must be so strong here, I
did not leave it open. She asked
plaintively, wearing her hair in a loose bun. He kept looking at her
face. She was now
taking two cha from him, taking off her north and giving it to him.
Which cutter is K? He also wraps the du-playa around his head and
neck at her question.
Why Imran?

Salar said wrapping the mall around her shoulders.

I didn't want to make you look so good in this car. He cupped her
left cheek
It was gently touched with the fingertips.
Imama's eyes were surprised. Fingers made it difficult for Salar to
determine that her dress was too long
Was it red or was his face red?
B. If you appear here even on such a small matter, then the matter
will become deadly. I will kill you, you old man
She teased me. Two people
came back to their hotel at half past two. Imama was coming to see
that she had taken off her
miari, dust of sawdust, but she had smelled without changing her
For the next two days, after returning from Kar Usha, Imama was
in a very good mood, she
missed Karachi for everything. His happiness surprised Salar. He
thought he was a bird of two cities, but he had no idea It happened that
it was not about the city, even if he had taken Imama to the Nawab
she returned in this trance. She was becoming able to breathe in the
open air, and for a while after the pale,
with short breaths, one takes deep breaths of one's own, as she was
Ladies and gentlemen, say this, we have landed at Islamabad and
Kamil Airport. At this time, it is the
Syrian Saratnagar and the temperature here "Someone
from the ambush attack of the ship was repeating Turkish farewell
words in Urdu after the English. The ship taxi.
He was going in front of the terminal. Sitting on a business class
seat, Salar switched on his cell phone

While doing so, he opened his own Celty Hyatt. Imama was kept
outside the window.
Where are you lost? He had her shoulder
now. She looked at him in shock and Karachi started opening her
stomach. Salar was now taking out
his bags from the gauge compartment. A flight steward helped
him. Pleasant sentences were exchanged
between the two. He was one of the Dewar Labar Zamin who came
on this flight and
Qalaat Mohalla was all he had. Salar turned to him before heading
the stairs of the ship. I should have brought a coat etc. You will feel
cold soon."
It is not yours. I have a city too. I was born here, I spent years here.
I know how cold it is, that's the question. Imama did this in a grand
said to He smiled in such a way.
Even the first touch of cold air as he stepped out of the ship's stairs
made him realize that he
was right. He felt like he was selling his balls. Salar pointed the
jacket Amir had on his arm
towards him. He reluctantly accepted the jacket. Islamabad had
changed. He thought
ahead. Salar paused for a few moments as he moved towards the
woolen ingot. I have
not forgotten you, Imam, he did this with great innocence.
what's the matter? She
smiled. Papa has left it that we are coming to Islamabad today. The
smile on Imama's
face disappeared. When Salar saw him holding it, he also stopped.
She was looking at him in

disbelief. Salar fixed his bag on his own. Maybe Ba Jang Allah Ho
Gayi I was not much better and now if He refused to leave, so he was
heartbroken. She was looking
into his eyes without blinking. He also looked the same way. It was
brazen, but now he could
do more than that. He finally saw the anxiety in Imama's eyes
speaking in the text, then her face was
beginning to darken. He was constantly asking two nations to
invite him to the Islamabad of Sikandar
Usman. If it was not Sikandar Usman's bada, she would not have
gone there even on Salar's request
and now he was saying that he was lying. Sikandar could have
guessed what it meant to go there
when Osman did not go, and at that time she was ill-defined. For a
new one, his heart wanted to
refuse to leave the launch. He was getting the story about Salar. Vari
Salar said with satisfaction.
And she kept looking at him for a while, then she looked around,
then Salar saw her
undressing. And yes, in the state of helplessness, she could not do
anything more than that. Salar knew
she couldn't. He refused to give it to Salar in a sneeze-like manner.
Okay fine. Salar said taking the ticket. There was
no conversation between the two until they sat in the taxi. She kept
looking out the window the whole way.
Salar didn't even try to make sense of it. At that time it was
appropriate not to address the anger in order to
grant it. He was now sleeping at home about Mukdar Himan and
Tayyaba's role. The next place was
going to hit them.
The car was turning the by-road of his house. If Imama was good,
the body would be cold and Agrawan

O Ab Hai was not of a man, it was not even fear, it was something
else. She was seeing her house, this road
and this mood after nine years. His boots were gone, his eyes were
wet. Salar said that all the anger, the whole
story became like air and dissolved in the air. What was the joy she
was feeling seeing the car heading towards her
The gate of her house was at some distance from the gate of Salar's
house and she could only guess that the
gate was built and the old lights of the house
were on. The guard looked out on the horn of the car, then he left
the room and opened the gate. By
the time Salar got out of the car with him, he was getting out of
bed. This time, Imama did not insist
on holding here. The guard did not try the equipment first. Salar
was used to carrying his belongings himself
but he saw with great wonder and heart the girl accompanying
Salar, who was madly looking at the
house of the Masai with whom Alexander had been accompanying
him until he entered the
house through the gate. Usman's match was India. Despite
Waheed, Imama had seen the light coming from the
windows of some of the bedrooms on the upper floor of the house.
She used to cry in
her first bedroom too. Now there must be someone else living next
to us or someone else.''
Sane, some havele ko Dhona also did.
Muhammad go? She felt the gentle grip of his hand on her arm.
Imama rubbed
her eyes and moved her head forward. He used to say that she was
crying, but he could
not stop her from crying. He just took her hand in his.

Makin Dar Usman was at that time in the lounge enjoying the
blood with a friend and waiting for
Tayyaba who had gone to her first room to get something. If
Alexander had not been late in coming from As, both
of them would have gone to some Infar Az at that time.
In the lounge, Salar and Imama first encountered each other.
Sikandar Khan would not have
seen a ghost, which happened to him when he saw these two. He
had forgotten to talk
on the phone. Jahar I will call you later. He stood up to his friend
and closed the
door. Part is and minor was the word they felt for Salar at that time.
He had come to Lahore not
only to insist that this O incident should not happen with
Islamabad Imama, but for the past several days,
he did not repeat the same thing every time he spoke, and he
obeyed every time. He
kept saying. This commandment was not known to him, not even
to Sayyid Halo. His sixth
sense was shaping him. Where he had been in the past several years.
He was extremely arrogant.
He used to sit with his head bowed before them, rarely
contradicting or objecting to anything they said,
but crying over the sounds he had heard about in his sleep.
Not only Salari, but also Imama took away the telling expression of
Sikandar Khan's face
He understood from
them. Down distance papa will humiliate me but will not say
anything to you. Coming towards her from
a distance, going towards Sukkur, she takes a few steps behind
herself without looking at Imama Salalah Rahm. Fay
forbade you, didn't he?

T. Salar answered this question with great humility. Nakur

Uman's heart wanted to strangle him. After
saying how you came, they asked him the next question. On
Alice. "The answer came from Khattak.
Lexie Alhad Al-Alay."
The voice was
muttering. Imama raised her head and saw her husband's
satisfaction, then the prayer of her head
coming at a distance of about two meters. She did not immediately
understand what was doing
to her at that moment. She was more afraid at the thought. It was
said that Sikandar was going to convert Himan Salar to Islam.
Peace be upon him. Payal,
while holding bags in his hand, tried to hug Sikandar Khan as usual
when he was washing and
separating, but he came there. Sikandar Khan looked at him with
angry eyes and pushed his
hand back
They have landed at the gate. He lowered his eyes and was saying
very happily.
So the in-laws also came to greet. He remained silent this time.
Knew, it's not a question or
advice or how are you?" He moved towards Imama now, staring at
her with angry
eyes. His tone had changed now. She was a terribly nervous
father-child. The conversation was going on
and his color changed when he saw Alexander walking towards
him. He answered Alexander's question immediately.
Will not answer.
Sutter Ek Raha, he had asked with great compassion, holding him
close to him.
Oh, he is fine, why is his face dark and where is it?

Sukkur also felt the wetness of his eyes and the patting on his face.
Ti and gi that ring.
Because of the cold. Assalam Alaikum mom, how are you? Salar
pulled the league again and
made the first challenge to Sikandar and the second to Khaira from
a distance who was doing well to see him.
What was the need of Salar to come here, do you realize
something? He was hugging them
now. "Nothing happens," he sneered. Or give Imama some mead
sister with tea and now stay with her. Sikandar was now
saying to Tayyaba while bringing him along. Tayyaba now flew
towards Salar, side-stepping
And what happened
Pana mah ko Janat open I am fine he said
defensively taking it from Tayyaba. You guys go to the door,
don't be naked. "We will eat whatever is in the house," Salar said to
the score.
Preparations must not
have been made. Alexander did not bother to listen to him. He first
gave some security instructions
to the guards over the intercom, then sent the driver some food
from a Qarji resort and
asked Khansaman for tea. So
papa don't cancel your program because of mom, you go. Salar
invited Sikandar
from He laughed at Sikandar's attack. His mother gave
Sikandar something else. If Imam had not been sitting next to her,
Sikandar Usman
would have been in good health at that time. When I told

you, don't come here for the time being, then Imama at least let you
I wanted to eat."
Sikandar said this time to Imama, who was already suffering from
extreme embarrassment and loss of consciousness.
Or Osama was forbidding me, I have brought Zabar Dati to her.
With some explanation from Imama.
Salar already did.
Sikandar looked at him with very sad eyes. None of his descendants
had ever sat on his
face and declared disobeying him in this manner. Instead of buying
bananas from Salar, he asked Kalam to keep the goods in his room.
This whole matter is
salar, it was necessary to talk seriously but in bananas. Even when
she came to
Salar's room, Imama went towards the window like a magnet and
then she went and stood in front
of the window as if enchanted. The left side of his house was visible
from there. Upstairs of his house The windows of his room The
windows of the main room There was light in both the rooms
but the curtains of the windows were down. If someone called
these curtains and came like him at that
time and stood in front of the door, he would have seen him
comfortably. To eat the feet or not. When she
came, she had not changed so that no one could recognize her. If he
had his own blood, he had broken
everything like a flood relay before his eyes. When did he think
that he would be able to visit this house in his
lifetime? What was necessary was that all this should happen in his
life, with him.
He came into the room around two o'clock and he thought that
Imama must have slept, but she was still sitting

in front of the window looking out. The lights in his house were
now off. At the sound of the door opening,
he turned his neck and saw Salar.
He wanted to go to sleep, which was done by Salar when he met
or him. Var had placed a chair in front of the windows, both feet
and how she was sitting around her knees. I
will go to sleep
Everyone's asleep there, look at all the bella rosters in the line-off.
They started to look at each other with their necks down
again. Salar looked at her for a few moments and then went to the
washroom. After ten minutes, he changed his clothes and went to sleep
Um do it up. What will happen by looking like this? First on the
pad he did it to Imama.
I told you that something will happen. You go to sleep."
"If Tim sits there, I won't sleep either."
But I won't sit, she said flatly.
Salar was somewhat surprised by his stubbornness. After looking at
him for a
while he said again. If you come to the bed, you can see your house
from here too. Salar
had tried again.
Closer than here." He
couldn't speak this time. Something in her tone tugged at his heart.
A few yards was

meaningless to him. It wasn't his home. A few yards. The emphasis

was on him, nine years later She was looking at the
house. There is a room at the top of the house, the lawn of your
house is taken from the windows of this
the chair and came to him.
Which fee? Show me, he asked anxiously, standing next to his
ballet. I can eat
if you sleep, then in the morning I will not take you there. Salar
opened his eyes
and said. I can go myself. She went from wild to wild.
The top one is the tori cutter. It stopped without knowing what.
She was born
suddenly. Salara take me away. She will then be his
shoulder. I will not take it at this time. He did it categorically.
Those who have no love for me were taking me under emotional
pressure with drugs.
Yes, that's why he wasn't going to go there in the morning. Your
family members will leave the house.
You can see them. What is not to be seen at this time? Salar did it
with great majesty.

And even then, I don't know who has the keys to the room, I will
ask Sabih Nizh.
Salar did not move
as a small Polat or Ka but there was no other way to stop Imama.
Write two to the left
Will go to the window again. Salar held her hand.
And in the morning when I unlock it. If you go to sleep
now.” She kept looking at his face for a few minutes and then
surrendered as she did.
I'll sleep on that side of the bed."
Salar left his place without a word. She made a blanket and made a
place for him.
Again his eyes were opened by salar. It was still some time to
become a mariner.
By the time she came back after changing her clothes and washing
her hands, Khansaman had left the food
trolley in the room. They ate with great silence and as soon as they
finished eating, Imama said. you want
Take and get up.
Let me come after
praying." Yes, I see my home." This time Salar surrendered to
Imama's stubbornness. Taking it he came as above. As she stood in front
of the window of this room, she seemed to have forgotten to
breathe. Every part of his house
was visible from there. The lawn was completely transformed. He
wasn't what he used to be. When Var was
there. When she was not even here while living there. Which
happened before. Not even in the lawn, now
they were bigger and spread out. A stream of tears came to his eyes.
Salar did not say anything to him
this time. He says it was a car. He had to cry right now, he knew.

After he got ready to go to the village, he came to call him God

Even after two and a half hours, she was still standing in front of the
window. Even when Salar
came in, he saw the mercury.
I am leaving for village, will be back by evening. Paya and Ki will
leave around 10:11,
when you arrive at Hatch.
She was still rubbing her eyes and nose with the milk, but her eyes
were still out of the window.
Salar and Se Kara had not been important to him. He did not
understand what he was saying to
him and only Salar knew. He left calling him God Hafiz.
She sat on the couch for the next four minutes. On that day, after
nine years, he had seen his brothers
leave the house in turn. She sat there watching them, crying
through her fingers. As he paled there, he felt that
he had made a mistake in coming here. He didn't want to come. She
had been tying Mir's ties for
so many years. Now it was getting difficult to tie the monkey. She
did not want to come to Islamabad
earlier and now she did not want to leave here.
Four and a half children were picked up by an employee on the
intercom. The waiting time was near. Sikandar and Tayyaba also his
were waiting Salar also arrived a few minutes before Iftar. Sikandar
and Tayyaba were nowhere near Anwai and they
They were not present at home at the time of the attack, but two
Salars and the Imam were present before leaving for the attack
met with His caliphate
was at 11 o'clock and when they both came out, the driver was
refusing in the car with a

guard outside. After placing the goods in the car, Salar took
Chahali from the driver. Imama
looked at him in surprise.
We are going by road, when papa came, you told them." The driver
tried to protest. Perhaps Alexander had instructed him too much.
But a thrust from Salar silenced him.
No need to show loyalty now, call Paya as soon as I leave my house,"
he was telling her
as he sat in the car. He was sure it wouldn't work as soon as he left
her house. So As soon as he left
the gate, he called Sikandar's phone. He wanted to get Muskan's
phone for Pakhdi. When he saw that we were
leaving, he thought to talk to you. Salar said to Sikandar, "What
did you
do?" "
Talk to mom. He said to Sukkur before Sukkur could say anything.
He was worried that Sukkur
would see the driver's incoming call. If he is talking to them in the
car, then why was Iravar calling him,
almoud doctors do not check any incoming calls while talking to
him and if they do, they are not ticked. For
the next four years, he continued to talk with Roo Tayyaba.
Imamat, who was sitting next to him, was a little surprised,
but he ignored it. He was not used to talking so much as he
suddenly became talkative. At the same time,
Tayyaba was also surprised. Alexander was busy with a few other
people on completion. After a close conversation,
when Salar was sure that the driver would have given up on
Sikandar after calling him several times and would
have given up on calling him or at least would try again after some
time, he Saying God Hafiz, he called you. The

path of Tayyaba and Sikandar was not expected before the age of
12, and if they had talked even after getting a
clear yes from the driver, they would have traveled a long distance.
Why was there a need
to come to Bye Road? Amama asked him to see his phone switched
off. Yarani
wanted a heart. I want to refresh some memories. Salar did it while
keeping the status quo.
What kind of memories? She
was surprised. I wish to travel with you first. She didn't make eye
contact with
him for a while. What would she say to this person that she wanted
to party this Miller? It was not a journey for him,
steeped in the fear and uncertainty of what he had lived through.
The future was standing in front of him in the form
of a terrible ghost, and in this way that ghost was constantly
haunting him. It was not long for me, she died, he said to Salar in
the tone of
the neighborhood. Neither was for me. Salar also said in this
manner. He has been sharing the whole year, I have come to see
that he still talks. They like that He fished in style from his pocket and
turned his neck for a part to look at her. Their eyes met
for a moment, then Savar straightened his neck while looking away.
The journey began to meet again in
silence. The relationship that they had was making even the silence
into a conversation. Literally silent at this time
Couldn't be more or less. Ajama
also straightened her neck and started looking at the road. The fog
was deeper now, as if they were
not on the road but in the fog of their past. Geri, the Geri who did
not disappear and did not give the

hand, but did not give a brother, with what was hidden inside him,
but what was. He was gone,
there was no question. The ringtone of the cell phone startled them
both. Alexander's arrow was
shining on Sal. Salar Nes Hoe Imama
is his purpose. Pahlava Salar while receiving the call said only
election. It was mine, Sikandar
Mashan's call should not have come so late. Perhaps the driver also
about a salar's adware on his family
I was informed. Salar lowered his voice. What Alexander was
telling him on the phone, he did not want
That he will reach Imamah.
Yes, he was talking to you politely. Alexander was doing his best
and why
not, fooling him was like a left hand game for Salar and this feeling
was increasing for the
temple. He had seen the blood cutter of the arrival on his call lying
in Tayyaba's purse a long time
ago and had drunk two sips of blood after talking to him. Hi
Rawala and Jata. It was a
supreme display of hearing for him at the time, but the dust in his
eyes belied his satisfaction.
was more provocative to Duane.
Now end the story, we both are quite safe and are killing
comfortably. He eventually
did by score.
You had threatened Aqr not to inform me, yes Mishki? I made
a polite request that he not retaliate against you at present. If you
leave them,
God would be a witness statement. He was telling them from
Bada's magazine.

It is my earnest prayer, Salara, that your children will be just like

you and despise
you as much as you do, then you will realize the worry of your
parents. He laughed. If you talk like this, I will not have children.
Imama looked at him shocked at his sentence.
"They are claiming that the children
of Anarchy have been drunk." Seeing Imama touched, Salar told
her while talking
on the phone. Time and method. On the other hand, Sikander
laughed helplessly
when he heard his sentence on the phone. His story began to fade.
After many
years, he had to talk to Salar like this. Salar hung up the phone after
Sikandar about his Hudud Arbaa.
Appa was getting angry. Imama asked with praise.
There is nothing to be happy about. He stared.
Why are you a liar? As Imama had tried to shame him.
Because people don't let me do what I want to do if I say, "Kamal
It was original and presented with great majesty.
It has hurt someone younger than you."
My little one doesn't get hurt, only gets angry." He was worthless to
eat. He was a salar. She could guess now what Alexander must have
said to her on the phone. Late at night or
last Monday, he said to her. Their heads reached the sky. Do you
remember this place?" Salar stopped the car and asked him. The
imam has given him a trick
Looked at the place, where some lights were busy fighting the fog
and darkness.
Sam is He said to Salar.

It is the place where you stopped and prayed. And he came down
while opening the
door. Imama began to look at the place again with slightly puzzled
eyes. Now she could recognize
him somewhat. She also opened the door and came down. One of
them ran into her body. He still today
She was dressed in a sweater and a
cloak. He had changed to where he once drank tea as a son. "Go
and make a burger," Salar said to the man sitting on the chair, who
had brought one inside
while taking jhai and was now standing waiting for Abad. Imama
smiled at his order. Will you eat? He
knew. In which direction he was pointing. He thanked him for
saying something. What time we were there first. You prayed there. He
saying this while pointing to different sides of this room with his
hand. Imama had no idea,
there were people everywhere in the room. It was still a long
time before Jar's call to prayer and there was no one else except a
few men working in the place
at the moment.
Up in this place, tea and burgers were not as roomy as they were
then. But the pies were also very good.
But neither of them were looking at Roy at the police station, both
of them were reliving their own pasts.
It was not a matter of a few sips and chandas. It was a matter of life
which, instead of passing through a
railway track, brought it to a station. They were standing at that
point, where the ear of these plans had
changed. Far and near each other and now with each
other. There were also some memories on this route. Their first road
trip after their marriage and their

Friends had started the process of blurring old memories.

After placing the wheels of Tahamil Parel, he stood up. Imama also
followed him. Salar
jumped and caught her hand in his right hand. Imama saw his face.
There was a soft
denial on his face.
Where is memory and
vanity? She will answer his question while coming out of the
building. What had she
missed, she laughed. He has He is Salar.
You could really drive. Salar didn't know what he assured.
Yes, I nodded. But
there were no bullets in it. And looked at his next sentence
helplessly. "All I had
was fruit," she said contentedly.
He breathed helplessly. The dust in his eyes was what he had done
or what Allah had
done, he could not guess. As much as he was shocked and saddened
by this initiative, if he had
realized that he was without Palace, he would have had Imama
arrested by the police. Why did he come
with the inclination in his hand? You
were scared. Imam was crying. And Ara was not there, but he was
shocked. You were crying all the way. I didn't even expect
that you would come out on me. Your tears betrayed me. He was
now saying something to Nigli. Imam laughed out loud.
She also stayed in France in Islamabad for the next two or three
days. She was afraid of going there, but
now that fear was suddenly realized and the result was that she was
now looking forward to her next visit to Islamabad.
Standing in the window of this guest room, who had seen him all
day, at what time, she continued to visit the Salar for

the next two or three days, and on the third day, her life was broken
by a single sentence.
Salar can cry only in Islamabad.
At Salar Yaya, Ilya was busy using his laptop in Gore, when Imama
asked him. She
was talking to him only about Islamabad for the last half an hour
and Salar was listening to her
words very keenly and was also replying to her.
are Salar busy with his work said.
"Because I am here." On
the other hand, Salar looked at him from the screen.
What does this mean? He was in love with her. Sameera
means that I will stay there on the weekend." Salar thought for
a moment that she was being hypocritical, but she was not. She
cannot go to Islamabad every weekend. Qal told him. He was silent
for a while. He was
more concerned with his satisfaction than his
attack. Sometimes I can't come even once before." He did.
You can't believe
or know. She was silent for a while then she said.
I can cry for love in Islamabad.
Roy Salar turned his attention back to the
laptop. So you come once a month." It is ok."
I don't know the difference, he forgot to send the
email. I didn't say that. "Mama gasped. She had no idea what his
feelings were."
Ko Ai will work with maali.
Paya and I used to be alone there, this salar talked about it.
They are not alone there. They have Kumar and Herty, both of
whom are currently out

of Pakistan. The second thing is that Paya Aur's speech is social-like.

They must have the eye of your head
Not even you have. Salar told him with great
majesty. And for some time she kept staring at the screen of the
on her lap. This
Benny not happy with me? I would be
more than happy to have that suggestion. He was now clearly
his priorities. Papa was right, he did not want to take me to
Islamabad. Parents need to
talk again. He said helplessly, "Look, if I send you to Islamabad, you
can stay there for a long time.
You will leave Pakistan next year." He was making another attempt
to love her.
So it doesn't matter, you will come to Pakistan, won't
you." Salar's heart was bleeding. Till date, no one in his life has
shown his lack of authority in his person.
Nazirwala, you even mentioned the name of Islamabad in front of
me. Take it and keep your advice to
yourself. Now I'm done, turn off your ego and go to sleep. That was
Anna picked up the laptop and left the bedroom in the midst of
extreme coldness. Imama
didn't understand what made him angry. At that time he didn't
really like his parents
In love she had gone to think in a foolish way. After
turning off the ignition, he tried to sleep for some time, but he
could not sleep. He was thinking of
Salar now and again. After staying for a while, she suddenly got up
and left the room. Two Orange's

Peter was working on the couch near Ann. At the sound of the
door opening, it are
you asking me to go?
What should I do? Can I ask you to go? He bit her head.
We had talked about faith. He said to me, "Rakar,
she has come to express her regret, but here it was the
other way around." Imama said to him, lifting her head
from his shoulder with a finger.
In many defeats, it happened in a
conciliatory manner. If I need it, I will put it myself. He spoke
in this manner. She came close to him and gave it to me. Without
hesitation, he put his hand on
Salar's arm and rested his head on Salar's shoulder. It was an
expression of regret. Salar did not express any
objection. Ignoring him completely, he continued to do his work
on two laptops, but it was very difficult
when she was sitting so close to him with her head on his shoulder
and he ignored her.
was Leap went to your keyboard and his fingers touched yours.
Then he took a deep breath and
was done. How can I work if you sit like this?
Sabmain X's girl do it Tum se hai
Salar saw her getting up a bit. What was the mother? Was it pride?
Like he couldn't
figure it out.
Let me ask you to compare the eyes and with a little bit, it was again
every theft.
Salar bowed his head in the street and kissed her little one, this man
also held him. He's his
He was not willing to bow his head.
What am I going to do by getting them cured by you."
He said, sucking her cock again very tenderly. An uncontrollable

smile came over Imama's jawans. What a pride that flashed in her
eyes. Yes, she did.
How could he say yes to her? He said to Salar while parting from
her. Well,
now you have X cover from me, because you have made a bad
distinction." She was demanding contentment now, he smiled. She
used to shout
confessions. im sorry Salar called her Churod and said. was the
what are you As soon as he saw Imama, he said with a huge
smile. Nothing, I did not come to see. After he asked several of
them, this happened. No matter, now is the time not to say that I
should not talk about Islamabad. It happened
by accepting it in a generous manner.
Salar smiled helplessly, then the whole issue was Islamabad. She had
scarcely feared that distance would
not take her there again, and that she had come to him under this
intoxication. What style was bold? There
was nothing there for him. Whatever it was, it was someone's
downfall. He laughed
what happened ? He saw Allah the
Lord. nothing. Salar leaned forward a little and gently and lovingly
hugged her head and forehead
like this he used to do every day after seeing her at the door after
coming from the office.
He was now calling him God
Hafiz. That she stood up from the couch reaching for her
shawl. Opening the bedroom door, she turned her head and saw
Salar, who was also looking
at her. She smiled at Al-Wad Ahmad Almaz. He also smiled. Imama
entered the room and
closed the door. He stared at this one door

for a long time. Any man who had Maury in his life would have
been lucky, but he was not lucky.
Where was the need for luck!
Yab Sahib's Rani made many rounds to my house, every time she
brought something or the other, she used to
do things for Amina, we have nothing left, give this Amina's
relationship. She used to say what she used to do but used to do
movies. Take your child to Imama's office. One day the son also
came by himself to the institution home with his mother
It was possible in front of my
eyes, this son on four legs bowed his head, fixed his eyes on the
floor of his red
eyes. His silence was badly prepared for Saeedah Man. No less luck,
no, nothing
happens. It is possible to say just once that you have honored me by
your daughter to me, or that your daughter is very numerous. Those
were continuously opening
during It was Sunday and he had brought water supplies with
Imama in the morning. He had failed
to sell electronics and other goods in any of the establishments.
Imama did not object this time but They did not tell Saeed and Aman
that he was being taken somewhere else, not Salman's
house. After finishing all these tasks, he went there to spend time in
the sun. Imama was inside the
house preparing iftar and food. He used to break his fast there
today. Because of the sun, Salar had
taken off his hundred bar and placed it on a corner of the four pies.
Taking out a handkerchief kept in
the jailer's pocket, he wiped the cat's eye on his face. It was a reading
story of Imama's relationship, which

He was Kin
and Ha. While stirring the main in the pot, Imama saw Salar
through the open window of the manna. He
felt sorry for her. She could hear all the conversations of Saeed and
Aman in the house and she was assessing
how questionable the conversation was. Three times she tried to
come and check Saeed and Aman on
different pretexts. The topic of conversation changed but as soon as
she came into the house, she would
start again in every text. Mother and this were not getting along.
Imama said
to Saeed and Aman from the window. Besides now. And there
was no choice that she would let them in. Do or go here then tell
me where I go. Saeedah
said while getting up. Salar who was sitting on four legs in the main
took off his shoes. Keeping his head
down, he lay down on all fours. The voices of Imama and Saeeda
Amma were still coming
from inside, but Salar was distracted by these sounds. He was
looking at the green seats mounted on
the wall of square mirrors. . The sun was now moving a little, but it
was still ready. A few of the Ketars of one
of our houses passed over the Magan. One of them rose for a while
on the wall of the Manna. After a
long time he had found solace in the sun. There was no peace in the
sun, there was peace in life. He closed
his eyes. Then after the young men opened their eyes in shock. 10
was imperceptibly trying to place
a pillow between his head. Seeing him open his eyes, he did
something apologetic. Your
neck would bend like this, he said while taking out Salar's gold.

took the nikki under his head without anything. He would put it
on his arm, folding it a hundred times
Saved where it is. It will be more than half of the old one.
Saeeda Amma was touching the last limits of masala while
describing the Haliya of Jeb Sahib's son.
Savar's own was to me the equivalent of these drugs, and being
half-baked meant nearly as much as we did. Which at least
I did and I was found not to be comfortable, and it must have been
difficult. Went inside. Where did he think of such a favor... and where
was he wanting such a favor?
He had gone there and accepted something else. He closed his eyes
He couldn't figure out where the blood was coming from, but there
was blood on his hands. He to the athletes
He was looking in agony and fear, then he bent down and saw his
shadow. He had a lias.
Then the blood on the hands and the pain in the body was nothing.
A few drops
of blood fell from her palms onto her white skirt. It's getting late
afternoon. Pray. He woke up suddenly. Um was standing
next to him, shaking his shoulder, waking him up.
Salar looked around, then cleaned both his hands and his bags. His
size was irregular.
Imama shook her shoulder and left. Salar got up and went to give.
That was the dream, what
he was seeing. Sitting on the cot, he started reciting some verses
crossing the dream. He was
having a nightmare after a long time. The sun of Yemen had now
set. He helplessly looked
at the time on his watch. Now he prayed at home too. Even while
taking off his clothes, he

kept thinking about the dream. Imama until her hundred times and
to perform ablution.
It came from inside
before. I'm fine, while giving her a sweater, Imama noticed her
touch carefully for the first
time. His face was red. He placed his hand on Salar's forehead and
checked his supercar. It is not
yamar, it must have been due to being in the sun."
Salar said to him while reaching the sweater. Imama felt that he was
in a bad mood.
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