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Listen and Learn!


When someone gives you something

It’s good to say “Thank you”
Say “Thank you, thank you”
“Thank you very much”

Be polite, be polite
Have good manners and be polite
Be polite, be polite
Have good manners and be polite

When you want something

It’s better to say “Please”
Say “Please, please, please, please”
“Pretty, pretty please”

Repeat Chorus

When you want something

It’s good to wait your turn
Be patient, patient
And wait your turn

Repeat Chorus

When you do something by accident

It’s good to say “Sorry”
Say “Sorry, sorry”
“I’m very, very sorry”

Repeat Chorus

Talk About It
1. What was the song about?
2. What polite words where in the song?
3. Why should we use polite words?
4. Do you use polite words?
Try and Learn

Read the story carefully.

A Letter Soup
By Pedro Pablo Sacristan

Once upon a time there was a very evil and unpleasant

crook who only ever thought about how to get money. Seeing
anyone happy bothered the crook enormously. What he hated
most was when people were polite and courteous to each
other, saying things like please and thank you, and don't mention
it. It annoyed him even more if they were smiling when they said
these things.

The crook thought all those kinds of words were a useless

waste, and weren't good for anything. So what he did was spend a lot
of time inventing a machine which could steal words. With this
machine, he planned to steal 'please', 'thank you', 'don't mention it', and
similar words people used to be polite. He was convinced that no one
would notice if those words were to suddenly disappear. When he had stolen these
words, he intended to take them apart and sell the letters to book publishers.

After he started up his machine, people would

open their mouths, intending to say kind and polite
things, but nothing came out. All those words ended up
inside the big machine. Just as the crook had hoped, in
the beginning nothing happened. It looked like people
really didn't need to be polite after all. However, after a
while, people started to feel like they were always in a bad mood, doing everything
reluctantly, and feeling like everyone else was being forever demanding of them. So,
within a few days, everyone was angry and arguing over the slightest little thing.
The crook was terribly happy with his success, but he
didn't count on a couple of very special little girls. Those girls
were deaf, and had to communicate using sign language. Now,
because the machine couldn't steal gestures, these girls
continued being kind and polite. Soon they realised what had
been happening to everyone else, and they found out about the
crook and his wicked plan. 

The girls followed him to his hideout on the top of a hill next
to the sea. There they found the enormous machine busy
separating all the words into letters. The crook had gone to take a
nap, so the girls crept up to the machine and started being polite and courteous to each

Try as it might, the contraption couldn't steal those words, and it

started to suffer a power overload, which got more and more serious
as the girls went on communicating. Finally, it exploded; sending all the
letters it had gathered flying into the sky. These letters started coming
down, like rain, and most ended up in the sea. After that, everyone
could be polite and thoughtful again. The anger and the arguments
stopped, proving that good manners are very useful for keeping people
together in a spirit of happiness.

Seeing all those letters fall into the sea gave those two little girls an idea. A little
while later they opened a factory. Making alphabetti spaghetti soup!

Talk About It

1. Who was very evil and unpleasant?

2. What did he hate so much?
3. What was his plan?
4. What did he invent? Did his machine work?
5. What happened to the people?
6. Who were not affected by the machine?
7. Why they were not affected?
8. Where was hideout located?
9. What did the girls do to stop him?
10. If you were the girls, would you have done the same? Why?

Find Out and Learn

1. What should we remember when listening to a literary text?

2. What are the elements of a literary text?
3. What elements did you remember from the story we read?

Do and Learn
Read the story and write the elements of the literary text.


One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not
get out. The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink
from the well. It looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down
there, Mr. Fox?” asked the goat.
The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the
goat. “Oh, I’m drinking,” he said.
“Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.”
“Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter.
Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?”
“I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon
jumped out of the well.
“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How
am I going to get out of here?”
“Ah-ha, you silly goat,” laughed the fox. “Don’t you think you should
have thought of that before you jumped in?”
And still laughing to himself he ran off, leaving the poor goat in the

Try and Learn

Basing from the story read, answer the following questions.

1. Who was trapped in the well?

2. Who came passing one day?
3. What convinced the goat to go down the well?
4. How did the fox get out of the well?
5. What is the moral of the story?
Do and Learn
Read the story and write the elements of the literary text.

The Queue
by Jean Paul V. Banay

It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary School. It was already

break time for Grade V-Coral. Children line up in a queue to go the canteen to
have their recess.
At the canteen, the children lined up in a queue waiting for their turn to
buy their food. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil rushed in front of the queue and shouted at
the canteen manager for food.
Calmly, the canteen manager said to Luke “Luke, it is not nice to shout at
people, especially when you’re at the canteen. And we should observe the rules
inside the canteen. Look at these children, they line up in a queue and wait for
their turn. You should do the same.” said the canteen manager.
After that day, Luke lined up in the queue and asked politely for food.

Identify the element of the literary text from the story you just read.
Choose your answer from the boxes below.

Character setting conflict

Plot theme

1. It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary

3. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil
4. Luke rushed in front of the queue
5. The canteen manager told Luke about the rules
inside the canteen.
7. Following rules inside the canteen is the right
thing to do.

 When listening to story being read, we should listen carefully and pay
attention to the details of the story. In this way we can identify the
elements of a literary text.

 We could also take down notes while listening and reading.

 The elements of a literary text are the character, setting, and plot,
conflict, and theme.

 The theme is the subject of the story and what the author wants to
convey to the readers.


Find Out and Learn

Read the sentences.

1. When he had stolen these words, he intended to take them apart

and sell the letters to book publishers.
2. Those girls were deaf, and had to communicate using sign
3. The girls followed him to his hideout on the top of a hill next to the
4. It started to suffer a power overload, which got more and more
serious as the girls went on communicating.
5. The chief-of-police arrested the crook.

 What do you think are the underlined words?
 What have you observed about these words?
 What two words can we find in these words?
 Can you think of other words which are combinations of two
Study the example below:


cupcake electric fan son-in-law
bookworm fairy tale one-fourth
rainbow love letter merry-go-round
mailman report card over-the-counter

 What have you observed about the group of words?

 How are they alike?
 How are they different?

Try and Learn

Identify the compound words in the paragraph. Say if it is a one-

word compound, two-word compound, or hyphenated compound word.

A Trip to Town
by Jean Paul V. Banay

One Saturday morning, Marissa and her mother went to town to buy
supplies for the household.
They first stopped at the repairman’s shop to follow up the repair of their
electric fan. The repairman said they could pick it up on Monday.
Afterwards, they went to the supermarket to buy groceries. They bought
meatballs, tomato sauce, and pasta. Mother will be cooking spaghetti that night.
They also bought cooking oil, soy sauce, banana catsup, vinegar, salt and
pepper. They also purchased some bathing supplies, like bath soap, shampoo,
conditioner, and lotion. At the cleaning supplies section, they bought detergent
soap, fabric conditioner, and dishwashing paste.
After paying for the groceries, they went to a pizza house. Marissa ate
one-fourth of the pizza.
On their way home, they stopped over the local bakery to buy doughnuts
and cupcakes as take home for Marissa’s father and siblings.
It was a nice trip to town.
Identify the compound words used the story. Classify and write them in
the table below.

One-word compound Two-word compound

Do and Learn
A. Read the sentences below. Find the compound word and break them into two
smaller words.

1. Mary and I were sleeping in her backyard.

+ =

2. My brother and I went to watch the baseball game.

+ =

3. I love to use mint flavored toothpaste when I brush my teeth.

+ =

4. Tommy and his brother love to go down to the riverbanks to catch frogs.
+ =

5. The favorite part of my vacation was when I got to ride in the airplane.
+ =

B. Write the compound name of the following pictures. Write in on the line below
each picture.

1. 2. 3.
4. 5.

C. Place a hyphen between words that are considered as compound words.

1. The hand picked tomatoes tasted better than the ones from the store.
2. The model was ready for her close up picture.
3. The referee called a time out during the basketball’s game.
4. Beware of car chasing dog on Brgy. Linga.
5. Sally’s mother in law came to visit her on her birthday.


Compound words are two words put together to create a new word.
They can be open, closed, or hyphenated.
 Open Compound Words
dog house, ice cream, six-pack, runner-up
 Closed Compound Words
ladybug, toothpaste, bedroom
 Hyphenated Compound Words
editor-in-chief, officer-in-charge, life-saver

Learn Some More

Read the following sentences. Identify and underline the compound word. On the
line before each number, classify the compound word if it is open, closed, or hyphenated
compound word.

1. I dropped my mail at the post office.

2. The milkman delivers milk to the hospital.
3. I ate too many pancakes this morning.
4. Jordan is chasing dragonflies on the field.
5. Mary was surprised when she opened the jack-in-the-box.

Read and Learn

Read the following sentences. Answer the following questions.

1. He winked at her and she knew that he was joking.
2. She bit into the apple.
3. Peter kissed his aunt on the cheek.
4. “I’m over here.” as she waved her hands in the air.
5. The little boy kicked the stones at his feet.

a. What are the underlined words?
b. How are they similar?
c. What body parts do we use to do them?

Let’s Read More

Read the story below.

The Homecoming
by Jean Paul V. Banay

It’s Friday evening. Every member of the Flores family was excited to go to the
airport. Today is the arrival of Mr. Alfredo Flores. It’s been two years since he started
working abroad.
They rented a van to go the airport. They were happily clapping their hands while
singing. Everybody was chatting about what their father looked like now.
As soon as they arrived at the airport, they went directly to the waiting area. They
were looking left and right hoping they would see their father at the exit.
They are waiting for almost an hour now. They just tapped their feet to loose
boredom. Mother was sipping coffee she bought from a kiosk.
At last, after almost half an hour of waiting, they saw their father going out at the
south gate of the airport’s arrival area. They waved their hands in joy so that Alfredo
would notice them instantly.
They hugged their father as soon as he approached them. They were crying in
Talk About It
Read and answer the following questions.
1. What was the title of the story?
2. Who was going to the airport?
3. Why are they going there?
4. Have you noticed the underlined words? What can you say about them?
5. What do you think are these words?

Try and Learn

Look at the following pictures. Have them identify the message of each
picture. Choose from the words below.

happy stop ignore

angry sad silence please

excited bored hungry

Do and Learn
Read the following sentences and identify the body movement used. Copy the
sentences on your notebook and encircle your answer.

1. Every time I think of food, I lick my lips.

2. They listened to the music and beat their fingers on the table to the rhythm.
3. To show that he didn’t know, he shrugged his shoulders.
4. She sat down elegantly and crossed her legs.
5. In answering orally the teacher reminded them to raise their arm if they want
to answer.


Body movements refer to the actual movement of the body. It is a kind of

nonverbal communication where thoughts intentions or feelings are expressed by
physical behaviour such as facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement,
touch, and use of space.
Body movements maybe implied as a verbs or an adjective.


Read and Learn

Read the following sentences and notice the difference between the underlined
 I wash the car.
 I am washing the car.
 I have washed the car.

1. What have you noticed about the words?

2. What does this remind you about verbs?

Let us study the following sentences.

1. In the sentence “I wash the car.”, wash, which is the verb, is the simple
form. The time when the action was done is indefinite or we are unsure if
it is on-going or completed. Thus, this sentence is in the simple aspect of
the verb.

2. While in the sentence “I am washing the car”, washing, which is the verb,
is in the present progressive form, which tells us that the action is on-
3. On the other hand, the sentence “I have washed the car.”, have washed,
being in the present perfect, tells us that the action has just been done
or completed.

These sentences are in the present tense, if we are to write it in past tense, we
would have.

 I was washing the car. – simple past

 I had washed the car. – past perfect
 I had been washing the car. – past perfect progressive

Try and Learn

Try and answer the following. Write the correct aspect of the verb for the
following sets of sentences.

1. walk (present)
a. Sarah __________ to school. (simple)
b. Sarah ________________ to school. (present progressive)
c. Sarah ________________ to school. (present perfect)

2. cook (present)
a. Mother __________ dinner for us. (simple)
b. Mother __________________ dinner for us. (present progressive)
c. Mother __________________ dinner for us. (present perfect)

3. water (present)
a. Francis __________ the garden. (simple)
b. Francis ____________________ the garden. (present progressive)
c. Francis ____________________ the garden. (present perfect)

4. play (past)
a. I _______________ in the plaza. (simple)
b. I _______________ in the plaza. (past perfect)
c. I _______________________ in the plaza. (past perfect progressive)

5. read (past)
a. We _______________ books in the library. (simple)
b. We _______________ books in the library. (past perfect)
c. We ________________ books in the library. (past perfect progressive)
Do and Learn

Read the following sentences. Have the pupils identify what is the aspect of the
verb used in the sentence. Write SPR for simple present, SPS for simple past, PRP for
present progressive, PSP for past perfect, PPF for present perfect, and PPP for past
perfect progressive.

1. Romina studied her lesson for the test.

2. Father rides the bus to go to work.
3. I have been cleaning my room.
4. Finn and Jake are watching his favourite TV show.
5. Jerry talks to Tom over the phone.

Read and Learn

What is an outline?
An outline is a formal system used to think and organize your ideas. You can use
it to see if your ideas are connected to each other and what order works best. Outlines
can be useful to help you see the overall picture.

There are two kinds of outlines: the topic outline and the sentence outline.
1. The topic outline consists of words or short phrases.
2. The sentence outline is done in full sentences. It is normally used when
you want to focus on complex details.

Steps in making an outline:

1. Identify the topic or the main idea.
2. Identify the main categories.
3. Create the first category.
4. Create subcategories.

Normally, use Roman numerals to write the main idea. Then under the main
idea, we indent and write the first subcategory with a capital letter. See the example
If you are to report on animals found in the farm and what they give us, here is an

I. Chickens
A. Gives us eggs.
B. Gives us meat.
C. Gives us feathers.
II. Cow
A. Gives us milk.
B. Give us meat.
C. Gives us leather.
III. Goats
A. Gives us milk.
B. Gives us meat.
IV. Ducks
A. Gives us eggs.
B. Gives us meat.
Try and Learn

Make an outline of your top three favourite subjects and under it write what
lesson have learned from it.


Think and Tell

What movies have you seen lately? Can you identify from which movie was
these pictures taken from?

If you are to make your own movie, what do you think are the things we need to
consider in making a film or moving picture?

Read and Learn

The Shooting
by Jean Paul V. Banay

The town of Pila in the province of Laguna is

famous for being one of the favourite spots to shoot
commercials because of its ancestral houses.
It was Wednesday. Julio was walking home from
school when he saw a crowd in the town plaza. He
went to see what was going on. He saw his uncle Jose
watching too.
“Uncle Jose, what’s going on here?” asked Julio.
“They are going to shoot a soap commercial here.”
answered Uncle Jose.
“You see there, that is the director, and those are his crew. One of them is the
camera man, and some of them are the lights men. They are in-charge of the
equipments.” said Uncle Jose as he pointed to the men setting up the equipments.
“Then inside those tents are the actors and actresses. They will be acting as
characters in the commercial. They are still memorizing their dialogues.” Uncle Jose
“What are dialogues?” Julio inquired.
“Dialogues are what the actors and actresses will say during the shooting of the
commercial.” Uncle Jose answered.
“Are you going to watch them shoot the commercial?” asked Julio.
“Yes, would you like to watch it too?” replied Uncle Jose.
“Yes, but first, I have to go home and ask permission from mother.” answered
“Ok, see you later.” said Uncle Jose.

Think and Tell

Answer the questions below.

1. Which town is famous for its ancestral houses in Laguna?
2. What was the event in the town plaza?
3. Who was on his way home from school?
4. Whom did Julio see watching the shooting?
5. What are the things Uncle Jose showed Julio in the set?


The forms and conventions of a film or moving picture are:

1. Lights – Lights refers to the lighting

used in films can be natural or artificial. It
is used achieve aesthetical or practical
effect while illuminating the scene.

2. Blocking is the precise staging

of actors in order to facilitate the
performance of a film

3. Direction is the control of the scenes in the film. In simpler

terms, it is giving directions to the actors and the people in charge
of the set and those behind the camera.

4. Characterization refers to the

process by which the writer reveals the
personality of a character
5. Acting is the work of an actor or actress, in which a person in theatre, film, television,
and any other storytelling medium portrays a character.

6. Dialogue is the conversation between characters in the


7. Setting or set-up refers to the time and location where

filming takes place. It can be in a studio or a location.

Find Out and Learn

Try to identify which form or convention of film is being described. Choose from
the words inside the box.

lights blocking direction acting

dialogue characterization setting or set-up.

1. The actors are positioned in front of the house.

2. The director is telling the actors what he wants in the
3. They are filming near the sea.
4. They use natural sunlight.
5. The actress made us cry at that scene.
6. “Get out, the house is on fire!!!” shouted the actor.
7. Glinda plays as the good witch.

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