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United Comawas Neighborhood Association


WE, the undersigned incorporators, all of legal age, Filipino citizens and residents of the
Philippines, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves for the purpose of forming a non-
stock, non-profit homeowners association under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
particularly Republic Act No. No. 9904, otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Homeowners
and Homeowners Association.’’


FIRST: That the name of the Association shall be:

United Comawas Neighbohood Association

SECOND: That the purposes for which said Association is formed are:

1. To promote and protect the members’ mutual interests and assist in their community

2. To construct, manage, maintain and operate adequate facilities and services for its

3. To initiate and organize socio-cultural projects and activities to awaken community

consciousness and belonging.

4. To promote, enhance and foster the development and improvement of the quality of
life of the members through livelihood projects and other economic activities.

5. To complement and support the local government units in providing vital services to
the members and help implement its policies, programs, ordinances and rules.

6. To acquire, accept donations, purchase, own, hold, develop, lease, mortgage,

pledge, exchange, sell, transfer or otherwise invest, deal in or trade, in any manner
permitted by law and the rules and regulations of government regulatory or
licensing agencies, real and personal property of every kind and description, or
any interest therein, as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes
of the Association;

7. To enter into, make, perform and carry out, or cancel and rescind contracts of
every kind and for any lawful purpose with any person, firm, association,
corporation, domestic or foreign, or others;
8. To do and perform any and all acts that may be permitted by law, and to have and
exercise any other powers, which may be necessary, convenient and appropriate
to accomplish the purpose for which the association is organized.

THIRD: That the principal office of the Association is located at P-2 Comawas, Bislig
City, Surigao Del Sur.

FOURTH: That the term of existence of the Association is Fifty ( _50_) years from
the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation / shall have perpetual existence.

FIFTH: That the names, nationalities and residences of the incorporators of the
Association are as follows:

Name Nationality Residence

Chabie A. Bautista Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Sherlita O. Pegarido Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Eva P. Arligue Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Jlezil R. Amodia Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Roche M. Denopol Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Emmanuel P. Pabon Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Tresalyn P. Velasquez Jr. Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Gelmar E. Sanchez Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Edna B. Avila Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Keyvin A. Bautista Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS

SIXTH: That the number of trustees/directors of the Association shall be Five ( _5_ )
and that the names, nationalities and residences of the interim trustees or directors of the
Association are as follows:

Name Nationality Residence

Charlou A. Bautista Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Emmanuel P. Pabon Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Tresalyn E. Valasquez Jr. Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Eva P. Arligue Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS
Gelmar E. Sanchez Jr. Filipino P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS

SEVENTH: That the incorporators, trustees/directors, and/or officers named herein, and
those individuals whose names are included in the list of homeowners attached hereto, are
members of the Association. Additional members may be admitted in accordance with the
Bylaws and shall be submitted to the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development

EIGHTH: That the Association shall be maintained by the fees, dues, assessments and
other charges paid by its members and other income as the Association may derive from the
pursuit of its livelihood and economic activities, as well as voluntary contributions, and/or
donations from persons, partnerships, corporations and other entities.

NINTH: That the contributions of the incorporators are as follows:

Name Amount
Chabie A. Bautista 500

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Roche M. Denopol 500
Edna B. Avila 500
Eva P. Arligue 500
Nelson O. Durango 500
Emmanuel P. Pabon 500
Tresalyn P. Velasquez Jr. 500
Gelmar E. Sanchez 500
Edna B. Avila 500
Keyvin A. Bautista 500
Total 5,000.00

TENTH: That ___Luisito E. Gerance has been elected by the interim Board of
Trustees/Directors as Treasurer of the Association to act as such until his/her successor is duly
elected and qualified in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws, and that as such Treasurer,
he/she has been authorized to receive for and in the name and for the benefit of the association,
all fees, contributions, and/or donations paid or given by the members or from other entities
and/or sources.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto signed this Articles of Incorporation, this

2 day of April , 2023 at _P-2 Comawas, Bislig City, SDS, Philippines.

Keyvin A. Bautista Chabie A. Bautista

Roche M. Denopol Consolacion L. Misa

Sherlita O. Pegarido Emmanuel P. Pabon

Tresalyn E. Velasquez Gelmar E. Sanchez Sr.

Eva P. Arligue Nelson O. Durango


Tomas B. Sing Jr. Santiago B. Paloma

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____Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur ______) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in _________________ , this day of

_______________ , _______ , personally appeared:

Name ID Issued at/on

Keyvin A. Bautista TIN 490-582-672-000 9/29/2016
Chabie A. Bautista TIN 409-239-470-000 6/6/2011
Roche M. Denopol TIN 395-994-665-000 6/15/2021
Consolacion L. Misa TIN 624-297-165-000 4/4/2023
Sherlita O. Pegarido TIN 772-697-550-000 1/2018
Emmanuel P. Pabon TIN 930-283-942-000 10/16/2008
Tresalyn E. Velasquez TIN 444-905-633-000 12/12/2013
Gelmar E. Sanchez Jr TIN 623-288-634-000 3/3/2023
Nelson O. Durango TIN 360-556-967-000 1/20/2020
Eva P. Arligue TIN 624-298-811-000 4/4/2023

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles of
Incorporation consisting of __Four_(_4 ) pages, including this page, and who acknowledged to
me that the same is their own free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND SEAL on the date and place first above-written.


Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of _______.

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