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Fundamentals of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

Presentation · June 2020


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2 authors, including:

Tianyu Liu
John Wiley And Sons - Shanghai China


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X-Ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS)

Author: Shihui Zou

Translator: Tianyu Liu
1. What is XPS?
A spectroscopic technique gauging the energy distribution of photoelectrons
generated by irradiating sample surfaces with X-ray.

XPS is a qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis technique.

• Peak position and shape: surface composition, elemental valence, molecular
structure, etc.
• Peak intensity: content of element on surface
1. What is XPS?
➢ Photoelectric effect (photoionization)

Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation

Ek = hν – EB – φsp
Ek: kinetic energy of photoelectron;
hν: X-ray energy;
EB: binding energy of photoelectron;
φsp: work function of XPS spectrometer
(a constant with an average value
between 3 and 5 eV)

XPS Mechanism:When a beam of X-ray hits the surface of a sample, the electrons
in the surface can absorb the photon energy and be excited. In some cases, these
electrons can escape the host material (ionization). By measuring the kinetic energy of
the escaping electrons, one can determine the binding energy (EB) of the electrons
using the Einstein’s photoelectric equation. EB reflects the type and valence of the
elements in the tested sample.
1. What is XPS?
➢ Why only surfaces?
Although X-ray can easily penetrate samples, only photoelectrons close to the sample
surface (~10 nm thickness) can escape without significantly losing energy.
XPS signal (shallow surface): without significant energy loss; characteristic of
elements. Escaping electrons with energy partially lost — baseline.

X-Ray Detector

hv e-
Ek = hν – EB – φsp

Detection depth (d) depends on the escape depth of photoelectrons (λ, a function of X-
ray wavelength and sample composition).
General d values: 0.5-3 nm (metal); 2-4 nm (inorganic); 4-10 nm (organic)
2. What Can XPS Do?

1) [Peak position] Qualitative info: elemental composition, valence, and bonding


2) [Peak intensity] Semi-quantitative info: relative contents of different elements

2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ Elemental Composition
For a specific pair of monochromic excitation source
and electron orbital, the kinetic energy of
photoelectrons is a constant. This kinetic energy is a
fingerprint of the electrons on an specific electronic
subshell of a certain element.

➢ Valence & Bonding Environment

Any variations in the type and number of neighboring
nuclei or different valences of the excited nuclei can
alter the EB. This alteration is displayed as peak shift in
XPS spectroscopy
Oxidation increases EB and reduction decreases EB. The
shifts in all the peaks belonging to one element are
2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ What elements can XPS detect?
XPS usually uses Al Kα or Mg Kα X-ray as the excitation source. Theoretically, XPS
detect any elements other than H and He. Detection limit: 0.1 atom%.

Why no H and He?

1) Ionization of H and He are
2) H 1s electron is too diffusive.
Its EB varies;
3) Lack of inner electrons and all-
paired outer electrons make H
and He resistant to ionization.
2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ Survey Spectrum — What elements?
Identifying elements using the binding energies of photoelectrons and auger
electrons, with reference to standard values in refs, handbooks, and databases.

Steps for Peak Identification:

1. Elements always present due to
contamination, e.g., C
2. Main elements exhibiting strong,
well-resolved peaks;
3. Other elements with less prominent
EB range: 0-1200 eV peaks.
XPS handbook:Moulder, John F. et al. Handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a
reference book of standard spectra for identification and interpretation of XPS data.
NIST XPS database:
2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ High-Resolution Spectroscopy — Valence and Structure

➢ Peak position: element and valence

➢ Peak intensity: content (depends on sensitivity)
➢ Full width at half maximum (FWHM): the intrinsic properties of the detected
element, X-ray source, spectrometer, and sample.
2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ Why semi-quantitative?
The intensity of the photoelectrons (I, peak area) scales linearly with the content of
the element (n).


S – sensitivity factor (empirical value, may need calibration)

➢ Peaks of one element can differ in the intensity and S. Selecting peaks with high
intensity and large S improves sensitivity.
➢ Sensitivity of one element can vary due to its presence in different compounds, e.g.,
2. What Can XPS Do?
➢ Why semi-quantitative?
Peak area also depends on the mean free path of photoelectrons, cleanness of
sample surface, valence, X-ray intensity, and spectrometer condition. Therefore, XPS
can give relative contents but not absolute values.

Catal. Sci. Technol.,

2019, 9, 2960-2967
3. XPS & EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy)
a. EDS & XPS both are techniques for elemental analysis.


b. Differences between EDS and XPS:

1) XPS uses X-ray, detects electrons; EDS uses electrons, detects X-ray;
2) EDS can only detect composition and content, not valence; detection limit is high
(>2 atom%);
3) EDS is usually coupled with electron microscopy; XPS is typically used
X-Ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS)

Author: Shihui Zou

Translator: Tianyu Liu
Important Features

Spectrum Satellite Peaks

Auger Electron Spin-Orbital Splitting Shake-up Peaks

1. Photoelectron Spectroscopy
➢ Every element has its characteristic spectrum — the basis for elemental analysis.
The strongest, sharpest, and most symmetric peak is the main XPS peak.

Probability of photoelectrical effect: The

number of photoelectrons generated is
associated with a factor called
photoionization cross section (σ).

In: 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p1

main peak

The main peak of In is its 3d peak. Besides, there are In 4d and In 3p peaks due to
the multiple inner electrons of In.
2. Spin-Orbital Coupling
➢ The coupling of electron movements in orbitals and self-spin leads to
peak separation.

➢ Why usually two peaks? spin quantum number: ±1/2

➢ For a specific element, its p, d, and f doublets typically exhibit fixed peak separation
and peak intensity ratio.
3. Auger Electron Spectroscopy
➢ When a core electron is ionized and left a vacancy, an electron from a higher
energy level may fall into the vacancy and release energy. The released energy is
transferred to another electron, which is ejected from the atom. This second
ejected electron is an Auger electron.

Auger electrons

C KLL, O KLL, Na KLL are Auger electron peaks from C, O, Na, respectively. O KLL has three
peaks: vacancy level (left), re-filling electron level (middle), and Auger electron level (right).
4. Satellite Peaks (Shoulder Peaks)
➢ “Impurities” of the energy in the X-ray source (non-monochromaticity):
e.g., Al/Mg Kα1,2 include Kα3,4,5 and Kβ

C 1s main peak (α1,2) and shoulder peaks (α3,4,5 and β). The intensity of the main
peak is much stronger than those of the shoulder peaks.
X-Ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS)

Author: Shihui Zou

Translator: Tianyu Liu
1. Survey Spectrum – Element Identification

Sci. Adv. 2015, 1, e1500259 Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 26146

Example 1:
➢ [Left] What elements? Ni, Mo, O, S
➢ [Right] Is the N-doping successful? Yes.
2. Presence of Peak

ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 8484–8492

Example 2:
➢ After cycling, the N element in the compounds was lost or significantly reduced
➢ Reasons for peak absence: no element or content below 0.1 atom%
2. Peak Position

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2019, 9, 2960

Example 3:
➢ What elements should these peaks be assigned to?
Look up in references, databases, or handbooks.
3. Peak Shift

Sci.Adv. 2017, 3, e1701290

Example 4:
➢ The Zn 2p peak of 13%ZnO-ZrO2 shifts 0.5 eV compared to that of ZnO.
➢ Which direction? Toward lower binding energy – Zn gets electrons (from ZrO2).
4. Peak Intensity or Area

ACS Catal. 2012, 2, 2403−2408

Example 5:
➢ peak area → relative content → surface composition
In this example, temperature ↑, Ru ↑ (determine from peak intensity)
4. Peak Intensity or Area

Science 2020, 368, 513-517

Example 6:
➢ peak area → relative content → surface composition
CHx/CH4 ratio changes with CeO2 coverage and reaches the highest when the
coverage is around 0.5 ML.
X-Ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy (XPS)
Data Analysis

Author: Shihui Zou

Translator: Tianyu Liu
Steps of XPS Data Analysis

1. Survey Spectroscopy
2. Charge Correction
3. Baseline Subtraction
4. Peak Deconvolution and Fitting
5. Semi-Quantitative Analysis

Charging Effect: The surfaces of insulators and semiconductors can build up positive
charges due to continuous escape of electrons without replenishment. The generation
of positive charges due to loss of surface electrons is termed charging effect.

Charging effect creates a steady, positive potential. This potential restrains electrons
from escaping. Therefore, charging effect deviates the binding energy and reduces
accuracy. Charge correction is performed to eliminate the charge-effect-induced
1. Four Methods for Charge Correction

1. Adventitious C 1s —— easy, widely used, but might introduce large

errors. C-C,C-H:284.6-284.8 eV Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 5002-5006

2. Peaks from the stable component of the sample, e.g., Si 2p of SiO2

3. Sputter Au islands Au 4f7/2 = 84.0 eV

4. Inject trace amount of Ar and use Ar 2p as an internal standard

Not a single method ensures 100% accuracy.

Select the one that is most applicable and feasible for you.
2. Principles for Peak Deconvolution
Key parameters:
peak position, FWHM, peak intensity or area, peak symmetry, peak number, etc.
➢ When fitting peaks, one needs to consider the assignment of each deconvoluted
peaks. Arbitrarily adding deconvoluted peaks is prohibited.

➢ When fitting doublets induced by spin-orbital coupling, one needs to check that the
peak separation, intensity ratio, and FWHW are reasonable. For example, intensity
2p1/2:2p3/2 = 1:2 (except TiO2 and V2O5. Their 4p electrons do not follow)
Coster-Kronig transition
3d3/2:2d5/2 = 2:3
4f5/2:4f7/2 = 3:4
➢ Pay extra attention to overlapped peaks

➢ The asymmetry of 2p peaks of transition metal elements.

2. Software for XPS Peak Analysis
3. Requirements for XPS Peak Analysis

2p1/2:2p3/2 ≠ 1:2 4f5/2:4f7/2 = 3:4

1. Separation of a set of satellite peaks shall remain the same [Right]

2. Special peak area ratio
3. FWHMs of different valences might differ, but those of the same valence of
an identical element should remain the same.
3. Requirements for XPS Peak Analysis
➢ Pay attention to peak overlapping
(different peaks displaying the same or nearly identical binding energy)

O 1s & Pd 3p C 1s & Ru 3d Ni 2p & La 3d

J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18691−18697; ChemSusChem 2018, 11, 130 – 136; Catal. Commun.
2011, 12, 817-821
3. Requirements for XPS Peak Analysis

Al 2p & Pt 4f

Ni 3p & Cu 3p Pd 3d & Au 4d
Ref.: Appl. Catal. B 2016, 185, 77-87; RSC Adv., 2017, 7,
41847-41854;Chin. J. Catal. 2020, 41 (8), 1240-1247
Summary of Overlapped Peaks

Mg Kα Al Kα
N KVV & Ce 3d F KLL & La 3d
O KVV & Co 2p, Ba 3d Na KLL & Sn 3d
F KLL & Mn 2p Mg KLL & Ca 2p, Rh 3d
Na KLL & C 1s, K 2p, Ca 2p Fe LMM & Co 2p
Ti LMM & La 3d, Ni 2p Co LMM & Co 2p, Fe 2p
V LMM & Co 2p, Ba 3d Ni LMM & Mn 2p
Mn LMM & Mn 2p, Fe 2p Zn LMM & Sn 3d
Co LMM & Sn 3d Ce M45N45N45 & La 3d5/2
Ni LMM & Sn 3d O KVV & Nd 3d
Cu LMM & Pd 3d, Cd 3d
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