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2/2022 (42)
ISSN 2299-0674

The hidden potential of the Dunajec River

str. 30

Rising electricity prices – an opportunity or a problem

for owners of RES installations?
str. 14

We can, with hydropower – how water, wind and sun

can combine to meet climate goals
str. 46

The fishlift – bridging the ecological gap

including electricity production
str. 48
We offer comprehensive advisory services on investments Please contact us:
in hydropower plants, including the provision of proprietary
technologies and turnkey workmanship. Łukasz Kalina
+48 512 008 805
We create interdisciplinary teams of experts and specialists in [email protected]
the field of hydraulic and mechanical engineering, automa-
tion and construction, in order to propose solutions precisely
tailored to the needs of customers.
From The Editorial Office
t is a strange political world we are liv- restart the extinguished Emile Huchet coal- sions and to put the topic in the sights of
ing in, when European and national deci- fired power plant in Saint-Avold. Decom- decision-makers.
sion-makers label fossil gas and nuclear missioning a functioning facility with an
as environmental friendly and sustaina- installed capacity of more than 1.6 MW, or In the ecology section, in turn, we pres-
ble, while regard small hydropower as main risking the closure of the entire domestic ent the concept of a fish elevator devel-
problem for biodiversity. SHP industry at a time when every kilowatt oped by Prof. Bernhard Pelikan, which not
of power on the grid counts, seems unwise, only enables the migration of ichthyofauna,
Since February, the European and interna- to say the least. but also allows the flow necessary for the
tional community has been living with the operation of the fish ladder to be almost
conflict in Ukraine, which, among other To take a breather from the curiosities of entirely used for power generation, thus
things, results in a reduction in the supply the current quarter, I invite you to read minimizing production losses in existing or
of energy resources, thereby causing their "Energetyka Wodna." Of course, I recom- planned hydropower plants.
prices to rise. Europe is anxiously turning mend reading it from cover to cover, how-
its sights to the upcoming winter, which ever, I recommend the cover articles first.
could be extremely difficult, due to fos- The topic of the issue is the Sromowce V
sil gas and fuel shortages. Meanwhile, the Hydroelectric Power Plant, launched on
European Parliament has decided that the the first of July, utilizing "to the last drop"
EU Taxonomy will treat natural gas as a sus- the hydropower potential coming from the
tainable energy source, contrary to earlier biological flow of the Sromowce Reser-
plans to turn Europe into a climate-neu- voir, which serves as an HPP Niedzica reg-
tral continent as soon as possible. Not only ulating reservoir. Piotr Wlodarski, Business
will the emission-intensive energy source Development Manager of Enerko Energy
be officially classified as green, but bet- Sp. z o.o., presents details of the devel-
ting on an energy resource that is mainly opment of an unused reinforced concrete
imported from Russia, will not be condu- water supply channel to the planned fish
cive to achieving energy independence in stocking center.
the current situation.
In turn, Radosław Koropis, Vice President of
Controversial decisions are also being RENPRO sp. z o.o. analyzes the current sit-
made at the level of individual member uation in the energy market to answer the
countries. In Germany, with the so-called seemingly simple question, are rising elec-
"Easter package," small hydroelectric power tricity prices an opportunity or a problem
plants, with capacities up to 500 kW, were for owners of RES installations?
to be excluded from the support system,
with a real risk of their liquidation (finally, In the knowledge section, we zoom in on
thanks to the intervention of the Federa- the details of the "We can, with hydro-
tion of German Hydroelectric Power Plants power" information campaign launched by
(BDW), support for SHPs will be retained). the International Hydropower Association
Meanwhile, in France, the La Roche-Qui- (IHA), which aims to draw public attention
Boit hydropower plant has been demol- to the need to develop hydropower as an Michał Kubecki
ished while preparations are underway to enabler of net-zero greenhouse gas emis- Editor-in-Chief

Strategic partner Partners

E W 2/2022 (42) 1


2/2022 (42)
ISSN 2299-0674

The hidden potential of the Dunajec River

str. 30

Rising electricity prices – an opportunity or a problem

for owners of RES installations?
str. 14

We can, with hydropower – how water, wind and sun

can combine to meet climate goals
str. 46

The fishlift – bridging the ecological gap

including electricity production
str. 48

International quarterly
NO 1/2022 (41) – estimated readership: 2 500 unique recipients

3 HYDRO 2022 – the global community together again Editorial office:
4 News from TRMEW Michał Kubecki – Editor in Chief
Michał Lis – Managing Editor
4 The smallest SHP in Poland in the support system Aleksandra Wołowiec – Editor
Dominika Wójtowicz – Editor
5 POLCOLD – reactivation and participation in the XXVII Congress of Large Dams [email protected]
6 The LIFE 2022 call has started – €598 million is available! mobile: +48 518 304 194
Subscription and advertising:
6 Calendar Monika Grzybek
7 30th Jubilee Scientific & Technical Conference PEMINE [email protected]
8 100 years of the hydropower plant in Rosnowo Gustaw Nowak
8 The new investment will increase the capacity of Dębe hydropower plant [email protected]
Printing house:
10 Wide-ranging restoration plans on World Fish Migration Day 2022 Agencja Wydawnicza „ARGI”
10 New reservoir will be built in the Kleszczewo municipality ul. Żegiestowska 11
50–542 Wrocław
11 Weir renovations in Podlaskie Province will increase retention in the Narew Valley Program council:
11 Reconstruction of reservoir in Mazovia – contract is ready Wojciech Majewski
Janusz Steller
11 First QGIS plug-in of State Water Holding Polish Waters Bogusław Puchowski
Ewa Malicka
12 From Around the World Radosław Koropis
Robert Szlęzak
Andrzej Grześ
14 Rising electricity prices – an opportunity or a problem for owners of RES installations? Małgorzata Stolarska
Michał Krzyszkowski
16 Challenges in the construction, erection, or rehabilitation
Photo on cover:
phase of a hydro power plant – mitigation strategies SHP Sromowce V under construction
19 Improving the efficiency of water pumps and turbines Source: Enerko Energy Sp. z o.o.
22 How do I get started with BIM? Polish Association for Small Hydropower
24 Voith Hydro’s future-ready, compact solutions Development (TRMEW)
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 1
LAW 86-300 Grudziądz
phone: +48 (56) 46 49 644
26 EU Restoration Law and small hydropower fax +48 (56) 46 49 643
28 Polish Energy Policy Until 2040 – what will the Polish Power Industry look like in 2040? e-mail: [email protected]
30 The hidden potential of the Dunajec River

33 Fish ladder design in terms of a large difference in water level

37 Virtual Power Plant of TAURON Ekoenergia sp. z o.o. as a response to the challenges of
RES system development
38 Utilising external funding to expand the distribution network of ZEW Niedzica SA Orders for institutional subscription adopts
Kolporter Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. Information available
KNOWLEDGE at the hotline number 0 801 40 40 44 or on
the website
40 Empirical estimation of the coarse soil hydraulic conductivity in practice
It was published: 01.08.2022
46 We can, with hydropower: how water, wind and sun can combine to meet climate goals Editorial office and publisher are not
responsible for the content of published ads.
The content presented in the articles does
48 The fishlift – bridging the ecological gap including electricity production not always coincide with the views of the
editorial staff.
52 Cities of green, blue and energy

Media partners


HYDRO 2022 – the global community together again

Strasbourg held the honorable role of

Source: Author's archive

the world capital of hydropower for
three days in April with the HYDRO
2022 conference and exhibition. This
year's edition of the event was enthu-
siastically received by the partici-
pants, who for the first time after
a two and a half years hiatus were
able to exchange knowledge and
experience in hydropower in person.

he theme of this year's edition was
Photo. Opening remarks by Alison Bartle, Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal on Hydropower and Dams
the maxim "The role of hydropower
in global recovery" which was origi- and current hydropower development is • due to the loss of storage capacity of
nally intended to refer to the reconstruc- too slow for existing needs, reservoirs, it is important to design new
tion of the world economy, affected by the • dynamic growth of storage capacity in facilities in such a way as to minimize the
COVID19 pandemic, however it has taken newly built pumped storage plants is problem of sedimentation.
on special significance as a result of the expected in the coming years,
ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which was • one of the important trends in European Among the participants of the event was
clearly emphasized by the organizers of hydropower will be modernization and the Polish representation consisting of: Ewa
the event. The term energy independence, renovation of existing facilities, Malicka, President of TRMEW, Piotr Wło-
forgotten in recent years, has become rel- • hydropower should be treated as darski, brand ambassador of IOZE hydro,
evant again. a significant tool for mitigating climate and the author of this article on behalf
changes of “Energetyka Wodna” quarterly. How-
The topics of the conference also referred • consistent action and consolidation of ever, the Polish accent had a much greater
to the role of hydropower, including the entire industry is needed to lobby at dimension, thanks to the media coopera-
pumped storage power plants, in the the EU level and educate the public, as tion, which continued as in previous years,
energy transition to mitigate climate the benefits that hydropower offers are between the HYDRO organizer, Aqua
change. In addition, the thematic sessions not widely known outside our industry, Media International publishing house, and
addressed issues such as the use of avail- • the image of hydropower needs to be the editorial board of "Energetyka Wodna",
able hydropower potential with a focus on changed, as the public perceives the within the framework of which our quar-
developing countries, engineering chal- industry as old and undeveloped, which terly in English version was distributed to
lenges encountered during the construc- is contrary to the facts. An example is all participants of the event in the already
tion of new dams and hydropower plants, the progress that has been made in envi- legendary HYDRO bags.
lessons learned during design, construc- ronmental technologies and operations,
tion, operation and repair, the impact of optimization of production, robotization HYDRO trade fairs and conferences are
climate change on hydropower plants, or remote monitoring, an excellent source of inspiration and
the interdependence between hydro- • the development of technology for the knowledge about current trends in the
power and other RES technologies, lessons damming of rivers and care for the envi- global hydropower industry. Each time
learned from investments carried out in ronment is the responsibility of the the event ends, I am left with a certain
disaster-prone areas. industry, not to create a bad image of dissatisfaction, as the three conference
hydropower, days are far too short to take full advan-
This year's conference also included • hydropower plants should be designed tage of all that is on offer. Therefore, my
a thematic session devoted entirely to the and built with prudence, responsibility, thoughts turn with curiosity towards the
HYPOSO project, which aims to develop respect for the forces of nature, the prin- next edition of HYDRO, which will be
hydropower in selected African and Latin ciples of sustainable development and hosted next year in Edinburgh.
American countries and promote European the interests of local communities and
suppliers of equipment and services for neighboring countries,
hydropower plants. • when planning new investments, it is
necessary to keep in mind the long time
Among the most important conclusions horizon in which hydropower plants will
of the conference were the insights of the operate, rather than focusing solely on
chairmen of the various panel sessions, short-term profits,
which can be taken as a signpost for the • the issue of safety of hydroelectric struc-
industry for the coming years: tures is becoming a priority in the con-
Michał Lis
• new capacity is needed for the global text of the advanced age of existing Managing editor
economy accelerating after a pandemic dams around the world, „Energetyka Wodna”

E W 2/2022 (42) 3

News from TRMEW

We have to admit that the sec- representatives of the State Water Hold- amending the Renewables Act. Our postu-
ond quarter of this year was a bit ing Polish Waters and an online presenta- lates were mainly focused on the issues of
more relaxed for the Polish Associa- tion was delivered by the Director of the upgrades to hydropower plants, which will
tion for Small Hydropower Develop- Department of Renewable Energy Sources enable to obtain support proportional to
ment (TRMEW) Board than the last at the Ministry of Climate and Environ- the modernisation expenses incurred. The
2 years, where we fought fiercely ment. It was a very intensive day, the par- work is also underway on a continuation
for the extension of the public sup- ticipants had the opportunity to learn support scheme for SHPPs (support with-
port period and later helped energy about many current issues of hydropower out additional investment, on an “as is”
producers fill out the documentation and have their questions answered. basis for a period of 10 years). In addition,
and successfully transit to immutable we have submitted comments to the draft
FIT/FIP tariffs. However, this does not The second day was intended entirely for act amending the Spatial Planning Act, as
mean that absolutely nothing hap- a tour of the surrounding hydropower well as the act amending the Provision of
pened. Let's begin with a report on plants and the Wodel production facil- Information on Environment and Its Pro-
the most important event in recent ity. We would like to thank our guests and tection Act.
weeks, the General Convention and representatives of Wodel, Merol Power
Hydropower Congress of 2022! Polska and MEW Kliczków for making their All the best (and much rest) during this
facilities available – all located among holiday season. We will be constantly

he Hydropower Congress began on beautiful landscapes. On Saturday, the last monitoring the situation and react quickly
2nd June, which is the annual meet- day of the congress, the TRMEW General to any changes and relevant news in the
ing of TRMEW members and support- Meeting was held. Traditionally, we dis- coming months. Best wishes!
ers. This time the event took place at the cussed the Association's current activities,
wonderful Kliczków Castle. We are pleased finances and further plans.
that the attendance was good, especially
during the part devoted to discussing cur- We are planning to organise our next con-
rent situation of hydropower plants in ference in November/December this year -
Poland. During the conference, the speak- please reserve your time for us now!
ers were, as usual, our indispensable Board
members Ewa Malicka and Radek Koropis, In the flurry of work in preparation of the
as well as our Supporting Partners from Congress, we have not forgotten our leg- Monika Grzybek
Office manager
Renpro, Respect Energy, IOZE hydro and islative activities. We have recently submit- Polish Association for Small
Aqua-Tech. In addition, our guests were ted proposals for revisions to the draft act Hydropower Development

The smallest SHP in Poland in the support system

As part of our pro bono work, we with a 60 cm diameter Francis turbine pro-

Source: Author's archive

helped the owner of the Wejherowo ducing a power of about 4 kW. The cur-
SHP to take advantage of a support rent owner has made necessary upgrades
period extended to a length of 17 to this system, equipping the turbine with
years, which was introduced last year a belt transmission and a 3 kW generator.
thanks to the efforts of the Polish The installation is connected to the grid
Association for Small Hydropower governed by Energa Operator. "Owing to
Development. these upgrades, the water in the mill is at
work again instead of being wasted", sum-

he thirteen-kilometer-long Cedron marized the owner, Mr. Roman Prena of
Stream, which is a right-bank tributary his investment.
of the Reda River, feeds the smallest
hydropower plant in Poland - the Wejhe- The Wejherowo SHP will benefit from
rowo SHP. Upstream of the plant, there is the feed-in tariff system for the next 24
a small pond closed by a weir equipped months, selling electricity to an obligated
with a wooden gate, next to which the seller. It seems interesting to ask how it
inlet channel to the turbine chamber of will fare under market conditions, after the
the power plant begins. The power plant end of this period
has been built in 1993, at a site of a for-
mer water mill, which was in operation Radosław Koropis
Vice President of the Management Board
until the 1980s. Interestingly – rather than Polish Association for
a water wheel – the old mill was equipped Small Hydropower Development


POLCOLD – reactivation and participation

in the XXVII Congress of Large Dams
On the 29 th of September by the

Source: Author's archive

order of the Polish Ministry of Infra-
structure the Polish Comittee of
Large Dams (POLCOLD) was estab-
lished. It means, that POLCOLD is
back to life and again a member of
The International Commission on
Large Dams (ICOLD) after several
years of absence. ICOLD is a forum
for discussion and for the exchange Photo. From the left: Krzysztof Wrzosek, Piotr Śliwiński, Gabriela Puchalska, Michael Rogers together with
his wife and Przemysław Sobiesak
of knowledge and experience in dam
engineering for engineers and oth- ready to act in a new EU programme tioned above on POLCOLD’s and ICOLD
ers concerned with the development ETIP HYDROPOWER (2022-2025), which is websites. All the participants of the Con-
of water resources in the planning, going to be led by EurCOLD. gress were invited to Poland to attend pol-
design, construction and operation ish hydroengineering confereces.
of dams and associated works. It was From the 27th of May to the 3rd of June
founded in 1928, the central office is 2022 the XXVII Congres of Large Dams The polish delgation was kindly hosted by
located in Paris. with the participation of polish represent- representatives of ICOLD, which expressed
atives was held in Marseille, which covered their satisfaction of POLCOLD comeback

h e f o l l o w i n g m e m e b e r s w e re an extraordinary wide range of subjects. to an international cooperation dealing
appointed to the committee (repre- The days were full of meetings of national with a safety, design, construction and
sentatives of IMGW, PGW WP i MI): and regional Committees, workshops, sym- exploitation of dams. The direct contacts
Piotr Śliwiński – the president of POLCOLD, posia, young engineer’s forum, exhibitions made allow to develop a collaboration in
Krzysztof Wrzosek – the v-ce president, and finally, technical presentations. This the nearest future. The reestablishment of
Aneta Krawczyk – the secretary, Jerzy Gam- time the main questions discussed were: POLCOLD and its presence on the Con-
dzyk, Paweł Wiejacz, Wojciech Skowyrski, Concrete dams design innovations and gress reopened the possibilities for such
Przemysław Sobiesak and Paweł Płoński. performance, incidents and accidents con- cooperation with ICOLD.
cerning dams, surveillance, instrumenta-
For a beginning 3 technical committees tion, monitoring, data acquisition & pro-
were established: cessing and dams and climate change.
• subsoil and construction (KIP), The cooperation of POLCOLD with ICOLD
• safety and supervision (BIK), was renewed during the Congress. Our
• exploitation and modernization (EIM), delegation had arranged the meetings
cooperating with their counterparts in with the General Secretary of ICOLD, the
ICOLD. presidents - former and the new one just
elected - and the president of EurCold. The
With the development of POLCOLD the aim of the talks was to allow polish rep-
committees will be expanded, modified resenatives to take part in technical com-
and created the new ones depending on mittees activities and also discussed the
Piotr Śliwiński
the interest and the needs. Soon there possibility of translations of ICOLD mate- President
will be created a team of polish experts rials to Polish and presentation of men- Polish Comittee of Large Dams (POLCOLD)

Special valves for

hydropower plants
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ul. Czernika 4 ul. Jankowska 6
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Source: iStock, anderm

The LIFE 2022 call has started – €598 million is available!

On 17th May the EU Commission has • climate change mitigation and adapta- 7th March 2023 - deadline for submission
officially launched a new call under tion - €99 million (including €30 million of a complete proposal;
the LIFE program in Poland and pub- for strategic projects); • technical assistance (TA) projects sup-
lished invitation to submit proposals. • transition to clean energy – €98 million. porting of strategic projects (SIP and
SNAP) – 8th of September 2022.

he EU Commission has allocated €598 Deadlines for submitting proposals for
million this year to support projects this year's LIFE call are: More details on the types of projects that
related to nature conservation, envi- • subprograms for promotion of circular econ- can be financed with LIFE program funds
ronmental protection, climate action and omy and quality of life, nature and biodiver- and tips on how to apply are available at
the transition to clean energy in Poland. sity improvements, climate change mitigation
and adaptation – traditional projects (SAP):
Under the four LIFE subprograms, the dis- 4th October 2022;
tribution of available funds is as follows: • clean energy transition subprogram
• nature and biodiversity – €242 million (includ- – LIFE Action Grants:
ing €145 million for strategic projects); 16th November 2022;
• circular economy and quality of life - • strategic projects (SIP and SNAP):
Press office
€158 million (including €52.8 million for 8th September 202 – deadline for sub- National Fund for Environmental
strategic projects); mission of project card; Protection and Water Management of Poland

10–12.08.2022 POWER CHINA 2022
Guangzhou, China Organizer – Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

VII Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars

and Development Perspective”
Rzeszów, Poland
Organizer – Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy

XXX Technical and Science Conference Design & Exploitation of

Electrical Machines & Drives
Rytro, Poland
Organizer – Łukasiewicz Research Network, KOMEL

21–23.09.2022 IV National Hydrological Congress
Warsaw, Poland Organizer – Association of Polish Hydrologists

10–11.10.2022 National Energy Summit OSE 2022
Lublin, Poland Organizer – European Business Center

13th International Trade Fair for Suppliers of Maintenance Products

and Services – MAINTENANCE
Cracow, Poland
Organizer – Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o.o.

26–27.10.2022 Polish Hydropower Conference HYDROFORUM 2022
Warsaw, Poland Organizer – Polish Hydropower Association

5th Annual International Summit and Exhibition Turkey and Balkans

Ankara, Turkey
Organizer – Vostock Capital


30th Jubilee Scientific & Technical Conference PEMINE

We are glad to inform you that the • reliability and influence of exploitation different solutions and knowledge, com-
annual Technical and Scientific Con- conditions on machine lifetime, mercial papers and advertisements are
ference „Design & Exploitation of • modernisation of electrical drives, welcome as well. There will be also a pos-
Electrical Machines & Drives” organ- • damages of motors and drives as well sibility to delivere commercial speech and/
ised by KOMEL will take place dd. as restoration possibilities, or exhibition during the conference.
21–23 September 2022 in the village • frequency converters and other con-
Rytro, located in the southern part of trolled sources of electrical energy, The conference language will be Polish,
Poland, in the picturesque valley of • influence of power supply from fre- but a Polish-English interpreter will trans-
river Poprad. quency converters on the performance late presentations and discussion.
of electrical machines,

he Conference includes the following • safe exploitation of electrical machines The registration fee for participants
topics: and electromagnetic compability, amounts to €550 – includes accommoda-
• insulation systems and materials. tion and board (with banquet), participa-
• design, exploitation and diagnostics of tion of the conference and a copy of the
electrical machines, Due to the great interest during the pre- Procceedings. For a single room an extra
• electromobility, including the design, vious conference PEMINE, a separate ses- fee €160 will be charged.
features and exploitation of vehicles sion will be a session on electromobility,
with electric drives, where we will present the issues related to
• new concepts of electrical motors, the design, operation and transport vehi-
• designing and calculation of motors, cles with electric drive. The conference Information is provided by:
The secretary of the conference,
• permanent magnet motors, will showcase electric vehicles, including Msc Mariusz Czechowicz
• exploitation, diagnostics of electrical off-road version, and all interested par- phone +48 (32) 258-20-41 ext. 25,
motor, ticipants will have the opportunity to per- mob. +48 606-308-827
fax +48 (32) 259-99-48
• monitoring, testing and modern meas- sonally test them during a test drive. Since e-mail: [email protected]
urement equipment, the conference is an ideal event to show

Specialized anti-corrosion
and construction services
Stanisław Owsianka

At the construction site of the SHP

Sromowce V, our company performed
the restoration – reprofiling of the
reinforced concrete structure of
underground and aboveground
elements of the inlet and outlet
channels along with the overflow duct.

Sealing of leaks was performed by

pressure injection of concrete into the
cracks and fractures in the structure.
Węgierska Street 188
We also performed sealing of the outlet 33-300 Nowy Sącz
nozzle and manholes. These works were phone/fax +48 (18) 442 96 98
accomplished with the use of materials mobile: +48 601 505 178
e-mail: [email protected]
from MC-Bauchemie, while cooperating
Tax Identification Number:
with a technical advisor.
E W 2/2022 (42) 7

100 years of the hydropower plant in Rosnowo

The Rosnowo hydropower plant,

Source: Beata Zbonikowska

owned by Energa OZE, an ORLEN
Group company, is celebrating its
100th anniversary this year. It is one of
Energa's 44 small hydropower plants.
Their installed capacity is about 40.35
MW. In 2021, they produced a total of
about 100 GWh of electricity.

he origins of today's Rosnowo hydro-
power plant date back to 1922. It is
placed deep in a large forest com-
plex located within the Białogard Plain,
on the Radew River. A derivation canal
with a length of about 2662 meters was
built for the purpose of supplying a small
hydropower plant there. An old water-
mill once operated on the oxbow lake of power plant was able to resume its oper- plant’s staff, a trash rack cleaner has been
the Radew River. The power plant uses ation. Today, a number of safeguards and installed. Thus, manual labour required
the retention at Rosnowskie Lake, cooper- procedures are in place at all of Energa's for the operation of the power plant has
ates with the Niedalino hydropower plant, hydropower plants to prevent events simi- effectively been halved.
built in 1912 to protect the nearby area lar to the one at Rosnow in 1940.
from flooding. Due to its nature and location, the Ros-
Energa OZE modernized the power plant nowo hydropower plant is a peaking
During World War II, in March 1940, there in 2009 and 2011, installing modern power plant. As flows increase due to
was a construction accident. The thaw speed governors. In 2011, a new shaft has rainfall, snowfall or thaw, it's operating
after a very cold winter caused a large been delivered to replace the one in the time increases. The hydropower plant is
outflow of the Radew River and broke generating unit number 2. In 2015, com- equipped with three Francis twin-rotor
the dam on the Rosnowo Canal. The prehensive (both surface and in-depth) turbines, each with an installed capac-
flood wave, pushing massive ice blocks concrete repairs were carried out on: ity of 1.1 MW and a rotational speed of
reached far beyond the limits of Kosza- the intake walls, intake’s abutments and n=375 rpm and three 1,690 kVA genera-
lin, going all the way to the Parsęta River. dividing pillar, the thrash rack and hoist- tors, mounted on a common shaft with all
There was considerable damage of build- ing service platform, as well as external the turbines. The total installed capacity of
ings and bridges, while communication walls, stairs, channel embankment pro- the power plant is 3.297 MW.
along flooded roads was also disrupted tection and anti-corrosion coatings of
for a period of time. It was not until 1944 the regulating weir equipment. In order Press office
that the damage was repaired and the to improve the working conditions of the Energa Group

The new investment will increase the capacity of

Dębe hydropower plant
PGE Dystrybucja is building a new ization of the power plant, which is being – The investment, costing nearly PLN 6
control room at the Dębe hydro- carried out by PGE Energia Odnawialna, million, will be completed later this year,
power plant, owned by PGE Energia involving the replacement of four hydro- Director Szczensnowicz adds. The con-
Odnawialna. The investment, worth sets. This will contribute to a 17 per- struction of the new control room will
nearly PLN 6 million, will increase effi- cent increase in green energy production. allow the replacement of already depleted
ciency and improve the reliability of – The work carried out by PGE Dystry- equipment with modern and reliable ones.
the power plant's operation. bucja is synchronized with the mod- The investment will strengthen transmis-
ernization of the power plant's hydro- sion capacity for more electricity gener-

he next stage of construction of the sets. The relocation of the control room ated by the Dębe hydropower plant. The
new control room for the high-volt- is the first step in the planned investment modernization will also improve periodic
age switching station (HV) at the Dębe process, the next step will be the mod- maintenance.
hydropower plant is being carried out by ernization of the existing switching sta-
the Warsaw Branch of PGE Dystrybucja. This tion," explains Sylwester Szczensnowicz, Press office
investment is combined with the modern- general director of the Warsaw Branch. PGE Dystrybucja


Wide-ranging restoration plans on

World Fish Migration Day 2022
As part of the 2nd update of the River Basin Management Plans (II RBMPs) for river UBWs nationwide. For 511 UBWs, the
2022-2027, more than 13,000 corrective actions have been planned in river uni- implementation of restoration measures is
form surface water bodies, for improving the hydromorphological conditions planned, taking into account the preserva-
of rivers and streams. The success of their implementation will depend on the tion of watercourse functions and the imple-
involvement and cooperation of stakeholders and entities across the country. mentation of a restoration programme for
the priority area designated in the National

iver Basin Management Plans are the objectives of water-dependent protected Programme of Surface Waters’ Restoration
among the most important planning areas. Consultation of II RBMPs resonated (NPSWR). In the II RBMPs, a total of techni-
documents in water management. with the public, particularly in the context of cal measures to improve hydromorphologi-
One of the biggest challenges of the cur- water renourishment, whereby sets of reme- cal conditions, which are part of the meas-
rent update of the plans was development of dial measures for the elimination of hydro- ures indicated in the NPSWR, were assigned
solutions for improving the hydromorpho- morphological pressures were expanded. to 1,064 river UBWs.
logical status of rivers and planning of the Additional technical measures to restore
priority actions. The planning cycle for 2022- the biological continuity of rivers have been In the 2nd update of the RBMPs, measures
2027 started with the identification of pres- identified, also in terms of renourishment indicated in the Plans of Protection Task/
sures with their assignment to uniform bod- and the range of non-technical measures has Protection Plans for protected natural areas,
ies of water (UBW), water regions and river been expanded to result in increasingly bet- including Natura 2000 areas, were also
basin districts. The work resulted in the cre- ter living conditions for aquatic organisms. included. A total of 7,791 remedial measures
ation of a national database of hydromor- were planned for 1,175 river UBWs nation-
phological changes – the first of its kind in During the planning work, the experts iden- wide. In addition, close to 2,000 actions have
Poland – containing more than half a mil- tified in detail specific damming structures been identified for 1,023 river UBWs, which
lion sites. Thanks to the information gath- that generate pressures leading to the dete- include the identification of the grounds for
ered, it became possible to plan comprehen- rioration of, among other things, fish migra- implementation of remedial actions in pro-
sive remedial measures for all uniform bodies tion conditions and proposed measures for tected areas. These focus, among others, on
of water, through which good water status their restoration. These measures relate to reducing the negative impact of damming
could be achieved, improved or maintained. the development and implementation of the facilities on environmental objectives, main-
selected option for unblocking specific river, taining the natural character of the riverbed
There are 18,424 remedial actions planned the reconstruction of transverse structures in and implementing environmental require-
for implementation for the surface UBWs, a way that ensures the restoration of biolog- ments for rivers boasting a high population
and more than 70% are for the elimination ical continuity and the control of the oper- of submerged plants.
or reduction of significant pressures affecting ation of fish migration facilities. In terms of
the hydromorphological conditions of rivers ensuring biological and morphological con-
and streams, including biological continu- tinuity of rivers and streams, a total of 1,473 Press office
ity, water dynamics and flow conditions and measures have been identified for 1/4 of the State Water Holding Polish Waters

New reservoir will be built in the

Kleszczewo municipality
At the end of 2022, the construction of the Tulce Reservoir in the Kleszczewo intense rainfall interspersed with the occur-
municipality (Greater Poland Province) will come to a conclusion. The investment rence of prolonged droughts. The adminis-
had been waiting for completion for 30 years. The facility will be created by dam- trative area of the reservoir will be 22.45 ha.
ming up the water of the Męcina River after the construction of a dam located According to the schedule, the construc-
about 70 m above the Tulce-Środa Wielkopolska road. tion work will be completed by the end
of December 2022. Commissioning of the

he Kleszczewo municipality receives felt by the intensive agriculture carried out facility will then begin. The total cost of the
annual rainfall of less than 550 mm, in these areas. The most important task of investment is almost PLN 22.07 million, the
one of the lowest in Poland. There are the reservoir with a retention capacity of funding from the Regional Operational Pro-
no lakes or wetlands and meadows cover 242,000 m3 will be to store almost 67,000 m3 gram for Wielkopolskie Province amounting
only a small area. The scarcity of rainwa- of water for agricultural irrigation, includ- to more than PLN 16.21 million.
ter and the poorly permeable ground, with ing irrigation of grasslands. The water bal-
practically no forests, cause serious prob- ance and retention capacity of the catch-
lems with low specific runoff and erratic ment area are going to be improved and Wojciech Kwinta
flows. The water deficit can particularly be residents shall be protected from periods of


Weir renovations in Podlaskie Province

will increase retention in the Narew Valley
State Water Holding Polish Waters has signed a contract for the renovation of adjacent areas. State Water Holding Pol-
two weirs at Narew River in Babino and Rzędziany (Podlaskie Province). The ish Waters informs that slowing down the
structures will be restored to an appropriate technical condition and will increase free flow of the Narew River, including the
channel retention capacity in the Narew River Valley. flow in its oxbow lakes, will improve reten-
tion capacity of the river and neighbour-

oth weirs were constructed in the weir gates andbridge slabs. The contrac- ing network of drainage ditches. The cost
1980s. During their operation, tech- tor will also renew steel footbridges, con- of the planned works amounts to almost
nical corrections were made, mainly trol rooms and the paved surfaces inside, PLN 9 million. They will be completed
in order to protect the upper and lower as well as the entrances to the crossing in the second half of 2023. The Regional
embankments. The gates, abutments and slabs. Babino and Rzędziany weirs dam the Water Management Board in Białystok has
control rooms were not renovated. The water of the Narew Valley for the needs of also commissioned design works for the
Babino weir has been opened in 1984. It is the Narew National Park and nearby agri- reconstruction of four weirs on the Kuwaski
a Class IV structure of reinforced concrete, culture. Among other things, their function Canal and two on the Jabłonka River, as
with a fixed sill, a 2x7.0 m clearance and is to improve water distribution for agricul- well as eight damming structures on the
a damming height of 1.32 m. The Rzęd- ture (especially during the crop-growing Gać River together with another two weirs
ziany weir has been opened a year later season) by affecting the network of drain- and a penstock on the Kulikówka River.
and has a similar construction, but with age ditches between Rzędziany and Babino
a damming height of 2.25 m. The refur- villages. The damming of water takes place
bishment of both weirs will include the all through the year with 14-day breaks
restoration of abutment walls, pillars, race to allow fish migration and breaks neces- Wojciech Kwinta
floor structure, as well as strengthening of sary for harvesting grass and hay from weir

Reconstruction of reservoir in Mazovia – contract is ready

PLN 14.5 million will be spent on the fauna inhabiting the reservoir). The plan Reservoir. Flood safety of areas downstream
reconstruction of the Ruda Reservoir is to dismantle the damaged reinforce- of the dam will be increased, water reten-
in Mława (Mazowieckie Province), ment of the upstream embankment made tion will be improved and the likelihood of
covering an area of nearly 58 hectares. of concrete slabs and to construct new drought in adjacent areas will be reduced
An agreement with the contractor has seals and reinforcements of the embank- – according to the information provided by
been signed on 22th March this year. ments and the dam. In addition, the con- Marek Gróbarczyk, Deputy Minister of Infra-
tractor will repair spillway gates, tipping structure. In addition, increasing the depth

he Ruda Reservoir has been created by flaps and groynes. The reservoir will also be of the reservoir will improve oxygen content
damming of Mławka River. The main desludged (at an area of 38 hectares) and in water, which will benefit the species diver-
purpose of constructing this struc- a fish ladder is going to be be built. The sity of aquatic animals residing in the reservoir.
ture was to increase retention and protect damming levels and the size of the can- The reservoir will also once again become an
against floods and drought. For the cur- opy will not be changed and the expected attractive recreational destination.
rent renovation, the facility will be emptied result of the reconstruction will be reinstate- Wojciech Kwinta
in two stages (so as to protect the aquatic ment of the original parameters of the Ruda

First QGIS plug-in of State Water Holding Polish Waters

State Water Holding Polish Waters (PGW WP) has released the first plug-in for • updated River Basin Management Plans
QGIS software called "Wody Polskie - WMS Database". It gathers all WMS (Web (RBMPs),
Map Services) viewing services published by Polish Waters in one place and • organizational branches of State Water
allows to load them into QGIS with the click of a button. For ease of use, the Holding Polish Waters (including territo-
services are grouped into 6 thematic tabs. rial boundaries of these),
• preliminary flood risk assessment studies,

he database plug-in can be down- in the form of lists, map compositions • flood hazard maps,
loaded from the official QGIS repos- or vector data, please visit the website • flood risk maps.
itory. In the current version 1.0.1, 28 Available the-
WMS viewing services are available, bring- matic tabs include:
ing the total to over 400 thematic layers. • map of Hydrographic Division of Poland Press office
In order to acquire the above resources in 1:10,000 scale, State Water Holding Polish Waters

E W 2/2022 (42) 11

From Around the World

16.03.2022 N
 ew collab using satellite data to help optimise Swiss hydropower production

N ew consortium of Swiss hydropower companies and science

firms are working together to help optimise hydropower
production through the use of satellite data.
land’s alpine regions. The “Defrost for Hydropower” project com-
bines SLF’s snow expertise with satellite imagery from Wegaw’s
geospatial technology and Hydrique Engineers advanced mod-
elling skills, in order to more accurately predict water flow into
Supported by the Pilot and Demonstration programme of the hydro dams up to four months in advance as well as hydrologi-
Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), climate tech start-up cal inflows on a regional scale. These improved forecast insights
Wegaw and hydrology experts as well as the WSL SLF Institute would support numerous key areas that are important to indus-
for Snow and Avalanche Research and nine hydroelectricity com- try stakeholders, such as hydroelectricity asset efficiency, trading
panies, are working on the “Defrost for Hydropower” project decision making, due diligence and national sustainability efforts.
to improve water supply forecasting in dams across Switzer-

18.03.2022 M
 IGA supports first private sector led hydro plant in Gabon

T he Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has

issued guarantees to Meridiam for equity investments into
Asonha Energie SA, which will build and operate the 35 MW Kin-
well as war and civil disturbance. MIGA guarantees for this project
are considered critical given Gabon’s electricity sector challenges
and risks posed by the broader political and economic environ-
guélé Aval Hydropower Plant in Gabon – the first project devel- ment. Gabon rates among the countries having highest hydropower
oped by an independent power producer (IPP) in the country. potential in Africa. The government of Gabon (GoG) is taking steps
to transition into sustainable energy sources and create a single
The 20-year guarantees totaling €25.3 million (approximately national integrated grid using hydropower. GoG intends to rely on
US$28.7 million) provide protection from breach of contract, IPPs to exploit its largely untapped hydropower potential.
expropriation, transfer restriction and currency inconvertibility, as

22.03.2022 F
 ichtner to support new pumped storage project

F ichtner, together with its British subsidiary Fichtner Consulting

Engineers Ltd, has been contracted by Quarry Battery Com-
pany Ltd. to support its 100 MW pumped storage hydro develop-
storage volumes of up to 1.3 million m³ and a height difference
of some 300 m.

ment in Wales. The Glyn Rhonwy site in Llanberis comprises two Fichtner’s services on the project include a value engineering
disused slate quarries which will be re-purposed as reservoirs for phase, followed by the preparation of tender documents and sup-
the new-build pumped storage system. The reservoirs will have port during tendering.

29.03.2022 N
 orwegian hydro to help power silicon metal production

A round 40% of the electricity needs at a silicon metal produc-

tion site at Holla in Norway is to be met by hydropower over
the next five years, as Statkraft signs an agreement with chemical
power purchase agreement (PPA). “Switching to green power in
our production is an important lever for achieving our sustaina-
bility goals,” said Wacker CEO Christian Hartel. “The Holla site is
company Wacker. the first step. In the short to medium term, we intend to steadily
expand our green power portfolio with further purchases in Nor-
Under the terms of the deal, Statkraft will supply a total of way and Europe.”
2.35 TWh of certified Norwegian hydropower to Wacker’s Holla
site between January 2022 and December 2027. Around 525 GWh
of this will come from the Svean hydropower plant under a green

29.03.2022 C
 onstruction starts at Gratkorn hydropower plant, Austria

C onstruction has officially started at the 11 MW Gratkorn

hydropower plant on the river Mur, north of Graz, Styria, Aus-
tria, with the formal groundbreaking ceremony held on 25 March.
“The current developments on the international energy markets
shows us in a drastic way how urgent it is to expand renewable
energies,” said Michael Strugl, CEO of Verbund. “The hydroelec-
tric power plants – like here with the Gratkorn power plant – but
The project is being jointly developed by Verbund and Energie also wind power and photovoltaics will be the supporting pillars
Steiermark, who have invested around €80 million. Expected to of the renewable energy future.”
be put into operation in 2024, the project will generate around
54 million kWh a year, covering the annual electricity require-
ments of around 15,000 households.


06.04.2022 N
 yamwamba II hydro plant operational in Uganda

S erengeti Energy has announced that its 7.8 MW Nyamwamba

II hydropower plant on the Nyamwamba river, in Kasese,
western Uganda, has officially begun commercial operations.
liquidity risks on independent power projects in Africa, is support-
ing the project and documentation will be executed shortly.

Nyamwamba II is part of the Ugandan government’s efforts to

Owned 100% by Serengeti Energy, the project costed around utilise renewable energy to strengthen and diversify the coun-
US$22 million to build, with construction having started back try’s electricity infrastructure. The new capacity will support the
in October 2019. The project is Serengeti Energy’s second hydro local government to reach its 100% renewable energy target for
project on the Nyamwamba river, and its third to become opera- Kasese district.
tional in the country. The Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF)
an initiative by KfW (German state-owned development bank)
and African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI), to mitigate short term

13.05.2022 W
 orld's first 600 rpm pumped storage unit in commercial operation
The world’s first reversible pumped storage unit with 600 rpm 15-day trial operation at the beginning of May and was officially
and 350 MW has been successfully placed into operation at the put into commercial operation. The station has a rated head of
Changlongshan pumped storage plant in E Zhejiang Province, 710 m which is among the highest in China. The new unit’s rated
China, as Voith Hydro has announced. Voith has provided two speed of 600 rpm with a capacity of 350 MW is a world’s first for
complete power units (5 and 6) to the six unit project, which has such high-capacity and high-head units.
an installed capacity of 2.1 GW. Unit 5 successfully passed the

26.05.2022 S
 tudy investigates feasibility of restoring Sweden's largest pumped storage plant

A feasibility study is being carried out to investigate the pos-

sibility of restoring the Juktan pumped storage power plant
in Sweden. The study has been started by Vattenfall, with AFRY
largest pumped storage power plant in operation from 1979 to
1996 with a storage capacity of ~ 30 GWh. An unusual advan-
tage of Juktan's reservoir design is that you can pump water
investigating the technological issues, as well as the scope nec- from Storjuktan-to-Blaiksjön with a lower potential and gener-
essary works in the areas of the existing units, civil work, elec- ate with a higher potential from Blaiksjön-to-Storuman If Juktan
tricity, and permits. Juktan's power plant is located between the is restored as a pumped storage power plant, it will be Sweden's
lakes Storjuktan and Storuman in the upper part of the Ume largest project of its kind. The feasibility study is ongoing until
River, 20km north of Storuman municipality. The power plant mid-2023 and when a decision is made, allowing the restoration
was the first large pumped storage plant in Sweden and also the to proceed, commissioning is expected to be in 2031.

02.06.2022 S
 tatkraft opens new small hydro plants in Norway

E uropean renewable energy company Statkraft has commis-

sioned two new small hydropower plants in Norway, located at
the opposite sides of the Hardanger mountain plateau. The Vesle
Bjoreio river and Sysenvatn lake in the municipality of Eidfjord as
part of the Sima regulation.

Kjela power plant is located at the top of the Tokke/Vinje regu- “The power plants are good examples of Statkraft's significant
lated watercourse and utilizes the head from the regulated Kjelav- investment in upgrading Norwegian hydropower assets,” said CEO
atn lake in the Haukelifjell mountain area. The power plant has an Christian Rynning-Tønnesen. ‘Vesle Kjela and Storlia power plants
installed capacity of 8.5 MW and provides a production of approx- were built using existing infrastructure remaining after previous
imately 40 GWh a year. The Storlia power plant has the same hydropower developments, new technology and cost-effective
capacity and production and utilizes a head of 75m between the methods executing good cooperation with suppliers.”

07.06.2022 S
 cottish micro hydropower plant became fully operational

A 92 kW hydropower plant located on the banks of the River

Ness in the Scottish Highlands is now fully operational,
providing electricity to local facilities. The Hydro Ness scheme
it, are vital in mitigating market prices increases to help ensure
the council, and our partners, continue to offer first-class services
to the public.”
features two 92 kW Archimedes screw turbines which will gener-
ate over 500,000 kWh of renewable energy each year. The elec- The site will also feature an interactive visitor experience that will
tricity generated will feed the nearby Inverness Leisure Centre, showcase how science and nature can work together, and encour-
providing roughly 50% of the site’s electricity demand. “Electric- age visitors to think about their personal impact on the environment.
ity prices are increasing rapidly, and this project, and others like

E W 2/2022 (42) 13

Rising electricity prices – an opportunity or a problem

for owners of RES installations?
Since November 2020, electricity

Source: Own study

prices have been rising dynamically,
reaching their maximum in Decem-
ber of 2021. Last year's increase was
chiefly due to an increase in the
cost of CO₂ emission allowances and
prices of basic energy resources, i.e.
gas and coal. This year, events in
Ukraine and a change in the direction
from where coal and gas is supplied
to Poland have changed the price
realities at the wholesale energy mar-
ket in Poland. This would seem to be
Fig.1. Comparison of the negative balance for PV, WIND, HYDRO < 0.5 MW in relation to the reference price.
a favourable situation for producers
of energy. But is it for all of them? that won auctions organized by the Pres- the support period or at the end of the
ident of the Energy Regulatory Authority three-year period depending on the appli-

n 2016 Polish Renewable Energy (pol. Urząd Regulacji Energetyki) in pre- cable regulations in the period when the
Sources Act introduced the possibil- vious years, but in December this prob- positive negative balance was generated.
ity of settling the difference between lem also affected owners of small hydro-
the reference price and the market price power plants participating in the feed-in Growth in the amount of
for participants in the auction and feed-in tariff system. The scale of this phenome- electricity generated by renewable
premium support systems. The negative non is evidenced by the fact that PV and energy installations
balance is covered by Zarządca Rozliczeń onshore wind installations have been per- In 2021, we saw an intensive increase
S.A. (the name of the company can be manently generating a positive negative in the number of micro PV installations,
roughly translated as Settlement Adminis- balance (which occurs when the market whose total installed capacity exceeded
trator – which will be the term used further price is higher than the reference price) 6.1 GW, resulting in the release of about
on) after the producer submits a monthly since October 2021, and it, in accordance 2.7 TWh of electricity to the power grid.
application. The sharp increase in market with the provisions of Article 83 of the An analysis of the capacity utilization rate
prices in Q4 2021 resulted in a situation Renewable Energy Sources Act, must be for PV micro-installations shows that it is
where the price determined based on the returned to the Settlement Administrator. half that obtained for industrial PV instal-
TGEbase index was greater than the refer- The return of the balance shall be made on lations. This therefore means that pro-
ence or bid price submitted in the auction a cumulative basis in subsequent months, sumers also consumed in the same period
system. It first began to affect owners of and in the event that this does not occur, approx. 2.7 TWh without taking it from
photovoltaic and wind power installations the return has to be made at the end of the electricity system. Taking into account

2020 2021 2022 Source: Own study based on ENTSO-E data

Coal Lignite Wind Natural gas Biomass

Photovoltaics Oil Run-of-the-river hydropower Pumped storage hydropower

Fig.2. Structure of electricity generation in 2020–2022

Source: Own study PRACTICE

2,000 2020



Price [PLN/MWh]






























































Fig. 2. Minimum and maximum price spread for FIX 1 in 2020, 2021 and 2022 for the period of 01.01–30.04

installations of higher capacity (for which Giełda Energii) for the first four months ernize small hydropower plants, which
the President of Polish Energy Regulatory of the year for years 2020-2022 shows should partially restore the support sys-
Authority has issued licenses or made an that the increasing share of energy from tem, the installation of electricity storage
entry in the small RES installation regis- RES installations significantly affects the facilities should also be considered. Bat-
ter), there are more than 15 GW of capac- structure of prices in particular periods tery storage facilities are finding increas-
ity installed as a part of weather-depend- of the day. In addition, a sharply increas- ing use in RES installations and are being
ent RES installations. It is worth noting ing spread, i.e. the difference between the used to provide a variety of services. The
that the Polish Energy Regulatory Author- minimum and maximum price on a given most classic one is time-shifting of sales,
ity issued promises of licenses for installa- day, can be observed. At the same time, taking advantage of increasing price vol-
tions with a capacity of more than 2.8 GW with the increase in the production of atility throughout the day. Experience with
last year. The variability of weather and electricity from photovoltaic installations 12 MWh and 6 MW storage units, which
time-of-the-day dependent renewables is since March 2022, the daily profile has are a component of a wind farm instal-
already clearly noticeable in the wholesale changed, with a clearly marked price mini- lation, indicates that at least two charg-
electricity market. mum in the midday hours. ing and discharging cycles are possible
per day. When the hourly billing scheme
Changing structure of generation Are RES support systems still needed? is changed to fifteen-minute billing, which
The above summary, compiled on the The situation in the energy markets reflects should happen next year, this frequency
basis of ENTSO-E data, allows us to note many different factors and is character- will increase many times over. Another ser-
a trend related to the change in the ized by very high volatility. Given the fur- vice provided by electricity storage will be
structure of electricity generation in the ther development of RES installations, flexibility-related regulations of the future.
period between January 2020 and May a decrease in the price of electricity should Intensive analytical work is currently
2022. The decline in electricity genera- be taken into account in the coming years. underway, which should change the legal
tion in 2022 from coal-fired power plants At the same time, the price in feed-in pre- environment in the near future, thus ena-
is being replaced mainly by energy gen- mium scheme and auctions takes inflation bling the provision of these services by
erated by onshore wind and photovol- into account, which means that RES pro- alliances of RES producers. This, in turn,
taic installations. Planned legal changes to ducers should care about guaranteeing will provide financial benefits that may be
allow the construction of new wind instal- stable settlement rules. Different types of a significant portion of revenues derived
lations through the liberalization of the sales strategies based on contracts for dif- from RES installations and these may be
"ten times height rule " onshore will cause ference or using various market indices necessary to maintain their profitability in
this trend to continue in the future. At the will not favourably secure future revenues. the future.
same time, this change will result in the At the end of September 2022, the sup-
emergence of very large price differences port system for small hydropower plants
in SPOT markets that were not observed that began selling electricity before 2005
in previous years. will finally expire. Currently, electricity
prices do not encourage significant capi-
High daily price volatility tal expenditures, but this seems to be an
An analysis of FIX 1 prices listed on the inappropriate and short-sighted strategy. Radosław Koropis
Polish Power Exchange (pol. Towarowa When taking steps to significantly mod- RENPRO sp. z o. o.

E W 2/2022 (42) 15

Challenges in the construction, erection, or rehabilitation

phase of a hydro power plant – mitigation strategies
A careful evaluation of the mutual

Source: © Bettina Geisseler

interests and well adapted and The Scope of Works
thought-out contractual provisions
taking into account and balancing
these interests can help to minimize • Detailed specifications vs...
the project related risks during the • Laws to comply with • Functional require-
project execution phase. ments ("fit for its
• Agreed technical stand- intended purpose")
ards (e.g. ICOLD Bulletins,

USACE) • Guaranteed
ydro power plant (HPP) erection or parameters
rehabilitation projects are complex,
and experience shows that future
Owners/ Operators (Employers) and Con-
tractors are often faced with project hin-
"state of the art" Components of "fit for a reliable and
drances causing considerable delays or "superior quality" safe operation"
cost overruns/ additional costs. Thought-
out contractual concepts and provisions
Fig. 1. Defining the Scope of Works
considering the project specific situation
will help to minimise project-related risks. ity of the delivered works. There are dif- whole works. The role of the contract is to
ferent approaches to define the Scope of clearly attribute the respective responsibil-
The most important five critical success fac- Works. In countries with a long experience ities and to define the mutual obligations
tors are [1]: in hydro power plant construction pro- regarding the interfaces. The parties need
1. A clear-cut description of the Scope of jects, state utilities seem to prefer to spec- to decide who shoulders the risk if one lot
Works ify their requirements down to the small- upon which another lot is dependent is
2. Well thought-out provisions regarding est detail, e.g. down to the properties performed poorly or delivered too late.
the interface management of the construction material to be used,
3. Balanced provisions regarding the risk whereas in World-/ Development Banks-fi- As one of several Contractors has no direct
allocation to one or both Parties in case nanced projects Employers prefer a func- contractual relationship with anyone of the
of the occurrence of hindrances due to tional description of the plant to be deliv- Employer’s other Contractors, it is typically -
unforeseen events during the project ered - leaving it up to the Contractor how or should be, from a Contractor’s perspec-
execution to achieve this. tive - the Employer or his engineer (“Own-
4. A good Quality Assurance Program er’s Engineer”) who assumes the interface
linked with ample reporting obliga- As far as the Contractor shall adhere to management responsibility.
tions by the Contractor. This should go specific technical standards and norms
together with appropriate approval-, such as IEC, ASME or NEMA which do not The Employer himself has various legal
inspection- and instruction rights in directly result from the applicable legal relationships to other stakeholders of the
favour of the Employer norms, those norms should be explicitly project. He must comply with the con-
5. And last, but not at all least: a detailed listed in the so-called Employer’s Require- ditions of the compulsory state permits
Provisional Acceptance Procedure. ments. And, last but not least, the parties (construction permit; concession) or the
must agree on the guaranteed parame- requirements of the financing institutions
The definition of the Scope of Works ters such as – in view of a HPP - availabil- or the Off-Takers under Power Purchase
The contractual provision contain- ity, output, efficiency and accepted losses Agreements.
ing the Scope of Works definition is of the transformers.
the core clause of the contract. The Unforeseen events – risk allocation
definition must be clear-cut, avoid- The Interfaces and the Interface The allocation of risks between the
ing any ambiguity in the wording. Management Employer and the Contractor and the bal-
The definition of the Scope of Works will Coping with interfaces first of all requires ancing of the risks in view of the calculated
be the benchmark for evaluating the qual- both from a technical point of view as and offered contract price is one of the
well as from a contractual point of view to most challenging and difficult tasks while
 he aim of this paper is to alert Owners/ Employers or
Contractors of critical issues potentially having a major identify the interfaces. In large scale pro- drafting and negotiating a hydro power
(financial) impact on the execution of a hydro power pro-
jects there are many interfaces: the inter- plant erection or rehabilitation contract.
ject, and to suggest, which critical issues should be consid-
ered when drafting the contract. Some issues such as the faces between the contractual parties, i.e. Not only might it be difficult to clearly
available remedies in case of defects or delay, termination
the Employer (Owner) and the Contrac- identify the potential risks and evaluate the
and suspension, or the applicable law and an appropriate
dispute resolution (state courts vs. arbitration) could not tor, the interfaces to the other stakehold- risk exposure; sometimes it seems that the
be considered. In no way shall it constitute and substitute
ers and the interfaces between different contractual parties do not have a clear idea
a specific legal advice, which will depend inter alia on the
applicable law. Contractors for different parts (lots) of the of the legal consequences of an agreed risk


the risk materialises and leads to the (par-

Source: © Bettina Geisseler

Stakeholders of a hydro power plant project (not exhaustive)

tial) destruction of the plant.
There are typical risks in HPP projects, or
to put it differently: unforeseen condi-
The grid owner/operator Contractor 1 tions, where the risk that they materialise
is rather high. The materialisation of these
Other third parties such as risks might lead to considerable delays and
• the general planner
• service providers providing the in consequence considerably higher costs.
hydrological expertise or geo- Subcontractors The contractual parties should identify and
logical analyses
discuss in detail the major and typical pro-
ject-related risks, such as the (remaining)
Various other stakeholders
• the offtaker under a PPA risk of different geological subsurface con-
• the lenders etc. Contractor 2
ditions other than those investigated, which
• the neighbouring communities
might have a major impact on the subsur-
face structure for the HPP, such as a sub-
State entity, granting the
concession or issuing permits/
soil headrace tunnel or powerhouse. They
licences (operation permit) should carefully evaluate these risks and
then allocate them to one of the parties.
contractual relationship
other legal relationship
In a well negotiated, balanced contract,
Fig. 2. Stakeholders – Interface Management
the taking over of major risks with at least
allocation, and in particular the cross-influ- hindrances during the project execution a medium probability of occurrence will
ence with a typical Force Majeure clause or, due to the occurrence of that risk, and (b) normally lead to a proportionate increase
respectively, Force Majeure event. A Con- still has the responsibility for “care and cus- of the contract price. Within this con-
tractor who accepts a clearly identified risk tody” of the plant. In the worst case the text it should be reminded, that the con-
(a) cannot claim extension of time and / or Contractor is obliged to rebuild parts of tract law, i.e. the applicable law governing
compensation for higher costs in case of the already erected plant in the event that the contract, sometimes provides for solu-

E W 2/2022 (42) 17
PRACTICE / Challenges in the construction, erection, or rehabilitation phase of a hydro power plant – mitigation strategies

Source: © Bettina Geisseler

Agreed Force Majeure events risk allocation ...possible legal consequences

Extension of time?

• unpredictable • unpredictable
• unavoidable • unavoidable
• excessive burden on the • excessive burden on the
party affected party affected
• beyond the sphere of influ- • but resulting from risks
ence or risk of the party attributed to e.g. the con-
affected tractor

"Force Majeure" Compensation for additional costs? No "Force Majeure"

Fig. 3. Allocation of risks – unforeseeable events

tions which the contractual parties do not provide for a risk sharing between both for major / critical components), inspec-
like. In this case they explicitly have to der- contractual parties, at least above a certain tion and instruction rights. Together with
ogate from the otherwise applicable pro- threshold, and are an incentive to quickly a good Quality Assurance program these
visions and stipulate provisions reflecting find a solution to overcome hindrances. rights aim to assure the overall quality of
their intentions. the requested Works. The quality assurance
Project Monitoring and Quality becomes increasingly important in the
There is a wide range of possibilities for Assurance execution of complex projects, in particu-
contractual solutions. Often, the party In complex and large-scale hydro power lar in times when the level of vertical man-
having better “control” of the risk or the plant contracts, Employers are well advised ufacturing integration seems to become
potential event, e.g. the Owner for the to require from the Contractor continuous continuously lower and supplied parts for
site conditions, or the party responsible and regular, prompt, complete and accu- key components are sourced in countries
for performing the environmental inves- rate information on the stage of comple- all over the world.
tigations in the planning phase of a pro- tion of the design, manufacturing and
ject, such as the geological or hydrologi- erection process and in particular on The Provisional Acceptance Procedure
cal investigations, will take the risk that the the occurrence of hindrances having an I recommend determining in detail the
circumstances prove to be different from impact on the price or the time for com- procedure and the Parties’ rights and
previously assumed. In recent years the pletion. Employers should reserve them- obligations. It should be e.g. determined
so-called Alliance Agreements are a pre- selves large approval (regarding the design under which conditions the trial run has to
ferred solution. These agreements typically and the engagement of subcontractors re-start and which is the time frame for the
Employer’s obligation to cooperate and to
Source: © Bettina Geisseler

approve the delivered works. In order to

Quality Assurance
avoid disputes, the measuring methods
for the guaranteed technical parameters
Quality Assurance program should be well defined.
The Employer's instruction rights

The Employer's approval rights The Employer's inspection rights

Bettina Geisseler
Fig. 4. Quality Assurance


Improving the efficiency of water pumps and turbines

Many issues concerning technol-
ogy and operation of machinery and
equipment consider in detail the prop-
erties of the surface layer and its for-
mation. The surface layer of a material
formed as a result of physical or chem-
ical processes, which differs in proper-
ties from its substrate, determines the
resistance to wear and surface fatigue,
i.e. the durability of the surface.

haracteristics of interatomic inter-
actions include attraction from
a greater distance and repulsion
from a shorter distance. This 'tug-of-war' is
related to changes in the energy (loss-gain)
that is involved in the interaction between
atoms/particles of the surface and its sur-
roundings. An example of this might be
Photo 1. BELZONA(1341) SUPERMETALGLIDE, a coating whose surface is 20 times smoother than polished
adhesion and cohesion phenomena. The stainless steel
work of cohesion is related to the over-
coming of covalent bonds or crystalline
structures, i.e. actually breaking the inter-
nal cohesion of the material, but it is adhe-
sion that interests us. Adhesion is a phe-
nomenon involving joining of two surfaces
of different bodies (phases). The process of
their separation requires an expenditure of
energy equal to the work named the work
of adhesion.
polished stainless steel
(Ra 1.19 um) BELZONA(1341)
Physical basis of the phenomenon (Ra 0.078 um)

The value of the work of adhesion is

a measure of the intermolecular attraction
between two different substances, and is
equal to the difference in the free energies
of the force of adhesion of bonded sub-
stances. For example, in the case of fluid
flow - in particular flow of water through
Photo 2. BELZONA(1341) composite coating a) b) summary of other pump components
a pipeline, pump or turbine, the value of
this work is on average between approx. ing BELZONA(1341) polymer composite fluid. In both cases, more work has to be
150 mJ/m2 and 250 mJ/m2 in channels coating to the metal. Considerable energy done (i.e. more energy is needed) to trans-
with a steel surface and below 100 mJ/m2 reserves found on the metal surface are port the same amount of fluid through
in channels made of plastic. And it is on converted (or actually "exchanged") in this bare metal channels when compared to
the basis of certain macroscopic quanti- coating process into adhesion, which, in composite-coated channels.
ties, determined experimentally, that one this case, is beneficial and allows for just
can programme the surface for a specific an appropriate degree of adhesion after The cost of the electricity consumed by the
kind of interaction with the environment the composite has solidified, at the same centrifugal pump over its lifetime is many
so that the energy expended on molecular time the external surface of the coating has times greater than the purchase price of
interactions (or rather, overcoming them) is a free energy equal to that of water and the pump. It is assumed that after a 10
as low as possible. If one assumes a flow therefore there is no interaction between years of operation, the decrease in effi-
under regular conditions, the free energy the coating and water and thus no signif- ciency of the pump can be around 8%,
of the water is approximately 70 mJ/m2, icant hydraulic loss in the flow. Such a loss which is mainly influenced by the hydrau-
then if we manage to create a channel with means a reduction in the efficiency of lic losses already described in the arti-
a surface energy of 70 mJ/m2, adhesion pumps, turbines or hydraulic machines in cle, as well as disturbances (turbulence)
will theoretically not occur. Such a hydro- general, while as far as pipelines are con- resulting from surface roughness increas-
phobic surface can be obtained by apply- cerned, it affects the flow energy of the ing over time due to the operation. Earlier

E W 2/2022 (42) 19
PRACTICE / Improving the efficiency of water pumps and turbines

analysis of the causes of hydraulic losses

clearly points to two properties that can
be optimised, i.e. surface smoothing and
the selection of a suitable surface material
so that its surface tension is equal to or close
to the value of the surface tension of water,
which is 70 mN/m. This is confirmed by the
experience of those who operate pumps with
BELZONA(1341) coating over many years
and the obtained laboratory tests results.

Laboratory tests
A detailed study of the changes in pump
factory-made factory-made
parameters was carried out at the Pump
Laboratory of the Institute of Heat Engi-
neering of the Warsaw University of Tech- Fig. 1. Pel - Q - pump as manufactured and with Fig. 2. η – Q - pump as manufactured and with

nology, comparing the characteris- BELZONA(1341) composite coating BELZONA(1341) composite coating

tics of the pump with and without the

BELZONA(1341) coating. A centrifugal
Simulation of savings achieved after the application of
pump with a capacity of Q = (180-210)
BELZONA(1341) coating on example of a 90 kW centrifugal pump
m3/h was tested. The single-stage mon-
oblock pump is driven by a 22 kW elec-
Centrifugal pump performance after 3.6 kW reduction in power consumption
tric motor and achieves a nominal head in
more than 10 years of operation and the pump efficiency increased by 13%.
the range H = (28-26) m at constant speed
(Photo 2):
n = 1,400 rpm. The cast iron pump impeller
• capacity 370 m3/h Financial calculations:
is equipped with axial thrust reducing vanes
• head H = 55 m Reducing the electrical power demand
on the rear impeller disc. Comparative char-
• rotational speed n = 1,450 rpm by 4 kW results in a reduction in oper-
acteristics were recorded: head, power input
• motor power 90 kW ating costs per year (8,000 h – opera-
and pump efficiency as a function of capac-
tion) by:
ity. The tests were carried out on the pump
The following parameters were (Energy cost [kW/h] x power [kW]) x
in its original configuration and after coat-
measured (test stand at Leszczyńska (operating time [h] x efficiency gain [%])
ing the fluid-flow parts of the pump with
Fabryka Pomp, 2013): = savings
BELZONA(1341) composite coating.
• suction pressure ps [kPa] and dis-
charge pressure pt [kPa] (0.68 x 90) x (8,000 x 0.13) = PLN
Pump with coating
• flow Q [m3/h] 63,648.00
The test results obtained for the centrifu-
• power of current drawn at the motor
gal pump coated with BELZONA(1341),
P [kW] Belzona(1341) coating costs - PLN
compared with the parameters of the fac-
• head H [m] 14,500
tory configuration, show a decrease in
• efficiency ŋ [%] 63,648.00 - 14,500.00 = PLN 49,148.00
power consumption (Figure 1) and a broad
savings per year
increase in pump efficiency around the
After the Belzona(1341) coating was
optimum point by approximately 5 per-
applied, the parameters were measured
cent (Figure 2). Therefore, the application
again, and it was found that there was a
of a suitable coating to the pump can be
regarded as an efficiency retrofit and con-
tributes to a reduction in the energy con- vanes, reducing ferrules and discharge before, i.e. before the retrofitting, it was
sumption of the pump, which has been elbows, were coated with BELZONA(1341). possible to make a very detailed compar-
confirmed by numerous applications of The idea was to achieve the maximum ison of the energy consumption required
this method in a real industry environment. effect of reducing hydraulic flow losses. to pump a given volume of water by
A few years ago, a coating retrofit of 3 ver- a pump without a coating and to com-
tical pumps with different efficiency rat- The results of the renovation pare that data to the parameters of same
ings was carried out at a Polish chemical After the retrofitting, the pumps were pump after the refurbishment, i.e. with
plant. The aim was to reduce the energy installed at the same site, in the circulating a BELZONA(1341) coating. It was expected
consumption of the pumps. These pumps water system, and were put back into reg- that the pumps would use less energy after
pump water continuously, so energy con- ular operation. After a period of time, the retrofitting, and this is exactly what hap-
sumption accounts for a significant pro- performance of the pumps, such as capac- pened. The measurements in Figure 3 show
portion of their operating costs. As part ity and energy consumption after pump- a clear decrease in the energy consumed
of the retrofitting, all components of the ing 1,000 m3 of water, was measured. Since by the pump with coating compared to
pumps, i.e. inlet funnel, impellers, guide the same parameters had been measured the pump without coating. This allows us


before modernization after modernization

Energy consumption rate

[kWh/1,000 m3]





Type of pump

Fig. 3. Summary of energy consumption rate measurements for vertical pumps after pumping 1,000 m3 of Photo 4. 90 kW pump before and after coating with
circulating water. BELZONA(1341)

vice life of machinery and equipment com-

ponents operating in different environ-
ments must also be taken into account. It
turns out that a polymer composite-mod-
ified layer of a metal surface improves its
load capacity, ensures the continuity of
deformations in contact with another com-
ponent, inhibits corrosion processes and
dampens vibrations, in a word – changes
the operational quality of machine compo-
nents. This makes it easy to refurbish parts
by rebuilding and applying a new compos-
ite surface layer.

The refurbishment, according to research

by the Fraunhofer Institute in Munich,
reduces energy consumption by 79% com-
Photo 3. Kaplan turbine guide vane (on the Oder River) with BELZONA(1341) composite coating applied
pared with the energy required to make
to determine the so-called energy con- pumps (and more so for the used ones). the same but new part, and also sig-
sumption rate, i.e. the kWh relating to the In addition, by lowering the energy nificantly reduces waiting times for the
pumping of 1,000 m3 of water. For exam- of the channel surfaces they become availability of a machine component.
ple, for a 50D22 pump (manufacturer's more resistant to corrosion – therefore BELZONA(1341) polymer composites can
designation), the BELZONA(1341) coat- it increases the life of components (rotors, be used to treat damaged shaft journals,
ing reduces the pump's energy consump- vanes, guide vanes, etc.) of turbines and fractured housings or bodies, and can also
tion by 15 kWh compared to the same pumps, which, at present, with all the enor- be used to restore surfaces worn by abra-
pump without the coating. For this pump, mous struggles in terms of parts supply sion while increasing their strength.
the annual reduction in energy consump- and galloping steel prices, increases the
tion of the BELZONA(1341) coated pump security of continuity and reliability of pro-
was 242,808 kWh! With the specific val- duction and operation. In general, research
ues of the measured electricity consump- results indicate that approximately 95%
tion before and after the pump retrofitting, of machine failures are caused by inad-
one can easily calculate financial savings, equate properties of the surface layer of
i.e. the amount of money saved on elec- their components. The article shows that
tricity consumption (see frame at page 20). the condition of the layer determines the M.Eng. Roman Masek
free energy of the surface, which has a sig- Technical Director
Conclusions nificant impact on the energy consump-
The use of coatings in fluid-flow machines tion of the device. Furthermore, the impact Graphics and photos come from the
allows energy savings of 2 to 8% for new of the aforementioned factors on the ser- archive of Belse company.

E W 2/2022 (42) 21

How do I get started with BIM?

Although digitalisation is invading our lives everywhere and even some fridges sification, while the details of information
can connect to the Internet, the construction industry relies on "classic" methods assigned to the model are determined by
of implementing construction projects. It's true that computers are now firmly the LOI (Level of information). This classifica-
established in design offices, but paper printouts are still the most common on tion allows better communication between
site, and BIM technology has been available for at least a decade. the project stakeholders. A lower level of
detail is needed at the concept and design

uilding Information Modelling is pri- curve (Fig.1). The graph shows a comparison stage, a higher one at the operation stage.
marily associated with 3D models. of the effects of design changes as a func- In other words, the model is gradually sat-
And this is a correct association, but tion of cost at successive stages of the build- urated with data. What gives the integrated
the heart of BIM is information management, ing life cycle for traditional and integrated process an advantage over traditional invest-
which is the most valuable asset of the 21st (BIM) processes. The solid line clearly shows ment is the unified data exchange environ-
century. The following article presents the how much BIM can contribute at the design ment CDE (Common Data Environment)
benefits of using the BIM methodology. stage - from defining requirements to devel- used in the BIM methodology. This avoids
oping documentation. The costs of change documents scattered in 'hundreds' of bind-
What do we need data for? are comparable and the results for the BIM ers. The CDE is the central hub of communi-
The answer is simple: to make better deci- methodology are incomparably better. This cation between the participants in the con-
sions. And better decisions mean lower costs. is because design software in BIM allows GIS struction process and the "only source of
Lower costs mean savings, and savings mean spatial data to be integrated into the pro- truth" - everyone refers to the data available
higher profits on the annual balance sheet. ject. This combination gives an incomparably in the CDE and draws the necessary informa-
BIM methodology is a cost optimization tool better chance of locating risks and collisions. tion from there.
that can be successfully applied during the This, in turn, allows for a better quality project
design, construction and operation of build- to be realised. The developer/ordering authority defines the
ings. Interestingly, BIM can be implemented CDE and presents its information exchange
at any stage of the building lifecycle. It's not An example of this is an investment pro- requirements to the contractor by publish-
that if a building is designed in 2D it is 'lost' ject involving the extension of floodbanks. ing an EIR (Exchange Information Require-
to BIM. With BIM technology, we can con- A coordination project was developed on ments) document. The contractor, if he wants
vert old paper drawings and plans into digi- behalf of the contract engineer. A 3D model to carry out the project, must accept the cli-
tal form and create a 3D model from that. An of the structure was created and com- ent's requirements. As a rule, the contract-
example of such activities is the visualisation bined with GIS spatial data. This was already ing authority knows what performance infor-
of the Niepołomice Barrage. The concept of enough to conclude that: mation it needs in the subsequent phases
building the barrage was born in 1946, but • the planned redevelopment goes beyond of the life cycle of the facility and publishes
the project was not created until 1974. The the project boundary, a schedule of successive phases for moving
investment was not realised and the prob- • one of the access roads is designed at an to the next level of information detail. The
lems that arose at that time were not solved. angle that makes it impossible to drive contractor, according to the implementa-
These included: through. tion schedule, saturates the model with the
• hydraulic support for the Przewóz water- required data. As a result, the ordering party
way stage The project had already been handed over has complete and up-to-date documenta-
• regulation of groundwater levels for construction. What would the contrac- tion of the operation of the structure/build-
• improving flood protection tor do if he came across such errors during ing when it is accepted. Moreover, it is col-
construction? At the very least, he would lected in one place, systematised and with
On the order of Regional Water Manage- have demanded that they be corrected and clear access criteria. Such data is appreci-
ment Board of Kraków, an old project from waited patiently for a corrected design, eager ated after several years, when decisions have
1974 was digitised and a three dimensional to charge contractual penalties. Changes to to be made quickly in an emergency situa-
model of an investment designed almost the design were made quickly. The cost of tion and one does not know where to look
50 years earlier was made. This is a real and these changes was relatively low and the cli- for information.
quite spectacular example of using BIM tech- ent avoided significant financial losses and
nology to digitise analogue projects construction delays. A customised approach to BIM
BIM is not a universal recipe for solving all
Why BIM at the design stage? Savings on running costs problems, but it is a structured methodol-
If you are just planning an investment, using When implementing a construction pro- ogy of which a parameterised 3D model
BIM methodology in the design phase will ject using BIM technology, the investor has is a fundamental part. This means that
give you tangible benefits in the future. a chance to systematically collect data which changing any element of the model auto-
Thanks to the integration of GIS (Geographic is very valuable at the stage of the object's matically changes related elements. It is
Information System) data and BIM, the exploitation. In addition to geometric data, often the case that the visions of the client,
designer has much better opportunities to the BIM model stores operational informa- the designer and the contractor regard-
optimize the project than in a traditional 2D tion. The detail of geometric data is deter- ing the construction to be carried out dif-
process. This is illustrated by the Mac Leamy mined by the LOD (Level of details) clas- fer significantly. In a 3D model, there is no


room for misunderstandings. It is imme-

Source: WSOWL Scientific Journals, No. 4 (166) 2012

diately clear what we are aiming at and
everyone realises one common vision. Impact on costs and functional changes

Why this BIM?

Before we decide to implement an invest- Costs of design changes
ment in BIM, we should first consider what
problems we want to solve. The main
benefits are time savings, which will be
achieved by:
• eliminating collisions and potential risks
already at the design stage - there will be Phases




Do esig




Pr an
no downtime,

op ag





cu n

er em





ty e

• optimal long-term scheduling, taking into




Integrated process
account virtually any number of variables, Traditional process
• centralised information flow under the
Fig.1. Comparison of the effects of design changes for traditional and integrated (BIM) processes.
control of the CDE system,
which in effect provides: of Development and Technology publishes stakeholders in the construction process
• high quality project documentation, BIM document templates with discussion. from a technical, tactical and strategic per-
• the quality and timeliness of the tasks per- There are also a number of BIM consultants spective. It includes, among others:
formed, to help develop investment documentation • hardware and software recommendations,
• improves communication and cooperation and procedures. • the technical and operational conditions
between actors in the process , of the CDE data exchange platform,
• facilitates dialogue and public consultation How to choose them? The consultant • definitions for information purposes,
(for example on environmental issues), should clearly explain what he wants to do, • timetables,
• better asset management. how and why. The more incomprehensible • description of processes.
terminology falls from the mouth of such
The more effort we devote at the investment an expert, the further you should stay away A contractor wishing to submit a bid to
preparation stage, the faster and cheaper from him. BIM This is not secret knowl- carry out the project must accept the cli-
the investment will be realised. In BIM, it is edge and if someone hides behind the fact ent's requirements and confirm this in the
crucial to define the project's information that he or she is not revealing the "know BEP (BIM Execution Plan) document.
requirements (PIR document). how", this should arouse serious suspicion.
Employing a BIM Manager or BIM Infor-
If you decide to go for BIM, you need mation Manager, whether as an in-house
to know the basics of the methodology. or contracted employee, will allow for the
A very common problem is a lot of resist- proper preparation of the main BIM docu-
ance from investors who simply do not ment, the EIR - the Employer's Information
want to learn more about BIM. Despite Requirements. This is a document that sets
Tomasz Rajpold
appearances, it is relatively simple and out a set of requirements necessary for the CEO
does not take too much time. The Ministry effective exchange of information between HydroBIM

Voith Hydro’s future-ready, compact solutions

Voith Hydro develops customized, long-
term solutions and services for large and
small hydro plants all over the world. Its
portfolio of products and services covers
the entire life cycle and all major com-
ponents for large and small hydro sta-
tions, from generators, turbines, pumps
and automation systems, right through
to spare parts, maintenance and train-
ing services, and digital solutions for
intelligent hydropower. The company’s
origins date back more than 150 years
ago. Still pioneering spirit is part of its
DNA. In the last ten years, Voith Hydro
has especially been able to advance its
offerings in the so-called small hydro
range of up to 30 MW.
M-Line Francis

atest inventions are Voith Hydro’s
M-Line portfolio as well as the in the small hydropower sector. It can be years with references all over the world.
already well-established StreamDiver. integrated in existing canals and weirs Today, installations from Austria to Indone-
The latter enables the usage of hydro- keeping the environmental impact of the sia, from Sweden to Brazil prove the effi-
power in locations where it had previously addition of electro-mechanical equipment ciency of this approach. Still 64 percent of
not been possible due to the demand- to a minimum. The same is true for its the world's existing dams and transverse
ing ecological requirements. To expand completely oil- and grease-free operation. structures are not used to produce hydro-
the range of application even more, the As it is installed completely underground electric power. By increasing the head
experts at Voith Hydro recently worked it is also extremely low in noise emissions. range up to 12 m, Voith was able to even
on a drop height extension. The result: an expand the StreamDiver's range of appli-
entire SteamDiver family. By reducing complex technology, it was cation. At a test rig in Austria everything
possible to at the same time achieve has been thoroughly tested to ensure
StreamDiver – tapping new potential a compact size and a highly mainte- highest customer satisfaction.
The StreamDiver, launched to the market nance-friendly and robust machine unit
in 2011, and designed for low-head appli- which has established itself step by step on A special highlight from the recent past
cations, was an important development the global hydropower market in recent Some time ago, the Brazilian special-
ist for small hydropower stations Ener-
gias Renováveis MAZP commissioned Bra-
zil's first StreamDiver power station. The
company specialized in environmental-
ly-friendly small hydropower stations, dis-
covered a natural gradient in the state of
Parana that had caught their eye due to the
stable water supply. They were looking for
a technical solution that would cover both
environmental and economic needs. The
answer: StreamDiver. The seven units were
manufactured, assembled and pre-tested in
Austria in less than one year before making
their way to the power house in Brazil. The
advantage of the technology lies, among
other things, in the compactness and com-
paratively low weight of the units.

M-Line – saving time and money

Beside the ecological aspects that are of
highest priority also fast and innovative
StreamDiver solutions are needed today – still ensuring
highest efficiency and reliability. The faster


The M-Line
at a glance:
• Short delivery time
and proven quality

• Application diagram
to check whether an M-Line
turbine is applicable

• Minimum powerhouse

• Powerhouse design is
simplified to reduce
construction costs

• Pre-assembled modules
reduce erection and
commissioning time

M-Line Pelton

an operator can connect his machine to way, it can be installed and commissioned Francis is designed for applications from
the grid, the more likely he is to create the very quickly on site. The know-how of our 20 m to 80 m head and a flow rate up to
economic conditions for successful opera- technicians, decades of experience in tur- 3.80 m³/s. The units are always delivered in
tion. Therefore, in addition to investment bine construction and the latest techno- specific modules. In this way, transporta-
costs, the aspect of short delivery times is logical findings from our R&D center are tion is simplified and on-site work – espe-
also becoming increasingly important. As incorporated in every single turbine. cially in terms of concreting – is reduced.
this aspect is such a critical one the fun-
damental idea of a new development of The customer receives an application dia-
Voith Hydro was primarily to shorten it by gram at the beginning of the project, which
modularizing Pelton and Francis turbines provides information on whether an M-Line
resulting in a successful development with component can be used. Based on head
several further customer benefits. and flow, it is easy to identify the opti-
mum size in the application diagram and
The new M-Line is defined as a simplified, then immediately start planning the power Radu Carja
Head of Division Small Hydro
largely standardized turbine-generator house based on this recommended layout. Voith Hydro in St. Georgen, Austria
unit including auxiliary systems. The units
are pre-assembled and therefore delivered The M-Line Pelton is designed for appli-
to the power station as compact, ready- cations from 80 m to 340 m head, with Graphics come from the archive of
to-use units in up to 30% less time. In this a flow rate up to 1.60 m³/s. The M-Line Voith Hydro company.

Rozwiązania Modułowe
Modular Solutions
New units nowych
New units reduce
hydrozespołów delivery
time up totime
30% up to 30%
skrócić czas dostawy o 30%

EU Restoration Law and small hydropower

The European Commission presented Form of implementation 2040, 60 percent and by 2050 at least 90
its proposal for a new EU Renatura- and deadlines percent of ecosystems are to be restored.
tion Law on 22 June 2022. The new The Commission presented the EU Rena- Furthermore, the European Commission
draft law is a central part of the Euro- turation Law in form of a Regulation. This demands species-specific measures for
pean Green Deal which has the overall means that it will come into force imme- biotope connectivity from Member states
goals to transform Europe into a sus- diately after the conclusion of negotia- and sets milestones until 2030 to ensure
tainable society and to decarbonise tions in the European Parliament and the the success of the renaturation measures
the EU with the aim to reach net zero Council of Member States and does not and to prevent delays.
Greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. need to be transposed into national law. As
next steps, the European Parliament and Regulations for hydropower

he proposal of a new EU Renatur- EU Member states will develop their posi- With regard to Europe's water bodies, the
ation Law was announced as part tions on the Commission’s proposal. After European Commission proposes to remove
of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and that, the three institutions will negotiate barriers such as dams, weirs and locks that
is the first substantial addition to Euro- the final law in so called Trilogue negotia- are no longer in use as part of species and
pean environmental law since more than tions. This process will take approximately nature conservation measures. Overall aim
20 years. Before that, the Habitats Direc- until the end of 2023. is a renaturation target of at least 25,000 km
tive, Water Framework Directive and the of free-flowing rivers and streams by 2030.
EU Birds Directive, as well as the designa- The Commission proposal includes res-
tion of Natura 2000 protected areas had toration measures on at least 20 per- It needs to be highlighted that the Com-
been the main instruments for environ- cent of land and sea areas in the EU by mission emphasizes the removal of
mental protection. Its overall aim is to 2030. To this end, EU Member States will “… obsolete barriers, which are those
improve existing EU nature conservation be required to submit national restoration that are no longer needed for renewable
law and to include additional, binding plans to restore at least 30 percent of ter- energy generation,…” (Art. 7). Optimisti-
measures to restore habitats that have restrial and marine ecosystems that are not cally read for the hydropower sector, this
already been destroyed. in good conservation status by 2030. By could imply the preservation of the poten-

Source: Statkraft

for the Nature Restoration Law. Another that small hydropower and environment
important aspect is to base any decisions go hand in hand.
on barrier removal on latest scientific evi-
dence. EREF had submitted in Decem- Depending on site specific conditions such
ber 2021 a bibliography of scientific arti- as the available quantity of water, several
cles that demonstrate small hydropower solutions are deployed to ensure river con-
and good ecological status can go hand in tinuity and enable up and downstream
hand. EREF’s Small Hydropower Chapter movement of migratory fish species and
reaches out to experts able to shed light breeding. New management systems for
on the role of small hydro in the ecological existing small hydropower plants stop the
current of "new conservation". This trend plant during the time of fish migration.
aims to approach biodiversity in a positive Releasing water through the gates attracts
way by looking to the future, particularly in migratory fish species such as salmon to
the context of climate change, and by inte- pass the plant during their up and down-
grating the societal role of rivers and the stream migration. An example for these
relationship with man. measures is the plant Anundsjö in Sweden¹.

Urgent need for new power This is combined with by-pass mecha-
Within the current double crisis with regard nisms for fish and sediment such as natu-
to energy security caused by Russia's inva- ral fishways past the plant, fish ladders as
sion of Ukraine as well as climate change well as guaranteeing minimum ecological
that appears much faster than forecasted, flows. Thanks to, among others, EU fund-
the EU needs the accelerate its decarboni- ing programmes, new solutions to ensure
sation of the European economy by using fish migration and river continuity have
all available forms of renewable energy, been developed. Small hydropower plants
including the small hydropower sector. also create new habitats for rare and pre-
Quick progress could be made through the cious water plants and waterfowls. With
refurbishment of some of the estimated its ditches and dammed water areas small
at least 200,000 abandoned small hydro- hydropower plants even form diverse and
Foto. SHP Anundsjö in Sweden power plants in the 27 EU Member states, structurally rich additional fish habitats.
the installation of kinetic turbines in Euro- Small hydropower plants enrich water bod-
pean lowlands and the exploitation of so ies with oxygen and clean rivers from all
tial of existing barriers to be (re-)equipped called hidden hydro power. sorts of waste floating in the water. A small
with small hydro plants. In addition, the hydropower plant in Austria for example
Commission wants projects of “overrid- If the basic ecological requirements are collects between 7-10 kg of plastic waste
ing public interest” ideally to be exempted met, e.g. sufficient residual flow in diver- on a monthly basis.
when discussing potential removals of sion power plants and fish migration aids
small hydropower plants. Furthermore, in the fish habitat, then there is usually Small hydropower plants do have an envi-
“The determination of the most suitable nothing to prevent good ecological sta- ronmental impact which however can be
areas for restoration measures … shall be tus despite the use of hydropower. Eco- strongly mitigated due to latest innovative
based on the best available knowledge and logical monitoring of watercourses very technical solutions. Like this, small hydro-
the latest scientific evidence” (Art. 4.4). often reveals stretches of water used for power and good ecological status can go
power generation where there is no or hand in hand without any problems.
EREF’s contribution included only a minimal difference to the unused
EREF is glad that the Commission fol- stretches. An example is the small hydro-
lowed EREF’s position in its proposals power plant Sauereggenbach in Austria.
under REPowerEU to consider renewable Biological assessments of the residual flow
energy projects as “overriding public inter- section and reference section outside the
est and in the interest of public safety”. power plant area show that both sections
This implies faster permitting and planning have the same fauna. Consequently, its
Dirk Hendricks
for renewable energy projects and their management is ecologically compatible. General Secretary
connection to the grid. EREF calls on the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF)
Commission to make changes in EU sec- Hydropower and environment
ondary legislation regarding renewable Over the last decades, owners of hydro-
energy and species protection. This means power plants have invested billions of
an explicit exemption clause for all kind of Euros in upgrading existing plants with
renewable energy plants in the Renewable environmental mitigation measures, show- ¹ The plant is located on the small river Mo in the
Energy Directive and/or Habitats, Water ing their commitment and support to northern part of Sweden. The interdisciplinary
consortium of the EU project FIT Hydro
and Birds Directives. It also must be more the ecological requirements of the Water ( used it as a successful
explicitly included in the current proposal Framework Directive and demonstrating test case for these methods.

E W 2/2022 (42) 27

Polish Energy Policy Until 2040 – what will the Polish

Power Industry look like in 2040?
The state energy strategy defines the

Source: iStock, MadamLead

directions of power industry develop-
ment in Poland. The unstable political
and market situation forced the Coun-
cil of Ministers of Poland to undertake
work on the revision of PEP2040 and
to change the course of development.
So what can we expect in 2040? billion Euro). The purpose of this planned Another aim of PEP2040 is technological
support is to compensate for the nega- diversification and expansion of domestic

n 2021, the Council of Ministers tive effects of the energy transformation in power sources both by investing in already
adopted the so called "Energy Pol- those regions. existing ones, and by implementing nuclear
icy of Poland until 2040" (abbreviated energy by investing in both large reactors
as PEP2040), which is a strategic docu- As for the second pillar, the achievement (in excess of 1000 MW) and Small Modu-
ment setting out the directions of devel- of a zero-emission system will be based lar Reactors (SMR). Importantly, in light of
opment for the energy sector in Poland for primarily on nuclear energy and offshore the recent crisis in the raw materials mar-
the upcomig years. PEP2040 is a barome- wind farms. In addition, the system will be ket, PEP2040 is also expected to provide
ter of the Polish government's plans for the dispersed and "civic" energy (i.e.: produced for continued use of coal-fired generation
future of the energy sector, as well as direc- by private households) will be strength- units – the policy assumes the percentage
tions of development and investments in ened. In the interim period, energy security of energy generated by such sources may
the power sector in Poland. Although the is to be provided by natural gas solutions. periodically be increased in situations of
document was adopted only a year ago, The last pillar is based on improving air threat to a national energy security. At the
the current, swiftly changing economic quality, which in a way will already be other end, there lie investments in gas-fired
and political environment made it neces- the result of moving away from emis- generation capacity, which is to be revised
sary to start the work on revising the docu- sion-intensive energy sources. There will with accordance to the availability of such
ment, which in March 2022 resulted in the be a transformation of the heating sector, fuel, while also taking into account the fact
adoption of assumptions for changes to but also the development of passive and that natural gas prices are currently charac-
the PEP2040. zero-emission household buildings. terised by volatility and its availability may
potentially be limited.
What does PEP2040 currently assume? Assumptions of changes to the PEP2040
The key objective indicated in PEP2040 is Due to the dynamically changing political The ultimate target is to reduce the econ-
to achieve energy security for the coun- situation, Polish Council of Ministers rec- omy's dependence on hydrocarbons,
try, while – at the same time – ensuring the ognized the need to adjust PEP2040 and mainly natural gas and oil, but the strategy
competitiveness of the economy, increas- introduce additional assumptions to it. focuses on energy supply diversification in
ing energy efficiency and reducing the First of all, in addition to the previously the interim period. Finally, in addition to
environmental impact of the energy sector. mentioned three pillars, the Council of investments in generation sources, energy
Optimal use of domestic energy resources Ministers intends to add a fourth pillar efficiency is to be improved through
is also indicated as an objective. called "energy sovereignty". A specific and investments in e.g. thermo-modernisation
key element of this pillar is to achieve rapid of buildings, but also by aiming at reduc-
The achievement of the above goals, is independence of the national economy tion of energy usage in the industry.
based today on 3 fundamental pillars: fair from fossil fuels imported from Russia.
transition, zero-carbon energy system and The other 3 pillars previously mentioned Hydropower in PEP2040
good air quality. Each of the pillars consists within the original PEP2040, on the other PEP2040 also includes hydropower solu-
of specific actions aimed at achieving the hand, are supposed to be part of such tions as one of the elements of renewa-
objectives specific to each of them. A fair energy sovereignty plan. As a result of the ble energy sources development. However,
transition means that everyone will be able implementation of the assumed changes, the authors of the strategy note that the
to participate in the transformation of the the PEP2040 is to provide for further, dyna- chances for intensive hydropower develop-
energy sector to a low carbon one. The mised development of renewables, with ment in Poland are limited due to Poland's
authors assume that the energy transition particular emphasis on the utilisation of relatively small hydrological resources.
will lead to the creation of up to 300,000 renewable sources in energy clusters and The authors emphasize the need to use at
jobs within industries specialising in renew- energy cooperatives. According to the least these limited opportunities. Currently,
able energy sources, nuclear power, elec- plans, by 2040 approximately half of the there exist pumped storage power plants,
tromobility or grid infrastructure. The coal- electricity supply is to come from renew- which are important for balancing the
rich regions, which are likely to be most able energy sources. To this end, power National Power System, and run-of-river
affected by this new strategy, are to receive grids and energy storage facilities shall also power plants, whose operation is, however,
support of up to PLN 60 billion (ca. 12,8 be developed. difficult to regulate. Nonetheless, as the


authors of the policy point out, it is nec- chase price and a current market energy and the abovementioned investment facil-
essary to look for new possibilities for the prices (FIP). Regardless of the above, we itation may encourage the development of
development of hydropower sector. also notice an upward trend in the conclu- this branch of the power industry.
sion of cPPAs (corporate power purchase
An opportunity for this sector is seen in the agreements), where we can also see an
participation of small hydropower plants opportunity for hydropower in the future.
in the FIT (feed-in-tariff) and FIP (feed- On the one hand, these agreements allow
in-premium) systems, which provides consumers to maintain relatively fixed
incentives for their erection. These pro- energy costs, and on the other hand, they
grammes in Poland were essentially cre- guarantee the producers a market at rel-
ated as a dedicated support system for atively fixed, and therefore easy to calcu-
hydropower and biogas plants –the sup- late prices, allowing them to cover operat-
Bartosz Piątek
port from these programmes is provided ing costs and make profits, which is in fact Legal counsel, leader of the regulatory and energy
at a predeclared rate, and at the same also an investment incentive. advisory team at PwC Legal
time it does not accommodate any pen-
alties for not producing the declared It is worth noting that according to
amount of electricity. On the other hand, PEP2040, there are nearly 13.5 thousand
the mechanisms are flexible and grant damming facilities in Poland that can be
the ability to sell energy at a current mar- used for energy purposes – which means
ket prices rather than at a fixed price (FIT) that there is still a large potential to, e.g.:
or by providing a coverage for the neg- utilise structures that are part of the flood Krzysztof Szyszko
ative balance between a declared pur- prevention infrastructure to such an end – Legal counsel at PwC Legal



Mikołaja Reja 27 Str., PL 80-870 Gdańsk; phone: +48 58 34 98 200; fax: +48 58 34 17 685; e-mail: [email protected]


The Institute of Power Engineering Gdansk Division is carrying out the modern-
izations of old turbine control systems, develops new turbine governors and oil
pressure units for all types of hydro turbines.

The scope of activity of the Institute of Power Engineering Gdansk Division

includes, among others:
• turbine governors,
• SCADA and remote control systems,
• water level measurement systems,
• turbine speed measurement systems,
• oil pressure units,
• weir control systems,
• overspeed protection units.

The Institute of Power Engineering is equipped with laboratories for testing new
and modernized turbine components and control systems. The Institute also
performs expertise and tests of turbine governors regarding the degree of wear
and scope of the required modernization.

Photo 1. View of the lower structure of the hydropower turbine chamber from the tailwater side

The hidden potential of the Dunajec River

As the economy develops, the demand for electricity is growing at a high rate. the turbines have adjustable blade geom-
If we add to this the ever-declining reserves of natural resources, the spectre of etry, allowing them to handle flows in
an inevitable energy crisis begins to appear on the horizon. For this reason, we the range of 2.5 m3/s to 8 m3/s, while the
should, as the entire society, focus not only on increasing the share of RES in the other two have an unregulated flow rate,
energy mix, but also on using the available renewable natural resources as effi- which allows them to operate at flows in
ciently as possible. The Hydropowerplant Complex Niedzica sets out an example the range of 5.2-6.7 m3/s. After taking into
worth following – it has, at its facility in Sromowce Wyżne, taken an advantage of account the guidelines of the water man-
the hitherto wasted potential of the Dunajec River. agement manual, we get a total operat-
ing flow range for the Sromowce Wyżne

ake Sromowieckie, the lower reser- jec River. It holds 232 million m3 of water, Power Plant of 5.4-29.4 m3/s.
voir of the Niedzica Pumped Storage over an area of nearly 1,226 hectares
Hydropower Plant, is located in an and its depth reaches up to 50 meters in Energy utilisation of all the water
exceptionally beautiful area. Surrounded some places. The power plant was finally Nature, although beautiful, does not
by the peaks of the Pieniny, together with commissioned in 1997, and two Deri- always give us what we require - and we
the upper reservoir of Niedzica Pumped az-type reversible turbines, with a capac- require a power plant to work 24 hours
Storage Plant - Lake Czorsztyńskie, it is ity of 46.375 MW each (44.5 MW of power a day, 365 days a year. For this however,
a holiday destination for many people in pumping mode), are responsible for we need a sufficient amount of water with
longing for relaxation among nature. It is energy production and accumulation, a very steady flow. But since we cannot
also an example of exceptional utilisation with water supplied by two 7-meter-di- force mother nature to provide us with
of the hydrological potential of the Duna- ameter adits hollowed in the rock. The that, we should carefully consider the utili-
jec River, whose waters are used to pro- facility currently operates mainly in tur- sation of what we already have, and there
duce electricity in two independent hydro- bine mode due to economic issues, which is a huge unexploited potential available,
electric power plants: are conditioned by current legislation and in the form of a constant environmental
1. Niedzica Pumped Storage Plant, which regulations. flow of 4 m3/s. So why should we not take
takes advantage of the difference in advantage of such an opportunity?
height between the Lake Czorsztyńskie Sromowce Wyżne run-of-river power plant
and Sromowieckie; Below the Niedzica Pumped Storage Specialists in the service of climate
2. Sromowce Wyżne Hydropower Plant, Plant lies Sromowce Lake with an area protection
which utilises the height gradient of 88 hectares and a capacity of 7.5 mil- Representatives of Hydropowerplant Com-
between Lake Sromowieckie and the lion m3. It serves as an equalization reser- plex Niedzica, in cooperation with the
Dunajec River, which flows further voir for Niedzica Pumped Storage Plant engineers of Enerko Energy Sp. z o.o.,
downstream. and as a water reservoir for the Sromowce which specializes in the implementation
Wyżne run-of-river power plant, using the of comprehensive solutions for the hydro-
Niedzica hydropower plant equalized water outflow from the lake power industry, decided to take advan-
Plans to establish the Niedzica Pumped into the Dunajec River. The power plant tage of this untapped flow. Due to profes-
Storage Plant date back to the early 20th is located on the left bank of the Dunajec sional cooperation, it was possible to build
century. It was one of the elements of River below the dam and weir of the reser- a new section of the power plant, named
the construction of water reservoirs on voir. The water supply to the power plant Sromowce V, in which a 0.325 MW Kaplan
the flood-prone Carpathian tributaries of is via four reinforced concrete channels turbine manufactured by Voith Hydro was
the Vistula River. Czorsztyńskie Lake, cre- fed by an intake located at the left abut- installed. Enerko Energy as a general con-
ated as a result of its construction, was ment of the weir. Four Flygt hydrosets with tractor for the investment, carried it out in
intended to reduce flood accumulations an installed capacity of 0.52 MW each are a "design and build" formula. The special-
and increase minimum flows in the Duna- responsible for energy production. Two of ists faced a number of challenges, which


Photo 2. Left: preparation for installation of the water turbine; Right: view of the SHP facility put into operation

they had to resolve to ensure that the • construction of power connection to the a gearbox, and the generator itself was
facility operated properly – and in har- existing infrastructure, connected directly to the turbine shaft.
mony with the nature. • reconstruction of the telecommunica- Both the hub and the adjustable rotor
tions installation, blades are made of stainless steel, and
Comprehensive approach to • construction of a drainage system for the blade adjustment is carried out using
the investment the hydroset chamber, a hydraulic actuator passing through the
The construction of the Sromowce V Small • construction of ventilation system inside hollow shaft of the turbine and the gen-
Hydropower Plant at the existing Sromowce the hydroset chamber, erator. The position of the blades is deter-
Wyżne dam was not only an engineering • construction of the heating system, mined by an inductive position transducer.
challenge, but also a formal one. In order • training of the investor’s personnel, The rotor blade chamber of the turbine is
for the investment to come to fruition, the • carrying out commissioning of the also made of stainless steel and in its part
engineers of Enerko Energy had to develop equipment, it is shaped spherically to achieve a con-
a complete, multi-discipline general, as well • carrying out final tests, stant gap at every possible blade position.
as detailed design documentation, con- • servicing of the installation and its con- The remainder of the cone-shaped hous-
currently with obtaining all the adminis- stituent equipment during the period ing is made as a welded structure with
trative permits required by law, allowing for defect notification, and then during mounting flanges for connection to the
for the construction and commissioning of the warranty period, as well as after war- suction pipe elbow. To ensure easy main-
the powerplant itself, or the adjustment of ranty’s conclusion as part of post-war- tenance and inspection operations, the
the water intake and the refurbishment of ranty service. rotor chamber is made in two-piece form.
the plant’s inlet channel. The fact that the The turbine actuation system is equipped
Dunajec River is a border river did not make In order to reduce the cost of the invest- with 16 directional vanes, which are con-
things any easier, and international agree- ment, and thus accelerate the return on nected by actuation levers to the adjust-
ments, at the level of relevant ministries the investment, an unused reinforced con- ment ring. Every second lever is flexible to
and commissions, had to be undertaken as crete water supply channel to the planned, protect the system in case a large compo-
a part of the necessary arrangements. Once but never realized, fish stocking centre was nent gets stuck during vane closing proce-
all the formalities were completed, the con- used to supply the turbine with water. To dure. The position of the directional vanes
struction and installation work began, which this end, it was reprofiled and upgraded, position is monitored by the facility's
included, in particular: and all the necessary equipment was
• adjustment of the water intake and installed – namely main and emergency
renovation of the inlet channel of the gates and inlet trash rack. In addition, the Technical parameters of
Sromowce V Small Hydropower Plant, channel has been coated with epoxy resins Sromowce V SHP
• reconstruction of the existing overflow for protection, also to the effect of reduc- • Turbine type: Horizontal S type
chamber, ing the roughness of its walls, allowing for Kaplan turbine
• construction of a reinforced concrete a significant decrease in the hydraulic lin- • Gross head: 5–10 m
turbine chamber and an outlet chamber, ear energy loss of flowing water.
• Rated flow rate: 4 m3/s
• delivery and installation of the turbine
(min. 0.8 m3/s)
and generator together with appropri- The interior is important
ate mechanical and electrical equipment, At the heart of the powerplant, there is • Rated turbine efficiency: 91%
• construction of the facility's high and a Kaplan turbine and a three-phase syn- • Generator type: synchronous
low current electrical systems, chronous generator hydroset. The hydro- • Nominal power: 325 kW
• construction of the main electrical distri- set is installed in a horizontal arrange-
• Generator efficiency: 96%
bution system, ment, connected to a suction pipe that
• construction of generator power output exits into the outlet chamber. To maxi- • Number of operating hours per
installation, mize the efficiency of the system, the gen- year: 8640 h (24 h x 360 days)
• construction of the building's own con- erator's speed was matched to that of • Operating voltage: 0.4 kV
sumption installation, the turbine, thus eliminating the need for

E W 2/2022 (42) 31
PROJECTS / The hidden potential of the Dunajec River

Photo 3. Key elements of the SHP equipment: water turbine, hydraulic power pack, electrical cabinets/turbine automation, synchronous generator

automation. To ensure the certainty of the This is a very important function from the There is often untapped potential available
vane closure, the procedure is triggered by point of view of the entire power transmis- in other facilities of this kind, which, after
a counterweight, while a hydraulic actua- sion system, because in the event of fail- a careful analysis, can be developed for
tor is used to open and adjust it. The tur- ure of large power units, a facility such electricity generation. Enerko Energy Sp.
bine's main bearing assembly is a set of as Sromowce V SHP, in cooperation with z o.o. specializes in providing comprehen-
oil-lubricated roller bearings that trans- Niedzica Pumped Storage Plant, will be sive services for hydropower projects and
mit radial and axial shaft forces, and each able to assist in their restart and recon- offers support at every stage of coopera-
bearing is equipped with a PT100 temper- nection to the power transmission system. tion. Each hydropower project is unique
ature sensor, a vibration sensor and an oil Attempts to restart the power system have and requires an individual approach from
level control system that monitors oil lev- already been made several times, utilising the contractors. At every stage of our
els in the bearings and informs the opera- Skawina and Jaworzno power plants. The involvement – i.e. in design, construc-
tor when it is below the level necessary for first of these attempts has been made in tion, engineering or even during consulta-
safe operation. The bearing assemblies are 1996. The trials were successful and showed tion procedures, we use modern tools and
equipped with a cooling system (water/oil that the power plants' generating units are solutions. Our priority is to ensure maxi-
heat exchanger) located inside the oil sump. capable of transitioning to island opera- mum profitability of the investment for our
tion under the various conditions of power clients throughout the entire life of the
The power plant will operate in auto- imbalance encountered prior to separation. installation, from the analysis and consul-
matic mode, transmitting information to The plants were also capable of maintain- tation phase to the long-term operation of
a SCADA master visualization system, and ing themselves in operation during such an the facility. Therefore, we build individual
its operation will be limited only to peri- event, even when there were load changes teams, employ professional subcontrac-
odic inspection and maintenance. The occurring on the island, on condition that tors, and our experience, knowledge and
Sromowce V SHP is designed to sustain frequency and voltage are kept within the reliability allows us to implement even the
continuous operation, 24 hours a day, 360 limits of acceptable deviations. most complex of the projects.
days a year.
Was it worth it?
On-grid or off-grid operation The Sromowce V Hydropower Plant,
To manage and control the operation of implemented within an existing power
the facility, advanced supervision, control plant and damming, can serve as a good
and automation systems have been used, example of responsible asset manage-
which, in addition to optimizing the oper- ment and maximum use of the availa- Piotr Włodarski
ation of the hydropower plant, are able ble hydropower potential in the vicin- Development Department
Enerko Energy Sp. z o. o.
to ensure the proper parameters of the ity of those powerplants that are already
grid when they are islanded – and even in operation. The facility in Sromowce Photos come from the archive of
restart the powerplant after a blackout. Wyżne is not an exception in this case. Enerko Energy Sp. z o.o.


Fig.1. View from the tailwater side on the open section of the fish pass and the outlet section

Fish ladder design in terms of a large

difference in water level
One of the projects of Hydroin- Wisłoka River are located near the former ing. The damming structure will be erected
vest was to develop a concept of village of Radocyn, right on the border in changing soil conditions. It is planned to
a fish ladder in the area of the newly with Slovakia. make the embankment of the front dam
designed multi-purpose ‘Kąty-My- by sealing the body with a central alumi-
scowa’ reservoir. The facility includes Mountainous, the river meanders along num core. The height of water damming
a 44 meter high dam dividing a river the riverbed full of boulders. The most H in the area of the water outlet from the
which constitutes a major obstacle for important tributaries of the Wisłoka river rapids basin is about 40.4 m.
migrating of aquatic fauna. The tech- to the planned dam are: the right-bank
nical solution for the fish ladder is Wilsznia, Krempna, Ryjak and the left- Variant analysis
challenged by huge water level fluc- bank Rzeszówka, Świerzówka and Zawoja. As part of the analysis, many types of fish-
tuations in the reservoir, the type of A characteristic feature of the rivers in this ways were considered, such as:
dam, and a variety of fish species and part of the Wisłoka are large slopes of the • catching fish and transportation;
sizes. The reservoir will make a local channel (over 50‰). In the section of the • natural ramp;
impact on the natural habitats’ char- Wisłoka River, which is to be flooded with • fish elevator;
acter. Moreover, the river’s perme- the waters of the future reservoir, the drops • circulating fish passes;
ability will interrupt migration of are between 6.7–5.7‰. The planned reser- • slot passes.
aquatic organisms. The designed fish- voir will be characterized by a high varia-
ways will minimize negative effects of bility of water levels, which are: maximum The technical-type vertical slot pass, con-
the new reservoir. reservoir level MaxPP at 356.0 m AMSL, necting the upstream and the downstream
normal damming level NPP at 350.7 m of the dam, located along the designed

he planned Kąty-Myscowa dam res- AMSL, minimum damming level MinPP at overflow spillways, was chosen as the most
ervoir is located in the Low Beskids 333.0 m AMSL. These differences result from favourable fish migration system.
(Jasło District, Podkarpackie Voivode- the assumed task of providing alimony to
ship, Poland). It is impounded by an the towns below in the periods of low flows Characteristics of technical
earthfill dam located at 141+400 km of and from the flood protection function. slot fish passes
the Wisłoka River at the biggest narrow- The slot pass consists of a concrete canal
ing of the river’s valley at the Kąty village. Dam structure with transverse partition walls. There is
The catchment area of the river up to the The designed dam, with a body height of a variation of the classic pool pass whereby
cross-section of the dam of the future res- 44.26 m, will be used for permanent dam- the cross-walls are notched by verti-
ervoir is 297 km2, collecting mainly water ming of water in order to provide water to cal slots extending over the entire height
from the Magura Range and the Beskid cities and settlements along the Wisłoka of the crosswall, which has one or two
Dukielski Mountains. The springs of the Valley and to protect them against flood- slots depending on the size of the water-

E W 2/2022 (42) 33
PROJECTS / Fish ladder design in terms of a large difference in water level

Fig. 2. The fish pass plan

course and the discharge available. These

slots are located at the side wall of the fish
pass canal. This type of fishways is used for
small and medium water level differences,
for dams with variable upstream water
level. It is most likely the best type of tech-
nical fish pass, suitable for all species of fish
and invertebrates, thanks to the continuity
of the natural bottom substrate.

Description of the slot fish pass concept

The performed hydraulic calculations show
that the fish pass will be about 1,350 m
long, including the intake section at 125
m. The intake section enables gravity water
intake to the fish pass. The water intake
will be made through the inlets in every
second pool. There are favourable condi-
Fig. 3. The inlet section plan and cross-section
tions for water intake and fish pass opera-
tion in this solution.

The planned fish pass runs through moun-

tainous areas and overcomes the obsta-
cle of a 40 m high earth-filled dam. There-
fore, it is a very complex hydraulic facility.
Sections with different characteristics and
accompanying engineering facilities can be
distinguished in this structure (Fig.2).

Along the run of the fish pass, from the

water intake from the reservoir to its dis-
charge into the river below the dam, it will
be composed of four types of structures:
Fig. 4. The open section plan and cross-section
a) the water inlet (fish entrance) section
(Fig.3, Fig. 6.1); And four engineering structures: Basic section geometry
b) fish pass in the gallery crossing the dam 1. water timing structure with a supply Six passage pools and one resting pool
(Fig. 6.2); pump station; form a basic section, repeatable over the
c) open section running through the terri- 2. floodgate (entrance to the dam gallery); entire length of the fish pass. The typi-
tory below the dam (Fig.4, Fig. 6.3); 3. exit from the dam gallery; cal width of the passage pool will be 2.20
d) fish pass in the gallery crossing the road 4. water outlet (fish pass exit) at the weir m, resting pool: 3.20 m. The water level
embankment of the bridge over the with the discharge to the river at the difference between pools will be at h =
spillway. tailwater. 0.11 m. The fish pass basic section will


Fig. 5. Fragments A and B

Fig. 6. The fish pass cross-sections. 1 - fish entrance section; 2 - fish pass in the gallery crossing the dam; 3 - open section.

be divided by expansion joints into two

parts: 4 passage pools, each with the net
length of 3.10-3.30 m, and a resting pool
with a net length of 5.00 placed between
two passage pools with the net length of
3.10-3.30 m. The basic section will be the
above-mentioned two parts with a total
gross length of 25.0-26.2 m. The water
level difference between two typical sec-
tions will stand at 0.77 m. The cross-wall
between the pools and the water inlet
from figure 5 (fragment A, B).

Operation principle of the future fish pass

The natural operation of the fish pass
in both directions can take place within
the water levels ranging in the reservoir
between 350.70–346.85, i.e., during the
Fig. 7. Water timing structure
fluctuations period Δh = 3.85 m. The oper-
ation range of the fish pass below its nat- ture consists in the pump supply of both outlet (after its opening). The water with
ural operation towards head-tail water will accumulating pools through the expan- gathered fish flows down through a stain-
be increased with water pumping. For this sion pool and intermediate pool (Fig. 7). less-steel gutter to a tank with a lowered
purpose, an additional water timing struc- Fish flowing from below can only reach water level. It was assumed that the gut-
ture was designed with a parallel but stag- the pool of the working stand. From time ter would reach the level of 340.00, i.e. 1 m
gered operation of two accumulating to time the inlet gate is closed and the lower than the assumed level of the fish
pools. The work of the water timing struc- accumulating pool is emptied through the pass operation range. The gutter will be

E W 2/2022 (42) 35
PROJECTS / Fish ladder design in terms of a large difference in water level

attached to the concrete bench placed on

the slope. Any additional increase of the
operation range would only require the
extension of the gutter.

Six passage pools connect the water timing

structure with the floodgate. The fish pass
floodgate (bulkhead gates) will be located
perpendicular to the dam axis at the dam
crest. The fishways will pass through the
dam in a gallery. In the gallery, in addi-
tion to the pools, a 1.0 m wide footbridge
will be included in the structure. Above the
extension of the resting pools, the foot-
bridge will be led on reinforced concrete
support, or a platform made of steel grate.
The type of electric lighting and ventilation
will be installed in the gallery as agreed
with ichthyologists.
Fig. 8. Open section of the fish ladder along the weir

The open section led by serpentines on the of the fish pass outflow and will effectively Using a slot fish pass as a basic solution
left side of the spillway will end at the sta- attract fish. The attracting water flows to to ensure fish migration results from the
bilizing step. The step will serve as a barrier the outlet pool through a surface over- many advantages of this type of structure
to the natural migration of the river fauna. flow equipped with a flap and a mesh. At in relation to other types of technical fish
It creates conditions enabling the migrat- the outlet of the pool, there will be three pass. It allows us to guarantee the possi-
ing fauna to find their way into the artifi- discharge openings with barrage closures bility of migration upstream, both for spe-
cial pool of the fish pass in order to over- enabling the regulation of the speed of cies with less swimming skills and for small
come the main obstacle, i.e., the dam of water flowing out of the fish pass. fish. Due to the vertical slots, the bottom
almost 40 meters. of the structure is less susceptible to silt-
During the fish pass operation in the ing than the traditionally designed pool
On the left abutment of the step, there are pumping mode, when the water level in pass. The designed fish pass can function
three structures for draining water during the reservoir does not allow the fish to in a wide range of flows, variable up and
normal operation. These are: a flushing use the inlet windows to the fish pass, the low water levels.
channel, hydroelectric power station, and downward migration will be additionally
a fish pass. All these structures are involved secured with a device for catching fish on Wiesław Wiśniewolski
in carrying out an equalized flow of about a floating pontoon. The caught fish will be Support expert in river fisheries
The Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute
2.4 m3/s. The flushing canal will operate transported and released to the fish pass.
Igor Suslo
sporadically and remove sediments in front Design engineer
of the hydroelectric power station and as Conclusions Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o.
a backup discharge during the shutdown The proposed fish pass solves extremely Maciej Pilecki
period of the facility. difficult technical conditions: the dif- Design engineer
Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o.
ference between the upstream and the
Marek Mazurkiewicz
The outlets from these three structures are downstream water level of the dam is Support expert in hydro engineering
led to the outlet basin of the step in the 40.40 meters, which must be overcome Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o.
sequence from the weir: the flushing canal, by the fauna: the water level difference in
hydroelectric power station, the fish pass. the reservoir is 17.7 m. The problem was
The outlets from the canal and the power solved by providing the two-stage opera-
station should lead to the abutment of the tion of the fish pass, i.e. the gravity feed
tread, similar to the outlet from the fish water supply and the forced water feed References:
pass. It is inclined from the shoreline by through pumping. The proposed design 1. FAO/DVWK, “Fish passes – Design, dimensions and
30°, and in front of it there is a slipway that parameters of the fish pass and its planned monitoring”, Rome, FAO. 2002. 119p.

allows a gentle discharge of water from expenditure provide appropriate migra- 2. Hydroinvest Ltd, „Opracowanie aktualizacji koncep-
cji rozwiązań technicznych budowy zbiornika Kąty -
the fish pass to the bottom of the river. If tion conditions for species making up the Myscowa na rz. Wisłoce”. Warsaw. 2021.
such a solution is used, the water streams Wisłoka fish diversity. This is indicated by 3. Suslo I., „Projekt konstrukcji przepławki dla ryb ze zbi-
from the fish pass and the power station the calculated maximum flow velocities ornika Kąty-Myscowa”. Warsaw University of Technol-
will move in parallel. The fish pass outlet is occuring in the slots V = 1.47 m/s (perm. V ogy. Warsaw. 2021.

additionally supplied with the water taken = 1.5 m/s) and the values of the volumetric
from the pipeline in front of the turbine. power dissipation E = 66.94 W/m3 (perm. E Graphics come from the archive of
This inflow will increase the attractiveness = 100 W/m3). Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o.


Virtual Power Plant of TAURON Ekoenergia sp. z o.o. as

a response to the challenges of RES system development
TAURON Ekoenergia sp. z o.o., with

Source: Tauron Ekoenergia sp. z o.o.

its headquarters in Jelenia Góra,
is the leading producer of green
energy in the TAURON Group. The
company operates 34 hydroelectric
power plants with 85 turbine gener-
ators of a total capacity of 133 MW,
9 wind farms with a capacity of 380
MW, where electricity is generated by
182 wind turbines, and 2 photovol-
taic farms with a total capacity of 14
MWp, consisting of 33,000 photovol-
Fig. 1. Simplified diagram of the subsystems of the Virtual Power Plant connected via AILU
taic panels that convert solar energy
into electricity. TAURON Ekoener- Market. The result of the work carried out IT System, Communication System and
gia produces energy from renewa- was the creation of a Virtual Power Plant Local Implementation Layouts (AILU).
ble sources using best practices and platform allowing the optimisation of Work is underway to extend the plat-
many years of experience, thus sup- electricity production based on dedicated form's functionality. A new component
porting the development of the TAU- IT solutions and artificial intelligence. Effi- will be an ultra-fast generation fore-
RON Group. cient aggregation and control of gener- casting module for PV systems, using
ating units combines energy sources and an optical sensor to allow the Virtual

enewable energy sources are a key storage systems. Power Plant to react to sudden changes
part of the energy transition, ena- in solar energy production. In recent
bling decarbonisation and an effec- The development activities covered the months, further hydroelectric power
tive shift away from carbon technologies. Lubachów water power plant (1.2 MW) plants owned by TAURON Ekoenergia
Electricity generation from wind and solar and a battery storage system (0.5 MW). sp. z o.o. have been incorporated into
is clean, environmentally friendly and eco- The success of the development activities the system. The Choszczno I photovoltaic
nomically viable. Over the last few years, allowed the start of the commercialisa- farm has been integrated into the Virtual
intensive development of the RES sec- tion phase. 6 hydroelectric power plants Power Plant system. In the near future, it
tor can be observed as one of the pillars (80 MW), 6 photovoltaic farms (5 MW) is planned to integrate the platform with
of the desired climate neutrality of many and 9 wind farms (314 MW) are currently the Company's newest photovoltaic farm,
European countries. Forecasting wind integrated into the Virtual Power Plant the 8 MWp Choszczno II farm, commis-
power and solar output is a difficult task platform. sioned this year. All of the Company's
with a high level of uncertainty. Especially wind generators will be switched on by
considering a distant time horizon. The Built from scratch, the customised solu- the end of 2022. The total capacity of
level of generation from RES sources is tion takes into account the specifics of the the sources operating within the Virtual
determined by natural weather phenom- national energy market and the distribu- Power Plant platform is 400 MW.
ena and is therefore volatile. tion network. The virtual power plant plat-
form that was created manages, optimises, The project also involves cooperation with
Understanding the challenges of the RES monitors and remotely controls the gen- individual investors. Each owner of a RES
sector, TAURON Ekoenergia has imple- eration sources and energy storage units. source can be connected to the Virtual
mented an innovative research and devel- The 0.5 MW energy storage system with Power Plant system, which will manage
opment project to develop a platform to a capacity of 0.5 MWh was built using the electricity generated by this source.
aggregate the generation and regulation modern lithium-ion batteries. The stor- This enables investors to achieve addi-
potential of distributed renewable energy age system has been in use since 2019. tional benefits in the form of increased
sources and energy storage systems and The process of forecasting electricity pro- revenues resulting from the use of their
selected categories of controllable loads. duction in the Virtual Power Plant is based generation and regulation capacities to
The outcome of the project, which was on price forecasts in the electricity mar- provide additional services to other mar-
successfully completed in 2021, was the kets, production costs for a given system, ket participants and customers associated
development and implementation of weather forecasts, as well as taking into with the platform.
innovative tools and solutions enabling consideration the need for maintenance
the management of the operation of gen- work at a particular location.
eration sources, energy storage facilities
and controllable electricity consumers for The solution developed and implemented Przemysław Janik
Expert on energy storage systems
the needs of energy market participants, by TAURON Ekoenergia Sp. z o.o. con- Office for Distributed Energy and R&D
primarily participants in the Balancing sists of three main components: Central Tauron Ekoenergia sp. z o.o.

E W 2/2022 (42) 37

Utilising external funding to expand the distribution

network of ZEW Niedzica SA
In Poland provision of the energy for 2014-2020 years, Measure 4.1. Increas- gear centre at the Niedzica power plant.
distribution services is an area regu- ing the use of renewable energy sources MV cable line is used to deliver power to
lated by the Energy Regulatory Office 4.1.1 Development of renewable energy the transformer stations, while fiber optic
(URE), which controls, among other distribution infrastructure. cable is used to allow for communication
things, the level of distribution fees (including visualization and remote con-
for energy recipients. As such, all This is how the project regarding thecon- trol) between the stations and the head-
investment undertakings should be struction of a 15 kV cable line at the bot- quarters of ZEW Niedzica. The power and
carried out in a balanced manner and tom of the Czorsztyn Lake has been cre- fiber optic lines were laid as follows: Nied-
at a pace adapted to the possibility of ated. We were able to secure co-financing zica Hydroelectric Power Station – trans-
transferring their financial effects to of the project in the amount of PLN 6.5 former station "Zamajerz" – transformer
energy consumers. In other words, the million. The decisive factor in obtaining station "Stylchyn" – transformer station
development of distribution services the subsidy was the very efficient prepa- "Frydman Podprzylasek" – transformer sta-
should be as efficient as possible – so ration of the construction project and tion "Frydman Pumping Station" – trans-
as not to lead to excessive increases in obtaining all decisions and permits nec- former station "Dębno Pumping Station".
distribution fee rates for consumers. essary to receive a construction permit -
In order to achieve such an objective, including an environmental decision and The most difficult and important part of the
ZEW Niedzica SA decided to utilise a water law permit. The design work was investment execution was the cable-lay-
external financing for an investment carried out by a contractor from Kielce – ing operation (of both, 15 kV and fibre
that almost doubles the length of the Instytut OZE Sp. z o.o. Timely implemen- optic) at the bottom of the lake. This stage
owned 15 kV MV grid. tation of the design work allowed the pro- required the preparation of not only tech-
ject to obtain sufficient amount of points nical facilities, but also the maintenance

n 2000, a 9.5 kilometer long 15 kV cable to be awarded a grant. of the appropriate water level in the res-
was laid at the bottom of the pictur- ervoir. Owing to favourable weather con-
esque Czorsztyn Lake. The route ran The planned investment result are medium ditions and efficient work of the contrac-
from the frontal dam in Niedzica to the voltage (15 kV) cable lines of more than tor (MANSTEL Bednarczyk, Słowik, Wiącek
side dam in the village of Frydman with 11.3 km in length, and a fibre optic line sp. j.), this extremely complicated and diffi-
the cable coming ashore at the villages of (laid along the medium voltage line at cult stage has been carried out successfully.
Kluszkowce and Maniowy. the bottom of the Czorsztyn Reservoir) The platforms with drums of cables weigh-
and three container transformer stations ing a total of about 40 tons were placed
After 18 years of operation, it became located on the banks of the lake. We also on the surface of the lake. They were then
apparent that due to the intensive devel- carried out adaptation and reconstruc- hooked up to a tugboat and the unwind-
opment of the RES sources around the tion of the existing electrical infrastructure ing of the cables of the first section could
Czorsztyn Reservoir, there is a need to at Frydman and Dębno transformer sta- begin. In total, cables were laid along
expand the main grid system owned by tions inside pumping station facilities, and a route of more than 11 kilometres, which
ZEW Niedzica SA. The total power of new the modernization of the RPW15 switch- had previously been designated by survey-
renewables is more than a dozen MW of
installed capacity. In addition, an impor-
tant premise was that after fault-free oper-
ation of the cable for almost 20 years, the
occurrence of a severe failure caused by
damage to the cable’s underwater sec-
tion could not be ruled out. For these rea-
sons, ZEW Niedzica SA began to consider
the construction of a second cable line
so as to connect it to the existing system.
Due to the large investment expenditures
and the need to pass these expenditures
on to customers in the form distribution
tariff, the planned investment was post-
poned until favourable circumstances
arose. Such a moment came in 2018, when
the chance to start the investment process
appeared in the form of a grant compe-
tition announced by the Regional Opera-
tional Program of the Malopolska Region Fig. 1. Coverage of the distribution network of ZEW Niedzica SA


supply so as to ensure certainty of electric-

ity delivery even during an outage.

After the completion of the investment,

the security of power supply to the Fryd-
man Pumping Station and the Dębno
Pumping Station – i.e. hydrotechnical facil-
ities responsible for pumping water from
areas located in depressions relative to
the Czorsztyn Lake – also increased. These
pumping stations provide flood safety
for the aforementioned villages. The abil-
ity to connect new renewables and elec-
tric car charging stations has also been
secured. The value of the entire project is:
PLN 7,794,627 net, of which the subsidy
Photo 1. Laying a cable at the bottom Photo 2. Vehicle charging station
amounts to PLN 6,461,629 (so 83% of the
of the Czorsztyn Lake near Niedzica beach.
project’s budget was obtained in a form of
ors. The cables along their entire length ated an intelligent network able to reduce an external non-refundable subsidy).
were encumbered with concrete blocks, losses arising in the process of distributing
and then their alignment was checked by electricity. The completion of the invest- Agnieszka Szpernoga
a diving team. ment also contributed to increased safety Marcin Skórnóg
Józef Wójcik
of electricity supply in the region, in case Arkadiusz Czarnecki
This is the longest cable route in Poland of failure of the first underwater cable. By ZEW Niedzica
located at the bottom of a water reservoir. connecting the new asset to the existing
The cable laid at the bottom of the lake, one, the possibility of intelligent network Graphics and photos come from the

accompanied by the fibre optic cable, cre- configuration, i.e. such switching of the archive of ZEW Niedzica SA

years of operation of ZEW Niedzica SA

(1997–2022) in numbers:

• 2,500 GWh of clean energy

satisfying each year the needs of
more than 100,000 people
• emissions reduction:
– CO₂ – 1,745 thousand tonnes
– SOx – 1.27 thousand tonnes
– NOx – 1.31 thousand tonnes
– CO – 0.5 thousand tonnes
• strengthening the reliability
and security of the national
energy system
• preventing 27 floods and
reducing the effects of drought
in the Dunajec Valley
• So far more than 5 million tourists
visited the Niedzica Dam and the
area near Czorsztyn Lake
• dynamic development of water
sports: more than 10 marinas
and infrastructure for sailors
and canoeists
E W 2/2022 (42) 39

Empirical estimation of the coarse soil hydraulic

conductivity in practice
Empirical formulas are often used in the practice of design and construction of B. Coarse sand:
hydraulic engineering structures as a quick and simple (cheap) method of deter- CSa (Pr); Cu = 5
mining the hydraulic conductivity. Often overlooked limitations in their appli- C. Coarse sand with gravel:
cability depending on the tested material and its condition in situ may lead to grCSa (Po); Cu = 2
underestimation of the desired filtration parameter, which in turn translates into D. Fine sand:
erroneous design assumptions regarding e.g. assessment of the limit state of FSa (Pd): D – Cu = 3
hydraulic damage or assumptions for dewatering works. For this purpose, a ver- The averaged results of the grain size
ification of the calculation of the filtration coefficient was carried out for com- distribution are summarised in Table 1.
monly used formulae taking into account the characteristic influence factors, i.e. Empirical formulas developed on the basis
grain size and porosity. of Vukovic and Soro [19] studies were
used to determine the hydraulic conduc-

he results obtained were compared Material and methods tivity. The general form of the formula is
with the results of laboratory tests The tests of hydraulic conductivity were expressed as:
carried out on soil samples with the carried out on samples of coarse-grained k
same porosity coefficients but different (non-cohesive) soils from the Warsaw area.
density index. In this paper an empirical The sampled soils belong genetically to where:
formula is proposed to correct the coarse- interglacial and fluvioglacial formations of k – hydraulic conductivity [cm/s; m/s],
grained soil permeability coefficient on the Warta or Odra glaciation. β – constant depending on characteristics
the basis of grain-size distribution param- of the porous medium,
eters in relation to compaction. In order to determine the hydraulic con- ϑ(n) – porosity function,
ductivity on the basis of empirical for- de – effective grain diameter [cm; mm],
The hydraulic conductivity (k) is a param- mulas the particle size distribution was g – the gravitational constant
eter that defines the ability of a soil determined according to PKN-CEN ISO/ [cm/s²; m/s²],
medium to allow water to flow through TS 17892-4:2008 [12]. Based on the parti- ν – kinematic viscosity, , where:
it. According to Darcy's linear law it cle size curve the parameters characteris- ρ – the temperature-dependent water
expresses the relationship between ing the particle size were determined, i.e.: density [g/dm3], μ – the temperature-de-
hydraulic gradient and water filtra- d₁₀, d₁₇, d₂₀, d₅₀, d₆₀ (substitute diameters in pendent water density [g/cm·s].
tion rate [8],[4]. There are many differ- mm corresponding to weight % of frac-
ent methods to determine the filtration tions passing through the sieves) and the In order to assess the suitability of the
coefficient, including field methods such type of soil. The soil type was determined selected empirical formulas for the deter-
as well pumping test, tracer tests, labora- in accordance with PN-B-0248:1986[10] mination of the hydraulic conductivity, cal-
tory methods and calculations based on and PN-EN ISO 14688-2:2019[13]. culations of this parameter were carried
empirical formulas. Based on the test results obtained, the out using the 12 formulas in Table 2.
soils were divided into 4 groups:
Estimation of aquifer properties by field A. Medium sand: In order to analyse the results obtained on
methods is accurate but costly and MSa (Ps): A1 – Cu = 2 oraz A2 – Cu = 3 the basis of empirical formulas, laboratory
prone to possible errors due to insuffi-
Source: Own study
cient knowledge of aquifer geometry and
hydraulic boundaries. Laboratory tests Soil type acc. to Coefficient Particle size distribution [mm]
allow an accurate description of the test type
of uniformity
PN-B-0248 PN-EN ISO (CU) [-]
boundary conditions, but are also lim- [10] 14688-2 [13]
d₁₀ d₁₇ d₂₀ d₅₀ d₆₀
ited by the ability to obtain representative
samples and the time-consuming nature A₁ Ps MSa 2 0.19 0.26 0.27 0.39 0.43
of the test procedure. Estimation of filtra-
tion properties based on empirical formu-
A₂ Ps MSa 3 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.28 0.33
las based on grain size distribution charac-
teristics is used generally to overcome the
above-mentioned problems, but it should B Pr CSa 5 0.19 0.27 0.31 0.78 0.93
be clearly emphasised that they have
a limited scope of application and lim-
ited accuracy of determination. In order C Po grCSa 2 0.49 0.56 0.59 0.88 0.98

to improve this condition and increase the

reliability of the empirical approach, vali- D Pd FSa 3 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.23 0.27
dation of selected formulas was carried out
for selected geomaterials. Table 1. Division of the soil according to the grain size composition


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E W 2/2022 (42) 41
KNOWLEDGE / Empirical estimation of the coarse soil hydraulic conductivity in practice

Source: Own study

Design source: Scope of application:
β ϑ(n)

This formula is used for sands of uniform

grain size, but can also be used for fine
Hazen (1892) [5] 6 ×10–4 1+10 (n – 0.26) gravels provided the soil has a coefficient of
CU < 5 and 0.1 mm < d10 < 3 mm.

Slichter (1898) acc. The formula is recommended for an effective

to Vukovic and 0.01 n3,287 grain size
Soro [19] 0.1 mm < d10 < 5 mm

Terzaghi (1925)
Ct – the sorting factor is
podstawie Vukovic
between: Use for coarse-grained sand.
and Soro [18] and
Devlin [3] 6.1×10–3 < Ct < 10.7×10–3

Beyer (1964) The formula is used for the effective grain size
acc. to Vukovic
1 0.06 mm < d10 < 0.6 mm and coefficient of
and Soro [18]
uniformity CU ≤ 20

Sauerbrei (1932) The formula is used for the effective grain size
[15] acc. to Vuko- 3.75 ×10 –3
vic and Soro [18]
d 17 < 0.05 cm

The application range corresponds to

Kozeny (1953) [7] 8.3 ×10 –3
coarse-grained sands.

Zamarin (1928) The formula is applicable for coarse sands

acc. to Vukovic without fractions with d < 0.00025 mm.
8.64 ×10 –3 Cn – factor depending on
and Soro [18] and – the maximum grain It can be used for fine and medium-grained
Devlin [3] the porosity,
diameter in fraction i; sands
Cn= (1.275 – 1.5n) 2

– the minimum grain

diameter in fraction i;
– the fraction of mass that
passes between sieves i and
i+1 where i is the smaller

Formula recommended for medium-grained

USBR [1] 0.0036 1
sands with CU < 5

Barr (2001) acc. to

Vukovic and Soro
[18] and Devlin [3] for spherical grains
for angular grains

Alyamani and where Io is the intersection

Sen (1993) acc. to (in mm) of the line formed by
1,300 1
Vukovic and Soro d50 and d10 with the grain size
[18] and Devlin [3] curve, d10 is the effective grain
size (mm) and d50 is the median
grain size (mm).

Tab. 2. Summary of the formulas used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity, continued on next page


Source: Own study

Design source: Scope of application:
β ϑ(n)

The formula is applicable for

Chapuis (2004) 0.3 < n < 0.7
acc. to Vukovic 0.6435 0.10 < d10 < 2.0 mm
and Soro [18] and
Devlin [3] 2 < CU < 12
Where: d10 / d5 < 1.4

Krumbein and
Monk (1942) acc.
to Vukovic and 7.501 × 10–6
Soro [18] and
Devlin [3]

diφ = average grain diameter of the fraction

Tab. 2. Summary of the formulas used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity

Source: Own study

Hydraulic conductivity k10 [m/s] assigned:

Density index ID [-]

by the empirical method according to the formula: laboratory

Porosity n [-]

Soil type

and Monk








and Sen

0.33 2.81E-04 7.20E-04 - 3.37E-04 1.20E-04 - - 1.74E-04 8.86E-05 3.27E-04 1.46E-04 3.34E-04 1.00E-04
0.35 3.14E-04 8.74E-05 - 3.37E-04 1.52E-04 - - 1.74E-04 1.12E-04 3.27E-04 1.91E-04 3.34E-04 1.16E-04
0.38 3.64E-04 1.14E-04 - 3.37E-04 2.13E-04 - - 1.74E-04 1.58E-04 3.27E-04 2.90E-04 3.34E-04 1.89E-04
0.40 3.97E-04 1.35E-04 - 3.37E-04 2.66E-04 - - 1.74E-04 1.97E-04 3.27E-04 3.91E-04 3.34E-04 2.18E-04
0.33 1.15E-04 2.96E-05 4.96E-05 1.33E-04 4.02E-05 5.56E-05 1.32E-04 5.27E-05 3.64E-05 1.16E-04 4.71E-05 1.33E-04 1.04E-04
0.36 1.36E-04 3.94E-05 6.77E-05 1.33E-04 5.71E-05 1.81E-04 1.66E-04 5.27E-05 5.18E-05 1.16E-04 7.42E-05 1.33E-04 1.25E-04
0.38 1.49E-04 4.70E-05 8.17E-05 1.33E-04 7.16E-05 9.92E-05 1.92E-04 5.27E-05 6.49E-05 1.16E-04 1.02E-04 1.33E-04 1.47E-04
0.41 1.70E-04 6.04E-05 1.06E-04 1.33E-04 9.93E-05 1.38E-04 2.33E-04 5.27E-05 9.00E-05 1.16E-04 1.70E-04 1.33E-04 1.59E-04
0.31 2.45E-04 5.81E-05 9.51E-05 2.85E-04 1.01E-04 6.76E-04 5.66E-04 2.48E-04 6.86E-05 5.12E-05 1.12E-04 5.12E-04 1.05E-04
0.34 2.95E-04 7.86E-05 1.33E-04 2.85E-04 1.46E-04 9.75E-04 8.32E-04 2.48E-04 1.21E-04 5.12E-05 2.08E-04 5.12E-04 4.20E-04
0.37 3.44E-04 1.04E-04 1.80E-04 2.85E-04 2.06E-04 1.38E-03 9.13E-04 2.48E-04 1.40E-04 5.12E-05 2.49E-04 5.12E-04 9.58E-04
0.39 3.76E-04 1.23E-04 2.15E-04 2.85E-04 2.57E-04 1.72E-03 1.05E-03 2.48E-04 1.75E-04 5.12E-05 3.33E-04 5.12E-04 2.85E-04
0.31 1.64E-03 3.88E-04 6.35E-04 2.27E-03 - 9.60E-04 1.50E-03 1.09E-03 4.59E-04 2.46E-03 1.35E-03 1.48E-03 3.41E-03
0.33 1.86E-03 4.77E-04 8.00E-04 2.27E-03 - 1.23E-03 1.78E-03 1.09E-03 5.87E-04 2.46E-03 1.62E-03 1.48E-03 6.38E-03
0.36 2.19E-03 6.34E-04 1.09E-03 2.27E-03 - 1.75E-03 2.25E-03 1.09E-03 8.35E-04 2.46E-03 2.17E-03 1.48E-03 9.96E-03
0.38 2.41E-03 7.58E-04 1.32E-03 2.27E-03 - 2.19E-03 2.59E-03 1.09E-03 1.05E-03 2.46E-03 2.67E-03 1.48E-03 9.29E-03
0.47 1.52E-04 6.81E-05 - 9.69E-05 1.33E-04 - - 3.59E-05 1.21E-04 8.83E-05 3.85E-04 8.16E-05 1.06E-05
0.55 1.91E-04 1.14E-04 - 9.69E-05 2.96E-04 - - 3.59E-05 2.69E-04 8.83E-05 2.56E-03 8.16E-05 1.43E-05
D szg
0.63 2.30E-04 1.78E-04 - 9.69E-05 6.57E-04 - - 3.59E-05 5.98E-04 8.83E-05 2.83E-02 8.16E-05 1.63E-05
0.71 2.69E-04 2.64E-04 - 9.69E-05 1.53E-03 - - 3.59E-05 1.39E-03 8.83E-05 7.10E-01 8.16E-05 1.98E-05
Table 3. Summary of results of the hydraulic conductivity determination for selected soil types

E W 2/2022 (42) 43
KNOWLEDGE / Empirical estimation of the coarse soil hydraulic conductivity in practice

Source: Own study

tests of the hydraulic conductivity were car-
ried out on reconstructed samples. On the
Formula: k basis of maximum and minimum dry den-
sity volume of soil skeleton [according to
Soil Correction factor 11] the parameters of forming samples
Formula validation:
type: A [-]: at selected density index: ID=0.30 – loose,
ID=0.50 – medium dense, ID=0.70 – dense,
ID=0.90 – very dense). Laboratory tests were
A1 0.47 performed with apparatus in accordance
with PKN-CEN ISO/TS 17892-11 [14] at con-
stant head of filtration, with water flowing
in upward and downward directions.

A2 0.94
Test results and discussion
The obtained results of the hydraulic con-
ductivity by the laboratory method were
compared with the values calculated on
the basis of empirical formulas (selected
B 1.44 for applicability) for soils characterised by
the four above mentioned density index
and for the average values of effective
diameter equivalents.

The data presented in Table 3 show

a clear relationship between the changes
in hydraulic conductivity (k) and effec-
tive pore diameter caused by increasing
the density index (ID) for each soil group.
This indicates that the condition of the soil
(density and porosity) must be taken into
C 3.68 account when estimating the value of the
hydraulic conductivity This relationship
is apparent irrespective of the grain size
distribution and type of material. Gen-
erally, lower hydraulic conductivity were
obtained in soils with a higher density
index. It should be noted that the perme-
ability coefficient is also affected by the
shape of soil particles and their mutual
arrangement [9],[16],[17],[18]. This effect
can be ignored in this case, as all the sands
had the same genesis and age (water-gla-
cial soils) and therefore a similar degree of
grain dressing.

Analysing the results given in Table 3, it

is possible to indicate the formulas for
which the calculated results are close to
D 0.07
the measured ones. The most similar val-
ues of the coefficient of permeability with
laboratory tests at constant hydraulic gra-
dient for non-cohesive soils in group A1
were obtained using the USBR formula, for
groups A2 and B: the Krumbein and Monk
formula, for group C: Alyamani and Sen
and for group D: the USBR formula. On
the other hand, in case of consideration
of the hydraulic conductivity according
Table 4. Validation of the Hazen formula against the laboratory method, taking into account the density index and soil type.
to the state of compaction (without tak-


ing into account the type of soil) the best performed on soil samples with the same

Źródło: Archiwum autora

fit was obtained using the Terzaghi and porosity coefficients (at different compac-
Chapuis formula. The universalism of the tion levels) as adopted in the calculation
approach and the practical aspect required method. The formulae based only on grain
the identification of a formula which, once size distribution (i.e. Beyer, USBR, Alyam-
validated, would allow simple and yet cor- ani and Sen, Krumbein and Monk) give
rect estimation of the hydraulic conductiv- results both higher and lower than those
ity. Therefore, on the basis of conducted obtained in laboratory conditions and do
analyses an attempt was made to verify the not take into account the influence of the
filtration coefficient determined according compaction in which the soil is located. On
to the Hazen formula taking into account the other hand, porosity formulae should
the degree of compaction [6]. The cor- not be used if there is no accurate (meas-
rection factor related to laboratory tests ured) data for this parameter. The com-
obtained at a constant slope was deter- parison of the results obtained shows the
mined for each of the studied soil groups need for individual assessment of the reli-
(Table 4). ability of the formulas used in the evalua-
tion of filtration due to the type of material
Summary and its condition. Empirically proposed for-
The most important factors shaping the fil- mulas correcting the filtration coefficient Photo. Apparatus to laboratory tests at constant

tration properties of soils include grain size obtained from the Hazen formula allow for head of filtration in accordance with PKN-CEN
ISO/TS 17892-11 and ASTM D2434
distribution described by the authorita- more accurate estimation of this parameter,
tive diameter di, followed by porosity n and close to the values from direct tests. determination of the filtration coefficient
coefficient of uniformity (CU). These param- should be taken into account. Limitations
eters are most often taken into account It should be remembered that the empiri- of these tests and design based only on
in the assessment of the filter proper- cal formulas give only approximate values the grain size distribution may have meas-
ties of a soil medium [2]. As it was shown of the water permeability coefficient, as urable effects in the form of defects and
in the conducted analyses, the necessity to they do not include all the factors deter- errors resulting from underestimation of
take into account the state of soil (which is mining the actual flow in the subsoil under this parameter.
a parameter related to the described fac- in situ conditions [6]. It should be stressed
tors) influences the improvement of the that the formulas have certain limitations
description of the phenomenon of filtration and ranges of applicability, which should
expressed by the hydraulic conductivity. be strictly observed. In practice, at the
stage of construction cost planning, the BEng. Krystyna Jaśkiewicz
phD, DSc Tomasz Godlewski, Assoc Prof.
The obtained calculation results were com- necessity to implement more labour-in- Building Structures, Geotechnics and Concrete
pared with the results of laboratory tests tensive (more expensive) methods of direct Department, Building Research Institute, Warsaw

1. Białas Z., Kleczkowski A. S. (1970). O przydatności 8. Myślińska, E. (1998). Laboratoryjne badania gruntów. gradiencie hydraulicznym (PKN-CEN ISO/TS 17892-
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współczynnika filtracji k. Archiwum Hydrotechniki 9. Parylak, K., Zięba, Z., Bułdys, A. & Witek, K. (2013). izacyjny.
TOM XVII, Zeszyt 3, s.405–417. Weryfikacja wyznaczania współczynnika filtracji 15. Sauerbrey, I.I., 1932. On the Problem and Determi-
2. Dąbska A. (2021) Odporność filtracyjna pias- gruntów niespoistych za pomocą wzorów empiry- nation of the Permeability Coefficient. Proceedings
ków. Warszawa: Oficyna wydawnicza Politechniki cznych w ujęciu ich mikrostruktury. Acta Sci. Pol. VNIIG, No. 3–5. (In. Russian.)
Warszawskiej Architectura, 12 (2), 43–51 16. Shen, C., Zhu, J. & Gu, W. (2019). Prediction Method
3. Devlin, J. F. (2015). HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel- 10. Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny [PKN] (1986). for Hydraulic Conductivity considering the Effect of
based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from Grunty budowlane. Określenia symbole podział Sizes of Ellipsoid Soil Particles from the Microscopic
grain size analysis. Hydrogeology Journal. doi. i opis gruntów (PN-B-0248:1986). Warszawa: Polski Perspective. Advances in Civil Engineering, 7213094.
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4. Head, K. & Epps, R. (2011). Manual of soil laboratory 11. Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny [PKN] (1988). 17. Wrzesiński, G. (2020). Permeability coefficient tests
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5. Hazen, A. (1892). Some physical properties of sands izacyjny. neering and Environmental Sciences, 29 (1), 72–80.
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380–445). Vienna: Springer. – Część 11: badanie filtracji przy stałym i zmiennym

E W 2/2022 (42) 45

Source: iStock, Olivier Le Moal

We can, with hydropower: how water, wind and sun can
combine to meet climate goals
The historic agreement among world that “choices made by countries now will the sun doesn’t shine. There is no other
leaders at COP26 to phase down coal make or break the commitment to 1.5°C”. existing technology that can offer backup
has intensified the debate about how His words reflect a stark reality that with- and grid services at scale to enable the
we will replace fossils fuels in the out swift and urgent action to limit global huge amounts of wind and solar power
future energy mix. But if we are to temperature rises, the net zero emissions needed to achieve net zero.
meet our climate goals, we must stop target will soon slip beyond our reach.
playing favourites and look towards Sustainable hydropower is a clean, green,
the complementary strengths of all Hydropower can enable wind modern and affordable solution to climate
renewable technologies, writes Eddie and solar at scale change. Once they are constructed, hydro-
Rich, CEO of the International Hydro- Wind and solar power have dominated the power projects provide society with power
power Association (IHA). conversation in recent years on shifting and grid services for many decades, and
away from fossil fuels. It is unquestionable with a lower greenhouse gas emission pro-

t is beyond any doubt that climate that both have a huge role to play in the file in comparison to other energy sources
change represents the greatest threat clean energy transition, and I welcome the over a full lifecycle. This is before we even
to humanity and the environment. investment that is being injected into their consider the many non-power services
While it has been reassuring to see the growth. However, wind and solar will soon hydropower provides, including water
global consensus come around to recog- reach their limit if we do not also invest in resource management, navigation, irriga-
nise the scale of the challenge, we are sim- a reliable backup for the times when the tion and tourism.
ply not making fast enough progress on weather conditions are not right.
reducing carbon emissions. The challenge we face is that new hydro-
As the world’s largest provider of clean power capacity is not being developed
Upon the launch of the third Intergovern- energy storage, hydropower is uniquely quickly enough to support the rapid
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) placed to fulfil this role. It can be ramped growth of variable renewables like wind
report in April 2022, United Nations Secre- up or down at short notice to stabilise the and solar. Factoring in the long lead times
tary-General António Guterres emphasised grid whenever the wind doesn’t blow or and complex legal processes involved,


hydropower projects often take more than of the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, mate and development goals, and a series
ten years to build. If policymakers do not using the new Hydropower Sustainability of recommendations for policymakers. At
make the critical decisions today to spur Standard certification scheme to ensure it its heart was an assertion that “going for-
new hydropower development, the sit- is developed responsibly. We can also sup- ward, the only acceptable hydropower
uation will get worse: we will either face plement new development by modernis- is sustainable hydropower”. The Decla-
blackouts, or we will need to fall back onto ing our existing stock of hydropower pro- ration – which was presented to global
harmful fossil fuels. jects around the world, and by retrofitting decision makers at COP26 – also featured
hydropower facilities into non-powered a ground-breaking commitment that new
Development is progressing, but we dams. hydropower projects must not be devel-
need to accelerate oped in UNESCO World Heritage Sites,
New intelligence in the last year has shed We can, with hydropower: a public and that a duty of care should be applied
light on the immense scale of hydro- information campaign in designated Protected Areas.
power development needed if we are to The need for sustainable hydropower as an
meet global climate goals. The Interna- enabler for net zero could not be clearer. With hydropower, the technology that we
tional Energy Agency (IEA) warned in its To bring this to the attention of the pub- need to deliver net zero is readily available
2021 Net Zero by 2050 report that global lic and place it firmly on the radar of pol- to us, and we have the knowledge and the
hydropower capacity needs to at least icymakers, IHA has launched a new cam- tools to develop it in a way that brings net
double by mid-century in order to limit paign in 2022 together with a coalition of positive benefits to society and the envi-
the global temperature rise to 1.5°C, while developers, operators, manufacturers and ronment. It is now down to governments
the organisation’s Executive Director Fatih industry associations around the world. around the world to incentivise sustaina-
Birol described hydropower as “the forgot- ble hydropower by including it in their cli-
ten giant of clean electricity” that “needs We can, with hydropower is a public infor- mate change strategies and providing the
to be put squarely back on the energy and mation campaign that highlights the many regulatory and financial frameworks that
climate agenda if countries are serious benefits that hydropower provides to soci- can spur new development.
about meeting their net zero goals”. ety when it is developed responsibly and
sustainably. The first phase of the cam- This must be the goal for COP27 in
Meanwhile, the International Renewable paign has focused on hydropower’s role in November 2022 if we are serious about
Energy Agency (IRENA) echoed these pro- enabling wind and solar, preventing black- phasing down coal and accelerating the
jections in its Global Energy Transforma- outs, providing affordable energy, decar- shift towards renewables.
tion: the REmap Transition Pathway, which bonising industries, and protecting com-
called for a doubling of global hydropower munities from floods and droughts. How to participate
capacity to around 2,600 GW by 2050. We welcome participation in the We can,
Leading public figures that have joined with hydropower campaign from anybody
Describing a “decade of high promise but the campaign to voice messages of sup- who has an interest in sustainable hydro-
ultimately uneven and lacklustre growth”, port include former Prime Minister of Aus- power and its role in achieving climate
IHA President Roger Gill wrote in the last tralia Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Min- goals. A range of social media graphics
edition of Energetyka Wodna that hydro- ister of New Zealand Helen Clark, explorer are available to download in six languages
power’s capacity growth was just 1.6 per and founder of the Solar Impulse Founda- from the campaign website, hydropower.
cent in 2020, far below the 2.3 per cent tion Bertrand Piccard, Swiss State Secre- org/wecan, and you can share your own
needed to reach the IEA’s net zero path- tary Benoît Revaz, and former Norwegian messages of support using the hashtag
way. The new data that we reveal in the Environment Minister Erik Solheim. #withhydropower.
2022 Hydropower Status Report shows
a slight annual increase in new develop- The road to COP27 Please also certify your projects with the
ment, but we are still falling short of what The launch of the We can, with hydro- Hydropower Sustainability Standard at
is needed. power campaign follows a remarka-
ble year of progress for the sustainable
Approximately 26 GW of new hydropower hydropower community. The 2021 World Finally, your company is welcome to join
capacity came online in 2021, marking Hydropower Congress last September saw the global effort to advance sustainable
a 1.9 percent increase and bringing the two milestone moments. Firstly, the launch hydropower by becoming a member of
global total to 1,360 GW. The geograph- of the Hydropower Sustainability Stand- the International Hydropower Association
ical distribution of development remains ard marked the world's first sustainability at
a problem, however; around 80 per cent of certification and labelling scheme in the
last year’s new installations were in China, renewables sector. We are now rolling out
which has dominated new hydropower in its implementation with the hydropower
the past decade. community around the world.

Ramping up our progress to meet net zero Secondly, the San José Declaration on
targets will require tapping into the tre- Sustainable Hydropower outlined a new
mendous potential that exists across much vision for the sector to contribute to cli- International Hydropower Association

E W 2/2022 (42) 47

The fishlift – bridging the ecological gap including

electricity production
For several decades now, so-called fish instinctively follows. In the best case, chamber. When the shaft is fully filled hav-
fish migration aids at weirs or similar the fish can immediately swim into the ing reached the headwater level, a spe-
barriers have been required by law in shaft. If, however, the lifting process does cial mechanism is triggered which, after
most cases. The most recent solutions not begin immediately, the fish will leave opening the gate on the headwater side,
include mechanically assisted lifts, the shaft again, as it cannot see any point mechanically expels the fish located above
such as fish lifts of various designs and in waiting. This behaviour can possibly be the screen from the shaft. This mechanical
functions, or fish screws. The concept limited with the arrangement of a fish trap process is also driven solely by gravity and
to be presented in this article enables - however, different fish sizes do not allow requires no external energy. This ensures
not only fish migration but also the for an optimal solution. that all fish have to leave the chamber
almost complete energetic utilisation more or less voluntarily.
of the operational flow necessary for In the concept to be presented, a so-called
the function, which largely avoids pro- compressor is arranged. This is a grid The turbine
duction losses in existing or planned screen that moves slowly from the begin- The turbine is installed in a bypass system
hydro power plants. ning of the tailwater channel to the shaft, running parallel to the shaft and is ideally
thus forcing the fish in this section into the a simple propeller turbine. Higher qualifi-

he idea of the fish lift is not new and shaft. The tailwater section should have cations are not required as both flow and
a number of such installations have a length of about 20 m to be effective. The head can be assumed to be constant. The
been built both in Europe and over- advance speed of the compressor screen design data will be in the following ranges:
seas. However, they differ from each other must be coordinated with the "timetable" Q between 0.2 and 2.0 m³/s, H between 4
in several respects. What they all have in of the liftings in the shaft. and 30 m. It is highly unlikely that the sys-
common is the arrangement of a central tem will be suitable for significantly lower
shaft structure in which the fish are lifted. The shaft and its connections heights, as the essential advantage of
Already in the lifting process, however, In the present concept, a vertical, pris- lower costs will no longer be effective. The
there are differences both in the drive and matic shaft represents the core of the sys- necessary equipment such as mechanics,
in terms of what is lifted. Some systems lift tem. This shaft can either be made of rein- gates and turbine will then be too expen-
volumes of water including fish in closed forced concrete or steel and is connected sive. The turbine is always in operation.
containers. Others fill the shaft and let the to the individual headwater or tailwater The path of the water inflow and outflow is
fish swim independently. Some systems via mostly rectangular channels. Rectan- controlled by gates as well. Turbine regu-
work under a slight overpressure – others gular cross-sections are suitable for purely lation is not necessary.
prefer the free water level in the chamber. technical reasons, since both channel con-
nections must be designed to be closable, The distributor
The upstream emptying can also be done and this can best be achieved with a sim- The shaft is filled via a separate filling pipe
in different ways. In some arrangements, ple sliding or rolling gate. that branches off from the inlet pipe in
the lifting takes place above the head- front of the turbine and leads to the bot-
water level and after emptying the tank, The dimensions of the shaft are based on tom of the shaft structure. Just there, the
the fish are flushed into the headwater dimensions that are considered sufficient pipe widens into a distribution system to
via a channel. Other solutions prefer free for vertical slot passes. This implies a size allow the flow to enter the shaft as turbu-
swimming out. dependency on the decisive largest fish lence-free as possible. The distribution sys-
species to be assumed at the respective tem must be adapted to the shaft size and
In the case of the "fish lift", the lifting takes location. The shaft thus has a length of 3x the filling time. The flow is controlled by
place under free water level and without the length and a width of 2x the length of an IDM-controlled valve in the supply line.
the use of external energy. A lattice screen the determining fish species.
is lifted, but not the water volume. In the The operating phases
upstream emptying phase, the fish swim The lattice screen The operation of the system can be divided
freely but mechanically "motivated" into Inside the chamber there is a vertically into four main phases:
the upstream area. movable screen. The screen consists of
a metal frame and a suitable mesh screen Phase 1: Fish swimming-in
Components and operating and is guided laterally in rails. The edges During the swim-in phase, the lattice
phases of the "fishlift” of the screen are designed in such a way screen is in its lowest position and the
The compressor that fish cannot get caught between the downstream gate is open. The compres-
One of the major challenges concern- screen and the shaft wall. The screen is sor has reached its final position on the
ing the function of a fish lift is the tailwa- connected to suitably dimensioned floats shaft and the fish are forced into the shaft.
ter swimming in into the lifting system. An by means of rods, whereby the position Immediately afterwards, the underwa-
important parameter for this is undoubt- and movement of the screen is deter- ter gate closes and the chamber is slowly
edly a certain attraction flow, which the mined exclusively by the water level in the filled with water.


Phase 2: Raising the water level water level in the shaft. After reaching the of the system is 0.4 m³/s x 3600 s = 1440
and the fish lowest position and being level with the m³. Filling the shaft four times requires
The supply pipe to the distributor is tailwater, the tailwater gate opens com- a volume of 122.88 m³. In a traditional
opened and the shaft is slowly filled. pletely. vertical slot pass, the generation loss per
Held by the water level, the screen slowly hour is thus about 25 kWh. In the "fish-
moves upwards and takes the fish in the A design example lift", the loss in the same time is only 2.2
shaft with it. When the chamber is full, the The following numerical example serves to kWh, which is 8.7%. Calculated over a year,
screen reaches its highest position and the illustrate the quality of the fishlift system. this results in 219,000 kWh compared to
supply pipe is closed. The following data are assumed: 19,136 kWh.
Q = 400 l/s; H = 8 m; length of the rele-
Phase 3: Fish swimming out vant fish species: 80 cm. The investment for a conventionally con-
When the lattice screen reaches its top This results in the following design sizes: structed slot pass would be approximately
end, the upstream gate opens and the Shaft size: l= 2.4 m, b = 1.6 m 1,000,000 €. The estimated construction
function of the "ejector" is activated. This Variable chamber volume: 30.72 m³ costs for the "fish lift" are around 500,000
forces the fish to leave the chamber. When Speed of lattice screen lifting: 2.22 cm/s €, i.e. 50%.
the "ejector" has reached its final position, Shaft filling time (raising): 6 min
the upstream gate closes. Shaft emptying time (lowering): 6 min Area of application
Duration of the swim-in phase: 1.5 min The "fish lift" is particularly suitable for
Phase 4: Emptying the chamber Duration of the swim-out phase: 1.5 min heads of more than 4 m. This is because
The downstream gate is opened slightly Required flow to fill the chamber: 85.33 l/s the costs for the mechanical equip-
to empty the chamber. The sinking water According to the times mentioned, four ment such as turbine and gates are
level in the shaft brings the “ejector” back cycles/h result. hardly height-dependent. The height
into its initial position and also lets the of the shaft only leads to a subordi-
lattice screen sink again. To ensure even The generation losses are as follows: nate increase in costs, since it is a sim-
emptying, the opening height of the tail- During one hour of operation (4 cycles), ple concrete or steel construction. How-
water gate is controlled according to the the total water demand for the operation ever, the costs for a comparable vertical

Phase I Phase II

7 7

Phase 1: Phase 2:
Turbinenschütz offen - Lockwasser geht durch die Turbine Turbinenschütz offen - Lockwasser geht durch die Turbine
Verdichterschirm bewegt sich in Richtung Schacht Verdichterschirm unmittelbar am Schacht
Fische schwimmen in den Schacht ein Fische befinden sich im Schacht
Füll-Leitung geschlossen Füll-Leitung offen - Wasser strömt in den Schacht
Unterwasserschütz offen Unterwasserschütz geschlossen
Oberwasserschütz geschlossen Phase III Oberwasserschütz geschlossen Phase IV
Wasserspiegel auf Unterwasserniveau Wasserspiegel steigt langsam

7 7

Phase 3: Phase 1:
Turbinenschütz offen - Lockwasser geht durch die Turbine Turbinenschütz offen - Lockwasser geht durch die Turbine
Verdichterschirm am Beginn der Verdichterstrecke Verdichterschirm bewegt sich langsam in Richtung Schacht
Fig.1. of theaus
schwimmen fishlift cycle aus
dem Schacht keine Fische im Schacht
Füll-Leitung geschlossen Füll-Leitung geschlossen
Unterwasserschütz geschlossen Unterwasserschütz einen Spalt geöffnet um den Schacht zu entleeren E W 2/2022 (42) 49
Oberwasserschütz offen Oberwasserschütz geschlossen
Wasserspiegel auf Oberwasserniveau Wasserspiegel sinkt langsam
ECOLOGY / The fishlift – bridging the ecological gap including electricity production

main chamber
head water gate

head water channel

hydraulic prop

filling pipe
tailwater channel

floating skeleton

Fig. 2. Main elements of fishlift

slot pass increase approximately line- Conclusions a resulting amortisation of the fish by-pass
arly with the head. There is no techni- Mechanically assisted fish migration aids system. No alternative can claim this
cal limit upwards. However, the ques- are currently very much in the ascend- bonus.
tion of whether it makes sense for very ancy, and monitoring already carried
high heads must be raised in principle, out has proven satisfactory functionality
since the upstream habitat at high dam despite the partly very sceptical or even
heights is unlikely to meet the require- negative attitude of the authorities. Now
ments of the fish. The size of the rele- it is a question of proving the acceptance
vant fish species is hardly limited. With of such systems in as many different fish
the exception of the house catfish, which regions as possible and finally declaring
can allegedly grow up to 6 m long, or them to be state of the art.
PhD BEng. Bernhard Pelikan, Prof. ret.
capital catfish and pike, lengths of 1.2 to Legal advisor for hydropower exploitation
1.5 m will probably rarely be exceeded The system presented combines the and flood protection
in European rivers. Consequently, maxi- advantages of such by-pass systems with Lecturer
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
mum chamber sizes of 3 x 4.5 m will also the benefit of simultaneous energy gener-
rarely be needed. A frequently required ation. This not only leads to a 90% avoid-
dimension will be about 2 x 3 m. ance of generation losses, but also to Graphics come from the author's archive.


Cities of green, blue and energy

More than half of the global com-

Source: Author's archive

munity already resides in cities [1].
Urbanization is growing tremen-
dously and with it, significant human
interference with nature is deepen-
ing. We have realized that we crossed
safe boundaries in terms of unre-
stricted use of resources and trans-
formation of the environment.

ature has repeatedly said "check,"
mercilessly exposing the sad
truth that we may not go unpun-
ished in our actions and showing us that
despite significant technological progress a b
and tremendous development of knowl-
Photo 1. Examples of the presence of green-blue infrastructure in Rumia: a) a retention reservoir in the
edge – we are often helpless in the face of
Starowiejski Park; b) small retention in a park in Rumia Janowie
the power of natural forces.
areas in the city to provide a wide range of • pollution reduction (including reduc-
Concepts such as "sustainable develop- ecosystem services [2]. These "ecosystem ing dust formation, pollutant adsorp-
ment," "climate change adaptation," and services" are all the functions and bene- tion, etc.);
"energy transition" are nowadays insepa- fits for society and the economy that are • creating an attractive urban space, con-
rable companions of engineering activi- a consequence of the presence of nature ducive to building social relations, rec-
ties and necessary strategies, indicating in a city [3]. Thus, the implementation of reation, sports, promotion of pro-en-
courses of action for repairing and miti- "blue-green infrastructure" is a set of delib- vironmental behaviour, environmental
gating the effects of disturbed harmony in erate, thoughtful and targeted activities education, etc.
the relationship between man and nature. (structural and non-structural) aimed at As a result, the comfort of urban life is sig-
The rediscovery and maintenance of a bal- ensuring the optimal functioning of the nificantly improved.
ance between human needs (including in urban ecosystem.
terms of developing agglomerations) and Practical implementation of the idea of
the environment's capacity for regener- Water and vegetation in the city "blue-green infrastructure" can be car-
ation and its resilience to anthropopres- The advantages of the presence of water ried out in a variety of ways and at a dif-
sure, is now among the strategic and pri- and vegetation in urban areas cannot ferent scales (from the global one – with
ority demands. be overstated. Among the most obvious respect to the entire city or even the
ones, there are: region, to the very local one – related to
The aforementioned attention to sustain- • improving thermal and humidity condi- individual neighborhoods, settlements, or
ability has a very broad context and can tions in cities - reducing diurnal temper- even individual properties). The most com-
be considered at many levels and scales. ature fluctuations, preventing excessive mon measures include the implementa-
In addition to economic, climate-related, heating of surfaces and air, improving tion of solutions to increase water reten-
hydrological and ecological aspects, these thermal comfort (indoors and outdoors), tion (including retention tanks, retention
activities also have a social, psychologi- preventing air drying, thereby weaken- basins, ditches, water squares, green walls
cal and educational dimension. The func- ing the effect of urban heat islands and and green roofs, rain gardens), the use of
tioning of urban agglomerations today is improving the microclimate in cities; solutions using infiltration without reten-
viewed holistically and in the long term - • improving quantitative relations and tion or with retention (such as. permea-
as a kind of natural-technical supersystem, equalizing the water balance in the city ble surfaces, infiltration basins, absorption
rich in multi-layered interactions between - retention of rainwater, prevention of wells, absorption ditches, infiltration boxes,
biotic and abiotic elements. rapid rainwater runoff and urban flood- dry rain gardens, etc.), the design of ele-
ing, infiltration of rainwater and ground- ments that slow down or change the direc-
One important trend that fits into the water recharge, prevention of urban tion of water runoff (the use of rougher
aforementioned strategies is water- and droughts, reduction of "so-called hydro- pavement, the use of runoff in the form of
vegetation-oriented urban planning and logical stress" in the city, resulting from cascades, appropriate profiling of streets,
sustainable stormwater management. In the uneven distribution of resources in the use of buffer strips, etc.) and a number
practice, this manifests itself, among other time and space, relieving the burden on of others. Solutions using vegetation addi-
things, in the implementation of the idea wastewater treatment plants and rain- tionally affect the increase of interception
of "blue-green infrastructure" in cities, water collectors; (retention of water by vegetation), evapo-
understood as a strategically planned and • preservation/improvement of urban ration and transpiration and thus, in prac-
managed network of natural and water biodiversity; tice, affect those component processes of


design of key construction details). No less

Source: Wikipedia, Shanta Rohse

Source. M. Brzana
important is care at the execution stage
of the investment and the selection of the
quality of the products used, as well as the
course of subsequent operation and main-

An interesting duo - retention and

energy function
An interesting solution is to combine the
green roof function with an energy func-
tion by using biosolar roofs - green roofs
equipped with photovoltaic panels. The
literature provides many examples of
experimental studies to test the effective-
ness of this type of solutions (e.g. [5-9]).
Photo 2. View of the green roof of the Cana- Photo 3. Example of extensive vegetation on a green
The reports from these analyses indicate
dian War Museum, Ottawa roof model
the occurrence of a synergy effect, mani-
the water cycle in nature that contribute inside the building, thereby increasing fested by an increase in the effectiveness
to reducing the amount of rainwater that comfort and microclimate during hot of the 'dual' solution in relation to the sum
forms rapid surface runoff. In turn, solu- weather, of the effectiveness of the individual solu-
tions that collect water, in addition to serv- • thermal insulation of buildings, thereby tions (according to the reports, approxi-
ing a protective and recreational function, reducing heat loss through the roof in mately 3%, sometimes up to 10% increase
lead to the formation of water reser- winter and improving the energy bal- in the amount of energy produced). This is
voirs for its secondary use (e.g., for water- ance of buildings, due to the positive effect of the presence
ing gardens, parks, lawns, flushing toilets, • improving insulation against noise, of vegetation on the thermo-humidity
washing pavements), and these can also • absorbing some of the pollution, conditions of the roof (lowering the tem-
function as reservoirs of a heating or cool- and finally perature of the vegetated roof, increasing
ing medium, or create potential opportu- • climate-forming function in the city, evaporation) and thus increasing the effi-
nities for use of water for energy purposes. improving the attractiveness of urban ciency of the solar panels. Manufacturers
spaces and, in the case of intensive roofs, of system solutions for green solar roofs
Green-tinted roof also creating additional usable space. (e.g. [10]) additionally point to the impor-
Among the ideas mentioned, green roofs tant aspect of increasing biodiversity on
are an interesting solution. In addition to The effectiveness of a green roof is deter- such surfaces. The different amounts of
their primary function of retaining rain- mined by a number of factors [4]. Among sunlight and water in the areas under and
water and thus reducing and slowing the the most important is the correct course of in front of the panels enable a diversity of
outflow of rainwater into the sewer system, the roof structure design stage, adapted to plant species on the roof.
they perform a number of additional func- specific conditions and the assumed func-
tions, such as: tionality of the roof (selection of individ- The combination of retention and energy
• increasing biologically active area and ual layers of the green roof, including the functions is also sometimes implemented
improving biodiversity, type of vegetation, type and thickness of through the use of floating photovol-
• lowering the temperature of the roof the plant substrate layer, selection of the taic panels (e.g. [11]). For obvious reasons,
surface in summer and the temperature drainage layer, etc., as well as the correct such solutions are more justifiable in the
Source: Pixabay, VladVictoria Source: Pixabay, StockSnap
case of larger bodies of water, but it seems
that similar measures on a smaller - estate
or neighbourhood - scale, using urban
retention reservoirs, may also prove valu-
able in the long term.

Some more energy solutions

Water squares and parks in the broad-
est sense of the term are interesting and
very varied in their extent and character.
Depending on the geometric and height
characteristics of the area, it is possible to
introduce a variety of water attractions in
a b such places, usually aimed at the young-
est. They mainly have a recreational and/
Photo 4. Examples of the use of photovoltaic panels on a green roof or educational function. They are usu-

E W 2/2022 (42) 53
ECOLOGY / Green, blue and energy in cities

tunities to use urban infrastructure for worldwide. An example is the city of Port-
Source: Wikipedia, Solar Roadways Inc

energy generation. A variety of ideas land, where the four special segments,
can accompany and enhance elements equipped with turbines connected to gen-
of blue-green infrastructure. Experimen- erators, produce the electricity needed to
tal solutions already include photovoltaic power 150 houses [12].
roads and paths, small urban pedestrian
power plants (pavements that produce The need for an energy transition can
electricity when people walk on them), therefore be seen not only as a challenge
playing fields that are illuminated by foot- to be faced, but also as an opportunity to
ball players running on them and so on. find creative solutions to enrich and fur-
Photo 5. Solar car park prototype
ther enhance urban space.
ally shallow basins, cascades, water chan- A separate category is the creation of
nels with additional infrastructure (e.g. small urban hydroelectric power plants, Phd Eng. Katarzyna Weinerowska-Bords,
water wheels, fountains, slides, moving using natural watercourses and retention Assoc Prof.
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
surfaces, water curtains, etc.). In a special facilities in the form of basins and reser- Gdansk University of Technology
case, if designed appropriately, they can voirs. An example of indigenous solutions
also potentially provide a visually satisfy- is the urban hydroelectric power plant that
ing source of small-scale energy used, for was established in 2018 at Służewiecki Park
example, for the illumination of the square. in Warsaw (“Energetyka Wodna”, issue
2/2019). Experimental solutions involv- References:
Developments in technology are con- ing the insertion of water turbines into 1. „2014 revision of the World Urbanization Prospects”,
stantly providing us with further oppor- sewer lines are also being implemented Report of United Nations, Dep. Of. Economic and
Social Affairs,
Source: Wikipedia, Anna Regelsberger

tion-prospects.html (dostęp: 11 maja 2022)

2. Wagner I., Krauze K. : Jak bezpiecznie zatrzy-
mać wodę w mieście? Narzędzia techniczne. Seria
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4. Burszta-Adamiak E. (red).: Dachy zielone. Wytyczne
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pp. 246–256,. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.12.027.
6. Kessling K., Cohen A., Jasso J.: Feasibility of Combi-
ning Solar Panels and Green Roofs on the Activities
and Recreation Center, Final Report, December 15,
2017, CEE 398PBL
7. Alshayeb, M. J. and Chang, J. D.: Variations of PV
panel performance installed over a vegetated roof
and a conventional black roof, 2018, Energies, 11(5).
doi: 10.3390/en11051110.
8. Baumann, T. I in. : Photovoltaic systems with ver-
tically mounted bifacial PV modules in combina-
tion with green roofs, 2019, Solar Energy. Elsevier,
190(August), pp. 139–146. doi: 10.1016/j.sole-
9. Irga P. i in.: Green Roof & Solar Array – compa-
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10. OPTI_SolarGreenRoof_Bro_210x297_PL_web.pdf
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11. Jędrzak M.: Przyszłość z energii jest na wodzie,
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12. Elektrownia wodna w miejskich kanałach, Elek-
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trownia-wodna-w-miejskich-kanalach/) (dostęp:
Photo 6. Solar tree in Gleisdorf, Austria 20.05.2022).

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