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Python Architecture Patterns: Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python
Python Architecture Patterns: Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python
Python Architecture Patterns: Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python
Ebook1,221 pages8 hours

Python Architecture Patterns: Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python

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Developing large-scale systems that continuously grow in scale and complexity requires a thorough understanding of how software projects should be implemented. Software developers, architects, and technical management teams rely on high-level software design patterns such as microservices architecture, event-driven architecture, and the strategic patterns prescribed by domain-driven design (DDD) to make their work easier.

This book covers these proven architecture design patterns with a forward-looking approach to help Python developers manage application complexity—and get the most value out of their test suites.

Starting with the initial stages of design, you will learn about the main blocks and mental flow to use at the start of a project. The book covers various architectural patterns like microservices, web services, and event-driven structures and how to choose the one best suited to your project. Establishing a foundation of required concepts, you will progress into development, debugging, and testing to produce high-quality code that is ready for deployment. You will learn about ongoing operations on how to continue the task after the system is deployed to end users, as the software development lifecycle is never finished.

By the end of this Python book, you will have developed "architectural thinking": a different way of approaching software design, including making changes to ongoing systems.

Release dateJan 12, 2022
Python Architecture Patterns: Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python

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    Python Architecture Patterns - Jaime Buelta


    Python Architecture Patterns

    Master API design, event-driven structures, and package management in Python

    Jaime Buelta


    Python and the Python Logo are trademarks of the Python Software Foundation.

    Python Architecture Patterns

    Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

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    First published: January 2022

    Production reference: 2020222

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

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    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-80181-999-2


    About the author

    Jaime Buelta has been a professional programmer for 20 years and a full-time Python developer for over 10. During that time, he has been exposed to a lot of different technologies while working for different industries and helping them achieve their goals; these industries include aerospace, industrial systems, video game online services, finance services and educational tools. He has been writing technical books since 2018, reflecting on lessons learned over his career, including Python Automation Cookbook and Hands On Docker for Microservices in Python. He is currently living in Dublin, Ireland.

    Writing a book is always more than a single person's work. There're not only the people involved directly in polishing and improving the drafts, but also a lot of conversations and talks with exceptional people in the Python and tech community that shape the ideas in it. It also wouldn't be possible without the love and support from Dana, my amazing wife.

    About the reviewer

    Pradeep Pant is a computer programmer, software architect, AI researcher and open source advocate. Pradeep has been writing computer programs for more than 2 decades in various programming languages and platforms, such as microprocessor/Assembly, C, C++, Perl, Python, R, JavaScript, AI/ML, Linux, the cloud and many more. Pradeep holds a master's degree in physics and another master's in computer science. In his free time, Pradeep likes to write about his tech journey and learnings at

    Pradeep works with Ockham BV, a Belgium-based software development company. The company develops software in the quality and document management systems space.

    Pradeep can be contacted through email or through professional networks:

    Email: [email protected]



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    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

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    Introduction to Software Architecture

    Defining the structure of a system

    Division into smaller units

    In-process communication

    Conway's Law – Effects on software architecture

    Application example – Overview

    Security aspects of software architecture


    Part I: Design

    API Design


    Using the right abstractions

    Leaking abstractions

    Resources and action abstractions

    RESTful interfaces

    A more practical definition

    Headers and statuses

    Designing resources

    Resources and parameters


    Designing a RESTful API process

    Using the Open API specification


    Authenticating HTML interfaces

    Authenticating RESTful interfaces

    Self-encoded tokens

    Versioning the API

    Why versioning?

    Internal versus external versioning

    Semantic versioning

    Simple versioning

    Frontend and backend

    Model View Controller structure

    HTML interfaces

    Traditional HTML interfaces

    Dynamic pages

    Single-page apps

    Hybrid approach

    Designing the API for the example


    Review of the design and implementation


    Data Modeling

    Types of databases

    Relational databases

    Non-relational databases

    Key-value stores

    Document stores

    Wide-column databases

    Graph databases

    Small databases

    Database transactions

    Distributed relational databases



    Pure sharding

    Mixed sharding

    Table sharding

    Advantages and disadvantages of sharding

    Schema design

    Schema normalization


    Data indexing



    The Data Layer

    The Model layer

    Domain-Driven Design

    Using ORM

    Independence from the database

    Independence from SQL and the Repository pattern

    No problems related to composing SQL

    The Unit of Work pattern and encapsulating the data

    CQRS, using different models for read and write

    Database migrations

    Backward compatibility

    Relational schema changes

    Changing the database without interruption

    Data migrations

    Changes without enforcing a schema

    Dealing with legacy databases

    Detecting a schema from a database

    Syncing the existing schema to the ORM definition


    Part II: Architectural Patterns

    The Twelve-Factor App Methodology

    Intro to the Twelve-Factor App

    Continuous Integration



    The Twelve Factors

    Build once, run multiple times

    Dependencies and configurations


    Monitoring and admin

    Containerized Twelve-Factor Apps


    Web Server Structures


    Web architecture

    Web servers

    Serving static content externally

    Reverse proxy


    Advanced usages


    The WSGI application

    Interacting with the web server


    Process lifecycle

    Python worker

    Django MVT architecture

    Routing a request towards a View

    The View




    Django REST framework


    URL routing



    External layers


    Event-Driven Structures

    Sending events

    Asynchronous tasks

    Subdividing tasks

    Scheduled tasks

    Queue effects

    Single code for all workers

    Cloud queues and workers


    Configuring Celery

    Celery worker

    Triggering tasks

    Connecting the dots

    Scheduled tasks

    Celery Flower

    Flower HTTP API


    Advanced Event-Driven Structures

    Streaming events



    Base task

    Image task

    Video task

    Connecting the tasks

    Running the task

    Defining a bus

    More complex systems

    Testing event-driven systems


    Microservices vs Monolith

    Monolithic architecture

    The microservices architecture

    Which architecture to choose

    A side note about similar designs

    The key factor – team communication

    Moving from a monolith to microservices

    Challenges for the migration

    A move in four acts

    1. Analyze

    2. Design

    3. Plan

    4. Execute

    Containerizing services

    Building and running an image

    Building and running a web service

    uWSGI configuration

    nginx configuration

    Start script

    Building and running


    Orchestration and Kubernetes


    Part III: Implementation

    Testing and TDD

    Testing the code

    Different levels of testing

    Unit tests

    Integration tests

    System tests

    Testing philosophy

    How to design a great test

    Structuring tests

    Test-Driven Development

    Introducing TDD into new teams

    Problems and limitations

    Example of the TDD process

    Introduction to unit testing in Python

    Python unittest


    Testing external dependencies


    Dependency injection

    Dependency injection in OOP

    Advanced pytest

    Grouping tests

    Using fixtures


    Package Management

    The creation of a new package

    Trivial packaging in Python

    The Python packaging ecosystem


    Virtual environments

    Preparing an environment

    A note on containers

    Python packages

    Creating a package

    Development mode

    Pure Python package


    Python package with binary code

    Uploading your package to PyPI

    Creating your own private index


    Part IV: Ongoing operations


    Log basics

    Producing logs in Python

    Detecting problems through logs

    Detecting expected errors

    Capturing unexpected errors

    Log strategies

    Adding logs while developing

    Log limitations



    Metrics versus logs

    Kinds of metrics

    Generating metrics with Prometheus

    Preparing the environment

    Configuring Django Prometheus

    Checking the metrics

    Starting a Prometheus server

    Querying Prometheus

    Proactively working with metrics




    Profiling basics

    Types of profilers

    Profiling code for time

    Using the built-in cProfile module

    Line profiler

    Partial profiling

    Example web server returning prime numbers

    Profiling the whole process

    Generating a profile file per request

    Memory profiling

    Using memory_profiler

    Memory optimization



    Detecting and processing defects

    Investigation in production

    Understanding the problem in production

    Logging a request ID

    Analyzing data

    Increasing logging

    Local debugging

    Python introspection tools

    Debugging with logs

    Debugging with breakpoints


    Ongoing Architecture

    Adjusting the architecture

    Scheduled downtime

    Maintenance window


    Postmortem analysis

    Premortem analysis

    Load testing


    Backward compatibility

    Incremental changes

    Deploying without interruption

    Feature flags

    Teamwork aspects of changes


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    The evolution of software means that, over time, systems grow to be more and more complex, and require more and more developers working on them in a coordinated fashion. As the size increases, a general structure arises from there. This structure, if not well planned, can become really chaotic and difficult to work with.

    The challenge of software architecture is to plan and design this structure. A well-designed architecture makes different teams able to interact with each other while at the same time having a clear understanding of their own responsibilities and their goals.

    The architecture of a system should be designed in a way that day-to-day software development is possible with minimal resistance, allowing for adding features and expanding the system. The architecture in a live system is also always in flux, and can be adjusted and expanded as well, reshaping the different software elements in a deliberate and smooth fashion.

    In this book we will see the different aspects of software architecture, from the top level to some of the lower-level details that support the higher view. The book is structured in four sections, covering all the different aspects in the life cycle:

    Design before writing any code

    Architectural patterns to use proven approaches

    Implementation of the design in actual code

    Ongoing operation to cover changes, and verification that it's all working as expected

    During the book we will cover different techniques across all these aspects.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for software developers that want to expand their knowledge of software architecture, whether experienced developers that want to expand and solidify their intuitions about complex systems, or less experienced developers who want to learn and grow their abilities, facing bigger systems with a broader view.

    We will use code written in Python for the examples. Though you're not required to be an expert, some basic knowledge of Python is advisable.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Software Architecture, presents the topic of what software architecture is and why it is useful, as well as presenting a design example.

    The first section of the book covers the Design phase, before the software is written:

    Chapter 2, API Design, shows the basics of designing useful APIs that abstract the operations conveniently.

    Chapter 3, Data Modeling, talks about the particularities of storage systems and how to design the proper data representation for the application.

    Chapter 4, The Data Layer, goes over the code handling of the stored data, and how to make it fit for purpose.

    Next, we will present a section that covers the different Architectural patterns available, which reuse proven structures:

    Chapter 5, The Twelve-Factor App Methodology, shows how this methodology includes good practices that can be useful when operating with web services and can be applied in a variety of situations.

    Chapter 6, Web Server Structures, explains web services and the different elements to take into consideration when settling on both the operative and the software design.

    Chapter 7, Event-Driven Structures, describes another kind of system that works asynchronously, receiving information without returning an immediate response.

    Chapter 8, Advanced Event-Driven Structures, explains more advanced usages for asynchronous systems, and some different patterns that can be created.

    Chapter 9, Microservices vs Monolith, presents these two architectures for complex systems, and goes over their differences.

    The Implementation section of the book covers how the code is written:

    Chapter 10, Testing and TDD, talks about the fundaments of testing and how Test Driven Development can be used in the coding process.

    Chapter 11, Package Management, follows the process of creating reusable parts of code and how to distribute them.

    Finally, the last section deals about Ongoing operations, where the system is in operation and requires monitoring at the same time that is adjusted and changed:

    Chapter 12, Logging, describes how to record what working systems are doing.

    Chapter 13, Metrics, discusses aggregating different values to see how the whole system is behaving.

    Chapter 14, Profiling, explains how to understand how code is executed to improve its performance.

    Chapter 15, Debugging, covers the process of digging deep into the execution of code to find and fix errors.

    Chapter 16, Ongoing Architecture, describes how to successfully operate architectural changes on running systems.

    To get the most out of this book

    The book uses Python language for code examples, and assumes that the reader is comfortable reading it, though an expert level is not needed.

    Previous exposure to complex systems with multiple services will be advantageous to understand the different challenges software architecture presents. This should be simple for developers with a couple of years of experience or more.

    Familiarity with web services and REST interfaces is useful to better understand some elements.

    Download the example code files

    The code bundle for the book is hosted on GitHub at We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    CodeInText : Indicates code words in text, object names, module names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs and user input. Here is an example: For this recipe, we need to import the requests module.

    A block of code is set as follows:


















    leonardo(number -


    ) + leonardo(number -


    ) +


    Note that code may be edited for concision and clarity. Refer to the full code when necessary, which is available on GitHub.

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows (notice the $ symbol):


    python parameters

    Any input in the Python interpreter is written as follows (notice the >>> symbol). Expected output will be reflected without the >>> symbol:






    'This is a warning'


    WARNING:root:This is a warning

    To enter the Python interpreter, call the python3 command with no parameters:



    Python 3.9.7 (default, Oct 13 2021, 06:45:31) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.



    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:



    example.txt copy_of_example.txt

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, also appear in the text like this. For example: "Select System info from the Administration panel."

    Warnings or important notes appear like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Feedback from our readers is always welcome.

    General feedback: Email [email protected], and mention the book's title in the subject of your message. If you have questions about any aspect of this book, please email us at [email protected].

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    Introduction to Software Architecture

    The objective of this chapter is to present an introduction to what software architecture is and where it's useful. We will look at some of the basic techniques used when defining the architecture of a system and a baseline example of the web services architecture.

    This chapter includes a discussion of the implications that software structure has for team structure and communication. As the successful building of any non-tiny piece of software depends heavily on successful communication and collaboration between one or more teams of multiple developers, this factor should be taken into consideration. Also, the structure of the software can have a profound effect on how different elements are accessed, so how software is structured has ramifications for security.

    Also, in this chapter, there will be a brief introduction to the architecture of an example system that we will be using to present the different patterns and discussions throughout the rest of the book.

    In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:

    Defining the structure of a system

    Dividing into smaller units

    Conway's Law in software architecture

    General overview of the example

    Security aspects of software architecture

    Let's dive in.

    Defining the structure of a system

    At its core, software development is about creating and managing complex systems.

    In the early days of computing, programs were relatively simple. At most, they perhaps could calculate a parabolic trajectory or factorize numbers. The very first computer program, designed in 1843 by Ada Lovelace, calculated a sequence of Bernoulli numbers. A hundred years after that, during the Second World War, electronic computers were invented to break encryption codes. As the possibilities of the new invention started to be explored, more and more complex operations and systems were designed. Tools like compilers and high-level languages multiplied the number of possibilities and the rapid advancement of hardware allowed more and more operations to be performed. This quickly created a need to manage the growing complexity and apply consistent engineering principles to the creation of software.

    More than 50 years after the birth of the computing industry, the software tools at our disposal are incredibly varied and powerful. We stand on the shoulders of giants to build our own software. We can quickly add a lot of functionalities with relatively little effort, either leveraging high-level languages and APIs or using out-of-the-box modules and packages. With this great power comes the great responsibility of managing the explosion of complexity that it produces.

    In the most simple terms, software architecture defines the structure of a software system. This architecture can develop organically, usually in the early stages of a project, but after system growth and a few change requests, the need to think carefully about the architecture becomes more and more important. As the system becomes bigger, the structure becomes more difficult to change, which affects future efforts. It's easier to make changes following the structure rather than against the structure.

    Making it so that certain changes are difficult to do is not necessarily always a bad thing. Changes that should be made difficult could involve elements that need to be overseen by different teams or perhaps elements that can affect external customers. While the main focus is to create a system that's easy and efficient to change in the future, a smart architectural design will have a proper balance of ease and difficulty based on the requirements. Later in the chapter, we will study security as a clear example of when to keep certain operations difficult to implement.

    At the core of software architecture, then, is taking a look at the big picture: to focus on where the system is going to be in the future, to be able to materialize this view, but also to help the present situation. The usual choice between short-term wins and long-term operation is very important in development, and its most common outcome is the creation of technical debt. Software architecture deals mostly with long-term implications.

    The considerations for software architecture can be quite numerous and there needs to be a balance between them. Some examples may include:

    Business vision, if the system is going to be commercially exploited. This may include requirements coming from stakeholders like marketing, sales, or management. Business vision is typically driven by customers.

    Technical requirements, like being sure that the system is scalable and can handle a certain number of users, or that the system is fast enough for its use case. A news website requires different update times than a real-time trading system.

    Security and reliability concerns, the seriousness of which depends on how risky or critical the application and the data stored are.

    Division of tasks, to allow multiple teams, perhaps specialized in different areas, to work in a flexible way at the same time on the same system. As systems grow, the need to divide them into semi-autonomous, smaller components becomes more pressing. Small projects may live longer with a single-block or monolithic approach.

    Use specific technologies, for example, to allow integration with other systems or leverage the existing knowledge in the team.

    These considerations will influence the structure and design of a system. In a sense, the software architect is responsible for implementing the application vision and matching it with the specific technologies and teams that will develop it. That makes the software architect an important intermediary between the business teams and the technology teams, as well as between the different technology teams. Communication is a critical aspect of the job.

    To enable successful communication, a good architecture should define boundaries between the different aspects and assign clear responsibilities. The software architect should, in addition to defining clear boundaries, facilitate the creation of interface channels between the system components and follow up on the implementation details.

    Ideally, the architectural design should happen at the beginning of system design, with a well thought-out design based on the requirements for the project. This is the general approach in this book because it's the best way to explain the different options and techniques. But it's not the most common use case in real life.

    One of the main challenges for a software architect is working with existing systems that need to be adapted, making incremental approaches toward a better system, all while not interrupting the normal daily operation that keeps the business running.

    Division into smaller units

    The main technique for software architecture is to divide the whole system into smaller elements and describe how they interact with each other. Each smaller element, or unit, should have a clear function and interface.

    For example, a common architecture for a typical system could be a web service architecture composed of:

    A database that stores all the data in MySQL

    A web worker that serves dynamic HTML content written in PHP

    An Apache web server that handles all the web requests, returns any static files, like CSS and images, and forwards the dynamic requests to the web worker

    Diagram Description automatically generated

    Figure 1.1: Typical web architecture

    This architecture and tech stack has been extremely popular since the early 2000s and was called LAMP, an acronym made from the different open source projects involved: (L)inux as an operating system, (A)pache, (M)ySQL, and (P)HP. Nowadays, the technologies can be swapped for equivalent ones, like using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL or Nginx instead of Apache, but still using the LAMP name. The LAMP architecture can be considered the default starting point when designing web-based client/server systems using HTTP, creating a solid and proven foundation to start building a more complex system.

    As you can see, every different element has a distinct function in the system. They interact with each other in clearly defined ways. This is known as the Single-Responsibility principle. When presented with new features, most use cases will fall clearly within one of the elements of the system. Any style changes will be handled by the web server and dynamic changes by the web worker. There are dependencies between the elements, as the data stored in the database may need to be changed to support dynamic requests, but they can be detected early in the process.

    We will describe this architecture in greater detail in Chapter 9.

    Each element has different requirements and characteristics:

    The database needs to be reliable, as it stores all the data. Maintenance work like backup- and recovery-related work will be important. The database won't be updated very frequently, as databases are very stable. Changes to the table schemas will be made through restarts in the web worker.

    The web worker needs to be scalable and not store any state. Instead, any data will be sent and received from the database. This element will be updated often. Multiple copies can be run, either in the same machine or in multiple ones to allow horizontal scalability.

    The web server will require some changes for new styling, but that won't happen very often. Once the configuration is properly set up, this element will remain quite stable. Only one web server per machine is required, as it's capable of load-balancing between multiple web workers.

    As we can see, the work balance between elements is very different, as the web worker will be the focus for most new work, while the other two elements will be much more stable. The database will require specific work for us to be sure that it's in good shape, as it's arguably the most critical element of the three. The other two can recover quickly if there's a problem, but any corruption in the database will generate a lot of problems.

    The most critical and valuable element of a system is almost always the stored data.

    The communication protocols are also unique. The web worker talks to the database using SQL statements. The web server talks to the web worker using a dedicated interface, normally FastCGI or a similar protocol. The web server communicates with the external clients via HTTP requests. The web server and the database don't talk to each other.

    These three protocols are different. This doesn't have to be the case for all systems; different components can share the same protocol. For example, there can be multiple RESTful interfaces, which is common in microservices.

    In-process communication

    The typical way of looking at different units is as different processes running independently, but that's not the only option. Two different modules inside the same process can still follow the Single-Responsibility principle.

    The Single-Responsibility principle can be applied at different levels and is used to define the divisions between functions or other blocks. So, it can be applied in smaller and smaller scopes. It's turtles all the way down! But, from the point of view of architecture, the higher-level elements are the most important, as it's the higher level that defines the structure. Knowing how far to go in terms of detail is clearly important, but when taking an architectural approach, it is better to err on the big picture side rather than the too much detail one.

    A clear example of this would be a library that's maintained independently, but it could also be certain modules within a code base. For example, you could create a module that performs all the external HTTP calls and handles all the complexity of keeping connections, retries, handling errors, and so on, or you could create a module to produce reports in multiple formats, based on some parameters.

    The important characteristic is that in order to create an independent element, the API needs to be clearly defined and the responsibility needs to be well defined. It should be possible for the module to be extracted into a different repo and installed as a third-party element for it to be considered truly independent.

    Creating a big component with internal divisions only is a well-known pattern called a monolithic architecture. The LAMP architecture described above is an example of that, as most of the code is defined inside the web worker. Monoliths are the usual de facto starts of projects, as normally at the start there's no big plan and dividing things strictly into multiple components doesn't have a big advantage when the code base is small. As the code base and system grow more and more complex, the division of elements inside the monolith starts to make sense, and later it may start to make sense to split it into several components. We will discuss monoliths further in Chapter 9, Microservices vs Monolith.

    Inside the same component, communication is typically straightforward, as internal APIs will be used. In the vast majority of cases, the same programming language will be used.

    Conway's Law – Effects on software architecture

    A critical concept to always keep in mind while dealing with architectural designs is Conway's Law. Conway's Law is a well-known adage that postulates that the systems introduced in organizations mirror the communication pattern of the organization structure (

    Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.

    – Melvin E. Conway

    This means that the structure of the organization's people is replicated, either explicitly or otherwise, to form the software structure created by an organization. In a very simple example, a company that has two big departments – say, purchases and sales – will tend to create two big systems, one focused on buying and another on selling, that talk to each other, instead of other possible structures, like a system with divisions by product.

    This can feel natural; after all, communication between teams is more difficult than communication within teams. Communication between teams would need to be more structured and require more active work. Communication inside a single group would be more fluid and less rigid. These elements are key for the design of a good software architecture.

    The main thing for the successful application of any software architecture is that the team structure needs to follow the designed architecture quite closely. Trying to deviate too much will result in difficulties, as the tendency will be to structure, de facto, everything following group divisions. In the same way, changing the architecture of a system would likely necessitate restructuring the organization. This is a difficult and painful process, as anyone who has experienced a company reorganization will attest.

    Division of responsibilities is also a key aspect. A single software element should have a clear owner, and this shouldn't be distributed across multiple teams. Different teams have different goals and focuses, which will complicate the long-term vision and create tensions.

    The reverse, a single team taking ownership of multiple elements, is definitely possible but also requires careful consideration to ensure that this doesn't overstress the team.

    If there's a big imbalance in the mapping of work units to teams (for example, too many work units for one team and too few for another team), it is likely that there's a problem with the architecture of the system.

    As remote work becomes more common and teams increasingly become located in different parts of the world, communication is also impacted. That's why it has become very common to set up different branches to take care of different elements of the system and to use detailed APIs to overcome the physical barriers of geographical distance. Communication improvements also have an effect on the capacity for collaboration, making remote work more effective and allowing fully remote teams to work closely together on the same code base.

    The recent COVID-19 crisis has greatly increased the trend of remote working, especially in software. This is resulting in more people working remotely and in better tools that are adapted to work in this way. While time zone differences are still a big barrier to communication, more and more companies and teams are learning to work effectively in full-remote mode. Remember that Conway's Law is very much dependent on the communication dependencies of organizations, but communication itself can change and improve.

    Conway's Law should not be considered an impediment to overcome but a reflection of the fact that organizational structure has an impact on the structure of the software. Software architecture is tightly related to how different teams are coordinated and responsibilities are divided. It has an important human communication component.

    Keeping this in mind will help you design a successful software architecture so that the communication flow is fluid at all times and you can identify problems in advance. Software architecture is, of course, closely tied to the human factor, as the architecture will ultimately be implemented and maintained by engineers.

    Application example – Overview

    In this book, we will be using an application as an example to demonstrate the different elements and patterns presented. This application will be simple but divided into different elements for demonstration purposes. The full code for the example is available on GitHub, and different parts of it will be presented in the different chapters. The example is written in Python, using well-known frameworks and modules.

    The example application is a web application for microblogging, very similar to Twitter. In essence, users will write short text messages that will be available for other users to read.

    The architecture of the example system is described in this diagram:

    Diagram Description automatically generated

    Figure 1.2: Example architecture

    It has the following high-level functional elements:

    A public website in HTML that can be accessed. This includes functionality for login, logout, writing new micro-posts, and reading other users' micro-posts (no need to be logged in for this).

    A public RESTful API, to allow the usage of other clients (mobile, JavaScript, and so on) instead of the HTML site. This will authenticate the users using OAuth and perform actions similar to the website.

    These two elements, while distinct, will be made into a single application, as shown in the diagram. The front-facing part of the application will include a web server, as we saw in the LAMP architecture description, which has not been displayed here for simplicity.

    A task manager that will execute event-driven tasks. We will add periodic tasks that will calculate daily statistics and send email notifications to users when they are named in a micro-post.

    A database that stores all the information. Note that access to it is shared between the different elements.

    Internally, a common package to ensure that the database is accessed correctly for all the services. This package works as a different element.

    Security aspects of software architecture

    An important element to take into consideration when creating an architecture is the security requirements. Not every application is the same, so some can be more relaxed in this aspect than others. For example, a banking application needs to be 100 times more secure than, say, an internet forum for discussing cats. The most common example of this is the storage of passwords. The most naive approach to passwords is to store them, in plain text, associated with a username or email address – say, in a file or a database table. When the user tries to log in, we receive the input password, compare it with the one stored previously, and, if they are the same, we allow the user to log in. Right?

    Well, this is a very bad idea, because it can produce serious problems:

    If an attacker has access to the storage for the application, they'll be able to read the passwords of all the users. Users tend to reuse passwords (even if it's a bad idea), so, paired with their emails, they'll be exposed to attacks on multiple applications, not only the breached one.

    This may seem unlikely, but keep in mind that any copy of the data stored is susceptible to attack, including backups.

    Another real issue is insider threats, workers who may have legitimate access to the system but copy data for nefarious purposes or by mistake. For very sensitive data, this can be a very important consideration.

    Mistakes like displaying the password of a user in status logs.

    To make things secure, data needs to be structured in a way that's as protected as possible from access or even copying, without exposing the real passwords of users. The usual solution to this is to have the following schema:

    The password itself is not stored. Instead, a cryptographical hash of the password is stored. This applies a mathematical function to the password and generates a replicable sequence of bits, but the reverse operation is computationally very difficult.

    As the hash is deterministic based on the input, a malicious actor could detect duplicated passwords, as their hashes are the same. To avoid this problem, a random sequence of characters, called a salt, is added for each account. This will be added to each password before hashing, meaning two users with the same password but different salts will have different hashes.

    Both the resulting hash and the salt are stored.

    When a user tries to log in, their input password is added to the salt, and the result is compared with the stored hash. If it's correct, the user is logged in.

    Note that in this design, the actual password is unknown to the system. It's not stored anywhere and is only accepted temporarily to compare it with the expected hash, after being processed.

    This example is presented in a simplified way. There are multiple ways of using this schema and different ways of comparing a hash. For example, the bcrypt function can be applied multiple times, increasing encryption each time, which can increase the time required to produce a valid hash, making it more resistant to brute-force attacks.

    This kind of system is more secure than one that stores the password directly, as the password is not known by the people operating the system, nor is it stored anywhere.

    The problem of mistakenly displaying the password of a user in status logs may still happen! Extra care should be taken to make sure that sensitive information is not being logged by mistake.

    In certain cases, the same approach as for passwords can be taken to encrypt other stored data, so that only customers can access their own data. For example, you can enable end-to-end encryption for a communication channel.

    Security has a very close relationship with the architecture of a system. As we saw before, the architecture defines which aspects are easy and difficult to change and can make some unsafe things impossible to do, like knowing the password of a user, as we described in the previous example. Other options include not storing data from the user to keep privacy or reducing the data exposed in internal APIs, for example. Software security is a very difficult problem and is often a double-edged sword, and trying to make a system more secure can have the side effect of making operations long-winded and inconvenient.


    In this chapter, we looked at what software architecture is and when it is required, as well as its focus on the long-term approach, which is characteristic of the discipline. We learned that the underlying structure of software is difficult to change and that that aspect should be taken into consideration when designing and changing a software system.

    We described how the most important thing is to divide a complex system into smaller parts and assign clear goals and objectives to each of them, keeping in mind that these smaller parts can use multiple programming languages and refer to different scopes. We also described the LAMP architecture and how it's a widely successful starting point when creating simple web service systems.

    We talked about how Conway's Law affects the architecture of a system, as underlying team structures have a direct impact on the implementation and structure of software. After all, software is operated and developed by humans, and human communication needs to be accounted for to implement it successfully.

    We described the example that we will use throughout the book to describe the different elements and patterns we will present. Finally, we commented on the security aspects of software architecture and how creating barriers to accessing data as part of the structural design of a system can mitigate security issues.

    In the next section of the book, we will talk about the different aspects of designing a system.

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    Part I


    We will first spend some time explaining the basic steps to designing a system. My suggestion is as follows: Design is the first stage of any successful system, and encompasses everything that you work on before you begin implementation. In this section, we will focus on the general principles and core aspects of each element of the system.

    Two main core elements should be at the forefront when designing each part of the system: The interface, or how an element of the system connects to the rest, and data storage, how this element stores information that can be retrieved later.

    Both are critical. The interface defines what the system is and its functionality from the point of view of any user. A well-designed interface hides the implementation details and provides some abstractions that allow for a consistent and comprehensive way of performing actions.

    The heart of virtually every successful working system is the data. This is where the value of the system lies. Any seasoned engineer will tell you that an organization can reconstruct a system when the data is available, even if the code that produced it is lost, rather than recover from a total loss of the data, even if the application code is available.

    The storage of data is, then, the core of the system. There are many options we can choose from when it comes to storing our data. What kind of database? Store the data in one data storage facility, or several? The traditional way of using raw access to the database, typically in plain SQL statements, is not the most efficient option, and it's prone to problems when complex systems are involved. Other kinds of databases exist that don't even use SQL. We will look at multiple options along with their pros and cons.

    Changing how the data is stored in the system is hard once the system is in operation. It isn't impossible but will require a lot of work. The storage option is arguably the founding stone when designing a new system, so be sure that the chosen option fits your requirements. It can be difficult to design something that isn't overly complex but also allows the allocated space to grow as the application starts to store more and more data as it's used.

    This section of the book comprises the following chapters:

    API Design, describing how to create useful, yet flexible, interfaces

    Data Modeling, with different ways of handling and representing data to ensure that this critical aspect is well thought through from the outset


    API Design

    In this chapter, we will talk about the basic application programming interface (API) design principles. We will see how to start our design by defining useful abstractions that will create the foundation for the design.

    We will then present the principles for RESTful interfaces, covering both the strict, academic definition and a more practical definition to help when making designs. We will look at design approaches and techniques to help create a useful API based on standard practices. We will also spend some time talking about authentication, as this is a critical element for most APIs.

    We will focus in this book on RESTful interfaces, as they are the most common right now. Before that, there were other alternatives, including Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in the 80s, a way to make a remote function call, or Single Object

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