Introduction To The Contemporary World-Lecture 1

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Introduction to the Contemporary World – Society and Cultures (GE3)

1. Globalization • Globalization • Manfred Stager • Process as Expansion and Intensification of

social relations and consciousness across world time and across work-space. • Expansion •
Creation of new social networks and multiplication of existing connections that cut across
traditional political, economic, cultural and geographic boundaries • Social Media • Global
Connection • NGO

2. Globalization • Intensification • Refers to the expansion, stretching and acceleration of networks

• Connections are multiplying, becoming more closely-knit and expanding their reach

3. Globalization •Globalism • Widespread belief among powerful people  that the global integration
of economic markets is beneficial for everyone .

4. Globalization • Arjun Appadurai • Anthropologist who proposed that kinds of globalization occur
on multiple and intersecting dimensions of integration • Ethnoscape • Global movement of
people • Mediascape • Flow of culture • Technoscape • Circulation of mechanical goods and
software • Financescape • Global Circulation of Money • Ideoscape • Realm where political
ideas move around.

5. Economic Globalization • Economic Globalization • International Monetary Fund: Historical

process representing the result of human innovation and technological progress • Characteristic:
Increasing integration of economies around the world through the movement of goods, services
and capital across borders • GDP Trade: From 42.1% in 1980 to 62.1% in 2007 • Mode: From
Physical Matter to Downloadable Data E.g. Books to E-books and CDs to iTunes .

6. Economic Globalization • International Trading System • Silk Road • Oldest known international

trade route • From China trough Middle East to Europe • Opened by Han dynasty in 130 BC until
closed by Ottoman empire in 1453 AD • International only but not Global since it did not reach
America • Gold • Common basis for currency prices and fixed exchange rate system led by
Europe and US at the International Money Conference in 1867.

7. Economic Globalization • Bretton Wood System • Inaugurated in 1944 during the UN Monetary

and Financial Conference • Aim is to prevent past financial catastrophes (Usually brought by
wars) from reoccurring and affecting international ties • John Maynard Keynes • Influenced
Bretton Wood System • Believed that economic crisis occur not when a country does not have
enough money, but when is not being spent and, thereby, not moving.

8. Economic Globalization • Bretton Wood System • Created financial institutions: • World Bank or

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) • Reconstruct War devastated
world cities • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • Global Lender to prevent countries from
credit crises • Global Keynesianism • Role of governments in managing spending • General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) • Created in 1947 with the purpose of reducing tariffs
and other hindrance to free trade.

9. Global Politics • International Relations • Jeremy Bentham • British Philosopher in 1780 • Coined

the word “International” • Political interactions between states • World Politics • Key Attributes
• Countries/ States are Independent • Countries/ States interact with each other with diplomacy
• United Nations (UN) facilitates these interactions • UN has agencies e.g. World Health
Organization (WHO), World Food Organization (WFO) and International Labor Organization (ILO.

10. Global Politics • State • Country and its government • Attributes • Territory • Sovereign over its
territory • Internal Sovereignty • Laws abided by International Organizations operating inside the
State • External Sovereignty • Independent from intervention from other state • Government •
Authority over its citizens .

11. Global Politics • Nation • Benedict Anderson: Imagined Community i.e. feeling of connection
with community even he will not meet them in his lifetime • E.g. Filipino cheering for Manny
Pacquiao even he do not personally know the Filipino Athlete • E.g. Bangsamoro is a nation
seeking to become a state.

12. Global Politics • Metternich System • Named after Klemens von Metternich • Austrian Diplomat
• Architect of Metternich System to counter Napoleon Bonaparte • Restored the “Great powers”
• Great Powers • United Kingdom, Austria, Russia and Prussia • Still hold significant influence
over world politics • Internationalism • Interaction between various sovereign states, particularly
the desire for greater cooperation and unity among states .

13. Global Governance • International Organization • Powers: • Classification • E.g. Classifying

Refugees (Foreign, Alien, Immigrants etc.) • Fix Meanings • E.g. Security as Safety from Military
Violence and Environmental Harm • Diffuse Norms • Norms are accepted codes of conduct that
may be strict law and produce regularity in behavior • Establishing Global Standards of Norms .

14. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Most important International

Organization • Created after World War II • Primary Goal is to avert another global war • Has
193 Member States • Five Organs: • General Assembly (GA) • Main deliberative Policymaking
and representative organ • Decides on most important questions e.g. peace and security,
admission of new members and budgetary matters • Require 2/3 of the members to decide.

15. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Five Organs: • General

Assembly (GA) • Elects GA President annually for 1 term of office • Carlos P. Romulo (President,
GA, 1949-1950) • Security Council • Most Powerful Organ • Consist of 15 Member States (10
Elected by GA for 2-year Term and the other is known as the Permanent 5 (China, France, Russia,
UK and US) which is permanent from the founding of UN and cannot be replaced through

16. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Five Organs: • Security

Council • Takes the lead in determining the existence of threat to the peace or an act of
aggression • Calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle the act by peaceful means and
recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement • Can resort to imposing sanctions
or even authorizing the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security •
Permanent 5 (P5) member has veto power to stop a Security Council action dead in its tracts.
Hence P5 is heir to the tradition of great power diplomacy of Metternich System .

17. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Five Organs: • Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC) • Principal Body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and
recommendations on social and environmental issues as well as the implementation of
internationally agreed development goals • Has 54 States Members elected for 3-year terms. •
Central platform for discussion on sustainable development • International Court of Justice •
Task is to settle, in accordance to international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states and to
give advisory opinions • Different from International Criminal Court.

18. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Five Organs: • Secretariat •

Consist of Secretary General and 10,000 international UN Staff members.

19. Global Governance • International Organization • United Nations • Salvador P. Lopez • Filipino •

Chairman, UN Commission on Human Rights • Designed the system whereby any citizen of any
state may petition the UN to look into human rights violations in a country • Limitations: • UN is
not a World Government • Function because of voluntary cooperation from states e.g.
rapporteurs must be invited and placed under conditions by the state being investigated .

20. World of Regions • Governments, Associations, Societies, Groups • Form regional organizations
or networks as way of coping with the challenges of globalization • E.g. Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) • Member countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, • Regions • Not natural • Constructed and defined by

21. World of Regions • Regions • Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner: A group of countries
located in the same geographically specified area • Regionalization • Regional concentration of
economic flaws • Regionalism • Political process characterize by economic policy cooperation
and coordination among countries.

22. World of Regions • China • Large country, have enough resources, offers its cheap and huge
workforce to attract foreign businesses and expand trade with countries it once considered its
enemies (US, Japan) but now sees as markets for its goods • Singapore and Switzerland •
Compensate for their lack of resources by turning their themselves into financial and banking

23. World of Regions • Singapore • Developed its harbor facilities and made them a first class transit
port for ships carrying different commodities from Africa, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia
and Asia-Pacific • Regional Associations • Purpose • Military Defense e.g. North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) was formed during the Cold War when several Western European countries
plus the United States agreed to protect Europe against the treat of Soviet Union.

24. World of Regions • Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) • Members: Iran,
Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela • Established in 1960 • Member countries pool their
resources, get better return for their exports and expand their leverage against their trading

25. World of Regions • Non-aligned Movement (NAM) • Members: Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia
and Yugoslavia • Established in 1961 • Member countries form regional blocks to protect their
independence from pressures of superpower politics • Created to pursue world peace,
international cooperation, human rights, national sovereignty, racial and national inequality,
non-intervention and peaceful conflict resolution • Called “non-aligned” because of refusal to
side with either the First World capitalist democracies in Western Europe and North America or
the communist states in Eastern Europe • Members today: 120 countries.

26. World of Regions • Non-State Regionalism • Rainforest Foundation • Established by activists to

protect indigenous peoples and rainforests in Brazil, Guyana, Panama and Peru • Regional
Interfaith Youth Networks • Formed by youth Christians across Asia, Africa, Middle East, America
and Caribbean • Migrant Forum in Asia • Network of NGOs and trade unions committed in
protecting and promoting the rights and welfare of migrant workers .

27. Media and Globalization • Media • Jack Lule: Conveying something such as channel of
communication • Plural of medium (In between) • Marshall McLuhan: Media (Referring on
television since he wrote this in 1960) reshape social behavior and reorient family behavior.
Media are turning the world into a “global village.” • Hello Kitty • Proof of Japan’s influence over
global culture.

28. Global City • Globalization • Spatial because it occurs in physical spaces e.g. Skyscrapers • People
in urban areas: 30% in 1950 to 54% in 2014 and expected to reach 66% in 2050 • Global City •
Saskia Sassen • Sociologist • Popularized “global city” in 1990s • Criteria of Global City: Primarily
Economic • Global Cities: New York, London and Tokyo.

29. Global City • Stock Exchange • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, USA • Financial
Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) in London, UK • Nikkei in Tokyo, Japan • Shanghai Stock Exchange
(SSE) Shanghai, China • Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) in Manila, Philippines • Money Trading
Comparison • NYSE - $ 19,300 B • PSE - $ 231.3 B.

30. Global City • Global City Attributes • Economic power • Market Size (Number of traders) •
Purchasing power of citizens • Size of middle class (businessmen) • Center of Authority (Capital
cities) • Shanghai • Worlds busiest container port with over 33 Million container units moved in
2013 • Singapore (City, Island and Country) • Asia’s most competitive city • Strong market •
Efficient and incorruptible government • Livability • Houses regional offices of many global

31. Global City • Global City Attributes • Political Influence • Washington D.C. • Seat of American
state of power • Brussels, Belgium • Headquarters of European Union • New York •
Headquarters of United Nations • Jakarta, Indonesia • Headquarters of ASEAN • Frankfurt,
Germany • European Central Bank.

32. Global City • Global City Attributes • Higher learning and culture • New York • New York Times
Newspaper • Boston • Harvard University • Los Angeles • Hollywood • San Francisco •
Headquarters of Facebook, Twitter and Google • Copenhagen, Denmark • Culinary capital of the

33. Global City • Gentrification • Driving out of the poor in favor of newer and wealthier residents •
Banlieue • Poor Muslim migrants are forced out of Paris and have clustered around ethnic
enclaves in France .

34. Movement and Sustainability • Global Demography • Number of children • Rural and Poor
Urban • Tend to have more children for farming (Crop cultivation, planting harvesting) and hawk
their wares on streets • Urbanized, educated and professionals • Tend to have fewer children •
Tied down or committed to profession • Lesser time to devote to kids and parenting • Saving
plans on healthcare and education of children • Have more access to birth control.

35. Food • Food • Eaten that satisfies appetite in order to meet physiological needs for growth,
maintaining body processes and supply energy to maintain body heat and activities • One of the
most crucial needs of human beings • People cannot live and survive without.

36. Food • Functions of Food • Maintains physiological process by giving sustenance to the body •
Symbolic experience and representation • Continuum life for the human species • Shape
national boundaries and identities.

37. Food • Pillars of Food Security • Food Availability • Sufficient and consistent quantities • Food
Access • Enough resources to obtain • Food Use • Nutrition and Health.

38. Global Migration • Migration • Movement of people from one place to another • Domestic/
Internal Migration • Within Country • Foreign/ International Migration • Outside Country •
Immigrants • Permanently moved to another country • Workers in fixed period • E.g. 6 months •
Illegal Immigrants • Alien • Petitioned Migrants • By families • Refugees • Asylum.

39. Global Migration • Migration • Emigration • Going-out of Country • Immigration • Coming-in of

Country • Migrants • 247 Million as of 2018 • 90% Workers • 10% Asylee • 18% from Latin
America • 16% from Eastern Europe and Central Asia • 14% from Middle East and North Africa •
Destination: Europe, Middle East and United States .

40. Global Migration • Remittance • $ 580 B in 2014 • India ($ 70 B) • China ($ 62 B) • Philippines ($
28 B) • Mexico ($ 25 B) • Brain Drain • 52% of Filipino college graduate migrated • 23% of
Filipino population • White/Blue Collar change • From Doctors, Engineers and Managers to
Industrial and Domestic Works .

41. Activity • Topic • Migration • Situation • As an OFW • Instruction • Discussion • Cite an OFW
(Family, Relatives, Friends, Neighbor, et al) • Question • What changed in their house, dress,
vehicles? • How are people cope with frequent departure and arrival? • What changed
happened to migrant in the way they dress, talk, look at other people, et al.

42. Global Migration • Human Trafficking • 3rd largest global crime in 2012 according to FBI •
Victims of Forced Labor (21 M people) equivalent to 3 of every 1000 person worldwide •
Sexually abused (22% or 4.5 M person).

43. Consumatum Est • Mean it Is Finished! 2/14/2021 6:14:10 PM 44 Contemporary World Prof.
Sam Bernales, Jr.

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