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Business Analytics using Excel

Note: for case study practice problems on CORRELATION, REGRESSION, TIME SERIES & HYPOTHESIS

Important Questions:

Module 1: Introduction to Business Analytics

1. What is the evolution of Business Analytics, and how has its scope expanded in recent years?

2. The importance of data in Business Analytics and how it is used to drive insights and decision-

3. Differentiate between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive models in Business Analytics and
provide examples of each.

4. What is the problem-solving process in Business Analytics, and how does it contribute to
effective decision-making?

5. Discuss the basic Excel skills required for analytics tasks and provide guidelines for developing
robust spreadsheet models.

Module 2: Storytelling in a Digital Era

1. How has data visualization evolved from visualization to visual data storytelling?

2. Discuss the power of visual data stories and the science behind storytelling in capturing human
attention and engagement.

3. Explain the concept of the "brain on stories" and how it influences information processing and

4. Provide examples of classic visualization examples that effectively communicate stories and

5. Explore the use of small personal data in creating compelling data stories and discuss the impact
of the two-or-four season debate.

Module 3: Getting Started with Tableau

1. Why is Tableau a popular choice for data analysis and visualization?

2. Describe the different products in the Tableau portfolio and their specific use cases.

3. Explain the process of connecting to data and tables in Tableau, including live versus extract
connections and joining multiple tables.

4. How does Tableau handle basic data preparation tasks with the Data Interpreter feature?

5. Explore the various components of the Tableau interface, such as menus, toolbar, data window,
shelves, cards, and legends, and their functions.

6. Types of Joins with suitable example

Module 4: Descriptive Analytics

1. How can data be visualized and explored in the context of descriptive analytics?

2. Discuss the descriptive measures used to summarize data and their significance in
understanding data distributions.

3. Explain the application of Excel's descriptive statistics tool for data analysis.

4. How are probability distributions and data modeling utilized in descriptive analytics?

5. Describe the concepts of sampling and inferential statistical methods and their role in deriving
insights from data.

Module 5: Predictive Analytics

1. What is the purpose of predictive analytics and its role in decision-making?

2. Explain statistical modeling and how it is used to make inferences about regression coefficients.

3. Discuss the challenges of multicollinearity and the decisions related to including or excluding
variables in predictive models.

4. Describe stepwise regressions and the partial F-test in the context of predictive analytics.

5. Explore the impact of outliers and the violation of regression assumptions on predictive models,
and discuss strategies to address them.

Module 6: Time Series Analysis

1. Compare and contrast time series analysis with regression analysis.

2. Discuss the components of time series, such as trend, seasonality, cyclicity, and noise, and their
significance in analysis.

3. Explain the concepts of additive and multiplicative models in time series analysis.

4. Describe single and double exponential smoothing methods (Holt's method) and their
application in time series forecasting.

5. Explore various models used in time series analysis, including AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA, and
GARCH models, and their purposes.

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