Manual: (Jser

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The Wbishi Multifunction


[Jser Manual
3. 1 THE BAstc EQutPMENT CoMPoNENTS....................
3. 2 EoutPMENT lNSTALLATtoN.......

3.2. 1 The Power Supp 1y..............

3. 2. 2 lllicrophone Connection......

o. I

6.6 RATE RANGE.........

6.7 AuTo oFF......


BRTGHT OR N0T.................... ""- 9 -

8.2 The instrument can enter testing state with the sound of "Di", but after placed the
watch on the sensor, the instrument do not work.. .. .. " " " - 10 -


9 Ttps..... ...'............- 10 -
9.1 Set the parameters correctly, can make the instrument work efficiently'- l0 -
1 Instrument function
The WEI SHI WATCH EXPERT No.l 900 is a precise mechanical watches rest
instrument, it is used for multi-testing by watch manufacturers and watch technician.

The frequency diagram ofthe watch can be displayed in the LCD screen.

Accordlng to dilferenr watches, the instrument will automatically adjust optimal

signal level during testing.

The instrument will automatically calculate the raje, amplitude, beat error, and
displaythembydatainreal time; Select "+99.9sr/d"atitemRateRangeforresult
display, can make the precision ofRate Deviation up to

For the conventional beat, the instrument can automatically response; fbr the
special beat, can manually select.

The sampling period can selected by 2 seconds,4 seconds, 6 seconds, 8 seconds,

l2 seconds,20 seconds,30 seconds, 60 seconds, and the average ofcoresponding
period will be regard as the precise value ofthe watch.

Six kinds of testing position can be adjusted, and the simulation sound can be
play in the speaker or mute.

2 Keys and Display

2.1 Key Function

ilrE &rmE 3ilTgfiil ilF &era t^:ffis
0s/d 0" 0.Ons 52.0" 22800
5i:. Vrlre

t^ b
st.rt /rt.p ftnulsre.ter
A Start/StoP KeY
Start or stop the Watch testing'

B Menu/SPeaker KeY
Selection of menu item or tum on/offthe speaker

C Value I KeY
Selection of the next lower parameters or decrease
the input levels gain
from the sensor.

" ];i5:ftJf th. n.rt higher paran.reters or increase the input levels gain
from the sensor.

2.2 Parameters and DisPlaY

.I ,1 lll L _t)'..
G o 0' 0.0ns b2 0" -/

A RATE Display the rate accuracy in seconds per date'

B AMPLITUDE Display the amplitude in degrees'

C BEAT ERROR Display the beat enor in ms'

D LIFT ANGLE Display the lift angle in degrees'

E, PATAMENTS Display the beat or the level gain (switching by 5s)'

2.3 Connection

Frequency Micropbnne C



Frequency calibration connector (For internal use only, do not connect any

B Sensor connector (Microphone)

C Power supply

3 lnstal lation

3.1 The Basic Components

Testing equipment host

Sensor (Microphone)
Power adapter

3.2 Equ ipment

The instrument is to be installed in such a way that it is not exposed to direct

sunlight or to extreme temperature ol60C. The microphone should be placed at a
suffrcient distance from noisy machines, loudspeakers, sharp stroke sound and
particularly from ultrasonic cleaning machines. The high noise will disturb signal
sensing by the microphone.

3.2.1 The Power Supply

Plug the porver adapter into the match outlet. Power supply voltage is
between the 100V - 240V

3.2.2 Microphone Connection

Plug the sensor's connector into the host.

4 Operation

When the power supply and tlre sensor are connected, the instrument stays in idle mode
afler power on, and the red LED fiashing. Keep on press the "Startlstop" key more than 3
seconds, the instrument tums on and ready fbr testing. PlaCe the watCh at the senSOr and the

uplifl ofwatch (leader) shoutd the sheet metal. Test position can be changed freely;
the lland must remove lrom the sensor after the test position is fixed. Green LED
flashing, means have received the signal ofwatch.

s The Use of Keys

5.1 Start/Stop Key

Please press the Staft/Stop Key, before adjusting any parameters ol the

First, press the Start/Stop Key to stop the instrument, then the green LED is
olland red LED is on. Alter adjustment rightly, presses the Staf/ Stop Key again,
the red LED oft. The instnrment starts testing again, and refreshes the data and the
screen for a new condition

5.2 Menu/Speaker Key

When the instrument testing, press the Menu/Speaker Key directly, can tums
on or olfthe speaker.

When the instrument stopping, press the Menu/Speaker Key, can enter the
Parameters Setup windorv, then press the Menu/Speaker Key, can select lhe menu

item, press the Value Key t or I , can change the selected items parameters.

5.3 Value Keyt

Press the Value Key I can decrease the input levels gain lrom the sensor,
r,r hen tlre instrument tcsting.

When in Parameters Setup window, press the Value Key ,l can select the next
lower parameter.

5.4 Value Keyl

Press the Value Key t can increase the input levels gain from the sensor,
u hen the instrumcnt tesling.

When in Parameters Setup window, press the Value Key t can select the next
higher parameter.

6 Parameters

6.1 Beat Numbers

Automatic selection

The lollowing beat numbers are available for automatic selection mode:
12000, 14400. 18000, 19800. 21600, 25200, 28800. 36000. 43200

(lf the tested beat is not in autornatic selection mode. the instrurnent will
display the closest beat number, but the test result is not corect. At this time, use
the manual mode to select the relative beat.)
Manual selection can selected out the beat number that Automatic select can
not identify and rare beat numbers. \

The lollowing beat numbers are available lor Manual selection mode:
3600. 6000, 7200. 7380, 7440,7800,9000, 9100, 10800, 11880,
12000, 12342, 12480, 1 2600, 1 3320, 1 3440, 1 3500, 1 4000, 1 4040, 1 41 60,

14200, 14280, 14400, 14520, 14580, 14760,14850. '15000, 15360. 15600,

1 6200, 1 6320, 1 6800, 17 19 6, 11258, 17280, 17186, 17897, 1 8000. 1 8049.
18514, 19332, 19440, 19800. 20160, 20222, 209M, 21000, 21031, 21306,
21600. 25200, 28800, 32400, 36000. 43200
6.2 Lift Angle
The lilt angle is 52o lor most usual movements; therefore the lift angle value
ol instrumenl fbr default is set to 52', This value is required lor calculate the
amplitude and must be selected according to the watch movement. The lift angle
can be set to between 30o and 70o.

6.3 Measurement Period

The measurement periods are selectable:
2s, 4s, Bs. 12s. 20s. 30s. 60s

Use for recalculate the average values ofthe measured result'

6.4 Gurve Color

The graph can draw in white or color, ifset to color, odd and even points are
express in yellow and blue, and the complex curve is in pink

6.5 Curve Type

The normal type (A) or complex type (B) is selectable fbr the cunve graph'

6.6 Rate Range

The Rate Range can display in " + 999s/d" or " 99.9s/d" ln " 999s/d" *
mode, the measured results relresh every measurement period, and in " * 99'9s/d"
mode" maximum 50 times of the measured results are use to make the average
values for display. In rhis mode. the Rate accuracy resolution is up to with a
measuring range ol *99.9s/d.

6.7 Auto Off \

When no measurement in progress, the instrument automatic power off

according to the Auto ofr Timer, this can save the power and increase the LCD
screen,s life. The Auto off time is set in minutes, to disable the Auto oflTimer,
set the value as "---m".
7 Technical Data

Measuring possibilities: Rate deviation, amplitude, beat eror of mechanical

watches and diagram recording olthe beat noise.

Beat numbers: The instrument can check up the normal beat numbers
automatically and also can find out the uncommon beat number by manual.

Rate accuracy: the measuring range is * 999s/d or + 99.9s/d, resolution 1.0s/d or

0. I s/d.

Amplitude measurement: Numerical display in degrees, resolution is 1',

measuring range: 100o- 360' (the lift angle can ailect the amplitude, range: 30'-
70o. Under normal circumstances, the amplitudes value does not exceed 360o.)
Measuring times period lor the average numerical results: 2s, 4s, 8s, 12s, 20s,
30s. 60s.

Measuring of the Beat Enor: Numerical display in milliseconds; Resolution is

0.1 milliseconds; the measuring range is 0.0 - 9.9 Ms.

Lift Angle: The measuring range is 30' - 70o; the default value is set to 52'

Supply voltage: Single-phaseAC 100V - 240V + 10% two-uire.

Measurepo.;lions: I opositions.

Display: Color LCD graphic monitoq,l80 x 272 pixels.

Working environment: l0"C - 40'C, relative humidity: 0 - 80% RH

Shell: Light grey plastic

Dimensions: 29*21 *24. Scn

Weighr: 1.7kg
8 Connon faults and handl ing

dark' Check
8.1 After insert the socket, the screen is
the power pilot LED is bright or not'

with the sound of "Di"'

8.2 fne instrument can enter measuring state
the instrument do not
but after placed the watch on the sensor'


(and amplitude must be more than

check the movement whether rotation
(leading) is against at the sheet metal ol sensor'
1 00 "), the crown of watch

graph is scattered or occur

8.3 Signat LED is bright, but the curves

manY lines.

the right beat (frequency) by manual

Maybe the beat is mistake' adjusted

9 Tips
Set the parar-neters conectly, can make the instrument rvork

the instrument work

9.1 Set the parameters correctly' can make

kind of environments'.adjusts the input

For diff'erent movements or diflbrent
can make a better accuracy m measurmg'
levels gain from the sensor,


ifthe movements input level is strong, and the environment is noisy, decrease
the input levels gain can resists more interactions from noise, and get a better
accuracy in such environments.

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