Descriptive Article (S)

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Descriptive Article

Name: ________________________ Class: _________ ( )

1. Use a good range of _____________ and _____________to paint a vivid picture in

readers’ minds (to appeal to the readers’ _______________________)

2. Use __________________ to describe the activities

3. Use __________________ to describe the place

4. Use __________________ to describe your experience

Sample analysis
Read the sample below. Highlight the target language features used according to the
adjective passive voice descriptive language
Notting Hill Carnival ✓ Title

The most colourful street event in England is the Paragraph 1: Introduction

Notting Hill Carnival. It is held in London each ✓ Background information
August Bank Holiday. The festival celebrates the
traditions of the British black community who
emigrated to Britain from the West Indies in the
1950s. They brought the Caribbean idea of
‘carnival’ – with magnificent processions, colourful
costumes, steel bands, reggae and street dancing.

Preparations begin weeks beforehand. Costumes Paragraph 2: Main body #1

and masks are carefully designed and lorries ✓ Preparations
decorated. Steel bands rehearse. Huge ✓ Use of
loudspeakers are placed in the streets to carry the __________________
throbbing beat of reggae over the roar of London
traffic. Shortly before the festival, the streets are
decorated with dazzling red, green and yellow

The carnival lasts for three days and is a glorious Paragraph 3: Main Body #2
feast of music and colour. A stunning procession ✓ Activities
of floats followed by dancers in exotic and original ✓ Use a range of
costumes parades through the narrow London ____________ to paint a
streets. There are street entertainers of all kinds and vivid picture
stalls sell thirst-quenching tropical fruits, such as
fresh pineapple, water melons and mangoes.
Thousands of people watch the carnival, and ✓ Use action words (sways,
everybody sways and dances, black and white, dances)
young and old! Even the policemen on duty take
part in the fun!

For these three carefree days in August, a little Paragraph 4: Conclusion

Caribbean magic touches the grey streets of ✓ Final thoughts
London. ✓ Contrast (magic vs grey)

Summary: Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

Adjectives/ Adverbs

incredibly fun gigantic/ enormous picturesque

fascinating rapturous (applause) the best-known

electric stunning brightly coloured/ decorated

spectacular cheerful colourful

enthusiastic/ amazed/ amazing elegant/ elegantly


well-known glittering/ shimmering glamourous

delighted over the moon mouth-watering


grin ear to ear attract (locals and tourists alike)

bring (somebody good fortune) celebrate

enjoy (the event immensely) Join in the fun

Other descriptions/ expressions

a great party atmosphere/ a lively well worth a visit


fresh in my mind parade

street stalls It is a day for…

firework display spectators

appetizing food refreshing drinks

… is the highlight of the event … is the time for…

costumes … is eagerly awaited by…

in honor of…

Mind Map

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