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Lahore University of Management Sciences

PSY 204 – Human Memory

Fall 2023
To understand how to navigate course outlines, consult: How to Use a Course Outline ( )

Instructor Yasser Hashmi

Room No. 239-E (Old HSS Wing)
Office Hours
Telephone Ext. 8106
TA Office Hours
Course URL (if any)
Support Services LUMS offers a range of academic and other services to support students. These are mentioned below, and you are
encouraged to use these in addition to in-class assistance from course staff. For a complete list of campus support services
available for you click here (

Course Basics
Credit Hours 4
Lecture(s) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week 2 Duration
Recitation/Lab (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration
Tutorial (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration

Course Distribution
Open for Student Category
Close for Student Category


The course will introduce current concepts, methods and issues in human memory research. This includes types of memory (e.g., short-term /
long term), functional aspects of memory (encoding, maintenance etc.), control of memory processes, and changes in memory systems during the
course of development. There will also be some readings on the neurobiology of memory and memory disorders.


• The major aim is to give students an overview of what is known about human memory.
• It is expected that the information in this course will be of relevance as background for other psychology courses and AI courses
in CS.
• Students will also acquire an understanding of how the memory requirements of everyday tasks are distributed across various
memory systems and how the functioning of each of these systems may be analyzed.
• The developmental aspect of the course will highlight how memory processes change during the course of a lifetime.
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Learning Outcomes

Grading Breakup and Policy

Quizzes: 20%
Assignment: 20%
Midterm Exam: 30%
Final Exam: 30%

Examination Detail

Yes/No: Yes

Yes/No: Yes
Final Exam

Campus supports & Key university policies

Campus Supports

Students are strongly encouraged to meet course instructors and TA’s during office hours for assistance in course-content, understand the
course’s expectations from enrolled students, etc. Beyond the course, students are also encouraged to use a variety of other resources.
(Instructors are also encouraged to refer students to these resources when needed.) These resources include Counseling and Psychological
Services/CAPS (for mental health), LUMS Medical Center/LMC (for physical health), Office of Accessibility & Inclusion/ OAI (for long-term
disabilities), advising staff dedicated to supporting and guiding students in each school, online resources (
resources), etc. To view all support services, their specific role as well as contact information click here

Academic Honesty/Plagiarism
LUMS has zero tolerance for academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for upholding academic integrity. If unsure, refer to the student
handbook and consult with instructors/teaching assistants. To check for plagiarism before essay submission, use [email protected].
Consult the following resources: 1) Academic and Intellectual Integrity (, and 2) Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism

LUMS Academic Accommodations/ Petitions policy

Long-term medical conditions are accommodated through the Office of Accessibility & Inclusion (OAI). Short-term emergencies that impact
studies are either handled by the course instructor or Student Support Services (SSS). For more information, please see Missed Instrument or
‘Petition’ FAQs for students and faculty ( )

LUMS Sexual Harassment Policy

Lahore University of Management Sciences
LUMS and this class are a harassment-free zone. No behavior that makes someone uncomfortable or negatively impacts the class or
individual's potential will be tolerated.
To report sexual harassment experienced or observed in class, please contact me. For further support or to file a complaint, contact OAI at
[email protected] or [email protected]. You may choose to file an informal or formal complaint to put an end to the offending behavior.
You can also call their Anti-Harassment helpline at 042-35608877 for advice or concerns. For more information: Harassment, Bullying & Other
Interpersonal Misconduct: Presentation ( )

Recommended Objectives/
Lecture/ Topics
Readings Application
Course presentation, requirements, Quizzes, Tulving 1
1. Mid Term and Finals History and concepts of
2. Methods of memory research Tulving 2,3
STM, Working Memory: The development of Baddeley Ch 3,4
the idea of Short term buffer
Episodic Memory: Time and place stamped Baddeley 6, Tulving 23
Semantic Memory: Declarative memories Baddley 7 Martin and Chao
without time / stamps
Autobiographical memory: Memory of our own Baddeley 11
life narrative
Retrieval: The variables and factors that impact Baddeley 8
successful retrieval
8. Forgetting (incidental) 1 Baddley 9
9. Midterm
10. Forgetting (motivated) 2 Baddley 10
Amnesia: Dis orders of various memory Baddley 16 Farah et al
Childhood Memory: Development of memory Baddley 14
Aging and Memory: Decline and consolidation Baddley 15 Haiest and Mao
of memory
Prospective Memory: Using memory to Baddley 13
anticipate and guide future actions

Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings
Tulving, E. and Craik, F.I.M. The Oxford Handbook of Memory. 2000. Oxford University Press. Baddeley, A. Eysenck. M.W. Anderson, M.C.
Memory. 2020. Routledge Press.
Dodson, C.S., Koutstaal, W. and Schacter, D.L. Escape from Illusion: reducing false memories. Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol. 4 (10),
2000.Semantic Memory and Brain Structure. Martin and Chao 2001. Category Specific deficits, Farah et al. 2006.Consolidation and Aging Haist and

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