Issues in Ecology - Fall 2019

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Taber D. Allison, Jay E. Diffendorfer, Erin F. Baerwald, Julie A. Beston,

David Drake, Amanda M. Hale, Cris D. Hein, Manuela M. Huso, Scott R. Loss,
Jeffrey E. Lovich, M. Dale Strickland, Kathryn A. Williams, Virginia L. Winder


Taber D. Allison, Jay E. Diffendorfer, Erin F. Baerwald, Julie A. Beston, David Drake, Amanda M. Hale, Cris D. Hein, Manuela M. Huso,
Scott R. Loss, Jeffrey E. Lovich, M. Dale Strickland, Kathryn A. Williams, Virginia L. Winder

Electricity from wind energy is a major contributor to the strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil
fuel use and thus reduce the negative impacts of climate change. Wind energy, like all power sources, can have
adverse impacts on wildlife. After nearly 25 years of focused research, these impacts are much better understood,
although uncertainty remains. In this report, we summarize positive impacts of replacing fossil fuels with wind
energy, while describing what we have learned and what remains uncertain about negative ecological impacts of
the construction and operation of land-based and offshore wind energy on wildlife and wildlife habitat in the U.S.
Finally, we propose research on ways to minimize these impacts.

1 Environmental and other benefits of wind energy include near-zero greenhouse gas emissions, reductions of
other common air pollutants, and little or no water use associated with producing electricity from wind energy.
Various scenarios for meeting U.S. carbon emission reduction goals indicate that a four- to five-fold expansion
of land-based wind energy from the current 97 gigawatts (GW) by the year 2050 is needed to minimize
temperature increases and reduce the risk of climate change to people and wildlife.
2 Collision fatalities of birds and bats are the most visible and measurable impacts of wind energy production.
Current estimates suggest most bird species, especially songbirds, are at low risk of population-level impacts.
Raptors as a group appear more vulnerable to collisions. Population-level impacts on migratory tree bats are a
concern, and better information on population sizes is needed to evaluate potential impacts to these species.
Although recorded fatalities of cave-dwelling bat species are typically low at most wind energy facilities,
additional mortality from collisions is a concern given major declines in these species due to white-nose syndrome
(WNS). Assessments of regional and cumulative fatality impacts for birds and bats have been hampered by the
lack of data from areas with a high proportion of the nation’s installed wind energy capacity. Efforts to expand
data accessibility from all regions are underway, and this greater access to data along with improvements in
statistical estimators should lead to improved impact assessments.
3 Habitat impacts of wind energy development are difficult to assess. An individual wind energy facility may
encompass thousands of acres, but only a small percentage of the landscape within the project area is directly
transformed. If a project is sited in previously undisturbed habitat, there is concern for indirect impacts, such
as displacement of sensitive species. Studies to date indicate displacement of some species, but the long-term
population impacts are unknown.
4 Offshore wind energy development in the U.S. is just beginning. Studies at offshore wind facilities in Europe
indicate some bird and marine mammal species are displaced from project areas, but substantial uncertainty
exists regarding the individual or population-level impacts of this displacement. Bird and bat collisions with
offshore turbines are thought to be less common than at terrestrial facilities, but currently the tools to measure
fatalities at offshore wind energy facilities are not available.

The wind energy industry, state and federal agencies, conservation groups, academia, and scientific organizations
have collaborated for nearly 25 years to conduct the research needed to improve our understanding of risk to
wildlife and to avoid and minimize that risk. Efforts to reduce the uncertainty about wildlife risk must keep up with

COVER PHOTOS: a) Golden eagle b) Judith Gap Wind Energy Center in Montana c) Mexican free-tailed bats exiting Bracken Bat Cave in
Texas d) Greater sage-grouse. PHOTO CREDITS: a) Susanne Nilsson b) Credit-Invenergy LLC, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
c) Ann Froschauer, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service d) Jeannie Stafford, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

2 © The Ecological Society of America •


the pace and scale of the need to reduce carbon emissions. This will require focusing our research priorities and
increasing the rate at which we incorporate research results into the development and validation of best practices
for siting and operating wind energy facilities.

We recommend continued focus on (1) species of regulatory concern or those where known or suspected
population-level concern exists but corroborating data are needed, (2) research improving risk evaluation and
siting to avoid impacts on species of concern or sensitive habitats, (3) evaluation of promising collision-reducing
technologies and operational strategies with high potential for widespread implementation, and (4) coordinated
research and data pooling to enable statistically robust analysis of infrequent, but potentially ecologically
significant impacts for some species.

taxa, and considerable efforts are underway
to understand, and avoid and minimize
potential impacts.
Electricity from wind energy is a major
contributor to reducing greenhouse gas The pace and scale of wind energy
emissions from fossil fuel use and thus to development over the past 15 years (see
reducing the impacts of climate change. Box 1) has generated concern about the risk
Wind energy, however, like all power that wind energy development presents to
sources, can have adverse impacts on wildlife. This concern has led to increased
wildlife, including injury and death of birds investment in research. Since the early
and bats from turbine collisions, and the loss 1990s, in a partnership unique among
and fragmentation of species’ habitat. energy industries, the wind energy industry,
state and federal agencies, conservation
Awareness of the impact of wind energy groups, and scientific organizations have
production on wildlife in the U.S. arose in collaborated to promote and conduct
the late 1980s when attention focused on research to address the concerns about
turbine collision fatalities of raptors, notably wildlife impacts. Collaboration has been
golden eagles and red-tailed hawks, at one motivated by the desire to balance wildlife
of the nation’s first large-scale wind energy conservation with the need for rapid and
facilities in California’s Altamont Pass Wind deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to
Resource Area. As wind energy development prevent the predicted, substantial impacts
has expanded to other parts of the country, of anthropogenic climate change to the
research has extended to include habitat physical, human, and biological systems of
impacts as well as fatalities, and concerns the planet.
have emerged regarding impacts to the
habitat of grassland songbirds and grouse This Issues in Ecology is intended to further
species in the Great Plains, forest interior this collaborative spirit by reviewing the
bird species on ridgelines in the East, and benefits of wind energy and evaluating
terrestrial vertebrates including ungulates what is known and what remains uncertain
and desert tortoises. about the negative ecological impacts of
the siting and operation of land-based and
Although some bat fatalities had been offshore wind energy on wildlife and wildlife
observed in early studies, research related to habitat in the U.S. We begin with a brief
bat-wind interactions increased dramatically review of the potential benefits of electricity
after 2003 when 1,400 to 4,000 bat fatalities from wind energy; evaluate negative
were estimated to have occurred in a impacts resulting from siting, construction,
six-week period at the Mountaineer Wind operation, and maintenance of wind energy
Energy Center in West Virginia. In some facilities in the U.S.; and propose research
regions, such as the eastern and mid- to reduce uncertainty and minimize the
western U.S., estimated bat mortality from adverse impacts of wind energy on wildlife.
collisions has been substantially higher A detailed comparison of the ecological
than that of birds. With the introduction of effects of electricity generation from
offshore wind energy development in the different sources is beyond the scope of
U.S., the list of potentially affected wildlife this Issue, as are the full life cycle impacts
has expanded to include seabirds, marine of the wind energy industry (e.g., the
mammals, sea turtles, fish, and other aquatic manufacturing of turbine components).

© The Ecological Society of America • 3



Wind energy potential varies substantially within the U.S. (Box 1 Figure 1), and installed capacity also varies regionally, reflecting
a variety of factors affecting economic viability of wind energy projects. Installed wind energy capacity in the U.S. has grown
substantially from approximately 4,000 megawatts (MW) in 2001 to more than 97 GW at the end of March 2019, most of which are
installed at more than 1,000 utility-scale projects in 41 states (Box 1 Figure 2). Wind energy accounted for approximately 7% of the
total electricity generated by all energy technologies in 2018 in the U.S. and along with solar energy represents the fastest-growing
source of electricity in the U.S. ( Almost all the growth in wind energy is
occurring at land-based facilities. The first offshore wind energy facility in the U.S. began operation off Block Island (Rhode Island) in
2016, and other offshore projects are proposed for the East and West Coasts, the Great Lakes, and Hawaii.
The towers of most modern land-based turbines range in height from 60 to 80 m (200 to 260 feet), and individual turbine blades range
in length from 38 to 50 m (125 to 165 feet) resulting in a maximum potential height of approximately 130 m (425 feet) and a rotor-swept
area of 0.45 to 1.34 ha (1.1 to 3.3 acres). Due to advances in technology to expand power output and efficiency, turbine tower heights
and rotor diameters are increasing; since 2016 more than 5,000 turbines have been installed with a combined height of more than 500
feet. Relative to earlier models, the number of blade revolutions per minute has decreased from 60 to 80 rpm to 11 to 20 rpm, but
blade tip speeds have remained about the same, ranging from 230 to 300 kph (140 to 180 mph) under normal operating conditions.
Turbines in modern wind energy facilities are spaced hundreds of meters apart, with larger turbines typically having wider spacing.

Box 1 Figure 2. Growth in the electricity produced by

Box 1 Figure 1. Land-based and offshore annual average wind wind energy over time. Source: American Wind Energy
speed at 80 m above ground level across the continental United U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2018 Association
States. Source: Wind resource estimates were developed by Market Report, Released January 30, 2019,
AWS Truepower LLC. Web: Map
developed by National Renewable Energy Lab. Spatial resolution of
wind resource data is 2.0 km.

and (4) the long-term availability of the
wind resource. Further, there is the reduced

potential for catastrophic events associated
with other sources of electricity, such as

ENERGY nuclear accidents, which can have enormous

ecological impacts.
Generation of electricity from wind has A major ecological benefit of wind energy
several environmental benefits that is the near-zero greenhouse gas emissions
represent important drivers for the (e.g., CO2, emitted when fossil fuels are
expansion of wind energy capacity in the burned, and CH4 emitted when mining
U.S. (Figure 1). These include (1) zero carbon and burning natural gas) from wind energy
emissions; (2) reduced air pollution including facilities while generating electricity.
nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and mercury; Increasing greenhouse gas emissions
(3) no or little water withdrawal, water are projected to raise global average
consumption, and impacts to water quality; surface temperatures by 3˚ to 4˚ Celsius

4 © The Ecological Society of America •


(C) above preindustrial age averages and water withdrawals can have additional
within this century. Predictions about the impacts, including the destruction of aquatic
severe consequences to human society organisms by trapping or entraining. Water
of increasing greenhouse gases are well use in hydraulic fracturing to mine natural
described, and there is scientific consensus gas can range from 2 to 7 million gallons
that rising global temperatures substantially per operation.
increase the risk of species extinctions and
Figure 1. Four main
major disruption of terrestrial and marine benefits of wind
ecosystems across the globe. energy relative to
fossil fuels.
Limiting the magnitude of warming and its
impacts on humans and biodiversity will
require deep reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions. Various modeling efforts indicate
that a large proportion of these reductions
can come from wind-generated electricity.
For example, the Western Wind and Solar
Integration Study showed that achieving
33% wind and solar-generated electricity in
the Rocky Mountain and West Coast states
could avoid 29% to 34% of power-sector
CO2 emissions from the Western grid.13 In
2015, installed wind energy in the United
States was estimated to have reduced
direct power-sector CO2 emissions by 132
million metric tonnes, more than 6% of U.S. Wind is the result of incoming solar radiation
CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning.28 that is converted to kinetic energy, and
Various scenarios indicate that meeting therefore the production of electricity
U.S. emissions reduction goals will require from wind is assumed to be sustainable
expansion of land-based wind energy from indefinitely as long as the sun shines.
the current 97 GW (as of the end of March Scientific studies suggest that there are
2019) to approximately 320 GW by 2050.28 theoretical limits to the amount of energy
Reductions of other common air pollutants that can be extracted efficiently from wind,
from wind energy generation can also but there is no “fundamental barrier”
have substantial benefits for human and to obtaining the world’s current power
ecosystem health. Wind energy produces requirements and achieving emission
no particulate matter or mercury and other reduction goals to mitigate the effects of
toxins that directly affect human and wildlife climate change on humans and wildlife.
health. In 2015, electricity generated by
wind was estimated to have avoided 176,000
and 106,000 metric tonnes of sulfur dioxide
and nitrogen oxide emissions, respectively.28 ADVERSE IMPACTS
In contrast to nearly all other electricity
sources, including some forms of solar OF WIND ENERGY
energy production, wind energy facilities
withdraw, divert, and consume little or no
water when generating electricity. Wind This section reviews what we have learned
energy facilities, therefore, can be located about the impacts and potential impacts
in areas of the country where there is of wind energy development on wildlife
limited water availability, or where there are including:
concerns about drought and water scarcity.
Wind power generation in 2013 is estimated • Bird and bat fatalities resulting from
to have reduced power-sector water collision with turbines at
consumption by 73 billion gallons, or roughly land-based facilities
226 gallons per person in the U.S.28 Thermal • Impacts to species’ habitat
power plants withdraw more fresh water
• Impacts related to offshore wind
than any other industry in the United States,
energy development

© The Ecological Society of America • 5


We first describe estimates of bird and National average adjusted fatality rates
bat collision mortality and assessments of (as defined in Box 2) reported in recent
population-level effects. peer-reviewed national reviews vary from
approximately three to six birds and four to
BIRD AND BAT FATALITIES seven bats per MW of installed wind energy
AT LAND-BASED WIND capacity per year. The range of reported
fatality rates can vary substantially among
ENERGY FACILITIES projects both within and among geographic
regions. For example, reported adjusted
Fatalities of birds and bats from collisions
fatality rates of small passerines vary across
with wind turbines have been documented
avifaunal regions in the U.S. ranging from
at nearly every wind facility where studies
about 1.2 to 1.4 fatalities per MW per year in
have been conducted, and possibly the
northern forests, to 2.6 to 3.8 in the eastern
most commonly asked question about wind
U.S.11 Some of the highest bat fatality rates
energy impacts on wildlife is—how many
have been reported at projects in eastern
fatalities are there?
forests and the forest-agricultural matrix

Collision fatalities are estimated based on carcass searches conducted under operational wind turbines. Raw counts from
searches underestimate the number of collision fatalities and must be adjusted for four primary sources of detection error
described below. Standardized protocols are widely used to estimate these four sources of error and develop less biased
estimates of collision fatalities.
• Study period. Many fatality-monitoring studies in the U.S. are not conducted during the winter because the activity of
many species is reduced due to hibernation or migration; nonetheless, fatalities can occur. To compare annual fatality
rates, estimates for some studies must be extrapolated beyond their period of monitoring.
• Search area. Search plots are usually centered on an individual wind turbine, but often terrain and vegetation cover
prevent searching of the entire plot. Models of carcass densities at different distances from the turbine can be used to
estimate the fraction of carcasses landing outside the search area, allowing researchers to adjust for unsearched area.
Typically, only a sample of turbines is searched requiring extrapolation to the entire facility, although variation among
turbines could occur.
• Scavenger removal. Animal scavengers can remove carcasses from the search area before searchers can find them. Bird
and bat carcasses are placed within search plots and checked periodically over a set time period to determine how long
a carcass will remain present and recognizable by a searcher. Results are used to estimate the probability of a carcass
persisting between one carcass search and the next.
• Searcher efficiency. Searcher efficiency measures the proportion of carcasses present at the time of a search that a
searcher can find. Carcasses of different sizes are placed within areas assumed
to differ in detection rates. The proportion of placed carcasses found by
searchers estimates searcher efficiency for combinations of carcass size and
visibility class.
Fatality estimators: These are statistical equations that calculate an estimate
of the total number of fatalities from raw carcass counts and information from
trial carcasses used to estimate the different sources of detection error. A new
generalized estimator (Gen-Est) uses data collected during carcass searches
and estimates of detection rates to more accurately estimate the number of
fatalities and to provide an accurate measure of precision associated with that
Adjusted fatality estimates are reported as fatalities per turbine or per MW
installed capacity per season or year and are often reported for different
groups, such as small birds, raptors, or bats, each of which may have different
searcher efficiencies, scavenger removal rates, and spatial and temporal
distributions. Possible sources of errors generally not accounted for in
Box 2 Figure 1. Sources of detection error calculating fatality estimates include background fatalities (birds and bats dying
when estimating fatalities from collisions with from causes other than collisions) and fatally injured birds and bats that are able
wind turbines. to fly beyond the limits of the search area.

6 © The Ecological Society of America •


of the upper Midwest, but there is also leading to questions about the validity
substantial variation in reported bat fatalities of aggregating estimates from different
within those regions. For example, fatality studies. Collaborative efforts continue to
rates of 40 to 50 bats per MW per year have increase access to fatality studies and to
been reported for projects along forested improve the accuracy of project-level fatality
ridgelines of the central Appalachians, estimates.
substantially higher than those reported at Like wind energy, substantial uncertainty
other projects in the northeastern U.S.2 exists around estimates of fatalities caused
Using adjusted fatality rate data from by other anthropogenic sources such as
publicly available studies, estimates of poisoning or collisions with buildings.
average cumulative annual bird fatalities in However, our best estimates suggest total
the continental U.S. published in 2013 and bird fatalities at wind turbines are low
2014 ranged from approximately 230,000 relative to other sources of anthropogenic
to 600,000 birds per year,15 estimates of mortality (see Box 3). For bats, wind turbines
cumulative bat fatalities published during and white-nose syndrome (a fungal disease)
that same period ranged from 200,000 to cause high numbers of fatalities in the U.S.

800,000 bats per year.2 These overall comparisons mask important
The accuracy of these estimates is uncertain differences in the types of birds and bats
for several reasons. For example, results killed by different anthropogenic sources.
from fatality-monitoring studies are only For example, wind turbines kill raptors in
available for a subset of all wind energy greater proportions than are killed by cats,
facilities in the U.S. Some regions with and cats kill more passerines than are killed
high installed wind energy capacity, such by turbines. For the golden eagle, a well-
as Texas, have relatively few available studied raptor, more individuals die from
studies. Thus, national estimates may not be illegal shooting than from collisions with
accurate unless they adequately account for vehicles and wind turbines. Species-specific
regional variation in levels of bird and bat levels of fatality at wind energy facilities
fatalities. Further, although survey methods are more useful for regulatory decisions
are becoming more standardized, older and conservation planning related to
studies included in cumulative estimates wind energy than the cumulative national
varied more widely in methods and may estimates that garner more attention.
have had insufficient sampling intensity,

2.4 billion


3 There are several well-known anthropogenic causes of fatalities of birds and
Birds killed per year (billions)

bats. The magnitude of these fatalities has been estimated for birds in the U.S.;
2.5 bat fatalities from anthropogenic sources may be substantial but have not been
quantified to the same extent. Major sources of bird mortality include domestic
cats, collisions with communication towers, vehicles, and building windows,
collisions and electrocutions at power lines, and exposure at oil pits. Predation
599 million

by the domestic cat is estimated to be the largest direct source of bird mortality
1 by far, causing between 1.4 and 4.0 billion fatalities in the U.S. each year.18
200 million

Collision deaths from sources other than wind energy number in the hundreds of
millions (Box 3 Figure 1). Poisoning by agricultural pesticides and other toxins is
23 million

6.6 million

5.6 million


another direct source of bird and bat mortality, but no reliable estimate exists for
this source of mortality in the U.S.; a Canadian study estimated 2.7 million birds



Power lines


Power lines


killed annually by these chemicals.6 More detailed analysis reveals important

species-specific differences among the different mortality sources. For example,
oil spills and fisheries bycatch (incidental catch of non-target species) affect
seabirds and waterfowl, while the fatalities caused by cats consist primarily of
Box 3 Figure 1. Comparison of total annual bird
small song birds and terrestrial game birds.
mortality in the U.S. and Canada from different
direct mortality sources. Reprinted from Loss et
al. (2015) with permission.

© The Ecological Society of America • 7


BIRDS Technological advances that increase

turbine height and rotor-swept area are
Three-hundred species of birds have been
expected to increase the power generation
reported as collision fatalities at U.S. wind
capacity and efficiency of wind turbines
facilities for which data are available. Most of
enabling wind energy to expand to regions
the observed fatalities (approximately 57%)
of the country where relatively little wind
are small passerines such as the horned lark
energy development exists today. Radar
or red-eyed vireo. Diurnal raptors constitute
studies indicate that 90% of avian nocturnal
about 9% of total observed fatalities,
migrants fly above the height of the current
and these percentages are higher in the
rotor-swept zone of turbines (140 m;
western U.S. where these species are more
460 feet) in most operating wind energy
abundant. To date, fatalities of water birds
facilities. Land-based wind turbines have
and waterfowl (e.g., ducks, gulls and terns,
been developed that extend almost twice
shorebirds, loons, grebes, and others) have
the height of existing turbines reaching
been observed infrequently at land-based
higher into the space used by nocturnal
wind energy facilities. Differences among
migrants, and there are concerns that this
species in the number of observed fatalities
will increase bird collisions.
should be interpreted with caution. Raptor
carcasses, and large birds in general, are The few published studies have been
more likely to be found during fatality contradictory in their findings regarding
searches than smaller birds. the effects of increased turbine height or
increased MW capacity on fatality rates of
Birds, particularly night-migrating songbirds,
birds. For raptors, however, repowering at
collide in high numbers with tall stationary
Altamont Pass, where smaller turbines have
objects such as communication towers
been replaced by fewer, taller turbines, may
and buildings. Lighting, particularly in
decrease fatalities in this group. Given the
periods of low visibility, is thought to
trend toward larger, more powerful turbines
be a factor attracting migrating birds to
and uncertainty about their impacts on the
communications towers and buildings.
number of fatalities, further analysis of this
However, the lighting currently approved
relationship for birds is warranted.
by the Federal Aviation Administration and
typically used at wind turbines does not BATS
appear to contribute to bird fatalities.
Twenty-two of the 47 species of bats that
It seems likely that the abundance and occur in the continental U.S. have been
behavioral characteristics of a bird species recorded as fatalities at U.S. wind energy
influence its risk of collision, although the facilities. Three migratory tree-roosting
relative importance of these factors for species (hoary bat, eastern red bat, and
determining collision risk of different species silver-haired bat) constitute approximately
is poorly understood. Abundance may 72% of the reported fatalities in available
be one of the most important predictors fatality monitoring studies at U.S. wind
of collisions for raptors,26 and raptors as facilities. The species composition of bat
a group appear to be among the most fatalities varies regionally depending on the
vulnerable to collisions. Conversely, crows available pool of bat species. For example,
and ravens, large and conspicuous birds, in southwestern U.S., the Mexican free-tailed
are among the most common birds seen bat can constitute 50% or more of the bat
flying within the rotor-swept area of wind carcasses found at facilities that overlap this
turbines, but they are found infrequently species’ range. Relatively high proportions
during fatality surveys. Landscape features of cave-hibernating bat fatalities (e.g., big
(e.g., woodlots, wetlands, and certain brown bat and little brown bat) have been
landforms) may also influence collision observed at some wind energy facilities in
risk. For example, these features influence the upper Midwest compared to facilities in
raptor abundance by concentrating prey or other regions in the U.S. Studies generally
creating favorable conditions for nesting, have shown a peak in bat fatalities in late
feeding, and flying. While landscape summer and early fall, coinciding with
features may influence the abundance of the migration and mating season of tree-
other bird species, no clear relationship roosting bats, and a smaller peak in fatalities
between bird abundance and fatalities of has been observed during spring migration.
most other bird species has been shown.

8 © The Ecological Society of America •


Numerous hypotheses have been proposed the potential for population declines from
for why bats, especially migratory tree- wind turbine collisions. Demographic
roosting bats, are killed in large numbers at models, such as population viability analyses
some wind energy facilities in some regions designed around the biology of specific
of the U.S. Some of these hypotheses species, suggest the population size or
suggest that bats are attracted to turbines, dynamics of some species may be negatively
perhaps by the sounds produced by rotating affected from increases in mortality from
turbine blades, the possible concentration collisions at wind turbines, particularly as
of insects near turbines, or because of more turbines are placed within the species’
bat mating behavior. Infrared imagery has range.
shown bats exploring the nacelles, towers, For most songbirds in the U.S. for which
and blades of wind turbines from the data are available, cumulative collision
leeward direction, especially at low wind mortality at wind energy facilities has been
speeds.8 It has been hypothesized that estimated to represent less than 0.01%
some bat species perceive wind turbines of estimated population size.11 In North
as trees and are attracted to the turbines America, most small songbird species have
for roosting, foraging, or mating. Analysis relatively high natural annual mortality, even
of bat carcasses beneath turbines found as adults, and high reproductive potential
large percentages of mating-ready male indicating that population impacts from
hoary, eastern red, and silver-haired bats, collisions at wind turbines are unlikely at
indicating that sexual readiness coincides current levels of installed wind capacity.
with the period of high levels of fatalities
in these species. Bats rarely collide with Long-lived species, including most
stationary anthropogenic structures, and raptors, that have higher adult survival and
there are no reported fatalities at stationary fewer offspring each year, may be more
wind turbines or meteorological towers. Bat susceptible than short-lived species to
fatalities have shown a positive correlation population-level effects from collisions with
with tower height, but there are few analyses wind turbines. Few peer-reviewed studies
of this relationship with large datasets.
 in the U.S. have investigated population-
level effects of wind energy on any raptor
The hypothesis that bats may suffer fatal species. Studies of the unusually high
internal injuries, such as hemorrhaging in the fatalities of golden eagle at the Altamont
lungs (barotrauma), when they experience wind facility in California indicated that
a rapid drop in air pressure as they pass increased mortality from collisions did not
between rotating turbine blades, gained cause a decline of the local population
rapid public awareness when first proposed. although recent research indicates that
More recent studies involving detailed these fatalities are offset by immigration
analysis of bat carcasses have suggested of young eagles into the area.16 In Europe,
that the proportion of fatalities that can be where raptor numbers tend to be lower
solely attributed to barotrauma as opposed than in the U.S., a local decline attributed
to collisions may be much lower than to the Smøla wind energy facility in Norway
originally thought. has been observed for white-tailed eagles,9
and modeling results have suggested that
EFFECTS OF COLLISION MORTALITY some raptor species in Europe are at risk of
ON THE STATUS OF WILDLIFE population declines due to collision fatalities
POPULATIONS at wind turbines.22
Assessing the population-level effect of Most species of bats have low reproductive
collision fatalities is difficult because the potential and high adult survivorship. Little
potential for this effect depends on multiple is known about population size or trends in
factors, including a species’ population size, migratory tree-roosting bats, the group of
other sources of mortality, and the species’ bats with highest reported turbine-related
reproductive potential. As discussed fatalities across the U.S., but modeling
previously, the uncertainty around existing results suggest some of these species are
fatality estimates leads to uncertainties at risk of population decline due to collision
around the potential for population-level fatalities.12 The ecological consequences of
effects. While recognizing these limitations, turbine-caused mortality of cave-dwelling
several studies have attempted to assess bats such as the little brown bat, northern

© The Ecological Society of America • 9


long-eared bat, or Indiana bat may be habitat for one or more species. Habitat
significant because of already high mortality fragmentation is the loss and separation of
and recent population declines caused habitat into smaller segments. Individuals
by white-nose syndrome (WNS). At some in the remaining habitat segments may
facilities in the Northeast and Midwest exhibit decreased survival, reproduction,
little brown bats accounted for up to 60% distribution, or use of the area. Construction,
of detected fatalities. Once common, this operation, and maintenance of a wind
species has declined substantially due to energy facility also results in increased
WNS. Northern long-eared bat, recently human activity, and this activity may disturb
listed as federally threatened due to sensitive species and cause displacement
population declines from WNS, and the from otherwise suitable habitat. Disturbance
federally endangered Indiana bat have also from the operation of a wind energy facility
been recorded as fatalities, albeit rarely. The may also disrupt movement or migration
declining status of many cave-dwelling bat patterns. Development and operation of a
species raises concerns about the ecological wind energy facility may have differential
consequences of any additional mortality. effects on predators, prey, or competing
species, thus affecting ecological
interactions among species.
Wind energy facilities can extend over
Figure 2. Wind thousands of acres, although the actual
energy facilities amount of land changed by project-
located in different
landscape types:
related structures, including access roads
a) flat, agricultural and turbine pads, constitutes only a small
lands (photo credit: fraction of that area. The magnitude of
Emily Zink, West Inc). adverse impacts due to land transformation
b) turbines along
a ridgeline (photo
and the spatial extent of facilities will vary
credit: Tom Walsh, with each project, landscape, and species
CC by-SA 3.0), and (see Figure 2). Wind energy facilities
c) turbines following constructed on previously undisturbed
a hilltop in deciduous
forest (photo credit:
landscapes may have a greater impact
Dhaluza at English than projects built on land that has been
Wikipedia, CC by transformed by human activity. For example,
3.0). facilities installed in agricultural lands
can take advantage of the existing road
networks and use approximately one-sixth
of the available land per MW compared to
facilities placed in forested areas.
The total amount of land transformed by
the development of a wind energy facility
varies substantially from 0.11 to 4.3 ha/MW
of installed capacity, which may constitute
5% to 10% of the total project area.10 Some
of the land transformation is temporary, for
example, from burying cables or building
staging areas. These disturbed areas
can be restored or may recover naturally.
Roads, which constitute approximately 40%
of the transformed land area, and turbine
pads are permanent through the life of the
facility, but, theoretically, these could also
be restored when a facility is decommissioned.
Land transformation associated with Detailed studies evaluating these potential
development of a wind energy facility effects are limited, because sufficient testing
has the potential to remove or fragment of effects may require expensive studies

10 © The Ecological Society of America •


Figure 3. Possible
responses of prairie
chicken and sage
grouse before and
after construction of a
wind facility. Studies
show responses
are not consistently
observed across
species or locations.
See text for further
discussion of results
(photo credit: U.S.
Geological Survey,
adapted from Winder
et al. 2014)29

that run for several years, and because negative effects of wind energy on this
such studies need to be replicated at species were detected.17
multiple wind energy facilities. Many of the Bat acoustic activity is higher in forest gaps
available studies have focused on grassland and edges than in interior forest. Wind
and shrub land birds, whose populations turbine installation increases both the
already appear to be declining with large- amount of forest edge and the number
scale transformation of their habitat to of forest gaps, and it is hypothesized that
agriculture, range management, or other these changes result in increased bat
types of energy development. These activity potentially explaining the higher bat
studies consistently show species-specific fatalities reported at some projects in forest
responses. For example, a 10-year study of regions. There has been little evaluation
nine grassland songbird species at three of this hypothesis. There are a few studies
wind energy facilities in the Dakotas indicated evaluating potential habitat impacts for other
that seven of these species declined but terrestrial vertebrates. Long-term studies on
the effects were delayed until a few years Agassiz’s desert tortoises at a wind facility
after construction.23 Two species showed no near Palm Springs, California indicated that
effect or experienced a temporary increase adult females survived at higher rates near
in abundance. Adverse and positive effects turbines, but fewer tortoises were utilizing
were not consistently observed across the the area around the facility suggesting
three wind energy facilities. displacement may not be apparent without
A multi-year study comparing response of almost 20 years of monitoring.20 A study
greater prairie-chickens to development of a transplanted elk population during
of a wind energy project in Kansas versus construction and operation of a wind energy
a control site also showed mixed effects. facility in Oklahoma found turbines did not
Female survival significantly increased affect elk use of the surrounding area before
in proximity to the wind energy facility and after construction. Winter survival of
between pre-construction and post- pronghorn was not affected by proximity to a
construction periods, and no negative effect wind energy facility in Wyoming.
from proximity was observed on nest site Wind energy facilities can affect downwind
selection or nest survival. Female greater microclimates by mixing different thermal
prairie-chickens increased the size of their layers in the atmosphere.25 Observed effects
home range and avoided areas close to wind include higher near-surface air temperatures
turbines within their home ranges after wind at night and lower temperatures during
energy development (Figure 3). Persistence the day (Figure 4). Computer simulations
of leks, which are male displaying and suggest these effects extend downwind of
breeding areas, may also decrease in the facility, but the distance depends on
proximity to wind turbines. In a Wyoming wind speed and topography. Whether the
study, female greater sage-grouse utilized microclimate changes resulting from the
areas farther from disturbed areas around a operation of wind facilities affect wildlife,
wind facility for brood rearing and summer positively or negatively, is unknown.
habitat use, but otherwise no significant

© The Ecological Society of America • 11


Figure 4. Depiction injury, displacement, and prey-mediated

of how turbulence impacts on fishes, marine mammals, and
from wind turbines can
affect air temperature. marine reptiles. Artificial reef effects from
When cool air (blue) is the hard surfaces provided by turbine
over warm air (tan) (a), installations may also affect the composition
turbulence mixes cool and distribution of ecological communities,
air down and warm
air up, cooling the with variable effects to individual species.
surface. The opposite Underwater noise, particularly from seismic
can happen when surveys and construction activities, has
warm air is above cool the potential to cause physical injury to
air (b).
acoustically sensitive species at close range
and a variety of behavioral changes farther
away from the noise source.


There is limited documentation of bird
and bat fatalities due to the challenges of
conducting fatality monitoring in the offshore
environment. Alternative approaches
such as cameras and visual observations
have limitations that have prevented their
widespread implementation, including a
narrow field of view (for cameras) and poor

species detection or species identification
capabilities, particularly for smaller-bodied

species. Efforts to infer collision risk in the
U.S. have thus largely focused on evaluating

avian and bat activity offshore. Siting and
permitting decisions for many European
Only one offshore wind facility is operating offshore wind facilities are informed by
in the U.S. off Block Island, RI. However, collision risk models, which have been
offshore wind energy appears poised for created to predict the number of avian
major expansion with numerous leases for collisions for offshore wind energy facilities.
development in state and federal waters. However, these models are highly sensitive to
The scope and degree of impacts to wildlife uncertainties in input data. The few empirical
from offshore wind energy facilities are less studies at land-based wind facilities that
understood than land-based wind energy have compared model-estimated collision
development, but research collaboratives risk to actual mortality rates found only a
are being formed to reduce that uncertainty. weak relationship between the two, and
Concerns about potential wildlife impacts due to logistical difficulties, the accuracy of
are based on inferences drawn from these models has not been evaluated in the
impacts documented at wind facilities from offshore environment.
northern Europe and from other offshore Offshore avian activity appears to vary with
development activities, the latter of which distance from shore, submarine topography,
inform questions on the potential impacts time of year, and weather conditions. Recent
to sea turtles and large cetaceans, which are offshore surveys and subsequent modeling
not well represented in studies at European in the eastern U.S. have indicated that
offshore wind facilities. seabird abundance and species diversity
Offshore wind energy facilities present generally decrease with increasing distances
similar concerns as land-based wind energy from shore, though the distributions of
regarding ecological impacts, primarily individual species vary widely. Both seabirds
collision mortality of birds and bats and and many land birds migrate over open
displacement of birds. Additional concerns water, and some water bodies such as the
have focused on species found in the Great Lakes are crossed by large numbers
marine environment, such as mortality and of terrestrial migrants during migration. Bird
fatalities have been reported at offshore oil

12 © The Ecological Society of America •


and gas structures under certain weather and individual turbines, and it is estimated
conditions and when such structures are that over 95% of individual seabirds flying
brightly lit. However, the lighting used at by offshore wind energy facilities do not
offshore wind farms in the U.S. for marine approach turbines closely enough to be at
navigation and to mark an aviation hazard risk of collision.7 The degree of avoidance
may be less likely to attract birds. behavior likely is species-specific and
Visual and acoustic surveys in the U.S. show dependent on the situation. Available
bats forage and migrate over the ocean at studies suggest it is unlikely that resulting
distances > 40 km from shore, although the increased flight times and energy use lead to
magnitude of this activity is unknown. In negative impacts to migrating birds, at least
Europe, bats have been recorded foraging at current buildout scenarios. Avoidance
and roosting 15-80 km offshore on wind of wind turbines may represent a more
turbines and oil and gas platforms in the significant burden to individuals making
North Sea. It is unknown whether bats are multiple, daily trips between feeding and
attracted to offshore wind turbines, but their roosting or nesting areas.
presence at offshore structures indicates a Offshore wind facilities may also displace
potential for collisions. waterfowl and seabirds from use areas
Sound from human activity propagated (e.g., feeding and roosting grounds). Some
underwater can affect marine mammals and species are displaced only by construction
acoustically sensitive fishes. The magnitude activities, or for just a few years after
of these effects depends on a variety of operation begins, while species such as
factors, including the frequency, intensity, red-throated loon and northern gannet
and duration of the sounds, water depth, experience displacement for several years,
the species being exposed, and the animal’s and possibly indefinitely. Other species may
life history stage and behavior at the time be attracted to perches on structures or
of exposure. Potential injurious effects from increases in food availability. Displacement
exposure to high intensity sound such as may have population-level impacts for at
naval sonar include death and temporary least a few species, but efforts to model
or permanent hearing loss. No evidence of these effects are just beginning.
such effects has been found for pile driving Acoustic disturbance from pile driving
(during installation of turbines) at offshore was recently determined to be the
wind facilities to date, and the potential for highest impact of all offshore wind energy
auditory injury from pile driving noise has development activities on marine mammals
been estimated to occur within a fairly small in Europe.5 One study indicated that harbor
radius (100 m in one study). A variety of porpoises could hear pile-driving noise
mitigation measures have been proposed over 80 km away,27 and several studies
to minimize sound impacts, including the have estimated that reductions in local
use of Marine Mammal Observers to halt activity and potential displacement during
potentially harmful activity when animals installation of monopoles occurred up to
are observed and scheduling construction 20 km from the noise source. Construction
activity when sensitive species are absent. noise may also affect acoustically sensitive
Collisions with vessels are a primary fish species, particularly during sensitive life
source of mortality for some large whale history periods.
species, and there is some potential for Operational turbines emit low levels
collisions with vessels during construction of underwater noise. Harbor seals
and operation activities for offshore wind have displayed little or no long-term
facilities. Potential mitigation approaches displacement during operations. Harbor
include reducing vessel speed during porpoises have displayed a high level
locations or time periods when species of of variability in observed displacement
concern may be present. responses, which has been hypothesized
to relate to local food availability or pre-
existing levels of underwater noise at the
AVOIDANCE AND development sites. Turtles can hear low-
DISPLACEMENT frequency underwater noise emitted during
Several species of seabirds have been seismic surveys, pile driving activities, and
shown to fly around offshore wind facilities wind turbine operations, but the effects

© The Ecological Society of America • 13


are poorly understood. Some fish species

may hear noise of operating turbines from
25 km away, but physiological or avoidance STRATEGIES
responses would be predicted at much
closer ranges, perhaps in the <10 m range.1 TO AVOID AND
Vessel activity associated with construction
and maintenance of offshore wind facilities MINIMIZE ADVERSE
may also displace or attract animals,
depending on the species and the intensity IMPACTS
of the disturbance. Bottlenose dolphins, for In this section, we describe strategies
example, may be attracted to and “bowride” currently in use or in development to
near vessels, while many large whales, sea avoid and minimize adverse impacts to
turtles, and some waterfowl such as scoters wildlife from wind energy construction
may avoid areas of high vessel activity. and operation. In the U.S. these efforts are
focused almost entirely on land-based wind
HABITAT/PREY IMPACTS energy facilities.

Displacement or other behavioral impacts

to prey fish during the construction AVOIDANCE: SITING
period may influence seabird distributions Avoidance of adverse impacts is typically
and reproductive success. Underwater addressed through siting practices, which
structures also change local habitat, by can be further defined as:
attracting benthic organisms that attach
• Macro-siting—locating individual projects
to the underwater structures and form
within a landscape, or
artificial reefs, which have the potential
to attract foraging marine mammals, sea • Micro-siting—locating individual turbines
turtles, and fishes, among other taxa. It is and associated infrastructure within a
not fully understood whether these artificial project boundary
reefs increase the carrying capacity of Many states and federal agencies have
ecosystems to support predator populations developed guidelines for siting practices
or aggregate individuals already present. intended to avoid adverse impacts of
Recent evidence suggests that wind farms wind energy development to wildlife for
in the North Sea may support increased both land-based and offshore wind. These
populations of blue mussels, which are a key guidelines include identifying areas with
species for local food webs,24 but it is likely high conservation value, such as wetlands,
that a range of site-specific factors influence unique or rare natural communities, major
the degree to which artificial reef effects avian migratory routes, or critical habitat for
support productivity at higher trophic levels. endangered species that could be avoided
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are generated either by macro- or micro-siting. Effective
by cables that carry electricity from wind guidelines require a clear understanding of
turbines. Many species of fish, bottom the species of concern and evaluation of the
dwelling elasmobranchs (sharks, rays and risk posed to these species.
skates), and possibly sea turtles are sensitive Several decision-support tools are available
to EMF, though there appear to be little or to aid wind project developers and
no observed effects for most taxa. Bottom- permitting agencies in the early planning
dwelling species sensitive to EMF have been stages of project siting by providing
shown to be attracted to cable routes along searchable spatial data layers that identify
the sea bed, though it is unclear whether areas of conservation concern. Published
such attraction is a biologically significant models identify areas of overlap of wind
effect. Recent research from the Pacific energy potential and landscape use by some
offshore environment indicated that this species. In addition, recent publications
effect dissipated quickly with distance, and have provided detailed recommendations
there was a lack of response detected in on field protocols and study designs for
both fish and invertebrates.19 risk assessment consistent with most state
and federal guidelines. The voluntary U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service Land-Based Wind

14 © The Ecological Society of America •


Energy Guidelines provide a tiered approach

to risk assessment and recommendations on
how to site wind facilities and mitigate risk to TURBINE SHUTDOWN
wildlife, primarily birds and bats. The Bureau Shutting down of turbine operation, often
of Ocean Energy Management has identified referred to as curtailment or operational
offshore wind lease areas based in part on minimization, is intended to reduce bird and
an evaluation of available wildlife survey bat collision fatalities at wind turbines by
data and has developed wildlife survey “feathering”—changing the angle of turbine
guidelines for offshore wind energy facilities. blades to slow blade rotation during periods
There is interest in predicting collision risk where risk of collisions is high.
to birds and bats, and it is logical to assume
that collision risk is related to activity and TURBINE SHUTDOWN TO REDUCE
exposure, in other words, the time a species BAT FATALITIES
spends within the rotor-swept area. Land- Several studies evaluating the effect of
based siting guidelines therefore have turbine curtailment at low wind speeds
recommended collecting activity data to have documented significant reductions in
support the prediction of collision fatality bat fatalities. For example, curtailing blade
risk for birds and bats. Bird activity at land- rotation when wind speeds are below 5.0-6.5
based projects is typically estimated from meters per second (m/s) reduced bat fatalities
visual surveys and radar, and bat acoustic by 50% or more.4 Fatalities of individual bat
activity is typically used to estimate relative species typically are not frequent enough to
bat activity. There is some evidence that determine whether shutting down turbines is
raptor activity is correlated with raptor more effective for some species than others.
collision fatalities, but for most other groups
of birds and bats there has been a lack Turbines are designed to begin generating
of success in relating activity data to the power above a certain wind-speed threshold,
observed level of fatalities. or “cut-in speed,” typically set by the
manufacturer at 2.5 to 3.5 m/s, but turbine
Estimating avoidance behavior is also blades rotate even when wind speed is
important in evaluating collision fatality below the manufacturer’s cut-in speed—
risk both at land-based and offshore wind thereby presenting a collision risk to bats,
energy facilities, and estimation has been although electrical power is not being
attempted for some bird species, notably generated. Recently, member companies
raptors and seabirds. Except for a few of the American Wind Energy Association
species, such as golden and bald eagles,21 in agreed to voluntarily reduce or “curtail”
the U.S. there is a lack of guidance regarding turbine blade rotation below the cut-in speed
how to use estimates of bird and bat activity at night during fall migration to reduce bat-
to make siting decisions. collision fatalities. Some states have instituted
Siting of wind energy facilities and individual threshold levels of bat fatalities, which if
turbines can also be designed to reduce exceeded would require curtailment of
impacts of habitat loss or fragmentation or turbine operation below “designated” wind
to avoid disturbing unique plant community speeds at the wind facility.
types or habitat for an endangered species. Restricting turbine operation at low wind
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Land- speeds reduces power production and that
Based Wind Energy Guidelines describe a reduction increases with wind speed. The
path for estimating habitat fragmentation amount of reduction depends on the wind
risk, and a process for identifying speed chosen for curtailment and the wind-
species that may be sensitive to habitat speed characteristics of the project location.
fragmentation. Project siting intended to Because of concerns about reduction in power
avoid impacts to species’ habitat is often production, research is underway to evaluate
hampered by lack of knowledge about whether incorporating bat activity and
how individual species will respond to the environmental variables, such as temperature
project. For some species, the response or changes in barometric pressure, can be
to roads or other disturbances may be used in addition to wind speed to optimize
well known, while for other species this reductions in bat fatalities while minimizing the
information may be entirely lacking. reduction in energy production.

© The Ecological Society of America • 15


TURBINE SHUTDOWN TO REDUCE emitting high-frequency (ultrasonic) sounds

BIRD FATALITIES and interpreting the reflected echoes from
objects in their surroundings. These sounds
The effectiveness of turbine shutdown
allow bats to orient, capture prey, and
in reducing bird fatalities has rarely been
communicate in the dark. Bat scientists have
evaluated experimentally. For example,
hypothesized that broadcasting ultrasound
there is no published experimental evidence
from wind turbines may “jam” a bat’s ability
that stopping turbines reduces collision
to perceive its own echoes and cause bats
fatalities of songbirds, the largest group
to avoid wind turbines.
of bird collision fatalities reported at wind
Figure 5. Deterrent turbines. Turbine shutdown has been
devices installed on implemented to reduce raptor fatalities.
the ground or on Turbine shutdown at the Altamont Pass
turbines are intended
to reduce collision
Wind Resource Area was implemented
risk by keeping birds between 2005 and 2011 to reduce fatalities
and bats away from of four target raptor species—golden
turbines. eagle, red-tailed hawk, American kestrel,
and burrowing owl—during the period of
highest raptor activity (November through
February). The target reduction of 50% was
not achieved, but fatalities of red-tailed
hawk did decline significantly.14 Fatalities
of golden eagle also declined, but low
numbers of fatalities made interpretation Several tests of ultrasonic acoustic
difficult. Kestrel and burrowing owl deterrence were being completed at the
fatalities appeared to increase following time of publication of this issue, but results
implementation of turbine shutdowns, were not yet published. Preliminary results
suggesting the fatalities of these species are are promising, suggesting an effectiveness
due to causes other than collisions at wind approaching that of curtailment for some
turbines. bat species.3 One wind company is installing
2nd-generation acoustic deterrents at
Wind energy companies have employed its facility in Texas. Research is ongoing
human observers to detect target species to improve effectiveness, including
and to signal for shutdown of specific understanding species-specific differences
turbines or turbine strings, a process called in response and the optimal placement
“informed curtailment” that aims to reduce and orientation of speakers on turbines. In
the amount of time that turbines are not addition to ultrasonic deterrence, research
generating power. Automated detection is underway to investigate ultraviolet light
technologies are being used to track as a bat deterrent and to develop surface
California condors with GPS transmitters, materials that reduce the attractiveness of
detect and shut down turbines with camera- wind turbines to bats.
based systems to reduce eagle collisions,
and detect large raptors with ground-based Acoustic deterrents for birds, particularly
radar. raptors, have been used at European
wind energy facilities and are undergoing
testing in the U.S. Experimental evaluation
MINIMIZATION: of the effectiveness of this technology in
FOR BIRDS AND BATS reducing golden eagle fatalities is underway,
and preliminary results indicate the
Because of concerns about power loss deterrent affects eagle behavior reducing
and the practicality of implementing collision risk.
curtailment in low wind regions, there has
been substantial investment in developing Acoustic deterrence also is under
technologies that reduce fatalities of birds consideration to minimize impacts in the
and bats while allowing turbines to operate offshore environment. The approach,
normally. One approach being tested is referred to as “ramping up,” involves
to use sound to deter birds and bats away gradually increasing intensity of construction
from turbine blades (Figure 5). For example, noise so that sensitive aquatic species will
all bat species in the U.S. echolocate by avoid the construction area and will no

16 © The Ecological Society of America •


longer be present in the area by the time and minimize that risk. However, the pace
noise reaches levels that could cause harm. and scale of wind energy installations and
The approach is controversial; however, the amount of new wind energy facilities
there is no clear evidence of effectiveness needed to reduce carbon emissions indicate
and the practice results in longer periods that we must further focus our research
of construction noise overall. It is also a priorities, improve coordination and sharing
common practice to curtail some types of research results, and increase the rate at
of offshore construction activities when which we incorporate research results into the
certain aquatic animals are observed in development and validation of best practices.
the immediate vicinity to avoid exposing We provide a brief list of priority
them to potentially injury-inducing noise. recommendations for future research below.
Stoppage of construction activities does Many of these recommendations were first
not address the potential for other types of made when concerns about wind energy’s
impacts, such as behavioral modifications impacts on wildlife emerged in the 1990s.
and masking of communication, over a This does not mean we have made little
much larger geographic area than can be progress on these concerns. To the contrary,
monitored by observers. New mitigation progress has been substantial. What this
approaches, such as bubble curtains that replication indicates is that we have been
minimize sound propagation, have the asking the right questions, but that they are
potential to shrink this impact zone. challenging questions, and that obtaining
more answers remains a priority.
Our general research recommendations
CONCLUSIONS AND include (1) focusing on species of regulatory
concern or those where known or
RECOMMENDATIONS suspected population-level concern exists
but corroborating data are needed (Figure
FOR FUTURE 6), (2) conducting research that improves
risk evaluation and siting to avoid impacts,
RESEARCH (3) evaluation of promising collision-
reducing technologies and operational
This Issues in Ecology describes what strategies with high potential for
is currently known about the risk wind widespread implementation, and
energy poses to wildlife, how to avoid and (4) coordinating research and pooling
minimize that risk, and where uncertainties data to enable statistically robust analysis
remain. Wind energy is also considered to of infrequent, but potentially ecologically
have important environmental benefits, significant impacts.
and the rapid expansion of wind energy is Specific recommendations include:
considered an essential part of the strategy
Continue research to improve risk
to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution
assessment and siting of wind energy
and mitigate the worst effects of climate
facilities. Numerous authors suggest siting
change on wildlife and human society.
of wind energy facilities and individual
Various scenarios for meeting U.S. emission
turbines may be the best approach for
reduction goals indicate that a four- to five-
reducing impacts to some species. For
fold expansion of land-based wind energy
example, avoiding placement of turbines
from the current 97 gigawatts (GW) by the
near bat hibernacula, or near migratory
year 2050 is needed.
routes of raptors, may reduce collisions.
Given the environmental benefits of wind There is, however, much more to learn
energy, a focus on rapid improvement and about the factors that contribute to
implementation of effective strategies will collision fatality risk: how birds and bats
help reduce the negative impacts of this are distributed across space, flight activity,
rapidly growing technology on wildlife. The and migratory behavior. For example,
wind energy industry, state and federal understanding how raptors use topography
agencies, conservation groups, academia, during flight may facilitate micro-siting
and scientific organizations have collaborated individual turbines to reduce collision risk.
to promote research needed to reduce these Likewise, knowing the location of areas of
uncertainties in risk to wildlife and to avoid concentrated migration of birds and bats

© The Ecological Society of America • 17


Figure 6. Species Species of management concern with evidence of impacts

groups that have been Species of management concern with evidence of impacts
a focus of concern Prairie Grouse • Lesser and Greater Prairie-Chicken, Greater Sage-Grouse
regarding the potential Prairie Grouse •• Lesser
Speciesand Greater
under ESA Prairie-Chicken, Greater
review: lesser prairie Sage-Grouse
•• Species
Concerns:under ESA habitat
Possible review: loss
andprairie chicken displacement and demographic impacts
for adverse impacts •• Concerns:
Mitigation: Possible habitat
lek buffers, loss and
avoidance fragmentation,
of core habitat displacement and demographic impacts
from wind energy • Mitigation: lek buffers, avoidance of core habitat
development. Each
grouping describes: Raptors • Bald and Golden Eagle, Ferruginous Hawk, Swainson’s Hawk
1) key species, 2) their Raptors •• Bald
Legaland Golden Bald
protection: Eagle, Ferruginous
and Hawk,
Golden Eagle Swainson’s
Protection Hawk Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Act and/or
•• Legal protection: Baldpossible
and Golden Eagle Protection Act and/or Migratory Bird Treaty Act
conservation status, 3) Concerns: Collisions, nesting disturbance
•• Concerns:
Mitigation: Collisions, possible
detection and nesting
informed disturbance
curtailment; deterrence; under study
potential impacts, and • Mitigation: detection and informed curtailment; deterrence; under study
4) potential mitigation
approaches. The
Bats • Hoary Bat, Eastern Red Bat, Silver-haired Bat, Mexican Free-tailed Bat
included species are Bats •• Hoary Bat, Eastern
Legal protection: Redfor
none Bat, Silver-haired
these Bat, Mexican Free-tailed Bat
four species
a representative, but •• Legal protection:
Collision mortality:none for these
the four fourconstitute
species species ~80% of fatalities nationwide
not comprehensive list •• Collision mortality:
Mitigation: the four
Curtailment species
at low constitute
wind speeds, ~80% ofacoustic
ultrasonic fatalitiesdeterrence
nationwideunder study
• Mitigation: Curtailment at low wind speeds, ultrasonic acoustic deterrence under study
of the major groups
for which there is
concern. The species Species of management concern with regulatory concerns
Species of management concern with regulatory concerns
are organized into
two groups: 1) species Endangered • California Condor, Whooping Crane
Species •• California Condor,Federal
Legal protection: Whooping Crane Species Act
with a science-based Species •• Legal protection:
Concerns: Federal
Collision Endangered
mortality, Species
no collisions Act species reported to date
of either
concern for significant •• Concerns:
Mitigation: Collision
detectionmortality, no collisions
and deterrence of eitherunder
or curtailment species reported to date
adverse impacts from • Mitigation: detection and deterrence or curtailment under study
wind energy (see
Marine Mammals • North Atlantic Right Whale, Kemp’s Ridley, Leatherback
text), and 2) species Marine Mammals •• North
Legal Atlantic Right
protection: Whale,
Federal Kemp’s Ridley,
Endangered Leatherback
Species Act
and Reptiles
where environmental and Reptiles •• Legal protection:
Concerns: Federal
Injury or Endangered
disturbance Species Act
from underwater noise, vessel collisions
regulations require •• Concerns: Injury or disturbance from underwater noise,and
Mitigation: construction curtailment or sound reduction vessel collisions
reduced vessel speed need study
• Mitigation: construction curtailment or sound reduction and reduced vessel speed need study
actions to mitigate
effects of wind Songbirds • Cerulean Warbler, Grasshopper Sparrow, Le Conte’s Sparrow
energy development, Songbirds •• Cerulean Warbler,Migratory
Legal Protection: Grasshopper Sparrow,
Bird Treaty; Le Conte’s
mostly Sparrow
abundant, some species of conservation concern due
although impacts from • Legal Protection:
to habitat loss Migratory Bird Treaty; mostly abundant, some species of conservation concern due
to habitat loss
• Concerns: Collisions for some declining forest species, displacement for grassland species
wind development are •• Concerns:
Mitigation: Collisions for some
FAA-approved declining
lighting forest
to reduce species,ofdisplacement
attraction for grassland species
night migrants
still being explored. • Mitigation: FAA-approved lighting to reduce attraction of night migrants
(photo credits:
Prairie grouse - Patty
McGann; eagle –
Jason Mrachina;
bat – Cris Hein – BIC;
may facilitate the siting of entire facilities. We support increased investment in the
whooping crane Additional research is also needed to further promising efforts to utilize technology and
– Jason Mrachina; evaluate the sensitivity of some species, artificial intelligence to decrease impacts of
right whale and such as grassland songbirds, sage grouse, wind energy to wildlife. For bats, research on
calf- Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation
and prairie chickens to the presence of wind ‘smart curtailment’ involves testing additional
Commission, CC BY turbines. environmental variables, such as temperature
NC-ND 2.0; white-
Continue and expand investment in and barometric pressure that affect bat
breasted nuthatch- activity, in addition to wind speed, or
Russ, CC BY 2.0) the development and evaluation of
technologies and operational strategies studying behavior of bats around turbines to
that minimize collision fatalities of bats, decrease bat fatalities while reducing power
raptors, and other protected species and loss. The use of camera-based systems that
are feasible to use at a wide range of employ machine-learning to ‘inform’ turbine
facilities. shutdowns and reduce collision risk to eagles
and condors is expanding at wind energy
facilities in the western U.S.
Figure 7. Automated Acoustic deterrents for bats and detection-
detection and deterrent systems for raptors have been
shutdown technology developed and new approaches to improve
uses microphones
and/or cameras to
these technologies are in development
identify species and (Figure 7). Coordinated and independent
can shutdown turbines research-based evaluation of these
when necessary. technologies supported by government
agencies and the wind industry is now
underway at multiple wind energy facilities,
but more is needed for these technologies

18 © The Ecological Society of America •


to gain widespread adoption by the industry Develop accurate demographic data for
and wildlife agencies. key species of concern to evaluate the
Conduct replicated studies focused on population-level significance of collision
terrestrial and marine species assumed fatalities and other impacts (e.g.,
to be at greatest risk of direct and displacement), and establish appropriate
indirect habitat impacts. Some of the mitigation targets. We cannot easily take
greatest wind resources coincide with some information about estimated fatalities,
of the most imperiled natural landscapes in changes in behavior, and habitat loss from
the U.S., such as the temperate grasslands wind energy, and consider how these
of the Northern Great Plains. Well-designed affect populations. In some cases, doing so
studies are needed on species considered requires basic information that is currently
likely to be affected by this development. not available. We note that the challenge
Habitat-based impacts, including of understanding impacts to populations is
displacement, may not be apparent for not unique to wind energy development.
several years after construction and The potential for cumulative impacts is
operation of a wind energy facility, assumed for threatened and endangered
indicating the need for long-term research. species, but for other taxa, evaluating
Existing research should be evaluated to the necessary level of minimization to
determine whether it is appropriate to maintain populations requires a better
extrapolate results from related species, for understanding of their demographic
example, from greater prairie-chicken to attributes. For example, the demographic
lesser prairie-chicken, or from oil and gas consequences of reducing migratory tree
development to wind. This evaluation could bat fatalities through curtailment at low
guide future research. wind speeds is unknown because of the
lack of knowledge regarding population
Promote coordinated research at numbers for these species. Quantitative
multiple wind energy facilities to enable methods, such as demographic models,
statistically robust analysis of fatalities are well-developed in applied ecology and
and strategies to minimize them. will likely continue to play a large role in
Information critical to informed decision estimating population impacts from wind
making about wind energy and wildlife energy. Many of the suggested research
interactions is laborious and expensive topics above will help generate the types
to collect. For example, detecting rare of data required to parameterize these
events—such as the collision fatality of models and improve the quality of their
an Indiana bat—is extremely difficult. As predictions. Understanding when fatalities
noted earlier, current estimates of fatalities caused by wind turbines are compensatory
are highly uncertain, in part because the (i.e., the turbine-caused deaths would
facilities sampled do not represent the have taken place naturally) or add to
distribution of turbines across the U.S. the background rate of death is a key
Improving our ability to estimate the issue when considering population-level
number of fatalities, or to determine impacts from wind energy, or from any
displacement of rare species by wind anthropogenic activity.
development, requires coordinated
research across multiple facilities. The above topics focus attention on those
Coordination will facilitate adequate species for which there is greatest concern
sampling and the pooling of data from based on current knowledge. The growth
multiple studies—using a common of wind energy and advances in turbine
database such as the American Wind technology will likely increase the exposure
Wildlife Institute’s (AWWI) American of wildlife to potential adverse impacts.
Wind Wildlife Information Center Advances in turbine technology may allow
(AWWIC)—to facilitate meta-analysis of wind energy development in regions
results. In addition, coordination across where it currently is rare, and thus expose
facilities will allow more rapid and new species to potential impacts. We
efficient testing of curtailment strategies, should be prepared to address new
deterrent technologies, or automated concerns as they emerge and also continue
shutdown methods. to look for solutions that would allow
increased wind energy supply and reduced
effects on wildlife.

© The Ecological Society of America • 19


Making significant progress on these gaps in our understanding and evaluating

research priorities will provide critical methods to reduce collisions. Such groups
knowledge necessary for informed include the National Wind Coordinating
management practices. A great deal of Collaborative (NWCC) Wildlife Workgroup
our understanding of the adverse impacts founded in 1994, the Bats and Wind Energy
of wind energy and how to mitigate Cooperative (BWEC) founded in 2003,
these impacts comes from research at and the AWWI founded in 2008. Most
operating wind energy facilities that is recently, the wind industry created the
funded by government agencies, academia, Wind Wildlife Research Fund in 2018. These
conservation organizations, and the wind initiatives demonstrate a commitment
energy industry, either voluntarily or as to finding science-based solutions to
required by the regulatory process. There achieve the environmental benefits of wind
are diverse stakeholder groups working energy while minimizing its environmental
on these myriad issues, and collectively consequences.
they have played a critical role in closing


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20 © The Ecological Society of America •


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© The Ecological Society of America • 21


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The authors wish to thank Susan Savitt Schwartz for her edits to this paper. We also thank Cliff Duke, Sasha Reed,
Jennifer Riem, Jill Parsons, and Chelsea Fowler at the Ecological Society of America for editorial support and Mona
Khalil at USGS and two anonymous reviewers for their thorough review. Jeremy Havens at USGS developed and
edited the figures. We thank AWWI Partners and Friends for providing financial and logistical support. Support also
came from the Land Change Science and Energy Resources Programs at USGS. The views expressed in this paper
do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Government or any of its departments. Any use of trade, product,
or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


Taber D. Allison, American Wind Wildlife Institute, Washington, DC 20005
Jay E. Diffendorfer, U.S. Geological Survey, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Denver, CO 80225
Erin F. Baerwald, Department of Biology, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada S4S 0A2
Julie A. Beston, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI 54751
David Drake, Russell Labs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706
Amanda M. Hale, Biology Department, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129
Cris D. Hein, Bat Conservation International, Austin, TX 78716
Manuela M. Huso, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, OR 97331
Scott R. Loss, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
Jeffrey E. Lovich, U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
M. Dale Strickland, WEST, Inc., Cheyenne, WY 82001
Kathryn A. Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute, Portland, ME 04103
Virginia L. Winder, Department of Biology, Benedictine College, Atchison, KS 66002

Gillian Kirkpatrick, King Graphic Design

22 © The Ecological Society of America •



Issues in Ecology uses commonly understood language to report the consensus of a panel of scientific experts
on issues related to the environment. The text for Issues in Ecology is reviewed for technical content by external
expert reviewers, and all reports must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief before publication. This report is a
publication of the Ecological Society of America. ESA and Issues of Ecology editors assume no responsibility for
the views expressed by the authors of this report.

Serita Frey, Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, University of New Hampshire, [email protected]


Jessica Fox, Electric Power Research Institute
Noel P. Gurwick, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Clarisse Hart, Harvard Forest
Duncan McKinley, USDA Forest Service
Sasha Reed, U.S. Geological Survey
Amanda D. Rodewald, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Thomas Sisk, Northern Arizona University

Valerie Eviner, University of California, Davis
Richard V. Pouyat, USDA Forest Service

Jill P. Parsons, Associate Director of Science Programs
Jennifer Riem, Meeting Program Associate

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