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The Earth in the Universe

1. Explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical (S11/12PS-IVa-38)
2. Cite examples of Astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the
advent of telescopes (S11/12PS-IVa-41)
3. Explain how Brahe’s Innovations and extensive collection of data in
observational astronomy paved the way for Kepler’s Discovery of his laws of
planetary motion (S11/12PS-IVb-44)

ACTIVITY # 1 Tablet Paper

Below are names of Greek Philosophers that contributed greatly in the advancement of
information about the spherical shape of the earth. Please be able to write down their contributions.

1. Empedocles


2. Anaxagoras


3. Aristarchus of Samos


4. Eratosthenes


QUIZ # 1
1. Which of the following phenomena led to the discovery that the earth is spherical?

a. Disappearing ships c. Solar eclipse

b. Lunar eclipse d. both a & b

2. This event/phenomenon became the basis of ancient calendars.

a. Lunar eclipse c. Solar eclipse

b. Phases of the moon d. supernova

3. These are planets visible on Earth’s night sky except

a. Jupiter c. Mercury

b. Mars d. Neptune

4. A Danish astronomer and nobleman who made accurate observations of the

movement of celestial bodies

a. Anaxagoras c Tycho Brahe

b. Erastosthenes d. Johannes Kepler

5. The following are laws of planetary motion except

a. Law of equal Area c. Law of ellipses

b. Law of Equivalent exchange d. Law of Harmonies

PT #1 Tablet Paper
Explain how Kepler’s Discovery of Laws of Planetary Motion was discovered by Brahe’s
Innovations and Observational Astronomy?


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