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College of Education Science

Bachelor's Degree in Biology Teaching

Health and Nutrition

Discente: Benigna Felisberto Bulule


Xai-Xai, 2023


College of Education Science

Bachelor's Degree in Biology Teaching

Health and Nutrition

Scientific research work to be presented at

ISCED in English as part of the partial


student: Benigna Felisberto Bulule


Xai-Xai, 2023

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................4

2. Objectives.................................................................................................................................5

2.1. general objective...............................................................................................................5

2.2. Specific objectives............................................................................................................5

3. Methodology............................................................................................................................6

4. Definitions................................................................................................................................7

5. The main dimensions of health................................................................................................8

6. Importance of health and well-being........................................................................................9

7. Importance of prevention and health promotion......................................................................9

8. Concept of nutrition................................................................................................................10

9. Importance of nutrition for health..........................................................................................10

9.1. Food groups.....................................................................................................................10

9.2. Energy Foods..................................................................................................................10

9.3. Carbohydrates.................................................................................................................11

9.4. Lipids..............................................................................................................................11

10. Importance of nutrition for health and well-being..............................................................11

10.1. Builder Foods..............................................................................................................11

10.2. Regulatory Foods........................................................................................................12

10.3. The main types of nutrition.........................................................................................12

11. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................12

12. Bibliography.......................................................................................................................13


In this work we will talk about health and nutrition, where we will give the definitions and
without leaving behind the respective importance for the well-being of all living beings.

Talking about health is not just talking about the absence of disease but also includes social,
mental and emotional well-being.

Nutrition is of great importance for good health as a healthy diet creates a good and complete
social, emotional and mental state.

1. Objectives

1.1. general objective

 Understanding health and nutrition

1.2. Specific objectives

 Giving health and nutrition concepts.

 Talk about the main dimensions of health.
 Talk about the importance of nutrition for health.

2. Methodology

For the elaboration of this work, a bibliographical research was used, which gives the researcher
the possibility of making new analyzes based on existing productions, contributing to a better
understanding of the theme proposed in the research and to the development of future research.
In this case, some publications on this topic were selected to emphasize health and nutrition.

3. Definitions

Health means the state of normal functioning of the human body. To be healthy is to live in
good physical and mental disposition.

Health is considered the existing balance within a person, it's your quality of life, being close
to the people you love, being able to make your dreams come true.

Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, both in your personal
and professional life.

Health is the absence of disease, it is the state of full functioning of the human organism, the
absence of pain.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

An individual's health can be determined by human biology itself, by the physical, social and
economic environment to which he is exposed and by his lifestyle, that is, by eating habits
and other behaviors that can be beneficial or harmful.

Good health is associated with increased quality of life. It is known that a balanced diet,
regular practice of physical exercises and emotional well-being are determining factors for a
balanced state of health.

On the other hand, people who are exposed to precarious conditions of survival, do not have
basic sanitation (water, cleaning, sewage, etc.), adequate medical assistance, quality food and
water, etc., have their health seriously affected.

The health sciences train professionals with knowledge in disease prevention, care practice
and promotion of the well-being of the population.

Professions in the health area are: Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy,
Physiotherapy, Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology, Social Work, Veterinary, among

4. The main dimensions of health.

1. Physical health

Physical health is the most basic dimension of human well-being, represented by a fully
functioning, disease-free, well-nourished and active body. To reach a physically healthy
state, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, practice physical activities, sleep at least eight
hours, among other basic medical recommendations.

2. Mental health

Mental health is synonymous with emotional quality of life, i.e. the balance between
emotions and feelings in the face of challenges, conflicts, changes and other life events.
Being mentally healthy means being well with yourself and with others, being able to accept
adverse situations and knowing how to deal with good and bad emotions, always recognizing
your limits — including seeking help when necessary.

3. Social health

Social health is about maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, co-workers and
the wider community. As social beings, we need support, recognition and esteem from
others, and support networks are essential to keep the other dimensions of health balanced.
Social health depends on collective behavior and culture, and not just on our own circle of

4. Financial health

Financial health is another essential dimension of human well-being, which influences all
other areas of life in our economic model. This is because a large part of human needs
depend on money to be met, from resources to take care of the body and mind to the
conditions to improve sociability, for example. The lack of it, on the other hand, not only
limits human access to a healthier life, but also causes health problems.

5. Intellectual health

Intellectual health is developed through cultural activities, learning, exercising creativity and
other actions that enrich our personal repertoire and expand our knowledge. After all,
oxygenating the brain with new ideas is fundamental to mental health and self-esteem.

6. Occupational

health Occupational health is achieved through meaningful work that leads to professional
and personal fulfillment. To ensure this dimension of well-being, individuals must choose a
career in which they can develop their maximum potential, in which they feel useful and
satisfied with their daily functions.

7. Spiritual health

Finally, spiritual health is the dimension of well-being related to the human being's faith and
beliefs. To achieve spiritual well-being, one must have the freedom to exercise one's faith,
values, and personal purpose, whether through religion or philosophy.

5. Importance of health and well-being.

Good physical and mental health allows people to carry out their daily activities without
major difficulties, in addition to allowing greater longevity. In addition, good health
contributes to a stronger and more productive economy, since healthy people tend to be more
productive and generate less costs for the health system.

However, taking care of health and well-being is not something that should only be done
when a person is sick. Prevention is key to avoiding more serious health problems, and there
are many ways to promote health and well-being. For example, it is possible to adopt a
balanced diet, practice physical activities regularly, have a good quality of sleep, avoid
excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes and seek professional help when necessary.

6. Importance of prevention and health promotion.

Given the importance of health and well-being, it is essential to highlight the importance of
prevention and health promotion. Prevention consists of measures to prevent the appearance
of diseases and promotion is the adoption of healthy habits that aim to improve quality of
life. Both are important for maintaining health and well-being.

7. Concept of nutrition

Nutrition is the science that studies the relationship between food and nutrients ingested by
human beings and possible states of health and disease.

Nutrition is the process by which organisms acquire and use the nutrients necessary for their
proper functioning. It involves the ingestion, digestion, absorption and metabolism of food to
provide energy and essential nutrients.

Food is any substance used by living beings as a source of matter necessary for carrying out
vital functions.

8. Importance of nutrition for health

Nutrition is part of the life of every human being, with the intake of healthy foods, the body
receives the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain proper functioning,
including preventing diseases such as obesity, anemia, diabetes, among others.

8.1. Food groups

Foods are consumed because they are sources of nutrients for organisms. These nutrients,
when absorbed, have specific functions and are essential for the proper functioning of the
metabolism of individuals.

8.2. Energy Foods

When digested, they generate substances that are used in energy metabolism to generate ATP
(Adenosine Triphosphate), the essential substance for metabolic processes that depend on
energy to occur. Within this category are carbohydrates and lipids.

8.3. Carbohydrates

Foods that when digested generate glucose and other carbohydrates that are metabolized in
cellular nutrition to generate ATP. They are found in sugar, honey, bread, rice, corn, pasta
and tubers such as potatoes, cassava, etc.

8.4. Lipids

Also known as vitamins, they are important constituents of the cellular plasmatic membrane
and in the production of hormones, in addition to being the main energy reserve in animals.

When necessary, they are digested and generate by-products of cellular respiration to be
metabolized and ATP generated. Fats can be of animal or vegetable origin and can be found
in butter, margarine, fatty meats, seeds, such as soybeans, and vegetable oils, such as
sunflower oil, olive oil and soybean oil.

9. Importance of nutrition for health and well-being.

Having a healthy life depends a lot on what the individual consumes during his life. Food is
directly linked to the functioning of the organism as well as the quality of life.

Nutrition is part of the life of every human being, with the intake of healthy foods, the body
receives the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain proper functioning,
including preventing diseases such as obesity, anemia, diabetes, among others.

9.1. Builder Foods

Builder foods are responsible for repairing and producing substances such as enzymes and

9.2. Regulatory Foods

Regulatory foods are those that, when consumed, help the body to carry out its functions.The
low intake of regulatory foods is related to the development of diseases.

Regulating foods can be organic, such as vitamins, or inorganic, such as mineral salts.

9.3. The main types of nutrition

Heterotrophic nutrition- characteristic of animals, fungi and some bacteria;

Autotrophic nutrition - characteristic of plants and most bacteria.


The great challenge of human well-being is to maintain balanced physical, mental, social,
financial, intellectual, occupational and spiritual health. Considering the importance of the
financial base for all other dimensions of health, taking care of retirement is an important
investment to guarantee a truly healthy life.

Proper nutrition is essential for growth, development and maintenance of health. Necessary
nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. A balanced and varied
diet is essential to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Lack or excess of nutrients can lead to deficiencies or health problems such as obesity and
chronic diseases. In addition to diet, factors such as age, gender, physical activity and health
status influence individual nutritional needs. Nutrition plays a crucial role in promoting well-
being and preventing disease.




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