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Mock Tost for NEET Syllabus of Class
Instructions for Paper (XXUVT 10p): allernpt all
(i) There are two Section-A & Sectin-B, You
liove 1o
total score.
Sectio-A& cn sections each subject, ie.
ony 10 questions from scclicn-B aut of 15. deducted fram the
(W) Each question 1 mark shall
/ Caies 4 marks. For every wrong no: man
allernpled quesins will tte givon respose
(i) Use blue/hlack ballpoi ciicle.
Mark shoutd be dert oniy to darken the appropriate
(V) omplelcly fu circlo,
(v) Dark only one circle rubblng
(vi) Dark the circle in the space provided
ided only. use whlte-lluid
or any olhor
(viü)) Rough work must not be dona'on the Answer ahoef ond do not
on the Answer sheet.

Choose tho correct answer:
(2) 13 m/s
SECTION A (1) 10 m/s (4) 12 m/s
(3) 16 m/s
Threo identical non conducting spheres, cach of inclined plane is smooth
The upper portion of an
radius 1 m
charge 1 uC unilormly distribuled and parlicle slides down
the cther two. and lower portloni is rough. A
are kept such Ihat each louches from lhe top and just comes to rest
sphere from rest
The magnitude of eleclric force on any lèngth ! the
the foot. If the ralin of the smooth
due to the other iwo will be
friction is
rough lengh is m:n, the coefficient of
(1) 5.6 x 10-3 N
(a: angle of inclination )
(2) 4.1 x 10-3 N
(3) 6.8x 10N
(1) |tana
(4) 3.9 x 10 N
ka is whi:led in a
horizontal ( 2 2 "cota
2 A s:sne of nass 4
allaching it to a
circle (in gravity free space) by
169 m long string. The slring
can withstand a (3) Jcote
maximum speed of
maximum tension of 4 N. The
the string does
revoluticn of the stone such that
not break is

for NEET-2023
Final Test Series
magnitudes 12
Test-10 (Codo-B)_ I! A Band are three veclors of
kg and 4 kg +B. =0,
Two blocks A and B of masses 2 13 uinils. And
units, 5 units and
respecively are interconnected by an idealsmoolh Àand B is
ofof spring
spr constant 200 N/m placed on a
is initially
Ihen angle between
horizontal surlace. Il the spring
given a righlward
unslrelched and block B is
maximum exlension (1) (2)
velocily 10 ms, then the
-alalned in the soring will be (4)
10 mis R
moving on a circular palh of radius
AG00000BI 9. A parlicle is displacement of the
uniform spced u. The ntates by an
with rodius vector
particle when the
(2) 2 m angle 30" is

(4) 1.859 m (1) R

(4). Csin(15)
straighl wire are (3) 2Rsin(15") and
A square loop and a long g of ice at-20°C
5. cdge calorimeter contains 100
situated in a conmon plane such that one 10, A
is cdded to the
xg of vater al 80°C
of tne square is parallel to the wire. The
contents of the calorimeter are
inductance between the wire and loop is Such that the final mercury. The
with 40C
in thermal equilibrium
value of (x) is
(1) 325 (2) 400
(3) (4) 60
olowing two stalements.
(a).The binding energy per nucleon is
independenl of mass number for nuclel of
middle mass nurntber (30 <7 i70).
(b)-Binding energy per nuceon is lower for bolh
(1) on(2)
(2)n2) ight nucdei (A < 30) and heavy nuclei
A> 170)
The correoct statementís) is/ar
(3) *O 2x (2) Only (b)
(1) Only (a)
6. A face of a prism of relracting
angle 30 is (3) Both (a) and (b) (4) Noither (a) nor (b)
Incldeni on tho olher
silverod. A ray of light is 12, A parallal beam ol ilochromalic lighi of
lace at angle of incidence 45". Afer its path. wavelength 600 nm passes through a slit of width
frnm the silvered lace, tho ray 0,4 mm. The angular divergence in which most
The index of refraction of prism will bc the lighl is ditfractcd is
(2) 2 (1) 3 x 10- rod
(1) 4
(2) 2 x 10 rad
(3) V2 (4) (3) 4 * 10 rad

q1 and qz. (4) 5x 10 rad

7. Acharge O is divided into two charges
force of repulsion Fcr a plane electromegnetic wave, time average
separaled by a dislance r. The 13
between them will be maximum
when of whiclh anong the following is zero?
(1) Elecric fiokd
(1) G, (2) 9, (2) Magnetic energy
(3) Electric energy
Q (4) 0, tAN AIl t h a s e
Final Test Series for NEET-2023 Tost-10 (Code-B)
14. The heal absorbed by a system in going through 19
Pholons af wavelength ô60 nm are emitted from
a cyclic process shown in figure is a 60 Watt lamp. What is the number of photons
ernitled per second?
(1) 2 x 1015 (2) 2 103
3) 2 1020 (4) 2 * 107
20. MA=1, B= 0. then the value of Bociean algebra
A+B egquals to the value ol
(0) A (2) E

(1) 400 TJ
(3) A (4) A+B
(2) 400 J light is
<. The angle of incidence at which relNected
(3) 200 TJ (4) 100 rJ lolaly polarized for a ray travelling from nir to
15. The length of a metal wire ls h when the lension glass (retraclive index n), is
in it is T and h when the tension in it is T lhen
the unslretched lenglh of the wire is (1) sin-(n) (2) an)
(1) h-4 (2) - T (4) tan-'tn)
T, -7, (3) lan"l
A double convex lons is
mado of glass which has
(3) - T 22
Töltactive index 1.55 lor violet rays nnd 1.50
T, +7, violet rays is
red rays. I| the locol lerngth for will be
16. A body falls freely from rest for 4 s. The average 20 cm, the foca) length (or red rays
spoed will be (g = 10 m/s3) (1) -9 cm
(2) 28 cm
(1) ) 20 m/s (2) 10 m/s (3)20 cm (4) 22 crn
(3) 40 m/s (4) 80 m/s 23. An'objoct is placed on the princlpal axis at
17. ABCD represents a uniform square lamina as concave mirror of focal lenglh 10 cm
shown in the figure. The moment along'
inertia g distance of 8 cm from the pole. Find the
havc been indicated then and he nature of the image.
the corresponding axis
the ratio t2 (1) 40 cm, virtual
(2) 40 cm, real
(3) 20 cm, itual
(4) 20 cm, teal
24. In an adiabatic expansion the product of pressure
and volune
(1) Decreases
(2) Increases
(3) Remains conslant
(4) First increases then decreases
(1) 1:4 (2) 4:3 25. Agaseous mixture consist of 16 g of helium and
(3) 1:1 (4) 2: 1
18, A nucleus of Be absorbs an alpha particie anu 16g of oxygen. The ralio C. of the mixture is
ucleus will be
emitsa neutron. The resulting (1) 1.62
(1) sC13
(2) 1.59
(2) C12 (3) 1.54
(3) 6C13 (4) 14
(4) B8
Final Test Serios for NEET-2023
Test-10 (Code-B) mass
opÍn lop container of negigible small
26. The frequcncy of a slretched unilorm wirc undat 32. A arçe cross seclional area
A has a
tens and unilorm side wall near
in 2sonance with the fundamental
cross seclional area a in ils
frequency of a closed tube. If tension in the wire hole of a smoolh
bottom, The container is kept over
is increasod by 8 N, s in resonance with the the density p
floor and contains a liquid of
first overtone of the closed tube. The initial horizontal starts
mass mo. Assuming Ihal the liguid
tension in the wire is and of the
hrough the hole, Ihe acceleralion
(1) 1 N (2) 4 N (lowing
container will bo
(3) 8 N (4) 16 N
27. Gravcl is lalling on a comveyor balt at the rale of (1) ag (2)
5 kg/s, The exlra power required lo move the belt A
wilh a velocity 4 m/s is
(1) 16 W
2Ag (4) 29
(2) 80 W
(3) 10 W (4) 40 W 33. Thermal stress does not depend
28. Massos 1 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 ka and M kg are situaled (1) Nalure of Ihe malerial
at (2, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1). (2, -2, 1) and (-1, 4, 3). ii (2) Coefficient of linear expansion
their centre of mass is situaled al (3) Young's modulus
(4) Length of the rod
value of Mis
34. The balancing lengths of polentiometer wire are
(1) 1 kg (2) 2 kg h and h when two cells of emf E and Ez are
(3) 1.5 kg (4) 3 kg connecied in. socondary circuit In series first to
29. The gravilatlonal potenlial energy of threa objecls help each other and next lo oppose each other
of masses 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg ploced:at the
vertices of an equilaleral triangle of slde 20 cm is ASequal lo (E > E)
(1) -3.7x 10-12J (2) 3.7x 10-91
(3) +3.2x 10-10 (4) +3.2 x102J (1) (2) h-iz
30, Match the following (symbols have ISUal
meanings). th
List-I List-ll.
35Acurrent of 1 Ais made to pass through two
(A)Perfecly elastic (P)#0 resistances 1N and 2 Qconnected in parallel.
collision The current lowing through 22 resistor will be
(B) Inelastic collision(0) 0<e1
(2) 1 A
(C) Explosion (R
() Perlectly (S) Final K,E:
(4) 3 A
inelastlc colision Initial K.E
(1) A’R,B’Q, C’S, D ’P SECTIÔN-B
36. The power lactor of the circuit shown in the figure
(2) A’ Q, ’R, C’s, D ’ P
(3) A’ S, B ’ Q, C’P, D-’R The capacitive reactance of the circuit is
(4) A’P, B’ Q, C’R, D ’S
1, The contribution of S. Chandrasekhar lo physics
(1) Cosmic radiation 10 o
(2) Nuclear model of the 0.2 H
(1) 30 2 (2) 50 2
(3) Laser
of stars (3) 40 9
(4) Structure and evolution (4) Elher (1) or (2)
Final Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-10 (Code-B)

37. The amplifiers A, B and C are connecled in 43. Awave is represented by y*0.4sin |8
series. If he vollage gain ol A, Band C are 10,
15 and 20 respecively and input signal 2 mV where al Ihe sybols have their USual meanings
and are in Sl unils. The soeed of the wave is
peak value. Then Ihe oulput signal volage's peak
value will be
(1) 32 m/s
(1) 6V (2) 5V (2) 64 m/s
(3) 3V (4) 4V (3) 20 m's
38. Arrange red light, blue light, green lighl and (4) 15 m/s
yellow light in increasing order of resolving in the hydrogen alom
44. Tolal energy of an electron
power. -13.6 eV. The polential
(1) Red, Green, Blue, Yellow in Ihe ground state is
energy of this electron is
(2) Red, Blue, Yellow, Green (1) 13.6 eV (2) 0
(3) Blue, Yellow, Green, Red (3) -13.6 eV (4) -27.2 eV
(4) Red, Yelow, Green, Blue circuit having 12 Vsource is
45. I the resistance of a current drops by 0.5 A
39.-Lenglh, breadlh and height of a cuboid are Increased by 4 2, the
resislance of the cicuit?
measured as 1.61 m, 2.2 m and 3.1 m. The Whal is Ihe original
volume of cuboid up to corect number of (2)8n
(1) 42
signíficant figures is
(1) 10.98 m (2) 1.1 x10 m 162
2) in
(3) 10.9 m (4) 10.81 m The-electric poBential al any point (x, y.field al
46. 3x, The eleclric
40. Awire carrying current i is shaped as shown in metres is given by V=
the fiqure. The magnelic field at origin is point (3, 0,2)is
(R:Radius of circular section)


figure, the polential

47. In' ihe circuil shown in thecapacitor is
t sdifference across Ihe 4 uF
2 uF
4 af
(1) 4nR 2nR

oscillating simple harmonicaly
41. A particle starls position. Then ratio of kinetc
from its equilibrium 12 V
of particle at (1) 4 (2) 6V
energy and polential energy
(2) 3:1 (3) 8v
(1) 2:1
(4) 1:4
(3) 1: 48. Ata place the value of Bu and By are 0.4 x 104T
charged drops coalesce to lorm a bigger and 0.3 x 104 T respeclively. The resulant
42. 64 bigger drop will be
charged drop. The polenlial then nis earlh's magnelic ficld is
smaller dops
n times thal of (1) 0.5 10T (2) 104T
(2) 16
(1) 4 (3) 2 x104T (4) 8 x10-T
(3) 64 (4) 8

for NEET-2023
ost-10 (Code-8) Final Test Sorios
ideal, The
9. shown in fiqure is
The ratio of the junction dlode
largest to shortesl 50. The
Balmer series ol hydrogen
specira wavelenglns
in the circuil
is 100()
(1) +1 V
+4 V (2) 30 A
(3) 50 A (4; 30 mA
50 mÂ

energies of
order of increasing
SECTION-A 57. The corroct system is
E1. When NaC| cvstat is a multi electronic
alomic orbitals In
healed in Na metal
vapours, then it gives yellow appearance. Il is (1) 4p< 3d < 4s< 3p
due to
3p < 4s <3d< 4p
(1) Schollky defec
(3) 3p <3d< 4s < 4p
(2) Frenkel delect
(4) 3d< 3p< 4s <4p
(3) Metal excess defect sct of quaniun numbers
58. Which of the following
(4) Melal deficiency defect does nol exisl?
m S
5!. An aqueoUs solution of a salt MX2 al certain
lemperature has a van't Hoff factor of2. The 1)
degree of dissociation (a) for this solution of the' (2) 2
salt is -2 +
(1) 0.33 (2) 0.50 2
period is
(3) 0.67 (4) 0.80 59. For a first order reachon, the half ife
5, The oxidation state of Fe in brown ring complex, 107 minulës. The time required for the
concentration of Ihe subslance to fall from
(1) +4 (2) +3 XM oM is
(3) +1 (4) +2 () 25 minute's (2) 5 minules
5. The hermodynamic elficiency" ofsa fuel. cell is (3) 40 minutes (4) 125 minutes
qiven as
60. The number of bond pairs and lone pairs of
AG (2) electrons around bromine in BrFs respectively are
(1) S (1) 1,4 (2) 2, 3
(3) AG
(4) AG (3) 5, 1 (4) 3, 2
vary 61. The bond order of O; is
5, Which of lhe properties of solution does nol
on dilution? (1) 2 (2) 2.5
(1) Normalily (3) 1.5 (4) 1
(2) Molarity 82. Equal masses of CH4 and Ha are mixed in a
solute conlainer at 25C, Fraclion of total pressure
(3) Number of moles of exerted by H2 is
(4) (ww) %
tollowing has Ihe maximum
5, Which among the 2)
nunber of molecules?
(2) 32 g O2 (9)
(1) 4gH2 (4) 22,4L CO2 at STP (4)
(3) 3 moles H20

(6) (EXXIIVT109)
Final Test Series for NEET-2023 Test-10 (Code-B)
63, Average molar kinetic onergies u O, and S0,al
7i. Givan the standord oloctrodo potenials.
Cu²/Cu 0,34 V
same lenperalure ore relaBad as (K 0s tho kinelic APIA - 1,66 V
energy of O> and Ka is the kineti energy of SO, ZnZn=-0.76V
KK-2.93 V
al same tenperalure)
(1) K, 2K, MgMg =-2.36V in their
(2) 2K, -K, axder metals
of Ihese
(3) K, =k, increasing order of reducing powes is
(4) K, =K, Zn < Cå < Mg K<AI
64. Which of he following is a path function? (2) K< Mg < Al < Zn < Cu
(1) Work (2) Internal energy
Cu < Zn < Mg < Al<K
(3) Enthalpy (4) Entropy (4) Cu < Zn<Al< Mg < K be
1 Dnines Chn
65. The change in internal energy if 20 J of heat
released by the syslem at constant pressure and
72. Assortion (A): Aromolic
phihalimide synthesis.
propared by Gabriel
10 Jof work ls done on lhe system, Is undergo nucloophilic
Reason (R): Aryl halides phthalimide
(1) -30 J (2) -10J Substilulion with anion formod by ant
roason aro correcl
(3) 10J (4) 30 J (1) duin assertion and explanation of asserti
G6. For a reaction Hz(g) k(9) 2HI(9). reason is the correct correct bul
(2) Boh assertion and reason ara
AH = 37.5 kJ- mol and AS = 150 JK- mot
mol- the correct explanaticn of
temperature al which the tion wilI be at eason is nol the
equilibriun is sserlion
correct but reasan is
(2) 250K (3) Asserllon is
(1) 200K are incorrect
(4) 350 K (4) Bolh assertion and rcason highest
(3) 300 K
2NHslg), II the 73. Which among the lollowing has the
67. For the reacllon, Nzlg) + 3Ha(g) hydrallon enthaloy?
value of equilibrlum constant is K, then the
reacilon, (1) LI
oquilibrium conslant for the
oln2) Na
NH(g) N,(9)+(g) will be (3) K*
(4) Rb
(1) K (2) 74:Chemiçal formula of Plaster of Paris is
(2) NazCO10H0
(1) NaHCO
(4) K (3) CasO4.2H>0 (4) CaSO4.H:O
(a) lonisotlon onthalpy of
75. The correct order of
68, The conjugate basa of HCO; is group-13 clements is

(1) CO (2) C,o? (1) TI < ln <Al< Go <B

(2) B< Al < Ga < In < TI
(3) H:COs (4) co (3) TI < In < Ga <Al < B
in pure water will be
59 The solubility of a salt AB (4) In < A|< Ga<Ti<B
(Ksp of AsB 1.08 x 10-16) 76. Acidic oxide amang the followlrg is
(1) 3 x 10- mol
(1) CO (2) AlzO
(2) 2 10 mol L-1
(3) Co (4) NazO
(3) 4 x 10-12 mol L-1 77. Tho pOH af a solution at 25°C that contains
(4) 3 10-1 mol 13-2 M H lon concentration is
in CrO, is
70, The oxidation slale of Cr 10 (2) 12
(1) +2 (2) +5 (3) 4
(4) +3
(4) 2
(3) +6
Sories for
Final fost
Test-10 (Codo-B) wilh thnir
cxanplns n column-l
78. The bo givon
IUPAC nanie of Cmpoln B4, Malch gvon in
lypool solulion Column-|
CH, --CH-CH- CH, |Column lop Normal
(1) Pent-2-onal a, God sol electrolyto
(2) Pent-3-enal solution
(3) But-2-en-4-al J() Multi
b. Soap
mixed with waler molecular
Penl-2-en-5-one labove critical micelle colloids
79. Among the following, aromatic species is concentration
J(üi) Associated
Sol of starch
C colloid
d. (Soap mixed with water molecular
below critical micelle
(3) (4) Jconcentration colloid
80. CH -CH;-CHOand CH3-C0-CHs are
Select the correct oplion.
(1) Metarners
(2) Position isomcrs (1) ao), b(), c(i), d{iv)
(3) Chain isomers (2) a(), b(i), c(iv), d(i)
(4) Functional isomers (3) a(). b(iv), c(i), d(i)
81. In the molecule, CH C-CH- CH-CHhe
(4) a(v), D(i).c0), d(ii)
antifluorile strucluro, the
85. In LGO; having the Li ions
hybridisation of Ct, C and Cs respectively are COordination numbers for O- ions and
(1) sp. sp, sp? (2) sp, sp', sp respectively are
(4) sp, sp, sp U4 and 4: (2) 4 and 8
(3) sp. sp, sp
in an (4) 6 and 6
82 During estimation of nilrogen presenl (3) 8 and 4
organic compound by Kjeldahl'sthe method,
ammonia evolved from 1 g of 86. A 'solution of urea has been prepared by
is neutralzed by 20 mL of0.5
the compound is dissolving 30 g ol urea in 500 g of waler.
The percenlage of nirogen in Freezing point ol he solution will be (K lor water
(1) 14% = 1.86 Kkg mo-')
(2) 28% (1) 1,86°C (2)-1.86-C
(3) 55% (3) -0.93C (4) 0.93*C
(4) 42% 87. The metal which is used in galvanising of iron is
83. In the reacion, (1) Mg (2) Al
CaC, +H,0Atr TeB
(3) Zn (4) Ag
B is
80. "/hich Ihe lollowing is an example of
(1) CH)= CHa tormogeneous calalysis?

(1) N,lo) H,(9) F-,2NH,(9)

(2) 4N1,(0)+ 50,(u) B,ANO(g)+6H,Og)
250,(g) +0,(9) O 2S0,(g)
(4) CH-Ce CH
Vegelable oils() +H.(g) Ny)
VBgetable ghee (s)
Final Test Series for Test-10 (Code-B)
is labelled g4. Butanal
89. Giyen below are two stalements: one on reaction with cthyl magnesiurn
labeled as reason bromide lollowed by hydrolysis gives
as assertion (A) and olher is
(R) (1) Aldehyde
of benzene,
Assortlon (A): Like brominalion in the
(2) Secondary alcohol
bromination of phenol is also carried out (3) Tertiary alcohol
presence of Lewis acid. vith (4) Carboxylic acid
phenol is treated
Reason (R): When 95. The CuipOund which will nol give aldol
para bromophenol is formed as
bromine water, condensation is
major product.
slatements, choose the
In the light of the above
options given (1) CH,-CH,--H
most appropriate answer from the
reason are correct and
(1) Both assertion and
reason is tho correct explanalion of assertion
(2) CH,-ÇH--CH,
bul CH,
(2) Bolh assertion and reason are correct of
reason is not the correct explanation
reason is incorrect
(3) Assertion is correct but
are incorreci
(4) Both assertion and reason
on reaction of Cu with
90. The product(s) oblained reaction
dilute HNO, is/are 96. Consider the following
(2) NO CH,CH,CIA gcB,NaOH,
(1) NOz
(3) NO2 NO;
Which of the following is
coleured due lo chargo CHsCH-NH2
91. (1) CH,CHz- NH-CHs (2)
(1) Cr,0 (4) CH, -C-OH
(3) CH, - C- NH,
(2) [TI,0,T 97. In the reaction,
(3) (Cu(HzO4P NO,
(4) (Zn(NHa) igand? 0-5C
is an ambidentale
92. Which of the following
(1) en Identify S.
(2) Br
(3) SCN (2)
(4) C,0
Which among the following is mosl reaciivo NO
93, subslitition?
towards aromalic nucleophilic
(2) 98. Maltose is composed of
(1) -D-glucose and -D-fruclose
CI a-D-glucose
(2) -D-glucose and
NO (3) -D-galYclose and p-D-glucose
(4) p-D-galactose
(4) a-D-glucoso and
for r
Flnal Test Serics sweetness
sweetener with
Test-10 (Code-B) artificial cane sugar is
condensalion 100, The comparison to
99. Which of the fcllowing Is a vakue
polyrnor? (1) Aspartame
(2) Saccharin
(1) Terylene
(2) Buna-N (3) Sucralose
(3) Tellkon (4) Altane
(4) Polyacrylonitrile
BOTANY incorrectly
following pair(s) sfare
106. Which of the
101. Ma garmele in pollen tube has 12 pg of DNA then matched?
whal amount of DNA Would have been there in Fission
() AOeba
iks pollen mother cell at Gz phase? Fragmentation
(ii) Filamenlous
(1) 12 pg
(2) 48 pg Budding
(3) 24 pg (ü) Planania
True regeneration
(4) 36 pg (iv) Hydra
102. In wtich of the following phases of karyokinesis, (2) Both () and (ii)
(1) Bolh () and (i) Both (ii) and (iv)
morphology of chromosomes is most easity
studied? (3) Only(.
columns and select the
(1) Anaphase 107. Match-thefollowing
(2) Metaphase correct option w.r.t. componenls of chloroplast.
(3) Prophase
Contains 70S
(4) Telophase
103. Seect the incorrect statement w..t. isobrachial,
Thylakc (0)
chromosomes. (Ü)Flallened
b ^roma
(1) They are metacentric chromosomes amellae mernbranous sacs
(2) The centromere is present at the centré in
hese chromosornes Strorma (üi) Stack of arranged
(3) These chromosomes have two eq°al anns

(4) They appear L - shaped during anaphase d Granum (iv)Flat unstacked

104. Which of the following shows 9 +0 arrangernent membranous tubules
of microtubules giving a cartwhoel ike
(1) a(iv). b(i), c(i), d(i)
(2) a(v), b(ii), c(), d(ü)
(1) Centriole
(3) a(), b(iv), c(i), dii)
(2) Cilia
(4) ai), b(v), c(ii), dö)
(3) Flagela
(4) Ribosome 108.
manocotyledonaus seed, the plumule and
105. Select incorrect laxonomic category w.r.. radicle are enclosed in sheath which are called
A andB .respectively.
Choose the correct option for A and B.
() Genus (1) A-Coleorhiza, B-Coleoptile
(2) Order (2) A-Coleoptile, B-Coleorthiza
(3) Class (3) A-Coleorhiza, B-Epiblast
(4) Division Angiospermae (4) A-Coleoptle, B-Pericarp

Final Toest Serios for true ( ) or
109. In which of theNEET-2023
slatements as
following oplion. spcial
following, flowors show vCxillory
and twisted aestivalion . ark Ihe
Talsc (F) and
soloet the correct
carried out
(1) Bean and china rose respeclively? Simpla cdhtfusion
proleins. selective in nalure.
(2) Cassia and pea ditfusion is dependent.
B. dilfusion is ATP transport
Gulrnohur and cotton Faciteted energy lo
C. transport uses gradien1.
Active concentration
(4) Mustard and Calotropis D.
molecules against
110. The dead component of phiuén ls
(1) Phloem parenchyma A T

(2) Phloem flbro (1) T F

(3) Sieve lube clement (2)
(4) Companion cell
111. Which of lhe lollowing layers is absent in roots?
auotrophs bul
(4) F Nitrotacler are
synthesis of
(1) Hypodcrmis (2) Pericycle Nïosomonas and
118. solar energy for
(3) Enrtodermis (4) Epiblema not use
they do not
112. Which of Ihe given orgenisns roproduce because
asexually uy non-molile spores? nat fix CO:
(0) They do along with CO
(1) Lominorla (2) Polysiphonia (2) Thoy can lix Na
energy liberalod during
(4) Volvox (3) They
use chemical csubstances
(3) Chara
of oxidation of inorganic s they can fulfill their
113. Mannitol is stored food materlel chlorophyl but organisms
(4) They have from other
(1) Dictyota food requircments non
(2) Polysiphonia pholophosphorylation differs from
119. Cyclicphotophosphorylation as latter
(3) Eudorina cyclic
(a) Spliting of
(4) Ulothrix NADPH + H*
cow' disoaso (b) Fornation of
114, The causal agonts of'mad
matorial Formalion of ATP
(1) Contaln DNAas geneticprotelns (c) electron source
fokdod Requiremenl of external
(2) Are abnormally (d)
than viruses (1) Only (a) and (b)
(3) Are larger humans
any disease In (2) Only (a), (b) and (d)
(4) Do not cause stalements is correct
Which of Ihe following (3) Only (b) and (c)
w.r.t. fungi? (4) Only (c) glycolysis.
in cold and dry places Select tho incorrect slalement w.r.t.
(1) They prefer lo growwal 120.
(2) They have
no cell (1) Glycolysis takes place in
Penicllum is commercially used in baking (2) It ocCurs both in aerobes and
(3) the whole
are edible
truffles (3) There is no usa of energy in
(4) Morels and lemale has
What is the genelic disorder in vihich process
116. + X0 and such (4) Pyrwic acid is the end
product of it
nromosorne complernent 44
slatura, rudimantary
emales are sterile wilh short 121. Mark the odd one out w.r.. functions of auxins.
menstrual cycle?
varies and no (1) I pramales the abscission of older malure
(1) Kllnelelter's syndrorne leavos, Iruits and flowers
(2) Down's syndrome (2) promctes cell division
(3) Turner's syndromo (3) It controls xylem differentiation
(4) Edward syndrorne (4) It induces bolling in rosetle habit plants
(11) (EXX0IVT109)
Test-10 (Codo-B) Final Test
Sories for
122, The
seed progenitor
is of the next
generation moluro
in (2) (a) RNA polymerase
(b) Reverse lranscriplase
(1) Endusperm (c) DNA polymerase
(3) Spore (2) Gamete
dependent DNA polymerase
123. Which layer of Embryo (3) (o) DNA DNA
nalure? anther wall is
echemeral in () RNA
(c) Peptidyl transferase
(1) Epicdermis
(2) Endolhecium dependent RNA polymerase
(3) Middle layer (4) (a) RNA
124. (4) Tapelum (b) Transcriplase
Seleci the incorrect
(1) ZW-2Z type-Birds match, (c) DNA polymerase
oceans is
(2) XX - XO 130. The produclivlty of ecosystem
(3) ZO -2Z
lons and for lerrostrial
bdlion tons.
(4) XX - XY A and B.
Choose the corrcct onlion for
125. Flower colour type-Human
in (2) A- 15, B-55
of Antinhinun matus is an example (1) A-155, B-115
(4) A-55, B-15
(3) A-55, B- 115
(1) Pleiotropismn age group in
(2) Multiple allclism 131. Numbor of individuals of differenl for human
Ihe ur-shaped age pyrami
(3) Co-dominance population will be
> Post -
(4) Incomplote dominance (1) Pre-roproductive > Reproduclve
126. A haemophillc and colour blind reproductive
male mairies a Reproductive > Post -
homozygous normal emale. What is the (2) Pré-reproductive
percentage of their son lo become haemophillic reproductive
but not colour blind? 3)F Pre-reproductive <Reproductive > Posl
(1) 0% reproductive
(2) 50%
(3) 75% (4) 25% (4):Pie-reproductive 2 Reproducive = Post -
127. Select the incorrect slalement w,r.lVNTRS. eproducllve
132.In. how many of the following areas primary
(1) They show very high degree.of polymorphism Succession takes place?
(2) They are surrounded by consered (a) Newly created ponds
(b) lgneous rocks
(3) They are microsatellites
(c) Abandoned farmlands
(4) Their size vary from 0.1 to 20 kb
(d) Burnt forest
128. During transcription, the dsDNA helix is
(e) Flooded lands
unwinded by the enzyme
(2) DNA gyrase (0 Sand dunes
(1) Helicase
(1) Fivo (2) Four
(3) RNA polymerase (4) DNA polymerase
dogma, seloct (3) Three
129, In the given Now chart of central involved in tho (4) Six
133. Which of (he glven bacteria play
correct oplion w.r.l. enzymes
role in checing disease causing very
the benelicial
steps. stomach? microbes in our
Transcritan mRNA Tonglaion. >Proleins
oDNAom (b)
(1) Lactic acid
bacteria (LAB)
(2) Methanococcus
(1) (a) DNA polymerase (3) Streptococcus
(b) RNA polymerase
(c) Peptidyl transterase (4) Proponibacterium sharmanii
Final Test Sorios for
134. Seleci the NEET-2023 absorplion of water
by lorming
incorrect procoss of substance
called Terror ol Bengal'siatement w.rd. organisn 140. The particles of a
solution is called
(1) h is allen species
introduced in India (1) Plasmolysis
(2) It propagates vegetatively at a
phenomenal (2) Reverse asmosis
(3) bibition
(3) Grows abundantly in eutrophic waler bodies
(4) Maintains ecosystem dynamics of water body (4) Gultalion phyohormone
The only gaseous
135. Montreal Protocol aimed at 141,
dormancy of seeds flowers in
(1) Conlrolling emission of ozone depleting (1) Induces of male
Ihe number
substances (2) Increases
CUcumber formation
(2) Proteclion of forests growlh and root hair
(3) Suslalnable use of resources (3) Promoles
Prevents abscission
(4) Conlrolling biodiversity loss ribosomes are not seen in
SECTION -B 142. 705 type of
(1) Bacterial cells
136. Which o the following -is- incorrect W..l.
(2) Mitochondria
imperfect fungi? cells
of eukaryolic
(1) Thelr mycclium is septale and branchcd (3) Cytoplasm
(2) They reproduce aspxuelly by Conidia (4) Chloroplast embryo.
figure is a lyplcal dicot
farmation 143. The given below represent respectively?
(3) They do not form fruiting bodies What do A, B and C
(4) They lack sex organs but perfomP sexual.,
137. Statement A: It is not seen in phloem of
Statement B: It stores food malerials and olher
subslances like resins, lalex and mucilage.,
On the basis of above statements, identily the
correct component of phloem.
(1) Sieve tube
(2) Phloem parenchyma A
(3) Companion cel
(4) Phloem fibre Root cap

138. Which of Ihe following planls shows opposite C

phylolaxy? (1) Radicle Plumule Cotyledon
(1) Sunflower (2) Hypocolyl Colyledon
(2) Chlna rose Plumule
(3) Radlcle Plumule
(3) Guava Hypocolyl
(4) Alstoia (4) Plumule Radicle
420 One of thc cornercial producls obtained from 144, Which ot the given is acellular and
spongilorm Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattles?hovine
Geliiurn and Gracilaria is

(1) Agar (1) Bacteriophage

(2) Algin
(3) Mannilol Prions
(4) Laminerin

Sorios for
Final Test struciural
Test-10 (Code-B) is
145. Alcohalic beveraoes proshuced wiihout distillntion 148,. Wich ccosystem
ospectsof siratification
are Productivily enargyflow
(1) Wine and beer (2) Winc and whisky
(1) compositionand
Specios decomposition
(3) Whisky and rum (2)
(4) Brandy and rum Stratificalionand low
146. Read Ihe following slalements and sclect no (3) and energy
cycling loss is
correct option. (4) Nutrient cause of biodiversily
Statement : The codon 'GUG codes for valine imporlant
and also torminates thc translation process 149, Most
(1) Over exploilation
Statement li: The codon 'AUG' codes or (2) Co-extinction
methionine and also initiates the translalion fragmentation
(3) Habitol loss
(1) Onty stalement is true spocies invasion
(2) Only
(4) Alien with
slalemcnt Il is Irue elfect is relaléd
(3) Both the 150, El Nino
slatements are trua Global warming
(4) Bolh the statemonts are talse
147, Organisms thal ive in, areas where the (2) Gzone depletion
lemperalure is unilorm throughout the year are Waler pollution

(4) Noise. ppolkilon

(1) Euryhaling (2) Slenohaline
(3) Eurythermal (4) Slenothermal
L ESECTICN - A | Choose the corroct oplion.
151. Which of the following hormones is mainly (MFa0). b), c(ii), d(iv)
responsible fnr ovulation and stimulates corpus.i (2) a()p), c(l), d())
luteum in menstrual cycle? p). b(i), ci), d()
(1) FSH (4) a(iv). b(i), c(li), d(ü)
(2) Estrogen 153. The levels of varlous hormones during pregnancy
(3) LH riscs many folds.
(4) Progeslerone Which of the lollowing reasons does nol support
land column I.
152. Match the column this slatemenl?
Columnl Column I (1) They aro cssentlal for maintaining the
Wild conlractions in pregnancy.
Muscular low (2) They support loelal growlh,
dystrophy muscles due
Ca in body fluid (3) They are essential for formation of secondary
Caused due lo follicles,
b. Myasthenia() accumulalion of uric
(4) They are necossary for supporting metabolic
gravis acid cryslals changes in mother.
Degeneration ol 154. When readymada antbodies are directly injected
CGoul skelelal muscles lo proloct Iho body against foreign agents. it is
(v)Affecting (1)
Tetany neuromuUsCular Artificial passive immunity
junctions and Sinally (2) Natural passlve immunily
leads to paralysis of (3) Artilicial active immunity
skelelal muscles (4) Natural active
Final Test Serios for Test-10(Code-B)

155. Choose lhe NEET-2023 with a

Jex occUrs.
electrical incorrect statenent w.rl.
synapse. an 160. When the doclor
neaded hammer. simple
knee jerk reiex
involved in
(1) The pot

of lollowing
are in very pre and post Which ol the
(2) cdose proximity. naptic rellex?
Electrical current cannot low (1) Quadriceps muscle

anc!her neuron. duectly from

one neuron to 3) Motor neuron
(3) Impulse
is always conduction
in an (3) Inlernouron
elecirical synapse
fasles than chemical (4) Muscle spindlo w.ct
category Or
(4) They are rare in synapse.
Ihe hurman system. CnO0se the
incorrect malch
156. The right and left o. biomokccules and their
cerebral hemispheres are Adenosine
connected by a lract of nerve fibers called
Uridylic acld
(1) Corpus luteum (2) Nucleotikdo
(2) Corpora quadrigemina (3) Nucleic acid
(3) Corpus callosum (4) Phospholipid: a
donnr into the
collected from cannot
(4) Cerebral aqucduct Transler of ovum
another woman who suitable
762, lube of
lallopian but can preide further
157. Tendons allach A and Is an example ol B produce ne, fertilization and
connective lissuc. Choose the option that fills Ihe environment for
case of
blanks correctly. developmenl, Is done in (2) ICSI
A E (1) GIFT (4) IUI
Dense reqular (3) AI after a normal
|(1) Muscles lo bone remains in lungs
Volume of air Ihat
Dense regular 163
(2) Bone to bone expiratlon is lermed as
Dense irreqular (1) Residual volume
(3)Muscles lo bone
(4)Muscle lo m°scle Der
Dense regular .(2) Tidal volume
(3) Funcional residual
158. Read tho following staterments. (4). Expiratory capacity
a. Glucose is partially absorbed in.the PCT secreted in response lo
acting on 164. Alrial nalriurelic lactor is
b. ADH helps in diluting the urine by (1) Increased blood pressure
DCT and collecting ducts.
cortical nophrons, vasa recta is
absent or (2) Decreased blood pressure
C. In
highly reduced. (3) Decreased respiration rate
litre glomerular (4) Decreased heart rate
d. In a heallhy person, 180 kidneys.
filtrale Is formed per day by the 165. Blood concentration of glucOse in a normal
statements arO correct? heallhy individual is
Which of the above
(1) candd (1) 2.2-4.2 mmol/L
I2) a and b (2) 242 - 420 mmol/L
(3) a and c (3) 0.24 - 0.61 mmolL
(4) b andd (4) 4.2- 6.1 mmoL
restriction site in the
159. Which of the following has 2 as Pvul in
166, The nembers of class Chondrichthyes mainly
same anibiolic resislance gene have
DBR322? (1) Separaled gil slits without operculum
(1) Bam HI
(2) External fertlization
(2) Sall (3) Mon0ecious Condilion
(3) Pst (4) Air bladder for
(4) Pvu ll buoyancy
Series far
Fínal Test
Test-10 (Code-B) of
Peniplancta, is
Excretory product (2) Ammania
167. B. thuringiensis forms prolein crystals during a 174.
() Urea (4) Guanine
particular growth phase. These crystals conlain a cach
(3) Urnc acd
loxic protein which is number of carpals in
(1) Herbicidal body, the
(2) Insecticidal 175. In human equivalenl to number of
(3) Bactcricidal (4) Funglcidal upper imb is (2) Facial bones
168, Succinate dehydrogenase is (0) Craniai bones
inhibiled by Cervical vertebrae
which closely resembles the substrate succinate. ntervertebral discs (4)
(3) an inactive protein
Fl in the blank with the correci opion. coded by crylAC is
176. The loxin
(1) Citrale known as
(2) Acetate (1) -1-antilrypsin
(3) Malonate
(2) ntereron
(4) Lactic acid
169, ldentify the (3) Proluain
incorrect malch. (4) Alpha lbctalbumin
(1) Emerging ram glomerulus Afferent WBCs in lhe blood are
arteriole 177. The least number uf
(2) Eosinophils
(2) Cortical nephrons - Comparaiivcly more in. (1) Ncutrophils
number than juxtamedullary nephrons (4) Lymphocytes
(3) Basophils
pulnonary vein is
(3) Blood filtered by kidneys - 1200 mL/min 178. pOz in systeii artery and
(4) Coiled region of nephron- PCT and DCT respectively
170. In a population of 1000 individuals, 490_are (1),40mm Hg 40 mm Hg
dominant hormozygous with genatype AA Based (295 nm Hg, 95 mm Hg
on this dala, the frequency of alele 'a in the? (3:45
Th Hg, 95 mm Hg
population and number of heterazygotes
respectively are E4) 95 mm Hg, 40 mn Hg
S179 How many of the following structures constitute
(1) 0.3, 420 (2) O.7,490
(4) 0.3, 90
the lermale accessory ducls?
(3) 0.21, 420
171. The end of luteal phase is marked by the decline Falopian tube, Vagina, Uterus, Ovary, Mons
in concenration of -pübis, Uvula, Clitoris
(1) Oxytocin (2) hP Choose he correct oplion.
(3) Progesterone (4) Prolatin (1) 7 (2) 5
172. The X continues to divide and lransforms into (3) 2 (4) 3
blastocyst as it moves further inlo Ihe uterus. 180. What is true regarding menstrual cycle?
ldentify X and select the correct option.
(1) Follicular phase is followed by menstrual
(1) Trophoblast (2) Gastrula
(3) Ootid (4) Morula (2) Lack of
E coli. menstruation may be an indicative
173. In 1963, twO enzymes were isolated from sign of pregnancy.
Which slatemernt is correct regarding Ihese (3)
Menslrual cycle is absent in monkeys.
erzymes? (4) Progesterone surge induces ovulation.
() These wo enzymes were 181. Malecular diagnostic
(2) These lwa enzymes were
a Iransferase and technique based on antigen
antibody interaction is
a polymerase.
groups to DNA, (1) PCR
(3) One of lhem added melhyl (2) Gel eleclrophoresis
while the other cut DNA,
and the other cut (3) ELISA
(4) One of them was a ligase
DNA, (4) Auloradiography
Final Test Series for
182. NEET-2023 w.r.t

Enzymes çalalyse blochcmical lncorroct

(1) Lowering activation energy reacllons by thn

(2) no valvos, Ihcy havo hin

Increasing activaticn energy (1) Artries havo
collapsible bocause
Eslablishing stable bonds with subsirale 2 bins ate mainly
walls. is
(4) Increasing temperalure of ateries
(3) Tunica Interna
sponsible for vasOconsiriclion.
183. Different characters lie
observed in spotted cuscus, comparatively thin in
bandicool, wombat and konla are tho oxamples media is
of (4) e tunico
staternent about Amphioxus.
(1) Dlvergent ovolulion Choose the falso
189, marinc animal.
(2) Convergent ovolution exclusively a
(1) I is Cephalochordata.
(3) Co-evolution (2) It bclongs to to lail.
extends from head
(4) Artificial selcction (3) Notochord only in Ihe larval
184, ldentify the hormone with its corroct source gland (4) Notochord Is present "A Ioves
and machanism of action, cllvision starts as
Mode of action 190. The mitotic o i t owards
Hormone Source
Ihrough theisthnus of the
gland uterus and is called
'B represent in the given
(1) Oxytocin Pars Contraclion in
myometrium of What does 'A' and
uterus colums?
Parathyroid Hypocolcemic
(21 PTH iicleavaga Zygolo

(2) Zygote Cleavage

TCT Thyrold Calcium
metabalism ta) nplantation Blastocyst
Dillerentiation of
4) Thymo5n Pineal
T-lymphocýlcs |(4) Follicle Mouta

glend when onough oxygen

through which singlo ntep' large 191. Acute chost pain appoarsmuscle. is the main
185. The mechanism avolution was proposod by is not roaching the heart
mutation leads to sympBom of
(2) Darwin (1) Angina Pectoris
(1) Mendel amarck
(4) (2) Myocardial Infarction
(3) DeVries
SECTIONB (3) Heart block
of the following melhods is necessary il
186, WVhlch animal? (4) Haarl failure
a pure line in ony
we warnt to evolve 192. Which of the following suppresses sporm motilily
(1) Out-breeding by roleasing copper ions
(2) Interspecific hybridisolion (2) LNG-20
(1) Multiload 375
(3) Inbreeding (3) Lippes loop (4) Vaults
(4) Saltation the
are tightly bound to 193, GIFT lochnique cannot be used lor
co-factors whici
137, Organic
apoenzymes are called (1) In vivo fertilization
(2) Female who can orovide suitable
(1) Inhibitors Gnvironment for implantation
(2) Hormonos
(3) Prosthetic groups (3) Tost tubo baby programmo
(4) A female who cannot produce ova
(4) Metal lons
(17) (XXiVT109)
Test-10 (Code-B)
194. The right cnd is Final Test Serios for NEET-2023
called the reducing end and left 198, The diaçraTmalic repressentation qiven below
end is called Ihe
non-reducing end. The above
statement stands true far Ihe sectional vierv of an adrenal gland
(1) Monosaccharides A
(2) Nitrogenous bases
(3) Polysaccharides
(4) Triglycerides
195. Arrange the following digestive juices in order of
decreasing pH and select the correcl option.
(A) Pancrealic juice Choose the correct option.
(1) A represents the adrenal
(B) Saliva
(C) Gastric juice (2) B secretes calecholamines.
the glucose
(1) (A), (B), (C) (2) (C), (A), (B) (3) Sacretion of part A decreases
(3) (B), (A). (C) level.
(4) (C), (B), (A) decreases alertncss and
196, Choose the odd ono w.r.t. Urochordates. (4) Secrellon of part B
constricls the pupil.
(1) Ascdia (2) Salpa not overlapped
199. The central part of thick filarnent,
(3) Bronchiostoma (4) Doliolum by thin filarnents is called
197. Which of the following group of animals are (1) Sarcomere i (2) Z-line
bilalerally symmetrical and show presence of (4) Iband
pseudocoelam? (3) Hzone
(1) Nereis, Pheretima, Hitinaria 200. Calculate the lotal duration between dub and lub
(2) Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylosloma.. heart sounds during normal cardiac cycle.
(2) 0.5 s
(3) Pila, Octopus, Pinctada () 07s.
(4) Asterias, Echinus, Ophiura (3 0.15* (4) 0.8 s

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