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29 Horei Street, district 2,

Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (+4) 021 313 54 73
Fax: (+4) 021 315 72 64
[email protected],
Klarwin is a trademark of Process Engineering SRL

Report No.: PER-190562-A2W-AMD

1. Sample details:


ANALYSIS Str. Henri Coanda 8, Sibiu 550234
REPORT Component type: Ref. 100.122.363
Sampling origin/ After washing
F-KL-09 Parts no.:

Version 3.0 Sampling date: 8/01/2019

Sample description: Sample consists of 8 parts,
individually packed in foil package
Reference unit:  Part  Area (1000 cm2)  Volume (100 cm3)
No. of parts = 8 A= 126.9 cm2 V= N/A

Note 1: Sampling is the customer's responsibility.

Note 2: Information about component type, sampling origin/ parts no. and sampling date are provided
by the customer.

2. Extraction
Extraction method: Method of extraction of contaminants by pressure rinsing
Reference documents: ISO 16232-3:2007/ VDA 19.1:2015
I 075.51
Extraction liquid: Renoclean ISO
Volume of liquid: 3200 ml for rinsing all 8 parts + 100 ml for rinsing the gloves + 200 ml
for rinsing extraction equipment
Equipment, materials and Pall PCC60 Cleanliness cabinet, including filtration equipment with
measurement vacuum pump;
parameters: Flow rate: 1500 ml/ min;
Nozzle diameter: 3 mm
Date of analysis: 8/20/2019
Blank test: OK, according to blank report no. 64/2019

3. Gravimetric results:
Method: Particle mass determination by gravimetric analysis – industrial systems
Reference documents: ISO 16232-6:2007/ VDA 19.1:2015
I 075.51
Equipment, materials Memmert UNB 100 drying oven (30 min, 110°C) + Nalgene Desiccator
and measurement (30 min)
parameters: Kern & Sohn ABT 220-5DNM 5-digit analysis balance (0.01 mg)
Pall Ultipor 66N 5 µm membrane filter, 47 mm diameter;
Date of analysis: 8/20/2019

Pag. 1 / 3
29 Horei Street, district 2,
Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (+4) 021 313 54 73
Fax: (+4) 021 315 72 64
[email protected],
Klarwin is a trademark of Process Engineering SRL

Compliance Max. 0.6 mg/ 1000 cm2

Results: Initial weight: 98.53 mg
CLEANLINESS Final weight: 101.46 mg
ANALYSIS Residue weight:
2.93 mg/ membrane
F-KL-09 0.37 mg/ part
2.80 mg/ 1000 cm2
Version 3.0 Compliance of the FAIL
results: *according to customer
specification, given above

4. Microscopic analysis:
Method: Particle sizing and counting by microscopic analysis
Reference documents: ISO 16232-7:2007; ISO 16232-10:2007;
PL-KL-07/ I 075.51
Equipment, materials Jomesa HDF optical microscope
and measurement Scale: 6 µm/pixel
Diameter of effective filtration area: 44 mm
Fiber criterion: length: width ratio>10
Date of analysis: 8/20/2019
Compliance Metallic particles: max. 7 particles between 400 – 600 µm, 0 particles >
specification: 600 µm
Nonmetallic particles: max. 7 particles between 400 – 600 µm, 0 particles
> 600 µm
Results: Particle count data – particles/ reference unit
Particles per filter
Size range, Particles/ part Particles/ 1000 cm2
Total Metallic Total Metallic Total Metallic
5 – 15 15593 108 1949.1 13.5 15359.5 106.4
15 – 25 9347 530 1168.4 66.3 9207.1 522.1
25 – 50 9312 2256 1164.0 282.0 9172.6 2222.2
50 – 100 6573 3073 821.6 384.1 6474.6 3027.0
100 – 150 1806 973 225.8 121.6 1779.0 958.4
150 – 200 603 379 75.4 47.4 594.0 373.3
200 – 400 360 299 45.0 37.4 354.6 294.5
400 – 600 38 37 4.8 4.6 37.4 36.4
600 – 1000 11 11 1.4 1.4 10.8 10.8
> 1000 6 5 0.8 0.6 5.9 4.9

Pag. 2 / 3
29 Horei Street, district 2,
Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (+4) 021 313 54 73
Fax: (+4) 021 315 72 64
[email protected],
Klarwin is a trademark of Process Engineering SRL

Microscopic images of representative contaminants



Version 3.0

Image 1. L x l: 1427 µm X 166 µm Image 2. L x l: 1393 µm X 462 µm

Largest metallic shiny particle Second largest metallic shiny particle

Image 3. L x l: 1363 µm X 973 µm Image 4. L x l: 520 µm X 104 µm

Largest nonmetallic particle Second largest nonmetallic particle
Compliance of the FAIL
results: *according to customer specification, given above
Note 3: The results obtained relate only to the analyzed sample.
Date of report: 8/20/2019
Issued: Approved:

Dipl. Eng. Nicoleta Rascol Dipl. Eng. Dorian Negut

Oil & Parts Cleanliness Lab Specialist Business Line Manager
Klarwin® Scientific & Laboratory Klarwin® Scientific & Laboratory

Note 4: This document and the information contained herein are strictly private, confidential and should
not be copied, distributed or reproduced partially without the express permission of the laboratory.

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