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Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. identify the suggestive selling techniques
b. give the importance of promoting food and beverage product
c. demonstrate different ways of promoting food and beverage product

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Food and Beverage Services NCII
Sub Topic: Promote Food and Beverage Product
References: Training Regulations in Food and Beverage Services NC II
Trainee Manual Provide advice to patrons on food and beverage services
Materials: task cards, video, flash drive, reading materials, speaker
Bond paper, pencil, scissors,
Values: teamwork, discipline

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routinary Activities
1. Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

2. Prayer
Let’s pray.
3. Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will give a piece of paper for
the attendance according to seat

Please sign in here for your attendance.

4. Review of the Past Lesson

What have we tackled last meeting?

eeting, we have discussed menu familiarization

and the different types of menu,

Very good.

B. Lesson Proper
● Motivation
Before we proceed to our topic for today, we’ll
have a game called “Guess the Tagline”. All
you need to do is to guess the product behind
the tagline.The winners will get their prize
later. Are you ready?

Yes! Ma’am
Guess the following:pp
1.“Masarap kahit walang sauce”
2.“Bida ang saya” Chooks To Go
3.“Love ko to” Jollibee
4.“Have a break” Mcdonald
5.“Open happiness”
6.“Obey your thirst” Coke
7. “Taste the freshness of mountain Sprite
mineral water” Le minerale
8. “Di raw masyadong masarap, pero pwede
na” Uling Rooster
9. finger lickin good
10. tatak barko, tatak sariwa KFC
Mega sardines

Congratulations to those who got correct

answers claim your prize later.

Now, What can you say about the activity?

It’s about commercial ad. Ma’am.

Yes, you have an idea. Another?

It is promoting product Ma’am.

Exactly! And You easily guess the tagline

because of what?
because of the way they promote the food.
Very Good!

● Presentation

So, Let me present to you this video.

Please listen carefully while watching the

(Video of suggestive selling techniques)

What can you say about the video?

rovides information about selling techniques.

Yes, correct! Another?

out suggestive selling techniques a guide in

promoting food and beverage product.
That’s right! Now, Based on the
activity earlier guess the tagline and the video I
presented, What do you think our topic for

Promote food and beverage product.


1. Activity
Today, you’ll work as a group and after 15
minutes, you’ll start the
presentation. Observe silence as
you do the task and just raise your
hands if you have questions.
Yes, Ma’am.

(Students are provided modules as

references in doing the task)

Make a Tagline promoting food and
beverage product.

Make a menu lay out promoting food and
beverage product.

Make a short advertisement at least 3-5
minutes that promotes food and
beverage product

Make a role play promoting food and
beverage product to guest.

(After 15 minutes, every group will be given 5

minutes to present their works.)

Criteria for Grading:

Criteria rcent (%)

nt 40%

vity 20%
work 20%

line 20%

TOTAL 100%

2. Analysis
Do you have any questions/clarifications None, Ma’am.
regarding our topic?

Based on the activity, How are you going

to promote food and beverage
product to guest? dentifying food and beverage compatibility we
know the names of dishes in the menu we can
promote food and beverage product to guest.

ggestive selling is a sales technique where the

employee asks the customer if they would like
to include an additional purchase or
What is the role of suggestive selling in recommends a product which might suit the
promoting food and beverage client. Suggestive selling is used to increase
product the purchase amount of the client and revenues
of the business. Often times the additional sale
is much smaller than the original purchase and
is a complementary product.

Very good.
By making tagline you have to use dynamic
description or a mouth watering information to
How about the ways you can promote food make it tempting and appetizing.
and beverage product to guest?

gh poster that shows food and beverage pairings

Very Good! the guest will have idea of what dish they will
What else? order.


, I’ve learned the food and beverage pairings for

example White meat like chicken should be
paired only to white wine and Red meat like
3. Abstraction pork and beef should be paired only in red
Who can share what they have learned wine.
today? Give example also.

earned that you have to be honest when doing a

tagline it should be original and not boring and
also by making posters or flyers that will
surely catch the attention of guest is one of
Correct. the ways of food and beverage promotion.

Who else?

arned that suggestive selling is a sales technique

where the employee asks the customer if they
would like to include an additional purchase or
recommends a product which might suit the
client. Suggestive selling is used to increase
Another? the purchase amount of the client and revenues
of the business. Often times the additional sale
is much smaller than the original purchase and
is a complementary product.

mportant because it will encourage guest to try

other items in the menu. The guest will be
provided information with clear explanations
and descriptions about the food and beverage
Very Good, thank you. item. And promoting several choices or option
of food and beverage to guest will help them
make a choice. And by making suggestions
4. Application that help to introduce new dish is also an up
How important it is to promote food and selling technique and to patron the product
beverage product to guest. you offer and will have a sustainable profit.

Very well said. Thank you.

IV. Evaluation
1 – 3. What is suggestive selling techniques? (ESSAY)
4 – 6. Give the importance of promoting food and beverage product. (ESSAY)
7 – 10. Give three ways of promoting food and beverage product. (ESSAY)
V. Assignment/Agreement
What are the principles in food and beverage service?
What are the different food service styles?
List the sequence of table service.

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