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So this is the walkthrough done by Vhaerun. It is a work in progress, so please understand that.

It might be confusing in areas. Specific questions can be asked on our Discord

#help-and-spoilers channels.

The Prologue has its own section, as it is fairly linear. After the Prologue section of the
walkthrough, there are sections for each character’s main story. NOTE: The Prologue is still
undergoing some dialogue and scene adjustments. These are planned for Update #3, and will
be included in the walkthrough when Update #3 is released to patrons if I am able to get it

There are two ways a scene can fire: first by clicking on the sprite at a specific time and place,
and the other is by automatic fire. These are given at the beginning of each scene section in the
character sections.

Threshold points of characters are not included, nor are the hints (as they are still being
adjusted to be clearer).Check your phone for hints. Raise the character’s score by spending
time with them or doing other things (cleaning bathroom, attending Sunday breakfast) to access
the scenes. Sandbox actions (spend time with, etc.) are not included in the walkthrough.

Some scenes available in Update #1 are not in this walkthrough because they are currently
being reworked and expanded for Update #2, and have no bearing on the game as it sits at the
end of Update #1. They will be included in the walkthrough for Update #2.

If you find anything missing from this walkthrough, please let Vhaerun know so he can include it.
I’m human, afterall.

Certain choices, actions, and dialogue are only available after certain scenes are played. There
is no “grand plan” in what order you play the scenes, so there may not be a way to actually get
every dialogue option and full scene played out. Sorry.

Other scenes that don’t include points will be listed at the bottom, and continue to be listed at
the bottom in order they are added to the game. They are named and, if needed for certain
dialogues/choices to appear during the main story lines for characters, they will be noted as
such. Along with these other scenes will be some information on how to activate them (where,
when, who, etc.)

And hey, if anyone feels like cleaning this thing up… please feel free. It’s a mess already, but it’s
kind of like a coder with their own code. I know how it works… but that doesn’t mean I can
explain it. Maybe at some point, I’ll do my own clean up. Don’t hold your breath.

If the in-game hint doesn’t have a day specified, it can happen on different days!
1. “The Beginning”
a. Click on bench.
b. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Apologize.
ii. Tell her she was supposed to call.
c. Click on bag.

2. “The First Night”

a. Click on doorbell (twice).
b. Click on keys in Sophia’s hand.
c. Click on bag on floor.
d. Go to Living Room, click on Sophia.
e. Go to Hallway.
f. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Tease her back.
ii. Best not to tease her.
g. Go to Bedroom
h. Go to Living Room, click on Julia.
i. Choice - Remembered
i. It’s not really my thing, sorry.
ii. It’s better than I imagined.
j. Go to Kitchen, click on Alex.
k. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Not to go in your room.
ii. Not to go in Julia’s room.
iii. Not to go in Alex or Julia’s room.
l. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Try to be respectful.
ii. Be snarky, like she is.
m. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Back down.
ii. Challenge her.
n. Sophia + 1
o. Julia + 1
p. Alex + 1

3. “Breakfast the Next Morning”

a. Go to Kitchen.
b. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. I slept okay.
ii. It was really comfortable, actually.
c. Choice - Remembered.
i. Black
ii. With cream, if you have it.
iii. Cream and sugar, if you can.
d. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Ask about the lawyers.
ii. Drink the coffee and listen.
e. Choice
i. Say nothing.
1. Julia + 1
ii. Tell the truth.
1. Julia + 1
2. Alex + 1
iii. Boast.
1. Alex + 1
f. Sophia + 1
g. Go to Bedroom, click on Laptop.

4. “Snacks and Philosophy”

a. Go to Kitchen, click on Alex.
b. Choice
i. Fuck her. I don’t need to apologize.
1. Alex - 1
ii. Apologize, I suppose.
c. Alex + 1

5. “Settling In”
a. Go to Living Room, click on Sophia.
b. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Yeah, I am.
ii. Not yet.
c. Choice - Dialogue changes only.
i. Yeah, I do want to know.
ii. Nah, I’d rather not.
d. Sophia + 1
e. Choice - No change.
i. You take…
ii. You take…
iii. You take…
iv. You take…
f. Choice - Remembered.
i. Why would I do that?
ii. Well, sure. Why not?
g. Choice
i. Ignore her and go to the bathroom.
ii. Try and smoothe things over.
1. Alex + 1
iii. How about we shower together?
1. Alex + 1
h. Click on bed to sleep.

6. “The Broken PC, Part 1”

a. Choice - Alter route.
i. Meh. Not my problem.
1. Go to “b.”
ii. Knock on Julia’s door.
1. Go to “d.”
b. Click on Sophia
c. Choice
i. Yeah, sure, I’ll check it out.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Sorry, I’m too busy.
1. Sophia -1 & scene will end.
d. Julia’s bedroom, click on Julia.
e. Choice - Remembered.
i. Be honest with her.
1. Julia + 1
ii. Try and reassure her.
1. Julia + 1
f. Choice
i. Hug her back.
1. Julia + 1
ii. Keep your arms at your sides.

7. “Whose Panties Are They Anyway?”

a. Go to Bathroom, click on panties on the floor.
b. Choice - Remembered.
i. Sniff them. What’s the harm it could do?
ii. Sniffing panties? Gross.
c. Choice - Alter scene, dialogue change.
i. I could look to see…
ii. Forget it.
d. Go to Kitchen, click on refrigerator.
e. Choice - Dependent on previous choice.
i. “Sniff them. What’s the harm it could do?”
1. Use the panties to jerk off (sniffing).
a. Scene alter.
2. I don’t need panties. I can still see her.
a. Scene alter.
ii. Sniffing panties? Gross.
1. Use the panties to jerk off.
a. Scene alter.
2. I don’t need panties. I can still see her.
a. Scene alter.

8. “The Broken PC, Part 2”

a. Go to Living Room, click on couch, click on remote.
b. Choice
i. How about you owe me a date?
1. Choice remembered for dialogue change.
ii. Don’t worry, I’ll take a look at it.
1. Julia + 1
c. Julia’s bedroom, click on Julia.
d. Choice
i. Offer Julia my laptop.
1. Julia + 1
ii. No way am I doing that.
e. Go to Bedroom, click on bed to sleep.

9. “Julia Asks”
a. Choice - Rollback
i. Where do you work? - Choice for dialogue change.
1. Yeah, I do.
2. Uhm… no.
ii. How is school going? - Choice, remembered.
1. Ask her what her dream is.
2. Don’t ask. Dreams suck.
iii. Do you have a boyfriend? - Choice
1. I’d like to know about it. - Choice
a. Keep pushing.
i. Julia - 1
b. Best to stop now.
2. Leave it be.
iv. Do you have any friends?
b. Julia + 1
c. Click on bed to sleep.

10. “Socks in the Bathroom”

a. Go to Bathroom, click on socks laying on floor.
b. Choice - Alter scene, remembered.
i. No, I shouldn’t.
1. Scene plays out and ends.
ii. I can’t resist. - Choice, remembered
1. See if they smell. Go to iii.
2. I’m not that into feet. Go to v.
iii. Masturbation scene - Choice, dialogue change
1. Think of Sophia…
2. Think of Julia…
3. Think of Alex…
iv. Go to
v. Choice
1. What? No, it wouldn’t.
a. Scene pays out and ends.
2. Yes, yes it would.
a. Go to vi.
vi. Masturation scene (into sock) - Choice, dialogue hange
1. Could be Sophia.
2. Could be Julia.
3. Could be Alex.

11. “Pass the Time”

a. Go to Living Room, click on TV.
b. Go to Bedroom, click on bed to sleep.

12. “Cooking for the Girls”

a. Go to Living Room, click on Sophia.
b. Choice - Dialogue changes
i. Spaghetti.
1. Julia + 1
ii. Chicken salad.
1. Alex + 1
iii. Yeah, screw this. PB&J.
c. Choice - Remembered
i. No, I don’t like to drink.
ii. A little bit, here and there.
iii. Definitely.
d. Go to Bedroom, click on bed to sleep.

13. “Martin Who?”

a. Click on Martin’s Journal.
b. Open inventory, choose Martin’s Journal.
c. Go to Kitchen, click on Sophia.
d. Choice - Dialogue change, scene alters
i. Express more thanks for living here. - Choice, dialogue change.
1. Bring up Martin. - later dialogue change
2. Better not bring up Martin right now.
ii. Just get the coffee.
e. Collect items in different rooms (click on them to collect).
i. Living Room
1. Alex’s shirt.
ii. Alex’s room
1. Alex’s panties.
2. Alex’s socks.
a. Additional dialogue from prior events. (P-10-b-ii-1).
3. Alex’s shorts.
iii. Julia’s Room
1. Julia’s jeans.
2. Julia’s shirt/blouse.
3. Julia’s bra.
4. Julia’s panties. - Choice, dialogue change
a. Love to sniff them.
b. Love to jerk off on them.
c. Not going there.
iv. Sophia’s Room
1. Towel
f. Go to Bathroom, click on Laundry Basket.
g. Go to Kitchen, click on Sophia.
h. Go to Bathroom
i. Go to Kitchen, click on Sophia.
j. Choice - Rollback
i. What kind of person is he?
ii. What happened between him and Julia?
iii. Did you really kick him out?
k. Alex + 1
l. Julia + 1
m. Sophia + 1

14. “Julia or Alex?” - MC can click on either Alex or Julia’s door, but not both.
a. Knock on Alex’s door, click on Alex.
i. Choice
1. Tell Alex about the journal.
a. Alex + 2
2. Keep the journal a secret.
a. Alex + 1
ii. Choice
1. I’m glad you opened up to me.
a. Alex + 1
2. It’s good to get it off your chest.
iii. Choice
1. Make it deeper.
a. Alex - 1
2. Keep it like this.
a. Alex + 1
b. Knock on Julia’s door, click on Julia.
i. Choice
1. Explain you are not like Martin.
a. Julia + 1
2. Tell her she’s beautiful… in a roundabout way.
a. Julia + 2

15. “Ex Trouble”

a. Go to Living Room, click on Sophia.
b. Choice
i. Check her out, of course.
1. Sophia + 1
2. This causes the scene to end.
ii. Be a good friend.
1. This causes the scene to continue to c.
c. Choice
i. Go for broke. Ask about the panties.
1. This causes the scene to continue to d.
ii. Don’t risk it. She’s vulnerable right now.
1. Sophia + 1
2. This causes the scene to end.
d. Choice - Dialogue change (both lead to e.)
i. Admit it.
ii. Deny, deny, deny.
e. Go to Sophia’s bedroom.
f. Choice
i. Get descriptive with the dirty talk.
1. Sophia + 1, dialogue changes on prior events (P-7-e-i)
ii. Keep it relatively mundane.
g. Sophia vaginal sex scene.
i. Sophia + 2

16. “A Strange Conversation”

a. Choice - Dialogue changes.
i. Think about this some more.
ii. Just get the day started.
b. Text message from the girl MC talked to in Prologue scene #14.
i. Julia
1. Choice - Remembered
a. Yeah. More than I should.
b. A little bit sometimes.
2. Click on Julia
3. Choice - Dialogue changes
a. Uhm, your mom?
b. Uhm, me?
c. Uhm, Butterfingers?
ii. Alex
1. Click on Alex
2. Choice - Dialogue changes.
a. I like you.
i. (you get the second Alex Memory here)
b. I like you, but I like Julia too.


1. Living Room, Evening (when no one else is there, like Tuesday)

a. Click on the TV, (“Relax”)
b. Choice
i. Answer her.
ii. Don’t answer her. - Choice
1. Tell her you wanted to be alone.
a. Julia - 1
b. Scene ends.
2. Tell her you didn’t hear her.
c. Choice
i. We could watch something together.
1. Julia + 1 - Choice
a. It was okay, yeah.
b. I really enjoyed both.
i. Julia + 1
ii. Scene ends.
c. We could have had a lot more fun without so many clothes.
i. Scene ends.
ii. We could fool around some. - Choice
1. Okay, I’ll be patient.
a. Returns to previous choice (b.)
2. I think you’re ready.
a. Julia - 1
b. Scene ends.
iii. We could talk for a while, just the two of us. - Choice, dialogue changes.
1. Feelings.
2. Happenings.
3. Chit-chat.

2. MC Bedroom, Evening, Thursday

a. Click on the laptop.
b. Choice - alter scene
i. Absolutely.
1. Go to c.
ii. Not this time.
1. Go to
c. Choice
i. You look fantastic.
1. Julia + 1
ii. We’ll have to see how hot it gets.
iii. You took your time.
1. Julia - 1
d. Choice
i. Something alcoholic. - Callback to P-12-c (does the MC drink?)
1. “No.” - Choice
a. I don’t remember saying that.
i. Julia - 1
b. This is a special occasion.
c. I just don’t drink a lot.
i. Julia - 1
2. “A little.”
3. “Definitely.”
ii. Something non-alcoholic.
e. Choice
i. Try to explain, nicely. If that’s possible.
1. Julia + 1
ii. Try to explain brusquely. - Choice, remembered.
1. Yep, that’s how I feel.
2. No, that’s not how I feel.
iii. Make vague, non-committal statements.
f. Choice
i. We split the check.
ii. She paid for the meal and drinks.
1. Julia - 1
iii. I paid for the check.
1. Julia + 1
g. Choice
i. Either.
ii. Both.
1. Julia + 1

3. Living Room, either Tuesday Noon or Friday Evening

a. Click on Julia.
b. Choice
i. Maybe text Alex, see what she knows. - Choice
1. I’ll go talk to Julia.
a. Go to c.
2. No, I’m not hitting that hornet’s nest.
a. Scene ends.
ii. I should ask Julia what’s going on.
1. Go to c.
c. Choice
i. You mean the clothing store?
1. Julia - 1
ii. You mean the consignment store?
1. Julia + 1
iii. You mean the ice cream store?
d. Choice
i. I used to, on rare occasions.
ii. Everyone does.
1. Julia + 1
e. Julia + 1
f. Choice - Dialogue change.
i. Say it.
ii. Don’t say it.
g. Choice
i. Yes. She asked for it. - Choice
1. Can’t blame me…
a. Julia + 1
2. blame her.
ii. No. It’s taking advantage of her in an emotional state.
h. Julia + 1

4. Bedroom, Morning, Noon, or Evening, Any Day

a. Click on laptop, choose Job Hunting.
b. Choice - Rollback.
i. Texting Alex…
ii. Texting Sophia…
iii. Texting Julia…
c. Use Fast Travel to go to Bar (Noon or Evening, Monday through Thursday).
d. Click on waitress (Renata).
e. Choice
i. Wrong equipment?
ii. I don’t mean me.
1. Renata + 1
f. Choice
i. That’s an unusual name.
1. Renata + 1
ii. That’s a beautiful name.
g. Choice
i. What’s it like working here?
ii. What’s your manager like? - Choice
1. I want to be able to tell Julia.
2. It just seems you don’t like him.
a. Renata - 1
iii. Why did those girls quit?
iv. Can I get your number?
v. That’s all.
h. Fast Travel back to home.
i. Find Julia, click on Julia, choose “Give application.”
j. Choice
i. Apologize.
1. Julia +1
ii. Tease her.
k. Choice
i. Yeah. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.
ii. No. I know you can handle yourself.
1. Julia + 1

5. Julia’s Bedroom, Evening, Thursday

a. Click on Julia.
NOTE: You cannot lose the game. Any choices you make will alter the game in
this scene, and certain scenes, if completed, will add dialogue to the scene but
not have an overall effect.
b. Julia + 1

Update #2 - JULIA

1. Message Julia after you have the dream about her.

a. Choice
i. Mention her blushing.
1. Julia - 1
ii. Don’t call attention to it.
b. Choice
i. You were avoiding me for some reason.
ii. I upset you somehow.
1. Julia + 1
iii. You didn’t enjoy what happened the other day.
c. Choice (remembered)
i. A best friend.
1. Julia + 1
ii. A friend with benefits.
iii. A girlfriend.
d. Choice
i. Let it go.
ii. Push a little more.
1. Julia - 1
e. Choice (remembered)
i. Talk about the games.
ii. Move things along.
f. Choice (remembered)
i. Of course.
ii. Yep, I think it’s awesome.
1. Julia + 1
iii. I’ve heard of it, not really into it.

2. Find Julia in the Living Room

a. Choice
i. It doesn’t matter.
1. Julia + 1
ii. You’ll get better stuff.
b. Choice
i. Peek (choice)
1. Keep looking.
a. Julia - 1
2. Better stop now…
ii. I promised not to.
c. Choice (remembered, dialogue changes)
i. I don’t recognize the character.
ii. That’s really yellow.
d. Julia + 1
e. Choice (remembered, dialogue changes)
i. You look totally cute in it.
ii. You look totally hot in it.
f. Choice (remembered, dialogue changes)
i. Okay, that’s fair.
ii. You should wear that more often.
1. If you chose “You look totally hot in it” above
a. Julia + 1

3. Talk to Julia in the kitchen.

a. Choice (dialogue changes)
i. I don’t care about that, you know.
1. Julia + 1
ii. You’d look cute chubby.
iii. You look great as you are.
b. If you chose “I don’t care about that, you know.
i. Choice
1. Yes I would.
a. Julia -1
b. Okay… you’re right.
c. Choice
i. Apologize
1. Julia + 1
ii. Try self-deprecation.
d. Choice
i. You’re too sweet.
ii. I won’t let you.
1. Julia + 1

4. Visit Julia at work (Tuesday)

a. Choice
i. I’d love to.
1. Julia + 1
ii. We can talk about it.
b. Choice
i. Hey Jules.
ii. Hey beautiful.
1. Julia + 1
c. Choice
i. You sure about that?
1. Julia + 1
ii. I’m down for it whenever.
d. Choice (remembered, dialogue changes)
i. Pay $20
ii. Pay $30
1. Julia + 1

5. Show Me Yours… (Thursday evening, Julia’s Bedroom)

a. Choice
i. Maybe some other time.
ii. Sure, I’ll give it a go.
1. Choosing this will add/change future dialogue.
b. Choice (either one gets Julia + 1)
i. What are you thinking?
1. Choice
a. Tease some more.
i. Julia + 1
b. Let it go.
ii. Keep quiet.

NOTE: The decisions in this scene affect later conversations to a relatively large degree.
1. Noon, Any Day
a. Kitchen, click on refrigerator.
b. Alex + 1
c. Choice - dialogue changes
i. ...mad.
ii. ...curious.
d. Choice
i. Threaten to beat her up. - Choice
1. Attack her.
2. Back down.
3. Threaten to rat on her (only if you chose CURIOUS above).
a. Go to ii.
ii. Threaten to rat on her
1. Alex + 1

2. Evening, Saturday/Sunday, 3+ days after previous scene.

a. Living Room, click on Alex, choose to talk to Alex.
b. Choice
i. They’re great too.
ii. All three of you are great.
1. Alex + 1
c. Choice
i. Do you really have a crush on Julia? (only if you chose “Threaten to rat on
her” in previous scene).
ii. Why do you want an open relationship? - Choice
1. I would say yes.
2. I would say no. - Choice
a. Nope, just me.
b. Girls, yes. Guys, no. - Choice (only if you asked about
having a crush on Julia in i. BEFORE this).
i. Sure!
1. Alex + 1
ii. Nope!
iii. How many guys have you been with?
1. Alex + 1
2. Choice - dialogue changes
a. Three.
b. Five.
c. Ten.
d. ...twenty?
iv. So those were your panties? (lots of dialogue changes based on previous
v. Nothing.
1. This ends the decision menu.

3. Morning, Tuesday OR Thursday

a. Scene fires automatically when waking up after above scene has been
completed and on the specified day with a phone call from Alex. You get three
chances at accepting this scene, as she will call three times to ask you to come
to the living room.
b. 1st Call - Choice
i. Go back to bed. Go to c.
ii. Go see what Alex wants. Go to e.
1. Alex + 1
c. 2nd Call - Choice
i. Go back to bed. Go to d.
ii. Go see what Alex wants. Go to e.
d. 3rd Call - Choice
i. Go back to bed (this ends the scene completely).
ii. Go see what Alex wants. Go to e.
e. Choice
i. CLICK ON SOCK to start foot massage.
ii. Don’t give her a foot massage.
f. Choice (NOTE: Lots of different dialogue depending on previous choices).
i. Of course. - Choice
1. Women are sneaky and manipulative.
a. Alex + 1 (only if MC chose “Threaten to rat on her” before).
2. Women aren’t as threatening
a. Alex + 1 (only if MC chose “Beat up” before).
3. Women are a lot less rational.
a. Alex + 1 (only if MC chose “Back down” before).
ii. No. - Choice
1. Women could be better than men.
a. Alex + 1
2. No difference between genders.
3. Deflect with humor.
g. Choice - Dialogue changes.
i. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
ii. Bacon cheeseburger.
iii. A healthy salad.
iv. Lasagna.
h. Choice - Dialogue changes.
i. Cats.
ii. Dogs.
i. Choice - Remembered
i. I like you, but I need some time.
ii. I don’t know, but I need some time.

4. Morning, Monday-Friday. Bedroom, Hallway, Kitchen, or Living Room

a. Activate phone, text Alex.
b. Wait for Saturday Evening, go to Living Room.
c. Click on Alex.
d. Choice
i. Pizza Spot
ii. Spades
1. Alex + 1
e. Choice
i. Ask about the pizza. - Choice, dialogue changes.
1. It was pretty good.
2. I like this better.
ii. Ask how her day went.
1. Alex + 1
iii. Ask more about the delivery girl.
f. If MC took Julia to Charlie’s prior to this.
i. Choice
1. Agree
2. Disagree
a. Alex + 1
g. If MC did not take Julia to Charlie’s prior to this (met Vivian instead).
i. Choice
1. Tell her about Vivian.
a. If MC went to the bathroom with Vivian.
i. Alex + 1
2. Don’t tell her about Vivian.
h. If MC hasn’t done either f. or g.
i. Choice
1. Dinner and a movie.
a. Alex - 1
2. Something spur of the moment.
a. Alex + 1
3. Stargaze in a field.
4. Some kind of sporting event.
a. Alex + 1
i. Choice
i. Kiss her.
1. Alex + 1
ii. Don’t kiss her.

5. Evening/Night, Any day

a. Scene begins when MC clicks on bed to sleep.
b. There are no choices or any points to achieve in this scene.

Update #2 - ALEX

1. Watch some TV in the Living Room by clicking on the couch.

a. Choice (exit scene?)
i. I’m busy right now, sorry.
1. Exits scene. (don’t do this.)
ii. On my way.
b. Choice.
i. Knock
1. Alex + 1
ii. Enter.
c. Choice (dialogue changes)
i. It looks good on you.
ii. Stay silent.
d. Choice
i. Bullshit is part of work.
ii. Say nothing.
1. Alex + 1
i. Choice (remembered)
1. Tell her about Julia.
2. Be vague about it.
f. Choice
i. You’ve got the right attitude for it.
1. Alex + 1
ii. I’ve got faith in you.

1.5 (This is actually an in-between scene of Alex #1 and Alex #2 in Update #2 and is required to
be completed before Alex #2 is available.) - Monday, noon, watch TV in living room.
● Buy $35 gym clothes
○ Dialogue changes in next scene.
● Buy $80 gym clothes
○ Dialogue changes in next scene.

2. To the Gym! - Friday, noon, talk to Alex in the hallway.

a. Choice
i. I’m not gay, but two can play at this game.
1. Alex + 1
2. Paco + 1
ii. I’m not flirting with Paco, even if it’s just a joke.
b. If player bought $80 clothes in previous scene.
i. Alex + 1
c. Choice
i. Talk to Paco
1. Choice
a. I’m glad to hear that.
i. Paco + 1
b. That’s too bad.
ii. Don’t talk to Paco.
d. Alex + 1

3. Click on the couch (again), this time on Wednesday evening.

a. Choice
i. You look hot as hell.
ii. You look really professional.
1. Alex + 1
b. Choice (remembered)
i. Yes, stop talking about other girls.
ii. No, stay the way you are.
1. Alex + 1
c. Choice
i. Pay for the meal only.
ii. Give a good tip.
1. If player chose “No, stay the way you are.”
a. Alex + 1

4. Go to sleep that night…

5. ...and then visit Alex.

a. Choice
i. You have awesome tits.
ii. They’re beautiful.
iii. You look rather excited.
1. Alex + 1
b. Choice (remembered, dialogue/scene changes)
i. Tease her by talking about jerking me off.
1. Alex + 1
ii. Tease her by talking about Julia.
1. Alex + 1
iii. Tease her about how hot she is.
1. Alex + 1
iv. Don’t tease her.
c. Choice (remembered)
i. Clean up in the bathroom.
ii. Lick it off.


1. Evening, Thursday, Living Room

a. Click on Sophia
NOTE: Dialogue will change quite a bit if MC had sex with Sophia in Prologue.
If MC had sex with Sophia in the Prologue:
b. Choice
i. Not right now.
1. Scene suspends until done later.
ii. Talk to Sophia.
c. Choice
i. We’re both consenting adults.
ii. Doesn’t that make it better?
1. Sophia + 1
iii. I suppose you’re right.
d. Choice
i. Push back. Tell her you think she enjoyed it.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Let it go for now.
If MC did not have sex with Sophia in Prologue”
e. Choice
i. I can listen again, if you need.
ii. Must not have found the right man, then.
1. Sophia + 1
f. Sophia + 1

2. Evening, Friday, Bedroom

a. Click on Laptop, choose ‘Work.’
NOTE: Dialogue will change slightly if MC had sex with Sophia in Prologue.
b. There are no choices in this scene.

3. Evening, Tuesday, Living Room

a. Choice
i. It must be difficult, always needing to be so strong.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Because all your friends aren’t around anymore.
1. Sophia -1
iii. You’ve had to focus your attention elsewhere.
b. Sophia + 2

4. Morning, Monday, Bedroom

a. Scene begins automatically when MC has enough points with Sophia.
b. Choice
i. Reassure her.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Press her.

5. Morning, Saturday, Bedroom

NOTE: This scene is actually played out in four “parts”.
Section 1 (Morning, Saturday, Bedroom) - Auto-starts with enough points.
a. Choice - Scene and dialogue changes
i. I want you.
ii. I want you and Alex.
iii. I want all three of you.
iv. I want Sophia (available in Update #2)
Section 2 (Any Day, Morning/Noon/Evening) - Click on laptop in bedroom.
b. Choice
i. Yeah, let’s do it.
ii. No, not right now.
1. Pauses scene to be picked up later.
Section 3 (Friday, Morning, Bathroom) - Click on Sophia in Bathroom.
c. Choice
i. Tell her she’s looking good.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Keep quiet and check her out.
Section 4 (Friday, Evening, Hallway) - Click on Sophia’s door.
d. Sophia + 1

Update #2 - SOPHIA

1. Walk in the park. Talk to Sophia on Wednesday morning in the kitchen.

a. Choice (remembered)
i. I’ve always been meticulous.
ii. I’ve always been more carefree.
b. Choice
i. It doesn’t sound too bad.
ii. They need you.
1. Sophia + 1
c. Choice (dialogue changes)
i. I was paying attention.
ii. I was listening to your voice.
d. Choice
i. Yeah, it does.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Not at all.
e. Choice (remembered/dialogue changes)
i. No, I’m not interested in them.
ii. I… could be?”
f. Choice
i. Friends who are exploring.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Lovers.
iii. A couple.
1. Sophia - 1

2. The Overheard Phone Call - Saturday evening, in hallway or MC bedroom.

a. Choice (exit scene)
i. Not right now (exits scene)
ii. Go to Sophia’s door (continues scene)

(This is a short scene with no points to gain, though it opens up the scene “Auntie X” that the
player should seek out after this scene. You’ll find the information on it further below in the SIDE
SCENE section).

3. Sophia calls on the phone (autofire on weekday noon when player has enough points,
then continues Friday evening in Sophia’s bedroom (knock on door).
a. Choice
i. I think it’s a bit short.
ii. I think it looks great on you.
1. Sophia + 1
iii. I think you look good with any style.
b. Choice
i. Praise her for lifting her shirt.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Ask her about fondling them.

4. Talk to Sophia in Living Room when enough points are had.

a. Choice
i. I’m nervous.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. I’m intrigued.
1. Sophia + 1
iii. I’m not really interested.
1. (this opens up an option in Update 2 - Sophia 5)
b. Choice (rollback until player chooses “never mind”.
i. Pet names for us.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. History with your sister.
iii. Dating Alex and Julia? (only available if all Update #1’s scenes of Alex
and Julia are completed.
1. Choice
a. No, I’m not.
i. Sophia + 1
b. Well, actually…
i. Dialogue changes in future scenes.
iv. Never mind.

5. Vhaerun tries to write BDSM… otherwise known as Sophia #5.

This scene is broken up into five sections, and some of the sections have ways of triggering and
others require the player to take action. I’ll try to be as clear as I can.
1. Section 1
a. Click on laptop, buy rope online. (requires money)
2. Section 2
a. It gets delivered.
3. Section 3 (Saturday evening, knock on Sophia’s Door)
a. Choice
i. Yeah, I am
1. Go to Section 4.
ii. Actually no (only available if you chose “I’m not really interested” before
1. Choice
a. Yeah, we could do that.
i. Go to Section 5.
b. I think I’d rather be alone.
i. NOTE: This decision may cut off most or all
bondage content with Sophia, and may hamper
some scenes in the future.
4. Section 4
a. Choice
i. Let’s stay focused.
ii. Fuck you silly.
1. Sophia + 1
2. If MC had sex with Sophia in prologue…
a. Sophia + 1
iii. Everything.
1. Sophia + 2
b. Choice
i. Anything I wanted.
1. Sophia + 1
ii. Fuck your mouth.
1. Sophia + 1
iii. I can’t choose yet.
5. Section 5
a. Sophia + 2


The scenes the MC has with Renata greatly affect the scenes with Julia, Alex, and Vivian
throughout Update #2. They are going to mainly lead to dialogue changes, though certain points
may only be accessible before or after certain scenes with Renata are completed. They will be
noted in their specific walkthroughs.

To begin Renata’s story, you must have completed Update #1 - Julia #5.

1. Scene should immediately be available in Update #2 on Saturday evening. The player

will get a thought-dialogue that Julia is working that evening and he can go to the bar
and visit her. This is actually a scene for Renata.
a. If MC said he DOES NOT DRINK in Prologue
i. Choice
1. Coffee and water.
2. Soft drink.
b. If MC said he DOES DRINK in Prologue
i. Choice
1. Beer.
2. Manhattan.
a. Renata + 1
3. Surprise me.
c. Choice
i. I didn’t mean to upset you.
ii. What crawled up your butt and died?
1. Renata - 1
d. Choice
i. Play along with her.
1. Renata - 1
ii. Express sympathy.
1. Renata + 1
iii. Lambaste her boss.
e. If MC met Vivian in Update #1 and got a blowjob from her…
i. Choice (remembered)
1. Tell the truth.
2. Fib a little.
3. Don’t admit anything.
a. Renata + 1
f. If MC took Julia to Charlie’s in Update #1 and has completed Update #2 - Alex #3
(taking Alex to Charlie’s)...
i. Choice (remembered)
1. Julia.
2. Alex.
3. Neither.
a. Renata + 1
4. Both.
g. If MC took Julia to Charlie’s in Update #1 and has not completed Update #2 -
Alex #3…
i. Choice (remembered)
1. Yes, we’re a couple.
2. No, we’re not together.
3. I don’t kiss and tell.
a. Renata + 1
h. Choice
i. Just pay the $18.
1. Renata - 1
ii. Round up to $20 for a small tip.
iii. Give her $25 for a bigger tip.
1. Renata + 1
iv. I don’t have enough to pay.
1. Renata - 5

2. When enough points with Renata are earned, the MC will wake up thinking about
Renata one morning, and then be able to run the scene by visiting her at Charlie’s at
noon on a weekday.
a. Choice (remembered)
i. Do I get a prize?
ii. You need more customers.
b. Choice
i. I wouldn’t do that.
1. Choice
a. I’d make sure I tip for all of them.
i. Renata + 1
b. I’d make sure they were properly punished.
ii. I haven’t actually seen your butt, so…
1. Choice
a. I could pay you.
i. Renata - 1
b. I’ll wait.
c. Choice (remembered)
i. Sometimes, yeah.
ii. You aren’t random.
1. Renata + 1
d. If player chose “Tell the truth” or “Fib a little” in Renata #1…
i. Choice
1. I don’t want to.
a. Renata + 1
2. Okay, I will try.
e. If player chose “Neither” or “No, we’re not together” in Renata #1…
i. Choice
1. I don’t mean to scare you.
a. Renata + 1
2. There’s nothing to fear.
f. If player chose “Both” in Renata #1
i. I’m not asking you to be.
ii. I don’t rank my girlfriends.
1. Renata - 1
g. Choice (dialogue changes in later scenes)
i. Stay.
1. Player receives Renata’s phone number.
ii. Head out.
1. Player pays $5.

3. Sunday evening, click on TV in living room

a. Choice (exit scene)
i. Yeah, go to something else.
1. Ends scene.
ii. Nah, I’m good here.
1. Scene continues.
b. Choice
i. Her body is great.
1. Julia + 1 (yes, actually)
ii. I can understand that.
iii. Stay silent.
c. Choice
i. Because.
ii. I dislike texting.
iii. I want to hear your voice.
1. Renata + 1
d. Choice
i. Good night.
ii. Good night, beautiful.
1. Renata + 1


This is a scene you get if you choose not to go to the bar with Julia in her second event after the
Prologue. As the scene is an either/or, it only counts as ONE scene in the phone settings and is
completed whether you take Julia with you, or go meet Vivian.

To get the blowjob scene with Vivian, you need 3 POINTS in this scene. Make sure you choose
what will give you points.

1. Charlie’s Bar
a. Choice
i. ...something with caffeine.
1. IF the MC chose to drink BLACK coffee in the PROLOGUE
a. Vivian + 1
ii. ...a bottle of beer
1. Choice
a. You got Barskeg?
b. Surprise me.
i. Vivian + 1
iii. ...whatever your specialty is.
1. Vivian + 1
b. Choice (no change)
i. Witty.
ii. Smart.
iii. Nothing.
c. Choice
i. You looked lonely at the bar by yourself.
1. Vivian - 1
ii. I felt the need for company.
iii. I prefer sitting at the bar.
1. Vivian + 1
d. Choice
i. Flirt with her a bit.
ii. Flirt with her hard.
1. Vivian - 1
iii. Go rebel.
1. Vivan + 1

Depending on what happens in Update #1 - Julia #2 (taking Julia to the bar or going alone and
meeting Vivian), the player will start at one of two different scenes to start Vivian’s main story
line. If the player went to the bar and met Vivian in Update #1, he will immediately start on scene
2. If the player did not, he will begin at scene 1.

1. Friday evening, at Charlie’s, talking to Vivian.

a. Choice
i. No, I really wasn’t.
ii. Maybe.
iii. I’m actually here for the bartender (available only if player has completed
Update #2 - Renata #2)
1. Vivian + 1
b. Choice
i. Vodka with lemon juice and a splash of vermouth.
ii. Vodka with lime juice and a splash of olive juice.
1. Vivian + 1
iii. Vodka with lemon juice and a splash of bitters.
c. Choice
i. Offer to listen.
1. Vivian + 1
ii. Sympathize.

2. Friday evening, at Charlie’s, talking to Vivian.

a. Choice
i. I was thirsty.
ii. I was hoping to run into you again.
1. Vivian + 1
iii. I wanted to see Renata.
b. Choice
i. You.
1. Choice
a. Yes, I do.
i. Vivian + 1
b. It’s the same.
ii. Renata.
1. Vivian + 1
iii. Stay silent.
1. Vivian + 1

3. (Note for Devs: actually listed as Update 2 - Vivian 2) Sometime, the player receives a
phone call from Vivian, then can visit her at Charlie’s again. This scene does not have
any choices and cannot affect score in any way.


These scenes will have further episodes and continue through other updates as the game
expands. Some will be included in every update, while others won’t. Others will be added
throughout the game.

“Sunday Brunches”
● These are scenes that take place on Sunday mornings in the kitchen with all three main
characters (Alex, Julia, and Sophia). Participating nets 1 point for each character. Some
special Sunday Brunch scenes are triggered when other conditions are met. NOTE:
there may be times that these scenes will play out of order in the future, depending on
their requirements.
○ #1 - Immediately after the beginning of Update #2.
○ #2 - After Brunch #1 and Update #1 - Julia #3 are completed.
○ #3 - After Brunch #2 and Update #2 - Sophia #3 are completed.

“The Boxkeeper” (not yet implemented)

● This is an ongoing secondary/side scene that begins in Update #2. It will have different
ways of triggering, and conditions will change for each scene.
○ #1 - After X amount of days, with less than X money, a check email option will
appear on the laptop (unknown triggers as of yet).

“Gaming with Julia” (NOT IN UPDATE #2 -- sorry, some visual problems)

● This is an ongoing secondary/side scene featuring Julia playing her online game,
Deccan Black, with some friends. The player can choose to participate in these scenes,
which are mainly going to happen on the laptop. It introduces a hidden “score” for the
player (DBS) that constitutes how “good” he is at the game.
○ #1 - Julia score > 35, after Julia’s massage scene is completed, and the player
again talks to Julia in her bedroom Saturday noon.
■ This scene has the option for the player to “buy” the DLC for the game at
a cost of $30. Doing so nets the player DBS + 2.

“Jimmy the Doorman”

● This is an ongoing exposition and “feeding” scene for the player and will trigger at
various times when conditions are met.
○ #1 - After Brunch #1 on Thursday morning.


These are one-off scenes that are designed to play once and then be done. These are mainly
used in support of the main and side stories, but can also simply be “slice of life” scenes. They
normally do not affect any change in points, except in some very rare circumstances. Unless
specifically noted, these scenes are able to be accessed from the sandbox interaction menu
(basically, find them at the times listed in the descriptions, click on the character sprite, and
choose the activation -- it’s usually in yellow).

● “Renata at Night”
○ Monday/Wednesday/Thursday Evening, bar
○ Active after: Update 2 - Renata 3, Update 2 - Vivian 2 (3 in this walkthrough)

● “Julia’s New Job”

○ Any sandbox location and time.
○ Active after: Update 1 - Julia 4.

● “Julia & the Environment”

○ Friday Evening, living room
○ Active after: Update 2 - Julia 1

● “Alex Debates Music”

○ Sunday Noon, living room
○ Active after: Update 1 - Alex 5

● “Auntie X (Julia)”
○ Monday Evening, kitchen OR Friday Evening, living room.
○ Active after: Update 2 - Sophia 2

● “Auntie X (Alex)”
○ Thursday/Sunday Noon, living room
○ Active after: Update 2 - Sophia 2

● “Alex’s New Job

○ Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday Noon, Friday Morning, Saturday Morning
○ Active after: Update 2 - Alex 3

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