AC - 150 - 5200-32B - Wildlife Aircraft Strikes

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of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Administration Circular
Subject: Reporting Wildlife Aircraft Strikes Date: 5/31/2013 AC No: 150/5200-32B
Initiated by: AAS-300 Change:

1. Purpose.
This Advisory Circular (AC) explains the importance of reporting collisions between aircraft and
wildlife, more commonly referred to as wildlife strikes. It also explains recent improvements in
the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Reporting system, how
to report a wildlife strike, what happens to the wildlife strike report data, how to access the FAA
National Wildlife Strike Database (NWSD), and the FAA’s Feather Identification program.

2. Applicability.
The FAA provides the standards and practices in this AC as guidance for all public-use airports,
aviation industry personnel (e.g., Air Traffic Control, pilots and airline personnel, and engine
manufacturers), and others who possess strike information. The FAA strongly recommends that
the above aviation representatives and others possessing strike information participate in

3. Cancellation.
This AC cancels AC 150/5200-32A, Reporting Wildlife Aircraft Strikes, dated December 22,

4. Background.
The FAA has long recognized the threat to aviation safety posed by wildlife strikes. Each year
in the United States, wildlife strikes to U.S. civil aircraft cause about $718 million in damage to
aircraft and about 567,000 hours of civil aircraft down time. For the period 1990 to 2011, over
115,000 wildlife strikes were reported to the FAA. About 97 percent of all wildlife strikes
reported to the FAA involved birds, about 2 percent involved terrestrial mammals, and less than
1 percent involved flying mammals (bats) and reptiles. Waterfowl (ducks and geese), gulls, and
raptors (mainly hawks and vultures) are the bird species that cause the most damage to civil
aircraft in the United States, while European starlings are responsible for the greatest loss of
human life. Vultures and waterfowl cause the most losses to U.S. military aircraft.

Studies have shown that strike reporting has steadily increased over the past two decades;
however, strike reporting is not consistent across all stakeholders (pilots, air carriers, airport
operators, air traffic control personnel, etc.) in the National Airspace System. Although larger
14 CFR Part 139 airports and those with well-established wildlife programs have improved strike
reporting, there is a wide disparity in overall reporting rates between Part 139 airports and
general aviation (GA) airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Less
than 6 percent of total strike reports come from NPIAS GA airports, whose reporting rates
average less than 1/20th the rates at Part 139 airports. Most Part 139 airports (97 percent) have
AC 150/5200-32B 5/31/2013

reported at least one strike into the database through 2011, while only 43 percent of NPIAS GA
airports have documented a strike into the database.

While overall reporting rates are much higher for strikes at Part 139 airports than at NPIAS GA
airports, there is also a major disparity in reporting rates among Part 139 airports. Larger Part
139 airports, especially those with well-established wildlife hazard management programs, have
reporting rates about four times higher on average compared to other Part 139 airports. The
pattern of disparity in strike reporting among Part 139 airports is also found in reporting rates for
commercial air carriers. However, the FAA believes the current voluntary reporting rate is
adequate to track national trends in wildlife strikes, to determine the hazard level of wildlife
species that are being struck, and to provide a scientific foundation for FAA policies and
guidance about the mitigation of risk from wildlife strikes.

Ultimately, improvements can be made in the quantity and quality of strike reporting. In addition
to the above-mentioned gaps in reporting to the NWSD, there is an overall bias toward the
reporting of damaging strikes compared to non-damaging strikes, especially for NPIAS GA
airports and certain Part 139 airports. The quality of data within a strike report can also be
improved by providing as much information as possible, including species struck and cost of

The FAA has initiated several programs to address this important safety issue, including the
collection, analysis, and dissemination of wildlife strike data. The effectiveness of a Wildlife
Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) to reduce wildlife hazards both on and near an airport and
the reevaluation of all facets of damaging/non-damaging strikes from year to year requires
accurate and consistent reporting. Therefore, every WHMP should include a commitment to
document and report to the NWSD all wildlife strikes that occur within the separation distances
described in sections 1-2 and 1-3 of Advisory Circular 150/5200-33, Hazardous Attractants On
or Near Airports (current version), to better identify, understand, and reduce threats to safe

5. Types of Animals to Report if Involved in a Strike with Aircraft.

a. All birds.
b. All bats.
c. All terrestrial mammals larger than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) (e.g., report rabbits, muskrats,
armadillos, foxes, coyotes, domestic dogs, deer, feral livestock, etc., but not rats, mice, voles,
chipmunks, shrews, etc.). If in doubt, report the incident with a note in the comment section,
and the Database Manager will determine whether to include the report into the NWSD based
on body mass.
d. Reptiles larger than 1 kg (2.2 lbs).

6. When to Report a Wildlife Aircraft Strike.

A wildlife strike has occurred when:
a. A strike between wildlife and aircraft has been witnessed.
b. Evidence or damage from a strike has been identified on an aircraft.
c. Bird or other wildlife remains, whether in whole or in part, are found:
(1) Within 250 feet of a runway centerline or within 1,000 feet of a runway end
unless another reason for the animal's death is identified or suspected.

5/31/2013 AC 150/5200-32B

(2) On a taxiway or anywhere else on or off the airport that you have reason to
believe was the result of a strike with an aircraft. Examples might be:
(i) A bird found in pieces from a prop strike on a taxiway.
(ii) A carcass retrieved within 1 mile of an airport on the final approach or
departure path after someone reported the bird falling out of the sky and a report of a probable
wildlife strike.
d. The presence of birds or other wildlife on or off the airport had a significant negative
effect on a flight (i.e., aborted takeoff, aborted landing, high-speed emergency stop, or the
aircraft left pavement area to avoid collision with wildlife).

7. How to Report a Bird/Wildlife Strike.

The FAA strongly encourages pilots, airport operations, aircraft maintenance personnel, Air
Traffic Control personnel, engine manufacturers, or anyone else who has knowledge of a strike
to report it to the NWSD. The FAA makes available an online reporting system at the Airport
Wildlife Hazard Mitigation web site ( or via mobile devices at Anyone reporting a strike can also print the FAA’s Bird/Other
Wildlife Strike Report Form (Form 5200-7) at the end of this AC or download it from the web site
to report strikes. Paper copies of Form 5200-7 may also be obtained from the appropriate
Airports District Offices (ADO), Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO), and Flight Service
Stations (FSS) or from the Airman’s Information Manual (AIM). Paper forms are pre-addressed
to the FAA. No postage is needed if the form is mailed in the United States. It is important to
include as much information as possible on the strike report.

Note: These forms are to be used to report strikes that do not have bird remains associated
with them (instructions with addresses for sending remains to the Smithsonian Institute Feather
Identification Lab are discussed in Paragraph 11, Instructions for Collecting and Submitting
Bird/Wildlife Remains for Identification, of this AC). Please do not send bird remains to the FAA.

8. FAA National Wildlife Strike Database Management and Data Analysis.

The FAA NWSD Manager edits all strike reports to ensure consistent, error-free data before
entering a single, consolidated report into the database. This information is supplemented with
non-duplicated strike reports from other sources. About every six weeks, the FAA posts an
updated version of the database on the web site. Annually, the FAA sends a current version of
the database to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for incorporation into ICAO’s
Bird Strike Information System (IBIS) Database. Also, the FAA prepares and makes available a
report summarizing wildlife strike results from 1990 through the most current year online at

Analyses of data from the FAA NWSD have proved invaluable in determining the nature and
severity of the aviation wildlife strike hazard. The database provides a scientific basis for
identifying risk factors, justifying and implementing corrective actions at airports, and judging the
effectiveness of those corrective actions. Table 1 below depicts the ranking of 50 bird and
mammal species or groups by their relative hazard to aircraft in airport environments. The data
for the analysis are from the NWSD. The database is invaluable to engine manufacturers,
aeronautical engineers, and wildlife biologists as they develop new technologies for the aviation
industry. Each wildlife strike report contributes to the accuracy and effectiveness of the
database. Moreover, each report contributes to the common goal of increasing aviation safety
and reducing the cost of wildlife strikes.

AC 150/5200-32B 5/31/2013

9. Access to the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database.

On April 24, 2009, the FAA made the NWSD available to the public. The FAA began
systematically analyzing wildlife strike data in the 1990s for use by the FAA’s Office of Airports,
academia, and researchers as a means of improving airport safety and reducing wildlife
hazards. The NWSD web site ( was retooled to make it more
user-friendly and to allow more advanced data mining. The site has search fields that enable
users to find data on specific airports, airlines, aircraft, and engine types, as well as damage
incurred, date of strike, species struck, and state without having to download the entire

10. Bird/ Wildlife Identification.

Accurate species identification is critical for wildlife-aircraft strike reduction programs. The
identification of the exact species of bird struck (e.g., ring-billed gull, Canada goose, mallard,
mourning dove, or red-tailed hawk as opposed to gull, goose, duck, dove, or hawk) is
particularly important. This species information is critical for airports and biologists developing
and implementing wildlife hazard management programs at airports because a problem that
cannot be measured or defined cannot be solved. Wildlife biologists must know what species of
wildlife they are dealing with in order to identify local attractants and to make proper
management decisions within the framework of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and state and local
regulations. The FAA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture – Wildlife Services work closely with the Feather Identification Lab at the
Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History, to improve the understanding and
prevention of bird-aircraft strike hazards. Bird strike remains that cannot be identified by airport
personnel or by a local biologist can be sent (with FAA Form 5200-7) to the Smithsonian
Museum for identification. Remains may also be submitted to the Smithsonian for verification of
the field identification and for long-term storage of the evidence.

Bird strike identification using feathers, DNA, or other body parts or materials from birds
involved in bird-aircraft strikes will be provided free-of-charge to all U.S. airport operators, all
U.S. aircraft owners/operators (regardless of where the strike happened), and to any foreign air
carrier if the strike occurred at a U.S. airport.

11. Instructions for Collecting and Submitting Bird/Wildlife Remains for Identification.
Please observe the following guidelines for collecting and submitting feathers or other
bird/wildlife remains for species identification. These guidelines help maintain species
identification accuracy, reduce turn-around time, and ensure a comprehensive FAA National
Wildlife Aircraft Strike Database. Many airports have found it beneficial to construct strike
reporting kits for use by airport personnel and aircraft operators. Having pre-made kits available
improves strike reporting and encourages the sampling of strike remains. A kit suitable for
collecting remains from most strikes would include the following materials stored in a 1-quart,
re-sealable plastic bag: (1) collection instructions, (2) a pre-packaged alcohol hand-wipe for
softening/removing tissue/blood (“snarge”1) off of the aircraft, (3) a Whatman FTA® collection
card for preserving blood/tissue for DNA identification, and (4) a pair of disposable gloves.

Snarge is the term used for the residue and feathers left on an aircraft after an animal
(typically a bird) collides with it.

5/31/2013 AC 150/5200-32B

a. Collect and submit remains from known/suspected bird strikes or strike remains that
involved an unknown animal from each impact location as soon as possible and send to the
Feather Lab (Smithsonian). If remains are known to be other than those of birds, please contact
the Smithsonian before mailing them at (202) 633-0801. Collect remains using the criteria listed
in item c below. If you cannot send the remains as soon as possible, refrigerate or freeze them
in a sealed plastic bag until you can mail them.

b. Provide complete information about the incident.

(1) Fill out FAA Form 5200-7 – Bird/ Other Wildlife Strike Report.
(i) Print a copy of Form 5200-7 at the end of this AC or download a copy at
(ii) File a report online and print a copy to send with the remains.
(2) Mail the report with feather material (see address below).
(3) Provide your contact information if you wish to be informed of the species
c. Collect as much material as possible in a clean plastic/ Ziplock® bag. (Please, do not
send whole birds.)
(1) Pluck/pick a variety of many feathers representing color or patterns from the
wings, tail, and body.
(2) Do not cut off feathers. This removes the downy region needed to aid in
(3) Include any feathers with distinct colors or patterns.
(4) Include any downy “fluff”.
(5) Include beaks, feet, and talons if possible.
(6) Where only a small amount of snarge material is available, such as scrapings
from an engine or smears on wings or windshields, send all of it.
(i) Dry material – Scrape or wipe off into a clean re-sealable bag or wipe
the area with pre-packaged alcohol wipe or spray with alcohol to loosen material then wipe with
clean cloth/gauze. Include the alcohol wipe or piece of cloth in the bag. (Do not use water,
bleach, or other cleansers – they destroy or degrade DNA.)
(ii) Fresh material – Wipe the area with alcohol wipe and/or clean
cloth/gauze or apply fresh tissue/blood to an optional Whatman FTA® DNA collecting card.
(1) Do not use any sticky substance such as tape or post-it notes to attach
(2) Collect remains from each impact location and place them in separate, labeled
bags. Indicate the location on aircraft from which each sample came (i.e., windshield, radome,
etc.) on the bag.
Please send whole feathers (tip and base) whenever possible as diagnostic characteristics are
often found in the downy barbules at the feather base. Wings, as well as breast and tail
feathers, should be sent whenever possible. Beaks, feet, bones, and talons are also useful
diagnostic materials. Even blood smears can provide material for DNA analysis. Do not send
entire bird carcasses through the mail. However, photographs of the carcasses can be very
useful supplemental documentation.

AC 150/5200-32B 5/31/2013

If you send fresh blood/ tissue samples frequently for DNA identification, you may want to
consider getting Whatman FTA® DNA cards. The material is sampled with a sterile applicator
and placed onto the surface of the card that “fixes” the DNA in the sample. For more information
about ordering these items, contact the Feather Lab. Otherwise, if you only occasionally send
blood/ tissue samples, consider using a paper towel soaked with alcohol or an alcohol wipe to
collect this type of material. Ethanol is the preferred type of alcohol.

Additional information on sending bird remains to the Smithsonian is available at
d. Mail the Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report and collected material to the Smithsonian’s
Feather Identification Lab. The lab will forward the report to the National Wildlife Strike
Database Manager.

For Material Sent via Express Mail Service: For Material Sent via US Postal Service:

Feather Identification Lab Feather Identification Lab

Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution
NHB, E600, MRC 116 PO Box 37012
10 & Constitution Ave NW NHB, E600, MRC 116
Washington DC 20560-0116 Washington DC 20013-7012

(This can be identified as “safety investigation (Not recommended for priority cases.)

The species identification turn-around time is usually 24 hours from receipt if sufficient material
is submitted and unless the sample is submitted for DNA analysis. DNA results usually take 6 to
10 days. Once processed, the lab sends the reports and species identification information to the
Database Manager for entry into the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database. Persons wishing to
be notified of the species identification must include contact information (e-mail, phone, etc.) on
the report.

For more information contact the FAA National Wildlife Biologist at (202) 267-8731 or the
Smithsonian’s Feather Identification Lab at (202) 633-0801.

Michael J. O’Donnell
Director, Office of Airport Safety and Standard

Exp. 7/31/2013


U S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The information collected on this form is necessary to allow the Federal Aviation Administration to assess the magnitude and severity of the wildlife-aircraft strike
problem in the U.S. The information is used in determining the best management practices for reducing the hazard to aviation safety caused by wildlife-aircraft strikes. A federal agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act
unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2120-0045. Public reporting for this collection of information is
estimated to be approximately 6 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the
collection of information. The information collected is voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to the FAA at: 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591, Attn: Information Collection Clearance Officer, AES-200.

1. Name of Operator 2. Aircraft Make/Model 3. Engine Make/Model

4. Aircraft Registration 5. Date of Incident 6. Local Time of Incident

/ / ☐ Dawn ☐ Dusk __HR __MIN
Month Day Year ☐ Day ☐ Night ☐ AM ☐ PM
6A. Flight Number 6B. Wildlife/Bird Remains:
☐ Collected ☐ Sent to Smithsonian
7. Airport Name/ID 8. Runway Used 9. Location if En Route (Nearest Town/Reference &

10. Height (AGL) 11. Speed (IAS)

12. Phase of Flight 13. Part(s) of Aircraft Struck or Damaged

Struck Damaged Struck Damaged
☐ A. Parked
A. Radome ☐ ☐ H. Propeller ☐ ☐
☐ B. Taxi
☐ C. Take-off Run B. Windshield ☐ ☐ I. Wing/Rotor ☐ ☐
☐ D. Climb C. Nose ☐ ☐ J. Fuselage ☐ ☐
☐ E. En Route D. Engine No. 1 ☐ ☐ K. Landing Gear ☐ ☐
☐ F. Descent E. Engine No. 2 ☐ ☐ L. Tail ☐ ☐
☐ G. Approach F. Engine No. 3 ☐ ☐ M. Lights ☐ ☐
☐ H. Landing Roll G. Engine No. 4 ☐ ☐ N. Other: (Specify) ☐ ☐
Bird(s) Ingested? ☐ Yes Specify if “N. Other” is checked:

14. Effect on Flight 15. Sky Condition 16. Precipitation

☐ None ☐ No Cloud ☐ Fog
☐ Aborted Take-Off ☐ Rain
☐ Some Cloud
☐ Precautionary Landing ☐ Snow
☐ Overcast
☐ Engines Shut Down ☐ None
☐ Other: (Specify)
17. Bird/Other Wildlife Species 18. Number of birds seen and/or struck 19. Size of Bird(s)
Number of Birds Seen Struck ☐ Small
1 ☐ ☐ ☐ Medium
2-10 ☐ ☐ ☐ Large
11-100 ☐ ☐
more than 100 ☐ ☐
20. Pilot Warned of Birds ☐ Yes ☐ No
21. Remarks (Describe damage, injuries and other pertinent information)


22. Aircraft time out of service 23. Estimated cost of repairs or replacement (US $) 24. Estimated other Cost (U.S. $) (e.g. loss of revenue,
fuel, hotels)
hours $
Reported by (Optional) Title Date

Email Phone


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Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Airport Safety and Standards, AAS-300
Attn: Wildlife Strike Report
800 Independence Avenue SW


5/31/2013 AC 150/5200-32B

Directions for FAA Form 5200-7

Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report
1. Name of Operator - This can be an airline (abbreviations okay - UAL, AAL, etc.), business (Coca
Cola), government agency (Police Dept., FAA), or if a private pilot, his/her name.
2. Aircraft Make/Model - Abbreviations are okay, but include the model (e.g., B737-200).
3. Engine Make/Model - Abbreviations are allowed (e.g., PW 4060, GECT7, LYC 580).
4. Aircraft Registration - This means the N# (for USA registered aircraft).
5. Date of Incident - Give the local date, not the ZULU or GMT date.
6. Local Time of Incident - Check the appropriate light conditions and fill in the hour and minute local
time and check AM or PM or use the 24-hour clock and skip AM/PM.
6A. Flight Number - Self-explanatory.
6B. Wildlife/Bird Remains - If remains were found at the airport or on the aircraft, check “Collected”. If
the remains were also sent to the Smithsonian for identification, also check “Sent to Smithsonian”.
7. Airport Name - Use the airport name or 3 letter code if a US airport. If a foreign airport, use the
full name or 3 letter code and location (city/country).
8. Runway used - Self-explanatory.
9. Location if En Route - Put the name of the nearest city and state.
10. Height AGL - Put the feet above ground level at the time of the strike (if you don't know, use MSL
and indicate this). For take-off run and landing roll, it must be 0.
11. Speed (IAS) - Speed at which the aircraft was traveling when the strike occurred.
12. Phase of Flight - Phase of flight during which the strike occurred. Take-off run and landing roll
should both be 0 AGL.
13. Part(s) of Aircraft Struck or Damaged - Check which parts were struck and damaged. If a part was
damaged but not struck, indicate this with a check on the damaged column only and indicate in
comments (#21) why this happened (e.g., the landing gear might be damaged by deer strike,
causing the aircraft to flip over and damage parts not struck by deer).
14. Effect on Flight - You can check more than one. If you check “Other”, please explain in
Comments (#21).
15. Sky condition - Check the one that applies.
16. Precipitation - You may check more than one.
17. Bird/Other Wildlife Species - Try to be accurate. If you don't know, put unknown and some
description. Collect feathers or remains for identification for damaging strikes.
18. Number of birds seen and/or struck - check the box in the Seen column with the correct number
if you saw the birds/other wildlife before the strike and check the box in the Struck column to
show how many were hit. The exact number can be written next to the box.
19. Size of Bird(s) - Check what you think is the correct size (e.g. sparrow = small, gull = medium, and
geese = large).
20. Pilot Warned of Birds - Check the correct box (even if it was an ATIS warning or NOTAM).
21. Remarks - Be as specific as you can. Include information about the extent of the damage,
injuries, anything you think would be helpful to know (e.g., number of birds ingested).
22. Aircraft time out of service - Record how many hours the aircraft was out of service.
23. Estimated cost of repairs or replacement - This may not be known immediately, but the data can
be sent at a later date or put down a contact name and number for this data.
24. Estimated other cost - Include loss of revenue, fuel, hotels, etc. (see directions for #23).
25. Reported by - Although this is optional, it is helpful if questions arise about the information on the
form (a phone number could also be included).
26. Title - This can be Pilot, Tower, Airport Operations, Airline Operations, Flight Safety, etc.
27. Date - Date the form was filled out.

AC 150/5200-32B 5/31/2013

Table 1. Composite ranking (1 = most hazardous, 50 = least hazardous) and relative hazard
score of 50 wildlife species with at least 100 reported strikes with civil aircraft based on three
criteria (damage, major damage, and effect-on-flight). Data were derived from the FAA National
Wildlife Strike Database.
% of strikes with:
Mean Relative
Major Effect on hazard Composite hazard
Wildlife species Damage1 damage2 flight3 level4 ranking score5
White-tailed deer 84 36 46 55 1 100
Snow goose 77 41 39 53 2 95
Turkey vulture 51 19 35 35 3 63
Canada goose 50 17 28 31 4 57
Sandhill crane 41 13 27 27 5 48
Bald eagle 41 12 28 27 6 48
D.-crested cormorant 34 15 24 24 7 44
Mallard 23 9 13 15 8 27
Osprey 22 7 15 15 9 26
Great blue heron 21 6 16 15 10 26
American coot 24 7 11 14 11 25
Coyote 9 2 21 11 12 19
Red-tailed hawk 15 5 11 10 13 19
Cattle egret 10 3 15 9 14 17
Great horned owl 15 3 6 8 15 14
Herring gull 10 5 9 8 16 14
Rock pigeon 10 4 10 8 17 14
Ring-billed gull 8 3 8 6 18 11
American crow 8 3 8 6 18 11
Peregrine falcon 8 2 5 5 20 9
Laughing gull 5 2 7 5 21 8
American robin 7 1 4 4 22 7
Snow bunting 1 1 9 4 23 7
Red fox 3 0 8 4 23 7
European starling 4 1 5 3 25 6
Amer. golden-plover 4 2 4 3 26 6
Barn owl 4 2 3 3 27 5
Upland sandpiper 4 1 4 3 27 5
Purple martin 5 1 2 3 29 5
5/31/2013 AC 150/5200-32B

% of strikes with:
Mean Relative
Major Effect on hazard Composite hazard
Wildlife species Damage1 damage2 flight3 level4 ranking score5
Mourning dove 3 1 4 3 30 5
3 0 5 3 31 5
Woodchuck 2 0 4 2 32 4
Northern harrier 2 1 2 2 33 3
Chimney swift 2 0 2 1 34 2
Killdeer 1 0 2 1 35 2
House sparrow 2 0 1 1 35 2
Blk-tailed jackrabbit 1 1 1 1 37 2
American kestrel 1 <1 2 1 38 2
Eastern meadowlark 1 <1 2 1 38 2
S.-tailed flycatcher 0 0 2 1 40 1
Horned lark 1 <1 1 1 41 1
Pacific golden-plover 1 0 1 1 41 1
Barn swallow 1 0 1 1 43 1
Savannah sparrow 1 0 <1 1 43 1
Common nighthawk 1 0 1 1 45 1
Tree swallow 0 0 1 <1 46 1
Burrowing owl 1 0 0 <1 46 1
Western kingbird 0 0 1 <1 48 0
Virginia opossum 1 0 0 <1 48 0
Striped skunk 0 0 0 0 50 0
Aircraft incurred at least some damage (destroyed, substantial, minor, or unknown) from strike.
Aircraft incurred damage or structural failure, which adversely affected the structure strength, performance, or flight
characteristics, and which would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component, or the
damage sustained made it inadvisable to restore aircraft to airworthy condition.
Aborted takeoff, engine shutdown, precautionary landing, or other negative effect on flight.
Based on the mean value for percent of strikes with damage, major damage (substantial damage or destroyed), and
negative effect-on-flight.
Mean hazard level (see footnote 4) was scaled down from 100, with 100 as the score for the species with the
maximum mean hazard level and thus the greatest potential hazard to aircraft.


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