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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Features of Prose
Prepared by:
BSED English 4-1 Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:
OIC- School Head

Noted by:
BSEd English 4-1 Supervisor
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing
information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and
interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
Performance Standards: The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
Learners Competencies / Code: EN9OL-Ia-1.15: Use the appropriate segmentals (sounds of English)
and the suprasegmentals or prosodic features of speech when delivering lines of poetry and prose in a
speech choir, jazz chants and raps.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. compare the structure of prose to that of other forms of writing;
B. show of the student’s voice in prose;
C. write a prose about the four forms of writing


A. Topic: Features of Prose
B. Materials:
• Tablet
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Television and HDMI
C. Method Used: Activity Method and Inquiry-based method.
D. Values Integration: Students will learn about features of prose, the basic purpose of
prose in writing is to convey an idea, deliver information, or tell a story. Prose is
the way a writer fulfills her basic promise to a reader to deliver a story with
characters, setting, conflict, a plot, and a final payoff. Create a voice.
E. Reference:
a. Ojumu, B. (2019). Literature: Prose. Passnownow.
b. Acmc, E. S. C. (2022). Characteristics/Features Of Prose. Bscholarly.
c. MasterClass. (2021, September 9). What is prose? Learn about the differences
between prose and poetry with examples - 2023 - MasterClass.

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Pre-Writing Activities Good morning, students! Good morning, ma’am!

Please take your seats and get

ready for today’s adventure!
1. Prayer
Let us first start the day with (The chosen student will lead
a prayer. the prayer)
Kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning, students.
Good morning, ma'am!
How are you all today?

I'm so happy to hear that We are fine, ma'am!

everyone is doing well.
Yes, ma’am!
Please be reminded of the
Covid-19 protocols. Always
ensure the cleanliness of the
classroom. We need to make
sure everyone is safe and far
from harm’s way, alright?

3. Checking of attendance
May I ask the class secretary
to please check the class (Class secretary checks
attendance. attendance.)

Are there any absentees for

today? No one is absent today, ma’am.
Very good! I’m glad
everyone is here, safe and Yes, ma'am.

4. Recall
Last meeting, we discussed The use of pitch to convey
intonation, correct? meaning while making a
statement or asking a question
Student 1, would you give us is referred to as intonation.
a summary of what you
learned about Intonation?

Exceptionally good, Student

1. You had a good recall of
the past lesson.
Motivation (The instructor displayed a
picture on the screen)

Class, as can be seen, a

picture is displayed here. I
would like you to write down
your thoughts on the picture,
both with and without rhyme. Okay ma’am.
You have three minutes to
complete the task. All right?

(3 minutes ended) Let us do

the spin the wheel. First is
Student 1 and next is Student
2. Student 1, share your idea
in rhymes and Student 2 will
(Student 1 did the presentation
read to us her composition
of his/her composition)
with no rhymes. Let us start
first with Student 1.
(Student 2 did the presentation
of his/her composition)
That is great! Student 2,
please stand up.
Student 1, on the other hand,
conveyed their ideas naturally
Class, how do you think the
and concisely, while Student 2
two sets of presenters
did so in a rhymed manner.
communicated their
respective ideas? What did
you notice?


The presenters all have the

same thoughts and ideas
about the picture, but their
ways of organizing their
thoughts are different.

The class got the entire

sequence correct, a job well
done to all of you! Yes ma’am!

Are you ready for our lesson?

B. Listening Proper
Presentation (Using laptop and projector,
the teacher presents her
PowerPoint presentation.)

Based on the previous

presentation, where did you
feel most at ease when
writing down your thoughts
or ideas?

Student 3, I want to hear (Students’ raises hand)

your response. Ma'am, I would say it without
rhyme. because you have
unlimited means of expressing
Great. Anyone else? yourself.

Student 4, you pressed your

button. (Students’ raises hand)
Ma'am, I picked the one with
rhymes. When I write, I like to
use figurative language because
it is the most effective way to
That's excellent, Student 4. convey creativity through
Since Student 4 used
figurative language and
referred to the earlier
What do you consider to be
poetry, both with and without

Student 5, I would like to

hear your voice.
(Students’ raises hand)
A composition with rhymes has
a specific measurement and
structure, similar to poetry,
Definitely! whereas a composition without
rhymes is written in a
So, do you already have an conversational tone and doesn't
idea of what we should talk follow any specific rules.
about today specifically?

Well, we will start with what

is known as prose, or not
Discussion Based on what you know and
the activity, what word would
you use to translate prose?
Please write it down on a 1/4
sheet of paper; the class
president will collect it by the Yes ma’am.
end of our session.

Therefore, I will select three

students to slightly expand on
the word they answered. I
will use the Spin the Wheel (The students gave their
again. Our Spin the wheel has
selected you, students 6, 7,
and 8.
Ma'am, short story because a
Let us begin with Student 6.
short story is a type of prose in
Short Story is your word? which the grammatical
conventions of the language are

Style of Conversation, Ma'am.

Nice! Student 7 comes next. because the prose was written
Which word do you use?
in a conversational style. as if it
were always used each day.

That is correct. Last, student Ma'am, I have authored novels.

8. That is accurate. Because it is one of the
examples of prose writing that
also uses a sentence-to-
paragraph structure and does
not adhere to any meters or
To summarize everything you rules.
have said, prose is any written
work that follows a simple
grammatical structure, which
means that the language
follows natural patterns.

(Presenting the PowerPoint)

Primarily, I would like to
emphasize the distinction
between prose and poetry so
that you can distinguish the

Class, please take it down!

They each possess distinct

characteristics: Like I said
earlier, prose follows natural
speech and communication
patterns. It also has
paragraphs and sentences as
its grammatical structure.

Then again, verse has line

breaks, it has pondered
designs, like musicality and
rhyme. Consider this as an

The first table, as you can see,

is a passage from a story.

Additionally, there is a poem

on the second table. Because
of how they were written and
how they conveyed their
ideas, poetry and prose can be
distinguished. As can be seen,
the prose conveyed the
meaning as it was, whereas
the poem used figurative
Yes, ma’am.
Did you get the distinction of
the two, class?
The term "prose" refers to
writing that is grammatically
Student 2, can you read the structured and is composed of
first slide? prose and phrases that form
sentences and paragraphs.
Prose is a literary device.

Thank you, dear. The use of

prose as a literary device
allows authors to
communicate with readers in
a straightforward, even
casual, manner. Yes, ma’am.

Do you understand, class?

There are four distinct types

of prose utilized by writers:
Student 5, are you able to
Nonfictional prose. It is a true
comprehend the most
story or factual account of
common type of prose?
events or information.

Thank you, student, 5.

Nonfictional prose conveys

information or life events,
that happened in a real
scenario written in a
straightforward or paragraph.
Can you give me an (Students’ raises hand)
example of this type of Newspaper, Ma’am.
prose? You are raising your
hand, yes dear?
(Students’ raises hand)
That is correct! Journal, Ma’am.

What else? Great! (Students’ raises hand)

Biography, Ma’am.
What else?

Excellent job, students.

Did you understand now Yes, Ma’am.

class the Nonfictional prose?

Therefore, let us move on to

number 2. (Students’ raises hand)
Who desires reading? Fictional Prose. A literary
Let us go, Student 1. work of fiction. This is the
most popular type of literary
prose, used in novels and short
Kind regards, Student 1. stories, and has characters,
Fictional prose, in contrast to plot, setting, and dialogue.
nonfictional prose, included
plot settings, characters,
dialogue, and other elements.
(Students’ raises hand)
Can you provide me with a Ma’am, Novels.
fictional prose example?
(Students’ raises hand)
Short Stories, ma’am.
What about you, student 9?


Well done! Yes, Ma’am.

Are we all clear in the
Fictional prose?
Next type of prose is the heroic
So, let us move on. prose. A literary work that is
Student 6, please read what is either written down or
on your screen.
preserved through oral
I am grateful, Student 6. tradition.

Heroic prose is a type of prose

that has been passed down
through oral or written
tradition and is also written
with the intention of being
(Students’ raises hand)
Student 8, could you give me Legends, Ma’am.
an example of heroic prose?
(Students’ raises hand)
Correct. What else? Fable, Ma’am.

Well done!

Did you comprehend the

prose about heroes? Let us Yes, Ma’am.
move on to the following
(Students’ raises hand)
Student 4, could you read this Prose in Poetry. Prose poetry
slide to us? written in verse. It occasionally
produced a literary hybrid using
Let us use this as an rhyme or rhythmic patterns.
And if at times, in the bleak
solitude of your room or on
the palace steps or the green
grass of a ditch.

It is comparable to poetry,
correct? But prose is the
structure. It has meters, but it
flows naturally when written.
Yes ma’am.
Class, did you get it?

That concludes the list of the

four distinct types of prose.
Did you manage to
comprehend the four distinct
categories of prose?
I hope everyone understands
that. If so, let us move on to
the role that prose plays in
Fulfilling the promise of a
story is the first one. The
primary function of prose in
literature is to convey an idea,
provide information, or tell a
story. It is how a writer keeps
her fundamental promise to
deliver a story with
characters, locations, plots,
and a satisfying conclusion.

For instance, a novel or short

story has the primary
objective of telling a story to
readers. These elements
include the characters, the
setting, the plot, the conflict,
and the story's moral.

Create a voice. Known as a

writer's voice, each writer
uses language in their own
unique way. Writers can
improve their craft and
demonstrate their voice by (Students’ raises hand)
employing prose in a variety William Shakespeare, ma’am.
of ways.
Do you know anyone who
uses their voice to significant
effect in their writing?

Well done!

Lastly, familiarity fosters

rapport. The tone of prose is
often conversational. Readers
become more invested in the
story and its characters
because of this familiarity.
Take, for instance, SONA. Is
it true that the State of the Yes ma’am.
Union address is delivered
naturally and fosters a
connection between the
speaker and the audience? Yes ma’am.

Did you comprehend the

three purposes that prose
serves in writing?

Glad to hear that.

Application For your action, I will bunch
you into four.

Following the four types of

prose, each group will
attempt to apply the function
of prose in writing by
constructing a short piece of
prose. If you're in the
Fictional story group and
chose a short story, make sure
it shows the elements and
tries to be as short as possible.
Form a circle with your group
members and sit down.
Yes, Ma’am.
Does my instruction make

I'll give you eight minutes to

prepare, and I'll add two
minutes for the final touches
on your writing for Group 4
(Poetic Prose) and Group 1
(Nonfictional Prose). After
ten minutes, "All right class." (Students’ raises hand)
Your time to prepare has We can use the Spin the wheel,
expired! So, how will we Ma’am.
select the order in which
presenters will appear?

That should be done, Student

I'm grateful.

Since it was a variety, we

should relegated colors for
various gatherings. Group 1
is represented by yellow,
Group 2 by green, Group 3 by
red, and Group 4 by white.

Therefore, spin the wheel as


Yellow makes up the first

group to present, followed by
red, green, and white. Please (Group 1 presenting...)
address Group 1. Let's all
show our support for group 1.
(Group 3 presenting...)
That's excellent, work group

Group 3 is great, next!

(Group 2 presenting…)
I've only heard that wonderful
legend so far.
(Group 4 presenting…)
Alright, we should hear from
bunch 2, The Made up bunch.
Let's all feel good about
group 2.

Group 4's writing is excellent.

I want to congratulate
everyone on their excellent
prose writing activity.

Thank you for

participating in the
discussion and in the activity.
Generalization Who can again define what is

Good Job.

How about the difference of (Students’ raises hand)

Prose and Poetry? The term "prose" is a literary
device that refers to writing that
is grammatically organized and
composed of words and phrases
that form sentences and

Poetry has deliberate patterns

like rhyme and rhythm,
whereas prose has a
grammatical structure with
sentences and paragraphs.
Thank you! What are the 4
types of prose? (Students’ raises hand)
Ma'am, nonfiction prose.
Newspapers are a good
example of such prose, which is
either a true story or a factual
Give one Student 5. Good! account of events.
(Students’ raises hand)
Thank you!
Fictional Writing, Ma’Am. It
is the most frequently used
form of prose in novels and
What is the third type of short stories.
(Students’ raises hand)
Ma'am, the heroic prose. It is
prose that has either been
recorded in writing or passed
down through oral tradition;
however, it is intended to be
recited. The legends, ma'am,
are a few examples.
C. Post-Writing Activities We will have a journaling
exercise. On a clean sheet of
paper, describe the most
important thing in your life.
Describe the 2nd and 3rd
most important things. Then
the 4th and 5th most
important things. Yes ma’am.

You may begin now if you

got it.


Identify the following sentences. Write your answers in title cases. (2 points each)
________1. A literary work that is based on fact although it may contain fictional elements in
certain cases. Examples are legends and tales.
________2. A literary work that is wholly or partly imagined or theoretical. Examples are
________3. A literary work that may be written down or recited and employs many of the
formulaic expressions found in oral tradition. Examples are legends and tales.
________4. A literary work which exhibits poetic quality using emotional effects and
heightened imagery but is written in prose instead of verse.
________5. This refers to grammatically structured writing composed of prose and phrases
that form sentences and paragraphs.


Search for the elements of prose fiction. Copy and paste what you have searched on the internet
and write down your understanding based on your own words. (2 points each)

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