SRI-self Help Group-Innovare Journal

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Research · January 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15576.60169


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Vol 4, Issue 4, 2016 ISSN - 2321-6832
Research Article


Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: [email protected]
Received: 14 July 2016, Revised and Accepted: 22 July 2016


Objective: This study has evaluated the performance of system of rice intensification (SRI) at women farmers’ fields with the following specific
objectives, to evaluate the social and economic advantages of SRI cultivation self-help group (SHG) women farmer empowerment in Tamil Nadu.

Methods: The study was conducted at Chellampatti blocks of Madurai district in Tamil Nadu. A sample of 30 system of rice cultivation SHG women
farmer from each block was selected using simple random sampling technique. Socio-economic variables such as age, education, annual income, social
participation, risk orientation, credit orientation, innovativeness, and economic motivation and also study economic and socio-psychological impact.

Results: The results indicated that the majority of the respondents increased the standard of living and get in decision-making power, system of rice
cultivation through improves the SHG women farmer status in society.

Conclusion: The system of rice intensification cultivation gained high yield getting more income. Nowadays, money makes everything; peoples are
divided only based on their economic status only, a person respect comes from his economic status. Hence, the increase in income makes a change in
farming woman’s mind to participate in any of the social activities because their wants are more, a person who is self-sufficient, only will get an idea
about the society and social activities.

Keywords: Self-help group, System of rice intensification, Women empowerment.


Self-help groups (SHG) engaged in development activities have the This study was conducted in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. A total
potential to empower their members through the provision of knowledge, of 120 respondents were selected for this study. Ex post facto design
skills, motivation, and competencies that underpin sustainable was followed in this study. An interview schedule was developed by
agriculture. Women empowerment is about rights and equitable incorporating all the selected variables in consultation with experts
societies, Social and economic empowerment increase women’s access and available literature to collect relevant data. Before finalizing the
to economic resources and opportunities including jobs, financial interview schedule, it was pre-tested with respondents practicing
services, property and other productive assets, skill development and cultivating paddy for more than one decade in a non-sampling area
market information. Empowerment of women is essentially the process to remove ambiguity if any, in the interview schedule. Data were
of upliftment of economic, social and political status of women, the collected by personal interview with respondents in their farm and
traditionally underprivileged ones, in the society. It involves the building home. In addition to percentage analysis, cumulative frequency,
up of a society wherein in women can breathe without the fear of correlation coefficient, and multiple regressions were the statistical
oppression, exploitation, apprehension, discrimination, and the general tools employed.
feeling of persecution which goes with being a woman in a traditionally
male-dominated structure. One major therapy prescribed by woman RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
empowerment advocates is empowering women through legislation for
ensuring participation in political decision making. This study has evaluated the performance of SRI at SHG women
farmers’ fields with the following specific objectives, to evaluate the
Rice is an important ingredient of the household food basket, yet the social and economic advantages of SRI cultivation SHG women farmer
yield level has been low and uncertain in India. The operational holding- empowerment. Table 1 indicates nearly two-thirds of the respondents
size is shrinking, and land and water resources are being degraded. And (61.70%) were found in the old age category, remaining respondents
therefore, some innovative rice production practice is needed to meet found to be young and middle age categories. The majority (79.20%) of
its growing demand due to population pressure. Under this scenario, the respondents were literates and their educational level varied from
the system of rice intensification (SRI) may be an appropriate practice primary to secondary educational level. Secondary level education
to produce more food with less input. SRI is actually an amalgamation (37.50%) followed by primary education (20.00%) was identified as
of refined and intensive management practices for rice production the predominant educational status of the respondents. The majority
at farmers’ fields. The conservation of land, water and biodiversity, (84.20%) of the SRI farmers were practicing agriculture as their
and utilization of the hitherto ignored biological power of plant and secondary occupation. The higher educational level of the respondents
solar energy is the novelties of SRI. On account of its growing global and the availability of 10 printing press, companies and factories in
acceptance, SRI has emerged as a movement among farmers. By SRI the the study area were the reasons for the 16.00% of the respondents
annual income of the farmer increased. Due to increase in the income doing farming as a primary occupation. A meager proportion (15.00%)
his family’s standard of living also increased. This study has evaluated had high level followed by low level (13.30%) of farming experience.
the performance of SRI at women farmers’ fields with the following Thus the finding reveals that majority of the SRI farmers had medium
specific objectives, to evaluate the social and economic advantages of level of farming experience followed by high and low level of farming
SRI cultivation SHG women farmer empowerment in Tamil Nadu. experience.
Innovare Journal Of Agri. Sci, Vol 4, Issue 4, 5-7

Table 2 indicates nearly 82.00% of the respondents who had medium level of extension agency contact, followed by 22.50% with low level
level of social participation and only 17.50% had high level of social and 09.20% with high level of extension agency contact. The reason for
participation. Very negligible percentage (00.80%) had low level the medium level of contact with extension agencies might be due to
of social participation. The membership of SRI farmers in farmers the need for technical guidance to understand the risky and complex
association, SHG, cooperative milk society, agricultural credit society, nature of technologies.
and panchayat contributed for the high level of social participation.
More than 85.00% of SRI farmers possessed medium level of scientific Most of the respondent said to the system of rice cultivation easy
orientation followed by 10.00 and around 6.00% who had high and low cultivation method, labor also reduces women handle cono weeder
level of scientific orientation respectively. 55% of the SRI farmers had easy so women doing farming management, SRI cultivation gained
medium level of risk orientation behavior, followed by 27.50% of the high yield so increase income. Nowadays, money makes everything;
SRI farmers with high level of risk orientation behavior and the rest peoples are divided only based on their economic status only, a
17.50% of the SRI farmers had low level of risk orientation behavior. person respect comes from his economic status. Hence, the increase
70% of the SRI farmers had medium level of credit orientation behavior in income makes a change in farming woman’s mind to participate
20.00% had high level and remaining 10.00% had low level of credit in any of the social activities because their wants are more, a person
orientation behavior. Around 60.00% of the SRI farmers had medium who is self-sufficient, only will get an idea about the society and
social activities.
Table 1: Socio‑economic characteristics of SRI paddy
farmers (n=120)
Indian Agriculture is a gambling of monsoon. Agricultural income is
Particulars Categories Total seasonal. The risk behind is more, because when we consider many
Frequency (%) aspects in farming. Example package of practices, seasonal changes
anything else may, affect it at any point of time. Hence, future thinking
Age Young (up to 35 years) 27 (22.5)
regarding risk orientation is necessary, this can also be made only
Middle 19 (15.8)
with increase income, man earns and manages the environment
(above 35 and up to 45 years)
Old (above 45 years) 74 (61.7) outside the home but woman only spends and manage. The home, so
Education Illiterate 12 (10.00) the saving of money related to woman’s only. She takes a major part
Functionally literate 13 (10.80) behind risk management. This will happen in the case of economic
Primary education 24 (20.00) status only.
Middle education 15 (12.50)
Secondary education 45 (37.50) Farmers are born with debts, live with debts, and die with debts.
Collegiate education 11 (9.20) This is the fact of poor Indian farmers. They get agricultural credit
Occupation Agriculture as the primary 19 (15.80) mostly from the lard lords and money lender’s trader expects few,
occupation Because of the long procedure and delayed receiving of money in
Agriculture as the secondary 101 (84.20) crop loan in Primary Agricultural Co-operatives Banks. Woman to
occupation effort credit to their farming husband from their saving made from
Annual income Low 61 (50.80)
the surplus. Which the made in any mode either it may be by SHG
Medium 41 (34.20)
or in any of the weekly and monthly saving plan. This may stop the
High 18 (15.00)
Farming Low 16 (13.30) farmer suicide because of the non-institutional credit system. They
experiences are not supposed to sell their produce to the trader for want of money
Medium 86 (71.70) to clear his debts.
High 18 (15.00)
Area under SRI Up to 2.5 acres 98 (81.67) In SRI labor requirement is less. Hence, the woman can manage doing
More than 2.5 acres 22 (18.33) all the intercultural activities by herself to some extent. Hence, this
SRI: System of rice intensification not only reduces the labor cost it also increase the leadership quality
of woman. This makes her to indulge in group activities with other
women like the formation of SHG and association, when they involve
Table 2: Socio‑economic characteristics and Information source
in group activities their innovativeness also increase. Their make them
utilization (n=120) to think about new small business and saving money, getting credits
from bank and that they can also support the family. When we take
Particulars Categories Total
this in economic aspect SRI women farmer family can enjoy with
Frequency Percentage good standard of living, their children’s will get good education, food
Social participation Low 1 00.80 because their expenditure for food in increased. They also indulge in
Medium 98 81.70 purchase of land, housings, and farm machineries, etc.; so, the SRI is
High 21 17.50 for the welfare of Indian farmer, to the Indian farmer, must be followed
Scientific orientation Low 7 05.80 by Indian farmer.
Medium 101 84.20
High 12 10.00 REFERENCES
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