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Part I: Project Information

Name of Parent Program

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes


Project Type

Type of Trust Fund



Project Title
Land and natural resource degradation neutrality and community vulnerability reduction in selected Miombo
and Mopane Ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basin)



Other Executing Partner(s)

Ministry of EnvironmeMinistry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA) of Angolant

Executing Partner Type

GEF Focal Area
Multi Focal Area

Focal Areas, Forest, Drylands, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Improved Soil and Water
Management Techniques, Drought Mitigation, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Income
Generating Activities, Sustainable Fire Management, Ecosystem Approach, Sustainable Livelihoods,
Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Forest, Integrated and
Cross-sectoral approach, Sustainable Pasture Management, Land Degradation Neutrality, Land Cover and
Land cover change, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Land Productivity, Influencing models,
Demonstrate innovative approache, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Transform policy and regulatory
environments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Communications,
Awareness Raising, Education, Local Communities, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Financial
intermediaries and market facilitators, Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organization, Community Based
Organization, Type of Engagement, Participation, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Beneficiaries,
Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender results areas, Access and
control over natural resources, Capacity Development, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge
Exchange, Enabling Activities, Knowledge Generation

Rio Markers
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation 2

Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation 0

Submission Date

Expected Implementation Start


Expected Completion Date


60In Months

Agency Fee($)

Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin

Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($)

IP SFM Drylands Degradation, GET 5,359,633.00 34,500,000.00

desertification, and
deforestation of land and
ecosystems in drylands
avoided, reduced and
further reversed through
an integrated and
sustainable management
of production landscapes
IP SFM Drylands [GEF-
7 Impact Program:
Sustainable Forest
Management, Dryland
Sustainable Landscapes

Total Project Cost($) 5,359,633.00 34,500,000.00

B. Project description summary

Project Objective
Project Objective: To initiate a transformational shift towards sustainable, integrated management of multi-
use dryland landscapes in the Miombo-Mopane ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basins)
based on Land Degradation Neutrality principles

Project Financi Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirmed

Componen ng Type Outcome st Project Co-
t s Fun Financing( Financing(
d $) $)

1. Enabling Technical 1.1 1.1.1 GET 410,745.00 8,448,600.0

frameworks Assistanc Strengthen LDN stakeholder 0
for Land e ed policy- participatory
Degradation regulatory structures and
Neutrality at and processes at national
national and decision- level
landscape making strengthened/establis
levels framework hed, with vertical
s for LDN integration to
at national landscape level
and sub- multi-sectoral
national working groups
levels 1.1.2 Policy and
frameworks relevant
to land-use planning
and management
reviewed and revised
for effectively
applying LDN
principles and
Project Financi Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirmed
Componen ng Type Outcome st Project Co-
t s Fun Financing( Financing(
d $) $)

2.Strengtheni Technical TA 2.1 2.1.1 Land GET 3,289,283. 17,760,000.

ng Assistanc Landscapes Management Units 00 00
implementati e in southern and respective
on and Angola interventions
replicating under selected, landscape
SLM and Integrated assessments
SFM Land-Use expanded and
practices Planning deepened using
(ILUP) for ILAM, and LDN
LDN balance sheet
TA 2.2 prepared
Landscape 2.1.2 Integrated
manageme Land-Use Plans
nt developed for LMUs
enhanced in each target
by landscape, based on
innovative, consultation
gender- processes and
sensitive mechanisms outlined
investment in respective
s in land Stakeholder
user Engagement Plans
production 2.1.3 Integrated
capacity Land-Use Plans
and under implementation
resilience in target landscapes
INV 2.3 2.1.4 Capacity
Sustainable Development
harvesting Program on
of dryland integrated land-use
products planning,
from target management and
landscapes investment designed
enhanced and delivered
by green 2.2.1 Gender
value sensitive SLM/SFM
chains practices
and promoted in
target landscapes, and
further enhanced by
Field Schools
2.2.2 Land users?
resilience and
production capacity
enhanced by Forest-
Farm Facility
investments in
communal assets
2.3.1 Drylands Green
Value Chain Strategy
developed for
southern Angola
Project Financi Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirmed
Componen ng Type Outcome st Project Co-
t s Fun Financing( Financing(
d $) $)

3.Strengtheni Technical TA 3.1 3.1.1 National and GET 1,153,134. 7,148,600.0

ng Assistanc National sub-national LDN 00 0
knowledge, e land assessment,
learning and information monitoring and
collaboration framework reporting systems and
to support strengthene tools, including LDN
progress d to inform knowledge platform
towards LDN- developed and
achieving related operational, with
national policy, relevant reporting to
LDN targets planning global level
and 3.1.2 Capacity
manageme development for key
nt at stakeholder
national individuals and
and global institutions at
leve national and sub-
TA 3.2 national levels on: (i)
Knowledge LDN approaches that
and support integration of
awareness LDN targets into
to support multi-sector policy,
progress planning and
towards management; and (ii)
achieving assessment,
national monitoring and
LDN analysis tools to
targets support national LDN
enhanced reporting, designed
TA 3.3 and delivered.
National 3.2.1 Project
and sub- knowledge
national management,
measures communication and
to deliver dissemination
LDN framework, and
enhanced strategy developed
through and implemented
improved 3.2.2 Project M&E
regional framework,
and global supporting lesson
opportuniti learning and adaptive
es for management,
collaborati developed and
on, operational from
exchange national through to
and community levels
learning 3.3.1 Actions,
lessons collaboration and
identified to address
transboundary land
and environmental
degradation priorities
in Miombo-Mopane
ecoregion and bi-
Project Financi Expected Expected Outputs Tru GEF Confirmed
Componen ng Type Outcome st Project Co-
t s Fun Financing( Financing(
d $) $)

M&E GET 251,250.00

Sub Total ($) 5,104,412. 33,357,200.

00 00

Project Management Cost (PMC)

GET 255,221.00 1,142,800.00

Sub Total($) 255,221.00 1,142,800.00

Total Project Cost($) 5,359,633.00 34,500,000.00

C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type

Sources Name of Co-financier Type of Investment Amount($)

of Co- Co- Mobilized
financing financing

Recipient Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Public Investment 21,247,200.00

Country Environment (MCTA) through Investment mobilized
Government the National Development
Program # 2.4.1 (Climate

Recipient Ministry of Culture, Tourism and In-kind Recurrent 252,800.00

Country Environment (MCTA) expenditures

Recipient Ministry of Agriculture and Public Investment 10,210,000.00

Country Fishery (MINAGRIP) through Investment mobilized
Government the National Development
Programs # 2.3.2 (Promoting
Agricultural Production) and #
2.3.4 (Promoting the Sustainable
Use and Management of Forest

Recipient Ministry of Agriculture and In-kind Recurrent 490,000.00

Country Fishery (MINAGRIP) expenditures

Recipient Ministry of Agriculture and Public Investment 1,800,000.00

Country Fishery (MINAGRIP) through Investment mobilized
Government the IFAD founded (Loan) SREP -
Smallholder Resilience
Enhancement Project

GEF FAO Grant Investment 100,000.00

Agency mobilized

GEF FAO In-kind Recurrent 400,000.00

Agency expenditures

Total Co-Financing($) 34,500,000.00

Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified

Description on how any ?Investment Mobilized? was identified: Most of the programs, projects and
initiatives that comprise the financial baseline and co-financing for this project are from public investments
programs (with incorporated PMC contribution) planned by the Government of Angola and expected to be
realized during the project implementation period. They are investments allocated through the Central State
Budget (OGE) that will be managed by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA)and
Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MINAGRIP). The official identification of the programs is cited in
the 2018-2022 National Development Program (PND). The financial assessment includes a conservative
extrapolation of the named allocations for the project duration ( 2025 at least). The following selected
sectoral programs under the PND were considered relevant to the project: ? Program # 2.4.1) Climate
Change, 100% relevant, managed by MCTA through its Directorate of Environment and Climate Action
(DNAAC) and related entities; ? Program # 2.3.2) Promoting Agricultural Production, 30% relevant,
managed by MINAGRIP through its National Directorate for Agriculture and Livestock and related
entities; ? Program # 2.3.4) Promoting the Sustainable Use and Management of Forest Resources, 30%
relevant, managed by MINAGRIP through its National Directorate for Forests and related entities; ?
Program # 4.3.2) Decentralization and implementation of local governments, 50% relevant, including
projects under it that are either managed by the Municipalities Cuchi, Cahama and surroundings, or which
benefit these (currently included only in baseline finance calculus, but was not as co-financing). Funding
from the above-mentioned governmental programs excludes by default recurrent expenditure ? meaning
that 100% of the baseline and co-financing amounts from Government correspond to public investments,
as currently prioritized in the PND and included in the OGE, and which will be mobilized throughout
project implementation. The following method was applied to calculate public investments from the PND,
as shown in the above Table C: ? Government programs were selected on the basis of their thematic and
geographic relevance vis-?-vis the subject matter of the project. ? The baseline calculus for each individual
program was initially based on budgetary figures in the national currency (Angolan Kwanzas AOA) for the
relevant programs, as published in the Central States Budget (OGE) for 2019. ? Amounts in AOA were
converted into USD and extrapolated for the duration of the project, using conservative rates and
coefficients, so as to discount future uncertainties. Such uncertainties include possible currency
devaluations and the non-realization of investment. ? By discounting the future in the baseline calculus in
bulk and also, by extension, in the project?s co-financing, the possibility of mobilizing additional
investments during implementation is enhanced. While the above assumptions and calculus of both
baseline and co-financing are generally defensible, they were based on official figures available in late-
2019/early-2020. However, the calculus pre-dates the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning that the potential
impact of the pandemic on public investments in Angola or on the global economy has yet been taken into
account. The detailed application of this exercise is presented Annex A3. IFAD SREP - Smallholder
Resilience Enhancement Project will also cofinance the GEF intervention based in common synergies and
AFDB Agricultural Value Chains ? Support to Sustainable. Development & Growthmakes part of the
baseline of the project FAO will provide $500,000 as co-financing, leveraged from its own sources in order
strengthen project management activities by securing essential operational expenses. It is expected that the
COVID-19 pandemic will have serious impacts on the Angolan economy, especially since it has indirectly
impacted the global demand for oil. Royalties and taxation linked to the oil and gas sectors are the main
source of revenue for the Angolan State. Macro-economic predictions for Angola will need to be revised
and, along with it, government planning. This revised planning exercise by the Angolan State has not yet
taken place. In spite of the likely negative impact of the pandemic on public investment in Angola, for the
purposes of CEO Endorsement Request the figures herein presented remain sufficiently accurate for
validating the solidity of project?s baseline and co-financing for two main reasons: (1) Government
projects, programs and initiatives that were selected as baseline and co-financing to the project were
subject to robust, selective and conservative criteria in the assessment. (2) Although the COVID-19
pandemic and its impacts bring about uncertainty and price volatility, the currency conversion rate, the
discount rate and the extrapolation methods have already taken a good degree of uncertainty into
consideration. This was done in order to avoid the non-realization of the proposed co-financing and to
facilitate the potential mobilization of additional co-financing during project implementation. The
mobilization of investments will be pursued through a closer alignment between government initiatives and
the Child Project during implementation. As shown in Table 1, USD 690.000 will be an in-kind PMC
contribution by the relevant co-financiers. The management costs of the project that will be covered by co-
financing comprises of: (i) the use of office facilities at Luanda as well as in the two provinces,
municipalities and communes for project offices (PMU staff and regional facilitators), meetings and
trainings during 5 years: USD 240.000, (ii) contribution to expendables in project offices for 5 years: USD
40.000, (iii) contribution to mobility at field level and the capital during 5 years: USD 170.000, and (iv)
staff time of public institutions: directors and authorities, technicians and support staff (drivers, admin)
during 5 years: $ 240.000
D. Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds

Agenc Trust Country Focal Programmin Amount($) Fee($)

y Fund Area g of Funds

FAO GET Angola Climate CC STAR 1,777,700 159,993

Change Allocation

FAO GET Angola Land LD STAR 1,813,077 163,177

Degradatio Allocation

FAO GET Angola Multi Focal IP SFM 1,768,856 159,197

Area Drylands Set-

Total Grant Resources($) 5,359,633.00 482,367.00

E. Non Grant Instrument

Includes Non grant instruments? No

Includes reflow to GEF? No
F. Project Preparation Grant (PPG)
PPG Required

PPG Amount ($)


PPG Agency Fee ($)


Agenc Trust Country Focal Programmin Amount($) Fee($)

y Fund Area g of Funds

FAO GET Angola Land LD STAR 67,656 6,089

Degradatio Allocation

FAO GET Angola Climate CC STAR 66,337 5,970

Change Allocation

FAO GET Angola Multi Focal IP SFM 66,007 5,941

Area Drylands Set-

Total Project Costs($) 200,000.00 18,000.00

Please provide justification

FAO intends to use the same baseline assessment methodology for all the six Miombo
countries in a harmonized manner. The latter also comprises of a comprehensive and
representative household survey to be conducted in the (quite large) project intervention
areas using the SHARP resilience tool (which is in line with the STAP?s recommendation to
follow key steps of the RAPTA framework). We will link the (georeferenced) household
survey results to the remote sensing data and maps (land use/land use change
assessment). Angola is one of the most expensive countries in SSA and despite
government?s commitment to support the PPG (mostly in kind) we will depend on a
requested increase (USD 50,000) to be able to accommodate the baseline work (e.g. Angola
has second highest fuel prices in SSA ? ranked second after Nigeria. Luanda is the most
expensive city in Africa). The GEF OFP is aware and in agreement with this request.
Core Indicators

Indicator 3 Area of land restored

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

0.00 9288.00 0.00 0.00

Indicator 3.1 Area of degraded agricultural land restored

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 3.2 Area of Forest and Forest Land restored

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 3.3 Area of natural grass and shrublands restored

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 3.4 Area of wetlands (incl. estuaries, mangroves) restored

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 4 Area of landscapes under improved practices (hectares; excluding protected areas)

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

0.00 623900.00 0.00 0.00

Indicator 4.1 Area of landscapes under improved management to benefit biodiversity (hectares,
qualitative assessment, non-certified)
Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 4.2 Area of landscapes that meets national or international third party certification that
incorporates biodiversity considerations (hectares)

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Type/Name of Third Party Certification

Indicator 4.3 Area of landscapes under sustainable land management in production systems

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Indicator 4.4 Area of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) loss avoided

Ha (Expected at
Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at
PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Documents (Please upload document(s) that justifies the HCVF)

Title Submitted

Indicator 6 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigated

(At (At CEO (Achieved (Achieved

Total Target Benefit PIF) Endorsement) at MTR) at TE)

Expected metric tons of 0 1047911 0 0

CO?e (direct)
Expected metric tons of 0 209582 0 0
CO?e (indirect)
Indicator 6.1 Carbon Sequestered or Emissions Avoided in the AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and
Other Land Use) sector

(At (At CEO (Achieved (Achieved

Total Target Benefit PIF) Endorsement) at MTR) at TE)

Expected metric tons of 1,047,911

CO?e (direct)
(At (At CEO (Achieved (Achieved
Total Target Benefit PIF) Endorsement) at MTR) at TE)

Expected metric tons of 209,582

CO?e (indirect)
Anticipated start year of 2021
Duration of accounting 20
Indicator 6.2 Emissions Avoided Outside AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) Sector

(At (At CEO (Achieved (Achieved

Total Target Benefit PIF) Endorsement) at MTR) at TE)

Expected metric tons of

CO?e (direct)
Expected metric tons of
CO?e (indirect)
Anticipated start year of
Duration of accounting
Indicator 6.3 Energy Saved (Use this sub-indicator in addition to the sub-indicator 6.2 if applicable)

Energy Energy (MJ) (At Energy (MJ) Energy (MJ)

Total Target (MJ) (At CEO (Achieved at (Achieved at
Benefit PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE)

Saved (MJ)
Indicator 6.4 Increase in Installed Renewable Energy Capacity per Technology (Use this sub-indicator
in addition to the sub-indicator 6.2 if applicable)

Capacity Capacity Capacity

(MW) Capacity (MW) (MW) (MW)
Technolog (Expected at (Expected at CEO (Achieved at (Achieved
y PIF) Endorsement) MTR) at TE)

Indicator 11 Number of direct beneficiaries disaggregated by gender as co-benefit of GEF investment

Number Number Number

(Expected at Number (Expected at (Achieved at (Achieved
PIF) CEO Endorsement) MTR) at TE)

Female 6,500
Male 3,500
Total 0 10000 0 0
Part II. Project Justification

1a. Project Description

1.a Project Description

1. Global Environmental Problem, Root Causes and Barriers to Address
Impact Programme Context
This project is part of the global Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on
Dryland Sustainable Landscapes (DSL IP), approved by the GEF in 2019
and distributed across 11 countries in Africa and Asia through Child Projects. The
goal of the Program is to avoid, reduce, and reverse further degradation,
desertification, and deforestation of dryland ecosystems through the sustainable
management of production systems in concert with enhancing the integrity and
connectivity of existing protected dryland forests through an integrated landscape
Among the 11 DSL IP countries, seven are part of the so-called ?Miombo Cluster?:
Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, and
Tanzania.3 Countries within the Miombo Cluster not only share similar ecosystems
unique to Southern Africa?Miombo-Mopane Woodlands?but face common
challenges, including transfrontier ones, with respect to land management. Countries
participating in Child Projects of the ?Miombo Cluster? will seek strategic and
conceptual cohesion through regional collaboration and peer learning opportunities
to help address these common challenges and, with support from regional bodies and
partners, devise solutions that can be shared across Southern Africa. The shared
interests of Miombo Cluster countries will add perspective to DSL IP processes and
initiatives at the global level.
The Angola DSL IP Child Project is designed to strengthen the enabling environment
for land-use planning and management for Land Degradation Neutrality in targeted
landscapes of Miombo-Mopane Woodland in the country?s southern
region by mainstreaming the LDN response hierarchy of avoiding, reducing and
reversing land degradation across of land-use planning and management
at landscape scales. To generate multiple benefits and secure tangible change within
managed landscapes, the project will adopt a barrier-removal approach based on a
thorough and contextualized analysis of conditions and processes at landscape and
national levels. Technical assistance to land users and market-based mechanisms will
be among the strategies used to facilitate their adoption of sustainable land/forest
management (SLM/SFM) practices on the ground. Angola?s participation in regional
and global exchange mechanisms is intended to enhance coordination among
countries and mutual learning across the Miombo cluster and beyond.
1.1 National Context for Sustainable Use of Miombo-Mopane Ecosystems in Angola
Angola is the third largest country in sub-Saharan Africa with an area of
1,246,700 sq. km. The country is rich natural resources, notably oil, gas, and
minerals, as well as land, water and diverse ecosystems. The economy depends on oil
and gas exports, creating economic fragility and resulting in limited investments in
sectors such as agriculture, despite its large potential. Angola is a post-conflict Least
Developed Country (LDC), with all the inherent challenges linked to this status, but
currently scheduled to graduate to Developing Country in 20214.
According to the 2014 Demographic Census, the resident population is 25.7
million: 52% are female and 65% are under the age of 24. Urban areas account for
63% of the population, including 6 million in the capital, Luanda, and 37% live in
rural ones.5.
Angola?s climate is tropical to sub-tropical, with warm humid summers and mild dry
winters. Along much of the coast and in the extreme south, the climate is hot semi-
arid (BSh); and in the southeast it is hot desert (BWh). Rich in water resources,
with over a dozen major river basins, Angola has a broad range of vegetation, soil
types and impressive biological diversity. Both climate and vegetation are influenced
by altitude, latitude and the effects of the Atlantic Ocean on geophysical parameters.
Vegetation. Terrestrial ecosystems in Angola range from the desert biome in the
southwest to the humid and sub-humid forests of Cabinda, Zaire and other northern
provinces. The country is rich in forest-resources and harbors varied forest types
within its territory. Besides the northern rainforests, there are vast dry forests, which
include Mopane woodlands and shrublands ecosystem in the south and
abutting Zambezian Baikiaea woodlands to the east. Part of the varied Miombo
woodlands and savannas ecosystems, which cover half the country, are also
considered or presumed drylands (Figure 1A).
Figure 1. Distribution of Miombo-Mopane woodland ecosystems and ecoregion in
Angola [A] and across Southern Africa [B], respectively6

NOTES: Authorities define the distribution of Miombo-Mopane landscapes in different ways. Figure
1A shows the distribution of Miombo-Mopane woodlands in Angola and location of the two project sites
within the notional Project Zone. The distribution of the Miombo-Mopane ecoregion, based on WWF?s
classification of the world?s ecoregions and adopted by the DSL IP, is shown in Figure 1B. Refer
to: for a more detailed description of Miombo-
Mopane woodlands in Angola.

Biodiversity: The Miombo and Mopane woodlands are the most predominant type of
vegetation in Southern Africa, covering ca. 3 million square kilometers, stretching
from Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. Together with Amazonia, Congo
Basin, New Guinea and the North American deserts, the Miombo and Mopane
woodlands are considered wilderness areas of global conservation significance as
they concentrate the majority of plant and vertebrate species endemic to individual
wildernesses. These woodlands are the main ecosystems of the ?Zambezian? region
of Africa, distinct in terms of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and plants, with
high levels of diversity and endemism. The Miombo and Mopane Ecoregion has an
estimated diversity of 8,500 flowering plant species, of which ca. 54% are endemic.
Within the Afrotropical realm, the Angolan part of the ?Miombo-Mopane Woodlands
Ecoregion? falls within the Zambezian Regional Center of Endemism, as outlined by
White (1993), covering up to 63% of Angola?s land surface (Figure 1). The ecoregion
lies mainly in the Cubango-Zambezi Basin, which is an extensive area of undulating
hills drained by rivers that flow eastwards into the Zambezi River. It is also drained
by the endorheic Cuando-Cubango system and the Cunene River. In the targeted
southeastern part of Angola, these forests constitute the western portion of ?wetter
Zambezian miombo woodland?. 1. The landscapes include ?mosaics
of Brachystegia bakerana thicket and edaphic grassland,? sharing similar faunal
patterns with the Miombo and Mopane woodlands7 (Figure 1B). Baikiaea woodlands
dominate large parts of southern Angola along the border with Namibia and fall
within the definition used for ?Miombo-Mopane Woodlands of southern Angola? that
constitutes the ?project zone?.

Figure 2. River basins of Angola [A] and their Southern Africa context [B]

[A] The project area partly covers three subregional [B] Southern Angola is a vast area dominated by
river basins, all of which originate in Angola and transboundary river basins that include the
underpin local livelihoods: Cunene, Cuvelai (known Cunene, Cahama-Etosha, Okavango and, as part
as Cahama-Etosha on the Namibia side) of the greater Zambezi river
and Okavango. basin, Cuando Cubango.

Eco-system services: The remaining Miombo-Mopane woodlands provide vital

ecosystem services (including water, food, nutrition, shelter, medicine and
fiber). Healthy woodlands provide game, timber and a variety of non-timber
forest products (NTFPs), including honey, edible mushrooms and various
wild protein sources (e.g. mopane worms, now popular in
Angola). Woodfuel provides both required energy for cooking daily meals
(firewood8) as well as an income- generating activity for an increasing
number of predominantly rural poor that engage in charcoal production.
Hence, safeguarding the continuity of ecosystem services from Miombo-
Mopane woodlands is essential for the livelihoods of local communities in
southern Angola. If local habitats are managed sustainably, multiple
livelihood objectives can be achieved and land degradation counteracted.
Over 1.0 million people are estimated to live in the Miombo-Mopane
dominated rural areas of Cunene and Cuando Cubango provinces. Another
1.8 million live in the rural areas of Hu?la Province, which is Angola?s
?Miombo heartland?, together with Bi? and Moxico provinces (Figure 1A).
Miombo-Mopane woodland ecosystems are naturally resilient and may
recover from disturbances ? if land is managed sustainably and landscapes
maintained productive, with parts dedicated to conservation.
Biodiversity conservation: Within the context of Angola?s biodiversity,
including its ecosystems that provide culturally, socially and economically
valuable goods and services, globally important hotspots of key biodiversity
(KBAs) have been identified under the KBA Partnership and these are
shown in Figure 3A in relation to the two target sub-basins, Cuchi-
Okavango (1) and Cahama-Cunene (2). Sub-basin 1 partly overlaps Kulei
KBA, which is under direct pressure from this production landscape from
such threats as upstream pollutants (e.g. sediment, fertilizers, pesticides)
entering the river that flows through the KBA, encroachment and
colonization of exotic and/or invasive plants. Examples of encroachment are
all too evident, as shown in Figure 3B, and examined further in Section 1.2
under of forest fragmentation. In the case of Sub-basin 2, catchments on
either side include several protected KBAs (ie. national parks). Here
pressures on these KBAs from production systems are better contained by
topography and the challenge concerns maintaining or restoring
opportunities for genetic exchange between populations of wild plants and
animals in isolated protected areas through buffers, ecological corridors and
stepping stones. Thus, both target areas provide major opportunities for
demonstrating how pressures and threats on neighbouring refuges of
biodiversity can be contained and reduced through SLM/SFM practices. The
future integrity of the PAs system in Angola, comprising 14 sites (87,507
km2) and covering just 7% of the country (terrestrial), will depend
increasingly on sustainable landscape management approaches, even with
modest expansion of the PAs system. Hence, the vital importance of
demonstrating how this can be achieved in these target landscapes, where
replication post-project will be equally vital.
Figure?3. Key Biodiversity Areas, protected areas [A] and encroachment [B]

3A. (left) Angola?s network of 23 KBAs: 26% of their

coverage Is included in its national PAs system. Sub-
basin 2 is positioned between 3 protected KBAs
(Mupa, Bicuari and Iona national parks) and a fourth
PA; and Sub-basin 1 lies in a catchment that flows into
an overlapping KBA (Culei).

3B. (right) Encroachment from expansion of small farms along roads and rivers (yellow arrows) and
into?Bicuari?National Park?,north?of?Sub-basin 2, following the end of the Civil War in 2002.
Angola?s agrarian sector, which technically includes forestry, accounted for 80% of
the population and 44% of formal employment in 2017 but contributed only 10% of
the country?s GDP, remaining grossly underdeveloped.7 In spite
of its extensive arable land (57.6 million ha, 46.2% of total land area) and sizable
forest reserves, the sector is not able to feed the country: only 5.7% of arable land is
used; planting, harvesting, processing and storage technologies and processing
facilities are largely lacking; and limited irrigation are among the key issues.
According to FAO, food imports represented $2.7 billion in 2018, which contrasts
starkly with food exports of only $19 million. Up to 90% of the farming
population are smallholders, many of whom lack basic means for improving
productivity of their land, so they resort to practices that degrade land and forest
resources, including land clearance. Food production systems in Angola
face acute challenges, hence modernization of the agrarian sector is a national
priority, elaborated further in Annex W-3 with respect to Angola?s Mid-Term Plan
for the Agrarian Sector.
Overall, Angola faces important food security and climate resilience and
vulnerability challenges, in spite of recent progress towards SDGs8. According to
FAO?s 2018 flagship global overview on The State of Food Security and Nutrition,
the prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years old has actually increased in
Angola from 29.2% to 37.6% between 2012 and 2017. This is a
worrisome indicator, especially given that the prevalence of undernourishment in
the general population has been reduced by over half in the last decade, from 54.8%
in 2004-06 to 23.9% in 2015-17).9
The same FAO report highlights the vulnerability of Angola?s agricultural systems to
climatic shocks, classifying agricultural production and yields as ?climate-
sensitive? on account of the country being prone to dry spells and low rainfall. A
2018 USAID publication on Angola and climate change mentions:
?The effect of changes in rainfall will depend on location; however, throughout
the country, temperature increases can reduce soil moisture, impacting both
rainfed and irrigated crops. Some climate scenarios project a reduction in crop
yields by 2030. Climate change will also impact livestock, which are an
important asset in southern provinces such as Hu?la and Cunene, where more
than two-thirds of cattle are located.?
Small farmers and traditional livestock herders are particularly vulnerable to climate
shocks and lack adaptive capacity, for example lacking information on markets and
often relying on outdated agrarian production technologies. Furthermore, both large
and small land users in rural southern Angola have limited access to rural extension
services. A review of climate change considerations from selected studies is provided
in Box 15 of Annex X-3
Gender. In southern Angola, farmers, forest users and livestock herders
are key stakeholders in the complex process of integrating management of Miombo-
Mopane woodland landscapes. Their land use and production techniques have
important implications for land degradation and the resilience of natural assets upon
which they rely. According to the 2014 Census, 38% of households in Angola are
headed by women10 and household size on average is more numerous in the
south than elsewhere in the country.11 Understanding decision-making processes that
influence the outcome for Miombo-Mopane woodland landscapes at household and
community levels is vital, as is the need to realise the gender gap and potential role of
women in sustainably managing these landscapes. Gender equality is addressed in 1.b
1.2 Threats, Root Causes, Drivers and Barriers
Main Processes that lead to Land Degradation
The Miombo woodlands? biodiversity and ecosystem services are increasingly
threatened, mainly by uncontrolled land-use changes. Forest resources are generally
regarded as open access and have been converted into either grassland or cropland at
an accelerated pace without any form of land-use planning; and uncontrolled
wildfires are common during the dry season, often linked with land clearings (fire has
recently devastated parts of?Cuando?Cubango). This?creates?additional hardship for
local communities on top of challenges linked to the 2019 drought.9?
Habitat fragmentation has also a major effect in biodiversity loss, preventing the
connection between small populations of the same species and destroying
fundamental corridors for the movement of large mammal species.
A detailed multi-scale threat analysis undertaken for this project is included in Annex
W-4. It starts at the macro level (i.e. national and provincial), then zooms into the
target landscapes (two sub-basins) and thereafter focuses on a Land Degradation PPG
Assessment12 of Baseline Sites #1 and #2. The study concludes that the most
important direct causes of land degradation within the project zone are:
Land-use change/land conversion: Land clearings are the main drivers of land-
use change/land conversion for both small-scale and large commercial-scale crop
farming. As seen in many cases, land-use change in the project zone has not
resulted in land improvement over the years.
Removal of woody biomass from the vegetation is primarily linked to the
harvesting of woody biomass mainly for commercial charcoal production (to be
sold in urban centers). None of the prevailing practices within the project?s
landscapes include any form of previous resource assessment, planned harvest,
rotation, replanting, or even tracking offtake.13 Woody biomass removal affects
Landscape #1 (Cuchi-Okavango) more than #2 (Cahama-Cunene).
Maladaptive and unsustainable production practices refer to those techniques,
technologies and practices commonly applied to production landscapes that either
result in or contribute to erosion, soil impoverishment and loss of
biomass (over tillage, slash-and-burn, fires for clearing, monoculture, etc.).
Unless such practices are improved, adapted or even stopped, depending on the
local context, their persistence will degrade land degradation. Drivers that apply to
specific land-use systems (LUS) are considered

The causes and effects of landscape degradation can be mutually

reinforcing: The decline in land productivity in the targeted landscapes is shown and
described in Figure 4. Together, the removal of woody biomass from a landscapes
followed by land clearings can increase the incidence of fire, leading to reduced land
productivity unless countered by land improvement measures. Where small scale
farming predominates under a common property regime14, access by individual
farmers to additional parcels of land is theoretically ?unhindered?. Natural population
growth in such an area will lead to the expansion of agricultural land at the expense
of woodland ecosystems. This process happens over decades but
evidence suggests that it is accelerating in certain parts of Angola as the population
grows and to the extent that it remains rural, requiring land and drawing on ecosystem
services for their livelihoods.
Figure 4. Land productivity within target landscapes

Sub-Basin 1 (Cuchi-Okavango) Sub-Basin 2 (Cahama-Cunene)

Source: Earth Map (

Climate risks and threats will affect natural assets and livelihoods
within the project zone. Major sectors likely to be affected by climate change
include agriculture and food security, forests and biodiversity, and water
resources according to the Angolan NAPA (2011). The NAPA stressed
that Prevailing climatic scenarios for Angola in first half of the 21st century pose an
added risk to the economy and to local communities? resilience. Some of
the Miombo and Mopane belts in southern Angola fall within a water scarce region
that undoubtedly would be classified globally as a dryland (aridity index ? 0.65). 15
More specifically, climate change will impact people and their livelihoods in southern
Angola in ways that are only beginning to be assessed. IFAD?s CRA16 indicates
that large parts of Cuando Cubango and Cunene provinces will likely experience
water stress and potentially conflict over water resources during periods of drought.
Moreover, temperature and precipitation anomalies could make the cultivation of
certain crops, notably cassava and maize ? both staples, unviable
in both provinces under mid-century climate change scenarios. Further details are
summarized in Box 15 (Annex X-3). The SHARP results indicate that those living in
the project zone under baseline conditions display low levels of resilience and limited
adaptive capacity with respect to crops, water conservation, pest management, etc.
Root Causes and Drivers of Land Degradation at Landscape Levels
Land-use change is the most important process that affects natural and semi-natural
vegetation, and leads to land degradation within the Miombo-Mopane woodlands
landscapes of southern Angola. The processes are different for productive lands, which
for purposes of this project are defined as landscapes that comprise croplands, rangelands
and/or production forests/woodlands.Within these productive lands, a suite
of unsustainable agricultural, pastoral and forest management practices are
common place and considered to be the main threats to ecosystem services, to the extent
that the prevailing land-use systems result in land degradation.
The contextual drivers behind degradation processes include:
Widespread use of slash-and-burn techniques in subsistence farming systems;
New commercial holdings established in vast tracts of land through land clearing and
Excessive use of secondary forests for charcoal; and
Poorly monitored timber exploitation in forest fragments beyond sustainable
regeneration rates (primarily affecting Cuando Cubango but considered a minor
driver compared to others).
Other root causes and drivers acting in the background include: population increase
and poverty, leading to increased demands for land and natural resources. All
applicable threats are considered to be exacerbated by climate change. In the Barrier
Analysis (Section 2.1), policy, institutional capacity and market drivers (plus
?incentives? for change) are more specifically analyzed. Currently, non-climatic
shocks such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, rural
livelihoods and food security in Angola may soon be added to the causal analysis. For
now, the exact impacts of the pandemic are speculative, but the risks to the project
should not be underestimated.

Drivers in Specific Land-Use Systems

The main causes of land degradation in the different LUSs predominant in the
project zone are briefly described below:
In Croplands slash-and-burn (shifting cultivation) system is the most
common system used for cultivating food crops in small plots within drylands.
The practice becomes unsustainable with increased competition for land and
resources, pushing the whole system beyond sustainability limits for soil, water
and biomass. The practice involves the use of fire to clear and enrich the land;
and plot rotation, so that land can recover naturally during a minimal fallow
period.17 In particular the clearance of dense woodland patches (Baikiaea-
Burkea woodland) for agriculture has substantially increased as the dense
woodlands are favoured by the farmers because of the higher soil content (silt,
clay and potassium), higher woody biomass, and more abundant soft litter leading
to better (short-term) yields. In addition, the closed canopy of the surrounding
woodland creates a cooler and more humid microclimate. With population
pressure and food insecurity (exacerbated by poverty and/or drought), the
necessary fallow periods may become too short and soil protection measures
neglected; and with changes in the climate and/or the fire regime, land may not
recover naturally. Soil nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and organic
carbon can be negatively impacted by fire. Cooler fires can facilitate the release of
certain nutrients from plant matter into the soil18, which is why they are often
used to clear land. However, many land users do not master fire control
Grasslands/Rangelands: Areas classified as rangeland are among the most
affected by land degradation. Overgrazing, lack of sustainable grazing rotations,
and inadequate grazing calendar, are among the principal unsustainable practice in
grasslands/rangelands; these practices may leave the land bare, compact the soil,
cause erosion and reduce other ecosystem functions. Livestock dung may
contribute to soil enrichment but it depends on the availability of moisture in the
soil and other conditions. Cunene and Huila have the highest livestock
concentrations in the country, with 75-100 animals per sq. km. Locally it may
reach even higher concentrations and land degradation becomes inevitable. Many
grasslands are being converted to cropland, particularly in Cunene, creating
adding pressure on existing rangelands.
Forests/woodlands: Protection of existing forest fragments that remain relatively
intact within the project zone is lacking. On the other hand, the two national parks
(Bicuar and Mupa) near Sub-basin 2 (Cahama-Cunene), that do enjoy formal
protection are both under threat from the expansion of settlements. For example,
encroachment across Bicuar?s demarcated frontier is particularly serious, as
evident in Figure 3. Forest fragments within the project landscapes are becoming
increasingly denuded yet some still have conservation value. Currently in Angola,
there is no real distinction between what constitutes a ?production forest? and
a ?natural forest? (or woodland) within a given landscapes; and legal protection
designation does not allow for offtake.
Drivers according to Geographic and Landscape Management Priorities
PPG assessments have shown that land-use change is accelerating within the
landscapes, especially in the north of Cuando Cubango Province along main
roads. Tree cover loss is most accentuated near roads, along riverbanks and
where fire frequency is significantly higher than in other areas. This is especially
visible in Landscape #1 within Cuando Cubango, where land-use change and
forest loss have been significant over the past decade. Additionally, there is
a notable reduction in rangelands that were traditionally used as an open
access resource for grazing due to the expansion of private enclosures for
livestock production and agriculture. This is an important but localized driver of
land degradation that applies primarily to Landscape #2. Stakeholders
reported during PPG consultations that land access and land-use conflicts
between farmers and livestock keepers will likely be exacerbated by land
degradation and climate change, if they remain unaddressed. More specific
details about drivers are given below:
In Sub-basin 1 (Cuchi-Okavango), croplands are showing signs of land degradation in
parts of the landscape where access is easy from roads or permanent rivers. The expansion
of cropland into previously forested areas around Cuchi village has been especially rapid
compared to other zones with less access. Because population growth in the Cuchi area
has not been particularly fast19, population pressure alone does not explain the rate of
forest loss. It appears to be linked to demand for firewood and charcoal, the latter for
supplying the provincial capital Menongue and also Cuchi Town. Additionally, there is
evidence (verified during PPG missions) that the rapid loss of forest is linked to the
establishment of large-scale cattle farms south of Cuchi town?s center. These farms may
or may not be currently productive. In the near future, it is expected that the installation
of a pig-iron smelting plant in the Cutato area (one of the communes within
Cuchi Municipality) will result in industrial demands for charcoal
from the landscape?s woodlands, threatening remaining forest fragments within it ?
unless land-use planning can bring a more rational and conciliatory solution to the
In Sub-basin 2 (Cahana-Cunene) tree cover is naturally thinner in than
in Cuando Cubango. Cropland has expanded at the expense of forests and grasslands. The
latter is the original vegetation type that was naturally predominant. Unsustainable use of
both rangelands and croplands has generally resulted in land degradation. Overstocking
was reported to the PPG team as exceeding 100 animals per sq. km. It is the second
highest concentration of livestock in the country after f Luanda Province. Currently, the
pressure for finding fresh, palatable grasses for livestock may even be threatening the
integrity of Bicuar National Park, where neither grazing nor the cultivation are allowed
but are visibly happening (Figure 3).
In summary, the main causes and drivers of land degradation within the project
zone are linked to the expansion of the agricultural frontier, resulting in the
multiplication of clearings to establish both small-holdings and commercial
farms, charcoal production and overgrazing. These are accelerated by population
pressure, driven to a certain extent by market forces, which have increased
demands for food and other land-based ecosystem services. The process is visible
through the rapid expansion of settlements and the loss of vegetation cover.
According to remote sensing data, there has been little to no visible land
improvement within the landscape. Finally, climate change poses an additional
challenge to local communities? vulnerability and requires due consideration in
the design of land-use management measures for the target landscapes.
2. Baseline Scenario and Associated Baseline Projects
A. Baseline Scenario Summary
Assessments undertaken during the preparatory phase (PPG) of this project show
that the overall availability of land-based resources is dwindling across much of
the targeted landscapes, including carbon, water and fertile soil. With it, the
valuable flow of ecosystem services is under threat. Similar patterns across the
wider landscape have resulted, over the years, in the large-scale degradation of
Miombo-Mopane Woodlands in southern Angola. Land productivity is
currently declining in the region, not least as a result of historical patterns
of land-use change.
The main environmental problem to be addressed by this project is linked to
the unsustainable use of Miombo-Mopane Woodlands in southern Angola.
Valuable ecosystem services are being lost at an accelerating pace in the region
as a result of land degradation. National frameworks for managing landscapes in
an integrated and sustainable way are not yet in place; and the national capacity
to do so remains underdeveloped.
Land degradation and associated processes undermines Angola?s
development gains; it aggravates the country?s food security challenges and its
climatic vulnerability, exacerbating the current status of rural poverty and
deprivation, including its inherent gender gap. Southern Angola is more
affected by these problems than other parts of the country. The climate tends
towards aridity and the risks of soil erosion caused by water runoff are greater
than elsewhere in the country. Water-driven soil erosion is corroborated by the
fact that the alluvial plains of southern Angola harbour a tight mesh of rivers and
tributaries. Among them are a few international rivers that are crucially
important to both Angola and its neighbours in the sub-region. Local conditions
of land use have also influenced the patterns of settlement and associated
processes such as forest clearance and rangeland utilization, as well as the
conditions for sustainability within productive landscapes. How land degradation
affects various biophysical processes in southern Angola is summarized in Box
An important conclusion from the implications of the above finding for the
project relate to the importance of early detection of degradation (anticipated
loss) and of strategies that avoid degradation. Besides careful monitoring of land-
use change within landscapes, many of the degradation avoidance strategies must
include fire management, as a minimum, and the negotiated control of ?selective
land/forest use?.
The project?s general scope considers a Project zone in southern Angola
straddling over parts of Cuando Cubando, Cunene and Huila provinces (Figure
1A). Within this zone, Miombo and Mopane landscapes in Angola are
threatened, along with their associated ecosystem services. Deforestation,
uncontrolled wildfires and other unsustainable uses of natural resources are
putting pressure on the tenuous balance that maintains Miombo-Mopane
woodlands productive across the Okavango, Cunene and Cuvelai river basins.
Given the transboundary character of these river basins, the strategy will need to
consider land and water use in an integrated manner.
Two Miombo- Mopane landscapes in southern Angola will be targeted in view of
operationalizing viable solutions to the project?s core problem: Sub-basin 1
(Cuchi-Okavango), with 485,413 hectares, which features Miombo landscapes,
and Sub-basin 2 (Cahama-Cunene), with 880,046 hectares, featuring Mopane
landscapes. Together, the land surface of the two landscapes sums approximately
1.37 million hectares and harbor a population that is currently estimated at
125,000 people: 45,000 in Sub-basin 1 and 81,000 in Sub-basin 2. Both are
multi-use landscapes, where cropland, forests and grasslands co-exist side-by-
side, either as distinct or as mixed land-use systems (LUS). The landscapes?
approximate location is shown in Figure 1A.
The remote sensing analysis20, which shows part of the project?s Landscape
1, concludes that degradation occurs more commonly in cultivated areas, which
are usually established along roads or in close proximity to already existing
fields, or alongside river banks. Schneibel et al. also noted that degradation is
occurring in closed forest areas, away from any infrastructure or settlements.
They assumed that such areas are: ?either very early fields (before the
observation period) or were selectively used and are thus more susceptible to
recurring fires.?
The implications of the above finding for the project relate to the importance
of early detection of degradation (anticipated loss) and of strategies that avoid
degradation. Besides careful monitoring of land-use change within landscapes,
many of the degradation avoidance strategies must include fire management, as
a minimum, and the negotiated control of ?selective land/forest use?.
The project?s general scope considers a Project zone in southern Angola
straddling over parts of Cuando Cubando, Cunene and Huila provinces (Figure
1A). Within this zone, Miombo and Mopane landscapes in Angola are
threatened, along with their associated ecosystem services. Deforestation and
other unsustainable uses of natural resources are putting pressure on the tenuous
balance that maintains Miombo-Mopane woodlands productive across the
Okavango, Cunene and Cuvelai river basins.
Box 1. How land degradation is manifested in southern Angola

In the project zone, disturbances are happening even below the canopy of
closed forests.
This opens up the way for wild fires.
In the project zone, land
degradation is primarily Land/forest degradation in Cuchi-
manifested through Menongue area
the physical degradation of the Source: Schneibel, A. et al. (2017) Using
soil and the biological Annual Landsat Time Series for the
degradation of ecosystems, Detection of Dry Forest Degradation
affecting woodlands, Processes in South-Central Angola.
grasslands, croplands and Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 905;
water resources. doi:10.3390/rs9090905.
The vegetation has a protective Note: The background image
role against soil erosion: once from Schneibel, A. et al. (2017)
removed, the topsoil becomes reproduced herein is a true color image of
denuded and at risk from Landsat long term average reflectance.
exacerbated erosion (i.e. in
excess of the natural erosion of
soils). Land can then become
degraded. The presence of
erosion gullies near non-
permanent water courses
detected on site during PPG
missions are obvious signs of
advanced degradation.
In shrublands, woodlands and
grasslands, loss of vegetative
cover is caused either by land
conversion or runaway fires -
and land conversion often
involves the use of fire to
remove vegetation. In
croplands, degradation is
caused by improper land care,
or because land has been
abandoned without soil
protection measures. The latter
is typical of slash-and-
burn/shifting cultivation
systems. Soil erosion, loss of
biomass and degradation of
biological resources are all
interrelated, mutually
reinforcing processes.
Other related processes include
the loss biocarbon above and
below ground, along
with disturbances to the water
cycle, and are general
consequences of the above-
mentioned processes.
Over time, degraded
landscapes lose their ability to
withhold moisture in the soil,
transport water and to make
water available through
percolation. Soils can become
quite compacted in places,
making cultivation and natural
regeneration challenging. In
other places, the soil layers
may collapse and form gullies.
With widespread loss of
topsoil, due to land-use change
and improper land care, rivers
can also become loaded with
sediment. Ever larger
landscapes and entire
watersheds will eventually be
Determining and defining land/forest degradation is complex: as revealed in
this independent study on the detection of degradation processes in dry forest,
which incidentally focused on the Cuchi-Menongue area (partly in Sub-basin
[Linear regression analysis was used to group land-use classes as ?stable?,
?degradation?, or ?regeneration? areas.]

Trends in land use. Conditions within the landscapes of southern Angola vary
significantly according to scale and location. The climate is more arid and more
variable towards the southwest and the soils sandier. Hence, Sub-basin #2 is
more naturally prone to land degradation than Sub-basin #1. The natural
drivers of land degradation in this case are mild, however, when compared to the
anthropic ones.
Of all the processes that cause land degradation within the project zone, land-use
change (or conversion of land use) is the most widespread degrading process. It
causes the strongest impact within the landscapes at large ? and beyond them.
Understanding land-use change patterns and the drivers behind them across
different locations and scales is essential in the fight against land degradation.
The two sub-basins that serve as ?target landscapes? in the project are in many
respects quite different from each other. Together they offer a sound combination
of representative conditions and challenges vis-?-vis land degradation.
Poverty, low productivity of land and low resilience are prevalent conditions
within the project zone. PPG results showed that local communities within the
targeted landscapes are particularly challenged by these conditions. This is
consistent with background data: the provinces concerned (Cunene
and Cuando Cubango) display a lower HDI than the national average.21 Land
tenure is insecure among small-holders, who tend to be loosely organized around
productive activities, as confirmed by SHARP results. Some areas within the
landscapes are known for harbouring land tenure conflicts22.
When consulted during the PPG on the causes and effects of land degradation,
local stakeholders identified the collection of firewood, often with the purpose of
producing charcoal, as one of the main reasons why forests are being thinned.
Not only do these processes lead quickly to land degradation, but they are
accelerated by the gradual decrease in land productivity, causing -- and caused
by -- land degradation. This creates a vicious cycle of poverty, low resilience and
land degradation, which requires positive management interventions at the
landscape level.

B. Legal, Policy and Institutional Frameworks

LDN Policy, Land-use Planning & Management
Land degradation affects both natural ecosystems and production sytsems. The
project will explore ways of addressing land degradation at the landscape level,
targeting two landscapes insouthern Angola that comprise a complex mosaic of
productive and non-productive land-use systems arising from past land
clearances due to changes in land use or land conversion, overharvesting,
unsustainable production practices and wildfires, exacerbated by climate change
The concept of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is central to the design of
the project, which is expected to make a transformational contribution to
Angola?s efforts to operationalize its commitments under
UNCCD and achieve its LDN targets, as summarized in Box 2. Alongside LDN
and UNCCD, the project?s interventions are equally well-aligned to related
national goals under UNFCCC, notably with respect to organic carbon
emissions/sequestration based on Angola?s Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution (INDC) in the framework of its National Strategy for the
Implementation of UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.23 Angola?s ?INDC for
Mitigation? purposes includes both unconditional measures to reduce GHG
emissions by up to 35%, as compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario
(base year 2005), and a conditional mitigation scenario to deliver an additional
15% reduction below BAU emission levels by 2030. The country is committed to
stabilize its emissions and contribute to climate change mitigation by 2030
through targeting: (i) reforestation and (ii) power generation from renewable
resources, at an overall cost in excess of USD 14.7 billion.
The national LDN target for Angola was established in late 2018
and mainstreamed into the main development planning framework -
Angola?s National Development Program 2018-2022 (PND); and its official
adoption communicated to UNCCD in 2019 has precipitated the definition of
long-term land-use management goals for the country. Importantly, the National
Action Program for the Fight against Desertification (PANCOD)24 approved
by Government five years poreviously in 2014 policy document provides a
comprehensive policy framework for addressing land degradation, drought, and
Page Break

Box 2. Project?s alignment with Angola?s LD status (2001-2015) and LDN targets

LDN is an important concept coined by the UNCCD and defined as: ?a state whereby
the amount and quality of land resources necessary to support ecosystem function and
services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal
and spatial scales and ecosystems?.25 Furthermore, according to the UNCCD, ?[t]he
implementation of LDN requires multi-stakeholder engagement and planning across
scales and sectors, supported by national-scale coordination that utilizes existing local
and regional governance structures.?

LDN Policy Relevance and Alignment withProject

LDN Target Relevance and Project Contribution

Angola?s LDN target Project strategy:
relates directly to SDG LDN-conducive targets will be pursued through the
15 ?Life on Land? and management of targeted landscapes considering the
more specifically to SDG local context and the predominant land-use
target 15.13 on LDN at systems: - forest, cropland and grassland.
the global level.* The project will contribute to the national LDN
targets by improving land management across two
The national LDN target
sub-basins (landscapes) in southern Angola.
represents measurable
Landscape management strategies that combine
goals for sustainable land
both protection- and production-oriented
management, which will
interventions will be applied in line with the land-
be achieved by promoting
use systems in place at the intervention sites:
a dual approach of
measures to avoid or Area cov
reduce land degradation, ered by
combined with measures ILUPs (h
to reverse past Land Use System a)
degradation. Angola?s
LDN target of 8
goals (below) was consoli
Forest 107,722
dated in December 2018;
was officially informed Cropland 217,056
of Angola?s commitment
to the target in 2019.**
The minimum objective Grassland 141,200
of pursuing a national
LDN target is that Watershed: Forest / Cropl
?losses? can be balanced and 167,300
by gains, so that a
position of no net loss of
healthy and productive Total 633,278
land is achieved.
National voluntary LDN
target for Angola:
Reduction of severe land
degradation by around
50% (UNCCD reporting
process compared to the
2015 reference year) for
current agricultural
Restoration of 50% of
ecosystems currently
degraded by irregular
land-use practices;
Increase content of soil
organic carbon by 30%
in all 3 land classes and
contribute to halving
(0.4%) current rate of
deforestation National LDN status map (2001-
throughout the country; 2015) with project areas
Reinforcement of
information and
awareness of good land-
use practices including
for 80% of rural
Increase by 30%
availability of water in
poor areas of
transhumance triangle
(Cunene, Huila
33,Note that the GHG emissions goal in the LDN target (above) originates from
Angola?s 2015 INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution) to UNFCCC.
Thus, by default, the GEF project?s strategy also contributes to goals relating
to organic carbon, including above- and below-ground biomass, within the targeted
landscapes over a 20-year timeframe (refer to Annex F), based on the intervention
sites to be placed under different regimes of improved management.

*SDG 15 promotes ?Life on Land? and SDG target 15.3 states: ?By 2030, combat
desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by
desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation -
neutral world.?Refer to: Angola -- Overview of LDN Targets:
**See also this link:

Page Break

that is well aligned with UNCCD goals and LDN principles; and its framework is
seen as an emerging mechanism for implementing the Convention in the country.
Subsequent tangible progress includes a national GIS-based assessment of
LDN in 2019, with FAO?s support using global data, from which a national map was
generated showing the distribution of land degradation hot, stable and
improved spots (Box 2).
PANCOD is as much convention-compliance mechanism for Angola, as it is an
instrument for implementing national policies and actions aimed at controlling
and combatting land degradation and desertification, as well as achieve a social
impact on the importance of SLM. It is aimed at the Economic and Social
Development Programs elaborated and implemented annually or bi-annually by
government. Actions envisaged in the Program to combat desertification are
multi-sectoral and delivered at different scales (local, municipal, provincial,
regional and national).
An important short-coming highlighted in the PANCOD concerns the lack of key
data for assessing land use and levels of degradation across landscapes with
sufficient accuracy. This is important for the project, which is designed around
the LDN principles and due to operationalize a model for applying the LND
response hierarchy to the management of landscapes.
In terms of sub-regional frameworks, three aspects are worth noting: (i) Angola
is in the process of aligning its LDN-related efforts with other relevant
frameworks, including the recent SADC-orchestrated Great Green Wall
Initiative of Southern Africa (GGWI-S); and (ii) Angola?s participation in the
Sub-Regional Action Program on Drought and Desertification (SRAP), another
SADC initiative and also a lasting policy support platform maintained by IUCN
since the early 2000s.
The national LDN target, due to be achieved by 2030, is benchmarked on the
status of the three LDN composite indicators in the year 2015. More
specifically, Angola?s LDN agenda is focused on significantly reducing the
degradation of farmland and ecosystems, alongside a significant reduction in the
deforestation rate and GHG emissions from the AFOLU sector (Agriculture,
Forestry, and Other Land Use). Angola?s current LDN agenda and related
frameworks have created the need for coordinating relevant sectoral policies in
the realms of agriculture, forest management, land-use planning and
environmental management, and also for raising the bar for national standards
of land-use planning and management. Landscapes managed for LDN require
careful and inclusive muli-sectoral planning, which needs to be prepared and
implemented through a multi-stakeholder process in order to secure consensus
and ownership. All of this agenda is embedded in the backbone to the design
of this GEF-7 project.
Contributions to the SDGs and to Vision 2030 are equally important and taken
into account in the project?s policy alignment section.26 Similarly, climatic
vulnerability is considered in the project design.
Provincial-Level Spatial Management Plans (PPOTs) and Municipal Master
Plans (PDMs) are multi-sectoral planning processes at provincial and municipal
administrative levels, respectively that have considerable influence on land-use
decision-making on the ground. Further details on spatial and land-use policy at
municipal and local levels is provided in Box 3). Various sectoral policies and
regulations have a bearing on the LDN process and frameworks in Angola: the
relevant policy and legislation includes inter alia the country?s Land Law
(09/04), Territorial Planning Law (03/04), Agrarian Development Law (15/05),
Environmental Law (5/98) and the Law on Forest (6/17).
Land use-/spatially- based plans in view of disseminating SLM/SMF techniques
and approaches in rural Angola through this project would likely to fit under the
POR and/or POA category, but considering their practicality in implementation
as a hybrid plan for a geographical area, whose limits are those of a sub-basin.
Currently, the GoA has a backlog of PDMs to prepare. Most of those prepared to
date pertain to urban areas. Many of the PORs have so far failed to materialize as
a functional tool for spatial planning in rural areas. Currently, none of the plans
prepared under the LOTU have been made accessible online.
Box 3. Frameworks for municipal and local level spatial and land-use planning
According to Spatial Planning Law LOTU (3/04) Articles #31, #32 and #33, there
are different spatially-based planning frameworks at sub-national level, as shown in
the diagram below and explained in the text.

Municipal Master
Plan ? PDM (Plano
Director Municipal):
covers the entire
municipality with the
dual function of
regulating both urban
and rural areas.
PDMs provide generic
strategic guidelines
intended to eradicate
asymmetries between
the urban and rural
area, taking into
account national and
regional options that Special Plans (PE) concern a specific and well-
impact on the delimited geographical area. Their focus depends on
municipal area. the specific purposes of the proposed land use and
Environmental Land- settlement in the context of the surrounding area,
Use Plan ? POA e.g. coastal zone, agriculture, tourism, industry and
(Plano nature protection. Such plans, as well as Sectoral
de Ordenamento Ambi Plans (e.g. development of the national road
ental) is a regulatory network), cut across jurisdictional boundaries
plan that defines land but they have rarely been effective in Angola.
use rules for the
protection of natural
and environmental
assets, as well as the
rules governing land
use in natural
Rural Land-Use
Plan ? POR (Plano
de Ordenamento Rural
) is also a regulatory
plan that establishes
the rules of
occupation and use of
rural areas in a
municipality. Models
for the preservation
and development of
spatial, natural and
human organization
are set out, namely:
potential areas for
mineral exploration,
agricultural land
according to their
suitability or types of
crop, as well as other
economic, natural,
landscape and social
aspects of rural
spatial planning in
order to provide
better living
conditions for

Source: Adapted from Ministe?rio do Urbanismo e Habita?a?o

(2013): Relato?rio de Identifica?a?o e Diagno?stico dos Planos
Territoriais, In (D.G. Martins, F. (2016): The Spatial planning in Angola: A
work in progresso and Future challenge. Master Thesis, Coimbra University,
Portugal. [Link]

National and Sub-National Institutional Frameworks

Regarding land-use management in rural areas, three ministries are
particularly relevant for operationalizing land-use planning and management
within the target landscapes, as follows:
The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA)27 is mandated
to develop and implement culture, tourism and environmental policies, including
the management of protected areas. It is responsible for the coordination,
development, implementation, and monitoring of environmental policies,
particularly in the areas of biodiversity, environmental technologies, impact
assessment and prevention, and environmental education. Responsibilities are
distributed throughout its central executive services: National Directorate
for Culture and Art, National Directorate for Communities and Institutions of
Local Power, National Directorate for Infrastructure and Tourism Products and
the National Directorate for Environment and Climate Action?.
In 2011, former Ministry of Environment established the Multisectoral
Commission for the Environment (CMA) to coordinate and streamline
activities that target the protection and sustainable use of natural
resources throughout the country. CMA?s objective is to promote dialogue
between government departments, academic institutions, scientific research
and civil society, ensuring public participation in environmental
The National Committee on Climate Change and Biodiversity, coordinated
by MCTA, was created to: harmonize programs and policies for
implementation of the National Strategy on Climate Change and
Biodiversity Preservation; facilitate implementation of the National Plan
against Climate Change and development of a National Plan for investments
related to climate change; and to create centers of excellence in order to
carry out research and provide systematic observations on natural
disasters climate. DNACC is also the national focal point for UNCCD,
including LDN-related matters.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MINAGRIP)28 is responsible
for agricultural and fishery policies, as well as for management of forest
reserves under the Institute for Forestry Development (IDF)31 the rural
Land Cadastre and 31and food security under National Directorate for
Agriculture and Livestock (DNAP)31. Various technical institutes are associated
with MINAGRIP, including: (a) Agricultural Research Unit (IIA), (b) Veterinary
Research Unit (IIV), (c) Institute of Agrarian Development (IDA), (d) Institute of
Forestry Development (IDF), and (e) Institute of Veterinary Services (ISV).
IDA?s mandate for provision of extension services and support to small
farmers is especially important for this GEF-7 project.
The Ministry of Energy and Waters (MINEA) hosts the National Institute of
Water Resources (INRH)29 and Office for the Management of the Cunene,
Okavango and Cuvelai Hydrographical Basins (GABHIC)32. INRH is
responsible nationally for the strategic management of water resources30, while
GABHIC has a specific mandate within Southern and Southwestern Angola with
respect to the Cunene, Okavango and Cuvelai river basins (Figure 2). More
specifically, GABHIC is tasked with providing technical and administrative support
to the Angolan representatives the respective international technical
commissions responsible for the management of the three shared river basins to
which Angola is a Party.31 GABHIC was created by presidential decree in
201532 to advise the Government on all matters concerning international river
Other ministries relevant to the project are:
The Ministry of Territorial Administration (MAT)33 has a role in local
governance, providing guidance and training to local authorities.
The Ministry of Public Works and Spatial Planning (MINOPOT34, together with
MAT, has a central role in statutory commissions responsible for land use and spatial
planning (?ordenamento do territorio?). MINOPOT hosts the 37 and the Geodesic
and Cartographic Institute of Angola (IGCA37. Both institutes are mandated with
providing technical services linked, respectively, to the delimitation of land tenure
and to cadastral registration.
At sub-national levels the provincial and local Governments have broad
responsibilities, including subsidiary representation of sectoral institutions at
decentralized levels:
At Provincial level four of the afore-mentioned ministries (MCTA, MINAGRIP,
MINEA and MINOPOT) have provincial directorates. Most relevant for land-use
management is the Provincial Directorate for Environment under MCTA and
Spatial Planning and Urban Development (DPOPOT35) under MINOPOT. The
Provincial Directorate for Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery (DPAPP36)
under MINAGRIP has one of the strongest presences at decentralized level and is
represented by its associated Department of Agrarian Development, Department
of Forestry Development, Department of Rural Planning, and Department of
Fisheries and Veterinarian Services. IDA is also represented at provincial
level. According to Angolan legislation (Presidential Decree. no.
2/07), provincial goverments have a competences in the licensing procedures to
grant land tenure legalization claims of less than 1000 Ha, both collectively from
communities and also from individual citizens.
Municipalities, in addition to a Municipal Administrator and Deputy Municipal
Administrator, have a team with the usual technical competences and a Council
for Social Consultation and Concertation (CACS)37. The same structure is
replicated at commune level. The CACS usually includes community
authorities (Sobas), local associations and NGOs, religious authorities, people of
social and economic importance, and companies. Working through municipal or
communal administration to support the CACS to play a pro-active role in land-
use management. In the development of the country?s planning system,
municipalities have a duty to develop municipal planning instruments in the form
of Municipal Master Plans (PDMs) and Rural Land-Use Plans (PORs).
Legislative reform is under public consultation, notably to change the way
municipalities function politically from municipal
administrators being appointed by provincial authorities to
being democratically elected. A Commune Secretary, replacing the current
Commune Administrator, will still be appointed to head
the Municipality and the CACS will be replaced by a Municipal Council.
Rural Communities: The traditional administrative authorities of villages or
communities are the Sobas (traditional chiefs), who either inherit the position or,
in some cases, are appointed by the Commune Administrator after consulting the
community elders. Decisions and deliberations take place at the ?Jango?, a
community council that traditionally included only the village elders but has
recently become more open to the participation of women and other community
All other stakeholders with vested interests will be involved in the process
of land-use planning and implementation. A thorough analysis of
stakeholders is included in Section 1.b2 and further detail is provided in Annex
I2. Gender mainstreaming is addressed in Section 1.b3.
Land Tenure Policies and Practices
Addressing land claims and stabilizing settlements is a key issue for GoA in the
country?s post-conflict recovery period, given the high number of internally
displaced people in need of livelihoods as a result of the war. Access to land,
land entitlements and reconciling land tenure rights are important part of the
project?s scope because a large percentage of Angola?s rural population is
directly dependent on agriculture and related activities. Hence,
this brief summary of relevant land tenure policies and practices.
Patterns of human settlement and land use in southern Angola reflect successive
historical processes, including the long-lasting conflict that ended in 2002.
During war-times, access to land was both difficult and
unregulated. Insouthern Angola and under the prevailing agro-ecological
conditions, a number of small rural communities have mushroomed in a largely
unplanned fashion, both during and after the end of the conflict.
Many inhabitants remained settled in the alluvial plains of major river
basins after the war, often because roads were scarce and not always
safe. Also during the conflict, the boundaries of protected areas were a legacy
from colonial times and not actively enforced, resulting in irregular settlement
inside and adjacent to national parks such
as Bicuar (Figure 3), Mupaand Qui?ama.
Furthermore, some nomadic groups from southern Angola have had to settle
because rules of access to traditional grazing areas and local forests were hardly
enforced, neither by the State nor by local leaders; and access to small plots
of farmland by local family farmers was mostly informally decided by local
traditional leaders. Thus, the conflict period in Angola has had major
repercussions on human setttlement patterns and land entitlement and, in the case
of drylands with a limited resource base, ever-increasing human population
pressures can quickly result in land degradation.
Article 15 of Angola?s Constitution (2010) states: ?land is originally the property
of the State, and may be passed to singular or collective persons for their rational
and effective use?; and ?recognizes the right of communities to have access and
use of land?, without prejudice to the ?possibility of expropriation for public
utility, through fair compensation?. Such provisions regarding land rights are
reinforced by the Land Law (Presidential Decree 9/04) and National Policy for
Concession of Land Rights (Presidential Decree 216/11). In 2018 an inter-
ministerial commission was created for Rural Land Registration in favour of
Local Communities (Presidential Decree 14/18). This commission, led by
Minister of State, has a two-year mandate to help in the identification and
legalization of local communities? rural lands.
Additionally, the 2004 Land Law accorded customary rural land tenure to local
communities interested in asserting those rights, so that they are able to manage
the land that they traditionally inhabit, according to their customs and traditions.
A participatory process for asserting customary land tenure is established in the
Land Law and related regulations. It prescribes highly consultative one-off
community-level processes to be carried out to define (and at times demarcate)
the boundaries of the community?s land, and asserting a customary and common
tenure right over that land. This right is asserted with regard
to neighbouring communities and others (?investors?) who may have a current or
future interest in the same land. Under a customary, traditional and common
property regime, the process may be important for communities in terms of
securing their exclusive access to hunting grounds, production forests or water
Although land tenuere is not a major problem for farmers in the project area
(with exceptions in the Gambos Municipality, where private
farms occupies extensive and most productive pieces of land, the foreseen
expansion of Agriculture claims to reinforce community land protection. Current
Land Law 09/04 allows community land delimitation based on customary
rights and several communities have recognized based in this right. In 2019,
the Government of Angola launched ?Minha Terra? programa which aims
building capacities in local institutions to carry out community land delimitation
and carring out community land delimitations all along the country.
Critics of Angola?s land tenure policies and practices claim that there is little
social equity in Angola?s Law and its application and that it helps
perpetuate gender inequality in land access practices. This is because key
decisions on land access and allocation are ultimately made and reversed by
traditional authorities at local level, according to their will, preferences and tribal
traditions. The overwhelming majority of traditional leaders are men, as
highlighted in several reports (Box 4).
Box 4. Quotes on gender inequality and land tenure patterns in Angola
?Land Tenure: Legal rights to land are a basic requirement in any agricultural
development plan. In post-war Angola, land rights represent a challenging legal
and social issue both in rural and urban areas. For the agricultural sector, there
are different categories of land tenure and land rights. At present, Angola has
publicly owned land - Soba ? the unit of communal land that is managed by the
local village elder, distributed by him to all adults of the community according to
the villagers? needs and the availability of labor. Each adult member has at least
two pieces of land, one for use in the rainy season, one for the dry season.
Women?s land-use rights are allocated through their husbands. However, there
are exceptions. Widowed women might inherit land in trust for their sons which
are then allocated to the sons upon marriage. Women that are single or divorced,
and widows who have lost all their sons, are forced to return to their families, and
might be given a small area to farm. They might have to negotiate use of land for
every season. The high number of female-headed households in rural areas also
indicates that women are vulnerable in the process of getting access to land.
Limited information is available on how the land rights and access to
land favor or disfavor women in practice.? 1
FAO?s Country Profile on ?Gender and Land Rights Database?
?At the local authority level, the division between men and women in leadership
positions shows a significant difference: among the Grand Sobas, there are seven
women and 1,890 men; among the Sobas there are 98 women and 9,567 men; for
Soba's position, women are 62 and men, 14,885.?

1Agricultural & Agro-industry Department North - East & South Regions (OSAN)
August 2008

Management of International River Basins and the Importance of the Regional

The two targeted landscapes for this Project are nested within two international
river basins: The Okavango River Basin (or ?Cubango? in Angola) and the
Cunene River Basin (also spelt ?Kunene? in Namibia). River Basin Management
Plans? (or their equivalent) have been developed for both the Okavango and
Cunene based on economic, environmental and social criteria. The plans attempt
to balance economic development amongst SADC Member States, following the
regional body?s guidance. Standard instruments were developed over 15
years ago,including primarily the Regional Indicative Strategic Development
Plan (RISDP) and Regional Strategic Action Plan (RSAP). However, there are
gaps in joint planning and implementation for both river basins.
For the Cunene River Basin, Angola and Namibia signed a Revised Protocol on
Shared Watercourses in 2000. The two countries maintain an open dialogue
through the Angola-Namibia Joint Permanent Technical Commission on the
Kunene River Basin (the PJTC). A major priority within the PJTC has been the
development of a small and large hydroelectric power schemes along the river
basin. Due to pressure from civil society groups and lack of stakeholder
agreement, successive plans for building dams have been shelved. The lack of
collaborative implementation of the Kunene River Master Plan from the early
2000s onwards has highlighted the difficulties in reaching agreement among
stakeholders on the management of shared water resources. The same barriers are
thought to apply to land-use management.
For the Cubango river, the Okavango Basin Steering Committee (OBSC)
provides the governance framework at ministerial level, supported by The
Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM) in
its technical implementation role. The Angolan portion of the basin provides
94.5% of the total water runoff in the catchment. In 2011, the Strategic Action
Program (SAP) for the Sustainable Development and Management of
the Cubango-Okavango Basin was developed, with support from UNDP and
FAO, and subsequently approved by the member states (Angola, Namibia and
Botswana). It represents an important joint management instrument for the
Okavango, from which National Action Programs (NAPs) were developed and
approved. In the Cubango River NAP for Angola (2011), planning under ?Land
Management? (Thematic Area #3) given a 10-year timeframe to address the
following actions: (i) zoning community areas and acknowledgement of
customary law; (ii) development of land-use master plans in the basin
municipalities; and (iii) reforestation of perimeters and tree planting along the
basin with local species. Ten years have elapsed and implementation is reported
to be limited in actions and investments.
Climate Risks and Resilience
Climate Change is a key element of the project being one of the Focal Areas
through which GEF funding is accessed. Its importance is closely allied with
Land Degradation, another of the thre focal areas, given the project?s strategic
focus on achieving LDN targets that embrace both LD and CC mitigation. This
synergy has already been elaborated in Box 2 and the accompanying text; and the
carbon emissions reduction benefits are provided in Part I Table F, detailed in
Annex F and calculated in Annex X-2.6.
The Government of Angola has taken steps to establish policies and regulations
to address climate change adaptation, and in 2008 it approved a National
Implementation Strategy for the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). This was followed by Angola?s participation in the
Kyoto Protocol (including a few CDM projects) and, more recently, the
country?s adherence to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Progress in
identifying climate change scenarios/impacts, planning responses
and commiting to actions over the last 10 years is summarized in Box 5, along
with their relevance to this GEF-7 project.
Angola has been actively accessing adaptation and mitigation funding through
the GEF and other mechanisms, some examples of which are
summarized in Table 9. As explained previously under the role of MCTA,
both DNAAC and the CMA have a role in harmonizing programs and policies to
implement climate change strategies and to mobilize investments for climate
change, biodiversity and desertification.
Box 5. Angola?s IPCC scenario and national commitments and interventions to

Summary and Relevance for the Project

IPCC scenarios for Angola included in the INC and NAPA projected a 1.2-
3.2?C increase in mean annual temperatures by the 2060s. The main climate
models predicted more extreme weather events, an expansion of semi-arid
regions, seasonal shifts in rainfall and increased wildfires. This
is highly relevant for drylands and presumed drylands in the project zone and
includes the following scenarios:
Water stress: Much of the miombo and mopane belts in southern Angola fall
within a water scarce region that is globally classified as drylands, where the
aridity index is normally less than 0.65, requiring targeted sustainable
interventions in terms of landscape management.
Climatic variability trends: Remaining miombo and mopane ecosystems, both
in Angola and in neighbouring countries, are located in areas that may
experience negative changes in aridity under a high greenhouse gas
emission scenarios ? e.g. from semi-arid to arid or hyper-arid.
Impacts. This process will necessarily lead to declines in biodiversity,
ecosystem functioning and degradation of carbon stocks, as well as significant
increases in social stress due in large part to production pressures and food
Angola conducted its first GHG inventory in 2011 and listed priorities for
mitigation. Emissions were assessed back then as coming primarily from the
energy sector. The GHG inventory highlighted a 195% increase in Angola?s
GHGs from Land?Use, Land-Use Change?and?Forestry (LULUCF) sector
between 2000 and 2005.
In 2012, Angola?s NAPA identified sectors that would be most affected by
climate change and prioritized the top five for adaptation and resilience
building: (i) agriculture and food security; (ii) forestry and biodiversity; (iii)
fisheries; (iv) water resources; and (v) human health. The NAPA also stressed
the need to promote sustainable land management across the country and to
increase agricultural yields as a response to climate change.
In 2015, Angola committed to stabilizing its emissions, and contributing to
climate change mitigation by 2030 through the INDC, both conditionally and
unconditionally (refer toParagraph 42 for details). Reforestation is one of two
main INDC goals identified for targeting, which is very relevant to this project
along with some other interventions mentioned in the INDC:
Stabilization of GHG emissions from agricultural production sectors, in
which GHC emission stem mostly from animal production and wildfires;
Positive change in the Land Use, Land-use change and Forestry sectors
(LULUCF), whereby: the role of technical assistance in the agricultural,
livestock and forest sectors is stressed, deforestation is recognized as a matter
of concern, and access to woody biomass and practicing ?logging? are
acknowledged as economically and socially essential.
Concerning the LULUCF sectors in the INDC, the nationally adopted
stratification of ?forests? assumes that forests cover 89.8% of Angola?s 59
million ha land surface is classified as follows:
2% comprises dense, humid, high productivity forests, that are very rich
in biodiversity;
47.1% includes a mosaic of forest and savannah areas;
45.4% comprises woodland (miombo); and
5.3% is occupied by steppe, mangrove and wetlands.
GoA had proposed numerous LULUCF mitigation projects involving
biomass through the INDC, including a few afforestation and reforestation
projects. One of them is in Cuando Cubango, covering 60,000 ha with
Eucalyptus plantation but without additional details. This is of potential
interest to the project.
Directly relevant to the project is a tailored assessment of ?resilience?
carried out during the PPG phase using SHARP. It covers climatic
resilience through household level assessments, which can be extrapolated
to the level of landscapes. SHARP results are summarized in
Box 7 and the main report is appended to Annex X-2.4.
Sources: and ?USAID?s 2018 Climate Profile?38. For additional
content, refer to: Annex X-3.

A number of recent studies are also relevant to this project: USAID?s 2018
Climate Profile for Angola; the on-going IFAD-funded Climate Risk Assessment
of Angola?s Agricultural Sector (previously referred to in Paragraph 22); and
SARUA?s ?Climate Change Counts? mapping study of Angola. Further details
of these are provided in Annex X-3.
C. Baseline Initiatives
Various projects and programs compose the baseline for this project, to the
extent that they are well aligned with the Project?s objective and can provide a
platform for collaboration, technical integration and co-financing, in particular
with respect to the LDN agenda at the national level and the pursuit of SLM and
SFM best practices as key delivery mechanisms in the project landscapes.
Table 1 provides a summary of co-financing interventions that are scheduled to
be delivered during the life of this GEF-7 project by government programs and
other projects. It is based on a much more detailed assessment of
Angola?s National Development Program for 2018-2022, IFAD
Smallholder Resilience Enhancement Project and FAO?s in country
interventions in Annex A3. The latter includes details on the activities and
identifies their relevance to the GEF-7 project, potential synergies
and opportunities for collaboration, all of which provides a transparent
justification for inclusion as co-financing. Note that in the case of PND programs
the co-financing amounts in Annex A3 are generated from table in Annex A3,
where the calculations are presented in the last column.
Table 1. Co-financing Summary ? baselines and budgets (all initiatives)

# Baseline Relevan Baselin BASELINE Co- Co-financing from Baselin

Project / t e financin
Program / Project Calcul C1 C2 C3 g from C1 C2 C3 PM
Initiative Comp us Baseline
Total Total
(US$ (US $M)
1 MCTA 1,2, 3 36.6 12.2 12. 12. 21.5 7.123 7 7.123 0.2
(DNAAC) / 2 2 6 6 8
PND Program
# 2.4.1:
2 MINAGRIP / 2 48.4 0.0 48. 0.0 10.0 0.0 9.81 0.0 0.
PND Program 4
# 2.3.2:
3 MINAGRIP 1 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0
Program #
Promoting the
Use and
of Forest
4 Municipalities, 2 7.9 0.0 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
specifically of
Cahama and
PND Program
# 4.3.2:
on and
n of local
governments /
5 IFAD SREP - 1,2 12.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 2.0 0.9 0.9 0.0 0
6 AFDB 2 12.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
Value Chains
? Support to
& Growth
7 FAO 1,2,3 3,7 0.35 $3 0.3 0.5 0.025 0.05 0.025 0
M 5
Totals (US 122.8 24.8 81. 16. 34.5 8.448 17.7 7.148 1.1
$M) 7 5 5 6 6 6 8

Description on how any ?Investment Mobilized? was identified:

Most of the programs, projects and initiatives that comprise the financial baseline and
co-financing for this project are from public investments programs planned by the
Government of Angola and expected to be realized during the project implementation
period. They are investments allocated through the Central State Budget (OGE) that
will be managed by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA)and
Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MINAGRIP). The official identification of the
programs is cited in the 2018-2022 National Development Program (PND). The
financial assessment includes a conservative extrapolation of the named allocations
for the project duration ( 2025 at least). The following selected sectoral programs
under the PND were considered relevant to the project:
Program # 2.4.1) Climate Change, 100% relevant, managed by MCTA through its
Directorate of Environment and Climate Action (DNAAC) and related entities;
Program # 2.3.2) Promoting Agricultural Production, 30% relevant, managed by
MINAGRIP through its National Directorate for Agriculture and Livestock and
related entities;
Program # 2.3.4) Promoting the Sustainable Use and Management of Forest
Resources, 30% relevant, managed by MINAGRIP through its National Directorate
for Forests and related entities;
Program # 4.3.2) Decentralization and implementation of local governments, 50%
relevant, including projects under it that are either managed by the Municipalities
Cuchi, Cahama and surroundings, or which benefit these (currently included only in
baseline finance calculus, but was not as co-financing).
Funding from the above-mentioned governmental programs excludes by default
recurrent expenditure ? meaning that 100% of the baseline and co-financing amounts
from Government correspond to public investments, as currently prioritized in the
PND and included in the OGE, and which will be mobilized throughout project
The following method was applied to calculate public investments from the PND, as
shown in the above Table C:
Government programs were selected on the basis of their thematic and geographic
relevance vis-?-vis the subject matter of the project.
The baseline calculus for each individual program was initially based on budgetary
figures in the national currency (Angolan Kwanzas AOA) for the relevant
programs, as published in the Central States Budget (OGE) for 2019.
Amounts in AOA were converted into USD and extrapolated for the duration of the
project, using conservative rates and coefficients, so as to discount future
uncertainties. Such uncertainties include possible currency devaluations and the
non-realization of investment.
By discounting the future in the baseline calculus in bulk and also, by extension, in
the project?s co-financing, the possibility of mobilizing additional investments
during implementation is enhanced.
While the above assumptions and calculus of both baseline and co-financing are
generally defensible, they were based on official figures available in late-2019/early-
2020. However, the calculus pre-dates the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning that the
potential impact of the pandemic on public investments in Angola or on the global
economy has yet been taken into account. The detailed application of this exercise is
presented Annex A3.
IFAD SREP - Smallholder Resilience Enhancement Project will also cofinance the
GEF intervention based in common synergies and AFDB Agricultural Value Chains ?
Support to Sustainable. Development & Growthmakes part of the baseline of the
project FAO will provide $500,000 as co-financing, leveraged from its own sources
in order strengthen project management activities by securing essential operational
As shown in Table 1, USD 1.142.800 will be an in-kind PMC contribution by the
relevant co-financiers. The management costs of the project that will be covered by
co-financing comprises of: (i) the use of office facilities at Luanda as well as in the
two provinces, municipalities and communes for project offices (PMU staff and
regional facilitators), meetings and trainings during 5 years: USD 340.000, (ii)
contribution to expendables in project offices for 5 years: USD 60.000, (iii)
contribution to mobility at field level and the capital during 5 years: USD 270.000,
and (iv) staff time of public institutions: directors and authorities, technicians and
support staff including drivers during 5 years: $ 472.800
It is expected that the COVID-19 pandemic will have serious impacts on the Angolan
economy, especially since it has indirectly impacted the global demand for oil.
Royalties and taxation linked to the oil and gas sectors are the main source of revenue
for the Angolan State. Macro-economic predictions for Angola will need to be
revised and, along with it, government planning. This revised planning exercise by
the Angolan State has not yet taken place.
In spite of the likely negative impact of the pandemic on public investment in Angola,
for the purposes of CEO Endorsement Request the figures herein presented remain
sufficiently accurate for validating the solidity of project?s baseline and co-financing
for two main reasons:
Government projects, programs and initiatives that were selected as baseline and
co-financing to the project were subject to robust, selective and conservative criteria
in the assessment.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts bring about uncertainty and
price volatility, the currency conversion rate, the discount rate and the extrapolation
methods have already taken a good degree of uncertainty into consideration. This
was done in order to avoid the non-realization of the proposed co-financing and to
facilitate the potential mobilization of additional co-financing during project
The mobilization of investments will be pursued through a closer alignment between
government initiatives and the Child Project during implementation.

D. Project Intervention Areas

General Overview of Project Zone
The project zone comprises dryland landscapes in southern
Angola harbouring Miombo, Mopane and Baikiaea woodlands. Two landscapes,
covering some 1.3 million hectares were selected, of which at least 633,278
ha are targeted to be covered by ILUPs, and where 35,742 ha covering different
land use systems were selected for direct interventions within 18 pre-selected
sites. Their boundaries correspond to those of two small watersheds (or sub-
basins) of the greater Okavango (or Cubango) River Basin (Sub-basin #1) and
Cunene River Basin (Sub-basin #1). The latter landscape is in close proximity to
the north-western limits of the Cuvelai River Basin - in fact 17,600 ha of the
landscape is technically within the Cuveli Basin. It is located only 40 km away
from the knickpoint Calueque Dam, which diverts some waters from the
Cunene River to the Cuvelai Basin. The dam and other water infrastructures in
Angola and Namibia have either a similar or a reverse function, in view of
regulating the direction and flow of waters between the two basins. All three
river basins that are relevant for the project?s
landscapes?the Okavango,Cunene and Cuvelai?are internationally shared
between Angola and its neighbouring countries.
Local Conditions in Southern Angola and Targeted Landscapes
Climate: is harsh In Cunene and Cuando Cubango provinces, is harsh
and much of the soil in the vast alluvial plains of the Okavango, Cunene
and Cuvelai river basins is susceptible to erosion. Within these river basins ?
and in areas where Miombo, Mopane and Baikiaea Woodland vegetation
predominates (Figure 1) ? the climate varies from 'hot semi-arid (Bsh)? towards
the southwest to 'sub-tropical highland (Cwb)? in the south-central part. Towards
the south-east, it includes a swath of sub-climates classified as 'monsoon-
influenced humid subtropical (Cwa)'.39 Average temperatures in the project zone
range from 22?C to 25?C; and mean annual precipitation from 600mm to
800mm. Rainfall patterns in southern Angola naturally display significant
variability, including a relatively strong interannual variability. These patterns
accord to the landscapes in question being classified as ?drylands? (or presumed
Water, food and nutrition: At least 1.7 million of Angola?s 30
million people inhabit the provinces of Cunene, Cuando Cubango and Hu?la in
areas dominated by Miombo-Mopane vegetation and where the project
landscapes are located. Of these, 1.5 million are rural dwellers, who rely heavily
on the resilience of dryland landscapes for their livelihoods. High levels of food
insecurity and dietary deprivation were reported by the households within the
project zone,surveyed during the PPG phase. As shown in Box 7, low
household dietary diversity score (HDDS) is prevalent in 41% of households
surveyed.40 Water is a highly valued commodity in dryland landscapes and its
availability an essential ecosystem service. The woodlands and river
basins targeted by this project sustain food production, livelihoods and produce
hydro-powered energy, playing an important role in Angola?s economy and
ecology. The landscapes are also being impacted by shocks, including recurrent
drought, land degradation, climate change and economic hardship more
Infrastructure and social utility services are to a large extent dilapidated
(roads, clinics, schools) but many still function. Rural extension is a scarce and
insufficient service. Levels of social organization around production
and household access to improved means of production and markets are
limited with respect to availability of agro-processing facilities, machinery,
abattoirs, silos and warehouses. As a region, southern Angola accumulated
under-investment in public infrastructure and social services over many
years.41 Most of such investments in the post-conflict period were directed to
Luanda and surroundings, and to urban centers. Market forces and the private
sector have yet to fill this gap within the project zone.
Significant challenges faced by residents in rural southern Angola are linked to
poverty, low levels of literacy, reliance on subsistence agriculture and limited
access to social services and capacity building opportunities. The poor state of
the road network and limited investments in agricultural productivity are major
constraints to the agrarian sector in particular and to the development potential of
the rural economy more widely, including comparison with other provinces such
as Huambo. At the same time, proximity to Namibia is an important economic
driver for cross-border trade.
Overview of Targeted Landscapes
Table 2. Target landscapes, defined as sub-basins, and their stakeholders
within the respective administrative divisions in the Project

Localities (n Nearby
on- places and
Landscape Provinces Municipalities
Communes exhaustive salient
list) 43 features

Sub-basin Cuando Cuchi Cuchi Cuchi Menongue (

1 (Cuchi- Cubango Chinguanja Town the
Okavango) Vissei Cangongo provincial
Liunda capital)
Mocuva Capelongo:
Dejunga Upper Cub
Mangumbo ango River
Liabela Cuchi
Cacuchi Ri
Plant for
the pig iron
owned by
the Compa
nia Sider?r
gica do
Sub-basin Cunene Cahama Cahama Cahama Xangoro:
2 Ombadja Otchinjau Tchipelongo Mupa Natio
(Cahama- Ombadja H nal Part
Cunene) umbe Chicusse Calueque D
Otchinjau Nhique- am on the
Mukope Nhique Cunene
Edivia River
Bela-Bela Across the
Techango border in
Ruacana, a
sized rural
town and a
post across
the Cunene

Hu?la Gambos Chiange Chimbemba Bicuar

Chimbemba National
Chicula Park
Queulo Large scale
Capunda commercial
Onguar? agricultural
projects in
southern H
Pocuaque R

Note: Target landscapes are defined as sub-basins and they cut across
provinces, municipalities and communes, hence the importance of
vertical and horizontal integration of stakeholder engagement structures at
landscape levels.)
The location of the target landscapes, key features and an analysis of land
use/cover are highlighted in Box 6. Note that complementary maps are provided
in Annex E; and more detailed maps with the intervention sites
in Figure 7 and Figure 8.
Box 6. Target landscapes in the project zone: location and key features

General introduction [A]

Smaller and larger rivers flow across the watersheds of the Wider Landscapes, eventually joining
either the Cubango (Okavango) River (Landscape/Sub-basin 1) or the Cunene (Landscape/Sub-basin
2). Total area of both landscapes: = 1.3 million hectares

Location of and features of

targeted landscapes

[Landscape 1]
Sub-basin 1 (Cuchi-

Area 485,413

Predo Tree
minant covered
LUS area

Main Cuchi

Approx Approx.
. 3,750
benefic people (in
iary ~ 820
popula household
tion s, or 8%
of the
n in

[Landscape 2]
Sub-basin 2 (Cahama-

Area 880,046

Predo Grassland

Main Cahama,
towns Tchipelon

Approx 6,250
. people (in
benefic ~ 1,180
iary household
popula s, or 8%
tion of the
n in
Remote Sensing (RS) analysis applied to the above landscapes combines global data embedded in
the Open Foris / Collect Earth platform by Google44 with other contextual data. Trends and
indicators, such as land cover, tree cover loss, cropland extent and fire frequency, were analyzed in
detail alongside land-use change and human settlement patterns. Below is a summary of the land-use
and land-use change analysis for the two sites.

Refer to Annex E for the more detailed landscapes? profiles and maps, including complements B and C
to this Box.

Summary SHARP (Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate

Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists) results are provided in Box 7, albeit they
are limited to a single assessment due to the onset of COVID-19 restrictions that
prohibited further field work.
Box 7. SHARP results for Cuchi (Cuando Cubango Province)
and Tchipelongo (Cunene Province)45

SHARP baseline assessment ? Summary Results, 2019

Note: It would have been necessary to complement the SHARP Assessment in at
least one of the sites, preferably in both, in early 2020 in order to reach a
minimum level of survey representativeness. Due to COVID-19 risks,
circumstance did not allow further assessment in 2020. FAO is aware of
this shortfall gap and 2019 results are being treated with caution. The data
should be treated as preliminary and will need to be reinforced during project
No. of HH interviewed: 61 (62% women and 38% men)
Main income?sources: Crop production (Cuchi)?and livestock production
(Cunene). Reliance on local varieties and breeds.
Ethnic groups:?Luvotua,?Mundimba,?Ngangelas, Chokwe and?Kanhama.
Land tenure: 77% of producers with access to long-term leased land (I.e. with
secure tenure); 51% own less than 3 ha.
Land management practices:? Some of the LMP used by 27% of HH (manuring
and agroforestry) All farmers acknowledged the presence of degradation
Crop production system: Limited diversification of crop production, including
presence of perennials (only 24% plant these). Post-harvest practices to
increase the market value of the produce are uncommon. 80% of farmers
produce their own seeds. 65% of farmers have been seriously affected by pests
but only 45% took any measure to manage these.
Type of livestock system: 56% has nomadic systems; 28% smallholder animal
farm; 14% seasonal/transhumant, only 3% market-oriented livestock systems.
Access to markets: 38% of farmers did not manage to sell any agricultural
produce in local markets, being the lack of surplus the main barrier. Product
certification does not exist in the area.
Trees:? 97% has natural or planted trees on farmland and 92% has access to
forests. 87% mentioned forests are degraded. Main use of forest trees: Charcoal
extraction (80%), timber collection (45%), honey (40%).
Energy sources: Fuelwood/charcoal?(92% for HH and 39% for
agriculture),?manure (20% for HH and 33% for agriculture), diesel (21% for
both HH and agriculture).
Shocks: Droughts (93%), animal diseases (91%).?
Main impacts: food shortage and declined water availability
Coping strategies: change in production practices (8%), no action taken by
89% of HH
Nutrition: low HDDS in 41% of HH (1 to 3 food items consumed in the last
24 hrs).
Cereal banks (community): 23% of HH with access?
Granaries (HH):? 48% of HH with granaries at home, only 33% of
farmers managed to stock food, for at least a part of year (e.g. right after
the harvesting season).
Education: Almost three quarter of people reported that they cannot afford to
pay or send kids to school regularly.

Spider graph of household resilience: Aspects displaying LOW

RESILIENCE are highlighted
(Refer to Annex X-2.4 for full report)
access to
information on
weather and
Lack of
awareness of
policies and
programs on
climate change
and sustainable
participation in
High exposure
to shocks and
capacity to
respond and
on water
Need for
of energy
sources, high
reliance on fuel
adoption of
Need for crop

Household (low
human capital

Localized challenges emerged from analysis of field data generated from the
SHARP methodology to assess households within pre-selected intervention
sites with respect to their resilience and livelihoods, as measured by a range of
indicators. Scores were zero with respect to 'access to information' and ?group
membership?; and low for ?land management?, ?agricultural practices?, ?pest
management?, ?water conservation?, ?energy sources?, ?market access?,
?income sources?, ?climate change? and ?meals?. Focus Group consultations
were also held and stakeholders identified land degradation as a major hindrance
to local development. These results are shown diagrammatically in Box 7.
2.1 Remaining Barriers to Address
The current ?Baseline Scenario? points out to a strong commitment from the
government and partners towards supporting SLM/SFM actions in different
ways, both directly and indirectly. However, there are visible gaps in the status
quo. Eight barriers block the realization of long-term goals outlined in
government policies that relate to SLM/SFM and which could potentially
generate both national and global environmental benefits for land-based
ecosystem services. The ?barrier analysis?, upon which the project?s Theory of
Change - ToC) is based, follows.

Barriers #1, #2 and #3)

Five themes are particularly important in the first group of barriers for this
project, which relate to the ?enabling environment? for LDN (Component 1):
Governance frameworks for LDN, including the governance of land tenure
(which require a specific approach and analysis);
Institutional aspects, including the capacity of both institutions and stakeholders
for contributing to LDN and applying the necessary frameworks;
Engagement and participation of stakeholders (inclusiveness) and collaboration
among them, and well as across sectors and administrative scales, for achieving
Adequate systems, tools and capacity for data handling to help deliver effective
and efficient land-use planning, management and monitoring of indicators; and
Gender equality mainstreamed across LDN frameworks and processes.
The following barrier statements are designed to capture the above themes and
structure the project strategy:

Governance Frameworks for LDN

In Angola, there are significant gaps in the ?frameworks? necessary for applying
LDN principles to landscape management. These relate to public policies,
legislation and regulations in sectors concerned with land
use; coordination across sectors and institutional decision-making processes at
the level that can influence the outcome for land use. Governance of land tenure
is a key issue meriting special attention.
Decision-making tools concerning land use also have gaps, notably access to
accurate land information, without which the development of robust, coordinated
systems to capture LDN relevant data is possible.
Access to finance for realizing the LDN target may also be a gap (or barrier).
While baseline finance levels were assessed in connection with the project, there
are uncertainties and the financial needs for LDN have not yet been assessed.
GoA?s concerns about the ?enabling environment? for LDN, and how its
development can be articulated into actionable measures is evident in the
PANCOD, which refers to gaps and challenges linked to policies, regulations,
capacities and finance. Thus, the frameworks for LDN, as stated for Barrier #1,
focuses on the basic ?building blocks? that need to be in place for
In order to address these barriers more precisely reference is made to the LND
Checklist in Annex W-1 and the pre-conditions for delivering LDN through
land-use planning and management in Figure 4. Both the LDN Checklist and
the contents of Figure 4 reflect the golden standard for LDN and its
implementation frameworks, as currently adopted by UNCCD. They refer
more broadly to various ?governance frameworks? that are fundamental for
implementation, in particular legal, policy, and institutional capacity frameworks
for LDN. The gaps in Angola refer to the need for mainstreaming SLM/SFM and
LDN across sector policies, legislation and regulations, such as agriculture,
forestry, water, NRM and, of couse, land management (among others). National
institutional capacity has many limitations. Directorate of Environment and
Climate Action (DNAAC) is limited to a few technical
staff, dedicated to implementation in the provinces with respect to climate
change and land degradation matters.
The LDN Checklist specifically refers to Transformative Projects
and Programmes (LDN TPP). It was used to screen the project strategy during
the PPG phase. Key gaps to be addressed by the project are the needs
to strengthen the fundamentals to LND and to promote responsible and inclusive
governance, in addition to delivering multiple benefits. The results of the
screening exercise are summarized below:46

According to the current application of the LDN Checklist, features under Group
A (fundamental to LDN), Group C (promote responsible and inclusive
governance) and Group F (innovative finance) had important gaps for
(A.8) monitoring system consistent with national LDN targets and Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) targets, particularly SDG 15.3 and its indicator 15.3.1
on LDN;
(A.13) establishment of a mechanism that involves relevant stakeholders in
regular monitoring and validation of LDN status, reporting as well on project
implementation outcomes, with particular attention to gender;
(C.28) need for strengthening (or developing) institutional arrangements through
collaboration with a range of actors at multiple administrative levels; and
(C.26) ensure strong gender equality, inclusiveness, accountability and
transparency in land-use decisions and planning.
Figure 4. Pre-conditions for delivering LDN through land-use
planning and management
Source: Adapted from Enemakr et al. (2005). In Metternicht, G. (2018). Land Use and Spatial
Planning: Enabling Sustainable Management of Land Resources. Land Use and Spatial Planning.
The original figure is depicted in Figure 12.
Note: The project?s Theory of Change (ToC) discusses the context specific assumptions (needed
conditions) and certain logical premises (given conditions) for the realization of a
strategy centered around land-use planning and management.

The application of land-use planning and management shown in Figure 4 is

a ?toolbox? that addresses both Sustainable Development and LDN through a
variety of tools, approaches and methodologies. More
importantly, Figure 4 summarizes in a few words and boxes several of the
important LND principles, including the capital importance of land
policies, land-use planning and management and of land information systems for
LDN. Importantly, at the bottom centre of the toolbox are featured three
elements: (i) application of the LDN response hierarchy; (ii) possibility
of counterbalancing ?losses? and ?gains? elsewhere; and (iii) the need for
tracking land-use decision with respect to maintaining (or exceeding) LDN. Of
all three elements mentioned, the first and third are conditions, the second is an
Land-Use Decision Making
Decision-making on land-use in Angola is a complex and challenging
process. Several stakeholders from various spheres of influence, as well as
government from different administrative levels, play a role in making decisions
on land use within a given landscape. Hence, spatial planning is both an
essential framework and a tool for planning landscape management and
coalescing support from stakeholders. However, it can be ineffective without
strengthening institutions, policies and regulatory
frameworks of the relevant sectors. Angola needs to institutionalize inclusive
processes of decision-making on land use at different levels; and to link decision-
making to the spatial planning process, while ensuring that the more difficult
elements are enforceable.
A major barrier for the advancement of spatial planning in Angola is the absence
of suitable decision-support systems that can capture the complexity of land-use
management processes. While the Spatial Planning Law (Lei
do Ordenamento do Territ?rio e do Urbanismo - LOTU Law, 2014) foresees
different types of land-use planning being applied at various scales for
different purposes and situations on the ground, the necessary technical
inputs are not spelled out. Land-use planning is by default spatially based.
However, the institutions that lead and advise on land-use planning and
management lack the basic GIS tools and data for supporting the process.
Furthermore, existing frameworks seems to concentrate mostly on planning and
less on implementation. According to the Angolan Ministry of Urbanism and
Housing48, all 166 territorial plans developed at province level have
been realized by, or with support from, external consultants. This further
highlights the need for a strong capacity development component on the
elaboration of ILUPs.
Another constraint is linked to the need to coordinate land-use decision-
making across the relevant sectors, notably agriculture, forestry and water.
However, decisions on investments regarding macro infrastructures, roads and
varied industries can also have a considerable impact on the landscape. The role
of market forces and of private sector players in land-use decisions-making
processes is also relevant, particularly in relation to the development of value
chains and the negotiation of land-use trade-offs at the landscape levels.
Angola?s LDN agenda from 2018 foresees a multi-sectoral policy
response to implement LDN frameworks, aligning national efforts that can
potentially provide a foundation for landscape-level interventions. The Ministry
of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA) is at the forefront of LDN-driven
initiatives and UNCCD reporting, through its Directorate of Environment and
Climate Action (DNAAC). In the next few years, DNAAC is expected to have
the task of evaluating the effectiveness of LDN
interventions towards achieving the target.
More involvement of other institutions and sectoral players in delivering
the LDN target is crucial desired, both at the national level and on the ground,
and a much stronger formalized alliance between between MCTA and
MINAGRIP is essential, with differences in land-use policies and approaches
With the plurality of stakeholders, decisions may have conflicting objectives.
Furthermore, decisions that influence the outcome for landscapes are also
scale-dependent ? that is, decisions are made at the national, provincial,
commune level or even at the local community and at the farm levels may also
have conflicting objectives. Some decisions are made at the regional level (e.g. at
SADAC level or within a transboundary basin committee) and yet others at the
global level (e.g. the push from the UNCCD COP for Parties to establish of LDN
national targets and pursue them). All of these decisions are influenced by the
prevailing sectoral frameworks and market forces. Angola is yet to develop a
comprehensive decision support framework for land-use planning and
management. The LDN agenda may be a positive driver in this respect.
At the same time, there are nascent policy and regulatory frameworks for
managing land-use and natural resources in Angola. Some of these are
spatially-based, while others are sectoral. The Land Law (09/04), Territorial
Planning Law (03/04), Agrarian Development Law (15/05), Environmental Law
(5/98) and more recent Law on Forest (6/17) provide useful frameworks, but
when it comes to integrating management of landscapes, there are
many anomalies.
Clearly, current frameworks are not effective enough for regulating land-use
across different scales, nor integrating the different regimes of access to land,
resources and land use. Cross-sectoral integration is ad hoc and insufficient,
therefore functions as a barrier. The SHARP Assessment indicates that forests
are accessed by 92% of producers on average, unabated, and that 80% of
respondents use forest trees as source of charcoal. In Angola, there is no
regulatory backing for the establishment of community-based forest management
(CBFM) schemes, although such regimes and schemes are common in
neighboring countries.
Land Tenure Governance
Application of the land tenure regime in Angola poses additional challenges in
relation to land-use management, while noting that land-use management
is primarily concerned with the planning and enforcement of land-
use practices. Indeed, poorly regulated land use over the years has had a
pernicious impact on land productivity, often resulting in land degradation.
Land tenure governance is ensured at village level in accordance with the
directives and decisions of traditional authorities (Sobas) ? with or without the
involvement of the State and the implication of processes foreseen in the Land
Law and Regulations. These practices vary significantly according to locality,
kinship, ethnicity, gender and, quite importantly, level of access to knowledge
and the ease of navigating the process of asserting rights ? land rights in
For the majority of local communities, the constitutional principle of ?all land
belonging to the State? could be interpreted along the lines of shared property,
?good land stewardship? or other tenure systems that are based on ?structured
common property?. Currently, Angola have models of structured common
property (customary common right, acording to Land Law -09/04), however
its implemenmtation reamins weak due to low capaities of local institutions to
implement it. Also, the prevailing land tenure models have failed to ensure
equitable stakeholder participation in decision-making and in the sharing of
benefits from land productivity. Women are particularly marginalized from the
process of land-use decision making and ? more relevant for tenure ? from the
process of land attribution at the local level.
Three major problems are highlighted with respect to asserting communities?
common tenure rights vis-?-vis the land that they traditionally use: (i) lack of
institutional capacity on the part of State agencies to manage the land titles
registration process; (ii) need of legal regulatory
framework improvemnts regarding community land delimitation procedures; and
(iii) women?s limited participation in the process of asserting their rights,
especially in rural settings. Thus, women and other vulnerable
groups are marginalized from the process of making land-use decisions.
FAO reported in 2020 that aproximatelly 300 local communities across the
country had registered land through the formal process prescribed by the Land
Law and, in most cases, with technical assistance of FAO and NGOs throughout
the local consultation process and formal bureaucratic registration. The Minha
Terra Program, launched by presidential decree in 2019 is a clear indicative of
political willingness on inproving community land registration situation in the
country. Community land registration might help land use planning process in
specific cases, as community land delimitation process involves
a prliminary assesment of communities natural resources and management
Stakeholder Participaiton and Capacity for Collaborative Land-Use Planning
The project?s mantra on applying the integrated landscape approach requires
effective inter-institutional collaboration and intersectoral mainstreaming ? the
lack of which represents a barrier.
A model of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) embraced by
GABHIC for the management of shared river basins could provide a functional
example for integrated land-use planning. GABHIC plays a protagonist role in
the concerted planning with peer institutions in other basin countries. Such
models would need to be ?unpacked? into measures and actions that would need
to be implemented.
River basin master plans, NAPs and SAPs provide a general framework for
management of vast, shared water bodies found in southern Angola. The
approach adopted in these plans and programs is integrated, making them rather
sophisticated frameworks for spatially based management. Yet, the issue of land
degradation is not sufficiently addressed within basin-level strategic planning
frameworks ? not to mention the incipient implementation as a barrier in itself.
Basin-level master plans, NAPs and SAPs as currently conceived do
not anticipate nested planning and management frameworks to accommodate a
sub-basin or landscape focus within wider basin/watershed level frameworks. For
GABHIC, this represents a barrier and lost opportunity to engage with sectors
such as agriculture, forestry and infrastructure.
As in case of international river basins, implementation has
been slow, despite the high quality of the planning frameworks for IWRM. The
specific barrier identified in this context concerns operational capacity on the
ground and limited/insufficient structural investments. More specifically,
GABHIC?s primary in-house capacities are in planning and negotiation, and less
in terms of a decentralized implementation of actions. GABHIC has been
generally successful in mobilizing financial resources but a different institutional
profile is required for planning, procuring and overseeing complex water-
related engineering projects, all of which could potentially be consolidated
through much closer collaboration with INRH.
The current barrier to delivering LDN is the need to leverage investments and
promote cross-sectoral integration both within the policy-institutional sphere and
on the ground. It requires Directorate of Environment and Climate Action
(DNAAC) to coordinate with other sectors on their policies, plans and strategies.
This form of organization around land degradation, SLM and SFM constitutes a
viable framework for promoting LDN as a national goal for Angola to pursue.
However, PND investments for such purposes remain small and policy reform
would be needed to effectively link LDN-related actions, to the extent possible,
with IWRM actions at river basin levels.
Under the leadership of MCTA?s DNAAC, which serves as a cross-sectoral
coordination mechanism, the LDN Committee managed to coalesce key
institutional players, including different sections and directorates of MCTA and
MINAGRIP, GABHIC among others. Key milestones include the consolidation
of national LDN target and preparation of Angola?s latest National Report to the
UNCCD. To continue to play this role, DNAAC requires significant capacity
strengthening to assume a broader role in the engagement of
stakeholders to operationalize landscape level management at decentralized level
? and this is a major barrier.

(Barriers #4 and #5)

Barriers #4 and #5 have been identified on the basis of the following findings, for
which evidence is provided below:
Production practices are maladaptive and unsustainable, and producers not well
Dryland products in Angola have limited market penetration, despite potential
Gender livelihood and value-chain inequalities curtail opportunities for
a) Production practices are maladaptive and unsustainable, and producers not well
Prevailing production practices and their specific dynamics predominant within
the target landscapes have been reviewed in Section 1.2 and are generally
characterized as unsustainable, including the following: (i) slash-and-burn
itinerant agriculture, practiced by the large majority of smallholders and
resulting in improper land clearings; (ii) transhumant pastoral practices, where
large herds with limited mobility result in overgrazing; and (iii) the use of scarce
forest resources beyond their regeneration rate.
As indicated earlier, food production systems in Angola face many
challenges and in the project zone, local land users face specific
challenges linked to land management know-how.49
In order for land users to be able to eventually invest in improved land care
and avoid new land clearings as a traditional method of improving land
productivity, they would need to make a quantitative and qualitive leap towards
production intensification, primed on SLM, SFM and Sustainable Range
Management, and applying these techniques in a manner that is adapted to
local agro-ecological conditions. Such a leap would allow land users to improve
productivity, diversity production and increase yields, eventually generating
monetary income through the sale of surplus production. It is assumed that, with
a certain level of production surplus, land users would be able to invest
in improving their plots and maintain this investment post project. It is also
assumed that, scaled out (i.e. when a sufficient number of land users have
adhered to a land-use intensification program), this investment would be
sufficient to either avert or to reduce land degradation at the level of landscapes.
A similar analogy may not apply so readily to forest management and range
management because the land tends to be open access, whereas in a settled
farming community the sense of tenure vis-?-vis 'the family plot? is assumed to
be sufficient for farmers to invest in improved land care and productivity.
Thus, the barrier described herein relates to SLM know-how (and by extension
SFM and SRM), which may be overcome through the availability of
adequate, needs-oriented rural extension services (implying agronomic advice,
forest management services and veterinary support). In the absence of the
project, such services would not be affordable to the majority of land users
within the project zone or, if available, it would probably be insufficient or
inadequate to meet their needs.
An important barrier that the project can address is that very few farmers
have access to rural extension services, improved cultivation know-how,
adequate farm inputs and machinery. This applies to both smallholders and large-
scale commercial farmers. Introducing changes to production methods (e.g.
abandoning slash-and-burn practice) in rural Angola will need to be a step-wise
approach to avoid being met with resistance. Use of ashes from burning biomass
is a well-mastered and cheap way to increase soil fertility in the short-term, for
example. Alternatives to shifting cultivation require gradual introduction of
agronomical know-how of small agricultural machinery and a different way of
organizing production.
Beyond the mere ?transmission of know-how?, rural extension services to be
conveyed by the project will be based on the FFS model, centered around co-
creation of locally adapted knowledge and it will additionally facilitate the
social organization of production. The latter implies the formation of local
cooperatives, associations or working groups, involving farmers, forest dwellers,
livestock herders and sub-basin riparian communities. Besides the access to
adequate SLM/SFM/SRM know-how many land users also face challenges
linked to accessing fertilizer, irrigation inputs, dryland adapted agro-machines
and improved seeds, all of which can be addressed by the project through FFS
and FFF initiatives.
b) Dryland products in Angola have limited market penetration, despite potential
For small farmers and traditional pastoralists, being able to sell their produce in
nearby markets would be a possible pathway towards breaking the cycle of
maladaptive and degrading land uses. However, there are many systemic
barriers, some of which are being actively addressed through baseline
interventions (e.g. issues of rural finance, credit policies and vulnerability to
climate change adaptation).
Two main systems co-exist in the agro-value chains in Angola: family farming
(smallholders) and large agro-enterprises (large-scale commercial farmers). The
former, family farmers, are the majority (likely 80%), most of whom use the
slash-and-burn techniques and cultivate on average 1.4-1.7 hectares per family
using two or more parcels of land. Several large agro-enterprises,
which numbered 8,360 as of the previous PMPSA (2013-2017), face
underinvestment and low productivity problems.
Part of the solutions envisaged by the project imply the intensification of certain
production practices and the introduction of changes to others (e.g. new
techniques or approaches), so that the overall management of landscapes can
make positive and balanced contributions to LDN. In addition, by identifying
areas at risks from land degradation within and near the landscapes, the project
can support suitable interventions for averting further land degradation.
Intensification and optimization of production practices presupposes that farmers
(smallholders in particular) are not at subsistence level and are able to produce
some surplus. Intensification often involves use of manure, artificial irrigation
and animal waste as fertilizer, while building on know-how, investments and
solid information and data. At the same time, the agrarian sector in Angola faces
many systemic challenges, including the collection and handling of data. For
example, there are no comprehensive statistics on agricultural indicators or land
tenure patterns. MINIGRIP maintains statistics on production, which
feeds into the FAOSTATS global database, but no data exist on
There are also challenges along the entire agro-value chain: from the
procurement of basic agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizer, tools etc.), to the
limited and costly availability of both storage and agro-/forestry processing
facilities, to the deficient distribution network and high costs of transportation
and marketing of agricultural and forest-based products. Similar conditions also
apply to the forestry and livestock markets.
A key bottleneck in value chains, according to the analysis in Annex W-3, lies
with the aggregators and their difficulty in organizing producers in a more
effective way. For large traders, food retail, food exporters and land users in
general, the practices of local ?middle-man? hinder them from taking part in
more dynamic agro-value chains and in accessing more advantageous markets.
Lifting this barrier could make a significant difference at local level. Both in
rural and urban areas, informal markets are operated by several wholesalers, who
are specialized in specific provinces, districts and often a set of products. Their
job is to aggregate production from the rural areas, often by visiting multiple
rural markets where a few small farmers attempt to sell their surplus. Most of the
operations are performed by business women, while processing is owned by
men. There are reports of poor hygiene in product handling and bundling. This
happens often in open markets located on the roadsides. Within the project zone,
there has been no known record of Local Government providing support to value
chain stakeholders with the aim of improving conditions in the local public
Informal value chains, as described in the previous paragraph, are extremely
inefficient in terms of time and food loss; and they are quite risky business for
the entrepreneur. It can be inferred that both informal wholesalers and
retailers receive very low income, as the business scale and technology is
Underperformance of these businesses is mainly due to: limited cash flow, lack
of investment capital, adequate infrastructure and agro-processing
technologies, limited means of transportation and informality of their enterprises.
Some wholesalers invest in their own transport fleet and storage
facilities, generating much higher revenues and eventually business stability.
Very few women operate these businesses and possibly in a cartel-like fashion.
Dryland products in Angola have limited market penetration,
despite their potential. However, an important exception is charcoal. Activities of
both the charcoal and timber sectors are important drivers of deforestation and
degradation in Miombo-Mopane woodland landscapes. Together, these two
segments of the Forestry Sector are likely responsible for about half of the active
deforestation and degradation in Angola, while the other half can be attributed to
the widespread practice of slash-and-burn agriculture. While the activity is
considered a driver of deforestation, the collection of woody biomass from
landscapes to manufacture charcoal does not constitute land-use change, as land
clearings would do but, depending on local conditions, it may open up access to
forest patches to either runaway fires or subsequent clearings. There have been
several publications and projects recently that attempt to devise solutions to the
problems caused by the charcoal industry in Africa, including CO2 emissions
and the linkages to forest degradation and deforestation. The aspect of lost
taxation revenue to the States is often neglected. A 2017 UNEP
study estimates that 90% of wood consumed in Africa is used for woodfuel and
In Angola, charcoal manufacturing remains informal. For the business-person
pursuing the activity, acquiring permits to explore forests for such purpose is
considered expensive, cumbersome and unnecessary. The SHARP results
indicate that, in the project area, access to forest resource is open, wide and
unregulated, and that the large majority of households (80%) use trees for
producing charcoal ? yet very few admitted to selling it.
The project will seek to address the barriers to a more rational use of biomass
resources, by assessing the local demand for charcoal and possible alternatives
(e.g. plantation with fast-growing woody species, pelleting, improved kilns
etc.). The project will create synergies with the GEF Project Promotion of
Sustainable Charcoal in Angola through a Value Chain Approach GEF ID#5719
implemented by UNDP and MCTA, which is working on the policy framework
to support a sustainable charcoal value chain and sustainable charcoal production
technology, briquetting and energy-efficient charcoal stoves Besides this, little
is known about the charcoal subsector in southern Angola, including the
economic and NRM processes behind this largely informal value chain. A few
studies have been carried out, but they show that the markets are very contextual
and studies from one province may not apply to another. Addressing issue of
access to forests, know-how and equipment can offer some pathways for creating
a ?greener? charcoal value chain.
c) Gender livelihood and value-chain inequalities curtail opportunities for women
Gender-based inequalities in rural settings in Angola are reflected in unequal
opportunities for obtaining income, in particular in the rural areas. Also, The
SHARP results have shown how this general assumption is also valid in
project intervention sites. Most male-headed households (71%, 12 households)
have two income sources, while this is true for 47% women-led families (7
households) and 41% of jointly led households (12 households).
These data are corroborated with demographic data on gender disaggregated
income for Angola, although scant.51
The main barriers faced by rural women in the project area are legal, social,
customary, financial and linked to their lower education status, illustrated by
data from SHARP and other sources. A strategy to overcome more general
gender-based barriers and negative biases that underpin inequality is included
in Annex X-1.
From the analysis, three priorities stand out: (i) unequal income opportunities and
unequal pay in rural jobs, especially in large and medium-size farms; (ii) very
unequal land tenure conditions between men and women, (including inheritance
and ownership of built infrastructure within marriage bonds); and (iii) household
leadership and decision-making within it. For the latter (#3), the general gender
picture is one of less inequality and more ?harmony?. Concerning (#2), land
tenure, it is notable that tradition and culture play an important a role.
On a more positive note, rural women play a rather active role in the sale of
agricultural produce. Several of the primary aggregators are women and they are
possibly the majority in local markets, directly selling vegetables, grain, fruit and
other products from the land. Their constraint for reaching a higher aggregation
level appears to be access to own vehicle and perhaps the possession of a
driver?s license. The project will take this into account in the strategy but will
not directly address it. Refer to Annex X-1 for more details in the Gender Action
Plan. the Gender Action Plan.
Barriers #6, #7 and #8
In 2018 the government of Angola established the technical committee on LDN
to develop a proposal for National LDN Target Setting Program (LDN-TSP).
The LDN-TSP is being implemented by the Angolan government but has been
primarily reliant on data that are still at too broad a scale for an accurate
assessment of land degradation and appropriate responses (particularly at the
local level). In the context of the on-going LDN-TSP, specific voluntary LDN
targets and strategies developed by the technical committee supported by FAO
were presented by the GoA and validated by stakeholders in November
2018. However, the GoA will still requires support to effectively implement and
monitor LDN technical measures and targets, and implementing the overall
strategy adopted at national level for LDN.
Due to the lack of LD data and capacities to generate LD information in Angola,
the GEF LD Project ?Sustainable Land Management in target landscapes of
Central Angola? is supporting the Agoecological Zoning Unit to generate LD
information in a pilot area in the central part of the country. However this needs
to be deepened and scaled up to provide the information needed by the technical
LDN technical committee.
Although the LDN technical committee hasn?t been active since the LDN-
TSP was validated, during the PPG process the government identified the
need to reactivate this committee 52? (Program 2.4.1).
The lack of capacity on SLM/SFM and LD and and weak technical knowledge
and general awareness on these issues are directly linked to
reduced opportunities available within Angola for training/capacity building on
SLM/SFM. There are, for instance, only a very small number
of relevant professional courses covering aspectsSLM or SFM practices available
through universities or technical bodies in Angola. These include the University
Agostinho Neto, Cuito Cuanavale, National School of Environment and Agrarian
Institutes, which addresses environmental topics, but not directly related to
SLM/SFM, and these institutions usually lack specialized professionals,
materials and practical activities. As LD, and particularly LDN, are relatively
new concepts in Angola LD they are barely covered within the country?s
academic institutions.
In addition, there areimited opportunities available to technical staff for overseas
training due to insufficient funds. Language is also and added challenge as
there are relatively few materials and international training
opportunities specifically in Portuguese.
Levels of knowledge about LD and LDN issues including SLM/SFM practices
even among relevant institutions are extremely low. The
recently created LDN Working Group in Angola, although it has a clear mandate,
lacks guidance and and agenda. The situation among local agriculture, forestry
and environment extension services of is even worse, although some incipient
awareness and basic capacity building activities have been developed
in through previous GEF founded projects53. Although extension services
remain focused on strengthening productivity in rural areas, there is an
opportunity to introduce ?sustainability? to these services and therefore bring this
concept to the communities? practices.
In this context, the project aims to help address the knowledge gap through
increasing information available through specific knowledge management and
communication activities set out in a Knowledge Management and
Communication Strategy and Plan, with production of guidelines, manuals,
online courses and training materials (aligned with Outputs 2.1.4 and 3.2.1), as
well as highlighting the issue of LD and LDN at the institutional and political
level to encourage (leverage) more investment for resources to address LDN.
Understanding of the importance of addressing LD and moving towards LDN is
also weak among the private sector and final consumers. Although Angola has
suffered from the adverse impacts of LD in recent years and unsuitable land and
natural resource exploitation is widespread, awareness of the problem and the
need for more sustainable production and land and natural resource use is
still low among the population.
Due to many of the reasons outlined above, including limited numbers of
technically trained staff, insufficient financial resources, language barriers and a
lack of strategic focus on sustainable dryland management, Angola
has limited opportunities compared to many other countries
to participate effectively in relevant regional and global forums and initiatives
focused on addressing LD and LDN, including potential transboundary
and regional initiatives to address common challenges to sustainable drylands
management across the Miombo-Mopane ecoregion. Angolan institutions
addressing LD and LDN also have less opportunities to gain technical knowledge
and a more regional/global perspective on the sustainable management of
drylands and particularly to exchange experiences and learn from others also
working to achieve LDN. This also represents lost opportunities to to sustain
and scale up project and program impacts regionally and globally. The weak
participation in key regional/global forums/agreements/initiatives dealing
with sustainable management of land and natural resources, LD and LDN,
such as SADC, KAZA, and the Miombo Foru i will be address by the project
collaboration with Global coordination project and
the GCP/REM to improve the effectiveness of actions both for Angola and at the
regional and global levels.
By working collaboratively through the GCP/REM , the Angola project can take
advantage of the significant resources of dryland expertise available at global and
regional levels (including in many cases in neighboring countries within the
same region). Apart from helping to improve delivery of project aims in
Angola share experiences, lessons learned and best practice with other child
projects, adopting similar management approaches to sustainable drylands
management will help to generate greater transformational change towards
sustainability across the whole Miombo-Mopane ecoregion.
In addition, addressing knowledge and capacity on a regional basis will address
some of the weaknesses at national level. Currently, capacity
development for dryland management is typically carried out on a piecemeal
basis usually resulting in strengthening the capacity of individuals, rather
than strengthening organizations and institutions. It typically lacks the systemic
approach that is required to promote ownership at national and regional levels, to
maximize scale and especially durability of impact (e.g. through establishment
of ?communities of practice?, knowledge exchange networks and long-term
backstopping to ensure that learning is applied), and to take advantage of
opportunities for coordination and economies of scale.
In addition to technical knowledge and capacity, regional links and
networks (even between neighboring countries), between producers, distributors
and sellers of SLM/SFM products are also weak as a result
of unexisting regulatory frameworks and the lack of of a distinctive ?brand? that
could give a competitive advantage to producers of SLM/SFM
products from the target areas in national, regional and global markets.
Regional and Global Perspectives
Through the effective implementation of Child Projects of the Miombo Cluster
under the DSL IP, participating countries have an opportunity to seek strategic
and conceptual cohesion, regional collaboration, and peer learning opportunities,
in order to address common challenges. However, implementation would not be
complete if the management of target landscapes within
countries overlooked relevant cross-border aspects. Many of the landscapes
targeted by Child Projects abut borders.
In Angola, Sub-Basin #2 (Cahama-Cunene) includes several tributaries of the
Cunene River Basin and an important section of the Cunene River itself. It also
includes some 17,600 ha that is part of the Cuvelai Basin. Although Sub-Basin
#2 (Cahama-Cunene) does not abut the border with Namibia, the management of
its watershed and adjacent area is potentially of relevance to Namibia and the
health of grassland plains of the Cuvelai Basin in both countries. The plains
provide water to hundreds of thousands of people in both countries, as well
as form and water the Etosha Pan of Namibia further south.
While the Governments of Angola, Namibia and Botswana are accustomed to
discuss matters of ?shared water bodies? and ?integrated management of land
and water? within the relevant joint-basin commissions for the Cunene, Cuvelai
and Okavango rivers, the project brings in an additional potentially unifying
agenda item to the table - the LND perspective. With it, there is an opportunity to
?simplify? the otherwise complex decision-making process on the management
of land areas by applying the LDN response hierarchy. More specifically, it
would inform and necessitate decisions on LDN responses in certain
LMUs requiring an approach of ?Avoiding?, ?Reducing? or ?Reversing? land
degradation. For the participating countries, joint land-use activities would have
an immediate benefit of framing the processes within the UNDCCD
reporting mechanism. It would also produce enhanced global environmental
benefits for all concerned countries in terms of land areas under improved and
?collaborative? management. A similar parallel can be drawn with respect to
Sub-basin #1 (Cuchi-Okavango) in relation to the Okavango Basin.
The sub-regional dialogue that would be generated from the activities would
create an investment friendly environment under the auspices of SADC?s
GGWI-S, for example, including support from other regional bodies and
partners. Such collaboration can also happen at the global scale, within a higher-
level exchange mechanism for dryland landscapes.

3. Proposed GEF alternative scenario

3.1 Theory of Change

As described above, the key problem to be addressed by the project is the
increasing loss of valuable ecosystem services from Angola?s Miombo-Mopane
woodlands as a result of land and forest degradation. This is undermining the
fabric of local communities and their livelihoods, social equity, food security and
sustainable economic development in a relatively hostile environment that
is subject to climatic shocks of dry spells and low rainfall. The main causes and
drivers of this degradation are: land clearance, much of which can be attributed
to expansion of the agricultural frontier;
and maladaptive/unsustainable/illegal land-use practices (e.g. charcoal
production, felling and collection of forest products, overgrazing).
The central problem is the widespread degradation of land in Angola, which is
impacting the Miombo-Mopane Woodlands Ecoregion that is distributed across
much of the country (Figure 1B). Thus, the project seeks to transform the
management of production systems within the Miombo-Mopane woodlands of
Angola?s Okavango and Cunene river basins (project objective), using an
integrated landscape management approach that addresses the eight barriers
to achieving LDN and thereby alleviate threats to these woodlands in the target
Threats to ecosystem services in targeted Land Management Units (LMUs) will
be subject to interventions that AVOID, REDUCE and/or REVERSE land
degradation trends, while also contributing to national LDN
targets, and improved and more resilient livelihoods, as well as to biodiversity

The Integrated Landscape Management approach will be realized through three

interlinked strategies, each reflected in its respective project component,
comprising a set of project interventions (activities) and outputs that will address
the respective identified barriers to addressing avoiding land
degradation and deliver the following ?immediate project outcomes? in
the Project Zone.54.
Component 1 (Enabling frameworks for LDN at national and landscape
levels) will address Barrier 1: weaknesses in the enabling policy and
regulatory environment, and in multi-sector coordination and decision-
making; Barrier 2: inadequate Institutional mandates and capacities to engage
stakeholders in delivering LDN through integrated landscape management; and
partially Barrier 3: land tenure governance disincentives for land improvement,
which reinforce social inequalities, including gender. More specifically,
Component 1 will create an enabling environment for LDN by reinforcing the
agenda of Angola?s LDN Committee to improve cross-sectoral coordination,
policy and planning. Component 1 has one outcome:
Outcome 1.1 Strengthened policy-regulatory and decision-making
frameworks for LDN at national and sub-national levels
Component 2 (Strengthening implementation and replicating SLM and
SFM practices) will also partially focus on Barrier 3: disincentives for land
improvement arising from ineffective delivery of land tenure policy and
regulations; Barrier 4: poor mastery of SLM/SFM practices and limited
access to technical support, resources and
incentives to improve productivity; and Barrier 5: local livelihoods (especially
for women) hampered by limited access to finance and markets for SLM/SFM
products. These barriers will be addressed primarily through development and
adoption of ILUPs and implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive land
management practices on the ground, as well as through development and
strengthening of dryland value chains in project landscapes. Capacity
building will be supported by strengthening the existing network of Agro-
Pastoral/Farmer Field Schools (APFS/FFS) to ensure sustainability of the
training. Land users will be incentivized to engage in SLM/SFM through
sustainable value chains. Component 2 has three outcomes:

Outcome 2.1 Landscapes in Southern Angola under Integrated Land-

Use Planning (ILUP) for LDN
Outcome 2.2 Capacity and resilience of land users to apply SLM/SFM
practices to production systems strengthened
Outcome 2.3 Green value chains to support sustainable drylands
products developed or strengthened

Component 3 (Strengthening knowledge, learning and collaboration to

support progress towards achieving national LDN targets) will
address Barrier 6: weak national and landscape-level LDN monitoring
and assessment and information management frameworks; Barrier 7: absence
of LDN-focused knowledge management or reflective learning and
exchange across the Miombo-Mopane region; and Barrier 8: insufficient sub-
regional/cross-border collaboration, coordination and exchange on
key challenges among the Miombo-Mopane cluster
countries on sustainable landscape management. Component 3
focuses on strengthening LDN knowledge management information
dissemination, and generating awareness reflective learning and
collaboration between cluster countries. Component 3 has three outcomes:

Outcome 3.1 National land information framework strengthened to

inform LDN-related policy, planning, and management
at landscape, national and global levels
Outcome 3.2 Knowledge and awareness enhanced to support progress
towards achievement of national LDN targets
Outcome 3.3 Collaboration and exchange at regional and global levels
enhanced to support national/sub-national efforts to
deliver LDN
Some Outcomes are interlinked and work together or depend on the delivery of
others, as shown in the Theory of Change (ToC) diagram where key relationships
between the main elements of the ToC are indicated by arrows. Specifically,
Component 1 (strengthening of the enabling environment for LDN) is a
prerequisite for all Outcomes under Component 2; and Outcomes 2.2 and 2.3 are
interdependent as sustainably farmed products are required for GVCs and,
conversely, the promotion of GVCs will support the uptake of SLM/SFM
practices and, indeed, is a driver for scaling out such practices in the target
There is also a strong interconnection between Components 1 and 2 and the
regional perspective of Component 355, whereby results and experiences from
Components 1 and 2 contribute to building a national knowledge base on LDN
under Component 3, while guidance on improved practices and lessons
learned from the project are shared regionally and globally with the
wider drylands community under global and regional exchange mechanisms
(GCP/REMs), represented by a separate pathway in the ToC diagram. At the
same time, knowledge gained and lessons learned by this project, other child
projects and through the regional and global communities will be collated and
fed back into improving Angola?s SLM/SFM and LDN policies, regulations,
financing strategies and land management practices under Components 1 and 2.
Combined, the three components will demonstrate how a paradigm shift towards
LDN in the Target Zone can be achieved by integrating the management of
production systems at landscape scales, while prioritizing the conservation of
Miombo-Mopane woodlands alongside the sustainable improvement of local
livelihoods. Delivery of project outcomes will also improve regional decision-
making, collaboration and partnerships across the Miombo-Mopane cluster of
countries.56 However, the project?s design and implementation rely on a number
of underlying premises (i.e. prior ?givens? or proven conditions) and
assumptions (i.e. unproven suppositions), as elaborated below.
Key Premises:
The SLM/SFM and LDN concepts are well documented and have been piloted
in various projects57. Nevertheless, the projected extent of its applicability
and magnitude of its replicability in Angola remain a
fundamental premise underlying this project. Other key premises (P) are:
Degradation of water, soil and vegetation functions, as well as GHG emissions
contributing to climate change, can be limited through SLM/SFM/IWRM
practices that simultaneously conserve natural resources,
increase production yields and enhance land users? resilience.
Cultural barriers can be effectively addressed through the project?s gender
strategy and safeguards, enabling women to actively participate in project
interventions (e.g. sustainable governance of natural resources, SLM, SFM and
green value chains). It is crucial that women are involved in the project not only
for the sake of gender equity but also for ensuring project overall feasibility and
future sustainability.
Land users in rural parts of Angola able to strengthen their land tenure rights have
more incentive to improve their land productivity.
Future Covid-19 impacts will not irreversibly affect the project?s
institutional and financial support, as well as projected partnerships and
interactions with other stakeholders.
Key Assumptions:
Several assumptions that apply over to the project?s timeframe need to be met
for the project to operate and deliver at the activity level. The most important
is the continuing commitment of key partners and other stakeholders to
deliver the project?s objective of reducing land degradation and shifting towards
LDN. This is especially important for interventions requiring changes to policy
and regulatory frameworks, and for securing investments from co-financiers.
Key assumptions are listed below and depicted by ?A? in the ToC diagram. Note
that A.1-A.7 apply during the project?s life and A.8 post-project.
National and sub-national government agencies, community groups, civil society
and the private sector are willing to participate in cross-sectoral governance for
There is political will across government to address Angola?s land tenure
issues, in line with its policy to promote more responsible land care across
landscapes, by focusing on user and access rights, security of tenure and gender
Smallholder farmers, individually and collectively, can be motivated to develop
their skills and adopt SLM/SFM practices that generate tangible benefits, while
accepting potential risks from adopting new practices and products
(e.g. seeds/cultivars).
Market demand for dryland products from southern Angola, coupled with viable
ways for local producers to commercialize their surplus production, provide the
basis for developing green value chains (GVCs), subject to appropriate inputs and
improved organizational support.
The private sector is willing to invest in SLM/SFM/LDN activities, encouraged by
a supportive regulatory and financial environment.
There is sufficient, continuing political support and resources from national and
local government to address gaps in capacity for integrated land-use planning
and management.
Countries continue to commit to regional collaboration, benefitting from both the
enhanced LDN agenda across the Miombo-Mopane ecoregion and strengthened
national capacity.
Future climate change impacts do not irreversibly affect the structure and function
of ecosystem services in production landscapes.
Impact drivers:
There are also a number of impact drivers58 that may increase the likelihood
of progress along the causal chain, subject to the project and/or its partners
exerting some influence. These are listed below and depicted by a ?D? in
the ToC diagram.
Increased awareness among policy-makers, land users, civil society
and the private sector of the need to adopt resilient, adaptive or mitigation
measures to counter climate change impacts.
Increasing global demand and diversified markets for SLM/SFM products.
Regional initiatives and forums, such as the Great Green Wall and SADC,
promoting regional visions for sustainable land and natural resource use,
facilitating increased inward investment, and building capacity for sustainable
management of land and natural resources.
International legal obligations, such as national commitment to the SDGs,
UNCCD, UNFCCC and CBD, sustaining the prioritization of the LDN
agenda during project implementation and beyond.
If the outcome-related assumptions and impact drivers hold true, then the
interaction between the three project Components will result in delivery of
the project?s objective to ?initiate a transformational shift towards
sustainable, integrated management of multi-use dryland landscapes in the
Miombo-Mopane ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basins)
following Land Degradation Neutrality principles?, with further gains,
represented as four Medium term Outcomes (MTO), of:
Strengthened enabling environment supporting out-scaling of SLM/SFM and the
application of the LDN principles across Angola (MTO1):
Increased application of integrated land use planning for LDN and
SLM/SFM/sustainable rangeland management practices across landscapes in
Angola (MTO2);
Increased long-term investment (market and financing mechanisms) in land use
models and innovation to support sustainable dryland management and
restoration of degraded ecosystems (MTO3); and
Apart from national gains, delivery of project outcomes would also improve
decision-making, partnerships and collaboration for addressing LDN across
Miombo-Mopane region and globally (captured as MTO4, and represented by a
separate causal pathway in the ToC graphic).
Together these, with additional external inputs, will lead to longer term
outcomes and changes in state, including: ?threats to the Miombo-Mopane
drylands ecoregion of Southern Angola are removed, ecosystem conditions
and services on which sustainable agriculture and forestry production
depends restored and maintained, and livelihood sustainability and climate
change resilience improved? and delivery of the Angolan contribution to a
?region-wide transformation to sustainable management of Miombo-
Mopane Woodlands? and the goal of the SFM Drylands Sustainable
Landscapes Impact Program, which is ?to avoid, reduce, and reverse further
degradation, desertification, and deforestation of land and ecosystems in
drylands through the sustainable management of production landscapes?.
Together these should also help Angola achieves its national 2030 LDN
target, and contribute to achieving Global Environmental benefits and a
number of socio-economic co-benefits.
The causal logic of Angola?s child project, summarized in the ToC diagram,
is well-aligned with the over-arching ToC for the Dryland Sustainable
Landscapes Impact Program (DSL IP) and Land Degradation Objective.
This program approach applied by Miombo-Mopane countries will sustain
integrated management in the target landscapes, thereby maintaining
or improving the flow of both ecosystem services (LD 2.2) for biodiversity
conservation and agro-ecosystem services (LD 1.1) for food production and
the livelihoods of forest-dependent people.
The Project Strategy is further elaborated in the next Section, providing
details about the project components, outcomes, outputs and proposed

Diagramatic Summary of the Theory of Change for the Child Project in

3.3.2 Project Strategy
Project Objective
The Angola Child Project is part of the GEF-7 Sustainable Forest
Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes (DSL
IP), whose global objective is to avoid, reduce, and reverse further
degradation, desertification, and deforestation of land and ecosystems
in drylands through the sustainable management of production
landscapes. The Angola Child Project will contribute to the above
goal through the following project-specific objective:
Angola Child Project Objective:
To initiate a transformational shift towards sustainable, integrated
management of multi-use dryland landscapes of the Miombo-Mopane
ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basins) based on Land
Degradation Neutrality principles.
The project has been designed to generate catalytic effects (i.e. the
?transformational shift?) within targeted landscapes
that harbour Miombo-Mopane Woodlands, including
the Baikiaea Woodlands). This implies that the degradation of water,
soil and vegetation functions (as well as GHG emissions contributing to
climate change) can be limited through the demonstration of integrated
(catchment level) land use planning and a more informed and targeted
application of (evidence based good) SLM/SFM practices that
simultaneously conserve natural resources, increase yields and enhance
land users? resilience. The project will also provide major opportunities
to demonstrate how pressure and threats on neighbouring refuges of
biodiversity can be contained and reduced. The future integrity of the
PA?s system in Angola, comprising of 14 sites (87,507 km2) and
covering just 7% of the country (terrestrial), see Figure 3, will depend
increasingly on sustainable landscape management approaches, even
with a modest expansion of the PA?s system. Developing land-use
plans, that are restricted to sectoral and administrative boundaries as is
currently the case, will not achieve the same transformational shift.
Hence, the vital importance of demonstrating how this can be achieved
in these target landscapes, where replication post-project will be equally
The adoption of SLM/SFM practices for integrated landscape-
scale planning and management have many similarities with IWRM
approaches. Hence, the comprehensive transboundary river
basin planning undertaken for OKACOM and CUVECOM will be
incorporated during project implementation. The project will also
contribute to strengthening the livelihoods of local communities by
supporting sustainable dryland value chains. This is essential in order to
help alleviate the economic hardship and vulnerability faced by local
communities and thereby enable them to shift to more sustainable
landscape management practices that, in turn, will global environmental
benefits and contribute to LDN. The project will additionally address
challenges that are specific to the Miombo-Mopane Woodlands
Ecoregion through a concerted participatory approach nationally and
through Angola?s participation in the Regional Exchange
Mechanism. REM is a demand-driven partnership for connecting,
learning, managing and collaborating on ?common management
challenges? of relevance to Miombo-cluster countries. Seven
of 11 countries in total are participating in the DSL IP in the Southern
African region.
Miombo-Mopane cluster ? a harmonized approach
Angola?s child project?s Theory of Change (ToC) is well aligned with
the DSL IP?s ToC, which adheres to the principles of the GEF?s
programmatic approach outlined in the GEF-7 Strategy.59 In
addition to enabling countries to address complex, commonly
encountered drivers of land degradation in the targeted landscapes in a
systematic and harmonious manner, this IP grasps the opportunity
to tackle transboundary issues in an integrated way,
specifically those related to
water using IWRM experience to crossborder trade based
on sustainable/green value chains.
The overall DSL IP approach embedded in each child
project ToC presumes147 that it is possible ?to effectively address
threats to Miombo-Mopane woodlands and their globally important
environmental values and ecosystem services, while contributing to land
degradation neutrality (LDN), sustaining local
livelihoods and enhancing climate change resilience across
landscapes?, subject to GCPs pursuing the following strategies:
developing the capacities of stakeholders to identify and assess the
drivers of land degradation in a participatory manner for more
informed decision-making on SLM/SFM;
strengthening multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder coordination and
collaboration at all levels (e.g. LDN platforms at national and
landscape levels);
improving regulatory frameworks for sustainable landscape
strengthening cross-sectoral rural advisory services to educate land
users about integrated SLM/SFM;
providing incentives for land users to engage in SLM/SFM (e.g.
through sustainable value chains and securing their rights); and
sharing knowledge between Miombo-Mopane cluster countries.
The harmonized approach towards achieving LDN, livelihood
sustainability and climate change resilience and adopted by GCPs in the
Miombo-Mopane cluster is reflected in the three Components of
the Angola Child Project and their respective outcomes and outputs, all
of which are decribed below.

Impacts of COVID-19

The baseline scenario of the project might be affected by the COVID-19
pandemic. According to preliminary assessments done by the FAO
Angola Office, agriculture production is being negatively affected in
terms of labor shortages. Several production units have begun working
below capacity. Mobility restrictions and consequent logistic
bottlenecks are leading to negative impacts on food supply and demand,
trade, etc. As a result, national food and nutrition security, and rural
communities? livelihoods are seriously affected.
In order to alleviate this situation and build back better, the Government
of Angola launched?a Presidential Decree (98/20) in April 2020 to
support families, enterprises and the informal economy sector affected
by COVID-19. The Decree is focused on TAX reduction and access to
financial mechanisms. Additionally, the ?Family farming and fisheries
Acceleration Integrated Program (PIAAPF)?[1]?launched by Ministry
of Agriculture and Fisheries in June 2020, aims to support family
farming in 3 areas: Support Value chains to increase production,
strengthen human resources and support the agriculture input sectors.
This program has a budget of 450 Million USD to be implemented over
two years. DSL IP will directly liaise with PIAAPF in order to share
methodologies (as for value chain support), introducing sustainability
and the environment dimension in the various areas of PIAAPF.
In addition, there are several digital technologies and innovative
approaches that the project will introduce to support sharing of
knowledge virtually in support of social distancing. For example; tablets
that were introduced for the SHARP household surveys will be used to
take footages on different SLM/SFM approaches that will be
disseminated to wider groups of stakeholders as well as for monitoring
and evaluation purposes. This approach will be complemented by the
"Making every voice count for adaptive management" initiative
facilitated by the Global Coordination project. This initiative promotes a
variety of communication tools, focusing on a participatory video
approach as an interactive platform that supports networking and
knowledge generation, and in later stages documenting and
disseminating knowledge assets and lessons learned ? especially those
identified by the local communities and stakeholders at landscape level.
The goal is to create a bridge between other teams and initiatives and
work beyond the 11 countries involved in this program. The activities
will be complemented by specific activities and tools to ensure access to
agriculture and forestry advisory services during COVID-19 pandemic,
such as the use of radio, print media, videos, mobile vans, and social
media (e.g. WhatsApp) to overcome barriers related to social distance,
travel limitations and possible lockdown periods.
The project?s overall strategy is geared towards increasing the
ecological, social and economic resilience in the target landscapes. The
project?s corresponding broader interventions are therefore well adapted
to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 by:?Supporting local
supply chains, hence increasing the resilience of local food systems,
food security and nutrition (through the establishment of community
seed banks and diversification of on-farm production using drought
tolerant and nutritious legumes) while simultaneously addressing land
degradation and increasing agricultural productivity.
In direct alignment with PIAAPF, creating green jobs through the
selected value chains which in turn will improve the overall
management and resilience of the landscape (e.g. apiculture which
promotes pollination, reduction of forest fires through introduction of
modern bee hives while increasing local livelihoods).
Promote the sustainable management of the forest resources which
make a significant contribution to food and nutrition security, helping
ward off debilitating micronutrient deficiencies while diversifying diets
and livelihood.
Supporting the sustainable use of woodfuel (which remains the main
source of energy for cooking) and therefore energy and food security.
The project interventions in the field will be accompanied by applying
FAO resource handbook for running farmer field schools (FFS) during
the COVID-19 pandemic:
The handbook has two main purposes. First, it contains guidelines
that focus on reducing risks of COVID-19 community transmission
when running FFS and other agricultural training activities, based
on WHO recommendations adapted to the context of FFS. Second,
it aims to guide practitioners in using FFS positively to disseminate
basic protective measures and build effective responses to the
COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, a set of 21 learning activities to
integrate COVID-19-related topics in FFS and help communities
respond to the challenges they face.
The project?s meetings and workshops will be carried out electronically
through Zoom or similar system, ensuring a minimum representation of
all interested stakeholder groups. To the extent possible, and depending
on changes in the Malawian government regulations on limitations on
the number of people who can meet and on the movement of people
within / outside the country and within / outside the target districts, the
project will try to group the maximum number of people legally
possible in a common space, to minimize the problems derived from
Zoom meetings with multiple people. The project team will request the
respect of all legal measures established by the government when
people gather, such as a mask, hand washing, safety distance,
ventilation of the meeting space, maximum meeting time, etc

All participatory events (e.g. for the elaboration of Integrated Land-Use

Plans (ILUPs) will be used to: (i) counter spread of fake news on
COVID-19, (ii) equip and train front-line project facilitators and field
workers, and community leaders, about COVID-19 related knowledge;
(iii) raise awareness and disseminate information about COVID-19
impacts and response measures in agriculture, forestry, food security
and nutrition; and (iv) inform about and encourage the observation of
the official rules to be followed to avoid contagion and transmission.

Component 1. Enabling frameworks for LDN at national and

landscape levels
In the DLS IP harmonized approach, Component 1 is focused on the
enabling environment for LDN, such as land-use planning policy. This
applies similarly to Component 1 of the Angola Child Project, while
Component 2 is concerned with the operationalization of land-use
planning and land management.
Component 1 draws directly from recent UNCCD guidance on
the enabling environment for LDN60. It identifies the conditions
necessary for a country to successfully pursue an LDN-oriented land
degradation strategy and the multiple benefits generated from
implementing such a strategy at national, regional or local levels.
Conditions pertaining to the enabling
environment necessary for achieving LDN align well with PPG
findings, such as those based on RS
assessment and stakeholders? perceptions of land degradation,
combining scientific evidence with
experiential observations. Additionally, the importance of contextual
analysis is highlighted: for example, the socio-economic background
analysis that underpinned the Barrier Analysis, Baseline SHARP survey
and Capacity Needs Assessment. All of these assessments, surveys and
analyses carried out during the PPG have informed the design of
It is helpful to follow the aforementioned UNCCD
guidance and structure the enabling environment around four
dimensions, which in turn are differentiated into 15 elements that
are considered to be most relevant to deliver LDN. These are listed
in Table 2 as a check
against project Outputs (mostly from Components 1-2) to ensure that
relevant enabling elements (criteria) have been included in the
Project Strategy. Most elements are shown to be directly relevant to the
Table 3. Alignment of Project Strategy with elements of a four
dimensional LDN enabling environment

Enabling En Relevant
vironment D Element or Criteria Project
imension Outcomes
1.1 National political commitment Outcome 1.1
and agenda: high-level
commitment; clear priorities and
targets set; targets mainstreamed
into NAP and National
Development Plan

1.2 Coordination: lead national Outcome 1.1,

agency responsible for LDN and Outcome 2.1
integrated land-use planning; Outcome 3.1
1. mechanisms in place for and Outcome
Institutional horizontal and vertical 3.3

1.3 Multi-stakeholder Outcome

consultation: inclusion of civil 1.1, Outcome
society and other stakeholders; 2.1
participatory process

1.4 Institutional capacities: in Outcome 1.1,

planning, policy development, Outcome 2.1
monitoring, enforcement

2.1 Finance needs assessment or Outcome 2.3

costings identified for LDN
implementation (e.g. operational,
monitoring, evaluation etc.)

2. Financial
2.2 Identified sources of finance: Outcome 2.3
instruments, mechanisms
described or identified;
earmarked funds in budget;
additional sources of finance

3.1 Land tenure considered: user Outcome 1.1

rights; access rights; control and Outcome
rights; transfer rights and tenure 2.1

3.2 Integrated land-use planning Outcome 1.1

system considered/mentioned and Outcome
3. Policy /
regulatory 3.3 Neutrality mechanism to Outcome 1.1,
counterbalance losses and gains Outcome 2.1
discussed or proposed;
consideration of avoid, reduce,
reverse hierarchy

3.4 Regulations and rules around Outcome 1.1

LDN considered: policies,
procedures, incentives
3.5 Policy coherence: policy Outcome 1.1
alignment; consideration of
synergies/ trade-offs (e.g.
synergistic policies operationalized
at the same time by different

4.1 Effectiveness of data and Outcome 3.1

monitoring systems considered;
consideration of 3 global

4.2 Consideration of technical Outcome 1.1

capacities in the country for LDN and Outcome
target setting and implementation 2.2

4. Science-
policy 4.3 Consideration of information Outcome 1.1,
interface on causes/effects of land Outcome 2.1
degradation and LDN - ecological, and Outcome
social, economic (or information 3.1
to conduct preparatory

4.4 Information on multiple Outcome

benefits of SLM and LDN 1.1, Outcome
considered (e.g. biodiversity, 2.1 and
climate, livelihoods etc.) Outcome 2.2

Component 1 is designed to address Barriers 1 (governance), 2

(institutional) and 3 (land tenure), elaborated in Section
2.1. The underlying assumptions concern: a willingness among all
stakeholders to engage across sectors in the governance of LDN (A.1);
political will to address land tenure issues (A.2); and and a private
sector willing to invest in SLM/SFM, encouraged by supportive
regulatory and financial environments (A5). These scenarios
are depicted in the ToC diagram.
The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA) will lead
the execution of Component 1, collaborating closely with other key
stakeholders, notably GABHIC with their
experience of managing internationally-shared rived basins reating the
?enabling environment? for the governance and financing of LDN
at both national and landscape levels requires the strengthening or
development of tools, systems, processes and, most
importantly, human capacity with the relevant skills and
ability/readyness to work in an integrated, cross-sectoral manner
demanded by the landscape approach. FAO will
provide Technical assistance.
GABHIC already possesses a decision support system
for watersheds, developed under a GEF
International Waters (IW) project. If practicable, this system can
be modified to accommodate the project?s dryland landscapes and
thereby integrate the planning and management of land and water use at
landscape scales. At the very least, the project should be able to
access the wealth of information held in the systems maintained by
Two ministries, MCTA and MINAGRIP will co-finance Component
1 from the National Development Program (PND) as detailed in the
table below. The project will collaborate closely with these ministries
through partnerships or other applicable implementation arrangements
to maximum effect. Collaboration with GEF IW projects is also
foreseen; details are given in Section 6b.
Component 1
Baseline Project / Program / Initiative
Baseline Co-financing
MCTA (DNAAC) PND # 2.4.1: Climate Change $12.2 $7.1236
MINAGRIP (DNF) PND # 2.3.4: Promoting $2.2 $0.4
Sustainable Use and Management of Forest Resources
IFAD SREP - Smallholder Resilience Enhancement $6.0 $0.9
AFDB Agricultural Value Chains ? Support to $4.0 $0
Sustainable Development. & Growth
FAO $0.35 $0.025
Totals (US$ million) $24.7 $8.4486

Outcome 1.1 Strengthened policy-regulatory and decision-

making frameworks for LDN at national and sub-
national levels

Three main aspects are covered under Outcome 1.1 relate to the
enabling environment for LDN and associated frameworks for land-use
planning and sustainable management, as described below:
Strengthening cross-sectoral institutional policy-
regulatory frameworks for LDN in order to deliver integrated,
evidence-based and rational decisions on land use within landscapes;
Development of effective planning frameworks and participatory
stakeholder engagement structures and processes
at systems and institutional levels, while noting that integrated spatial
planning of landscapes will be operationalized congruently under
Component 2; and
Reviewing and revising certain policies, related
legislation/regulations and, importantly, the way that they are being
applied. The latter includes the development of local
bylaws to support the management of landscapes, particularly given
that the passing of national legislation can be a lengthy and
unpredictable process.
Outputs and Activities under Outcome 1.1 are designed to improve the
effectiveness and success of both planning and
managing landscapes by developing the necessary governance,
systems, institutional capacities and stakeholder structures
and processes necessary to mainstream LDN principles and to
apply the ?landscape approach?. Financial needs assessment, existing
and potential resources and financing mechansims are also part of the
enabling environment to be strengthened under Outcome 1.1, as well as
the development of strong colalboration. Each Output and its respective
activities are considered below.
Output 1.1.1 LDN stakeholder participatory and decision-
making structures at national level strengthened/established, with
vertical integration to landscape level multi-sectoral working
Output 1.1.1 is focused on putting in place the ?building blocks? for the
implementation of LDN related measures, specifically in relation to
setting up or strengthening the structures, mechanisms and
processes that enable horizontal/vertical coordination between sectors
and ensure stakeholders are directly involved in decision-making from
the outset. It addresses Criteria 1.2 (coordination) and
1.3 (stakeholders) of the institutional dimension of Table
3, aligning well with the UNCCD guidance58:
?Planning and implementation of LDN involves well-designed
participatory processes that include stakeholders, especially land
users, in designing, implementing and monitoring interventions to
achieve LDN. Processes should consider local, traditional and
scientific knowledge, applying a mechanism such as multi-
stakeholder platforms to ensure these inputs are included in the
decision-making process. The process should be sensitive to
gender, and imbalances in power and information access.?
The key national institutional stakeholders concerned with the
management of landscapes are: the Directorate of Environment and
Climate Action (DNAAC, under MCTA), which is the focal point for
UNCCD and UNFCCC; specific directorates and institutes of
MINAGRIP concerned with rural extension, agriculture, forestry and
livestock; and the Office for the Management of the Cunene, Okavango
and Cuvelai Hydrographical Basins (GABHIC, under MINEA), where
the project?s target landscapes are located and defined as sub-basins
within the Cunene and Okavango river basins.
Indicative Activities under Output 1.1.1
Undertake Capacity Needs Assessment Survey among relevant
government agencies and other key stakeholders at national, provincial
and district levels to identify: (i) levels
of awareness and knowledge about LDN; and (ii) gaps in policy and
regulations regarding landscape planning and management. This will
inform the review of policy and regulatory frameworks (Output 1.1.2)
and the Capacity Development Program on Integrated Land-use
planning (Output 2.1.4).
Strengthen the national LDN Working Group, originally established
in 2018. This should include reviewing its structure (membership,
reporting and supporting arrangements), terms of reference (tasks) and
training needs. Over-riding tasks of this Working Group
include: providing technical oversight on the application of the
landscape approach to the PSC; supporting government with its
reporting to UNCCD, UNFCC and CBD; and promoting awareness
about LDN and ensuring it is mainstreamed across the respective
sectors. In order to achieve it, under this output the LDN Working
Group will receive tailored trainings.
Should it be considered necessary to change the mandate of the
Working Group from one of undertaking specific
tasks to making high-level decisions, then it may be appropriate
to transform the Working Group into a Committee, supported
by a newly created LDN Task Force.
A specific task for this existing Working Group will be to oversee
the development of an LDN monitoring system, referred to under
Output 3.1.1.
Design a generic framework, comprising platforms and processes,
that will enable stakeholders to participate in applying the
landscape approach to the target sub-basins to achieve LDN. The
framework should be fully integrated, both vertically (national ?
provincial ? district ? municipality - community) and horizontally
(multi-sector), and applicable to individual landscapes or landscapes
nested within basins. It will reflect the governance structures and
consultation processes to be put in place to ensure that all stakeholders
are able to participate in land-use planning and management. It is
particularly important for the private sector, civil society, minority
groups and the interests of women and youth to be represented
throughout the different elements of this governance
framework. Any engagement with indigenous peoples will be
compliant with FAO procedures.
The LDN Working Group is a key platform at national level
and other multi-sector Working Groups will be established for
individual landscapes, with vertical coordinating mechanisms to the
national Working Group. As appropriate, Landscape Forums will be
created at communal, municipality or provincial levels to raise
awareness about LDN and capture consensus views on land-use
planning and management to feed into the respective Working
Scoping of the framework will be completed during the
project?s inception phase and its stakeholder groups targeted for
relevant training modules under Output 2.1.4.
Develop Stakeholder Engagement Plans for each target landscape,
based on the generic governance framework (Activity
1.1.1c). Administrative stakeholders at provincial and more localized
levels of government in the two target landscapes are listed in Table
4 to inform the structure of these plans, depending on the levels at
which it is decided to establish Working Groups (landscape level) and
Forums (provincial, municipal and/or communal). These plans will be
prepared during project inception, alongside the LDN framework, and
should build on previous engagement with stakeholders during the PPG
(Annex 12 and, in case of agro-value-chain stakeholders, Annex X-
2.2). The scope of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan should
consider/determine/include the following:
Gender-sensitive, FPIC compliant stakeholder engagement
process that also takes into account ethnic and other minority or
marginalized groups, youth and the elderly into account in its
design and in the composition of consultative mechanisms to ensure
their adequate representation.61
Key stakeholders listed, profiled and their interest/relevance to the
project identified, particularly with respect to enhancing the
enabling environment (Component 1), integrated landscape
planning and/or management (Component 2), knowledge
management and M&E (Component 3), and capacity building
Overview of the governance framework at national, provincial,
district, municipality, commune and land-owner/user levels with
which integrated landscape management will need to engage. Key
stakeholders identified at each level, along with existing
mechanisms/platforms for consultation. Where no mechanism
exists, then new mechanism (e.g. forum, consultative group)
identified and confirmed by government.
ILUP process designed for LMUs, relevant levels of governance
identified for engaging with respective stakeholder groups
and consuktative mechanisms elaborated. Approximate timeframes
should be specified and overall deadline agreed among key
stakeholders. It is anticipated that drafting the Integrated Land Use
Plan will take six months, including interative workshops involving
planners and key stakeholders, followed by a three-month
consultation period that culminates in a final draft, which is agreed
by month 12 at the latest.
The Plans should include a monitoring framework to track
stakeholder engagement during their preparation, timeliness of
deliverables and feedback on the process from stakeholders in order
to feedback lessons learned.
Develop and implement a LDN Communications Strategy and
Action Plan to target LDN awareness raising and capacity
development among the different government sectors, private sector,
civil society and land user groups. The Strategy will be drafted during
project inception, taking into account gender equity and other social
inclusion issues identified in the Gender Analysis (Section 3b); and
subsequently updated in the light of findings from the Capacity Needs
Assessment Survey (Activity 1.1.1a). The Strategy will identifiy what
needs to be communicated (key messages, best practices, skills
development, access to resources etc.), to whom (target groups), by
what means (newsletter, outreach materials, knowledge products,
training modules, events etc.) and implementation timeframes, all of
which will be updated annually in the Action Plan.
Output 1.1.2 Policy and regulatory frameworks relevant for
land-use planning and management reviewed and revised to
incorporate and promote LDN principles and SLM/SFM
Output 1.1.2 is focused on identifying and filling the policy and
legislative gaps in enabling Angola to pursue an LDN approach to
planning and management at a landscape scale, taking into particular
account Criteria 3.1 (land tenure), 3.4 (regulations and rules) and 3.5
(policy coherence) of the policy/regulatory dimension of the UNCCD
guidance on establishing an enabling environment for LDN (Table 2).

Indicative Activities under Output 1.1.2

Establish an ad hoc legal Task Force to oversee delivery of policy
and regulatory changes in land-use planning and
management, based on LDN principles and mainstreaming
SLM/SFM across landscapes at sub-basin scales. This
LDN Task Force will be constituted by in-house legal services of
MCTA , MINAGRIP and MINEA; and members will receive training
in LDN and the integrated landscape management approach (Activity
2.1.3). It will advise the PSC and be serviced by one or more
consultants, whose will report to the members.
Scope the Policy-Regulatory Review and develop a ToR during
project onset, all of which can be reviewed by key stakeholders
participating in the project?s Inception Workshop. While the
geographic scope is national, provisions for transboundary river basins
will need to be taken in account and this is where the Regional
Exchange Mechanism (REM) of the DSL IP might have a role. The
review should be drafted within 12 months, subjected to a three month
consultation period with key national stakeholders as well those
engaged in planning SLM/SFM in the target landscapes using the
participatory structures and processes established under Output 1.1.1,
and then completed within a further three months. The following topics
are proposed for inclusion in the review:
Land tenure: policy and practice are identified as a
major barrier to achieving LDN, which requires a more rational
approach to land-use management. Three major problems faced
by communities asserting their common tenure rights to land that
they traditionally use are:
Lack of institutional capacity on the part of State agencies
to manage the land titles registration process;
Need of legal regulatory framework improvements
regarding community land delimitation procedures; and
Traditional land tenure systems prevalent in Angola are
inadequate with respect to gender equity and continue to
create uncertainty among community members regarding
equitable access.
Currently the Land Law 09/04 has its regulation fro land
concessions, but regulation for community land
registrations remais vague and needs a review that can
be bassed in the long experience of community land
registrations carried out in the country and also in collaboration
with the Govermental Programa Minha Terra
These and other issues62 will need to be addressed and, given
the detailed and complex nature of land tenure policy and
legislation, may require additional support, such as from FAO?s
readily accessible Land Tenure Unit (PSPL).
Forestry concessions: legislation exists but enforcement,
especially in drylands, requires a more robust approach; and
other options merit expoloration of the charcoal market: may
require a specific approach in drylands to avoid the
usual forest degradation caused by charcoal production and
excessive firewood collection.
The National Strategy for Climate Change (ENAC) establishes
the vision for 2030 of the Angolan national policy. The strategy
takes into account the need to connect Angolan policy in terms of
mitigation and adaptation to the impacts of climate change while
taking into account the challenges posed by the new Paris
Agreement. ENAC presents the position of Angola on the
challenges of climate change, as well as the development of two
documents: the National Emissions Plan and the National Plan for
Adaptation to Climate Change. ENAC also establishes a national
monitoring, reporting and verification system (MRV), which
consists of a set of procedures. These procedures consist of the
legal, institutional and technical aspects in order to collect and
report information in a precise, reliable and transparent way for the
implementation of the strategy. The project will provide legal
support for the revision of it and the integration of the
LDN approach in the action Plan. The ENAC also includes legal
and regulatory frameworks revision that the project will
contribute to. With these support to the ENAC it is expected to be
ready to be endorsed by the parliament in 2021.
Community-based forest management has rarely been trialed in
Angola, reflecting the regulatory gap in devolved management of
common resources such as forests/woodlands. Formalizing CBFM,
so that rules of access to forest land and forest protection can be
enforced, requires land-use regulations. Such an initiative is
proposed using the ILUP stakeholder engagement mechanism
piloted under Output 2.1.2 and delivered in the target landscapes
under Output 2.1.4.
Other legal options for socially inclusive devolved land
management include community management authority,
conservation management, stewardship, co-
management, and proclamation and demarcation of community
managed areas.
Improvement and professionalization of rural extension
services and forest monitoring services and systems: noting
that proposed activities are primarily limited to scoping
and addressing capacity development needs,
alongside mainstreaming gender equity aspects. It will include
provisions to integrate Farmer Field School (FFS) and Forest-Farm
Facility (FFF) initiatives into national policies and programs,
delivered by Rural Advisory Services.
Management of sub-basins (landscapes): given that finance
is often the main barrier to implementing technically sound
international river basin management plans, agreed by the
respective riparian countries, this project will resolve the stalemate
by enhancing statutory planning and management policies and
regulations to address LDN at sub-basin levels.
Existing policy/regulatory provisions for the establishment of
seed banks ? refer to Activity 2.2.2a for details.
Regulation and certification of harvesting and marketing
NTFPs offers a huge opportunity to capitalize on demands for
NTFPs, given the long list of NTFPs from drylands in
Angola currently marketed, of which only honey is currently
marginally controlled and regulated.
Extent of alignment of national policies and
strategies with regional land and water policies
and initiatives that promote LDN to ensure consistency and
generate synergy where appropriate. Examples include: SADC?s
related policies and initiatives, such as the Environment and
Sustainable Development Program under the Food, Agriculture and
Natural Resources Directorate (FANR) and the Regional Indicative
Strategic Development; OKACOM?s experience with international
river basins; and the Great Green Wall Initiative for Southern
Africa (GGWI-S)63.,This task will be facilitated by the GCP and
Regional Support Facility (RSF) under the DSL IP.
Undertake the Policy-Regulatory Review, based on
the ToR generated from the above scoping exercise. It is anticipated
that consultant(s) will be recruited for this purpose and work under the
guidance of the Legal Task Force. The consultancy, supported by the
Task Force, will include consulting
with relevant stakeholder groups on the draft policy-
regulatory review, using the structures and processes specified in
the Stakeholder Engagement Plans (Activity 1.1.1.d) for the respective
landscapes, prior to its finalization.
Embed LDN principles within land use/management policy and,
based on the policy-regulatory review findings, draft amendments to
regulations, agreements, accords and, where needed, more
formalized by-laws. In-house legal services will address this task,
supported by professional legal services if deemed necessary. Draft
materials (or easy-to-understand summaries) will also be shared with
stakeholders in the same way as for Activitiy 1.1.2c both for
information and consultation purposes.
Ensure that the Communication Strategy (Activity 1.1.1e) is fully
aligned with this Output so that stakeholders can
be appropriatedly targeted and kept well-informed about its progress,
opportunities to engage in consultation processes and capacity building
events, and prepare for up-coming changes in land-use policy and
During the PPG, GoA emphasized that ?ensuring land tenure security?
is a national priority under its Agricultural Sector Mid-Term Plan
(PMPSA 2018-2022), which is focused on improving productive
capacity and infrastructure in the Agrarian Sector. Hence, government?s
strong support towards this project, which will be addressing this issue
through a drylands lens.
Revision of land tenure policy and regulations is important to
underpinning the SLM/SFM in the landscapes. In order to achieve
LDN, many of the issues are likely to be more easily resolved through
the integrated landscape approach piloted under Component 2 by
applying conflict resolution measures to address land tenure, land
use and boundary disputes as part of an inclusive process
of engagement with all relevant stakeholders.64 This is elaborated in the
next section.
Technical support are readily available from FAO?s Land Tenure Unit
(PSPL), including expertise, training manuals (e.g. Voluntary
Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure) ful lessons can
also be learned from FAO?s ) and its mapping application (SOLA Open
Tenure), any or all of which can be accessed to help address land-
use conflicts and boundaries disputes as implementation progresses.
Component 2. Strengthening implementation and replicating SLM
and SFM practices
Component 2 is focused on the practical application of the landscape
approach: first and foremost through the use of spatial
planning to identify and prioritize SLM/SFM measures according to the
local and landscape (sub-basin) context; secondly, through selecting
and imlementing SLM/SFM practices within the target landscapes; and
thirdly, through one or more investment mechanisms established under
the Capacity Development Program (Ouput 2.1.4) to enable individual
land users and communities secure the financial resources necessary
to make a paradigm shift in their land use activities towards LDN and
realize their aspirations. The dissemination and upscaling of the
SLM/SFM practices will depend on two main multiplier mechanisms:
(i) rollout of agrarian support services through Farmer Field Schools
(FFSs) and Forest-Farm Facilities (FFFs), such as community seed
banks (CSBs), under Outcome 2.2; and (ii) strategic investments in the
development of drylands? value chains (Outcome 2.3).
Component 2 draws on the UNCCD enabling-environment guidance for
LDN, particularly with respect to the financial and science-policy
interface dimensions (Table 2). It is designed to address Barriers 3 (land
tenure), 4 (unsustainable land management) and 5 (access to finance and
markets), as elaborated in Section 2.1. The underlying assumptions
concern: a willingness among all stakeholders to engage across sectors
in the governance of LDN (A.1); political will to address land tenure
issues (A.2); market demands for dryland
products fromsouthern Angola that will fuel green commodities and
value chains (A.3); and a private sector willing to invest in SLM/SFM,
encouraged by supportive regulatory and financial environments (A5).
These scenarios are depicted in the ToC diagram.
Spatial planning of land use will be based on systematic assessment of
land and water potential in target landscapes. It will be comprehensive
but pragmatic, drawing in stakeholders from relevant sectors in order
to express their specific interests in an integrated, participatory manner
within a holistic context (landscape/sub-basin) that
is LDN focused. Participatory planning, including agriculture (pasture,
crops, forests), environment (nature, water, air), industry (food, timber,
water, waste management), local government, communities, NGOs,
CSOs and any other interested parties, is most important when dealing
with common property and land that can be potentially claimed by
communities on the basis of their customary rights, especially as many
community lands are degraded and conflicts over land-use rights may
exist. When relevant for the integrated plans , land tenure will
be adressed through the project intervention by supporting communities
in offcicially recognizing their lands or strengethening capacitie in local
institutions to carry out land delimitations.
Alternatives for land under specific uses take into account economic
conditions and potential LDN benefits. Some land may be proposed for
restoration, especially forest. In order to assess potential land
uses and identify the best options, local assessments and
consultations are anticipated under Output 1.1.1. and these will need to
align with national and cross-boundary interests as part of the
landscape-level ILUP process.
Implementation of the Integrated Land-Use Plan will be
operationalized initially through a set of project intervention sites,
defined as Land Management Units (LMUs), located within the
target landscapes (sub-basins). Ultimately and certainly by the end of
the project as part of an Exit Strategy, plans will be
developed for scaling ?out? and ?deeping? the relevant SLM and SFM
practices across the target landscapes through replication and
adaptive65 measures. If time and resources permit, the project will be
able to reach out beyond the targeted landscapes to other landscapes
next in priority.
As explained before, the COVID-19 has negatively impacted in the
agriculture sector. The project will align and generate synergies with
government response programs to mitigate the
negative impacts of COVID-19. In this sense, efforts will be made to
find synergies with PIAAPF launched
by MINAGRIP. Specific cordination will be carried out specifically for
outcome 2.2 and outcome 2.3.

The implementation of Component 2 will be leaded by MCTA and the

execution will be carried out by Local NGOs, collaborating closely
with MCTA and other key stakeholders. FAO will
provide techncial assistance. Six programs contribute
to the project?s baseline , three of which will co-finance Component
2 from the PND, as shown in the table below. As in the case of
Component 1, the project will collaborate closely with these ministries
through partnerships or other applicable implementation arrangements.
Component 2
Baseline Project / Program / Initiative Baseline Co-
MCTA (DNAAC) PND #2.4.1: Climate Change $12.2 $7.0
MINAGRIP Program #2.3.2: Promoting Agricultural $48.4 $9.81
Municipalities, (notably Cuchi, Cahama and $7.9 $0.0
surroundings) PND #4.3.2: Decentralization and
implementation of local governments
IFAD SREP - Smallholder Resilience Enhancement $6.0 $0.9
AFDB Agricultural Value Chains ? Support to $4.0 $0.0
Sustainable Development and Growth
FAO $3.0 $0.5
Totals (US$ million) $81.5 $17.76

Progressing from the current baseline, the scaling out of SML/SFM

within the target landscapes will be achieved through four main steps:
developing integrated land-use plans for target landscapes
and prioritizing implementation of sustainability actions;
enhancing the ability of land-users to counter the drivers of land
degradation by improving their land-use
management practices within an integrated landscape
context, with support from participatory, cross-sectoral rural advisory
services that are designed to both build capacity and empower
community groups, forest and farm producers, and extension
enabling forest and farm producers to diversify their production,
thereby promoting resilience and improving livelihoods in the
targeted landscapes; and
providing incentives to land users to manage
landscapes sustainably through green value chains.
Outcome 2.1 Landscapes in Southern Angola under Integrated
Land-Use Planning (ILUP) for LDN

Currently there is no pre-existing land-use planning or management

framework that specifically addresses sustainability within landscapes
that, by default, are the target of different and often competing sectoral
interests (e.g. biodiversity conservation, forestry, agriculture, water
catchment, mining), while also covering a range of administrative
jurisdictions (i.e. provinces, municipalities, or communes). The existing
planning framework is concerned with physical and infrastructural
planning and, to a less extent, with investment at the provincial level
that in most instances is focused on urban municipalities.
However, there are integrated water resource management frameworks
for the Cunene and Okavango river basins that seek sustainability:
respectively, these are the Kunene River Master Plan from the early
2000s and the 2011 Strategic Action Program (SAP) for the Sustainable
Development and Management of the Cubango-Okavango Basin.
Implementation of these planning and management frameworks has
remained incipient, however, as described under Barrier #1.
Furthermore, there are no planning frameworks nested within the basin-
level plans for these two rivers that focus on specific watersheds or
address integrated water and land-use management. Likewise, specific
operational plans or mechanisms to address the LDN target and related
framework are lacking. These gaps will be accommodated under
Outcome 2.1 through the ILUP proposed for each sub-basin, providing a
novel and and important opportunity for progressing what has been
envisioned since the beginning of this millenium.
The project will both strengthen integrated land-use planning at
landscape level while also materially supporting implementation of the
resultant Land-Use Plan, which will include a framework of indicators
to monitor implementation. Integrated planning will prime the
sustainability aspects embedded in the LDN target, while also ensuring
that the process is cross-sectoral and fosters multi-stakeholder
collaboration. Existing multi-sectoral stakeholder platforms and
processes at national and local levels will be strengthened and enhanced
to facilitate participatory, adaptive landscape planning and management;
and the resultant Stakeholder Engagement Plans for the target
landscapes designed under Output 1.1.1 will underpin the Integrated
Land-Use Plans prepared under Output 2.1.2 and implemented
under Output 2.1.3.
Figure 5. Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology applied to FAO
GEF DSL IP Child Projects of the Miombo Cluster, based on
a framework developed in 2017 by UNCCD?s Science Policy
Key elements of the Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology and
other studies that will feed into the Integrated Land-Use Planning and, in the
case of the Angola Child Project, be operationalized under Component 2:
Outcome 2.1 builds on preliminary findings from applying
the Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology (ILAM) undertaken
during the PPG phase, which will be further elaborated and consolidated
to inform the Integrated Land-Use Planning
(ILUP), as modelled in Figure 5. ILUP is considered by UNCCD to be a
highly effective instrument for delivering LND within landscapes:
hence, it is prioritized within the DSL IP for piloting the landscape
approach in conjunction with other mechanisms. The scoping, planning
and costing of SLM/SFM practices in pursuit of LND will go hand-in-
hand with sectoral planning for production activities (agrarian and non-
agrarian), taking into account socio-cultural, economic and
environmental targets and considerations that affect land use.

Box 8. Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology (ILAM) toolbox

An Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology (ILAM) toolbox was

developed to ensure that the six Southern African countries follow a
harmonized, systematic approach to baseline assessments and subsequent
project development which is linked to the LDN Conceptual
Framework (LDN CF) and associated guidelines for application. The aims of
the ILAM toolbox were twofold: i) to enable the systematic assessment of
essential baseline information from national to regional/district level, initial
site level and household level using an integrated strategic approach; and ii)
to provide countries with a toolbox that is replicable to support the future
baseline assessment and integrated land use planning, SLM/SFM decision
making and monitoring at sub-national level in contribution to national
priorities, processes and targets, including LDN.

The essential components of the toolbox consisted of a combination of

bottom-up and top-down approaches that support various Modules in the
LDN CF as follows:

LDN CF Module Toolbox components

Module A: To enable Rapid participatory land
integrated landscape-level degradation assessment per
system description (e.g., land type
biophysical, socio-economic, Participatory stakeholder
land degradation processes analysis
and drivers, existing Climate-risk assessment
SLM/SFM, value chains, Policy, institutional and
resilience, etc.). capacity needs analysis
Indigenous Peoples and the
Free, Prior and Informed
Consent assessment (FPIC)
Household surveys using the
Self-evaluation and Holistic
Assessment of climate
Resilience for farmers and
Pastoralists (SHARP)
Value chain analysis and

Module B: To determine the Remote sensing (Collect

frame of reference or baseline Earth, Trends Earth)
values for the three indicators
of land cover, land
productivity and soil organic

Module D: Policy, institutional and

Determine existing policies capacity needs analysis
for land governance, land Rapid participatory land
use planning and natural degradation assessment per
resource conservation and land type
management. Household surveys using the
Preparatory assessments of Self-evaluation and Holistic
land degradation status, Assessment of climate
resilience of current land Resilience for farmers and
uses, socio-economic context Pastoralists (SHARP)
(including gender equality)

Module E: Determine baseline Remote sensing (Collect

values for LDN metrics Earth, Trends Earth)

* The soil organic carbon indicator, due to its complexity, is derived

from the land cover change (traditional approach applied by basically
everyone, including the
8 and
63, and the EX-ACT team). During programme/project
implementation, the REM/global project will provide further guidance
on how to comprehensively estimate and monitor the SOC indicator

In line with RAPTA, the ILAM methodology enabled a better understanding

of direct and indirect drivers of land degradation and resilience,
including anthropogenic causes, by:
Identifying and analysing the level of exposure of
production systems, livelihoods and landscapes to climate and non-
climate hazards
Understanding of the nature of vulnerabilities (sensitivity)
of communities and landscapes to such threats.
Assessing the capacity of households and ecosystems to
respond to the identified risks as well as to changes in future trends
and shocks (adaptive capacity).

The combination of different tools and analyses allowed the application of

resilience thinking at different scales, comprising the transformational
change and adaptation components. The?combined?analyses further applied
a land-based approach based on land types,?in line with the LDN approach.
This integrated and participatory strategy supported the design of custom-
designed strategies that foster the transformation of socio-ecological
systems to desirable states, i.e. resilience, food security and LDN.
Following the testing of the ILAM toolbox during the PPG phase, the
following main gaps were identified which will be addressed during project
implementation in close collaboration with the Regional Exchange
Mechanism (REM) (See Outcome 1.1):
Improved, more detailed LD assessment methodology to enable
mapping of LD and SLM/SFM assessment results at sub-basin level;
Identification of complementay indicators to assess LD and SLM/SFM
to enable LDN monitoring;
Validation of assessment results with major stakeholders, including land
user representatives;
Enabling identification of existing good SLM/SFM practices and
reasons for their effectiveness; and
Categorizing and accounting for land use decisions and the impacts of
land use, land use change, climate variability, and management with
respect to land degradation, resilience and livelihoods.

Detailed description of the Integrated Landscape Assessment

Methodology (ILAM) can be found in Annex N.

Underpinning Outcome 2.1 is the development and implementation of

an integrated, science-based and gender-sensitive landscape-level
assessment, planning and monitoring process for the two target
landscapes: Cuchi-Okavango (Sub-basin
1) in Cuando Cubango province; and Cahama-Cunene (Sub-basin
2) that straddles Cunene and Hu?la provinces.
Thus, the four Outputs under Outcome 2.1 will respectively address:
expansion, elaboration and consolidation of the ILAM, from which the
pre-selected Land Management Units and intervention activities will be
confirmed; preparation of the Integrated Land-Use Plans for each target
landscape based on the selected LMUs, in line with the consultation
processes and structures determined
in the Stakeholder Engagement Plans under Activity
1.1.1d; implementation of the respective Plans once developed and
agreed by the key stakeholders; and building capacity in integrated land
management, largely through training, outreach and financing
Given that capacity development and associated training in integrated
landscape management to achieve LDN is also needed in Component 1,
Output 2.1.4 will address the overall design of the Programme across
all Components. Raising awareness among stakeholders about the
importance of ILM and LDN will be supported from Component 3
under the Communications Strategy.
Preparatory work on ILAM and ILUP undertaken during PPG stage
The ILAM toolbox includes both low-tech approaches, such as focus
groups to summarize stakeholder priorities and land potential, and high-
tech, data-driven approaches, such as the Remote Sensing Assessment
(RSA) that can be easily replicated in country because of the use of
open platforms. Application of the ILAM toolbox during the PPG stage
generated some useful products for project design, as well as providing
background and contextual information for the ILUP process during
implementation. The toolbox includes:
Land Use & Land Stratification Assessment (remotely sensed);
Land Degradation Assessment (science-based, structured,
participatory, awareness-raising);
Climate Resilience Assessment (SHARP);
Contextual Assessments (policies, regulations, local needs, socio-
economic context); and
Value Chain Study (viability, incentives, private sector engagement).
The above products were corroborated by other baseline assessments (e.g.
finance) and a stakeholder engagement process that resulted in a
comprehensive Stakeholder Map, Capacity Needs Assessment and a Gender
Mainstreaming Analysis and Gender Action Plan (GAP).
ILUP is described in the UNCCD guidance58 as a balancing exercise
between three broad priorities (environmental, socio-cultural and
economic), whereby targets such as LDN are reconciled through a
political process that decides upon a desirable future land-use. Various
ILUP instruments can be applied to attain this desirable future land use,
such as zoning (e.g. grazing exclusion), agricultural advisory services
(e.g. best practices in SLM), financial incentives (e.g. payment for
ecosystem services) and regulation (e.g. protected areas).
Preparatory ILUP undertaken during the PPG included mapping
predominant land-use systems (LUS) based on the RSA, overlaying
their level of degradation, and then visually predicting the extent to
which degradation is likely to evolve in the near future using land-use
dynamics to assess their threatened status. This enabled LMUs to be
defined and prioritized based on assessments of declining land
productivity and LDN status as described in Sections 1.2 (Figure 4) and
Section 2, respectively.
To date analyses have been carried out only visually but other methods,
including the use of data handling routines to accelerate assessments,
may be developed during implementation: taking into account, for
example, the presence of major roads and human settlements,
accessibility to forest (e.g. presence of feeder roads, trails, rivers etc.)
and protection status. Theoretically, protected areas can reduce or halt
the advancement of land degradation, depending on whether or not
boundaries are respected. In Sub-basin 2 (Cahama-Cunene), the
presence of protected areas has only been partially effective. In Sub-
basin 1 (Cuchi-Okavango), access to forests drives land degradation but,
conversely, agricultural land in the surroundings of Cuchi town has
shown improvement, due to ready availability of fertilizer and/or access
to water for irrigation. More detailed analysis and ground-truthing of
such factors may be needed during the planning phase.
Figure 6. ILUP is a participatory planning process by which future desirable
land status is identified, such as LDN, and becomes attainable through
zoning land usage according to land suitability and other agreed criteria.58
The next step in the planning process involved selecting LMUs, based
on the predominant land use system determined from a cursory analysis
of land cover imagery (remotely sensed) and a suite of other parameters
using the Collect Earth Open Foris platform. LMUs were then
prioritized by government at a global workshop in January 2020 in
accordance with a selection of criteria67 and
the respective polygons digitised. Potential interventions for the
respective LMUs are summarized in Table 4 using a simple framework
that aligns with the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and
Technologies (WOCAT)68 and focuses on the LDN mechanism
of avoid, reduce and reverse to counterbalance losses and gains.
A total of 18 LMUs (i.e. project intervention sites) were tentatively
identified during the PPG stage: 9 in the 485,412.83 ha Cuchi-
Okavango Sub-Basin 1 and 9 in the 880,046.04 ha Cahama-Cunene
Sub-Basin 2. LMUs cover a combined non-overlapping area of 633,278
ha69Figures 10 and 11, respectively, together with the indicative
management interventions that are colour-coded on the maps
and listed in the legends. in the legends.
Output 2.1.1 Land Management Units and respective
interventions selected, landscape level assessments expanded and
Output 2.1.1 focuses on confirming and updating preliminary findings
of the landscape assessments undertaken during the PPG using ILAM,
while also expanding and, in regard to cultural values, ?deepening?
them to provide a better insight to each target landscape. This will
enable the Land Management Units pre-selected during the PPG phase
to be confirmed and a baseline LDN balance sheet, as at the start of
implementation, to be prepared during project inception. Building on the
work undertaken during the PPG as summarised above, the further
Indicative Activities are guided by Criterion 3.1 of the policy/regulatory
dimension and Criterion 4.3 of the science-policy interface dimension
(Table 2) and elaborated below.

Table 4. Management interventions for prioritized LMUs, using a

modified World Overview of Conservation Approaches and
Technologies template
NO [a] [b] [c], [d] [b], [f] [b], [f] [e]
TE [f]

L Name For Loca Are Type of Stakeh Objecti Loca

M of whic tion a Approac olders ves Land
U# Appro h lan / Proj (ha h involv user/
ach d- ect ) c ed cal
use t Code ove comm
ype red unitie
by ?
IL invol
UP ment

Cuchi-Okavango (Sub-
Basin 1)
1 A1 Cu F LMU 31 Commu Comm Forest Gene
chi- fores -AO- ,0 nity unities strict ally
Liund t/ 1| 00 Forest in conserv infor
a Com woo Sub- manage Cuchi ation in ed
munity dlan Basin d by and Li core, abou
Forest ds 1, nearby unda, less the
Reserv LUS localities MCT disturb proje
e = (Cuchi A/ ed , but
Conser Fores and Liu INBA areas not y
vation t A1 nda), C (exact direc
Sustai area to concer zone tb y
nable be sustai ning d) and engag
use nably m the sustain d for
31,100 anaged consid able this
ha by near eratio offtake activi
by n of in y
commun the other
ities site as areas
of Liund a (90%),
a and potenti plus
Cuchi fo al forest
r forest protec tree
seed ted seed
supply area supply
and othe and
r seedlin
NTFPs i g
n view produc
of tion
tion and
2 A2 F LMU 1, Small Forest Forest Gene
Cuchi fores -AO- 38 forest users tree ally
Munici t/ 2| 8 patch in and seed infor
pal woo Sub- a peri- forest supply ed
Forest dlan Basin urban keeper and abou
and ds 1, area, s in seedlin the
Seed LUS propose Cuchi, g proje
Bank = d Munic produc , but
1,388 Fores manage ipal tion, not y
ha t A2 d locally and forest direc
by the comm reprod y
Municip unal uction engag
al govern throug d for
Council ment, h this
of Seed nursery activi
Cuchi. Bank and y
The design small
project ated experi
would manag mental
build a er, field
small IDF (if (arbore
nursery interes tum)
infrastr ted)
in the
ity seed
s in
it. The
area will
be unde
s aiming
to incre
ase seed
on and
from ov
tation of
s, grazin
and agri
n. Aspec
ts of fire
will also
be cover
3 A3 F LMU 1, Commu Forest Forest Gene
Cuchi fores -AO- 00 nity restor ecosyst ally
1000- t/ 3| 0 Forest ation em infor
hectar woo Sub- where local rehabili ed
e Fore dlan Basin natural worki tation abou
st ds 1, assisted ng throug the
Restor LUS regener group, h proje
ation = ation once assisted , but
Pilot Fores will establi natural not y
No.1 t A3 yield shed, regener direc
ecosyste riparia ation y
m n and engag
recovery comm habitat d for
. 1000 unities manage this
ha ment activi
under y
on of
114 ha.

4 B1 C LMU 21 Croplan Local Gradua Initia

Cuchi cropl -AO- ,5 d areas, farmer l y
Baseli and 4| 08 degrade s in agricult engag
ne 1 Sub- d, where the ural d
Agricu Basin FFS will area intensif
ltural 1, be engage ication
Impro LUS rolled d at
vemen = out on throug scale,
t Crop 1,250 h improv
Polygo land ha of FFSs ed
n B1 farmlan croplan
South ds with d
21,508 the aim manage
ha of ment,
improvi sustain
ng able
techniqu food
es and produc
helping tion
will also
focus at
ng trees
ge of the
ed nurse
5 B2 C LMU 10 Similar Local Gradua Not y
Cuchi cropl -AO- ,0 interven farmer l engag
Baseli and 5| 00 tions as s in avicult d
ne 1 Sub- the site the ural
PLUS Basin above area intensif
Agricu 1, (B1), engage ication
ltural LUS covering d at
Impro = and throug scale,
vemen Crop area of h improv
t land 950 ha. FFSs ed
Polygo B2 croplan
n d
North manage
10,000 ment,
ha sustain

6 B3 C LMU 5, Croplan Local Gradua Not y

Cuchi cropl -AO- 70 d areas, farmer l engag
(nested and 6| 0 degrade s in agricult d
in D1) Sub- d, where the ural
Phase2 Basin FFS will area intensif
Muco 1, be engage ication
va- LUS rolled d at
Liacon = out with throug scale,
go- Crop the aim h improv
Dejun land of FFSs ed
ga Agr B3 improvi croplan
icultur ng d
al techniqu manage
Polygo es and ment,
n East helping sustain
5,700 farmers able
ha adopt food
SLM. At produc
least 500 tion
ha of
farms re
ached th
7 B4 C LMU 4, Croplan Local Rapid Gene
Cuchi cropl -AO- 90 d areas, farmer agricult ally
Meand and 7| 0 degrade s in ural infor
ers Sub- d, where the intensif ed
Hortic Basin FFS will area ication, abou
ulture 1, be engage improv the
Polygo LUS rolled d ed proje
n Peri- = out with throug croplan , but
Urban Crop the aim h d not y
4,900 land of FFSs manage direc
ha B4 improvi ment, y
ng sustain engag
techniqu able d for
es and food this
helping produc activi
farmers tion y
least 1,6
50 ha of
8 D1 M LMU 11 Watersh GABH Integra Gene
Cuchi mixe -AO- 1, ed IC, ted ally
River d 8| 30 manage Cuchi waters infor
Munici (mix Sub- 0 ment, Munic hed ed
pal ture Basin integrat ipality manage abou
Water of la 1, ed (land and ment the
shed nd- LUS & Cuchi proje
Macro use t = water) Comm , but
Manag ypes Wate in view une, not y
ement withi rshed of riparia direc
Plan n - creating n y
(Cuchi same Fores improve reside engag
Comm land t- d nts d for
une unit) Crop conditio this
Chapt land ns along activi
er) tota D1 the y
l Cuchi
area in river
cludin watersh
g ed, the
nested norther
B3: 11 n part
7,000 will be
ha under
bility of
ne, with
ce for
ce from
9 D2 M LMU 56 Watersh GABH Integra Gene
Cuchi mixe -AO- ,0 ed IC, ted ally
River d 9| 00 manage Cuchi waters infor
Munici (mix Sub- ment, Munic hed ed
pal ture Basin integrat ipality manage abou
Water of la 1, ed (land and C ment the
shed nd- LUS & hingua proje
Macro use t = water) nja Co , but
Manag ypes Wate in view mmun not y
ement withi rshed of e, direc
Plan n - creating riparia y
(Ching same Fores improve n engag
uanja land t- d reside d for
Chapt unit) Crop conditio nts this
er) land ns along activi
56,000 D2 the y
ha Cuchi
ed, the
n part
will be
bility of
the Chin
ne, with
ce for
ce from

Cahama-Cunene (Sub-
Basin 2)
10 A4 Tc F LMU 18 Fragme Local SLM, Gene
hipelo fores -AO- ,3 nted agro- SFM, ally
ngo Fo t/ 10 | 34 forest pastor rangela infor
rest woo Sub- area alists i nd man ed
Patch dlan Basin with n Tchi agemen abou
of ds wi 2, consider pelong t the
Zambe th pr LUS able o, Muc proje
zian B esen = interacti ulo an , but
aikiaea ce of Fores on d not y
woodl smal t A4 agricult Bela- direc
ands t l ure- Bela y
farm livestock village engag
s -forests, s. d for
and where this
grazi the Local activi
ng project Gover y
sites. aims nment
to achie in the
ve munici
similar pality
results and
as for provin
polygon ce,
A7 (see respon
below) sible
but for the
also intr ILUP
oduce develo
addition pment
al and
elements consul
of SLM tations
and in
rangela partne
nd rship
manage with
ment to the
preserve operat
existing ions
forest partne
fragmen rs.
C and
11 A5 Tc F LMU 1, Small Forest Forest Gene
hipelo fores -AO- 00 forest restor rehabili ally
ngo Fo t/ 11 | 0 patch in ation tation infor
rest woo Sub- a peri- local and ed
Restor dlan Basin urban worki reprod abou
ation ds 2, area, ng uction the
Pilot LUS propose group, throug proje
No.2 = d once h , but
Arbor Fores manage establi nursery not y
etum t A5 d locally shed, and direc
and by the riparia small y
Seed Municip n experi engag
Bank al comm mental d for
1000 Council unities field this
ha / (arbore activi
Commu tum) y
of Tchip
build a
in the
ity seed
s in it.
12 A6 F LMU 1, Small Forest Forest Gene
Caha fores -AO- 00 forest restor reprod ally
ma t/ 12 | 0 patch in ation uction infor
Forest woo Sub- a peri- local throug ed
Restor dlan Basin urban worki h abou
ation ds 2, area, ng nursery the
Pilot LUS propose group, and proje
No.3 = d once small , but
Arbor Fores manage establi experi not y
etum t A6 d locally shed, mental direc
and by the riparia field y
Seed Municip n (arbore engag
Bank al comm tum) d for
1000 Council unities this
ha / activi
Commu y
ne of
. The
build a
in the
ity seed
s in it.
13 B5 Ca C LMU 7, Croplan Local Gradua Gene
hama- cropl -AO- 38 d areas, farmer l ally
Tchipe and 13 | 8 degrade s in agricult infor
longo Sub- d, where the ural ed
Baseli Basin FFS will area intensif abou
ne 2 2, be engage ication the
Agricu LUS rolled d at proje
ltural = out with throug scale, , but
Impro Crop the aim h improv not y
vemen land of FFSs ed direc
t B5 improvi croplan y
Polygo ng d engag
n techniqu manage d for
Riveri es and ment, this
ne helping sustain activi
7,388 farmers able y
ha adopt food
SLM produc

14 B6 Ca C LMU 3, Croplan Local Gradua Gene

hama- cropl -AO- 16 d areas, farmer l ally
Tchipe and 14 | 0 degrade s in agricult infor
longo Sub- d, where the ural ed
Baseli Basin FFS will area intensif abou
ne 2 2, be engage ication the
PLUS LUS rolled d at proje
Agricu = out with throug scale, , but
ltural Crop the aim h improv not y
Impro land of FFSs ed direc
vemen B6 improvi croplan y
t ng d engag
Polygo techniqu manage d for
n es and ment, this
Rural helping sustain activi
Multi- farmers able y
System adopt food
3,160 SLM produc
ha tion
15 B7 C LMU 16 Comme Comm Consult Caha
Caha cropl -AO- 4, rcial ercial for ma
ma- and 15 | 40 croplan farmer improv resid
Gamb Sub- 0 d areas, s, MIN ing the nts:
os Basin degrade AGRI manage Gene
Comm 2, d and a P, ment of ally
ercial LUS history IDA, land infor
Farmi = of land MCT and ed
ng Crop conflict, A, assistin abou
Sustai land where Terras g with the
nabilit B7 the land proje
y project conflict , but
Schem propose resoluti not y
e s to on, if direc
164,40 study desirab y
0 ha land use le. engag
in detail d for
and this
optimize activi
land use y.
and Gam
benefit os
sharing. resid
s: No

16 C1 G LMU 54 Rangela Local Sustain Not y

Cavale grazi -AO- ,2 nd, agro- able engag
- ng 16 | 00 sustaina pastor rangela d
Colava land Sub- ble alists nd
ngo Basin manage manage
Ripari 2, ment of ment
an LUS livestock
Rangel = routes,
ands Gras pasture
54,200 sland and
ha C1 improve
d access
to agro-
17 C2 G LMU 87 Rangela Local Sustain Not y
Caha grazi -AO- ,0 nd, agro- able engag
ma ng 17 | 00 sustaina pastor rangela d
Produ land Sub- ble alists nd
ctive Basin manage manage
Rangel 2, ment of ment
and LUS livestock
Collab = routes,
orative Gras pasture
Manag sland and
ement C2 improve
87,000 d access
ha to agro-
ing that
may be
so a
access to
s will be
and may
use of
ed early
on and
g of
terra pr
eta on
18 A7 Tc F LMU 54 Forested Local Sustain Gene
hipelo fores s_Su ,0 area wh agro- able ally
ngo Fo t/ b- 00 ere pastor forest infor
rest woo basin currentl alists i manage ed
54,000 dlan 2 y, n Tchi ment ( abou
ha ds (Cah habitat pelong NTFPs the
ama- disturba o, Muc collecti proje
Cune nce ulo an on, sust , but
ne) seems d ainable not y
light, wi Bela- use, ass direc
th Bela isted y
small ho village natural engag
useholds s. regener d for
and in ation) this
its interi Local activi
or, so Gover y
the nment
forest is in the
relativel munici
y well pality
preserve and
d. Accor provin
ding to ce, res
the FSC ponsib
criteria7 le for
this ILUP
area develo
is catego pment
rized as and
HCVF consul
at least tations
under c in
ategorie partne
s HCF 4 rship
and with
5 (other the
categori operat
es might ions
also partne
apply rs.
further MICT
studies) A,
It is real DNAA
atively r C,
are a INBA
represen C and
tative of IDF
an Baiki
aea woo
dland in
and rep
a key
pe for
ance of
of the

Figure 7. Indicative LMUs for Sub-Basin 1 (Cuchi-Okavango), covering a total area of 242,796 ha (corrected for
nested intervention site B3) within their 485,412.83 ha target landscape (i.e. 50% coverage).*

Figure 10A Overview of Sub-Basin 1 showing indicative land management interventions


Units (ILUPs):

A1 Cuchi-
Liunda Communi
ty Forest Reserve
Sustainable use
31,000 ha

A2 Cuchi
Municipal Forest
and Seed Bank
1,388 ha

A3 Cuchi 1000-
Forest Restoratio
n Pilot No.1 1,000

B1 Cuchi Baseline
1 Agricultural
Polygon South
21,508 ha

B2 Cuchi Baseline
Polygon North
10,000 ha

Cuchi (nested in
Phase2 Mucova-
Dejunga Agricult
ural Polygon East
5,700 ha

B4 Cuchi
Polygon Peri-
Urban 4,900 ha

D1 (shown as
D5) Cuchi River
Watershed Macro
Management Plan
(Cuchi Commune
Chapter) 117,000
Figure 10B Northern part of the landscape around Cuchi town, featuring Cuchi River watershed in
greater detail

Interventions Forest (mainly) Cropland (main Grassland 0 Watershed (

related to: 33,388 ha ly) 42,108 ha ha mainly) 167,3
00 ha

*Areas are based on GIS shape files. More detailed larger scale maps of this landscape are
provided in Annex E.
Page Break

Figure 8. Indicative LMUs for Sub-Basin 2 (Cahama-Cunene), covering a total area of 390,482 within their
880,046.04 ha target landscape (i.e. 44% coverage).*

Figure 11A Overview of Sub-Basin 2 showing indicative land management interventions


Land Management
Units (ILUPs):

A4 Tchipelongo Forest
Patch of
Zambezian Baikiaea wo
odlands 18,334 ha

A5 Tchipelongo Forest
Restoration Pilot No.2
Arboretum and Seed
Bank 1000 ha

A6 Cahama Forest
Restoration Pilot
No.3 Arborettum and
Seed Bank 1000 ha

A7 Tchipelongo Forest (
54,000 ha)

B5 Cahama-
Tchipelongo Baseline 2
Improvement Polygon
Riverine 7,388 ha

B6 Cahama-
Tchipelongo Baseline 2
PLUS Agricultural
Improvement Polygon
Rural Multi-System
3,160 ha

B7 Cahama-Gambos
Commercial Farming
Sustainability Scheme
164,400 ha

C1 Cavale-Colavango
Riparian Rangelands
54,200 ha

C2 Cahama Productive
Management 87,000 ha
Interventions Forest (mainly) Cropland (mainl Grassland ( Watershed 0 ha
related to: 74,334 ha y) 174,948 ha mainly)
141,200 ha

*Areas are based on GIS shape files. More detailed larger scale maps of this landscape are
provided in Annex E.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.1.1
Collect additional baseline information from the target landscapes and confirm project
interventions and their respective LMUs, nine of which have been tentatively selected from
each landscape based on preliminary PPG findings.
Review ILAM to verify intervention sites and SLM/SFM interventions pre-selected at
PPG stage.
Also, cross-check pre-selected interventions against SLM/SFM databases and other
nationally or internationally71available information to assess their suitability for specific
LMUs and identify any needs for context-specific refinements.
Revisit pre-selected LMUs and update pre-selected interventions in alignment with project
targets, following the same selection criteria as were applied at PPG stage (e.g. status of
productivity - decline/stable - or land tenure status) in order to confirm the suitability of
the respective intervention sites. Update management interventions for LMUs in Table 4.
Ensure that the updated set of interventions and related SLM/SFM practices to be
applied to the LMUs are fully gender-sensitive with respect to both planning and
Scope the dissemination of these SLM/SFM practices among land users, including their
spatial application and how they can be rolled out through an inclusive, integrated and multi-
tiered planning process that applies the Landscape Approach.
Prepare LDN balance sheets for each target landscape, showing baseline status (without
project interventions) and expected status by end of project (with GEF and co-
fnancing interventions). This information should also be presented spatially for use as a
monitoring tool and for awareness-raising purposes among stakeholders. Mapping LDN at
start-up and end of project for the target landscapes will provide a holistic vision for
promoting among the relevant stakeholder groups.
Output 2.1.2 Integrated Land-Use Plans developed for LMUs in target
Output 2.1.2 is focused on ILUP: land-use planning at LMU-level that is integrated across
sectors, disciplines, communities and land-user and other interest groups in order to deliver
LDN at a integrated landscape scale. The planning process will follow the guidance in the
Stakeholder Engagement Plans for the respective target landscapes (Activity 1.1.1d)), which
will be shared with stakeholders so that they understand the processes and mechanisms by
which they will be informed on a wide range of matters (e.g. SLM, SFM and LDN principles,
best practices, capacity building opportunities) and consulted
for contextual information (including traditional knowledge) and their views (concerns,
expectations, preferences). The ILUP process is likely to require up to one year of iterative
planning and consultation, building consensus as it progresses. It will be essential to keep to
the overall timeframe, which will have been agreed among those stakeholders involved in
designing the Stakeholder Engagement Plans, in order to be implementing these plans by mid-
term of the project.
ILUP within the prioritized LMUs will be lead by the respective districts
and/or municipalities under an officer designated as the LMU Focal Point, as
appropriate, and supported by the project, particularly with respect to the facilitation of the
stakeholder engagement process as planned under Activity 1.1.1d). Planning and integration of
the 9 LMU interventions in each target landscape (Table 6) will need be driven by a
small ILUP Task Force (up to 10
persons maximimum and coordinated by a senior government appointee), comprising
government planners and including land tenure expertise, sector specialists (agriculture,
forestry, nature conservation/environment etc), and land user representatives (e.g.
farmers). The Task Force will be supported by the LMU Focal Points and their field officers,
who will regularly consult with the land users for relevant information, and a GIS specialist for
producing land use and related maps. The project will provide a Landscape Coordinator for
each Sub-basin, technically experienced in SLM and having an land management background
(agriculture, forest, natural environment), who will support the ILUP Task
Force and oversee preparation and implementation of their respective Integrated Land Use
Plan and facilitate their respective stakeholder engagement process. The two Landscape
Coordinators will report to the National Project Coordinator.
Due to challenging logistical field conditions, the Self-Evaluation and Holistic Assessment of
Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP) for Sub-Basin 1 (Cuchi-
Okavango) was insufficent due to the small number of households surveyed. This will also
need to be addressed during project inception, subject to risks associated with Covid-19. The
need for additional SHARP surveys in sites other than Cuchi should also be reviewed at the
onset of implementation.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.1.2
Confirm the LMUs and respective interventions pre-selected during the PPG
phase. This will require completion of the following tasks:
reviewing the updated information generated from ILAM under Outut 2.1.1 relating to
LMUs and their respective interventions;
identifying and addressing any shortcomings, such as the need for additional SHARP
surveys in sites other than Cuchi; and
visiting the priority LMUs to confirm that the lead authority and other
key stakesholders are willing and ready to engage with the project and to confirm any
updated interventions, revising Table 4 as necessary.
This Activity should be completed within 3-6 months of project onset; and the Project
Inception Workshop used as an opportunity to raise the profile of the LMUs selected and
interventions prioritised among stakeholders. At least one of the 9 pre-selected LMUs per
landscape should be confirmed by the Inception Workshop, so pilot work can begin in
each landscape.
Initiate and deliver the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for each target landscape (sub-
basin) in parallel, with coordinators collaborating closely so that each process benefits from
lessons learnt by the other. The following are envisaged with respect to each target
Establish the ILUP Task Force and initiate the ILUP process, focusing initially on
establishing the consultation structures and mechanisms elaborated in
the respective Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the relevant levels of
governance necessarily involved in land tenure and land-use planning, from national to
local authorities.
Inclusion of ILUP and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan in
the Communicationss Strategy (Component 3) for awareness raising and dissemination,
Pilot ILUP in a single LMU in each target landscape: scoping the intervention(s) with the
land owner(s)/manager(s), identifying the resources needed to achieve LDN, reviewing
the costs and benefits, identifying indicators and agreeing monitoring protocols. Lessons
learned can be incorporated in subsequent ILUP processes.
Draft and finalize the Integrated Land-Use Plan for each target landscape within
a 12-month period, including monitoring protocols and GIS maps of baseline and end of
project targets for LDN, and ensure it is subjected to the consultation protocols specified
in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. The final version should be signed off/endorsed by
the key stakeholders, as appropriate and in accordance with municipality protocols. Land
tenure issues will be adressed in the LMUs and/or ILUMPs when relevant
for stackholders, as decided in the participatory processes.
Output 2.1.3 Integrated Land-Use Plans under implementation in target
SLM and SFM interventions are designed towards reducing pressures on existing Miombo-
Mopane woodlands covering two landscapes of 1.3 million hectares in southern Angola by the
following means:
avoiding the conversion of standing forests through protective measures, in particular
where forests are at risk of being cleared, burned or used unsustainably to exhaustion;
strengthening and adding value to the yields of production forests, mostly through planned
and monitored forest management with sustainable offtakes;
restoring forests/woodlands through a ?low-hanging-fruit approach?, as in the case of
abandoned or degraded lands of little direct value to the land owners/tenants; and
complementary measures to increase the productivity, resilience and sustainability of
croplands and rangelands with targeted sustainable forest management interventions to buffer
and reduce the negative impact of production activities. Examples include the use of trees and
woodlands as wind breaks from soil erosion and dessication, shade from the sun, sources of
pollinators for crops and stabilization of water courses and irrigation channels.
These interventions (Table 6), will be mainly carried out through government funding in
particular via the investments under PND Program #2.4.1: Climate Change (leaded by MCTA) and
PND Program #2.3.2: Promoting Agricultural Production (leaded by MINAGRIP) which will
be geared towards the implementation of the ILUPs? action plan ). The capacity
development programme (Output 2.4.1) will support government actors in decision making while
the SLM and SFM demonstrations under Outcome 2.2 and
Outcome 2.3 will provide concrete examples on suitable SLM/SFM
interventions and implementation structures (e.g. FFS and FFF) within each targeted LUS that can
be outscaled as part of the wider ILUP implementation.
As previously mentioned199, 633,278 ha distributed in the two target landscapes
(1,365,458.87 ha),will be subject to ILUP development and corresponding SLM/SFM
interventions that reflect the LDN response hierarchy of ?avoid, reduce and reverse? land
degradation. Project targets are summarized in Table 5, based on individual LMU intervention
targets in Table 6 and, together with tracking the number of beneficiaries, will contribute to the
project?s core indicators, which feed into the DSL IP program level indicators and targets. In
terms of the 633,278 ha selected for integrated land sue planning and specific interventions in
the LMUs, 82.2% will be targeted for land degradation reduction, 16.3% for avoidance and
1.5% for reversal.
Table 5. Summary of LMU interventions in the target landscapes based
on LDN response strategy

Area covered by ILUPs (ha) Area under direct interventions (ha)

Land Use

Okavango (s
ub-basin 1)

Cropland 42,108 0 4,350 0

Forest 33,274 114 0 5,374 114

0 0 0
Multi LU 0

Cunene (sub
-basin 2)

164,40 1,972.2
10,548 0 0
Cropland 0 5

2,000 72,334 2,000 0

Grasslan 141,20 12,594.

0 0
d 0 75

333,70 299,46 2,000.0 33,628

Total 114 114
0 4 0

633,278 ha 35,742 ha

Implementation of the two Integrated Land-Use Plans, which are essentially equivalent to
Landscape Management Plans comprising a set of interventions within selected LMUs, will be
overseen by the Landscape Coordinators based at the respective field offices. Working closely
with the National Project Coordinator (NPC), they will ensure that the two Integrated Land-
Use Plans are implemented in a timely and effective manner, focusing particularly on
supporting the delivery of the capacity building program (Output 2.1.4), application of
SLM/SFM production best practices, FFSs and FFFs (Outcome 2.2) and development of
viable dryland green value chains (Outcome 2.3). Teams from MCTA, MINAGRIP and
MINEA (minimum of 3 to a maximum of 6 staff) will be seconded to these locations, where
they will be expected to stay up to two years and then rotate to the other field office for two
years, to allow for exchanges among teams.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.1.3
Prepare an Action Plan for delivering each of the nine interventions within
their respective LMUs in the following manner, having first grouped interventions
according to their LDN response strategy (i.e. avoidance, reduction or reverse land
Identify, itemize, cost and schedule material, technical resources and financial
investments required for each intervention, and summarise the requirements by
group (avoidance, reduction and reversal). Compare resource needs between the two
landscapes and identify opportunities for potential synergies.
Identify training and other capacity development needs (e.g. equipment, finance, land
tenure) required for delivering each intervention (or group of interventions), focusing
particularly on land owners, managers and other users and ensuring that information
gathering is socially inclusive of gender, age, abilities and minority groups. Feed this
information into the Capacity Development Program (Output 2.1.4). Compare capacity
development needs between the two landscapes and identify opportunities for potential
Identify opportunities for training of trainers approach among outreach workers,
especially at district, municipality, commune and farmer levels. Note that Farmer Forest
Schools (FFSs) and Forest Farm Facilities (FFFs) are likely to fill important roles under
Outputs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 respectively.
Prepare a timetable for the respective Action Plans; monitor and review progress quarterly
and revise/roll-forward the Action Plans annually.
Action Plans should be completed within 3 months of finalizing the Integrated Land-Use
Implement the Integrated Land-Use Plans in accordance with
the respective Action Plans, starting no later that the beginning of Year 3 to allow
adequate time to have started delivery of all 18 interventions and completed the
majority by project closure.
Prepare a post-Project Landscape Strategy prior to the final 6 months of
implementation that identifies any outstanding intervention tasks and how these will be resourced
and completed post-project. The Strategy should identify lessons learned and, importantly, identify
post-project priorities for scaling out (replicating) ILUP across the remaining LMUs within
the target Sub-Basins and how this might be resourced. This Strategy will constitute part of the
project?s Exit Strategy.
Output 2.1.4 Capacity development program on integrated land-use
planning, management and investment designed and delivered
During the PPG, one of the barriers identified vis-?-vis the application of the landscape
approach, is capacity and skills constraints. While there will be extensive training of local
users through Farmer Field Schools/Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (FFSs/APFSs under
Component 2), in Component 1 the focus will be on policy and decision makers involved in
land tenure and land use and the fact that land-use planning can yield much better results when
supported by spatial data, adequate training and capacity development.
The project requires the specific input of strategically positioned stakeholders in government,
academia, civil society and the private sector to champion the LDN concept and facilitate the
adoption of SLM/SFM practices on the ground. Champions in this context refer to those
who can lead, innovate and bring about transformational change in mainstreaming LDN, SLM
and SFM across landscapes at river basin scale. They are also best placed to encourage their
peers within a wider group of land users and managers to adhere to such principles.
To realise the above, the capacity of these stakeholders needs to be enhanced with respect
to: acquiring, managing, interpreting and analysing spatial data related to land use
and LDN; and developing strategic partnerships, conceiving projects, and mobilizing financial
and human resources for the integrated, sustainable management of land.
More specifically, with reference to the criteria in Table 2 on creating
an ?enabling environment for LDN?, Output 2.1.4 is concerned with all four elements of the
science- policy Interface (effectiveness of data and monitoring systems, in-country technical
capacities, information on causes/effects of land degradation and the multiple benefits of SLM
and LND) and the financial dimension (financial needs assessment, financing mechanisms and
identified sources of finance).
It is proposed that the training element of the Capacity Development Program on Integrated
Land-Use Planning and Management is modular, with ?stand-alone? modules or series of
modules to address a specific topic. Modules will be designed and delivered by one or more
specialists in the subject matter, ideally from within the country or region to minimize costs
and build regional self-sufficiency.
The Regional Exchange Mechanism (REM) in Componet 3 should be able to source relevant
expertise from within Miombo-Mopane countries. Indeed, one model under consideration is a
training-of-trainers approach, whereby leading experts in specialist areas from different
countries in the region are pooled by REM and deployed to deliver modules that they have
designed to trainers from the child projects and remain available as a mentor over the life of
the DSL IP.
Ideally, the design and delivery of the training element of the Program should be lead by an
institution (research institute, academic/technical college or outreach/training unit within a
ministry), supported by the project, for future sustainability of training elements of the
Program to underpin the scaling out (replication) of ILUP across other LMUs and entire
It may also be appropriate to introduce certification for certain combinations of training
modules, especially if the lead agency for this Programme is an educational institution.
Examples of certified training schemes might include: land-use planning and management
methods and acquisition of GIS mapping and analysis skills; design and facilitation of
participatory processes; and LDN monitoring and evaluation.
Some preliminary capacity needs assessment was undertaken during the PPG stage but it was
limited by time and other constraints72, hence this is built into the program below.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.1.4
Undertake and complete a Capacity Needs Assessment within six months of project
onset, based on the following scope:
Capacity needs to relate to integrated land-use planning and management in pursuit of
LDN, through avoidance, restoration and/or reversal of land degradation.
Capacity needs to focus on the enabling environment (Component 1); institutional and
individual capacities across the different sectors having vested interests in land tenure and
land use, with respect to their planning and management (Component 2).
Capacity needs to address awareness raising, training, facilities, equipment and other
materials; and financing mechanisms with some funds as a catalyst to enable
individual land users (farmers) and communities to invest in managing their
land, and harvesting, processing and marketing their produce.
Review and build on recent assessments of capacity needs, including FAO?s
2017 iPartnership Level Capacity Needs Assessment - Angola and preliminary findings
from the PPG72.
Consult key stakeholders, targeted directly and via the Communications Strategy
(Component 3), including: policy and decision makers at national, provincial and
municipal levels; outreach workers within government, NGOs and the private sector; land
owners and their tenants (farmers, pastoralists, foresters) and other users of the land.
Targeting of stakeholders should be aligned with the Stakeholder Engagement Plan of the
respective target landscapes. Targeting should be inclusive of all social and adult-age
Training needs should be clearly articulated, prioritized and checked against the
preliminary list of module topics below (Activity 2.1.4b).
Assess the needs and opportunities for sustainaining capacity development post-project,
notably the training modules and financing mechanisms.
Design an Integrated Land-Use Planning and Management Capacity
Development Program, much of which will comprise training based on a modular
structure to maximise flexibility for delivery and further development as needs arise. Each
module will be accompanied by guidelines/resource manual for subsequent incorporation into
a handbook. Such resources should also be available on-line.
Tentative training modules include:
Raising awareness about land degradation, its causes, impacts (ecological, social,
economic) and and how it can be avoided, reduced and reversed. Introduction to
UNCCD and its LDN concept and the multiple benefits of the project?s interventions
that seek to achieve LDN (and related SDGs) targets, including benefits for biodiversity,
climate and livelihoods. Individual, community and corporate responsibilities.
Integrated Landscape Assessment Methodology (ILAM), including Land Use & Land
Stratification Assessment, Land Degradation Assessment, Resilience Assessment (using
SHARP), Contextual Asssessments. This will include specialist training in GIS tools for
those familiar with GIS software.
Land-use planning and management at LMU and landscape scales: achieving LDN in
theory and in practice using SLM/SFM, other sustainable best practices and learning
lessons. Monitoring progress towards LDN. This module should be designed to meet the
needs of stakeholders involved in planning and delivering interventions at LMU level, as
well as those with interests and responsibilities at landscape level (e.g. ILUP Task Force,
LDN Task Force).
Land tenure and land use: current policies and legislation, best practices and necessary
changes in support of achieving LDN and its associated benefits.
Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on LDN: applying international best practice
based on the UNCCD methodology to track progress towards LDN at municipality,
landscape and national levels. This module will be particularly relevant for members of
the LDN73 and ILUP task forces.
Design and facilitation of stakeholder engagement plans with respect to integrated
land-use planning at landscape/Sub-Basin scales. This module should highlight the
importance of engaging with all social, adult age and minority groups in consultation
processes and promote best practices that can enable such inclusion to be realized.
Conserving and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem functioning/services within
and around agricultural production systems, including best practices with regard to
maintaining soil structure, minimizing water run-off, organic waste composting, use and
application of chemical insecticides and fertilizers.
A series of modules tailored for specific farming and NTFP enterprises such as:
cereals, fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, honey and medicinal plants, depending on local
conditions and markets.
A series of modules focusing on enhancing the resilience and productive capacities of
local communities through initiatives that support SLM/SFM, such as: community wood
lots and seed banks; access to and use of dryland-appropriate, small-size agro-machinery;
and water harvesting equipment. This element of capacity building relates to capacity
needs to be identified under Output 2.2.2.
Identify and scope other capacity development initiatives, such as study tours,
workshops to explore different options or scenarios (e.g. models of working: multi-sector
coordination and cooperation, partnerships, joint management, community-based resource
management) and collaboration with the PAEG Project on land-use decision making and
other relevant capacity development activities.
Value chains and markets: design one or more modules that focus on value chain
principles, branding, marketing and local experience and opportunities. The scope and
content of these modules should be identified in the Drylands Value Chain Strategy
(Output 2.3.1).
Develop an overarching strategy for coordinating the delivery of the Training
Program across the project?s three components in a timely manner that is synchronized with
the scheduling of relevant Outcomes and Outputs requiring capacity development.
The strategy should include a matrix showing the different stakeholder groups and their
training needs aligned against the training modules and other capacity
development initiatives, thereby enabling a calendar of training events to be scheduled on
an annual basis. For example, under Ouput 2.1.3, training should initially focus on
stakeholders involved in priority interventions in the selected LMUs of the two target
landscapes and then be scheduled for stakeholders from other LMUs within
these target landscapes.
It should also embrace training needs identified across other Outcomes identified in
Components 1 and 2, in order to provide a comprehensive overview for coordination
purposes and to maximise synergies in meeting common needs across this Child Project.
Procure a Capacity Development Coordinator, who will support the lead institution
responsible for the Capacity Development Program and work closely with the two
Landscape Coordinators based in their respective Field Offices, government outreach
officers and others involved in capacity development.
Develop and implement a strategy for institutionalizing the Training Programme post
mid-term. This should be tailored to support municipalities replicate ILUP across LMUs in
other landscapes/sub-basins over the longer term.

Outcome 2.2 Capacity and resilience of land users to apply SLM/SFM practices to
production systems strengthened

Outcome 2.2 is focused on building capacity among stakeholders, in terms of technical

knowledge, skills and tools, to apply SLM/SFM practices across target LMUs and thereby
demonstrate how LDN can be delivered at landscape scales. It builds on key results of the
PPG phase, specifically the preliminary findings of the Capacity Needs Assessment72 and
the Barrier Analysis, which highlight the many systemic, institutional and individual
needs for capacity development. Managing croplands, pasture and forests sustainably
are fundamentally part and parcel of an integrated approach to managing landscapes,
particularly in Angola where land productivity is low. Agricultural land-use practices,
livestock management, choice of crops, seeds and cultivars can all be significantly
improved with cost-effective methods; and soil and water can be managed in ways
that reduce land degradation and enable land-use systems (LUSs) to adapt to climate
change and other environmental shocks.
Given findings from SHARP74 that the levels of social organization are very low at the
intervention sites, the project will adopt a step-wise approach and reinforce capacity building
activities with additional measures as appropriate. This Outcome deploys tailored packages of
rural advisory services to be rolled out in the selected project intervention sites, replicating the
models generated by the following initiatives:
Farmer Field Schools / Agro-Pastoral Field Schools (FFSs/APFSs), which have been
successfully implemented in Angola for over 10 years. The model brings together a group of
farmers or livestock herders (in the latter case, it is often called an APFS) to learn on how to shift
towards more sustainable production practices by better understanding complex agro-ecosystems
and by enhancing ecosystem services on-farm. In practice, a FFS/APFS group meets regularly
during a production cycle, setting up experiments and engaging in hands-on learning to improve
skills and knowledge that will help members adapt their methods to their specific context, with
technical inputs from advisory services. The model empowers individuals and groups to move
towards more sustainable practices and improve livelihoods.75 Considering the COVID-19
pandemic situation, the project will implement FAO?s guidelines on how to implement FFS in
times of COVID-19:,Forest-Farm Facility (FFF),
which provides direct financial support and technical assistance to strengthen forest and farm
producer organizations, representing smallholders, rural women?s groups, local communities and
indigenous peoples? institutions. Collectively, forest and farm producers have the potential to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and to respond to climate change at landscape
scales.76 The model has not yet been implemented in Angola, but it can potentially raise the
potential of FFS and APFS models by introducing them to the benefits of social organization of
production (cooperation) and generation of locally financed solutions.
Community Seed Banks (CSBs), which will be implemented in conjunction with both
initiatives above and operationalized under Output 2.2.2. CSBs, as promoted by FAO and
supported by world-wide experience77, are an important means of sustaining agricultural and
forestry production, ensuring that seeds from for improved yields and resilient to local
conditions are banked for subsequent planting in the following season. This also generates
self-sufficiency and reduces costs.
Output 2.2.1 Gender-sensitive SLM/SFM practices identified/developed and
promoted in target landscapes, and further enhanced by strengthening Farmer/Agro-
Pastoral Field Schools network
Output 2.2.1 will focus on establishing a network of FFSs/APFSs within the pre-selected
LMUs of the target landscapes to support delivery of the interventions within the respective
LMUs, through best SLM/SFM practices promoted and fostered by the farm and agro-pastoral
field schools. This will be underpinned by training, establishing financing mechanisms and
other forms of capacity development identified under Output 2.1.4; and monitoring and
evaluating the effectiveness of this network.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.2.1
Up to 100 (of which around 50 new) FFS/APFSs will be established in the two target
landscapes, taking into account locations planned under Output 2.2.2 to establish CSBs and other
Forest-Farm Facilities. Precise combinations of FFSs and FFFs will be decided during project
inception and thereafter as implementation progresses. FFS Master Trainers will be
selected from extension agents being part of the Institute of Agrarian Development (IDA) -
agriculture, livestock or environment/forest services. Additionally, FFS facilitators will be
selected farmers with some facilitation experience, such as lead farmers or farmers from an
agricultural organization. The latter can be trained, backstopped and coached by Master Trainers
throughout FFS implementation. The project will leverage on existing FFS structures in Cunene
Province where only re-fresher trainings on project related SLM/SFM practices are required. In
contrary, the project will establish a full Master and Facilitator capacity training program jointly
with IDA in Cuando Cuvango, where no FFS are active. Activities involved in establishing and
institutionalizing FFSs/FFFs include:
Determine FFS/APFS locations in the project intervention sites (LMUs), which can
be classified according to land-use system (refer to Table 6). Determination should take into
account the ILUP underway (or about to start) under Output 2.1.1 and location of FFFs and
CSBs under Output 2.2.2. In Sub-basin 1, FFS will be newly created as there is not ongoing
FFS programs in that area. However, in Sub-basin 2, the project will benefit existing FFSs to
reinforce SLM/SFM approach throughout their curricula.
Prepare a FFS/APFS Strategy and Action Plan for each target landscape, the latter
revised annually, for the creation of this network of farmer/agro-pastoral field schools, with
details of their respective work plans in relation to LMU interventions and requirements
for capacity development, including technical assistance, training, financial investments and
other resources. This Strategy and Action Plan should be jointly developed with those
implementing Output 2.2.2 in order to incoprate FFFs, such as CSBs; and it should feed into
the Integrated Land Use Plans of the respective target landscapes.
Master Training and facilitator training program. A group of Master Trainings and
facilitators will be fully trained on the job in Sub-basin 1 to developed the new FFS and for
Sub-basin 2 existing Master Trainers and existing and new facilitators will benefit from shorter
trainers adapted to Project?s topics.
Pilot the creation of one or more farmer-field/agro-pastoral schools in each target
landscape, focused on a specific LMU and its respective confirmed intervention (Table 6 lists
pre-selected interventions). This should be undertaken by IDA in cooperation with the
respective municipality responsible for the LMU and during the preparation of
the above FFS/APFS Strategy, in order to inform and groundtruth its development. In close
collaboration with those responsible for developing the LMU Action Plan:
learn lessons from existing farm schools previously established in Angola;
second a multi-disciplinary outreach team of extension agents officers to facilitate
and supervise field schools? development, training (by Master
Trainers) and other activities;
identify and deliver the training and other capacity development needs to be promoted and
provided by the schools in terms of SLM/SFM for the specific pilot LMU(s);
set up and monitor experimental trials with the land users (farmers/pastoralists);
design and pilot an M&E system, including LDN, gender and sustainability performance
indicators, for tracking FFS across the target landscapes - building on FAO?s Monitoring
Evaluation and Learning (MEL) tool, potentially for upscaling nationally;
undertake other tasks as appropriate; and
identify and share lessons learned.
Deliver the FFS/APFS Strategy by scaling out the expansion and strengthening of the
FFS/APFS network across the 9 target LMUs in each landscape to support delivery of the
respective interventions pre-selected during the PPG stage and confirmed during or subsequent
to project inception, having incorporated lessons learnt from the above pilots into delivering
this Output
Introduce Farmer Busines School (FBS)78 aproach as part of the FFS in coordination
SLM and SFM Practices in place through FFS learning curricula implementation. The
project team, will support extension services in the techncial advice and monitoring of the
implementation of the FFS, including diferents steps and milestones of FFS
methodology. Thise might include organization of peer-to-peer exchanges and visits among
FFS groups (50) to share best practices and experiences among farmers who participate in the
FFS training, subject to COVID-19 restrictions. This activity may include strengthening the
network of Master Trainers, Facilitators and partners delivering FFS activities, by promoting
exchanges, meetings and workshops and hosting of FFS community open days (2 visits for
each FFS per season) to sensitize other land users (farmers) to FFS experiences, results,
agricultural practices and technologies adapted to the local context and adopted by FFS
Prepare a strategy to harmonize and integrate the FFS approach into national policies
and programmes delivered by Rural Advisory Services (RAS). Coordinate this action with
those under Activity 1.1.2b, Output 2.2.2 and other projects applying FFS and related models
of RAS.
Prepare communication materials for inclusion in the project?s Communications
Strategy (Component 3) to raise the profile of this initiative and secure regular technical
inputs from the project?s Communications Specialist with respect to targeting FFS/APFS
Output 2.2.2 Land users? resilience and production capacity enhanced by Forest-
Farm Facility investments in communal assets
The FFF model, yet to be piloted in Angola, can potentially raise the potential of FFS and
APFS initiatives in Output 2.2.1 by introducing social organization to agricultural production
that in turn can both generate revolving funds from within the land-user community and attract
investments from local enterprises for essential tools, facilities and other resources for
SLM/SFM, especially if kicked started by this GEF-7 grant and government co-financing. This
in turn generates cooperation among land-users, investing in and sharing commonly needed
goods to safeguard/improve/increase production, and enterprising partnerships within the
wider community, thereby nurturing resilience and greater self-sufficiency.
The two Outputs under Outcome 2.2 are mutually reinforcing and have much in common with
each other, including training and investment needs that are earmarked under the capacity
development program (Output 2.1.4), awareness raising and targeting of stakeholders under
the communications strategy in Component 3 and upscaling (mainstreaming) into national
policy and programs under Activity 1.1.2b. Aditionally, output 2.3.2 (FBS) will also
directly linck with both outputs of outcome 2.2
A key investment for this project is considered to be the creation of Community Seed Banks
(CSBs); and others might include community tree nurseries, woodlots and fuel efficient
cooking stoves (all of which link to charcoal/firewood VCs in Outcome 2.3), small agricultural
machinery for harvesting and processing post-harvest waste, micro-irrigation and water
harvesting equipment, silos (artisanal) for storing grain or silage, and refrigeration for storing
harvested products. Many of these investments link directly to agri-environment best
practices, and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and irrigation that cut across Component
2 outcomes and can be delivered and enhanced via the FFF model under Output 2.2.1.
CSBs often serve as an emergency seed supply, when farmers experience a shortage of seeds
due to failure or destruction of crops as a result of floods, droughts, pests and diseases.
However, CSBs also have a more practical and dynamic use for communities in
their management of surrounding landscapes, they help to maintain a constant supply of
selected quality seeds for farmers and foresters. Seeds are obtained from the farmers in the
community, selected and stored according to an agreed storage protocl.
Adequately implemented, CSBs will help safeguard the diversity and resilience of locally
adapted cultivars of food crops as well as useful trees, enabling communities to successfully
establish and maintain tree nurseries, arboreta and carry out ecosystem restoration initiatives.
Establishing and maintaining a CSB program in country is also an important strategy that
aligns with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture, providing further justification for using this project to pilot such an initiative in
Angola?s Miombo-Mopane drylands.
Implementation of a CSB initiative in Angola, coupled with an adequate package of rural
advisory services, is expected to contribute significantly to the agricultural intensification and
the development of sustainable food systems locally within the targeted landscapes. The
proposed activities for operationalizing the initiative in the targeted landscapes are identified
below,79 together with a number of small-scale individual seed enterprises that reinforce
the CSB facility.
Other FFF initiatives, including those mentioned above, will be reviewed further and
prioritized for scoping during project inception as described below under Activity 2.2.2a.
Crucially important will be the establishment of one or more funding mechanisms under
Output 2.1.4 to operationalize FFFs.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.2.2
Identify a small number (less than 10) of priority FFFs for potential implementation
in the target landscapes, based on the following:
A review of the 18 interventions pre-selected for the target landscape and
the draft FFS/APFS Strategy prepared under Activity 2.2.1b.
Consultations with key partners and stakeholders representing: agricultural, forestry and
water resource and waste management sectors at national and local levels; municipality
and provincial authorities; land owners and users, farmers, foresters, livestock owners and
their respective associations; and communities and local NGOs within the target LMUs.
A tentative list of specific FFFs drafted on the basis of some basic criteria.
A workshop with the same key stakeholder groups represented at which the criteria are
expanded, strengthened and agreed; and a priority list of FFFs generated by consensus.
The Project Inception Workshop could be one opportunity to undertake this prioritizing.
Determine FFF locations within the project intervention sites (LMUs), which can be
classified by land-use system (refer to Table 6). Determination should take into account
the ILUP underway (or about to start) under Output 2.1.1 and location of FFSs under
Output 2.2.1.
Scope the priority FFFs in a similar generic manner to that specified for the CBS described
below and, following approval by the Project Steeruing Committee, proceed with investing in
the Facility using funds earmarked under Output 2.1.4 and linked to output 2.3.3 (Farmer
Busines Schools)
Host FFF open days at least annually and more frequently as opportunities and demands arise
to sensitize other land users (farmers) to FFF experiences and results.
Prepare a strategy to harmonize and integrate the FFF approach into national
policies and programmes delivered by Rural Advisory Services (RAS). Coordinate this
action with that for FFSs/APFSs and incorporate the combined strategies into Output
Prepare communication materials for inclusion in the project?s Communications
Strategy (Component 3) to raise the profile of this initiative and secure regular technical
inputs from the project?s Communications Specialist with respect to targeting FFF
Forest Farm Facility: Community Seed Banks
Scope the establishment of Community Seed Banks in the target landscapes, in the
following manner:
Consult with relevant stakeholders about piloting a CSB
program in the target landscapes; query the current status of existing seed banks at
national, provincial and local levels.
Review current policy and legal regulations related to the establishment and/or
management of seed banks in the country, including existing support mechanisms and
requirements for strengthening or establishment of seed banks. Note the provision for this
task under Activity 1.1.2b; and establish contact with FAO?s Community Seed Bank
(CSB) initiative.80
Organize a National Seed Bank Workshop, together with FAO?s CSB initiative, to:
review a status report prepared by a consultant on current status of seed banks in
Angola, government?s aspirations and the views of the agricultural
sector incuding local farmers;
identify how a CSB initiative might strengthen agricultural production and sustainable
local food systems in Angola;
deliberate the FFF initiative in the context of CSB regarding synergies, challenges and
lessons to be learned from experience elsewhere with FFFs and CSBs;
consider the extent to which this CBS model is aligned with the International Treaty
on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture provisions and identify further
refinements; and
review and strengthen this planned Output based on the workshop?s deliberations,
within the context of Project?s integrated land management approach that will be
rolled out across Angola?s Miombo-Mopane landscapes in order to achieve LDN.
Pilot a Community Seed Bank Program in the target landscapes in the following
Develop a framework to support germplasm access, collection and
documentation, using pre-established protocols in consultation with
national genebank scientists, as well as accessing germplasm from national and
international genebanks and breeding programmes.
Support conservation and use of farmers? varieties and landraces. Based
on a developed framework, support conservation of farmers? varieties and landraces,
including those of neglected and underutilized species, in CSBs and on-farm. Collaborate
with with research institutions on the development of new varieties through participatory
plant breeding, variety evaluation and enhancement and through FFSs.
Support exchange of seed and planting material. Based on a developed framework,
facilitate seed multiplication and farmer exchange of seed and planting
materials with those in need and integrate formal and informal (farmer) seed systems.
Scope, design and implement CSB training modules. Capacity development and
awareness building will be enhanced through training activities, including extension
staff and FFSs. This should be coordinated with and incorporated in the project?s
Capacity Building Program (Output 2.1.4).
Pilot small individual seed enterprises within target communities that reinforce
CSB facility:
Support establishment of legally recognized farmer seed production and
commercialization enterprises (including tree nurseries) that offer effective and
affordable information about climate conditions and crop diversity to smallholder farmers,
with special attention given to women and youth entrepreneurs. Capacity
development can be provided by FFSs.
Support the design and testing of innovative procedures for quality seed and tree
nurseries control, following the general guidance of the Quality Declared System (QDS)
promoted by FAO.
Promote adoption of and access to quality declared seed by raising awareness for the
possible acceptance of QDS and trees seedlings to be sold at the community level. Create
demand through different activities including processing and access to markets.
Build community level capacity in quality seed production by increasing capacity
through FFS training that combines traditional knowledge of women and
men with modern technology for improving quality seed production at household and
community levels.

Outcome 2.3 Sustainable harvesting of dryland products from target landscapes

enhanced by green value chains

Outcome 2.3 builds on a study targeting dryland green value-chains (GVCs) undertaken
during the PPG in 2019 and early 2020 (parts of which are included in Annex X-2.2). This
study mapped the project site relevant value chains locally and nationally, assessing their
potential to create jobs and income at local level, and their economic sustainability and current
environmental tradeoffs. The study found potential in off taker model, where rural farmers and
informal entrepreneurs will deliver to existing and new market demand. It also mapped value
chains that are relevant for women and youth and that could provide important income
generation through development of rural micro enterprises and cottage industries. The PPG
study will be updated during the project inception considering also the effects of the COVID19
pandemics through FAO value chain assessment tool.
This value chain outcome work will be closely linked to Outcomes 2.2, providing advisory for
medium and long term strategy of commercialization of selected FFS, FFF and the CSB. It
will be also align with Integrated Land-use Plans developed under Outcome 2.1 to increase
sustainability of the investment.
While several value chains were pre-selected during the PPG stage. Final selection for GEF-7
investments will be based on the following criteria:
Local and national VCs with potential to create investment return into the project area and
locally driven inclusive growth;
Local and national VCs with opportunities for youth and women entrepreneurship in rural
Local and national VCs with potential to stimulate compliance with the land use planning, use
of available resources, sustainable production and sustainable harvesting of the NTFPs
Potential to contribute to land degradation neutrality and sustainable utilization of resources
through change of behavior by local actors;
Potential for positively impacting rural people?s ability to improve their food security and
Local and national VCs with potential to create added value in rural areas;
Value chains with currently high negative externalities and with potential to increase
VCs aligned to Government PRODESI Program81 priorities for development.
Three Outputs are foreseen under this Outcome: (i) a strategy for GVCs development in
Southern Angola, including the investment proposals (ii) Development of selected GVCs
through private sector engagement focusing on strengthening women and youth led micro and
small rural enterprise growth and (iii) Youth and women led enterprises and value addition
supported through FBS within FFS and FFF .
Output 2.3.1 Drylands Green Value Chain Strategy for southern Angola and
strategy for women and youth led rural agri-entrepreneurship developed
Southern Angola agriculture sector is heavily underserved and underfinanced, in particular in
rural areas. The 2018-2019 drought had affected in particular poor and vulnerable small
farmers and their businesses. The drought caused decrease of all produce up to 50%.
In Cuando Cubango at small holder/subsistance farm level, 87% less maize and 82% less
millet was harvested in 2019, comparing to the previous year. It was reported that over 73
thousand heads of cattle died in Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huila and Namibe during the 2019
drought and houndred of thousand were severaly affected. As an effect of this, more pressure
to local resources and increase of degradation was observed as peole were seeking new
pastures, more fertile land and new income generating activities, like charcoal, unsustainable
wild honey harvesting and others.
While southern Angola has potential in developing dryland green value chains, currently the
investments made are rather ad hoc and not coordinated. The Strategy for Drylands Green
Value chains will use FAO Hand in Hand initiative approach in identifying investment
opportunities in micro regions, while adopting participatory approach and public private
dialogues for the strategy development. The Strategy will facilitate coordination of public
private efforts to operationalize local value chains and increase sustainability in rural areas.
Under the strategy, youth and women agripreneurship will be also assessed, with aim to
understand barriers and define actions for the localy led growth through these actors. Specific
section will be dedicated to sustainability of the FFS, FBS and FFFs.
Selection of VC interventions and matching livelihood options to date is based on the analysis
of existing data during the PPG phase in 2019 and early 2020, prior to the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Sources included SHARP, key informant interviews and multi-
stakeholder focus group discussions at national and local level. Additional market assessment,
VC assessment and MSMEs assessment will be undertaken to complete the rapid assessment
results from the PPG and integrate effects of the COVID19 pandemic.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.3.1

Establish a Green Value Chains Investment platform or GVC Advisory Group including
representatives from: national government, UN agencies, local government, land users,
project?s Landscape Coordinators, and private sector ? national company and local enterprise.
The Investment platform/ GVC Advisory Group will be serviced by the project, chaired by
one of the Landscape Coordinators. The aim of the platform will be to develop and
implement the GVC strategy and facilitate public and private investment into the selected
GVCs. The Investment platform/ GVC Advisory Group Chairperson will inform the Project
Steering Committee on the Group?s progress, receive their feedback and respond to any
requests for advice.
Conduct the end market, value chain and MSMEs assessment, including COVID-19
impact and risk assessment. With specific aim to identify: (1) GVCs objectives: possibly
competitiveness, reduced imports, increased exports, improved trade balance, affordable price
for consumers, job creation, food and nutrition security; (2) the smallholder inclusive business
models applicable to the GVCs; (3) Quantified investment needs and commitments by the
private sector (farmers, firms, bankers etc?); (4) The enabling measures (regulatory, fiscal,
infrastructure development, communicative, smart subsidies?) to be deployed by Government
and the quantified required public sector investments; (5) Arrangements to build trust, ensure
accountability and monitor implementation including related traceability systems in the GVCs;
and (6) Review the work of the FFF and indicate the most suitable areas of work where private
engagement has largest potential and design strategy for the MSMEs, FFS, FBS and FFF.
Assess different business models in linking farmers/NTFPs producers and pickers to
market, andlocal and national MSMEs from perspective of operations, profitability,
technology and marketing;
Identify skill gaps at different level of the value chain and beneficiary of the project;
Assess ongoing and likely future risks arising from COVID-19 and provide clear directions
and guidance on how risks of transmitting this disease will be avoided, minimized or
Draft the Green Value Chains Strategy for southern Angola?s Drylands, using experience
from FAO AgrInvest initiative. Draft will be validated through the investmetn platform/GVC
Advisory Group before it will be presented to Government of Angola and valaue chain
stakeholders for signature.
Hold a workshop in the project area (either one of the target landscapes) with a wider
group of key stakeholders predominantly from the target landscapes, to review the draft
Strategy. Seek consensus from particpants on priority GVCs to be taken forward by the
project, based on criteria in the Project Document and subsequent additions/modifications to
Finalise the Green Value Chains Strategy for southern Angola?s Drylands and facilitate the

Output 2.3.2 The Green Value Chain strategy implemented for selected Value
PPG preparatory work identified several potential value chains for both project sites.
Apiculture, NTFPs and small livestock have been identified as the most promising.
Bee products (honey82) are potentially the most promising product in the market place with a
value chain that meets many of the project?s criteria for development. They include: its
relatively high value at source (beekeepers receive USD 2 per kilo and produce 200-400 kg per
year, which generates more income for land users (farmers) than most other agricultural
activities; high potential for job creation (self-employment); national market demand
(estimated at 10-20MT annually) exceeds production (Angola imports several tons annually)
and much higher potential market (estimated at 70 MT per year). Moreover, the industry is
well-coordinated by government and the private sector, with initiatives underway to certify
Angolan honey for the export market. Dryland and forest honey is of high quality and there is
a potential to develop a geographic indicator for the natural and sustainable dryland honey.
Digitalization to enhance tracebility and thus increase rural beekeeper ability to produce
quality honey that can get the right certification and enter the formal value chains, will be one
of the strategy of the VC work. A key challenge to address is the unsustainable manner in
which honey is traditionally produced, as bark from trees is used to make the beehive and fire
is used to harvest the honey, which not only kills the debarked trees and the bee colony but can
also result in far more damaging forest fires.
Other existing VCs identified during the PPG phase to consider prioritizing for greening in
ways that reinforce and consolidate the landscape approach include dryland forest fruits, and
Charcoal and firewood exploitation is common in the project sites: most firewood is used
for domestic cooking, while charcoal is produced for sale to city markets where demand is
higher. Charcoal producers are poorly compensated and the work is time consuming. As in
other charcoal enterprises, the major part of the added value remains with the trader and
retailers in the cities. In Cuchi charcoal is also produced from local trees for the ore
industry. The DSL IP Project will closely work with GEF Project Promotion of Sustainable
Charcoal in Angola through a Value Chain Approach GEF ID#5719 implemented by UNDP
and MCTA, which is working on the policy framework to support a sustainable charcoal value
chain and sustainable charcoal production technology, briquetting and energy-efficient
charcoal stoves and capacity building. This project is already working on defining with the
Government a certification scheme. The DSL IP Project will focus on demonstrating the
charcoal green value chain in the targeted landscapes with focus on the sustainable production
and efficient processing complementing UNDP?s charcoal project interventions.
Box 9. Honey ? Most promising value chain for green development 83

Honey value chain has promising potential for ?greening? in project landscapes; and
it fulfils many criteria, notably: current lack of safeguarding bee colonies and
opportunities to improve quality and increase production of honey, benefitting

Honey and bee products: Currently, there are very few honey producers
in Cuando Cubango and Cunene. They produce honey in traditional way inside the bark of
the tree, using fire to harvest the honey, which kills the bee community, provokes bushfires
and decreases honey quality and price at market. Processing is rudimentary and
any marketing is limitied and through informal chains.
Despite the above, honey and bee products value chains are the most promising for the
project area. While honey is the most commercialized commodity, bee products are new to
Angolan markets, expensive for consumers and the supply is too limited for export.
Income generating
and job creating
potential: The sector
is led by several
processors, who
directly source raw
honey from small-
scale beekeepers.
The income for small
beekeeper can
surpass the income
other agricutlure act
ivities, as one kg of
honey in Luanda
costs USD 2 and a
producer averages
200-400kg per year.

Existing demand and economic sustainability: Angola still imports several tons of honey
each year but the local honey is competitive considering price, branding and quality. It is
estimated that with targeted marketing, consumption could increase up to 70 thousand MT
per year. Currently Angola produces 10-20MT of honey per year.
Potential for export: In Angola, use of agrochemicals in Miombo and Mopane is low, hence
associated pollutants are at low levels. Specific tree species provide opportunities to develop
geographical indicators or other forms of certification. Angola also has opportunities to
export honey. Currently, the lead honey processing companies, together with the IDF, are
working together to get Angolan honey certified for export to EU and USA. Regional sector
leader South Africa leads in the region: its honey business turnover reached USD 177 million
in 2018. Angola, with its vast areas, could compete in the regional market.
VC Coordination and Governance: The sector is coordinated, exemplified by the above
government-private sector collaboration to export Angolan honey. The sector has strong
national leaders: COAPA, Maxi Mel, Dona Bia are the main processing companies. COAPA
is the major leader and an advocate for an inclusive honey value chain, with strong
management, professional branding, innovative products and strategic thinking for sector
Private sector is interested in investing in the project site: During the key informant
interviews, the private processing companies showed interest in co-investing with the
project, source from the project site or collaborate in development of the local capacities to
increase honey production.
Value chain constraints are not complex: The main needs of the sector can be substantively
supported by the project, while private sector leadership will assure sustainability of the
intervention. The GEF investment can accelerate sector competitiveness and resolve the
main underlying challenges. These are: (i) cost, availability and accessibility of improved
technologies and practices; (ii) low honey quality due to improper harvesting and processing
techniques; (iii) exorbitant margins charged to national honey by some retailers (over USD
3.5/l difference between different retailers); (iv) unnecessary honey imports; (v) lack of
investment in innovative practices, including packaging (currently Angola honey
consumption is well below the regional average); and (vi) export certification and
High level support and interest in honey sector by Government of Angola: including
banning the import of honey to the country. Tax or other innovative incentives to access
production and processing equipment, for example, could result in an exponential rise in
beekeeping in Angola.

Box 10. Forest fruits - potential NTFPs for green value chains development
Several local forest fruits are commercially used in
juices, ice creams and
jams. Jinguenga (Aframomum Alboviolaceum), Maboq
ue (Strychnos Schumaniana), Loengo (Plinia cauliflora
), Mucua (Baobab), Mirangolo (Carrisa spinarum), Ngo
ngo (Marula) and forest mushrooms are very popular
and sought after by consumers. Some of them are sold
dried or processed into traditional alcoholic drinks.
All products from the area are traded through
informal channels and available in most of the main
markets (Luanda, Lubango, Benguela, Huambo).
A few small and medium scale processors (Pingo de
Mel, Frutos de Angola, Zinho) focus on
processing Maboque, Loengo and other forest fruits
into jams.
Some large-scale beverage companies (e.g. RefriAngo)
produce juices and sodas flavoured
with mucua or tamarindo flavours but it is unclear
whether or not Angolan products are used.

Commercial products are traded through

formal chains and sold at main retail stores.
Given that most jams are imported, a jam GVC
initiative substantive potential as Government is
rationalizing the food import bill.
Nutri Boty is one of the main Angolan brands
selling locally processed products. Based in
Huila, it processes and sells baobab leaves (local
name - imbondeiro) and powder, products of
West Indian lemon grass (caxinde), and
products of moringa and mopane oil. Its
business model includes community engagement
and sustainable sourcing. It also produces and
processes all of its own moringa.

Indicative Activities under Output 2.3.2

Below list of activities is preliminary and will be updated and enhanced during and after the GVCs
strategy development. Honey will be part of the strategy of dryland green value chains in southern
Angola, which will further specify in more details needs and activities. The below are preliminary
activities that were developed as a result of bilateral meetings with stakeholders in Angola and
through assessment of local practices in honey production, harvesting and commercialization.
Support existing small and medium honey processing enterprises with technical capacity and
mentorship, including quality and branding of their product and innovative practices in honey
packaging to increase product quality, commercialization, shelf life and domestic consumption,
mainly for the honey processed at micro and small scale;
Increase capacities of honey producers to deliver for existing markets, through blened extension
and introduction of digital technologies that improve tracability and help to assure quality
and fasibility of the honey production at local level;
With specific emphasis to the landscape, assess potential for development of local branded
honey or geographical indicator for honey from Miombo and Mopane forests;
Support increase of financing for the sector by providing evidence on the business models,
supporting local actors develop bankable business plans, supporting dialogue for enabling business
in honey sector (includes tax reduction for import of honey equipment and deployment of smart
subsidy schemes) and propose dedicated credit line for beekeeping activities to spur honey
production and increase investment in processing and downstream value chain at local level.
Facilitate public finance into honey sector through proposal for development of grant mechanisms
for new mainly youth and women led honey production and processing enterprises;
Leverage private investment at the project site to participate at the honey value chain.
Promote entrepreneurship in honey sector at local level, through (i) development of capacities
of local carpenters and steel workers to produce equipment for the sector; (ii) development
capacities of local micro and cottage industries for honey processing and packaging, pre-processing
for off takers etc;
Reduce market failures and stimulate market development through dialogue between honey
businesses, major retailers and Government of Angola to slowly decrease imports of honey,
regulate margins on the product by major retailers, promote export and facilitate finalization of
the certification for Angolan honey;
Provide mentorship to lead honey processing enterprises to improve their business models,
product quality and profitability
Other NTFP GVCs (besides apiculture)

More in-depth feasibility assessments as part of the strategy development will bring details on the
concrete activities to be performed by the project. For the dryland fruits , and potentially other
NTFPs, such as medicinal plants. The following activities are tentative:
Support local, national and international private enteprises that process and sell
NTFPs in improving their company operations, management and more inclusive and
feasible busines models with local fruit or medicinal plant pickers;
From the perspective of the firm (MSMEs), using FAO Inclusive business models tool,
prioritize the activities that will enhance the off take and value addition at local level;
In collaboration with the private sector develop training materials for collectors and
forest users to complement the FFF trainings with more market and busines oriented
capacity building;
Develop specific acitvities for charcoal and firewood VT chain in target landscapes to
increase its sustainability through: restoration of degraded lands with native dryland trees
to provide renewable wood supply; more efficient processing in the case of charcoal (e.g.
pyrolysis - valued by-products additional to charcoal being wood oil and wood); and improved
fuel-efficient stove designs to reduce firewood consumption.

Output 2.3.3. FBS developed within FFS and FFF to support new value chain enterprises

Further through the strategy of the Output 2.2., this output will enhance impact of the FFS and
FFF activities. It will assist with strategic acitivites at FFS, FFF and seed enterprises. In
particular to enhance effects of these approaches to women and youth income generation
through value addition, post-harvest loss reduction and quality assurance in fruit sector and
others. The business models where integrated production is implemented, with short term
income generating activities that provide additional cash for more investment into agriculture
production or agroforestry have shown good results in the past. Special attention will paid to
encourage women and youth to participate in FSB and enterprises creation.
In Cunene, livestock is the main potential for rural economic empowerement. While the
traditional agropastorist are reluctant to commercialize their livestock. The women led
sustainable small livestock businesses have shown potential for impact. While
the agricutlrue production in Cunene is difficult outside irrigated areas, feed production can
generate important source of income, when linked to sustainable small livestock activities.
Small livestock like goats or guineafowls, are procured by comerciants from different markets
including Luanda. The output aim at improving the value chain through fattening, market
development, product development, branding and using of digital technologies to shorten the
value chains. This will allow local women and youth capitalize better from their activities.
Additional MSMEs and cottage industries will be identified through the output 2.3.1. and
strategic interventions developed in participative manner.
Indicative Activities under Output 2.3.3
Select the Micro and small women and youth existing and aspiring entrepreneurs, women groups
and cooperatives and develop a capacity development training and mentorship with aim to
increase their profit, optimize production and commercialization, iniciate growth;
Develop a database of existing and potential MSMEs in southern Angola and web profiles to
facilitate investmetn and support by donors, Government and private sector;
Pilot digital technologies to enhance MSMEs access to credit or funding, information and
Develop collaboration with local education institutions and pilot incubation of
selected enterpreneurs;
Implement Farmer Busienss schools, community saving and credit groups to enhance
capacities of FFS, FFF and seed enterprise beneficiaries in business, management and finance
Enhance technical capacities of women and youth led businesses in both provinces;
Enhance commercialization, marketing, branding of selected products to increase income
generation of the selected enterprises;
Organize sharing of experience and lessons engaging between the beneficiaries and with
successful MSMEs in the region and sectors selected;

Component 3. Strengthening knowledge, learning and collaboration to support progress towards

achieving national LDN targets

Component 3 draws on the UNCCD enabling-environment guidance for LDN, particularly

with respect to: institutional aspects of national LDN coordination (vertically and
horizontally); policy coherence and alignment; and the science-policy interface dimensions of
information on the multiple benefits of SLM and LDN being considered in relation to
biodiversity, climate change, livelihoods etc. (Table 2).
It is designed to address Barriers 6 ( weak national and landscape-level LDN assessment,
monitoring and information management frameworks), 7 ( LDN-focused KM and learning
initiatives largely absent in Angola and across Miombo-Mopane region) and 8 ( Limited trans-
boundary and regional collaboration/ coordination on addressing LDN among Miombo-
Mopane cluster countries), as elaborated in Section 2.1. The underlying assumptions concern:
a willingness among all stakeholders to engage across sectors in the governance of LDN (A.1);
and there is value in committing to collaborate in regional activities to enhance the LDN
agenda across the Miombo-Mopane ecoregion, as well as drive this agenda in-country (A.7).
These scenarios are depicted in the ToC diagram.
Consequently, Component 3 has a strong focus on knowledge management, including
information flow at and between district, national, regional and global levels, identification of
lessons and best practice, M&E for informed decision-making and adaptive management, and
promoting regional and global exchange and collaboration to strengthen national efforts to
address land degradation. Component 3 also seeks to promote programmatic consistency,
cohesion and synergies.
Component 3 will support the systematic creation and sharing of knowledge related to best
practices on sustainable dryland management and contribute to increasing the capacity of
Angola to meet its national targets on LDN. Opportunities for exchange with other DSL-IP
child projects in the Miombo-Mopane region and with the global IP platform will be an
important aspect of this component. It also seeks to enhance collaboration between both DSL-
IP and non-DSL-IP countries to achieve a less piecemeal and more coherent approach to
dryland management regionally, including identifying and exploring opportunities for
potential joint initiatives targeted at addressing common challenges
across neighbouring country borders and throughout the Miombo-Mopane region.
Component 3 will also support project M&E for effective project coordination and adaptive
management, and provide important information and knowledge on project results of
relevance to national and global knowledge platforms on SLM/SFM and LDN. This will help
the project in achieving the anticipated impact at wider (transboundary/regional/
ecosystem/global) scale.
Considering the caracteristics of component 3, FAO will lead the implementation and
execution of this component in colse coordination with MCTA and collaborating closely with
MINAGRIP and MINEA. Project Coordination (included in Outcome 3.2) is leaded by
MCTA. Three baseline programs will contribute co-financing to the project?s baseline, as
shown in the table below.
Component 3
Baseline Project / Program / Initiative
Baseline Co-financing
MCTA (DNAAC) PND # 2.4.1: Climate Change $12.2 $7.1236
AFDB Agricultural Value Chains ? Support to Sustainable. Development. $4.0 $0.0
& Growth
FAO $0.35 $0.025
Totals US $ million) $16.5 $7.1486

Outcome 3.1 National land information framework strengthened to inform LDN-

related policy, planning and management at landscape, national and
global levels

The project seeks to strengthen land information monitoring and reporting systems and tools,
and management of the data collected within the to be created national LDN knowledge
platform, to support assessing progress towards LDN targets. The LDN platform will support
application of the LDN hierarchy, including tracking land use decisions with respect to
maintaining (or exceeding) LDN, and where necessary helping to counterbalance LDN
anticipated losses with planned gains elsewhere.
The project will support the development of a comprehensive monitoring and assessment
system and define a process for regular monitoring of land use/land degradation and
biodiversity in the target sub-basins, feeding into national reporting requirements on LDN
achievements and targets, building on existing monitoring processes (e.g. for the agricultural,
forestry and pastoral aspects). This will also help foster greater cross-institutional
collaboration on addressing land degradation and integrated land-use planning and
It is expected that the platform will serve as a national repository of information on sustainable
production approaches and good practices that can help to avoid, reduce and reverse land
degradation, including information on successful project experiences such as on ILMP design
and implementation and the effectiveness of FFS as a channel for capacity development for
SLM/SFM. Information may include data on land capability, condition and use, land value,
land tenure and LDN status, and draw upon cadastral mapping, topographic mapping, land
capability, resilience assessments and maps, land degradation maps, land use and populations
maps. This will facilitate national LDN reporting responsibilities under the UNCCD, and the
platform will also support scaling out of project experiences and results.
A key focus of this outcome is to improve the information needed to make more effective,
evidence-based, feeding into decision-making structures and processes being addressed
through Outcome 1.1, which addresses the strengthening/establishment of LDN Working
Groups (WGs) at national and sub-national levels and the process of integrating LDN into
broader national and landscape level development planning and decision-making processes.
Outcome 3.1 also supports the transfer of LDN-related information from national to regional
and global levels.
Outcome 3.1 also responds to calls from the UNCCD Science-Policy Interface and GEF-STAP
for consideration of the effectiveness of land degradation data and monitoring systems, as well
as wider consideration of the three global LDN indicators.
Output 3.1.1 National and sub-national LDN assessment, monitoring and
reporting systems and tools, including LDN knowledge platform developed and
operational, with relevant reporting to global level
Angola suffers from the absence/limited presence of a centralized, publicly available database
system hosting LDN-related information at the national level, which impedes the efficient and
timely sharing (and reporting) of information between relevant sectors and agencies at both
national and sub-national levels, as well as regional and global levels. This works against the
adoption of effective SLM and SFM practices across sectors and scales to address degradation
drivers in the Miombo-Mopane system and enable transformational change towards the
sustainable management of the landscape. Strengthening the national knowledge management
platform will help to better inform decision-making and scale out SLM/SFM and LDN
practices to other Miombo-Mopane areas within the country.
The current national LDN monitoring framework needs additional effort to agree and/or refine
measurable, achievable benchmarks for progress including the development of a system for
collecting, storing and analyzing data. The project will support further definition of goals, core
indicators, metrics, data sources, and some baseline data for monitoring progress on LDN in
the target landscapes using LDN methodologies that can be scaled out for national reporting
purposes to UNCCD. Two other identified needs - secure high-level buy-in for the LDN
framework and associated monitoring system from multiple ministries and ensure that the
multi-sectoral LDN Working Group oversees the development of an LDN monitoring under
Outcome 1.1.
Indicative Activities under Output 3.1.1
Review current national LDN indicators, assessment and monitoring systems, and tools
and their utility at national and sub-national (provincial, district, municipality,
community/village) levels and identify improvements/standardisation where required, based
on LDN checklist and core indicators.
Develop, establish and operationalise a participatory landscape level
LDN data assessment, monitoring and reporting system, using a participatory
methodological approach validated with local communities.
Support a digital platform/information clearing house mechanism for storage,
management and analysis of LD and LDN-related data, practices and lessons learned to
provide decision-makers at both landscape and national levels with accurate and timely
information to inform decision-making, focused on national and sub-national level data but
also open to other experiences and links to other relevant regional and global databases (e.g.
SADC, the AFR10084 countries, TRI).
Establish a specific ?dashboard? within the LDN knowledge platform targeted at
government decision-makers to facilitate ease of reporting under international requirements.
Where necessary update existing spatial planning/GIS-based systems/facilities to provide
robust data and information management capacity to support the knowledge platform, and link
with relevant international and regional databases and tools that can support national spatial
analyses of land degradation, such as Trends.Earth85.
Further develop/refine the ILAM toolbox, piloted during the PPG process, for LDN
monitoring and reporting purposes, including consideration of the Neutrality Mechanism
Balance Sheet.
Develop/refine a decision-support system (DSS) based on LDN to guide LD and
SLM/SFM assessments, including further development and promotion of the use of the
?avoid, reduce, reverse? concept (no net loss of land-based natural capital) employed in the
ILM planning process (under Outcome 2.1)
Develop and execute a programme to integrate LDN monitoring into development
planning and monitoring processes at the national and sub-national levels.
Develop and operationalise a plan for the sustainability (financial, institutional and human
capacity) of the LDN monitoring and reporting system (by end of the project). The project
will provide the assistance required for the Government to develop a strategy and ensure that
project capacity building efforts endure.
The project will also support the process of further developing and integrating LDN indicators
into relevant national development and adaptation frameworks, such as the National
Adaptation Plan (NAP), and developing a harmonised, national system for collecting,
monitoring, storing, analyzing and reporting on LDN indicators. This Output links directly
with Output 1.1.1 (strengthening the LDN Working Group) by providing it with improved
information sources to support evidence-based decision-making for LDN. This will help
support the process of further developing and integrating LDN indicators into wider relevant
national development and adaptation frameworks, such as the National Adaptation Plan
(NAP), and developing a harmonised national system to support reporting on LDN
indicators. Data collection methodologies and tools, roles and responsibilities, and ways to
mainstream monitoring into SLM/SFM will also be part of the work identified in the ILUPs
(under Component 2).
Field monitoring data will be matched with remote sensing data collected at national level.
This will be facilitated by FAO, through capacity development of the DNAAC using a variety
of relevant tools, including Trends.Earth or other GIS-based systems that combine high-
resolution imagery with a cloud-based architecture and user-friendly interface for monitoring.
The GCP/REM will also assist the PMU and the LDN Working Group to establishing a remote
sensing data collection system that will complement field data where needed.
The design/strengthening and operation of the platform will be informed by experience and
lessons emerging from the regional suite of SFM-DSL IP child projects, and itnational and
international will draw on and consolidate information currently available from other existing
knowledge platforms of relevance to SFM, SLM and LDN objectives (e.g., WOCAT, SADC,
CAADP, DRIP, etc.), and be open to other experiences from SADC, AFR100 countries, TRI,
and elsewhere.
This project will cover the operational costs, equipment, capacity development and technical
assistance to enhance national capacity to monitor the impact of LDN in the long-term.
Output 3.1.2 Capacity development program for improving LDN assessment,
monitoring and analysis among key stakeholders at national and sub-national levels to
support national LDN reporting, designed and delivered.
This output aims to build knowledge and skills of key stakeholder groups, from national to
community level. It will include technical training and provision of equipment/tools to local
government officers and local volunteers for regular monitoring of land use/land degradation,
biodiversity and other relevant indicators to support delivery of output 3.3.1 above and how to
use this information to strengthen decision-making (linking particularly with Outcome 1.1).
Indicative Activities under Output 3.1.2
Develop and deliver training modules for key stakeholder groups ion LDN assessment
and monitoring, the use of LDN-related indicators at landscape, national and international
levels, and approaches to effectively incorporate LDN-related indicators into multi-sector,
multi-level policy and planning processes at national and international levels. (Training will
include: the definition of LDN indicators; LDN baseline mapping; data quality standards and
specifications; methodologies and tools for estimating and measuring LDN indicators;
mechanisms for validation on the ground; and data analytics).
Provision of training to government staff at the national and sub-national levels on global
monitoring tools designed to support LDN assessment, including building capacities to
identify, assess, monitor and report on land degradation trends and degradation hot spots.
Potential tools to consider include Open Foris Collect, Collect Earth, SEPAL, and Earth Map.
Provision or upgrading of tools and equipment for monitoring LDN in the field.
Support the LMCs in the target areas to develop Landscape Monitoring Action Plans
(LMAPs) and oversee piloting the use of LDN indicators defined under the national LDN
The national LDN Working Group will assess the suitability of the proposed data collection
and monitoring tools, based on costs, scope, data type and easiness of implementation, and
adapt them, as needed, to the time- and capacity-constraints of the collectors, to ensure that
monitoring does not involve too much extra-work to add to their daily tasks. Collaborative
partnerships for LDN assessment and monitoring will be encouraged. Stakeholder groups
targeted for training include: national and sub-national government staff, monitoring working
groups of the Landscape Management Committees (LMCs), rural extension services
(agriculture and forestry), representatives or involved FFS and FFPOs (where relevant), and
other relevant civil society groups.
The GCP/REM will support the PMU in the organization of training workshops targeting the
members of the LDN Working Group and other M&E officers from relevant ministries,
research centres and civil society organizations. Training will follow a ?training of trainers?
approach so that capacity building can be multiplied up (this approach is being applied
generally across the project).
The project will also support the strengthening of existing, digital knowledge platforms that
target FFS86/FFPOs/CBO/rural advisory services (which will act as a channel for technical
know-how on SLM/SFM to the field practitioners and will collect results and good practices)
and private producers to serve as a tool that can be used by extension officers and other
stakeholders to help build private practice awareness and promote the adoption of sustainable
practices. This will include information regarding value-chains and markets designed to
incentivize adoption of sustainable practices. The knowledge platform will be presented in
both English and Portuguese.

Outcome 3.2 Knowledge and awareness enhanced to support progress towards

achievement of national LDN targets

Outcome 3.2 is concerned with the dynamic process of the generation, management and
communication of information, including that from lesson learning/sharing and project
monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, to facilitate the sharing, transfer and up-scaling
and out-scaling of knowledge and best practice produced through the project (and DSL-IP) on
SLM/SFM and LDN. This is aimed at key local, national and global stakeholders to inform
decision-making and to raise awareness among wider audiences. These activities link to the
capacity development, monitoring and reporting efforts promoted under Components 1 and 2.
The knowledge management and communication and awareness-raising activities will be
linked to the capacity development, monitoring and reporting efforts promoted under
Components 1 and 2.
Output 3.2.1 Project knowledge management, communication and dissemination
framework and strategy developed and implemented
Documentation and dissemination of information and knowledge about SLM/SFM and LDN
methodologies, tools, lessons learned and best practices is a critical component of the project.
Knowledge management, communications and outreach activities will be guided by a
Knowledge Management and Communications Strategy (KMCS), supported by a project web-
based knowledge management portal and innovative information-sharing program.
Knowledge exchange at global level, facilitated by the GCP, will take place in two ways: the
child project will actively ?feed? knowledge to the global and regional platforms while
benefiting from recent scientific knowledge and global evidence-based good practices
provided by the platforms/exchange mechanisms in return through the Regional Exchange
Mechanism (REM). Further details about this Mechanism and how it is aligned with the GCP
are provided in Annex IV-2 and summary details in Box 11.
All communication and awareness-raising materials will consider the information needs and
ambitions of women and minority groups in the generation of knowledge, its dissemination
and the ensuing outreach that will ultimately take place.
Indicative Activities under Output 3.2.1
Develop a project gender-sensitive KMCS (based on a gender analysis to identify project-
specific gender gaps/issues/constraints in relation to KMC and activities to address them) and
associated financing plan, to guide all knowledge management, communication
and outreach activities, as well as tailored knowledge management and communications plans
for individual target landscapes and their respective districts/communities. (The Landscape
Management Committees and agriculture and forestry extension services will disseminate
information about the initiative among relevant stakeholders in each target landscape.)
Produce project communication materials and events (including final workshop) informing
multiple stakeholder audiences (from national to community levels) about project aims,
progress and results, using the most appropriate means to the target audience.
Synthesise all new project-generated knowledge acquired about SLM/SFM and LDN in
Miombo-Mopane landscapes and publication of relevant results in academic journals. (It is
expected that the project will generate and systematically document lessons learned that will
contribute to understanding the complex dynamics of this ecosystem/biome, their values and
the multiple demands placed upon them.)
Establish an online web-based platform for hosting and disseminating project-related
communication materials, lessons learned and best practices from the project and wider
SFM-DSL IP network; and disseminate them among relevant audiences.
Develop a framework/process for transferring key project reports, studies, experiences
and lessons learned, ?best practice? documents, and other relevant material on LDN to
national, regional and global databases/knowledge platforms, including the national LDN
knowledge platform (identified in Output 3.1.1) and WOCAT.
Liaise with the GCP/REM to establish two-way flow of project-generated information
and knowledge between the child project in Angola and the GCP and other SFM-DSL IP
countries. (The GCP/REM will support the project to identify appropriate and standardized
means of documenting lessons learned and best practices to reach the different audiences ?
rural communities, NGOs, civil servants, researchers, policy-makers, donors ? in the most
appropriate fashion.)
Design and deliver a training module on communication and outreach to develop the capacity
of the Project Management Unit and key stakeholders design and deliver effective social-
media content.
Participate in relevant Communities of Practice to exchange project knowledge and
learning and sharing results with project stakeholders.
Participate in regional and global events of relevance for knowledge management in
coordination with the GCP/REM.

The KMCS will address the systematic creation, documentation and sharing of knowledge on
sustainable dryland management and LDN through local and national data platforms as well as
contribute to global knowledge platforms. It will set out a systematic knowledge management
process to capture and exchange lessons learned and best practices in SLM/SFM and
LDN, and will support knowledge development and communication activities to systematize
and disseminate them at local and national levels, as well as with other SFM-DSL IP countries.
It will address the needs of practitioners, decision-makers and local stakeholders, making use
of both traditional and new communication media and networks.
Project communication materials (culturally appropriate and in relevant languages) for
dissemination to all relevant national and landscape-level government agencies and key
stakeholders will include various digital and printed knowledge products (e.g. publications,
leaflets, journal articles, booklets, case studies, best practice documents, presentations and
audio-visual materials), as well as social media content and a quarterly electronic project
newsletter. Communication events with stakeholders may include information days, on-farm
demonstrations, local fairs and radio programs. TV and radio stations will be key partners in
the dissemination of news about the project.
The KMCS will integrate innovative tools, including web-based and smart-phone applications
designed to engage and inform stakeholders at multiple levels (e.g. easily accessible to farmers
and rural private producers), based upon best international practices such as farmer channels. It
will also incorporate specific monitoring tools to ensure that key audiences are reached and
engaged and can contribute and that the project is effectively communicating key messages
and results.
At the local level, FFS, FFPOs and Forest Learning Groups will act as channels for technical
know-how on SLM/SFM to the field practitioners and will collect results and good practices
that will feed the awareness-raising and outreach work of the project and the Landscape
Management Committees, and eventually the knowledge management structure and LDN
platform at the national level.
The KMCS activities will be aligned with the GEF communication and visibility policy and
FAO?s corporate communication strategy. All project knowledge, communication and
awareness-raising activities will be tailored to the target audience and consider the information
needs and ambitions of women and minority groups. A Knowledge Management and
Communications specialist will be employed as part of the PMU, and working with other
relevant specialists, e.g. journalists, to identify and create targeted products (e.g. ?success
stories? for the media).
The KMCS for the project will be formed by, and closely aligned with, that at the program
level, as well as harmonized with those of the other Miombo/Mopane child projects through
the GCP/REM. This will facilitate the sharing of evidence-based good practices between
countries and across the program. ( The project will actively ?feed? into, and share
knowledge with, relevant regional and global platforms, such as Committee on Forestry
Working Group on dryland forests and Agrosilvopastoral systems, UNCCD, (SADC?s GGWI-
S) knowledge platforms and exchange mechanisms, while benefiting from recent scientific
knowledge and global best practices provided by the platforms in return.
Output 3.2.2 Project M&E framework, supporting lesson learning
and guiding adaptive management, developed and operational from national to
community levels
The project will develop and implement a detailed M&E framework (see Section 9), which
includes the Mid-Term Review (MTR) and Terminal Evaluation (TE), to support an adaptive,
results-based management approach to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project
management and delivery of project results and impacts. The project M&E framework will be
consistent with the overall M&E framework and learning program of the REM established by
the GCP.
The project?s M&E framework will generate and systematically document lessons learned
(supported by the GCP/REM on methodology) that will contribute to the knowledge base on
SLM/SFM approaches and practices and means to achieve LDN targets. The project will
identify and share lessons through sub-national, national and regional level meetings,
exchange visits and various knowledge products, with neighboring IP and non-IP countries. It
is expected that the project will provide important lessons on land tenure and access,
resilience, the role of women in the sustainable management of drylands, effectiveness of
public-private partnerships in addressing land degradation, and the effectiveness of market-
based instruments such as ?branding? to encourage and maintain sustainable land management
Indicative Activities under Output 3.2.2
Further development and implementation of the project M&E strategy (Section 9 of
Project Document), with the role of each project stakeholder group/institution involved in
project-related monitoring, evaluation and reporting agreed (in a participatory manner); and,
where needed, training (including guidelines) provided on the implementation of the M&E
Support development of community-level participatory monitoring of project activities,
with training in M&E methods as needed.
Review and revise the project objective and outcome-level indicators and their associated
baseline and targets during the project inception period (first 3 months of implementation)
to ensure that indicators are SMART87, baseline data complete and targets realistic,
particularly with respect to any prevailing COVID-19 limitations on the project at the start of
Develop a set of performance/process indicators to measure delivery and achievement of
project activities and outputs, and incorporate a set of global platform indicators (provided
by GECP/REM) during project inception period (first 3 months of implementation).
Establish a framework and methodology (process) for the identification and capture of
best practices88 and lessons learned from the project and disseminate the results through the
KMCS under Output 3.2.1, with technical support from the GCP/REM.
Undertake MTR in year 3 and TE in year 5, results disseminated and deliver their
respective management responses delivered. The MTR is particularly crucial, providing a
vital opportunity for reviewing progress, identifying successes, shortfall, bottlenecks and any
needs for re-alignment through adaptive management. Lessons learnt and recommendations
produced by the Terminal Evaluation will inform discussions on sustainability/durability of
project results and impacts and future replication and scaling up initiatives.
Organise annual 1-day project retreats for PMU staff and key stakeholders to provide an
opportunity to reflect on project management, operation and delivery, and identify practical
solutions to resolve issues and overcome barriers hindering project performance to support
adaptive management.
Feed results and recommendations from project M&E activities into project Knowledge
Management framework (Output 3.2.1) as appropriate.
The project will hire an M&E specialist during Year 1 to: (i) develop and oversee delivery of
the M&E system; (ii) collect and collate information on progress in meeting targets and
evaluate results; and to (iii) lead on the identification of project best practices and lessons
learned and the systematization of experiences. Monitoring reports will be prepared by the
PMU according to the M&E system throughout the duration of the project. As part of the
Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) planning process, the project will also hire national
experts to gather baseline information and elaborate the initial values of the GEF Core
Indicators and selected LDN indicators once demarcation of the target areas is finalised.
The project is aligned with SFM-DSL IP objectives at regional and global levels and includes
a number of relevant GEF-7 Core Indicators (namely: number 3 (area of land restored); 4 (area
of landscapes under improved practices); 6 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mitigated in tCO2eq);
and 11 (number of direct beneficiaries disaggregated by gender as co-benefit of GEF
investment). The project will also track contributions to the minimum set of UNCCD LDN
indicators ? land cover/land cover change, land productivity (metric: net primary productivity),
and carbon stocks above and below ground (metric: soil organic carbon) and SDG 15.3.1 ?
proportion of land that is degraded over total land area.
Project M&E will also contribute to the LDN assessment and monitoring framework through
the LDN Working Group (Component 1), providing important information to help populate
the national LDN information platform (Output 3.1.1). Links will also be established with
program-level monitoring organised through the GCP/REM, with relevant M&E data fed to
the GCP/REM to consolidate data at regional and global levels. M&E tools used by the
individual child projects will be harmonised as much as possible to facilitate program-level
reporting and monitoring, knowledge sharing and good practices identified and their successes
highlighted. This will include agreement and harmonisation on the use of common indicators
for LDN assessment and monitoring (piloted under Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2).

Outcome 3.3 Collaboration and exchange at regional and global levels enhanced to
support national/sub-national efforts to deliver LDN

This Outcome seeks to enhance the Angola project?s national and sub-national delivery and
impacts through engagement with additional opportunities available through collaboration
with other DSL-IP countries and the global DSL-IP and at wider regional and global
levels. It aims to ensure that the project and its partners can benefit from the additional up-to-
date technical capacity development, knowledge exchange and mutual learning, and
networking and potential market development opportunities provided through the SFM-DSL-
IP. It focuses on three areas to achieve this:
Supporting regional collaboration and coordination on actions to identify and jointly address
common challenges to the sustainable management of drylands in the Miombo-Mopane
Offering increased opportunities for market development of SLM/SFM products from the
project target areas; and
Improving access for national and sub-national project stakeholders to knowledge and mutual
learning opportunities available at regional and global levels, while leveraging the project?s
results, experiences and lessons learnt for wider impact at the regional and global scales.
The Outcome will strengthen connections between the Angola project and its partners and the
other child projects and the overall program, supporting networking and partnership
development, as well as promoting South-South cooperation.
Activities under this Outcome are largely developed through partnership with and support
from the GCP/REM, which aims to ensure that the project and its partners can benefit from
these additional shared opportunities. As mentioned above (Box 11) and in Annex IV-2, the
REM functions as a mechanism to strengthen national- and landscape-level project delivery
through its service function across all components of the project, as well as facilitating
national, regional and global exchange of knowledge, lessons learned and best practices to
accelerate and amplify the uptake of such practices (see Output 3.2.1).
The project will use part of the SFM-DSL IP incentive to ?access? additional services and
opportunities offered by the global project on a demand and adaptive basis, in order to support
the child project in achieving the anticipated impact at wider (transboundary ecosystem) scale.
This support will be available to meet technical capacity needs (e.g. improved access to SLM
and SFM technologies, tools and practices) identified under Components 1 and 2, but also
under Component 3 to access opportunities for exchange and knowledge sharing, explore and
develop new commercial possibilities for SLM/SFM products promoted through the project,
networking opportunities for market development, as well as support development of joint
initiatives between the countries to promote sustainable drylands management of the Miombo-
Mopane eco-region.
A very important contribution from the GCP/REM to the Angola Child Project in COVID-19
times will be to support efficient monitoring and dissemination of knowledge in the context
of COVID 19. The efforts of the FAO South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division in
promoting a systematic learning approach to document and disseminate knowledge resources
through the initiative called "Making every voice count for adaptive management". The goal is
to create a bridge between other teams and initiatives and work beyond the 11 countries
involved in this program. Joint management and good practices to minimize negative inpact of
COVID will be developed and shared.
Thus, as a member of a program (the DSL IP), the Angola child project has the possibility to
access additional resources and opportunities that would not be easily available to a stand-
alone project.
Output 3.3.1 Actions and investments identified to address transboundary land and
environmental degradation priorities in Miombo-Mopane ecoregion and bi-/multi-lateral
initiatives strengthened/established to progress towards LDN
This output aims to support initiatives to foster greater regional and cross-border
collaborative efforts to maintain the ecological integrity of the Miombo-Mopane eco-
region. This is expected to involve both DSL-IP countries and non-DSL-IP countries, with the
aim to develop joint solutions to common challenges in sustainably managing the region?s
natural resources, including exploring the possibility of new cross-border and regional
initiatives and investments. In doing so it will also facilitate the sustainability and scaling up
and scaling out of project results across the region. It begins with the identification of common
or transboundary priority land degradation, sustainable drylands management and other
environmental challenges, concerning geographical areas, communities, habitat sub-types,
species, etc., and progresses to prioritizing and jointly addressing them. The GCP/REM will
further support cooperation and collaboration between neighbouring countries through shared
technical advisory provisions.
Indicative Activities under Output 3.3.1
National participation in regional review and identification of priorities for
transboundary and regional collaboration to address: environmental and natural resource
degradation and loss; sustainable resource use in the Miombo-Mopane region (e.g. veldt fires,
invasive alien species, illegal mining, charcoal, extraction of indigenous plant resources,
watershed management); and the identification of joint solutions to address them in a
collaborative manner, with development of an action plan
Review and develop linkages with regional and global investment initiatives including
private sector companies and institutions with a mandate including sustainable drylands
management (e.g. Miombo Forum SADC-GGWI) in order to identify potential financing
sources and innovative financial tools in support of both regional priorities identified through
the activities above and the national LDN targets.
Identify and develop proposals for trans-boundary and regional initiatives to address
common challenges to managing the Miombo-Mopane system (involving both SFM-DSL-
IP countries and non-SFM-DSL-IP countries), such as biodiversity (e.g. endangered species?
ranges covering several Miombo-Mopane countries), protected areas with a shared national
border (e.g. Save and Runde Basin between Mozambique and Zimbabwe) and addressing
common water systems shared between countries (e.g. between Angola and Namibia). It may
also include: agreements on the use of a common set of methods and indicators for LDN
assessment and monitoring (piloted under Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2); best practice approaches to
SLM/SFM and achieving LDN targets; and exchange between countries on LDN-related
Output 3.3.2 Collaborative actions to support business and market development for
SLM/SFM products across the Miombo-Mopane region undertaken
This output addresses, through the support of the GCP/REM, the identification of, and
networking with, cross-border, regional and global markets for LDN-compliant land-use
products promoted by the project. Activities under this output support those under Outcome
2.3 on value chain development, but are focused on providing opportunities for
selected SLM/SFM products from the project?s target areas to be marketed across the wider
region and beyond.

Indicative Activities under Output 3.3.2

Provide national inputs into the
proposed GCP/REM needs assessment surveys of private sector engagement, market
analysis and business opportunities for further development of trans-boundary, regional and
global markets (with a focus on linkages with DSL-IP countries) for SLM/SFM products, such
as charcoal89 and NTFPs (building on the preliminary work undertaken during the PPG period
on value-chain activities), including identification of potential sources of commercial
Engage with GCP/REM-promoted regional business networking events, regional
commodity roundtables, multi-stakeholder platforms, relevant for value-chain
development and promotion of products from target areas under SLM/SFM practices, and
lead on country level engagement with producers, SMEs, local finance institutions to
complement outreach and engagement at regional and global scale.
Provide national input to any proposed development and promotion of a Miombo-
Mopane ?brand? for SLM/SFM products, delivered through the project to support market
The REM will provide a dedicated ?business development facility? function, supporting the
(largely) underdeveloped value chains for SLM/SFM products from the target areas. Amongst
other support the REM will compile information (on a database) on potential products,
businesses, sources of financing and markets, which will be available to the Angola and other
DSL-IP child projects. The REM will also explore the possibility of developing a Miombo-
Mopane ?brand?, drawing on FAO?s experience with Geographical Indication (GI)
Products from areas under SLM/SFM practices with global appeal and markets are relatively
limited, with some exceptions such as honey markets. It is expected that much of the business
and market development will be relatively local (district or provincial or national) in Angola,
such as wood fuel market.
Output 3.3.3 Opportunities for national and landscape-level stakeholders to exchange
knowledge, experiences, best practices,and lessons learnt at regional and global levels
identified, developed and supported
This output seeks to identify and promote opportunities for project stakeholders to exchange
knowledge, experiences, best practices and lessons learnt and enhance mutual learning with
other DSL-IP projects, as well as connecting project stakeholders with other relevant regional
and global knowledge sources and learning opportunities. This will further strengthen
evidence-based decision-making capacity for LDN in Angola. It will further assist, and add
value to, project efforts in Angola through Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2 to inform and be informed by
the expanding body of global knowledge and practice on SLM and SFM practices and
measures to achieve LDN.
The project?s framework is closely aligned with the SLM-DSL-IP?s global
framework, and harmonized with those of the other Miombo/Mopane child projects. This
should facilitate the sharing of evidence-based good practices across initiatives. The
GCP/REM will play a major role in assisting the Angola child project to engage in and deliver
this output.
Indicative Activities under Output 3.3.3
Liaise with the GCP/REM, other SFM-DSL-IP countries and other relevant initiatives
and platforms to identify appropriate opportunities being offered through the DSL-IP to
improve Angola?s access to regional and global knowledge and expertise in relation to
sustainable drylands management and LDN
Identify and organise national and sub-national participation in regional and global
?cross-fertilisation? exchanges, study tours and peer-to-peer learning opportunities,
including exchange-learning visits (with cross-site visits at local, national and regional
levels) for key project participants and partners to other SFM-DSL-IP projects in the Miombo-
Mopane ecoregion, and to other relevant projects providing best practices under the AFR100
network to improve mutual learning and increase opportunities for South-South cooperation
(supported by GCP/REM)
Develop linkages through the GCP/REM and engage with key global forums and
working groups on drylands and related platforms (e.g. Collaborative Partnership on
Forests, Global Landscapes Forum, Global Soils Partnership, Global Agenda for Sustainable
Livestock, FAO?s Family Farming Platform, and the World Overview of Conservation
Approaches and Technologies) and regional-level platforms (e.g. SADC GGWI, Miombo
Network, GEF-6 IAP Policy and Science Interface, World Overview of Conservation
Approaches and Technologies ? WOCAT), with specific training provided on a demand basis
to relevant departments on the use of existing sources of information (e.g.
WOCAT, TerrAfrica).
Ensure close coordination with FAO?s Committee on Forestry (COFO) Working Group
on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems, including support for the country?s
representative to participate in relevant meetings in order to help channel knowledge and
policy support between the child project, regional level and GCP steering committee.
Organise the participation, facilitated by the GCP/REM, of the Angola project team and
partners in the annual meetings of SFM-DSL IP and other capacity development events and
networking opportunities organized by the GCP, SADC, UN COPs (particularly UNCCD),
IUCN Global Congress, among others.
The project and GCP/REM will jointly identify the most suitable learning opportunities in
other countries and organize at least two visits of approximately one week to relevant sites,
with the help of the host partner. Visits are expected to involve between 8-10 participants from
Angola. As a commitment of their involvement, participants will be required to prepare a
report for dissemination and conduct workshops or meetings to share the knowledge acquired
on returning to Angola and identify how it might be applied in a brief action plan. Actions can
then be monitored and reported to the PSC. Conversely, the PMU will liaise with the GCP to
host similar learning visits for other SFM-DSL IP partners, based on the most successful
achievements of the project in Angola.
4. Alignment with GEF focal area and/or Impact Program strategies
The Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program is a multifocal, integrated initiative that
will create multiple benefits in the land degradation (LD), biodiversity (BD) and climate
change (CC) focal areas. It is aligned with the general IP strategies to address key
programmatic issues including transformation, impact, collaboration, coordination, and private
sector engagement; and its goal is to address the nexus between local livelihoods, land
degradation, climate change and environmental security.
This Angola child project of the GEF-7 SFM IP Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes
is focused on achieving a paradigm shift towards Land Degradation Neutrality for Miombo-
Mopane woodlands in southern Angola by applying SLM/SFM best practices at landscape
(sub-basin) scales in an integrated manner that engages with all sectors and other stakeholders
having vested interests. The integrated landscape approach will directly address barriers that
have thwarted LDN, SLM, and SFM from being successfully realized to date and, alongside a
focus on diversifying food production systems, will contribute to increasing the resilience of
ecosystems and livelihoods. Hence, the project is directly aligned with the Impact Program?s
three objectives:
integrated landscape management with particular focus on sustainable forest management
and restoration, rangelands, and livestock production [predominantly via Component 2,
Outcome 2.1];
promotion of diversified agro-ecological food production systems in drylands
[predominantly via Component 2, Outcomes 2.2 and 2.3]; and
creation of an enabling environment to support the two objectives above [predominantly via
Component 1 and enhanced by Component 3].
More specifically, the three integrated components of the Angola child project are aligned with
two of the seven GEF Focal Areas of the Impact Program in the following ways:

GEF-7 Programming Directions Alignment of Angola Child Project

LD Objective 1 LD Objective 1 is directly supported by focusing on

Enhance on-the-ground SLM/SFM at landscape (sub-basin) levels, in
implementation of SLM using the conjunction with land-use planning at local
LDN tool. (municipality) levels in order to micro-manage the
LD-1-1: Maintain or improve flow complexities of land use and land tenure realities
of agro-ecosystem services to through engaging with stakeholders by means of
sustain food production and consensus-building processes.
livelihoods through Sustainable Both LD-1-1 and LD-2-2 will be addressed through
Land Management (SLM). SLM and SFM, respectively, under Component 2.
LD-2-2: Maintain or improve flow Of the total area of 633,278 ha in the two target
of ecosystem services, including landscapes preselected for interventions aligned to
sustaining livelihoods of forest- the LDN response hierarchy of avoid, reduce,
dependent people through restore (Table 5), 17 % (107,722 ha) is forest and the
Sustainable Forest Management rest is watershed (26.4%, which also includes
(SFM). forest), cropland (34.3%) and grassland (22.3%).
While Outcome 2.1 is focused on integrated land-use
planning and management towards achieving LDN,
Outcome 2.2 addresses
land users?production capacity and resilience, and
Outcome 2.3 invests in matching green value chains
with livelihood opportunities and fosters
engagement with the private sector.
Climate Change Mitigation Mitigation of GHG emissions is estimated to
Programmatic Approach be 1,047,911 tCO2-eq over 20-year arising from
Mitigate the release of GHG avoidance of emissions and sequestration of
emissions through avoided carbon throughSLM/SFM best practices with
deforestation and by enhancing respect to land (and soil) use, food production and
carbon stocks above and below greening value chains, as reflected under
ground Component 2, enabled through changes in policy
CCM-2-7: Demonstrate and regualtions under Componet 1 and both
mitigation options with systemic informed and scaled out through targeted
impacts for the Sustainable Forest communications and sharing of know-how under
Management Impact Program Component 3. Specific areas of intervention
- climate smart agriculture;
- emissions reduction from food systems and supply
chains; and
- innovations in soil quality improvement
techniques that increase carbon storage in

IP SFM Dryland Sustainable Multi-focal contribution to the Dryland Sustainable

Landscapes Landscapes Impact Program that addresses:
[GEF-7 Impact Program: degradation, desertification, and deforestation of
Sustainable Forest Management, land and ecosystems in drylands avoided, reduced
Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and further reversed through the integrated,
(DSL)] sustainable management of production landscapes.

5. Incremental cost reasoning, expected contributions from baseline, GEFTF, co-financing

Enabling LDN. In the baseline scenario, land degradation will continue to be a serious problem
in Angola, both in the project zone and nationally. Although Angola adopted a national LDN
target in 2018, its achievement requires major operational efforts on the ground and in the
creation of an enabling policy and regulatory environment, very little of which is yet in
place. Moreover, institutional capacities, including cross-sectoral collaboration, remain
weak and policies concerning land tenure rights require a concerted and innovative approach
to align with LDN aspirations. Furthermore, tracking progress towards LDN requires a
somewhat sophisticated and accountable monitoring system in place and
institutionalized. Without the GEF-7 investment, adequate systems and
an institionalised ?neutrality? mechanism will likely remain incipient.
Capacity for planning and implementing SLM/SFM on the ground will remain limited in the
baseline scenario. The southern region of Angola will face increasing threats to ecosystem
services, affecting biodiversity, soil, water and carbon. Land will continue to be managed
largely in an unsustainable manner across landscapes in the project zone in the absence of
a larger scale, integrated approach to planning land use and managing landscapes. In limited
areas, short-term increases in production are possible when small-scale best practices and
innovative techniques are applied but ecosystems will continue to degrade and become
increasingly disfunctional in the absence of holistic, integrated (mulit-sector) planning and
sustainable management at landscape scales. Given that government has recently signed up to
the principle of LDN as a party to UNCCD, the GEF-7 investment is timely and likely to
prove to be the catalyst that will set LDN in motion. In this respect, the GEF-7 investment of
over US $ 5 million has leveraged in excess of US $ 45 million from three ministries
? Culture, Tourism and Environment (MCTA), Agriculture & Fishery (MINAGRIP) and
Energy & Waters (MINEA) ? reflecting well the multi-focal nature of this project.
Landscapes, value chains and scale. Without an integrated and inclusive landscape approach
to land-use planning, the potential for disseminating and scaling out SLM/SFM techniques and
approaches among land users and decision-makers in southern Angola would be largely
missed. Furthermore, such techniques and approaches have greater chances of success, if they
are made economically ?attractive? to land users and build on market forces. In the baseline
scenario, it is possible that agricultural modernization eventually gains traction in the project
zone, but criteria of inclusiveness (including gender-based) and sustainability would not
necessarily be mainstreamed into the agricultural value chains that would be
developed. This targeted GEF contribution will help ensure that value chains are greened to
the extent of at least aligning them with the LDN target, by adopting
SLM/SFM practices, improving the livelihoods of land users (including women) and
by making it easier for stakeholders to be part of the transformative change envisaged for the
Regional Cooperation. In the baseline situation, Angola?s efforts towards achieving LDN
goals will continue to be largely isolated from potential collaboration
with neighbouring Namibia and Botswana in respect of LDN-conducive measures, policies
and practices to jointly and respectively address land degradation in shared river basins, quite
apart from sharing knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned more generally, as well as
engaging with other countries from the SADC region and contributing to initiatives such as
the Great Green Wall Initiative for Southern Africa ( GGWI-S). The same applies at global
level, while recognizing and respecting priorities for South-South cooperation in the first
instance. With GEF support, such collaborative learning, exchanges, synergies
and and harmonized implementation of the national ?child projects? can be realized through
the regional and global exchange mechanisms (R/GEM) developed under the
Impact Program.
6. Global environmental benefits (GEFTF) and/or adaptation benefits (LDCF/SCCF)
The project will deliver a range of Global Environmental Benefits (GEBs) by halting and
reversing negative trends of land degradation and biodiversity loss in degraded areas of the
Miombo-Mopane woodlands insouthern Angola by applying an integrated landscape
management approach. Productive land under different land-use systems will come under
improved management within two targeted landscapes (sub-basins) through the application of
SLM and SFM techniques that embrace LDN as a long-term goal. The total area of productive
land identified for improvement is 633,278 ha, representing 46% of the total area of the target
landscapes. Improvements relate to 18 intervention sites, 9 in each target landscape, that have
been pre-selected during the PPG phase, mapped (Figure 7 and Figure 8 for the respective
landscapes) and subject to confirmation during project inception. They are targeted at
croplands, grasslands, forest and watersheds (comprising forests and croplands), full details of
which are provided in Table 4 and summarized by land use system and LDN response
hierarchy (avoid, reduce, restore) in Table 5. In summary, the following results are anticipated
in the immediate term:
217,056 ha of croplands covered by ILUPs , with 4,929 ha having reduced LD
through direct agricultural improvement interventions;
141,200 ha of grasslands covered by ILUPs, comprising 13,988 ha of direct sustainable
rangeland management interventions, will be subject to reduced LD;
107,722 ha of forest covered by ILUPs, with 16,825 ha under SFM aiming at avoiding
deforestation and degradation . Assistened natural regeneration approaches coupled with
the estabilishment of nurseries and community seed banks will complement the
SFM/SLM interventions.
167,300 ha of mixed land uses watershed, comprising 117,000 ha of Cuchi and 56,000 ha
of Chinguanja commune, will be covered by ILUPs;
The medium term benefit will be 633,278 ha of land within the target landscapes covered by
ILUPs, of which 35,742 ha will be under direct improved management, subject to best
practices in SLM/FSM and other types of intervention demonstrated during the life of the
project being replicated post-project. An Exit Strategy will be designed in the last year of the
project to flag up what will need to be in place by way of the enabling environment (policies
institutionalization of policies, mechanisms and platforms, best practices, continuing capacity
development and sustainable financing by project end to secure continuity post-project and
linkages to any potential new opportunities to rolling out the LDN agenda across other priority
Together, these immediate and medium-term improved practices will lead to increased
ecosystem and community resilience, and the sustainable provision of ecosystem goods and
services at the landscape level. Moreover, they will contribute to the conservation of globally
significant biodiversity in the Miombo-Mopane woodlands, contributing significantly to the
African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100)83 objectives by bringing degraded
land into restoration by 2030.
A major co-benefit of these interventions to reduce land degradation and deforestation will be
avoided GHG emissions and carbon sequestration, estimated at 1,047,911tCO2-eq over the 20-
years project lifespan. Policy changes and behavioural changes associated with capacity-
development activities are also expected to contribute to this co-benefit. The carbon benefit
calculus takes into account the following:
Miombo and Mopane woodlands are considered to be dryland forests.
In Mopane vegetation, the above-ground density of live woody biomass is low and tree
canopy is below 30%.
Miombo are comparatively richer in carbon stocks than Mopane landscapes but much more
susceptible to fire.
Most of the carbon stocks in Miombo-Mopane landscapes are stored in the soil.
If the vegetation cover is removed and the soil is not protected from erosion, land degradation
ensues and soil carbon will be lost over time. This process is avoidable and the current trends
can be reversed through more adaptive and sustainable land uses/practices.
7. Innovativeness, sustainability, potential for scaling up and system-wide capacity
The Angola Child Project is part of the GEF/SFM DSL Impact Program, whose programmatic
approach contrasts with the conventional model of country-specific projects. Although this
element, in itself, is not fully ?innovative? as it is the second cycle of GEF Impact
Programs, the IP affords two advantages to this Child Project (and others) pertaining
to scale (potential to scale up and out) and to sustainability, which would not apply to stand-
alone projects:
First, there are the advantages of ?scale? and commonality embedded in belonging to the
?Miombo Cluster? of child projects. As stated in the introduction, countries within the
Miombo Cluster share not only similar ecosystems that are unique to Southern Africa?the
Miombo-Mopane Woodlands?but also similar and common challenges,
including transfrontier ones, with respect to land-use management. By taking a supra-national
view on the SFM DSL topic, the program is able to address key regional and transboundary
issues through simultaneous actions by the respective child projects, increasing the
impact indivual child projects and the program as a whole. The regional aspect can also
facilitate local stakeholders? access to a wider range of different opportunities. Certain
products are on high demand across the entire region and reaching global markets (e.g. marula
oil). For private sector players, it implies broader connections and the expansion of their
potential to reach multi-country supply partnerships. For the local value chain participants, the
kind of scale enabled through the DSL IP will allow them have access to innovations they
would otherwise not have imagined.
Secondly, there is the challenge of sustainability, especially financial. If countries in the DSL
IP advance towards their LDN agenda, they will have proven a model that seeks to apply LDN
across landscapes with shared, coordinated and relatively harmonized approaches. They can
then collectively use the child projects as a ?springboard? for accelerating LD measures
towards the neutrality goal at the regional level across the Miombo-Mopane ecoregion.
Collectively, countries will be well positioned to access future funding for LDN and CCM and
also impact investments for large-scale ecosystem restoration.
The Angola Child Project will be innovative in a number of related respects:91
The project is the first of its kind in Angola to embrace and apply the LDN response hierarchy
across municipal land management units within a targeted landscape framework of sub-
basins to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation. Moreover, interventions will be tracked
and, ultimately, enable the Government to report to UNCCD on its progress nationally towards
LDN, using methodologies, tools and monitoring systems aligned with the LDN principles and
demonstrated by the project. Application of the LDN response hierarchy will be based on
carefully designed land-use plans developed through inclusive participatory
processes that are cross-sectoral and integrated.
Application of a Landscape Approach involves choosing an area large enough
to envelop multiple land units, comprising a variety of land types under different land uses,
sectors and jurisdictions/administrative boundaries that are inclusive of different land tenure
governance systems (communal, privately leased and public land).
The project will employ science-based, local and indigenous knowledge, as well as best
practices including SLM that contributes to land-based climate change adaptation and
mitigation. It will support and deploy technical innovations through improved extension
services. Examples are use of drones to survey and map landscapes/terrain, alongside working
with communities to fill in land-use details; and use of mobile technology for disseminating
information on market prices of agricultural produce, crowd-sourcing among local
communities and monitoring production in target LMUs.
Although practiced in other parts of Africa, community-based forest management (CBFM) is a
novelty in Angola requiring innovative ways to overcome certain challenges to be overcome,
such as anchoring CBFM at the national level while ensuring a sense of stewardship among
the local communities through a joint land-use covenant.
Other innovative aspects of the project include the radical development of a network Farmer
Field Schools as nodes of training and outreach, reinforced by Forest Farm Facilities set up
with seed funds by the project. The latter has yet to piloted in Angola. These initiatives,
together with a focus on green value chains, such as honey and charcoal production, will help
to reinforce and consolidate SLM/SFM efforts towards LDN in the 18 project intervention
Sustainability is inherent in the design of the project, key elements being:
the institutionalisation of certain aspects of the Capacity Development Program, notably the
training modules, to ensure continuity post-project, and certain mechanism and platforms such
as the LDN Working Group
Sustainability is inherent in the design of this project and underpinned by
adopting existing land-use planning processes, and improving them to achieve LDN targets
through SLM and SFM best practices applied at landscape (sub-basin) levels. Enhanced
environmental resilience to anthropogenic and natural shocks, associated with the increased
application of SLM and SFM at the landscape level, will enable ecosystems to continue
providing essential services in the future. Long-term sustainability will also be ensured
through the highly inclusive participatory process adopted by the project, which will contribute
to resolving conflicts over land uses and secure ownership of the project?s interventions and
objectives. In addition, the project will strengthen capacity at national and local levels to
manage and restore dryland ecosystems through training and its institionalisation, which will
ultimately help to ensure that SLM/SFM and LDN are well integrated into policy frameworks
at all scales. Furthermore, the project will green value chains by linking them with sustainable
land use management and production practices, thereby increasing the financial security of
households involved in these value chains as they become more formally established, with
robust business plans geared towards self-sufficiency within or just beyond the
project implementation period.
Scaling upwards, outwards and downwards is a critically important part of the project?s
strategy about which much has been stated above and earlier in the Component descriptions. In
line with GEF STAP recommended guidance on scaling out, up and deep92, the project is
designed to generate models combined with system-wide capacity development that can be
upscaled and amplified to increase impact. Particulary relevant will be the preparation of an
Exit Strategy during the final year of the project to provide a road map for scaling out the
successes demonstrated by the land-use planning processes and management practices to the
remaining 54% of the two landscapes that is not targeted for specific interventions. There is
also significant potential for up-scaling, given the need to mainstream best practices,
experience and lessons learned into national policies, strategies, and plans, as well
as to engage with stakeholders from multiple sectors having interests vested in the target
landscapes. In particular, the project intends to work in partnership with the private sector as
an agent for transforming markets in ways that are credibly aligned with the LDN agenda.
The project will design and support implementation of a system-
wide Capacity Development Program, focusing on empowering people, strengthening
organizations and institutions, and enhancing the enabling policy environment based on an
inclusive assessment of country needs and priorities, some of which was done during the PPG
stage but much remains to done at project onset. The system-wide capacity approach will
maximize country ownership, sustainability and scale of intended results.93
Key capacity gaps currently identified include, but not limited to: general levels of awareness
among stakeholders about LDN; technical understanding about LDN, methodologies for
measuring and monitoring it at different scales; policy and legal frameworks for
LDN, landscape approach and community-based approaches to forest/natural resources
management; application of local land-use planning processes to landscape-scale LDN
considerations (Integrated Land-Use Plans/Landscape Management Plans); developing and
institutionalizing a modular training program that addresses a diverse range of stakeholders?
technical skills and related needs; climate resilience considerations and synergies with LDN
agenda; greening of value chains, markets and associated small-medium size
enterprises; designing and facilitating stakeholder engagement processes; limited technical
capacities of farmers, limited knowledge and capacity of producers and limited institutional
capacity to coordinate natural resources management and planning at landscape levels.
Capacity gaps and needs of all stakeholders from institutional, private, civil society, and
community sectors will be reassessed to verify and complement these initial findings. The
FAO Capacity Needs Assessment Tool will be used to assess the three core dimensions -
individual, organizational and enabling environment. The assessment will inform the fine
tuning of the Capacity Development Program as part of a dedicated capacity development
strategy which is lodged in Component 2 for coordination purposes but inevitably cuts across
all three components. A key strategy for delivering the Program will be a training-of-trainers
approach linked to the Regional Exchange Mechanism to secure international specialists from
within the region, as required, to design training modules and both train and subsequently
support trainers from one more countries in the Miombo Cluster.
During the implementation, state-of-the art capacity enhancement methodologies will be
applied. For instance, all envisioned training activities will apply effective learning practices
including pre-event learning needs assessments, post-event follow-up support to facilitate the
transfer of knowledge into practice as well as institutionalization of curricula through
partnering with and enhancing the capacities of local universities and research centres. Efforts
will also include organizational and institutional capacity strengthening efforts such as to
strengthen multi-sectoral and multi-coordination and collaboration at all levels such as the
LDN platforms at national and landscape. Taking a system-wide, country-driven approach, the
project?s capacity development efforts will therefore result in a transformational and lasting
change in the way Angola is able to address SLM and SFM needs.
All capacity enhancement activities will be aligned with a harmonized approach across the
GEF IP Programme including the capacity enhancement strategy of the global coordination
project and individual child project strategies.
The PMU will include a dedicated expert to follow the systemic capacity development
components together with knowledge management and stakeholder engagement. FAO will
provide overall quality assusrance through a dedicated member on the internal Project Task
Force (PTF) who will be task with the knowmedge management, stakeholder engagement and
system-wide capacity development components.
8. Summary of changes in alignment with the project design of the original PIF
The project design has not changed conceptually with respect to the its objective of seeking
a transformational shift towards sustainable, integrated management of multi-use dryland
landscapes in Miombo-Mopane ecoregions of Angola, albeit the language has been changed
from ?to support? to ?to initiate? such a shift in order to highlight the catalytic significance
and timeliness of the project.
The three Components now address 8 rather than 3 barriers, additions including:
inadequate institutional mandates and capacities for engaging stakeholders in delivering
LDN through integrated management of landscapes;
ineffective management of land tenure;
poor masterly of SLM/SFM and access to production improvement inputs among local
land users, and insufficient incentives for them to adopt more sustainable practices;
opportunities to strengthen local livelihoods hampered by limited access to finance and
markets for SLM products ;
weak national and landscape level LDN assessment and monitoring frameworks; and
absence of a comprehensive, LDN-focused knowledge management and learning initiative
across Miombo-Mopane,
Components 1 and 2 remain focused, respectively, on: the enabling
environment; and implementing and scaling up/out SLM and SFM best practices at landscape
levels. In the case of Component 3, the scope has been expanded from knowledge
management, monitoring and evaluation to giving more emphasis to learning and the inclusion
of collaboration to support progress towards achieving national LDN targets. Importantly a
template for Component 3 Outcomes, Outputs and to a lesser extent Activities has been
developed at Impact Program level in order to accommodate support from the Global Program
to the Child Projects and, conversely, scaling up of knowledge gained and lessons learned
from the Child Projects to the Global Program and on to GEF. Much of this reciprocal support
and sharing will be facilitated through the Regional Exchange Mechanism, which is part
of Component 3 (Box 11).
GHG mitigation target (Core Indicator 6) was reduced from 8,460,000 tCO2e at PFD stage
to 1,047,911 tCO2e at CEO endorsement request (see updated Ex-Act calculation in Annex X-
2.6 of the ProDoc). The current figure only reflects the benefits from the project?s direct
interventions. It is expected that additional carbon benefits will be secured during the project
implementation as part of the integrated landscape planning and implementation/financing of
corresponding land use plans. The latter is difficult to calculate/estimate at this stage as the
plans are not yet in place, finances not yet secured and targeted LUS not yet known.
1b. Project Map and Coordinates

Please provide geo-referenced information and map where the project interventions will take


Location of project sites (link to map) - refer to Annex E for the landscape profiles. Refer also to Part I, Section
1a Box 6.

Sub-basin 1 (Cuchi-Okavango) Sub-basin 2 (Cahama-Kunene)

Coordinates:- 14.72064, 16.88853 Coordinates:- 16.31316, 14.31777

1c. Child Project?

If this is a child project under a program, describe how the components contribute to the
overall program impact.
The Angola child project of the GEF-7 SFM IP Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes is
focused on achieving a paradigm shift towards Land Degradation Neutrality for Miombo-Mopane
woodlands in southern Angola by applying SLM/SFM best practices at landscape (sub-basin)
scales in an integrated manner that engages with all sectors and other stakeholders having vested
interests. The integrated landscape approach will directly address barriers that have thwarted LDN,
SLM, and SFM from being successfully realized to date and, alongside a focus on diversifying
food production systems, will contribute to increasing the resilience of ecosystems and livelihoods.
Hence, the project is directly aligned with the Impact Program?s three objectives:
i. integrated landscape management with particular focus on sustainable forest
management and restoration, rangelands, and livestock production[predominantly via
Component 2, Outcome 2.1];
ii. promotion of diversified agro-ecological food production systems in drylands
[predominantly via Component 2, Outcomes 2.2 and 2.3]; and
iii. creation of an enabling environment to support the two objectives
above[predominantly via Component 1 and enhanced by Component 3].

SFM-DSL Impact Program Angola Child Project Alignment

1) Integrated landscape Through Components 1 and 2, the project will first prepare
management with particular harmonized, integrated land-use plans (ILUPs) for two landscapes
focus on sustainable forest covering some 1.3 million hectares of Miombo-Mopane Woodlands,
management and based on a participatory multi-sector engagement process, and then
restoration, rangelands, and support necessary their implementation, including strengthening
livestock production capacity and consolidating the Farmer Field Schools approach.
2) The promotion of Component 2 will work towards the consolidation and scaling up of
diversified agro-ecological SLM and SFM best practices, which will contribute to the well-being
food production systems in of local communities and ecosystems. The above-mentioned robust
drylands. stakeholder engagement processes will build awareness and national
and local capacity to promote and adopt climate-adaptive and gender-
sensitive SLM/SFM/LR approaches and techniques on-the-ground,
including through the FFS approach and targeted training. Component
2 will also promote diversification through its green value chain
3) The creation of an Component 1 is designed to address the enabling environment through
enabling environment to introduction and strengthening of policies and regulations, as well as
support the two objectives developing institutional capacities, multi-sector coordination and
above. collaboration. Implementation of capacity-building and stakeholder
engagement activities under all three components will contribute
further this enabling environment to support the above objectives, as
well as future sustainability of the ?integrated landscape approach?
initiated by this project to address land degradation across Angola?s
dryland forests, croplands and rangelands in partnerships with land-
owners, land users and communities with a common goal of achieving

2. Stakeholders
Select the stakeholders that have participated in consultations during the project
identification phase:
Civil Society Organizations Yes
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Private Sector Entities Yes
If none of the above, please explain why:


Select what role civil society will play in the project:

Consulted only;
Member of Advisory Body; contractor;
Member of project steering committee or equivalent decision-making body;
Executor or co-executor;
Other (Please explain)

342. In line with GEF Policy on Stakeholder engagement and Implementation Guidelines
guidance, meaningful and continuous stakeholder engagement during the project design and
implementation is key to maximize country ownership and contribute to more enduring results
at scale. Moreover, the project intends to strengthen polycentric, multi-stakeholder governance
mechanisms within the identified landscapes beyond integrated spatial planning and
management[1] to result in positive impacts within the productive landscapes and contribute to
preserving the natural capital.

343. Existing and potential stakeholder individuals, groups and entities were identified
during the project preparation process through various events and consultative meetings,
including: the national inception workshop held on 24th September 2019, landscape-level
consultations on 15th and 17th October 2019 in Menonqgue and Cuchi (Site 1, Cuando
Cubango) and 25th and 26th November in Ondjiva and Cahama (Site 2 Cunene). Individual and
organization capacities were assessed during these events by various methods of
communication but such surveys were by no means comprehensive in their coverage of those
who participated and further consultation will be undertaken during project inception.

Stakeholder Analysis Exercise

344. A participatory Stakeholder Analysis Exercise was undertaken during the PPG phase, based
on FAO?s methodology, to identify key, primary and secondary stakeholders in respect of
Angola?s national LDN agenda across national and sub-national (i.e. landscape) levels. The
method is described in Figure 12 and has been applied to existing and potential stakeholders
listed in Table 7, together with a brief synopsis of their potential role. A structured list of
stakeholders engaged (and to be engaged) is included in Annex I2.
Figure 9. Results from the Stakeholder Analysis Exercise
Who are the main stakeholders?
At the centre is
the LDN
agenda, which
concerns the
planning and
management of
land use and
related topics.

Key stakeholders are

the institutions that
have a highly central
role in
implementation and
hold the power of
veto power within the
project, which
includes FAO by
default of its role. The
project?s operational
Category Description partners lie within
this category, which
Veto Player Have power to stop project implementation includes the national
Key Stakeholder Have skills, knowledge and/ or position of institutions
power to significantly influence project responsible for the
Primary Stakeholder Directly affected by the project environmental
portfolio, focusing on
Secondary Stakeholder Only indirectly or temporarily involved land degradation and
From FAO?s Stakeholder Analysis Methodology climate change, those
in charge of the
agrarian sector
(agriculture, forestry
and livestock) and
members of the LDN
Committee. Direct
beneficiaries are also
considered key
stakeholders include
institutions that are
important for the
project and could add
value through
arrangements. Co-
financiers, if not
already key
stakeholders, fall into
this category as do
direct beneficiaries.
stakeholders are
those having an
interest in the project
but participating from
a peripheral context.
[1]See ?Strenghtening civic spaces in spatial planning processes- A technical guide on regulated
spatial planning and tenure to balance societal priorities in the use of land, fisheries and forests?.
Please provide the Stakeholder Engagement Plan or equivalent assessment.

Table 6. Project stakeholders and their potential role in the project

Stakeholder Role in the Project Classification

Institutional Stakeholders within Central Government
Ministry of MCTA will be the leader of project at national government level. The Key
Culture, ministry has the overall responsibility for the coordination of land Stakeholder
Tourism and management and environmental policies. It will support the project and Co-
Environment with institutional and legislative frameworks, and other important financier
(MCTA) elements. Under MCTA, the following institutional set up:
? National Directorate for Environment and Climate Action
(DNAAC): This office will host the focal government taskforce for
the project, with close collaboration with National GEF OPF. This
body will be responsible for leading and coordination the project in
national level, as well as monitoring and evaluation and promote
synergy between any existing or foreseen projects.
Under MCTA National Institute for Biodiversity and Conservation Areas (INBAC): Primary or
This institute is responsible for implement the policies and strategies Secondary
of biodiversity and the management of the national protected areas. In
both provinces that the project will be implemented has a national
Provincial directorate of environment, waste management and
community services of Cunene and Cuando Cubango: They will be
the key liaison entity of the provincial governments in accompanying
the project. This department was responsible for issues related with
Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Environment. Recently it was
divided, and only the issues related to environment are under of his
Center Agro-Ecologic of Cuando Cubango (CAECC): The center was
inaugurated in 2017 and aim training farmers, especially women, is
several sustainable practices of SLM and SFM, as well as the teaching
of good practices for environmental protection.
The Polytechnic Institute for Environment, in Menongue, Cuando
Cubango: This rural high school education institute, located near the
Landscape #1, is under MCTA, and started as from January 2019 to
offer several courses related with sustainability and environmental
management, with the special emphasis of developing the skills of
?environmental monitoring agents (fiscais, and inspectors),
environmental management agents, in addition to technicians in
environmental protection and control, and waste management and
nature guides. The project draws on the existing and potential
capacity formed through the Institute to help to with train at site site
level, particular around Cuchi, and in support of beneficiaries in other
project sites.
Ministry of MINAGRIP has the responsibility over the agriculture and forestry Key
Agriculture sectors. It also has a mandate over a number of rural development Stakeholder
and Fishery issues. Along with MCTA, MINAGRIP will be engaged in the and Co-
(MINAGRIP) execution of the project, and the organization of the project?s financier
Stakeholder Role in the Project Classification
Under National offices for Forest, Agriculture and Livestock (DNF, DNAP, Primary and
MINAGRIP ): These offices are responsible to elaborate the policies for Forest, Secondary
Agriculture and unsure the Food Security. They will be the key
stakeholder at national government level, once they play a very
relevant role to the project and deal directly with policies for SLM
and SFM. The DNAP is also responsible for the collection of agro-
meteorological data and could participate by sharing its data.
Forest Development institute (IDF): IDF is responsible for
coordination and implementation of the forest policies, management
and license all forest activities. It is present in at local level, and are
one of the key stakeholder for the project.
Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) & the Agro-Development
(Field) Station (EDA): IDA and EDAs will work on building
capacity, integrating at local level and to promote and monitor SLM,
as well as to collect data and contribute to monitor and evaluation.
Provincial Directorates for Agriculture and Forestry in Cunene and
Cuando Cubango: Have had a presence for a few years and work
closely with Provincial Directorate for the Environment. The will be
closely articulated with the provincial IDA regarding the involvement
of the municipal EDA?s in the project?s implementation.
Ministry of MINEA is responsible for energy and water management policies. Key or
Energy and The provinces where the project will be implemented are suffering Primary
Water MINEA with drought and his ministry has programs to fight drought and can Stakeholder
be used to leverage the activities of the project. Under MINEA, there (tbc) and Co-
is the Office for Administration of watersheds of Cunene, Cuvelai financier
and Cubango (GABHIC), which is responsible for integrated
management of natural resources in the watersheds where the project
will be implemented. It is not expected that GABHIC will have an
executive role in the project, but rather a collaborative one through
multi-stakeholder commissions, task forces and other related
constellations. As a co-financier, MINEA will be part of the project
steering committee.
Ministry for MINOPOT play a relevant role for the project, once they deal with Secondary
Public Works land tenure issues and are responsible for approve the land-use plans.
and Spatial Under MINOPOT:
Planning National Institute for Territorial Planning and Urban Development
(MINOPOT) (INOTU): will help with the engagement of different levels of
government in land-use planning (central, provincial and municipal).
They also play important roles in statutory commissions that are
relevant for the endorsement of plans produced under the legal
umbrella of the 2004 LOTU and its 2006 regulations.
Angolan Institute for Geodesy and Cartography (IGCA): Is
responsible for the ongoing national land cadaster initiative and could
participate by sharing its geographic data.
Stakeholder Role in the Project Classification
Other Central Ministry of Territorial Administration and State Reform (MAT): Secondary
Government MAT is the central government structure that the local governments
Agencies are under. MAT does play a direct role in project, but can influence
the local structures in appropriation of the project.
Ministry of Women, Family and Social Action (MINFAMU):
MINFAMU is responsible for the social assistance and women
inclusion policies. It will be a relevant player in approach of the
existing gaps regarding the limited access of women to productive
resources (forest resources), services and employment opportunities;
and invest in their technical and leadership skills so that they can
better participate in decision-making and fully benefit from the
project?s interventions.
Ministry of Telecommunications,Information Technologies and
Social Communication (MTTICS): The National Institute of
Meteorology and Geophysics (INAMET) is the national institution in
charge of monitoring the weather and climate. It is also a research
organization, which provides scientific services in the fields of
meteorology and geophysics under the Ministry of
Telecommunications and Information Technologies (MTTI).
INAMET is represented across the country through its provincial
departments. Jointly with DNAP and IGCA, INAMET will be
engaged by a partnership to encourage the sharing of geographic data.
Institutional Stakeholders within At the Sub-national levels
Provincial Mostly through the interfaces of the provincial directorates of MCTA Secondary
Governments and MINAGRIP, provincial governments will be engaged in the
of Cunene and planning and implementation of the project and support its activities
Cuando in the demo landscapes. They will support the project in all its phases
Cubango and will ensure linkage with local development strategies. They are
key beneficiary of project?s capacity building interventions. One
important fact to refer is that, at local level has different consultation
councils like, community auscultation council, social concertation
council, community oversight council.
Municipal Together with provincial governments, the municipal governments Primary
Governments will be working on the project?s execution and provide support
throughout the entire time of its implementation and planning. The
two target municipalities are: Cahama in Cunene and Cuchi in
Cuando Cubango. The respective municipal administrations are also a
key project beneficiary.
Local Stakeholders
Family The family farmers are responsible for the most of the country's Secondary
Farmers agricultural production. In project's sites, these groups will be the first
and direct beneficiaries of the project on the ground, with special
emphasis on gender inclusion.
Farmers They are very relevant for the project, once the farmers are organized Secondary
Associations in association and for the project?s implementation they can be
mediators, enabling communication between local groups engaged in
the project. They will also monitor the project?s activities..
Traditional In rural areas, traditional authorities play a very import role in Secondary
Authorities communities. They will be direct beneficiary and the first interlocutor
of communities for the project.
Funders and Civil Society Organizations
Stakeholder Role in the Project Classification
Resource The group includes funders, financiers and others alike. Wherever Primary or
Partner/Donor relevant the project will to collaborate with possible donors and Secondary
private sector. Co-financing with multilateral partners is being
leveraged and more details will be provided in due course.
In AnnexA3 (Baseline & Co-financing: All initiatives, in USD
million), initiatives with synergies and collaboration with IFAD
SREP - Smallholder Resilience Enhancement Project
AFDB Agric Value Chains ? Support to Sust. Dev. & Growth
NGOs and The project will be implemented with the participation of NGOs, in Key, Primary
CBOs particular those that are currently helping build the capacity of local or Secondary
land users and managers in from forest and agricultural sector.
Project, during preparation and implementation, will collaborate with
a wider network of NGOs working in the region like, DBDS
(Association for the Defence of Biodiversity and Sustainable
Development), ACADIR (Association for Environment Conservation
and Integrated Rural Development), Environmental Network
Mayombe (RAM) which is an association of 47 registered
environmental ONGs and CSOs, ADRA (Association for Angolan
Rural Development), World Vision and Foundation Codespa.
Funders, Civil Society and supra-national Organizations
SADC ? SADC is an inter-governmental organization with headquarters in Secondary
Southern Gaborone, Botswana, composed of member States. Its goal is to
Africa further the socio-economic cooperation and integration as well as
Development political and security cooperation among 16 southern African
Community countries. Through the organ?s Council of Ministers a number if
important sectoral decisions are made, including on environmental
matters. The sub-regional dialogue that would be generated from the
activities related to LDN and the DSL IP, would be instrumental in
leveraging SADC?s decision-making power to help create an
investment friendly environment for LDN. Such measures would also
enhance implementation of the GGWI-S, including with the support
from other partners.
River Basin Transboundary Commission for Watershed Management (OKAKOM, Key, Primary
Commissions, KUNENECOM): The project's sites are located in watersheds of or Secondary
etc. Cunene and Okavango. These transboundary watersheds are shared
between Angola and Namibia in case of Cunene, and Angola,
Namibia and Botswana in case of Okavango. These watersheds are
managed by permanent international commissions, KUNENECOM
and OKAKOM. These bodies can give a lot support for the project,
once it already implements several projects in these watersheds, that
we can highlight, Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development
Facility (CRIDF); Environmental monitoring and Future of
Okavango. Other important thing to refer is the transboundary project
Okavango-Zambezi (KAZA) that can strength the project.
Academic and Where applicable, project?s activities will be developed in Secondary
research cooperation with local research institutions. The potential academic
institutes and research institutes for this project at local level can include the
Institute Polytechnic of Ondjiva in Cunene, Institute Polytechnic of
Environment 31th of January, University Cu?to Cuanavale in Cuando
Cubango and others.
Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs providing services or products that can contribute to Secondary
in relevant SLM/SFM and to the diversification of rural economy have an
domains interest in the sustainability of the resources base of rural areas and
could contribute to SLM/SFM through their businesses.
In addition, provide a summary on how stakeholders will be consulted in project
execution, the means and timing of engagement, how information will be
disseminated, and an explanation of any resource requirements throughout the
project/program cycle to ensure proper and meaningful stakeholder engagement
345. Different budget lines have been allocated to ensure the identified stakeholder are
meaningfully involved throughout decision making process. This includes several capacity
development workshops at local, and regional levels, regular consultation meetings and
surveys, communications strategy, among others. The engagement of the stakeholders related
to lessons learned of other participant countries in the program will be made through regional
exchange mechanism (REM).

346. The results framework has been structured to include indicators that ensure stakeholder
participation in all components of the project (see Annex A1). The engagement of national and
local institutions is also reflected in the results of institutional capacity development,
strengthening of policy, regulatory and planning frameworks. At local level, the communities,
farmers, entrepreneurs will be engaged through FFS, FFF as main actors in sustainable land
management of drylands. At landscape level, the development and implementation of
integrated land use plans will involve extensive consultation of local stakeholders. At the
regional level, the engagement of stakeholders will be through transboundary approaches as
LDN dialogue platforms, intergovernmental agreements and sharing of lessons learned.

347. The PMU will be responsible for implementing all stakeholder engagement activities
including outlined in the Stakeholder Engagement Matrix (Annex I2). It will also be
responsible for monitoring and reporting on stakeholder engagement through the annual
project implementation reports (PIRs). Relevant tasks have been incorporated into the Terms
of Reference of the project staff and budged for accordingly (see Annex M).

348. In the annual PIRs, the PMU will report on the following indicators:

1) Number of government agencies, civil society organizations, private sector, vulnerable

groups and other stakeholder groups that have been involved in the project
implementation phase.
2) Number of engagements (such as meetings, workshops, official communications) with
stakeholders during the project implementation phase.
3) Number of grievances received and responded to/resolved.
Select what role civil society will play in the project:
Consulted only;
Member of Advisory Body; Contractor; Yes
Member of project steering committee or equivalent decision-making body; Yes
Executor or co-executor; Yes
Other (Please explain)

1) Stakeholder Consultation in project formulation[1]

timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
the project
proponent Chairs the
and the PCS from
leading the outset,
institution leading
vis-?-vis the consultations
project, with
on of all
housing the governmenta
PMU and l
ensuring the stakeholders,
project?s including the
Key Implementati
alignment validation in
Ministry of Stakeholde on Partner Face-to-
with times of
Culture, Tourism r and and National face
governmenta COVID-19.
and Environment Direct Government meetings
l policies and
(MCTA) Beneficiar Institution and PGG
y body inception
and Climate
will be the
focal point
for the
Interested in
Under Ministry of Face-to- the project Participate in
Culture, Tourism face and the
and Environment meetings supportive of validation
(MCTA), Key its agenda.
including DNAAC Stakeholde Will act
and INBAC and r and providing,
other directorates Direct inputs and
of former Beneficiar support, in
Ministry of y consultation
Environment and with
bodies (DNA, DNAAC and
DNB) the
Ministry of Stakeholde recognizes
on Partner
Agriculture and r and that the Co-chairs of
and National Face-to-
Fishery Direct project will the PCS
Government face
(MINAGRIP) Beneficiar be very from the
Institution meetings
y useful tool to outset
concretize its
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
PGG partnership
inception with IDA
and IDF

Interested in
Face-to- the project
face and
Under Ministry of Institution
Direct meetings supportive of
Agriculture and body
Beneficiar its agenda.
Fishery (DNF,
From the
activities that
onset as key
National project could
Face-to- hosting
Government support like,
face institution
Institution trainings and
meetings and partner
body the
to implement
Forest Direct promotion of
the activities
Development Beneficiar non-timber
institute (IDF) y forest
products, etc.
The IDA will
be the
institution to From the
carry out onset as key
Agrarian Direct National
Face-to- climate hosting
Development Beneficiar Government
face change institution
Institute (IDA) y Institution
meetings adaptation and partner
practices like to implement
smart the activities
seeds, etc
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
under the
National MINEA is
Face-to- During the
Minister of Water indirect Government building
face implementati
and Energy Beneficiar Institution several water
meetings on phase
(MINEA) y body infrastructure
in project's
host several
From the
financed by
onset as key
Face-to- hosting
Office for donors and
face institution
Administration of has a lot
meetings and partner
watersheds of possibility to
to implement
Cunene, Cuvelai make
Direct National the activities
and Cubango activities in
Beneficiar Government coordination
(GABHIC), under
y Institution with the
the Ministry of
body project
Energy and Water
recognize the
Face-to- importance
face of cadaster
National meetings of land
Ministry of Urban Indirect During the
Government PGG tenure issues
and Housing Beneficiar implementati
Institution inception and are
Affairs y on phase
body and receptive to
validation establishing
workshops partnerships
for this
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
of Cunene
and Cuando
Indirect National Cubango are
Governments / Face-to- During the
Beneficiar Government committed to
Provincial face implementati
y Institution/bo support the
Authorities meetings on phase
dy project, as
local point
directorate of
n workshop
on of Cuchi
and Cahama
Local helped to
Direct Government Face-to- identify the During the
Beneficiar Institution/bo face places of implementati .
Municipal y dy and meetings land on phase
Authorities Beneficiary degradation
and the
n workshop
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
and Canona
village, the
Direct Face-to- (soba) During the
Beneficiar Local face reported the implementati
Traditional y Communities meetings main on phase
Authorities problems in
the villages
and the
solution in
n workshop
consulted consulted:
already has ADRA,
Partner activities in ADPP,
and Face-to- the project's During the World
Indirect face sites, and has implementati Vision,
Non- Beneficiar meetings the on phase Associatio
Governmental y Implementati possibility to n of
Organizations on Partner be a Organics
implementati Products,
on partner COSPE

The farmers
Face-to- recognized
Family Farmers Direct face that the During the
and Farmer Beneficiar meetings project will implementati
Associations y Consultatio contribute to on phase
n workshop sustainable
the project
Face-to- foresees the
face engagement
Center Agro- Indirect meetings of the During the
Ecologic of Beneficiar Consultatio academy and implementati
Cuando Cubango y n workshop this on phase
PGG institution
inception can be one of
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
The project
Provincial will have the
Provincial Indirect meetings During the
Government institutional
Directorates for Beneficiar Consultatio implementati
Institution support of
the Environment y n workshop on phase
body the local
The project
Provincial Face-to-
Provincial will have the
Directorates for Indirect face During the
Government institutional
Agriculture, Beneficiar meetings implementati
Institution support of
Livestock and y Consultatio on phase
body the local
Fishery n workshop
inception Ministry
and recognizes
validation the
workshops importance
of land use
Ministry Public
planning and
Works and Spatial National
Indirect the receptive
Planning Government Face-to- During the
Beneficiar to
(MINOPOT ? Institution/bo face implementati
y establishing
INOTU - IGCA) dy meetings on phase
for this
MAT will
support for
National engagement
Indirect Face-to- During the
Government of local
Beneficiar face implementati
Institution/bo government
Ministry of y meetings on phase
dy and
that are
under its
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
Ministry of Social Gender
National meetings
Action , Family Indirect engagement During the
Government PGG
and Women Beneficiar is a priority implementati
Institution/bo inception
Promotion y for the on phase
dy and
(MASFAMU) project
will support
Ministry of Indirect Face-to- the project During the
Telecommunicatio Beneficiar face with the implementati
ns, Information y meetings meteorologic on phase
Technologies and al data
Social needed.
Communication PGG
(MTTICS - inception
Resource Face-to- with other During the
Partner Partner/Dono face projects implementati
Foreign Embassies r meetings funded by on phase
The leverage
of value
Resource Face-to- During the
chains will
Partner Partner/Dono face implementati
engage the
Private Sector r meetings on phase
private sector

academy will
Resource Face-to- During the
be engaged
Partner Partner/Dono face implementati
in project
r meetings on phase
Academic and implementati
research institutes on
timing (for
Stakeholder Stakehold Stakeholder on Consultatio Comment
Name er Type profile Methodolo n Findings s
Plans Only)
Resource Face-to- During the
with other
Partner Partner/Dono face implementati
African r meetings on phase
funded by
the bank
[1] See FAO Operational Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement.
3. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Provide the gender analysis or equivalent socio-economic assesment.


Does the project expect to include any gender-responsive measures to address gender gaps or
promote gender equality and women?s empowerment? (yes X /no) Refer to Section 3b. Gender
Analysis andAction Plan
If possible, indicate in which results area(s) the project is expected to contribute to Gender
X closing gender gaps in access to and control over natural resources;
X improving women?s participation and decision making; and or
X generating socio-economic benefits or services for women.
Does the project's results framework or logical framework include gender-sensitive indicators? (yes
X /no)

3a. Gender Equality

349. Anational gender equality policy has been in place in Angola since 2013. According to
World Bank data, between 2000 and 2018 there has been a significant increase in
representation of women in decision-making positions in the higher political sphere (WB
2019, AfDB 2008[2]2). Women today make up 30.5% of Members of Parliament as compared
to 15.5% in 2000. By 2008, at least 19.5% of Ministers, 16.4% of Secretaries of State, 11% of
Governors were women. By 2018, there is indication that women occupied 34.4% of
ministerial level positions, compared with 3-5% political representation in the first decade of
the millennium. The Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women was created
in 2017 with to promote the integration and mainstreaming of woman and family as the
fundamental pillar of society. Nevertheless the further the distance away from the center of
power, the less influential are women voicesin government bodies: at municipality and village
level they still tend to be quasi non-existent. Although legislation is beginning to address
gender equality,with revision of the Criminal Code andlaws against gender-basedviolence,
customary laws remain effective and tend to exclude and discriminate against women,
perpetuating patriarchal norms and social and cultural practices such as child
marriage,polygamy, lack of legal protection on inheritance and property, as well as the
prevailing dowry practice.92

350. According to World Bank data, in 2017 women represented almost 51% of Angola?s
population, 53% of the population in rural households, and nearly 58% of the work force in
agriculture. Angola has a high fertility rate, with 5.9 children per woman over the period of
2012-2015. Literacy rates among female adults (?15 years old) is 53%, compared with up to
79.9% in 2014 among men. Such a young population as in Angola, with 70% of its people
under the age of 18, provides great hope for the future but also presents a lot of challenges. Of
particular concern is girls? access to education, including to science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics, and all forms of violence often exclude them from education and other
opportunities. During the 2013-2017 period, net school enrolment rates for both sexes stood at
71% in primary school but in secondary school, rates were 43% for boys and 37% for girls
(CEDAW 2019[3]3).

351. Given the social, cultural, economic and political situation in Angola, poverty impacts
women and children particularly hard. About half of the population (48%) still live in
poverty and risk being excluded from development processes. Additionally, poverty has
gender dimensions: most of the poor are women, especially in rural areas92. Poverty is greater
in female-headed households; and many women (34% of all households) are also de
factohousehold heads because of polygamy, male labour migration or conscription ongoing on
their households (World Bank, 2017).

352. Gender gaps in Angola are large and challenging, for example: women have lower access to
productive inputs such as land and credit; they are often only able to access land through their
husbands or sons; they are less likely than men to borrow money to start or expand a farm or
business; and existing customary law reduces women?s chances of accessing credit, as land is
often required as collateral. Gender roles concerning child and elderly care also negatively
impact on women?s economic empowerment, as the expectation that women must care for
children hinders their participation in the labour force.91

353. According to the constitution, land belongs to the state although it can be transferred to
individuals and corporations.Smallholder farming communities are mostly affected by gender
conflicts regarding the control of land. Generally, women have restricted access to and
control over land in most parts of the country, although the situation differs from region to
region, and between ethnic groups according to their social organization (mainly patrilineal)
and the farming systems introduced in colonial times. There have been profound changes in
land tenure due to the war and subsequent displacement of millions of people. Today, land
tenure patterns are in the process of being transformed, as social and economic relations have
undergone profound changes. In overpopulated peri-urban areas, survival fighting is leading to
open land struggle. New land rights legislation and regulations for its implementation were
approved by Parliament in 2018 after long public and political debate. Private land titles can
now be acquired from municipalities but the system is not in place everywhere and barriers
hinder its functioning.

354. In the context of rural Angola, women traditionally take care of agriculture and contribute
most to the household economy. Their role is fundamental and includes livestock grazing,
raising small animals, vegetable gardens, fetching water, collecting fuelwood and collecting
medicinal plants; while at the same time, they are caring for the young, elderly and sick, and
are also bearers of traditional knowledge. Rural women in dryland areas play a key role in
natural resource management and achieving food security. They often grow, process, manage
and market food and other natural resources.
355. While the predominance of women in the family farming sector is widely recognized at all
levels, this is not reflected in the numbers of women in leadership positions, such as
extensionists, presidents of farmer associations and cooperatives. In recent years, Government
has registered private landowners and given particular attention to women in rural areas,
offering diversified training support through over 800 centers in villages across the country
and literacy campaigns. Poverty reduction efforts targeted over 59,000 families in rural areas.
A present focus of government is encouraging the role of women within community
management of land, who otherwise are often socially marginalized from such

356. Reliable sex- and age-disaggregated statistics on gender rolesin dryland management
activitiesare lacking. In general, men are responsible for decision-making and planning
farming activities, while women have little authority and have to seek their husbands?
permission before they commit family resources or make decisions (FAO). Women tend to
have a heavier workload, with less leadership roles. Local power structures are traditionally
male-dominated; among the ?Sobas?, charged with the task of land distribution, virtually all
members are men.It is only recently that the Jango? committees of the village elders where
decisions are made ? accepted the participation of women. Hence, resolution of agricultural
problems in Angola, especially family farming, needs a gender-sensitive approach.

357. As gender equality is at the core of the proposed project, a gender-sensitive approach and
analysis were adopted during the PPG process and will be embedded within project
implementation. Particular attention will be given women and their specific vulnerability in
women-lead households. Gender gaps Identified in the agricultural sector are:
- access to economic resources, such as productive land, cash and credit;
- tools, agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, etc.;
- skills and technological knowledge;
- market institutions and market access, including transportation; and
- income-generating projects in innovative agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

358. During the PPG phase a Self-Evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of
Farmers and Pastoralists(SHARP) was undertaken in the two project intervention landscapes
of Cahama and Cuchi. The SHARP results highlight a picture of gender-based inequality in the
project landscapes with respect to the labour burden within households, land tenure, other
socio-economic patterns and, importantly, decision-making processes on farms. Findings are
highlighted in Box 10and full details are in the draft report.[4]4These findings provide the basis
to identifying gender entry points for monitoring during project Implementation in Table 7and
the Gender Analysis and Action Plan that follows in Section 3b.

359. The gender equality tag applied to the project is G2A:

GENDER MARKING:The current project has been tagged as G2A (see cover page)
i.e. it ?... addresses gender equality in a systematic way, but this is not one of its main objectives?.[5]5
Box 10. SHARP results summary, including self-assessed priorities, from project target

Baseline Household and Resilience Assessment Report, FAO, ROME JANUARY 2020
A baseline survey was conducted in Cuchi and Cunene, Angola during the PPG phase using the
SHARP tool, which was adapted to fit the context and objectives of the project. Particular attention
was paid to crops, trees, land access, resource management (land, forest, water and energy) and
selected socio-economic indicators. As such, a core set of 19 question-modules comprised the standard
survey, with seven additional modules used to capture relevant aspects aligned to project objectives
and its M&E system.
In Angola, women tend to be more reliant on land for natural resources. Thus, land degradation
negatively affects them disproportionately. Gender inequality is also often reflected in intra-household
relationships and in land tenure and its governance more generally.
SHARP results confirm a picture of gender-based inequality in the two project landscapes ?
inequality that is also reflected in how decisions on land use and natural resources are made within
households by men and women. Inequality patterns in economic and political opportunities based on
gender were noted in 31% of household interviews, as against 64% where this was not noted. There
was no further specification on whether this inequality was based on ethnic group kinship or religion ?
hence, it is assumed to purely gender-based.
Household revenue is spent mainly on food and breeding livestock, with men spending more money
on livestock and women dedicating most of their income to food. The main gender gaps include:
- Land tenure security reported by 63% of male respondents, against 36% of female ones.
- Most of men-headed households (71%, 12 households) have two income sources, while this is
true for 47% women-led families (7 households) and 41% of jointly led households (12
- Men make most household budget-decisions (87% of men and 43% of women), while decisions
on food purchase are mostly made by women (57% of women stated this fact, while 92% of men
declared that women made over half of the decisions.
- Majority of decisions linked to reproductive labour (e.g. housekeeping, childcare) are made by
- Financial decisions: most respondents (87% of men and 70% of women) made their own
decisions about their engagement in employment outside of agriculture and on how to spend their
own income (when applicable).
Gender-differentiated priorities, sorted in order of priorities perceived by women for ease of
comparison between genders:
Priorities - aimed to increase agricultural production, house revenue and Men Women
food security: scored 1 (high) to 10 (low)
a) Improved access to enough and clean water sources 1.3 1.0
d) Enough and good meals, food security 2.3 1.2
e) Better knowledge on pest management practices 2.3 1.4
c) Water conservation 2.0 1.6
g) Improved access to energy for household and agriculture 2.4 1.6
f) Higher diversification of on-farm agricultural activities 2.3 2.0
h) Better access to information on weather and adaptation practices 2.9 2.1
j) Land management - 2.6
i) Strengthening their households? capacity to deal with changing climate 3.0 3.0
patterns (climate change)
b) Increased access to forest resources (trees) 1.9 -

Table 7. Gender Entry Points for Monitoring during Project Implementation

# Question Answer Comment

# Question Answer Comment
1 Does the project expect to Yes Following a gender-analysis during the
include any gender-responsive PPG process, gender-responsive
measures to address gender measures were designed to increase
gaps or promote gender women?s participation and promote
equality and women?s their empowerment and leadership in
empowerment? the agricultural sector through project
activities, especially in family farming,
understanding LDN and related
climate-smart agriculture, improved
land, water and energy management,
green value chains and product
marketing, and cooperative
2 Which area(s) the project is The project will contribute to all three
expected to contribute to gender areas by creating specific opportunities
equality: for women to participate in project
2a) Closing gender gaps in access Yes activities and benefit from the
and control over natural project?s outcomes.
resources Assist women in attaining private land
2b) Improving women?s Yes ownership titles (political and legal
participation and decision- support); negotiate mechanisms for
making full participation of women in
2c) Generating socioeconomic Yes communal land and forest use; foster
benefits or services for women engagement of women?s groups in
Encourage women to learn about
SLM, SFM, CSA; as main agricultural
producer support their lead in
community resilience, diversification
of agricultural production, alternative
products and income strategies, thus
empowering women to engage in
higher decision-making levels.
Water and energy management,
improved cooking stove for every
household; improved charcoal kilns,
credit lines for women?s groups,
marketing strategies for alternative
agricultural products (according to
value chain assessments), dry-land
gardens, enterprises for non-
agricultural women.
# Question Answer Comment
3 Does the project?s results Yes Specific gender-sensitive indicators are
framework include gender- included in the project?s Results
sensitive indicators? Framework in order to assess its
progress in promoting gender equality
and improvements in women?s
participation in decision-making
processes, as follows:
- Several gender sensitive indicators
were included in the Results
Framework, which has 21 indicators.
- Of the 21 indicators, 3 include
explicit gender disaggregation.
- Of the 21 indicators, 12 are
unsuitable for monitoring gender
mainstreaming (e.g. they monitor
number of hectares), leaving
9 indicators where gender can be
potentially included. Among them, 3
include the gender aspect in one way
or another.
The above is a strong token of gender
mainstreaming for a project tagged as
?G2a? for its gender mark.
Source: GEF Guidance to Advance Gender Equality, 2018

3b. Gender Analysis and Action Plan

Key Findings from the Gender Analysis (or equivalent socio-economic analysis)
Components 1 and 2 gender-related analysis:
1. Men and Women have unequal socio-economic conditions at the national level, which
reflects also on conditions at local levels, in particular in Cuando Cubango and Cunene provinces,
where gender inequality conditions are aggravated by demographic and income-related patterns,
coupled with traditions and cultural practices. This includes:
a. differentiated literacy rates (adult literacy rates are 10%[6]6 lower for women than men at national
level ? and worse still in Cunene and Cuando Cubango);
b. 69% of women earn less than their husband or partner (Nationally). In Cunene: 66,2% and Cuando
cubago 38.7%;
c. unequal access to natural resouces and security of tenure (12% of women own land in partnership
with husband or partner and 20% of men own land individually ? no data available for women owning
land on their own);
2. The LDN Strategy, including the PANCOD, has only incorporated gender mainstreaming
in an incipient way. The same applies to other related policies, plans, strategies and practices at the
national level.
3. The national gender strategy is outdated, incipiently implemented and it has had minimal
influence in the above cited conditions and/or policy-planning frameworks. Official national data,
including demographic, poverty and market-related data are scant and/or biased, setting limits of
accuracy and scope on gender-based analyses in general.
4. Women?s participation in LDN National Committee is marginal (15% female). In local land
management committees (existing ones are the Councils for Social Consultation and Concertation -
CACS), women?s participation is marginal and no gender mainstreaming mechanism is in place for
the functioning CACS in target landscapes.
5. Gender-sensitive results from the SHARP carried out during the PPG appear balanced:
a. Household decision-making and leadership (male/female) is generally balanced: dual household
leadership 47.5%; female-led households 24.6%; male-led households 27.9%, while the national
average is 32% of rural households are led by women (2014 Census), but noting that the Census (i) did
not consider the ?dual leadership category? and data on household leadership at sub-national level
remained unpublished).
b. Food security and nutrition appears balanced: men appear to be worse off by a small margin,
considering that: (i) both project sites have a generalized low HDDS incidence (39% for women; 42%
for men and 41% for both) and (ii) the statistical difference between HDDS rates for men and women
may not be significant, based on SHARP data from PPG.
6. Women?s participation in dryland value chains in Angola shows that in local communities
they are more engaged in taking products to markets than men (62% of households sold at least a few
of their products in the market, 58% of men, 70% of women); most primary level aggregators are
women; but the more capitalized aggregators (with access to own transport) are mostly male. There is
otherwise no information on local producer organizations, nor on their composition, let alone the
gender aspects. +
Component 3, Angola-related gender analysis with respect to the regional and global components
of the DSL IP Child Project:
7. Women?s participation in the regional river basin committees is more or less balanced,
according to the data:
- Okavango Basin Steering Committee (OBSC): (members: n=7, of which 3 are female).
- Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM Secretariat) (members: n=14, of
which 7 are female).
- Angola-Namibia Joint Permanent Technical Commission on the Kunene River Basin (PJTC):
(members: n=6, of which 2 are female).

Gender Action Plan

Strategic Goal/ Activities Detailed description / Indicators and targets Budget
Gender Action Plan
Strategic Goal/ Activities Detailed description / Indicators and targets Budget
1. Ensure sustainability of [as below] [as below]
land use and agricultural and
pastoral production
1.1 Collect national and Targeted surveys Inception Allocated under
regional level gender-parity (electronic where needed) Outcome 2.1
data and gender
1.2 Conduct a new round of Household (HH) surveys Conclude at least 2 Allocated under
baseline SHARP with due using SHARP+ rounds of SHARP Outcome 3.2
gender and ethnicity methodology, covering survey with due
sensitivity statistically significant methodological
number of (HHs). stringency:

Results at project inception - 1 round at mid-term

will replace existing - 1 round at project end
SHARP results, which
have limitations.
2. Reduce land degradation [as below] [as below] [as below]
impacts among the most
vulnerable social groups by
making use of their
traditional knowledge base to
better cope with LD impacts
and improve food security
2.1 Taylored FFS curricula to Methodology to be Budget allocated
include traditional knowledge developed. Year 1 under Outcome
and its ties to gender preferred. 2.1 / FFF-FFS
2.2 One scoping study on Methodology to be Budget allocated
gender and NTFPs collection developed. Year 1 under Outcome
and use preferred. 2.3
3. Foster women?s full access Throughout [as below] [as below]
and equal participation in implementation: foster
learning and implementing women?s full access and
activities of the Agricultural equal participation in
Support Services activities of the
Agricultural Support
3.1 Supply 1000 improved 500 in Cunene, 500 in Budget allocated
cooking stoves to households Cuchi under Outcome
and communal pyrolysis 2. 2 / FFF-FFS
stoves for producing biochar 1 pyrolysis stove per
/ terra-preta, followed by community assisted by
training on maintenance FFF, for which specific
training will be delivered
and custodianship
entrusted to women
3.2 Local production of Target 2,000 cooking Budget allocated
improved cooking stoves with stoves under Outcome
women community 2.2 / FFF-FFS
association, training and
testing, start-up credits
Gender Action Plan
Strategic Goal/ Activities Detailed description / Indicators and targets Budget
3.3 Identify 10 community 5 in each project landscape Budget allocated
water retention installation under Outcome
sites and construct with 2.2 / FFF-FFS
villagers and farmers,
community associations; and
provide training on water
disinfection methods
3.4 Construct wells, if 5 in each project landscape Budget allocated
applicable, with solar under Outcome
pumping mechanism 2.2 / FFF-FFS
3.5 Test and train 50 1 in each project landscape Budget allocated
women/50 men on improved under Outcome
charcoal kilns, later 2.2 / FFF-FFS
implement 10 kilns
4. Women and men learn Throughout [as below] [as below]
together how they become implementation: foster
more resilient to LD and CC women?s full access and
equal participation in
activities of the
Agricultural Support
4.1 Functional alphabet As per FFS methodology Participants: gender Budget allocated
courses for young girls, parity is the goal under Outcome
women, boys and men, as 2.2 / FFS
applicable for the project
zone; raising education levels
through formal school,
agricultural training
4.2 Agricultural extension As per FFS methodology Participants: gender NA ? already
mechanisms through the FAO parity is the goal included in
mechanism: information/traini respective
ng on crop and livestock budgets for the
production and management, FFS / FFF
post-harvest food storage, pest
management practices, pests
and crop diseases, adaptation
practices overall
4.3 Special training of women As per FFS methodology Participants: gender NA ? already
and men on integrated parity is the goal included in
management and use of respective
sustainable alternatives, such budgets for the
as natural pesticides, crop FFS / FFF
rotation, increased
biodiversity, irrigation and
reforestation activities.
4.4 Community training: As per FFS/ FFF Participants: gender NA ? already
women/men parity methodology parity is the goal included in
participants on the use of respective
climate information services, budgets of FFS /
Climate Smart Agriculture, FFF
including e-sources, to
improve climate shock
preparedness and capacity of
small farmers against climate
shocks, droughts etc.
Gender Action Plan
Strategic Goal/ Activities Detailed description / Indicators and targets Budget
4.5 Foster due consideration Rural extension: For rural extension: NA ? already
of multiple roles of women in Disseminate appropriate Target quota 30 ? 40% included
dryland landscape techniques, in which female participation in respective
management, including women?s positive role in overall rural extension budgets of FFS /
establishment of a corps of the selection of crops, activities through FFS FFF
female extensionists and agro- seeds and techniques agro- and FFF packages
value chain technicians. sylvo-pastoral land-use Included also
management practices can For Agro-value under Outcome
be enhanced and steered chains: Target quota 2.3
towards sustainability. 60% female
Agro-value chain: As part
of value chain
development activities,
assist women and men with
business planning,
organization and efficiency

[1]Sources:GEF Gender Equality Guidelines, Guide to mainstreaming gender in FAO's project

cycle, GEF Gender Guidelines.
Mor, Tzili (2019). A Manual for Gender-Responsive Land Degradation Neutrality Transformative
Projects and Programmes, UN Women, The Global Mechanism of the UNCCD,
and, accessed on 01/04/2020.
[2]AfDB, 2008, Angola -Country Gender Profile. African Development Bank/Fund; World Bank

Group, 2019, Angola: Systematic Country Diagnostic Creating Assets for The
[3]CEDAW, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women considers Angola's


[4]FAO Angola, GEF, Baseline Household and Resilience Assessment Report, Draft Report January
2020, with the Self-Evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and
Pastoralists(SHARP), conducted in the two project intervention areas of Cunene and Cuchi.
[5]With reference to FAO?s Guidance Note on Gender Mainstreamingin project identification and

[6]Report of Multiple Indicators and Health (IIMS 2015-2016)

Does the project expect to include any gender-responsive measures to address gender gaps or
promote gender equality and women empowerment?
Closing gender gaps in access to and control over natural resources; Yes
Improving women's participation and decision making Yes
Generating socio-economic benefits or services or women Yes

Does the project?s results framework or logical framework include gender-sensitive

4. Private sector engagement

Elaborate on the private sector's engagement in the project, if any.


360. The project?s engagement with the private sector follows the guiding principles of the
GEF?s 2019 Private Sector Engagement Strategy (PSES)[1]:

- strong in-country networks and relationships;

- specificity that is useful for the private sector: geographies, metrics, transparency; and

- insight into the major and gender-sensitive understanding of developing markets.

361. Strong participation with the private sector will be promoted by the project, particularly with
respect to greening value chains under Outcome 2.3, underpinned by a strategy to be
developed in partnership with key players. Moreover, the strategy will draw onthe analysis of
the local economy and potential value chains in the target landscapes, details of which are
extracted from the PPG report[2]and provided in Annex X-2.2. The analysis covers four sub-
topics, discussed in relation to Barrier 2 elsewhere in this document: (i)maladptive local
production practices; (ii) Technology, know-how and production diversification challenges;
(iii) gender gap; and (iv) upscaling and market access. Various ago-value chain stakeholders
were identified through the PPG Value-Chains Assessment.

362. The private sector is a key stakeholder and essential to delivering part of the project?s
strategy to develop green value chains. However, they face a series of barriers to achieve its
development, as presented in the statement below:
?Farmers are poorly organized and face difficulties to access markets, improved seeds,
useful agronomic know-how and basic mechanization, resulting in low income, low
resilience and incipient technological progress, sustaining gender-based inequalities and
ultimately resulting in maladaptive land management at farm and community levels).?

363. The Gender Action Plan includes women?s participation in dryland value chains, thecontext
being that women in local communities are more engaged in taking products to the market
(70% of women) than men (58%). Also, most primary level aggregators of local produce are
women but the more capitalized aggregators, with access to own transport for example) are
mostly male.

364. A possible strategy for private sector engagement is summarized in Table 8;and a more
specific example showing how private sector involvement in dryland commodity value chains
and capacity development will be targeted is provided in Figure 10.

Table 8. Private sector stakeholder engagement modalities

Through / With ... Private Sector Government Local producers ?Catalysts?
Through / With ... Private Sector Government Local producers ?Catalysts?
Strategic Analysis Help stakeholders Help stakeholders Providing data Conveying results
understand identify policy and being willing of the analysis.
conditions of barriers to recipients of
market access sustainable assistance
sustainability for development of
different GVCs local drylands PURPOSE:
PURPOSE: economy PURPOSE:Provi Conveying the
conditions of PURPOSE: identify ding data and results of analysis
market access and policy barriers to being willing
sustainability for sustainable recipients of
different GVCs development of assistance
local drylands
Capacity Identify Help remove policy Technical Identify best suited
development opportunities and barriers to support: technologies /
risks through sustainably develop FFS/APFS and practices to
gender-sensitive local drylands other rural develop GVCs in
business incubation economy extension models any given context
/development to improve in dryland
PURPOSE: PURPOSE: techniques, landscapes
Leverage Remove choice of crop PURPOSE:
opportunities and policy barriers PURPOSE: Fostering
risks gender- Technical technologies and
sensitive business Assistance practices
incubation (convey it).

Facilitation Match supply/ Negotiate land-uses Help local Business Link needs to
demand and and their Plan development solutions, including
producers / implications. technologies and
buyers. Facilitate access to practices
Provide seed seed funding PURPOSE: All of
funding (co- PURPOSE: those before it. PURPOSE:
financing) Negotiate land- Linking
PURPOSE: uses, assess needs to solutions
Leverage seed implications
fund, match-
making, etc.
Figure 10. Engaging private sector stakeholders in agro/forests value chains


[2]Baseline andFeasibility Report on Value Chains, Baseline Content, FAO 2020.Refer toextract in

Annex X-2.2 in Project Document.

5. Risks to Achieving Project Objectives

Elaborate on indicated risks, including climate change, potential social and environmental risks
that might prevent the project objectives from being achieved, and, if possible, the proposed
measures that address these risks at the time of project implementation.(table format

Section A: Risks to the project

Table 9? Risk Description and mitigation actions

Description of Impact *Probabilit Mitigation actions Responsibl

risk * y of e party
Insufficient M L The fact that the LDN target has been mainstreamed into PMU
political will Angola?s climate change and national development
and policy frameworks, puts it high on the policy agenda. In
commitment any case, the project must leverage political will through
to address active stakeholder engagement. Through a series of
LDN in the meetings, field visits and interactions with national
face of other stakeholders during the PPG process, the project?s
political and objectives and results were developed to continue to be
economic closely aligned with Angola?s national priorities and
pressures, and strategies, to the evolving policy agendas and the
thus limited country?s international commitments under relevant
engagement MEAs and as articulated by the Government.
and Additionally, a strong stakeholder engagement and
collaboration empowerment plan will be implemented in order to raise
by national awareness of the government institutions about the
and local importance of a successful project implementation and
authorities the government?s engagement. Finally, awareness
with project raising will be continuous throughout the project to
implementatio ensure that awareness levels are maintained even if there
n, failing to are changes in key political figures, government
guarantee the technical staff, etc.
of project
Lack of L L Activities under components 1 and 2 (e.g. Outcomes 1.1 PMU
capacity and and 2.1) were developed specially to strengthen the
expertise from national capacity and effectively engage local actors in
local the implementation of SFM/SLM best practices). A brief
institutions to but focused Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) has been
successfully carried out during the PPG. The some of the results are
engage, directly included in PRODOC Annex X-2.3. The general
implement and strategy embedded in the project?s outputs include have
integrate built on the CNA results and other sources (e.g. the
SFM/SLM in description of the general context included in PRODOC
relevant Annex W-2. capacity development Component 3 will
policies, plans also dedicate efforts to the capacity building through
and sectoral knowledge sharing and learning among the other
frameworks of countries in the Miombo and Mopane landscape.
Description of Impact *Probabilit Mitigation actions Responsibl
risk * y of e party
Lack of M L The participative project design process, which included PMU
coordination intensive consultations on project sites, helped to raise
and awareness and create a sense of ownership of local
engagement communities towards the project and its outcomes,
between the reducing the risk of lack of engagement. Project
project team interventions also foresee a strong stakeholder
and local engagement plan to continue and improve the
communities involvement and relationship between the project team,
on the government institutions and local communities.
n of the
The M H It is likely that the project will suffer with operational PMU
consequences impacts from the global Covid-19 pandemic. Given the
of the global timeline of the PPG process, the project team was able to
Covid-19 consider the potential impacts on the project design.
pandemic can Measures such as the consolidation of co-financing
impact the sources and adjustments to the methodologies used in
project?s interactions between project participants, at least on the
financial short term, were included. Furthermore, in line with an
support, adaptive management approach, project activities, targets
partnerships, and operational arrangements will be reviewed at the
and project inception stage and changes made to mitigate
interactions. Covid-19 impacts if required. . In this
sense, GoA launched initiatives such as the PIAAPF will
be considered for synergies and coordination creation.
Description of Impact *Probabilit Mitigation actions Responsibl
risk * y of e party
Current and M M The potential impacts of current and future climate PMU
future climate change impacts on the project sites were considered in
change project design; therefore, the activities, outcomes and
impacts will outputs were developed in order to minimize take these
threaten the impacts into account. Various techniques and approaches
sustainability aligned with Climate Smart Agriculture/SLM/SFM
of the practices and livelihood diversification will be promoted
project?s and adopted through the project help build resilience to
investments CC impacts. In addition, by introducing effective
and results government support, scaling up best practices and
incorporating a strong knowledge management and
sharing mechanism. By mainstreaming and expanding
the knowledge about SLM/SFM best practices in Angola
the project?s results will be able to achieve
Component 1:
Climate risks will be systematically incorporated in the
integrated land use planning process to anticipate future
extreme weather events and plan positive actions of
sustainable land management. This joint planning
process will benefit from climate change related
assessments conducted during the PPG (SHARP) as well
as available climate change analysis (e.g. IFAD/ACDI
climate analysis) and other available data sets.
The National Meteorological Authorities (NMA) and
other institutions leading the collection, analysis and use
of climate data should be engaged in the development
and implementation of LDN strategies. Trainings and
capacity building of relevant stakeholders should include
activities on the use of climate information for informing
strategies and planning, certain activities can be led by
the NMAs.
Component 2:
The selection of evidence-based climate smart
SLM/SFM practices will follow the results of the joint
planning process (component 1) to ensure they are
adapted to local contexts and supported by scientific
evidence of project climate conditions. The identified
practices should be integrated in the forest and farm
producers? training manuals and be part of the Famers
Field Schools curricula. The newly developed global
note for FFS facilitators on integrating climate change
adaptation into farmer field schools can inform this
process as well as lessons learned from participatory
engagement approaches such a PICSA. Climate field
schools can link to demonstration plots of sustainable
intensification practices and resilience measures post-
The selection of dryland value chains should also
consider climate related risks. Their selection should be
based on (i) their viability under climate change in the
mid to long term; (ii) their contribution to drivers of
climate-related impacts; and (iii) their ability to increase
the resilience of the most vulnerable populations.
Development of green value chains, including
appropriate infrastructure or technologies to climate
proof food value chains, should be based on results of
climate impact assessments. Planning around drying,
storage and transport can be informed by climate impacts
at each stage.

A detailed climate risk summary for the DSL-IP Miombo

cluster (Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania
*H: High, M: Moderate, L:Low

Section C: COVID19

365. The first cases of Covid-19 in Angola were registered from passengers that landed in Angola
on 16Th and 17th March. on 27th March the government declared an emergency state that
imposed restrictions on mobility and in the economy. On 26th May the government declared the
calamity state reducing the restriction measures. The epicenter of the cases is in capital Luanda
that is in the sanitary fence. The number of cases in the other provinces is very low compared with
Lunada. The number of cases has been increasing daily. By November the country registered
11.813 cases among which 6.251 active, 5.266 recovered, 296 dead.

366. As other countries, Angola's economy is not immune to the harmful effects of COVID-19,
especially because it is very dependent of importations of goods and services. The outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic has significantly slowed down economic activity and created uncertainties
in the short- and medium-term outlook of the Angola economy. It has affected economic activities
through both demand and supply-side shocks. On the demand side, the containment efforts and
the consequent policy actions, such as physical distancing and lockdowns, have led to reduced
demand for Angolan commodities both domestically and internationally. On the supply side the
labour force remained at home to prevent infection and spread of the virus, this led to a decline in
domestic economic activities.

367. Angola is facing an economic crisis that started in 2014 years and up to here has been
weakened and its growth has been slowed down because of: 1). reduction of the price of oil in
international markets, which is its main source of financial resources through exportation.; 2). The
drought and low level of agricultural production which exacerbated food and livelihood insecurity
for the communities across the country. The pandemic is expected to disproportionately affect
vulnerable groups. It is exposing and deepening previously existing vulnerabilities such as
poverty, inequality, unemployment and overall human insecurity.

368. The government is taking measures to recovery from the pandemic impacts. Among these
measures are health and economic measures. This could have some implications on the DSL
project in Angola, for example the already identified co-financing for which the big share is
coming from the government could be affected. As explained in the baseline, the Government of
Angola launched in April 2020 a Presidential Decree (98/20) to support families, enterprises and
informal economy sector affected by COVID ?19 with TAX reduction and access to financial
mechanisms. Additionally, the ?Family farming and fisheries Acceleration Integrated Program
(PIAAPF)? launched by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in June 2020 and with a budget of
450 Million US$, is aimed to support family farming in 3 areas: Support Value chains to increase
production, strengthen human resources and support agriculture inputs sectors.

370. It is also worth to mention that due to COVID-19, implications on the DSL project in Angola, for
example the already identified co-financing for which the big share is coming from the
government could be affected.

Category Risks Measures

Implications at national level

Short to Reduced financial (co- If there are changes in co-finance, then

medium financing) support from partners to work closely to seek
term Government, development alternative options for co-financing and
partners, and private ensure continuity of resource allocation
sector, due to limited to ongoing initiatives in project target
overall funding availability areas.
resulting from the COVID- It is expected that the project activities
19 related economic will support the Government?s
downturn, and/or the interventions (e.g. PIAAF) in responding
diverting of available to COVID-19 through its activities aimed
funding to actions directly at improving livelihoods of rural
related to COVID-19 communities in the three project
Government budget and intervention areas through value chains
expenditure and development of indigenous plant. The
prioritization of different project activities will be discussed and
programs and sectors, refined during the planned validation
including agriculture, food with stakeholders as well as during
security and natural project inception workshop and also
resources might change as during project implementation .This will
results for diverting funds be opportunity to mainstream COVID-
to pressing health matters. 19 responses in the project

Implications for project activities (on the ground)

Short to Uncertainty with COVID- Temporary closure of government
medium 19 including temporary and UN offices from time to time as
term closure of government results of confirmed COVID-19,
offices, restrictions on restrictions on people movement as
people movement from one well as limitations on number of
region to another or within people gathering for
regions could delay meetings/workshops could impact
launching and smooth project implementation. To
implementation of the mitigate this the project will put
project. measures in place such as having
local facilitators/moderators to work
with local project partners to ensure
Limited opportunities for field project activities are effectively
face-to-face implemented. The facilitators will
interactions with project also ensure use of virtual platforms
beneficiaries to conduct meetings and workshop
when physical meetings are not
Constraints on conducting permitted.
face-to-face baseline Set out engagement plans with limited
surveys number of participants mainly
representatives /leaders of
constituencies/communities and ensuring
provision of sanitizers and face masks.
Introduction of digital technologies and
approaches in support of sharing of
knowledge virtually and ensure social
distancing. For example; tablets that
were introduced for the SHARP
household surveys will be used to take
footages on different SLM/SFM
approaches that will be disseminated to
wider groups of stakeholders as well as
for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
This approach will be complemented by
the "Making every voice count for
adaptive management" initiative
facilitated by the Global Coordination
project. This initiative promotes a
variety of communication tools, focusing
on a participatory video approach as an
interactive platform that supports
networking and knowledge generation,
and in later stages documenting and
disseminating knowledge assets and
lessons learned ? especially those
identified by the local communities and
stakeholders at landscape level. The goal
is to create a bridge between other teams
and initiatives and work beyond the 11
countries involved in this program. The
activities will be complemented by
specific activities and tools to ensure
access to agriculture and forestry
advisory services during COVID-19
pandemic, such as the use of radio, print
media, videos, mobile vans, and social
media (e.g. WhatsApp) to overcome
barriers related to social distance, travel
limitations and possible lockdown
Short to Potential for community To measures in place to raise awareness
long transmission of COVID- of COVID-19 transmission and
term 19 prevention. Provide guidance on steps to
be taken by institutions (public and
private) when exposure to COVID-19
occurs or is suspected to have occurred.
Provide social support to COVID-19
affected families and communities.

6. Institutional Arrangement and Coordination

Describe the institutional arrangement for project implementation. Elaborate on the planned
coordination with other relevant GEF-financed projects and other initiatives.


6a. Institutional arrangements for project implementation

The Government of Angola?will have the overall executing and technical responsibility for the
project, with FAO?as the GEF Agency?providing oversight?in the manner?described below.? The
Ministry of Culture,?Tourism?and d Environment (MCTA)?will be responsible?as the lead
executing agency, with responsibility for the day-to-day management of project results?entrusted
in?full compliance with all terms and conditions of the Operational Partnership Agreement signed
with FAO.
For Component 2 and 3, MCTA, as leading executing partner, will
stablish agreemnets (mainly through Letters of Agreements) with NGOs in coordination with
decentralized institutes of MINAGRIP and technically backstopped by FAO. A
Capacity assessement will be carried out to MCTA to confirm their capacity for subcontracting
NGOs. In case it is positive LoAs with local partners organizations will be stablished by MCTA.
In case it is negative, this LoAs will be established by FAO. In any of the casesfull coordination
between FAO and MCTA will be assured for LoAs establishment. The MCTA and
the?NGOs?are?responsible and accountable to FAO for the timely implementation of the agreed
project results, operational oversight of implementation activities, timely reporting, and for
effective use of GEF resources for the intended purposes and in line with FAO and GEF policy
The two important bodies for project governance are the National Project Steering Committee and
the Project?Management Unit.
The National Project Steering Committee (NPSC) corresponds to the highest level of decision-
making vis-?-vis project implementation and will be established for the oversight of project
activities at a national level. It is proposed that the NPSC is chaired by the MCTA with the
participation of a member of the MINAMB?s GEF unit, MINAGRP, MINOPOT, MINEA,
representatives of the Provincial Governments, FAO, one representative from each municipality,
and observers from civil society organizations. The members of the NPSC will each assure the
role of a Focal Point for the project in their respective institutions with full decision making.
Hence the project will have a Focal Point in each concerned institution. As Focal Points in their
agency, the concerned PSC members will meet at once per year and will have the following
responsibilities: (i) technically oversee activities in their sector or jurisdiction, (ii) ensure a fluid
two-way exchange of information and knowledge between their agency and the project, (iii)
facilitate coordination and links between the project activities and the work plan of their agency,
(iv) taking decisions in the course of the practical organization, coordination and implementation
of the project in order to address implementation problems identified by the PPR; (v) facilitating
cooperation between government institutions and project participating partners and enabling a
sufficient degree of project ownership by national authorities at the central, provincial and local
levels; (vi) ensuring that co-financing support is provided in a timely and effective manner; and
(vii) reviewing six-monthly Project Progress and Financial Reports and approving the AWP/B
(Annual Work Plan and Budget). Moreover, the PSC shall ensure the project?s sustainability (in
view of upscaling, replication and mainstreaming).
The Project Governance and Implementation Structure is?shown in?Figure 11.?
Figure 11. Project organizational structure

The National Project Coordinator (see below) will be the Secretary to the?Project Steering
Committee. As mentioned before, the involved Ministries will designate one or more Focal Points,
who will be responsible for participation in the NPSC and coordinating activities with all the
national bodies related to the different project components, as well as with the project
partners.?S/he will also be responsible for supervising and guiding the?National?Project
Coordinator (NPC),?based in?the Project Management Unit (PMU), on government policies and
The?Project Management Unit will be funded by the GEF. The main functions of the PMU,
following the guidance of the Project Steering Committee,?will be?to ensure overall efficient
management, coordination and monitoring of the project through the effective implementation of
the annual work plans and budgets (AWP/Bs). The PMU will comprise?a?full-time?NPC for
the?duration of the?project that will be supported by a Technician for Stakeholder engagement,
Knowledge managemet and institutional capacity building. Additionally, the PMU will
be supported by a full-time Administrative and Accountant Manager and part-time finance officer
and M&E officer. Field based staff will include two full-time Field level facilitators to provide
technical assistance, who will report to the NPC, each supported by an Assistant (full-
time).?A National Project Coordinator (NPC) and the Execution Capacity development Support
and ESS monitoring specialist will ensure that activities are well coordinated
and?aligned??at?programme?level and?assist the PMU in preparing project monitoring reports
The National Project Coordinator (NPC) will?be in charge of?daily implementation, management,
administration and technical supervision of the project, on behalf of the Operational partner and
within the framework delineated by the PSC. S/he will be responsible, among others, for:??
coordination?of?relevant initiatives;??
ensuring a high level of collaboration among participating institutions and organizations at
national and local levels;??
ensuring compliance with all OPA provisions during implementation, including timely reporting
and financial management;??
coordination and close monitoring of the implementation of project activities;??
tracking the project?s progress and ensuring timely delivery of inputs and outputs;??
providing technical support and assessing the outputs of project national consultants hired with
GEF funds, as well as products generated?from?implementation of the project;??
approve and manage requests for provision of financial resources using?templates/formats
provided in OPA annexes;??
monitoring financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial
ensuring timely preparation and submission of requests for funds, financial and progress reports to
FAO as per OPA reporting requirements;??
maintaining documentation and evidence that describes the proper and prudent use of project
resources as per OPA provisions, including making available?such?supporting documentation to
FAO and designated auditors when requested;??
implementing and managing the project?s monitoring and communications plans;??
organizing project workshops and meetings to monitor progress and preparing the Annual Budget
and Work Plan;??
submitting the six-monthly Project Progress Reports (PPRs) with the AWP/B to the PSC and
preparing the first draft of the Project Implementation Review (PIR);??
supporting the organization of the mid-term?review?and?terminal?evaluation?of the project?in
close coordination with the FAO Budget Holder and FAO Independent Office of Evaluation
submitting the OP six-monthly technical and financial reports to FAO and facilitating information
exchange between the OP and FAO, if needed;??
Informing?the PSC and FAO of any delays and difficulties as they arise during?project
implementation to ensure timely corrective measures?and support.??
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will be the GEF Implementing Agency (IA) for the
Project, providing project cycle management and support services as established in the GEF
Policy. As the GEF IA, FAO holds overall accountability and responsibility to the GEF for
delivery of the results. In the IA role, FAO will utilize the GEF fees to deploy three different
actors within the organization to support the project:??
The Budget Holder, which is usually the most decentralized FAO office, will provide
oversight of day to day project execution;??
The Lead Technical Officer(s), drawn from across FAO will provide
oversight/support to the project?s technical work in coordination with government
representatives participating in the Project Steering Committee;?and?
The Funding?Liaison?Officer(s) within FAO will monitor and support the project
cycle to ensure that the project is being carried out and reporting done in accordance with
agreed standards and requirements.?
FAO responsibilities, as GEF agency, will include
Administer?funds from GEF in accordance with the rules and procedures of FAO;??
Oversee project implementation in accordance with the project document, work
plans, budgets, agreements with co-financiers, Operational Partners Agreement(s)and other
rules and procedures of FAO;?
Provide technical guidance to ensure that appropriate technical quality is applied to
all activities concerned;?
Report?to the GEF Secretariat and Evaluation Office, through the annual Project
Implementation Review, Mid-Term Review, Terminal Evaluation and Project Closure Report
on project progress;??
Conduct at least one supervision mission per year; and?
Financial reporting to the GEF Trustee.?

Another relevant body of the Project Governance and Implementation Structure is

the Integrated Technical Task Force. This Task Force, facilitated by FAO in coordination with the
PMUs will assure a coherent, integrated and coordinated implementation of the project. This Task
force will meet a minimum of twice a year, however, the spirit of this Task force is answer in an
effective and immediate way to the day-by-day challenges. The PMU will be the secretariat of the
ITTF and the Execution Capacity development Support and ESS monitoring specialist will provide
direct and specific guidance to this tasks force.
.All stakeholder involved in the project can be called to participate in the ITTF. Agenda and
participants will be decided by PMU and FAO according to the project execution needs.
6b. Coordination with other relevant GEF-financed projects and other initiatives
The project will coordinate with ongoing GEF and non- GEF initiatives in Angola to ensure
synergies are generated, particularly with the GEF projects described below in Table 9.
Coordination with these initiatives will focus on exchanging lessons learned, sharing technical
expertise and, where appropriate, establish partnership agreements and joint work plans. The same
applies to other non-GEF recent and ongoing baseline initiatives described in Annex 3.
Table 11. Other relevant GEF Projects: lessons, potential collaboration and synergies

Project Title Description and purpose Duration and Sector

of collaboration / synergy Status
New FAO GEF Project ZAEC aims to Starting up in Land rehabili
Project ZAEC: develop and apply Agro- 2020 tation, Agricu
Sustainable Land Ecological Zoning (AEZ) lture,
Management in methodologies techniques Total project cost including GIS
target landscapes of by focusing on a 1.6 (US $ million): based tools
Central Angola million Wider Landscape 2.639 for Landscape
in the provinces of level planning
(Gest?o Sustent?vel Huambo and Benguela. Implementing and
de Terras em LDN is also a central GEF agency: development
paisagens concept in the project. FAO of AEZ
seleccionadas da Along the above- results
Regi?o Central de mentioned relevance of
Angola -ZAEC) these landscapes for land
degradation and the
proximity to CETAC to
one of the four AECs in
Angola (Chipipa), there is
a growing network of
AP/FFSs in Huambo and
and neighboring province
s, which are already
delivering community-
level extension services on
a regular basis with the
support from both
government and a series
of international projects
set on upscaling the
approach. This creates
opportunities, which the
project will seize, for
actively engaging land
users in local spatial
planning of SLM based on
AEZ and adopting SLM
practices on the ground.
Purpose: Work together
towards developing
MCTA?s capacity for GIS
and related analysis. The
collaborate on stakeholder
engagement in the
southern regions. and
rangeland management,
including the application
of tools such as GreeNTD.
UNDP-GEF The project is focused on On-going since Early
Project: Promoting strengthening the capacity 2015, ends in 2020 warning
climate- resilient of national and sub- systems. Disas
development and national entities to Total project cost ter risk
enhanced adaptive monitor climate change, (US $ million): management
capacity to generate reliable hydro- 37.179
withstand disaster meteorological
risks in Angola's information (including Implementing
Cuvelai River forecasts) and to be able GEF agency:
Basin to combine this UNDP
information with other
environmental and socio-
economic data to improve
evidence- based decision-
making for early warning
and adaptation responses
as well as planning.
Purpose: Learn lessons
and piggy-back on contact
in view of improving the
processes of stakeholder
engagement, in particular
in the region where the
project is implemented.
UNDP-GEF The objective of this On-going since Sustainable w
Project: project is to reduce the 2016 oodfuel
Promotion of current unsustainable and Total project cost
Sustainable GHG-intensive mode of (US $
Charcoal in Angola charcoal production and million): 23,331,70
through a Value utilization from Angola?s 0
Chain Approach Miombo woodlands via an Implementing
integrated set of GEF agency:
interventions in the UNDP
national charcoal value
Component 1 focuses on
strengthening policy
framework to support a
sustainable charcoal value
chain in
Angola by developing a
certification scheme for
charcoal, including a
mechanism to monitor, re
and verificationy (MRV)
of charcoal production,
distribution and
commercialization. It will
Incorporate certified and
sustainable charcoal and
fuel-efficient stoves into
national poverty
reduction and rural
development programs.
Component 2 on
technology transfer will
demonstrate and
introduce improved
charcoal kilns among
selected rural
communities and energy-
efficient technologies
(briquetting and efficient
stoves) in selected peri-
urban municipalities of
Luanda. Additionally,
improved charcoal
production technology
will be integrated with
sustainable forest
management and rural
development initiatives in
rural communities
The project is
implemented in rural
areas (Huambo and
Kwanza Sul) focusing on
production, as well as in
the urban and peri-urban
areas of Luanda to focus
on consumption.
Purpose: collaborate
in strengthening the
environment including
charcoal certification and
complement efficient
AfDB GEF Project: The project will On-going since Agriculture
Integrating climate disseminate sustainable 2019 and food
change into land management and Total project cost security
environment and adaptation practices (US $ million):
sustainable land in agro-forestry and land 24.831
management ecology in 350 Implementing
practices communities. GEF agency:
Purpose: Seek AfDB
collaboration on the
forestry aspect, in
particular with respect to
the legal review.

FAO-USAID- The objective is to Closed Disaster risk

OFDA Regional strengthen food security management.
Project and DRR/M, and increase Total project cost Agriculture
PIRAN: Disaster the resilience of agro- (US $ million): and food
risk reduction/ pastoral livelihoods by 1.600 (1.180 for security
management to increasing capacity to Angola) for the
support manage risks related to first year
agropastoral natural disasters at the
communities level of communities and Implementing
affected by local institutions. The GEF agency:
recurrent droughts expected results are: FAO
and other natural improved agricultural Donor: United
disasters in and livestock production, States of America
southern Angola health and animal (USAID/OFDA)
and northern nutrition, soil and water
Namibia (Project management and
PIRAN) management of early
warning systems.
Purpose: Learn lessons on
stakeholder engagement,
in particular cross-border
ones, including on and
rangeland, water and
communal forest
management in southern
FAO GEF Project: To enhance the capacity Closed Land rehabili
Land of southwestern Angola?s tation, Agricu
Rehabilitation and smallholder agro-pastoral Total project cost lture
Rangelands sector to mitigate the (US $ million):
Management in impact of land 15.397
Small Holders degradation processes and Implementing
Agropastoral to rehabilitate degraded GEF agency:
Production Systems lands by mainstreaming FAO
in Southwestern SLM technologies
Angola (Project into agro-pastoral and
RETESA). agricultural
development initiatives.
Purpose: Learn lessons on
stakeholder engagement
and rangeland
management, including
the application of tools
such as GreeNTD.

Other DSL IP Refer to Regional and Same as this Same as this

Child Projects Global Exchange project project
in description of
Component 3.

7. Consistency with National Priorities

Describe the consistency of the project with national strategies and plans or reports
and assesments under relevant conventions from below:
NPFE, BURs, INDCs, etc.


379. The project strategy and proposed outputs are consistent with national development priorities,
complementing primary national and international development strategies and plans. As the
project relates to land degradation and climate change (mostly resilience), it is fully aligned with,
and supportive of, the National Action Program to Combat Desertification (PANCOD), LDN
target setting(Box 2.) and other relevant policies, plans and frameworks under UNCCDand
the UNFCCC. More specifically, the project is consistent with the National Communication to
the United Nations Framework Convention, National Action Plan for Adaptation
(NAPA)and the National Strategy and Action Plan on Biodiversity (NBSAP).

380. Climate Change:By virtue of contributing to Climate Change Mitigation (mostly by

maintaining and increasing soil carbon levels) and Resilience/Adaptation (by preserving or
increasing the resilience of Miombo-Mopane Woodland ecosystems and resident communities to
climate change), the project is strongly aligned with the objectives/strategies of the following:
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution(INDC), released by Angola in 2015 for COP-21,
which prioritizes the implementation of adaptation measures in the agricultural sector, as well as for
the forest, biodiversity and national resources sectors.

Angolan National Adaptation Plan(NAP), launched in July 2015. The NAP process is supported by
the GEF-founded NAP Global Support Program (NAP-GSP) and seeks to facilitate effective medium
and long-term climate change adaptation planning, as well as budgeting such planning through
institutional support, technical support and knowledge brokering. The proposed project provides a way
forward on the NAP process by developing strong partnerships at national and local levels and
contributing to the integration of CCA sustainable Natural Resources Management and SLM.

National Development Plan (PDN) 2018-2022

381. In 2018, Angola?s LDN target was mainstreamed into the National Development Plan 2018-
2022, so it is no surprise that this current PND is the main instrument that promotes sustainable
management of landscapes to address land degradation. The PDN is innovative, having being
prepared in consultation with sectoral and provincial planning bodies, thereby maximizing their
ownership of the national development process. Furthermore, each sector was invited to interact
with the provinces, and relevant private sector and civil society partners in their areas of interest
and expertise. Thus, the project is consistent with national and local development plans.
Furthermore, the PDN has been scrutinized during the PPG in order to assess its co-financing
element with respect to this project. Much of the evidence relating to the consistency of this
project with national priorities has already been provided in Section 1.a 2.B.

382. The project is aligned with several of the PDN?s programs related to the development of
agriculture, environmental protection, spatial planning, forestry, integrated water resource
management and decentralized rural development. Each program contains specific targets, policy
linkages and actions. Those that directly promote sustainable management of landscapes
(primarily drylands) were selected as baseline co-finance vis-?-vis this project. The results of this
analysis, summarized in Table 9, provide the basis for calculating the baseline and co-financing
from public investment budgetary allocations, indexed by program and included in the Central
Government Budget (OGE) for 2019, the base year for the calculations. Further details are
provided in the notes at the foot of the table.

National Action Program to Combat Desertification (PANCOD)

383. PANCOD is a national program that essentially provides a mechanism for Angola?s compliance
with its commitments to UNCCD. It has been described previously in paragraph43. Importantly,
this GEF-7 project will be instrumental in supporting government implement PANCOD.

Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Program (LDN-TSP)

384. LDN TSP has been assisting countries since 2014 to make the LDN concept a reality by 2030,
by providing practical tools and guidance for the establishment of voluntary LDN targets, and
accelerating the implementation of transformative programs and projects. Angola is among more
than 100 countries participating in the Program[1], having joined in November 2018 and
effectively signed up to the general LDN goal of ?achieving neutral land degradation by 2030
compared to degradation levels for 2015?.
385. The LDN Fund was launched as an impact investment fund blending resources from the public,
private and philanthropic sectors in support of achieving LDN through sustainable land
management and land restoration projects undertaken by the private sector worldwide. The LDN
TSP is defined as having four building blocks: 1. Leveraging LDN, 2. Assessing LDN, 3. Setting
LDN targets and associated measuresand 4. Achieving LDN. Assessment of the current status,
trends and drivers of land degradation is based on a set ofthree indicatorsthat reflect land-based
natural capital and its associated ecosystem services:
- land cover;
- land productivity (metric: net primary productivity); and
- carbon stocks above and below ground (metric: soil organic carbon).

386. These indicators are part of a set of six progress indicators used by UNCCD to track progress in
the implementation of the Convention through national reporting. They have also been
recommended as sub-indicators for the global UNCCD indicator 15.3.1, ?Proportion of land that is
degraded over total land area?, adopted to measure progress toward the SDG target 15.3 and
intended to reduce the reporting burden on country Parties. The indicators monitor changes in
different yet highly relevant ways:land cover provides a first indication of a reduction or increase
in vegetation, habitat fragmentation and land conversion. Land productivity is indicative of
ecosystem health and sharpens the focus on ecosystem services. Soil organic carbon denotes
overall soil quality. These indicators may be enhanced and complemented as necessary.[2]

Angola?s other environmental management topics and spatial planning frameworks

387. Biodiversity.The project is consistent with the National Communication to the United Nations
Framework Convention, the National Action Plan for Adaptation (NAPA), the National Strategy
and Action Plan on Biodiversity (NBSAP) and with the main national public policies for
development and fight against poverty, many of which contain specific guidelines on the
environmental sustainability of the agricultural and livestock sectors and on reducing

388. The project also directly contributes to specific priorities and results set out in the Partnership
Framework between the Government of Angola and the United Nations System (UNPAF 2015-
2019) and in the FAO Country Program Framework (CPF) for 2018-2023.

389. Land-use management and spatial planning.The project is also well aligned with the
implementation of the ?Spatial Planning Law? or LOTU (3/04). According to this framework law,
municipalities have the duty to develop municipal planning instruments which include Municipal
Master Plans (PDMs), Environmental Land-Use Plans (POAs) and Rural Land-Use Plans (POR).
The latter in particular are of great potential for structuring an organized system of SLM but it is
still underdeveloped. This project could provide essential support for creating the mechanisms and
enabling environment for the development of the PORs (see section on Land Tenure Policies and

Agricultural Sector Mid-Term Plan (PMPSA) 2018-2022

390. The PMPSA[3]agenda has been integrated within the PDN, which recommends creating enabling
conditions for more agricultural data: ?Indeed, it is imperative to pay particular attention to the
creation of conditions at the central (capital) and local level (areas of agrarian activity) for the
rigorous production of data, which, after treatment, would become important agricultural
statistical information. This information would serve as a reliable basis for drawing up coherent
plans, projects and work programs, i.e. to quantify and qualify the necessary investments for the
Sector as well as to plan imports so as to reduce waste.? Refer to Annex W-3for a fuller
description of PMPSA and its context. For more details in of Government baseline and co-
financing investments estimated from the National Development Plan (2018-2022) please refere to
ANNEX A38. Knowledge Management

391. The project framework for Angola is closely aligned with the DSL IP?s global framework, as
well as harmonized with that of the other Miombo/Mopane child projects through the Regional
Exchange Mechanism (REM), further details of which are provided in Annex IV-2. This will
facilitate the sharing of evidence-based good practices across investments, which will be done
through existing global (e.g. COFO Working group on dryland, UNCCD) and regional (SADC?s
GGWI-S) knowledge and exchange structures. The project will actively ?feed? and share
knowledge to the global and regional platforms, while benefiting from recent scientific knowledge
and global best practices provided by the platforms in return. Moreover, the child project will use
part of the DSL IP incentive to ?access? additional services that are provided by the global project
on demand and adaptive basis (possibly through SADC?s GGWI-S) in order to support the child
project in achieving the anticipated impact at wider (transboundary ecosystem) scales.

392. The Global Coordination Project of the IP will promote coherence among the multiple initiatives
operating across the Miombo-Mopane dryland ecoregion by (i) establishing mechanisms for
coordinating and prioritizing initiatives and investments across countries; (ii) channeling global
knowledge and expertise in relation to sustainable dryland management by linking the project to
relevant global initiatives and platforms; (iii) managing and capitalizing on knowledge on dryland
management experiences; and (iv) introducing M&E systems at project and programmatic levels
supporting learning and adaptive management. Project Component 3 will build knowledge
management, monitoring and evaluation, harmonizing M&A tools, and approaches from a
regional perspective through SADC?s GGWI-S, and with the assistance of the global network.

393. Improvement of the policy and governance system at multiple levels (national, district,
community) and the development of knowledge management and monitoring schemes embedded
in the wider regional framework spearheaded by the GEF-7 initiative will have a positive impact
beyond the target landscapes, developing capacity among a broad range of stakeholders.
Implementation of integrated management plans will have a long-term impact on the target
landscapes, inspiring similar future exercises in other parts of the country. The linkage with
GGWI/SADC and other transboundary frameworks such as the KAZA and under basin
committees (OKACOM, KUVECOM) will ensure an impact at a larger ecosystem level through
effective knowledge management.

394. Moreover, the project management unit should make an effort to collaborate and partner with
national institutions and other initiatives working with subjects and topics that will contribute to
the implementation of the project?s activities through knowledge-sharing mechanisms. GABHIC
(MINEA), for example, is an institution that has been producing important information about the
Cunene, Cubango and Cuvelai basin, which, if shared, can be very useful during the project?s
implementation phase, contributing to the development of knowledge about the best practices in
the region. The GEF 6 project ?Sustainable Land Management in target landscapes of Central
Angola? is another potential partner for knowledge sharing. The DSL project will be able to build
upon the GEF 6 project?s foreseen outcome of developing CETAC?s monitoring capacity, for
395. Besides the potential partnerships and collaborations, through the implementation of outputs and
activities under Component 3, the project will ensure the achievement of an effective knowledge
management and coordination, monitoring and evaluation, as well as south-south cooperation
enhanced through the REM. More specifically, Output 3.2.1 is focused on the development of a
Knowledge Management and Communications Strategy (KMCS), supported by a project web-
based knowledge management portal and innovative information-sharing program, all of which
will underpin knowledge sharing and the collection and dissemination of evidence-based best
practices. Moreover, activities as the project?s inception and final workshop and a strong
communication strategy will be used as opportunities to engage with key experts and stakeholders
in order to disseminate lessons learned and results from similar projects and initiatives.

[1]This global program is implemented in cooperation with numerous partners, including the Global
Environment Facility (GEF), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Development Program
(UNDP), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), European Space Agency, International Soil
Reference and Information Centre, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, World
Resources Institute (WRI), Soil Leadership Academy (SLA).
[2]This overview is based on different UNCCD publications. More details and various resources are

available at:

[3]Plano M?dio Prazo do Sector Agr?rio (PMPSA).

8. Knowledge Management

Elaborate the "Knowledge Management Approach" for the project, including a budget, key
deliverables and a timeline, and explain how it will contribute to the project's overall impact.

396. In line with GEF Knowledge Management Guidelines[1], knowledge generation and
management will be an essential component of the project. Knowledge and knowledge
management is reflected across all components, however specifically in component 3, Outcome
3.2 and Output 3.2.1.

397. Part of this knowledge management approach includes working to integrate lessons learned
from past and on-going projects. During the baseline data generation process, the project design
took a very inclusive look at on-going investments and programs by the government, donors, and
other stakeholders. This was done to not only make certain the proposed project is aligned with
this on-going baseline and will provide incremental improvements, but also to ensure that certain
lessons learned are reflected and pathways are in place to bring new knowledge and lessons within
this proposed project?s actions and innovations to build synergy and scale.

398. Building on the indicators developed during PPG and in coordination with the global IP
Program, the project will establish systems for M&E, knowledge management and knowledge
sharing including a methodology to capture good practices and lessons learned contributing to
national, regional and global IP implementation. the project will develop a knowledge
management and communications strategy (KMCS) to support implementation, replication and
scaling of project activities.
399. Knowledge will be created, documented and shared systematically throughout the project
closely aligned to the global IP DSL coordination project. More specifically, the GCP will
facilitate global level knowledge exchange in two ways: the child project will actively ?feed?
knowledge to the global and regional platforms while benefiting from recent scientific knowledge
and global evidence-based good practices provided by the platforms/exchange mechanisms in
return through the Regional Exchange Mechanism (REM). Further details about this Mechanism
and how it is aligned with the GCP are provided in Annex IV-2and summary details in Box 11.

400. To highlight the importance of documenting change management approaches and innovative
solutions, and to help show results and impact, FAO?s South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Division and its partners are documenting the baseline status of the targeted landscapes in every
country, using a participatory video approach. This interactive, dynamic and powerful monitoring
tool includes local communities and different stakeholders. Moreover, it provides a wholesome
view of the project?s progress at every stage, including changes within the local community, the
local governments and other stakeholders that may occur throughout the lifetime of the project.
Through this in-depth observation, the initiative aims to point out what impact these changes may
have on dryland management and degradation. Once the baseline is established, each country will
continue this monitoring process until best practices are identified and each project reaches its
completion. The final product will then be translated and disseminated among the 11 countries
involved, cross pollinating and sharing the identified best practices, the supporting knowledge and
the lessons learned. The dissemination will occur through various international and regional
mechanisms by leveraging on the convening power of the Working Group on Dryland Forests and
Agrosilvopastoral Systems. In the long term, this participatory approach will feed into a digital
library containing an array of different contexts and paths, serving as a pragmatic learning
platform for contributing partners and members achieving the objective of making every voice
count for adaptive management, at every level.

401. The PMU will include a dedicated person to follow the knowledge management components to
assure that the KMCS is implemented. FAO will provide overall quality assurance through a
dedicated member on the internal Project Task Force (PTF) who will be task with the knowledge
management, stakeholder engagement and system-wide capacity development components.

GEF Approach on Knowledge Management
9. Monitoring and Evaluation

Describe the budgeted M and E plan


402. The project?s monitoring and evaluation will be undertaken throughout project implementation
through different measures that include oversight, reporting and close monitoring, which will be
carried out by different actors involved in the project development. Moreover, the project will
ensure transparency in the preparation, conduct, reporting and evaluation of its activities. This
will include full disclosure of all non-confidential information, and consultation with major groups
and representatives of local communities. The disclosure of information shall be ensured through
posting on websites and dissemination of findings through knowledge products and events. Project
reports will be broadly and freely shared, and findings and lessons learned made available.

403. Project oversight will be carried out by the Project Steering Committee (PSC), the FAO GEF
Coordination Unit and relevant Technical Units in HQ. They will overview GEF-financed
activities, outputs, and outcomes largely through the annual Project Implementation Reports
(PIRs), periodic backstopping and supervision missions. Oversight will ensure that: (i) project
outputs are produced in accordance with the project results framework and lead to the
achievement of project outcomes; (ii) project outcomes lead to the achievement of the project
objective; (iii) risks are regularlyidentified and monitored and mitigation strategies are
appliedas appropriate; and (iv) agreed project global environmental benefits/adaptation benefits
are being delivered.

404. Project monitoring will be carried out by the Project ManagementUnit (PMU) and the FAO
budget holder. Project performance will be monitored using the project results matrix, including
indicators (baseline and targets) and annual work plans and budgets. At inception the results
matrix will be reviewed to finalize identification of: i) outputs ii) indicators; and iii) missing
baseline information and targets. A detailed M&E plan, which builds on the results matrix and
defines specific requirements for each indicator (data collection methods, frequency,
responsibilities for data collection and analysis, etc.) will also be developed during project
inception by the M&E specialist.

405. The project reports developed during its implementation will include:

? Project Inception Report.It is recommended that the PMU prepare a draft project inception
report in consultation with the LTO, BH and other project partners. Elements of this report should be
discussed during the Project Inception Workshop and the report subsequently finalized. The report will
include a narrative on the institutional roles, responsibilities and coordinating action of project
partners, progress to date on project establishment and start-up activities and an update of any changed
external conditions that may affect project implementation. It will also include a detailed first year
AWP/B and detailed project monitoring plan. The draft inception report will be circulated to the PSC
for review and comments before its finalization, no later than one month after project start-up. The
report should be cleared by the FAO BH, LTO and the FAO GEF Coordination Unit and uploaded in
FPMIS by the BH.
? Results-based Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP/B).The draft of the first AWP/B will be
prepared by the PMU in consultation with the FAO Project Task Force and reviewed at the project
Inception Workshop. The Inception Workshop (IW) inputs will be incorporated and the PMU will
submit a final draft AWP/B within two weeks of the IW to the BH. For subsequent AWP/B, the PMU
will organize a project progress review and planning meeting for its review. Once comments have been
incorporated, the BH will circulate the AWP/B to the LTO and the FAO GEF Coordination Unit for
comments/clearance prior to uploading in FPMIS by the BH. The AWP/B must be linked to the
project?s Results Framework indicators so that the project?s work contributes to achieving the
indicator targets. The AWP/B should include detailed activities to be implemented to achieve the
project outputs and output targets and divided into monthly timeframes and targets and milestone dates
for output indicators to be achieved during the year. A detailed project budget for activities to be
implemented during the year should also be included together with all monitoring and supervision
activities required during the year. The AWP/B should be approved by the Project Steering Committee
and uploaded on the FPMIS by the BH.
? Project Progress Reports (PPR).PPRs will be prepared by the PMU based on the systematic
monitoring of output and outcome indicators identified in the project?s Results Framework (Appendix
I). The purpose of the PPR is to identify constraints, problems or bottlenecks that impede timely
implementation and to take appropriate remedial action in a timely manner. They will also report on
project risks and implementation of the risk mitigation plan. The Budget Holder has the responsibility
to coordinate the preparation and finalization of the PPR, in consultation with the PMU, LTO and the
FLO. After LTO, BH and FLO clearance, the FLO will ensure that project progress reports are
uploaded in FPMIS in a timely manner.
? Annual Project Implementation Review (PIR).The BH (in collaboration with the PMU and the
LTO) will prepare an annual PIR covering the period July (the previous year) through June (current
year) to be submitted to the FAO GEF Coordination Unit Funding Liaison Officer (FLO) for review
and approval no later than (check each year with GEF Unit but roughly end June/early July each year).
The FAO GEF Coordination Unit will submit the PIR to the GEF Secretariat and GEF Evaluation
Office as part of the Annual Monitoring Review report of the FAO-GEF portfolio. PIRs will be
uploaded on the FPMIS by the FAO GEF Coordination Unit.
? Technical Reports:Technical reports will be prepared by national, international consultants
(partner organizations under LOAs) as part of project outputs and to document and share project
outcomes and lessons learned. The drafts of any technical reports must be submitted by the PMU to the
BH who will share it with the LTO. The LTO will be responsible for ensuring appropriate technical
review and clearance of said report. The BH will upload the final cleared reports onto the FPMIS.
Copies of the technical reports will be distributed to project partners and the Project Steering
Committee as appropriate.
? Co-financing Reports:The BH, with support from the PMU, will be responsible for collecting
the required information and reporting on co-financing as indicated in the Project Document/CEO
Request. The PMU will compile the information received from the executing partners and transmit it in
a timely manner to the LTO and BH. The report, which covers the period 1 July through 30 June, is to
be submitted on or before 31 July and will be incorporated into the annual PIR. The format and tables
to report on co-financing can be found in the PIR.
? GEF Tracking Tools:Following the GEF policies and procedures, the relevant tracking tools
will be completed/updated and submitted on three occasions: (i) with the project document at CEO
endorsement; (ii) prior to the mid-term review; and (iii) with the project?s terminal evaluation or final
completion report. The TT will be uploaded in FPMIS by the FAO GEF Coordination Unit. The TT at
the baseline were developed by the Project Design Specialist, in close collaboration with the FAO
Project Task Force. They are filled in by the PMU and made available for the final evaluation.
? Terminal Report:Within two months before the end date of the project, and one month before
the Final Evaluation, the PMU will submit to the BH and LTO a draft Terminal Report. The main
purpose of the Terminal Report is to give guidance at ministerial or senior government level on the
policy decisions required for the follow-up of the project, and to provide the donor with information on
how the funds were utilized. The Terminal Report is accordingly a concise account of the main
products, results, conclusions, and recommendations of the project, without unnecessary background,
narrative or technical details. The target readership consists of persons who are not necessarily
technical specialists but who need to understand the policy implications of technical findings and needs
for insuring sustainability of project results. It is also best practice to draft a Project Exit Strategy3-6
months prior to the end of the project to guide closure and ensure post-project continuity of activities,
mechanisms and processes that need to be sustained, institutionalized, replicated and mainstreamed.
This Strategy can accompany the Terminal Report.
406. The table below provides a summary of the main M&E reports, responsible parties, and
timeframe, wth costs estimated for inmclusion in the budget

Table 12. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Activities and Budget

Type of M&E Activity Responsible Parties Time-frame Estimate of costs

Inception, mid-term PMU in consultation Within one month after USD 25,950
and final workshop with the LTO, BH, start-up, mid-term and Project staff time
PSC 2 months prior to
project termination
Results-based Annual PMU in consultation 3 weeks after Start-up Project staff time
Work Plan and Budget with the FAO Project and annually with the
Task Force reporting period July to
Project Inception PMU in consultation One month after start- Project staff time
Report with the LTO, BH. up
Report cleared by the
FAO BH, LTO and the
Coordination Unit and
uploaded in FPMIS by
the BH.
Execution Capacity Cost shared between Annually USD 45,000
development Support Component 3, M&E
and ESS monitoring and PMU
M&E Expert Full-time expert as part Annually USD 78,750
of the PMU
Supervision visits FAO Annually Project staff time

Project Progress PMU based on the No later than one Project staff time
Reports (PPR) systematic monitoring month after the end of
of output and outcome each six-monthly
indicators identified in reporting period (30
the project?s Results June and 31 December)
The PPR will be
submitted to the BH
and LTO for comments
and clearance. BH to
upload the PPR on the
Project LTO (in collaboration August 1, of each Project staff time
Implementation with the PMU) will reporting year
Review report (PIR) prepare an annual PIR
covering the period
July (the previous year)
through June (current
year) to be submitted
to the BH and the TCI
GEF Funding Liaison
Co-financing Reports PMU On a semi-annual basis, Project staff time
and will be considered
as part of the semi-
annual PPRs
Technical reports Project staff and As appropriate Project staff time +
consultants, with peer consultant costs
review as appropriate.
Mid-term Review MTR: FAO Angola, At mid-point of project USD 40,000
(MTR) External consultant, in implementation
consultation with
project team, including
Coordination Unit and
Final evaluation Responsibility of FAO At the end of project USD 40,000
(including accessible Office of Evaluation in implementation
report on ?best- consultation with
practices? and ?lessons- project team including
learned?) GCU and other
Terminal Report PMU with assistance 2 months before project USD 6,550
of other project staff end
and the FAO LTO
M&E meetings (x6) PMU, LTO, TCSR Annual or as required USD 15,000
Report Unit
Total Budget 251,250

10. Benefits

Describe the socioeconomic benefits to be delivered by the project at the national and local levels,
as appropriate. How do these benefits translate in supporting the achievement of global
environment benefits (GEF Trust Fund) or adaptation benefits (LDCF/SCCF)?

407. The project will work towards the implementation and mainstreaming of sustainable and
integrated approaches to the management of dryland landscapes and decision-making regarding
land-use in selected landscapes in Angola. By scaling-up SLM and SFM best practices in priority
landscapes in the south of the country, the project will have a transboundary focus and impact
(Cunene basin) complementing existing interventions, which will in turn contribute to the
achievement of both the project and the Impact Program main objectives. The strengthened
national policy and capacity on LDN and the empowerment of stakeholders on
SLM/SFM/LR/IWRM planning and implementation in combination with the
establishment/strengthening of inclusive dryland commodity value chains will have a positive
impact beyond the target landscapes.

408. Global benefits from the project?s successful implementation will include:
? The project will apply the LDN response hierarchy to 633,278 hectares of production systems
located within the two target landscapes that cover 1.3 million hectares of Miombo-Mopane
? Carbon benefits: Through the land management strategy mentioned above, the project will both
sequester carbon and avoid emissions in the AFOLU sector, totaling 1,047,911 tCO2-eq.
? Co-benefit of GEF investment: At least 2,000 households, comprising approximately 10,000
individuals, will benefit directly from the GEF investment within the two project landscapes.
409. Project activities will focus on enhancing key stakeholders? capacity for handling spatial data,
develop strategic partnerships, mobilizing finance, and conceiving projects, all related to
SFM/SLM practices, creating conditions for collaborative landscape management. The project
expects to train approximately 2000 land users in multiple locations across the landscapes of
southern Angola (targeting at least 35% are women) with focus on skills development for
SLM/SFM practices through the Farmer Field Schools and Forest Farm Facility approaches as
applicable. Within the landscapes, the project expects to engage with 10,000 local stakeholders at
the level of households. Efforts will be made to enlist the participation of female-headed and dual-
headed households at higher rate than male-headed households (target 65% for female plus dual)

410. SFM/SLM practices mainstreamed in the country: Principles and evidence-based best practices
of SFM/SLM will be disseminated among project beneficiaries, including local communities and
national institutions. By implementing activities related to it, the project will be able to reduce key
policy barriers currently challenging the country?s enforcement to prevent causes of land
degradation and will bring a positive long-term impact on a part of Angola where LD is the most
critical issue.

411. GreenValue chain development:The project foresees the strengthening of viable and sustainable
promising value chains identified during the PPG process. Producer organizations will be able to
participate in capacity building activities, as well as have access to finance and market
mechanisms which will allow their business to develop. Therefore, it is also foreseen that the
project, by contributing to the productivity and sustainability of agricultural practices and green
value chain development, has the potential for indirectlycontributing to long-lasting improvement
of livelihoods and food security, particularly in direct beneficiary communities of the
demonstration landscapes.

11. Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) Risks

Provide information on the identified environmental and social risks and potential
impacts associated with the project/program based on your organization's ESS
systems and procedures

Overall Project/Program Risk Classification*


Measures to address identified risks and impacts
Elaborate on the types and risk classifications/ratings of any identified
environmental and social risks and impacts (considering the GEF ESS Minimum
Standards) and any measures undertaken as well as planned management measures
to address these risks during implementation.
Section B: Environmental and Social risks from the project ? ESM Plan

The project is reclassified from low to moderate risk mostly due to the fact that although the
foreseen environmental and social impacts of project are likely to be positive considering the
nature of the interventions, the project includes the following risks factors under the Environmental
and Social Risk Identification Screening Checklist:
(i) ESS 1 - Natural resources management: The project will work to improve land tenure
security and access rights through policy dialogue and multi-stakeholder policy and
support implementation of participatory land use planning. This may result in changes to
existing tenure rights (formal and informal) of individuals, communities or others to land,
fishery and forest resources which triggers ESS 1.
(ii) ESS 3 - Plant and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: The project
interventions on crop diversification and community seed banks will involve the provision
and transfer of seeds and planting material for cultivation which triggers ESS 3.

The identified risks are mostly temporal, localized and reversible. Considering the impact,
appropriate mitigation measures have been developed to address and mitigate the identified risks
above. The developed risk management plan in the table below will allow managing risks by
monitoring mitigation actions throughout implementation.

The risks to the project have been identified and analysed during the project preparation phase and
mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project design (see Table below). With the
support and oversight of FAO, the Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be responsible for
managing these risks as well as the effective implementation of mitigation measures. The
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system will serve to monitor outcome and output indicators,
risks to the project and mitigation measures. The PSC will also be responsible for monitoring the
effectiveness of mitigation measures and adjusting mitigation strategies accordingly, as well as
identifying and managing any new risks that have not been identified during Project preparation, in
collaboration with Project partners.

The six-monthly Project Progress Reports (PPR) are the main tool for risk monitoring and
management. The PPRs include a section covering the systematic monitoring of risks and
mitigation actions that were identified in the previous PPRs. The PPRs also include a section for
the identification of possible new risks or risks that still need to be addressed, risk rating and
mitigation actions, as well as those responsible for monitoring such actions and estimated
timeframes. FAO will closely monitor project risk management and will support the adjustment
and implementation of mitigation strategies. The preparation of risk monitoring reports and their
rating will also be part of the Annual Project Implementation Review Report (PIR) prepared by
FAO and submitted to the GEF Secretariat.

Table 10 - Environmental and Social risks

Risk Progress
Classification on
Risk identified Mitigation Action (s) Indicators
Moderate During implementation, # of beneficiaries N/A
ESS 1 the project activities will trained on the
NATURAL address tenure rights by implementation
RESOURCES applying an integrated of the VGGT
MANAGEMENT landscape/territorial
approach resolving Level of
Tenure insecure or inequitable influence and
tenure (right to use and engagement with
benefits of ecosystem government
services), weak common around the
property regimes, and principles
natural resources enshrined in the
management institutions. VGGT
Conflict resolution
measures to address land # of land use
conflicts and boundary plans in place and
disputes will be applied as regulations
part of an inclusive effectively
engagement of all relevant implemented
stakeholders in this
process. For this purpose, # of communities
the project will follow the with secure
stakeholder engagement tenure
plan (Annex I2) as well as rights to land,
core elements of the with legally
Integrated Landscape recognized
Assessment and documentation
Management Methodology (CCROs) and
(ILAM), in particular the who perceive
multi-stakeholder their rights to
workshop approach which land
was successfully applied as secure, by sex
during the project?s and by type of
preparation. tenure
The project will apply and
adhere to the # of land based
principles/framework of conflicts resolved
the Voluntary Guidelines and # of people
on the Responsible that have actively
Governance of Tenure of participated in
Land, Fisheries and Forests the conflict
in the Context of National resolution
Food Security (VGGT) and activities
stakeholders will be trained (disaggregated by
in its use. gender)
ESS 3 Moderate # of smallholder N/A
As part of the integrated
Plant and Genetic farming
landscape management
Resources for households who
approach the project will
Food and are applying
promote sustainable
Agriculture sustainable
agricultural intensification
through the diversification
of the agricultural
and diversifying
production. The focus will
their production.
be on drought tolerant,
nitrogen fixing and soil
# of farmers
stabilizing pulses (and
involved in CSB
other neglected and
activities and
underutilized species/NUS)
benefiting in
to increase resilience and
productivity, strengthening
sustainable local food
# of crops and
systems and mitigating the
varieties per
negative effects of land
crops conserved
degradation and climate
and exchanged
change. `
through the CSB.
Community Seed Banks
(CSB) will serve as hubs # of training
where local communities beneficiaries
can conserve and exchange (management of
seeds that can be used for CSB and seed
diversifying the conservation,
agricultural systems Participatory
locally. The selected seeds Plant Breeding
and planting material will (PPB), small-
be largely derived from scale seed
locally adapted crops and production and
varieties and will be climate change
suitable to local conditions adaptation
and preferences of farmers strategies)
and consumers.
National level
The CSB and associated analysis and
trainings will enable the recommendations
targeted farmers and their produced on
families to conserve local policy and legal
varieties of their environment in
preference, multiply seeds, relation to access
and distribute them within and benefit-
across farming sharing,
communities. The CSB conservation, use
management will ensure and exchange of
that the seeds and planting germplasm.
materials are free from
pests and diseases # of training
according to agreed norms, beneficiaries on
especially the IPPC. The the mutual
transfer of seeds across implementation
borders will take place, if of ITPGRFA and
needed, following Nagoya Protocol
international regulations on and national
plant health (IPPC) and implementation
access and benefit-sharing, of Farmers?
for example through a Rights)
Standard Material Transfer
Agreement (SMTA).
The project (with support
of the Regional Exchange
Mechanism) will further
support communities?
increased access to genetic
diversity and greater
Supporting Documents
Upload available ESS supporting documents.

Title Module Submitted

Climate Risk Screening CEO Endorsement


FAO ES Screening Checklist CEO Endorsement


Angola Risk Certification CEO Endorsement

Updated Nov2020 ESS
here the framework from the Agency document, or provide reference
to the page in the project document where the framework could be

Results Indicator Baseli Mid- End of Means Assum

Chain s ne Term project (EoP) of Ver ptions
Mileston Targets ificati
e on
Objectiv 1. Area - Not
e: of ILAM/I applic
To managed Indicative Indicative LUP able10
initiate productio Indicat (ha): (ha): reports 8.
a n system ive - Project
transfo landscape (ha): progress
rmatio s under 100,110 333,700 reports
nal ILUPs an 0 (PIR,
shift d applied 89,839 299,464 FAO
toward ?LDN 0 PPR)
sa response 34 114 -Web-
sustain hierarchy 0 based G
able ? 189,983 633,278 IS datab
and 0 ase inclu
integra ding IL
ted UPs and
manag Area LDN
ement under Indicato
of practices rs
multi- 107 to - MTR
use and TE
drylan reports
d -
landsca UNCCD
pes of and
Miomb C
o and conventi
Mopan on
to (1b)
e reportin
ecoregi g by
ons of Angola
Angola -
(Okava ProDoc
ngo Annex
and F: GEF
Cunen TF /
to (1c)
e river LDCF/
basins) SCCF
E Land
followi Core
ng Indicato
Land r
Degrad Worksh
ation eet?
2. 206,096 - - -
Greenhous tCO2- 314,373 t 1,047,911 tCO Applicat
e Gas eq CO2- 2-eq ion of
Emissions emissio eq seques sequestered as the ExA
Mitigated ns tered a result CT Tool
(metric generat of the project
tons of ed -
CO2e)109 ( without ILAM/I
the LUP
project, reports
ing to GEF
indexed - Project
at progress
100% reports
at (PIR,
the base FAO
line PPR)
and TE
3a. (a) 0 (a) 1,750 (a) 5,000 Work
Number of individual individuals shop
direct s and
beneficiari (b) 0 capaci
es110 as (b) At least ty
(b) At 45% of total buildi
least number of ng
of the
45% of individuals activit
total y
number report
of s
individu -
to GEF
als Interv
of women


Component 1. Enabling frameworks for LDN at national and landscape levels

Outco 1. The Scoping Review and - Copies Nationa
me 1.1 Number review studies revision of l and
Strengt of of complete process policy, sub-
hened revised p policy, d for all completed for regulato nationa
policy- olicy, regula relevant at least 6 ry and l
regulat regulator tory framewo frameworks. plannin govern
ory y and and rks. g ment
and planning planni docume agencie
decisio framewor ng nts s,
n- ks into frame - Project commu
making which works, progress nity
frame LDN in 2 At least 6 reports groups,
works principles view framewo frameworks (PIR, civil
for are of rks with with LDN FAO society
LDN at mainstrea mainst LDN principles mai PPR) and the
nationa med.111 reami principle nstreamed - MTR private
l and ng s mainstr and TE sector
sub- LDN eamed reports? are
nationa princi willing
l levels ples - (see the
has UNCCD value)
not yet and to
ks have
starte UNFCC particip
d. C ate in
conventi cross-
0 on sectoral
target reportin governa
targets for
frame g by nce
works Angola for LD
and LDN
with N?
princi There
ples m is
ainstre politic
amed al will
ent of
basins as
special ar
(in line
n of
n and
n of
2. LDN 0 At least All four - Copies landsc
working one municipalities of LDN apes)
groups/L municipa across both working
DN focal lity in target group/fo
points one landscapes cal point
included target with LDN reports
within landscap working and
institutio e with group or LDN minutes
nal LDN Focal point of
framewor working integrated meeting
ks at group or into s
municipal LDN institutional st -Annual
level in Focal ructure reports
project?s point of key
target integrate instituti
landscape d into ons
s institutio hosting
nal struc LDN
ture working
- Project
and TE

g by

Output 1.1.1) LDN stakeholder participatory and decision-making structures at national level
strengthened/established, with vertical integration to landscape level multi-sectoral working groups?
Output 1.1.2) Policy and regulatory frameworks relevant for land-use planning and management
reviewed and revised to incorporate and promote LDN principles and SLM/SFM interventions

Component 2. Strengthening implementation and replicating SLM and SFM practices

Outco 1.Number Plans At At - Copies ?Nationa
me 2.1) of not least 1 IL least 2 ILUPs ILUPs l and
Landsc integrated develo UPdevel for targeted -Annual sub-
apes in land-use ped. oped, sub- reports national
Southe plans Only a endorsed basins develo of governm
rn (ILUPs) fo Protot by ped and target la ent
Angola r targeted ype relevant endorsed by ndscape/ agencies,
under sub- Datab authoriti relevant municip commun
Integra with corres ase for es authorities al ity
ted ponding Land and com and authorit groups,
Land- action plan Mana munities communities ies civil
Use and aligne gemen with - society
Planni d t Units respective Projec and the
ng with gover (LMU action and go t private
(ILUP) nment inve s) vernment inve progr sector
for stments target stment ess are
LDN (PND) ed by plans in place report willing
the s to
Projec (PIR, participa
t is in FAO te in
place PPR) cross-
for - MTR sectoral
indicat and TE governa
ive reports? nce
develo for LDN
pment ?
of There is
ILUPs sufficien
and t,
derive continui
d local ng
area p political
lans support
s from
and local
ent to
gaps in
d land-
and man
Output 2.1.1) Land Management Units and respective interventions selected, landscape level
assessments expanded and deepened
Output 2.1.2) Integrated Land-Use Plans developed for LMUs in target landscapes
Output 2.1.3) Integrated Land-Use Plans under implementation in target landscapes?
Output 2.1.4) Capacity Development Program on integrated land-use planning, management and
investment designed and delivered?

Outco 1a. (a) 0 At least At least 3850 - Smallhol

me 2.2. Number of individu 1925 individuals Stakehol der
Capaci individuals als individual der farmers
ty and members s (b) At least surveys and
resilien benefiting 1925 women and forest
ce of from (b) 0 (b) At feedbac resource
land involvemen least 960 k users,
users t women question individu
to with projec naires ally and
apply t- on collectiv
SLM/S supported capacity ely, can
FM FFS building be
practic and FFFs events motivate
es to - d and
produc 1b. Of SHARP capacitat
tion which Assessm ed to
system percentage ent develop
s stren of women (reappli their
gthene cation skills
d during and
impleme adopt
ntation) SLM/SF
? M
- practices
Projec that
t generate
progr tangible
ess benefits,
report while
s acceptin
(PIR, g
FAO potential
PPR) risks
- MTR from
and TE adopting
reports? new
2. Demonst Limite Expanded Practices apply - Field and
ration esta d scope scope of to at least: survey products
blished of SLM/SFM report (e.g. seed
(SLM/SFM existin practices s s/cultiva
) to inform g - rs)
governmen SLM/S Approx. area Analy
t FM Approx. in hectares sis There
investment practic area in 16,825 of pub is
s (under es hectares 4,929 lically sufficie
Outcome 5,047 13,988 availa nt,
2.1) Approx. 1,479 35,742 ble continu
area in 4,196 satellit ing
hectares 10,722 e political
image support
(2a) Forest 0 ry and
(productio 0 - resourc
n and 0 Projec es from
under 0 t nationa
CBFM) progr l and
(2b) ess local
Cropland report govern
under s ment to
SLM (PIR, address
(2c) FAO gaps in
Grassland PPR) capacit
under - y for
SLM MTR integrat
Total and ed
TE land-
report use
s? plannin
and ma

Output 2.2.1) Gender-sensitive SLM/SFM practices identified/developed and promoted in target

landscapes through the Farmer/Agro-Pastoral Field Schools network (FFS)
Output 2.2.2) Forest-Farm Facilities established and investments in communal assets identified
and delivered?
Outco 1. To be 15% 30% increase - The
me 2.3 Increased deter increase in farmers Surve privat
Green percentage mined over involvement in y e
value of farmers during baseline in sustainable report sector
chains (of which projec farmers value chains s of is
to at least t involveme (incl. at least FFS willing
suppor 40% incepti nt in 15% women) and to
t women) on. sustainabl FFF invest
sustain engaged in e value memb in
able sustainable chains ers SLM/S
drylan value - FM/L
ds chains Projec DN
produc t activiti
ts progr es,
develo ess encour
ped report aged
or stre s by a
ngthen (PIR, suppor
ed FAO tive
PPR) regula
- tory
MTR and
and financi
TE al envi
report ronme
s? nt
2. 0 At least 3 At least 5 new - Marke
Number new partnership/p Copie t
of partners roject/busines s of deman
partnersh hip/proje s plans busine d for
ips/ ct/ developed as ss drylan
projects/ business a result plans, d
business plans of capacity partne produ
plans to under building rship cts
support develop provided agree from
GVCs ment through ments, southe
developed the project projec rn
through t Angol
the proje propo a,
ct sals, couple
financ d with
ial viable
suppo ways
rt for
docu local
menta produ
tion cers to
-- comm
Projec erciali
t ze
progr their
ess surplu
report s
s produ
(PIR, ction,
FAO provid
PPR) e the
- MTR basis
and TE for
reports? develo
t to
al sup
Output 2.3.1) Drylands Green Value Chain Strategic Study developed for southern Angola?and strategy
for women and youth led rural agri-entrepreneurship developed
Output 2.3.2) The Green Value Chain strategy implemented for selected Value chains
Output 2.3.3) FBS developed within FFS and FFF to support new value chain enterprises

Component 3: Strengthening knowledge, learning and collaboration to support progress towards

achieving national LDN targets
Outco 1. Publica Nation Each National LDN - Contin
me 3.1: lly accessi al child platform Usage ued
Nation ble web- LDN project reporting on tracki politic
al land based nat platfor design LDN targets ng al
inform ional m not team to and feeding data stabilit
ation LDN establi complete information from y in
frame platform shed/f expected into national platfo (count
work hosting ully fu progress LDN reportin rm ry) to
strengt informati nction by mid- g - ensure
hened on on al term Interv institu
to SLM/SF iews tional
inform M/LDN with frame
LDN- operation target work
related al and stakeh and
policy, reporting olders capaci
planni on on use ty able
ng, and progress of to
manag towards platfo carry
ement LDN rm out
at targets infor LDN
landsca matio assess
pe, n ment,
nationa - monito
l and Policy, ring
global l planni and re
evels ng portin
and g
gemen LDN
t inform
docu ation
ments frame
referri work
ng to contin
LDN ues to
platfo be
rm used
- and
Natio suppor
nal ted
UNC across
CED sectors
2. % Each Set of At least 80% -
LDN child LDN of agreed Revise
indicators projec indicator LDN d
(defined t s defined indicators nation
under the design and incorporated al
national team validated into respectiv strate
LDN fra to com , and e agriculture gies,
mework) plete process and forestry plans
incorpora started sector and pr
ted for their development ogram
into agric incorpor plans (or mes a
ulture ation equivalent nd
and into strategy/prog plans
forestry targeted ramme) with
sector agricultu LDN
developm re and indica
ent plans forestry tors
(or sector -
equivalen develop Repor
t ment ts,
strategy/p strategie public
rogramm s, plans ations,
e) and prog on-
rammes line
n of
and pr
3. Numbe No Participa 4 participator -
r of monito tory y landscape Partic
participat ring landscap monitoring ipator
ory lands plans e e plans (LDN- y
cape-level xist monitori LMAPs) landsc
LDN ng plans approved and ape
monitorin (LDN- under monit
g action LMAPs) implementati oring
plans under on (within the plans
(LDN- develop framework -
LMAPs) ment for of their ILUP Projec
with LDN project implementati t
indicators target on) progr
(defined areas ess
under the (within report
national the s
LDN fra framewo (PIR,
mework) rk of FAO
for target their IL PPR)
landscape UP imple -
s mentatio Distri
operation n) ct
al autho

Output 3.1.1: National and sub-national LDN assessment, monitoring and reporting systems and tools,
including LDN knowledge platform, developed and operational, with relevant reporting to global level
Output 3.1.2: Capacity development program for improving LDN assessment, monitoring and analysis
among key stakeholders at national and sub-national levels to support national LDN reporting
designed and delivered
Outco 4. None 3 10 - Decisi
me 3.2: Number as Annu on-
Knowl of project projec al makin
edge knowledg t yet to report g
and e begin. of contin
awaren products nation ues to
ess (lessons Infor al be
enhanc learned/b mation LDN inform
ed to est sharin platfo ed
suppor practices, g is rm on evi
t policy mainly with dence
progre briefs, happe statisti
ss guidelines ning cs on Willin
toward , etc) acce face- downl gness
s ssible to-face oads of
achieve through: betwee of projec
ment (a) n projec t
of National sectors t stakeh
nationa (LDN) at the knowl olders
l platform nation edge (partic
LDN ta (b) al docu ularly
rgets Regional level, ments govern
and and - ment
global the Projec author
platforms data t ities)
availa progr to
ble on ess engage
region report with
al and s adapti
global (PIR, ve
platfor FAO manag
m only PPR) ement
covers proces
part of ses
the and
experi make
ence change
held in s
the based
targete on
d lesson
countr learne
ies, d and
and best
this practic
inform es for
ation LDN
is not identif
visible ied by
and projec
accessi t and
ble DSL-
enoug IP
h to
ment s
5. Child Each 10 25 -
project child Policy
knowledg projec and
e t planni
products design ng
(policy team docu
briefs, to com ments
guidelines plete -
, best Minut
practice es of
recomme meeti
ndations, ngs of
etc) releva
reference nt
d/cited in decisi
national on-
LDN- makin
related g
policy forum
and s
planning -
forums Institu
and tional
decision (publi
document c and
s and by privat
stakehold e)
er press
publicatio releas
ns es,
(includin report
g s, etc.
governme -
nt and Repor
private ts on
sector, events
CSO/NG e.g. c
O ommo
communi dity
ty) value
6. Project No M&E Project M&E -
M&E M&E system and reporting MTR
system system operatio on project and
establishe establi nal and contribution TE
d and shed reportin to GEF-7, report
reporting as g on LDN and s
project projec results SDG -
contributi t not framewo indicator Annu
ons to yet op rk targets al PIR
GEF-7, eratio targets and 6-
LDN and nal and Mid- month
SDG term ly
targets Review FAO
underwa PPR
y -

Output 3.2.1: Project knowledge management, communication and dissemination framework and
strategy developed and implemented
Output 3.2.2: Project M&E framework, supporting lesson learning and guiding adaptive management,
developed and operational from national through to community levels

Outco 7. 0 Discussio At least - Count

me 3.3: Number ns held 1 internationa Letter ries
Collab of on poten l agreement s of contin
oration governme tial inter designed to Agree ue to
and nt-level national facilitate joint ment commi
exchan policy agreeme action on betwe t to
ge at related nt SLM/SFM en region
regiona agreemen designed and LDN countr al
l and ts to across the ies collab
global (e.g. joint facilitate Miombo- - Joint oratio
levels declaratio joint Mopane projec n,
enhanc ns) design action on ecoregion t benefit
ed to ed to SLM/SF propo ting
suppor facilitate M and sals from
t common LDN - both
nationa action on across Docu the
l/sub- SLM/SF the ments enhan
nationa M and Miombo- detaili ced
l LDN Mopane ng LDN
efforts across the ecoregio joint agend
to Miombo- n mana a
deliver Mopane gemen across
LDN ecoregion t the
activit Miom
ies bo-
8. No REM At least one - Mopa
Number actions assessme transboundar Mark ne
of new organi nt of y/ regional et ecoreg
transbou zed by market business assess ion
ndary/ REM analysis initiative from ments and
regional so far and (country) - strengt
or global business Strate hened
business opportu gic nation
initiatives nities for docu al cap
(e.g. publi SLM/SF ments acity
c-private M -
partnersh products Minut The
ips, es of privat
agreemen meeti e
ts, ngs sector
contracts) and across
, focusing works region
on hops is
SLM/SF - interes
M value Busin ted in
chains ess collab
developed propo oratin
sals g and
- investi
Priva ng in
te SLM/S
sector FM/L
compa DN
ny produ
report cts
9. N/A 2 6 -
Number Minut
of es of
regional global
and meeti
global ngs
policy Projec
dialogue t
platforms imple
(SADC, menta
GGWI- tion
S, AFR10 report
0 other s/back
multi- to
stakehold office
er report
dialogues s
) to which -
the Refere
Angola nces
project to
contribut projec
es project t
results results
and (lesso
recomme ns
ndations learne
(lessons d,
learned, model
best s, best
practice practi
etc) ce,
etc) in

Output 3.3.1: Actions and investments identified to address transboundary land and environmental
degradation priorities in Miombo-Mopane ecoregion and bi-/multi-lateral initiatives
strengthened/established to progress towards LDN
Output 3.3.2: Collaborative actions to support business and market development for SLM/SFM
products across the Miombo-Mopane region undertaken
Output 3.3.3: Opportunities for national and landscape-level stakeholders to exchange knowledge,
experiences, best practices and lessons learnt at regional and global levels identified, developed
and supported


Secretariat and GEF Agencies, and Responses to Comments from
Council at work program inclusion and the Convention Secretariat
and STAP at PIF).
ANNEX C: Status of Utilization of Project Preparation Grant (PPG).
(Provide detailed funding amount of the PPG activities financing
status in the table below:


Project Preparation Activities

Implemented Budgeted Amount Amount
Amount Spent Committed
To date

5011 Salaries Professional 8,491 - 8,491

5013 Consultants 118,555

90,450 (28,105)

5014 Contracts 5,250 - 5,250

5020 Locally Contracted Labour 12,600 - 12,600

5021 Travel 44,510 36,911 7,599

5023 Training 27,000 16,579 10,421

5024 Expendable Procurement 7,500 2,305 5,195

5028 General Operating Expenses 4,199 1,283 2,916

Total 200,000 175,633 24,367

ANNEX D: Project Map(s) and Coordinates

Please attach the geographical location of the project area, if


Project Map(s) and Coordinates

Project location

Sub-basin 1 ? Cuchi-Okavango Sub-basin 2 ? Cahama-Cunene

Coordinates: -14.72064, 16.88853 Coordinates: -16.31316, 14.31777

For additional information and a detailed description of the of the sites, please refer to Annex X-
2.1: Results from the Remote Sensing (RS) Assessment.
ANNEX E: Project Budget Table

Please attach a project budget table.

Justification for cars

The Number of cars has been reduced from 3 to 2 after receiving GEFSec first round of comments.
The vehicle foreseen in support of the PMU in Luanda was removed and will be covered by co-
financing contributions (see itemized co-financing/PMC, Table 1). The two vehicles covered by the
project (components) are required to ensure that field interventions can be carried out in efficient
and timely manner as logistical support that can be provided by project partners is very limited in
the targeted intervention areas. The existing cars of local institutions will support the project as
much as possible. However, these vehicles are already assigned to other projects and programmes
and are therefore not always available causing possible delays in the project?s field activities. In
addition, the geographical focus of the project is very large with difficult terrain, therefore
sufficient mobility is needed in each province.

ANNEX F: (For NGI only) Termsheet
Instructions. Please submit an finalized termsheet in this section. The NGI
Program Call for Proposals provided a template in Annex A of the Call for
Proposals that can be used by the Agency. Agencies can use their own termsheets
but must add sections on Currency Risk, Co-financing Ratio and Financial
Additionality as defined in the template provided in Annex A of the Call for
proposals. Termsheets submitted at CEO endorsement stage should include final
terms and conditions of the financing.
ANNEX G: (For NGI only) Reflows
Instructions. Please submit a reflows table as provided in Annex B of the NGI
Program Call for Proposals and the Trustee excel sheet for reflows (as provided by
the Secretariat or the Trustee) in the Document Section of the CEO endorsement.
The Agencys is required to quantify any expected financial return/gains/interests
earned on non-grant instruments that will be transferred to the GEF Trust Fund as
noted in the Guidelines on the Project and Program Cycle Policy. Partner
Agencies will be required to comply with the reflows procedures established in
their respective Financial Procedures Agreement with the GEF Trustee. Agencies
are welcomed to provide assumptions that explain expected financial reflow
ANNEX H: (For NGI only) Agency Capacity to generate reflows
Instructions. The GEF Agency submitting the CEO endorsement request is
required to respond to any questions raised as part of the PIF review process that
required clarifications on the Agency Capacity to manage reflows. This Annex
seeks to demonstrate Agencies? capacity and eligibility to administer NGI
resources as established in the Guidelines on the Project and Program Cycle
Policy, GEF/C.52/Inf.06/Rev.01, June 9, 2017 (Annex 5).

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