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Q /

Case No.________________



r 032018

"On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the

United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth

Yusufu Danmola
B.O.P. Beaumont FCI- Medium
P.O. BOX 26040
Beaumont, Texas 77720


Is the Court Allowed to Enforce a Law not in Pursuance

with the Constitution?

Are The People Prohibited Liberty Of Usage of the

Uniform Commercial Code in the Criminal Court?
Table of Contents
Questionsfor Review ..................................Intro
Table of contents .....................................I-i,
Table of Authorities .................................. ....1-2-4
Constitutional and Statutory Provisions ...............i-i
Corporate Disclosure Statement ........................i-2
Unpublished Opinion of U.S.D.0 ........................i-3
Unpublished Opinion of 5th Circuit ....................i-3,4
Parties Judgment to be Reviewed .......................1
Statement of Jurisdiction .............................1
Statement of Facts ....................................1

Question1 ............................................ 3

Constitutional Provision Relied Upon ..................3,4


Question 2............................................11
Statutory Provision Relied Upon .......................11

Reason Why Certiorari Should be Granted ...............19

Affidavit .............................................20

AFFIDAVIT OF RESERVATION OF RIGHTS ....................21,22

Publishers Affidavit ..................................23

Affidavit of Prohibition ..............................24

Page I-i
Table of Authorities
Accord Jordan v. Gilligan, 500 F.2d 701 (6th CA,1974) .10
Art. 1 Sec. 10 U.S. Const ....................................17
Art. 3 Sec. 2 U.S. Const ....................................1,12
Art. 4 Sec. 2 U.S. Const ....................................11
Art. 4 Sec. 4 U.S. Const ....................................4

Art. 5 U.S. Const ...........................................6

Art. 6 U.S. Const ...........................................3-4
Boyd v. United, 116 U.S. 616 at 635 (1885) ..................8

Burell v. Henderson, et. al. 434 F.3d 826, 831 (6th CA 2006).10
Caha v. U.S. 152 U.S. 211 (1894) ............................7
Cardozo, J., in Berkey v. Third Avenue R. Co., 244 N.Y. 84
,94 .........................................................12
C.F.R. 27.72.11 .............................................12,15
Court-Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Edition P.318 ...............5
Cruden v. Neale,2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70 .................17
District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) .......................6
Downs v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901) .......................5
Fed. Rules of Crim. Pro. 47(d) ..............................13
HJR-192 (House Joint Resolution 192) ........................16

Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement .......................15-16

In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S. Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219 .....4
In re Marraige of Hampshire, 261 Kan. 854, 862, 939 P.2d
58 (1997) ....................................................10
Judge David L. Bazelon ......................................9
Juristic Person .............................................11
JuristOath .................................................5

Marbury v. Madison 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176 (1803).. .14

Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399, 400 ...................17

Page 1-2
Minor v. Happerstt, 88 U.S. (21 Walt) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627.4
Olmstead v U.S. 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928) ....................17-18
Oath of Office ..............................................5

Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886) ....................7

Rodrigues v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769

F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985) ......................................14
Schware v Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 353 U.S. 232
(1957) ......................................................18
Self v. Rhay, 61 (2d) 261 ...................................14

Sherer v. Cullen, 481 F 946 .................................18

State v. Swiger, 125 Ohio. App. 3d 456, (1995) ..............10

Stromberb v. California, 238 U.S. 359; NAACP v.

Alabama, 375 U.S. 449 .......................................18
Tex. Const. Art. 1 Sec. 23 ..................................6

Tex. Const. Art. 1 Sec. 29 ...................................6

U.C.C. Sec. 1.103 ...........................................11,12

U.C.C. Sec. 1.201 ...........................................12
U.C.C. Sec. 1.202 ...........................................13
U.C.C. Sec. 1.305 ...........................................15
U.C.C. Sec. 1.308 ............................................2,13

U.C.C. Sec. 3.603 ...........................................16

United States v. Cotton, 535 U.S. 625 2 630 (2002) ...........10
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875) .............7

United States v. Spelar, 338 U.S. 217 at 222 (1949) .........7

U.S.C. 18 241 ...............................................14

U.S.C. 18 242 ...............................................14

U.S.C. 18 2071 ..............................................14
U.S.C. 18 2382 ..............................................14

Page 1-3
victim-Blacks Law Dictionary Tenth Edition .................8
William v. Berry,. HOW 945, 940 12 L.Ed. 1170, 1189
(1850) ......................................................10

2nd Amendment U.S. Const ....................................6

4th Amendment U.S. Const ....................................7,17,18
9th Amendment U.S. Const .....................................14

10th Amendment U.S. Const ...................................6

11th Amendment U.S. Const ...................................9
14th Amendment U.S. Const ...................................14

15 United States Statute at large july 27th 1868 ............14

16 Am Jur 2d., Sec 155., Emphasis added .....................8

Page 1-4
Constitutional and Statutory Provisions

1) Art. 6 U.S. Constitution

(2) U.C.C. Sec. 1.103

Corporate Disclosure Statement

The Creditor in this instance is Vusufu Danmola which is

also known in the U.C.C. 1 financing statement as Abdullah

Danmola U.C.C. number 341846739 and Debtor YUSUFU DANMOLA also

known as ABDULLAFI DANNIOLA. Collateral statement holding Hold

Harmless and Indemnity Agreement, Security Agreement, Common

Law Copywright and Limited Power of Attorney. No other party

holds 107 stock or more in the corporate fiction. Yusufu Danmola

also beneficiary of birth certificate attached to social security

number 341-84-6739.

Un published Opinion of
U. S.D.C.
The above-captioned action was initiated on May, 2017,
by the receipt of the clerk of court from plaintiff, Yusuf
," to which
Danmola, of a four-page document titled "Complaint
plaintiff attached two pages that appear to be a continuati
the compl aint.
of the somewhat irrational statements made in
red by
Doc. 1. After having conducted the initial review requi
that plain tiff' s
28 U.S.C. § 1915, the court has concluded by
complaint and whatever relief he purpo rts to seek there
hould be dismissed.
Plaintiff is a prisoner seeking redress from a government
entity , United States of America. consequently, §
1915A is
applicable. It direc ts that the court shall revie w as soon as
in wh-
practible after docketing a complaint in a civil action
ich a prisoner seeks redress from a governmental entity,
if it
that, upon review, the court shall dismiss the complaint
relie f may be
is frivolous or fails to state a claim upon which
it fails to
granted. Plaintiff's complaint is frivolous, and
state a claim upon which relief may be granted. There fore,

The court ORDERS that plaintiff's complaint, and whatever

relief he seeks by such complaint, be, and are hereby,
pursuant to the authority of 28 U.S.C. § 1915A (b).

Unpublished Opinion of 5th

Ciruit Court
Yusufu Danmola federal prisoner # 54779-177, filed civil
rights complaint pursuant to Biveris v Six Unknown Named ict
8 (1971 ). He now appea ls the distr
of FBI, 403 U.S. 388, 390-9
compl aint as frivo lous and for failu re
court's dismissal of his
28 U.S.C. § 1915( b). We revie w
to state a claim, pursuant to
s, 404
the district court's ruling de novo. See Geiger.v. Jower
A compl aint is frivo lous if it
F.3d 371, 373 (5th Cir. 2005).
fact or law." Morri s v. McAll ester ,
has no arguable basis in
(5th Cir. 2012) . In addit ion, "a compl aint
702 F.3d 187, 189
must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true,
f that is plaus ible on its face. " Ashc-
state a claim to relie
roft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678, 129 S. Ct. 1937, 1949 127
(quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 1
S. Ct. 1955, 1974 (200])).

As with the complaint in the district court, the majority

of Danmola's claims on appeal involve assertions that his
a firea rm viola tes
conviction for being a felon in possession of
nal proce eding s were
the second amendment and that his crimi
rife with constitutional violations. However, he may not
tiona l convi ction or impri-
damages for his "allegedly unconstitu
the convi ction or sente nce
sonment" until he has proven "that
expun ged by execu tive order
has been reversed on direct appeal,
autho rized to make such
declared invalid by a state tribunal
ion by a feder al court 's
determination, or called into quest
issuance of a writ of habeas corpus." Heck v. Humphrey, 512
U.S. 477, 486-87, 114 S. Ct. 2364, 2372 (1994) (footnote omitted)
see also Stephenson v. Reno, 28 F.3d 26, 26-27 & n.1 (5th
Cir. 1994) (applying Heck in a Bivens action). Danmola has not
made the requisite showing.

In addition, Danmola asserts that the prison law library

was inadequate because he was unable to obtain copies of the
Texas Constitution and the Uniform Commercial Code to aid him
in filing pro se motions challenging the - criminal proceedings.
Because he and refused the offer of court-appointed representa-
tion, he had no constitutional right of access to a law library
in order to prepare for his pro se defense at trial. See Degrate
v. Godwin, 84 F.3d 768, 769 (5th Cir. 1996). Although Danmola
also complains that prison offials opened his legal mail outside
of his presence, in violation of prison policy, such an action
does not constitute a violation of his constitutional rights.
See Brewer v. Wilkinson, 3 F.3d 816, 825 (5th Cir 1993). The
district court properly concluded that Danmola's claims were
frivolous and that he had failed to state a claim upon which
relief could be granted. See Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 678, 129 S Ct.
at 1949; Morris, 702 F.3d at 189. Accordingly, the judgment of
the district court is AFFIRMED.

Parties Jud2ment to be Reviewed


U.S.D.C., Judge JEFFREY L. CURETON, U.S.D.C. Appelate Court


Deputy clerk and LYLE W. CAYCE clerk of Appellate Court Fifth


Statement of Jurisdiction

On September 7,2018 the judgment of the district Court

was affirmed by Fifth Circuit judges HIGGINBOTHAM, JONES, and

SMITH for case No. 17-10647. Such petition being brought before

the Court before 90 days have been exceeded holds proper juris-

-diction in the Supreme Court to be heard. Such complaint was

believed to be "frivolous" in the District Court and dismissed

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915A(b) in case No. 4:17-cv-416 by Judge

JOHN MCBRYDE. The constitutional provision to confer this Court

jurisdiction to review is Art. 3 sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Facts of the Case

Upon the first detention hearing 9/16/2016 Danmola was

presented a indictment for case No. 4:16-cr--222-Y. Danmola was

asked like the rest of the defendants to state his name. Danmola

stated, "I am the living, breathing, flesh and blood man with

a soul Yusufu Danmola, not to be confused with the fiction."

The judge after asking questions about Danmolas pro se

representations on previous accounts in State Courts orderd

Danmola's detention. Danmola did not enter a plea for reasons

of such being inappropriate at the time.

Page 1
Upon Second Detention hearing 9/21/2016 it was presented
why Danmola should be further detained by U.S. attorney Gatto.

Danmola upon his turn had very few questions to ask witness

pressented by Gatto. His main concern was offering acceptance

of the charges for value which Danmola did by presenting the

charging instrument to the judge who Danmola instructed to be

given to the clerk. The judge reading that which was written

diagonal on the indictment, "Accepted for value" with the social

security number and Secured Party name and account number for the

U.C.C. which had a money order on the bottom. Acted as if such

had no relevance.

Danmola giving further notice to the Court that he has

reserved his rights under U.C.C. sec. 1.308 and the same was


with no excuse to all parties in TARRANT COUNTY and that he

would not accept any attempts at expatriation of any kind.

Further giving applicability of the U.C.C. in the Court in the

following terminology,"the code must be construed in harmony with

the common law unless there is a clear legislative intent to

abrogate the common law." As well as no knowledge of a law in

the constitution that prohibits a felon from possessing a

firearm. Danmola also informed the Court of his filing of a

U.C.C. 1 financing statement to confirm his secured party status.

Still Danmola was placed in detention.

Upon trial 1/10/2017 Danmola was forced into the trial even

upon stating,"I do not understand," when asked do you plead

guilty, not guilty, or no contest. While upon much unconstitut-

ional practices Danmola was round guilty.

Page 2
Upon Sentencing hearing 6/13/2017 more unconstitutional

practices occured upon Danmola and he was sentenced to 115 mont-

hs in the B.0.P., which Danmola appeald to the Fifth Circuit.

Danmola filed the civil case as well for 4:17-cv-416 which was

dismissed by judge JOHN MCBRYDE pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915 A(b)

5/23/2017. An appeal was filed to the Fifth circuit and placed

on the docket as well.

After a brief was submitted for criminal case 4:16-cr-222-Y

which was appeal No. 17-10583. Such was dismissed by Danmola with

the remedy sought to release Danmola from the B.O.P. which the

Court said it granted in pursuance to Danmola's motion 4/16/2018

by LYLE W. CAYCE and MELISSA V. MATTINGLY clerk and deputy clerk

of the Fifth Circuit. Yet Danmola was not released from the B.O.-

P.. Danmola requesting the brief to be heard due to not acknowle-

dging the "prayer" to release Danmola was denied 5/8/2018 and to-

ld the case is closed. The civil case 17-10647 concluding to fin-

dings in the criminal appeal due to no direct appeal and overtur-

ning of such case affirmed the findings of the U.S.D.C. 9/7/2018.

Question I.
Is the Court Allowed to Enforce a Case
Not in Pursuance with the Constitution

Constitutional Provision Relied


Article 6. U.S. Constitution

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States whi-
ch shall be mwde in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made,
under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme
Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound
thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to
the contrary notwithstanding."

"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and

the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executi-
ve and judicial Officers, both of the United States and the sev-
er Page 3
Affirmation, to suppo-
eral States, shall be bound by Oath orTest shall ever be requi-
rt this Constitution; but no religous
ic Trust under the
red as a Qualification to any Office or publ
United States."
The "sovereignty " of the people going as far back as 1783
s and Thomas Jeffer-
to the "Treaty of Peace" signed by John Adam
American history and
son. Stands as the most significant time in
The people being made
where the power of the "people" came from.
and enter into
kings without subjects with the power to form
titution which is
compacts led to the erection of the U.S. Cons
ican people. This
the most important "contract" between the Amer
t to show the peop-
is what makes the "Preamble" so very importan
government. The
le created it and hold the power and not the
t to the Constitution
Republican form of government being paramoun
ds for is the rea-
being kept as well as that which our flag stan
son for Article 4. Sec. 4. of the U.S. Cons
Art. 4 Sec. 4 U.S. Constitution
State in this
"The United States shall guarantee to every
shal protect each
Union a Republican form of Government, and
of the Legislature,
of them against Invasion; and on Application
cannot be convened)
or of the Exexcutive (when the Legislature
against domestic Violence.
rs of sovereignty are
Republican Government- One in which the powe
the people, either
vested in the people and are exercised by the people,
en by
directly , or through representitives chos --- In re Dunca-
-ega ted.
to whom those powers are specially d-el . 219, Minor v. Happ-
an, 139 U.S. 449 7 11 S. Ct. 573 7 35 L.Ed
Blacks Law Dict-
ersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627
ionary, Fifth Edition, p. 626
t persons
I is by this very reason the "sovereign".elec
duties which the
delegated into office to carry out specific
eby a oath is re-
people created for such specific office. Ther
ce in order to keep
quired to be taken by those who take a offi

from transgression of the Constitution.

Page 4
Oath of Office
An individual, except the president, elected or appointed
to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or unifor-
med services, shall take the following oath "I,
do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend
the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, for-
eign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance
to the same, that I take this obligation freely without any
mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well
and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I
am about to enter. So help me GOD. This section does not affect
other oaths required by law.

Such brings us to the domain the "sovereign" is to conduct

business concerning law and facts in regards to issues in the

States of the union called "Court". Where those from judges to

all forms of officers of the Court ranging from Attornies, Clerks

Baliffs who have all taken the respective oath of office carry

out their respective delegated duties.

Court- The person and suit of the sovereign, the place where
the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue, wherever that may
be. Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Edition page 318
Yet there is one last position which is the greatest posi-

tion of all due to the king prior to the Revolution being judge

jury, and executioner who was able to do anything to the peop-

le. Such is the "jury" which is a panel of 12 of the sovereign

people who judge suits of law and equity to insure the Consti-

tution is followed and corruption does not find its way into the

Court. They are held to a oath as well.

Jurist Oath
I vow to the Governo r of the Universe, in my capacity as
jurist, to insure that all public servants uphold the U.S. Con-
stitution and Bill of Prohibi tions (Rights); and to carry out
all of my deliber ating under Natural Law; principled under Jus-
tice, Honor, and Mercy; And to strictly adhere to the following
two legal maxims: (1) Every right when with-held must have a
remedy, and every injury it's proper redress, and (2) In the
absence of a victim there can be no crime "corpus delecti", the
State cannot be the victim. It is the duty of all the people
to share in the governing of them-selves and to secure their
government by participating as jurist.
Page 5
It is important to know these positions and oaths
g place. Danmola
specificity to know the corruption that is takin
by a Felon wh-
was charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm
fact of the
ich is in fact a "unconstitutional" charge. The
power to make
matter is the UNITED STATES is not delegated the
of such.
such a charge. Neither can they enforce a charge
10th Amendment U.S. Const.
the Consti
"The powers not delegated to the United States by to the
are reser ved
tution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
States respectively, or to the people."
"The right of the whole people, old and young, men, every
and bear arms of
and boys, and not militia only, to keep
the militia,
description, and not such merely as are used by in the
n in upon,
shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broke end to be atta-
smallest degree; and all this for the impor tant
a well- regul ated milit ia,
ined: the rearing up and qualifying . Our opin-
so vitally necessary to the secur ity of a free State
nant to the
ion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repug , originally
Constitution, and void, which contr avene s this right
led under foot by Charles I.
belonging to our forefathers, tramp shed by the
and his two wicked son and succe ssors , re-es tabli
yed to this land of liber ty by the
revolution of 1688, conve our own
porat ed consp icuou sly in
colonists, and finally incor
Colum bia v. Helle r (2008 ).
Magna Carta!" District of
Such is void with the right given to the "people".
s do not po-
people are not divisible giving some rights other
would first
ssess. More importantly a prohibition Amendment
5 of the U.S.
have to be passed by Congress construed with Art.
of the States
Constitution by 2 3rds of both houses or 2 3rds
oses no such
legislatures in a convention. The Constitution discl
the right
law thereby the 10th Amendment "respectively" gives
Art. 1 Sec. 23
to the States and the people. Texas Constitution
citizen shall
concurring with the 2nd Amendment that," Every"
l defense of
have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawfu
contrary to
himself or the State." Section 29 holding all laws
te by Congress
the "Bill of Rights" of Texas are "void". A statu
Page 6
doesn't even have jurisdiction in the States of the Union but

in District of Columbia and territories outside the States of

the Union.

United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)- The court

ruled the application of the First and Second Amendments "was
not intended to limit the powers of the State governments in
respect to their own citizens" and "has no other effect than to
restrict the powers of the national government," respectively.

"The second amendment declares taht it shall not be infri-

nged, but this, as has been seen, means no more than it shall
not be infringed by congress. This is one of the amendments
that has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the
national government, leaving the people to look for their
protection against any violation by their fellow-citizens of
the rights it recognizes to what is called in City of New
York v. Miln, 11 Pet. [116 U.S. 252, 1021 139, the 'powers
which relate to merely municipal legislation, or what was
perhaps more roperly called internal police," not surrenderd
or restrained by the constitution of the United States."
Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886).

"The laws of Congress in respect to those matters (outside

of Constitutionally delegated powers) do not extend into the
territorial limits of the States (of the Union), but have force
only in the District of Columbia and other places that are with-
in the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government." Caha
v. U.S., 152 U.S. 211 (1894).

"There is a canon of legislative construction which teaches

Congress, that, unless a contrary intent appears, (legislation)
is meant to apply only within the territorial jurisdiction of
the United States." U.S. v. Spelar, 338 U.S. 217 at 222 (1949).

"The term "territories" generally refers to the political

subdivisions created by Congress and not within the jurisdic-
tional boundaries of any of the several States of the Union."
86 C.J.S. (Corpus Juris Secundum)
Yet in this particular instance the criminal case had no

"victim" which violates the second maxim of the jurist oath

"corpus delecti". Someones 4th Amendment rights would have to be

violated by Danmola which is not the case. So in this instance

the government claims "society" is the victim. Danmola is a

"electrician" by trade who has not trespassed on anyones person,

house, papers or effects.

Page 7
victim- A person harmed by a crime, tort, or other wrong. Blacks
Law Tenth Edition
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the "UNI—

TED STATES" claims to be the victim which it cannot because it

is "all" the "states" combined. The same second maxim is still

violated. Which the judge and prosecutor who took a oath not

to "deviate" from the Constitution did by telling the jury they

cannot come to their own conclussion of what the law is which

takes away the most important right of the jury. This is the

most pivotal "fraud" used to win the 987 conviction rate the

Fed. has at this time. A statute rules and the Constitution is

second class.

"Since the constitution is intended for the observance of

the judiciary as well as other departments of government and the
judges are sworn to support its provisions, the courts are not
at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract
evasions thereof, it is their duty in authorized proceedings to
give full effect to the existing constitution and to obey all
constitutional provisions irrespective of their opinion as to
the wisdom or the desirability of such provisions and irrespec-
tive of the consequence, thus, it is said that the courts should
be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States
Constitution and guard against their infringement by legislative
fiat or otherwise in accordance with these basic principles, the
rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law
unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in
accordance with the delivered judgment of the tribunal before
which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into
rule, it is the duty of the courts to declare that the const-
itution and not the Statute governs in cases before them for
judgment." 16 Am Jur 2d., Sec 155., emphasis added

"It may be that it is the obnoxious thing in its mildest

form; but illegitimate and unconstitutional practices get their
first footing in that way; namely, by silent approaches and
slight deviations from legal modes of procedure. This can only
be obviated by adhering to the rule that constitutional provi-
sions for the security of persons and property should be lite-
rally construed. A close and literal construction deprives them
of half their efficacy, and leads to gradual depreciation of
the right, as if it consisted more in sound than in substance.
It is the duty of the Courts to be watchful for the Constitu-
tional Rights of the Citizens, and against any stealthy encr-
oachments thereon. Their motto should be obsta Principiss."
Boyd v. United, 116 U.S. 616 at 635 (1885)
Page 8
one of the conerstones
"Trust in the jury is, after all, trust is without foun-
tha t
of our entire jurisprudence, and if
deal more than the nullifi-
dation we must re-examine a great
cation doctrine." Judge David L. Baz
s this is a "frivolous"
With all this judge JOHN MCBRYDE sai
ing to dismiss the cival ac-
suit sought for redress in his rul
stitutionally he has no juri-
tion. Yet by another "statute". Con
judgment on its face is void
sdiction to determine such and his
United States.
• This is a civil action against the
11th Amendment U.S. Const.
tes shall not be con-
The judicial power of the United Sta ity, commenced or
or equ
strued to extend to any suit in law States by Citizens of an-
prosecuted against one of the , Uni ted
jects of any Foreign State."
other State, or by citizens or Sub
gment which they say ca-
The Fifth Circuit Affirmed his jud
mola did not overturn
nno t be rewarded to Danmola because Dan
LYLE W. CAYCE backed by the
the conviction. However the clerk
6/2018 dismissed Danmolas
deputy clerk MELISSA MATTINGLY 4/1
to "Dismiss Appeal" due to the
case by a motion filed by Danmola
t the Fed would follow suit
State dropping the case and though
medy" to be released from
for. Yet Danmola asked for the "re
in "pursuance" with Danmolas
the B.O.P. which order was granted
eased he filed a "motion for
motion. Upon Danmola not being rel
heard but was denied by the
reconsideration" to have his brief
5/8/2018 violating Danmolas
clerk and told the case was closed
due process. Danmola was in the TAR
appeald yet originally a State
the criminal case which was being
nt is void for such constitu-
case. The fact remains the judgme
judges taking advantage of
tional violation. The 5th Circuit
viate" from the constitution
this along with other modes to "de

by way of local practice.

and they cannot go
"Courts are constituted by authority

Page 9
d that
beyond that power delegated to them. If they act beyon
contr avent ion of it, their judgments
authority, and certainly in ble, but
and orders are regarded as nulli ties; they are not voida
prior to rever sal." Willi am v. Berry,
simply void, and this even
HOW. 945, 940 12 L.Ed. 1170, 1189 (1850 )
"A judgment is void if the court acted in a manner inconmay
ss. A void judgment is a nullity and
sistent with due proce
be vacated at anytime." In re Marriage of Hampshire, 261
854, 862, 939 P.2d 58 (1997 ).
"Subject-matter jurisdiction, because it involves a Court q-
power to hear a case, can never be forfeited or waved.
uently, defects in subjectmatter jurisdiction require
ict Court."
regardless of whether the error was raised in distr
d Jor-
United States v. Cotton, 535 U.S. 625, 630 (2002); Accor vacate
don v. Gilligan, 500 F.2d 701 (6th CA,1974) ("A Court ll v.
: Burre
any judgment enterd in excess of its jurisdiction.") ing a
Henderson, et al., 434 F.3d 826, 831 (6th CA 2006) (Deny
se abuse of discr etion -
motion to vacate a void judgment is a per
Ohio. App. 3d 456. (1995 ) ("If the
."); State v. Swiger,ut125subjectmatter jurisdiction of the
trial court was witho
void ab
defendants case, his conviction and sentence would be
Judge JOHN MCBRYDE denied a "motion to void order and
gment." He even held it was "incomprehensible." Due his
of a "frivolous" case the law had to be provided as well
extraordinary law to prove such was false. Yet deviation
5th Cir-
again done by the Court. Although the Case was in the
n why
cuit he made claims the case was closed and saw no reaso
relief should be granted. The Fifth Circuit has been sent
"motion to void order and judgment" I have yet to hear
them. The U.S.D.C. for the criminal case was sent a "moti
to void order and judgment" but was told by judge TERRY
MEANS that he could not rule on it and filed a 2255 on
own volition and instructed Danmola to dismiss if he did
want to file the 2255 Danmola never filed himself. Danmo
filed the 2255 in fear of loosing his 2255 chance if he

to dismiss which seems the judge might be trying to do.

Page 10
Question 2. Uniform
Are The Peo ple Pro hibited Liberty Of Usage of The
Commercial Code in The Criminal
Statutory Provision Relied Upo

of Title to Promote Its Purpo-

U.C.C. Sec. 1.103. Construction
y of Supplemental Principles of
ses and Policies; Applicabilit
Law: construed and applied
(a) This title must be liberally
es and policies, which are:
to promote its underlying purpos and modernize the law gove-
to simplify, clarify
rning commercial transactions; ion of commercial
to permit the continued expans
and agreement of the parties;
practices through custom, usage
and the various juris-
to make uniform the law among
dictions. ticular provisions of
(b) Unless displaced by the par
law and equity, including the
this title, the principles of ve to capacity to contract,
law merchant and the law relatifraud, misrepresentation,
principal and agent, estoppel,
kruptcy, or other validating
duress, coercion, mistake, ban
plement its provisions.
or invalidating cause shall sup
Danmola who has fil ed a U.C.C. 1 Financing statement
n which is to be recognized in
account 341846739 in Washingto
h Art.4 Sec. 2 of the U.S. Con
all other States construed wit
ween the Creditor Abdullah
stitution is an "agreement" bet
ufu Danmola and the Debtor
Yusufu Danmola also known as Yus
ce serves the purpose as
"juristic person" in this instan
atutory" process.
that of a human being in the "st
ss and Indemnity Agreement
Juristic Person (in Hold Harmle tement)- In this Hold-Harm-
filed in U.C.C. 1 collateral sta term "juristic person" means
less and Indemnity Agreement the is, such as a corporation,
an abstract, legal entity ens
of law and considered as possessing
created by construct
of a human being; an imagi-
certain legal rights and duties ULLAH YUSUFU DANMOLA also
nary entity, such as Debtor ABD soning, is legally treated
which, on.thebasis of legal reae of conducting commercial
as a human being for the purpos
biological, living being, such
activity for the benefit of a
as Creditor.

Page 11
t in the use of
"Observation: A person has a property righ assi gn." Gracey
sfer or
his or her name which a person may tran ).
App. 1989
v. Maddin, 769 S.W. 2nd 497 (Tenn. Ct.
rced rights and
"From the earliest times the law has enfoconcept-by
orat e
exacted liabilities by ustilizing a corp r than human beings.
recognizing that is, juristic persons othe
l operation has devel-
The theories by which this mode of lega
defined are the subje-
oped, has been justified qualified, andThe historic roots of a
ct matter of a very sizable library, phil osophic notions,
particular society, economic pres sure s,
law' s resp onse to the ways of
all have had their share in the
what is now the fam-
men in carrying on their affairs through
ttri buti on of legal rights
jar device of the corporation----A man is necessarily
and duties to a juristic person othe r than
e for it. No doubt,
a metaphorical process. And none the worshed.'" Cardozo, J.,
'Metaphors in law are to be narrowly watc
84, 94.
in Berkey v. Third Avenue R. Co., 244 N.Y.
due to the con-
Such juristic person serving such purpose
who has in "fact"
tract put in place by the UNITED STATES
purposes by way of
used the juristic person for commercial
holding, "All crimes
contract in the Court. C.F.R. 27.72.11
has construed the
are made commercial by way of contract"
g for U.C.C. Sec.
U.C.C. into the Criminal Court sufficin
being creditor and
1.103(a)(1)(2)(3) and (b). Yet Danmolà
has a "security in-
entered into a "agreement" with Debtor
eral Definitions"
terest" defined in U.C.C. Sec. 1.201. "Gen
urity interest".
section in regards to "agreement" and "sec
the B.O.P. Law Library
Danmola being deprived of U.C.C. Law by
he gave many reffer-
was not heard in the Court even though
stic person and
ences to his distinction between the juri
told the Court," I
himself. His first Detention hearing he
d man with a soul
am the living, breathing, flesh and bloo
with the fiction."
named Yusufu Danmola not to be confused
information. The Sec-
Such is "notice" and "knowledge" of such
Court upon his chance
ond Detention hearing Danmola told the

Page 12
to speak that his rights are reserved under U.C.C. Sec. 1.308

and that he would not accept any attempts of expatriation. "No-

tice" and "knowledge" again given and even submitted by way of

affidavit (see enclosed Reservation of Rights Affidavit) that

was not accepted by Court when mailed without rebuttal which

is a common law plain error and violation of Fed. Rules of Crim.

Pro. 47 (d).
U.C.C. Sec. 1.202. Notice;Knowledge
(a) Subject to Subsection (f), a person has "notice" of
a fact if the person:
has actual knowledge of it;
has recieved a notice or notification of it; or
from all the facts and circumstances known to the
person at the time in question, has reason to know that it exist.
(b) "knowledge" means actual knowledge. "Knows" has a
corresponding meaning."
(c) "Discover," "learn," or words of similar import refer
to knowledge rather than to reason to know.
(d) A person "notifies" or "gives" a notice or notificat-
ion to another person by taking such steps as may be reasonably
required to inform the other person in ordinary course, whether
or not the other person actually comes to know of it.
(e) Subject to Subsection (f), a person "recieves" a
notice or notification when:
it comes to that person's attention; or
it is duly deliverd in a form reasonable under the
circumstances at the place of business through which the contract
was made or at another location held out by that person as
the place for receipt of such communications.
(f) Notice, knowledge, or a notice or notification re-
cieved by an organization is effective for a particular trans-
action from the time it is brought to the attention of the
individual conducting that transaction and, in any event, fro-
m the time it would have been brought to the individuals atte-
ntion if the organization had exercised due diligence. An or-
ganization exercises due diligence if it maintains reasonable
routines for communicating significant information to the per-
son conducting the transaction and there is reasonable compl-
iance with the routines. Due diligence does not require an
individual acting for the organization to communicate informa-
tion unless the communication is part of the individual's
regular duties or the individual has reason to know of the
transaction and that the transaction would be materially
affected by the information.

Such "notice" and "knowledge" was relevant due to the fact

that "expatration" in •fact occurs in the District Court by way

Page 13
of the 14th Amendment (see 15 united States statute at large,

July 27th, 1868). This is why Danmola placed emphasis on stating

he is not a 14th Amendment citizen in order to remain "sover-

eign". You will notice in every document and motion Danmola has

"without prejudice" on such. Such reason is because the Court

and government have conspired to extract the "sovereignty" of

Danmola and others by terminology of being a United States Cit-

izen. Danmola is a "State Citizen of the Republic". The Treaty

of Peace of 1783 and the sovereignty attained by such being

violated by the Court and government. U.S.C. 18. 241, U.S.C.

18 242, U.S.C. 18 2071 and U.S.C. 18 2382 engaged in by the

Court and government. Even though Congress is not able to have

its laws undelegated to operate in the States of the Union the

government and Court have operated the statutes, but they are

enforcing such in violation of the 9th Amendment which denies

and disparages the rights of the people to use the U.C.C. whi-

ch cannot be denied due to the enumeration of the Amendments

which they are using the 14th Amendment in order to do.

"All laws, rules, and practices are repugnant to the

Constitution are null and void." Marbury v. Madison, 5th US
(2 cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803).

"The common law is the real law, the supreme Law of the
land, the code rules,regulations, policy and statutes are
"not the law". Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261

"All codes, rules, and regulations are for government au-

thorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God's
laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional
and lacking due process... " Rodrigues v. Ray Donavan (U.S.
Department of Labor) 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985)

Page 14
The self same 2nd Detention hearing Danmola gave "notice"

and "knowledge" of the U.C.C. 1 financing statement on record

which has a Common Law Copywright of all the names of ABDULLAH

YUSUFU DANMOLA including YUSUFU DANMOLA. The likes of which are

enforceable by "action" which Danmola has done in accordance

with "notice" and "knowledge" construed to have all liberally

made to apply by U.C.C. Sec. 1.305(b).

U.C.C. Sec. 1.305. Remedies to be Liberally Administerd

(b) "Any right or obligation declared by this title is

enforceable by action unless the provision declaring it specif-
ies a different and limited effect.

All thereby stated to the Court in 2nd Detention hearing

to be made to be "Liberally Administerd" as well as made to be

enforced in "Good Faith". Danmola gave a copy of the "instru-

ment" known as "indictment" to the judge to give to the clerk

by specific instruction of Danmola which the judge read aloud

having "ACCEPTED FOR VALUE" with the account number and credi-

tor and Debtor name with the Social Security number for the

Debtor. Such also had a "Money Order" on the bottom which was

to be used to discharge the instrument which is made commercial

by way of contract in accordance with C.F.R. 27.72.11. Danmola

presenting the "action" necessary to give "notice" and "know-

ledge" of the instrument to be "Liberally Administerd" was

Danmola's right as Creditor. The business was to be concluded

at that point due to Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement whi-

ch holds in financing statement:

"This Hold-harmless and Indemnity Agreement is mutually
agrred upon and entered into between the juristic person:
ABDULLAH YUSUFU DANMOLA," and any and all derivatives and

Page 15
ter jointly and
variations in spelling of said name hereinaf fu Danmola," the 1-
severally "Debtor," except, "Abd ulla h Yusu
n by the distinctive
lying, breathing, flesh-and-blood man, know
ter- "Creditor."
appellation Abdullah Yusufu Danmola, hereinaf
essly agr-
"For valuable consideration Debtor hereby expr
on, and without
ees and covenants, without benefit of discussi rtakes the indem-
division, that Debtor holds harmless and unde and all claims,
nification of Creditor from and against any nds, liabili-
legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, s, cost s, fines,
ties, losses, depositions, summonses, law suitand expenses wha-
liens, levies, penalties, damages, interest are due and as might
tsoever both abso lute and cont inge nt, as
here afte r arise, and as
become due, now existing and as might on, Debtor
as impo sed
might be sufferd/iricurred by, as well Debt or does
soev er.
for any reason, purpose, and cause what that Creditor
and agre e
hereby and herewith expressly covenant mann er what soever
shall not under any circumstance, nor in any
part y, nor a sure ty, for Debtor."
be considerd an accomodation
HJR-192 was
Yet even the tender of payment construed with
ent still is "disch-
in the instance refused then tender of paym
which was to be
arged" In accordance with U.C.C. Sec. 3.603
ng "notice" and
discharged in "Good Faith" due to Danmola givi
be "Liberally Ad-
"knowledge" by "action" which required such


U.C.C. Sec. 1.304. Obligation of Good Faith

ses an ob-
"Every contract or duty within this title imporcem ent."
ligation of good faith in its performance and
U.C.C. Sec. 3.603. Tender of Payment
an inst-
If tender of payment of an obligation to pay rument
enfo rce the inst
trument is made to a person entitled to es of law applica-
the effect of tender is governed by prin cipl
le cont ract .
ble to tender of payment under a simp an inst-
If tender of payment of an obligation to pay rument
tled to enfo rce the inst
rument is made to a person enti harge, to the
and the tender is refused, there is still disc gation of an in-
er, of the obli
extent of the amount of the tend
of recourse with
dorser of accomodation party having a righter relates.
respect to the obligation to whic h the tend
If tender of payment of an amount due on a
instrument, the o-.
is made to a person entitled to enforce the
ed. If presentment
bligation of the amount tenderd is discharg the obligor is
is required with respect to an instrument and y place of payment
able and ready to pay on the due date at evered to have made
stated in the instrument, the obligor is deemon entitled to
tender of payment on the due date to the pers
enforce the instrument.
of the Secur-
Yet the government has breached the contract

Page 16
ed Party and by "fraud" has acted as the Creditor of the "Jur-
istic Person" YUSUFU DANMOLA which they are not in fact. There

were "distinct" lines drawn that were never to be crossed whi-

ch infringed Danmola's security of person, papers and effects

which violates the 4th Amendment. The impairment of contract

violating Art. 1 Sec. 10 of the U.S. Constitution which also

resulted in violation of Due Process further turned into a 6th

Amendment violation upon the Court forcing Danmola into a Com-

mercial Agreement due to silent contract in place by asking

Danmola, do you plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. Danmola

replied," I do not understand" and proceeded to ask a question

when Danmola was cut off and forced into the proceeding with-

out "consent". Such was done due to the Court not willing to
prove that it in fact had no jurisdiction which the Court was

to provide by the 6th Amendment due to Danmola being confused

of the law being thrust on him not of the Constitution.

U.C.C. Sec. 1.306. Waiver of Renunciation of Claim or Right Af-

ter Breach.
"A claim or right arising out of an alleged breach may be
discharged in whole or part without consideration by agreement
of the aggrieved party in an authenticated record."

"There, every man is independent of all laws, except those

prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed
by his fellowmen without his consent." Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C.
338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.

"The term "liberty" ... denotes not merely freedom from

bodily restraint but also the right of the individual to contract
to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to aquire
useful knowledge, to marry, to establish a home and bring up
children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own
conscience.. The established doctrine is that this liberty

may not be interfered with, under guise of protecting public

interest, by legislative action." Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S.
390, 399, 400.

"The right to be let alone the most comprhensive of rights

and the right most valued by civilized men. To protect that

Page 17
right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the
privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be
deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment." Olmstead v. U.S.,
277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928).

The 5th Circuit in the Affirming of judge JOHN MCBRYDE's

claim of a "frivolous" claim fails to see that a Power of Attorn-

ey is within the U.C.C. 1 Collateral statement. Such makes Dan-

mola the acting "Attorney" in this extent. Danmola cannot be

underminded even in a pro se extent and must be given a fair opp-

ortunity to retrieve all law necessary to defend himself which

is a "sovereign" right in orgin. The claim the 5th Circuit has

made by local practice that Danmola has no constitutional right

to attain U.C.C. Law or Texas Constitution due to not having a

government assisted attorney is "void". The "court" is the domain

of the "sovereign" where he must have a fair trial in proper

"jurisdiction". If due process is denied in any way the whole

proceeding is void. To be an attorney is a common Law occupation

which cannot be deprived to any man. The treating of Danmola's

legal papers also must have the same protection as any other

attornies who had "legal mail" on them. Thereby his 4th Amendment

rights further intruded upon.

"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one be-

cause of his exercise of Constitutional Rights." Sherar v. Cullen
481 F.2d 946 (1973).
"A State cannot exclude a person from the practice of law
or from any other occupation in a manner or for reasons that
contravene the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment."
Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 353 U.S. 232 (1957)

"The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonab-

ly made , are not to be defeated under the name of local practice
." Davis v. Wechler, 263 U.S. 22, 24; Stromberb v.
238 U.S. 359; NAACP v. Alabama, 375 U.S. 449.

Page 18
Reason Why Certiorari Should be Granted

The reason wgy this certiorari should be granted is that

as the preamble stated "We the People" created this Constitution

for the blessings of "Liberty". Such was trampled over by those

who "invaded" our republican form of government by "deviating"

from the Constitution. Danmola shoul not have to claim to be a

"sovereign". This is the natural state of the people, again by

"fraud" removed from the people. law and fact have been presen-

ted that proves remedy and proper redress must be given in this


The Treaty of Peace and Amendments of the U.S. Constitution

declare that the Court lacked Subjectmatter jurisdiction in a

various amount of ways. But also it is proven that oaths were

violated and parties engaged in conspiracy against the rights

of Danmola. Such "fraud" illegally imprisoned Danmola the Common

Law was desecrated and even Affidavits Reservation of Rights

and Affidavit of Prohibition (see enclosed) confirming much

herein was also not responded too. This is basic common law.

It is hoped that this Justice Court is that of one that keeps

its oath and delegated duty in high regard.

Page 19
Danmola prays that this Certiorari is granted and Danmola

restored his person and property in release from the B.O.P.

as well as the fine amount paid in the Reservation of Rights

Affidavit by the UNITED STATES in the amount of minutes or per

instance such rights were violated which is approximately about

$10,000,000.00. Such for proper remedy and redress of Danmola,


Date: (I '

Without Prejudice U.C.C. Sec. 1.308

Without Recourse U.C.C. Sec. 1.103

Sui Juris: Yusufu Danmola


I Yusufu Danmola, being over 18 years of age do swear that

all facts and statements are true and correct under the penalty

of perjury.

Yusufu Danmola

Page 20

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