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  Mes cours  BUE2105-1 - BUSINESS ENGLISH - BD 



Commencé le mardi 2 avril 2019, 20:59

État Terminé
Terminé le mardi 2 avril 2019, 21:12
Temps mis 13 min 15 s
Note 12,00 sur 20,00 (60%)

The first computers were gigantic calculating machines and all they
ever really did was “crunch numbers”: solve lengthy, difficult, or
tedious mathematical problems.
Today, computers work on a much wider variety of problems—but
they are all still, essentially, calculations. Everything a computer
does, from helping you to edit a photograph you've taken with a
digital camera to displaying a web page, involves manipulating
numbers in one way or another.
Suppose you're looking at a digital photo you just taken in a paint
or photo-editing program and you decide you want a mirror image
of it (in other words, flip it from left to right). You probably know
that the photo is made up of millions of individual pixels (coloured
squares) arranged in a grid pattern. The computer stores each
pixel as a number, so taking a digital photo is really like an instant,
orderly exercise in painting by numbers! To flip a digital photo, the
computer simply reverses the sequence of numbers so they run
from right to left instead of left to right.
Or suppose you want to make the photograph brighter. All you
have to do is slide the little “brightness” icon. The computer then
works through all the pixels, increasing the brightness value for
each one by, say, 10 percent to make the entire image brighter.
So, once again, the problem boils down to numbers and
calculations. What makes a computer different from a calculator is
that it can work all by itself. You just give it your instructions (called
a program) and off it goes, performing a long and complex series
of operations all by itself. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, if you
wanted a home computer to do almost anything at all, you had to
write your own little program to do it.
For example, before you could write a letter on a computer, you
had to write a program that would read the letters you typed on
the keyboard, store them in the memory, and display them on the
screen. Writing the program usually took more time than doing
whatever it was that you had originally wanted to do (writing the
letter). Pretty soon, people started selling programs like word
processors to save you the need to write programs yourself.
Today, most computer users buy, download, or share programs
like Microsoft Word and Excel. Hardly anyone writes programs any
Most people see their computers as tools that help them do jobs, 
rather than complex electronic machines they have to pre-
program—and that's just as well, because most of us have better
things to do than computer programming.
Adapted with permission from © Chris Woodford 2007, 2011
Question 1 Fill in the gap with a single word from the text (2 points)
Instructions given to a computer is referred to as
Note de 0,00 sur
2,00 calculating

Question 2 (1 point) In the passage, brighter means:


Note de 0,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. more intelligent

2. clearer

La réponse correcte est : more intelligent

Question 3 (1 point) The word "lengthy" is related to


Note de 1,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. long

2. language

3. lenses

La réponse correcte est : long

Question 4 Decide whether this statement if TRUE or FALSE (1 point)

Correct The tasks performed by computers are mainly about numbers.
Note de 1,00 sur
Veuillez choisir une réponse :


La réponse correcte est : TRUE

Question 5 In the text, the phrase "boil down" means (1 point)

Note de 1,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. summarize

2. cool

3. increase

La réponse correcte est : summarize

Question 6 Select the main difference between a computer and a calculator (2

Correct point)
Note de 2,00 sur
2,00 Veuillez choisir une réponse :
1. autonomy

2. diversity

3. fastness

La réponse correcte est : autonomy

Question 7 Select the right explanation of this sentence: "Hardly anyone writes
Incorrect programs any more." (1 point)
Note de 0,00 sur
1,00 Veuillez choisir une réponse :
1. People don't write computer programs nowadays

2. People keep on writing program for their computers

La réponse correcte est : People don't write computer programs


Question 8 To which machine is the computer compared ? (1 point)

Note de 1,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. a digital camera

2. a computer

3. a calculator

4. keyboard

La réponse correcte est : a calculator

Question 9 With colours, we talk about (1 point)


Note de 1,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. decibels

2. pixels

3. spells

La réponse correcte est : pixels


Question 10 Among these two languages select the one that is easier to use (1
Correct point)
Note de 1,00 sur
1,00 Veuillez choisir une réponse :
1. Python

2. C++

La réponse correcte est : Python

Question 11 Among these two languages select the one that is easier to use (1
Correct point)
Note de 1,00 sur
1,00 Veuillez choisir une réponse :
1. Java

2. Java Script

La réponse correcte est : Java Script

Question 12 Choose the right answer (1 point)

Correct If one is interesting in data science and machine learning, one
Note de 1,00 sur should learn

Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1. Python

2. swift

3. java script

La réponse correcte est : Python

Question 13 Choose the right answer (1 point)

Correct Is it important to know a particular programming language?
Note de 1,00 sur
Veuillez choisir une réponse :
1. yes

2. no

La réponse correcte est : yes

Question 14 What matters if one wants to get a job at GAFAM? (4 points)

Note de 0,00 sur Veuillez choisir au moins une réponse :

4,00  1. what language one knows

2. coding skills

3. technology one uses

 4. data structure and algonomous knowledge

5. problem solving ability

 6. experience

Les réponses correctes sont : coding skills, data structure and

algonomous knowledge, problem solving ability, experience

Question 15 Where does one get experience to work at GAFAM (1 point)


Note de 1,00 sur Veuillez choisir une réponse :

1,00 1. at GAFAM training centre

2. at smaller companies

3. at school

4. through tutorial

La réponse correcte est : at smaller companies

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