All About Advertising Fact File

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All About Advertising

Each of us are exposed to many different forms of media every day. From the time we wake up
until we go to bed, we are exposed to television, newspaper, radio, the internet and other social
media sources. Therefore, we may not even realize that we are seeing and hearing hundreds of
advertising messages every day.

What is advertising?
Many of the products we buy and use every day are made by companies. Our clothes, food,
technology, books, games and toys are often made by large companies.

These companies want us to buy and use their products. However, they need to spread the
word about their product. These companies pay for the media to communicate their
message and promote their product. The main aim of the media is to persuade us,
the consumers, to buy or use a product. This is called advertising.

Can you think of any advertisements you have seen lately?

Where did you see them?
What was being advertised?

Purpose of Advertising
The purpose of an advertisement or ad, is to sell to people. Advertising is always trying to do
one of four things: tell us something we need to know, persuade us to buy a product, persuade
us to change our behaviour and/or present a point of view.

People who make advertisements use lots of techniques to influence our emotions and try to
persuade us to use or buy a product. Ads are often aimed at a particular type of consumer.
Companies may create media advertising aimed at adults, children, younger people, older
people or families. Advertising also aims to send a positive message about the product or
service. Ads are made to appeal to the consumer’s personality or lifestyle.
Common Advertising Techniques:
• Using colours that attract our attention, like red or yellow;
• Displaying logos and brand names;
• Associating popular characters of animals with their product;
• Catchy jingles and slogans;
• Including celebrities in advertisements;
• special offers, like buy one get one free, 50% off, or money off
*A slogan is a catchy phrase used to encourage people to buy or use a product.

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All About Advertising

Influence and Impact of Advertisements

Emotions play a big role in advertising. Advertising is created to get an emotional reaction.
Ads are carefully created to make us have certain feelings: happy, excited, safe, interested, or
enthusiastic. We associate these emotions with the product or brand being advertised. In this
way, we feel that having a certain product or brand will make us happier, safer or even better.

Everything we see in the advertisements is carefully chosen to make a product or brand look
exciting and attractive to appeal to the targeted audience. Ads will sometimes use catchy
music or jingles that help us to remember the product.

Who decides what message to send?

We receive information from many different sources like text messages, email, signs,
newspapers, television and apps on smartphones.

The people who make media are the ones who decide what message they want to
communicate. They make decisions on what information, views and opinions they want to
share. The information we receive is what they want to say. As a result, the media is
often biased.

Hidden Advertising
While some advertisements such as commercials, signs and billboards
may be obvious, there is also a lot of hidden advertising. Sometimes, products are
featured in movies, in television shows or at sporting events. This is called product
placement. Examples of this include sport broadcasters drinking from a branded
cup, an actor in a television series wearing a particular brand, or may be more
explicit, for example, the movie can take place at a particular restaurant or store.

On social media, companies sometimes pay a famous person to use or endorse a

particular product. Companies know that seeing a celebrity drinking a particular drink,
or wearing a particular brand of clothing can make that drink or brand seem more
popular. This can make people want to use or buy the product. This is what is known
as a celebrity ambassador. The celebrities get paid a lot of money to be a celebrity
ambassador. Nowadays, companies also pay influencers, people who have a lot of
followers, to create posts, write or make a video of themselves using their products.
While many of these posts are labelled as a paid advertisement or sponsored post, researchers
estimate that as much as 65% of instagram posts are not explicitly identified as an ad.

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All About Advertising

Advertising Guidelines
In Canada, there are a set of standards that all ads must follow. Known simply as
“The Code,” these standards aim to ensure ads are truthful, fair and accurate.

The standards state:

• Ads should always be clear and truthful;
• Ads should not exaggerate, mislead or deceive.
• Ads should not use deceptive price claims.
• Ads should not distort or misrepresent scientific claims.
• Ads should not upset a child or cause them to have negative feelings.

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All About Advertising Questions
1. What is the purpose of advertising?

2. List two techniques advertisers use to influence and persuade consumers.

3. What is a slogan? Can you think of some company slogans you have seen or heard?

4. What type of advertising is product placement an example of?

5. In Canada, “The Code” outlines a set of standards to ensure ads have what three

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All About Advertising Answers
1. What is the purpose of advertising?
The purpose of an advertisement or ad, is to sell to people. Ads try to persuade
consumers to buy the product.

2. List two techniques advertisers use to influence and persuade consumers.

Answers may vary. Any two of the following: Using colours that attract our attention,
like red or yellow, displaying logos and brand names, associating popular characters
of animals with their product, catchy jingles and slogans, including celebrities in
advertisements, or special offers, like buy one get one free, 50% off, or money off.

3. What is a slogan? Can you think of some company slogans you have seen or heard?
A slogan is a catchy phrase used to encourage people to buy or use a product.
Answers may vary.

4. What type of advertising is product placement an example of?

Product placement is an example of hidden advertising.

5. In Canada, “The Code” outlines a set of standards to ensure ads have what three
The Code is a set of advertising standards used to ensure ads are truthful, fair and


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