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Hit= PayPal payment went through

2fa= Got 2fa at checkout
OTP= One Time Password
Generic Error= Error you get at checkout, caused by either bad ip or high security
How to hit
2)Disable Wifi -> Use LTE/4g
3)Go to (Check your IP Score)
If your fraud score is above 20, Turn on airplane mode for 5 seconds then turn it
4)Go to site you want to hit
To be safe, try to checkout items only worth 250-400 (If you PROXIED up you can do
whatever you want)
Try to make sure the site you are attempting has Paypal Express checkout option. If
it doesnt, chances are log will 2fa but you can still get in balanced logs best for
5)Go to the item you wish to checkout, and add item(s) to the cart & checkout
6)Scroll down to Buy Now
Select Checkout with paypal under Express Payments
7)Type the email MANUALLY & Type slowly Copy and pasting will raise some flags and
lock your log
8)Type the password MANUALLY and make sure to type it slowly. but make the first
letter capitol if it isnt, if it is make it uncapital.
Example, if the password is, "Password123". Make the password, "password123"
9)Retype the correct password after it says invalid (type it slowly, take your
time. take like 5 seconds or more after you type the password correctly before you
press complete checkout_
10)It should put you on the checkout screen asking what payment you want to use,
once you are here, this is perfect.
11)Checkout like normal, after you leavve the paypal screen, make sure you change
the email delivery to your email

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