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In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements

(Business Plan)

Submitted to:
Mrs. Elvira A. Flores
Subject Teacher

Submitted by:
Aninao, John Antoni L.
Urangga, Loven Mae
Lopez, Fernando Jose G.
Baclea-an, Kurt Jamer I.
Cotejar, Fatima P.
Cortezano, Jersy L.
Canosa, Jethro Lloyd
Guiuan, Jonathan

April 17, 2023

Leyte National High School Anibong Annex Campus

(a) Name of the business

“Fluffy Treats”

The name "Fluffy Treats" provides a clear and concise description of what your

business offers, highlighting the fluffy texture of the marshmallow and the treat-like

nature of the pastillas. A name like "Fluffy Treats" is easy to remember, making it

more likely that customers will recall our brand and return for repeat purchases, and

the words "fluffy" and "treats" have positive connotations associated with them,

creating a pleasant and happy image in the minds of potential customers. We think

that "Fluffy Treats" is a unique business name that can help differentiate our brand

from competitors, making it stand out in a crowded marketplace. Lastly, the name

"Fluffy Treats" is versatile and could potentially allow for expansion into other

products beyond pastillas with marshmallow inside, while still maintaining brand


(b) Address of the Business

7X3R+24C, Brgy. 68 Anibong, Tacloban City, Leyte, 6500, Leyte National High

School Annex Campus

(c) Name of the Owners

 Aninao, John Antoni L.

 Baclea-an, Kurt Jamer I.

 Cotejar, Fatima P

 Canosa Jethro Lloyd L.

 Urangga, Loven Mae

 Lopez, Fernando Jose G

 Cortezano, Jersy L.
(d) Description of the Business


 To introduce and promote our brand of pastillas to the students of Leyte

National High School.

 To maintain a high level of product quality and customer satisfaction.

 To provide affordable and delicious pastillas to students of Leyte National

High School.


Our mission is to provide high-quality and delicious pastillas that satisfy the sweet

cravings of our customers. We are committed to using only the best ingredients and

producing our products in a clean and safe environment. We aim to create a loyal

customer base by providing excellent customer service and continuously improving

our products to exceed our customers' expectations.


Our vision is to be the preferred brand of pastillas among the students. We aspire

to expand our market share beyond the school and to become a household name in the

region. We aim to continuously innovate and improve our products to meet the

evolving needs and preferences of our customers while maintaining our commitment

to quality and affordability.

(e) Location of the Business

Tacloban City, Leyte

(f) Funding Requirement and Sources

Our estimated cost for a month is P5,730.00. Our capital money will be coming

from each of the members since we plan on contributing. Each member will

contribute P640.00 for our starting capital, totaling P5,760.00 with an extra of P30.00.

(a) Objectives


 To introduce and promote our brand of pastillas to the students of Leyte

National High School.

 To maintain a high level of product quality and customer satisfaction.

 To provide affordable and delicious pastillas to students of Leyte National

High School.

(b)Target Market

Our target market is students between the ages of 16-19 who are in the senior high

school strand of HUMSS and GAS in your school. These are likely to be our primary

customers as they are in the same school where we are selling your pastimallows,

making them easy to reach and potentially more likely to be interested in buying from


(c) Products and Services

We are selling pastimallows (pastillas with marshmallow inside) that comes with

four flavors; ube, pandan, chocolate, and the original flavor.

As a student-run business, our service also involves providing excellent customer

service, ensuring high-quality products, and creating a positive and enjoyable buying

experience for our customers. We will need to come up with effective marketing

strategies to promote your pastimallows and differentiate yourselves from your

competitors, including the school canteen and other student-run businesses. This

involves offering value-added services such as gift wrapping, customization, or bulk

discounts to attract more customers and increase our sales.

(d)Marketing and Sale Strategies

As students starting a business for the first time, we will develop a solid marketing

and sales strategy to help us reach your target customers and compete against other

businesses in our school. Since we’re competing with other students selling pastillas,

it's important to differentiate our product from the rest. By adding marshmallows

inside your pastillas, we are already offering a unique and innovative product that

stands out from the competition. We will also use social media platforms like

Facebook and Instagram to promote our product and reach a wider audience. Create

social media accounts for your business, post pictures and videos of your

pastimallows, and engage with our customers.

(e) Competitive Analysis

 School canteen:

 Strengths: The school canteen has an established presence in the school,

offering a variety of food and snack options. They also have a convenient

location and are open during school hours.

 Weaknesses: The school canteen may not offer a unique or specialized product

like our pastimallows. They may also have higher prices due to overhead


 Other student sellers of pastillas:

 Strengths: Other student sellers may have a unique selling proposition that sets

them apart from us, such as offering a different flavor or packaging. They may

also have a strong social media presence or marketing strategy.

 Weaknesses: Other student sellers may not have the same quality control or

consistent branding as our business. They may also have less experience or

knowledge of running a business.


 Opportunities: We will focus on our unique selling proposition of

pastimallows, which can set us apart from other student sellers and the school

canteen. We will use social media and word-of-mouth marketing to promote

our brand and reach a wider audience beyond our school.

 Threats: Other student sellers may start selling a similar product or offer a

more attractive promotion that could draw customers away from our business.

The school canteen may lower their prices or offer a similar product to

compete with our business.

(f) Number of Employees to be Hired and Involved

In our business, we will not hire any employees to help us operate it. Instead, each

of the members of the group will help with the operation up until selling. Members

will be assigned to different tasks such as buying the raw materials, making the

pastillas, and selling the pastillas.

(g) How the Business Plan will be Implemented

We will establish specific goals and objectives that align with our business plan

that is measurable, achievable, and relevant to our business. We will assign tasks and

responsibilities, determining who will be responsible for each task or activity

identified in the plan. This will help us ensure that everyone is clear on their role and

knows what is expected of them. We will create a timeline for the implementation of

the plan, with specific milestones and deadlines for each task or activity while
tracking our progress against the timeline and adjusting our plan as necessary to stay

on track. We will allocate resources, determining the resources needed to implement

the plan, including financial, human, and technological resources.


As we embark on the journey of starting our business, Fluffy Treats, it is important for

us to conduct an environmental analysis to understand the various factors that may impact

our business. Fluffy Treats is a student-led business that aims to sell pastimallows, a

unique product that combines the flavors of pastillas and marshmallows. Our target

customers are our fellow schoolmates who are in the age range of 16-19 and are enrolled

in senior high school, specifically in the Humss and Gas strands. As we enter the market,

we will face competition from the school canteen and other students who are also starting

their businesses, particularly those planning to sell pastillas. To ensure the success of our

business, it is crucial for us to analyze the external and internal factors that can impact our

business operations. This analysis will include examining the political, economic, social,

technological, environmental, and legal factors that can affect our business. By

conducting this analysis, we can develop strategies to mitigate potential risks and

capitalize on opportunities to grow and sustain our business.

 Political Factors:

As students running a business within the school, there may be some political

factors that we may encounter. One of these factors could be the school's policies

and regulations regarding student-run businesses. The school may have specific

rules and guidelines that we need to follow in order to operate our business within

the school premises. We may also need to obtain permission from school

authorities and seek their approval for our business operations. To solve these

political factors, we can start by conducting thorough research on the school's

policies and regulations regarding student-run businesses. We can also seek

guidance from our school authorities and get their approval before starting our

business operations.

 Economic Factors:

There are several economic factors that may affect our business, such as

inflation, changes in consumer demand, and the availability of raw materials.

Inflation may affect the prices of our ingredients and materials, which could

increase our production costs and reduce our profit margins. Changes in consumer

demand may also affect our sales, as our target customers may prefer other

products or may have less disposable income to spend on our pastimallows.

To address these economic challenges, we can implement several strategies.

For instance, we can carefully monitor our production costs and adjust our prices

accordingly to maintain our profit margins despite inflation. We can also conduct

market research to understand our customers' preferences and adjust our product

offerings accordingly, such as introducing new flavors or packaging to attract

more customers. In addition, we can explore alternative sources of raw materials

to ensure a steady supply and minimize the risk of shortages. For example, we can

look for local suppliers or consider bulk purchasing to lower our costs and

improve our profit margins.

 Social Factors:

The target market of Fluffy Treats are students between the ages of 16-19 who

are studying in the strand of HUMSS and GAS. The social factors that may

impact the business include:

 Lifestyle and buying habits: The target market of Fluffy Treats are

students who are busy with their studies and other school activities.
Therefore, they may not have much time to prepare snacks or meals, and

may rely on convenience stores or school canteens for their food needs.

However, they may also be interested in trying new and unique food

products such as pastimallows. Therefore, we should position our products

as a convenient and unique snack option for students.

 Cultural preferences: As the target market of Fluffy Treats are students

who are likely from the same school, they may share similar cultural

preferences when it comes to food. Therefore, we should ensure that our

products align with the cultural preferences of our target market.

 Health and wellness concerns: In recent years, there has been a growing

trend towards healthy eating among young people. Therefore, we should

consider offering healthier alternatives to our pastimallows, such as low-

sugar or low-fat options, to cater to students who are health-conscious.

 Social media influence: The target market of Fluffy Treats is likely to be

active users of social media. Therefore, we should use social media

platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to promote our products and

engage with our customers. Social media can be a powerful tool for

building brand awareness and creating a loyal customer base.

 Technological Factors:

As a student-run business, Fluffy Treats may encounter technological factors

that could potentially impact the success of the business. One technological factor

that we may encounter is the lack of access to advanced technology, such as

equipment for food production and point-of-sale systems. This could impact the

efficiency of our production and sales processes. To solve this issue, we can
explore different options, such as borrowing equipment that the members may

have so we won't have to spend money on buying that equipment.

Another technological factor that we may encounter is cybersecurity threats,

such as hacking or phishing attacks, which could compromise our business's

online presence and sensitive information. To mitigate this risk, we can implement

strong password policies, use anti-virus software, and ensure that all devices are

regularly updated with the latest security patches. We can also limit access to

sensitive information and regularly back up our data to prevent data loss.

 Environmental Factors:

As students starting a business for the first time, there may be several

nature/environmental factors that we could encounter. One of the factors is the

availability of raw materials. Since our product is pastimallows, we need to ensure

that we have a consistent supply of pastillas and marshmallows. We could solve

this by establishing a good relationship with our suppliers and ensuring that we

order enough raw materials in advance to prevent any delays in production.

Another factor is the weather conditions that could affect our production

process. Extreme temperatures and humidity could affect the quality of our

products, and we need to take measures to maintain the right conditions in our

production area. We could open the windows and doors to allow fresh air to

circulate or we can use fans to circulate the air and create a cooling breeze. This

can help to lower the temperature and humidity level in your workspace. This can

be especially helpful if you're working in a hot and humid environment.

Additionally, we need to consider the waste management system of our

business. We must ensure that we dispose of our waste products properly to avoid

causing harm to the environment. We could implement a waste management

system that involves recycling, composting, or donating our unsold products to

minimize waste.

Lastly, we should also consider the potential impact of our business on the

environment. We should strive to minimize our carbon footprint by using energy-

efficient equipment, reducing water usage, and promoting eco-friendly packaging

materials. By doing so, we could attract environmentally conscious customers

who would support our business.

 Legal Factors:

While it may seem like the legal requirements for starting a business within a

school are minimal, there are still some legal factors that need to be considered.

Firstly, we should check with our school's administration if there are any rules or

regulations that prohibit students from starting a business within the school

premises. It is also important for us to verify if there are any school policies that

regulate the sale of food products, especially since our product is consumable.

Additionally, we may need to consider the local health and safety regulations

when it comes to producing and selling food products. Even if our product is only

intended for sale within our school, it is important to ensure that it is safe for

consumption and that we are adhering to any relevant food safety regulations. If

needed or necessary, we may need to obtain a permit or certification from the

local health department before we can begin selling our product.


 Product Description
Our product, the Pastillas with Marshmallow Inside also called as

Pastimallows. Were our customers can indulge in the soft and creamy goodness of

our classic pastillas, now with a delightful twist of marshmallow hidden within.

Our pastillas comes in four delicious flavors - the classic original, the earthy and

nutty ube, the fragrant and refreshing pandan, and the rich and decadent chocolate.

Where our customers will sure to find a flavor that will satisfy their sweet tooth.

Our Pastillas with Marshmallow Inside also offers the option of customizable

toppings! Drizzle some rich and velvety chocolate syrup on top or sprinkle some

colorful and crunchy sprinkles to add that extra crunch. Each bite of our Pastillas

with Marshmallow Inside is a unique and indulgent experience, perfect for those

looking for a new and exciting twist on the classic Filipino treat.


 To introduce and promote our brand of pastillas to the students of Leyte

National High School.

 To maintain a high level of product quality and customer satisfaction.

 To provide affordable and delicious pastillas to students of Leyte National

High School.


Our mission is to provide high-quality and delicious pastillas that satisfy the sweet

cravings of our customers. We are committed to using only the best ingredients and

producing our products in a clean and safe environment. We aim to create a loyal

customer base by providing excellent customer service and continuously improving

our products to exceed our customers' expectations.

Our vision is to be the preferred brand of pastillas among the students. We aspire

to expand our market share beyond the school and to become a household name in the

region. We aim to continuously innovate and improve our products to meet the

evolving needs and preferences of our customers while maintaining our commitment

to quality and affordability.


 Production Process: To produce our pastimallows, we will need to acquire the

necessary raw materials such as milk, sugar, and marshmallows from suppliers.

We will then need to mix and cook the ingredients according to a standardized

recipe, allowing the pastimallows to cool and set before packaging them in clear

plastic bags with branding and labeling. Finally, the pastimallows should be ready

for selling to our customers. And on each of the processes, we will assign

members that will facilitate or manage.

 Production Capacity: Our daily production capacity for pastimallows will be 100

units, and our monthly production capacity will be 2,000 units. This means that

we can aim to produce 100 pastimallows every day during school hours and aim

to have 2,000 pastimallows produced every month. By setting production targets,

we can ensure that we are meeting the demand of our customers while also being

efficient in our production process.

 Inventory Management: Effective inventory management is crucial to ensure

that we have the necessary materials and finished goods on hand to meet customer

demand while also minimizing excess inventory and associated costs. We will
determine the appropriate amount of raw materials needed to meet our production

targets and track inventory levels to order additional raw materials as needed.

Additionally, we will also keep track of the finished product inventory to ensure

sufficient stock for sales.

 Quality Control: To ensure that our pastimallows meet established quality

standards, we will set quality standards for the product and conduct quality tests

on raw materials and finished products. We will also implement process controls

to ensure consistent quality in the production process. Quality control measures

will help us identify and correct any defects or issues that could impact product

quality, ensuring that our customers receive a high-quality product.

 Distribution: To distribute our pastimallows, our plan is to go room to room in

each classroom to sell our products.


 Company Overview: Fluffy Treats is a student-run business that specializes in

selling pastimallows, a unique twist on the classic pastillas. Our business will

operate within our school premises and cater to our fellow schoolmates in the

Humss and Gas strands of senior high school. As students, we aim to provide

quality and affordable pastimallows to our customers, while also gaining valuable

entrepreneurial experience.

 Management Team: Fluffy Treats is led by a team of nine students who are

responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. The management team

is composed of a General Manager, Marketing Manager, Production Manager,

Finance Manager, and five other members who assist in various aspects of the
business. The General Manager oversees the overall operations of the business

and ensures that all departments are working together efficiently to achieve the

company's goals. The Marketing Manager is responsible for developing and

implementing marketing strategies to promote the products and attract customers.

The Production Manager is in charge of the production process, ensuring that the

products are of high quality and are produced in a timely manner. The Finance

Manager handles the financial aspects of the business, such as budgeting,

accounting, and financial reporting. In addition to these core roles, the other team

members have specific tasks assigned to them such as customer service, inventory

management, and quality control. All team members are responsible for ensuring

that the business runs smoothly and that customers are satisfied.

 Organizational Structure: Fluffy Treats is an organization led by a team of nine

students who work together to ensure that the business runs smoothly. The

management team is composed of five key positions: The General Manager,

Marketing Manager, Production Manager, Finance Manager, and five other

members who support the core functions of the business. The General Manager

oversees the entire business, ensuring that all departments are working together to

achieve the company's goals. The Marketing Manager is responsible for

developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote the products and

attract customers. The Production Manager is in charge of the production process,

ensuring that the products are of high quality and are produced in a timely

manner. The Finance Manager handles the financial aspects of the business, such

as budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting. In addition to these core roles,

the other team members have specific tasks assigned to them, such as customer

service, inventory management, and quality control. The team works closely
together to ensure that the business operates efficiently, and each member is

responsible for their specific duties. The organizational structure of Fluffy Treats

is designed to ensure that each member of the team has a clearly defined role and

that all aspects of the business are covered. With a clear structure in place, the

team is able to work efficiently and effectively to achieve the company's goals.

 Board of Directors: As a student-led business, Fluffy Treats will not have a

board of directors.

 Staffing Plan: The business will operate with a team of nine members, with each

member having a specific role in the production and operation of the business.

The staffing plan includes the team leader, production manager, marketing

manager, finance manager, quality control manager, inventory manager, and three

production staff

 Operations Plan: The operations plan includes the production process,

production capacity, inventory management, quality control, and distribution. The

business will produce 100 pastimallows per day and 2,000 per month, with each

member assigned to specific tasks such as mixing the ingredients, shaping the

pastimallows, and packaging them for sale. Inventory management will be crucial

to ensure that there is enough supply to meet demand, and quality control will be

implemented to maintain the consistency and taste of the product.

 Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Fluffy Treats will comply with all legal

and regulatory requirements set by the school administration, such as obtaining

necessary permits and licenses, adhering to safety standards, and following school

rules and regulations.

 Risk Management Plan: The business will have a risk management plan in place

to identify and mitigate potential risks such as spoilage of ingredients, equipment

breakdowns, and safety hazards. The team leader will ensure that all members are

aware of the plan and are trained to respond appropriately to any unexpected

situations that may arise.




(a) Production Workflow

U y
(b) Membership

At this time, our business has decided not to offer any membership programs. We believe

that our products and services are accessible to all of our customers without requiring a

membership or subscription. This will allow to provide our customers with the flexibility to

purchase our product or experience our services on a one-time business, without any long-

term commitment.

(c) Supply Chain

*Putting the products on a
*Purchasing all the raw *Mixing and incorporating all
packaging sheet or
materials needed ingredients to create pastillas

*Customers will now buy *Our product won't have
or purchase our prepared any retailers since we are *Store the finished product
products the one who will sell on a clean container

(d) Quality Control


We will perform a thorough inspection of all the raw materials that we have

purchased for making our product.


We will conduct a regular inspection during the production stage to ensure safety

and quality.


We will perform a final inspection of the finished product after production.



(a) Outline of Daily Activities

 Opening

 We will arrive and start our production at 8:00 AM and do the

necessary maintenance before starting.

 Inventory Management

 Checking the inventory levels or the quantity of the raw materials if it

is still enough for the production process for the day.

 Processing and Packaging

 This is where the raw materials will be incorporated with each other,

we will also monitor the process to ensure quality. The finished

pastillas will be put into a clean container for storage.

 Cleaning and Maintenance

 We will clean and sanitize all the equipment used in the production


 Closing

 This is where we will prepare all the things for the next production

process and call it a day afterwards.

(b) Location

Our business will take place at Leyte National High School Annex Campus located

at Barangay 68 Anibong, Tacloban City

(c) Tools and Equipment

 Mixing Bowls

 Whisk

 Measuring Cups and Spoons

 Cooking Pan/Saucepan

 Knife

 Scale

(d) Assets

 Refrigerator

 Stove

 Butane

(e) Special Requirements

 School Rules and Regulations

Since our business will take place inside a school campus, we will follow the

rules and regulations of the school, such as the time of when we are allowed to

sell our products.

(f) Raw Materials

 Sweetened Condensed Milk

 Powdered Milk

 White Sugar

 Flavorings (Vanilla)

 Marshmallow

(g) Production
Our estimated duration for our product production is about half a day. In this process

we estimated that we will make about 70 pieces of pastillas. In this duration, it will

include the production and packaging. The time of our production will still depend on

the factors that might affect it.


For our inventory we will estimate the need products or raw materials to use for our

production. We will analyze in each of our production process on what is really the

needed quantity for each of our raw materials.

(i) Feasibility

Before we will conduct or implement our business plan we will conduct first a pre-

feasibility study to overlook if our business will become successful

(j) Cost

The expenses of our business will include the raw materials, the packaging materials,

and other miscellaneous expenses.


(a) Marketing Methods and Strategies

One of our ideas to market our product is to use social media platforms like

Facebook or Instagram to showcase our tortillas and attract potential customers. Since

most of our friends on the said platforms are the students at LNHS Annex Campus,

which is our target market, it is sure that the word will spread around. Another idea is

creating attractive packaging that is visually appealing and stands out from other

products being sold in your school.

(b)Marketing Goals
Our marketing goals include setting a goal to increase our sales and generate more

revenue from selling pastillas. We also want to build brand recognition and increase

awareness of our pastillas among students and staff at our school also want to build

brand recognition and increase awareness of our pastillas among students and staff at

our school. We also want to establish ourselves as a trusted brand by consistently

providing high-quality pastillas and excellent customer service.\

(c) Business Description

Fluffy Treats is a student-run business that offers a unique twist on the classic

Filipino treat, pastillas. Our product, called Pastimallows, is a delicious blend of

pastillas and marshmallows that is sure to satisfy anyone's sweet tooth. As students,

we wanted to create a business that would cater to our fellow schoolmates and provide

a tasty and affordable snack option during breaks or after classes. We are committed

to providing high-quality products made with only the finest ingredients and prepared

with love and care. Our goal is to become the go-to snack option for students at our

school and to expand our reach to a larger customer base in the future.

(d) Market Research and Analysis

Fluffy Treats is a new business venture, and as first-time student entrepreneurs, it

is essential for us to conduct thorough market research to understand the target market

and competition. Our target market is our schoolmates, specifically students aged 16–

19 who are enrolled in the senior high school in the strands of HUMSS and GAS

studying at Leyte National High School Annex Campus.

 Demographics: Our primary target customers consist of senior high school

students who are interested in sweet treats and snacks. The estimated age of the

students ranges from 16 to 19 years old. They have no source of incoming

income, and their only source of money is the allowance that their parents give


 Buying behavior: Our research indicates that students in our school often

purchase snacks during their break times or after school hours. These students

typically look for affordable, convenient, and tasty snack options that can

satisfy their cravings. We believe that our product, pastimallows, will appeal to

this audience due to its unique flavor and combination of pastillas and


 Competition: While there are other snack options available in our school, our

primary competition includes other homemade food products being sold by

fellow students and the school cafeteria. However, none of these products are

similar to our pastimallows. We believe that our unique product will give us an

advantage in the market.

 Unique Selling Proposition: Our unique selling proposition is that our product,

pastimallows, combines two well-loved snacks into one delicious treat. Our

product is also freshly made and has a homemade quality that we believe will

appeal to our target audience.

(e) Pricing Analysis

Determine the cost of producing each pastimallow, including the cost of

ingredients, packaging, and labor for each day and see if the total sale for

a day is bigger that the total cost for the production in a day.



MARSHMALLLOW 1 pack P80.00 P80.00

POWDERED MILK 700 g P200.00 P200.00

CONDENSED MILK 1 can each P30.00 P150.00




WHITE SUGAR 1 kg P80.00 P80.00

SPRINKLES 50 g P15.00 P15.00


Out total costs for a day is P525.00 and since our pastimallows costs

P5.00 each and were selling 100 pcs. of pastimallows a day, our total sale

for a day is P500.00. Our total sale for the day doesn’t much with our

total costs for a day so we are thinking of selling the pastillas for P6.00.

Totaling of P600.00 of total sale for a day, much bigger now against our

total costs.

(f) Competitive Analysis

 School canteen:

 Strengths: The school canteen has an established presence in the school,

offering a variety of food and snack options. They also have a convenient

location and are open during school hours.

 Weaknesses: The school canteen may not offer a unique or specialized product

like our pastimallows. They may also have higher prices due to overhead


 Other student sellers of pastillas:

 Strengths: Other student sellers may have a unique selling proposition that sets

them apart from us, such as offering a different flavor or packaging. They may

also have a strong social media presence or marketing strategy.

 Weaknesses: Other student sellers may not have the same quality control or

consistent branding as our business. They may also have less experience or

knowledge of running a business.


 Opportunities: We will focus on our unique selling proposition of

pastimallows, which can set us apart from other student sellers and the school

canteen. We will use social media and word-of-mouth marketing to promote

our brand and reach a wider audience beyond our school.

 Threats: Other student sellers may start selling a similar product or offer a

more attractive promotion that could draw customers away from our business.

The school canteen may lower their prices or offer a similar product to

compete with our business.

(g) Success Measurements

The success of our business can be measured by the level of satisfaction our

customers have with our product and service. We can gather feedback from our

customers through surveys, social media polls, or face-to-face conversations to

understand their opinions about our pastimallows. We can also monitor online

reviews and comments from the social media posts we have posted about our business

to identify areas for improvement or praise. We will maintain high levels of customer

satisfaction will not only lead to repeat business but also positive word-of-mouth

marketing, which can help us attract new customers and gain a competitive edge over

other student businesses and the school canteen.

(h)Customer Profiling

 Age: 16-19 years old

 Education level: Senior High School students in the strand of HUMSS and GAS

 Gender: Both male and female students

 Income: No fixed income; they mostly rely on allowances or part-time jobs

 Lifestyle: They are busy with schoolwork and extracurricular activities, so they

may appreciate a convenient snack option that they can eat on-the-go. They may

also be interested in unique and trendy food products that are different from what

is available at the school canteen.

 Interests: They may be interested in trying new and innovative food products,

especially ones that are popular among their peers.

 Purchase behavior: They may be price-sensitive and have limited budgets, but

they may also be willing to spend on products that they perceive as high-quality or

unique. They may also be influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations from

their friends and classmates.

 Needs and wants: They may want a tasty and satisfying snack option that is also

affordable and convenient. They may also want to support fellow students who are

starting a business.

 Pain points: They may be frustrated with the limited food options available at the

school canteen and may be looking for more variety and choices. They may also

be concerned about the price and quality of food products available to them.

 Communication preferences: They may prefer to communicate through social

media platforms, like Facebook or Instagram, where they can easily access

information about Fluffy Treats and see pictures of the products. They may also
prefer in-person interactions, such as sampling the product or speaking with the

business owners directly.


(a) Assessment of the Business Environment

As we embark on starting our business, Fluffy Treats, it is essential to assess the

business environment to ensure its success. Our business will operate within the

school environment, and we will be selling our product, pastimallows, to our fellow

schoolmates. This assessment will guide us in making informed decisions to achieve

our business objectives and ensure that we remain competitive in the market.

 First, the business operates within a school environment, which provides a

captive market of potential customers who are their schoolmates. However,

the business faces competition from the school canteen and other students who

may also be selling similar products, particularly pastillas. It is important to

consider the pricing strategy and quality of the products to remain competitive

and attract customers.

 Second, the business is run by nine students who have no prior experience in

running a business. This lack of experience may lead to mistakes in decision-

making, which could impact the financial performance of the business. It is

crucial to provide adequate training and education to the team to ensure they

have the skills and knowledge needed to run the business successful

 Third, the business operates within legal and regulatory requirements. While it

may seem that the business does not require permits and requirements since it

is a school activity, it is still important to ensure compliance with relevant

laws and regulations. This includes proper handling of finances, taxes, and

food safety regulations

 Fourth, the business operates with limited resources. The team estimates that

they can produce 100 pastimallows per day and 2,000 per month. It is

important to assess the availability of resources, such as ingredients and

equipment, and ensure that they are used efficiently to minimize waste and

maximize profits.

 Finally, the business operates within a limited time frame, as it is a school

activity. This means that the business may not operate during school holidays

and breaks, which could impact its financial performance. It is important to

plan and budget accordingly to ensure that the business can maximize its

profits during the limited time frame.

(b) Confirming the Business Objectives and Vision

Confirming our business vision and objectives, we, as the team behind Fluffy

Treats, are committed to introducing and promoting our brand of pastimallows to the

students of Leyte National High School. Our main objective is to maintain a high

level of product quality and customer satisfaction while providing affordable and

delicious pastimallows to our fellow students. Our mission is to satisfy the sweet

cravings of our customers by providing high-quality and delicious pastimallows made

with only the best ingredients in a clean and safe environment. We aim to create a

loyal customer base by providing excellent customer service and continuously

improving our products to exceed our customers' expectations. Our vision is to

become the preferred brand of pastimallows among the students of Leyte National

High School and to expand our market share beyond the school to become a

household name in the region. We are dedicated to continuously innovating and

improving our products to meet the evolving needs and preferences of our customers

while maintaining our commitment to quality and affordability.

(c) Identifying the Types of Resources Needed to Achieve the Objectives

To achieve our business objectives and fulfill our mission and vision, we need

several types of resources.

 Firstly, we need a skilled labor force to produce high-quality pastillas that

meet our customers' expectations. Each member of our team will be assigned

to different tasks such as production, marketing, finance, customer service,

and inventory management.

 Secondly, we require raw materials such as milk, sugar, and flavorings to

produce our pastillas. We must ensure that we source these materials from

reliable and reputable suppliers to maintain the quality of our products.

 Thirdly, we need equipment such as stoves, mixers, and packaging machines

to facilitate the production process. We must ensure that these machines are

well-maintained to avoid any disruptions to our production schedule.

 Fourthly, we need a physical location to conduct our business. Since our target

market is the students of Leyte National High School, we plan to sell our

pastillas within the school premises.

 Lastly, we need financial resources to cover our startup costs such as raw

materials, equipment, and initial marketing expenses. We plan to fund our

business through personal savings, contributions from team members, and

possible loans from family and friends.

(d) Raw Marketing & Daily Supplies Requirement

Below are the following amounts needed daily for the production process of the

Fluffy Treat’s product. For the materials and equipment that will be used in making
the pastillas, we will not include their costs since we plan on letting the members

bring the materials that they have in their home that can be used in making the




MARSHMALLLOW 1 pack P80.00 P80.00

POWDERED MILK 700 g P200.00 P200.00

CONDENSED MILK 1 can each P30.00 P150.00




WHITE SUGAR 1 kg P80.00 P80.00

SPRINKLES 50 g P15.00 P15.00



I. Market Analysis

 Demographic: Our target market are senior high school students aged 16-19 who

are taking the strands of HUMSS and GAS.

 Competition: Our main competitors are the school canteen and other students who

are also starting a business, especially those who are planning to sell pastillas.

 SWOT Analysis:

Our strengths include
being a unique
product in the market
and our low overhead

threats include the Our weaknesses
competition and
S.W.O.T include being a new
potential regulatory business with no
and legal issues.
ANALYSIS established brand
name yet.

Opportunities include
the high demand for
snack foods among

II. Marketing Plan

 Product: We are selling a product called "Pastimallows", which are pastillas with

marshmallows inside.

 Promotion: Our promotion strategies include word-of-mouth, social media marketing,

and event sponsorship.

 Price: Our pricing strategy is based on a cost-plus approach, which considers the cost

of goods sold plus a margin for profit.

 Place: Our products will be sold within our school premises.

III. Organizational Structure

 General Manager: Responsible for overseeing the overall operations of the

business and ensuring that all departments are working together efficiently.

 Marketing Manager: Responsible for developing and implementing marketing

strategies to promote the products and attract customers.

 Production Manager: In charge of the production process, ensuring that the

products are of high quality and produced in a timely manner.

 Finance Manager: Handles the financial aspects of the business, such as

budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting.

 Other Team Members: Have specific tasks assigned to them, such as customer

service, inventory management, and quality control.

IV. Financial Plan

Assessing the business environment, confirming the business vision and objectives,

identifying the type of resources needed to achieve the objectives, quantifying the amount

of resources, calculating the total cost of each type of resource, summarizing the costs to

create a budget, and identifying any risks and issues with the budget set.

V. Legal Factors

Regulations and permits may be required for food businesses, even if they are run by

students within a school. We need to ensure that we comply with all relevant regulations

and obtain the necessary permits to avoid any legal issues.

VI. Pricing Analysis

Conducting a pricing analysis to determine the optimal price for our products,

considering our costs, competition, and target market.

VII. Risks and Issues

Possible risks and issues include regulatory and legal compliance, competition, supply

chain disruptions, and potential financial issues. We need to have contingency plans in

place to mitigate these risks and issues.

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