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Que Script Description Action/Line Source Send Level Notes

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0.5 1 Spooky Pre-show Laptop 2x Active -20 The spooky underscore should start
underscore Speakers playing a few minutes before the show
begins to create an atmospheric build-up.
1 1 Thunder_Witches Lights up Laptop 2x Active -20 Ensure the sound effect is timed
– Thrice Speakers precisely to coincide with the lights
coming up on the three witches, creating
a dramatic and synchronised impact.
2 2 Witches – A deed Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 Coordinate Macbeth's entrance with the
without a name “What is’t Speakers start of the "Witches - a deed without a
you do” name" audio to enhance the dramatic
effect of his arrival.
3 2 Witches – Speak. Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 The witches' "Speak. demand" line
Demand. “To what I Speakers should be delivered with a commanding
ask you” and sinister tone to accentuate their
4 2 Witches – Pour Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 Timing is crucial in this cue to
in sows blood “Call ‘em: Speakers synchronise the witches' line "Pour in
let me see sows blood" with Macbeth's response.
‘em” The audio should evoke a sense of dread
and anticipation.
5 3 Witches – He Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 The audio cue "Witches - He knows thy"
knows thy “Tell me, Speakers should start immediately after Macbeth
thou says "Tell me, thou unknown power" to
unknown create a seamless transition.
6 3 Witches – He Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 Coordinate the timing between the line
will not be “But one Speakers and Macbeth's dialogue to maintain the
commanded word more” tension and power dynamic between the
7 4 Thunder Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 The thunder sound effect should coincide
“In spite of Speakers precisely with Macbeth's line "in spite of
thunder” thunder," amplifying the dramatic
tension of his defiance.
8 4 Witches – Listen Macbeth: Laptop 2x Active -20 As Macbeth finishes his line "And top of
but speak not “And top of Speakers sovereignty," the witches' audio should
sovereignty” cease abruptly, followed by a blackout to
mark the end of the scene.

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