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Module 2

Mathematics & Astronomy

Session 1
SLO 1 & 2

Task 1:

1.List the two philosophical systems at the basis of Indian physics—and


Two philosophical systems at the basis of Indian physics—and metaphysics—

are Samkhya and Vaisesika. Samkhya, which is an ancient system that goes
back to the 3rd millennium BC, posits 25 basic categories together with 3
constituent qualities, which evolve in different ways to create the universe at the
microcosmic as well as the macrocosmic levels.

It also presupposes a “potential” (tanmatra) to be more basic than the material

entity. Vaisesika is a later system which is an atomic theory with the non-atomic
ground of ether, space, and time upon which rest four different classes of
indestructible atoms combine in a variety of ways to constitute all matter; it also
considers the mind to be atomic (Kak, 1999).

These systems presuppose genesis and evolution both at the cosmic and
psychological levels. They also accept cyclic and multiple universes, and the
centrality of observers.

2. What is Vedic Cosmology?

Vedic cosmology is one of five primary topics addressed in ancient Sanskrit

histories known as Puranas. This includes (1) universal creation by the
Superconsciousness (Vishnu), and (2) subsequent creation by Superhuman
beings (chiefly Brahma).
Vedic cosmology is a vast science with a comprehensive understanding of our
universe that far surpasses the views currently presented by modern science. If
you’re tempted to write off Vedic cosmology as mere mythology, you should
first consider the following:

1. The Origin of the Universe—the Puranic date for the Big Bang. The
generation of this universe by the Super consciousness — is 13.819
billion years ago. The current estimate within the scientific community is
13.801 billion years ago.
2. The age of the sun according to the Puranas is 4.563 billion years. The
current estimate within the scientific community is 4.567 billion years
3. Earth’s greatest mass extinction – the Permian mass extinction is
recorded in the Puranas as happening 251.152 million years ago. The
current estimate within the scientific community is 251.9 million years

3.Which is the oldest accurate book in the field of astronomy?

Surya Siddhanta is the first among the traditions or doctrines (siddhanta) in

archaeo-astronomy of the Vedic era. Infact, it is the oldest ever book in world
which describes earth as sphere but not flat, gravity being reason for objects
falling on earth etc.

This is the knowledge that the Sun god gave to an Asura called Maya in Treta
Yuga. This Maya is father-in-law of Ravana, the villain of first ever epic poem,
Ramayana. Going by calculations of Yugas, first version ofSurya
Siddhanta must have been known around 2 million years ago. However, the
present version available is believed to be more than 2500 years old, which still
makes it the oldest book on earth in Astronomy.

4.Discuss how the beliefs of Hinduism are associated with time.

i. Hinduism perceives time as cyclical. This is based on our own experience
of time in terms of days and nights. We see this cyclical pattern in days,
weeks, months, years, seasons and yugas or epochs. So from this
perspective, time is a never-ending cyclical process, which is both
repetitive and exhaustive. In a sense it is limited. In another it is eternal.
From a spiritual perspective, time exists when we are in a state of duality
but disappears when we enter into the state of unity or samadhi.
ii. Each time-cycle has three components, srishti, sthithi and laya. Srishthi
means creation. Sthithi means continuation and laya means dissolution.
Each time cycle begins with creation, continues for certain duration of
time and then dissolves into nothingness. After a brief respite, the cycle
begins all over again. These three aspects of time are under the control of
the Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Brahma is responsible for creation,
Vishnu for existence and Siva for dissolution. We can see the same
divisions in a day also. Each day is created in the early hours, continues
throughout the day and then finally dissolves into darkness. We can see
the same pattern in life also, as childhood, adulthood and old age.
iii. The Hindu calculation of time comes to us from sage Ganita who is
mentioned in the Manusmriti and the Mahabharata. He calculated the
duration of each cycle of creation in human years. He divided the cosmic
time into Kalpas, which is a day and night in the time and space of
Brahma. It is considered to be equal to 8.64 billion years (Vishnu
Purana). Each Kalpa consists of two Artha Kalpas of 4.32 billion years
each. They are the day and night of Brahman. Each Kalpa is further
divided into 1000 maha yugas. Each maha yuga is again divided into four
yugas, namely krita yuga, treat yuga, dvapara yuga and kali yuga. Their
duration varies. Krita yuga the first in the series has the longest duration
of 1.728 million years and kali yuga, which is the last and the current, has
a duration of only 432000 years. The durations of other divisions are
mentioned in the table at the bottom of this article.
iv. The lifespan of Brahma is considered 100 Brahma years, which is known
as Maha Kalpa or Parardha. It is equal to 311.04 trillion human years.
v. A day in the life of gods is equal to one year upon earth. It is divided into
day and night. The day is known as uttarayana and the night as
dakshinayana. They are equal to 180 days each.
vi. In Hindu tradition there is another division of time called manvantara. A
manavantara is the period during which the earth is ruled by a particular
Manu, the father of man. The word 'man' comes from the Sanskrit word
Manu. According to tradition, a new Manu manifests at the beginning of
each manvantara to produce a new race of human beings. Each
manvantara lasts for about 71 mahayugas or approximately 308 million
years. In each manvantara along with Manu appear seven seers or rishis
and one Indra. In all 14 Manus appear in each Kalpa over a period of
1000 mahayugas in succession. The current Manu is 7th in the line and is
known as Vaivasvata Manu.
vii. The current yuga or epoch is known as Kaliyuga. It is the last in the cycle
of the current mahayuga or great epoch. Its calculated duration is 432000
years. We are not sure presently whether we are at the beginning, in the
middle or near the end of Kaliyuga. If we accept the theory that Kaliyuga
began with the passing away of Lord Krishna some 6000 or 7000 years
ago, then probably we are in the early phase of Kaliyuga and have a long
way to go.
viii. Hindu Purunas contain several narrative accounts in which celestial
events span over longer durations of time. They describe gods waging
wars, or practicing meditation or making love for hundreds and thousands
of years.

5. What is Puranic Cosmology?

The Brahmanda Purana describes the cosmic egg, the anda: These seven
worlds are well established in this cosmic egg; the whole earth along with the
seven continents, the seven oceans, the great mountains and thousands of rivers
are established in the very same cosmic egg. These worlds are situated within
(the cosmic egg). This universe is within the cosmos. Everything is established
in that cosmic egg—viz. the moon and the sun along with the stars, planets and
the wind as well as the mountain Lokāloka

6. The day on which the Sun’s direct rays cross the celestial equator is
The quionox

7. Which of these objects is the farthest from the Sun?


8. The planet which completes one revolution in 88 days around the Sun is:
9. The smallest planet of the solar system:

10. The small groups of planetary pieces which are confined and revolving
between Mars and Jupiter are called:

Sindhu Kaleeswaran

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