Week 1 Grade 7 DLP

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CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, andwh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to process information
mentioned in the text listened to(EN7LC-IV-a-8).
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 1 Date:_____________________

II. CONTENT: Relating Past to Present

Subject Matter: Reconnection
Integration: Values Integration-there is always love and patience but if people need for
freedom they need to act or do some actions in order to achieve it just for the sake of the
future children.
Strategies:video presentation, multiple intelligences
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages-
2. Learner’s Material pages-p.418-422
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
B. Motivation:showing of videos about People Looking for Freedom.
C. During the Lesson
Invite the students to work on the pre-requisites to check their background knowledge
and to prepare them for the development of their target skills through the
following tasks.
Task 1. From Gen X, Y, to Z. Read the words on the computer screen below. Try to
identify the general idea they would like to express. Write possible answers on
the space of the keyboard. Take turns on sharing your answers.
What is the connection among the words? How is this related to the theme
“Relating Past to the Present?

Task 2: Reconnection. When you think of relating your past experiences to this present,
you cannot help but to find similarities and differences. This is exactly what is in the store for you in this
task. Pair up and look closely at the pictures.
Discuss with your partner the answer to the following questions and share your answers to the class:
 Describe the pictures on the first column. How do they differ from the pictures
on the second column?
 How do you feel when there are changes and innovations?
 What do the pictures suggest?
 Share and explain your responses with the class.
 Explain how the lines above are related to the theme of the lesson.

Evaluation: Students have to present multiple intelligences about freedom:

a. Sing a song
b. Drama
c. Draw-Poster Making and Slogan Making

Rubrics for singing a song: Stage presentation -10

Song Choice -10
Relativity of the topic -10____
Rubrics for Drama: Oral Delivery Volume -10
Oral Delivery Clarity -10
Rubrics for Poster &Slogan Making Contest:
Originality -10
Creativity/Color harmony -10
Impact/Presentation -10


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to discover through
Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and
responsibly in today’s global village EN7LT-IV-a-6:
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 2 Date:_____________________

II. CONTENT: Relating Past to Present

Subject Matter: POETRY ELEMENTS-God Said, “I Made a Man”
Integration: Values Integration-(Biblical) God made a man and a woman with his own
Science &Ara.PanIntegration- Charls Darwin said that “Human being is come from an ape.
Strategies:powerpoint presentation, brainstorming
C. References:
5. Teacher’s Guide pages-
6. Learner’s Material pages-p.423-425
7. Textbook pages
8. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
D. Other Learning Resources

J. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
B. Motivation:showing of videos about People Looking for Freedom.
C. During the Lesson
Task 6: Poetry Elements. Before moving on the literary text, let us first review the elements of the
poem during the Contemporary Period of Philippine Literature. Group yourselves into five. Using the
semantic web, list the poetry elements you already knew. Show and explain your work with the class

Discuss with the students the following Basic Elements of a Poem
Task 7: Vocabulary Check. Use the dictionary to defined the underlined words which will be found in the
poem to be read. (Tell them that these words will be found in the literary text to be discussed.

1. He spun Himself to brightest day

(Ans: to turn around; past tense of spin)

2. Who am thy Fountainhead

(Ans: the origin of source)
3. Of this so regal head
(Ans: suitable for a king)

Task 8: Literary Exploration

How would you react if instead of appreciating the gifts of the past you received nothing but
ingratitude? Whatever the past has brought to you, you must be thankful and consider them as lessons
which you can bring with you until new encounters come.

Note: The poem shows man’s ingratitude to his creator----the God who made all things in the past, in
the present, and even in the future.
Q & A: On your notebook, answer the following questions:
 What is the poem all about?
 How is the relationship of the past and present relevant in the text?
 What attribute of God is being described in the poem?
 How did God react to the ingratitude of His creations?
 How are the actions of the men in the past significant to your situation right now?

NOTE: The teacher must be ready for the variety of responses from the learners.
 Read to the class the biblical explanation of the literary text. Allow the learners to
reflect on how important looking back to the past is and how present events prepare us
to the near future.

 Once the learners have already understood the message of the text, proceed to the next

To check students’ understanding of the lesson, allow them to individually answer the
Task 9: Poetry Whiz. Identify the word or phrase described in each statement.
____________1. It is a literary form simply defined as a patterned expression of ideas or
imaginative terms usually containing rhymes and meters.
____________2. It is the recurrence or the repetition of similar sounds in poetry.
____________3. It is the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds.
____________4. It is a vivid description of things seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted.
____________5. It is a series of lines grouped together.
____________6. It is a stanza of a poem which has two (2) lines.
____________7. It is an object of the poem that symbolizes a significant idea.
____________8. It is the underlying message of a poetry.
____________9. “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore” is an example of what poetic
____________10. What do you call a comparison that uses the words “as” and “like”?

ANSWERS: 1. Poetry/poem 2. Rhyme 3. Rhythm 4.Imagery 5. Stanza

6.couplet 7. Symbolism 8.Theme 9.Alliteration 10.Simile

ASSIGNMENT: Look for a copy of the movie “2012”.


7. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
8. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
9. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
10. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
11. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
12. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?



CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to differentiate reality
from fantasy based on material viewed. (EN7VC-IV-a-6.1)
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 3 Date:_____________________

Subject Matter: “2012”
Integration:Values Integration-People need to pray to our God.
Science Integration-Science has always the explanation regarding calamities.
Strategies:Video presentation, think-pair-share
G. References:
9. Teacher’s Guide pages-
10. Learner’s Material pages-p.426-427
11. Textbook pages
12. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
H. Other Learning Resources
A. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
B. Review
Call students and ask about the basic elements of poetry.
c. Motivation: Showing of photos of different calamities.
D. Presentation of the Lessons
Tell the students about a science fiction and the difference between reality and fantasy
together with its examples.

E. Activity (watch, listen, and speak)

Task 11: Watch the film “2012”- a 2009 American Science fiction disaster film directed
and co-written by Roland Emmerich.

 The movie is a science fiction disaster film which shows the effect of the things that
humanities do and continue doing in the planet. While a good portion of the movie is
dedicated to damage, 2012 also contains many Biblical, mythological, and historical
references that give the story a deeper underlying meaning.
 After watching the film, answer the guide questions below:
 What is the message of the movie?
 Do you remember a particular scene throughout the film? What is its
 What theme underlies in the plot?
 What does the film show about the people and their values?
 How is the film related to the theme of the lesson?
 Which parts of the film resemble reality?
 Which parts are based on the writer’s imagination?
 According to your own understanding, what is the relationship of past events to
your present situation?
E. Abstraction
The teacher discusses with the learners about the science fiction movie after hearing
their answers.
F. Application
Students may cite or give some examples about the movies they watched or books that
they have read whether it is fantasy or reality.
V. Evaluation
Directions: WriteRif it is Reality and F if it is Fantasy in the blank provided.
___________1.The cowboy rode a brown horse across the road.
___________2. We painted the house yellow.
___________3. The frog flew the blue airplane.
___________4. The fish sang four songs for us.
___________5. We learned about addiction in class.

Note: you may also ask the learners to watch “Wall-E” as an alternative film. After
discussing the film in relation to the theme of the lesson, move on to the next
Assignment: 1 whole sheet of paper
Write a reaction paper regarding the films.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?



CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to formulate WH-
questions ( EN7G-IV-a-6.2).
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 4 Date:_____________________

Subject Matter: WH-Questions
Integration:Arapan Integration-Questions raise from what had happened in the past.
Strategies:Pageant Search,think-pair-share
A. References:
13. Teacher’s Guide pages-
14. Learner’s Material pages-p.428-431
15. Textbook pages
16. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
B. Review
Call students and ask about the films they’ve watched and ask them if they had formed
questions on their mind.
C. Motivation: Pageant Search: Mr. & Ms. Teen 2019- Representative in each row were ask to
ramp as candidates and are asked topick rolled papers and read the questions with the used of WH-
D. Presentation of the Lessons
Tell the students about Formulating WH- Questions.
D. Activity
Task 12 A: Critiquing an Ad (Think-Pair-Share) What have you noticed in the advertisement?
What information does it provide? On your notebook, write all the details you can find in the ad.
Share it with your partner.

B. Capturing the Lesson

Take note of the following question words and the answers or short replies they
needed. Study the examples as well.

C. During the Lesson

Invite the students to listen the discussion of the teacher. Teach the learners how to
formulate WH questions by following the guidelines stated. Discuss the list of WH and H
questions and their corresponding answers. Let them comprehend the differences of the
questions by exemplifying the sample sentences.

IV. Evaluation:
K. Supply the missing WH-word to complete the thought of the sentences. Choose your answer
from the table above.
1. _____________are you messing around? (reason)
2. _____________will you finish your work if you’re playing? (manner)
3. _____________is she going? (place)
4. _____________did you arrive from the province? (time)
5. _____________books are there in the box? (quantity/countable)
6. _____________laptop is this? (possession)
7. _____________will finish the activity? (duration)
8. _____________is the restaurant? (distance)
9. _____________among these flowers you like best? (choice)
10. _____________of beverages you want me to order? (description)
Answers: 1. Why 2. How 3. Where 4.When5. How many
6.whose 7. How long 8. How far 9. Which 10.What kind

L. Assignment
Formulating WH. Study the picture below and formulate your own WH questions which can
be drawn from the picture. Write your questions on the space provided. An example is done
for you.

Sample questions as follow:

 What kind of place is in the picture?
 Where is the tree?
 Who is watching television?
 Who is biking?
 What else can you find in the picture?
 What is the name of the child with Mara?
 How many windows are there?
 After formulating wh questions, ask the learners to classify the questions
formulated according to the level of complexity. Categorize the questions
which require simple complex or more critical answers.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?



CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to observe and use the
appropriate oral language, stance and behavior when giving
information, instructions, making explanations, and narrating
events in factual and personal recounts EN7OL-IV-a 3:
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 5 Date:_______________

Subject Matter: Differentiated Activities
Integration:Arapan Integration-Look at the past, politicians especially presidents of the
country were interviewed by the press
Strategies: Interview& Investigate, making a Letter, Venn-diagram
A. References:
17. Teacher’s Guide pages-
18. Learner’s Material pages-p.431-433
19. Textbook pages
20. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

1. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
2. Review
Call students if they already know when and how to formulate questions.
2. Motivation: Video Presentation-Giving information and instructions
(Students will observe questions used, and actions)
4. Presentation of the Lessons
Tell the students about the differentiated activities.
5. Activity
Task 13: Small Group Differentiated Activities

Group 1 WH Clash.Formulate WH questions about the lives of Filipinos. These questions

are the ones that make you wonder about your current situation. List ten questions and share
them with the class.
Why do most of the children spend more time browsing social media than
studying their lessons?

Group 2 Interview and Investigate.Interview someone in authority of someone older

than you (e.g. teacher, parent, barangay official). Formulate the questions that you are going to ask to
your interviewee. The questions must start from simple to complex and should lead your interviewees
to share the things that they did in the past and they don’t do now and the things that they usually do
before up until now. Jot down all their answers to the questions. Share to the class the WH questions
you formulated and the answers of the people you interviewed.

Group 3 Letter to the President. Imagine you are given a chance to communicate with
the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Your task is to write a letter addressed to the president.
Share to the president your insights regarding the present situation of the country compared to what
had happened in the past. Before you end your letter, ask him/her questions which will make you
understand the status of our country.

Group 4Compare and Contrast.Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast the
Philippine situation then and now. On the left side, you list down the events or practices that happened
in the past. On the right side, you list down the events or practices that are happening now. At the
middle, write the practices that have happened since in the past. Share your insights with the class.

Group 5 Book Mark.Construct a slogan or a quotable quote that tells something about
valuing the past for the benefit of the future. Write it on a piece of cardboard. Design the cardboard and
cut it as to the size of a bookmark. Put a ribbon on it. Feel free to add more designs for a better output.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine

literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative
and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral
language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES:At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to Formulate WH-
questions ( EN7G-IV-a-6.2).
Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 5 Date:_______________

Subject Matter: Differentiated Activities
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages-
2. Learner’s Material pages-
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
5. Other Learning Resources

1. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
2. Review
Call students if they already know when and how to formulate questions.
3. Presentation of the Lessons
Tell the students about the Informative Photo Album

Task 14: Philippines on the Go. Prepare your materials and do the following.


Goal Your task is to make an informative photo album about the daily life of the
Role You are a historian who loves to capture moments passing by.
Audience Your informative photo album will be exhibited in a Philippine Historical
Situation You are given seven days to tour the country and pick the most significant
events in the past and in the present.
Product Your product is an informative photo album.
Standards Your work will be assessed based on its Content/Focus, Creativity, Clarity/
Organization, Language Mechanic and Word Choice.

Keep in mind the following reminders as you work on your photo album:

 Formulate WH questions and creatively include them in your album.

 Follow a timeline of events- from past to present.
 Through the pictures, show the daily life of Filipinos.
 Emphasize the relevance of the past events to the present ones.
 Make sure to include the following in your album:
 WH questions
 Photos
 Descriptions and Explanations

6. Assignment:

7. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
8. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
9. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
10. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
11. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
12. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

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