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The most distinctive feature of Islam is probably the name
‘Islam’ itself! Almost all other religions of the world are known
by the names of their founders, places of origin, nations, tribes
or communities to which they are preached. On the other hand,
Islam is the only religion known by an ideal - the ideal of total
submission to the Creator and Sustainer of the worlds, Allah.
Islam views the whole humanity from a vantage point
located outside the boundaries of time, region, religion,
language, colour and race. It draws out the unique and exquisite
relationship between man and God, who is his Creator, Protector
and Supreme Law-giver.
This holistic philosophy of Islam on humanity as one integral
unit was upheld and propagated by Allah’s prophets. The Holy
Qur’an declares:
“Mankind was just one single nation, and Allah sent messengers
with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the
Book in Truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they
differed”. (Qur’an, 2: 213).
“And verily, We have sent among every community a messenger
(proclaiming) ‘(Worship Allah alone and eschew tyrant (false
deities etc.)” (Qur’an, 16:36)
(Source: The Muslim World League Journal, November 1999)

Feature : Ciri
Founder : Pendiri

English for Islamic Studies: English for Sophomore 1

Tribes : Suku
Ideal : Prinsip
Vantage : Menguntungkan, positif
Point : Sisi/Sudut
Exquisite : Indah sekali
To uphold : Menegakkan, memperkuat
Tidings : Khabar, berita
To preach : Berdakwah
To eschew : Menjauhkan diri dari

1. According to the passage what is the main feature of Islam
that makes it different from other religions ? Explain !
2. What is the ideal of Islam mentioned in the text?
3. What is the view of Islam about humanity ?
4. What does the word it in paragraph two line three refer
5. What does the word We in the last paragraph refer to?

D. Language Focus: ARTICLES

Look at this sentence!
Islam is the only religion known by an ideal – the ideal of
total submission to the Creator and Sustainer of the Worlds,

Types of Articles
There are two articles in English:
a/an : Indefinite Articles
the : Definite Article
1. We use a and an with singular nouns. We use a before a
consonant sound:

2 Dr. Safrul Muluk, S.Ag, M.A., M.Ed & Dr. Luthfi Aunie, MA
Example: a pear- a house- a university (u=you’)

We use an before a vowel sound:

Example: an apple - an hour - an honest woman

We make the plural of these phrases with some or any:

Example: some/any pears – some/any apples

We also use some and any with uncountable nouns

Example: some/any bread - some/any information

2. We use a/an when we do not need to make clear which

person or thing we are talking about:
Example: Yesterday I bought a blouse and a skirt.
Have you ever seen a rainbow?
A climber has died in Tibet.

Notice that we use a/an with professions:

My mother is an architect.
Junaidi is a doctor.

3. We also use some and any when we do not need to make

clear which people or things we are talking about:
Example: I bought some shoes today.
I didn’t meet any nice people at the party.

4. We use the with singular, plural and uncountable

nouns:the girl - the girls - the information

5. We use the when it is obvious which person or thing we

are talking about because:

English for Islamic Studies: English for Sophomore 3

- we have already mentioned it or something related to it:
A : I’ve bought a blouse and a skirt.
B : What color is the blouse?
We took our children to a circus. The clowns were very good.

- the situation makes it clear:

The moon is bright tonight.
Is the radio in the kitchen?
Let’s meet at the station.

6. We also use the when we make it clear which person or

thing we mean with words that identify it:
This is the skirt that I bought.
Do you know the girls in this photo?

7. We do not use the with a noun and a number:

Do Exercise 3 on page 29.

But we use the with first, second etc. + noun:

Do the third exercise.

I. Put a or an in the gaps.
Example: An hour is a long time.
1. Take ……. umbrella if you are going for … walks.
2. Would you prefer …… orange or …… banana?
3. We saw ……interesting TV program about …… woman
who lives alone on …… island.

II. Put a, an or the in the dialogues.

Example: A: Have Ani and Maimun got any pets?

4 Dr. Safrul Muluk, S.Ag, M.A., M.Ed & Dr. Luthfi Aunie, MA
B: Yes, they’ve got a dog and a cat.
A: Does the dog like the cat?

1. A: I’m reading …… interesting book.

B: Who’s …… author?
A: Jane Sinclair -you know, she’s …..woman who has her
own show on TV.
2. A: Have you got …… ruler that I can borrow?
B: I’ve got …… plastic one and ……wooden one. But
wooden one is broken.
A: Well, lend me ……plastic one then, please.
3 A: We saw ……wonderful film last weekend.
B: Who was ….. director?
A: Bob Pine. He’s never made …… film before.
4. A: Why is ….. earth hottest at …… equator?
B: Because that is …… part of …… earth that is closest
to …… sun.

English for Islamic Studies: English for Sophomore 5

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