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Jl. Urip Sumoharjo Km. 5, Panaikang, Kecamatan Panakkukang, Kota Makassar SCHOLARSHIP
Sulawesi Selatan, 90231 Telp. (0411) 455696
Homepage:,, E-mail: [email protected]

Registration Number (staff only)

Instruction 1. Please complete all sections of the form clearly in block
letters and in black ink.
2. Cross (X) the box that suits your answer

A. Personal Details
1. Full Name (as appears on passport): ……………………………………...................................................................................
2. Place and Date of Birth : ………………………………………………………………….............................................................
3. Sex :  Female  Male
4. Religion :  Islam  Catholic  Christian
 Buddhist  Hindu  Others
5. Nationality :
6. Passport No. :
Date of Issue (dd/mm/yy) :
Date of Expiry (dd/mm/yy) :
Issuing Country :
7. Mailing address :
8. Home address : .................................................................................................................................
City / Province / State : .................................................................................................................................
Country : .................................................................................................................................
Postal Code : .................................................................................................................................
9. Phone / Mobile Number : .................................................................................................................................
10. Email (mandatory) : .................................................................................................................................
11. Name of Parent/Guardian : .................................................................................................................................
Parent/Guardian Address : .................................................................................................................................
Parent/Guardian Email : .................................................................................................................................
Parent/Guardian Occupation : …………………………………………………………………………………….
12. Marital Status :  Married  Single

B. Proposed Study Program

1. Faculty : .................................................................................................................................
2. Study Program (First Choice) : .................................................................................................................................
3. Study Program (Second Choice) :................................................................................................................................

C. Academic History
1. Last Secondary School Attended : .............................................................................................................................
2. Phone / Fax : .................................................................................................................................
3. Address : .................................................................................................................................
Country : .................................................................................................................................
4. Year of Graduation : ………………………………………………………………………………………

D. Language Proficiency
1. Bahasa Indonesia  Poor  moderate  Fluent
2. English  Poor  moderate  Fluent
3. Others : …………………………………………………………………………………

E. Health History– medical documentation from a doctor stating your ability to meet the academic demands in the University is required.
1. Do you have any disabilities, impairment, or long-term medical condition that may affect your studies?

 No  Yes
2. Please list any health problems that you have
 allergies  gastrointestinal  arthritis  heartburn
 backpain  asthma/bronchitis  heart disease  psychiatric
 emotional  diabetes  palpitations  other _______________________________

F. Insurance
Do you have health insurance?  Yes  No

To the next page…

Provider/Insurance Company ________________________________________________________
Validity: _______________________________ Cover: ____________________________________

G. Participation in Universitas Muslim Indonesia Scholarship Program

 I will participate in UMI Scholarship Program for fully funded scholarship.
 I will participate in UMI Scholarship Program for partial scholarship.
 I will proceed for the registration proses if I am given partial scholarship.

H. Checklist
I have included:
 a high-quality scanned copy of my passport and its cover
 a certified copy of all academic certificates and transcript
 4 current color photographs (red background) size 4x6
 a financial guarantee statement enclosing a bank statement, indicating my financial ability to undertake education in USD
 a statement letter (prepared by UMI International Office)
 a recommendation letter from my school/institution
 a health insurance
 Health Protocol statement letter
 Covid 19 Self-pay statement letter
 3 Doses Covid 19 Vaccine certificate (Complete Doses)
 an official medical documentation stating that I am not infected by Covid 19 and I am able to meet the academic demands in Universitas
Muslim Indonesia

I. Declaration
If accepted, I agree:
1. to obey the law, rules and regulations of the Indonesian Government
2. to pay for the program fee, any academic expenses, and any immigration expenses needed to study in Universitas Muslim
3. to abide by the regulations of Universitas Muslim Indonesia
4. to attend lecturers in an orderly manner
5. to refrain from engaging in political activities or any form of employment for profit or gain
6. not involve in any misconduct and any form of harassment
7. not involve in drug traffic and abuses
8. not infected by any dangerous and contagious virus
9. to be sent back to home country if I violate the stay permit in Indonesia and the said regulations above
10. to return to my home country after I finish my study period at Universitas Muslim Indonesia

I certify that the statements I have made in response to the foregoing questions are true, completed and correct to the best of my knowledge.



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