Or Orientation Checklist

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Medical Student OR Orientation Checklist (please bring to OR orientation)

Facility (1)________________________(2)________________________(3)___________________

 Describe rationale for proper OR surgical attire

 Review OR Etiquette

 Identify Principles of Aseptic Technique

 Explain basic OR safety considerations

Action Items Considerations

Environmental 1. Process for Pyxis if applicable

Scan obtaining scrubs.
2. Location of locker
room with assigned
Logistics of Rooms /Instrument Room/ Xray
3. Tour of the OR: Supplies
Phone ext:__________
Charge Nurse Admin

4. Tour of the PACU:

Phone ext___________ Supplies
Charge Nurse Admin

5. Tour of Pre-Op: Chart Location

Phone ext:__________
Charge Nurse Admin

6. Patient Whiteboard OR Daily Schedule

Surgical Attire 7. Surgical Scrubs -Clean/ Dirty scrubs (Only scrubs laundered by the
facility can be worn to OR)

-Undergarments /Jewelry

8. Hair Covering -Nailpolish/Perfumes

9. Mask
10. Eye Wear Hat/ Hood Within the OR / Outside the OR

Medical Student OR Orientation Checklist (please bring to OR orientation)
Facility (1)________________________(2)________________________(3)___________________

11. Shoe covering Mandatoy PPE/Optional PPE

12. Hospital ID

OR Etiquette 13. Introduce self to Always give a quick knock on door.

circulating RN in
14. Write name on
white board if
15. Offer to obtain gown
and glove Do not open gown and gloves. Hand them to the
16. Make certain that circulating RN
you have eaten prior
to scrubbing in the Backpacks, fannypacks etc are not allowed inside
17. Either turn off your
pager or have it Lab coats, and jackets etc are not allowed in the OR
assigned to someone
prior to scrubbing in
the OR

Who’s Who in 18. Review the various Surgeon

the operating roles and
Room responsibilities of Anesthesiologist
the disciplines and
Circulating Nurse
Scrub Person

OR Assistant


Aseptic 19. Placement of

Technique/ Set Surgical mask
of rules that 20. Methods of Hand Hand rub/ Hand scrub
govern the OR Antisepsis
environment 21. Donning a sterile
gown Double Gloving with Blue Underglove
22. Open Gloving Glove Size:__________________
23. Closed Gloving

Medical Student OR Orientation Checklist (please bring to OR orientation)
Facility (1)________________________(2)________________________(3)___________________

24. Changing gown or

gloves during the
procedure Break in technique /Cross Contamination -Do not
25. Removal of Gown leave OR suite with gown or gloves on Wash
after procedure hands after glove removal
26. Removal of gloves
after procedure

27. Where is the sterile

field Below sterile level is considered unsterile
28. Mayo Stand
29. Surgical Conscience

Universal 30. Wrong Site Surgery Everyone is expected to participate and follow
Protocols 31. Time Out protocol carefully

Time 32. All students are

expected to be on
time to the OR


Medical Student OR Orientation Checklist (please bring to OR orientation)
Facility (1)________________________(2)________________________(3)___________________

(signature) (if needed) (if needed)

Scrub Demo/Return complete Validator #1 Validator #2 Validator #3

yes no

Gown Demo/Return complete Validator #1 Validator #2 Validator #3

yes no

Double Glove (Blue) complete Validator #1 Validator #2 Validator #3

yes no

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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