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Pile Testing Methods

Mainly there are four types of pile testing methods.

1. Pile Integrity Test (Low strain integrity Test)

2. Dynamic Load Test ( High strain dynamic test)
3. Static Load Test
4. Cross Hole Sonic Test
The texture depth is usually 1.00 ± 0.25 mm.

Material Required:


Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval
of the Engineer:

(i) Ordinary Portland Cement IS: 269

(ii) Portland Slag Cement IS: 455

(iii) Portland Pozzolana Cement IS:1489

Cement to be used may preferably be obtained in bulk form. It shall be

stored in accordance with stipulations contained in Clause 1014 and shall
be subjected to acceptance test prior to its immediate use.

Coarse Aggregate:

Aggregates to be used in the construction of PQC will be Crushed

aggregates .

The aggregate complying IS: 383 will be used.

Max Size of coarse aggregate 25mm as per MoRTH 601.2.3.2

(Fourth Revision : August 2001).

Fine Aggregate:

Clean, natural sand from River Banas form location Triveni 20km form
Ladpura will be used. The material conforming IS: 383 is ensured.

The fine aggregate shall consist of clean, natural sand or crushed

stone sand or a combination of the two and shall conform to IS: 383.
Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam,
cemented particles, mica, organic and other foreign matter. The fine
aggregate shall comply with MoRTH 602.2.4.3.(Fourth Revision :
August 2001).
(The grading limits for all in aggregates shall be per IS:383 for 20mm
nominal size Aggregate for Pavement Quality Concrete )

Sieve Designation Percentage passing the Sieve by


40 mm 100
20 mm 95 � 100
4.75 mm 30 � 50
600 micron 10 � 35
150 micron 0�6


Water used for mixing and curing concrete conforming to IS:

456: 2000.

In case of PQC During hot weather, water for preparation of

concrete will be taken form water chilling plant.

Admixture conforming to IS: 6925 and IS: 9103 to improve
workability of concrete or extension of setting time to be done.

Storage of materials :


Aggregate will be stock piled separately and sufficient distance will

be maintained from each fraction to avoid intermingling.

Storage space must be easy to inspection, removal and restorage

of materials.

Regular testing of aggregate stock pile will be exercised to ensure

required gradation control.


Bulk cement will be stored in bulk storage containers having

200MT capacity and the number of such bulkers will be sufficient
to cater to the requirement at site.


Water will be tanks covered at top and cleaned at regular intervals.

The intake of pipe will be enclosed to exclude silt and other solid
materials and there shall be a minimum depth of 0.60 m of water
below the intake at all times.

Proportioning of concrete

Concrete Strength

The pavement concrete should be a class M-40 concrete with a

minimum 28 days compressive characteristic strength of 40 MPa

1. Characteristic flexural strength at 28 days = 4.5 MPa

2. Target mean strength at 28 days = 5.80MPa

3. Water cement ratio =0.45 Maximum

4. Slump as per IS: 1199 =31+/-15 mm

Minimum flexural characteristic strength of 4.5 MPa.

The ration between the 7 & 28 days strengths of 4.5 Mpa.

For each batch

7days (avg.)

The average flexural strengths ( R7) =

28 days (avg.)

R7 to be determined for three decimal levels.

(Flexural strength of any Six consecutive 7day test result) >4.50+1.65*s

S: Standard deviation of the group.


The control of workability will be done by the slump test

Slump will be controlled so that mix is compacted and finished

without undue flow.

The exact slump required at plant and site will be exercised during
trail patch.

Separation Membrane :

Two applications of approved wax-based white �pigmented curing

compound will be applied on DLC.

First coat will be applied immediately after DLC laying and

compaction and the other before start of PQC.

The process of application will be done using mechanical sprayer.

The other parameters will be meeting the additional specification

Clause- A-12.

Preparation of base :

Any visible defects / cracks more than 10mm size to be required by

fine cement concrete mix.
Surface will be made clean of dirt or extraneous material and free
from damage before application compound.


The exact location and type of joint to be transferred at site as

mentioned in drawing.

Concrete Penetrometer and testing as per ASTM C 403 will be

used in monitoring setting of concrete / Maturity of concrete and
saw cutting period.

Initial saw cut of 3mm wide , 100mm depth in transverse and

longitudinal direction will be provided after initial set(approximately

Final saw cutting 10~12mm wide ,20~25mm depth will de provided

after 14days of curing at accommodate joint sealant.

The staggering of transverse joints with reference to the base will

be minimum 0.3m.

Transverse joints:

Contraction joints will be provided at every 4.5m interval except

where expansion joints are provided.

Transverse joints to be provided at the junction of the approach

slabs of bridged and the rigid pavement and special location e.g.
transition sections i.e. transition of flexible vs. rigid pavement.

Transverse joints will be straight within specified tolerances.

Expansion joints will be provided at the junction of the approach
slabs of Bridges and the rigid pavement.

Contraction Joint:

Contraction joints will be as per the drawing given by NHAI

Expansion Joints:

Joint filler board for Expansion joint will be premoulded joint

filler as per MoRTH spec. 602.2.7

Premoulded joint filler conforming As per IS: 1838 or BS: 2630

Thickness of the joint = 20-25 mm

Tolerance limit will be within +/-1.5mm

It shall be 25 mm less in depth than the thickness of the slab

The filler for each joint shall be furnished in a single piece for the
full depth and width required for the joint.

Holes to accommodate dowel bars will be as accurately board or

punched to give a sliding till on the dowel bars.

Dowel bars for expansion joint will as per

Joints will be provided at the junctions of rigid and flexible

pavement with transition slab as per the drawings.
Where due to unavoidable conditions (for example:- joints at two
contract package) joint are to be provided, dowel bars are fixed
into the rigid pavement.

The adjacent slabs shall be completely separated from each other

by filling joint filler board.

Transverse construction joint

Transverse construction joint shall be placed when concreting is

done after a day's work.

It will be provided at the regular location of contraction joints using

dowel bars.

The joint will be made butt type.

Longitudinal joints

Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per the

drawing given by NHAI.

Dowel bars

These shall confirm to the requirements of IS: 432, IS: 1139 and
IS: 1786 as relevant. The dowel bars shall confirm to Grade S 240
and tie bars to Grade S 415 of I.S.
It should be mild steel round, free from dirt, loose rust, scale
straight and burring restricting slippage in the concrete.

The dowel bars will be supported on cradles / dowel chairs in

prefabricated joint.

Dowel bars will be positioned at the mid depth of the slab with in a
tolerance of + 20mm.

Dowel bars shall be covered by a thin plastic sheath for at least 2/3
of length from one end for dowel bars in Contraction joint or half
the length plus 50mm for expansion joints.

The sheath shall se tough, durable and of an average thickness

not less 1.25mm

The dowel bars will be inserted by vibration method in the plastic


For Expansion joints, a closely fitting cap 100mm long cotton

waste placed over sheathened end of each dowel bar.

Tie bars

Free form oil, dirt, loose rust and scale.

In longitudinal joints shall be deformed steel bars of strength 415

MPa complying with IS: 1786.

It should protect from corrosion for 75mm on each side of the joint
by applying bituminous paint.

The coating shall be dry when the Tie Bars are used.

It should be perpendicular to the line of the joint, with the center of

each bar on the intended line of the joint within a tolerance
of + 50mm and with a minimum cover of 30 mm below joint
Weather and Seasonal Limitations:

Concreting during monsoon months:

Sufficient supply of tarpaulin or other waterproof cloth will be

provided along the line of work.

Any concrete damaged by rain will be removed and replaced.

If the damage is limited to texture it will be retextured.

Concreting in Hot Weather:

Care will be taken in reducing temperature of concrete such as

use of

Chilled water, sprinkling of chilled water over aggregates.

Guide wires

Use of guidewires

Each guidewire shall be at a constant height above and parallel to

the required edges of the slab as described in the contract /
drawing within a vertical tolerance of + 3 mm.
The guidewires shall be supported and stakes preferably not more
then 8 m apart by connectors capable of fine horizontal and
vertical adjustment.

The stack shall be positioned and the connectors maintained at

their correct height and alignment before commencement of work.

The guidewire shall be erected and tensioned for at least 2 hours

before concreting that section.

Care will be taken to avoid any disturbance to the guidewire during

paving by any construction equipment or any other means.


10.1 Concrete production, transportation, Paving, Texturing and


A batching plant of 120cum per Hr. capacity has to use for

Production of Concrete

Dumpers having hydraulic jack system to unload having capacity

35 Mt (Approx. 9 cum) concrete will be deploy for transportation of

Paving will be carried out in full carriageway width of 8.5 m length.

The Paver used will be slip from Paver.

The slip from-paving machine shall compact the concrete by
internal vibration and shape it between the side forms with a
conforming plate and oscillating finishing beams.

The final finish of the surface will be done by super smoother

attached to the rear portion of the Paver.

Manson Trolley will be placed in between Paver and Texturing and

Curing Mechine (TCM) for rectification of any surface defects.

The alignment of the Paver shall be controlled automatically from

the guide wire by 4 set of level sensors and 2 set of steering
sensors attached to the Paver.

Planning and preparation will be done to pave at least at an

average uniform speed of one m / min.

The surface of concrete slab will Tine-textured in a direction

parallel to the longitudinal axis of the carriageway.

Texturing / Tining will be done with a specified machine specially

designed for the purpose for providing grooves at a uniform
spacing of 18 mm to 21mm.

・ Depth = 3mm to 4mm

・ Width = 3mm

Curing of PQC using curing compound will be followed by texturing

by the same TCM.

Curing will be taken care at the edges also.

The curing compound will be resin based aluminized reflective

curing compound.

After providing initial cut entire PQC will be covered with Hessian
cloth and water turned for 14 days.
Trail length:

The Trial length will be constructed at least one month advance

before starting of concrete paving work.

Trial length of 60mm with same width, Depth etc as per permanent
work will be done at nearer to site.

Transverse joints and longitudinal joint of each type that are to be

included in the pavement work will be constructed and assessed in
the Trial length.


At least 3 cores drilled when the concrete is not less than 7 days

11.2 Strength:

Minimum of thirty (30) beams for flexural strength and thirty cubes
for compressive strength will be prepared form the concrete
delivered to the paving plant.

Each pair of beams and cubes will be representing a different

batce of concrete.

Compressive and flexural strength will be after 28 days curing.

At the age of 28 days thirty cores with diameter 150 mmshould be

saw cut from the slab.

The cores will be saw cut in both ends to provide a specimen

height of 300 mm +/-15mm.
The mix will be designed to achieve

 The average flexural strength >4.5

[s=standard deviation]

 Strength of any sample >fck � 1.65 s

 The average compressive strength of the

cores ≥ 0.8/ (Average compressive strength
of the thirty cubes.)

Temperature Measurement:

The temperature development in the concrete slab should be

recorded after every 3 hours during hardening after installment of
the thermometer & temperature-age relationship should be

It should be measured in the middle of the slab (vertically) at a

horizontal distance of at least 1000 mm from any free end.

The temperature should not exceed 70 degree C.

Inspection Dowel Bars:

Alignment of dowel bars and construction joint shall be checked by

measurement relative to guide wires.

The position of dowel bars, filler board will be measured after

carefully exposing plastic concrete across the whole width of

Preparation of joint and sealing of joint grooves:

Transverse Joint shall not be sealed before 14 days after

Joint grooves will be constructed to an additional depth / width as

mentioned in drawing.

The groove shall be cleaned and dried at the time of priming and

All grooves shall be cleaned of any dirt or loose material by air

blasting with filtered, oil-free compressed air.

Before sealing the temporary seal provide for blocking the ingress
of dirt, soil etc., shall be removed.

A height compressible heat resistant paper-backed debonding strip

as per drawing shall be inserted in the groove.

In the case of longitudinal joints, heat resistant tapes may be

inserted to block the leakage though bottom of the joint.

Sealing with sealants:-

The primer recommended by the manufacturer should be applied

for sealants.

Priming and sealing with applied sealants should not be carried out
when temperature in the joint groove to be sealed is below 7 deg

If hot applied elastomeric type sealant complying AASHTO M282

is used it shall be heated and applied from a thermostatically
controlled, indirectly heated preferably with oil jacketed melter and
pourer having recirculation pump and extruder (This is applied at
junction of Asphalt and concrete pavements.
Cold applied polyeurethrene / Polysulphide type complying BS:
5212-1990Sealan will be mixed and applied according to the time
limit specified the Manufacture to the concrete pavements.

Primer will be applied with an appropriate brush.

Care such as temperature and time of sealing will be emphasized

to avoid any bulge of sealant during contraction of joint.

Sealant shall be applied slightly to a lower level than the slab with
a tolerance of 5+ 2mm.

The type and details of different joints treatment are tabulated below:-

Dowel bars are typically 32 to 38 mm (1.25 to 1.5 inches) in diameter, 460 mm (18 inches)
long and spaced 305 mm (12 inches) apart.

The different types of distresses responsible for failures in rigid pavements are:

1. Joint Spalling
2. Faulting
3. Polished Aggregate
4. Shrinkage Cracking
5. Pumping
6. Punch out
7. Linear Cracking
8. Durability Cracking
9. Corner Break
In general, the flexible pavement consists of the following component layers:

 Sub-grade
 Sub-base course
 Base Course
 Surface Course

A quality assurance plan is more of a detailed document that outlines how a

company will ensure the quality of its products or services. It includes all quality
control procedures, policies, and standards that a company must follow to
ensure that its products or services meet all customer requirements.

Concrete Crack Repair by Epoxy Injections

Routing and Sealing

Stitching the Cracks

Drilling and Plugging

Test Procedure of ASTM D6927 - 06 Standard Test:

The apparatus for the Marshall Stability test consists of the following:

1. Specimen mould assembly comprising mould cylinders 10.16 cm diameter by 6.35 cm

height, base plate and extension collars.
2. Specimen extractor for extracting the compacted specimen from the mold. A suitable bar
is required to transfer load from the extension collar to the upper proving ring attachment
while extracting the specimen.
3. Compaction hammer having a flat circular tamping face 4.5 kg sliding weight constructed
to provide a free fall of 45 cm.
4. Compaction pedestal consisting of a 20 × 20 × 45 cm wooden block capped with 30 × 30
× 2.5 cm MS plate to hold the mould assembly in position during compaction. Mold
holder is provided consisting of spring tension device designed to hold compaction
mould in place on compaction pedestal.
5. Breaking head: this consists of upper and lower cylindrical segments or test heads
having a inside radius curvature of 5 cm. the longer segment is mounted on a base
having two perpendicular guide rods which facilitate insertion in the holes of upper test

Soil compaction test

Mdd test

Fdd test


Revision )

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