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Factor Determinants of Journal of Gifted Education

and Creativity, August, 6(2),

Teacher Professionalism as 123-132.
Development of Student © Genç Bilge Publishing Ltd. Co.
Learning Education at
School of SMK PGRI in
Tegal City, Indonesia
Beni HABIBI 1, Sitti HARTINAH2, Rofiqul UMAM3, Muhamad SYAZALI4, Fitria

Received: 28 March 2019 Accepted: 26 July 2019

This study examines the professionalism of teachers with a variety of factors that
influence it, so that the teacher's role can be identified significantly and able to develop
the process of education in Vocational Schools can develop better. The research
method used is quantitative, the study population of all teachers at School of SMK
PGRI in Tegal City totaling 31 teachers. Study sample size is 31 teachers. The results
of the study indicate that (1) The effect of principals' managerial competencies on
teacher certification is proven and accepted. (2) The effect of teachers' social
competencies on teacher certification is proven and accepted. (3) The effect of
principals' managerial competencies on teacher professionalism is proven and
accepted. (4) The effect of teacher social competencies on teacher professionalism is
proven and accepted. (5) The effect of teacher certification on proven professionalism
of teachers and acceptance of teacher certification is a mediating variable. The results
show a positive and significant effect. Conclusions there are positive and significant
influences on principal managerial competence, teacher social competence and teacher
certification on teacher professionalism.
principal managerial competence, teacher social competence, teacher certification and
teacher professionalism

1Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected]
3School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]
4 Department of Mathematics Education, Unversitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail:

[email protected]
5 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Indonesia.
[email protected]
6 Department of Graduate Science Education, University of Lampung, Indonesia.
[email protected]
7Teacher in Senior High School of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. [email protected]
124 Habibi et al

Professional teachers are teachers who are able to manage themselves in carrying
out daily tasks. Teachers as professional educators have a very strategic role, function
and position to realize the implementation of quality education (Republic of
Indonesia Government Regulation Number 74 of 2008 concerning teachers). The
teacher's professional ability is the role ability in carrying out tasks that are equipped
with competencies (basic abilities). In the Regulation of the Minister of National
Education Number 16 of 2007 concerning the standard of academic qualifications
and teacher competency, it is stated that the teacher competency standards of the
Elementary School class are pedagogical competencies, personality competencies,
and professional competencies. A teacher must master the fields of science,
technology and cultural arts which at least include mastery: (1) Subject matter
broadly and deeply in accordance with the standard content of the educational unit,
subjects, or subject groups to be taught, (2) Concepts and methods of relevant
scientific, technological, or artistic disciplines that are conceptually overshadowing
or coherent with the educational unit, subject or subject group to be taught
(Agustini, R., & Suyatna, A.2018).
The role of the teacher basically has a large role in the progress of the nation
which is one source of knowledge, as said by (Ungin, 2013) states that "the teacher
is a human figure that must be taken care of and imitated", in the sense that the
teacher is a figure which should be a role model for students (Abdurrahman, A.,
Saregar, A., & Umam, R. 2018). The Directorate of Basic Education develops five
basic abilities that must be possessed by each primary school teacher, namely: (1)
mastery of the curriculum, (2) mastery of the material in each lesson, (3) mastery of
evaluation methods and techniques, (4) commitment to assignments and (5)
discipline in the broadest sense. Professional teachers will always produce quality
education processes and results in order to realize intelligent and competent
Indonesian people, namely people who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty,
noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens
who democratic and responsible (Tee, T. K.,et al (2014). Professional ability
possessed by educators is one of the supporting elements in realizing work
performance/performance. (Syazali, M. 2015). states that, the notion of
professionalism is "a commitment to professional ideas." In line with that, Syahrir
et al (2018) also said professional attitude is a part of professionalism.
Social competence becomes support for success in the learning process and every
teacher is required to have social competence so that students get the desired
results(Yamada R. 2015). But in reality there are still many teachers who have not
implemented social competencies which have resulted in low student achievement.
Based on previous research, in the ability to socialize teachers are advised to have
good communication skills. Because communication is the key for a teacher to give
Factor determinants of teacher professionalism … 125

understanding to students. Not only that, social relations to principals,

administrative staff, and even community members are important in improving
teacher quality. Based on the description above, the teacher's social competence is
reflected through indicators (1) teacher and student interaction, (2) teacher
interaction with the principal, (3) teacher interaction with coworkers, (4) teacher and
parent interaction, and (5) teacher and community interaction(Sagala, Umam,
Thahir, Saregar, & Wardani, 2019).
Exemplary teachers are teachers who are skilled in education and have extensive
knowledge in teaching who are creative teachers. even though they live in remote
areas, teachers must have the competence to hone and improve the quality of their
students to be able to compete with children from urban areas. Social competency
is the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with
students, peers/professionals, parents/guardians of students, and the community
and does not discriminate between ethnicity, race, and language. Competence is a
teacher's ability to adjust to the demands of work and the environment when
carrying out his duties as a teacher(Agustini, R., & Suyatna, A. 2018).
Improving the quality of teachers through certification programs as an effort to
improve the quality of education. The rationale is if teacher competency is good
followed by good income, it is expected that the performance is also good. If the
teacher's performance is good, the Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA) is also
good. Good teaching and learning is expected to produce quality education. Thought
is the underlying reason that teachers need to be certified (Muslich, 2007). The
certification program is a program of giving certificates to teachers who have fulfilled
a number of requirements towards professional teachers. Teachers who have
obtained a professional certificate will receive a number of rights, which include
professional allowances equal to one time the teacher's basic salary. This certification
program is a necessity for the Indonesian people in addition to the consequences of
the legal products above, as well as the inherent essence of all the nation's
components who want to improve the quality of education in this country. The
teacher must have in order to be able to carry out the duties of a teacher well (Tran,
V. D., Giang, A., & Giang, A. 2014).
For teachers at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City who teach class teachers and
subject teachers when supervised by the principal or supervisor, they are usually
asked first about teaching administration. Because teaching administration is one
component of the professionalism of a teacher. The professionalism of a teacher
can be seen from arranging/making teaching administration. If teaching
administration is made complete, the teacher can say that his professionalism is
good, but if the teaching administration is incomplete, the teacher is lacking in
professionalism (Untari, E. 2017).
126 Habibi et al

From the description above, it can be said that the professionalism of teachers at
School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City in terms of learning planning, implementation
of learning and administrative learning is still not optimal. The results of preliminary
observations that have been made obtained data with the results of supervision and
monitoring of the 2018/2019 school year show that class teachers and subject
teachers, both those who are civil servants and non-civil servants are still not
professional, this can be seen from among other things learning plans routinely every
time they will teach, using less effective learning time, not preparing teaching aids,
lacking improvement and enrichment and classroom management are still less active
and other indicators are not maximized.

This study uses a quantitative approach because the research data is in the form of
numbers. While this study uses descriptive because its activities include data
collection in order to test hypotheses or answer questions that concern the situation
at the time that is running. This study is quantitative, descriptive and associative. The
quantitative approach was used because the approach used in the research proposal,
process, hypothesis, down to the field, analyzing data and conclusions of the data
up to the writing uses measurement, calculation, formula and certainty of numerical
data. This research is a descriptive study because it aims to make hostage/painting/
description of the facts and the characteristics of a particular population or area
systematically, factually and thoroughly (Ginting, 2008). Whereas it is said to be
associative research because this research connects two or more variables (Ginting,
The population in this study were all School of SMK PGRI teachers in Tegal city
with a total teacher of 31 teachers. The technique of finding sample size in this study
used sample random sampling. Every member of the population has the same
opportunity and has the same opportunity to be chosen as a sample. The sample
used in this study is 31 teachers.
There are six variables that will be examined in this study. These six variables can
be grouped into two, namely dependent variables and independent variables. The
dependent variable is the variable that is affected. The independent variable is the
variable that affects. The dependent variable in this study is teacher professionalism
that is given the symbol Y. The three independent variables in this study are school
organizational culture (X1), principal managerial competence (X2), teacher social
competence (X3) and teacher certification.
The research instrument was used to collect data from the field, both data on
organizational culture variables, teacher compensation, teacher pedagogical
competence, academic supervision and teacher work motivation and teacher
performance using questionnaires / questionnaires. Questionnaire as a measuring
Factor determinants of teacher professionalism … 127

device for variables X1, X2, X3 and Y is used to measure the teacher's perception
of these variables. The reason for the use of questionnaires is that the questionnaire
has the ability to uncover the potential of the respondent and provide uniform
instructions for the respondents (Arikunto, 2010).
The data analysis used was descriptive analysis to determine the managerial
competence of the principal, the teacher's social competence and teacher
certification and teacher professionalism at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City. The
data obtained will then be analyzed statistically with regression techniques using
multiple regression techniques, because there is one independent variable and five
dependent variables. But before analysis with multiple regression techniques these
data must go through the requirements testing phase. This needs to be done as a
requirement for multiple regression analysis, as revealed by (Sugiyono, 2016) that,
the data to be analyzed using parametric statistics is at least normally distributed and
linearity assumptions must be met.


The results of the descriptive statistical analysis of research variables are intended to
describe all the variables studied before being analyzed by path analysis models, the
results of the description of the overall research variables can be seen in Table 1
Table 1.
Results of Descriptive Statisticals Analysis of Research Variables
Descriptive Statistics
N Min Max Mean Std. Deviation
Teacher 31 47,00 85,00 66,7638 6,91216
Principal Managerial 31 56,00 95,00 75,9606 6,52014
Teacher social 31 38,00 60,00 44,1063 4,30191
Teacher certification 31 25,00 45,00 36,9409 3,68959
Valid N (listwise) 31
Based on Table 1 it can be explained that the teacher professionalism variable
obtained a mean of 66.7638 with a standard deviation of 6.91216, the managerial
competency variable of the principal obtained a mean of 75.9606 with a standard
deviation of 6.52014, the teacher's social competency variable obtained a mean of
44 1063 with a standard deviation of 4.30191, the teacher certification variable
obtained a mean of 36.9409 with a standard deviation of 3.68959.
128 Habibi et al

Effect of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Certification at

School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City
In examining the magnitude of the influence of principals' managerial competencies
on teacher certification partially used linear regression analysis with the help of SPPS
for Windows Release 19 software program. Before determining the magnitude of
influence of principal managerial competency variables on teacher certification, it
was analyzed first about the closeness of the relationship of two variables that is.
Based on computer output regarding regression coefficients, obtained the magnitude
of the regression coefficient affects the managerial competence of the principal
towards teacher certifications of 0.296 or equal to (0.296) (0.296) = 0.0876 or 8.76%
and these coefficients are positive.
The Influence of Teacher's Social Competence on Teacher Certification at
School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City
The results of the analysis testing the influence of teacher social competence on
teacher certification partially used linear regression analysis with the help of
computer software program SPPS for Windows Release 19 with computer output.
Before determining the magnitude of the influence of teacher social competency
variables on teacher certification motivation, then analyzed the relationship between
the two variable. Based on computer output on regression coefficients, obtained the
magnitude of the regression coefficient affects the social competence of teachers to
teacher certification of 0.801 or equal to (0.801) (0.801) = 0.6416 or 64.16% and this
regression coefficient is positive.
Effect of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Professionalism
Based on the results of the path analysis test, the direct and indirect effects of
principals' managerial competencies on teacher professionalism through teacher
motivation can be seen as follows.
Direct influence = (0,442) (0,442) = 0,1954 or 19,54%
Indirect influence = (0,296) (0,650) = 0,1924 or 19,52%
Total influence = 0,3878 or 38,76%
The effect of principals' total managerial competency on teacher professionalism
through teacher certification showed results of 38.76% at SMK PGRI in Tegal City.
The effect is positive and significant. In the data above, the role of the principal is
quite influential on the professionalism of the teacher. This is in line with
Nurhalimah's research (2018: 1) which was concluded that principals as managers
carry out their duties well towards increasing teacher professionalism in terms of
how principals conduct their strategies to improve teacher professionalism. The
results of the above mentioned study are strengthened in Wahyono's research (2015:
1) which states that managerial competencies that must be mastered by principals to
become quality schools are school program planning, management of teacher
Factor determinants of teacher professionalism … 129

resources, management of facilities and infrastructure, and curriculum management.

Therefore, the role of principals as managers in managing schools is a key factor in
the success of schools including increasing teacher professionalism. As explained by
Suhardi (2018: 32) In its function as a driver of the teacher, the principal must be
able to move the teacher to constantly develop their abilities and improve their
performance, because the teacher is the spearhead to create quality human beings.
The teacher will work optimally if supported by several factors including the
leadership of the principal.
Effect of Teacher's Social Competence on Teacher Professionalism
Based on the results of the path analysis test it can be seen the direct and indirect
effects of academic supervision on teacher professionalism through teacher
certification as follows.
Direct influence = (0,484) (0,484) = 0,2343 or 23,43%
Indirect influence = (0,801) (0,650) = 0,5207 or 52,07%
Total influence = 0,7550 or 75,50%
The effect of total academic supervision on teacher professionalism through teacher
certification shows results of 75.50% at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City. The
effect is positive and significant.
Effects of Teacher Certification on Teacher Professionalism
The results of the analysis show that the effect of teacher certification on teacher
professionalism is (0.650) (0.650) = 0.4225 or equal to 42.25%, at SMK PGRI in
Tegal City. The effect is positive and significant by obtaining t count of 12.401 which
is greater than table t = 1.645 or the result of Sig 0,000 <from alpha (α = 0.05).
From the results above, the teachers at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City are
advised to improve teacher social competencies and improve teacher
professionalism through teacher certification so that teacher professionalism is very
likely to be owned by the teacher concerned. This is in line with the research
(Kartowarigan, 2011), which is based on the assessment of principals, personality
and social competencies of teachers who have passed certification and have received
excellent professional goals. So that the influence of socialization and certification
skills possessed by a teacher can influence the level of teacher professionalism. The
current teacher problem is the lack of professionalism at all levels of both
elementary, middle and high school. In addition, a low level of income and little
appreciation received by the teacher results in a decrease in the performance and
level of professionalism of the teacher. This statement is reinforced by research
conducted by Saregar, A., Latifah, S., & Sari, M. (2016) who stated that reward and
punishment for teachers has not been the focus of important attention by the
Education Office, so that it impacts on the motivation and performance of teachers
as professional educators and instructors. As stated by Lubis (2017) that school
130 Habibi et al

teachers are expected to improve students' emotional intelligence. In addition,

teachers are not only assigned to transfer or channel knowledge and skills to
students, but also must be able to become leaders, educators, and mentors for all

Referring to the report of the research results related to the influence of the principal
managerial competencies, the teacher's social competence and teacher certification
on the professionalism of teachers at the SMK PGRI in Tegal City. Then
conclusions can be taken as follows:
1. Based on the analysis of the principal managerial competency variables
consisting of the School Plan, Organization, Leading and Managing/Hub
influencing teacher certification at School of SMK PGRI Tegal City. The effect
is positive and significant based on enhancement the value of total influence
(38,76%) on effect of principal managerial competence on teacher
2. Based on the analysis of teacher social competency variables consisting of
Interaction with students, Interaction with Principals, Interaction with
colleagues, Interaction with parents of students and Interaction with the
community influences teacher certification in SMK PGRI Tegal City. The effect
is positive and significant.
3. Based on the analysis of the principal managerial competency variables
consisting of School Plans, Organizations, Leading and Managing/Hub
influences the professionalism of teachers in SMK PGRI Tegal City. The effect
is positive and significant.
4. Based on the analysis of teacher social competency variables consisting of
Interaction with students, Interaction with Principals, Interaction with
colleagues, Interaction with parents of students and interaction with the
community influences the professionalism of teachers in SMK PGRI Tegal City.
The effect is positive and significant.
5. Based on the analysis of teacher certification variables consisting of academic
qualifications, education and training, the experience of teaching and planning
and implementation of learning influences the professionalism of teachers in
SMK PGRI Tegal City. The effect is positive and significant.

Thank you to all the teachers at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City who gave the
opportunity to the author in conducting this research. Acknowledgments are also
conveyed to the LPPM Pancasakti Tegal University who helped in reviewing the
research we made for the development of teacher professionalism, hopefully this
Factor determinants of teacher professionalism … 131

research will continue to more in-depth studies of the teaching profession and
management of education in Indonesia.

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