GRE - Eec.s.00.xx.a.00000.16.001.01 Ais Substations

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File: GRE.EEC.S.00.XX.A.00000.16.001.01 AIS Substations

I&PtG DU / ECC /
Civil / I&C/ DTC /
I&PtG DU / Elec TS Review TS Review
CC/ Civil CC Working Group Committee
01 20/11/2020 Update commissioning /I&C/ COM/
QA / E&L / HSEQ /

I&PtG DU / ECC /
Civil / I&C/ DTC /
I&PtG DU / Elec TS Review TS Review
CC/ Civil CC Working Group Committee
00 15/07/2020 First issue /I&C/ COM/
QA / E&L / HSEQ /

by by



GRE EEC S 0 0 X X A 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 1
UTILIZATION Basic Design, Detailed Design, Issue for
SCOPE Construction, etc.
This document is property of Enel Green Power S.p.A. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce this document, in whole or in part, and to provide to others any related information
without the previous written consent by Enel Green Power S.p.A.


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Rev. # Description Prepared Date

00 First issue for tender process 15/07/2020
(I&PtG DU)

01 Update commissioining 20/11/2020
(I&PtG DU)


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1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................... 6
3. REFERENCE DOCUMENT AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 7
4. SUBSTATION DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 8
ELECTRICAL DESIGN ............................................................................................................................... 10
CIVIL WORKS DESIGN ............................................................................................................................. 14
5. HV SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS MAIN EQUIPMENT..................................................................................... 27
HV CIRCUIT BREAKERS........................................................................................................................... 27
HV DISCONNECTORS .............................................................................................................................. 39
HV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ............................................................................................................. 49
HV VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS .............................................................................................................. 57
SURGE ARRESTERS ................................................................................................................................ 66
INSTALLATION WORKS............................................................................................................................ 70
6. MV SYSTEM............................................................................................................................................................. 73
CODES AND STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................... 73
ZIG-ZAG EARTHING TRANSFORMER ..................................................................................................... 74
MV SWITCHGEAR ..................................................................................................................................... 75
MV/LV AUXILIAR SERVICE TRANSFORMER .......................................................................................... 89
CAPACITOR BANKS.................................................................................................................................. 93
MV CABLES ............................................................................................................................................... 98
INSTALLATION WORKS.......................................................................................................................... 102
7. LV SS AA SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 105
CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................... 105
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 105
LV SWITCHBOARD (LV SWB) ................................................................................................................ 108
EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR SET (DG SET)............................................................................. 114
DC SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 120
AC UNINTERRUPTED SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 128
LV CABLES (POWER AND CONTROL) .................................................................................................. 136
INSTALLATION WORKS.......................................................................................................................... 137
8. EARTHING AND LIGHTNING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 138
EARTHING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 138
LIGHTNING PROTECTION ...................................................................................................................... 152
9. CIVIL WORKS ........................................................................................................................................................ 155
HV-ESS CIVIL LAYOUT ........................................................................................................................... 155
PLATFORMS AND ROADS ..................................................................................................................... 156
DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................. 162
CABLE TRENCHES (MV/HV) AND UNDERGROUND UTILITES ............................................................ 164
STRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS...................................................................................................... 167
POWER TRANSFORMER ....................................................................................................................... 177
SUBSTATION CONTROL BUILDING ...................................................................................................... 187


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10. CONTROL, MONITOR AND PROTECTION SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 200

CONTROL AND MONITOR SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 200
COMMUNICATION INTERFACES ........................................................................................................... 208
PROTECTION RELAY SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 212
MEETERING SYSTEM............................................................................................................................. 224
11. AUXILIAR SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................................. 225
LIGHTING................................................................................................................................................. 225
FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM........................................................................................................................ 226
HVAC AND VENTILATION SYSTEM ....................................................................................................... 230
INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM......................................................................................................... 230
ANTI-RODENT SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................... 231
12. ENGINEERING SERVICES.................................................................................................................................... 233
SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 233
DOCUMENT DELIVERY LIST .................................................................................................................. 235
13. QUALITY CONTROL .............................................................................................................................................. 238
QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................................................... 238
QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................................................ 238
14. COMMISSIONING .................................................................................................................................................. 239
GENERAL SCOPE OF WORKS .............................................................................................................. 239
COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................ 240
RAMP-UP PHASE .................................................................................................................................... 241
COMMISSIONING AND START-UP SCHEDULE .................................................................................... 241
PRELIMINARY CHECKS AND TURNOVER DOCUMENTATION ........................................................... 241
TEMPORARY OPERATION OF THE SUBSTATION SERVICE .............................................................. 242
15. ANNEXES............................................................................................................................................................... 245
A1- QUALITY CONTROL PLAN (QCPs): ................................................................................................. 245
A2- DPP LIST ........................................................................................................................................... 245
A3- CONTROL SYSTEM SIGNAL LIST ................................................................................................... 245
A4- TYPICAL DETAILS EARTHING SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 245
A5- COUNTRY SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 245


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This document describes the technical requirements for the electrical equipment and works requested under
EPC contract of a High Voltage Substation owned by Enel Green Power, considering the following main
 Engineering of design and developed project for construction.
 Procurement, manufacturing, shop assembly, FAT and delivery on site.
 Civil and electromechanical works, for erection and installation on site.
 Commissioning and warranty testing.
 Other service activities necessary for erection and star-up operation.

The EPC Contractor will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specifications with the
reference standard of the destination country applied for: the civil and electrical works, supplied materials
and main equipment (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with Country Standard in force).


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In this document and its annexes the main following acronyms are used:

SCS Substation control system
IED Intelligent Electronic Devices
BCU Bay Control Unit
HV/MV/LV High Voltage, Medium Voltage, Low Voltage
AC/DC Alternant Current/ Direct current
TSO Transmission System Operator
DSO Distribution System Operator
DPP Design Plan Program
AST Auxiliar Service Transfromer
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Adquisition
HMI Human Machine Interface
Responsible of providing, Engineering, procurement and
construction services and equipment.
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
SAT Site Acceptance Test (commissioning activities)
ITP /QCP Inspection test procedure / Quality control Plan
TS Technical Standard or Technical Specification
GTS General Technical Specification
I&C Instrumentation and Control
ICT Information and Comunications Technology
CT Current Transformer
VT Voltage Transformer
FO Fiber Optical
AIS Air insulated Switchgear
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
OHL Overhead line
T-Line Transmission line
UGL Underground line


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The Substations equipment and systems must be designed, built, and tested in accordance with the latest
version of the IEC standards and of the local standard in use (EN for countries members of CENELEC)
All equipment supplied must comply with the IEC standards in effect and with the standards of the destination
country. If there are no specific details, a different pertinent international standard can be considered (IEEE).
All phases of the supply (design, construction, and start-up) must be conducted in full compliance with
national regulations. In addition, the equipment must meet fully the safety requirements, in accordance with
the national legislation in effect.
The laws and regulations listed must not be understood to be limitative; they do not release the
manufacturer/supplier from its responsibility towards the codes, standards, laws, regulations and safety
standards not mentioned above, but in effect in the destination country.
The reference standard are the IEC/ISO, whilst for Europe destinations the reference standard are the
correspondent European standards (EN).
Where no other specific regulations or standards are required, the design shall be referred to the international
standards and the Technical Specifications provided by ENEL.
The following Standards will be considered:
 IEC 61936
 IEC 62271
 EHE-08


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The EPC contractor should consider the following related with the criteria and requirements of design,
construction and commissioning:
- Basic Design provided by Enel.
- General Technical Standard provided by Enel.
- Grid-Code connection Standards and requirements mandatory from the TSO and local regulations.
- International Standards.

Enel provides the relative data to the definition of the Substations, the main inputs are the following:
- Ambient Conditions.
- General Layout and Single Line Diagram topology.
- System rated voltages and earthing type.
- Short circuit currents.


The general ambient conditions that should withstand the installations under normal operation are defined
within the Basic Design provided by Enel, otherwise the following will be consider:

Parameters Outdoor Indoor

Temperature ambient range ºC -25°C ÷ 40ºC(*) -5°C ÷ 40ºC
Maximum mean temperature (24h) ºC 35 (*)
Maximum mean relative humidity
 for 1 mouth % 90
 for 24 hours % 95
Altitude (**) m a.s.l. ≤1000
(*)For ambient temperatures above 40ºC, corrections overdimensioning factors have to be
considered according with international standards prescriptions.
(**)For site altitudes above 1000 m, the altitude corrections have to be considered, depending on
the site altitude above sea level.


Layout and single line diagram (SLD) it´s already defined within the basic design provided by Enel, this
information is complementary to this document and will be part of the document package for each tender and
project phase.
The contractor should consider this information and the technical requirements of these documents as the
base-line criteria in order to define the substation design.
Substations that are part of the scope of this Standard may categorized as:
- Interconnection HV/HV substations
- Step-up HV/MV substations Interconnection Substations



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The functionality of this type of substations is to provide the connection point to the Transmission network
(TSO property) and transformation between two HV levels (transmission and subtransmission). The
outgoings lines of the secondary section will be radial feeders-lines to HV/MV substations where will be
connected the generation plants.
Due to the more complex plant design and large power transformers installed, the design must ensure good
reliability and availability in case of fault or maintenance, redundancy of systems and equipments will be
Interconnection Substations are usually characterized by primary and secondary voltages of 132kV or higher.
The power transformers commonly used are three phase autotransformers usually with tertiary windings that
can feed the LV SSAA system.
Another typical Interconnection Substations in response to the functionality mentioned above are the
switching substations, those not change the system voltage, but provides the connection point (bay) to a
downwards subsystem of collector substations where connect the power plants.
The primary and secondary section of the substations consist of one or two circuits that enters in the
substations through power circuits breakers to prevent complete substation shutdown in case of line faults.
Those circuit breakers are equipped with disconnect switches on both, line and busbar, sides to permit
isolation during maintenance.
The single line diagram design many times is largely dictated by the interconnect requirements of the TSO.
Main sections of this substation type are:
- Overhead or underground incoming and outgoing reception line structures.
- HV Transmission line bays.
- HV Busbars (Primary and Secondary voltage sections)
- HV Subtransmission line bays.
- HV/HV (auto) Transformer bays (if required step-down voltage level) Step-up HV/MV Substations

This type of facilities is a combination of switching, controlling, and voltage step-down equipment
(Transformers) arranged to provide the voltage level required in the MV systems necessary to collect the
generation of the solar and wind power plants.
The single line diagram is generally limited to the traditional type characterized by simple bus arrangement
and not complex equipment.
The primary section of the substations consist of one or two circuits that enters in the substation through
power circuit breakers to prevent complete substation shutdown for line faults.
The secondary section consist of several collecting bus-bars at MV level that provides the connection
outgoing lines of the power plant.
Main section of this substation type are:
- HV Overhead or underground incoming reception line structures.
- HV Subtransmission line bays
- HV Busbars
- HV/MV Transfomer bays
- MV switchgear bus bar, incoming and outgoing panels.
- MV Overhead or underground outgoing reception line structures Single line diagrams


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In the following table it is highlighted the most common arrangement of substation single line configuration:

Topology Interconnection SUB Step-up SUB (*)

Single bay X

Single bus X X

Sectionalized bus X X

Double bus X

Main and transfer bus X

Double Bus and transfer Bus X

Ring bus X

Breaker and a Half X

(*) in some cases, where the TSO demands special configurations accordingly with the requirements of the
standard topology of the subestations, more complex arrangements can be considered.

The standard operative voltage levels and system earthing type, in the majority of Substations would be the
following range:
- HV : from 132kV to 550kV; neutral solid grounding
- HV: from 66kV to 132kV; neutral high impedance or isolated
- MV: from 10kV to 34,5kV; neutral isolated and/or earthing transformer (zig zag)
- MV: from 20kV to 34,5kV; neutral solid grounding.
The following main systems composed the electrical installation and main equipment switchgear:
- HV system.
- Transformer
- MV system.
- LV SSAA (normal and essential services)
- Control, Protection and metering system.
- Grounding and lightning systems.
- Fire fighting system.
- Auxiliar systems: lighting, anticondensation heaters.
Those systems will take in consideration the design requirements of the standards and prescriptions included
in following chapters of this document, also the international standard where it is referred.
In general all substation systems will be design attending to allow the operation and maintenance with
fulfilment of safety and reliability prescriptions.


The Contractor should consider in the electrical design scope of the substations, to develop the studies that
define the protection equipment and systems that allow the operation and maintenance with safety and


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reliability of the substations, these main protections and studies are:

- Insulation coordination study
- Load flow and short circuit, considering thermal and dynamic short circuit currents and maximum
operating current capacity of main equipment and cables.
- Grounding system study and design.
- Lightning protection study and design.
- Protection relay coordination study and design. Insulation coordination

The Contractor must undertake an insulation coordination assessment unless the specific documentation
(SoW) indicates that is not required.
Insulation coordination must comply with IEC 60071. The study must insure that surge protection devices
such as surge arresters are adequately rated and positioned in the substation to limit the transient over
The insulation levels of the equipment will be in accordance with IEC 60071 for all voltage levels (range I and
The selection of the insulation levels and minimum clearances will follow the below tables:

Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range I

Rated short-duration power-frequency Rated lightning impulse

Highest voltage withstand voltage withstand voltage
Minimum Ud Up
for equipment
clearance kV (r.m.s. value) kV (peak value)
kV (r.m.s. value)
Across the isolating Across the isolating
Common value Common value
distance (1) distance (1)

12 120 28 32 75 85

17,5 160 38 45 95 110

24 220 50 60 125 145

36 320 70 80 170 195

72,5 630 140 160 325 375

100 900 185 210 450 520

123 1100 230 265 550 630

145 1300 275 315 650 750

170 1500 325 375 750 860

245 2100 460 530 1 050 1 200

(1): Values applied to switchgear as per IEC 62271-1

Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range II

Rated Minimum
Rated short-duration
voltage clearance
power-frequency Rated switching impulse withstand voltage Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Up
Um kV Phase to
withstand voltage Ud kV Us kV (peak value) kV (peak value)
(r.m.s. earth
(r.m.s. value)
value) (mm)


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Phase-to- earth and
switching Across Phase-to-earth Across open switching
earth and across Between
device isolating and between device and/or isolating
between open phases
and/or distance phases distance
phases switching

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

300 2400 395 435 850 1 275 700(+245) 1 050 1 050(+170)

362 2900 450 520 950 1 425 800(+295) 1 175 1 175(+205)

420 3400 520 610 1 050 1 575 900(+345) 1 425 1 425(+240)

550 4100 620 800 1175 1760 900(+450) 1 550 1 550(+315)

Columns 2, 3, 6 and 8 values applied to switchgear as per IEC 62271-1

Um (IEC60077-1) = Ur (IEC62271-1)
The clearances should be increased in such a way of selecting the next standard value of Um when the
equipment has to be installed at an altitude higher than 1000m in order to compensate the decrease of
withstand voltage of the external insulation.
Pollution levels of the substation equipment must be in accordance with guide IEC 60815-3, type “ Heavy”
43 mm/kV or for coastal areas “Very Heavy” 54 mm/kVxUo (highest operating line to ground voltage). Insulation protection

Substation electrical equipment is subject to abnormal conditions as a result of direct lightning strokes,
lighting surges, switching surges, and faults on the system. This can lead into overvoltages that result in
equipment flashover or insulation failure. In order to prevent equipment damage or shutdowns, protective
devices are used to limit the overvoltage levels.
Contractor should consider the dimensioning of protection insulation defining the following main protective
- Surge arresters and insulation level validation
- Lightning system
Surge arresters and insulation level validation
The outputs of the insulation coordination studies must validate the surge arresters and insulation level of
the main equipment consider in the basic design. The criteria of selection will attend to:
- Discharge rated current and line discharge class
- Continuous operating voltage
- Temporary overvoltages, according with earth fault factor
- Switching impulse protective level
- Lightning impulse protective level
Surge arresters will be installed at the entrance of the connection lines and close to HV and MV transformer
Lightning system
This system provides direct stroke protection by shielding the substation equipment and buildings using
lightning masts, overhead shield wires or a combination of these devices. The Contractor accordingly with
the study to be developed will design the types and protective arrangements used, based on the size and
configuration of the substation.


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The method of calculation and the inputs assumptions for dimensioning the protective devices, are explained
in the pertinent chapter of this document. Earthing system protection

The Contractor will design an effective substation grounding system in order to cope with the risk of danger
potential differences between different points within and transferred out substation. These potential
differences are caused by currents flowing into the grounding grid from lightning arrester, impulse or switching
surge flashover of insulators, and line to ground fault currents from bus or connected transmission lines.
The earthing system will consist of the following sections:
- Buried installation: driven ground rods, buried interconnecting grounding bare cables (grid), ground
mats, etc.
- Bonding jumper cables from buried grid to: metallic parts of structures and equipment, to system
neutrals, to overvoltage surge protection system, to metallic insulating covering materials, to fences,
- Aerial installation consist of grounding electrode conductors where several ends is a collector point
connected to one Bounding cable: lightning system, cable raceways (aerial or underground), cable
trays indoor and outdoor, auxiliary electrical panels in control buildings, etc.
The standard reference IEEE Std 80 “Guide for safety in substation grounding” will be consider for the
earthing system design as well as country regulation codes if more restrictive. Protection relay system

The protections relay system design should consider the aim of minimize the effects of a system disturbance
and damages to the power system equipment. This design statement should be consider at the same time
the following requirements:
- Dependability, reliable operation of the relays under fault conditions, and selective to isolate the
minimum portion of the power system necessary to isolate the failure without compromising the
continuity of the service of adjacent installations in the same power system.
- Security, reliable miss-operation of the relays under normal conditions.
- Speed, operation of the relays in the shortest possible time, below critical clearing time considering
also breaker failure conditions in HV systems.
- Simplicity, for a given topology of substation, SLD, the relay system should be sufficient for covering
a single component failure without compromise the protection function. In the HV system (lines and
transformers) this criteria will respond with redundant multifunction relays in general. In the MV
system the configuration of the protection system, will be design to provide back-up protective
functions of the main ones to assure at least acceptable times of fault clearance.
The principal abnormal conditions or fault failures that the protection system has to cope and react is splited
- Short circuits: ground faults and phase faults.
- Overheating: caused by overloading, high ambient temperatures, cooling failures, etc.
- Overvoltage: voltages above Um (maximum rated insulation voltage) would lead into: Insulation
failure, life degradation, excessive heating in magnetics circuits and damage in electronic devices.
- Undervoltage: can cause overheating in motors, misoperation of contactors and lead to failures in
electrical equipment.
- Unbalance phase conditions: in currents and voltages is caused of open or partially shorted phase,
this undesirable conditions will be detected with negative and zero sequence relay functions.
- Higher system angle (synchrocheck): The voltage and phase angle at both sides are compare to


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confirm either, the systems are within proper limits before closing the breaker or de-energized
4.3.1. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY Included Activities
This chapter describes the topographical surveys or Digital Terrain Model (DTM) production requirements
 Design of any civil works needed to realize the whole HV-ESS
 Hydrological and hydraulic studies
 Design of water management Methodological Premises

All the topographical surveys should be deliver using the reference system WGS84 in UTM projection and,
if required, in local system coordinates. In case of, during on processing phase, a coordinate conversion was
necessary or required, should be deliver to ENEL also the conversion algorithm.
Always the elevation system required is ortometric (geoidal) and always the topographer should indicate the
algorithm conversion used to transform the ellipsoidical elevation surveyed on site to ortometric. In case the
algorithm conversion was believe unreliable, the topographical works should deliver in ellipsoidical elevation
coordinate. Benchmark
At least 3 existing benchmarks or 3 New Benchmarks shall be identified in the Area of Interest (AOI). The
New benchmarks must be arranged in a durable location.
A monographic sheet, delivered to ENEL in a pdf document, shall describe each benchmark including:
 UTM WGS 84 coordinates, specifying if necessary, the local reference coordinates; identification
 2 oriented photos (an overview and a close-up), for an easy identification on the field;
 Orthophoto or sketch identification. Ground Control Point (GCP)

The GCPs are all the surveyed and implemented points used for reference during an aerophotogrammetrical
and lidar survey. ENEL requires at least 5 GCPs for each survey commissioned. Corners of existing buildings
might be considered as GCPs as well.
The GCPs shall be position homogeneously dispersed in the AOI and not in an aligned position. The GCP
quantities depend on the accuracy required and other local and technical factors: the quantities and the
relevant distribution has to be justified through a mission flight delivered to ENEL before the survey flight. Check Points and Accuracy Verification

In case of indirect topographical survey (aerophotogrammetry, laser scanner, and lidar) is required to
measure on site with GPS a minimum 10 points per hectare. Check point shall be homogeneously spread
on field.
A final report shall contain the accuracy comparison between the check points and the 3D model. Contour line representation

The topographer has to consider the following parameters for the contour line representation:




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>1 pt/m2 (10ft2 ) +/- 5 cm (2 in 20 cm (10 in)

<1 pt/m2 (10ft2 ) +/- 5 cm (2 in)
50 cm (2 ft) Areas to Survey
The entire area within the perimeter and a belt of an average width of 10 m (32 ft) over the perimeter must
be mapped and assessed in relation to the area morphology and survey purposes.

The surveyor shall consider that the following features are always verified:
 presence of any ditches or channels , even dry ones, for planning the layout of water surfaces;
 waterways (measuring the surface water level, the top and the base of the embankments);
 presence of ducts, manholes and manhole covers for the collection and disposal of storm water,
irrespective of nature and size;
 underground utilities like electricity, telephone and other lines including the relative wells and works;
 presence of any existing fences or delimiting structures;
 presence of paved roads, dirt tracks or drover roads that intersect the mapped area;
 roads and paths, describing discontinuities along asphalt roads, banks, drainage ditches and steep
 buildings and constructions, stating the heights, materials and state of preservation;
 presence of retaining walls or steep slopes/escarpments;
 presence of ground gaps due to landslides that may be of interest for the design of the works;
 areas (description of the base and top of these areas and of loose materials);
 land use of the surveyed area;
 tall trees of particular value, any deforested areas and related firebreaks;
 any building, in use or dismissed in the surveyed area up to 50 m (164 ft) over the perimeter of
 any geotechnical investigation carried out by ENEL Topographical survey technologies and required tolerance

Below the summary of the permitted tolerance for each technology:
cm (in)
cm (in)
CELIMETRIC, GNSS ±3 (1.18) ±5 (2) 200 points/he
±3 (1.18) ±5 (2) -
±20 (8) ±20 (8) -
far from GCP
far from GCP with dense ±50 (20) ±50 (20) -
LIDAR ±5 (2) ±5 (2) -
*GCP: Ground Control Point

Table 1 : Tolerances


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The geotechnical design shall be based on a detailed geological study and an adequate number of site and
laboratory tests.
The Contractor shall define the investigation plan in compliance with the requirements reported in this
document, in the cited reference standards and eventually in the National Annex, where present.
Before defining the investigation plan, the Contractor shall define the main geological aspects of the site, as
per the following section. Geological Report

The Geological report has the purpose to check the feasibility of civil works for the HV-ESS and it is
mandatory for the development of a complete and efficient investigation plan.
The geological report has to include both information taken during the site visit, including detailed description
of surveys, data and maps at suitable scale (1:5.000) and characterization of the area defined by desk study
on local/international database and references.
The geological report shall define, with specific reference to the project’s site, at least the following
a) Introduction: Objectives of the study, Geographic context, Climatic and physiographic features, local
restrictions (environmental, urban, archeological, historical, protected areas, etc.).
b) References of all reports, publications and database.
c) Geological aspects:
 Characteristics of regional tectonics and local geology (at the minimum scale of 1:25.000);
 Stratigraphy and geo-structural features, including detailed description of the different
formations (Litho-types and their genesis, thickness, if known, Alteration, Fracturing,
Deformation state (faults, folds, etc.);

d) Geomorphological aspects (morphogenetic and instability processes).

e) Hydrogeological aspects.
f) Geological risk assessment (hydraulic, landslide, volcanic, seismic, etc.).
g) Conclusions and recommendations.
h) Annexes (geological maps, sections, drawings/sketches).
i) Site visit photographic report. Geotechnical Investigation Plan

The investigation plan shall be drawn up to get all the geotechnical parameters required to define the design
of each civil structure in the HV-ESS, and it shall be submitted to ENEL for approval before any investigation
The investigation plan shall include at least the following:
a) Amount of direct and indirect exploration tests
b) Layout of the explorations
c) Amount and type of samples to be collected
d) On-site and Laboratory tests

The Contractor may propose motivated modifications to the investigation plan (tests number/type) to ENEL
for approval/validation, while ENEL may ask the Contractor to increase or decrease the number of tests in
case the site shows particular conditions.
The Contractor is responsible for supervising all on-site and laboratory activities, including the activities


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carried out by their Sub-Contractors.

At the end of investigation, the Contractor shall present to ENEL for validation a final geological/geotechnical
report describing in detail all activities performed including the results of the investigation, the technical codes,
the recommendations and conclusions related to geotechnical parameters to be used for HV-ESS
geotechnical and structural design. Amount of Direct Explorations

Tests already performed during preliminary investigation phase, if any, may be cut from following executive
investigation plan under ENEL approval.
The direct exploration shall be SPT, which can be as a standalone equipment or distributed into a drilling
(rotary or percussion) borehole depending on the local common practice, or SPT + rotary drilling with 10 m
depth in order to evaluate the stratigraphic profile and the collection of samples.
The minimum number of tests shall comply with the following Table 2:

Structure SPT test SPT test + Rotary drilling

Power transformer - 1 each transformer area
Overhead main supports - 1 for each element
HV-ESS external electrical
1 for each element -
equipment foundations
O&M building - 1
Control building 1 -
Secondary buildings 1 for each element -
Table 2 : Minimum amount of exploration points

Note: Vane shear or Cone Penetration tests measurement shall be executed at the minimum depth of 10 m
for the main structures and foundations on soft clay soil (SPT < 6). Undisturbed sample shall be collected
with Shelby Casing at the middle depth of the layer in the way to perform “Consolidation tests” in laboratory.
The Contractor shall take in consideration in the proposal all executive procedures necessary for carrying
out the SPT tests and other similar types of investigation.
In areas where the rock outcrops, and when the design includes structures based on anchoring systems
directly working on rock outcrops, Pull Out Test (POT) of embedded anchorage shall be performed in order
to evaluate the extraction resistance (this type of procedure shall be addressed to ASTM D4435 or local
Prior to the start of tests, design, execution of procedures and validation criteria must be submitted to ENEL
for approval.
The minimum quantity of POTs shall be as per the following Table 3:

Structure Pull out tests

Power transformer -
Overhead main supports 1 for each element
HV-ESS external electrical equipment foundations
O&M building
1 for each element and for each geological rocky
Control building formation

Secondary buildings

Table 3: Minimum amount of Pull out tests



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Note: for a correct pull out test evaluation, the stratigraphy obtained from Drilling and SPT in the same
structure’s area has to be considered.
The Contractor may propose to increase or decrease the amounts based on technical background and with
the approval of ENEL. Execution of Trial Pits
The pits must be performed by mechanical equipment. Where their access is not possible or not allowed,
manual equipment may be approved by ENEL.
A visual geotechnical description of the stratigraphic profile must be performed at each trial pit and samples
have to be collected for each different type of soil. Disturbed samples shall be collected at each trial pit and
at each lithological change. Undisturbed samples shall be collected only if it is possible and the
characterization of the shear resistance of the soil would be necessary. Collection of undisturbed samples is
not a mandatory requirement.
The minimum depth of each trial pit shall be 3.0m or up to refusal. In this last case, the trial pit must be
relocated in a nearby position, and a rock sample at the bottom of the excavation must be collected. Execution of Drilling and Sampling

According to the type of soil or rock expected on site, the Contractor shall indicate in the investigation plan
the most appropriate drilling procedure and the most appropriate sampler to be used to collect samples.
All samples recovered from the boreholes and SPT shall be placed and ordered in boxes 1 m or 60cm long,
and a coloured picture must be taken over the box.

The collected samples shall be adequately protected as following:

 For undisturbed soil samples, the tubes containing the samples shall be suitably sealed with molten
paraffin, stoppered with plastic bungs and kept in an environment that will protect them from sun
light, frost, and heat sources, before being sent to the geotechnical laboratory. On the sample tube
shall be indicated the number of the hole, the sample number, the sample’s top and bottom position
and N20 or N30 values.
 The samples collected in rock shall be placed into PVC tubes or protected with plastic, paying special
attention to insert the correct sequence of the segments into it, in case ENEL requires a sample to
carry out direct shear tests on the junctions; the sample tube shall then be sealed at the ends (in
order to prevent the movement of the sample inside it.); the sample’s data (worksite, drilling,
collection depth, type of sample, date of collection) and the top and bottom position of the sample
shall be recorded on the sample tube with indelible felt pen or with a suitable adhesive label.
 The samples disturbed in the field, whether collected with the Raymond sampler at the point of the
SPT tests or directly from the case, shall be introduced first into a plastic bag, sufficiently strong, that
shall be closed and upon which an adhesive label shall be affixed with the sample’s data (worksite,
drilling, collection depth, type of sample, date of collection); the bag packaged in this way shall then
be placed into a second protective plastic bag, also closed.

Alternative tests to be performed during the drilling may be proposed by the Contractor in the investigation
plan to ENEL for approval/validation before starting the activities. Amount of indirect explorations
Common indirect exploration to be taken into account are SRT, MASW and ERT 2D or SEV.
MASW tests shall be set with 24 geophones 2-3 m spaced.
The minimum quantity of indirect tests are defined in the following Table 4:


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Execution phase

Surface to explore MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves)

(ha) Number of tests / Minimum Total Linear Extension (m)
≤ 0.5 1/50
0.5 to 1 2/100
1 to 2 4/200

2 to 3 6/300

3 to 4 8/400

>4 10/500
Table 4: Minimum amount of indirect explorations

The Contractor may propose motivated modifications to the investigation plan (tests number/type) to ENEL
for approval/validation, while ENEL may ask the Contractor to increase or decrease the number of tests, or
ask different type of tests, in case the site shows particular conditions or according to the common practice
in the Country of the project. Thermal and Resistivity measurement

 Earth resistivity
Soil resistivity is a measure of how much the soil resists the flow of electricity and it is measured in Ω-m. The
measurements will be performed only on site.
On HV substation area is recommended to carry out the measurement in five points as minimum. Assimilating
the area to a rectangle, the measurement must be carried out in each corner and in center. It is important to
take measurements at a number of different locations around the HV substation so that an average may be
used. It is recommended that the first measurement line must cover the largest diagonal of the area of the
HV substation.
 Thermal Resistivity
Soil thermal resistivity measurements will be performed only in the laboratory on the collection of a certain
number of samples taken in field. These samples will be taken on the paths of cable trenches, at the
substation transformer and at the point of interconnection.
The samples for testing shall be taken at depths of 0.5m, 1.0m, and 1.5m from ground level. Undisturbed
samples shall be tested to obtain Moisture Content, Dry Density and Thermal Resistivity.
Remolded samples shall be prepared with 85% and 95% of standard Proctor density and in-situ moisture
content. A series of thermal resistivity measurements are made in stages with moisture content starting at
‘in-situ’ to the totally dry condition. Five steps in dry-out curve per sample are recommended as minimum.
The results shall be presented in a table and thermal dry-out curves. Exploration depth

The minimum depth of investigation shall be related to the preliminary dimensions of the direct foundation
(in case of shallow foundations such as the power transformer for example) or to the expected depth of piles
(in case of overhead main supports).
In the first case the depth of investigation shall be 2 times the maximum dimension of the foundations, in the
second case shall be extended to the maximum between 3.0 m and 3 times the pile diameter below the
expected pile depth.
In any case, the minimum depth cannot be less than the following Table 5:


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Exploration type Minimum depth of exploration (m)

Trial pits ≥3
Boreholes ≥ 10
Geophysics ≥ 15
Table 5: Minimum depth of exploration

In case a borehole finds bedrock before reaching the specified depth, the drilling may be stopped when a
minimum of 5 m has penetrated in the rock with an RQD>60%.
If a trial pit test goes to refusal, it must be relocated in a nearby position for another attempt. On-site tests
Depending on the characteristics of the soil, the following tests and measurements could be performed on-
site: CPT, SPT, Dynamic Penetration Tests (DPSH, Borros), Vane shear, Plate load test or CBR, Pressuremeter
test, Permeability and In-Situ Density Tests.

ASTM standard reference shall be followed, however equivalent local standards in force shall be privileged. Laboratory tests

Depending on the characteristics of the soil, laboratory tests shall be performed for all samples taken.
The Contractor shall define and perform all the lab-tests required to determine all geotechnical parameters
needed for the design of HV-ESS civil works. A proposal of laboratory tests to be carry out will be presented
to ENEL for approval before execution.
The minimum laboratory tests to carry out are included in the following table:

Laboratory Test

Soil type
Laboratory test Code reference
Rock Gravel Sand Silt/clay

ASTM D-422 X X X
(grain size and sieve analysis)

Atterberg limits ASTM D-4318 X X X

ASTM D-854
Specific particle weight X X X
ASTM C-127

Humidity ASTM D-2216 X X X

Unit weight of soil ASTM D-7263 X X

Compression test for soil ASTM D-2166 X

Compression test for rock ASTM D-2983 X

ASTM D-3080
Direct shear test X X X
ASTM D-6528
One-dimensional consolidation
ASTM D-2435 X


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Test for One-Dimensional

Expansion, Shrinkage, and
ASTM D-3877 X
Uplift Pressure of Soil-Lime
Test for One-Dimensional
ASTM D-4546 X
Swell or Collapse of Soils
Maximum - minimum density ASTM D-4253
and relative density ASTM D-4254
Compaction test with Standard
Proctor energy in the material ASTM D-698 X X X
of the embankment
Compaction test with Modified
Proctor energy in the material ASTM D-1557 X X X
of the embankment


Chlorides, sulphates and total

ASTM D-4542 X X X
salts soluble in water

The ASTM standard reference shall be followed, however equivalent local standards in force shall be
privileged. Geotechnical Report
The scope of the geotechnical report is to determine the behavior of the soil under the actions produced by structures,
excavations, earthworks, underground works, etc., and by the action of water, dynamic loads and seismic loads.
It must include the determination of the geotechnical parameters for the design of the civil works, with an adequate level of
security to avoid deterioration or failure throughout their service life.
With the information from the collection of general terrain data, characteristics of the project, direct and indirect exploration
and geotechnical tests carried out, the geotechnical report must include at least the following:

a) General description of the project

b) Objective of the report
The purpose of the geotechnical study shall be clearly indicated.

c) References
Indicate all the information used for the preparation of the report as geological, geotechnical and reference
documents, standards, codes, plans, reports of previous geotechnical investigations.

d) Geological executive summary

e) Summary of the geotechnical investigation plan
f) In-situ and laboratory tests results
The results of all in-situ and laboratory tests must be described. The detail and certificates of these tests and
measurements must be attached in the annexed chapters to the report.
g) Geotechnical model
The description of the stratigraphic units must include data from:
 The visual inspection of the trial pits and the samples obtained from the drillings;
 The results of the laboratory tests;
 The water table level and measurements dates of each exploration point.

All the results must be interpreted and properly discussed.



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h) Geotechnical design parameters

All the geotechnical parameters resulting from the analysis must be defined in order to define the design
bases for each defined stratigraphic unit. These parameters must be completely justified based on laboratory
test and checked with bibliography data when possible.

i) Geotechnical design criteria

The geotechnical design criteria for the dimensioning of the works must be defined for each of the
stratigraphic units when applicable:
For the design of foundations and retaining walls at least:
 Recommendation about the most cost effective type of foundation (shallow, deep, slab, etc.);
 Minimum depth for the foundation bottom/laying level;
 Allowable bearing capacity (shallow and/or deep foundations) for static and seismic conditions;
 Definition of the location of the ground water table;
 Vertical, horizontal and rotating reaction module;
 Calculation of instantaneous (elastic) and long-term deformations (by primary and secondary
consolidation (when applicable) and criteria on allowable settlements;
 Coefficients of active lateral loads, at rest, passive and seismic;
 Stress diagrams on cantilever walls for static and seismic conditions;
 Stress diagram on walls with lateral bracing for static and seismic conditions (underground walls);
 Slopes and maximum heights for the excavation of foundations;
 Seismic soil classification;

For the design of roads is required as a minimum:

 Soil Classification of soils for engineering purpose (USCS and AASHTO )
 Depth of subgrade level;
 Determination of California Bearing Capacity (CBR) for subgrade soil;
 Determination of Proctor density and / or minimum and maximum density of subgrade soil (when
 Definition of the thicknesses and properties of the fillings for base, bub-base and rolling folder (when

For the design of infiltration works, at least:

 Infiltration capacity and / or soil permeability;
 Identification and depth of the strata that allow the infiltration of rainwater.

j) Construction specification that includes at least the following:

 Excavation thickness of organic and poor quality soil (topsoil);
 Filling under slab foundation (thickness and type);
 Compaction of the foundation level (when applicable/required);
 Soil improvement (when applicable);
 Characteristic of structural fills under foundations, behind retaining walls, non-structural fills, etc.;
 Form of placement, compaction and quality control of the fillings;
 Dewatering of ground water (when applicable);
k) Slope stability of substation platform
The geotechnical study must include a stability analysis of slopes when the HV-ESS is in the following
situations or any other which involves slopes:
All slopes must comply with the minimum safety factors for static and pseudo-static requests according to
local codes and regulations.
Accepted methods of analysis are those that incorporate balance of forces and moments such as:
 Spencer


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 Morgenstern-Price
 Janbu Modificado
 Sarma

When local regulations are missing, the following conditions shall be complied:

Safety Factor (SF)

Permanent Temporal
Conditions Conditions
Static Load ≥1.50 ≥1.30
≥1.10 ≥1.10
Table 6: Safety Factor for Slopes

For pseudo-static loads, the following seismic acceleration coefficients must be used:

Seismic Acceleration Coefficients

Temporal Conditions
Horizontal Acceleration
Kh ≥ 0.5 A0* Kht ≥ 2/3 kh
Vertical Acceleration Kv ≥ ±0.5 Kh Kht ≥ ±2/3 kv
Coefficient (up&down) (up&down)
*Ao corresponds to the Pick Ground Acceleration (PGA).

Table 7: Seismic Acceleration Coefficients for slope stability calculations

The outputs of the analysis must report the safety factors for static and pseudo-static loads, for different
sliding surfaces and highlight the one with the smallest safety factor.


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As general requirements:
1. The ground digital elevation model (DEM) used for the analyses shall have the following minimum
 For the HV-ESS area: high precision, with vertical accuracy of 20 cm;
 For the catchment basin area: medium precision, with a maximum grid size of 3m x 3m.

2. The studies shall be in compliance both with the requirements shown in this document and local
applicable codes and regulations. Hydrological Study

The Hydrological study shall be performed in order to define the maximum flow rates for 10, 50 and 100
years return periods (unless different prescriptions in local codes/regulations), as detailed below.
The hydrological study shall be based on the available rainfall data; based on them, the Contractor shall
define the DDF and IDF curves (rainfall depth and intensity respectively VS time). One of the following
sources, or a combination of them, may be used to get the necessary data:
 Probabilistic (classic) analysis: when a good set of existing rainfall data (at least for 20 years record)
is available;
 Spatial Interpolation: if available data are from scattered pluviometry stations and, thus, not
representative, spatial interpolation can be adopted in order to create more adherent data
 Raw Data Processing: in case of missing rain gauge data either for the project site and the
surrounding area, precipitation data can be collected from on-line archives such as TRMM (Tropical
Rainfall Measurement Mission – NASA), NOAA or any other official source;
 Regional Methods: developed by Local Authorities (if any) based on spatial uniformity of data and
hydrological characteristics.

The statistical analysis of rain data shall be performed by using one of the traditionally applied approaches,
such as Gumbel, Gamma, GEV, Log Pearson, Log Normal, etc. The most adequate method shall be selected
by performing a reliability test, e.g. Kolgomorov Smirnov.
Once the design rainfall has been defined, all the relevant basins and drainage areas shall be defined for the
evaluation of the expected flow rates, by using a DEM of adequate precision, as defined in this document.
Two acceptable methods of calculating runoff are listed below:
 Rational Method: acceptable for drainage areas less than 1 km2 (250 acres) when only peak flow
rates are needed; however, ENEL reserves the right to require the use of other methods (i.e., Soil
Conservation Service [SCS] Methods, discussed below) for catchment areas less than 1 km2 (250
acres), particularly in cases where land use in the watershed is non-homogeneous or storage areas
are included in watershed.
 SCS Method: acceptable for any size watersheds and mandatory for catchment areas greater than
1 km2 (250 acres).

In case the SCS Method is applied, a hydrologic modeling system software capable to simulate the
precipitation-runoff processes of dendritic basin like HEC-HMS (or similar) should be used. In any case,
concentration times shall be calculated as per traditionally applied equations, selecting the one that best suits
the morphology of the area.
The soil properties (as defined in the geological-geotechnical report and shown on the geological map) and
the land use of the relevant area shall be considered by the Contractor, and properly reported in the study,
both for the estimation of Runoff Coefficient (Rational Method) and SCS Curve Number.


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The Hydrological Report in charge of the Contractor must contain, as a minimum:

 HV-ESS site location;
 Reference codes locally applicable;
 Complete description of the main morphologic characteristic of the involved area (basins, sub-basin
and catchment areas, time of concentration, hydraulic length, basin slope, max flow length etc.) +
 Evaluation of the potential sources of flooding for the site, including existing flood risk maps for the
 Analysis of the rainfall and hydrometric available data + maps;
 Description of the existing drainage network + maps,
 Description of the site hydrologic conditions of the catchment basins (including
geological/geotechnical and land use characteristics) + maps;
 Rainfall-runoff models used to estimate maximum flow rates for each basin detected and results
 Conclusions. Hydraulic Study

Based on the flow rates defined in the Hydrological study, the Contractor shall define runoff for 100 years
return period in two scenarios:
 Ante operam: considering the area in its original conditions, before construction; the Contractor shall
perform an Unsteady Flow Analysis (2-D) in order to ensure the HV-ESS position outside any flooded
area. Existing rivers and natural or artificial existing ditches etc. shall be considered in the design.
Should the “ante operam” analysis demonstrate that the requirements are not met (no flooding), the
Contractor shall define proper mitigation works (drainage network, earth moving to lift the HV-ESS
platform level, other proper and effective works) or modify the HV-ESS location accordingly, in order
to lower the water level. Flooded areas and plant layout shall be reported in adequate maps.
 Post operam: the Contractor shall perform an Unsteady Flow Analysis (2-D) considering the area in
its final configuration, including HV-ESS works and hydraulic works, in order to ensure the HV-ESS
position outside any flooded area after the construction. Flooded areas and plant layout shall be
reported in adequate maps.

Results achieved shall be used to define the final HV-ESS location configuration. During layout definition,
three different scenarios may be the following:
1. HV-ESS dedicated area may be already identified without any possibility to be modified, (e.g.
because of permit constraints)
2. HV-ESS dedicated area may be already identified with possibility to be changed
3. HV-ESS dedicated area may be defined within a certain possible area.

The Unsteady Flow Analysis (2-D) shall be performed using one of the following software is acceptable:
HEC-RAS 5.0, FLOW 2D, MIKE 21, IBER. Alternative software shall be authorized by ENEL.
The Contractor shall include in the hydraulic report the following data:
 Drawings and 2D maps showing the flooded zones and HV-ESS location;
 Drawing/Maps showing the existing ground level for the HV-ESS site location;
 Drawing showing the proposed level for the HV-ESS area;
 Definition of Drainage system to be realized.


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The Contractor shall consider the seismic forces acting on foundations supporting equipment, buildings and
all the relevant HV-ESS civil structures.
Seismic loads shall comply with the local (national and regional) applicable codes, depending on the site
location and conditions.
From seismic standpoint, structural supports, foundation and anchorages of electrical equipment shall be
consistent with the seismic class of the supported electro-mechanical equipment, therefore they shall be
designed taking into account the seismic parameters consistent with the following standards, depending on
the Country of the project, regarding the electro-mechanical components involved.
However, different and more stringent classification or requirement may be adopted as per local standards. Countries where IEEE is in force

 Voltage classes greater than 35 kV – IEEE Std. 693;

The peak ground acceleration (PGA) shall be defined to select the appropriate seismic qualification level.
The PGA shall be carefully estimated considering seismic zone, soil classification and site conditions.
According to the IEEE 693, Art 8.6:
 if the PGA≤0.1g, the area is classified as low
 if the 0.1g<PGA≤0.5g, the area is classified as moderate
 if the PGA>0.5g the area is classified as high. Countries where IEC is in force Transformers and other components - IEC 60068-3-3
 Ground acceleration level according to Table 3 from IEC 60068-3-3 Gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV - IEC 62271-207
 Seismic qualification levels for switchgear assemblies - horizontal severities - according to Table 1
from IEC 62271-207.

 Required Response Spectrum (RRS) for qualification level moderate (AF3) or level high (AF5)
according to IEC 62271-207. HV circuit breakers, disconnectors, CT, VT, Surge arrester - IEC 62271-300
 Seismic qualification levels for HV circuit breakers, disconnectors, CT, VT, Surge arrester - horizontal
severities - according to Table 1 from IEC 62271-300.

 Required Response Spectrum (RRS) for ground-mounted circuit breaker and their assemblies for
qualification level AF5 - ZPA = 5 m/s2 (0,5 g) according to IEC 62271-300.

 Required Response Spectrum (RRS) for ground-mounted circuit breaker and their assemblies for
qualification level AF3 - ZPA = 3 m/s2 (0,3 g) according to IEC 62271-300.

 Required Response Spectrum (RRS) for ground-mounted circuit breaker and their assemblies for
qualification level AF2 - ZPA = 2 m/s2 (0,2 g) according to IEC 62271-300.

All other structures shall be designed as per standards addressed in section 3 and local standards. Further
details for the seismic design of structure, foundation and anchorages are also described in the following


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The following manufacturing requirements shall be applied to all HV equipment.

The HV terminals shall be manufactured with corrosion resistant copper or aluminum alloy, in order to be
interfaced with aluminum alloy connectors or clamps.

The manufacturer shall ensure the equi-potentiality between all parts forming the equipment.
At the base of each support upright two (four for 220kV and above) grounding points shall be provided,
equipped with M12 stainless steel bolts (included in the supply).
If interface plates are necessary to adapt the support to the civil works, they shall be designed taking into
account the position of the external grounding connections.


All external surfaces shall have an effective and long-term anti-corrosion protection.
All metal parts (e.g. support, Central Box, Operating Device Box(es), bolts etc.) shall be in non-corrosive
material or hot dip galvanized in compliance with ISO 1461. All processing shall be completed before the
protective treatments.
Protective treatments alternative to the hot dip galvanization may be accepted if the manufacturer prove its
Separate metallic elements in contact with each other shall be designed to avoid corrosion due to humidity
galvanic effect.

Scope of this chapter is to provide technical requirements of three-pole Alternating Current Circuit Breakers
with rated voltage from 72,5 kV to 550kV.
Alternating Current Circuit-Breakers (hereinafter CBs) are SF6 insulated (as alternative, non-fluorinated
gases and vacuum circuit breakers will be evaluated) for outdoor installations, live-tank type.
The reference standards are the IEC/ISO, while for European destinations the reference standard are the
correspondent European standards (EN).
The CBs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 62271-100.
The supplier will verify the compliance of this Technical Specification with the reference standard of the
country of destination of the CBs (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with Country Standard in force).

General characteristics are resume in the following table:

Rated Continuous Current Ir (A) 1250 - 2000 (for 72,5kV≤Ur≤170kV)
(other values can be acceptable)
2000 – 3150 - 4000 (for 245kV≤Ur≤550kV)
Rated short-circuit continuous Current Isc (kA) 25 – 31,5 - 40 (for 72,5kV≤Ur≤170kV)

31,5 - 40 – 50 – 63 (for 245kV≤Ur≤550kV)

Type of operation Three-pole; Single-pole (for 72,5kV≤Ur≤170kV)


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(three pole 245kV can be acceptable for transformer bay

and line bay without reclosing) Single-pole (for 245kV≤Ur≤550kV)
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 - 60
Degree of protection provided by enclosures IP 54
Rated supply voltage Ua (Vdc) 110V -125V – 220V
d.c. maximum absorbed power (W) 2000
Undervoltage release (if requested) - d.c. maximum abs. 100W
power (W/coil)
Rated supply voltage for anticondensation circuits (Vac) 230V – 220V – 120V
a.c. maximum absorbed power (VA) 250
Auxiliary contact classes (Table 8 IEC 62271-1) 1
Number of mechanical operations Class M2: Circuit breaker shall be able to perform 10000
operating sequences

5.2.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Operating devices
The CB controls shall be designed to be managed both remotely and locally. For this purpose a selector
switch shall be located in the Control Box for the operation type choice: remote or local (hereinafter
“remote/local selector switch”).
In “remote” position the remote controls are enabled and the local controls are disabled. In “local” position
the enabling is the opposite.
The remote/local selector switch operation shall not cause unwanted equipment operations.
The local operation of circuit breakers shall be controlled by the push-buttons located in the Control Box .
The CB operating device shall be spring type, three-pole or single-pole type. Other type of mechanism can
be evaluated by Enel before being approved, hydraulic mechanism are not accepted,
The operating device energy input shall be normally made by means of a d.c. electric motor; when necessary
it shall be possible to restore manually the operating device energy, with a maximum effort below 250 N. The
manual device shall prevent motor operation, or in alternative, shall be designed preventing its possible
movement in case of unexpected spring operation.
All releases, both for closing and for opening, shall not work with a signal duration ≤ 3 ms.
The CBs operating device shall be able to perform the following cycles (note: with the CB closed the opening
springs shall be always charged):
 with motor working:
O – 0,3 s – CO – 1 min – CO with CB closed and opening and closing springs charged;
 with motor not working:
O – 0,3 s – CO with CB closed and opening and closing springs charged;
CO with CB open and closing springs charged;
O with CB closed and opening springs charged.
The single-pole CBs shall be equipped with a device for the signalization of poles not being in the same
position (closed or open).
In case of single-pole CBs, the 2nd drive circuit of shunt opening release shall work in single-pole mode and
shall be, including everything that is connected to it, galvanically separated in respect to all other control and
signalization circuits.
Regarding the two 2nd minimum gas density level contacts, the 2nd circuit contact shall operate by means
of a suitable separator relay also on the terminal board signalizations of the 1st circuit, as well as on the
closing block.


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The release drive circuits typologies are:
 drive circuit of shunt closing release;
 drive circuit of shunt opening release;
 drive circuit of under-voltage release.

It shall be possible to request the CB opening acting both on a single circuit at a time and concurrently on
any combination of the different opening circuits.
If during an operation, an opposite operation request is received, the consent to the last operation shall be
given only after the completion of the on-going operation (in this case, only for single-pole CBs, the
discrepancy between poles can be over the required limits).
The closing circuit shall be equipped with anti-pumping devices (1 for three-pole CBs and 3 for single-pole
CBs) in order to inhibit further closing operations after the first one, if an opening occurs during the initial
closing request.
The main contacts position shall be assured stably and surely in the open and closed position.
The CB shall not operate in case of accidental auxiliary circuit supply interruption or in case of supply
restoration (excluding the drive circuit of under-voltage release).
The three-pole and single pole CB shall be provided with the following drive circuits, voltage range +15% -
30% of DC rated voltage:
a) 1 (one) drive circuit of shunt closing release;
b) 2 (two) drive circuit of shunt opening release;
c) 1 (one) drive circuit of under-voltage release.
Three pole CB can be installed in transformer bay and line bay when no reclosing is demanded for voltage
levels upto 245kV.
Under-voltage releases consisting of energy storage systems (for example: capacitors are not permitted). Interlocking devices
All operations shall be dependent on the internal CB interlocking.
The following interlocking circuits shall be provided, depending on the monitored values (springs status, gas
pressure etc.):
 Reclosing interlock
 Closing interlock
 opening interlock or, if required, automatic opening with opening interlock.

For the interlocking devices and for the automatic opening with opening interlock, IEC 62271-100 applies
with the clarifications in the following.
The following interlocking control circuits are required:
a) Closing locked (enabled in both positions of the remote/local selector switch)
b) Opening locked (enabled in both positions of the remote/local selector switch) or, as an alternative,
automatic opening with open interlock (enabled only in remote position of the remote/local selector switch)
The operation will released automatically only after the ending of the condition causing the interlock.
Transient interlocks shall not be signalling into the control system, during remote/local CB working
Closing interlock circuit
The closing interlocks shall be activated if one of the following conditions happen:


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a) 2nd minimum threshold gas density level (only in case of gas CBs);
b) discharged closing springs (at least one of the three springs in case of single-pole CBs).
The CB closing consensus shall be interrupted in case of under-voltage release drive circuit not powered or
Opening interlock circuit
For single-pole gas CBs (if requested) the opening interlock shall be activated in case of 2nd minimum gas
density level intervention.
The automatic openings operates (if requested):
When 2nd minimum gas density level intervention requested.
a) for three-pole CBs, on the shunt release and on the under-voltage release.
b) for single-pole CBs, only on the shunt releases, three pole simultaneous intervention. Electric shematics, control and signalizations

The electric schemes shall:
a) be represented in the reference conventional conditions:
a.1) CB in open position;
a.2) absence of a.c. and d.c. auxiliary supplies;
a.3) gas absence (only for gas insulated CBs – SF6 or non-fluorinated gas);
a.4) closing springs discharged;
a.5) remote/local selector switch in remote position;
a.6) in case of micro-switches with the state dependent on the opening/closing of the boxes/covers of
operating devices, they shall be represented disabled (that is with boxes/covers open).
b) describe, only for gas CBs, the following pressure values at 20°C (relative values):
b.1) rated filling pressure;
b.2) setpoint pressure of the 1st minimum gas density level (alarm, replenishment necessary);
b.3) setpoint pressure of the 2nd minimum gas density level (block or automatic opening with open
position blocking).
c) contain the functional scheme, all information useful to identify the single wires and cables, the equipment
wiring schemes (auxiliary contacts, relays, gas density control devices etc.), the topographic schemes for
interconnections between boxes, the topographic schemes pertaining to all the electric components in
Control box/Operating device box(es), the anti-mistake coding. Signalizations
The contacts referred to in the following signalizations shall be wired to the terminal board:
a) single-pole CBs
a.1) remote/local selector switch in local (L) position
a.2) intervention of motor protection device and/or auxiliary supply missing
a.3) anti-condensation circuit anomaly
a.4) motor maximum operation time
a.5) discharged springs
a.6) 1st minimum gas density level


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a.7) 2nd minimum gas density level

a.8) open position
a.9) close position
a.10) poles discrepancy
a.11) incongruence of drive circuit of under-voltage release control
a.12) locking of drive circuit of under-voltage release control
a.13) open position (n° 3 NC)
a.14) close position (n° 3 NA)
b) three-pole CBs
b.1) remote/local selector switch in local (L) position
b.2) intervention of motor protection device and/or auxiliary supply missing
b.3) anti-condensation circuit anomaly
b.4) motor maximum operation time
b.5) discharged springs
b.6) 1st minimum gas density level
b.7) 2nd minimum gas density level
b.8) open position
b.9) close position
b.10) locking of drive circuit of under-voltage release control
b.11) open position (n° 3 NC)
b.12) close position (n° 3 NA)

5.2.3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION General characteristics
The CBs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 62271-100.
The supplier will indicate on the dimensional drawings:
· the CBs main dimensions;
· the metallic support;
· the external grounding connections;
· the cable shaft of the civil works.
The support shall be always supplied.
If interface plates and other accessories are necessary to adapt the support to the civil works, they shall be
included in the supply of the support and shall be preliminarily approved by Enel Global Power Generation.
The pole naming shall be A, B, C, from left to right, looking at the CB from the side with the main contact
position indicators.
The normal use, control and maintenance operations shall be performed with total worker safety. Insulators
The insulators shall be manufactured from composite materials.
The composite insulators shall be light grey in color and compliant with IEC 61462. The envelope shall be
made of silicone rubber, HTV type (High Temperature Vulcanized) or LSR type (Liquid Silicone Rubber) and
completely free of EPDM or other organic rubbers.


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32 di/of 245 Control box and operating device box(es)

The requested cabinets are the followings:
 cabinet for control and interface with the remote control system (hereinafter “Control Box”).
 cabinet(s) for the operating device (hereinafter “Operating Device Box”), 3 for single-pole CBs, 1 for
three-pole CBs.
The Control Box can be physically integrated in the Operating Device Box (in one of the 3 operating device
boxes in case of single-pole CBs). Control box

The Control Box shall be fixed on the CB support, in full compatibility with the civil works. The CBs shall be
equipped with proper conduits for the connection cables to the substation control system, from the Control
Box to the existing cable shaft of the civil works; the minimum dimensions of the conduits shall be 100x50
All CBs auxiliary and control equipments shall be placed in the Control Box.
In addition to the IP55 requirement, the box protection level with open doors shall be minimum IP2X.
The box base height with respect to the ground shall be ≥ 400 mm and all elements (controls and
signalizations) shall be at ≤ 1800 mm.
The box interior shall be accessible from the front by mean of a door provided with handle and lock.
The door (single or double), hinged and equipped with an anti-wind system, shall be provided with a window
in order to allow the signalization lamps to be visible from the outside. It shall be possible to open the door(s)
greater than 90°.
All accessories (hand-crank, document pocket etc.) shall be accommodated in the internal part of the box
All electric equipments components shall be:
 compliant with the respective IEC standards;
 equipped with an identification label indicating the codification used in the functional electric
 easily accessible for maintenance or substitution operations.
In particular plug-in connectors shall be provided with proper anti-mistake coding.
The box internal wiring shall be performed with conductors with adequate section (minimum of 1mm2),
flexible type, compliant with IEC 60332-3-24 and insulated at Uo/U = 450/750 V.
The cable ends shall be provided with pre-insulated compression type terminals, suitable for the clamps
where they will be connected.
The connection cable from the Control Box to the equipment shall be of adequate section (≥ 1,5 mm2),
shielded, flexible, compliant with IEC 60332-3-24 and insulated at Uo/U = 0,6/1 kV.
Inside the Control Box an internal collector (in tin-plated or nickel-plated copper, section ≥ 60 mm2 and with
M5 regular interval threaded holes) shall be present for the grounding connection of all cable shields; the
manufacturer shall guarantee its effective connection to the CB grounding system.
The entrance of all cables (both CB cables and control system cables) shall be from the Control Box bottom
side, where a aluminum removable plate with cable bushing grommet (with useful dimension of 150x100
mm) shall be provided.


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The Control Box shall include:

 remote/local selector switch
 control buttons for circuit breaker, with the following colors (according with IEC 60073): Closing –
White, Opening – Black. Selector switch is also permitted.
 magneto-thermic automatic circuit breakers for the supplies protection (motors, lighting lamp, anti-
condensation circuits) Fuses are not allowed;
 interface terminal board for substation control system;
 anti-condensation circuit;
 internal lighting lamp, with automatic switching for open door;
 only in case of three gas circuits: gas density signalization lamps (for each gas circuit, yellow color
at 1st minimum gas density level; red color at 2nd minimum gas density level);
 only in case of three gas circuits: lamp testing pushbutton.
The signalization lamps and the internal lighting lamps shall not be incandescent type.
The grounding of a dc supply polarity is not admitted.
The terminal boards shall be made with modular terminals. In particular, the terminals of the control system
interface terminal board shall have a cross-sectional area of 4 mm² for control, signalization and anti-
condensation circuits and 10 mm² for the motor supply circuit.
Two bridged terminal pairs for the anti-condensation circuit and two for the motor supply circuit shall be
If diodes are used for circuit separations or for voltage return protection, they shall have inverse voltage ≥ 3
The cable trunking systems for the internal wiring shall have sufficient residual space (≥ 10% of used volume);
the cables shall be anchored at multiple points in order to avoid their falling.
The cable trunks close to the interface terminal boards shall be used for the control system wiring and cannot
be used for the internal wiring.
The remote/local selector switch shall have auxiliary contacts.
The Control Box shall also include an electric outlet socket with voltage and plug configuration as normal for
country of destination.
Terminal boards shall be manufactured with 20% of free terminals.
The control box shall also include auxiliary switch contacts to indicate the CB position. Operating device box(es)

The operating devices, the CB operation counters (mechanical, four-digits, not-resettable), the auxiliary
electric equipment, the auxiliary contacts and the terminal boards (or connectors) shall be located: in a single
cabinet for three-pole CBs; in 3 cabinets for single-pole CBs.
Each operating device box shall be equipped with spring loaded condition indicators and with main contact
position indicators, having the following characteristics according to IEC 60073:
 Closed – Black “I” on white background ---
 Open – White “O” on black background.
During normal operation, with enclosures and doors closed, the main contact position indicators and the
spring loaded condition indicators shall be visible from ground level.


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In order to allow the verification, during maintenance activity, of the unchanged characteristics of the no-load
travel curve, manufacturer shall provide the measuring points, properly machined.
In addition to the IP55 requirement, the box(es) protection level with open doors or when using hand-crank
(to charge CB springs) shall be minimum IP2X (unless the box can only be opened using tools).
All mechanisms (included the motion transmission rods for three-pole CBs) shall be enclosed in metallic
casings, IP2X, in order to prevent the access to parts in movement (see par. 5.13.1 of IEC 62271-1).
The manufacturer shall provide the instructions for safe access to mechanisms.
The operation counter can be electromechanical. Nameplates
Par. 5.10 of IEC 62271-100 apply, specifying that both CB nameplate and operating devices nameplates
shall include:
· the optional values;
· the Enel type code and the local components codification.
If the Control Box is not integrated in the Operating Device Box(es), in the internal part of the Control Box
door shall be located a self-adhesive nameplate with the following information (for traceability purposes):
· box manufacturer;
· serial number of the Control Box;
· year of construction.
The self-adhesive nameplate located in the internal part of the Control Box door shall also contain the contract
number. Requirements for gases in circuit-breakers
The breaking elements shall have an expected life greater than 30 years.
If an insulation gas is present, the manufacturer shall declare:
 the type of gas used (chemical composition of gas or gas blend) and the rated filling pressure
at 20 °C;
 the type of system (closed pressure system or sealed pressure system, in the second case
with an expected life greater than 30 years).
Generally the dielectric means for insulation and arc extinction is SF6, with a pressure greater than
The SF6 gas shall comply with IEC 60376. The manufacturer shall provide the necessary instructions for use
and handling of SF6, in accordance with Technical Report IEC IEC/TR 62271- 4.
In single-pole and three-pole CB’s, a distinct SF6 circuit and connection for each pole is required.
Each SF6 circuit shall provide connection elements (type DILO VK/BG-03/8 or equivalent), with a non-return
valve, both for the SF6 control device and for gas filling/replenishment, provided protection screw taps
(located not higher than 1.800 mm from the ground level) in order to avoid gas leakage.
The SF6 circuit piping shall be performed using stainless steel or tinned copper. Gas (SF6 or non fluorinated gas) density control

The CB is a closed pressure system. The relative leakage rate shall be Frel ≤ 0,5% per year. The value for
the time between replenishments shall be at least 10 years.


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It shall be possible to perform the gas replenishment with the equipment in service, avoiding the unwanted
operation of the gas density control device.
Each gas circuit shall have a device for the gas density control. For three pole CB´s with Um lower than
145kV one common density control to the three poles is also permitted.
The alarm threshold calibration shall take into account the leakage rate. The block setpoint shall be at least
0,02 Mpa lower than the alarm threshold.
The gas density control device shall be:
· suitable to work in the specified temperature range;
· located in order to avoid the solar radiation influence on the external temperature measuring;
· insensitive to the vibration produced by the equipment’s operation;
· manufactured with stainless steel materials;
· designed to allow testing and substitution with the poles under pressure;
· equipped with a scale(s) for a visible indication of gas density level (colored and\or
The gas density control device shall provide 2 operating levels with independently adjustable contacts:
· 1st minimum gas density level: alarm (replenishment necessary) with 1 contacts;
· 2nd minimum gas density level: block (remove from service) with 2 contacts working
separately on 2 opening circuits (depending on specific requirements).
The contacts operating tolerance shall be less than ± 1,5% (referring to the full scale) in the provided
temperature range; the contacts of each minimum gas density level shall measure a difference ≤ 0,005 Mpa
between them. Overpressure safety devices

The devices shall be compliant with ISO 4126 and shall be properly calibrated over the maximum operating
pressure, in order to avoid improper operations.
In case of overpressure safety valves operation, the expelled gas shall not discharge to an area where
personnel may be present. Gas filling/replenishment device

The manufacturer shall supply a device for the gas replenishment.
In case of SF6, the device shall be provided by female thread connection, W 21,7 x 1/14” (UNI 11144) on
gas bottle side and DILO VK/BG-03/8 or equivalent on pole junction device side. The device will consist of:
 pressure regulator
 a safety valve (ISO 4126 compliant, calibrated at 8 bar rel);
 a pressure gauge 0-1 Mpa, 0,5 class, min resolution ± 5 kPa, accompanied with a calibration
 flexible tube 5 meters long, DN≥8.
In case of non-fluorinated gas, the manufacturer will propose a suitable solution compliant, where applicable,
with the above mentioned requirements for the SF6 version. Earthing of circuit breakers



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The manufacturer shall ensure the equi-potentiality between all parts forming the equipment.
At the base of each support upright two grounding points (four for level of voltage more than 400kV) shall be
provided, equipped with M12 stainless steel bolts (included in the supply).
If interface plates are necessary to adapt the support to the civil works, they shall be designed taking into
account the position of the external grounding connections.

5.2.4. TESTING
The CB, complete with all accessories and fully assembled in operational layout, shall be subject to a visual
inspection in order to verify its functional, dimensional and constructive compliance with this technical
The test are defined in the standard IEC 62271-100, each equipment will be subject to the following test
 Type test
 Routine test (FAT)
 Commissioning test (SAT) Type test

 Dielectric test
 Radio interference voltage (R.I.V.) test (not applicable for 72,5kV)
 Meassurement of the resistance of the main circuit. The contact resistance between each HV
terminal and the corresponding CB plate shall be measured: the measured value shall be ≤
10 μΩ
 Temperature-rise tests
 Short-time withstand current and peak withstand current tests
 Verification of the degree of protection
 Tightness tests. In the case of gas SF6 CBs.The test must be done using test Qm, method 1
“Cumulative Test”, IEC 60068-2-17.The initial gas concentration Co, with CB filled at rated
pressure, shall be measured after at least 2 hours from pressurizing; the final concentration
C1 must be measured after more than 8 hours.
 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests
 Test on auxiliary and control circuits. For this verification the manufacturer shall provide a
paper copy of the CB electric schemes.
The correct operation of all controls, interlocking, automatic openings and signalizations shall
be also verified.
The absorption curves of closing and opening (shunt and under-voltage) releases, taking note
of the maximum values (inrush excluded), shall be registered in the following situations:
· at rated voltage;
· at 110% of the rated voltage;
· at 70% of the rated voltage, for opening releases;
· at 85% of the rated voltage, for closing release.
The absorption curves of the motors, taking note of the maximum values (inrush excluded)
and of the springs charging times, shall be registered in the following situations:
· at rated voltage;


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· at 110% of the rated voltage;

· at 85% of the rated voltage.
 Mechanical and environmental tests
 Short-circuit current making and breaking tests
 Critical current tests (if applicable)
 Single-phase and double-earth fault tests
 Short-line fault tests
 Out-of-phase making and breaking tests
 Capacitive current switching tests
 X-radiation test procedure for vacuum breakers
 Seismic qualification
 Protective treatment. Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel components shall be
verified in accordance with ISO 1461 by mean of magnetic flux equipment, performing at least
5 measures on each component, in uniform manner on the various surfaces, avoiding edges
and angular parts. The verification of other protective coatings shall be performed considering
their characteristics: the manufacturer will indicate the minimum thickness allowed and other
 Test on insulators. The composite insulators shall be tested in accordance with IEC 61462. Routine tests

The Routine tests shall be made in the manufacturer’s factory on each apparatus supplied, to ensure the
product compliance with the sample approved during the conformity assessment (certification etc.) process
and on which the type tests have been performed.
Test values/results shall be in compliance with rated values (and relative tolerances).
The manufacturer shall provide, for each CB supplied, the report of all measures and tests carried out.
 Dielectric test on the main circuit. Test on auxiliary and control circuits. Functional tests (par.
8.3.2 of IEC 62271-1) shall be done only at rated voltage. Regarding density meters, the
verification shall be performed at ambient temperature, in the real operating position, using
nitrogen and no SF6, with decreasing pressure values.
Dielectric tests (par. 8.3.4 of IEC 62271-1) shall be done applying 1 kV for 1 s.
Electronic devices, motors etc. can be excluded from dielectric test only if agreed during the
conformity assessment (certification etc.) process.
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit. It shall be performed after mechanical
operating tests.
The ambient temperature influence can be neglected.
The test can be performed without HV terminals, specifying it in the test report.
 Tightness test. It shall be performed at least at 2nd minimum gas density level (block).
 Design and visual checks
 Mechanical operating tests. It shall be recorded:
a) at Vmax, Vn, Vmin, closing (C) and opening (O) times, time spread (on each release);
a1) at Vmax, Vn, Vmin, opening (O) times, time spread of under-voltage release and the
compliance with IEC 62271-1 par. 6.9.5 shall be verified;


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b) at Vn, close-open (CO) time and open-close-open (O – t – CO) cycle;

c) at Vn, the operation time of one of each type (make and break) of auxiliary contacts, in
respect to the operation of main contacts on closing and on opening of CB;
d) no-load travel curves.
The spring recharging time of the motor after a closing operation and its absorption (maximum
value, inrush excluded) shall be measured only at Vn.
 Protective treatments. The thickness of the protective coatings shall be verified.
 Specific routine tests. Test to verify the enclosure endurance to internal gas pressure. Commissioning test – SAT

 Visual inspection, general checks and funtctionality, test of the auxiliary and control circuits.
The correct assembling (performed in accordance with manufacturer’s drawings and
instructions), the absence of damage and the presence of all accessories and of the required
documentation shall be verified.
Functionality tests of the auxiliary and control circuits shall be performed after dielectric tests.
Regarding density meters, the verification shall be performed with the same modalities of the
routine test, paying attention to the ambient conditions (solar radiation, temperature) and, in
case of three density meters, comparing between them the intervention threshold pressure
measured values.
 Mechanical operating tests. Before mechanical operating tests 10 C-O cycles on each release
shall be performed.
It shall be recorded:
a) at Vmax, Vn, Vmin, closing © and opening (O) times, time spread (on each release);
a1) at Vmax, Vn, Vmin, opening (O) times, time spread of under-voltage release (if present)
and it shall be verified its compliance with IEC 62271-1 par. 6.9.5.
b) at Vn, close-open (CO) time and open-close-open (O – t – CO) cycle.
c) at Vn, the operation time of one of each type (make and break) of auxiliary contacts, in
respect to the operation of main contacts on closing and on opening of CB.
The spring recharging time of the motor after a closing operation and its absorption (maximum
value, inrush excluded) shall be measured only at Vn.
 Dielectric test of the main circuit and power factor test of main circuit with CB open (between
phase poles) and with CB close (to ground).
 Dielectric test to the auxiliary and control circuits. Electronic devices, motors etc. can be
excluded from the dielectric test only if agreed during the conformity assessment
(homologation, certification etc.) process.
 Dynamic resistance test (include arc resistance measure), measurement of resistance to the
main circuit. Test shall be performed after mechanical operating tests.
The ambient temperature influence can be neglected.
The test shall be performed with HV terminals on CB plate.
The contact resistance between each HV terminal and the correspondent CB plate shall be
measured: the measured value shall be ≤ 10 μΩ.
 Tightness test. Only in the case of gas CBs (SF6 or non-fluorinated gas).


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It shall be performed at rated pressure.

The test shall be done using test Qm, method 2 “Probing Test”, IEC 60068-2-17, after all the
other tests, eight hours after the gas filling (for example one night is enough).
Fittings, gas density control devices and piping shall be checked (HV insulators have been
checked in manufacturer’s factory).
The sensitivity of the sniffing device shall be at least <=10-8 Pa x m3/s.
If gas are filled on site, dew point measure shall be done.
 Check of Discrepancy of pole circuit.
 Record the absorption curves of the motors at rated voltage taking note of the maximum
absorption (cues excluded) and the charge-spring time,
 Check absorptions of the opening and closing coils and release coils: all maximum values of
the absorptions and measured times must be within ± 10% of their respective values recorded
during the type tests.
 Verification of interlock devices (closing and opening), verifying that the achievement of the
conditions the manoeuvres is inhibited and the switch assumes the chosen position.
 Verification of consistency between the auxiliary contacts and main contacts and the response
time of the first.
 Once passed the above mentioned checks, proper exchange of signals and commands with
the relevant SCADAs shall be checked.

The scope of this Chapter is to provide technical requirements for the supply of HV disconnectors (hereinafter
DS) and earthing switches (hereinafter ES) with rated voltage from 72.5 kV to 550 kV.
The HV DS and, if required, ES are composed of two or three columns per each pole.
Two main typologies are provided:
 Three columns per each pole (Double-break disconnectors);
 Two columns per each pole (Centre-break disconnectors).
Other types (Divided support disconnectors) may be required in special situations. The requirements will be
properly indicated. Note: Divided support disconnectors could be Pantograph disconnectors or Semi-
pantograph disconnectors.
The reference standards are IEC/ISO, while for European destinations the reference standards are the
correspondent European standards (EN).
The DS and ES shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 62271-102.
The supplier will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specification with the reference
standard of the country of destination of the DS/ES (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with Country
Standard in force).
General characteristics are resume in the following table:
Rated Continuous Current Ir (A) 1250 - 2000 (for 72,5kV≤Ur≤170kV)

800 – 1250 - 2000 (for 245kV≤Ur≤550kV)

Rated short-circuit continuous Current Isc (kA) 25 – 31,5 - 40 (for 72,5kV≤Ur≤170kV)


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31,5 - 40 – 50 – 63 (for 245kV≤Ur≤550kV)

Switching device Centre break disconnector
Double break disconnector
Divided support disconnector (*)
* may be pantograph or semi- pantograph
Bus-transfer current switching by disconnectors (only if
 Rated bus-transfer current for disconnectors (A)  According IEC 62271-102, Clause B.4.106.1;
 Rated bus-transfer voltages for disconnectors (V)  According IEC 62271-102, Clause B.4.106.2.

Opening (closing) time if motor-operated ≤ 15 sec

Rated frequency (Hz) 50 - 60
Degree of protection provided by enclosures IP 54
Rated supply voltage Ua (Vdc) 110V -125V – 220V
d.c. maximum absorbed power (W) 1000
Rated supply voltage for anticondensation circuits (Vac) 230V – 220V – 120V
a.c. maximum absorbed power (VA) O 50 VA for anticondensation only (manual operated
O 250 VA for anticondensation only (motor operated
DS/ES with dc motor);
O 1750 VA (400 Vac 3-ph) for anticondensation and
motor (motor operated DS/ES with ac motor);
Auxiliary contact classes (Table 8 IEC 62271-1) 1
Number of mechanical operations for disconnectors Class M1

Class for earthing switches E0 - M0 – A class

Rated static mechanical terminal load

According with the IEC 62271-102, the minimum recommended static mechanical terminal load of DS/ES
must be:
Rated voltage Rated 2 or 3 columns Divided support Vertical
Ur kV normal disconnectors disconnectors force
(r.m.s. value) current Straight Cross load Straight Cross load Fc (N)
Ir (A) load Fb1-Fb2 load Fb1-Fb2
Fa1-Fa2 (N) Fa1-Fa2 (N)
(N) (N)
72,5 800-1250 400 130 800 200 500
100-123-145 1250 500 170 800 200
1250 600 200 1000 300
170 1000
2000 800 250 1250 400
800-1250 800 270 1250 400
2000 1000 330 1600 500
2000 1000 400 1600 500
3150 1500 500 1800 600
2000 1600 530 2000 800 1500
4000 2000 660 4000 1600
2000 1600 530 2000 800
550 1500
4000 2000 660 4000 1600


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Application descriptions of the different DS/ES (disconnector switch/earthing switch) typologies are listed
 Line DS+ES motor-operated
 Line DS motor-operated + ES manual operated
 Line DS+ES manual-operated (normally not accepted only for special situations)
 Busbar DS (line bay) manual-operated
 Busbar DS (transformer bay) manual-operated
 Conjoined busbar DS manual-operated

The drive mechanism of the disconnectors and the earthing switches (if any), must guarantee the
simultaneous operation of the poles.
The drive mechanism shall operate on a highly reliable transmission system, in order to avoid any
The number of turns for a complete manual operation shall not exceed 50.
Center-break DS shall have the 2 movable contacts moving in the same direction. Motor-operated disconnectors and earthing switches
The DS and ES operation shall be performed by tripolar motor-drive mechanisms with the possibility of
emergency manual operation in case of necessity. It will consist of a gear motor (see chapter 5 for the supply
rated voltage) which will transmit its movement to the drive shaft of the disconnector. The same for the
earthing switch.
The motor circuit will be protected by a motor protector for short-circuits and overloads. Each DS and ES
shall be provided with the following circuits:
 One drive circuit of shunt closing release;
 One drive circuit of shunt opening release.
The ongoing operations shall be completed even in case of opposite operation request.
The operation requests persistence after the operation conclusion shall not produce effects.
In case a DS/ES operation is not completed, any previously received operation requests shall not remain
stored. In case of motor supply outage during a DS/ES operation, the drive mechanism shall ensure:
 the keeping of the reached position, both during supply absence and at its restore;
 the execution after the supply restore of any requested closing or opening operation,
independently from the operation type ongoing at supply outage instant;
 that in case of not completed operation the operation sequence shall be stopped and an
anomaly remote signalization (SNM – “Switch Not Maneuverable”) shall be sent, by means of
a timed contact.
The operations shall not be carried out if the request signal duration is shorter than 3 msec.
The hand-crank for manual operation shall be withdrawable type; its insertion shall disable the electric
operations, both local and remote. Electric schemes, control and signalizations
The electric schemes shall:
 be represented in the reference conventional conditions:


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- DS/ES (if any) in open position;

- absence of a.c. and d.c. auxiliary supplies;
- remote/local selector switch in remote;
- in case of micro-switches with the state dependent on the opening/closing of the
boxes/covers of operating devices, they shall be represented disabled (that is with
boxes/covers open).
 contain the functional scheme, all information useful to identify the single wires and cables,
the equipment wiring schemes (auxiliary contacts, relays etc.), the topographic schemes for
interconnections between boxes, the topographic schemes regarding all the electric
components in Control box/Operating device box(es), the anti-mistake coding. Motor operated DS and ES Control circuit of motor-operated DS and ES
DS local controls (motor or manual) shall be enabled by consensus (“Test”) coming from line bay Circuit
Breakers, working on the “S/T” relay (Service/Test), located in its control box.
Usually the remote controls are enabled and the local controls are inhibited; with the “Test” consensus it’s
the opposite.
Earthing switch local controls (motor or manual) shall be subject to the remote/local switch (“Service/Test”)
located in its control box. Blocking devices/circuits of motor-operated DS and ES
During normal operation, temporary block signalizations shall not be sent to the control system.

Circuit Breaker DS ES Line voltage ES-DB

Operation block
(closed) (closed) (closed) (presence) (inserted)
(line Closing
ES Closing Opening
(earthing switch) Opening Manual operation of motor-operated DS and ES

The manual emergency operation shall be enabled by a Consensus Electromagnetic Device (DEC); there
shall be three (3) DEC if ES is present (one for DS, one for ES and one for ES-BD); with this device the hand-
crank insertion is enabled by pressing a button and in presence of external consensus “Test” and of all
requested conditions.
Different designs with the same functional results may be evaluated by ENEL GPG.
The DEC shall be immune to possible malfunctions due to the residual magnetism. The DEC status
(energized/de-energized) shall be clearly visible.
With the hand-crank insertion an anomaly remote signalization (SNM) shall be sent. ES blocking device for busbar disconnetor (ESBD)
The motor-operated ES shall be provided with a device for the earthing switch interlock (ES-BD) subject to
the ES remote/local switch (“Service/Test”) located in its control box.
All requirements of Manual operation of motor operated disconnectors are entirely applicable to the ESBD
("SNM" signalization becomes "ESBD NM").


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The ESBD operation (motor or manual) shall be subjected to the ES in closed position; its insertion shall
operate mechanically (operating directly on the mechanical transmission system) and electrically on the ES,
avoiding its opening (motor or manual) and interrupting the motor supply.
The ESBD operating device shall be preferably located in the ES operating device box. The ESBD
insertion/exclusion circuits shall be electrically interlocked between them.
The access to internal part of ESBD shall inhibit operations and shall generate a remote signal.
The inserted/not inserted ESBD signalizations shall be provided by mechanically independent auxiliary
contacts, directly actuated by extreme position limits of the lock unit. Manual-operated DS and ES Control circuits of manual-operated DS and ES
DS manual operation shall be enabled by consensus (“Test”) coming from the correspondent bay Circuit
Breakers (line bay or transformer bay), working on the “S/T” relay (Service/Test), located in its control box.
This consensus is not present for Conjoined busbar DS. Blocking devices/circuits of manual-operated DS and ES
The manual-operation block (opening/closing) shall work when the following conditions are present:
Circuit Breaker DS ES Line voltage
Operation block MV-side
(closed) (closed) (closed) (presence)
Line DS Closing Closing
(manual oper.) Opening Opening
Line ES Closing Closing
(manual oper) Opening Opening
Busbar DS Closing
(line bay) Opening
Busbar DS Closing
(transformer bay) (*)
(*) This function shall be realized with an electromagnetic device enabling rotation and extraction of a key, to
which is combined another key enabling closing of the MV side earthing switch “89 T TR”. The device, with
its button activated, is energized with DS “transformer bay” open in presence of “Test” external consensus
coming from transformer bay Circuit Breaker.
Semi bar DS (Conjoined) operation shall be enabled only if all Circuit Breakers of one of the 2 semi-busbars
are open (absence of energy flowing between the two HV semi-busbars). Manual operation of manual-operated DS and ES

The manual operation shall be enabled by a Consensus Electromagnetic Device (DEC) (two if ES is present,
one for DS and one for ES); with this device the hand-crank insertion (or the swing lever operation) is enabled
by pressing a button and in presence of all requested conditions. In case of swing lever operation the DEC
blocking system shall be designed to withstand 3 times the maximum force required for manual operation
(5.105 of 62271-102). The DEC shall be immune to possible malfunctions due to the residual magnetism.
The DEC status (energized/de-energized) shall be clearly visible.
If closing or opening operation is not fully completed an anomaly remote signalization (MNC) shall be sent.
Moreover, with the hand-crank insertion an anomaly remote signalization shall be sent using MNC
signalization (not necessary in case of swing lever with an operation enabling).


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44 di/of 245 Control and signalizations

The contacts referred to the following controls and signalizations shall be wired to the terminal board, when
they are necessary:
 drive circuit of shunt closing release control ( for DS and ES)
 drive circuit of shunt opening release control ( for DS and ES)
 drive circuit of DBST insertion control
 drive circuit of DBST de-insertion control
 consensus “T” (Test) to local operations
 remote/local selector switch in local (P) position (43LR-Test)
 intervention of motor protection device and/or auxiliary supply missing
 motor maximum operation time
 not-maneuverable DS (only in case of motor-operated, for DS and ES)
 not completed manual operation (MNC) (only in case of manual-operated, for DS and ES)
 closed position (for DS and ES)
 open position (for DS and ES)
 anti-condensation circuit anomaly
 consensus from on-site switchgears CBs, DS and ES.
Further specific control circuits, using signals from secondary terminals of on-site Inductive or Capacitive
Voltage Transformers, signal absence of voltage on HV line (and status ON/OFF of relative low voltage
protection CBs) to enable the ES closing:

 voltage presence (27ON)

 voltage absence (27OFF)
 voltage presence anomaly
For this purpose the low voltage components shall have the following characteristics:
 3P+N circuit-breaker for protection of secondary VT circuits:
 Ue = 400 V ac;
 In = 3A;
 Electromagnetic over current release short circuit current setting: 12 A (“B-type”);
Icu ≥ 25 kA;
 K27A/L, K27B/L and K27ATL relays


The DS/ESs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 62271-102.
The manufacturer will provide all tubes, extensions, bearings and the rest of the necessary materials in order
to assemble the disconnector properly and adapt it to the support standardized by each company.
The driving mechanism of the DS and of the ES will be manual-operated or motor-operated.
The upgrading from manual-operated type to motor-operated type shall be possible by retrofit on site, without
need of intervention on power contacts, main regulations or the movement transmission shafts.


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The manual-operation of DS and ES (both for motor-operated and for manual-operated DS/ES) shall be
compliant with IEC 60447.
All DS and ES shall be equipped with mechanical stops for position limits. Insulators
The insulators will be of composite materials.
The composite insulators shall be light grey in color and compliant with IEC 61462. The envelope shall be
made of silicone rubber, HTV type (High Temperature Vulcanized) or LSR type (Liquid Silicone Rubber) and
completely free of EPDM or other organic rubbers. Control and operating device box(es)
The metal support, the Control Box and Operating device Box(es) support are a mandatory supply always
included in the DS/ES supply.
The control box and the drive mechanisms with its control devices shall be included in one or two cabinets.
In addition to the IP requirement of table at chapter 5, the box protection degree with open doors shall be
minimum IP2X.
The entrance of all cables shall be from the Control Box bottom side, where a removable aluminum plate
with cable bushing grommet (with useful dimension of 150x100 mm) shall be provided.
A proper anti-condensation system shall be provided in order to prevent humidity damages and to ensure a
proper air replacement.
The anti-condensation circuit, controlled by a thermostat with fixed regulation at 25 °C (box internal
temperature), shall be unique for the overall equipment, supplied in a.c. (see table in chapter 5 for the supply
rated voltage) and protected with a magneto-thermic automatic circuit breaker.
The heating elements shall be preferably connected in series in order to have the circuit opening in case of
failure of an element; a minimum current sensor shall detect and signal the anomaly.
In parallel connection case, the manufacturer shall assure a correct fault detection and distance anomaly
signaling in case of failure of an element, properly evaluating the tolerances of the supply voltage and of the
components resistance.
The box interior shall be accessible from the front by means of a door provided with handle and lock, hinged
and equipped with an anti-wind system. It shall be possible to open the door greater than 90°.
In case of motor-operated DS/ES all accessories (hand-crank, document pocket etc.) shall be
accommodated in the internal part of the box door. In case of manual-operated DS/ES it is permissible to
locate the hand-crank/swing lever outside the box.
All electric equipment components shall be:
 compliant with the respective IEC standards;
 equipped with an identification label indicating the codification used in the functional electric
 easily accessible for maintenance or substitution operations.
In particular, the extractible parts, plug-in connectors included, shall be provided with proper anti-mistake
The box internal wiring shall be performed with conductors with adequate cross-section (always ≥ 1mm2),
flexible type, compliant with IEC 60332-3-24 and insulated at Uo/U = 450/750 V.


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The cable ends shall be provided with pre-insulated compression type terminals, suitable for the clamps
where they shall be connected.
In case of motor-operated DS/ES, the Control Box(es) shall include:
 remote/local selector switch (and/or relay);
 control buttons: Closing=White, Opening=Black;
 magneto-thermic automatic circuit breakers for the supply protection (motors, lighting lamp, anti-
condensation circuits – fuses are not allowed);
 interface terminal board for substation control system;
 internal lighting lamp (incandescent type are not admitted), with automatic switching upon opening
The grounding of a dc supply polarity is not admitted.
If diodes are used for the circuit separations or for the voltage return protection, they shall have inverse
voltage ≥ 3 kV.
The cable trunking systems for the internal wiring shall have sufficient residual space (≥ 10 % of used
volume); the cables shall be anchored in adequate points on order to avoid their falling.
The cable trunks close to the interface terminal boards shall be used for the control system wiring and cannot
be used for the internal wiring.
In addition to the dimensions shown in annex C, the box base height respect to the ground shall be ≥ 400 mm
and all HMI (Human Machine Interface) elements (controls and signalizations) shall be at ≤ 1800 mm. The
hand-crank/swing lever connection point shall be at ≤ 1000 mm respect to the ground. The main contacts
position auxiliary contacts can be located in the control box or, in alternative, in a separated external box,
provided with a proper anti-condensation resistance.
In case of “S/T” relay presence, a white lamp to indicate its activation (Lamp on in case of “T” status) shall
be located in the DS Control Box. DS/ES mechanical interlocking

DS combined with ES as a single unit will have a mechanical interlocking device that prevent the closure of
the ES while the DS is closed and prevent closure of the DS while the ES is closed.
The mechanical interlocks shall be designed to withstand, preventing damages and without need of
 in case of motor-operation, to the strains produced by the other DS/ES motor starting torque;
 in case of manual-operation, to 3 times the maximum force required for manual operation (5.105 of
62271-102), or, if a strain limiting device is present, to 1,5 times its intervention rated value. Nameplates
The nameplates shall be in stainless steel. Alternative materials can be considered if the manufacturer proves
the marking endurance in respect to ageing (this solution shall be approved by Enel Global Power
Par. 5.10 of IEC 62271-102 applies, specifying that both DS/ES nameplate and control box nameplates shall
include the optional values.
For traceability purpose, in the internal part of the driving mechanism (if any) door a self-adhesive nameplate
with the following information shall be located:


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 box manufacturer;
 serial number of the Control Box;
 year of construction.

5.3.4. TESTING
The DS/ES, complete with all accessories and fully assembled in operational layout, shall be subject to a
visual inspection in order to verify its functional, dimensional and constructive compliance with this technical
The test are defined in the standard IEC 62271-1 and IEC 62271-102, each equipment will be subject to the
following test definition:
 Type test
 Routine test (FAT)
 Commissioning test (SAT) Type test

 Dielectric test
 Radio interference voltage (R.I.V.) test (not applicable for 72,5kV)
 Meassurement of the resistance of the main circuit.
 Temperature-rise tests
 Short-time withstand current and peak withstand current tests
 Verification of the degree of protection
 Tightness tests.
 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests
 Test on auxiliary and control circuits. For this verification the manufacturer shall provide a
paper copy of the DS/ES electric schemes.
The correct operation of all controls, interlocking, automatic openings and signalizations shall
be also verified.
The absorption curves of the motors, taking note of the maximum values (inrush excluded)
and of the springs charging times, shall be registered in the following situations:
· at rated voltage;
· at 110% of the rated voltage;
· at 85% of the rated voltage.
 Short-circuit current making performance of earthing switches.
 Operating and mechanical endurange test, also measuring of resistance of earthing switch.
 Operation under severe ice conditions.
 Verification the proper functioning of the position indication device
 Bus-transfer current switching tests, for Disconnectors requested function.
 Induced current switching test
 Bus-charging switching tests
 Seismic qualification
 Protective treatment. Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel components shall be


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verified in accordance with ISO 1461 by mean of magnetic flux equipment, performing at least
5 measures on each component, in uniform manner on the various surfaces, avoiding edges
and angular parts. The verification of other protective coatings shall be performed considering
their characteristics: the manufacturer will indicate the minimum thickness allowed and other
 Test on insulators. The composite insulators shall be tested in accordance with IEC 61462. Routine tests
The Routine tests shall be made in the manufacturer's factory on each apparatus supplied.
In principle, it is acceptable to limit the mounting for testing to subassemblies consisting of the single poles
fully mounted. Only for the first routine tests of each new contract, the first motor-operated DS/ES and the
first manual-operated DS/ES shall be fully assembled in factory in order to perform all routine tests,
mechanical operating tests included.
If for a DS/ES the erection and commissioning tests assistance are requested to be performed by the
manufacturer, the fully assembling in factory is not required even if it’s the first sample; in this case the full
assembling in factory is postponed to the first sample for which the manufacturer’s erection and
commissioning tests assistance is not requested.
Test values/results shall be in compliance with rated values (and relative tolerances).
The manufacturer shall provide, for each DS/ES supplied, the report of all measures and tests carried out.
 Dielectric terst on the main circuit. Accordingly with 8.2 of 62271-1 the test is fulfilled
with the test in 8.3.4.
 Dielectric test on auxiliary and control circuits. To be performed if auxiliary and control circuits
are present. The possibility to perform this test without connecting the Control Box(es) to the
power kinematic chain shall be approved during conformity assessment process, considering
the specific manufacturer design (fully functional tests will be performed on the completely
assembled DS/ES on site).
Functional tests (par. 8.3.2 of IEC 62271-1) shall be done only at rated voltage. Dielectric tests
(par. 8.3.4 of IEC 62271-1) shall be done applying 1 kV for 1 sec.
Electronic devices, motors etc. can be excluded by dielectric test only if agreed during the
conformity assessment (homologation, certification etc.) process.
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit.
 Tightness test
 Design and visual checks. The checks shall be performed referring to conformity assessment
(homologation, certifications etc)
 Mechanical operating tests
 Protective treatments. The thickness of the protective coatings shall be verified. Commissioning tests
The manufacturer shall indicate in the manual the checks and tests to be done after the erection (see 10.2.5
of 62271-1), consisting of, at least:
 Visual check;
 Tests on auxiliary and control circuits (if any);
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit (after mechanical operating tests);
 Mechanical operating tests.


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 Verification of the motorized HV disconnectors can be operated in local and remote from: local
panel (level 0), protection relay panel (level 1), HMI (level 2).
 Record the absorption curves of the motors at rated voltage taking note of the maximum
absorption (cues excluded) and the effort for the manual control, all maximum values of the
absorptions and measured times must be within ± 10% of their respective values recorded
during the type tests,
 Verification of intervention of inter-locking devices (closing and opening), verifying that at the
achievement of the condition its maneuver is inhibited
 Main contacts resistance measurement,
 Insulation resistance measurement,
 Dielectric Losses measurement, power factor test with HV disconnector close, (to ground).
 Verification of the consistency between the auxiliary contacts and main contacts,
 Verify the response time of the main contacts,
 Check the correctness of mechanical operation
 Once passed the above mentioned checks, proper exchange of signals and commands with
the relevant SCADAs shall be checked
In case of erection and commissioning tests performed by Enel group personnel, if any problem occurs or
any commissioning test has negative result, the manufacturer shall intervene in field to verify and solve the

Alternating Current Transformers (hereinafter CTs) can be SF6 and oil insulated, for outdoor installations.


The scope of this chapter is to provide technical requirements for the supply of three-poles Alternating Current
Transformers with rated voltage from 72,5 kV to 550 kV.
Alternating Current Transformers (hereinafter CTs) are for outdoor installations.
The reference standards are the IEC/ISO, whilst for European destinations the reference standard are the
correspondent European standards (EN).
The CTs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 61869-1 and IEC 61869-2.
The supplier will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specification with the reference
standard of the country of destination of the CTs (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with Country
Standard in force).
For the purpose of this document, the ratings of IEC61869-1 shall apply.
The common ratings of instrument transformers, including their auxiliary equipment if
applicable, should be selected from the following:
 highest voltage for equipment (Um);
 rated insulation level;
 rated frequency (Fr),
 rated output;
 rated accuracy class.


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50 di/of 245 General characteristics table

The rating applies at the standardized reference atmosphere (temperature (20 °C), pressure (101,3 kPa) and
humidity (11 g/m3)) specified in IEC 60071-1.
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 - 60
Degree of protection provided by enclosures IP 54
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) IEC 61869-1
Rated Output The standard values of rated output for measuring
classes, class P are 10, 15, 30, 50 VA.
Values above 50 VA may be selected to suit the
Rated accuracy class (measuring) The accuracy classes for measuring current
transformers are 0,2 – 0,2S – 0,5 – 0,5S
Instrument security factor FS 10.
Rated accuracy class (protection) The accuracy classes for protective current
transformers is 5P
Standard values for rated primary current The standard values for rated primary current are: 200
– 400 – 600 - 800 - 1000 – 1600 - 2000 - 3200
The preferred values are those underlined.
Standard values for rated secondary current The standard values for rated secondary current are 1
A and 5 A.
For protective current transformers for transient
performance, the standard value of the rated current is
Standard values for rated continuous thermal current The standard value for rated continuous thermal
current is 120 % of rated primary current
Short-time current ratings The standard value for the duration of the rated short-
time thermal current (Ith) is 1 s.
The standard value of the rated dynamic current (Idyn)
is 2,5 times the rated short-time thermal current (Ith).

Partial discharges (IEC61869-1 par.

Maximum permissible PD
level pC
Type of earthing of the Instrument transformer PD test voltage Type of
Type of
neutral system type (r.m.s.) kV insulation:
immersed in
liquid or gas
Earthed neutral system CT and earthed VT Um 10 50
(earth fault factor ≤1,4) 1,2 Um/√3 5 20
Unearthed VT 1,2 Um 5 20
Isolated or non effectively CT and earthed VT 1,2 Um 10 50
earthed neutral system 1,2Um/√3 5 20
(earth fault factor>1,4) Unearthed VT 1,2 Um 5 20
NOTE 1 If the neutral system is not defined, the values given for isolated or non-effectively earthed neutral
systems are valid.
NOTE 2 The maximum permissible PD level is also valid for frequencies different from rated frequency.
NOTE 3 CT for current transformer and VT for voltage transformer.

5.4.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Electric schematics, controls and signalizations
The electric schematics shall indicate the functional scheme, all information useful to identify the single wires
and cables, the equipments wiring schemes (auxiliary contacts, relays, gas density control devices etc.), the


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topographic schemes for interconnections between boxes, the topographic schemes about all the electric
components in Central box/Operating device box(es),and the anti-mistake coding.
The following signalizations contacts shall be wired to the terminal board:
 anti-condensation circuit anomaly (if any);
 1st minimum gas density level (2 NO Contacts);
 2nd minimum gas density level (2 NO Contacts).
The CTs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC61869-1 and IEC61869-2 par.6.4.1.
The supplier will indicate the dimensional drawings:
· the main CTs dimensions;
· the metallic support;
· the external grounding connections;
· the cable shaft of the civil works.
The metal supports included fixing elements like ground anchorings, chemical anchoring systems, etc, will
be always comprised in the supplied according to seismic requirements defined in project requirements.
If interface plates and other accessories are necessary to adapt the support to the civil works, they shall be
included in the supply of the support.
The phase naming shall be A, B, C.
The normal use, control and maintenance operations shall be performed with total workers safety. Insulators
The insulators shall be manufactured from composite materials.
The composite insulators shall be light grey in color and compliant with IEC 61462. The envelope shall be
made of silicone rubber, HTV (High Temperature Vulcanized) type or LSR (Liquid Silicone Rubber) type and
completely free of EPDM or other organic rubbers. Box(es)
In general the requested boxes are the followings:
 N.1 box for interface with the remote protection and measurement systems (hereinafter N.1
“Central Box”).
 N.3 box, one for each single pole device (hereinafter N.3 “Device Box”).
The Central Box shall be fixed on the CT support, in full compatibility with the civil works. The CTs shall be
equipped with proper conduits for the connection cables to the substation protection and control system, from
the Central Box to the existing cable shaft of the civil works; the minimum dimensions of the conduits shall
be 100x50 mm.
All CT auxiliary and control equipment shall be placed in the Control Box.
In addition to the IP55 requirement, the box protection level with open doors shall be minimum IP2X.
In addition to the dimensions shown in Annexes, the box base height with respect to the ground shall be ≥
400 mm and all HMI (Human Machine Interface) elements (controls and signalizations) shall be at ≤ 1800
The box interior shall be accessible from the front by mean of a door provided with handle and lock.


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The door (single or double), hinged and equipped with an anti-wind system, shall be provided with a window
in order to make visible from outside the SF6 pressure indicators. It shall be possible to open the door greater
than 90°.
All electric equipment components shall be:
· compliant with the respective IEC standards;
· equipped with an identification label indicating the codification used in the functional electric
· easily accessible for maintenance or substitution operations.
The cable ends shall be provided with pre-insulated compression type terminals, suitable for the clamps
where they have to be connected.
The connection control cable from the Central Box to the equipments shall be of adequate section (≥ 1,5
mm2), shielded, flexible, compliant with IEC 60332-3-24 and insulated at Uo/U = 0,6/1 kV.
Inside the Central Box an internal collector (in tin-plated or nickel-plated copper, section ≥ 60 mm2 and with
M5 regular interval threaded hole) shall be present for the grounding connection of all cable shields; the
manufacturer shall guarantee its effective connection to the CT grounding system.
The entrance of all cables (CT cables) shall be from the Central Box bottom side, where a removable
aluminum plate with cable bushing grommet (with useful dimension of 150x100 mm) shall be provided.
The Central Box shall include:
· interface terminals boards for CTs connection with adequate short-circuit terminals;
· interface terminal boards for substation control system;
· gas density signalization lamps (for each gas circuit, yellow color at 1st minimum gas density
level; red color at 2nd minimum gas density level);
· lamp testing pushbutton.
The signalization lamps and the internal lighting lamps shall not be incandescent type.
The terminal boards shall be made with modular terminals. In particular, the terminals of control system
interface for control, signalization and anti-condensation shall have a cross-sectional area of 4 mm².
The terminals for CT connection shall have a cross-sectional area adequate for CT cables, but not less than
16 mm².
Two bridged terminal pairs for the anti-condensation circuit shall be provided.
If diodes are used for the circuit separations or for the voltage return protection, they shall have inverse
voltage ≥ 3 kV.
The cable trunking systems for the internal wiring shall have sufficient residual space (≥ 10% of used volume);
the cables shall be anchored in some points on order to avoid their falling.
The cable trunks close to the interface terminal boards shall be used for the control system wiring and cannot
be used for the internal wiring.
The terminal boards shall be constructed with 20% of free terminals. Requirement for earthing of equipment (IEC 61869-1 6.5)

The frame of each equipment device, if intended to be earthed, shall be provided with a reliable earthing
terminal for connection to an earthing conductor suitable for specified fault conditions. The connecting point
shall be permanently marked with the “earth” symbol, as indicated by symbol No. 5019 of IEC 60417.


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53 di/of 245 Mechanical requirements

Static withstand test loads
Highest voltage for Static withstand test load FR N
equipment Um kV Instrument transformers with:
voltage terminals Load class I Load class II
72,5 to 100 500 1 250 2 500
123 to 170 1 000 2 000 3 000
245 to 362 1 250 2 500 4 000
≥ 420 1 500 4 000 5 000
NOTE 1 The sum of the loads acting in routinely operating conditions should not exceed 50 % of the specified withstand test load.
NOTE 2 In some applications instrument transformers with through current terminals should withstand rarely occurring extreme dynamic loads (e.g. short
circuits) not exceeding 1,4 times the static test load.
NOTE 3 For some applications it may be necessary to establish the resistance to rotation of the primary terminals. The moment to be applied during the
test has to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser.
NOTE 4 In the case of transformers integrated within other equipment (e.g.: switchgear assemblies) the static withstand test loads of the respective
equipment should not be diminished by the integration process. Internal arc fault protection requirements

Arc fault duration and performance criteria
Internal arc fault Internal arc fault
Protection Arc fault duration Internal arc fault protection
current protection
stage (s) class II
r.m.s. value kA class I
No external effect other than the
1 0,2 operation of suitable pressure
<40 relief device
Fracture of the housing and No fragmentation (burn-through or
2 0,5
fire permitted, but all fire acceptable)
projected parts to be confined No external effect other than the
1 0,1 within the containment area operation of suitable pressure
≥40 relief device
No fragmentation (burn-through or
2 0,3
fire acceptable)

Unless otherwise specified, the instrument transformer shall be able to withstand an internal arc with the
following current, duration and class protection (Subclause 6.9. of IEC 61869-1):
 <40 kA: class II, 0,5 s
 ≥40 kA: class II, 0,3 s Markings
CTs shall carry at least the following markings:
 the manufacturer’s name or other mark by which he may be readily identified;
 the year of manufacture and a serial number or a type designation, preferably both,
 rated frequency;
 highest voltage of equipment;
 rated insulation level;
 temperature category;
 mass in kg;
 class of mechanical requirements;


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 class of insulation if different from Class A;

 all indications relative to the measuring characteristics;
 type of the insulating fluid;
 rated filling pressure;
 minimum functional pressure;
 insulating fluid volume (or mass) contained in the instrument transformer;
 the optional values;
All information shall be marked in an indelible manner on the instrument transformer itself or on a rating plate
securely attached to the transformer.
Central Box: for traceability purposes, a self-adhesive nameplate with the following information shall be
located in the internal part of the Box door :
 box manufacturer;
 serial number of the Box;
 year of construction.
The self-adhesive nameplate to be located in the internal part of the Box door shall also contain the contract
number. Terminal markings

The terminal markings shall identify:
 the primary and secondary windings;
 the winding sections, if any;
 the relative polarities of windings and winding sections;
 the intermediate taps, if any. Rating plate markings

All current transformers shall carry the general rating plate markings:
 the rated primary and secondary current (e.g. 100/1 A);
 the rated short-time thermal current (Ith), (e.g. Ith = 40 kA);
 the rated dynamic current (Idyn) if it differs from 2,5x Ith (e.g. Idyn = 85 kA);
 on current transformers with two or more secondary windings, the use of each winding and its
corresponding terminals;
 the rated continuous thermal current if different from the rated primary current. Requirements for gases used in current transformers (IEC 61869-1 6.2)
Gas-insulated instrument transformers shall be provided with a pressure or density monitoring device.
The tightness of closed pressure systems for gas is specified by the relative leakage rate Frel of each
compartment. The required value is 0,1 % per year, for SF6 and SF6-mixtures.
The equipment shall be provided with a system that enables a safely replenished while the equipment is in
Pressure relief device: the device shall be protected against any accidental damage.
Generally, the dielectric insulation is SF6, with a pressure greater than atmospheric.
The gas SF6 shall comply with IEC 60376 standard. SF6 handling shall be in accordance with IEC 61634.


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The manufacturer shall provide the necessary instructions for use and handling of SF6, in accordance with
Technical Report IEC IEC/TR 62271- 4.
Each SF6 circuit shall provide connection elements with a non-return valve, both for SF6 control device and
for gas filling/replenishment, provided by not losable protection screw taps with chain (located not higher than
1800 mm from the ground level).
The SF6 circuit piping shall be fitted using stainless steel or, tinned copper.
In alternative to the SF6, non-fluorinated greenhouse gases are also acceptable. Gas density control
The CT is a closed pressure system. The relative leakage rate shall be Frel ≤ 0,1% per year. The value for
the time between replenishments shall be at least 10 years.
It shall be possible to perform the gas replenishment with the equipment in service, avoiding the unwanted
operation of the gas density control device.
Each gas circuit shall have a device for the gas density control.
The alarm threshold calibration shall take into account the leakage rate. The block (trip) threshold setpoint
shall be at least 0,02 MPa lower than the alarm threshold.
The gas density control device shall be:
· suitable for use in the provided temperature range;
· located to avoid the solar radiation influence on the external temperature measuring;
· manufactured with stainless steel materials;
· designed to allow testing and substitution with the poles under pressure;
· equipped with a scale(s) for a visible indication of gas density level (colored and\or
The gas density control device shall provide 2 operating levels with independently adjustable contacts:
· 1st minimum gas density level: alarm (replenishment necessary) with 2 contacts;
· 2nd minimum gas density level: block (remove from service) with 2 contacts working
separately on 2 opening circuits (depending on specific requirements).
The contacts operating tolerance shall be less than ± 1,5% (referring to the full scale) in the provided
temperature range; the contacts of each minimum gas density level shall have a difference ≤ 0,005 MPa
between them.
The devices shall be compliant with ISO 4126 and shall be properly calibrated over the maximum operating
pressure, in order to avoid improper operations.
In case of overpressure safety valves operation, the expelled gas shall not discharge to an area where
personnel may be present.
The manufacturer shall supply a device for the gas replenishment.
In case of SF6, the device shall be provided by female thread connection, W 21,7 x 1/14” (UNI 11144) on
gas bottle side and DILO VK/BG-03/8 or equivalent on pole junction device side. The device will consist of:
· pressure regulator
· a safety valve (ISO 4126 compliant, calibrated at 8 bar rel);
· a pressure gauge 0-1 MPa, 0,5 class, minim resolution ± 5 kPa, accompanied with a
calibration certificate;
· flexible tube 5 meters long, DN≥8.


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5.4.4. TESTING
The test are defined in the standard IEC 61869-1 and IEC 61869-2, each equipment will be subject to the
following test definition:
 Type test
 Routine test (FAT)
 Commissioning test (SAT)

For the testing of gas-insulated instrument transformers, the type and pressure of the gas shall be according:
Tests Gas Type Pressure
Dielectric, RIV a Accuracy; Temperature rise (RIV Same fluid as in Minimum functional
not for GIS) service pressure
Internal arc; Short-circuit, Mechanical, Tightness, Same fluid as in Rated filling pressure
Gas dew point service
Transmitted overvoltages Not applicable Reduced pressure Type test

The Type test report will be available and can be required to Enel Global Power Generation during Tender
Stage. The Type test report will be included in the documentation of the supply:
 Temperature-rise test
 Impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminals
 Wet test for outdoor type transformers
 Electromagnetic Compatibility tests
 Tests for accuracy
 Verification of the degree of protection by enclosures
 Enclosure tightness test at ambient temperature
 Pressure test for the enclosure
 Short-time current tests Routine tests

The Routine tests shall be made in the manufacturer's factory on each apparatus supplied, to ensure the
product compliance with the sample approved during the conformity assessment (certification etc.) process
and on which the type tests have been performed.
Test values/results shall be in compliance with rated values (and relative tolerances).
The manufacturer shall provide the report, for each CT supplied, of all measures and tests carried out.
The CTs, complete with all accessories and fully assembled in operational layout, shall be subject to a visual
inspection in order to verify its functional, dimensional and constructive compliance with this technical
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on primary terminals
 Partial discharge measurement
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests between sections
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on secondary terminals
 Tests for accuracy


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 Verification of markings
 Enclosure tightness test at ambient temperature
 Pressure test for the enclosure
 Determination of the secondary winding resistance
 Determination of the secondary loop time constant
 Test for rated knee point e.m.f. and exciting current at rated knee point e.m.f.
 Inter-turn overvoltage test Special tests

The Special test report will be available and sent to Enel Global Power Generation during Tender Stage. The
test report will be included in the documentation of the supply. The Special tests will be repeated only on
 Chopped impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminals
 Multiple chopped impulse test on primary terminals
 Measurement of capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor
 Transmitted overvoltage test
 Mechanical tests
 Internal arc fault test
 Enclosure tightness test at low and high temperatures
 Gas dew point test
 Corrosion test
 Fire hazard test Commissioning tests

The contractor shall carry out the following activities
 Check of the correct connection of all secondary current circuits
 Insulation resistance measurement,
 Transformer ratio measurement, with secondary circuit loaded if possible.
 Polarity measurement,
 Coil resistance measurement,
 Magnetization curves measurement,
 Power Factor (IEC 61869-3 ed. 2011 table 10), tan delta is applicable but not for toroidal types.
 Primary current injections of the complete current circuit, verifying the complete secondary circuit in
the protections relays and digital meters.



The scope of this chapter is to provide technical requirements for the supply of three-poles Capacitive
Alternating Voltage Transformers (hereinafter CVTs) and Inductive Alternating Voltage Transformers
(hereinafter IVTs) with rated voltage from 72,5 kV to 550 kV.


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Alternating Inductive Voltage Transformers are SF6 or oil insulated and for outdoor installations.
The supplier will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specification with the reference
standard of the country of destination of the VTs (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with Country
Standard in force).
The reference standard are the IEC/ISO, whilst for European destinations the reference standard are the
correspondent European standards (EN).
The Inductive Alternating Voltage Transformers IVTs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 61869-
1 and IEC 61869-3.
The Capacitive Alternating Voltage Transformers CVTs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC
61869-1 and IEC 61869-5.
For inductive voltage transformers, the ratings of IEC61869-1 and IEC61869-3 shall apply.
For capacitive voltage transformers, the ratings of IEC61869-1 and IEC61869-5 shall apply.
The common ratings of instrument transformers, including their auxiliary equipment if applicable, should be
selected from the following:
 highest voltage for equipment (Um);
 rated insulation level;
 rated frequency (Fr),
 rated output;
 rated accuracy class. General characteristics table

The rating applies at the standardized reference atmosphere (temperature (20 °C), pressure (101,3 kPa) and
humidity (11 g/m3)) specified in IEC 60071-1.
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 - 60
Degree of protection provided by enclosures IP 54
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) IEC 61869-1
Rated Output a) The standard values of rated output at a power
factor of 1, expressed in voltamperes, are:
2,5 - 5,0 - 10 VA (burden range I)
b) The standard values of rated output at a power
factor of 0,8 lagging, expressed in voltamperes, are:
25 - 50 - 100 VA (burden range II)
Values above 100 VA may be selected to suit the

Rated accuracy class (measuring) standard accuracy class for single-phase inductive
measuring voltage transformers is 0,2
Rated accuracy class (protection) standard accuracy class for protective voltage
transformers is 3P
Standard values for rated secondary rated voltages a) Based on the current practice of a group of European
 100/√3 V;
 110/√3 V.


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b) Based on the current practice in the United States

and Canada:
 120/√3 V for distribution systems;
 115/√3 V for transmission systems;

Standard values for rated voltage factor 1,2 - Rated time Continuous
1,5 – Rated time 30s

Partial discharges (IEC61869-1 par.

Maximum permissible PD
level pC
Type of earthing of the Instrument transformer PD test voltage (r.m.s.) Type of
Type of
neutral system type kV insulation
immersed in
liquid or gas
Earthed neutral system CT and earthed VT Um 10 50
(earth fault factor ≤1,4) 1,2 Um/√3 5 20
Unearthed VT 1,2 Um 5 20
Isolated or non effectively CT and earthed VT 1,2 Um 10 50
earthed neutral system 1,2Um/√3 5 20
(earth fault factor>1,4) Unearthed VT 1,2 Um 5 20
NOTE 1 If the neutral system is not defined, the values given for isolated or non-effectively earthed neutral
systems are valid.
NOTE 2 The maximum permissible PD level is also valid for frequencies different from rated frequency.
NOTE 3 CT for current transformer and VT for voltage transformer.

5.5.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Electric schematics, control and signalization
The electric schematics shall indicate the functional scheme, all information useful to identify the single wires
and cables, the equipments wiring schemes (auxiliary contacts, relays, gas density control devices etc.), the
topographic schemes for interconnections between boxes, the topographic schemes about all the electric
components in Central box/Operating device box(es), and the anti-mistake coding.
The following signalizations contacts shall be wired to the terminal board:
 anti-condensation circuit anomaly (if any);
 1st minimum gas density level (2 NO Contacts);
 2nd minimum gas density level (2 NO Contacts).


The VTs shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC61869-1, IEC61869-3 and IEC61869-5 par.6.
The supplier will indicate the dimensional drawings:
 the main VTs dimensions;
 the metallic support;
 the external grounding connections;
 the cable shaft of the civil works.
The metal supports, included fixing elements like ground anchorings, chemical anchoring systems, etc, will
be always comprised in the supplied according to seismic requirements.


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If interface plates and other accessories are necessary to adapt the support to the civil works, they shall be
included in the supply of the support.
The phase naming shall be A, B, C.
The normal use, control and maintenance operations shall be performed with total workers safety. Insulators
The insulators shall be manufactured from composite materials.
The composite insulators shall be light grey in color and compliant with IEC 61462. The envelope shall be
made of silicone rubber, HTV (High Temperature Vulcanized) type or LSR (Liquid Silicone Rubber) type and
completely free of EPDM or other organic rubbers. Box(es)
The requested boxes are the followings:
 N.1 box for interface with the remote protection and measurement systems (hereinafter N.1
“Central Box”).
 N.3 box, one for each single pole device (hereinafter N.3 “Device Box”).
The Central Box shall be fixed on the VT support, in full compatibility with the civil works. The VTs shall be
equipped with proper conduits for the connection cables to the substation protection and control system, from
the Central Box to the existing cable shaft of the civil works; the minimum dimensions of the conduits shall
be 100x50 mm.
All VT auxiliary and control equipment shall be placed in the Central Box.
In addition to the IP54 requirement, the box protection level with open doors shall be minimum IP2X.
In addition to the dimensions shown in Annexes, the box base height with respect to the ground shall be ≥
400 mm and all HMI (Human Machine Interface) elements (controls and signalizations) shall be at ≤ 1800
The box interior shall be accessible from the front by mean of a door provided with handle and lock.
The door (single or double), hinged and equipped with an anti-wind system, shall be provided with a window
in order to make visible from outside the SF6 pressure indicators. It shall be possible to open the door greater
than 90°.
All electric equipment components shall be:
 compliant with the respective IEC standards;
 equipped with an identification label indicating the codification used in the functional electric
 easily accessible for maintenance or substitution operations.
The cable ends shall be provided with pre-insulated compression type terminals, suitable for the clamps
where they have to be connected.
The connection control cable from the Central Box to the equipments shall be of adequate section (≥ 1,5
mm2), shielded, flexible, compliant with IEC 60332-3-24 and insulated at Uo/U = 0,6/1 kV.
Inside the Central Box an internal collector (in tin-plated or nickel-plated copper, section ≥ 60 mm2 and with
M5 regular interval threaded hole) shall be present for the grounding connection of all cable shields; the
manufacturer shall guarantee its effective connection to the VT grounding system.


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The entrance of all cables (VT cables) shall be from the Central Box bottom side, where a aluminum plate
with cable bushing grommet (with useful dimension of 150x100 mm) shall be provided.
The Central Box shall include:
 interface terminals boards for VTs connection with adequate interruptible terminals;
 interface terminal boards for substation control system;
 gas density signalization lamps (for each gas circuit, yellow color aat 1st minimum gas
density level; red color at 2nd minimum gas density level);
 lamps testing pushbutton.
The signalization lamps and the internal lighting lamps shall not be incandescent type.
The terminal boards shall be made with modular terminals. In particular, the terminals of control system
interface for control, signalization and anti-condensation shall have a cross-sectional area of 4 mm².
The terminals for VT connection shall have a cross-sectional area adequate for VT cables, but not less than
16 mm².
Two bridged terminals pairs for the anti-condensation circuit shall be provided.
If diodes are used for the circuit separations or for the voltage return protection, they shall have inverse
voltage ≥ 3 kV.
The VTs low voltage circuits will be protected with adequate circuit breaker located in the Central Box; each
circuit breaker will be with normally open and normally closed signalization contacts available for protection
and measuring systems.
The cable trunking systems for the internal wiring shall have sufficient residual space (≥ 10% of used volume);
the cables shall be anchored in some points in order to avoid their falling.
The cable trunks close to the interface terminal boards shall be used for the control system wiring and cannot
be used for the internal wiring.
The terminal boards shall be constructed with 20% of free terminals. Requirements for earthing of equipment

Subclause 6.5. of IEC 61869-1 is applicable.
The frame of each equipment device, if intended to be earthed, shall be provided with a reliable earthing
terminal for connection to an earthing conductor suitable for specified fault conditions. The connecting point
shall be marked with the “earth” symbol, as indicated by symbol No. 5019 of IEC 60417. Mechanical requirements

Subclause 6.7. of IEC 61869-1 is applicable.
Static withstand test loads
Highest voltage for Static withstand test load FR N
equipment Um kV Instrument transformers with:
voltage terminals Load class I Load class II
72,5 to 100 500 1 250 2 500
123 to 170 1 000 2 000 3 000
245 to 362 1 250 2 500 4 000
≥ 420 1 500 4 000 5 000
NOTE 1 The sum of the loads acting in routinely operating conditions should not exceed 50 % of the specified withstand test load.
NOTE 2 In some applications instrument transformers with through current terminals should withstand rarely occurring extreme dynamic loads (e.g. short
circuits) not exceeding 1,4 times the static test load.


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NOTE 3 For some applications it may be necessary to establish the resistance to rotation of the primary terminals. The moment to be applied during the
test has to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser.
NOTE 4 In the case of transformers integrated within other equipment (e.g.: switchgear assemblies) the static withstand test loads of the respective
equipment should not be diminished by the integration process. Internal arc fault protection requirements

Arc fault duration and performance criteria
Internal arc fault Internal arc fault
Protection Arc fault duration Internal arc fault protection
current protection
stage (s) class II
r.m.s. value kA class I
No external effect other than the
1 0,2 operation of suitable pressure
<40 relief device
Fracture of the housing and No fragmentation (burn-through or
2 0,5
fire permitted, but all fire acceptable)
projected parts to be confined No external effect other than the
1 0,1 within the containment area operation of suitable pressure
≥40 relief device
No fragmentation (burn-through or
2 0,3
fire acceptable)

Unless otherwise specified, the instrument transformer shall be able to withstand an internal with the following
current, duration and class protection (Subclause 6.9. of IEC 61869-1):
 <40 kA: class II, 0,5 s
 ≥40 kA: class II, 0,3 s Markings Terminal markings
IEC 61869-1 is applicable.
The terminal markings shall identify:
 the primary and secondary windings;
 the winding sections, if any;
 the relative polarities of windings and winding sections;
 the intermediate taps, if any.
Capital letters A, B, C and N denote the primary-winding terminals and the lower-case letters a, b, c and n
denote the corresponding secondary-winding terminals.
The letters A, B and C denote fully insulated terminals and the letter N denotes a terminal intended to be
earthed and the insulation of which is less than that of the other terminal(s).
The letters da and dn denote the terminals of windings intended to supply a residual voltage. Rating plate markings

In addition to those markings stated in IEC 61869-1 all voltage transformers shall carry the general rating
plate markings:
 the rated primary and secondary voltage (e.g. 66/0,11 kV);
 rated output and the corresponding accuracy class (e.g. 50 VA Class 1.0);
 rated voltage factor and corresponding rated time.


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63 di/of 245 Short-circuit withstand capability

The capacitor voltage transformer shall be designed and constructed to withstand without damage, when
energized at rated voltage, the mechanical, electrical and thermal effects of an external short-circuit at the
secondary winding(s) for the duration of 1 s. Additional requirements for capacitive voltage transformers Anti-ferroresonance
The capacitor voltage transformer shall be designed and constructed to prevent sustained ferro-resonance
oscillations. Carrier-frequency accessories
The CVTs shall be equipped with carrier frequency accessories that will be quoted as option.
Diagram of capacitor voltage transformer with carrier-frequency Requirement for gases used in equipment (IEC61869-1 6.2)

Gas-insulated instrument transformers shall be provided with a pressure or density monitoring device.
The tightness of closed pressure systems for gas is specified by the relative leakage rate Frel of each
compartment. The required value is 0,1 % per year, for SF6 and SF6-mixtures.
The equipment shall be provided with a system that enables a safely replenished while the equipment is in
Pressure relief device: the device shall be protected against any accidental damage.
Generally, the dielectric insulation is SF6, with a pressure greater than atmospheric.
The gas SF6 shall comply with IEC 60376 standard. SF6 handling shall be in accordance with IEC 61634.


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The manufacturer shall provide the necessary instructions for use and handling of SF6, in accordance with
Technical Report IEC IEC/TR 62271- 4.
Each SF6 circuit shall provide connection elements with a non-return valve, both for SF6 control device and
for gas filling/replenishment, provided by not losable protection screw taps with chain (located not higher than
1800 mm from the ground level).
The SF6 circuit piping shall be fitted using stainless steel or, tinned copper.
In alternative to the SF6, non-fluorinated greenhouse gases are also acceptable. Gas density control

The IVT is a closed pressure system. The relative leakage rate shall be Frel ≤ 0,1% per year. The value for
the time between replenishments shall be at least 10 years.
It shall be possible to perform the gas replenishment with the equipment in service, avoiding the unwanted
operation of the gas density control device.
Each gas circuit shall have a device for the gas density control.
The alarm threshold calibration shall take into account the leakage rate. The block (trip) setpoint shall be at
least 0,02 MPa lower than the alarm setpoint.
The gas density control device shall be:
 suitable for use in the provided temperature range;
 located to avoid the solar radiation influence on the external temperature measuring;
 manufactured with stainless steel materials;
 designed to allow testing and substitution with the poles under pressure;
 equipped with a scale(s) for a visible indication of gas density level (colored and\or
The gas density control device shall provide 2 operating levels with independently adjustable contacts:
 1st minimum gas density level: alarm (replenishment necessary) with 2 contacts;
 2nd minimum gas density level: block (remove from service) with 2 contacts working
separately on 2 opening circuits (depending on specific requirements).
The contacts operating tolerance shall be less than ± 1,5% (referring to the full scale) in the provided
temperature range; the contacts of each minimum gas density level shall have a difference ≤ 0,005 MPa
between them.
The devices shall be compliant with ISO 4126 and shall be properly calibrated over the maximum operating
pressure, in order to avoid improper operations.
In case of overpressure safety valves operation, the expelled gas shall not discharge to an area where
personnel may be present.
The manufacturer shall supply a device for the gas replenishment.
In case of SF6, the device shall be provided by female thread connection, W 21,7 x 1/14” (UNI 11144) on
gas bottle side and DILO VK/BG-03/8 or equivalent on pole junction device side. The device will consist of:
 pressure regulator
 a safety valve (ISO 4126 compliant, calibrated at 8 bar rel);


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 a pressure gauge 0-1 MPa, 0,5 class, minim resolution ± 5 kPa, accompanied with a
calibration certificate;
 flexible tube 5 meters long, DN≥8.

5.5.4. TESTING
The test are defined in the standard IEC 61869-1 and IEC 61869-3, each equipment will be subject to the
following test definition:
 Type test
 Routine test (FAT)
 Commissioning test (SAT) Type tests

The Type test report will be available and sent to Enel Global Power Generation during Tender Stage. The
Type test report will be included in the documentation of the supply.
 Temperature-rise test
 Impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminals
 Wet test for outdoor type transformers
 Electromagnetic Compatibility tests
 Tests for accuracy
 Verification of the degree of protection by enclosures
 Enclosure tightness test at ambient temperature
 Capacitance and tanδ measurement at power frequency
 Pressure test for the enclosure
 Short circuit withstand capability test
 Ferro-resonance test
 Transient response test (for protective capacitive transformers)
 Type tests for carrier frequency accessories Routine tests

The Routine tests shall be made in the manufacturer's factory on each apparatus supplied, to ensure the
product compliance with the sample approved during the conformity assessment (certification etc.) process
and on which the type tests have been performed.
Test values/results shall be in compliance with rated values (and relative tolerances).
The manufacturer shall provide the report, for each VT supplied, of all measures and tests carried out.
The VTs, complete with all accessories and fully assembled in operational layout, shall be subject to a visual
inspection in order to verify its functional, dimensional and constructive compliance with this technical
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on primary terminals
 Partial discharge measurement
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests between sections
 Power-frequency voltage withstand tests on secondary terminals


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 Tests for accuracy

 Verification of markings
 Enclosure tightness test at ambient temperature
 Pressure test for the enclosure
 Ferro-resonance check
 Routine tests for carrier frequency accessories Special tests

The Special test report will be available and sent to Enel Global Power Generation during Tender Stage. The
test report will be included in the documentation of the supply.
The Special tests will be repeated only on request.
 Chopped impulse voltage withstand test on primary terminals
 Multiple chopped impulse test on primary terminals
 Measurement of capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor
 Transmitted overvoltage test
 Mechanical tests
 Internal arc fault test
 Enclosure tightness test at low and high temperatures
 Gas dew point test
 Corrosion test
 Fire hazard test
 Determination of the temperature coefficient (TC)
 Tightness design test of capacitor units Commissioining test

The contractor shall carry out the following activities:
 Check of the correct connection of all secondary circuits,
 Insulation resistance measurement,
 Transformer ratio measurement, with secondary circuit load if possible.
 Polarity measurement,
 Coil resistance measurement,
 Power Factor (IEC 61869-3 ed. 2011 table 10), tan delta is applicable.
 Primary voltage injection of the complete voltage circuit (verify in the end circuits like meters, relay
protections, etc).

The purpose of these Chapter is to define the operational, construction, and testing characteristics of metal
oxide surge arrester without gaps (hereinafter "arresters"), at voltages of 72.5 to 550 kV for outdoor
The reference standards are the IEC/ISO, while for European destinations the reference standards are the


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corresponding European standards (EN).

The Metal Oxide SA shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 60099-4.
The supplier will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specification with the reference
standard of the country of destination of the Surge Arrester (SA) (differences between IEC\ISO Standard with
Country Standard in force).
Unless otherwise specified, the reference for designation of arresters will be according to following table:

Highest voltage of the Designation of Nominal discharge Continuous Operating Rated Voltage Rated Short-Circuit Current
system Arrester current Voltage (note 1)
Us – kV (r.m.s. value) kA Uc – kV (r.m.s. value) Ur – kV (r.m.s. value) Isc – kA
72.5 SM 10 48 60 31.5
100 SM 10 65 81 31.5
123 SM 10 78 108 31.5
145 SM 10 92 120 40
170 SM 10 108 144 40
245 SH 10/20 156 198 50
300 SH 20 191 240 50
362 SH 20 230 288 50
420 SH 20 267 336 50
550 SH 20 336 420 50
(1) This “Rated Short-Circuit Current value (Isc)” is reference value for tests; in any case it will be ≥ to “Rated Short-Circuit Current value of the
system at the plant location”

5.6.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Internal partial discharges
Standard IEC 60099-4 applies; it is specified that the measured level of partial discharges must be ≤5 pC. Voltage/time characteristics of surge arresters
The metal oxide resistors must be capable of guaranteeing the required protection levels, to absorb the
energy associated to various types of surges depending on the rated characteristics of the arrester, and to
withstand the continuous service voltage without the occurrence of thermal runaway phenomena during the
device’s estimated lifetime, even in the presence of partial discharges inside the surge arrester.
The documentation must provide the voltage/time curves for the arrester. Mechanical loads

The arrester must withstand a Specified Long-term Load (SLL) ≥2250 Nm and Specified Short-term Load
(SSL) ≥3500 Nm.
The installation must be carried out in such a way that unnecessary stresses on the arrester’s terminal are
avoided. End of useful life

The manufacturer must provide information regarding the disposal and/or recycling of the materials that make
up the arrester at the end of its useful life, in accordance with the legislation in effect. Additional requirements
The interface with the installation must be through studs.
Two holes (Four for 220kV and above) with  = 14 mm fitted with m12 steel bolts (included in the supply)
are required for grounding.
Each arrester must be equipped with a suitable surge counter that meets the following requirements:


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 no external power supply;

 degree of protection no lower than IP 54 in accordance with standard IEC 60529;
 line-side and earth-side connections, each with two m12 bolts (included in the supply);
 suitable fastening system that does not require drilling holes or welding on the supports.
All metal parts directly in contact with the atmosphere must be made of aluminium alloy, stainless steel, or
hot-dip galvanised steel (ISO 1461); the nuts and bolts and other hardware used to fasten the electrical or
mechanical components must be made of stainless steel; the nuts and bolts having  > 12 mm can be made
of hot-dip galvanised steel.
The holes drilled at the base of the arresters must correspond to the slot or holes made on the respective
supports indicated in figure 2; the fastening elements (bolts) must supplement the supply.
The arrester must be insulated from the metal support through insulators (included in the supply) having a
withstand voltage at 50 Hz of 2 kV for 60 seconds and withstand voltage to lightning of 5 kV.

The insulators will be in composite materials.
The composite insulators shall be light grey in color and compliant with IEC 61462. The envelope shall be
made of silicone rubber, HTV type (High Temperature Vulcanized) or LSR type (Liquid Silicone Rubber) and
completely free of EPDM or other organic rubbers. Identification and classification

Each arrester must be equipped with a tag not susceptible to attack by atmospheric elements, located in the
lower part of the device. The tag must also indicate the mass, in addition to the data requested by the
standard. HV Terminals
The HV terminals shall be manufactured with corrosion resistant copper or aluminium alloy, in order to be
interfaced with aluminium alloy connectors or clamps. Grounding
The manufacturer shall ensure the equi-potentiality between all parts forming the equipment. Protective treatments
All external surfaces shall have an effective and enduring anti-corrosion protection.
All metal parts shall be in non-corrosive material or hot dip galvanized in compliance with ISO 1461. All
processing shall be completed before the protective treatments.
Protective treatment alternative to the hot dip galvanization could be accepted if the manufacturer proves its
Metallic elements with contact between them shall be designed to avoid corrosion due to humidity galvanic
effect. Supports
The metallic supports, included fixing elements like ground anchorings, chemical anchoring systems, etc, will
be according to seismic requirements.


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5.6.4. TESTING
Standard IEC 60099-4 and its variants apply, taking into account the special requirements for arresters with
a polymeric material housing each equipment will be subject to the following test definition:
 Type test
 Routine test (FAT)
 Commissioning test (SAT) Type tests

 Insulation withstand tests. These tests demonstrate the capacity of the arrester’s housing to
withstand voltage stresses in dry conditions and in the rain. Standard 60099-4 and the
requirements of its paragraph 10.8.2 concerning arresters with a polymeric material housing
 Residual voltage tests. These tests establish the levels of protection of the arrester. Standard
IEC 60099-4 applies.
 Long term stability under continuous operation voltage test. The test is to verify long term
stability at a voltage below/above its reference voltage Uref . Standard 60099-4 applies.
 Repetitive charge transfer withstand. The test is to verify the repetitive charge transfer rating,
Qrs. Standard 60099-4 applies.
 Heat dissipation behavior of test sample.
 Operating duty test. The test is to verify the arrester’s ability to thermally recovery under the
specified conditions.
 Power frequency voltage-versus-time test. The test is to demonstrate the TOV (temporary
overvoltage) withstand capability of the.
 Short circuit test
 Bending moment test. The Specified Long-term Load (SLL) and Specified Short-term Load
(SSL) will be ≥2250 N and ≥3500 N respectively.
 Seal leak rate test.
 Radio interference verification (RIV) test. it is specified that the measured level of partial
discharged must be ≤5 pC.
 Dielectric withstand of internal component test
 Internal grading components test. it is specified that the measured level of partial discharged
must be ≤5 pC.
 Weather ageing test (supplement). with reference to the test of 1,000 hours in salt fog.
 Insulators test (supplement). Hardness test and accelerated weather ageing test.
 Seismic test (supplement). Standard IEC 60099-4 Annex G.2 applies.
If the supplier possesses the testing certificate for the arrester, it is acceptable to extend the
result obtained for the arrester itself to the complete assembled system (included the metal
supports, fixing elements like ground anchorings, chemical anchoring systems) through
In any case will be according to seismic requirements.


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The following individual tests must be performed:
 Visual and constructive check; the arrester must be inspected visually to verify that its
dimensions and construction correspond to the type stated by the manufacturer and that
it matches the operational, construction, and dimensional characteristics listed in these
specifications. In addition, the visual inspection shall verify that no imperfections or defects
are present.
 Reference voltage measurement;
 Residual voltage test.
 Partial discharges test; it is specified that the measured level of partial discharged must
be ≤5 pC. Commissioning tests

The contractor shall check the correctness of installation of the surge arrester and its possible accessories,
connections, etc. in accordance with installation manuals and project documents, and shall perform:
 Insulation resistance measurement,
 Power Factor (IEC 61869-3 ed. 2011 table 10) measurement
 Check discharge counter functionality.

The installation work need to be performed comply with all the safety instruction provided with Global
instruction and local condition. Anyway, before to proceed with anyone activity, the contractor need to provide
to client all the safety documentation (a.e. induction, safety tools, Risk Assessment, Method statements,
All electromechanical and electrical installation related to HV section will include, but not limited to, the
following activity:
 Steel structure installation
 HV equipment installation;
 Power Transformers
 Boxes / panels for secondary electrical connection points installation
 All connection related HV section, LV section, control and measurements cable, earthing.


All steel structures shall be handled and assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions respecting
the lifting points and the operations have to be carried out taking all necessary precautions in order to not
damage it or damage the galvanized protection or zinc coating.
The contractor will take care about the following activities:
 loading, transport, offloading in the approved laydown area;
 Visual inspection about all the materials before the installation. In case of defects, no adjustment or
modification should be carried out without prior approval of the supplier;
 Installation of steel structure as per approved IFC design, ensuring the vertical and horizontal


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 Ensure the grounding to main earth as per approved design;

 take care that in mounting the threaded portions of the bolts are completely external to the elements
to be tightened using, in order, washers and pads provided;
 Correct tightness and visual marker after tight;
 the caulking of the bolts (if is request by client);
If requested by the customer, the tubular structures, at the openings designed to allow galvanizing and runoff
of any condensate, shall be fitted with stainless steel nets to prevent entry of insects. All holes of the supports
should be closed. In the case of passage of pipes must install appropriate fittings, in the case of passage of
cables must seal the interstices with a correct and approved sealing product.
For safety reason, is not allowed use of ladder in order to assembly steel structure; this activity must be
performed by use of mobile platform, scaffolding, cherry picker, exc. and crane truck.
All the steel structure used for the installation of the same equipment (a.e. CT’s, VT,s, CB’s, exc) must be
aligned respecting the maximum allowed tolerance. At this purpouse, the client could ask for checking after
installation by a correct tool.


The electrical connections between the HV equipment will be carried out with aluminium alloy tube and
conductor according project for execution drawings.
The HV connections to various equipment must be done with standardized clamps in order to ensure a proper
connection/splice in a workmanlike manner. After connection all bolts need to be tightness correspondingly.
The HV busbar will be installed in order to contain the vibration due atmospheric condition and designed in
order to permit the thermic dilatation. The busbar need have a holes in the bottom side, in both ends parts,
in order to avoid the moisture inside the alloy aluminium tube.
If will became necessary, and if is required by the client, each alloy aluminium tube need to be sagged before
the installation.


The HV equipment shall be handled and assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions respecting
the lifting points; such operations are to be carried by taking all necessary precautions in order to not damage
the insulating parts and equipment in general.
During the activities the contractor must provide the logistic assistance (supply and laydown area, storage,
removal and/or storage packaging etc..) and the support of its staff in the course of operations.
All the equipment must be:
 vertical and horizontal aligned;
 nuts must be proper tightness and marked;
 Grounded to the main earth as per approved design;
 The disconnectors, and in general all the equipment with mobile contacts, must be adjusted after
installation, in particular checking the electrical resistance.
The assembly will involve all necessary tool and machinery for the correct installation of the HV equipment.
At this purpose, no ladder are allowed in order to performer the installation of the electromechanical
equipment and steel structure. The installation of each electromechanical equipment is finalized when all the


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secondary connection are realized in proper electrical box fixed to the steel structure or pole.
The equipment will be delivered ready for operation, also included a filling or fulfilling with isolating fluid, if it
becomes necessary, will be in charge to contractor.


Laying operations must be carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions of the IEC and the
Manufacturer in this regard, particularly with regard to bending radius.
Generally, all the LV cable supply for power supply, control and metering will be installed in the same trench
cable. A dedicated trench cable will be realize for metering cable if itself will not provide with shield.
All LV cables must be accord with (issued for construction) drawings and no LV junction are allowed
LV cable laying shall be performed in order to:
 Avoid any contact with the soil during the laying phase
 Avoid any cable cross inside the concrete trench cable. For this purpose, the laying could be start
from the furthest one equipment respect the control building
 Keep straight and well fixed in the steel structure for uphill to the electromechanical equipment.
At this purpose all the corrects accessories need to be provide (clamps, ties, exc)
The uphill to electromechanical equipment need to be realized with a no metallic pipe UV resistant.
All the cable must be:
 With end terminals into the electrical terminal blocks.
 Labelled at both side according the cable list/ hardwire interconnection and functional drawings and
the connection must be tightness and marked properly.

Infrared inspection testing should be provided by the Contractor to check all connection points under load
conditions. Shall be performed with more than 80% of load capacity where possible.


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All the main equipment and components included within this chapter are defined accordingly with the
following codes and standards:
STD Description
IEC 62271-1 Common clauses for high-voltage switchgear standards
IEC 62271-100 High voltage alternating current circuit breaker
IEC 62271-102 Alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and earthing switches
IEC 62271-103 High voltage switches Part. 1: High voltage switches for rated voltages
Above 1 kV and less than 52 kV
IEC 62271-105 High voltage alternating current switch-fuse combinations
IEC 62271-106 Contactors
IEC 62271-200 AC metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1
kV and up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-201 AC insulated enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above
1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-202 Compact sub-station system
IEC 60376 Specification of technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in
electrical equipment
IEC 61869-1 Instrument transformers – Part. 1 General requirements
IEC 61869-2 Instrument transformers – Part. 2 Additional requirements for Current
IEC 61869-3 Instrument transformers – Part. 3 Additional requirements for Voltage
IEC 60282-1 Protection fuse
IEC 60255 Protection relays
Three phase dry-type distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 100 to
EN 50541-1 3150 kVA, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV Part 1:
General requirements
IEC 60076-1 Power transformers - Part 1: General
IEC 60076-2 Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise
Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external
IEC 60076-3
clearances in air
Power transformer - Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching
IEC 60076-4
impulse testing - Power transformers and reactors
IEC 60076-5 Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuits
IEC 60076-10 Power transformer - Part 10: Determination of sound levels
IEC 60076-11 Power transformer - Part 11: Dry-type transformers
Power transformer - Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power
IEC 60076-12
CEI EN 50216-1 Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 1: General
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 4: Basic accessories (earthing
CEI EN 50216-4
terminal, drain and filling devices, thermometer pocket, wheel assembly)
Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 11: Oil and winding
CEI EN 50216-11
temperature indicators
IEC 60085 Thermal evaluation and designation of electrical insulation
IEC 60214-1 Tap-Changers - Part 1: Performance requirements and test methods
IEC 60214-2 Tap-Changers - Part 2: Application guide
Industrial platinum resistance thermometers and platinum temperature
IEC 60751
Medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not
EN 50588-1
exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)


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Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment

IEC 62262
against external mechanical impacts (IK code) – valid only for outdoor type
Basic and safety principles for HMI, marking and identification -Actuating
IEC 60447
Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel structures by
EN ISO 12944
protective paint systems


The zig-zag transformer (primary windings connected in zig-zag) shall be dry type with resin encapsulated
coils or oil type. Internal connections will agree with IEC 60076 and IEC 60616 standards.
If Dry tipe zig-zag transformer the installation will be done indoors in a dedicated metallic enclosure of IP21
If Oil type zig-zag transformer the installation will be done outdoors.
Zig-Zag Transformer, rated voltage of 20\30\33\34,5 kV, will function as the neutral grounding of MV side
that limits the three times homopolar current to a value that can be detected by overcurrent protections relays
without stressing the switchgear and sensible equipment as transformers, generators and cable shields.The
limited current will be in the range of 300-500A flowing to earth by the neutral connection of the ZIG-ZAG
transformer when phase to earth fault is present, other values can be also valid.
The transformer shall be designed so as to allow the flow temporary current by the neutral higher enough to
force overcurrent tripping by the protection relay system. Based on these requirements determines the
minimum rated power (continuous operation) accordingly to withstand the temporary current for at least 10
seconds, intermittent overloading. The final sizing must be calculated by the EPC Contractor.
The main parameters to be considered in the design will be the following:
- Nominal voltage: 20\30\33\34,5 kV
- Nominal frequency: 50 Hz \ 60 Hz
- High Voltage. Insulation and BIL rates: according IEC Standards
- No. of Phases: 3
- Operation: Continuous.
- Max current / time: 300-500 A, 10 sec, (other thresholds of limitation can also be applied if specified
in the project requirements)
- Installation: indoor (dry-type class F) outdoor (ONAN).

The equipment/accessories to be consider will be:

- One (1) Transformer type Zig-Zag per MV system.
- Three (3) CT current transformers at MV phase connection side.
- One (1) current transformer, on the transformer neutral Zig-Zag.
- One (1) Protection relay Cabinet, overcurrent protection MV side and neutral. (in such cases where
the transformer is installed in the outgoing connection of the HV/MV Power Transformer bushings
the protection relays can be installed in the same control relay panel as the Main Transformer).
- Oil temperature, pressure relief valve, flow relay buchholz and expansion oil tank, in case of oil type.
- PT100 temperature sensor per windings and core, and thermal control unit for alarm and tripping.
6.2.2. TEST
The tests will be performed in appliance with IEC 60076 Standard and relevant IEC Standards. Commissioning test


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The Contractor shall carry out are the following minimum Functional test:
 Insulation resistance measurement
 Verify that the Grounding CT’s are correctly installed and connected to the protection Relay
 Verify the Ground Connection
 Perform primary injection on the CT’s and verify the protection relay read the correct value
 Internal Protections correct functionality if any (buchholz, preassure relief valve, thermometer).
 Oil level check, oil analisys.
 Winding resistance measurement.

Air Insulated Disconnector and Earthing Switches manually operated will be installed to connect\disconnect:
· Zig Zag Transformer.
· MV Collector System and MV Switchboards GIS\AIS and or MV Opens AIS Collector System, if
The commissioning tests will be the following:
· Contacts resistance measurement.
· Isolation resistance measurement.


MV Surge arresters will protect the Zig Zag Transformer, MV Winding of Step UP Transformers, MV
Switchboards and MV Cables and Equipment. Their point of installation will take into account all the possible
different configuration of the MV Systems in the connection between Main Power Transformer and MV
Collector System.
The commissioning test will be the following:
· Insulation resistance measurement,
· Check discharge counter.

This section describes all the Medium Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgears (MV SWG) for primary distribution
application for HV substations project annexed to renewable power plants.
All parts, accessories, expenses and obligations necessary for the supply of the switchgear are into
Contractor’s responsibility, including those not explicitly mentioned herein, but indispensable for the proper
General characteristics according with the following table:

Technical parameters Values as per IEC

Reference standard IEC 62271-1

Rated operating voltage (U) 20 kV 30 kV 33 kV 34.5 kV

Rated voltage (Um) 24 kV 36 kV 36 kV 38 (40.5) kV



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Power frequency withstand voltage (Ud) (*)

50kV 70kV 80kV 80kV
(phase to phase, phase to earth, open contact gap)
Power frequency withstand voltage (Ud)
60kV 80kV 88kV 90V
(Across the isolating distance)
Lighting impulse voltage (Up) (*)
125kV 170kV 170kV 185kV
(phase to phase, phase to earth, open contact gap)
Lighting impulse voltage (Up)
145kV 195kV 187kV 215kV
(Across the isolating distance)
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz

Rated current 630A <> 2500A

Rated short-time withstand current 16kA<>31,5kA

Rated peak withstand current 40kA<>80kA

Rated duration of short circuit 1s

Protection degree GIS filled compartment ≥ IP65

Protection degree of LV compartment and mechanism
≥ IP3X
Mechanical protection impact degree of MV panel for
outdoor installation
IAC classification (IEC 62271-200) AFLR 16 ÷ 31.5 kA for 1s

Loss of Service Continuity (IEC 62271-200) LSC2

Partition class (IEC 62271-200) PM

Temperature rise inside the cabin ≤5K

Service conditions According with IEC62271-1 (indoor)

Type of maintenance Maintenance free

(*) According with IEC 612171-1 Ud and Up is selected with the corresponding Um.
In some applications Um ≥1,15xU, see in brackets ().

Auxiliary power supplies service conditions according with the following table:
Parameters Required
AC nominal voltage (anticondensation and lighting) 400 Vca and 230Vca
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage ±10%
Frequency 50Hz or 60Hz
Phases/conductors 3/4 or 1/2
Maximum short-circuit current 10kA
Grounding system earthed connected
DC nominal voltage: (control, protection) 125 Vdc
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage -15%; +10%
Phases/conductors 1/2
Maximum short-circuit current 15kA
Grounding system isolated

6.3.2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION MV switchgear configuration


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The quantity and type of panels will depend on the project characteristics.
MV SWG shall be comprised of modular units listed hereunder and any bar climbing units, where required
for construction reasons.
The number of each type of the units forming part of the individual switchboard is specified in the technical
The equipment installed in each typical modular unit is listed in the paragraphs below, other configurations
can be applied considering the single line diagram requirements in the basic design of the GTS.
Incoming panel composition: (used to connect the MV side of the Power Transformers to the bus-bar
distribution panels, this design can be also considered in case of demanding a Tie-type breaker
 LV compartment equipped with Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)
 Voltage Transformer at incoming line terminals (if required depends on the MV topology
 Three position disconnector-earth switch
 Local controls in front of mechanism bay
 Gas density sensor and filling valve
 Circuit breaker (vacuum or SF6 type)
 Measuring sockets for capacitive voltage indicators
 Cable compartment or IPBD/SIBB connection compartment
 CT line, (number of CT cores and characteristics according with project requirements)
 Solid or gas insulated bus bars
 Pressure relief device
 Closing Coil
 1 Tripping Coil standard type
 1 Under Voltage Coil release operated type

Voltage transformer panel composition: (used to provide bus-bar voltage measurement for energy
meters and protection relay functions)
 Voltage transformer
 Auxiliary circuit breakers
 Solid or gas insulated bus bars

Auxiliary transformer feeder panel composition: (used to provide connection for the Auxiliar
Transformers of the substation)
 Thermometric control unit of the transformer
 Local controls in front of mechanism bay
 Gas density sensor and filling valve
 Fuse and circuit breaker-disconnector set device with earth switch cable side
 Measuring sockets for capacitive voltage indicators
 Cable compartment
 Solid or gas insulated bus bars
 Pressure relief device

Feeder panel composition: (used to provide the outgoing lines that connect the generation units of
the wind and solar farms, if necessary also for capacitors and filters installed in the substation for
harmonics and reactive compensation).
 LV compartment with Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)
 Three position disconnector-earth switch
 Local controls in front of mechanism bay
 Gas density sensor and filling valve
 Circuit breaker (vacuum or SF6 type)
 Measuring sockets for capacitive voltage indicators


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 Cable compartment
 CT line (number of CT cores and characteristics according with project requirements)
 Solid or gas insulated bus bars
 Pressure relief device
 1 Closing coil
 1 Tripping Coil standard type Key Interlocks

Each panel must have the recommended interlocks by the standard IEC 62271-200 necessary to guarantee
the security of the staff and the own material, hampering fake maneuvers if they are performed with electrical
actioning or mechanical.
The interlocks between switching devices (circuits breakers and three position disconnectors) can be
executed through key interlocks, through devoted wiring control circuits implemented in the switchgear, or
through a combination of both.
The minimum mechanical interlocks to be satisfied shall follow the interlock philosophy introduced in the
table below (typical interlocks logic between switching devices).
Description of Safety Locks
1 Switchboard doors can be opened only if the circuit breaker is in opened position
2 Circuit breaker can only be operated with the switchboard doors are closed
3 Three-position disconnector can only be operated with circuit-breaker in OPEN position
4 Circuit breaker can only be operated with three-position disconnector in end position and
operating lever removed
5 Cable compartment cover interlocked against the three-position switch and circuit-breaker
6 With the access panel of the cable compartment removed, it must not be possible to perform
operations, if not under maintenance and using working tools, while still ensuring the IP2X
degree of protection for the panel lock
7 With the panel of the cable compartment removed, it must not be possible, without tools, to
remove the blocks and, if the blocks are removed, it must not be possible to close the panel
8 Once the maintenance working duties have been carried out, the interlock between the access
panel door reclosure and the opening of the circuit breaker and earthing switch shall be done
with a spring catch keylock/sensor (on the panel door), whose compressed spring position will
be the only necessary condition that can allow the opening of the circuit breaker and of the
earthing switch disconnector. This means that maintenance duties have been finished and the
system is ready to be re-energized again in safe conditions. Operation of the circuit breaker
and of three position disconnector-earth switch between the closed and opened positions can
only be carried out with the door closed
9 Availability of an interlock key when the feeder circuit breaker is open to ensure the mechanical
lock with incoming panel of the corresponding user. This is to carry out the correct maintenance
operations in safety and without voltage presence

A step-by-step detailed operational description of all the switch manoeuvres associated to a given panel
should be installed on the panel front doors.
The interlock system must have a separated brochure with instructions in detail. This must consider the
electrical system of the project as well as the demands of the switchgear manufacturer and the other
equipments involved in the interlock. MV equipment definition Circuit breaker
Parameters Values as per IEC
Reference standard IEC 62271-100
Type Vacuum or SF6
Rated current:
 incoming unit 630 A ÷ 2500 A
 feeder unit 630 A ÷ 1250 A


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Rated short circuit breaking current 16 kA ÷ 31.5 kA

Rated short circuit making current 40 kA ÷ 80 kA
Rated short circuit withstand current 16 kA ÷ 31.5 kA for 1 s
Operating sequence O – 3min – CO – 3min - CO
Closing time ≤ 60 ms
Opening time ≤ 45 ms
Break time ≤ 60 ms
Mechanical endurance class M2
Electrical endurance class E2
Capacitive current breaking class C2
Service type S1
The circuit breaker (vacuum or SF6 type) carries out the following operations:
 ON/OFF switching operating current
 Short-circuit breaking
 Line earthing when the three-position disconnector is in earth position and the line has been
already de-energised
The circuit breaker is equipped with a mechanical stored-energy spring mechanism. The stored-energy
spring has charged by a motor. Electrical releases allow to open and to close the circuit breaker. Its operating
mechanism is located in the mechanism bay of the panel. The indicators and controls of the circuit breaker
are located in the operator control area of the panel and they are accessible from the outside only.
On the front operating panel are located the following devices:
 the ON (close) push button (mechanical)
 the OFF (open) push button (mechanical)
 the mechanical indicator of circuit breaker position ON / OFF
 the receptacle cover for manual charging of stored-energy spring
 the operating cycle counter
The circuit breaker operating mechanism is equipped with the following devices:
 charging motor for spring mechanism
 “spring charged” auxiliary switch
 “Circuit breaker ON/OFF” auxiliary switch (two)
 anti-pumping device
 closing coil
 Tripping coil by protection relay or electrical actuation.
 Only for incoming circuit-breaker panel an opening coil shall be provided which shall be
undervoltage release type.

A safe locking method must secure the mechanical push buttons to prevent any circuit breaker operation
non-compliant with the three-position disconnector.
SF6 circuit breaker has equipped by a pressure switch and a gas-monitoring device with LED signalling low
gas pressure.
The circuit breaker should be provided with all necessary auxiliary contacts to the needs of the operating
logic implemented within the MV switchgear.


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80 di/of 245 Three position disconnectors

Parameters Values as per IEC
Reference standard IEC 62271-102
Rated current 630 ÷ 2500 A
Rated short time withstand current Isc(sym) 16 kA ÷ 31.5 kA for 1s
Rated peak withstand current 2,5*Isc(sym) 40 kA ÷ 80 kA
Mechanical endurance class for disconnector M1
Electrical endurance class for disconnector E0
Mechanical endurance class for earth switch M0
Electrical endurance class for earth switch E0
Electrical endurance class for closing the circuit-breaker in E2
combination with earth switch

It combines line disconnector and earthing switch functions by knife-switches. The three switch positions –
CLOSED / OPEN / READY-TO-EARTH - have carried out by the mechanical structure of the switch. It is
located in the GIS-filled panel module, while the operating mechanism block is accessible in the mechanism
bay. It has manually operated only.
The three above position are correspondent to:

Contact blades
connected with
OPEN: CLOSED: earth contact of
Open current path Closed current path switchgear vessel.
between busbar between busbar Earthing connection
and circuit-breaker and circuit-breaker cable possible by
closing the circuit-

Mechanical controls and indicators for the operating mechanism are located in the cover of the mechanism
bay and are accessible from the outside.
For manual operation of the switch with a lever, the relevant opening for the lever must be uncovered turning
the selector lever. The switch position has indicated mechanically. In order to avoid wrong operation, manual
mechanisms have interlocked mechanically with the relevant circuit breaker within the panel and/or shall be
available separate operating shafts for the “DISCONNECTING” and “READY-TO-EARTH” functions.
On the front operating panel are located the following devices:
 selector lever
 disconnector position indicator “earthing switch”
 opening for operation of the earthing switch
 disconnector position indicator “disconnector”
 opening for operation of the disconnector

The three-position disconnector operating mechanism is equipped with the following devices:
 auxiliary switch “OPEN”
 auxiliary switch “CLOSED”
 auxiliary switch “READY-TO-EARTH”
 micro switch on the selector lever (two)

The line disconnector and earthing switch must be provided with all necessary auxiliary contacts to the needs
of the operating logic implemented within the framework agreement and, any external requirements. Voltage Transformers
Parameters Values as per IEC


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Reference standard IEC 61689-1

IEC 61689-3
Type Plug-in, single pole, cast-resin,
Rated voltage secondary (V) 100/3 (start) 100/3 (open delta)
Accuracy power According to basic design SLD’s
Accuracy class
 Billing/fiscal metering 0,2
 Plant metering 0,5 - 1
 Protection 3P
Voltage factor
 Phase-ground voltage transformer 1.9 for 30 s

Bus bar VTs are of the plug-in type, always located outside the gas compartments and positioned on the top
of the incoming panel or inside to cable compartment.
Incoming line VT´s can be also be requested located inside cable compartment, for protection relay functions
as 59N and 27 in order to block permission to close the circuit breaker.
All instrument transformers for the energy measurement, must be provided with certificates of calibration for
fiscal use, drawn up by approved laboratories included stamp. Current transformers
Parameters Values as per IEC
Reference standard IEC 61689-1
IEC 61689-2
Type Ring core, single pole, cast resin,
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Rated transformation ratio Ipn / 1 A or 5 A
Accuracy power According to basic design SLD’s
Accuracy class
 Billing/fiscal metering 0,2
 Plant metering 0,5 - 1
 Protection 5P20

The number of cores CT's line installed shall be defined in project SLD. In general shall be installed:
- n. 3 core on each phases for incomming.
- n. 2 core on the each phases for feeder
Ring core CTs are always located outside the gas compartment for outer cone plug solution and for inner
cone plug solution when the cables are two at the most.
Block type CTs are located in the gas compartment for inner cone plug solution when the cables are more
than two.
The winding of the CTs has enclosed in cast resin.
All instrument transformers for the energy measurement, must be provided with certificates of calibration for
fiscal use, drawn up by approved laboratories included stamp. Bus bars
Busbar could be in two different configuration:
1. Bus bars are located within a compartment inside the gas filled panel modules
2. Bus bars are located within a compartment outside the gas filled panel modules.In this configuration
the bus bars consist of copper bars and insulated with silicone rubber. The conductive connections
between the bus bars and from the bus bars to the relevant cast resin bushing in the panel module
have made by the cross and end adapters.


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82 di/of 245 Protection and control units Intelligent electronic device-IEDS
IED has used for each circuit breaker for its full control in normal and emergency condition. It has installed
in the LV compartment. It must offer predefined configurations, designed to match the most typical protection
and control requirements of a GIS, ensuring a fast and easy setup.
Fault tripping relays shall trip via a manual re–settable lockout relay inclusive in the protection.
For protections tripping of the MV switchgear for external causes, will be sent a block command that will open
the lock switch, this block must be stored.
It can be equipped with a simple graphical display that shows bay single line diagram with position indication
of circuit breaker and three-position disconnector. It must provide any typical electrical magnitude,
instantaneous or recorded.
IED must support IEC 61850 protocol standard for communication and interoperability of SS automation
devices (plant SCADA system mainly), offering a fast GOOSE messaging according to IEC 61850 for less
inter panel wiring and supervised communication.
IED must offer full protection for the power lines (incoming/outgoing) .
IED installed in incoming, coupling and capacitor-filter bank panel must provide the following
functionalities: (depends on the protection relay configuration demanded in the design project some
functionalities will be disable)
 bay full control
 instantaneous overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 50)
 AC time overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 51)
 Capacitor bank unbalance (ANSI code 51C) only for capacitor banks.
 neutral instantaneous overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 50N)
 neutral time overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 51N)
 AC directional overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 67)
 neutral directional overcurrent protection (ANSI code: 67N)
 reverse-phase or phase balance current protection (ANSI code: 46)
 breaker failure protection (ANSI code: 50 BF)
 under voltage protection (ANSI code: 27)
 over voltage protection (ANSI code: 59)
 homopolar over voltage protection (ANSI code: 59N)
 capacitor overvoltage (ANSI code 59C) only for capacitor banks
 under / over frequency protection (ANSI code: 81)
 tripping coil supervision
 event recorder
 oscillography (recording)

IED installed in feeder panel feeder panel must provide the following functionalities: (depends on the
protection relay configuration demanded in the design project some functionalities will be disable)
 bay full control
 instantaneous overcurrent relay (ANSI code: 50)
 AC time overcurrent relay (ANSI code: 51)
 neutral instantaneous overcurrent relay (ANSI code: 50N)
 neutral time overcurrent relay (ANSI code: 51N)
 AC directional overcurrent relay (ANSI code: 67)
 Neutral Directional Overcurrent (ANSI code: 67N)
 Reverse-Phase or Phase Balance Current Relay (ANSI code: 46)
 breaker failure protection (ANSI code: 50 BF)
 tripping coil supervision
 event recorder
 oscillography (recording)


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The thermometric control of the transformer will have the following minimum requirements:
 4 temperatures control
 4 alarm thresholds
 outputs with dry contact relay, alarm and trip, fault reporting
 4 inputs three wires RTD Pt100
 Removable rear terminals
 Input channels protected against electromagnetic disturbances
 Construction in conformity with valid regulations
 Protection against electromagnetic disturbances IEC 61000-4-4
 Temperature control from 0° C to 200° C
 Watchdog
 Self-diagnosis circuit
 Diagnostic sensors
 Alarm Memory
 Reset button

In the front of the compartment of the auxiliary transformer feeder panel, the Supplier shall install the
thermometric control unit.
The thermometric unit's supply will be derived from the auxiliary panel of the auxiliary transformer feeder
panel and the alarm signals will be made available in the terminal box or wired with other alarms according
to the requests that ENEL GPG must provide at the time of order. LAN communications
An integrated communication net in LAN Ethernet type) will connect all the IEDs installed in the MV
switchgear busbar panels. The network must be organized to work in IEC 61850:
 Each IED must be capable for one or two Ethernet ports (A and B)
 The LAN will include one or two Ethernet Switches and all the physical connections between
each Ethernet Switch and IEDs.
The interface with the SCU-scada (substation control unit) and the integrated communication at IED level
can be implemented in redundant topology by PRP or HSR configuration if requested in the project
requirements. Equipment and accessories Outer cone socket type
Outer cone sockets, gas-tight, are fitted in the wall between the panel module and the cable termination
compartment, facilitating connection of cables (termination type C) and surge arresters.
Outer cones terminal per phase (highest cross section 630 mm2) in T connection are admitted at most three
wires per phase including surge arrester coupling. Inner cone socket type
Inner cone sockets, gas-tight, are fitted in the floor plate of the circuit breaker compartment facilitating
connection of cables and surge arresters.
Inner cone terminals per phase (highest cross section 630 mm2) must be adopted with more than three wires
per phase including surge arrester coupling. Isolate-phase bus IPBD or SIBB socket type
Suitable sockets, gas-tight, are fitted in the top of the incoming panel to allow the connection with IPBD or
This coupling solution has adopted when the connection between MPT and GIS requires more than four
single core MV cables per phase.


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84 di/of 245 Main earthing bar

The main earthing bar of the GIS runs through the cable termination compartments of the panels. The
earthing bars of each panel has connected to the adjacent ones during installation at site.
The cross-section of the main earthing bar (copper) and its anchoring must be adequate to withstand
mechanical and thermal stresses due to a three-phase short circuit and however must be not less of 70mm2.
The doors must be connected to the metal structure by means of flexible copper sleeves with a cross section
of 16 mm2. All the main equipment must be grounded. Capacitive voltage indicator system
The capacitive voltage indicator system has installed on each panel (incoming and feeder) allowing the check
of the off-circuit condition of the relevant power line.
The coupling electrode has integrated with the cable socket or the IPBD / SIBB one.


MV switchgear GIS panels, has a modular type structure composed by a continuous coupling of panels /
Each unit’s structure must be self-supporting.
Each panel consists of a stainless steel tank containing all live parts and switching devices. The structure
must withstand the electrodynamics stresses during the operation.
GIS must be a maintenance-free, factory-assembled, three-pole metal-enclosed and gas insulated.
Its core consists of hermetically welded containers made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel,
accommodating the primary switching devices (circuit breaker and three-position disconnector). It must be
sealed-for-life design according to IEC 62271-200 (sealed pressure system). The panels have interconnected
by solid insulated bus bars usually running outside the gas compartments.
Installation, operation, extension and replacement have to be possible without SF6 gas work.
Each compartment will be equipped with:
 safety valve against overpressure
 device for the verification of the busbar and line voltage presence, on the front panel.
The operating mechanisms of the circuit breaker and three-position disconnector must be located outside
the gas compartment and are therefore accessible at any time. The operating mechanism, mimic and voltage
signalling lamps have located in the front panel. Switches are operated by means of spring-operated
mechanisms. Mimic gives the position of the switch whereas the voltage-signalling lamp indicates the voltage
Current and voltage transformers must be usually located outside the gas compartment.
Cables have connected from the front by cable compartment accessible through the front door, which has
interlocked with the earth switch.
The LV auxiliary compartment has located above the panel.
In general, each panel consists of the following main compartments:
 gas compartment
 bus bar compartment
 cable termination compartment
 LV auxiliary compartment
A thermostat controlled heater will be provided in each panel to avoid inner condensation. Gas compartment


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It contains all the live high voltage parts, i.e. the switching devices, bushings for connection of the bus bar,
cable sockets, test plug sockets and CT block type only.
The pressure relief device can be located in the roof plate or in the rear wall of the enclosure. The seals of
the components are O-ring seals.
The current-carrying connection between the circuit breaker and the three-position disconnector to the bus
bar compartment has performed via single pole cast resin bushings.
The capacitive voltage indicator system has fitted close to the test sockets.
The circuit breaker operating mechanism, the gas density sensor and the filling valve are located on the
mounting plate for the circuit breaker, which has bolted to the front wall of the enclosure.
In GIS composed by several panels, each circuit breaker compartment does not have no gas connections to
the neighbouring panels and there is no any gas connection to the bus bar compartments. Bus bar compartment
It contains the bus bar system connected to the single pole cast resin bushings positioned at the top of the
gas compartment.
The bus bar connection to adjacent panels has performed by plug-in connectors located at either side of the
In case of GIS, it is composed by several panels, each bus bar compartment does not have no gas
connections to the neighbouring panels and there is no any gas connection to the circuit breaker
compartments. Cable termination compartment
It contains the main earthing bar, the MV power cables with fitted cable plugs, the MV power cable fasteners
and the ring core current transformers. An antimagnetic floor plate separates the cable termination
compartment from the cable basement. This compartment is shockproof and it is fitted with partition plates
at the sides and rear. The overpressure due to an internal arc fault has discharged through a lower pressure
relief device.
The cable connection compartment is only accessible from the front using tools to remove the front door,
which has interlocked with the earth switch. LV auxiliary compartment
At one of the MV panels (incoming or busbar voltage) will be connected the DC power input consit of two DC
redundant incomings from the DC system. Both redundant DC power supplies will be coupled by means of
barrier diodes (positive pole). Auxiliar relay for supervision the status of the voltage shall be installed.
This compartment , depends of switchgear manufacturers, can host the operating mechanism of the circuit
breaker, the mechanism of the three-position disconnector, the sensors of gas density monitoring in the gas
compartments, electrical protection device (IED), transformer thermometric unit, thermal cable monitoring
system and further secondary devices and their wirings.
For MV each panel, DC auxiliary power supply must be divided into separate power circuits with at least the
following distribution:
- spring loading motor,
- control, protection and close/trip circuit.
The front door of this compartment allows operating on the control and display unit; the switch positions have
displayed by bar indicators integrated in the single line diagram on the control and display unit. Signals have
displayed by devices fitted in the door (e.g. signalling lamps, drop indicator relays etc.). Display of
measurements requires the use of discrete measuring instruments.
LV and control auxiliary cables entry has located in the bottom of the compartment.
Inside the LV auxiliary compartment have installed the interface terminal blocks to exchange any hardwired
signal with the Substations protection, control and metering systems (SCS or SCU-RTU).


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86 di/of 245 Construction and painting

GAS compartment must be stainless steel. The other compartments must be galvanized steel and painted
steel. Surface treatment must be electrostatic painting. External painting colour has chosen by Supplier in
compliance with its standard production or defined by ENEL GPG if imposed by local standard. Labelling and plates External labelling
Labels must be in formic and fixed with long-lasting glue. Text characters must be black on white background.
Label must be self-cleaning type e.g. the text must be indelible and background must preserve the original
colour for the entire life of the GIS.
The code identification shall be the same as on the drawings.
All key interlocks procedures, internal or external to the panel, shall be detailed for each cubicle in a dedicated
label, fixed to each cubicle in a visible position. LV compartment internal labelling
Identification labels of any internal device must be in plastic adhesive fixed with long-lasting glue. Text
characters must be black on white background.
CT and VT labels shall be duplicated and attached inside each column instruments cubicle door. Operation sequence plate and synoptic diagram
Each modules shall be equipped with a "maneuver sequence plate" which shows the sequence of maneuvers
to be performed, respectively, for access to the compartment and for commissioning. It shall be also include
the SLD of the module. This plate must be positioned on the front of the module so as to be clearly visible. Signaling sequence plate and synoptic diagram
On each module, in correspondence with each manual maneuvering seat, there shall be installed the label
signaling to indicate the position of the component devices and the directions of movement for performing
the maneuvers. LV cables
LV wirings must consist of with single core cable with thermoplastic insulation, halogen-free and self-
extinguishable, plain copper flexible wire (class 5), having nominal voltage U0/U=450/750 V and 70 °C of
maximum operating temperature.
Core conductor cross section must be as minimum:
 Current circuits: 2,5 mm2
 Voltage circuits: 1,5 mm2
 Earthing: 2,5 mm2
 AC and DC interconnection buses: 4 mm2
 CTs and VTs fiscal energy measurement circuits: 6 mm2
 Other circuits: 1,5 mm2
Earthing wiring must have yellow green colour or a different one imposed by local standard.
Wiring marking must be printed indicating origin and destiny with text in black. Cable terminal must be end
sleeve type.
6.3.4. TESTS
MV switchgear must be tested in compliance with IEC 62271-200 Type test
It being understood that switchgear panels must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied panels
and any its component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC STD.


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The Supplier must deliver the list of type tests relevant to GIS and any its main component (circuit breaker,
three-position disconnector, CT, VT, bushings, etc.) providing the following information:
 Test certificate number
 Test run date
 Testing Laboratory name
 Accreditation Body of the test in the Laboratory
 Equipment / component manufacturing series
For any type test not supported by a certificate, Supplier must carry out this test in an Inspection Laboratory
in which the type test has accredited by an International Body before purchasing order signature. Routine test
MV switchgear pannels must be always submitted to routine tests as per chapters 7 of IEC 62271-200.
For all bushings supplied and installed in the SWG, the partial discharge test certificate (routine test) must
be provided.
The routine tests that must be performed are:
 Dielectric test on the main circuit
 Test on auxiliary and control circuit
 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit
 Tightness test
 Design and visual checks
 Partial discharge measurement
 Mechanical operation tests
 Pressure tests of gas-filled compartments, if is applicable
 Tests of auxiliary electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic devices, where is applicable

The power-frequency voltage test shall be performed on all equipment with the limitation indicated in
of IEC 62271-200. The voltage values for power frequency withstand voltage (Ud) test, phase-to-phase,
phase-to-earth, open contact gap and across the isolating distance, to be applied to the circuit breaker and
to the disconnector are specified in the tables indicated in 2.4.1 of this TS.

Functional tests must also include verification of electrical protection and primary circuits. Therefore, the test
of the intervention of the electrical protection functions with signal injection on the primary circuits (CT's and
VT'S) is required. Commissioning test
After erection, MV SWG be tested to check correct operation as per chapters 7.105 of IEC 62271-200.
For parts which are assembled on site and for gas-filled compartments which are filled on site, the following
tests should be carried out:
 Voltage test of the main circuit
 Tightness tests
 Measurement of fluid condition after filling on site.
These components shall be checked and tested as per tests expected to be executed for each different
component installed inside the switchgear.


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The minimum checks and test the contractor shall carry out are the following:
 Check that active parts are not accessible.
 Dimensional and visual inspection for each panels as per project documentation.
 Leveling and anchoring: control of the perfect leveling of the bases of all the panels and the proper
bolts tightening of the panel to the floor and between them;
 Bars and equipment: compliance with the single line diagram of the panel, of main busbar system,
junction bars, all electrical equipment,
 Check the proper connection to the grounding system of the grounding bus bar (minimum two on
lateral sides, normally minimum 95mm2);
 External integrity check of insulators, apparatus, and insulating diaphragms;
 Check for absence of foreign bodies (tools, waste materials, dustinsects etc)
 Check the consistency of nameplate data of all equipment with the indications written on approved

After completion of the above mentioned visual checks for MV switchgears that are normally assembled on
site, the following tests have to be carried out:
 Mechanical test
 Insulation tests
 Functional tests
Mechanical test: has to guarantee the proper overall installation, proper operation, mechanism and joints,
the limit switch contacts, the key locks and closures, the mechanical finishing, insulating surfaces and
Mechanical tests; the contractor shall:
 Check the maneuverability of the doors
 Check the mechanical functionality of all mechanical locks and key locks;
 Check the mechanical functionality of each breaker by executing, for each of them, a series of
opening and closing commands by acting on the mechanical commands in front of them;
 Manually load the closing springs;
 Check the mechanical functionality of each breaker by executing, for each of them, a series of
opening and closing commands, performing, if necessary,a fine- tuning
 Check the mechanical functionality of each disconnector (insulating switch, switch to ground) by
executing, for each of them, a series of opening and closing commands by acting on the mechanical
commands in front of them, and the electrical command where installed;
Insulation tests: are those which guarantee the integrity of the insulation after transport and assembly on
Insulation tests: the contractor shall carry out:
 Main contacts resistance measurement,
 Insulation resistance measurement: it is recommended to use a megger in dc voltage. The contractor
shall carry out the test between phases and between phases and the ground bar, the test has to be
performed with all breakers and disconnectors closed and no MV cable connected. The test shall be
performed with Polarization Index (PI) method (preferable) or Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR)


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 PI method 𝑃𝐼 = where Acceptance values:

<1 Dangerous
<2 Questionable
<4 Good
>4 Excellent
 DAR method 𝐷𝐴𝑅 = where Acceptance values:
<1.25 Questionable
<1.6 Adequate
>1.6 Good

 Overvoltage Test with Three Phase Voltage Applied, at nominal frequency as per IEC 60060-1.
Functional tests: are those that guarantee the correct functioning of all auxiliary circuits, signaling circuits
and command and control, and that the wiring of the panel match the wiring diagrams.
Functional tests; the contractor shall carry out:
 Check of the correctness and level of all supplies;
 Execution of the opening and closing maneuvers of breakers and disconnectors, to be performed by
local and by remote;
 Check opening and closing times, dynamic contact resistance and open/close coils current
consumption measurement.
 Check of all electrical and mechanical interlocks;
 Check of all remote commands;
 Check of the correct position of the auxiliary contacts in all positions of main maneuvering elements;
 Check of secondary circuits of current transformers CT and voltage transformer VT;
 Alarms checks;
 Simulate protection intervention using switches with secondary injection
 Checks correct interchange of signals, commands, alarms and communication data with SCADA
 Power Frequency Voltage Tests.
 Tightness tests.


This section describes the auxiliary services transformer (AST), powered by the MV Switchgears, is intended
to feed the LV auxiliary system of the HV substations project annexed to renewable power plants. The
transformer shall be placed and wired into the dedicated room of electrical cabin of Substation.
- For power plants with only one (1) main power transformer, only one (1) Auxiliary services transformer will
be installed
- For power plants with more than one (1) main power transformer and two independent MV busbar, two
(2x100%) auxiliary services transformers will be installed.
All parts, accessories, expenses and obligations necessary for the supply of the AST are into Contractor’s
responsibility, including those not explicitly mentioned herein, but indispensable for the proper operation.


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Type three-phase, dry-type, epoxy resin impregnated embedded

winding, indoor installation
Standard reference IEC 60076-11
Number of secondary windings 1 with electrostatic shield
Thermal class/ insulation class Class (B)/Class(F)
Rated power As indicated in GTS, at 40°C
Rated power with enclousure In compliance with IEC 60076-11 for transformer end enclosure
are delivered on site separately condition ( 5.2.4, b
Rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz
Primary nominal voltage In compliance with the values indicated in the table of MV SWG
MV insulation levels
Secondary nominal voltage 420V
Taps voltage regulation +/- 5% +/-2,5%
LV insulation level 1,1kV
Altitude dielectric test
Tcf coefficient according to table 4 of IEC 60076-11
Connections group Dyn11
Short circuit impedance (Zcc to 4%
Cooling system AN
Degree of protection IP00
Enclosure degree of protection IP21
Altitude temperature rise According to IEC 60076-11. For every 500m exceeding 1000:
correction +2,5%
Climatic class C1
Environmental class E2
Fire behavior class F1/F1
Overload According to IEC 60076-12
Operation limits According to IEC 60076-11
Partial discharge level ≤10 pC permanent
Losses class According to EN 50588-1:
 No-load loss P0: AA0 class
 On-load loss (100°C) Pk: Ak class
 PEI%: AA class without tollerance
Sound power level LWA according to EN 50588-1
Seismic qualification According to IEC 60076-11
Tollerance Parameter %
Voltage ratio ±0.5
According to EN50588-1
Short-circuit impedance Um≤24kV: ±0%
Um>24kV: +0.5%
According to EN50588-1
No-load loss Um≤24kV: ±0%
Um>24kV: ±15%
According to EN50588-1
Load loss Um≤24kV: ±0%
Um>24kV: ±10%
PEI ±0
No-load current +30
Sound level ±0dB(A)

For site altitudes above 1000 m, the altitude correction factor have to be considered, depending on the site
altitude above sea level according to the IEC 60076-11.


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MV and LV windings shall be made in aluminum tapes of at least 99,5% aluminum content.
LV windings shall be impregnated in resin and subsequently polymerized. MV windings shall be cast under
vacuum with an epoxy resin to ensure a low emission of smoke and toxic and corrosive gases. De-energized tap-changer
De-energized tap-changer (DETC) shall be in compliance with IEC 60214 and the voltage variation range of
Vr shall be ±2x2.5%.
DECT shall made of three connection plates to bolt on related threaded terminals. Shield
The transformers shall have an electrostatic shield between the low voltage and high voltage winding, made
by wrapping a shield grounded with the transformer box, if applicable. Terminals connection
The terminals will be positioned normally, unless specified otherwise, on the long sides of the upper part of
the transformer next to each column. The realization of the connections in a star or delta connection of the
windings may be an open design using insulated bars with the same insulation levels specified for the
MV cables connections to the respective MV winding terminals shall be possible from above or from below,
on the terminal plates of the MV winding connecting bars, with a lug with a 13 mm hole diameter to allow for
a M12 bolt coupling. The connection point have to be marked with corresponding acronym of the phase.
LV cables connections to the respective LV winding terminals shall be from above, on the terminal platelets
with holes (3 holes per M12 phase), situated in the upper part of the winding on the side opposite the MV
The neutral terminal will be situated on the side of the "u" phase.
All connection surfaces shall be insulated. Protection against corrosion

The external painting of transformers and metallic accessories made of iron materials, shall be obtained by
using the epoxy or polyurethane painting cycle according to IEC 60815 for D - High pollution level.
The safety and technical data sheets of the painting shall be provided by the manufacturer.
The reports and tests aimed to verify the good quality and the process of the painting cycle shall be provided
by the manufacturer. Instrumentation
Transformers shall be equipped with the follow resistance thermometer sensors (RTD Pt100) for temperature
control placed in the following positions:
 n.6 six in the LV winding (two for each phase of which 1 reserve)
 n.2 in the magnetic core (central leg of which 1 reserve).
The sensors will be 100 ohm thermometric platinum resistances at 0°C, analogic type, in compliance with
IEC EN 60751.
The measuring electric circuits shall be connected to a terminal board contained in a centralization box with
IP 55 protection degree (according to IEC 60529) positioned on top of the core.
RTD’s shall be connected to temperature control unit, to be supplied loose and which will be installed
preferable inside the MV SWG in the auxiliary cubicle of the transformer circuit breaker. Accessories
 n.2 Rating Plate, one for LV side and one for MV side in compliance with IEC 60076-11
 n.2 Earthing Terminals in compliance with EN 50216-4


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 n.4 Eyebolts or the lifting in compliance with EN 50216-4

 n.4 Bi-directional wheels, removable in compliance with EN 50216-4
6.4.3. TESTS
The transformers must be tested in compliance with IEC 60076-11. Type test and special
It being understood that the transformer must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied transformer
and any its component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC STD. Routine tests
The transformer must be always submitted to routine tests as per IEC 60076-11.
ENEL GPG participation in the FAT is indicated, in the ENEL GPG QCP’s. The routine tests are the follow:
 Measurement of winding resistance
 Measurement of voltage ratio and check of phase displacement
 Measurement of short-circuit impedance and load loss
 Measurement of no-load loss and current
 Applied voltage test (AV)
 Induced voltage withstand test (IVW)
 Partial discharge measurement Commissioning tests
Prior to put service the transformer the contractor shall at least carry out these inspections and tests:
The minimum visual inspections the contractor shall carry consist of:
 Check rating plates
 Check of clearances between the metal parts and the live parts
 Control of correctness and the tightening torques of all MV and LV connections
 Control of correct installation and anchoring
 Check the correct grounding
 Control of bushings cleaning
The minimum functional tests the contractor shall carry out consists of:
 Check the value of the supply voltage of the auxiliary circuits (if any)
 Check the correct connection of the auxiliary circuits breakers (if any)
 Check the direction of rotation and the calibration of the motor protection devices (if any)
 Calibration and check of the correct operation of the equipment (thermostats, thermometers.)
 Measure the current absorptions of the cooling motors (if any)
 Check alarms by causing their real intervention or, where not possible, by simulation of field contacts
 Check of the opening command up to MV breaker according to real intervention of relevant
 Check proper heaters logic intervention (if any)
 Check the correct exchange of signals and commands with the Plant SCADA
 Check winding insulation and polarization index (IP).


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 Check tap changer position based on electrical study/protection study requirement

 Transformer ratio measurement and winding resistance measurement.
After performing the first power on, on LV side the contractor shall check:
 Correct voltage level between phases,
 Correct voltage level between phases and grounding;
 Check motor rotation direction;
 The concordance of phases with any other power sources already on service
 Full load Thermographic inspection.

The scope of this section is the description of the components and the services included in a capacitor banks
supply and to define the main technical and functional characteristics relative to design, engineering,
technical study, procurement, shipping, construction, installation, labor, testing and commissioning, start up,
training, civil and electrical work for power capacitor banks.
Inside the MV switchgear one dedicated feeder has been left available to line-up the capacitor banks.
The energy compensation will be performed by groups of capacitor bank sized of:
1 MVAR, 2 MVAR, 3 MVAR, 5 MVAR. More groups of capacitor bank (steps) will be installed in the
same plant to reach the necessary reactive power requested by grid operator.
According with the following table:

Capacitor bank: designed and manufacturer according with IEC-60871

Enclosure preference Skid or Container
Rated voltage From 12 to 38kV
Capacitor connection Double Star
23 indoor/ 44 skid outdoor enclosure/
Ingress protection code (IP) rating
54 container enclosure
Frequency 50/60Hz
Temperature -25ºC up to 55ºC
Short circuit current According with MV switchgear
Inrush reactor:
Cast resin air core
- type
>1,43 total capacitive current
- rated current
Line protection and measurement/
Current transformer, epoxy cast resin and unbalance in common neutral star
12kV/ 28-75kV BIL
17,5kV/ 38-95kV BIL
Highest Voltage equipment 24kV/ 50-125 kV BIL
36kV/ 70-170 kV BIL
38kV/ 60-160kV BIL (60Hz)
Overload 1.3 In (permanent)
Overvoltage level per 24 hours 1,1Un 12 h


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1,15Un 30min
1,20Un 5 min
1,30Un 1 min
Polypropylene film
Filler of SAS-40E or M/DBT (PCB free)
Discharge time 75V in 600sec
Dielectric losses <0,2W/kVAR
Capacitance tolerance -5 to 10%
Protection Internal fuse
Discharge resistors yes
Tank Stainless steel
Bushings Indoor Porcelain / Outdoor Composite
Installation Indoor/Outdoor

The system will consist of an incoming pannel and/or connecting power cubicle housing the primary
equipment with secondary and ancillary equipment kits. Below it is describe the main components and
system protection.

Electrical schematic: capacitor step that performs power cubicles in parallel (if necessary)

CB(DS) (*) : load synchronized switch SF6/ pre-

insertion resistor switch SF6

CT : current transformer for protection and


R : inrush reactor

ES : earthing switch

C: capacitor elements (star connection)

UCT: unbalance current transformer

(*) CB (DS) installed in capacitor bank compartment would be included if MV circuit breaker upstream is not
capable for connection and disconnection of capacitor banks.
Electrical schematic with combined protection and switchgear components, including incoming pannel

Single line diagram : protections Functional definition

50/51 => trip Circuit Breaker Feeder


50N/51N => trip Circuit Breaker

Feeder line


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59N => trip Circuit Breaker Feeder


59/27 => trip switch disconnector

step banks

51Q/51C/51NC => trip switch

disconnector step banks


- TD: discharge timer, block of
capacitor connection.
- Trip breaker coil supervision.
- Undercurrent protection (37)

Surge arresters at between MV circuit breaker and switch disconnector should be used in order to limit the
TOV (overvoltages) when switching operation.
The active and reactive control of a renewable Plant is performed by PPC (power plant controller).
The Capacitor banks can be managed with two solutions:
1) Standard solution implementing a hardwire interface with the SCU-SCADA to interchange status
alarms , trip, control feedback measures and commands.
2) Alternative Cap Banks Controller (IED), supplied by Contractor with protocols (DNP 3.0 TCP-IP, IEC
61850, MODBUS TCP-IP) compatible with SCU level architecture and input/output hardwire
interface with PPC.
In both cases, the SCU SCADA shall collect via hardwired the status of Capacitors banks.
The PPC control algorithms aimed to harmonize the combined operation of the PV inverter or Wind Turbine
and Capacitors together. These algorithms can be deployed for reactive power control and even
voltage control of the power plant, if the grid code allows the use of capacitors for such purpose.
Additionally the Capacitor Bank shall provide a control panel with Local/Remote/Out and Manual/Automatic
selectors. In the Local position, the cap banks shall manage locally and not remote control shall be allowed.
In the Manual position, the Controller shall be disabled and shall not follow reactive curve demand.
The safety and protection of capacitor banks will always be activated in any operation modes.


The manufacturer will design and supply mechanical and electrical protection systems to guarantee total
safety for people and properties.
The protection systems shall provide protection for people within a minimum perimeter of 2m far from the
panels, to be defined in any case by the supplier for country laws.
The enclosure shall be designed with door micro switches. This mechanism isolates the capacitor bank in
the event that doors are opened while the equipment is energized.
Moreover, the enclosure shall be supplied with solenoid interlocking system, including key exchange box and
time delay unit in order to avoid the access to Capacitor compartment before the discharge time and the
voltage interlock of capacitor banks, based on residual voltage: v=v0 * exp(-15min/RC).


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In case of fault the relay protections installed on board of Cap Bank shall trip opening also the breaker on
MV switchgear (if needed).
Moreover, the grounding switch/CB of MV feeder (upwards) shall be electrical and/or key interlocked with
SF6 switch/circuit breaker of Capacitor bank. This interlocking shall avoid that operator can grounded the
MV cable which lines up the Capacitor Banks.
Moreover, the voltage interlock of capacitor banks must be adjusted so that the breaker could be switch on
with a voltage in the capacitor bank below a maximum threshold calculated based on the time
constant RC of the capacitor bank, for a time equal to 15 minutes: v=v0 * exp(-15min/RC)
During the operation, MV level must be supervised by, relay protections of MV panel and capacitor banks in
order to avoid to switch on the capacitor banks under high rates of voltage that can damage during the
transient the equipment.
The active part of the capacitors shall not be toxic, rapidly biodegradable in the environment; for this reason,
no special precautionary measures are foreseen for the containment of oil leaks. Control cubicle
The control cubicle in the capacitor skid/container minimum requirements, but not limited to, are:
 Safety interlock keys: Solenoid Controlled Key Interlock, based on the discharge time and residual
voltage of capacitors.
 Relay Protections.
 Local/remote and manual/automatic selector.
 Alarm indication signals: over temperature, over pressure, fuse failure, cap bank stage On and Off,
unavailability Cap Bank Stage, unbalance Alarm and Trip, door Micro switch.
 Led Indication on the front panel: Stage On and Off, Alarm and Trip, Control voltage line, Power
voltage live.
 Push bottoms.
 Internal lights.
 Instructions for safety operation and warning signs. Protection relay

Fault tripping relays shall trip via a manual re–settable lockout relay. The lockout relay shall be mounted
on the front of the switchgear.
Lockout relays shall have a white “push to test” light to indicate a lockout relay operation/trip.
The white light shall be centered on the lockout relay handle and located above the relay.
Protective relays with appropriate CT’s and voltage/sensors shall be supplied, as indicated in the single line
The Capacitor Banks equipment installed outdoors, must be with electronic-relay automatic opening
systems. Enclosure of the MV panels or cubicles must be IP54, all protection relay shall be tropicalised type.
The relay protections mentioned above shall be installed on board of control cubicle and shall be equipped
with DNP 3.0 TCP-IP or IEC 61850. The relay protection shall be synchronized using a time server, equipped
with IRIG-B and NTP server.
Capacitor modules
The power cubicles will be equipped not limited to the following:
- Capacitors
- Inrush tuning reactors


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- HRC (High rupturing capacity) fuses

- SF6 switch with one close coil and two trip coils if required.
- Current Transformers
- Rapid discharge voltage transformers
- Discharge resistors.
- Pressure switches
- Earthing stick
- Safety interlocks
- Lighting and panel space heaters (anticondensation circuits)
- Access doors will be provided with: key interlocks and pad-locks, Lexan viewing window, warning
signs, door micro switches.
- Natural and forced ventilation equipped with sandtrap louvers and exaust fans designed for IP54
enclosure type. Capacitors
The capacitor has to be designed for heavy-duty operation. The capacitors are impregnated with
biodegradable, non PCB fluid with high insulation strength to ensure electrical performance. The
capacitor has to be designed with very low dielectric losses, low partial discharge, in order to extended the
life time.
The capacitors shall be connected in a Y-Y configuration and manufactured in accordance with IEC 60871. Metal enclosure
All power modules will be enclosed constructed with AA-grade corrosion resistant Aluminum mounted on a
hot-dipped galvanized base frame or stainless steel.
Design will avoid the risk of eddy currents formed by closed magnetic loops, by using aluminum and stainless
Under fault conditions, the enclosure shall be designed to exhaust hot gases safely outside the capacitor
bank enclosure.
The enclosure shall be designed and tested with a ventilation system up to IP54 or NEMA 3S . The design
shall incorporates natural convection or forced air cooling according to the site environmental conditions.
The enclosure shall be designed with anti-condensation heaters to assist in controlling the effects of
fluctuating ambient temperatures and humidity.
The enclosure shall have a mechanical/solenoid interlocking scheme. This eliminates the possibility of
personel access when equipment energized.
The roof is sloped from front to rear with a minimum 2” drop or higher depends on environmental
conditions. The angled roof and eaves.
The hinges of the doors shall be three-point type, removable and stainless steel made. Is not accepted the
use of plastic materials for door hinges. One Discharge Rod capacitor banks to be provided.
Surface treatment of enclosure shall be adequate at environmental conditions. Powder-coat finish, color
The method of cable entry is from the bottom of the enclosure for all MV and LV cable connections.
Tinned cooper earth bar running through complete enclosure. Auxiliar equipment and accessories
The electrical panel must be equipped with all the protection, measuring, and signaling equipment specified
and necessary for its operation.


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All signal, command, status, measure, alarm must be suitable for interfaced with the RTU/SCADA.
The low-voltage electrical equipment must be installed in the LV compartment/cubicle (if it is present). Each
electrical equipment must be identified by an electrical designation corresponding to that specified on the
respective wiring diagrams, in conformity with the standards IEC 60750 or NEMA. Wiring and auxiliary circuits
All the auxiliary signalling and control circuits must be built with black fire retardant conductors type,
having a cross-section of 1.5 mm2 (except for the switch for whose auxiliary circuits a cross- section
of 1 mm2 is allowed).
The current circuits must be built with conductors having specifications similar to those mentioned above,
but with a cross section of 2.5 mm2.
Bicolor yellow and green cables must be used for the protection wires, which have to be produced in
conformity with the standard IEC 60446.
All the auxiliary circuits that pass through medium-voltage zones must be protected with adequately
grounded metal piping.
All the wires of the circuits of the equipment contained on the electric panel must lead to the numbered
modular terminal boards.
The terminal boards for the connections of the cables outside the electrical panel must be sized so as to
allow the attachment of only one wire to each terminal. Painting
During the proposal phase the manufacturer must indicate its standard painting process. In any case, an
epoxy powder painting process is preferred. The supplier must be guaranteed the painting for 10 years.
6.5.4. TESTS Commissioning
The contractor shall carry out at least the following activities:
 Check the labeling
 Check the phases identification
 Check the earthing connections
 Check the terminals
 Check explosion protection system (overpressure, overtemperature)
 Insulation Test
 Measure resistor and capacitor values and check the consistency with nameplate
 Inspections and checks of all HV/MV equipment (breackers, disconnector, CT, CV if present)
 Test of protection relays (if present)

Medium Voltage cables will be:
 Multicore type armoured or not armoured;
 Three single cable twisted type armoured or not armoured;
 Single-core cable screened.
Main cables ratings according with the following table:


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Rated Voltage service kV 10- 12- 15 20 30 33 34,5

Rated Voltage Uo /U kV 8,7/15 12/20 18/30 20/34,5
Highest Voltage (system) Um kV 18 24 36 36 38
Frequency f Hz 50 50 50 50 60
Max. Conductor operating
°C 90 90 90 90 90
Max. Conductor short circuit
°C 250 250 250 250 250

The cables shall be in accordance to standard IEC 60502-2. The cables shall be “fire retardant” type
according, to IEC 60332-3 category “C” or IEC 60332-2 category “A”, low emission of toxic and corrosive
fumes according to IEC 61034 or halogen free according to IEC 60754.
Cables shall be mineral oil resistant, water resistant (including occasional immersion sea water), sun
radiation resistance (light, heat, ozone) oxygen resistant, bases and acids (splashes) resistant according to
STD 60502-2.
Marking codes shall be applied throughout the length of the cable by embossing the outer sheath with the
following information:
 Manufacturer
 Rated voltage
 Number of conductor and cross section
 Design standards and Fire resistant standards
 Identification code
 Year of manufacturing
The ends of the cable on reel shall be hermetically sealed by a heat shrinkable cap against moisture, dirt or
insects penetration.
The cables shall be in in compliance to following main technical characteristics:
 Conductor: plain annealed stranded copper conductor or plain stranded aluminium conductor
according to IEC 60228 class 2
 Inner semi-conducting layer: semi-conducting tape or layer of extruded semi-conducting
compound, located between conductor and insulation, according to IEC 60502-2 Standard.
 Insulation: hard grade ethylene propylene rubber compound (HEPR) or in alternative cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) according to IEC 60502-2 Standard.
 External semi-conducting layer: semi-conducting tape or layer of extruded semi-conducting
compound, located on insulation, according to IEC 60502-2 Standard.
 Screen: In single core cables, the metallic screen consists of helical plain copper wires and wrapped
on copper tape. In three-core cables, screen consists of plain copper tapes applied on each core.
The screen shall be suitable to withstand the ground fault current of 500A x 1 sec (max electrical
resistance 3Ω/km).
 Filler (only for Multicores cables): the three insulated cores shall be laid up with non-hygroscopic
fillers extruded compound. The fillers material shall be suitable to allow a continuous operation of
the cable conductor temperature of 90°C.
 Armouring (if required): The armouring shall be metallic and will consist in a double galvanized steel
tapes. In case of single-core cables armouring shall be of nonmagnetic material.
 Sheath: the over-sheath shall consist of a special thermoplastic compound (PVC) according to IEC


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60502-2 or, if required in, the over-sheat shall be made of thermoplastic compound halogen free.The
PVC compound shall be fire retardant (according to IEC 60332-3-24) and low emission of toxic and
corrosive fumes (according to IEC 61034-2). The amount of halogen acid gas evolved during
combustion of PVC material shall be less than 15%, using test stated on IEC 61034-2.
The colour required of the sheath is red.

6.6.3. TESTS
All the routine and sample tests of the IEC 60502-2 standard shall be performed at workshop and in particular:
 High Voltage Test (routine tests): each drum length or coil of completed cable shall be tested in
accordance with the relevant IEC recommendations.
 Conductor resistance (routine tests): the resistance of the conductors shall be measured in
accordance with relevant IEC recommendations.
 Insulation, bedding and sheath: the insulation, bedding and sheath shall be tested in accordance
with relevant IEC recommendations.
 Measurements of thickness and Weights: one metre length cable shall be cut from every 10 drums
of finished cable, examined in detail and the following measurements and weights taken.
 Thickness of insulation
 Thickness of semiconductor insulating layers and copper shielding tape.
 Thickness of PVC sheath
 Weight of bedding
 Weight of copper conductor. Commissioning tests
For each cable according to design documents the contractor shall verify:
- Cable characteristics type
- Identification of circuits and their conformity with design documents;
- Absence of mechanical damage, overheating and/or short circuiting;
- Check point to point each core to confirm the right cable connection.
- Cable oversheath (jacket) test (hi pot)
- Continuity and resistance armour test (metal tape or metal wire)
- Insulation tests on MV cables methods: OWTS (preferent), VLF or Resonant equipment.
Insulation test shall be performed mandatory one core at time and offline Partial Discharge Test OPDT on
100% of cables shall be performed by the contractor.
The contractor shall share the test procedure, settings, expected results, threshold PD values and the highest
voltage value that is suitable to apply between core conductor and screen, etc. with before starting any test
The graph shown below suggests a common test procedure for OFFLINE PD tests. The time up to and while
energized at 1.0 U0 is not important as this is at or below normal operating voltage.


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Any PD detected at or below nominal voltage, 1.0 U0 is an automatic failure and the test shall be terminated
at that point until the problem is found and corrected.
Step durations above nominal operating voltage shall be approximately 15 seconds each, so that the time
that the cable is subjected to stressed conditions for more or less 1 minute. The response of the cable system
shall be monitored as the voltage stress is gradually increased from zero to the highest transient voltage
which may be experienced by the cable system in its particular environment. Any significant defect must be
revealed during this short test power application.
U0 is the rated power frequency voltage between conductor and earth or metallic screen for which the cable
has been designed by Manufacturer.
The table shown below provides threshold values for each component of the cable line; i.e. no PD should be
observable above the sensitivity threshold up to the voltage threshold.
The standards, testing frequency and thresholds sensitivity voltage that shall be followed are showed below:
Table 1.– PD Tolerance Levels for MV Cables

Component Thresholds
PD Sensitivity (pC) Applied Voltage
MV extruded cables No PD >5 (*)
Terminations IEEE 48 No PD >5 ≤ 1,5 U0
Separable connectors IEEE 386 No PD >3 ≤ 1,3 U0
Joints IEEE 404 No PD >3 ≤ 1,5 U0
(*)MV extruded cables should not be tested to their limits. The following table
provides the maximum effective value of the applied test voltage V both for IEC and for ICEA cable rated
Table 3.– Maximum effective value of the applied test voltage

IEC 60502-2 ICEA S-97-682 Vmax (kV)

U0/U (kV) U (kV)
3,6/6 and 6/10 5 2,5 U0
8,7/15 15 2,5 U0
12/20 25 2,25 U0
18/30 and 19/33 35 2 U0


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Portable PD test equipment can be used. The PD diagnostic system should offer at least:
 synchronous data recording;
 wideband (20 - 300 MHz);
 Multi-channel data acquisition;
 Equipped with data acquisition software which enables automatic separation of PD pulses from
electromagnetic noise;
 Capacity to perform analysis with the use of relevant software both in-field or in the office.


The installation work needed to be performed, should comply with all the safety instruction provided with
Global instruction and local condition. Anyway, before to proceed with anyone activity, the contractor need
to provide to client all the safety documentation (a.e. induction, safety tools, Risk Assessment, Method
statements, exc).
The electromechanical works, concern all MV equipment, will include, but not limited to:

 Delivery and installation of all support material in order to perform the correct installation of MV
 Handled and assembly according to supplier instructions respecting lifting points and taking all
necessary precautions in order to not damage the equipments
 Installation in the correct position as per approved (issued for construction) drawings;
 Execution of all electrical and mechanical connections
 Grounding for all MV equipment to earthing system
 Execution of all test after installation as per SAT schedule

The installation must be carried out in accordance with the supplier provisions regarding handling, assembly
and tests after installation.
MV switchgear disposition inside the building will be performed as per IFC drawings and it will be fit over the
MV trench cable aligned vertically and horizontally.
The installation must be performed by specialist technician in order to guarantee the quality of the all electrical
After the mechanical installation the MV switchgear must be:
- perfect alignment;
- all the frontal panel must be opened without any problem in order to permit the access to the electrical
terminal block for perform the secondary electrical connection
- All the hand tools must be present inside the building and installed in a position agreed with the client
- All the switchgear module must be labeled
- Moreover the tests scheduled for the MV switchgear after installation, the following test must be
performed: a) Open/close earthing disconnector b) Open/Close disconnector and/or circuit breaker
Special attention must be paid during the MV cable connection to the switchgear: the MV cable need to be


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positioned in order to avoid any mechanical stress to the MV terminal plug.

6.7.2. MV CABLES Laying
Laying operations must be carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions of the IEC and the
Manufacturer in this regard, particularly with regard to bending radius, temperatures during the laying of the
cable and the mutual spacing at the end of the heat dissipation. The laying of cables in tunnels, on bridges,
profiles or pipes must be carried out on order to avoid intersections and overlaps.
The laying of the cables will include cutting, shaping , polishing and installation of conductors, considering
 supply and installation of any collars for fixing.
 supply and installation of any brackets or metal profiles support
 accessories for uphill
 removal and re- roofing of the tunnels and shelters or metal panels of MV compartments in
general and the supply and installation of various materials for fixing cables path prepared (
clamps , ties , spirals , rings in galvanized steel , etc. . )
 Cable joints is not permitted.
After the cable lying:
 all pipes/ducts must be adequately sealed with approved material (a.e. by injecting polyurethane
 The both end cable must be sealed with isolated tape.
 The cables must be marked with phase identification. Termination
The termination must be done by specialized technician, respecting the manual instruction provided by the
supplier and use the correct tools specified.
During the execution, the place need to be clean in order to avoid dust that can be prejudice the correct
realization. Special attention need during the outdoor termination in order to keep clean the work area and
avoid dust during execution.
All MV termination for switchgear connection need the cable shield grounded to the earthing by a flexible
tinned copper braid connected with lug nuts to the metal structure or grouding copper plate inside the
The outdoor termination must have the lug with the head sealed (not pressed) and without inspection hole to
prevent moisture penetration in the cable. Inspections
All cables after their laydown and their jointing and termination, shall be verified performing the checks listed
below at least:
 Conformity of the cable duct to the executive design (deep excavations, interference, materials,
accessories used, etc.);
 Correct execution of terminals;
 Checking that screen insulation connections have been carried out correctly.


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 Characteristics of cable terminals according to design documents;

 Correctness of the connection (check point to point right cable laying);
 Check phase sequence correspondence;


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Other product-specific normative references are given in the text next to the mentioned component.
Norm Description
LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Type-tested and partially type-
1 IEC 61439-1
tested assemblies
2 IEC 61439-2 LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 2: Power Switchboard.
3 EN 60947-2 Apparecchiature a bassa tensione – Parte 2 Interruttori automatici.
Apparecchiature a bassa tensione – Parte 3 – Interruttori di manovra,
4 EN 60947-3 sezionatori, interruttori di manovra-sezionatori e unità combinate con
5 IEC 61869-1 Instrument transformers – Part. 1 General requirements
Instrument transformers – Part. 2 Additional requirements for Current
6 IEC 61869-2
Instrument transformers – Part. 3 Additional requirements for Voltage
7 IEC 61869-3
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current
8 ISO 8528-1
generating sets - Parts 1÷12
Reciprocating internal combustion engines -- Performance Declarations of
9 UNI ISO 3046 power, fuel and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods - Additional
requirements for engines for general use
10 IEC 60034-1 Rotating electrical machines. Part 1: Rating and performance
AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven
11 IEC 60034-22
generating sets
Test code for measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical
12 ISO R 1680
13 EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP Code)
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment
14 IEC 62262
against external mechanical impacts (IK code) – valid only for outdoor type
Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated
15 IEC 60146-1-1
converters - Part 1-1: Specification of basic requirements
Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated
16 IEC 60146-1-2
converters - Part 1-2: Application guidelines
Semiconductor converters - Part 2: Self-commutated semiconductor
17 IEC 60146-2
converters including direct dc converters
Stationary lead-acid batteries - General requirements and methods of test.
18 IEC 60896-1
Part 1: Vented types
19 IEEE 485 Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
20 IEC 60076-11 Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type transformers
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards -
21 IEC 61000-6-2
Immunity standard for industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards -
22 IEC 61000-6-4
Emission standard for industrial environments
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic
23 IEC 62040-2
compatibility (EMC) requirements
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of specifying the
24 IEC 62040-3
performance and test requirements

This section describes all the LV main equipment for HV substations project annexed to renewable power
All parts, accessories, expenses and obligations necessary for the supply are into Contractor’s responsibility,
including those not explicitly mentioned herein, but indispensable for the proper operation.
LV equipment has always installed indoor in a room equipped by suitable ventilation system and the design
standard characteristic conditions are the following.


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Temperature ambient range -25°C ÷ 40ºC

Thermal class of the cabin ≤5K
Maximum/minimum temperature indoor installation 0°C÷45ºC
Maximum 24 h average temperature 35ºC
Maximum relative humidity
 for 1 hour 90%
 for 24 hours 95%
≤1000m asl with derating factors
according to std
LV auxiliary power supply system will be categorized into normal power supply and emergency power supply.
 AC normal power supply feeds the non-essential loads which can be allowed to be subject to
interruptions also if prolonged.
 AC emergency power supply feeds the essential loads. Essential loads are divided into further
subgroups, those continuously available without any interruption and those which have to be always
available however accepting a limited and temporary interruption (voltage dips).
The essential ones, continuously available, will be distributed in two voltage type and levels: AC
uninterruptible and DC.
Therefore, LV auxiliary power supply will be divided into the following power categories:
 1_AC normal (non-essential loads)
 2_AC emergency (essential loads); supported by emergency diesel generator, the following
subsystems are also included:
- 2-1_DC uninterrupted; supported by AC/DC rectifiers and batteries.
- 2-2_AC uninterrupted; stabilized and galvanic-filtered by DC/AC inverters and static bypass
transfer system.
Main electrical characteristics are as follows:

AC normal power supply

Type three and single phase
Voltage rating (Um) 400/230 V
±10% with voltage transients up to
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage
75%-10s of the rated value
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Maximum short-circuit current to be defined
Neutral accessible and distributed
Grounding system: earthed connected
AC emergency power supply
Type three and single phase
Voltage rating (Um) 400/230 V
±10% with voltage transients up to
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage
75%-10s of the rated value
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Maximum short-circuit current to be defined
Neutral accessible and distributed
Grounding system: Connected or by high impedance
AC uninterrupted
Type single phase
Voltage rating (Um) 230 V
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage ±3%
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Maximum short-circuit current limited to 110% Ir


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Neutral accessible and distributed

Grounding system earthed isolated
DC uninterrupted
Type P-N (positive – negative)
Voltage rating (Um) 125 V (others can be used)
Maximum fluctuation of the voltage -15%; +10%
Maximum short-circuit current to be defined
Grounding system earthed isolated

LV auxiliary power supply systems shall be designed for the permitted voltage fluctuation range indicated in
the table above and suitable power capacity which is required by the equipment for control and auxiliary

Neutral connection will be directly earthed and distributed for single phase loads, residual current circuit
breakers protection, will only be applied to not pertinent loads/consumers that will not affect to the operation
and functionality of the Substation.

In all power loads the impedance of the current loop in case of single phase to earth failure will be very low
in order to guarantee both: (1) the disconnection of the single circuits in failure by overcurrent detection of
the circuit breakers/fuses with selective and clearance times of miliseconds and (2) the result of the loop
resistance and short circuit current will not provide hazardous voltages to workers and public personnel in
the facilities.

AC normal auxiliary power supply is powered, depending on the complexity of the Substation, by a maximum
of n. 2 TSAs transformers managed with an automatic change over system in the event of one of the two
being out of service.

AC emergency auxiliary power supply is powered, in normal operating conditions, by AC normal auxiliary
power supply while in emergency conditions it is automatically switched under the emergency diesel
generator set (DG Set).


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A general SLD for the LV system is attached below, other configurations is also permitted, requested in Enel


As already mentioned above, the LV SWB shall be formed by the composition of the following main sections
segregated from each other:
 AC normal power supply


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 AC emergency power supply

 Uninterruptible AC power supply
The DC power supply distribution board is inclusive in DC system, and would be installed when possible in
the same frame panel board with the distribution of the Uninterruptible AC power supply, both systems will
be provided by the same manufacturer
The components of the LV SWB must be adapted to the input short-circuit current defined in detail with short
circuit calculation reports.
General parameters Values as per IEC
Reference standard IEC 61439
Rated voltages (Ur) 400Vac 230Vac 125Vdc
Insulation voltages (Ui) 690V 690V 690V
Power frequency withstand voltage (Ud) 2500V 2500V 2500V
Rated current to be defined
Rated current of bus bars to be defined
Rated short - time withstand current 10 kA ÷ 20 kA
Rated peak withstand current 25 kA ÷ 50 kA
Rated duration of short circuit 1s
Protection degree ≥ IP42
Internal protection degree ≥ IP21
Segregation form for incoming circuit breaker 3b
Segregation form for distribution circuit breaker compartment 2b Automatic transfer switch (ATS)

AC normal power supply section must be equipped with an Automatic Transfer Switch system (ATS).
This system shall be an automatic switching mechanism that transfers the consumer loads to another power
source in the case of power failure in the mains supply. When power has been restored to the mains supply,
the return back shall be not automatically.
It shall be possible to select the main power supply from the two available sources.
The system must allow the following two operating modes:
 Open transition:

Open transition function shall always be preferentially active and prevalent over the other. During normal
operation the system will have to continuously monitor the voltages of the two power sources and in case
of minimum voltage of the main power supply it will automatically transfer the load under the reserve one.
Furthermore, the blocking of the switching function from an external signal must be available (MV
transformer feeder protection).
 Closed transition

Close transition function shall be operational only in manual mode at the request of the operator and will
be used to transfer AC normal power supply of the LV SWB from one source to another without
The functionality of the system shall be the following:
 Manual mode: Transfer initiation and operation are performed manually, typically by pushing a


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button locally
 Automatic mode: Transfer switch controller is self-acting and completely manages both initiation
and operation. Initiation is triggered when the automatic controller senses an unavailability or loss
of source power followed by operation of the switching mechanism. Automatic Emergency Transfer Switch (AETS)
AC emergency power supply section must be equipped with an Automatic Emergency Transfer Switch
system (AETS).
This system shall be an automatic switching that transfers the emergency loads between normal power
supply and emergency power source powered from Diesel Generator Set (DG Set).
When there is no voltage on the AC emergency busbar (<V on LV SWB- Emergency section), the DG Set
will be started.
DG Set control logic determines the start of the generator set and with the unit running, machine circuit
breaker is closed. This maneuver shall be performed only if the incoming circuit breaker from DG Set is open.
AETS will command the opening of the bus-coupling and the closing of the incoming from DG Set. In this
case an open transition is a break-before-make transfer. The transfer switch breaks its connection to one
power source before making a connection to the other. Open transitions include open-delayed and open in-

In the picture the Source 1 is AC normal power supply and source 2 is DG set power supply.
The return to normal conditions will be possible in automatic mode (for tests) after voltage in normal power
supply is recovered between nominal voltage range (Source 1). A delay of at least 2 minutes can be
configured in the re-connection to the normal supply (Source 1) and disconnection of the DG Set (Source 2).
Once the backwards transfer is successfully completed the DG Set will be stopped and ready for the next
sequence of start-up.
The switchboards must be of the prefabricated type, for installation self-supporting, composed of
independent, standardized and modular type compartments, with the possibility to extend without having to
make any particular adaptations. Therefore shall be available for installation, inspection and maintenance
only from the front, however all equipment mounted inside the LV SWB shall be readily accessible and
facilitate the replacement without disassembly of adjacent elements are not affected.
The switchboards must be sufficiently solid and rigid to guarantee their correct operation immediately after
commissioning without any further need for leveling and settings by the supplier.
The structure of the switchboard must be made with uprights in profiled steel and closing panels in galvanized
sheet steel with a nominal thickness of not less than 20/10.
LV SWB design must ensure a safe and effective dissipation of the heat produced by equipment, without a
significant performance degradation. The heat dissipation shall be in natural ventilation.
For each section at least 10% of the spare and empty space must be provided for future insertions without
On each AC emergency section and AC uninterrupted section have to be installed an earth fault protection
devices with auxiliary contacts for alarms. Segregation requirements
LV SWB must meet the following segregation requirements:


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 The switchboard construction form shall be 3b considering the following component assemblies as
functional units:
 incoming sections
 The individual compartments must be made so that they can be divided into the following areas,
segregated from each other:
 main and branch bus-bar area;
 cabling area, for the passage of power and control cables going out of the switchboard, of
adequate dimensions for cables to be easily connected to the terminals, complete with brackets
to support the cables;
 cabling area, for the filed bus cables, suitably segregated from the power and control cable zones,
in order to avoid electromagnetic interference;
 Cubicle switches powered from the same section (This means that within each of the aforementioned
sections, except for the incoming circuit breakers, no segregation is required between the various
functional units making up the section itself, for example; between the various distribution circuit
breakers). Therefore distributions outgoing sections can be 2b segregation form.

The segregation of the above-mentioned areas and compartments shall be made so as to ensure that any
short circuits in one zone or in one compartment reduce damage to the adjacent compartments and to the
adjacent areas.
The switchboard incoming cables shall be connected to an appropriate cable termination compartment,
segregated from the other compartments, containing the bus-bars connected to the incoming circuit breaker
of the LV SWB. Circuit breakers
The users of each LV SWB shall be individually protected against short-circuit and overload by means of
magnetothermic, magnetic and/or differential magnetothermic circuit breakers. Fuse protections are allowed
only on the auxiliary circuits.
AC normal and emergency section
Incoming circuit breakers:
 Type four-pole, molded-case
 Protection type adjustable thermal, fixed magnetic
 Command type motorized
 Accessories aux contacts (position and trip),
mechanical interlock

Distribution outgoings circuit breakers:

 Type >63A moulded-case; ≤63A modular
 Protection type magnetothermic; magnetotermic+differential
 Command type manual
 Accesories aux contacts (position and trip)

AC uninterrupted section
Incoming and Bus-coupling circuit breakers:
 Type two-pole, moulded-case
 Protection type adjustable thermal, fixed magnetic
 Command type manual
 Accessories aux contacts (position and trip),
mechanical interlock

Distribution outgoings circuit breakers:

 Type >63A moulded-case; ≤63A modular
 Protection type Magnetothermic; magnetotermic+differential
 Command type manual
 Accessories aux contacts (position and trip)

The front part of the switchboard will be made up of modular panels provided with slots around the circuit-
breakers installed so as to guarantee the operation of all the circuit-breakers directly from the front without
access to energized parts closer to the switch elements to be maneuvered.


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Inside the switchboard, a copper plate earth bar must be provided in compliance with the provisions of the
EN 61439-1 Standard for the connection to earth of all the metal parts of the switchboard and for the
connection of the protective conductors from the metal housings of all installed equipment.
At the ends of the switchboard earth bar, suitable internal and external connections must be provided for the
connection of LV SWB to the general earth rod.
The doors must be connected to LV SWB structure with a flexible copper rope with a section of not less than
6mmq: through holes from the perimeter sheets are not allowed for the connection of said rope. Measuring instruments
The measuring instruments and signaling lamps will be mounted as far as possible on the front panels.
The voltage presence circuits, made up of a voltmeter with its voltmeter fuse on the three phases, shall be
provided upstream of each incoming line.
The voltmeters will be connected directly or through voltage transformers with a nominal secondary voltage
≤100V and with fuse on the three phases.
As regards the measuring transformers, the polarity of the terminals of the primary and secondary windings
must be clearly distinguished.
The fiscal measurement groups for the calculation of the active power will have the direct insertion voltmeter
and the indirect insertion ammeter by means of CT current transformers.
The measuring groups must be of the digital type with an eight-digit luminous display, the last of which is
dedicated to indicating decimal values, with accuracy class B, complete with sealable terminal blocks.
On the front panel, each appliance will be marked with indicator plates that identify its service according to
the provisions of the executive project documents drawn up by the supplier. Auxiliary equipment
LV SWB must be equipped with anti-condensation heater, suitable for continuous operation and with IP20
mechanical protection degree against accidental contact with live or hot parts. The resistance must be
controlled by a thermostat with a bimetallic sensitive element and adjustable in the range from 0 to 60°C and
protected by an automatic switch. Labelling and Data Plates
Labels must be in formic and fixed with long-lasting glue. Label must be self-cleaning type e.g. the text must
be indelible and background must preserve the original color for the entire life of LV SWB.
All electrical and electronic components must be identified by code identification plates. The code
identification shall be the same as on the drawings.
All key interlocks procedures shall be detailed for each cubicle in a dedicated label, fixed to the cubicle in a
visible position. Wirings
LV wirings must consist of with single core cable with thermoplastic insulation, halogen-free and self-
extinguishable, plain copper flexible wire (class 5), having nominal voltage U0/U=450/750 V and 70 °C of
maximum operating temperature.
Core conductor cross section must be as minimum:
 Current circuits: 2,5 mm2
 Voltage circuits: 1,5 mm2
 Earthing: 2,5 mm2
 CTs and VTs fiscal energy measurement circuits: 6 mm2
 Other circuits: 1,5 mm2
Earthing wiring must have yellow green colour or a different one imposed by local standard.
Wiring marking must be printed indicating start and end point with text in black. Cable terminal must be end
sleeve type.


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7.3.3. TESTS
LV SWB must be tested in compliance with IEC 61439-1 and 61439-2. Type tests
It being understood that LV SWB must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied LV SWB and any
its component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC standard.
The Supplier must deliver the test certificates corresponding to the “standardized series production”. Factory Acceptance Tests
LV SWB must be always submitted to routine tests as per chapter 11 of IEC 61439-1.
The following routine test must be provided:
 Power-frequency withstand test
 Degree of protection of enclosures
 Clearances and creepage distances
 Protection against electric shock and integrity of protective circuits
 Incorporation of built-in components
 Internal electrical circuits and connections
 Terminals for external conductors
 Mechanical operation
 Funtional tests. Commissioning tests

The Contractor is requested to perform at least the following inspections on LV panels before the first
 Dimensional checks and position of each panel;
 Leveling and anchoring: control of the perfect leveling of the bases of all the panels and the proper
bolts tightening of the panel to the floor and between them;
 Check compliance with the single line diagram of the panel of main busbar system, junction bars, all
electrical equipment.
 Check the correct tightening of all bolts at the joints with a torque wrench, to the value indicated by
the instructions manual,
 Check of the proper connection to the grounding system of the grounding bar (minimum two on
lateral sides, normally minimum 95mm2);
 External integrity check of insulators, apparatus, and insulating diaphragms;
 Check the consistency of nameplate data of all equipment with the indications written on drawings;
 Check absence of foreign components (Tools, Waste materials, Foreign objects, Insects, Excessive
dust accumulation)
Mechanical tests
 Check of the mechanical functionality of all mechanical locks and key locks;
 Check of the mechanical functionality of each breaker by executing, for each of them, a series of
opening and closing commands by acting on the mechanical commands in front of them;
Insulation tests
 Insulation resistance measurement with megger in dc voltage, to be performed between both phases
and between phases and the ground bar; the test has to be performed with all breakers and
disconnectors closed, no power cable connected.
Functional tests
 Check of the the a.c. power supplies input (Value and phase rotation);


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 Execution of the opening and closing maneuvers of breakers and disconnectors, to be performed
locally (by local) and by distance ;
 Check of all electrical and mechanical interlocks (if any);
 Check of all remote commands (if any);
 Check of the correct position of the auxiliary contacts in all positions of the main maneuvering
 Check of Alarms operation;
 Check settings of all protections installed, overload and short circuit.
 Verify Automatic Transfer Switch settings and operation of control devices, set all relays and timers
if not already setted, perform manual and automatic transfer tests, verify correct operation and timing.
 The contractor shall also verify all commands and signals consequent to the trip of each protection
toward relevant SCADAs.


Parameters Required
Reference standard ISO 8528-1
Prime rated power (PRP) to be defined
Continuous operating power (COP) to be defined
Performance class [ISO 8528-1] G2
Type of service Continuous (DIN6271 and ISO3046)
Overload +10% (1h each 12h)
Rated speed 1500 rpm
Overspeed 110%
Start-up time 10 s
Vibrations Table C-Value 1 of ISO 8528-9
Noise 80dB
Autonomy 8h
Reference standard IEC 60034-1 and IEC 60034-22
Protection degree IP41
Rated power as supplier sizing calculation
Rated voltage 400-230 V
Rated frequency 50 or 60Hz
Power factor 0.8 lagging
Rating class S1
Insulation class: stator/rotor H/H
Temperature rise 100% Pn (40°C) Class H – 100°C
Temperature rise 110% Pn (overload) Class H +5°C – 105°C
Short circuit withstand [IEC 60034-1] 3 sec
Parallel opposition withstand 1.05Vn with Pcc=15MVA
Unbalanced load current According to IEC 60034-22
Excitation system Brushless type
Voltage regulation accuracy ±1%
Voltage type of regulation Manual and Automatic
Maximum voltage drop 15%
Voltage recovery time to 90%Ur 1s
Type 4 cycle stroke turbocharge diesel
engine with direct injection
Reference for speed regulator UNI ISO 3046


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Speed regulator class A

Speed regulation ±1%
Speed controller tollerance ±0.25%
Speed dynamic regulation range ±10%
Coupling joint type elastic semi rigid type
Auxiliary battery 24V – 12el sealed
DG Set shall be suitable to feed of the emergency loads of HV Sub Station and shall satisfy the rules of
standards and laws in force in the country of installation.
DG set shall be designed for the loads indicated in the loads pick-up table which will be completed in advance
by the supplier and submitted for approval by ENEL GPG.
The standard ISO 8528 “Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine Driven Alternating Current Generating
Sets” shall be taken as reference for definitions and performance.
DG set will be provided with a fuel tank which capacity must guarantee at least 8 hours of autonomy for
running at full load.
The DG sets may be installed in open air with a suitable self-supporting sound proof container included of
the electrical control and protection panel. If the start sequence is not successful due to any failure or
malfunctioning, a critical alarm must be sent to the SCADA. The DG set should be capable up to three
consecutive stat-ups, in case of not successful connection after this sequence the equipment will send
internal failure signal to the remote control system.
Diesel Generator will be started periodically for test running in steady state idling conditions and temperature.
The generator must have the windings star point grounded by high impedance to be kept in service with a
single phase ground fault. The low voltage protection of busbars panelboard shall be not trip in case of single
earth failure. Rated power
The DG Set rated power (Prime Rated Power according ISO 8528-1) will be defined in the sizing calculation
report provided by Supplier.
The rated power considered by the DG-set (in continuous service) must be able to supply the active power
absorbed by the substation auxiliaries in the environmental conditions specified in this TS. Load pick-up
The DG set will be kept in stand-by mode ready to start automatically in case of loss of AC power (≤80%Vn)
on the LV AC normal supply section. The DGE set shall be able to start and stop automatically and manually.
Start commands will come from remote and local panels.
The DG set shall be able:
 to keep the loads pick-up according the most severe conditions of load steps clearly identified in the
loads pick up table. Loads of first step shall be fed immediately at the return of voltage at the
emergency bus bar. The loads of following steps will be fed with the delay indicated in the load profile
table of the project.
 Transient stability performance for load steps not lower than 70% of maximum power as follows:
o Max frequency variation with the highest load step less than 10%
o Recovery time to 98% of frequency in less than 2 sec
o Maximum voltage variation at generator terminals when sudden load step
arises, lower than 10%.
o Recovery time to 95% of rated voltage in less than 2 sec
o Max voltage level when load shedding, less than 10% of rated voltage
o Recovery time to rated voltage in less than 2 sec Network connection system
With the pre-settings in the “AUTO” position, start-up and network connection of the sets must be completely
automatic when triggered by the no-voltage signal on the 400V AC power emergency distribution section.
Disconnection of the DG Set from the network and its shutdown, upon automatic command from AETS or


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protection tripping, must take place via automatic sequences.

With the pre-settings in the “MANUAL” position, it shall be possible to carry out start-up and shutdown
operations of diesel-generator set and the breakers operation being the protection and supervision systems
always active. Battery and rectifier
The battery for command and control will be of 12 lead elements for automotive maintenance free type. In
out of service condition the battery will be kept under charge by e stabilized rectifier within ±1%Vn. Each
rectifier will be designed to supply loads continuously and for contemporary automatic battery charger. The
rectifier shall be provided with current limiter equipment. Auxiliary DC emergency power supply
A 230Vac/125Vdc converter bridge shall be supplied and installed in the auxiliary panel for the emergency
power supply of the auxiliary circuit of control and protection of the equipment necessary for the automatic
transfer of the electrical supplies during the emergency.
The sizing of the converter bridge must be performed with an adequate margin to the absorption peaks that
could occur during the switching phase. Electrical protection
The protections that are essential to prevent the DG Set damage shall be trip the block relay to shut off the
motor. All contingencies that allow the DG set performance, even though in exceptional condition, shall give
only alarm signals. All command, alarm and measuring circuits shall be supplied by the DG Set battery. The
generator electrical protections and settings suggested are specified in the following table:

Protection Suggest SET Alarm Stop Trip

50-52G 5*In; t=ist X
51 1.1*In; t=0.5 s X X
87G 0.2*In; K=50% X
64S 0.1*Vo; t=0.5 s X X
27 (II liv) 0.5*Vn; t=2 s X
27 (I liv) 0.8*Vn; t=0.5 s X X
59 1.2*Vn; t=5 s X
81/O (II liv) 60 Hz; t=5 s X
81/O (I liv) 50.3 Hz; t=ist X X
81/U (II liv) 40 Hz; t=5 s X
81/U (I liv) 49.7 Hz; t=ist X X
32 0.1 Pn; t=5 s X

The soundproof container will be self-supporting type for outdoor use suitable for containing all diesel
generator equipment, except for the fuel tank and the gas exhaust system.
The DG Set shall be mounted on a steel frame inside the container of adequately rigid construction to ensure
perfect alignment of the coupling in order to reduce to a minimum the need to assembly components on site.
The basement will be provided with at least 4 eyebolts designed for the total weight.
Suitable elastic, anti-vibration supports must be provided, to prevent vibrations being transmitted to the
container and the surrounding structures of both the diesel engine and the alternator.
At least two outward-opening doors shall assure access to the inside of the container.
The container must be made of insulation material fire retardant class 0 steel sheet covered completed with
all accessories necessary for service.
The motor heat exchanger cooling fan will provide the container ventilation. Air intake and discharging
openings shall be provided with gravity type shutters sized for the necessary air cooling flow with doors
completely closed.


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The engine will be a four-stroke DIESEL type, a standard produced model of automotive, with water cooling,
direct injection, forced lubrication, complete with manual oil drain pump. The power will be downgraded
according to the environmental conditions according to DIN standards 6270 curve "A".
The auxiliaries must be driven directly by the engine and installed on the same framework of the DG Set.
Electrical auxiliaries that function with the machine switched off will be powered by external AC normal
supply. Starter system
The system shall be made with n.2 electrical start motor and must be able to ensure the immediate starting
of the DG Set when cold at minimum ambient temperature of -10 °C but with the preheating and prelube
system on. The staring system shall be designed to run the motor shaft at 130% of the auto-firing speed for
20 sec and to allow at least 3 starting attempts. Lubricating system
The pressurized lubricating system must be made with one volumetric gear pumps driven directly by the
engine. Multiple filters shall be provided with replaceable micro filter cartridges and magnetic plugs, safety
valves and oil-pressure regulator valves. An heat exchanger oil/water on the lube oil circuit will be applied for
oil cooling. Motor cooling system
The cooling system must be made with closed cycle forced circulation by a pump mechanically driven directly
from the engine shaft and shall be sized for an ambient air temperature up to 45 ° C.
The fan shall be driven directly by the motor shaft. Only in the case of radiator installation outside the
container/building, the fan may be driven by electric motor. In this care the motor fun must be 100%
redundant. Preheating and prelube system
This system must take care of heating the lube oil and the cooling water and make them circulate in the
stationary engine in order to ensure immediate starting from cold even with an ambient temperature of -10
°C. The preheating system must be automatically activated when the engine stops and deactivated when it
starts. Fuel delivery system
The fuel delivery system must be for an overall autonomy of 8h, composed of a storage tank which capacity
shall be enough at full power operating conditions, an internal pump provided with the diesel engine will be
used for fuel feeding. An internal tank at the bottom of the skid structure of the diesel set, should be included
with capacity according with the standard of the manufacturer, the rest of fuel volume will be provided with
an external tank.
The tank must be equipped with a connection for overflow discharge, a breather pipe protected against the
rain, and a bleed pipe for any water that might be contained in the fuel and accumulates on the bottom of the
tank. The tank will be provided with level instrumentation and on-off fuel valve.
The storage tank and pipes shall be double wall type according the rules and law in force and with continuous
monitoring system for the detection of any liquid leaks insulation from the cavity of the storage tank. An
indirect heating system must be provided for the storage tank and the fuel delivery pipes installed outdoors
that is suitable for maintaining the fuel at a temperature of +5°C with an outdoor temperature of -10 °C. Motor’s instrumentation
The motor shall be provided with at least the following instruments and protections or more if requested by
local Fire Authority Code in force:

Instrument Scope M A T
Thermostat water high temperature X
Thermostat water very high temperature X
Pressureswitch water low pressure X


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Levelswitch water low level X

Thermostat preheating low temperature X
Pressureswitch lube oil low pressure X
Pressureswitch very low lube oil pressure X
Thermostat high temperature lube oil X
Levelswitch low level lube oil X
Levelswitch low level fuel tank X
Leveltransmitter fuel tank level X
Differential pressure switch air filter obstruction X
Indicator preheating system fault X
Indicator loss of starting attempts X
Speed governor overspeed X
Indicator emergency protections excluded X
rpm meter speed engine X
Thermometer oil temperature engine X
Thermometer water temperature engine X
Pressure gauge oil pressure engine X

M: Measure; A: Alarm; T: Trip Generator
The generator rotor must be coupled and aligned via an elastic semi-rigid coupling to the engine shaft. Gear
reduction units between the engine and the generator are not allowed.
The generator must be equipped with space heaters. These resistances must be automatically disconnected
while the DG Set is running. The star point shall be grounded by high impedance.
The alternator must be provided with at least the following instruments:
 n. 6 single heat detectors with 100  at 0°C platinum resistance located 2 by 2 in the stator slots
positioned at 120°.
 n.1 dual type heat detectors (RTD) located in the base of each bearings.
 n.1 differential pressure switch for filter obstruction alarm. Excitation system and voltage regulation
The AVR shall be calibrated between 95 and 105% of rated voltage by hand throw the potentiometer located
inside the board and accessible only by opening a locked door also in the case the automatic regulator should
be out of work.
The electronic boards must be certified according EMC compatibility and IEC applicable. Generator star point
The star point equipment will be connected with the same criteria as the LV system, normally solid grounded.
But in some cases would be installed in a segregate section of the electrical board, with:
 impedance to limit the fault current to 5A
 current transformer (CT) to supply the protection relay Electric board
The electric board for the power supply and for the command and control of the DG Set shall be installed
inside of the container in a dedicate spaces.
The control system will be managed by microprocessor installed on the board front. During test operation,
the request of start for emergency must reset completely the protections and put the DG Set in emergency
running ready to pick up the load sequence.
The short circuit current values, including the contribution of the plant in test and emergency condition, will
be defined during the project follow up.
Inside the board will be installed all equipment necessary to perform the DG Set function including its
availability to connect the plant auxiliaries, motor’s protection, generator protection, main breaker command
and local and remote command, control, supervision of the DG Set.


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The board will contain the main breaker and the battery charger. The battery will be installed in a suitable
box acid resistant. The amount of hydrogen free must be considered for hazardous area extension
On the board front will be installed the instruments, the selectors for local command and remote selection.
Furthermore will be installed the HMI LCD display to set and read the alarms.
All systems will be self supplied from the board with the exclusion of the preheating system, and the battery
chargers that will be supplied from one external line.
The electrical board will be equipped with a four-pole circuit breaker sized in relation to the power of the
7.4.4. TESTS
The tests specified in this section are intended as being subdivided into the following categories:
 type tests
 routine tests Type tests
It being understood that DG Set must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied DG Set and any its
component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC STD.
The Supplier must deliver the test certificates corresponding to the “standardized series production”.
Including the main equipment:
 Electric board
 Generator
 DG Set Factory Acceptance Tests
The routine test shall be performed on all DG sets of the supply, main components and accessories.
In order to guarantee the full functionality of the DG set the following test will be performed:
 Two hours of running at rated capacity, checking motor and generator temperatures.
 Stating time checking
 Reliability of the stating sequence. The complete system including battery will be performed up to 10
consecutive start-ups.
 Test of stability at continuous operation at full load.
 Test of transient load-steps.
 Temperature rise test of generator windings.
 Control and monitoring panel board testing: dielectric and functional tests. Site Acceptance Test
In site during commissioning phases, the Supplier must carry out the following routine test all the necessary
tests for setting up the generating sets and associated auxiliaries.
These tests must include at least the following:
 Check of correct installation of equipment and fuel tank.
 Check of all power, auxiliary and command connections (electrical continuity, consistency with the
circuit diagrams and the correct labeling)
 Check of commands and remote signalling.
 Check setting of protection, regulation and calibration values as per constructor sheet of settings;
 Insulation resistance and applied voltage test for the power and control circuits installed
 Check the correct interface with the boundary systems.
During first power on the contractor shall verify:
 Phase rotation sequence check.
 right voltage level between phases and grounding,
 check consistency to datasheet parameters
 check of operation in Manual and Automatic ways
 Check correctness of functionality of local panel, including all external connection. Functional test
shall be checked also by remote panels where installed


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 Check proper intervention, in operating conditions, of all the control devices and all operation logics
 Check the battery to allow at least 10 power on consecutively.
 Leakage tests of fuel pipes
 Operating check on all auxiliary systems.
 Test for over-speed protection tripping
 Test, real or simulated, of all actions that can cause an alarm and/or a trip of the DG set
 Functional test
 Test for observing characteristics with slow variation of load
 Tests for observing characteristics with acceptance and rapid variation of load
 Vibration tests
 Characteristics with slow variation of load
 Measurement of acoustic pressure level

The primary function of the DC system is to ensure continuity of a power source to the systems that perform
a controlling, monitoring, protecting and safeguarding function.
For main HV Substations, one or two redundant DC system are required depending on the complexity of the
configuration. In this document the most complete supply and the related functional, design and construction
characteristics are considered. The specification and basic design provide by Enel will define the quantities
of each system required for the HV Substation.
The DC system concept is a dual configuration (rectifier-battery-distribution board) feeds separately and
segregated n. 2 DC section equipped with its own distribution busbar in order to avoid any common fault

The parallel operation of the DCs section on with closed bus-tie is expected in the event of anomaly of a
rectifier or the maintenance of a battery. Then under normal operating conditions, the rectifiers will not work
in parallel while under the above conditions this will be allowed. Therefore, a key interlock between the 2
battery power supplies and the bus tie must be provided (interlock logic: 2 out of 3 switches can be closed).

The rectifiers are sized considering the scenario of one half DC system is offline:
 100% of the total continuous DC redundant loads.
 100% of total continuous DC loads (not redundant).
 Battery charging load, when battery is complete discharged.


Parameters Required
Reference standard IEC 60146-1-3
Type Stabilized switch mode
Cooling system natural air
AC rated current to be define


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AC rated voltage 400-230V

Including galvanic insulation transformer
AC rated frequency 50Hz
DC output voltage 125V (others)
DC range output voltage 90-150V
Maximum instantaneous voltage variation ±10%
Recovery time ≥400ms
Adjustable current limiting 80÷110%
AC ripple voltage ≤1% rms
Residual ripple current ≤5% C10
Isolation transformer according to IEC 60146-1-3
Efficiency at 50% and 100% 85% and 95%
Temperature voltage compensation precision 1%
Reference standard IEC 60896-1/2 and IEC 60623
Type Standby service, float operation,
(VRLA OPzV) and Ni-Cd
C10 to be define (minimum 100Ah each unit)
Float charge and Boost charge voltage Depending on battery type.
Time recovery for boost charge voltage <10h
EuroBat design life 15 years (20ºC ambient)
(for CB identification see SLD attached at the beginning of LV system chapter)
AC incoming rectifier (Q1 and Q4):
 Type molded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contacts, mechanically lockable

DC output rectifier (Q2 and Q5):

 Type moulded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact; mechanical interlock

DC bus-tie (Q3):
 Type moulded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact; mechanical interlock

DC output battery (FU1 and FU2):

 Type fuses
 Protection only magnetic delayed selective
 Accessories auxiliary contact

Reference standard IEC 61439-1
Protection degree ≥ IP31
Internal protection degree ≥ IP20
Mechanical protection impact degree of MV panel for
outdoor installation
Segregation form for distribution circuit breaker
DC feeder outgoings distribution:
 Type >63A moulded-case; ≤63A modular
 Protection type Only magnetic (thermal protection setting not
 Command type sensible)
 Accessories manual
auxiliary contact; mechanically lockable


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The rectifiers are sized considering the scenario of one DC system is offline:
 100% of the total continuous DC redundant loads.
 100% of total continuous DC loads (not redundant).
 Battery charging load, when battery is complete discharged.

In normal operation mode each one of the two redundant rectifier modules shall be feed the own loads and
maintain in fully charged condition the battery.
The rectifier shall be rated to recharge a battery to 100% within 10 hours following a discharge at rated load
for the specified autonomy time, and at the same time feed the total loads of the HV-Substation. Battery sizing
The battery arrangement will be in dual system, both batteries will be sized to meet the continuous load of
the most heavily loaded battery and the tripping load of the entire substation, therefore they will be dual but
not 100% redundant. Both battery packages will have the same rated capacity, this capacity will correspond
to the worst case of load profile.
Battery must be sized to power the loads of its DC section for a maximum period of time conventionally set
equal to 8 hours considering the following sequence of load profile:
 1º Permanent loads (redundant and not redundant)
 2º One minute of peak load (redundant and not redundant)
 3º 10 cycles (open close) of operation to all HV and MV breakers.
Main redundant loads to be considered:
- MV switchgear circuit breakers, protection and control circuits.
- RTU and centralized substation control units.
- Switches for communication architecture.
- UPS inverters (if single unit desired)
Main non redundant loads to be considered:
- HV Circuit Breaker and Switches control and protection circuits.
- HV Circuit Breaker and Switches motor feeders.
- HV System A protection, control and monitoring.
- HV System B protection, control and monitoring.
The rated capacity of the battery must be calculated considering that at the end of his life (15 years) has to
ensure the delivery of the load profile with a residual capacity higher than 80%.
The size calculation must be performed in accordance with IEEE 485
In the sizing calculation the following coefficients must be considered:
 Kdesign project margin equal to 1.10
 Ktemp temperature margin in accordance with the indications of the IEEE 485 standard.
 Kaging aging margin equal to 1 if an EuroBat duration life certification is presented for at least 15 years
(Note: K combination of Kaging and Ktemp must be equal or higher than 1.25.) Voltage drop limits

During emergency conditions, and at the end of battery life (15 years), the voltage to the users must be kept
within the range of ± 15% and therefore the following maximum voltage drops must be respected:
 voltage drop on the battery terminal: 11%
 voltage drop between battery and rectifier: 1%
 voltage drop between rectifier and user: 3%
Total voltage drop: 15%




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The rectifiers shall be static type equipped with a stabilized fully controlled 6 pulse heavy duty thyristor
rectifier bridge complete with an isolation input transformer for best immunity to mains disturbance and
galvanic isolation to the DC branch and power supply unit for the signalling and control equipment.
Each rectifier shall be equipped with a suitable protection device against overvoltage coming from the plant
The rectifier shall operate according to the constant voltage, current limiting principle (IU characteristic) and
shall incorporate a soft-start feature to gradually accept load on initial energizing.
The rectifier shall restart automatically upon restoration of the mains power supply following a supply
interruption with a programmable delay for co-ordinated start-up.
The rectifier shall perform battery charging at the following rate:
 Float charge
 Automatic regular boost charge

The float charge is the normal charge condition of the battery. The rectifier maintain in fully charged condition
the battery during normal operation.
Also the automatic regular boost charge condition shall be possible with rectifier in normal operation. This
function shall be automatic or manual mode.
The rectifier shall initially operate according to the constant current and with increase voltage into to achieve
floating voltage value and then it shall operate according to the constant voltage and with decreasing current
into to achieve the corresponding value of full charge battery condition.
The rectifier shall restore normal operation condition automatically.
In accordance with operational maintenance manual of the battery supplier, the rectifier shall also be capable
of performing the treatment charge battery. In this condition, the battery and the rectifier will be disconnected
of the load. The rectifier shall operate increasing the voltage into the value indicate by manufacturer and
limiting the battery current to the maximum admissible value as specified by the battery supplier. The rectifier
shall be provided with a blocking circuit which prevents the manual passage to the treatment charge battery
condition if the battery and the rectifier have not been separated from the loads.
In float charge and automatic regular boost charge conditions the rectifier shall be capable to supply the rated
current during voltage variation output range.
In treatment charge condition and for voltage value upper than automatic regular boost charge voltage limit,
the rectifier could be supply a current less than rated current.
The rectifiers shall be equipped with a device which limits the maximum charge current of the batteries.
The rectifiers will be equipped with a protection device, active in float charge and automatic regular boost
charge conditions, which disconnects them from the power supply in the case of accidental rises of the
rectified voltage. The exact voltage charge rate and current limit values for each battery will be specified by
the battery supplier.
Harmonic voltage factor limit (HVF) and harmonic current limit (HCF) of the AC power supply caused by
interaction of distorting rectifier loads shall be not exceeding the following values:
 HVF ≤0,02 during the normal operation condition with the system at full load
 HVF ≤0,02 and HCF ≤0,05 during the emergency condition when DC system is powered by DG Set

This values shall be achieved without to adding active or passive filter at the mains input. However the
Manufacturer could be adopt, on input transformer, different transformer vector group to compensate the
total harmonic current values produced by the rectifiers.
The rectifier shall be self-protected against load peaks exceeding their rectifier rated current under normal
functioning conditions. They shall be equipped of current limiting circuit.


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Each thyristor shall be protected against the short circuits with extra-fast fuses.
Temperature compensation of the battery charging voltage shall be provided for the rectifier. The temperature
sensor shall be located in the centre of battery rack and shall adjust the rectifier output voltage in line with
the battery manufactures’ recommendations. Temperature compensation shall also be considered in case of
sustained ambient temperature variations in excess of plus or minus 5°c.
Each rectifier units shall be provided with online battery current measuring which monitoring the battery
charge current value. Batteries
Lead acid accumulator batteries must be of the stationary type of the sealed type VLRA type OPzV with
electrolyte fixed in gel or NI-Cd type
The batteries will be identified with the discharge capacity in 10 hours according to the provisions of the IEC
EN 60896-1 Standard. In case of select Ni-Cd standard applicable will be IEC 60623.
For each charging condition, the supplier must specify the exact value of the voltage selected in each
operating condition referred to the temperature of 20 ° C.
The batteries must be able to withstand without damage, or premature aging, the alternating components of
the current supplied by the rectifiers to which they are connected.
The batteries and in particular the connections will be sized in such a way as to withstand without damage
the maximum short circuit current at their terminals which is not interrupted by any protection and interruption
The connections between the elements must be made so that the voltage drops measured between the ends
of the poles of two contiguous elements for a current delivered equal to 0.2 C10 does not exceed 12 mV. DC distribution board
The front part of the distribution board will be made up of modular panels provided with slots around the
circuit-breakers installed so as to guarantee the operation of all the circuit-breakers directly from the front
without the obligation to open panels and/or doors.
Particular care shall be taken in the engineering of the DC distribution board in order to ensure a safe and
effective dissipation of the heat produced by equipment, without a significant performance degradation. The
heat dissipation shall be in natural ventilation.
For each section at least 10% of the spare and empty space must be provided for future insertions without
modification. Measurements, protections and instrumentation
The rectifier shall incorporate all the necessary equipment to enable operation, protection, alarm and control
of each single main equipment in accordance with this specification and to safeguard the unit and its
components from the consequences of internal and external short circuit, overvoltage and any main control
circuit malfunctions, howsoever caused.
Remote sending of measurements, equipment status signals and alarms shall be possible both via hardwired
by free contact or transducer signal and via a serial or Ethernet connection.
The list of the type signals and the minimum signals required is specified below.
A raised synoptic board shall be realized on the front of the DC system board, including all the manoeuvring
devices, each of which shall be marked with a plate showing the identification code. Status indication
At least the following indications, shall be provided to enable verification of the operational status.
Control signals Serial HW
Rectifier input supply available X
Rectifier ON X
Rectifier in stand-by X
Rectifier in float charge X


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DC distribution board supplied by rectifier X

CB incoming rectifiers Q1/Q4 open/close X
CB output rectifiers Q2/Q5 open/close X
CB bus-tie Q3 open/close X
DC distribution board supplied by own rectifier X Measurement
At least the following measures shall be visually:
Measures Serial HW
Rectifier input voltage X
Rectifier output voltage X
Rectifier output current X
Battery output voltage X
Battery boot charge and discharge current X
Battery float charge current X
DC bus bar voltage X X

On all power supply units of the AC which are not controlled by voltmeters, the presence of voltage will be
indicated by two red multileds.
The float charge battery current measure instrument shall be able to provide, with adequate precision:
 the measurement of the current absorbed by the battery in float charge condition
 a signal for zero current that, with battery in service, will indicate the condition of battery disconnected or
rectifier out of service. The alarm shall be available by means a fail-safe output relay. Protection and alarm
The status of the alarm and protection functions shall be visually locally and their remote sending shall be
Where not integrated into the control logic, the protective function shall be realized with high-reliability
dedicated relays.
The following alarm and protection functions shall be provided as a minimum:

Code Protection Action Comm HW

27 Undervoltage input Alarm and trip X
47 Phase-balance voltage input (loss of Alarm and trip X
45 Overvoltage output Alarm and trip X
27 Undervoltage output Alarm and trip X
49 Overload Alarm X
26 Overtemperature Alarm and delayed trip X
Rectifier failure Alarm and trip rectifier X
50 Rectifier fuses failure Alarm and trip rectifier X
57 Rectifier in current limitation Alarm X
Automatic boost charging ON Alarm X
Automatic boost charging failure Alarm X
Float charge voltage minimum Alarm X
Float charge current excessive Alarm X
DC distribution board supplied by Allarm X X
battery (battery discharge in progress)
DC bus bar undervoltage (battery in Alarm X
DC bus bar earthing fault Alarm X
FU1 and FU2 fuse trip Alarm X
Summarized trip CB signal Alarm X
The rectifier and DC distribution boards shall be installed in more freestanding, self-supporting steel cabinets
forming an enclosure. The construction design shall be divided in:


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1. Rectifier board with following equipment:

 Input AC disconnector switch and multiled for local voltage presence indications
 Rectifier and input isolation transformer
 DC rectifier output disconnector switch distribution board side
 Battery interconnection including DC output fuse, hall effect sensor for float charge measure current
and shunt for boost charge/discharge measure current
 Auxiliary rectifier compartment including the Control Unit, voltage measuring transformers and
measure instruments of the rectifier and of the battery
2. DC distribution board with following sub-division segregate compartment:
 DC bus bar
 DC bus tie circuit breaker
 DC outgoing circuit breakers.
 Auxiliary battery interconnection module including the transducers, the instruments, DC bus bar
insulation monitor device and DC minimum voltage bus bar protection Rectifier
The rectifier shall be realized in naturally cooled.
The isolation power transformer and smoothing reactors shall be dry type, air-cooled type, for cabinet
installation and insulation class H. DC circuit breakers
Circuit breakers of an equal capacity shall be interchangeable.
The automatic circuit breakers shall be have release mechanisms for over-currents on all poles.
They shall be have the auxiliary contacts needed to create the signal for open, closed and tripped and
signaling on the switchboard. All the circuit breakers shall be lockable in open position. Earthing connections
A copper grounding bar with a cross section of 200 mm2 shall be positioned along the entire length of the
switchboards, to which all the metal parts of the compartments, the shutters and the inactive metallic parts
of the equipment shall be connected.
All connections with the grounding bus-bar shall be created using terminals with anti-loosening washers, to
prevent loosening following vibrations. Display system
The principal measurements shall be displayed with analogical indicators. The display system of control unit
could be used for the status, alarm and other measurements signals. Labels
The boards will have the name written on the upper part of the front. The equipment instruments and circuit
breakers on the front of the switchboard will have a plate indicating the function.
The labels shall be engraved from rear on black background with white characters. The marking shall be
indelible and non-removable.
7.5.4. TEST
The tests specified in this section are intended as being subdivided into the following categories:
 type tests
 routine tests Type tests
It being understood that DC System must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied DC System
and any its component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC STD.
The Supplier must deliver the test certificates corresponding to the “standardized series production”.
Including the main equipment:
 Rectifier
 Distribution board
 Battery Factory Acceptance Test procedure


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The rectifiers shall be workshop tested and verified in accordance with standard IEC 60146-1. The tests
applicable shall be at least the following:
 Verification of the type and characteristics of the materials and identification
 Visual and dimensional check
 Painting check
 Degree of protection check
 Mechanical functioning tests on all CB and check on inter-blocks
 Interconnection and wiring cable check
 Grounding connection check
 Insulation resistance tests
 Power frequency dielectric strength test of all the circuits
 Rectifier control system check
 Rectifier protection devices check
 Functional test with verification of alarms, signals, measurements and protections.
 Verification of the floating charge, automatic boost charge and deep charge functions.
 Measurement of the ripple
 Static stability test
 Dynamic stability test
 Verification of the maximum output current
Shall be supplied the certificates of compliance with the EMC as per IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 as
well as the applicable points in IEC 62040-2. Distribution boards
The distribution board shall be workshop tested and verified in accordance with standard IEC 61439. The
tests applicable shall be at least the following:
 Visual, dimensional and paint check
 Dielectric tests.
 Degree of protection of enclosures.
 Functional tests. Commissioning Battery
 Visual check
 Check of the correct tightening of all bolts of bars and connections;
 Check of battery total voltage level (Open Circuit Voltage);
 Check, for each element, the density of the electrolyte (according with battery type) Rectifier
 Check of connections to ground;
 Check setting of protections of switch;
 Check settings of charging parameters corresponding to: Float, Deep and Buffer charge
 Switching from Deep to Buffer
 Switching from Buffer to Deep
 Check setting of protections and any associated delays like: DC low /high voltage and DC max

Measurements and controls:

 Insulation test of cables external to panels;
 Check of the a.c. power supplies input (Value and phase rotation);
 Check of the d.c. power supplies output (value and polarity);
 Verification, by simulating the various anomalies, of the expected alarm signals and
interventions/commands toward the relevant SCADAs;
 After connection of the cables to the poles of the battery detection of the charging parameters in
different situations (treatment, deep, buffer);


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After the above mentioned activities, the contractor shall place the battery in charge mode and during this
phase, shall verify that the general distribution switch is kept in conditions of open/sectioned, in order to
avoid damages to the devices due to an excessive increase of the voltage of battery.
At the end of charge the contractor shall verify:
 The electrolyte level, topping up if necessary (according to the type of battery)
 The electrolyte density, operating corrections if necessary (according to the type of battery)
 The contractor shall then place the battery in floating charge, checking the set parameters or
adjust them if necessary.
 Check the correct switching of the different phases of the Battery Charge
 Set the definitive calibration values operating on the releases of the circuit breakers.
 Check the electrolyte level, Electrolite density and temperature

Finally the contractor shall:

 Put the battery on buffer charge
 Check the perfect interexchange of commutation between different phases of battery charger
 Check final setting of LV switch’s protection.

The primary function of the AC uninterrupted system (UPS) of HV Substation is to ensure the power to the
user of security services and vital systems that perform control, monitoring, protection both in presence and
absence of the main voltage, with stabilized voltage and frequency.
The system will be implemented using the DC system as the main power supply to a static inverter double
redundant configuration. In some Substations that if not critical to provide 100% dual redundancy, only one
inverter-static_bypass can be installed. This approach will be implemented by extracting the UPS-2 module
from the SLD attached below.
The UPS system will be composed of double static inverter-static bypass-switch modules which will powered
the relative AC subdistribution section.
The design and manufacturing process of the UPS system would be managed by the same provider as the
DC system in such a way to integrate both systems in one set of cabinets with a common frame structure.
The simplified diagram of the required UPS system is shown in the figure below:


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UPS system shall be sized for 100% of the total loads of the HV Substation.
The two redundant inverter modules where, in normal operation mode, only one shall be feed the AC loads.
The other one shall ready for switch over without voltage transient (cero crossing). Both the inverter shall
have the same priority and everyone shall be capable to supply the 100% of the total load.

There shall be no common components for both inverter blocks with the exception of the AC output where
the distribution bus bar will be only one for both. Each individual inverter module shall be operate similarly to
a standalone single system.
The inverter duty shall be to convert DC back to AC. A static switch connects or disconnects the inverter
stage to the UPS output.
The bypass mains input shall be linked via a matching transformer to a second static switch, which will be
normally open and leading to the UPS output.
The inverter shall be constantly synchronised to the its own bypass voltage as long as the voltage quality will
be sufficient.
This shall be allowed uninterrupted changeover from inverter to emergency bypass source in case of heavy
overload, inverter malfunction or if requested by operating personnel.
An additional, segregated manual make-before-break switch (on-load isolator selector switch), shall be
allowed a smooth transfer of the critical load to the emergency bypass supply and vice versa. This mainly
during maintenance and repair activities where a de-energised inverter part will be mandatory for safety


Parameters Required
Reference standard IEC 60146-2
Type single-phase, stabilized
Neutral type distribuited and unearthed
Cooling system natural air
DC input rated voltage 125V
DC input rated voltage range ±15%
AC rated current to be define
AC rated output voltage 230V
AC rated output frequency 50Hz
Voltage variation output voltage ±1%
Voltage variation output frequency ±1%
Total/single harmonic distortion (IEC 62040-3) ≤5%/3%
Overload 100% continuous
125% for 10 minutes
150% for 1 minute
200% for 100 ms
Dynamic voltage stability ±5%
Transient voltage recovery time ≤25ms
Maximum acceptable frequency deviation ±8%
Adjustable current limiting 100%÷125%
Isolation transformer according to IEC 60146-1-3
Efficiency (30 ÷ 100%) ≥90%
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
Reference standard IEC 60146
Type single-phase
Rated current 2*In inverter
Working temperature at Pn 70% maximum temperature
Overload 125% for 10 minutes
150% for 1 minute
1000% for 100 ms


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Transfer time ≤5 ms
Thyristor reverse pick voltage ≥1200V
Emergency bypass section:
Reference standard of the transformer IEC 60076-11
Bypass power transformer type dry type with screen
Primary phases three-phases
Secondary phases single-phase with neutral
Rated power 2*inverter rating power
Rated voltage:
- Primary side 400V ±2x2.5%
- Secondary side 230V
Short circuit impedance 4% (75°C)
Maximum overload 120% for 10 minutes
Isolation class H
Cooling system natural
Manual bypass selector switch type Manually operated make-before-break switch,
single-phase, module case
Rated current 2*inverter rated current
Circuit breakers
DC incoming inverter:
 Type moulded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact

AC output inverter:
 Type moulded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact

AC incoming bypass section:

 Type moulded-case, disconnector switch
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact; mechanical interlock

AC otput bypass section:

 Type moulded-case, automatic circuit breaker
 Protection magnetothermic
 Command type manual
 Accessories auxiliary contact; mechanical interlock Operation modes

Normal operation
Both inverter modules are available, only one inverter feeds the loads through their own closed Static Inverter
Switch (SIS).
The emergency bypass module is typically energized with their line switch closed and manual bypass open.
This mode is also called “online operation” and is maintained as long as possible.
Power failure on one inverter or on SIS
If the inverter is shutdown or there is a fault on SIS, the concerned module is immediately set to stand-by
mode and the SIS change over the power supply of the load on the other inverter.
If also this inverter is already in fault or there is a fault on SIS, the SIS change over the power supply of the
load on the emergency bypass supply through the line switch. In this case, the loads are not feed properly
from power quality.
Emergency bypass operation
The load is directly fed by the emergency bypass supply through the following equipments:


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 manual bypass switch

 automatic static bypass switch by managing SIS of each inverters units.
Bypass manual operation should be considered as emergency operation mode only and it is required only
during the commissioning or during the maintenance and repair activities.
Under temporary or continuous output UPS overload condition or in case of inverter failure condition, the
load is temporarily supplied with power via emergency static bypass switch SBS in automatic mode.
No automatic power re-routing by means system is required. Design and sizing criteria
All components shall be of a quality and reliability which satisfies the requirements of a secure and
uninterruptible AC source of power to vital equipment performing a controlling, protecting, monitoring and
safeguarding function in continuously operating process.
In order to obtain this result, shall be used accurate planning criteria as described below:
 the UPS design shall be such as to minimize the risk of short circuit and shall ensure personnel and
operation safety at all times
 exclude the possibility that individual faults could prevent the operation of several systems.
 all causes of internal faults on the inverter shall be cause blocking of the equipment and produce a local
and remote alarm
 in case of breakdown of the UPS and/or interruption of the power supply connection, the control logic
shall be transfer the bus-bar system to the emergency line through “No-Break” facility.
 any overloads or short circuits in the users supplied shall be, where possible, exclude unacceptable
interruptions of the UPS. The components shall be capable of withstanding the thermal and dynamic
stresses resulting from internal and external short circuit and circuit switching operations
 in the case of lowering of the voltage on the 230 VAC bus-bar, caused by a short circuit or of heavy
overload on a user, the bus-bar with shall be switched immediately into the emergency line, in order to
allow elimination of the fault. The subsequent transfer to the inverter will be made manually.
In normal operation mode one of the two redundant inverter modules shall be feed the load distribution panel
and the redundant module (if requested) will be in cold stand-by. Both inverters shall have the same priority
and everyone shall be capable to supply the 100% of the total loads.
The inverter shall be solid state type, fully automatic, equipped with a DC back to AC converter which it shall
be used PWM technology.
IGBT should be applied for the power stacks.
An isolation transformer shall provide galvanic isolation between the DC and AC power circuits for best
immunity to disturbance and to allow the floating (unearthed/IT) output. A static thyristor switch connects or
isolates the inverter from the UPS system output
230 VAC output shall be synchronized with the AC source of emergency bypass section at all times. In fact,
in the event of loss of the inverter, the static switch shall transfer automatically the load to the AC source of
emergency bypass section. The return to the inverter on restoration shall be manual.
For short circuit clearing and excessive overloads the inverter unit shall be switch to bypass without
interruption to the vital power.
The inverters shall be self protected against load peaks exceeding their performances and they shall be also
protected against peak values during start of operation.
Semiconductor protection shall be electronic type with additional back-up fuse protection.
The inverter shall be able to operate with a grounded polarity for a indefinite period and with two polarities


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alternatively grounded, considering a capacity of the network to ground of 0.5 ÷ 1 μF.

The IGBT collector to emitter breakdown voltage (VCE) shall be no less than 600V. Automatic STATIC transfer switch (STS)
The automatic STS is a solid state, single-pole, transfer switch designed to automatically and manually switch
between three synchronized single-phase AC power sources without an interruption of power to the load.
The static transfer switch is fuseless.
Besides, the maximum value of the short circuit current, as a function of the time, supportable by the static
circuit-breaker (I2t), shall be compatible with the short time breaking capacity of the power supply circuit
Solution which to use additional circuit breaker in paralleling with the static switch will be unacceptable.
The use of fuse for protection shall be permitted for the protection against SCRs short circuits only. Emergency bypass circuit
400V AC system power supply operate with neutral wire not distributed and clearly earthed at the MV/LV
transformer instead 230V UPS output operate with neutral wire distributed. For this unequal power supply
configuration, a dry isolation transformer with screen shall be applied to the emergency bypass circuit.
A manually operated make-before-break changeover switch shall be provided in order to bypass the UPS
power circuits which inverter and static transfer switch, for maintenance and repair purpose.
The manual bypass shall be a three poles on load isolator selector switch with the following two switching
 AUTO: inverter is connected to the vital loads with the static bypass energized for
automatic transfer
 BYPASS: vital loads are connected to the bypass circuit with static transfer switch circuit
energised for synchronisation tests or with the static switch isolated for maintenance. Measurements, protections and instrumentation
The inverter shall incorporate all the necessary equipment to enable operation, protection, alarm and control
of each single main equipment in accordance with this specification and to safeguard the unit and its
components from the consequences of internal and external short circuit, overvoltage and any main control
circuit malfunctions, howsoever caused.
Remote sending of measurements, equipment status signals and alarms shall be possible both via hardwired
by free contact or transducer signal and via a communication protocol.
The list of the type signals and the minimum signals required is specified below.
A raised synoptic board shall be realized on the front of the UPS board, including all the maneuvering devices,
each of which shall be marked with a plate showing the identification code. Status indication
At least the following indications, shall be provided to enable verification of the operational status.

Control signals Comm HW

Inverter input supply available X
Emergency bypass supply available X
Inverter/bypass synchronised X
Inverter ON X X
Inverter output within tolerance X
Load on inverter (line I ON or line 2 ON) X
CB incoming inverter 1 open/close X X
CB incoming inverter 2 open/close X X
CB incoming emergency bypass line open/close X
CB output inverter 1 open/close X
CB output inverter 2 open/close X
CB output emergency bypass line open/close X


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At least the following measures shall be visually:

Measures Comm HW
Inverter 1/2 input voltage X
Inverter 1/2 input current X
Inverter 1/2 output voltage X
Inverter 1/2 output frequency X
Inverter 1/2 output current X
Emergency bypass transformer output voltage X

On all power supply units of the AC which are not controlled by voltmeters, the presence of voltage will be
indicated by two red multileds. Protection and alarm
The status of the alarm and protection functions shall be visually locally and their remote sending shall be
separate. Where not integrated into the control logic, the protective function shall be realized with high-
reliability dedicated relays. The following alarm and protection functions shall be provided as a minimum:

Code Protection Action Comm

80 Undervoltage input Alarm and trip X
27 Undervoltage output Alarm and trip X
47 Phase-balance voltage output Alarm and trip X
59 Overvoltage output Alarm and trip X
81 Overfrequency output Alarm and trip X
81 Underfrequency output Alarm and trip X
Inverter/bypass not synchronised Alarm X
27 Undervoltage emergency Alarm X
transformer output
49 Overload Alarm X
26 Overtemperature Alarm and trip X
50 Inverter fuses failure Alarm and trip X
57 Inverter in limitation Alarm X
Inverter failure Alarm and trip X
Static switch failure Alarm and trip X
Emergency static switch ON Alarm X
Emergency transformer fault Alarm X
Inverter static switch inhibited Alarm X
Bypass static switch inhibited Alarm X
27 Undervoltage AC distribution board Alarm and trip X
CB output emergency bypass line trip Alarm and trip X
AC distribution board supplied by Alarm X
manual emergency bypass
AC distribution board supplied by Alarm X
automatic emergency bypass
Emergency Power OFF - EPO Alarm and trip(*) X

(*) Trip means to open static transfer switch, switch in stand-by operation the inverter
The UPS boards shall be installed in more freestanding, self-supporting steel cabinets forming an enclosure.
The construction design shall be divided in:
1. Inverter board with following equipment:
 Input DC disconnector switch and multiled voltage indications
 Inverter and output isolation transformer
 AC inverter output disconnector switch
 Automatic STS including the inverter static switch section


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 Auxiliary inverter compartment including the Control Unit, voltage measuring transformers and
measure instruments

2. Emergency bypass section board with following equipment:

 Input AC disconnector switch and multiled for local voltage presence indications
 Power transformer
 AC transformer output circuit breaker power transformer outside
 Automatic STS including the bypass static switch section
 AC manual bypass selector switch Earthing connections
A copper grounding bar with a cross section of 185 mm2 shall be positioned along the entire length of the
switchboards, to which all the metal parts of the compartments, the shutters and the inactive metallic parts
of the equipment shall be connected.
All connections with the grounding bus-bar shall be created using terminals with anti-loosening washers, to
prevent loosening following vibrations. Display system
The principal measurements shall be displayed with analogical indicators. The display system of control unit
could be used for the status, alarm and other measurements signals. Labels
The boards will have the name written on the upper part of the front. The equipment instruments and circuit
breakers on the front of the switchboard will have a plate indicating the function.
The labels shall be engraved from rear on black background with white characters. The marking shall be
indelible and non removable.
7.6.4. TESTS General
The tests specified in this section are intended as being subdivided into the following categories:
 type tests
 routine tests Type test
It being understood that UPS System must be a “standardized series production”, the supplied System and
any its component must already be type tested in compliance with the relevant applicable IEC STD.
The Supplier must deliver the test certificates corresponding to the “standardized series production”.
Including the main equipment:
 Inverter
 Static transfer switch
 Emergency bypass Factory Acceptance Tests Inverter
The inverters shall be workshop tested and verified in accordance with standard IEC 60146-2. The tests
applicable shall be at least the following:
 Verification of the type and characteristics of the materials and identification
 Visual and dimensional check
 Painting check
 Degree of protection check
 Mechanical functioning tests on all CB
 Interconnection and wiring cable check
 Grounding connection check
 Insulation resistance tests
 Power frequency dielectric strength test of all the circuits
 Inverter control system check


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 Inverter protection devices check

 Functional test with verification of alarms, signals, measurements and protections
 No-load test on the inverter
 Tests at different load levels (1/4, ½, ¾ and rated) to checking voltage stability
 Overload tests
 Static stability test
 Dynamic stability test
 Test on harmonics as per IEC EN 60146-2
Shall be supplied the certificates of compliance with the EMC as per IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 as
well as the applicable points in IEC 62040-2. Static Transfer Switch of inverter (SIS)
SIS shall be workshop tested and verified in accordance with standard IEC 60146-2. The tests applicable
shall be at least the following:
 Verification of the type and characteristics of the materials and identification
 Visual and dimensional check
 Degree of protection check
 Interconnection and wiring cable check
 Grounding connection check
 Insulation tests
 Functional test with verification of alarms, signals, measurements and protections
 Checking that transfer to the bypass source and viceversa is done within specified time
 Checking that the make-before-break bypass loop works properly in automatic and in manual modes
Shall be supplied the certificates of compliance with the EMC as per IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 as
well as the applicable points in IEC EN 62040-2. Emergency bypass transformer
The emergency bypass transformer module shall be workshop tested and verified in accordance with
standard IEC EN 60076-1. The tests applicable shall be at least the following:
 Verification of the type and characteristics of the materials and identification
 Visual and dimensional check
 Degree of protection check
 Measurement of the resistance of the windings on each tap
 Check of the transformer ratio for each and every tap
 Dielectric tests
 Mechanical functioning tests on all CB and check on inter-blocks
 Interconnection and wiring cable check
 Grounding connection check
 Functional test with verification of alarms, signals, measurements and protections
 No-load test
 Tests at different load levels (1/4, ½, ¾ and rated) to checking the temperature rise and the voltage
The emergency bypass power transformers shall be considered as passive elements in respect to emission
of, and immunity to, electromagnetic disturbances and the passive elements are not liable to cause
electromagnetic disturbances and their performance is not liable to be affected by such disturbances. Commissioning Inverter
 Check of connections to ground;
 Check setting of protections of switch;
 Check setting of protections and any associated delays like: AC low/high voltage and max current

Measurements and controls:

 Insulation test of cables external to panels;
 Check of the a.c. power supplies input (Value and phase rotation) by-pass line;


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 Check of the d.c. power supplies inputs (value and polarity);

 Check of the a.c. power supplies output from inverter;
 Verification, by simulating the various anomalies, of the expected alarm signals and
interventions/commands toward the relevant SCADAs;
 Check of the automatic switching of static breaker logic between the UPS inverters and emergency


This chapter will provide the specifications and technical requirements for the low voltage power cables and
control cables, all of them with rated voltage of Uo/Um 0,6/1kV.
The service application of this type of cables is to feed the low voltage circuits as: lighting, anticondenser
heating, sockets, HVAC, auxiliar facilities power supplies in the electrical and O&M buldings if required.
And the main LV AC and DC incoming and distribution panel boards for: non essential and essential loads.
Cross sections of conductors higher than 50mm2 will be single core and sections lower can be multicore or
single core depends on the cableways defined in the project.
Minimum cross section will be 2,5mm2 for lighting and sockets. The rest of services and circuits will be 6mm2.
Low Voltage power cables can be performed as follows:
 Multicore type armoured or not armoured
 Single core type armoured or not armoured

The cables shall be in accordance to standard IEC 60502-1. The cables shall be “fire retardant” type
according, to IEC 60332-3 category “C” or IEC 60332-2 category “A”, low emission of toxic and corrosive
fumes according to IEC 61034 or halogen free according to IEC 60754.
The cables shall be in in compliance to following main technical characteristics:
 Conductor: plain annealed flexible copper conductor according to IEC 60228 class 5.
 Insulation: hard grade ethylene propylene rubber compound (HEPR) or in alternative cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) according to IEC 60502-1 Standard.
 Filler (only for Multicores cables): the three insulated cores shall be laid up with non-hygroscopic
fillers extruded compound (halogen free for cables with M1 over-sheat). The fillers material shall be
suitable to allow a continuous operation of the cable conductor temperature of 90°C.
 Armouring (if required): The armouring shall be metallic and will consist in a double galvanized steel
 Over-sheat: the over-sheat shall consist of a special thermoplastic compound ST2 (PVC) or, if
required, the over-sheat shall be made of thermoplastic compound ST8 type halogen free, according
to IEC 60502-1.
The PVC compound shall be fire retardant (according to IEC 60332-3-24) and low emission of toxic and
corrosive fumes (according to IEC 61034-2).
The amount of halogen acid gas evolved during combustion of PVC material shall be less than 15%, using
test stated on IEC 61034-2.
The over-sheat thermoplastic compound M1 type will have the amount of halogen acid gas evolved during
combustion of material less than 0,3% (halogen free), using test stated on IEC 60754-1.
The service application of this type of cables is for the following with the minimum cross sections of the


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 Current and Potential transformer secondary circuits, for protection relaying and metering. 6mm2
for current and 4mm2 for voltage circuits.
 Digital signals DC and AC polarity. 1mm2
 Analog signals in range of mA and mV. 1mm2
 Temperature probes signals RTD and PT100 or similar.1mm2
The technical characteristics will be the same as indicated in the above chapter for LV power cables including
the following additional elements:
 Individual screen: Applicable for single pair/traid and multi pair/triad. The individual screen on each
pair, triad, or six cores shall be formed by an aluminium tape bonded to a polyester tape helically or
longitudinally wound over the conductors with an overlap of approx. 25% in order to assure a total
coverage during bending. The thickness of the tapes are established by the technical norm of
reference. In contact with the metallic part is applied a tinned copper drain wire. Other tapes of
polyester or other material can be used as screening components.
 Collective screen: The collective screen shall be formed by a copper wire braid with at list coverage
screen of 80%. Applicable to all type of control cables.
The collective screen will be connected to earth at both sides of the cable ends, in order to prevent capacitive
and inductive interferences.
All the activities concern the LV system installation will be performed by contractor in order to realize the
system fully function in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with any
directions from the representative Owner.
The Contractor will be in charge, but no limited, for the following activities:
- Supply and storage of all equipment in his Scope of Work;
- Installation of all equipment as per (issued for construction) drawings;
- Laying and connection of all LV, controlling, metering and signals cables.
All equipment needs to be handled in order to guarantee the installation in approved position and in particular
keeping distance between the perimeter walls.
All the equipment must be labelled according project indication.
The cables can be laid inside plastic sleeves, down floating floor or in overhead cable rack as per approved
design. Anyway, the laying must be realized in order to assemble the secondary circuit following a unique
criteria (a.e. equipment, functional service, etc).
After the laying inside the sleeves or in aperture outside/inside the sealing with approved product must be
All cable, after laid, must be:
- Wired as per approved drawings
- Terminated and connected with a correct connector as per type of electrical terminal block;
- Fixed with a correct clamp;
- Identified and marked with a label at both side;
- Tested the electrical connection of each conductor
- All shield must be grounded by correct connector
No junction/derivation are allowed outside of special junction boxes


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Within this chapter it is describe the requirements for Substation Earthing and Bonding as well as the items
that need to be considered in the area surrounding to ensure the safety of personnel. The scope includes all
items in the field such as electrodes, risers, connectors.
Other product-specific normative references are given in the text next to the mentioned component.
EN 50522 Earthing Of Power Installations Exceeding 1 Kv A.C.
IEC 61936-1 Power Installations Exceeding 1 Kv A.C. - Part 1: Common
IEC TS 60479-1 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1:
General aspects
IEC 60949 Calculation of thermally permissible short- circuit currents,
taking into account non-
adiabatic heating effects
IEC/TS 61000-5-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 5: Installation and
mitigation guidelines – Section 2: Earthing and cabling
Other Standard

ANSI/IEEE Std. 80-2000 “IEEE guide for safety in A.C. substation grounding”

ANSI/IEEE Std. 665-1995 “Guide for generating station grounding”

IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground

IEEE 81-2012
Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding

IEEE Std 142-1991, IEEE Green Book


The requirements of an earthing and bonding system must ensure the following:
 Safety of people
 Protection of equipment
 Operation security
Therefore the earthing system must ensure the safety of personnel and the general public through the
management of prospective touch and step voltages.
It should manage the risks associated with EPR (earthing potential rise) transferred onto third party plant,
staff and users (telecomunications, pipelines) in accordance with the Country Regulations, applicable
Standards and Guidelines.
In general the earthing system is physically composed of:
 earthing electrode or earthing network (intentional earthing);


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 structures and equipment in contact with the ground and metallically connected to the earthing
network (natural earthing electrode);
 earthing networks outside the substation perimeter but metallically connected (for example, the earth
wires of the lines or, in the case of power plants, the earthing network of the power plant area (hydro-
solar-geo-wind…), located at a certain distance from the substation.


The electrical power installations include into the earthing system, are listed below:
a. HV and MV switchgear.
b. Transformers and reactors.
c. Large air core reactor and capacitor banks.
d. Converters as SVC, Invertes, rectifers.
e. Emergency generator.
f. HV, LMV, LV, signal cables.
g. Batteries.
h. Buildings and fences which are part of a closed electrical operating area.
i. Associated protection, control and auxiliary systems.
Sizing criteria data are provided for both the underground network (primary earthing) and the earthing
connections for individual pieces of equipment (secondary earthing).

The Earthing System specified in this supply must be designed, manufactured and tested in compliance with
EN 50522. The IEEE standards will be used as reference.

The supplier will verify, for each supply, the compliance of the Technical Specification with the reference
standard of the country of destination (differences between IEC\EN Standard with Country
Standard/legislation in force).

Design of an earthing system can be accomplished as follows:

a) data collection e.g. earth fault current, fault duration, system X/R and layout;
b) initial design of the earthing system based on the functional requirements;
c) determine if it is part of a global earthing system;
d) if not, determine soil characteristics e.g. specific soil resistivity of layers;
e) determine based on earth fault current the current discharged into soil from earthing system;
f) determine based on layout, soil characteristics and parallel earthing systems the overall impedance
to earth;
g) determine earth potential rise;
h) determine permissible touch voltage;
i) if the earth potential rise is below the permissible touch voltage (Utp) and the requirements of EN
50522 Table 2 are met, the design is complete;
NOTE The design is also complete if EPR is less than 2 UTp according to EN 50522 par.5.4.2.
j) if not, determine if touch voltages inside and in the vicinity of the earthing system are below the
tolerable limits;


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k) determine if transferred potentials present a hazard outside or inside the electrical power installation.
If yes, proceed with mitigation at exposed location;
l) determine if low voltage equipment is exposed to excessive stress voltage. If yes, proceed with
mitigation measures, which can include separation of HV and LV earthing systems;
m) determine if the circulating transformer neutral current can lead to excessive potential differences
between different parts of the earthing system. If yes, proceed with mitigation measures;
Once the above criteria have been met, the design can be refined, if necessary, by repeating the above
steps. Detailed design is necessary to ensure that all exposed conductive parts, are earthed. Extraneous
conductive parts shall be earthed, if appropriate.

All substations earthing systems design has to consider the following requirements:

 Earthing systems must be designed to have 100% availability for the life of the substation.
 Underground conductors of the earthing system require strenghth without needing to be bent and
must be bare cooper with minimum cross section of 185mm2 and maximum design temperature of
250ºC including joints.
 The risers from the buried earthing grid to the substation equipment will be protected with vertical
PVC conduits in order to minimized surface corrosion in contact with concrete.
 The depth for the earthing buried grid must be 800mm below substation finishing layer level.
 Step and Touch potential determination will consider the slowest protection operating time.
 Risers wires should be capable of withstanding the worst case fault scenario.
 Equipotential bounding is required for all not carrying current exposed metallic elements: metallic
fences, lighting poles, lighting masts, metallic kioks, metallic trench covers, etc.
 Earthing connection through direct risers from the buried grid to current carrying electrical equipment
structures should provide at least two independent connections.
 Main tanks, Boxes and other accessories attached directly to the main structures of the Primary
equipment as HV Circuit Breakers, Current Transfomers, etc, should be earthed connected by
extension of one of the risers that connects the main structure.
 Earthing switches and surge arresters should include an extension copper conductor from one base
riser connection to the earth switch blade and surge arrester earthing terminal.
 Exothermic welding connections will be used for buried grounding grid thus bolted and brazed ones
only be used for above ground.
 Metallic fences will be earthed to the main grid or their own grid according with the design and layout
arrangement. Gates-posts, direction changes and straight lines every four posts should be earthed,
extensions with cooper conductor should be applied to connect border metallic wires on the top of
the fences.
 The preliminary design should be performed without consider surface treatment and fault current
flowing though the earth wires of the overhead lines connected to the Substation. Then a process of
optimization can be implemented.
 Surface treatment will consist in a surface finish layer of gravel tested to an electrical resistivity equal
or higher than 3000 Ω m. The use of asphaltic bitumen can be required inside the substation.


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 The design of the earth grid should include a minimum number of vertical rods (electrodes) in the
corners of the buried grid, minimum length of 3 meters.
 In general a buried bare cooper conductor ring should be installed one meter outside the substation
perimeter fence, connected in several points to the fence and with buried connections to the main
grid, accordingly with the design. The depth and cross section of the conductor will be the same as
the main grid, and can be considered part of the dissipation surface to ground.
 All cable trenches and conduits should be provided with a parallel earthing conductor, with the same
cross section as the main grid. This conductor will be bare type for trenches and insulated with PVC
when conduits are used. In both cases should be connected to the main grid in several points along
the cable ways (bare conductor connected to each crossing point with the main buried grid and
isolated conductor connected to the earthing bounding plates provided in the cable pits) , and at both
ends. The function of this parallel conductor is to provide a path for any stray fault current and
electromagnetic shielding.
 The structural earth electrode shall be bonded and form part of the earthing system. If not bonded,
verification is necessary to ensure that all safety requirements are met.
 Metallic structures with cathodic protection may be separated from the earthing system. Precautions
such as labelling shall be taken to ensure that when such measures are taken, maintenance work or
modifications will not inadvertently nullify them. Earthing studies requirements

Enel requires a Simulation Study to evaluate the performance of the Earthing Grid Design.

The Simulation Study must be performed with tested and certified software like CYMGRD Release 6.5 or
superior (CYME Software Company) or similar calculation software.

The use of mathematical models such as CYMGRD is always advisable, especially in special cases such as
earthing networks that are particularly asymmetric or with different depths, or when ground resistivity is not
uniform and it is therefore necessary to use a two-layer model with two different resistivity levels.

Manual calculation should be reserved for particularly straightforward cases only with fixed-pitch electrodes
and uniform ground, such as earthing networks in areas outside the power plant with independent earthing
networks, for example.

The calculation process of the earthing system is resume in the following steps:
Input Data
 Short Circuit Calculation: xx,x kA Single Phase.
 Time to eliminate the fault: 0,xx s.
 According EN 50522 Figure 4 (Permissible touch voltage) ≤260V;
 Soil Resistivity ( According previous Study of the plant soil in different Areas):
o Model with a soil with two level of resistivity
o Ρ1=xxxOhhm x m (1st level - up)
o Ρ1=xxx Ohm x m (2nd level - down)
 Definition of touch and contact voltage according EN 50522 Annex B considering:
o Resistance of Footwear


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o Resistence to earth of the standing point

Definition of the Earthing Conductors and the earth electrodes
Simulation Study to define the Earthing Conductors and the earth electrodes
 According EN 50522 Annex D
o definition the Earthing Conductors: xxx mm2
o definition the earth electrodes: xx mm2
o definition of the geometry of the earth grid in the different areas of the plant.
Definition of the Earthing Resistance, touch and step voltages.
Simulation Study to define and verify:
 Earthing resistance;
 Touch voltage;
 Step voltage.
 Final measurements of touch and step voltages.
 Final measurements of earthing impedence.
 Final measurements of earthing system continuity.d


The earthing system is composed of several horizontal, vertical or inclined electrodes, buried or driven
into the soil by force. The use of chemicals to reduce soil resistivity is not recommended.

Horizontal earth electrodes are preferably buried at a depth of 0,5 m to 1 m below ground level. This gives
sufficient mechanical protection. It is recommended that the earth electrode is situated below the frost line.

In the case of vertical driven rods, the top of each rod will usually be situated below ground level. Vertical or
inclined driven rods are particularly advantageous when the soil resistivity decreases with depth.

Metal frameworks, earthed in accordance with this standard, which form a construction unit, may be used
as an earthing conductor to earth parts which are directly fixed to this framework. Consequently, the
whole framework shall have a sufficiently conductive cross- section and the joints shall be conductively and
mechanically reliable. Precautions shall be taken to avoid part of the framework becoming disconnected from
the earthing system when temporary dismantling takes place. Large frameworks shall be connected to the
earthing system in a sufficient number of points.

Where construction work involves an existing earthing system, protective measures shall be taken to ensure
the safety of persons during fault conditions.

8.1.5. INSTALLATION WORKS Earth electrodes and earthing conductors installation Installation of earth electrodes
Horizontal earth electrodes
Horizontal earth electrodes are usually laid at the bottom of a trench or a foundation excavation.
It is recommended that
 they are surrounded with lightly tamped soil,
 stones or gravel should not be in direct contact with the buried earth electrodes,


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 Indigenous soil, which is hostile to the electrode metal used, should be replaced by a suitable backfill.
In any case, the backfilling must be done as per earth study indication.

Vertical or inclined driven rods

Vertical or inclined driven rods are driven into the soil by force and should be separated by a distance not
less than the length of the rod.
Appropriate tools shall be used to avoid any damage to the electrodes when driving them in.

Jointing the earth electrodes

The joints used to connect conductive parts of an earth electrode network (grid) within the network itself shall
have adequate dimensions to ensure an electrical conductance and mechanical and thermal strength
equivalent to the electrodes themselves.

The earth electrodes have to be resistant to corrosion and should not be liable to contribute to galvanic cells.

The joints used to assemble rods shall have the same mechanical strength as the rods themselves and
should resist mechanical stresses during driving. When different metals, which form galvanic cells that might
cause galvanic corrosion, have to be connected, joints shall be protected by durable means against contact
with electrolytes in their surroundings. Installation of earthing conductors

In general the path of the earthing conductors shall be as short as possible.

Installing the earthing conductors

The following installation methods may be considered.
 Buried earthing conductors: Protection against mechanical damage may be required.
 Accessible installed earthing conductors: Above the ground the earthing conductors shall be installed
in such a way that they remain accessible. If there is a risk of mechanical damage, the earthing
conductor should be adequately protected.
 Concrete embedded earthing conductors: Earthing conductors may also be embedded in concrete.
Easily accessible terminals shall be available at both ends.
Special attention shall be taken to avoid corrosion where the bare earthing conductor enters the soil or
concrete by PVC conduit shield protection pieces.

Jointing the earthing conductors

The joints shall have good electrical continuity to prevent any unacceptable temperature rise under fault
current conditions.

Joints shall not become loose and shall be protected against corrosion. When different metals, forming
galvanic cells that can cause galvanic corrosion, have to be connected, joints shall be protected by durable
means against any contact with electrolytes in their surroundings.

Suitable connectors shall be used to connect the earthing conductor to the earth electrode, to the main earth
terminal and to any metallic part. The use of test link chambers can be helpful.

In constructing the earthing system, joints between metallic materials having different electrochemical
potentials must be avoided.


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Joints will be made using the following methods:

 Thermowelding connection
 Compression clamps or bolts
 Pipe couplings and earthing rods Earthing network installation requirements

The construction of the earthing system shall be carried out in a way that the condition of the earthing system
can be examined periodically by inspection.

The earthing network must be buried underground at a variable depth between 0.5 m and 1 m.

A peripheral collector ring must be constructed around each building of the Substation at a distance range
between 1 m and 5 m and interconnected with the rest of the electrode at a number of points.

Protection conductors must be laid so as to achieve the shortest possible path, generally not exceeding 5 m.

Earthing collectors must be placed centrically with respect to the equipment to be connected and must be
connected to the electrode at two or more points.

The earthing connection for reinforcement rods of reinforced concrete construction works (natural earthing
electrode) should be made by binding weldable iron rods to the reinforcements, to which the earthing
conductors will be connected, as indicated in the earthing system typical detail drawings.

Foundations in reinforced concrete which are completely buried underground can be considered already
earthed and therefore do not need the above-indicated connection.

Where possible metallic equipment buried or immersed in water, if protected by a cathode protection system,
should not be connected to the electrode. Zones of particular risk

The earthing connection of metallic fences is important because they have the highest contact voltage levels
in the plant, fencing must be positioned outside of the intentional electrode.

In the case of metallic fencing, the following precautions must be taken when using this solution:

 the earthing connection of the fencing, made with an underground perimetric conductor (or pickets)
following the line of the fencing, or external to it at a distance of approximately 1 m, must be separate
from the intentional electrode.
 the fencing must also be electrically isolated into a number of sections (for example every 20m).
 if necessary, the surface resistivity of the ground must be increased by placing layers of crushed
stone or asphalt along and, above all, externally to the fencing.
Earthing connection of underground cable sheathing
The metallic sheathing of any underground cables must be connected to earth to avoid dangerous

The earthing connection of the sheathing itself must be sized for the maximum foreseeable earth current.


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Overvoltage surge arresters

The earthing connections of the arresters must be as short as possible and of low resistance.

The use of steel support structures for the connection is permitted on condition that the available section has
a resistance lower than that of a standard section copper conductor and that the connections are adequately
sized and do not have additional resistance due to paint, rust, etc.

Earthing connection of equipment

The protection conductor must be separate from the equipment’s power cable, as indicated in the earthing
system typical detail drawings “Earthing System - Assembly Typical Details”. Overvoltage control outside plant limits

Earth wires
To avoid exporting fault overloads outside of the plant limits, it is clear that if the earth wires are connected
to both ends of the station earthing electrodes, a consistent portion of the earth fault current is drained
towards the power source, i.e. the network transformer’s star center.

Where connection is possible, the contribution of the earth wires can be considered in the earthing design
for the utilizer plant. Obviously, as earth wires are involved, it is mandatory a safety checking on the returning
earth fault current for the first poles of the plant’s incoming lines with regards to contact voltage; in short, it is
necessary to check the step and contact voltages near to the supports, adequately improving the earthing
electrodes of the first supports if these voltages are above the permitted safety limits (See following figure).


Metallic parts leaving plant limits

All aerial or underground metallic parts leaving the earthing network electrode must be interrupted in at least
two points outside the plant, with the adoption of insulated joints.


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In addition, it is important to consider that hazardous voltages transferred outside the plant limits could also
encounter metallic conductors that are not necessarily connected to the power plant’s earthing system, but
which happen to pass in proximity to the earthing electrode itself. (Interference of earthing system on external
metallic conductors).

Thus, it might be necessary to provide for the insertion of joints and/or isolating sections on these metallic
conductors as well after agreements are reached between the operator of the power plant’s electrical system
and that of the metallic parts that pass by.

It is necessary to specify that if voltage levels greater than the safety ones permitted by regulations are
encountered, the exact number of insulated joints to insert and the relevant distance between them shall be
based both on design checks of the earthing system and on measurements made in situ.

Electrical circuits leaving plant limits

The issue of transferring hazardous voltages must also be considered for cables and electrical connections
leaving the area of the earthing network electrode.

This involves various aspects:

 Changes in earth voltage can cause overloads between the circuit and the local earth so that the
planned insulation limits are exceeded.
This circumstance can create hazardous voltages for personnel that carry out maintenance work on
the plant with circuits switched off.
A fault in the circuit can cause extremely hazardous current (for magnitude in relation to duration).

As to medium voltage systems AC (6 kV, 10 kV, 11 kV, 15 kV, 20 kV, 30 kV, 33 kV, 34,5 kV,…),
these are able to support the phase to ground voltage for the maximum clearing time of protection
system. However, just for the cables, it is necessary to interrupt the shielding, and also the relative
armor if present (only for armored cables), along the path where the cables left the grounded area
(at a junction, for example) and connect the ends of the two shielding sections to earth.

With reference to low voltage systems AC (400 V AC), if the transformer that feeds the system has
the neutral connected to the local earthing electrode, there are no serious problems; otherwise, it is
necessary to carefully check the fault current to earth.

 Another hazardous condition to be considered is that of a minimum fault to earth value for high
resistance capable of preventing any protections device from being triggered; in this case, it is
necessary to take the maximum non-triggering current on the power supply line into account and
report the voltages induced at the safety level of 65V.
 In the typical case of powering external buildings and street lighting circuits (for roads and fences)
that extend significantly beyond the earthing network electrode, it is fundamental to interrupt the
electrical continuity of the system at the exit from the electrode itself by inserting an “isolating”
transformer (1:1 ratio), having a secondary isolated from the primary and connected to earth, and
sized for a test voltage of 8kV.

The isolating transformer shall be located within the perimeter of the electrode, connecting the
ground (casing) to this, while the neutral of its secondary shall be left insulated from earth.


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In any case a good generic safety rule when LV cables run outside the area of the earthing network
electrode is to interrupt electrical connectivity by inserting opportune insulating transformers with
standard specifications matching that specified above for road lighting circuits; obviously, if the
potential exceeds 8kV, the transformer shall be opportunely sized according to the planned electrical
potential and subsequently checked by measurements taken in the field.

 With regards to cables for control and signaling systems, the problems related to hazardous voltages
transferred outside of the earthing network are more complex and should be examined case by case,
according to the type of circuit and possible voltages involved. Broadly speaking, the extension of
110 V DC, 220V DC and 127 V ac circuits up to 100-200m outside the earthing network should not
cause problems; the extension of lower voltage circuits outside of the network should be avoided.

If the cables outside of the earthing network were laid in metal conduits, these should be interrupted
at a number of points along the path by inserting masonry pits or, in alternative to pits, conduit trunks
made of an insulating material. (PVC or concrete).

 Finally, in the case of telecommunications circuits, these should be protected by interrupting the
electrical continuity of the system leaving the plant limits by inserting opportune repeating coils, sized
for a test voltage of 8kV.

All exposed conductive parts which are part of the electrical system shall be earthed; in special
cases insulated zones shall be created. Fences around substation installations

Bare metallic fences shall be earthed. A number of earth points shall be used, for example at each corner.
In accordance with local conditions (fence inside or outside the earthing system) the earth connection should
be made either to the high voltage earthing system or to separate earth electrodes.
Bare metallic parts of the fence coated with insulating material need not be earthed.
All physical breaks in the fencing surrounding a substation installation, for example the gates, shall be bonded
in such a way as to ensure that dangerous potentials do not arise between the parts of the fence.


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Metallic pipes within the substation site should be connected to the substation earthing system.
The use of metallic pipes, for example water supplies, from outside the substation perimeter, should be
avoided and non-metallic materials or isolating joints should be used instead. Pole mounted transforming and/or switching installations

In general all pole mounted transforming equipment combined with switching equipment, or not, shall be
In cases, where at the pole only a transformer is situated, a minimum earthing system (e. g. an earth rod or
a ring earth electrode or the footing of a conductive pole) fulfils the earthing requirements of the transformer.
In general, switching equipment mounted on poles made of steel or other conductive material or made of
reinforced concrete shall be earthed. At the operating position the permissible touch voltage according to 5.4
must be met. This can be accomplished by, e.g.:
 the design of the earthing system, or
 an equipotential bonding by means of an earth mat, or
 using insulation of operating location, or
 using insulating equipment (e.g. insulating tools, gloves or mat) when the switching operation
is done, or
 by a combination of the measures described.
Switching equipment mounted on poles made of non-conductive material need not be earthed. If it is not
earthed, mechanically reliable insulators (for example unsplit core insulators) have to be installed in operating
linkages outside the normal arm's reach. These shall be designed for the nominal voltage of the system. The
part of the actuator which can be touched from the ground has to be earthed to dissipate possible leakage
currents. An earth rod of at least 1 m length or a horizontal earth electrode around the pole at a distance of
approximately 1 m is sufficient. Earth electrodes and earthing conductors shall satisfy the minimum cross
sections in accordance Standard. Secondary circuits of instrument transformers

The secondary circuits of all instrument transformers shall be earthed as close as possible to the instrument
transformer's secondary terminals.
A minimum cross-section (to be verified) of 2,5 mm² copper is required; if the earthing conductor is
mechanically unprotected then 4,0 mm² copper is necessary.
If, however, it is necessary to earth at some other points, then there shall be no possibility of the earth being
inadvertently disconnected.

8.1.6. TESTING General
Measurements shall be carried out after construction, where necessary, to verify the adequacy of the
design. Measurements may include the earthing system impedance, prospective touch and step voltages at
relevant locations and transferred potential, continuity test, if appropriate. When measuring touch and step
voltages under test conditions, e.g. current injection test, two choices are possible. Either measure the
prospective touch and step voltages using a high impedance voltmeter or measure the effective touch and
step voltages appearing across an appropriate resistance which represents the human body.


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It’s mandatory the measurements of the earthing impedance with Heavy current injection method. Earthing system verifications

Entire substation equipment and systems shall be included in the area covered by the grounding system
grid/mesh. All grounding systems connected to HV substation shall be checked before the power on of the
HV line.
The efficiency of the grounding system shall be checked.
The verifications shall take place in accordance with existing regulations and shall include:
 visual inspection of the grounding conductors (visible tips, connections etc.) to check their integrity
and appropriateness dimensioning;
 measurement of the grounding resistance of the grounding mesh;
 measurement of the step and touch voltages;
 check of the continuity of the grounding conductors and of all the accessible metal parts providing a
current of at least 10 A; Testing methods typology

The measurement of the grounding resistance is mandatory; the ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager will
attend the test.
The following testing methods, depending on the type and extension of the grounding systems, shall apply:
 For the measurement of the grounding impedance of any MV/HV interface cabin/Substation, shall
be made with reference to Large Current method.
 The measurement of Park area depend on his connection with substation grounding system:
- If the Park grounding system is insulated from the one of the Substaion, the measuring
should be made for each generation unit with the Volt-Amperometric method.
- If the Park grounding system is connected to the one of the Substation, shall be performed
considering only one big grounding system that includes both groundings. The method shall
be the one of Large Current and the test shall be made in agreement with supplier of
substation grounding system indications.
- In this case the supplier of substation grounding shall make a preliminary test of substation
area to verify its grounding system, assuring that the earthing system of the Park is
completely disconnected. Large Current grounding impedance measuring method

In addition to visual inspection and continuity check shall be performed:

 A measurement of the grounding resistance of the system’s grounding mesh using the volt-
amperometric method with an injection of a high value current (in order to achieve the potential
measurable grounding values in a reliable way, given the conspicuous extension of the system being
tested) and however not less than 50A. The voltage values shall be taken at constant intervals
moving away from the system until the flex point of the voltage measured is reached (certain point
of no interference from the grounding mesh being tested and the total grounding voltage Ue is
reached). The distance between the grounding system being tested and the distant grounding
electrode should be at least about 5 times the maximum length (diagonally) of the area covered by


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entire grounding shape, and not be less than 5km. Different distances shall be agreed in advance
with Commissioning Manager.
 A measurement of the step and touch voltages, where the value of the total grounding voltage Ue
exceeds the threshold set by existing regulations;
 The touch and step voltages shall be checked throughout the grounding system’s area of influence,
paying particular attention at the most critical points (e.g. the farthest edges of the grounding system,
metal fences, adjacent systems such as MV/LV cabins, HV pylons with ground wires connected to
the grounding system of the ground conductor being tested). All the parameters resulting from the
aforementioned checks shall be entered onto an editable source file (excel worksheets or in an
equivalent format previously agreed with ENEL GPG).


Figure– Large current measurement diagram

IM: Test current (in general only the voltage and current module is determined)
IEM: Grounding current during the measurement (in this case not measurable directly)
rE: Reduction factor the line with respect to the distant ground bed
RES: Grounding resistance of the mesh grounded
RET: Grounding resistance of the support
UEM: Grounding voltage during measurements
USTM: Off-load touch & step voltage during current injection for measurements

At the end of the tests the Contractor shall provide the following documents:

 A report on how the measurements were organized, including:

- Method used description,
- instrumentation used,
- references to the calibration certificates of the instrumentation used,
- tables showing the step and touch voltage values of the named point where measured inside
and outside of the system (in relation to the real grounding fault current, with reference to
the measurement points and nevertheless in the surrounding area up to at least 200 meters
from the plant’s perimeter).
- Values of impressed current test;
- Single-phase grounding fault current and time for eliminating the HV fault;


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- Ground conditions during the measurement;

- Table showing, by means of graphs, the progress of the total grounding voltage detected
when moving away from the geometric center of the grounding mesh and the related carry
over to the real grounding fault current time (taking more than 4 measurements, up the first
50 meters distance outside the plant in a way to include perimetral area)
- Remote grounding probe and conductor/line used;
 Diagram of the real test circuit;
 Layout of the real measurement circuit;
 Layout of the test with the step and touch voltage measured points. Volt-Amperometric grounding impedance measuring method.

The Volt-Ampere method is sometimes also referred to as the 3-pole fall of potential method or the "62%
rule", the measurement can also be performed with portable instruments, three or four terminals equipped
with an internal generator, directly providing the grounding resistance values. This solution shall be agreed
in advance with the ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager.
The measurement of the grounding resistance in accordance with the volt-amperometric method shown

Figure – Measurement diagram

An alternating current with a constant value provided by a power source that is separated from the power
grid (for example with a double wound transformer) is passed between the ground electrode T and the current
probe T1, located at a distance from T such that the areas of influence d, of the two ground electrodes do
not overlap.

The current probe T1 shall be placed at a point that is sufficiently far away so that distancing it even further,
would vary the ground resistance in a way that is considered negligible.

The current probe T1 can be considered to be sufficiently far away when it is placed at a distance from the
boundary of T that is equal to approximately four times the maximum dimension of T: this, in the case where
T is a simple stake-type ground electrode, can be assumed to be equal to its length.

The voltage probe T2, that can be a metal stake driven into the ground, is located between T and T1 beyond
the area of influence of T and T1, allows the total grounding voltage to be measured.


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The grounding resistance is given by the relationship between the voltage measured between T and T2 and
the current that flows between T and T1. To check that the value of the grounding resistance is correct, two
further measurements are taken with the voltage probe T2 moved further away from and then closer to T
respectively by 6 meters. If the three measurements are substantially the same, the average of the three
readings is taken as the grounding resistance of grounding electrode T. If there is no agreement, the test is
repeated with an increased distance between T and T1. If the test is carried out with the current at an
industrial frequency, the total impedance of the voltmeter used shall be high (at least 200 Ω/V).

The following documents shall be produced once the tests have been completed:

 A report on how the measurements were organized (method, instrumentation used and references
to the calibration certificates for the same)
 A diagram of the test circuit
 Values of impressed current test
 Remote grounding electrode and conductor/line used
 Single-phase grounding fault current and fault elimination time
 Condition of ground during measurement
 Table showing, be means of graph, the progress of the total grounding voltage detected in distancing
from the geometric center of the grounding mesh and the related carry over to the real grounding
fault current time.

All installations, buildings or structures situated outdoors will be subject to possible atmospheric discharge,
whose frequency will depend on the site where the station is located.
Lighting protection system will provide effective shielding against direct lighting stroke in substations.
Effective shielding means that lightning strokes no greater than those of critical amplitude (with a design
margin), would be permitted to reach phase conductors.
The reference standard to be applied is the IEEE std998 Guide for Direct Stroke Shielding of Substations.
For general purpose and application to structures and buildings also is necessary to consider IEC 62305 1-
4 and NFPA 780.
8.2.1. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS HV and MV AIS switchgear
The “EGM-rolling sphere method” shall be considered when a protective area should be design in the
substations, AIS switchgear. The main parameters to be evaluated are the followings:
- Striking distance: relationship with the stroke current magnitude and a coefficient that considers
different distance ot the stroke to ground, to a mast or to a shield wire.
- Allowable stroke current: is the current flowing through the surge impedance “Zs” of the station bus
that produce the impulse critical flashover voltage (CFO). This impulse voltage can be translate to
BIL voltage as well.
- Withstand voltage of insulators strings: BIL values of station insulators.
The application of the EGM method will provide shielding for the equipment from all lightning strokes greater
than the “allowable stroke current”, therefore strokes with less amplitude are permitted to enter in the
protected zone since the equipment can withstand voltage below its BIL design level.
The design should consider separate calculation for each voltage level in the station using the appropriate


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BIL and surge impedance. At the voltage interface (transformers) the design should ensure that the lower
voltage equipment is protected by using the appropriate lower striking distance.
Application of this method involves rolling an imaginary sphere of radius S (striking distance) over substation
lightning terminals such as lighting masts, shield wires and metal support structures.

In order to define the striking distance, surge impedance and allowable stroke current is necessary to
determine first:
- Surge impedance will be calculate for each bus of a different height and conductor type.
- Allowable stroke current will decide considering as general rule 5kA for system voltages lower than
220kV and 10 kA for voltages equal or higher. In case of very low system voltages as MV AIS
switchgear should assign 2kA.
Then considering the coefficients applied to shield mast, wire mast or a combination of both the imaginary
sphere can be rolled over the lightning structures of the station in all directions and can determine if some
areas are protected by simply striking arcs over the drawing of the substation. Additional safety margins
should be consider in order to prevent from sinking between shield wires (if used) and touching equipment
to be protected. Buildings and structures
Standard IEC 62305 1 to 4 will be the reference for the design of the lighting protection system (LPS) to be
considered. The level of protection will be LPL-I, therefore the rolling sphere method can be apply with this
And the lightning protection zone (LPZ) will be defined as follows:
- Outer areas, structures, buildings and fences will be LPZ0A
- Inner rooms and underground installations will be considered LPZ1
- Equipment (switchgear panels, aux transformers, LV distribution boards, etc) enclosed in areas of
LPZ1 with adequate LPS can be categorized as LPZ2.
Lighting protection zone concept (LPZ) and LPS is described in the following picture:


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The lightning protection system (LPS) object is to protect structures from both fire or mechanical damage
and living beings from injuries, will consist of an external and internal system:
- External system, composed by air termination, down conductor and earth termination system.
- Internal system, composed by surge protection system.
External system will be design as “Faraday cage” concept to create equipotential shield grid and paths to the
lightning strikes, and dissipate its energy into through the grounding grid.
Air terminations points will be Franklin type rod with separation not exceed 15 meters for 1 meter of rod
height, the use in combination with vertical rods of bare conductors providing aerial rings shall be considered
depending on the geometry of the structures and buildings.
Down conductors system will consist in at minimum two vertical lines per building at opposite corner sides
that connects the air termination rods to the earthing termination. Conductors will be bare copper, medium
hardness, braided and minimum cross section of 35mm2.
Earth termination system will consist in buried ring at the same depth as the grounding grid of the substation,
buried joins will be necessary to the grounding grid of the substation through exothermal welding process.
Internal system will foresee the installation of overvoltage limiters to protect equipment against direct
discharges and induced by lightning.


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As introduced in the section Hydraulic Study, HV-ESS dedicated area may be:
1. Already identified without any possibility to be modified, (e.g. because of permit constraints);
2. Identified but with possibility to be changed in a certain zone;
3. To be defined within a certain possible area.

In any of these three cases, the Contractor shall ensure no flooding both; on HV-ESS platform and HV-ESS
access roads, providing reasonable mitigation design solutions and, in cases 2 and 3, choosing the area with
lowest level of ponding water. The most effective, cost-saving and time-saving solutions shall be adopted.
If preliminary studies have been carried out by ENEL and one of the three possible scenarios for the HV-
ESS location is already defined, the Contractor will assume this situation and will carry out all the
complementary studies to confirm this hypothesis and to guarantee the requirements defined in section 4.3.3.
The layout of the HV-ESS shall be defined in the electro-mechanical drawings, showing the position of the
main equipment, of the electrical trenches, of the supports, of the entrance, the internal roads, forecourts,
paved and dirty finishing, and the position and dimensions of the buildings.
The layout shall comply with ENEL basic design requirements.
In case other buildings, different than the control building, are needed in the HV-ESS area, such as O&M
buildings, the access to the HV area of the substation shall be adequately restricted.
The Contractor is responsible for the civil and structural design of all the elements and components defined
in the electro-mechanical drawings, such as equipment steel supports, towers, foundations, buildings,
trenches, underground works in general and every civil element necessary for the construction of the
substation as described in detail in the following sections.
A fire risk evaluation shall be implemented as soon as possible in the layout design to confirm that fire
protection recommendations have been evaluated according to this document, IEEE 979 or IEC 61936-1
depending on the Country of the project. For example it shall be taken in consideration the prevailing wind
direction, the separation of buildings, firefighting systems.


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The Contractor is responsible for the design of the HV-ESS earthworks, including external access, existing
roads improvements (if any), HV-ESS platform, internal roads and all the civil works to realize the complete
functionality of the HV-ESS.
The following sections give to the Contractor the general guidelines to design the HV-ESS area.


The number and type of layers shown in this paragraph are a guideline for the Contractor, while the
performances to be achieved have to be considered as a minimum requirement. The Contractor is
responsible to properly design the roads and HV-ESS paved area in order to achieve the minimum
performances given in this guidelines and support the weight of all equipment during construction and O&M
operations. The design shall be performed according to AASHTO method or national similar code approved
by ENEL.
The platform shall have a cross slope greater than 0.5 %, at least along one direction, to avoid ponding risks
and let the rainwater to flow. The modification of equipment height shall be considered during the design
phase in order to avoid problems during the execution phase.
Roads, drainage systems, cable concrete tunnels/trenches shall be designed to be suitable for transportation
of the heaviest equipment (i.e. precast cabins or transformers).
Regarding geometric considerations, roads must have a minimum width of 5.0m with longitudinal slope
limited to 10% (applicable to connect to the existing road network).
Minimum horizontal radius of internal roads must be 15.0m, and in any case adequate for the mobilization of
all the materials during the construction phase as well as during O&M activity. Longitudinal radius shall
always be higher than 200m.
Concrete curb and gutter shall be considered along the road path in order to divide different areas. Rain
water shall be directed to drainage system in order to avoid flood problems.
Before the beginning of the HV-ESS access road design, ENEL provides the main equipment transportation
specifications. In case that TS is not yet available when the design is starting, ENEL and the Contractor
define the preliminary data to be used.
The HV-ESS area shall have an adequate number of parking slots, to be used during the O&M activity.
Following Figure 1 describes the typical section for access roads and HV-ESS paved area. The minimum
properties of each layer is defined in the next section.

Figure 1: Road layers



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Topsoil shall be removed and compaction shall be performed up to achieve 95% Normal Proctor. Additionally
ENEL may ask to check the subgrade deformation modulus (Md), to be verified on site by load plate tests, in
accordance with local codes or ASTMD1196 /BS1377/ EN 1997-2/ EN ISO 22476-13.
The Contractor shall define the remedial/improvement works to be performed in case the native soil does not
achieve that value after compaction.
Typically, it is better to replace the native soil with adequate materials (soil classified as A1, A2 or A3
according to ASTM D3282 or AASHTO compacted at least to 95% of the Normal Proctor density).
Property min. value
maximum % passing 0.075mm sieve 35 %
Minimum compaction at site 95% Normal Proctor
Minimum CBR >5 %
Table 8: Minimum requirement for subgrade

For native soils hard to compact or CBR<6%, a geotextile or geo-grid layer with suitable performances may
be laid over the subgrade to reach a proper compaction of the layers. Embankment
On top of the suitable subgrade, if necessary to achieve the design elevation, a layer of filling material
consisting of gravel or crushed rocks must be placed.
The material must be classified as A1 or A3 according to ASTM D3282 or AASHTO and compacted at 95%
of the Normal Proctor density.
The thickness of this layer must be calculated according to AASHTO method. After compaction, ENEL may
ask to check the minimum deformation modulus (Md), to be verified on site by load plate tests, in accordance
with local codes or ASTMD1196 /BS1377/ EN 1997-2/ EN ISO 22476-13. As a reference, Md=25MPa is
equivalent to 5% CBR.
The embankment shall be executed with several successive layers having maximum thickness of 25cm
compacted as directed in this technical specification or as per the design.
Platform escarpments shall be protected with hydro seeding or other technics (previously approved by ENEL)
in order to prevent any risk of erosion.
Sub-base Layer
Property min. value
Minimum compaction at site >95% Normal Proctor
Minimum CBR >5 %
Table 9: Minimum requirement for Subgrade layer Sub-Base layer

On top of the suitable sub-grade, or embankment where needed, a layer of filling material consisting of gravel
or crushed rocks must be placed. The material must be classified as A1 according to ASTM D3282 or
AASHTO and compacted at least at 95% of the Normal Proctor density.
The maximum diameter must be 70mm; the thickness of this layer must be calculated according to AASHTO
method (or any equivalent method to be agreed with ENEL).
In any case the thickness shall be at least 15cm after compaction for all platform.
After the compaction, ENEL may ask to check the minimum deformation modulus, to be verified on-site as
above mentioned, which shall achieve at least Md=50MPa.


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base Layer
Property min. value
Maximum % passing #200 sieve <20%
Maximum grain diameter <70mm
LL for material passing 0,425mm sieve <35
PI for material passing 0,425mm sieve <8
Minimum compaction at site >95% Normal Proctor
Minimum CBR >40%
Minimum Md (Optional) >50 MPa
Table 10: Minimum requirement for base layer

In case of rocky subgrade, if after top soil removal and compaction the required deformation modulus
(Md=50MPa) is reached, the Contractor can use only the surface layer, avoiding the use of the sub-base
layer. Base Layer

Base layer shall be designed considering the properties of the native soil. Depending on the actual electrical
resistivity of the soil, the Contractor shall define the level of insulation necessary for the HV-ESS area and
define the base layer accordingly.
Those aspects shall be investigated by the Contractor for the electrical design and properly reflected in the
civil deliverables.
If the soil resistivity is adequately high, an additional aggregate layer can be used as surface layer.
The material suitable for this top layer must have the same properties of the sub-base, but with a maximum
diameter of 30mm. The thickness of this layer must be at least 10cm, with a minimum cross slope of 1.5% to
let the rain water flowing.
After the compaction, ENEL may ask to check the minimum deformation modulus, to be verified on-site as
above mentioned, which shall achieve at least Md=80MPa.
Property min. value
Maximum % passing #200 sieve <15%
Maximum grain diameter <30mm
LL for material passing # 40 <35
PI for material passing # 40 <7
Minimum compaction at site >95% Normal Proctor
Minimum CBR >60%
Resistance to fragmentation (Los
Angeles Abrasion test)
Minimum Md (Optional) >80 MPa
Table 11: Minimum requirement for base layer


HV-ESS internal roads and carriageable areas may have dirty finishing or may be paved, depending on local
requirements, local practice, electrical insulation needs or ENEL request for the specific site.
Paving may be realized with precast concrete slabs or blocks, or cast in place slabs, or asphalt. In case
precast commercial slabs or concrete blocks are proposed by the Contractor, relevant technical information
shall be provided to ENEL for approval/validation. In any case the pavement type shall be previously agreed
with ENEL before the final detailed design




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Paved and unpaved areas, or carriageable and external equipment areas, shall be properly divided by
precast concrete curbs.
External areas for overhead lines supports, circuit breakers, disconnectors and all the other electro-
mechanical equipment shall be designed considering the distance requirements for electrical safety,
installation, O&M activities, including proper slopes to let the rainwater flowing.
It may be required by local standards to have 100 to 150 mm/4 to 6 inches of crushed stone or rock layer,
covering HV-ESS unpaved yards, extended 1 meter/3 feet beyond the ES fence. Crushed stone or pebbles
provide an insulation layer between pedestrians and earth, reducing danger of step and touch potentials,
minimizing vegetation growing, providing clean and dry walk areas and reducing erosion.
The material selected for surfacing may be affected by the electrical grounding design. Therefore, the final
sizing and thickness of this layer shall be defined considering the soil resistivity and grounding design. For
low values of soil electrical resistivity, the use of asphalt or concrete pavement may be necessary.
Platform level shall be previously graded to its designed elevation and compacted to reasonably firm
conditions, then crushed stone shall be evenly widespread without compaction.

Figure 2: Typical Roadbed No Carriagle Areas


HV-ESS shall always be considered as hazardous and strategic area. The access to unauthorized people
shall be forbidden by providing perimeter fences with proper height and features. The Contractor shall
consider the local practices and standards when detailing the fences.
The Contractor shall supply and install fences and gates according to the design documents, including
grounding devices. The following requirements shall be deemed as minimum unless differently requested by
 It is compulsory to comply with local standards;
 Minimum height of the fence from the external ground level shall be at least 2.5m, while 2m for
internal fence;
 Fence shall be adequately equipped with signs alerting for the presence of electrical danger;
 Fence and gates shall include anti-climbing devices, such as, steel profiles and barbed wires on top
of the fence;
 Main gate shall contain a pedestrian gate for the full fence height;
 Horizontal clearance of 3m free of hazards, structures or any climbing aids around the substation.

The fencing supplied shall be suitable or continuous operation under the following conditions, defined for
each peculiar site:
 Maximum/minimum ambient temperature;
 Maximum wind pressure;
 Seismic loads.

Fence type required for the substation come mainly as per local standards, however the following type of
fencing are allowed by ENEL. The Contractor may propose different solutions, compliant with local codes, to
ENEL for approval/validation and in order to optimize erection time and costs. The different solution are:


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 Wiremesh Fence
This fence is composed by steel wire mesh supported by vertical steel framework/poles, steel grade as per
the design, galvanized or painted.

 Welded-Mesh Fence
This fence is composed by electro-welded steel grill panels supported by vertical steel framework/poles, steel
grade as per the design, galvanized or painted.

Figure 3: Typical detail weldmesh fence supported by poles

 Fiber-Glass Fence
The use of light Fiber Glass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) gratings are suggested as internal fences. They shall
be adopted where electrical insulation and corrosion resistance are required, and also as a way to fence
devices under voltage. External Gates and Internal Fences

Any substations shall ensure the following requirements:
 Entrance gates shall have a minimum width of 6.0m and a height of 2.2m. The Contractor shall define
the characteristics of the gate based on the local practices;
 Substation gates shall be rail-mounted and motorized;
 Unless otherwise required by ENEL, gate’s panels may be steel wire mesh type with barbed wire at
the top, or grill panel type;
 Design shall take into account all relevant loads, as Seismic and wind loads as per local standards.
All the items described above, and whatever necessary for the complete definition of the perimeter or internal
fences and gates, shall be defined by the Contractor. All the reinforced concrete or steel elements shall be
sized by the Contractor and issued to ENEL following the general requirements of section 9.5 for calculation
reports and drawings. Internal Fences

In some cases HV-ESS may have internal fences to divide the ENEL area to the TSO areas or close
equipment, where it is required to prevent uncontrolled access to power equipment and separate power
areas from different buildings such as Warehouse, guard house.
Consequently additional gates shall be installed to control and let access only for authorized people.
Internal fences shall be at least 2m high and shall generally be easily removable for maintenance purposes,
therefore anchor bolts shall be adopted instead of embedded poles.


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All steel rebar of reinforced concrete foundations, steel structures and the equipment in the HV-ESS area
shall be grounded as per ENEL Project Earth System guide and Assembly Typical details earthing system.
See Annex Attached.
The design of the grounding system is defined in the Electrical Studies to be performed by the Contractor to
reduce the risks in case of electrical faults. The grounding network, size of copper cables, depth of trenches
shall be considered by the Contractor in the Civil Deliverables in order to take into account any possible
interference with all the underground utilities.
At least the following deliverables shall be provided:
 Plan views showing the grounding network location and the other underground utilities;
 Typical details of grounding trenches;
 Details of the entire grounding system;
 Details of grounding connection for steel reinforcement and steel structures;
 Size and details of copper chords;
 Size and details of grounding copper rods, drilling/piling procedures, and any other details, if any.


The full definition of the lighting system is part of the Electrical Studies to be performed by the Contractor.
Based on the dedicated analysis the type of lighting system shall be defined. Traditionally the lighting poles
are distributed along the HV-ESS perimeter.
Civil works relevant to lighting system consist in small foundations where the lighting pole is installed and the
electrical pits for their connection to electrical cables. Pole’s foundations shall be shown on a dedicated plan.
Based on the soil properties and on the pole characteristics, the Contractor is responsible to design all details
(dimensions, size of steel reinforcement and all the construction details).
It is not allowed to install lighting on steel support structures with different purposes, unless approved by


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The following return periods criteria TR shall be considered in the hydraulic design (drainage system and
flood risk mitigation work), unless different local rules states requirements:
 Access roads drainages outside the ESS platform (side ditches, gutters and secondary culverts,
etc…): TR=10 years. Note: secondary culverts are considered the ones NOT built on existing
streams and rivers, but put in place in order to avoid oversized side drainages.
 Sub Station, Internal Roads and Facilities Area drainages (perimeter ditches, secondary culverts,
etc…): TR=50 years
 Existing rivers identified by authorities crossing the roads: TR=100 years

The following freeboards, maximum velocity and general methodology of analysis shall be considered for the
following main typology of works, unless the local rules states differently: Side Drainages:
 For preliminary analysis, they can be hydraulically modelled through a uniform monodimensional
flow approach, unless particular situations apply in which a steady flow analysis has to be locally
 For detailed design a steady flow monodimensional analysis is requested; however, a uniform flow
approach can be used, justifying the simplified approach
 In order to calculate the water superelevation in curves, an empirical approach can be used
 The freeboard with respect to the top of the drainage section must be the maximum value between
the 10% to the total section height or 5 cm (also considering curves water superelevation)
 The maximum velocity allowed depends on the construction material. For concrete lined ditches the
maximum allowed velocity is 4,5 m/s, for the most common unlined ditches the values are reported
in the following table:

Soil Type Vmax ( m/s) V max (ft/s)

Grass firmly planted 1.65 5.5
Clay 1.10 3.6
Silt 0.90 2.7
Fine gravel 0.65 2.1
Sand 0.35 1.2
Table 12: Maximum velocity allowed Culverts:
 The barrel, the inlet and outlet structures must be in concrete. Alternative material may be considered
after Enel’s approval.
 Inlet control flow is preferable with a maximum H/D=1.2 (where H is the water head with respect to
culvert invert and D is culvert height)
 The freeboard at the entrance of the culvert should be 50 cm with respect to the road
 The maximum velocity allowed in concrete is 4,5 m/s
 Low Water Crossing (also called Fords) can be used only for peak flows lower than 3m3/s (100 cfs).
Water depth lower than 25cm (10in) shall be ensured. Bridges
 For preliminary analysis, simplified models can be used to define the hydraulic behaviour of the
stream/river due to the bridge
 For detailed design a numerical analysis must be performed (using for example Hec-Ras, Iber, Mike):
a monodimensional analysis may be sufficient in case the flow takes place in a well-defined main
channel; a bidimensional analysis is necessary in case of presence overbank flow
 Freeboard with respect to bridge bottom must be 1.5 m


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 Analysis of scour at bridge must be performed

Unless inconvenient from technical and cost-saving standpoints, concrete lining cast in-situ or prefabricated
shall be preferred.
The Contractor is responsible to connect the HV-ESS drainage system to the existing one and to obtain all
the necessary authorization by local Authority, designing accumulation basin, heatsinks to dissipate flow
energy, other different mitigation works, if necessary.
The Contractor shall seek information concerning the type and the amount of debris to be expected during a
greater flow. Since it is nearly impossible to calculate the volume by visual observation of the basin, history
from previous flows in the proximity of the site is most reliable. The Contractor may attempt to retain the
debris upstream of the entrance or intentionally let them pass through properly designed culverts.
In case of particular situations (side ditches draining large catchment areas, gutters and culverts crossing
main roads, or drainage works for area of high importance, ...) Enel may require the 2-D numerical models
or/and a higher return period or/and higher freeboard or, in general, a more conservative approach.
In case of studies which have must be presented to the Authority or have legal significance (e.g. design for
permitting or execution), local rules apply. In case of preliminary design or basic design for Enel’s internal
use or tender use, or in case local rules lack of indications, Enel standard reported in this chapter can be


All the calculations, input and output data relevant to the necessary check of streams sections, ditches,
gutters, culverts and bridges (or for their improvement) shall be clearly shown in the report and drawings.
The Hydraulic Report shall define the dimensions for the drainage network and clearly show the hydraulic
checks of artificial and natural open ditches and streams, closed ditches and culverts, underground networks
and any other item interfering with run-off of water.
The Report shall include all the relevant data (allowable flow rate, section details, slope, flow speed…) for
the analysed items using standard design methods or an adequate software. The Designer shall verify the
size of all the hydraulic works already present, and define the improvements, if necessary. In any case the
drawings and the calculations shall include all the geotechnical and structural checks of the works.
The effects of the wind plant on the Hydrology of the area shall be adequately investigated (post-development


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In the layout of the underground electrical and communication utilities the number and type of cables and
conduits shall be defined. MV and LV cables shall be installed in areas that the Contractor has to consider
as carriageable areas.
Underground electrical and communication trenches shall comply with ENEL electrical design criteria and
local codes. Some typical cross sections are shown below as example:

Figure 4: Typical cross sections for MV/HV Cable Trenches

However the Contractor may propose modifications, for ENEL approval/validation, in order to optimize the
solution depending on the peculiar situation of the area and always in compliance with local codes.
The average depth of the upper surface of the cables shall be not less than 80 cm below the final grade along
the cable route inside the HV-ESS fence.
Along the cable routes outside the HV-ESS fence, the mentioned depth shall be in compliance with the
relevant local codes.
Alternatively, electrical and communication cable may be installed in precast or cast in place cables concrete
In both cases, cables and conduits directly buried in the ground, or in case of cables concrete tunnels the
Contractor shall consider the cable type’s requirements for a correct definition of the vertical and horizontal
bending radius.
The drawings shall clearly report the details for the cables entrance to the Control Building, showing the slope
and the details of the trenches/concrete tunnels.
The conduits that lead the cables inside the HV-ESS control building, shall be sealed to guarantee
waterproofness and fire protection.
As a general guideline the Contractor may consider the following cables underground installations:
 LV cables, inside corrugated conduits with suitable diameter;
 MV and HV, directly on the ground (depending on the cable type), or inside corrugated conduits, or
in dedicated concrete tunnels with proper covering.

Furthermore, for underground HV cables the Contractor shall consider to lay an additional length of cable, at
the beginning and at the end of the HV line.
According to the underground installation, that additional length of cable may be placed on the ground, or in
corrugated conduits, or in a dedicated pit/concrete tunnel enlargement, or over the ground on dedicated
supports always in compliance with the relevant local codes.


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The design of underground utilities (electrical/communication & hydraulic) is part of the Contractor scope of
work. Underground utilities works have primary importance and affect the construction of the whole HV-ESS,
therefore the Contractor has to coordinate the civil and structural aspects of the design with the other
disciplines (electrical and communication) to define the best solution and the most effective layout from
constructability and safety standpoint.
Typical sketch drawings provided in following sections shall be considered as an example. Underground
utilities drawings shall report all details for construction, as geometry, materials and steel reinforcement
The Contractor shall design cable trenches, drainage pipes and catch basins for sewage/drainage networks,
electrical conduits/trenches or concrete tunnels, considering local practice, site conditions and the traffic
loads relevant to HV-ESS.


The hydraulic underground network shall be designed at a minimum depth of 80cm, from the final grade.
Where possible, in order to reduce the cost and construction time, the hydraulic network for the drainage of
rain water, shall be designed as much as possible close to the electrical routes. The Contractor shall check
the possible interferences between different utilities.
The following aspects shall be considered by the Contractor:
 Rain water collected by electrical cabins (if any) shall be connected to the HV-ESS drainage network;
 Cables concrete tunnels/trenches shall be connected to the rain water drainage;
 Oil-water gravity separator shall be connected to the rain water drainage system.

Every 20m, or at any change of direction, an inspection pit shall be placed. Pits shall be in precast or cast in
situ concrete and have proper dimensions also to allow maintenance activities.
Below are the typical sections normally used. Preferably, Option 2 will always be chosen, since it allows both
cables and the drainage system to be accessed independently in the inspection pits, reducing the risks during
maintenance operations.

Figure 5: Typical detail for concrete tunnel cables drainage



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Covers may be in reinforced concrete, in steel or in Fiber Reinforced Polymers (such as Glass Fiber
Reinforced Polymer) PRFV.
All trenches covers shall support a distributed load of 20MPa. Meanwhile covers suitable for the traffic loads,
shall support traffic loads as per AASHTTO HS20-44.
In case of manholes, the cover shall support 400kN (equivalent to a class D400 according to EN 124).
Covers shall have handles/holes to be easily removable and shall have a maximum weight not heavier than
30kg, except for traffic loads which may be heavier for designing reasons.
Internal steel covers shall have a minimum thickness of 4mm and a maximum deformation of L/200 and be
galvanized as per ASTM A123, A143 or EN ISO 1461.
Concrete trenches shall be designed considering the effective dimensions and the loads applied by the
vehicular traffic, directly on the cover or on the surrounding areas.

Figure 6: Typical detail Concrete Utility Ducting



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This section aims to define the minimum requirements the Contractor has to comply with for a proper
structural detailed design of support structures and foundations for HV-ESS equipments.
The Contractor shall issue the deliverables listed in this section, but not limited and according to the DPP
List. All the drawings, reports and studies necessary for a complete development of the project or necessary
to comply with the requirements of local Authorities, shall be added and issued.
ENEL provides to the Contractor the templates for drawing and reports in accordance with its own quality
Following materials shall be adopted in the structural design, as a minimum requirement. The Contractor
may propose other equivalent materials for ENEL approval.

Material Minimum Requirements and Standard Other Requirements

- Charpy V-Notch Impact Test minimum

Steel profiles and ASTM A36 or A572 Gr 50; values: 27J at 20ºC
plates EN10025 S275JR(J0,J2) or S355JR(J0,J2) - Hot-Dip Galvanized as per ASTM
A123, A143 and A153 or EN ISO 1461.
ASTM A394 type 1 or A325 type 1 - Hot-Dip Galvanized as per ASTM
Connection bolts
EN 20898/1-2 5.6 or 8.8 Class A123, A143 and A153 or EN ISO 10684
- Charpy V-notch impact test minimum
ASTM A193 B7, A36, A307 values: 27J at 0ºC
Anchor bolts
EN10025 S275, S355, B500-S - Hot-Dip Galvanized as per ASTM
A123, A143 and A153 or EN ISO 10684
- Charpy V-Notch Impact Test minimum
values: 27J at 20ºC
- All weldings shall be done by qualified
Electrode E60XX, E70XX
welders and welding procedures shall
AWS D1.1 - Structural welding Code-Steel,
be qualified Section 5 of the “Structural
Weldings ASME Section IX - Welding Procedure and
Welding Code" of the AWS or local
Performance Qualification or local
equivalent code.
equivalent code.
- On site welding of steel structures
members is not allowed under any
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
Concrete defined by the Supplier according to the
C12/15 (2000/2500 psi) according to EN 206
(blinding) EN 206 standard or equivalent local
standard (see ACI 318)
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
defined by the Supplier according to the
EN 206 standard or equivalent local
C25/30 (3600/4000psi) according to EN 206 standard (see ACI 318)
or equivalent, having a minimum cylindrical - Slump Class: S4 (see ASTM C143)
resistance of 25 MPa. - Concrete cover: 40mm
- Maximum allowable diameter of
aggregates: 20mm
- Chlorides content class: CL 0.40
Steel B450C
ASTM A615 Grade 60 for bars
A 497 for welded wire reinforcement
Type 2 bars as per BS 4449
Bst 500 according to DIN 488
B-500-S according to EHE-08 or as per local
Table 13: Materials for steel structures and foundations


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The Contractor shall define the loads on the supporting structures considering the following requirements
and according to the local relevant codes in force in the Country of the project.
Loads on foundations shall be defined as described below, considering the output of the elevation structure
calculations (towers for overhead lines, supports and equipment, elevation part of buildings) and the data
sheet of the electro-mechanical equipment.
In any case the Contractor keeps the responsibility of the interface loads on foundations, even when coming
from third designer, therefore it is required to check/evaluate the loads on foundations coming from the
electro-mechanical components including the analysis of all the different actions on the electro-mechanical
components themselves.
In case the input data relevant to equipment are not yet available, to implement the design activities the
Contractor shall propose how a preliminary definition of the missing data in the design criteria deliverables,
to be confirmed or modified according to the actual data before the finalization of the design for construction.
Minimun Requirements and
Load Other Requirements
Self-weight of structures, supports,
including finishing and additionally
accessories (conductors, insulator
strings, others) and foundations.
EN 1991-1: Actions on Structures,
Dead loads for steel supporting
Dead loads CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación,
structures shall be evaluated
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
considering an increment of 10%
because of the weight of bolts,
plates, connections, galvanizing and
so on and so forth.
EN 1991-1: Actions on Structures,
Wind Loads CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación,
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
EN 1991-1: Actions on Structures,
Snow Loads CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación,
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
IEE 693 - Recommended Practice for
Seismic Design of Substations;
IEC 60068-3-3
All other structures shall be
(Transformers and other components)
designed as per standards
IEC 62271-207
Seismic Loads addressed in section 3 and local
(gas-insulated switchgear assemblies
for rated voltages above 52 kV)
IEC 62271-300
(HV circuit breakers, disconnectors,
CT, VT, Surge arrester)
During construction or maintenance
of dead-end TL structures or Gantry
Erection Loads structures inside the HV-ESS, a
EN 1991-1: Actions on Structures,
(that might occur during minimum mounting load of 1.2kN
CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación,
construction, maintenance (vertical worker load) on any frame
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
or operation) with an inclination less than 45º shall
be applied (ASCE Manual of
Practice 74).
The Contractor shall summarize the
EN 1991-1: Actions on Structures,
structural base reactions for each
Load Combinations CTE - Código Técnico de la Edificación,
load combination and for each
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
single load.
Table 14: Loads for steel structures and foundations design


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The structural design of latticed steel structures shall be as per ASCE 10, AISC 360, EN 1993-3 or relevant
local standard.
The design shall be done using proper software for steel design of structures, such as TOWER, RISA or
Taking into account the environmental conditions and assuming the most suitable class of atmospheric
corrosion for the specific site, the Contractor shall propose, to ENEL for approval/validation, the optimal
finishing to guarantee durability along the service life of the steel structure.
Unless otherwise directed by local applicable codes, the Contractor shall assume the atmospheric corrosion
class according to ISO 9223: Corrosion of metals and alloys – Corrosivity of atmospheres – Classification,
determination and evaluation. Minimum Requirements for HV-ESS Equipment Support Structures Deflections:
The maximum horizontal and vertical deflection of substation equipment support structures has to be in
compliance with the limits provided in the standard ASCE 113. The deflections have to be calculated
considering the serviceability limit state.
The structures with mechanical mechanisms are class A structures according to the ASCE 113 standard:
(e.g. circuit – breaker supports, circuit interrupting device)
The structures without mechanical mechanisms are class B structures according to the ASCE 113 standard
(e.g. rigid bus conductors, surge arresters etc.)
The structures supporting equipment relatively insensitive to deflection or stand-alone structures that do not
support any equipment are class C structures according to the ASCE 113 standard (e.g. dead-end structures
for incoming transmission lines, masts for lightning shielding, etc.) Seismic Design:
In case of light electrical equipment on a supporting structure (e.g. surge arresters, insulators, potential
transformers, current transformers, circuit breakers, disconnect switch), it is required that the structure does
not generate significant dynamic amplifications on the equipment.
To avoid dynamic amplifications in electrical equipment response, the support structure must have a
fundamental frequency four times greater than the fundamental frequency of the equipment, or greater than
Frequency calculation must thus be executed implying a one (1) degree of freedom oscillator, with the rigidity
of structure (K) to the horizontal movement (∆) and equipment´s mass (M) applied to the upper portion of the
The frequency is obtained with the following formula:

1 𝐾
2𝜋 𝑀

Figure 7: Equivalent model for frequency calculation



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Another way to achieve this, is that the equipment supplier also designs the supporting structure in such a
way that the behavior of the equipment-structure assembly is adequate and that the equipment itself will not
sustain damage due to seismic stress.
In this case, the Contractor must implement seismic verification for the equipment-structure assembly via a
dynamic trial on a vibrating table, as defined in ETG 1.020 or IEEE 693 for this type of trial. Structural Design of the Steel Structures

Calculation model and basic assumptions considered by the Contractor shall reflect the structural behavior
of the support equipment structures.
Analysis methods shall be consistent with the design assumptions.
Verification for steel structure element and relevant connections shall be in compliance with the standard
cited in this document and the indications provided above.
The following structural verifications shall be performed by the Contractor:
Ultimate limit State:
 Resistance of cross sections (e.g. Tension, Compression, Bending Moment, Shear, etc.);
 Buckling resistance of members;
 Resistance of the connections/joints elements.

Serviceability limit State:

 Vertical Deflection;
 Horizontal deflections.

All the steel structures inside the HV-ESS area to connect the equipment to the overhead lines (dead-end,
gantry), irrespective their peculiar type (e.g. single pole, multiple pole, lattice type), shall be designed
according to the ENEL Technical Specification for HV Transmission Lines and EN 50341, depending on the
Country of the project.


In this section are provided the main features of materials, loads and load combinations the Supplier has to
take into account for the foundations structural design.
As a general rule, foundations shall be realized under the ground level, be calculated and work without
considering external beneficial contribution, e.g. additional overload from soils or anchoring on outcrop rocks
when sized basing on overturning behavior.
Foundations above ground level shall be avoided.
The structural design shall be based on limit states in compliance with the standard indicated in the chapter
Foundations for concrete and steel poles shall be designed to support the maximum combination of induced
factored moment, compression, tension and torsion.
When the excavation for the foundations of overhead line towers/poles, dead-end T-line inside the HV-ESS,
and power transformer foundation are completed and before casting the bedding concrete, a Geologist shall
check and assess the compliance of the actual soil features with the geotechnical assumption basing the
foundations structural calculation, according the procedures directed in the ENEL specification.


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171 di/of 245 General Requirements for Foundations

Foundations of steel and concrete structures/building shall be designed according to the geotechnical report.
The foundation also shall comply with the following geometrical requirements:
 Top of foundation shall have a slope to avoid accumulation of water;
 Top of foundation shall be at least 10 cm above ground.

It is recommended that, as far as possible, all interconnected equipment be placed on a monolithic foundation
to reduce differential movements due to the design earthquake. When interconnected equipment is not
located on the same foundation, the expected differential settlements between equipment due to relative
foundation motion shall be evaluated. Geotechnical Design of Foundations

Geotechnical design of the support system of the HV-ESS must meet the minimum requirements (design
criteria, depth of foundation, minimum dimensions, etc.), and shall take into account the geotechnical
characterization of the different soil layers and related geotechnical parameterization (characteristic and
design parameters) defined in the geotechnical report.
Different type of foundation can be considered:
 Shallow foundations;
 Pier and pile foundations. Shallow foundations

a) Bearing capacity
The Contractor shall always perform the bearing capacity of the shallow foundation in accordance to the local
regulations and considering the requirements reported in this document. The most conservative results shall
be considered.
Soil bearing resistance shall be evaluated considering the highest external actions, taking into consideration
the water table if present. Evaluation shall be done for short and long term situations.
Safety factors of materials and loads for ultimate and service limit state design shall be as directed by the
applicable codes.
The safety margin for the verification shall be in compliance with the applicable code.
Unless finite element models have been analyzed or more precise evaluations have been performed, soil
pressure may be evaluated considering the effective loaded area according to the Vesic method, as provided
in the document Foundation Analysis and design – J.E. Bowles 1981. Alternative method (such as
Mayerhof or Hansen) could be used with the relevant values of index (shape, depth, load inclination, soil
inclination and foundation base inclination index).
The minimum safety factor, for factored loads, shall be 1 unless a local applicable code applies.

b) Slope stability
In case of HV-ESS foundations close to a slope, the global stability have to be checked as described on
section Geothecnical Report.

c) Overturning assessment
The overturning verification shall be carried out considering the foundation as a rigid solid.
The factored stabilizing moment due to equipment support self-weight, concrete and backfilling dead loads
shall be greater than the factored moment due to the horizontal actions.
The minimum safety factor shall be 1,5 unless a local applicable code applies.


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d) Sliding Assesment
Horizontal actions transmitted from the equipment to the foundation imply the evaluation of the soil shear
resistance. Both undrained and drained condition shall be considered.
The minimum safety factor shall be 1,2 unless a local applicable code applies.

e) Gapping
For shallow foundation gapping check shall be performed. As a minimum requirement, the gapping shall be
0% for permanent combination loads and 50% for eventual combination loads (Earthquake, Wind) unless a
local applicable code applies.

f) Settlement
For settlement assessment shall be considered the unfavorable load altogether with the stratigraphic model
for each geotechnical zone.
The analysis must meet the following:
 Total simultaneous settlement shall not exceed 2.5 cm/1 inch or lower values specified by the
equipment supplier.
 Differential settlement from the center to the edge foundation shall not exceed 2cm/0.78 inch or lower
values specified by the equipment supplier.
It shall be considered the mechanical behavior of the terrain. The instant and deferred settlement below the
foundation shall be analyzed in each case. Piles
Analysis of that foundation system shall consider the soil as purely cohesive or purely frictional, relevant to
the stratigraphic profile of the study area. It is not allowed to consider a terrain with a cohesive-frictional
nature. The design shall define the forces acting on piles.
System soil-pile shall be checked against the following failure mode:
 Axial failure
 Transversal failure
 Tensile failure

Tip and lateral (friction) force shall generally be accounted separately, since different safety factor may be
prescribed by codes.
When considering the pile check for transversal forces, the resistance is related to the mechanism of failure.
It depends on the soil parameters, but also on the piles cap geometry, i.e. it shall be assessed if the pile head
rotation can be considered fully restrained or not.
For pile foundation, no tensile force may occur in piles under operational load combinations.
For settlement assessment shall be considered the unfavorable load altogether with the stratigraphic model
for each geotechnical zone.
The analysis must meet the following:
 Total simultaneous settlement shall not exceed 5cm / 2inch or lower values specified by the
equipment supplier;
 Differential settlement from shall not exceed 2cm / 0.78 inch between the piles or lower values
specified by the equipment supplier.
It shall be considered the mechanical behavior of the terrain. In each case, it shall be analyzed the instant
and deferred settlement below the foundation.


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173 di/of 245 Structural Design of Foundations

Below are provided the mains structural checks to be performed by the Contractor for the reinforced concrete
structure in the Ultimate State Limit and Service State Limit.
Concrete foundation shall be designed and checked in compliance with the structural standard provided in
section 3.
The following structural verification shall be performed by the Contractor:
Ultimate Limit States:
 Bending reinforcement (longitudinal and transversal)
 Shear reinforcement
 Punching verification

Serviceability Limit States:

 Crack control

Pedestals of foundations shall be reinforced to transfer the entire load in the stub/anchor bolt to the concrete.
Unless different requirements and/or criteria shall be applied as per local relevant codes, the minimum ratio
of reinforcement shall comply with the following percentages of the concrete gross area (Ag):
 Pedestals, slab foundations, individual or combined footing – 0,2% Ag
 Strip/grade beam foundations – 0,4% Ag
 Pile foundations – 0,3% Ag Verification of the Anchoring System

For the base plate and anchoring system of the different equipment, the Contractor shall perform the following
verification according to the standard indicated in section 3.
For the anchor submitted to a tensile loading:
 Steel failure;
 Pull-out failure;
 Concrete cone failure;
 Splitting failure, For the anchor submitted to a shear loading;
 Steel failure;
 Concrete pry-out;
 Concrete edge failure;

For the combined tension and shear loads, perform the calculation resistance to the combined force. Design of Retaining Structures

In case space constraints force to have embankments with steeper grades, the following retaining structures
shall be adopted:
 Gabions;
 Geo-synthetic mechanically stabilized earth;
 Retaining wall (gravity, cantilever, pilling, tie-back);
 Precast concrete terrace block, e.g. “Loffelstein”.

Preliminary design with the solution proposed by the Contractor shall be submitted to ENEL for
approval/validation, before starting the detailed design.
The Contractor shall perform all geotechnical verifications concerning the stability relevant to slipping,
overturning, limit load, overall stability, and any other structural verifications depending on the case,
additionally the definition of the soil volumes pushing on the structures and their mechanical characteristics.
The design and verification shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable standard.


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Below, in Figure 8 and Figure 9 are provided typical sketch drawing for concrete retaining wall and gabion
retaining wall:

Figure 8: Concrete retaining wall

Figure 9: Gabions retaining wall



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In this section are provided the main features of materials, loads and loads combinations the Contractor has
to take into account for the structural design of the foundation, which shall be based on limit states in
compliance with the standard listed in section 3.
Foundations for dead-end TL structures/towers/gantry shall be designed to support the maximum
combination of induced factored moment, compression and torsion.
The Contractor shall design the foundations according to the geotechnical scenario relevant to their location,
which may mean to design different types depending on the soils types. Sizing of Foundation

To determine dimensions of any foundation for dead-end structure or gantry inside the HV-ESS, at least the
following failure modes must be verified, according to the ENEL Technical Specification for HV Transmission
 Uplift resistance;
 Bearing soil capacity resistance;
 Uplift thrust overlapping.

Uplift resistance safety factor must be at least 10% higher than the safety factor of the load combination
The foundation shall also comply with the following geometrical requirements:
 Top of foundation shall have a slope to avoid accumulation of water;
 Top of foundation shall be at least 15cm above ground. Structural Design of Foundations

The following structural verification shall be performed by the Contractor:
Ultimate Limit States
 Axial pullout reinforcement;
 Bending reinforcement (longitudinal and transversal);
 Shear reinforcement ;
 Punching verification.

Serviceability Limit States

 Crack control. Verification of the Anchoring System

For the stub of steel structures, the Contractor shall comply with ASCE 10.


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Before performing the detailed calculation of the steel structures and foundations, the first deliverable to be
issued by the Contractor and validated by ENEL is the design criteria.
The design criteria shall contain at least the following information:
 Reference to standards and codes
 Reference to geotechnical report;
 Material properties for steel, bolted connections and welding
 Material properties for concrete and reinforcing steel;
 Loads analysis description:
o Dead loads, Live loads, operational loads, wind loads, snow loads, seismic loads, etc;
o Load combinations (SLS and ULS);
o Input data from electro-mechanical calculations;
o Equipment data sheet
 Maximum allowed deformations;
 Minimum ratio of reinforcement for concrete structures;
 Description of the methodology for the structural modelling;
 Design checking: checks at SLS and ULS for the steel structures, the main connection elements and
concrete foundations.
 Safety factors regarding stability of foundations (Gap, bearing capacity, sliding, overturning) Calculation Report

Calculations report shall include the analytical description of the structural model correlated with the
geotechnical model and the geotechnical verifications of the foundation structures (limit load, settlements,
and soil-structure interaction).
 Reference to standards and codes, design criteria;
 Reference to geotechnical report;
 Reference to electromechanical report and equipment data sheet;
 Material properties for steel, bolted connections, welding, concrete and rebars;
 Description of geotechnical properties for foundation design;
 Loads analysis description:
o Live loads, operational loads, wind loads, snow loads, seismic loads, etc.;
o loads combinations;
 Description of the structural modelling;
 Sketch showing each load case applied to the structure;
 Design checking:
o Structural checks at SLS and ULS for the steel structures and foundations;
o Detailed verification for the principal connection elements;
 Annex:
o Manufacturer data sheet which shall include weight, center of gravity, dimensions, bolts;
o Structural modeling (Input/output software files);
o Stress figures (axial, moments, shear, etc.);
o Summary of most critical structural sections and relevant checks; Drawings
 Material properties for steel, bolted connections, welding concrete and reinforcement;
 Layout of structures and foundations with their dimensions;
 Bill of quantity of concrete (m3), rebar (kg), excavations (m3), steel (kg), other items;
 Description of Type of soil, and bearing capacity of it;
 Detailed drawings of foundations, reinforcements, anchoring system, etc.;
 Reference to calculation report, technical specifications, general layout;
 Table of loads on structure.


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9.6.1. POWER TRANSFORMER FOUNDATION Minimum Dimensions of the Transformer Foundation
Transformer foundation shall be considered as a catch basin suitable to contain accidental oil leaks and
sufficiently large to prevent pollution on the surrounding areas.
Transformer foundation shall be sized to guarantee the minimum distance from the oil container/oil expansion
tank and the internal edge of the transformer foundation according to the local relevant code, if any, or
according to the requirements of the following codes, depending on the Country of the project, as shown in
the pictures below: Countries where IEC is in force
 Minimum 20% of the maximum distance between the transformer top (expansion tank included, if
any) and the top of the containing tank – IEC 61936; Countries where IEEE is in force

 Minimum 1,50m – IEEE 980;

Figure 10: Transformer foundation catch basin minimum width

Figure 11: Transformer foundation catch basin minimum length



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The Contractor shall size the system taking into account the following operational conditions:
 Normal service of the transformer: rain water and possible limited losses;
 Heavy duty service for a serious fault of the transformer: rain water and discharge of all oil.

The initial data for the dimensioning of the container are:

 Amount of oil present in the transformer (in case of several transformers the volume of the largest oil
container shall be considered) to determine the max capacity of the container;
 Rainfall values, necessary to determine the capacity of the transformer foundation/basin or the
capacity of the retention pit. The volume shall be based partially on whether water drainage is
automatic or manual. In case of manual, this needs to include a statistical likelihood that, if an oil
leak occurs, the pit shall already be partially full of water (Tr = 10 years). Base Anchoring System

The foundation anchoring system of the transformer shall be realized considering one of the following
 Skid-type base for direct attachment to the foundation
 System with wheels and interlock-brake adequate for seismic forces. Seismic Requirements

In seismic countries any equipment shall be certified as per IEEE 693. Particular attention shall be put on the
transformer and their components, such as Radiator, expansion oil tank, bushings and anchorage (See
annex D.5, IEEE 693).
The purpose shall be to keep operating any HV-ESS structure and equipment, without any damage after an
earthquake as per design. Low Seismic regions
In low seismic regions (0.1g < PGA) the sole good construction and seismic installation are sufficient.
However the following requirements shall be fulfilled as per Art. A.1.1.4, IEEE 693 regarding proper
anchorage, defined load path and slack.
Anchorage shall be designed to withstand a horizontal seismic force of 0.2 times and a vertical force of 0.16
the equipment weight. Moderate Seismic regions
In moderate seismic regions (0.1g < PGA < 0.5g), or when it is required as per local standards, the shear
forces shall be transferred directly to the foundation by seismic stoppers/shear keys. Therefore anchor bolts
shall be sized only for tensioning stresses.
Friction between base plate and supporting grout or concrete, shall not be considered for this analysis.

Figure 12: Typical seismic stopper/shear key



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179 di/of 245 Highly Seismic regions

In highly seismic regions (PGA>0.5g) it shall be applied the same criteria of the moderate seismic regions,
but additionally steel anchorage boxes shall be adopted to let the anchor bolts replacement in case of failure.
Therefore bolts shall be replaceable without any displacement of the transformer.

Figure 13: Typical Anchor Box


In case the external transformers or equipment operating with oil, the event of oil leak shall be considered. It
may occur because of failure or leakage from oil containers or it may result from sweating or imperfect sealing
of the equipment or fittings.
The Contractor shall size the transformer area considering the following aspects:
 Prevent that eventual oil leak may fall out of the waterproofed area (i.e. leaking oil from the
transformer shall fall in the transformer tank);
 Define a system to separate oil and water, properly filtering the oily water or alternatively sizing a
collector for the total volume of oil inside the transformer catch basin or in a dedicated tank;
 Facilitate the extinguish actions in case of any fires may occur in the transformer area.

The Contractor may design the water treatment systems considering two alternatives:
 It may be performed in the transformer catch basin and then filtered in an oily water separator;
 The oily water may be treated directly in a dedicated tank.

In both cases the Contractor shall reach the full compliance with the applicable local regulations.
Alternative systems for the proper treatment of the oily water may be proposed by the Contractor, but they
shall be approved/validated by ENEL before proceeding with the design.
The Contractor shall also respect the exhaust hydrocarbon local limit requirement, allowed to the discharge


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180 di/of 245 Oily Water Treatment in the Transformer Foundation Catch Basin

The transformer foundation shall be sized considering the indications of section, for the minimum
plan dimensions, while to size its internal hollow volume which works as a catch basin to collect rainwater
and oil leaks, this section shall be applied.
The internal surfaces of the catch basin shall be waterproofed with oil-resistant paint. The bottom surface
shall be smoothed and sloped toward the siphon outlet pipe. Construction and expansion joints shall be
sealed using oil resistant materials. In order to prevent any leak from or to the foundation, inlet and outlet
pipes shall be hermetically sealed.
When the flooding risk analysis (as per section 0) reveals no flooding risk, the top level of the foundation/catch
basin shall be at least 20cm/8inches above the surface layer/finishing level to prevent the roads rain water
to flow in. In case the flooding risk analysis, including the drainage system and/or remedial/mitigation works
to keep the ponding water level under the allowable maximum of 10cm/4inches, reveals the maximum
ponding water level might be reached, the top level of the foundation/catch basin shall be raised at least to
30cm/12inches above the surface layer/finishing level.
The transformer foundation/catch basin shall be covered with gratings. The grating, supports, all connections
and embedment shall be hot dip galvanized.
Gravel with generally 40 to 60mm diameter and 15cm height, shall be placed over the mesh, as a way to
avoid spreading of fire from the equipment in case of accidents.
Different solutions than traditional pebbles and stones, such as fire protection gratings, shall be previously
validated by ENEL.

Figure 14: Grating and Gravel (example)

The elevation of the siphon pipe shall be defined considering that the total volume above the siphon level
shall be at least the 110% of volume of oil to be contained plus the rainfall based on a 10-year storm event
within a period time of 24h.
Local codes or ENEL itself may ask the Contractor to modify/increase the given percentage depending on
the peculiarities of the specific site.
According to local codes, in some Countries it might be required to size the catch basin including the water
firefighting volume. In that case the Contractor shall comply with the local requirements as per applicable
codes in force.

Figure 15: Typical Transformer foundation/basin



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181 di/of 245 Oil Water Separator Tank

As an alternative, the Contractor may consider to treat the oily water in a dedicated separator tank, while the
transformer foundation tank works as a water collector.
While the individual tank approach would be preferable in case of substations with only 1 transformer, in case
of more than one or when it is expected an expansion of the substation adding a potential new transformer,
then a dedicated separator tank might be the best choice.
On plants with several transformers the oil-water separator can be shared to collect all the waste waters. The
oil-water separator shall be sized considering the 110% of oil volume for the transformer having the highest
capacity (considering the failure of several transformers not simultaneous).
Local codes or ENEL itself may ask the Contractor to modify/increase the given percentage depending on
the peculiarities of the specific site.
All requirements listed in the previous section for the transformer foundation tank applies also for this
The separator tank shall be properly seized to contain the total oil volume and the amount of rain water
calculated in accordance with the following paragraph, considering a return period of 10 years, within a period
time of 24h. In this case the transformer foundation catch basin shall be empty, while the separator shall
always be full of water.
The separator tank shall dispose the treated water in the existing underground network or in the rainy water
drainage system through an outlet pipe.
If required by local regulations, the outlet pipe may be connected to a filtering system as per section Oil Water Gravity Separator

According to local codes, in some Countries it might be required to process the oily waters in a dedicated
treatment system. In that case the Contractor shall comply with the local requirements as per applicable
codes in force.
In any case, ENEL may require the Contractor to adopt and design a dedicated oily water treatment system
by gravity separator. However the Contractor may propose a different treatment system, with the same or
better effectiveness, to ENEL for approval/validation, according to local market availability or local common
practice, and in any case in compliance with the local relevant codes in force.
Where the water in the transformer foundation catch basin or in the dedicated tank, shall be further filtered,
an oily water gravity separator may be implemented. The filter shall break down the particles of oil that may
be present in the liquid within the limits set by local law and regulations (limit value for the maximum allowable
emission of exhaust hydrocarbon).


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One of the most critical areas from fire protection standpoint is the power transformer area, where the
requirements are based on the amount of flammable liquid contained in the equipment, which comes from
the transformer size and peculiar manufacturer.
According to the flammable liquid volume, the following requirements shall be complied.
Limits defined in these specifications are based on IEEE 979, NFPA 850 and IEC 61936-1, however the
Contractor is responsible to verify if local codes direct different requirements and in case to apply those ones.
In case of Hydroelectric Power Plants shall be taken into account NFPA 851, as well.
Catch basins and/or collector tanks shared with more transformers, shall be designed to avoid fire spread
from one transformer to another. The same concept shall be applied in case of single transformer catch
basins which drain to collector tanks shared with other transformers, by gravel layers, pipes full of liquids,
fire protective gratings.
The Contractor shall design and propose proper solutions to ENEL for approval/validation. Separation Requirements

The Contractor is responsible to define the fire resistance of the building walls exposed to the power
transformer, or to any other equipment containing flammable liquids,
IEEE 979 states the minimum separation between large mineral oil-filled transformers and equipment or a
building, based on prescriptive guidelines.
While deciding the spatial separation between two non-identical objects (for instance transformers with
different size) or leak containing zones, two estimations are required (A->B and B->A) relevant their mutual
positions, as figure below delineates.
Note that transformer B does not have regulation and the foreseen spill territory depends on the site.

Figure 16: Separation Distances (Ref: IEEE 979)

If these distances cannot be guaranteed, mitigating measures to reduce these distances shall be taken, such
as firewalls, thermal barriers or the adoption of equipment with less flammable dielectric fluids.

In any case the following minimum distances are recommended:

Volume of oil (L) Minimum distance (m)
1890< L < 18930 7.6
L > 18930 15.2
Table 15: Separation Distances (Ref: Table 1, IEEE 979)


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In case of liquid different than oil, the relevant local codes shall be followed.
According to IEEE 979-2012, when the HV-ESS area is limited, a 2 h fire rated wall (REI 120) shall be
adopted to protect buildings. Distance between Transformers and Buildings

Unless more demanding requirements as per local regulations, the minimum distance between transformers
inside the HV-ESS area shall be at least as stated in the following table, according to IEC 61936-1. In case
this distance is not available on site, a fire barrier shall be adopted between adjacent transformers, according
to the following section.
Distance G1 Distance G2
between other between other
transformers or transformers or
Liquid volume V
Transformer type buildings with buildings with
non-combustible combustible
materials materials
liters meters meters
Transformers 1000<V<2000 3 7,5
insulated in oil (O)
2000≤V≤20000 5 10
20000≤V≤45000 10 20
V≥45000 15 30
insulated in low 1000<V<3800 1,5 7,5
flammable liquid
(K) type without
increased V≥3800 4,5 15
Transformers Distance G1 between adjoining transformers or
insulated in low buildings
flammable liquid
Horizontal distance [m] Vertical distance [m]
(K) type with
0,9 1,5
Dry transformers Fire reaction Distance G1 between adjoining
(A) type class transformers or buildings
Horizontal distance Vertical distance
[m] [m]
F0 1,5 3,0
F1 none none
Note 1 – Increased protection means:
- Tanks resistant to breakdown;
- Tanks with pressure release;
- Protection to low electric current failures;
- Protection to high electric current failures;
For increased protection examples, check Factory Mutual Global Standard 3990 [33], or equivalent.
Note 2 – It should be foreseen enough room to regular cleaning of transformers winding encapsulated
in resin, to prevent potential electrical failures and fire risks due to atmospheric pollution.
Note 3 – Non-combustible materials may be chosen in compliance with EN 13501-1[36].

Table 16: Reference values for distances in the air for external transformers
(from Tab.3 – IEC 61936-1) Fire Barriers

Fire barriers can be either firewalls or thermal heat shields. Firewalls are built with fire resistant materials,
such as reinforced concrete or composite materials. On the other hand, thermal heat shields can reduce the
radiant heat transfer, but after a major incidents usually they need to be replaced. Another type of fire
retaining structure may be proposed for ENEL approval/validation.


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In Countries where IEEE is in force, the protection walls shall be at least 2h fire rated (IEEE 979). The fire
barriers shall be extended 0.60m horizontally beyond the line of sight between all point on adjacent
transformers and have a minimum height of 30cm above the element potentially harmful to adjacent HV
equipment in case of severe failure. The highest element would be oil conservator or HV bushings. Figure
below shows an example of fire barriers.

Figure 17: Example of fire barriers

Fire barriers shall be designed to withstand seismic loads, wind loads and blast pressure. References for
design and installation of fire barriers can be found on NFPA 850 and NFPA 851.
In Countries where international standard IEC is in force, the Contractor shall design fire barriers with
minimum fire resistance REI 60 in compliance with IEC 61936-1, which direct the following requirements:

Figure 18: Fire barriers between transformers – Section view

(extracted from picture 6 – IEC 61936-1)


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Figure 19: Fire barriers between transformers – Plan view

(extracted from picture 6 – IEC 61936-1) Indoor Transformers

Oil-insulated indoor transformers, greater than 379 L, shall be separated by a fire barrier of 3 hour fire
resistance. Prevailing Winds

The prevailing wind direction shall be taken into account, since it can increase the hazard from fires involving
mineral oil insulated equipment and combustibles structures. Fire Protection Assessment

A complete fire protection assessment shall be developed by the consultant in order to analyze the HV-ESS
fire protection. An example of this analysis can be found on Annex E (IEEE 979-2012).
A proper study shall contain at least the following information:
 Fire sources (power transformer, voltage transformer, Control building, and so on);
 Determination of flame front or fire exposure, including at least the following conditions: station
grades, ground cover, transformer oil volume, transformer failure mode, type of transformer
 Plan layout with minimum distances between building and equipment, as per IEEE 979-2012 (see
figure below);
 Equipment information (Brief description, Oil volume, type of foundation);
 Prevailing Wind Direction (Can create an increase in the hazards);
 Finally, fire protection assessment.


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Figure 20: Typical Plan layout with Fire Distances (Fig E2, IEEE 979)


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Scope of this section is to give the general requirements for the HV-ESS Control Building design, which may
be separated from O&M Building or part of it.
Keeping the compliance with this TS, the Contractor may propose a single building incorporating both Control
building and O&M building, or two separated buildings, according the best cost-saving and time-saving
optimization achievable, depending on each project features.
The internal configuration and disposition of the control building’s electrical equipment are provided in the
plan view electrical drawing.

The scope of supply includes the following activities, in compliance with this TS and the relevant applicable
local standard in force:
 Detailed structural and architectural design, including thermal and acoustic design;
 Detailed design of technological systems, as lighting and sockets, HVAC, fire-detection, fire-fighting,
anti-intrusion, any accessories (safety equipment, furniture, any other according the specific project);
 Any document/deliverables for permitting purposes or required by the authorities of the Country,
signed by qualified engineers;
 Procurement;
 Manufacturing/supplying of systems, accessories, material (Certified if required);
 Transportation, erection, construction;
 Any inspection and tests;
 As-built documentation;

The scope of supply includes all materials, components and activities necessary to ensure a proper and safe
operation of the building.


As above stated, the Control Building may be designed as a single building including O&M building rooms,
but in any case the Control building access shall be independent, or in other words it shall be avoided to
access to the control building directly from the interiors of the O&M Building.
Additionally the external Control Building area shall be separated by proper fence to prevent free access.
The Control Building shall ensure an external degree of protection not lower than IP-33 as per CEI 60529.
Taking into account the environmental conditions and assuming the most suitable class of atmospheric
corrosion for the specific site, the Contractor shall propose, to ENEL for approval/validation, the optimal
finishing to guarantee durability along the service life of the Control building.
Unless otherwise directed by local applicable codes, the Contractor shall assume the atmospheric corrosion
class according to ISO 9223: Corrosion of metals and alloys – Corrosivity of atmospheres –
Classification, determination and evaluation.
According to the IEEE 979, the control building shall be constructed with fire-resistant or noncombustible
The building shall be located and designed to avoid that the largest estimated fire (e.g., of an oil-filled
transformer, a circuit breaker, or neighboring plants or storage facilities) could involve or affect the operation
of the equipment within the building or vice versa.
Consequently the Contractor shall evaluate the fire load and establish the relevant fire resistance class for
the building in compliance with the local standard. In case of lack of local standards, a fire resistance REI
120 (EN 13501-2) shall be adopted.


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The Control Building shall be design with:

 Adequate system of natural ventilation;
 Reliable waterproofing against rainwater infiltration or flooding;
 Protection/containing system/equipment in case of oil leak from the transformer or any other
equipment operating with oil;
 Non-combustible materials for floor, walls and ceiling.

The Control building may be cast in-situ or prefabricated modules/elements type, or a proper mix of both.
The Contractor may choose the best combination in order to achieve the best cost-saving and time-saving
optimization. Cast In-Situ Type Building
It may be designed according the following possibilities:
 Foundations in reinforced concrete, shallow or piled depending on the geotechnical scenario;
 Structural frame with columns and beams in reinforced concrete, or by columns, beams and bracings
in steel;
 Structural elevation with bearing brick masonry, properly insulated;
 Structural floor-slabs with reinforced concrete, or with mixed reinforced concrete beams and brick
elements, or with steel beams, corrugated sheets and concrete slab;
 External and/or internal walls/cladding with insulated brick masonry, or with prefabricated panels
(sandwich type) in concrete properly insulated, or with steel sandwich insulated panels;
 Flat roof not walkable with proper slopes to drain rainwater, or sloping roof. Prefabricated type building

It may be designed according the following possibilities, with structural joints dry type or cast in place type:
 Foundations in reinforced concrete, shallow or piled depending on the geotechnical scenario,
completely cast in-situ or completely prefabricated, or mixed with prefabricated spigot-and-socket
elements included in cast in-situ complement parts;
 Structural frame by prefabricated concrete columns and beams, or self-supporting prefabricated
 Structural floor-slabs with prefabricated concrete panels;
 External and/or internal walls/cladding with prefabricated concrete panels including insulation, or with
steel sandwich insulated panels;
 Flat roof not walkable with proper slopes to drain rainwater, or sloping roof.


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The Control building shall be sized according to the requirements coming from the electro-mechanical
design and consequent equipment adopted, in order to guarantee the demanded and sufficient space for
operation and maintenance activities in safe conditions.
As a general, non-mandatory criteria in basic design stage, the size of each specific room may be evaluated
depending on the capacity of the Plant in MW, with reference to the following table:

MW <100 MW <150 MW
Panels Room 50 60
MW Switchear 50 60
TSA Room 10 10
Battery Room 20 20
Scada Room 20 20
Global Service 20 20
Building Total 160 190
Surface (does not
include DGR)
Diesel Generator 12 12
Room (DGR)
Table 17. Net Areas (m2) for HV-ESS Control Building

a. It is suggested to locate Diesel generator and relevant fuel tank outside the building as a way to optimize
sizing of building but also to reduce fire risk. External Diesel generator shall be properly covered to mitigate
acoustic emissions in compliance with local relevant requirements in force, and (including fuel tank)
protected by proper fence or cladding to prevent direct access. In any case the fuel tank shall be located
outside with its proper fence as above stated.

b. O&M Scada control room may be placed in the Control building or as instructed by O&M in a specific room
in the O&M building. The Contractor shall comply with Responsibility Matrix according for each specific

c. Depends on the electrical layout control building and power capacity of the LV SSAA systems, TSA and
Batterys can be installed in the same room as the LV distribution panel boards, instead of a dedicate room.


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Following materials features shall be adopted in the design of the Control building, unless in contrast with
local applicable standards, which in case prevail.

Minimun Requirements and

Material Other Requirements
ASTM A36 or A572 Gr 50; Charpy V-Notch Impact Test minimum
Structural Steel
EN10025 S275JR or S355JR values: 27J at 20ºC
- Charpy V-Notch Impact Test minimum
values: 27J at 20ºC
Electrode E60XX, E70XX
- All weldings shall be done by qualified
AWS D1.1 - Structural welding
welders and welding procedures shall
be qualified Section 5 of the “Structural
Weldings ASME Section IX - Welding
Welding Code" of the AWS or local
Procedure and Performance
equivalent code.
Qualification or local equivalent
- On site welding of steel structures
members is not allowed under any
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
C12/15 (2000/2500 psi) according to defined by the Supplier according to the
Concrete (blinding)
EN 206 EN 206 standard or equivalent local
standard (see ACI 318)
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
- Cast in-situ concrete Class: defined by the Supplier according to the
C30/37(5500 psi) EN 206 standard or equivalent local
- Prefabricated concrete Class: standard (see ACI 318)
Concrete for wall
C30/37 (5500psi) or C45/55 - Slump Class: S4 (see ASTM C 143)
(precast and cast in situ)
(8250psi) - Concrete cover: 30mm
according to EN 206 or equivalent - Maximum allowable diameter of
local standard. aggregates: 20mm
- Chlorides content class: CL 0.40
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
Concrete for precast
defined by the Supplier according to the
floor and roof slabs, Concrete Class C30/37(5500 psi) or
EN 206 standard or equivalent local
columns, beams, other C45/55 (8250psi) according to
standard (see ACI 318)
structural elements EN 206 or equivalent local standard
- Concrete cover: 30mm
- Chlorides content class: CL 0.40
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
defined by the Supplier according to the
EN 206 standard or equivalent local
Concrete Class C30/37 (5500psi) standard (see ACI 318)
Concrete for floor and
according to EN 206 or equivalent - Slump Class: S4 (see ASTM C 143)
roof slabs, flat or sloping
local standard - Concrete cover: 30mm
- Maximum allowable diameter of
aggregates: 20mm
- Chlorides content class: CL 0.40
- Environmental Exposure Class: to be
defined by the Supplier according to the
EN 206 standard or equivalent local
Concrete Class: C30/37 (5500 psi) standard (see ACI 318)
Concrete for foundations according to EN 206 or equivalent - Slump Class: S4 (see ASTM C 143)
local standard - Concrete cover: 30mm
- Maximum allowable diameter of
aggregates: 20mm
- Chlorides content class: CL 0.40
Steel B450C
ASTM A615 Grade 60 for bars
Reinforcement steel A 497 for welded wire reinforcement
Type 2 bars as per BS 4449
Bst 500 according to DIN 488


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B-500-S according to EHE-08 or as

per local standard
Clay masonry bricks (Well Burnt
Masonry Red Hard);
Autoclaved aerated concrete
masonry bricks.
Table 18: Materials for control building

Concrete covering, as well as environmental exposure class, shall be properly increased depending on
peculiar external environmental conditions.

Partial safety factor to apply to characteristic values of materials have to be in compliance with the local


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The Contractor shall adopt, or define, the minimum values of each type of load according to the local
applicable codes. In the first stage of the design the local codes references and the load values shall be
provided to ENEL, by the design criteria, for validation.
The most typical loads to include in the structural design are listed below along with the minimum values to
be taken as a reference. The Contractor may propose modifications to ENEL for approval/validation,
depending on specific situations.
Minimun Requirements and
Load Other Requirements

CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación, Weight of the structures, finishing,

Dead loads ASCE 7-10 or local standard. ceiling, stairs, partition, facades,
lighting system, cladding, etc.
For Loads coming from rooms with
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
specific equipment may be distributed
Live Loads: ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
on a defined surface or concentrated in
a small surface or single point,
- Offices, corridors, 3 KN/m2
therefore the design shall model
restrooms, stairs
properly their influence. In the
- Not walkable roof 1 KN/m2
preliminary stage the Contractor shall
- Walkable roof 2,5 KN/m2
define this loads in the Design Criteria,
- Electrical panels/ 6 KN/m2
later in the executive stage the previous
battery rooms
loads shall be checked and aligned
- Control room 4 KN/m2
according to the components coming
from the final electrical design.
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
Wind Loads
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
Snow Loads
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
Seismic Loads
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
- Water table pressure, in case of
underground water is detected by
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
Other Loads - Loads due to transport/lifting/erection
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
activities (E.g.: for prefabricated
elements and preassembled steel
frameworks or parts in general).
CTE Código Técnico de la Edificación,
Load Combination
ASCE 7-10 or local standard.
Table 19: Loads for control building


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Design of the concrete, steelwork and masonry structures shall be done in accordance with the standard
indicated in section 3 and local technical codes for buildings and foundations.
Structural verifications shall be performed by the Contractor at the Ultimate Limit State and Serviceability
Limit state.
Indications and requirements shown in section 9.5 for steel and concrete structures and foundations also
apply for the control building.
Actions causing significant acceleration of the structure or structural members, must be classified as dynamic
actions and taken into account using a dynamic analysis.
In those areas likely to be subjected to different load categories, the calculation must take into account the
most critical load hypothesis. In those situations where operational loads act simultaneously with other
variable actions (for example, actions induced by wind, snow, cranes or machinery), the total load considered
in the load hypothesis shall be understood as an action only. In cases where the number of vibrations in the
load or the effects of vibrations can produce fatigue effects, a fatigue load model must be analyzed.
On decks/roofs, separate checks must be made on the evenly distributed load and concentrated load.
Non-structural elements (cladding, internal walls, suspended ceiling, equipment, etc) shall be compliant with
the site-specific seismic class according to applicable local standard. In case of luck in the local standard,
the Supplier shall verify non-structural elements according to EN 1998 (Eurocode 8) part 1 section 4.3.5 as
a reference.
In case of a reinforced concrete frame cast in situ the minimum dimension of the column shall be at least
20cmx20cm and for the beams 20cmx40cm, unless otherwise stated in the local relevant standard especially
taking into account seismic class depending on the specific location of the structures involved.
Depending on the Country’s project relevant codes, in case of buildings based on patented prefabricated
structural elements, it might be sufficient to comply with the design procedures, or part of them (e.g. regarding
the individual assessment of the single structural elements or sections), by patented structural calculations.
In that case the Contractor shall provide proper references within the local applicable codes. Anyway, all
calculation reports, if necessary, shall be available for ENEL scope.
However the Contractor shall develop the structural modeling, calculation and assessments for the structure
in its entirety and provide all the deliverables for permit purposes.
The vertical deflection of structural member shall not exceed the following limits:
Element wmax w3
Roof member:
Supporting plaster ceiling l/240 l/360
Supporting non plaster ceiling l/180 l/240
Not supporting ceiling l/120 l/180

Practicable roof member l/250 l/300

Floor member l/240 l/360

wc : Previous deflection for unloaded structural member

w1 : Initial part of the deflection under permanent load
w2 : Long-term part of the deflection under permanent loads
w3 : Additional part of deflection due to the variable actions
wtot: total deflection wtot=w1+w2+w3
wmax= wtot -wc
Figure 21: Vertical deflection limits


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Horizontal displacement for steel structures shall not exceed the limits below:
Steel Structure Building ui u
Single story building Hi/300
Multi story building Hi/300 H/500

u : Overall horizontal displacement over the building height H

ui : Horizontal displacement over a story height Hi
Figure 22: Horizontal displacement for steel structures

If more stringent limits are provided in the local standard, also in seismic condition, please apply them.


Prefabricated elements designed and adopted by the Contractor shall be factory produced. Design and
adoption of prefabricated elements supplied by temporary facility on-site may be proposed to ENEL for
approval/validation, according to peculiar situation of the specific project and availability of local suppliers
with demonstrated references about previous experiences.
Regardless the products source, prefabricated solutions shall comply with geometrical tolerances regarding flatness,
dimensional consistency and superficial imperfections, concrete covering and position for steel reinforcements, both for
individual elements in production stages and for the final building after erection, as per local applicable codes and/or
product standards, if any, or with the EN 13670.


This section provides the main features for the control building civil works with cast in-situ solution. Foundations for Control Building

The building foundations shall have suitable openings to allow the passage of MV and LV cables, drainage
ducts and any other utility. Openings may be realized by sections of PVC pipe, corrugated pipe or ducts
embedded in the concrete or by proper concrete tunnels according to the amount of cables and needed
Retaining walls for buildings with underground floors, shall be protected in their parts in contact with the soil,
by specific waterproofing layers, coating or other engineered solutions, including the floor surfaces in case
of shallow water table which may affect the underground floors.
Ground floors of buildings without any underground floors, shall be protected in their parts in contact with the
soil by proper layer of gravel to realize a crawl space underneath the internal pavement, unless more
engineered solutions shall be adopted to fix water table or waterproofing issues depending on the site
features, or per ENEL request.
Tunnels/pits under the ground level, shall be eventually protected in their part in contact with the soil, by
applying specific waterproofing product, depending on specific conditions of the site. Cable ways


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The Design shall define the cables ways type, path and openings, considering the minimum bending radius
depending on the cable types. Dedicated details shall be reported in the civil drawings in order to give all the
details for construction.
Cable ways may be trenches with, or without, conduit corrugated pipes beneath the floating floors, or
concrete tunnels with proper covering and drainage system, when needed.
Civil design shall take into account all the input from the electrical design to select the best choice especially
from maintenance standpoint.


In some cases for the Control Building it might be adopted the E-House solution where design and supply is
addressed by the following:
Depending on peculiar features of the specific HV-ESS and relevant Control Building, ENEL may ask the
Contractor to check whether the E-House solution may be suitable from technical standpoint and convenient
from cost-saving and time-saving standpoint, and consequently adopt that solution under ENEL
approval/validation. General Requirements
The SUPPLIER shall propose the optimal solution for the E-HOUSE configuration (e.g. one or more
modules), taking into account the specific conditions of the project (e.g. site conditions, transport, local laws
and safety requirements, etc.). The design and the FEATURES of the solution shall fulfill the life expectancy
at site conditions and the technical performance as per ENEL requirements specified in the following
The E-HOUSE substation shall be a prefabricated solution composed by one or more modules, with at least
the next rooms:
o MV switchgear;
o MV/LV Auxiliary Services Transformer dry type indoor (in option);
o MV earthing transformer dry type (in option);
o LV panels (AC and DC);
o Metering panels;
o Electrical protection panels;
o AC/DC Inverters and DC/DC converters;
o Interconnection Panel (in case of modular solution, each separate module shall be provided with
an interconnection panel);
o SCADA and telecommunication panels;
o Batteries;

(*) Battery Room could be eliminated if the batteries are installed in a ventilated area with the LV panels.
Related calculations for the minimum ventilation is requested.
The E-HOUSE concept proposal by SUPPLIER will be anyway subject to ENEL validation/review.


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196 di/of 245 E-HOUSE Enclosure Design

E-House enclosure and structure shall be self-supporting type built in steel frame elements with bolted and/or
welded joints. Structural frame may be galvanized or painted in order to achieve the durability performance
depending on the corrosion requirements as per section 6.1 during the service life.
The Supplier may propose a self-supporting enclosure based on precast reinforced concrete for ENEL
E-House are typically placed on a separated supporting structure which keeps the enclosure/container above
the ground level at a certain high, or on a concrete slab foundation just a few steps above the ground, and
cables/pipes connections to other Substation equipment. Design loads and structural inspections
The structure, including cladding, roof, and pavement, shall be designed according to the structural
calculation in compliance with the applicable relevant local code and the following ENEL’s requirements if
more demanding as a minimum.
Design loads shall be taken into account at least as following:
 Wind and snow loads depending on the specific zone of installation and as per section 0
 Seismic action depending on the specific zone of installation and as per section 0
 Stresses due to handling, lifting and transportation;
 Dead loads for frame structures, cladding, roof, pavement, depending on adopted solutions;
 Live loads for offices (if any) – 3 kN/m²;
 Live loads for walkable roofs – 2,5 kN/m²;
 Live loads for not walkable roofs – 1 kN/m²;
 Live loads for electrical equipment/panels areas – 6 kN/m²;
 Live loads for Control rooms – 4 kN/m²;
 Permanent loads on the floor shall be considered depending on the racks and the equipment to be

Diagonal tie rods may be allowed only for lifting, transport and installation, but they shall be removed after
installation on-site.
According to local codes, during E-house container/structure construction at the workshop, the Supplier shall
fulfill standards requirements regarding material inspections to assess structural performances compliance
and traceability requirements for steel elements/members. Housing and secondary structures
Housing and secondary structures as cladding and walls, floor, roof, doors and windows, including joints and
accessories shall be designed and installed to guarantee waterproofness, IP degree requirement IP 33 (IP
53 in case of very dust ambient conditions) as per CEI 60529 or equal degree according to applicable local
codes/standards, and corrosion requirements as per section 6.1 during the whole service life, without any
substitution and special maintenance to protecting coatings.
Cladding, walls and pavement shall have proper openings for HVAC system, power cables, data cables and
optical fibers, with sealed covers to assure structural capacity according to their position, fireproof, corrosive
and IP degrees as per the relevant requirements given.
According to the IEEE 979, building materials shall be fire-resistant or non-combustible. The container shall
be designed so that the largest estimated fire (e.g., of an oil-filled transformer, a circuit breaker, or
neighboring plants or storage facilities) will not involve or affect the operation of the equipment within the
building or vice versa. Consequently the SUPPLIER shall perform the calculation for the fire load and
establish the relevant fire resistance class for the E-House container in compliance with the local standard.
In case of lack of local standards and ENEL General TS, a fire resistance REI 120 (EN 13501-2) shall be
The Supplier shall design and propose proper materials for cladding, roof and floor in order to achieve the
best optimization between enclosure and HVAC costs and technical performances.


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Following solution types shall be taken into account, however different solutions in compliance with all
requirements and achieving same or better performances may be proposed by the Supplier to ENEL for
approval/validation, in order to optimize design and costs. Dimensions
The E-HOUSE shall be sized in order to have the minimum possible dimensions keeping a safety operation
& maintenance, and fulfilling all the Safety Local standards.
The layout of the final solution must have enough space to allow, in case of failure, the substitution of an
individual switchgear without the necessity to disassembly all the MV busbar Panels.
The SUPPLIER is allowed to design a layout where a room can be composed of more than one module. This
individual modules will be connected and sealed onsite by the SUPPLIER or EPC contractor of the substation
with SUPPLIER supervision guaranteeing the water tightness and durability of the connections.
Since the transport from factory to the site is inside the scope, the SUPPLIER is free to design the E-HOUSE
sizing the modules according to standard transport dimensions, in order to reduce transport prices and
transport management, or use modules with larger sizes in order to provide the most cost-efficient solution.
Anyway, the size of the modules shall be limited to the maximum allowed by the local regulations and the
road access to the project (in case of Wind projects it will be considered as the larger component the Nacelle,
the Base Tower section, or de Substation Power Transformer. In case of Solar, the Substation Power
Transformer is the larger component of the power plant). A road survey must be provided to ENEL in tender
phase if the size of the container is bigger than any of the bigger components of the power plant.
In case of dimension design that require special permits, the SUPPLIER will communicate to ENEL, and will
provide all the necessary data to process the special permits to the local authorities.
Furthermore, the E-HOUSE substation shall be dimensioned also taking into account the HV/MV Step-up
station layout and available spaces. Supports and loading/unloading system
The enclosure shall have a proper number and type of base plates/supports to allow the placement of the E-
HOUSE on a separated supporting structure or on the slab foundation (both not included in the scope).
Structural joints between E-HOUSE base plates/supports and the separated supporting structure/slab
foundation may be bolted type, when the separated supporting structure is steel type, or tie-rod type when
the separated supporting structure is concrete type or the E-HOUSE is placed on a concrete slab.
Unloading from transport vehicles and lifting in place shall be made by proper crane in case of FULL EPC
The Supplier shall specify the requirements in terms of available space, clearances and bearing capacity for
the cranepad. Protective coating
The modules will be especially studied to stay outdoor for the complete lifetime of the plant. Due to that, all
the surfaces shall have a treatment according to the ambient conditions and in particular:
 Surface sandblasting
 Galvanic treatment of the structure, hinges and brackets
 Paint treatment
 Isolation thickness
All this features and others if necessary shall be taken into account by the SUPPLIER to provide an adequate
protective coating to the modules, in order to withstand the ambient conditions specified in chap. 6 without
special maintenance during its lifetime. Cable entries
Cable entries shall be foreseen at the bottom of the enclosure and they shall be sealed and protected from
animals (e.g. animal proof latches in case of solution at a certain high over the ground level).
For the E-HOUSE solution at a certain high over the ground level, the cables shall be maintained by proper


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supporting structures.
In case the homopolar CTs are foreseen outside the MV switchgear, brackets must be also supplied to install
the CTs on pre-drilled holes within the basic structure. Earthing
Within the modules a copper plate ring with a suitable section, calculated according to the short-circuit current
to ground, should be put in place. All the equipment and systems of the E-HOUSE will be connected to this
The ring shall be reachable from the outside in at least two points with easy access, placed on each short
side of the enclosure. The connection to the earthing network of the substation will be realized throw these
points. Name Plate
Outside of the E-HOUSE near the main door, at an approximate height of 1.6 m, a durable and clearly legible
nameplate must be secured, communicating the following information as a minimum:
 Manufacturer of the E-HOUSE (or trade mark);
 Serial number;
 Instruction book reference;
 Year of manufacture;
 Modules-only weight in transport mode;
 Total weight with equipment installed. E-HOUSE Foundation Design

E-HOUSE is defined as a prefabricated factory tested assembly, with self-supporting enclosure (one or more
modules), housing transformers, low-voltage panels and medium-voltage switchgears, connections, auxiliary
equipment. The scope of this section is the supporting structure/concrete slab foundation.
It may be placed on a supporting structure at a certain high over the ground level or on a concrete foundation
to keep it a few steps from the ground.
Supporting structure to keep E-House at a certain high from the ground, is basically realized by a concrete
foundation and short columns corresponding to E-House anchoring base plates.
Whether the solution is a concrete foundation with columns, or without columns, it shall be designed in
compliance with the applicable code in force, according to the geotechnical model specific for the site location
and taking into account the E-House interface requirements as loads, anchoring base plates positions and
type, cables connection interfaces, coming as a design input from the E-House supplier.
The Contractor shall follow the design requirements stated in sections 0, 9.5.4 and 9.5.5 and their relevant
sub-sections developing a structural model which includes also the E-House above, especially to evaluate
completely the behavior of the supporting structure in seismic conditions. In other words, it is not sufficient to
develop a structural model only with the interface loads coming from the above E-House.
According to the geotechnical model, the reinforced concrete foundation may be deep on piles or shallow
type. It may be individual and/or combined footing linked by beams, double strip foundation linked by beams,
raft or mat type spread all over the E-House plan surface.
In case E-House is planned to be kept lifted from the ground, the required columns may be whether in
reinforced concrete or in steel frame structure, stiffened with bracing in order to reduce the columns sizing
and relevant anchors to the foundation.
The E-House elevation shall be adopted taking into account the E-House supplier’s requirements, mostly
linked to cable and plants connection criteria, and the relevant requirements coming from hydrological design
in case of potential flooding areas.
Additionally, the Contractor shall design and supply the required staircases or access ramps according to
the E-House access doors, as per E-House supplier’s input.


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The Contractor shall privilege steel frame staircases and ramps in order to speed up erection after E-House
placing, unless concrete/masonry solution would be significantly cost-saving and approved by ENEL.
Any steel frame structure, as columns, bracing, anchors, staircases, ramps, other, shall be hot-dip galvanized
with a proper thickness, and in case additionally painted, to reach the durability performances and guarantee
them during the service life, depending on the site-specific corrosive environmental classification as per ISO
9223 or local applicable code in force. Furthermore from fire protection standpoint, the design shall comply
with the requirements according to the relevant local codes in force in the Country’s project.
From functional standpoint, any type of foundation designed shall fit with all the connection cable lines
required to connect all the expected E-House equipment and plants (electrical power, control systems, pipes,
sewages, ect.), as per E-House supplier’s and/or ENEL requirements, and shall include any relevant civil
work, as concrete tunnel trenches with covers and/or gratings, cable/pipe conduits and pits, pipe/sewage
lines, others if any.


The Contractor shall issue the deliverables listed in this section, but not limited and according to DPP List,
the drawings, reports and studies necessary for a complete development of the Control building project, or
necessary to comply with the requirements of local Authorities, shall be added and issued.
 Design criteria;
 Geotechnical design of foundations;
 Structural calculation report for structures/connections/mechanical components/foundations;
 Structural models in digital format files;
 Calculation of the loads coming from the electro-mechanical components, including the analysis of
all the different actions on the electro-mechanical components themselves. The Contractor keeps
the responsibility of the interface loads on foundations, even when coming from third designer;
 Technical report for pile testing features and procedures, in case of piled foundations;
 Structural and architectural drawings relevant to structures/connections/mechanical
components/foundations/non-structural elements/finishing/doors and windows/any other civil
 Technical specifications;


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The Substation Control System performs the control and supervision of the Electrical Substation through the
monitoring and data acquisition of the Control & Protection system, HV/MV electrical protections relays,
power and energy meters and any other IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices).
This system allows the control of the electrical substation and the interface with TSO, ENEL GPG local control
room/remote control centre and remote monitoring system.
The standard to be followed for modelling and communications is IEC 61850.
The aim is the centralization of all significant information for controlling, operating and monitoring the
substation into a single control centre. The infrastructures and equipment should be providing local access
of this data to individual units and qualified persons, according to their various access levels.
The substation shall be designed as a fully automated system without any personnel present during normal
The Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) of the substation will provide control and remote link interface with upper
level of operation and supervision from ENEL GPG Remote Control Centre (RCC).
The human machine interface (HMI) performance shall be adequate to provide a complete understanding of
the substation in order to support operators and maintenance personnel during both normal and emergency
operating conditions and, by means of advanced services, for economic, performance and diagnostic
monitoring and analysis.
Model and manufacturer uniformity for all devices included in the supply (Server, Switches, Router, PC ...)
shall be guaranteed in order to limit spare parts and facilitate maintenance and replacement operations.
The SCU-scada shall historize/storage of every event monitored, and this data shall be possible to be
obtained remotely from Commissioning, O&M and other teams.


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The following drawing shows a conceptual design of Substation Control System integrated in Regional Digital
Network (RDN) provided by Enel and the different subsystems and SCADA systems to be considered: Plant
SCADA and Local SCADA (Solar/Wind).
Substation Control System (SCS) will be integrated with following external systems:
 RCR (remote control room)
 CS (commissioning system)
 Plant SCADA/Local SCADA
According with communication interfaces, describe in following chapters of this document.

Substation Control System

GPS System

Communication Systems

MV- I/O- I/O-




METER System


Position Position LINE Position

Within the annexes of this document it is attached the SET model with details of:
- HMI screens configuration
- Historical specifications
- Signal codification
- Signal lists: single and double type, measurements and commands.
This information would be taken as base line to develop the control system signal and configurations.
Contractor should include the information missing in order to complete the control system model according
with the specific needs of the project.




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The Substation Control System must include following control levels:

 Level 0: Field signals
 Level 1: Local Control
 Level 2: Bay Control
 Level 3: Substation Control/Tele control
Level 0 Field signals
Field signals are connecting using different possible ways: wired or communicating using normalized field
protocols. It can be considered following classification for the field signals: circuit breaker position, switch
position, equipment health, voltage measurements and current measurements.
Level 1 Local Control
For testing purpose or maintenance, but never used to operate, each disconnecting switch and circuit breaker
will have inside its cabinet local buttons under a dedicated selector “Local/Remote”.
Level 2 Position Control
For each substation bay (line, HV transformer side, MV transformer side, line-transformer, auxiliary services
and MV switchgear panels) must include a dedicated Bay Control Unit (BCU). This BCU will do all control
functions (commands and monitoring), measures and execution of the local automatic operation associated
to each position.
The unit must have a local display that shows the elements situation, signals, alarms and measures related.
The BCU is supervised/controlled by Substation Control level 3.
Level 3 Substation Control level/Tele control
This level must coordinate and support all functions of substation control system. The SC will be
communicating with the IEDs by IEC 61850 and with upper levels using normalized protocols.

Redundancy will apply in substation/equipment where the critical signals used for bay or systems control and
protection, are transmitted and received between different sources/sink by communication interface links.
One single point of failure does not get out of service the substation control system. This means that at
minimum the level of redundancy required are:
 Redundant power supply.
 Time synchronization master and backup configuration through NTP synchronization.
 Network topology must be compliant with PRP-HSR if required.
 Hot-Hot and Hot-Standby unit redundancy to be supported.
 Main or essential equipment will be redundant.
Redundancy in SCS is not a standard requirement, their implementation will be justified within project specific


The substation system will be capable to collect and deliver all available signals in each Intelligent Electronic
Device (IED).
The number of IEDs and/or other components that are required to manage the power grid is variable and
has to be agree with the topology and the functionality required.
The power supply must be redundant from the DC SYSTEM.


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203 di/of 245 Remote terminal unit

The RTU will provide communication interface and the ability to monitor digital status points and analogue
values (currents, voltages, etc.). Its main function is to provide information about the power system to a
central control system through a communications interface and to provide remote control of switches and
circuit breakers.
The preferred architecture for the RTU is centralized design where all I/O modules are housed in RTU panels
and communicating with master station through communication port. Depending on the project can be used
distributed design, where I/O modules are housed in respective bay C&R panels. All these distributed I/O
modules shall be connected to a central processor for further communication with master station. This
solution upon authorisation of EGP.

The RTU will be based on microprocessor system, redundancy capabilities total or partially upon the
application criticalities, PRP/HSR as option, real time operating system and MTBF higher than 100k hours.
It must use a Real-Time Clock (RTC) to time stamp all status changes to the nearest millisecond after the
change has been detected by the logic (excluding any filter time imposed by the I/O interface circuits for
contact de-bouncing).
The RTU software must use the RTC to maintain the time of day to time stamp and store the year, day, hour,
minute, second, and millisecond for each alarm detected.
Non-volatile memory will use solid state devices or non-movable parts device for the storage. Rack mounted
and fan less is a must.
The Contractor will consider to provide the functional capability describe herein, even if a function is not
initially implemented. The term master station is used to denote the SCADA systems. As a minimum, the
RTUs shall be capable of performing the following functions:
 Collecting and processing the digital status inputs, analog inputs, accumulated values and
transmitting to master station(s).
 Receiving and processing digital & analog control commands from the master station(s).
 Accepting polling messages simultaneously from two master station(s) (if required) using separate
logical databases for each master station.
 Communication simultaneously on all Communication ports and using multiple concurrent
protocols, including the IEC 104 & MODBUS TCP-IP protocol.
 Data transmission rates from 300 to 19200 baud for serial ports and 10/100/1000 Mbps for TCP/IP
Ethernet ports.
 RTU shall be compatible with protocol 61850 for communication with IEDs.
 RTU shall have the capability of automatic start-up and initialization following restoration of power
after an outage without need of manual intervention. All restarts shall be reported to the connected
master station(s).
 RTU shall support time synchronization through messages received from master station using IEC
60870-5-101/ IEC 60870-5-104 protocol and external PTP (Precision Time Protocol - IEEE 1588),
 RTU shall support downloading of RTU database from the master station using the IEC 60870-5-
101 and IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
 RTU shall support SOE (Sequence of events) feature
 Acting as a data concentrator for acquiring data from Slave RTUs and exercising supervisory
control on slave RTUs using IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.
 It has to support protocols collected in Communication Interfaces chapter.


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 Firewall and port monitoring are also required.

 HMI based on web server. The protocol used will be compatible with the browser normalized by
RTU may also include power control logics monitoring current and voltage. In addition, the RTU will monitor
many other signal and status points in the substation belongs to auxiliary system not related with the electrical
bays, these types of signals will be supervised by slave RTU with hardwire interface, inputs/outputs.
As a reference it shows the minimum technical requirement for the RTU.


300 to 19200 bps for serial
port & 10/100 Mbps for
1 Data transmission rate Ethernet port Configurable
4 Ethernet 4 serial RS232/485
configurable and depending on
2 Communication ports Minimum 8 ports application
Communication protocol with
3 Master stations IEC104
Communication Protocol with
4 Multifunction Transducers MODBUS/103
Communication Protocol with
5 IEDs IEC 61850
Status data transfer to Master
6 station By exception
Analog data transfer to
7 Master station By exception or periodic Configurable
No. of Scan Groups
8 supported Minimum 16
Separate Logical Database
9 for each Master Station
RTU shall be able to capture
10 contact operations Of 10 ms or more duration
11 SOE buffer size At least 1000 events
Time stamping accuracy for
12 SOE 1 milisecond
Supporting Control of Two state & OLTC &
13 Devices capacitors banks
Down loading of RTU
14 database from master station Supported
15 RTU internal clock stability At least 1 ppm
Nominal Power supply
16 voltage According to DC System Redundant
17 Real time port monitoring All ports Data concentrators

The data concentrator aggregates information and provides a subset of that information to another device or
devices. It is similar in function to the RTU and often can be the same device. The main difference in the
terms is that a data concentrator does not necessarily have physical interfaces to monitor contact statuses
and analogue values. The data concentrator uses communication protocols to acquire data from other
devices rather than through a direct connection. General

 Protocol conversion capability: ICCP TASE.2 (IEC 60870-6), IEC 61850 GOOSE, DNP 3.0 and
 Adaptable for customization and additional protocols.
 Multi master communication capability.
 Automatic startup and initialization following power restoration.


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 Disturbance and fault record collection and management.

 IEC61131 based programing logic (optional).
 Time synchronization using IEC60870/DNP3/SNTP/IEEE1588.
 Transparent/tunneling support for remote configuration and disturbance collection.
 Device management using SNMP/webserver.
 File upload/ download support, remote configuration.
 Obtains and stores event records locally and remotely. Reliability

 IEC61850-3 certified for substation environment.

 MTBF of 100,000 hours and more.
 No fans or other moving parts.
 IEC 61850-3 compliant.
 KEMA certified IEC 61850 server.
 Supports device redundancy.
 Provides communication security on both upstream and downstream. Scalability

 Variants with up to 12 serial ports and 6 Ethernet ports available

 Option for expanding communication ports using terminal server and pluggable switch
 Fiber optic Ethernet option available
 Inbuilt and external pluggable I/O
 Wide range of AC and DC power supply Security

 NERC-CIP compliant security

 SSL VPN with AES, DES or 3DES encryption
 62351 based transport layer security Substation gateways

The term “gateway” is unfortunately applied in a couple of similar, although distinctly different applications in
the substation. The first and simplest is the router. In IP networking, the gateway is a device that allows
communication between different subnets. This is called layer 3 switching or routing.
In the substation, the gateway is something different to the protection and control staff. The gateway serves
as the substations security access point. It manages and logs access to the information available in the
substation. The substation gateway can be thought of as a superset of the data concentrator and the RTU
(although the RTU can be a separate device, it does not have to be in most substation applications).
The gateways if needed can be based on PC platform. For this case the complete redundancy is a must.
These equipment have to be certifies for use in industrial environment. Forced ventilation cannot be used.
For each project must be validated separately by Enel. Protocol convertors

Although not ideal, protocol convertors can be used to solve the problem of two devices that do not speak
the same “language.” The protocol convertor can be a simple two-port device providing conversion between
protocols such as a Modbus-TCP (networked) to Modbus-RTU (serial) convertor. They can also be as
intricate as a large-scale RTU or data concentrator that converts many protocols simultaneously on different
ports. The standalone protocol convertor is not preferred as it adds another possible point of failure to the
system. However, not all devices are created with all protocols and therefore the protocol convertor can be
the integrator’s best friend. Protocol convertors are particularly useful when interfacing with older generation
equipment to new more modern systems.


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It can be used for non-standardized measures in substation that cannot be processed by IED, RTU or
substation gateway. These measures cannot be integrated as a control function. Only can be used as
For each project must be validated separately by Enel. Remote input/output devices

Remote IO units are of particular interest in very large substations. The cost of the copper cabling and the
pulling, and terminating of those cable can be very high. For this reason there is a lot of interest in distributing
IO devices throughout a station and communicating to them through a network.
When IO is distributed, the time stamping of signals can be problematic. It may be necessary (depending on
the region and local regulations) to have a very high resolution and accurate time stamp recorded with any
status change. This means that the remote IO unit must have some way to synchronize with an external
The remote IO unit may require more intelligence that its name suggests. Generic object-oriented system
event (GOOSE) message IO devices, for example, require some sort of intelligence (timers) to ensure that
a loss of communications does not permanently close a contact. For this reason, careful attention should be
paid to the protocols selected.
For each project must be validated separately by Enel. Human machine interface

The HMI should provide a window into the substation where operators and maintenance personnel can find
a centralized view of the current state of the substation including breaker and switch position.
The HMI usually starts with a representation of the single line diagram of the station. This diagram shows the
position of circuit breakers and switches. Analog values such as currents, voltages, and power should also
be displayed. The HMI can be used to provide control over the system or be simply used for monitoring. More
powerful HMI products allow different levels of control to different users. The HMI can also be used to monitor
the sequence of events that occur in a substation and to monitor and manage alarms.
This local station also will be used to configure and monitoring all digital components of the substation control
Preliminary supervision signal list and display stations is attached within this Technical Standard as a
reference to implement and configuration of the HMI (see ANNEX). Ethernet switches

Ethernet switches must build for the harsh environment that exists in substation (extremes in temperature,
electromagnet interference, and voltage transients). In addition, the equipment does not use a fan for cooling.
PRP/HSR shall be supported by switches, as per Substation redundancy standards, even if not required
redundant control architecture.
Optical fibre system is preferred as it does not conduct and is not subject to electromagnetic interference. It
is important to check the ports available on the end devices and be sure the same interfaces are available in
the switch. Although media convertors can be used, they introduce another point of failure and should be
avoided. Dual power supplies for added redundancy should also be considered for substation
communications switches.
The following terminology is commonly used to distinguish different Ethernet technology:
 Managed switches—allow prioritization of communications
 Unmanaged switches—provide switching subject to congestion
 Hubs—repeat all received messages on all ports, not usually suitable for advanced


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applications Switches mainly requirements:
 All switches must be managed type
 Forwarding
 Store-and-forward
 Refers to standard 802.1D bridging, in which a packet is completely received on a port and into the
port buffer (“store”) before being forwarded.
 At least 128 KB on-chip packet buffering.
 The total amount of packet buffering available to all ports. The buffering is shared between the ports
on an on-demand basis. This is a typical level of buffering for a small, light-duty, five-port switch
intended to support client connections in a home office. Performance:
 Bandwidth: 1 Gb/s (non-blocking) per port.
 Recommended number of ports: depending of the application.
 Forwarding rate:
10 Mbps port: 14,800 packets/sec
100 Mbps port: 148,800 packets/sec
1000 Mbps port: 1,480,000 packets/sec
 Latency (using 1500-byte packets)
10 Mbps: 30 microseconds (max)
100 Mbps: 6 microseconds (max)
1000 Mbps: 4 microseconds (max)
 MAC address database: 4,000 (typical for 5 ports)
 Mean time between failures: (MTBF): >1 million hours (~114 years)
 Standards compliance
IEEE 802.3i 10BASE-T Ethernet
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet
Honors IEEE 802.1p and DSCP priority tags
Jumbo frame: up to 9,720 bytes
 PRP-HSR support. Cyber security

Cyber security is a natural extension of the substation control system. Because the protection and control
system of a substation is in control of the electricity grid, it could be a target for miscreants and terrorists.
To deal with increased security threats, utilities have a variety of choices. They can halt progress and rely on
aging technology such as point-to-point serial communications and roll trucks to every substation every time
there is a problem or they can adapt new techniques and devices for maintaining a secure operating
environment. Security is not just an issue for utilities. It is an issue for banks, governments, armies, and
virtually anyone with a computer. Other industries continue to push forward with new cyber security
techniques and technologies, so should the power industry.


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Enel will provide detailed description related to the Security Requirements to fulfil by the Substation Control

The Substation Control Unit (or Substation RTU) must support several interfaces with external systems or
equipment and must provide different protocols on them, to guarantee a correct and efficient integration with
the rest of the project, including external systems as LCR or TSO (where applies).
The interfaces to be considered are indicated in the following scheme, to help to understand the global
As global requirements, the following standardized communication protocols shall be supported from SCU
to external systems over Ethernet, always Client/Server capabilities:
 IEC 61850 Client/Server and Goose.
 IEC 60870-5-104 (At least dual independent channels).
 IEC 60870-5-101 Client/Server (upon request).
 IEC 60870-5-103 Master (upon request).
 DNP3.0.
 Modbus TCP.
 Modbus RTU (upon request)

To be considered to support the following communication protocols:

 IEC 61400-25 (Communications for control and monitoring and control of wind plants information
interchange modelling standard. It must use a wide variety of protocols).

Multiple connections could be stablished with different client/servers and with different setup by channel. The
SCU/RTU must be able to report its entire real time database to at least n.6 different clients simultaneously.
Otherwise ENEL GPG to be noticed.
The SCU/RTU must have the availability to exchange data with Client/Servers located in at least n.5 different
IP segments through its default gateway and to have at least 6 free ethernet ports for ENEL GPGG integration
use (fiber optic in some projects) in physical segregated networks.
The SCU-RTU shall support historical events and to be remotely accesible.
Hardwired signals to be supported, both inputs and output, and analogue and digital as well. Number of each
to be defined at engineering stage.
The main equipment related to SCU from upstream point of view are, in general for any kind of project, the
following ones:
 PPC: power plant controllers: Master, PV, Wind and BESS.
 PI Node
 Front-End Services Gateway (FES-GW)

The SCU-RTU shall implement a multiple Local/Remote taking in consideration TSO (when applies), LCR,
Plant SCADA and PPC, among others previously indicated by ENEL GPGG in specific project needs.
The following drawing is showing the interfaces with the different control systems and the integration to
TSO/DSO and/or RCC.


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In specific scenarios, TSO/DSO will require to send/receive setpoints, status, alarms, etc., using a direct
connection against the SCU-RTU.
The SCU must be able to manage more than two different IEC-104 (or Country/project specific required
protocol instead of) sockets (each socket can, in turn, be redundant). One flow is to direct integration with
external LCR/RCC (through ICT firewall) and other is to integrate directly against TSO, using specific TSO
or Grid-code requirements, project-dependent.
The one specific for direct integration with LCR/RCC, shall be redundant, and must be homologated by
EGPG, following the requirements indicated in the respective EGPG country specific interconnection
interoperability profile. In this case, and as per Country or project specific requirements, the IEC-104 protocol
could be different one (e.g. IEC-101). About communication redundancy, two dedicated Ethernet ports shall
be provided, operating independently, but with the same process data configuration. That means both
communication channels have a 100% identical process database.
To integrate with the TSO/DSO as Client/Server and publish the required signals by, and to receive
commands by them. Under ENEL GPGG indication, usually the integration with TSO/DSO will be in an
indirect approach, through the corresponding integration with the remote Control Centers, but with exact
same capabilities and behaviour expected by ENEL GPGG, using the required dedicated and independent
A redundant communication with the ENEL GPGG LCR/RCC shall be provided: two dedicated Ethernet ports
shall be provided, operating independently, but with the same process data configuration. That means both
communication channels have a 100% identical process database.
The signals interchanged between both systems shall be defined by ENEL GPGG, at Detail Engineering
stage or later, over the total signals, setpoints or commands available in the SCU. Plant SCADA
The SCU must be capable to integrate with the Plant SCADA using IEC-104, OPC-UA and Modbus TCP,
among others, but the preferred protocol is IEC-104.

In some projects, the Plant SCADA will integrate the complement of a RTU to expand its capabilities.
In this scenario, sometimes, the integration of some of the subsystems, or some of the equipment in each


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subsystem, as the SCU-RTU, with Plant SCADA, will be using the Plant SCADA RTU in a similar way as the
Plant SCADA stand-alone solution.
In this case, as per Plant SCADA – RTU limitations, the protocols to be used will be, regularly, field style
ones, as ModBus RTU/TCP, DNP over serial or IEC-104. PPC
Depending on project type, it could be one or more PPCs, and for same plant technology or mixed
As general rule, direct PPC – SCU integration shall be considered. Depending on the project and under
ENEL GPGG indication, the integration could not be necessary and not implemented.
The PPCs shall incorporate their own Energy Meter but as per specific ENEL GPGG indications, the SCU’s
meter for redundant input shall be shared for PPCs’ control loops.
Depending on specific PPC needs, several signals shall be interchanged between both systems. Those
signals shall be communicated using hardwired, communicated signals or both, under ENEL GPGG
Following the PPC request, the Capacitor Bank/ STATCOM control device will check the operational
condition of the system and will send the Close/Open command to the Capacitor Bank/STATCOM insertion
accordingly. The Substation Control System can also be interfaced by the PPC in order to send, via
communication protocol, raise/lower commands to the Tap Changer Controller of the main power transformer
located in the substation, in order to move the tap position according to the reactive power and voltage level
For the information exchange between the PPC and the Substation Control System, one or more direct serial
channels (e.g. Master/Slave and Slave/Master) will be connected between both systems.
For Wind Projects, IEC 61400-25 guidelines affecting to interfaces to be followed. PI Node
This is a special equipment, industrial server based, in charge of obtain data from every subsystem and to
integrate in a Global-Corporative Plant Information platform.
At the date of issuance of this document, there is no specific protocol requirements but the SCU supplier
shall take in consideration that the PI node shall be possible to access, in read mode, the full memory signal
space, with no write permission. FES-Gateway
This is a special equipment, industrial server based, in charge of obtain data from every subsystem and to
support remote commissioning activities.
The SCU supplier shall take in consideration that the FES-GW would be installed in a DMZ (could affect to
as per the use of gateways to route to FES-GW or adjust IP whitelist or similar functionality).
In specific projects, the SCU must use independent and different free Ethernet ports to integrate directly with
Plant network and ICT firewall.
The supplier shall provide to ENEL GPG the certifications corresponding to the above protocols issued by
third party, where applies. In the case of supplier doesn’t have the certificate, the whole cost of certification
will be entirely borne by the Supplier and will not entail any charges or expenses for ENEL GPGG.
When possible, SCU supplier shall provide a hierarchical management example to be checked by ENEL
GPGG and to support commissioning activities.
Historical storage by SCU shall be remotely accessible. Otherwise, ENEL GPGG to be noticed.
In Monitoring Direction the following SCU information types are translated into protocol specific telegrams:
 Single Point Information
 Double Point Information


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 Step Position Information

 Bit String Information
 Integrated Totals Information
 Digital Measured Information
 Analog Measured Information

The SCU must be in charge to check the correctness of the data received from external systems.
The SCU must provide remote access for diagnostic purposes via Web-Browser, accessible Intranet, with
detailed information down to each process signal.
The SCU architecture must incorporate a level 3 switch as front-end to segregate networks and to avoid
loops (using RSTP and similar protocols) when different networks shall be integrated, complaining with ENEL
GPGG’s cybersecurity requirements. When possible due to rest of Plant network architecture and its
subsystems, direct connection using the available ports required in the previous paragraphs will be preferred.
The use of connections using front-end SCU switch has no influence on the available physical ports listed
above as per same IP interfaces will be needed in the same way.
The SCU frontier switch, must be able to support, among other:
 QoS (802.1D/p).
 IGMP Snooping/Querier (v1/v2/v3).
 Real-time TSN Ethernet support (desirable. Otherwise ENEL GPGG to be noticed).
 VLANs by port.
 Routing:
- VLAN and port based routing.
- Static routing.
- Multinetting.
- IP masquerading.
- 1-to-1 NAT.
 Desirable (Otherwise, ENEL GPGG to be noticed):
- VPN; IPSec, IKE v1/v2, 3DES, AES, PSK, etc.

Hereby a list of activities requested to the contractor concerning commissioning and power on of automation
and control systems, according to IEC 62381; IEC 61511-1; IEC 62603 standards.
 SIT : The SIT (site integration test) has assembly test with the aim to check the correct data exchange
between the SCU and rest of integrated systems to it.
 The contractor shall verify the data exchanged between SCU and rest of integrated subsystems,
including, among others, Plant SCADA, TSO, Local Control Room, IED components, Local SCADA
systems, PPC and assure the communication between each of them and the FES-GW according to
its scope of work.
 Check the compliance with TSO requirements with focus in data exchange (signal list, protocol,
interoperability, status Feed Back). The contractor shall produce official test report on this activity
 Check data exchange and carry out the functional tests with the Local Control Room. The contractor
shall perform a report on this activity.
 Check fiber optic system, contractor shall verify:
o Design of the cable and accessories : cable caracteristics type according to the project; FAT
Certificates and data sheets. Core terminals type acc design and data sheets.
o Identification of circuits and loops acc “as constructed” lay out and labelling.
o Absence of mechanical damage
o All cables after their laydown and their jointing and termination, shall be verified performing
the checks listed below at least:


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 Conformity of the cable duct to the executive design (deep excavations, positioning,
interference, materials, accessories used, etc.);
 Correct execution of termination End to End (Devices /SSE Patch/Splice Box/ WTG
Patch/Splice Box/MM Patch/Splice Box ( Infrared checks could be useful)
 Check core color sequence /correspondence and correct identification and labelling;
o All fiber optic cables must be tested to verify the right connection and attenuation level
according design and technical requirements. ODTR Test and report (End to End) must be
provided to verify the compliance DB loss value.


This section will provide general requirements concerning the electrical protection system.
The protection relay system is mainly dedicate to protect and monitor the main HV and MV equipment
switchgear those items are related to the following equipment installed or connected in the Substations:
- Overhead and underground HV Transmission lines.
- HV/MV Power Transformers and MV earthing transformers.
- HV busbars.
- MV busbars.
- MV power lines, overhead and underground.
- Auxiliar Substation power supply system.
- MV reactive compensation system.
Codes and standards:

IEC regulation or Standard’s Title

international standard
IEC 61850 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations - Communication
networks and systems in power utility automation.
IEC 60255-1 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 1: Common
IEC 60255-5 Electrical relays - Part 5: Insulation coordination for measuring relays
and protection equipment -. Requirements and tests
IEC 60255-11 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 11: Voltage dips,
short interruptions, voltage variations and residual ripple on auxiliary
power supply port
IEC 60255-22 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-1: Electrical
disturbance tests
IEC 60255-24 Electrical relays - Part 24: Common format for transient data exchange
(COMTRADE) for power networks
IEC 60255-25 Electrical relays - Part 25: Electromagnetic emission tests for measuring
relays and protection equipment
IEC 60255-26 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 26: Electromagnetic
compatibility requirements
IEC 60255-151 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 151: Functional
requirements for over/under current protection
IEC 60445 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and
identification - Identification of equipment terminals, conductor
terminations and conductors.
IEC 61034-1 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined
conditions - Part 1: Test apparatus


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IEC 62041 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations
thereof - EMC requirements
ANSI/IEEE IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated With Electric
C37.90.0/.1/.2 Power Apparatus
ASTM B 845-97 (2003) Standard Guide for Mixed Flowing Gas (MFG) Tests for Electrical
IEC 60068-2-43 Environmental testing - Part 2-43: Tests - Test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide
test for contacts and connections
IEC 60068-2-6 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests
Tests Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
IEC 60068-3-8 Environmental testing Part 3-8: Supporting documentation and guidance
- Selecting amongst vibration tests

The protection equipment must be designed, built, and tested in accordance with the latest version of the
IEC standards and of the local standard in use (EN for countries members of CENELEC) Auxiliary power supplies
AC and DC voltages available in the Substation LV system suitable to feed the protection system are
sustained in batteries and emergency diesel generator, therefore it is consider a reliable uninterruptible power
supply. Those reliable systems are also insulated to earth in order to prevent an outage in case of a single
fault to earth and provides: insulation failure and undervoltage relay supervision.
Redundancies of the protection relay system will be powered by independent DC or AC systems.
Additional anticondensation circuits and lighting will be fed by AC normal distribution boards less reliable
than the mentioned above.
All those auxiliary circuits belongs to the “LV SSAA system” described within this document.
10.3.2. HV BAY PROTECTIONS RELAY Functional description
The protections configuration consist of two or more multi-function relays on the basis of the attached
measurements and protections single line diagram.
Each multi-function digital relay must provide additionally: the chronologic recording of the events, the fault
recording, and the self-supervision of its power supply.
The protections shall also be connected, through the communication protocol IEC 61850, to a central
gateway, from which it will be possible to acquire fault recordings and to configure the parameters (for all
The following table resumes the HV-LINE-BAY protection relay configuration:
Over Head\Cable Line HV’s protections (ANSI ref)
Channel A Channel B
87/21L Line/cable differential + distance 87/21L Line/cable differential + distance
67/67N Directional Overcurrent 67/67N Directional Overcurrent
79V-52L Automatic re-closing 79V-52L Automatic re-closing
25L Line syncrocheck (*) 25L Line syncrocheck (*)
62-50BF-52L Breaker failure (*) 62-50BF-52L Breaker failure (*)
2-1/3 pole discordance(*) 2-1/3 pole discordance(*)
59 /27 max min voltage(*) 59 /27 max min voltage(*)

86BF lock-out relay, 94L self reset by BCU

27/80PE Under voltage of auxiliary protection system
HV Disturbance recorder DR-HV
Trip Circuit Supervision – ANSI 74/3 –(*)
(*) These protection and supervision relay functions can be included in the configuration of the Bay Control
Unit (BCU) and monitoring IED unit.


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The following table resumes the HV-BAY-LINE HV/MV step-up Transformer protection relay configuration:
HV line/cable HV/MV step-up transformer (ANSI ref)
Channel A Channel B
87/21L Line/cable differential + distance 87/21L Line/cable differential + distance
67/67N Directional Overcurrent 67/67N Directional Overcurrent
87T Transformers differentials 87T Transformers differentials
50/51T Transformer overcurrent 50/51T Transformer overcurrent
50TN Neutral HV Transformer overcurrent 50TN Neutral HV Transformer overcurrent
81M/m max min frequeny 81M/m max min frequeny
25L Line syncrocheck (*) 25L Line syncrocheck (*)
62-50BF-52L Breaker failure (*) 62-50BF-52L Breaker failure (*)
2-1/3 pole discordance (*) 2-1/3 pole discordance (*)
59 /27 max min voltage (*) 59 /27 max min voltage (*)

50/51 MV earthing transformer phase side

50N/51N MV earthing transformer neutral

86T lock-out relay

86BF lock out relay 94L self reset by BCU
HV/MV transformer on-board protections – 63BZ/63B/63J/49/26/
90VSC Voltage regulator VSC
27/80PE Under voltage of auxiliary protection system
HV Disturbance recorder DR-HV
Trip Circuit Supervision – ANSI 74 – (*)
(*) These protection and supervision relay functions can be included in the configuration of the bay control
and monitoring IED unit.

The following table resumes the HV/MV step-up Transformer protection relay configuration:
HV/MV step-up Transformer protections (ANSI ref)
Channel A Channel B
87T Transformers differentials 87T Transformers differentials
50/51T Transformer overcurrent 50/51T Transformer overcurrent
50TN Neutral HV Transformer overcurrent 50TN Neutral HV Transformer overcurrent
81M/m max min frequeny 81M/m max min frequeny
62-50BF-52L Breaker failure 62-50BF-52L Breaker failure
59 /27 max min voltage 59 /27 max min voltage

50/51 MV earthing transformer phase side

50N/51N MV earthing transformer neutral

86T lock-out relay

HV/MV transformer on-board protections – 63BZ/63B/63J/49/26/
90VSC Voltage regulator VSC
27/80PE Under voltage of auxiliary protection system
HV Disturbance recorder DR-HV
Trip Circuit Supervision – ANSI 74 -

The following table resumes the BUSBAR protection relay configuration:

Single Channel
87S Busbar differentials
50/51SB Overcurrent
81M/m max min frequeny
62-50BF-52L Breaker failure
59 /27 max min voltage


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86BF lock-out relay (*)

27/80PE Under voltage of auxiliary protection system
HV Disturbance recorder DR-HV
Trip Circuit Supervision – ANSI 74 -

(*) Depends on HV substation single line diagram, in case of single bay not necessary.
In general all the protection relay units also provide measurement of the relevant electrical parameters that
can be locally register and remotely consult for the second and third control levels (local HMI and remote
SCADA). These variables are mainly: Active/Reactive Power, Current, Voltage and Frequency. Protection relays and functions design General
The protection will be compliant with the standard and functionalities of the TSO\DSO of the Country when
requested by the National Rules, Technical Standard and Regulations in force.
The protection system can consists of one or more multi-function devices installed in a single cabinet.
In addition, the protection system must ensure the following interfaces as a minimum:
 digital inlets 24 acquisition of voltage-free contacts;
 digital outlets 16 (return of voltage-free contacts);
 analogue inlets 12 2(or 3) CT three phase 1/5 A - 2 VT three phase 57.8 V;
 analogue outlets 5 P, Q, I, V, f (4-20 mA);
 serial supervision port IEC61850 (Ethernet on fibre optics), reporting and GOOSE.
The cabinet shall be the collection point of all signals from the field; therefore, adequate interface terminal
boards must be provided.
In general, the cabinet must be equipped with:
 Terminal blocks inlets and outlets interface, about 400;
 Terminal blocks for secondary CT´s that can be short-circuited about 20;
 Auxiliar relays for control hardwire logics, about 15 relays;
 Lock-out relays for trip confirmation and lock, bi-stable relays (trip and lock units).
Metering functions:
Single-phase measurement of voltage, current, frequency, real power and apparent power
- Choice of measuring phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase voltages
- Suppression of DC components and harmonics in current and voltage
- Compensation of phase errors in main and input CTs and VTs
Disturbance Recorder:
The disturbance recorder monitors up to 12 analog inputs and up to 16 binary inputs. The capacity for
recording disturbances depends on the duration of a disturbance as determined by its pre-disturbance history
and the duration of the disturbance itself. The total recording time is approximately 5 s.
The protection devices must be capable of fulfilling the fault recording function with the following minimum
- 24 samples per period (sampling frequency up to 1440 Hz at a rated frequency of 50/60 Hz)
- Available recording time for 9 to 12 CT/VT and 8 binary signals approximately 5 s
- Recording initiated by any binary signal, e.g. the general trip signal.
- recording format Comtrade


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- Dynamic range 70 x IN, 2.2 x UN

The needed digital signals not directly acquired by the device that performs disturbance recorder shall be
acquired in serial mode by the devices involved.
All protection relay devices and its aux power supplies inside the protection cabinets must have an adequate
level of diagnostic, to allow easy maintenance operations.
All protection devices must return a watchdog alarm through voltage-free contacts; the alarm can also be
used to activate the Block command.
All the elements that make up the system can be synchronized via IRIG-B inputs or by communications
through SNTP protocol messages, using the local IEC 61850 network. The source of synchronization can be
a local GPS device, a SCADA system through the protocol of remote control or HMI.

The system's IEDs contemplate all the requirements of IEC 61850, which allows these teams to exchange
information with any IEC 61850 IED as established by the regulations. GOOSE station bus configuration. Line distance Protection (21L)

Main features:
 Application: Overhead lines and cables from 72kV to 170kV, and OHL from 220kV to 550kV.
 Protection functions:
- Overcurrent or under-impedance with 5 independently scopes (polygon characteristic,
forwards and reverse).
- Overcurrent definite time back-up, including “shortzone”
- Voltage Transformer supervision and power swing blocking
 System logics available:
- Switch-onto-fault protection
- Overreaching
- Permissive under-reaching and over-reaching transfer tripping (also for weak infeed and
communication channel failure)
- Blocking sheme (also for reversal of fault energy direction)
- Sensitive E/F protection for ungrounded systems
 Other protection funtions: E/F grounded systems, overcurrent, Overtemperature, Inverse current,
Direccional (definite and inverse time) overcurrent, Inrush blocking, over-under voltage (definite
and inv time), reverser power, sychcrocheck and Breaker failure.
 Operating times function <Z (including tripping relay) typical 125ms, minimum 21ms
- Protection function: 5 to 10ms
- Reset time: 30ms Directional neutral overcurrent protection (67N) HV
Main features:
 Application: Detection of overcurrent ground faults in HV Lines
HV: Overhead lines and cables from 72kV to 170kV, and OHL from 220kV to 550kV.


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 Protection functions:
- Instantaneous and timed neutral directional overcurrent.
 Operating times function (including tripping relay) minimum 21ms
- Inverse time: typical curve IEC, standards, IEEE, ...
- Definite time: from 0 ms a XX s (range of setting 0,1 ms) Longitudinal Differential Line Protection (87L)
Main features:
 Application: HV Overhead lines and underground lines, in some cases covering the power
transformer installed downwards.
 Protection functions:
- Three-phase measurement with current comparison per phase.
- Adaptive current characteristic.
- Provision for two-windings power transformer in protection zone.
- Detection and compensation of CT saturation.
- 2nd harmonic inrush restraint
 Other features
- Communications link to the remote station Two optical fiber connectors for transmit (Tx)
and receive (Rx). Data transfer rate 64 kBit/s
- Optical fiber conductors multi-mode MM single-mode SM.
- Max. attenuation of link MM 8 dB, SM 8 dB
- Min tripping time: 20ms Autoreclosure (79) (if requested)
Main features:
 Application: HV Overhead lines, to allow automatic re-start once normal operations have been re-
 Protection functions:
- Re-close the 52L or 52L/T that might have been opened due to the intervention of one of
the protections against external faults .
- Single and three-phase autoreclosure.
- Operation in conjunction with distance, longitudinal differential, overcurrent and
synchrocheck functions and also with external protection and synchrocheck relays.
- Logic for 1st and 2nd main protections, duplex and master/follower schemes.
- Up to four fast or slow reclosure shots.
- Detection of evolving faults. Synchrocheck (25L)
 Application: Closing monitoring control of HV breakers
 Protection functions:
- Check the correct synchronisation between the network and the HV line and to command
closing of the line breaker to 52L, when in the presence of very low sliding values (s);
phase differences (Φ) and voltage differences (ΔV) are also checked within the verification


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window (t).
- The device should allow feeding voltage both on the line and on the non-energized bar,
checking the following range: presence of voltage (V>0,7-1Vn), absence of voltage (V<0,5-
- The closing command must have a duration of 100 milliseconds and must be prevented by
any anomaly internal (WD) or external to the device (voluntary exclusion, auxiliary power
supply anomaly, etc.);
the device must return, as a minimum, the following signals, in addition to the command:
• presence of voltage
• internal anomaly (WD)
 Other feactures:
- Single-phase measurement. The differences between the amplitudes, phase angles and
frequencies of two voltage vectors are determined.
- Provision for switching to a different voltage input (double busbar systems) Network under voltage (27)
Application: detect external multi-phase type faults on the HV network. Network over voltage (59)
Application: protection of the transformer’s HV windings insulation against network over-voltages. Over-under frequency (81)
Application: protection of the power transformers in case of serious frequency fault on the network Transformer differential (87T)
Main features:
 Application: Power Transformers two and three windings with the inclusion of earthing transformers
in the MV side, into the protected zone.
 Protection functions:
- Three-phase measurement with current comparison per phase.
- Adaptive current characteristic.
- Vector group, CT ratio and Tap changer compensation.
- High stability for external faults and current transformer saturation
- 2nd harmonic inrush restraint
 Other features
- The protection should not be affected by external faults and by magnetizing currents due to
powering the transformer. Thermal image Overload function (49T)
 Application: Power Transformers winding overload protection.
 Protection functions:
- 1st order model
- Sensitive to external ambient temperature, kamb. Voltage regulator under load for HV/MV transformer (90 VSC)
 Application: Voltage regulation of the transformer´s MV side
 Protection functions:


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- Monitoring of the on load tap changer position, checking the correct tap.
- Comands for operation the tap changer. Phase overcurrent on HV side of transformer (50/51 HV)
 Application: Detection of all types of overcurrent faults in the HV winding
 Protection functions:
- Two thresholds of definite time protection funtion
- Inverse time overcurrent can be protected as a back-up of the MV area comprises between
transformer and MV busbars. Differential Busbar Protection (87SB)
Main features:
 Application: Busbar differential protection and Sensitive differential level
 Protection functions:
- Selective, reliable and fast differential protection of busbars, T-connections and meshed
- Detection of all types of internal phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults in solidly
earthed or low impedance earthed power systems, as well as all internal multi-phase faults
in isolated or high-impedance earthed power systems.
- Three-phase version with two low-impedance differential protection zones
- Complete stability for through faults,
- Up to four step phase overcurrent protection
 Other features
- A mix of main CTs with 1A and 5A rated secondary current within the same protection
zone allowed.
- No interposing current transformers required.
- Autorecloser and breaker failure protection inside Breaker failure (50S-62) HV
 Application: In the event of a trip by one of the protection relay functions, if the breaker does not
open, the breaker failure will be activated and opens the surrounding bay breakers. When line bay
trip events also transferring by F.O. to the opposite end of the transmission-line.
 Trip activation by:
- Overcurrent with or without voltage restrictions/supervision (87L, 87T, 67N, 21, 50/51, 51V,
50N / 51N).
- Other protections not related with overcurrent (transformer mechanical protections
buchholz, over pressure relief valve).
 Protection functions:
- re-trip: a second trip will be made on the breaker bay in failure (by both trip-coils or by the
opposite trip-coil), trying to prevent the progress of the breaker failure unit.
- Detecting current flowing by the circuit breaker bay the function 50S-62 is activated: Once
the re-trip has been made, if the trip fault persists, the trip-failure will be transferred to the
immediate upwards and downwards adjacent bay breakers, in order to isolate the faulty
zone within clearing times lower than critical.
- Activation of a lock out relay 86BF with local reset.


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 Operating times function (including tripping relay) minimum 21ms

- re-trip: from 0 ms a XX s (range of setting 0,1 ms), total trip time 105 ms
- 50s-62: current detection definite time (whose reference times will be approximately 200-
250 ms Lock out relay 86T – Definitive lock
 Application: Trip confirmation HV and MV breakers of Power Transformers, and block close
 Trip activation by:
- Differential transformer 87
- Phase overcurrent on HV side (50/51HV)
- Homopolar MV side (59N, 50/51 GND Transf)
- Internal protections of transformer: 63, 23, 49…
- Breaker failure 50s-62
 Local reset button.
 Other features
- High speed change over contacts
- Dielectric strength 2200Vrms
- Electric reset capability Lock out relay 86L (if apply)
 Application: Trip confirmation HV breakers of Transmission line both sides, and block close
 Trip activation by:
- Differential 87L
- Minimum Impedance 21L
 Local reset button.
 Other features
- High speed change over contacts
- Dielectric strength 2200Vrms
- Electric reset capability Relay 86BF –Definitive Lock
 Application: Trip HV and MV circuit breakers and block close commands
 Trip activation by
- 50 BF Logics from zone protections relays or bay multifunction control&protections.
 Pole Discrepancy
 Overcurrent Criteria after Trip
 Local reset button.
 Acceleration Logics for protection functions as 121L, 87S, 87T….
 Other features
- High speed change over contacts


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- Dielectric strength 2200Vrms

- Electric reset capability Relay 94TD and 94TDE
 Application: HV Breakers reception (94TD) and transmition (94TDE) open commands between
both line ends bay.
 Other features
- High speed change over contacts
- Dielectric strength 2200Vrms
- Electric reset capability Protection panels design and construction Switchboards
One Control and Protection cabinet per each functional unit (transformer or line protection functions…). The
cabinet will present a separate terminal board for control and another for protection.
 Line cabinet = Line protections (main & secondary) and bay control unit
 Transformer cabinet = Transformer protections (main & secondary) and bay control unit
In case there is a shared control unit for both functional units this will be placed in the cabinet with more free
All cabinet(s) that make up the electrical protection system shall be of the modular type and shall be installed
in a control room.
If the electrical protection system consists of two cabinets, they can be mechanically joined and the common
partitions can be removed. In any case, the power supply system will be double.
The cabinets must be of the completely closed type (doors without equipment installed on them), possibly
leak-proof, with a single-piece, self-standing structure made of standard metalwork sections and of bent and
painted sheet steel.
In general, the cabinets shall have the following dimensions (width x depth x height) 800 mm x 800 mm x
2100 mm; with front access. Block diagram, operating panel
A labelled block diagram or digital synoptic of the HV feeder under control must be placed in the front of the
protection panels, including the following command and signal devices:
- LOCAL/REMOTE selector and indicator
- OPEN/CLOSE command and indicator 52L, 52C,52T
- OPEN/CLOSE command and indicator 89L, 89C and 89 LT
- INSERT/EXCLUDE command and indicator 79V (re-closing 52T)
- INSERT/EXCLUDE command and indicator (VSC voltage regulator)
- Block diagram INSERT/EXCLUDE selector
- INCREASE\DESCREASE VSC voltage buttons
- PLANT EMERGENCY protected button
- LAMPS TEST button
- possible electrical measurements display

10.3.3. MV BAY PROTECTIONS RELAY Functional description
The protection functions assigned to each type of MV panel are listed within the following table:


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Incoming feeder protection
- Over-current protection 50/51
- Earth over-current protection (CT toroidal connection ) 50N
- Directional earth over-current protection (CT toroidal
67N (**)
and delta open VT connections )
- Neutral Overvoltage 59N
- Synchrocheck 25(*)
- Lock-out relay 86
- Trip circuit supervision 74
- Breaker failure 50BF
Outgoing feeder
- Over-current protection 50/51
- Directional earth over-current protection (CT toroidal
and delta open VT connections )
- Lock-out relay 86
- Trip circuit supervision 74
BUS BAR Measuring unit
- Over-voltage protection 59
- Under-voltage protection 27
- zero overvoltage 59Vo
Zig-zag transformer feeder
- Over-current protection 50/51
- Directional earth over-current protection (CT toroidal
67N (**)
and delta open VT connections )
- Neutral over-current protection 50/51N
Capacitor feeder
- Over-current protection 50/51
- Neutral over-current protection 50/51N
- Negative phase sequence protection 46(*)
DC auxiliary power supply under-voltage 80
Disturbance Recorder DR
Electrical measurements P, Q, I, V, cosϕ
(*) protection function to be required if shown on single line diagram
(**) 67N function, protects the MV system in event of earthing fault, when isolated system is defined with very
low or nule current limitation is selected in the MV system (IT system)

To check protection system the contractor shall:
 Check all protection power supplies.
 Verify all secondary current and voltage circuits´ s impedance starting from connection to transformer
(CT & VT) checking all intermediate marshalling, up to protection terminals and check the burden
compliance with the CTs and Vts sizing report.
 Verify the electrical diagram of the protections and instrument transformers supplied and their
insertion in accordance to the final project documents.
 Check of the correct vector group between primary and secondary circuits.
 Check current transformers for homopolar current (toroidal embracing MV cables); especial
importance to the shielded cables, passing the earthing connection through the ring of the toroidal.
 Check fiber optic system, contractor shall verify:
o Design of the cable and accessories : cable caracteristics type according to the project; FAT
Certificates and data sheets. Core terminals type acc design and data sheets.
o Identification of circuits and loops acc “as constructed” lay out and labelling.


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o Absence of mechanical damage

o All cables after their laydown and their jointing and termination, shall be verified performing
the checks listed below at least:
 Conformity of the cable duct to the executive design (deep excavations, positioning,
interference, materials, accessories used, etc.);
 Correct execution of termination End to End (Devices /SSE Patch/Splice Box/ WTG
Patch/Splice Box/MM Patch/Splice Box ( Infrared checks could be useful)
 Check core color sequence /correspondence and correct identification and labelling;
o All fiber optic cables must be tested to verify the right connection and attenuation level
according design and technical requirements. ODTR Test and report (End to End) must be
provided to verify the compliance DB loss value. Protection relay testing
After the control of the measuring circuits (CT and VT), the contractor shall carry out the checks on the -
correct protection settings.
After the protections setting with the tripping values provided in the calibration plan, the tests shall be
performed by interfacing the protective relay to a special protection testing device, a Multifunction Relay Test
Box, in particular:
 The testing device shall have characteristics and precision such as to guarantee correctness of tests.
 The device shall be able to perfectly simulate the input variables to the protection and shall check
the correct functionality.
 The checked thresholds and operating times shall be annotated. These thresholds and times shall
be coherent with the provisions of calibration and the protection setting.
The contractor shall verify all command consequent the trip of the protection, and all relative signals toward
the relevant SCADAs. Measurements
For measurement circuits the contractor shall verify, starting from measurement transformer installed, the
correctness of wiring and their consistency to approved design.
To verify measurements of components the input values shall be simulated and correctness of measured
values and/or output values shall be checked;
Where metering systems are installed the contractor shall prepare necessary documentation of conformity
as per Country requirements.
The contractor shall verify the values, the range and the units toward the relevant SCADAs. Assembly tests
The contractor shall execute the following assembly tests:
 Coordination between protections test: A check shall be made of the correct coordination between
the different protection relays in order to verify the selectivity and the trips matrix according to the
calibration plan. The contractor shall verify all command and trip CBs opening and all relative signals
toward the relevant SCADAs.
 Three-phase primary voltage injection test: Total injection three-phase voltage at grid frequency in
order to check the voltage and phases sequences of all the protection and measurement circuits of
system under test. As precondition to this test the contractor shall assure that all previous
protection/measurement are checked previously.
 Short-circuit test: total three phase current injection at grid frequency with temporary short circuit
installed at primary or secondary side, in order to check the current and phases sequences of all the
protection and measurement circuits of system under test.


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As precondition to this test the contractor shall assure that has checked previously all previous

The metering system must be compliant with local regulation.
As general rules the meters have these characteristics:
 The meters must be placed inside of floor mounted cabinets only used for this purpose.
 Cabinet Power supply from DC system 125 VDC, auxiliary AC feeder for lighting, sockets and
anticondensation heaters.
 Integrated in Substation Control System using normalized protocols.
 Rack mounted for each meter for easy replacement with auto short circuit in current measure.
 Maximum of four energy-meters inside the same cabinet.
 All the connection point for the wires from CT and VT must be equal or more than six (6) mm2.
 All the entrance for cabling will be done from the bottom level.
The metering system must be integrated in Substation Control System using IEC104 protocol. Other
protocols can be provided but must be authorized by Enel.
The contractor shall at least:
 Check and provide measurement documentation and certification of individual devices
 Check and provide measurement documentation and certification of CT and
 Check installation of meters and transformers for absence of damages
 Verify unit is connected and configured in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and
project drawings
 Check Revenue Meters are tested and certified by an independent third party Metering
Company and calibrated/compensated for line drop to read the same as the Revenue Meter
in the Utility Substation
 Set instrument transformer ratios, system type, frequency, and communication requirements
 Verify correct recording and storing of measurement data
 The contractor shall perform all the checks and provide the documentation requested as per
local regulation.


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The supply shall include the external lighting of the electric station, that must be designed to ensure the
following compliance with the applicable regulations:
a) average luminance levels sufficient to allow access to the various facilities of the station;
b) emergency lighting to reach, from the entrance gate, the local cabin/building and all escape
c) average luminance levels sufficient to allow maintenance;
The minimum guaranteed values shall be:
- minimum 10 lux for external lighting system
- minimum 5 lux for external emergency lighting system
The outdoor lighting system will be executed in order to achieve three different modes of operation:
 n° 1 circuit with lamps arranged on the inside perimeter of the electric station, must ensure a
degree of illumination sufficient to reach the different structures of the transformer station,
starting from the entrance gate, with average lux required in respect to the applicable standard
on lighting levels in the workplace. For this circuit will be used energy-saving lamps. The circuit
will turn on by light sensor and is powered by the UPS. This circuit must satisfy as described
here above point " a)"
 n° 1 circuit for emergency lighting. The circuit will be lighted on by twilight and in case of black-
out will be powered by UPS. It must satisfy the condition described at point "b". It will illuminate,
by motion detection sensor, the entrance gate.
 n° 1 lighting circuit of the station, built with LED lights installed on poles made of fiberglass
with a height of not less than 6 meters above ground. The circuit will turn on, with personal
presence, through manual or sunlight sensor, able to satisfy, with average luminance, the
working condition described at point " c “.
The headlights and cables of the outside lighting circuits, must be double insulation type. The external
lighting projectors must be LED type, with die-cast body with corrosion-resistant aluminum with cooling fins
diffuser with glass front closure tempered thickness of 5 mm, impact resistant and thermal shock resistant,
silicone gaskets and stainless steel screws, nylon cable gland IP66, body IP66 degree of protection,
metalized polycarbonate lenses with high performance, micro-facetted finish that reduces direct glare.
The projectors will be installed on poles in fiberglass and will be provided with all the material necessary for
the correct installation and operation.
The poles are fiberglass, they will have a minimum height of 6 meters above the ground and will be provided
in the project including special processes for bottom hole for electrical and buttonhole for recessed junction
box type shell, sealing in the hole, the supply and installation of the shelf for support of lighting fixtures and
junction box type door shell with pole aluminum alloy die casting, bearing 2 fuse holders and fuses.
Inside auxiliary buildings a 230 V - 50 Hz lighting and 400/230 V sockets system must be provided, created
with high quality branded components, to allow clear visibility during the execution of operations. The
systems, in protected execution, will also include self-powered ceiling lights, complete with batteries for
emergency lighting.

An internal circuit socket of 400/230 V - 50 Hz must be realized, comprising of minimum:

 Socket box placed at the entrance of the modules on the wall of the overhead compartment


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comprising of:
 n° 1 socket 3P+E 32 A complete with plug and fuses;
 n° 2 sockets 2P+E 16 A interlocked complete with plug;
 n° 2 standard sockets 16 A;
 n° 2 10 A sockets for the power supply of portable spotlights;
 n° 3 sockets 16 A in each room/corridor, distributed at regular intervals. All the sockets must comply
with the country standards.
The rooms will have a light distribution with a minimum illumination of 500 luxes. The lights must be ceiling
lights with IP 65 and easy substitution of the lamps. At least the 50% of the lights must be used as emergency
The external lighting should be achieved by projectors with long life gas discharge lamps of at least 100W
mounted onto a frame that allows wide adjustment of orientation. The control logics of the external lighting
system are included in the auxiliary service switchgear.


The present paragraph covers the technical requirements for the Fire Fighting System for Electrical
Substation and Substation Buildings.
11.2.1. FUNCTIONAL AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Fire detection inside buildings
Fire detection system consists of smoke/thermal detectors and optic/acoustic alarm system controlled by a
fire control panel, plus portable fire extinguishers and mechanical characteristics able to guarantee the non-
propagation of the fire and related gases. The system shall be designed by Supplier in order to have a quick
fire detection inside the protected building and areas.
System mainly consists of two different loops corresponding to different zone in the substation area:
 Loop 1: Electrical substation buildings;
 Loop 2: Substation areas external to the buildings (Transformers);
Loop 1 shall be equipped by thermal and smoke type sensors. Manual fire alarm push-buttons system shall
be installed near to each building exits and escape routes and connected to the suitable loop.
Loop 2 shall be equipped by linear heat detection cables and connected to the fire control panel. The cables
will be suitable for the Local Environmental condition and outdoor installation. As alternative, it could be
provided an air detection system including the whole air compressor supply)
Supplier can revise this architecture in order to optimize the response celerity without decrease the availability
and reliability of this system.
All loops shall be designed according applicable local and international (ISO, NFPA, etc.) reference standard.
Fire control panel shall be able to manage:
 Addressable sensors;
 Addressable manual call points;
 Optical - Acoustic alarms.
 and shall be able to exchange signals with:
 Main fire system of Plant (if any);
 HVAC system (if any).
Detection control panel shall be integrated with main control system of Plant (if applicable).


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227 di/of 245 Water extinguishing system (option)

Water extinguishing system shall be designed by Supplier as a “Class II” system (as defined in NFPA 14
Code) and shall consist of hose stations, wall mounted, equipped with all ancillary equipment.
In defining the number and location of hose system, the design goal is to reach every point of the building,
except electrical room, with at least one stream of water.
In option could be requested for the HV\MV transformer, if required by the Fire Department and country rules
and regulations. The system will be activate by dedicated electrical and functional logic and interlock to avoid
activation when the transformer is still energized and in presence of voltages HV, MV and LV sides. Piping
Pipes will be in carbon steel, ASTM A106 Gr .B, Electrically Resistance Welded schedula 80 up to DN50
included, schedule 40 above DN50. Ends will be threaded up to DN80, welded above; grooved connection
can be proposed in alternative to the welded ones, subject to CELTA approval
Supports will be generally in galvanized carbon steel, if custom made; products from catalogue for industrial
application of well know international manufacturers will be also accepted. Anchoring to civil works is included
in scope of supply.
Thermal insulation – frozen protection – is not required. Hose station with accesories
Hose stations will be for Class II service, DN 1½ (40 mm); metal cabinet will be suitable for surface mounting
on walls, front panel will be provided with “breakable safe glass”. Front panel will be provided with sealable
Each cabinet will contain a DN 1 1/2 lined collapsible hose 15 m / 50 ft long with coupling and on / off branch
pipe / nozzle, valve and swivel hose rack (alternatively other method of hose storage, like saddle, will be
possible if approved by local codes). Materials as per supplier standard for indoor industrial application.
Certification: FM Approved or UL listed. Portable fire extinguishers
Supplier shall study the proper number, type and location of portable extinguishers. To do this, the references
are the HV substation building and external areas layout and proper Country codes. In any case, they shall
be suitable for electrical equipment.
11.2.2. EQUIPMENT TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Fire and alarm detection panel (FACP)
The fire detection panel shall be designed and installed according to international and local standard (for
example according the NFPA 72 code).
At least the following information shall be available to the FACP:
 Alarm for each zone;
 Failure of any sensor for each zone;
 Signalization of system working
 Signalization of normal and emergency voltage
 Signalization of battery in charge
 Signalization of battery low voltage
 Signalization of detection system fault (with indication of the relevant zone)
 Signalization of alarm for each manual call point
 Signalization of excluded zone
 Protection exclusion of the zone (Software)


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 Broken of the cable between the switchboard and the detectors

Fire Fighting control panel shall include:
 For each exchange digital signal (SPDT) a consistency check
 Contact voltage shall be the same of TFDS.
The Fire Protection panel shall be designed as to provide, at plant completed if not otherwise specified, a
spare capacities equal to 20% in hardware and space.
The FACP shall be provided with battery and battery charger group controlled through severed double
functions. The FACP battery shall be sized to feed the detection system for 10 minutes in actuation and 72
hours in stand-by. Fire detectors
Optical type smoke detectors shall be used as detection. They shall be point type, located in mounting socket
with a visible signal activated when smoke is detected. Removal of any detector from its base will be indicated
as a fault on the FACP.
Detectors located inside false ceiling or floating floor shall be provided with a signal repeater, located near to
the sensor, with the same alarm indication of main detector.
For thermal type detectors is applicable what above specified.
Detectors shall be in accordance with international and local standard (for example to the NFPA 72 code).
A start kit shall be supplied for each sensor test. Alarm sounders
Sounders shall be provided in a sufficient number (detailed numbers and position will be define by Supplier),
to give fire warning to the personnel. The produced sound shall be distinctive and unlike any other sound
produced by any other equipment contained in the substation buildings and external areas. The signal level
of sounders shall be 10 dB above the residual noise, considering average sound pressure level 85 dB(A), in
the interesting areas. The maximum allowable SPL is 120 dB(A) at the minimum hearing distance.
Sounders will be capable to generate two different type of signals:
 Fire alarm: one second on and one second off
 Fire evacuation: continuous sound

The signals should be repeated for an appropriate period for the building, but not less than 180s.
Sounders will be in compliance with the international and local standard (for example to the NFPA 72 code). Optical signallers
Alarm signal shall be rotating mirror or strobe light type. The bulb and mirror assembly shall be covered by a
red coloured lens and give an output of 15 candles/second @ 1 meter. Lens and wiring base assembly shall
form a complete weatherproof housing. Mirror shall rotate at a rate of once per second.
Signal lamps will be in compliance with the international and local standard (for example to the NFPA 72
code). Manual call points
Manual call points will be installed near the entrance doors as well as along the escape ways, and installed
on surface mounted box. Color will be red and they are provided with the word “FIRE” in local official
They shall be breakable “safety glass” type, to avoid risk of injury in case of operation; periodic test can be
performed using a special key, without the need to remove glass.
Manual call points will be in compliance with the international and local standard (for example to the NFPA
72 code).


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229 di/of 245 Painting
For hose station cabinets and other mechanical component is also applicable the above mentioned reference
cycle, but also “manufacturer standard” could be prepared if not in contrast with local painting rules.
In any case the painting shall be fire retardant (90 min) if not in contrast with local proper laws and standards
Component color will be as follows:
 Piping, hose stations frame, FACP, manual call point will be RAL 3001;
 Fire extinguisher: as per LOCAL standards;
 Other components; supplier standard and/or local codes, if any. Portable fire extinguishers
Portable fire extinguishers shall be supplied in compliance with local code/NFPA 10 code.
They shall be installed in visible position, with signalization and shall have a dedicated wall- mounting
support. Otherwise pedestal support shall be supplied. Building mechanical properties
The rooms, inside the substation building, will be divided into compartments with fire retardant walls and
barriers in order to avoid the fire and gases propagation. All crossing points, between rooms, will guarantee
the non-propagation of the fire and gases (for example cable path, doors, crossing tubes).
A natural ventilation system (forced to be evaluated in case of the natural one shouldn’t be enough) shall be
installed in order to avoid gases passing.
The battery room ventilation will be natural or forced in accordance to the international and local standards
The supplier shall guarantee the respect of the international and local standards\laws. Electrical system and equipment Equipment protection
All equipment in the scope of supply shall be provided, as minimum, with the following protection level (or
NEMA equivalent):
 IP 43 ->Internal installation
 IP 55 ->External installation Cables and cable ways
Power and control cables shall be fire resistant type with low gas emissions. Control and instrumentation
cables shall be shielded.
Cables to be laid out near high temperature parts shall be of the type with high temperature resistant
Cable trays and conduits shall comply with international and local standards (for example to the NFPA 70
Cable painting (if any) shall be fire retardant (90 min) if not in contrast with local proper laws and standards. Earthing connection
All the supplied equipment shall be connected to the substation earthing system. Connection shall be
performer by copper cables, copper bars and BTH bars, included in the scope of supply.
The tests shall ensure the functionality of various components, as well as their integration. The Contractor
shall carry out the following activities:
 check of the sensitivity and speed of intervention of all the smoke detectors using appropriate


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 "cross-check" of the area excluding one or more lines of detectors and checking the operation of the
remaining detectors;
 Check of the operation of all acoustic and visual signals
 Check of gas detection system in Battery areas ( for applicable battery technologies) according to
the following criteria:
 the operation of the first pre-alarm threshold must start the fan(s);
 the operation of all other thresholds shall operate visual/acoustic signals;
 the intervention of all threshold shall be wired to SCADA system
Check of alarms and any other additional interfaces to other systems.


The auxiliary building must be equipped with an air conditioning system consisting of two air conditioners
with inverter technology and a unitary power of no less than 70% of the power requested for each room, in
order to obtain acceptable conditions even in the event of an equipment failure. These air conditioners shall
be fed by two separate electrical circuits and therefore must be completely independent. Air conditioning for
summer and winter must ensure, with reference to p. 6, the internal temperatures of 25 °C during the hotter
months and 10 °C during the colder months, while the control of the relative humidity will maintain the same
at a value lower than 80%.
A signalling about anomalies of the conditioners shall be available to be remotely transmitted. In addition, an
internal thermostat which is able to signal the exceeding of a "maximum temperature" preset value.
The ventilation slots must be shielded and ensure a minimum degree of protection IP 33 to an increased
IP53 in case of very dust ambient conditions.
If the air conditioners do not have an external air inlet, which allows air exchange within the container, the
manufacturer must provide an autonomous ventilation system. The fan should have a minimum diameter of
250 mm and the air inlet vent should only open when the fan is in motion, in order to avoid releasing the
conditioned air outside. On the opposite wall to the fan an opening for the air outlet should be installed, with
shutters that open only after the overpressure generated by the fan.


Inside the area must be realized the anti-intrusion alarm system for the control of all the openings present in
each article; such a system can be constituted by volumetric sensors. Must be left in the terminal the ability
to add additional alarms from access to the power station. The control logic of type "to lack" activated by the
series of sensors and essentially constituted by: a final relay, two timing relays (one for input, one for output)
and an exclusion device key positioned so that is easily accessible. The system will return to the remote
operation of two signals respectively "intrusion in action" (relay final shot) and "personal presence" (logic
excluded by key).
This system, to be provided by SUPPLIER, is needed to assure people safety due to not permitted access
in the area. It will consist of following main devices:
 Control Unit (for local and remote control, if requested);
 CCTV equipment
 Detectors (different types);
 Sirens;
 Flashing lights;
 Cables and/or wireless connection with control unit;
 Interface with Substation SCADA System;


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The tests shall ensure the functionality of the various sections, as well as their correct integration.
The tests shall be performed on each section isolated from the other section and shall at least consist of:
 Visual inspection to confirm that the positioning of detectors and the relative electrical
system correspond to the design documents and the legislation in force;
 Check of the correctness of all the supply;
 Testing of the sensitivity and speed of intervention of all the detectors, simulating a real
attempted intrusion;
 Check of the loop/cross-check of the local excluding one or more lines of detectors and
verifying the operation of the remaining detectors with a real attempted intrusion;
 Check of the operation of all acoustic and visual signals;
Check of alarms reports and any other additional interfaces to other systems

An anti-rodent system will be provided by SUPPLIER and dimensioned according to each module layout. In
addition are the responsibility of the SUPPLIER all materials, equipment, expenses and obligations, even if
not explicitly mentioned in this chapter, need to provide the installation complete in every part, correctly sized,
functioning and compliance with the regulations in force, with exclusion as described below.
The system will include the following supplies:
 Central unit controller, type BLACK TERRIER or similar;
 Speaker terminals medium frequency, type BLACK TERRIER or similar, complete with
fixing accessories;
 batteries, control and signalization;
 Cables, brackets and mounting accessories.
The system will be designed taking into account the propagation characteristics of the interference signals
their structures.
These signals must not interfere on radio, on alarm systems, remote control and remote indications present
in the plant; similarly, the operation of the rodent must not be sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances
induced by other installations.
The control units, also should be protected from overvoltage or disturbances coming from the power supply
The emissions produced by the system should not pose any risk to human health or cause discomfort to
people who work in environments affected by the phenomenon.
The controller must be adapted to drive at least 4 medium frequency speaker with display for programming
and control of the plant, will be shown anomalies in the system. In particular, the terminals should be identified
or the area damaged and the type of fault.
The speakers will be of the high efficiency cone, made of brass, with adjustable bracket and IP66 protection.
They will be powered by low voltage control unit.
The contractor shall:
 Assure that all cables are tested for continuity, insulation, resistance etc.
 assure system installation as per drawing
 Carry out visual checks on all satellites & consoles to ascertain they are free from any


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mechanical damage, and on cables, interface modules etc. to ensure they are properly
 Check for proper termination & ferruling.
 Check Input AC/DC Supply Voltage.
 Check location/spacing of satellites as in drawing.
 Check Distribution of satellites / Zones as per Drawing.
 In Test mode check for each transducer that it is generating sound.
 Check that frequency output from panel is set as per manual recommendation.
 If main supply fails, check that panel is working on battery supply.
 Check that panel display and all keys are working properly.
Check if supply is provided to the transducers from the main controller


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The engineering services will be provided for preliminary, basic, detailed, construction and as built design.
The design of the High Voltage Station will be according to basic design enclosed, permitting documents,
local laws, technical requirements and/or grid code indicated by TSO\DSO.
Conceptual, functional and detail engineering shall be provided for all the components included in the scope
of supply.
The engineering services will include calculation, required studies, bill of material and engineering assistance
during construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, start-up, testing, inspection, reports for all Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical works and equipment included in the scope of work.
This includes but is not limited to the design entire Substation HV/MV, MV collector system, HV, MV and LV
cable and ducts, Fiber Optic cables and ducts, SCADA, O&M buildings, site layout, fences, switchgear
enclosure, switchgear etc.
The design of technical rooms, LV and MV panel, etc have to to guarantee a future expansion of 25%.
The design must take into consideration the installation requirements from sub-supplier, the interconnection
utility standard, safety standards, basic documents that ENEL will provide, as well as the Owners
requirements as per the Agreement.
All drawings, technical specifications, documents, reports, and certifications shall be submitted and stamped
by a registered Professional Engineer recognized by the Engineering Country Council or Local
Government’s Entity .

The overall design will include calculation, drawings, specs, tables, for all electro mechanical equipment.
Each design must be in compliance with the technical documents, drawings and equipment data sheets.
The scope of work includes but is not limited to:

1) Detail Design of Station HV/MV and HV\HV.

2) MV Collector substation electrical and components.

3) Collector substation control/communication and components.

4) Switching Station electrical and components

5) Switching Station control/communication and components.

6) Grounding system for all component.

7) (If required by Owner) Produce a System Model (Power Factory - DigSilent), both Static and
Dynamic, as requested by TSO\DSO of all plant (from PV\Wind system to point of connection to the


The scope of work includes also but is not limited to:

a) Design Project SCADA and Communication system (The SCADA system must have an minimum
value of reliability of 99,5 %);
b) Develop interfaces with: ”Plant Scada”, all IED and“PV/Wind/Hydro/Geothermal/Biomass Station
Scada” and “Interconnection Station RTU/SCADA” and the ENEL Local Monitoring Room; develop


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communications systems.
c) Review Engineering Designs and Documents to identify issues that have potential to cause delays
or inefficiencies during construction;
d) Work to assure efficient implementation of Substation control scope, including:
 HV and MV systems Station Control Logics for control and supervision.
 Functional description of control systems and List of signals.
 Substation Data Communications Design - and specifications.
 Verification requiements of: Communication Channel, Communication Factor/Media,
Bandwidth, Protocol implementation and Data transfer order/indexing, format and
 Assist project staff to develop plans and/or recommendations for addressing
issues related to SCADA/Communications.
 Provide SCS-SCADA operational and maintenance manuals, drawings, hardware and
software documents including licenses and training.
The connection to the TSO\DSO Grid shal be guaranteed by providing all technical and permitting documents
need to connect the entire plant (Renewable Plant with HV Station, Overhead Line and HV Interconnection
The scope of work requested can include the following activities and documents, final scope is defined in the
project specific requirements (Grid code requirements):
 Verify to compliance with National Local Standards and National Grid Code;
 Verify to compliance with TSO\DSO Standards and Rules;
 Short Circuit Calculations and Fault Studies;
 Load flow/power flow study (showing compliance with power factor and voltage requirements
at all load levels);
 Insulation Study;
 Transient Stability Study;
 Protection Coordination Study, Selectivity and Protection Settings;
 Study of Harmonics;
 Reactive Power Study;
 Study of Power Transformer Inrush;
 Designing and Specifying Automation, Monitoring and Control Systems type Network Active
Power Regulation, Reactive Power Regulation, frequency, Harmonics….;
 Clarification of modeling the electrical system used for studies;
 Attendance at meetings with ENEL, TSO, DSO and/or others Design Units involved in the
Project of the Renewable Plant;
 Telephone support or e-mail permanently associated with the scope of the contract.
All activities described above must satisfy the requirements need to the obtaining of the authorization for the
interconnection project. If necessary the consultant may propose in his opinion other studies or activities not
considered in these terms of reference to enable the achievement of this goal and ENEL right is reserved to
consider in evaluating the offer.


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In the annexes of this document it is included a DPP (design plan program) with the list of documents to be
issued by the Contractor, this is an indicative list that can be complemented with additional documents if
those are required by Enel for a specific project.
Within the following chapters it is resume the description of the main documentation to be issued by
Contractor. Accordingly, with the DPP attached in the annexes (see chapter 15) of this document, it is
specified the one to be approved by Enel.
12.2.1. DELIVERABLES FOR ELECTRICAL DESING Deliverables for HV-SSE general drawings.
 Single line Diagrams, general, protection and measurement.
 Control architecture and interfaces
 Auxiliar power supplies, normal and essential services single line diagrams.
 Electrical loads definition list, primary circuits and auxiliary systems
 HV electrical layout, plant and sections
 Substation Electrical and control building internal layout, plant main equipment and sections Deliverables for technical systems and equipment validation
 Electrical design criteria and systems description.
 Insulation coordination study.
 Short-circuit studies.
 Load-flow studies.
 Ground grid design and modelling.
 Protection relay studies
 Reactive load flow and MV capacitor bank design. Deliverables for main equipment technical definition
 HV equipment data-sheets
 MV equipment data-sheets
 LV equipment data-sheets Deliverables for equipment technical specifications
 TS main equipment
 TS LV aux equipment (AC, DC, UPS, GDE, etc)
 TS aux systems (lighting, Deliverables for electromechanical installation works
 Grounding grid layout and connections design
 Aerial grid layout and connections design
 MV cable raceways and routing definition
 LV cable raceways and routing definition
 HV platform layout main equipment raceways and connection boxes Deliverables for electrical and control detail design


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 Control and hardwired functional wiring diagrams HV system

 Control and hardwired functional wiring diagrams MV system
 Control and hardwired functional wiring diagrams LV system


 Control system architecture and interfaces
 Functional description of the control system, levels 1, 2 and 3.
 Logics and functional control (schematic logic blocks) inside IED´s and SCU-RTU
 Signal list with address map
 Hardwire signal list

12.2.3. DELIVERABLES FOR CIVIL WORKS Deliverables for Topographical Survey
 Topographical Investigation Plan
 Topographical Survey Report
 Topographical Drawings Deliverables for Geological and Geotechnical Survey

 Geotechnical Investigation Plan
 Geological and Geotechnical Report Deliverables for Hydrological and Hydraulic

 Hydrological and Hydraulic Report
 Flooding Maps (ante operam and post operam for 100 years return period) Deliverables for HV-SSE Layout, Platform and Roads

 General Layout Plan
 Platform Layout & Section Details
 Site Preparation and Earthmoving Calculation Report
 Access Roads and Internal Roads - General Layout Plan
 Access Roads and Internal Roads - Transversal Sections, Typical Cross Section & Longitudinal
 Calculation Report for Access Roads and Internal Roads
 General Plan of Outside and Internal Fencing/Gates & Construction Details Deliverables for Drainage System

 Drainage System Calculation Report
 Drainage System Drawings and Maps


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237 di/of 245 Cable Trenches (MV/HV) and Underground Utilites

 Layout of Underground Facilities and Cable Trenches
 Typical Sections and Details Deliverables for Steel Structures and Foundations

 Design Criteria
 Foundation Layout, Sections, Details and Reinforcement
 Foundation Calculation Report
 Steel Structures Calculation Report Deliverables for Power Transformer

 Foundation Layout, Sections, Details and Reinforcement
 Calculation Report for Power Transformer Foundation
 Oil Containment System Drawings
 Oil Containment System Calculation Report
 Firefighting Wall Drawings - Formwork, Details and Reinforcement
 Calculation Report for Firefighting Wall and Foundation


 Quality Plan
 Quality Control PLAN QCP for Factory Acceptance Test - FAT
 Inspection Test Procedure ITP for Factory Acceptance Test - FAT


 The Commissioning Manager Of The Contractor Shall Provide To ENEL GPG A Report For Each
Component With The Final Design Documentation.
 Procedure of test for the single component integrated with the other systems.
 ITP/QCP to be submitted to ENEL GPG for approval.
 Schedule for Commissioning & Start-Up tests
 Daily and a weekly report on that
 Deliver red-marked documentation “as-built”
 Certification, Test Report.
 Instrument certificate


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The Contractor shall plan, establish, implement and maintain a quality assurance system for the Works,
which shall meet the requirements set out in ISO 9001 - 2015 standard, in the technical specifications and in
the Agreement.
For the purpose, prior the commencement of the requested Works, the Contractor shall submit to ENEL GPG
the “Project Quality Plan” for its evaluation and validation. This document to be developed in accordance to
the technical specification GRE.EEC.Q.61.IT.X.00000.00.034 “Contractor/Supplier Project Quality Plan
minimum requirements”.
Everything that applies to the main Contractor also applies to Sub-Contractors.
See attachment XX: GRE.EEC.Q.61.IT.X.00000.00.034.00 “Contractor/Supplier Project Quality Plan
minimum requirements”


The Contractor shall plan and execute the inspections and the tests for controlling that the Works have met
the functional and performance requirements set out in this document.
The management of the quality control activities are set out in the technical specification
GRE.EEC.Q.61.IT.X.00000.00.034 “Contractor/Supplier Project Quality Plan minimum requirements”.
Find attached to this document the QCP’s where are listed the minimum inspections/tests and the relevant
samples requested by ENEL GPG.
All the following documents are attached as annexes of this Technical Standard.
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.035.01 Surge Arrester
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.034.01 Disconnector
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.037.01 Circuit Breaker
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.038.01 Current Transformer
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.039.01 Inductive Voltage Transformer
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.040.01 Capacitive voltage transformer
GRE.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.10.018.00 QCP_MV_SWITCHGEAR
GRE.EEC.Q.30.XX.X.00000.08.014.01 QCP - SCADA

GRE.EEC.Q.00.XX.A.00000.00.186.01 ITP SUBSTATION

GRE.EEC.Q.45.XX.A.00000.00.209.00 HV SUBSTATION


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The aim of this chaptar is to give the description and the requirements of the commissioning and start-up
activities and tests, for the acceptance of the equipments and systems included in the Substation and as
optional, services of operation (temporary) if requested.


Tests shall be carried out by the Contractor to confirm the compliance with the ENEL GPG specifications, to
check its inherent safety and test each component and the system in its entirety.
The Commissioning manager of the Contractor shall be resident on site and nominated with an official letter
to ENEL GPG Commissioning manager. In case ENEL GPG will ask the replacement of a member of the
commissioning team, the Contractor has the duty to comply with this request.
The Commissioning manager of the Contractor shall provide to ENEL GPG a report for each component with
the final design documentation.
The start-up tests shall be satisfactory for each equipment/systems supplied by the contractor. The single
equipment/system start-up tests shall be followed by a higher level of tests which involve the project entirely,
for which shall be supplied the procedure of test for the single component integrated with the other systems.
The tests shall guarantee the minimum performances as per the Technical Specifications for the single
equipment/system as well as for the entire plant.
ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager will supervise and approve all checks and tests according to approved
QCP, having access to all the areas during test; in case particular qualification or license are necessary for
ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager to be present on the test, will be a duty of the Contractor to provide
relevant training and rights.
The contractor shall:
 Define a Commissioning and Start-Up Team that includes Supervisors, HSEQ personnel, personnel
that temporary operate the plant, personnel involved in activitities and tests also remotely and the
interface with the ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager, providing at least four week in advance to
the arrival on site relevant CV for ENEL GPG Commissioning evaluation;
 Prepare equipments and systems commissioning procedures and overall system commissioning
procedures to be submitted for approval to ENEL GPG
 Define the Schedule for Commissioning & Start-Up tests up to the full completion of the tests
including the involved resources (teams number and composition),
 Prepare commissioning ITP/QCP to be submitted to ENEL GPG forapproval,
 Perform the commissioning verifications (Inspections, tests and reports) and start-up activities for
the equipments/systems, providing to ENEL GPG commissioning manager a daily and a weekly
report on that;
 Manage the master copy of documentation and deliver red-marked documentation “as-built”.
 The commissioning and start-up tests shall include (but shall not be limited to) the following activities:
 Checking that the new infrastructure, equipment and system is compliant with the final
 Visual inspections
 Tests that include measurements, cold tests, hot tests, assembly tests and functional tests,
certifications by third parties where necessary.
The above activities may vary according to the specific plant to which the systems and equipment relevant
to this Technical Specification refer to.


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The inspections and tests should be performed by using appropriate instruments and all personnel involved
shall use adequate PPE.
The external power supply necessary for pre-commissioning activities, shall be provided by Contractor.
The necessary number of auxiliary temporary power supplies (i.e. diesel power generator units), appropriate
in terms of electrical characteristics (voltage, power, number of phases, frequency, etc.), necessary to
perform the pre-commissioning activities, has to be defined by the Contractor, in order to fit commissioning
duration according to the contract.
When conducting checks and tests the Contractor may deal with the following situations:
 Design errors (for example: the layout is not working, undersized/oversized component parts, etc.);
 The design is operational but doesn’t respect safety standards;
 Errors in operation, non compliances with specifications or contractual requirements.
Any kind of observation shall be immediately relayed to the ENEL GPG Commisisoning Manager. Non
conformities and design change proposals shall be immediately submitted to ENEL GPG Commissioning
For each item of the proposed QCP the contractor shall prepare a commissioning procedure and submit it to
ENEL GPG for the approval of ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager.
The commissioning procedure shall contain:
 Method statement
 Acceptance criteria
 Reference documentation (single line diagram, functional drawing, datasheet, ITP/QCP already
approved by ENEL GPG).
 Reference standards
 List of instruments to be used and calibration certificates.
 Test forms.
Hereby the reference list of procedures that the contractors shall prepare to cope with inspections and tests
described in this document. For each inspection and each verification included in the QCP provided, the
contractors shall indicate, if applicable, the reference procedure code (defined in compliance with to ENEL
GPG quality management system requirements)
progressive Reference Title
001 Commissioning Procedure for HV transmission system
002 Commissioning Procedure for HV system and bus bars
003 Commissioning Procedure for HV/MV transformer
004 Commissioning Procedure for Grounding System
005 Commissioning Procedure for MV/LV transformer
006 Commissioning Procedure for Diesel Generator
007 Commissioning Procedure for UPS (AC DC)
008 Commissioning Procedure for Fire fighting system
Commissioning Procedure for protection and control
010 Commissioning Procedure for metering system
Commissioning Procedure for plant SCADA and SIT (Not
Applicable For Substation Contractor)
012 Commissioning Procedure for Air Conditioning HVAC
013 Commissioning Procedure for Anti-intrusion System


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014 Commissioning Procedure for LV - AC AUX SYSTEMS

015 Commissioning Procedure for MV system
016 Commissioning procedure for HV cables
017 Commissioning procedure for MV cables
Commissioning procedure for PPC and grid code
compliance(Not Applicable For Substation Contractor)

The ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager will define the ramp-up of the plant including the systems and
equipment this document refers to. The Contractor shall indicate the number of involved resources, timing
and percentage of availability of the single parts of the power plants that contribute to the the ramp up,
respecting the maximum time indicated in tender documentation.


The ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager will receive by the contractor the commissioning and start up
schedule relevant to its scope of supply. The schedule shall:
 include the utilities to be supplied by the customer, step by step, for approval of the ENEL GPG
Commissioning Manager;
 Highlight interdependencies.
This schedule shall be defined by analysing the climate at the site and employing appropriate safety margins,
and shall be used by the ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager for preparing the plant general commissioning
and start-up time schedule, in which are included the activities in charge of the contractors and in which
commissioning and start-up activities are divided in 4 phases according to the table below reported.

Phase name Description phase
For each sub-functional group is
1 Cold individual tests indicated the time schedule of the NA
entire set of individual test.
For each functional group is indicated
2 Cold assembly tests the time schedule of the entire set of 1
assembly test.
Is indicated the energization time
3 Plant energization schedule of the functional groups 1.X, 2
2.X, 3.X, 4.X
Is indicated the energization time
4 CU/WTG Ramp-Up schedule of the functional groups 3

The ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager will issue a binding version of the plant general commissioning
and start-up schedule that will be subscribed by the Contractor. Any variations in the programme provided
by the Contractor shall be promptly bought to the attention of the ENEL GPG Commissioning manager and
all necessary steps shall be taken by the contractor to avoid changing the final dates for commissioning
Before starting any commissioning activities, documentation check and preliminary checks for each
component and system shall be performed, in order to verify the conformity to the project and the eligibility
to put the equipment/system in service.
The documentation shall include at least:


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 Project documentation in “as constructed” revision: single line diagrams, functional drawings, layouts
etc, The Contractor’s is responsible for obtaining, from ENEL GPG and the suppliers, at the plant’s
location, all of the most recently revised version of the documentation (in paper and digital format).
 Commissioning and Start-Up general time schedule updated, that shall include all the
 Approved component/equipment/systems Commissioning Procedures
 Component/equipment/systems Manuals
 Construction verification, certification/report
 Certification of third parties (if required)
 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) reports
 A “completion of works statement” by the constructor
The inspections shall include at least:
 Check for completion of works of the systems/components/equipment;
 Check that the involved areas are kept clear of people and things;
 Check that all parts, if necessary, are properly and permanently connected to the ground grid;
 Checking for mechanical defects (cracks, moisture penetration, bubbles, IP level, water etc.);
 Check for corrosions in the components, the frames and the structures;
 Check the presence and completeness of all the nameplates and all the information required for
correct identification of each component;
 Verify for each components of equipment/systems the proper anchoring acording to the project;
 Check the insulation and thightening of screws and bolts;
 Check the integrity of the PE conductor and the status of the grounding clamps;
 Once the preliminary checks have been carried out proper labeling and segregation of the system
shall be implemented by the contractor giving proper communication to all the companies working
on site
 Any other measure necessary for the performance of tests in safety.
 Check that there aren’t Non Conformities (NC) and Permit to Work (PTW) open by construction.

At the end of these checks shall be produced a turnover format between Site Manager and Commissioning
Manager of the Contractor, signed by Safety responsible and Commissioning Manager of ENEL GPG. Only
after this acceptance by ENEL GPG the tests are allowed to start in the case in which the scope of supply of
the contractor fits with one or more functional group described above.
From this moment on, the Contractor Commissioning Manager is the plant responsible and each work on the
area shall be performed with a Permit to Work system using LOTO procedures, described in a dedicated
document submitted for approval to ENEL GPG commissioning manager.


The purpose of this chapter is to provide HV/MV substation contractor with essential information regarding
the activities to be carried out for the temporary operation service of the substation in the timeframe between
the energization of the station and the final handover to ENEL GPG O&M.

This information must be considered as condition of the contract and if the conditions are not met by


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contractors and subcontractors, penalties could be apply by the Client.

The temporary operation period can be divided in to phases, also considering the project commitment plan:
 Phase 1: between the first energization of the substation and the provisional acceptance certificate
(PAC) between the Client (ENEL GPG) and the Contractor. PAC certifies the acceptance of the
substation by the ENEL GPG and determines the transition of ownership to the ENEL GPG. In Phase
1 the ownership of the substation belongs to the substation contractor; in this period the configuration
of the system and the manoeuvres are under substation contractor responsibility. In phase 1 the
temporary operation service is considered mandatory for the substation contractor.
 Phase 2: after the PAC the ownership of the substation passes to the Client, consequently all the
configuration has to be agreed with the ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager, of course acting
always for ordinary maintenance actions, in accordance with the prescriptions for avoiding issues
with guarantee of the components. For phase 2 the temporary operation service is considered an
optional service to be quoted on a monthly basis by the substation contractor, during the tender
If not foreseen a country control room the substation Contractor operator shall provide a 24h7 shift to control
the substation. The substation contractor operator shall act as interface with the TSO as well.
Activities are basically the following, including but not limited to:
 Walkdown on site to verify general status of the station
 Carrying out of the manoeuvring of the system’s electrical units aimed at setup changes for the tests
requested by ENEL GPG Commissioning Manager or by the power grid operator.
 Undertaking normal and scheduled maintenance activities, with particular attention to legally or
regulatory required checks in compliance with the methods and deadlines envisaged.
 Recording of all the main electrical data according to a format given by the ENEL GPG
commissioning manager.
 In case of fault, performing of the root cause analysis together with the proposal for corrective action
needed for restoring the system’s functionality, and if possible with operations to minimize the
outage, with a view to guarantee the best possible commercial performances, in accordance with the
production capacity available.
 In case replacement of components is required, execution of the necessary commissioning to assure
the necessary checks to safely re-energize the systems.
 In case of emergency proposing solutions and/or temporary operation to solve the issues as soon
as possible.
 After approval of commissioning manager, adjusting the setting of the protections and execution of
the necessary secondary injections to verify the proper implementation
 Management of permit to work (see dedicated subparagraph below)

The activities carried out during temporary operation of the plant shall be compliant with rules and legislation
in force in the country the substation is built in.

The substation operator technicians shall have on site with proper instrumentation and shall have the licences
and qualifications in order to operate the substation according to the country rules and laws.
Instrumentation set will be composed by an individual part, like PPE, FLUKE multimeter or equivalent, laptop,
box with basic tools etc..: this equipment will give technicians the possibility to safely operate in the scope of
work defined above.
In addition, as staff equipment for each substation, the substation contractor team should be equipped with


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the following tools.

 Tools for calibration of sensor (pressure, temperature etc) Fluke, Scandura or equivalent.
 A megger to verify cables
 Availability (not constantly on site) of a booster for primary injection, with notification 5 days prior
to activities
 Tool for secondary injection (OMICRON or equivalent)


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EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.035.01 Surge Arrester
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.034.01 Disconnector
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.037.01 Circuit Breaker
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.038.01 Current Transformer
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.039.01 Inductive Voltage Transformer
EGP.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.16.040.01 Capacitive voltage transformer
GRE.EEC.Q.37.XX.X.00000.10.018.00 QCP_MV_SWITCHGEAR
GRE.EEC.Q.30.XX.X.00000.08.014.01 QCP - SCADA
GRE.EEC.Q.00.XX.A.00000.00.186.01 ITP SUBSTATION
GRE.EEC.Q.45.XX.A.00000.00.209.00 HV SUBSTATION

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