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Database System MCQ Questions PDF

1. The files stored on a secondary stage device are composed of a hierarchy of data.
What does a record in a file contain?

1. Characters
2. Data field
3. Bits
4. Schema

Answer: Data field

2. A report generator is used to____________

1. print files on paper

2. update files
3. data entry
4. All of the above

Answer: print files on paper

3. Which command is used to remove an index from the database in SQL?



4. What is the name given to the database management system which is able to handle
full text data, image data, audio and video?

1. Graphics media
2. Multimedia
3. Full media
4. Hypertext

Answer: Multimedia

5. The relational model uses some unfamiliar terminology. A tuple is equivalent to


1. file
2. field
3. record
4. data base

Answer: record
6. An-owner-member set in the CODASYL specifications may have__________

1. only one member but many member occurrence

2. only one owner but many owner occurrences
3. more than one member but only one occurrence per member
4. All of the above

Answer: only one owner but many owner occurrences

7. Which of the following is not a logical data-base structure?

1. relational
2. network
3. tree
4. chain

Answer: chain

8. If the record management system allows you to edit values before they are recorded
on disk, you can________

1. change the name of a field

2. correct spelling changes before they are recorded
3. change the width of a field
4. All of the above

Answer: correct spelling changes before they are recorded

9. A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by


1. Network schema
2. Relational schema
3. Hierarchical schema
4. All of the above

Answer: Hierarchical schema

10. A database management system___________

1. is a collection of programs for managing data in a single file

2. can do more than a record management system
3. allows simultaneous access to multiple files
4. Both 2 & 3

Answer: Both 2 & 3

11. Which of the following is a database administrator's function?

1. performance monitoring
2. backing up the database
3. database design
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

12. In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to enable/disable a database trigger?

4. None of the above


13. Which of the following hardware components is the most important to the operation
of a database management system?

1. high speed, large-capacity disk

2. printer
3. high-resolution video display
4. plotter

Answer: high speed, large-capacity disk

14. Which of the following is not a relational database?

1. 4th Dimension
2. FoxPro
4. Reflex

Answer: Reflex

15. The data dictionary tells the DBMS_________

1. what these files contain

2. what attribute are possessed by the data
3. what files are in the database
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

16. The PROJECT command will create new table that has___________

1. more rows than the original table

2. all the fields of master table
3. more fields than the original table
4. None of the above
Answer: None of the above

17. Primitive operations common to all record management systems


1. Print
2. Look-up
3. Sort
4. All of the above

Answer: Look-up

18. Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS?

1. data manipulation language and query language

2. data dictionary and transaction log
3. query language and utilities
4. data dictionary and query language

Answer: data dictionary and transaction log

19. In a _____ a parent record type can be linked to one or more "child" record types,
but a child record type can have only one parent.

1. Distributed database
2. Relational database
3. Network database
4. Hierarchical database

Answer: Hierarchical database

20. Sort/report generators_________

1. require more disk space than index/report generators

2. do not need to sort before generating a report
3. are faster than index/report generators
4. None of the above

Answer: require more disk space than index/report generators

21. Each of data files has a _____ that describe the way the data is stored in the file.

1. Records
2. File structure
3. Fields
4. Database

Answer: File structure

22. To have a file hold a list, it is necessary to________

1. identify the records in the list
2. decide which fields will be used as sort or index keys
3. identify the name, width and type of the fields of each record
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

23. Periodically adding, changing and deleting file records is called file__________

1. upgrading
2. Updating
3. renewing
4. restructuring

Answer: Updating

24. After you _____ a record, many data management the environments require you to
issue a command to save the changes you made.

1. Update
2. Delete
3. Sort key
4. Index

Answer: Update

25. Sophisticated report generators can________

1. perform arithmetic operations

2. print row-oriented reports
3. selectively retrieve and print portions of a list
4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

26. In SQL, which command is used to make permanent changes made by statements
issue since the beginning of a transaction?

4. ZIP

Answer: COMMIT

27. What is the language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access

1. 4GL
2. Query language
3. High level language
4. SQL

Answer: Query language

28. A network schema__________

1. stores data in tables

2. permits many-to-many relation¬ships
3. restricts the structure to a one-to-many relationship
4. None of the above

Answer: permits many-to-many relation¬ships

29. When using a database management system, the first thing that you must do is

1. activate file editor

2. create a database file
3. load the software into your microcomputer
4. keep a floppy disk in readiness

Answer: load the software into your micro¬computer

30. Data item characteristics that are important in data management


1. language
2. spelling
3. punctuation
4. width

Answer: Width

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