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Texans rookie sees Thousands flee as wildfires bear down on Local raptors can be
self as an underdog. Yellowknife and West Kelowna. tough to tell apart.

HOUSTONCHRONICLE.COM • SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 2023 • VOL. 122, NO. 310 • $3.00

who kept
sirens off
By Bobby Caina Calvan,
Jennifer Sinco Kelleher
and Christopher Weber

LAHAINA, Hawaii — An
emergency official who defend-
ed a decision to not sound out-
door alert sirens on Maui as a fe-
rocious fire raged has resigned.
Herman Andaya, administra-
tor of the Maui Emergency Man-
agement Agency, had said this
week that he had no regrets
about not deploying the system
because he feared it could have
caused people to go “mauka,” a
Hawaiian term that can mean
toward the mountains or inland.
“If that was the case, then
they would have gone into the
fire,” Andaya explained. He
Raquel Natalicchio/Staff photographer stepped down Thursday, one
Officers used the Rook, a bulldozerlike machine with an extendable arm, to tear openings into a home in the 11500 block of day after his comments.
Silhouette Ridge in northeast Harris County in order to apprehend Terran Green, 34, who had barricaded himself there. The decision to not use the si-
rens, coupled with water short-

Home ripped open

ages that hampered firefighters
and an escape route clogged
with vehicles that were overrun
by flames, has brought intense

during SWAT standoff

Hawaii continues on A8

A&M site
Man faces attempted murder charges in shootings that injured 4 officers
will focus
on moon’s
By Matt deGrood, for their professionalism,
Nicole Hensley their commitment and dedica-
and John Wayne Ferguson tion, and for their restraint,”

A frantic 24-hour period

the sheriff said. “We’ve had
heavy hearts these past 24
hours praying for our wound-
that began with the shooting ed team members who have By Andrea Leinfelder
of Harris County Sheriff ’s been injured. Despite that, we STAF F WRI TER
Deputy Joseph Anderson were focused on getting the
during a traffic stop came to a job done.” Texas A&M University is
dramatic close late Thursday A deputy and two marshals building a new research and
after the alleged gunman sur- with the Gulf Coast Violent training facility that could help
rendered to authorities fol- Offenders Task Force went to Texas remain relevant as humans
lowing a destructive standoff. the home around 7 p.m. and push to explore deep space, the
By the time it all ended, encountered a woman and moon and Mars.
three more law enforcement two teenagers who said Green Much of the equipment and ex-
officers were wounded trying was inside, said senior deputy perience at NASA’s Johnson
to confront the man sought by Thomas Gilliland, a spokes- Space Center is focused on the
multiple agencies. None of the man for the sheriff ’s office. realm just beyond Earth’s atmo-
officers hurt Thursday was Brett Coomer/Staff photographer The woman and teens imme- sphere where humans are
seriously injured. State troopers keep traffic away from the home where a man diately left. weightless. Texas A&M hopes to
Terran Green, 34, was tak- accused of shooting and injuring four officers was holed up. Gunfire erupted from in- fill the gap in the next era of ex-
en into custody around 11:45 side the home, and the three ploration targeting the moon,
p.m., about five hours after nered in an upstairs room of From there, Green was tak- officers were shot. Deputies which requires navigating low
authorities confronted him at the house, authorities said. en to the Harris County Jail, and other law enforcement of- levels of gravity and some ex-
a home in the 11500 block of The sheriff ’s office then used said Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. He ficers then tried for nearly five treme lighting conditions.
Silhouette Ridge in northeast the Rook, a bulldozerlike ma- was charged with four counts hours to coax Green, the only “A surface mission needs a dif-
Harris County. The standoff chine with an extendable arm, of attempted capital murder. one inside, into surrendering. ferent kind of facility,” said Rob
ended after Green was cor- to rip open an exterior wall. “I want to thank everyone Standoff continues on A7 Ambrose, a former NASA leader
Space continues on A8

Heat hitting restaurants with

big bills, equipment failures
By Bao Ong glewood called him after Cen- The string of triple-digit tem-
STA F F W RIT E R terPoint randomly shut off pow- peratures — due to an extreme
er to deal with yet another surge heat dome — is taking a toll on
The lights flickered on and in demand for electricity. A restaurants as Houston keeps
off. Smoke flowed from the transformer blew out as a result, edging closer to record-break-
kitchen into the dining room. Nasr said, and left the restau- ing heat. On top of rising food
The grease-slicked scent of fried rant grappling with whether it costs and inflation, many chefs
falafel and french fries suddenly could stay open and paying and restaurateurs can add
evaporated as the deep fryers thousands of dollars for repairs warmer-than-normal dining
stopped bubbling. it is still dealing with weeks lat- rooms, sky-high utility bills and
It’s not what Rafael Nasr er. struggling air conditioners to a
wanted to hear at the tail end of “This super-hot summer has laundry list of challenges.
lunch service on a recent Friday. us thinking, ‘Can we handle ev- Nearly two weeks since the
A manager at his fast-casual erything?’ ” Nasr said. “It seems Aug. 4 power outage, Nasr still Elizabeth Conley/Staff photographer
Lebanese restaurant Craft Pita like the odds are stacked against can’t use his oven to crisp discs Kau Ba hostess Kia Hinnant waits at the hostess stand near a
off Fountain View Drive in Tan- you.” Restaurants continues on A8 large cooling unit on Tuesday in Houston.

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Experts advise giving manatees space

Rare sightings have coincides with the population
challenges that the state of
led to manatees being listed as
threatened under the Endan-
been increasing Florida has seen,” Gilbert said. gered Species Act.
along Texas’ coast “Those animals are starting to
just search — whether it be for
If manatees are encouraged
to stay in certain waters they
food or suitable habitat.” might also choose to ignore
By Hana Ikramuddin their typical migration pattern,
STA F F W RIT E R Keep a distance which might get them stranded
While the numbers might be when the water becomes too
Manatees shock and excite against you if you are hoping to cold for them to survive —
most people who spot them, find a manatee, the mammals “leading to cold stress and
but they remain rare in Texas have been spotted between Gal- death,” Whitehead wrote.
coastal waters. veston and South Padre Island
That’s why it may have come this summer, Heidi Whitehead, Database collection
as a surprise when one was executive director of the Texas The Texas Marine Mammal
found dead near Ingleside. Marine Mammal Stranding Stranding Network worked to
However, by the time offi- Network, said in a statement. collect manatee sightings into a
cials arrived from the Texas Some of the most common database so the group can mon-
Marine Mammal Stranding instances of manatee sightings itor manatee health and move-
Network — which monitors TNS file photo in the state come from canal ments.
manatee numbers — the mam- Manatees are usually found in Florida, like this group in a homeowners standing on their The organization has saved
mal was gone. It was unclear canal near a Florida Power & Light plant in Fort Lauderdale. docks who see a manatee pop manatees that stay in Gulf wa-
whether a person had removed up above the water — a similar ters too long and get trapped by
it or if animals got to it. Aquatic Animal Health at the There are multiple factors report came in last week to the dangerously cold water.
In the past few years, mana- University of Florida College of that might be encouraging Texas State Aquarium, which Gilbert warned that even
tee sightings have become far Veterinary Medicine, the mam- manatees to visit the Lone Star is the largest coastal wildlife well-meaning people should
more common in Texas. mals have their reasons. State in higher numbers during rescue in the country, Gilbert avoid all contact with marine
Manatees typically live in Manatees mostly eat a vege- the past few years, said Jesse said. wildlife, and be respectful of
Florida during the winter, and tarian diet consisting of sea- Gilbert, president and chief ex- If you spot a manatee, keep a the manatees they might see
are more likely to visit Texas in grass. ecutive officer of the Texas respectful distance. It’s not just hanging around.
the warmer, summer months. Since they need freshwater State Aquarium. about the law, it’s also about “Although people trying to
to survive, it is rare to find them safety. visit the aquarium and the res-
Seasonal visitors far from any coastline. Instead, Florida challenges Feeding the mammals can cue center are trying to help the
Generally, the farther away they’re usually found in shal- One example is harmful mi- make them less wary of hu- animals, people are not neces-
one travels from Florida, the low waters. croalgae that has contributed to mans and boats, leading to dan- sarily good for wildlife,” he
harder it will be to spot a mana- “Some of these guys are do- more toxic environments for gerous boat strikes, wrote said. “If you know there’s a
tee. ing it for food sources, and fish and manatees in Florida. Whitehead. manatee in the area we just ask
According to Mike Walsh, a some of them are kind of ex- “The increase in manatee Boat strikes are one among a people to really, really slow
clinical associate professor in plorers,” he said. sightings in Texas somewhat long list of dangers that have down and be mindful.”

Federal judge rules in mail ballot bill case

By Cayla Harris sions over errors related to that eral did not respond to requests Pam Gaskin,
AUST I N B U RE AU requirement, according to the for comment. of Missouri
ACLU of Texas. The number The ACLU of Texas, one of sev- City, said it
A federal judge in San Antonio written by voters often didn’t eral civil rights groups that chal- took her three
ruled this week that it is illegal for match county files, or they forgot lenged the law in court, called the tries to receive
Texas elections officials to reject to include a number entirely. ruling a “win” for Texas voters. her ballot and
mail-in ballots and the applica- U.S. District Judge Xavier Ro- “The court’s ruling sends the vote in last
tions for them over ID mistakes driguez said Thursday that the clear message that democracy on- year’s
on elections paperwork. provision violates the Civil Rights ly works when it includes all of primaries
The requirement was part of a Act by rejecting absentee applica- us,” the group tweeted. “No ex- because of ID
sweeping voting bill that state tions and ballots based on errors ceptions.” error
lawmakers passed in 2021, man- that “are not material in deter- ACLU Attorney Savannah Ku- rejections.
dating that voters provide either a mining whether voters are quali- mar said the ruling will alleviate a Melissa Phillip/
driver’s license number or the last fied under Texas law to vote or to burden for Texans who rely on Staff file photo
four digits of their Social Security cast a mail ballot.” mail-in ballots to exercise their
number when submitting mail-in The court still needs to issue a right to vote, especially elderly birth within three weeks of Elec- they have written,” Kumar said.
ballot documentation. The num- final opinion and order in the people and those with disabilities. tion Day; or incarcerated. The law has especially impact-
ber they include has to match the coming weeks further expanding Texas allows a person to re- “What it would mean is that ed Texans of color, who were 50
one on their voter registration re- on the decision and telling the ceive a mail-in ballot if they are at voters could rest assured that percent more likely than white
cord. state how to comply. Spokespeo- least 65 years old; sick or disabled; their ballots would not be rejected voters to have their mail ballots
Elections officials have since ple for the offices of the Texas Sec- out of the county during the vot- simply because of an error or rejected, according to an October
rejected nearly 40,000 submis- retary of State and attorney gen- ing window; expecting to give omission in the numbers that 2022 study.

Neighbor sought in
sex assault, killing
of Pasadena girl, 11
By Matt deGrood history of ar-
and John Wayne Ferguson rests in Harris
The Pasadena Police De- driguez and the
partment is asking for the Gonzalezes are
public’s help to find an 18-year- originally from
old Guatemalan day laborer Maria Guatemala, of-
and neighbor who could be ficials said. Ma-
tied to the death of 11-year-old ria and her father had lived in
Maria Gonzalez. Pasadena for about four
The man, Juan Carlos Gar- months.
cia-Rodriguez, was last seen at It’s not clear what Garcia-
the Main Village apartment Rodriguez’s immigration sta-
complex on Monday, Police tus was.
Chief Josh Bruegger said. Police interviewed Garcia-
Police on Friday stopped Rodriguez on Saturday and
Jason Fochtman/Staff photographer short of calling Garcia-Rodri- took a DNA sample from him
Antonio Armstrong Jr. is declared indigent Friday. He was found guilty of capital murder and guez a suspect in Maria’s sexu- as part of the early canvassing
has gone to trial three times in the 2016 killings of his parents. His lawyers may seek a retrial. al assault and strangulation of neighbors after Maria’s
but revealed that detectives body was found. He was one of

Public defenders appointed

found a key that opened the about 10 people who were in-
man’s apartment in Gonzalez’s terviewed Saturday, Gonzalez
apartment. said.

to help Armstrong on appeal

“That key has been crucial Police are still waiting for
in helping us move the case the DNA tests to be completed,
forward,” Bruegger said. Bruegger said. There is no
Maria’s father found her warrant for Garcia-Rodri-
By Jonathan Limehouse represent Armstrong on ap- John Jordan defended the work body Saturday afternoon after guez’s arrest.
STA F F WRIT E R peal, Wice said. of the Montgomery County returning from work, police Authorities announced Ma-
Winning the motion for a crime scene investigator who said. ria’s death Tuesday. By that
Antonio Armstrong Jr. told a new trial without having access found the bloodstain evidence, He’d been away for about point, Garcia-Rodriguez had
judge Friday he could not afford to the entire appellate record is as well as the Houston Police five hours. Carmelo Gonzalez already left the apartment
to pay for a defense attorney in a “slim,” according to Wice. Department, after the verdict. told police that his last contact complex, Bruegger said.
likely appeal a day after being “There may be issues that Armstrong’s defense team, he with his daughter was a mes- Police didn’t match the key
found guilty of capital murder. they see that they want to bring said, conflated the work of the sage from her saying that to Garcia-Rodriguez’s door
Judge Kelli Johnson found to the court’s attention,” he first responding officers to the someone was at their apart- until after he was gone, he
that Armstrong was not able to said. shooting with those tasked to ment door. said.
hire an appellate lawyer or pur- Wice said he typically tells investigate it. Bruegger said Friday that “We would like to talk to
chase the necessary trial re- his clients that a new trial could “The reality is, everyone did her body was found wrapped him again to get more infor-
cord, which in this case, is “vo- be within a year to 18 months. their job,” Jordan said. “Just be- in a trash bag in a laundry bas- mation,” Bruegger said.
luminous and exceedingly ex- “The Constitution says you cause (the defense lawyer) was ket underneath a bed. Pictures of Garcia-Rodri-
pensive,” said Brian Wice, a have the right to a speedy trial, able to confuse folks on the The Gonzalez family and guez have been distributed to
criminal appellate attorney it doesn’t say you have the right stand, doesn’t mean they did a Garcia-Rodriguez didn’t ap- police agencies, and authori-
who is not involved in the case. to a speedy appeal,” he said. bad job.” pear to have any connections ties at the U.S.-Mexico border
Before issuing her ruling, the That Armstrong was wear- Civil rights lawyer Randall prior to the killing, Bruegger have been asked to watch for
178th District Court judge asked ing a yellow Harris County Jail Kallinen called for an investiga- said. him in case he tries to cross
the man convicted of murder- jumpsuit, as opposed to a regu- tion into HPD and others to see Garcia-Rodriguez moved back into Mexico.
ing his parents in 2016 if he had lar orange one, means that pris- how the evidence was just into the apartment building Crime Stoppers of Houston
available cash, or houses or cars on officials consider him a found after two mistrials. The three to four weeks ago and on Friday also announced a
he could sell to pay for a lawyer. “high-risk inmate,” who is stain remained concealed for was staying with roommates. $5,000 award for information
Shackled and donning a yellow high-profile and could be sub- seven years until days before He came to Pasadena by way that leads to an arrest in con-
jumpsuit, Armstrong replied, ject to danger by other inmates, the third trial was scheduled to of Baton Rouge, La., Bruegger nection to Maria’s death.
“No.” Wice said. begin. Two previous juries said. “We’re asking for the pub-
Armstrong will be repre- During jury deliberations deadlocked, prompting a mis- Garcia-Rodriguez had been lic’s help,” Bruegger said.
sented by Nicholas Mensch and Tuesday, Armstrong filed a trial in each case. stopped by U.S. Customs and “There’s a chance that some-
Jani Maselli from the Harris lawsuit against the city of Hous- The civil suit will continue Border Patrol agents at the body knows where he’s at, and
County Public Defender’s Of- ton, alleging that police planted despite the guilty verdict, Kalli- U.S.-Mexico border in January if they do, we’re asking that
fice. A motion for a new trial the bloodstain evidence to se- nen said. and then was sent to live with they reach out to us.”
could be coming within 30 days, cure a conviction. Staff writer Nicole Hensley a sponsor family in Louisiana, Anyone with information
and the two attorneys would Assistant District Attorney contributed to this report. he added. can call Crime Stoppers at 713-
Garcia-Rodriguez has no 222-8477.

TSU faculty to receive slight raises after complaints

By Samantha Ketterer The historically underfunded promotion. Meanwhile, inflation into tenure processes. want to do the work – they need
STA F F W RIT E R university is coming from be- was 36% over the same period. “We did not make the neces- to be compensated for that,” Wu
hind, and a 3% increase would (Texas Southern University offi- sary adjustments then?” Myres told the regents.
Texas Southern University re- only slightly move the needle for cials confirmed that employees said. Rasoul Saneifard, professor of
gents have budgeted a 3% in- many underpaid faculty and received pay increases in 2016 “That is correct, we could have electrical engineering and chair
crease to full-time employees’ staff. and 2019.) done a little bit better,” said Good- elect of the Faculty Senate, also
salaries – a rate that some faculty Texas Southern officials could Taylor said he believes other man, who became provost this questioned why some adminis-
say doesn’t go far enough to cor- not immediately provide facul- departments across the universi- year. “We have made some mini- trators have received raises if the
rect pay that falls below industry ty’s average salaries, nor whether ty are worse off, but he still finds mal adjustments ... in terms of university doesn’t have the mon-
standards. administrators received the large it demoralizing not being able to bringing them to the minimum.” ey to assist faculty.
Several faculty and staff lead- raises that faculty alleged. But of- grant raises to his employees. The historically Black univer- “The list goes on and on,” he
ers lobbied the Board of Regents ficials provided one example in “You fill out those evaluations sity’s Faculty Senate passed a res- said to the regents, listing several
for raises during its regular meet- the meeting: At minimum, a fac- and you have to put zero on there olution in December, asking for instances where unnamed ad-
ing on Thursday, pointing to ulty member in Texas Southern’s when it comes to (merit) increas- raises to correct insufficient pay ministrators got pay increases.
large administrative pay increas- mathematics department earns es,” he said. as well as a 7.5 percent annual Proper compensation is espe-
es that reportedly occurred over between $60,000 and $65,000, The board approved the 3% in- cost of living increase to offset in- cially necessary for productive
the past several years as many Provost Carl Goodman said. crease through its $175 million op- flation. faculty, Goodman said. Salaries
employees went without. Some The proposed adjustment erating budget for the 2024 fiscal Edieth Wu, former Faculty have compressed as the universi-
people who took on additional would place them between year. Faculty who began working Senate chair and Lois Prestage ty has tried to compete for new
job responsibilities have not re- $61,800 and $66,950, still below at the university prior to January Woods professor of law, said she talent, he said, with some more
ceived adequate adjustments, what he said is a $75,000 market 2023 will benefit, receiving their understands that the board tenured professors making less
they said, and morale is becom- standard and lower than what increases in February next year. doesn’t have money to fully meet than newer professors.
ing a problem. first-year teachers at some Hous- Time and again, Taylor said he their request. But her colleagues The dynamic has made many
Board Chairman Albert Myres ton ISD campuses will earn this has been involved in conversa- are “desperate” for recognition, faculty feel unvalued, Taylor
agreed that salary equity needs to year. tions to raise faculty salaries especially when many are work- said.
take place, but he said it cannot Interim Department Chair of without significant returns. ing extra hours and courses out “We want to provide the best
come all at once. Business Administration Rich- Goodman told the board Thurs- of necessity. for the students, and we do try,”
“We do hear you,” Myres said ard Taylor said he has received day that the university conducted “If we’re going to put this uni- he said. “But still, as much as you
during the meeting. “We hope to two 2% cost-of-living increases in its last equity study in 2018, re- versity back on track, people who try, there is that inner feeling ask-
get this addressed. It may not be a 17 years at TSU, plus one 4% merit sulting in some adjustments for are working – and we do have ing yourself, ‘Why?’ I’m not going
one-cycle address.” raise and another increase from a people getting promoted or going people that can do the work and to be rewarded for it.”


Summit focuses on China and N. Korea

By Aamer Madhani talks with South Korean Presi- to improve “our joint response ca- rea agreed to a new “duty to con- Beijing sees the tightening co-
and Darlene Superville dent Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese pabilities to North Korea’s nucle- sult” security pledge committing operation efforts as the first steps
AS S OC IAT E D PRE SS Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. ar and missile threats, which them to speak with each other in of a Pacific-version of NATO, the
“The purpose of our trilateral have become sophisticated more the event of a security crisis or transatlantic military alliance,
CAMP DAVID, Md. — Presi- security cooperation is and will than ever.” threat in the Pacific. forming against it. U.S. officials
dent Joe Biden and the leaders of remain to promote and enhance He said as the three appeared The pledge is intended to ac- expect that North Korea will lash
Japan and South Korea agreed peace and stability throughout before reporters that “today will knowledge that they share “fun- out — perhaps with more ballistic
Friday to expand security and the region,” they said in a joint be remembered as a historic day, damentally interlinked security missile tests and certainly blister-
economic ties at a historic sum- statement. where we established a firm insti- environments” and that a threat ing rhetoric.
mit at the U.S. presidential retreat “Our countries are stronger tutional basis and commitments to one is “a threat to all,” accord- “If an ultra-leftist South Kore-
of Camp David. Their meeting and the world will be safer as we to the trilateral partnership.” ing to a senior Biden administra- an president and an ultra-right
and agreement come at a time stand together. And I know this Japan’s Kishida said before the tion official. The official spoke on wing Japanese leader are elected
that all three countries are on an is a belief that all three share,” Bi- private talks that “the fact that the condition of anonymity to in their next cycles, or even if
increasingly tense ledge in their den said as he opened the meet- we, the three leaders, have got to- preview the announcement. (Donald) Trump or someone like
relations with China and North ing. gether in this way, I believe Under the pledge, the three him wins in the U.S., then any
Korea. Biden maintained, as have means that we are indeed making countries agree to consult, share one of them could derail all the
Biden said the three nations U.S., South Korean and Japanese a new history as of today. The in- information and align their mes- meaningful, hard work Biden,
would establish a communica- officials, that the summit “was ternational community is at a saging with each other in the face Yoon and Kishida are putting in
tions hotline to discuss responses not about China” but was fo- turning point in history.” of a threat or crisis, the official right now,” said Duyeon Kim, an
to threats. He announced the cused on broader security issues. The visitors spoke in their said. adjunct senior fellow at the Cen-
agreements, including what the Yoon noted in particular the home languages, their comments The effort to sustain the trilat- ter for a New American Securi-
keaders termed the “Camp David threat posed by North Korea, say- repeated by a translator. eral relationship won’t be with- ty’s Indo-Pacific Security Pro-
Principles,” at the close of his ing the three leaders had agreed The U.S., Japan and South Ko- out challenges. gram.

Hilary aims
at Mexico’s
Baja region
By Mark Stevenson
and Julie Watson

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane

Hilary churned off Mexico’s Pa-
cific coast Friday as a powerful
Category 4 storm threatening to
unleash torrential rains on the
mudslide-prone border city of Ti-
juana before heading into South-
ern California as the first tropical
storm there in 84 years.
Forecasters warned the storm
could cause extreme flooding,
mudslides and even tornadoes
across the region.
Hillary grew rapidly in
strength early Friday before los-
ing some steam in the afternoon,
with sustained winds falling
from 145 mph to 130 mph. Never-
theless, it was forecast to still be a Darryl Dyck/Associated Press
hurricane when approaching The McDougall Creek wildfire burns on the mountainside above houses in West Kelowna, British Columbia, on Friday.
Mexico’s Baja California peninsu-
la on Saturday night and a trop-
ical storm when approaching
Southern California on Sunday.
Thousands in 2 Canadian cities flee fires
No tropical storm has made By Tammy Webber Airtankers flew missions still open. properties, while another
landfall in Southern California and Jim Morris overnight to keep the only “It’s kind of like having a 4,800 properties were on evac-
since Sept. 25, 1939, according to AS S OCIATED PR E SS route out of Yellowknife open. pint at the end of the world,” uation alert. The BC Wildfire
the National Weather Service. Meanwhile, a network of fire said Kieron Testart, who went Service said the fire grew six
A tropical storm watch was VANCOUVER, British Co- guards, sprinklers and water door-to-door in the nearby times larger overnight and it
posted for much of Southern Cal- lumbia — Residents heeded cannons was being established First Nation communities of stretches over 26 square miles.
ifornia, covering a wide swath of warnings to evacuate the cap- to try to protect the city from Dettah and NDilo to check on Some first responders be-
the region from the coast to the ital of Canada’s Northwest Ter- the fire, which had moved to people. Indigenous communi- came trapped rescuing people
interior mountains and deserts. ritories as a wildfire burned to- within 9 miles. ties have been hit hard by the who failed to evacuate, said Ja-
The U.S. National Hurricane ward the city of 20,000, while “We’ve still got some really wildfires, which threaten im- son Brolund, chief of the West
Center warned of numerous po- firefighters on Friday battled a difficult days ahead. There’s portant cultural activities such Kelowna fire department, who
tential threats to life and proper- growing fire that set homes no denying that,” said fire in- as hunting, fishing and gather- said residents face another
ty. ablaze in a city in British Co- formation officer Mike West- ing native plants. “scary night.” There was no
The Mexican government said lumbia. wick. He said winds from the Hundreds of miles south of known loss of life.
Hilary might skim a sparsely Thousands of people in Yel- north and northwest predicted Yellowknife, homes were “There were a number of
populated area on the western lowknife drove hundreds of for Friday and Saturday could burning in West Kelowna, risks taken to save lives and
edge of the Baja peninsula early miles to safety, with authori- “push the fires in directions we British Columbia, a city of property last night,” Brolund
Sunday and then perhaps make ties guiding motorists through don’t want them to go.” about 38,000, after a wildfire said at a news conference, de-
landfall between the Pacific coast fire zones, or waited in long Gas stations that still had grew “exponentially worse” scribing how first responders
cities of Ensenada, and Playas de lines lines for emergency fuel were open Friday morn- than expected overnight, the had to rescue people who had
Rosarito, a beach community on flights as the worst fire season ing, though the city was virtu- fire chief said. jumped into a lake to avoid the
the edge of Tijuana. on record in Canada showed ally empty, with one grocery Residents had already been flames. “It didn’t have to be
Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Ca- no signs of easing. store, a pharmacy and a bar ordered to evacuate 2,400 that way.”
ballero Ramirez said the city was
tracking the storm closely and
clearing out storm drains.
The sprawling border metrop-
olis of 1.9 million people is partic- AROUND THE NATION when the first F-16s might
ularly at risk of landslides and AND WORLD enter the conflict, but Ukraini-
flooding, in part because of its an pilots will first have to
hilly terrain. Shacks are perched WASHINGTON, D.C. undertake at least six months
on cliffs with little vegetation to Proud Boy flees of training on the aircraft,
hold soil in place. In addition, before sentencing according to officials.
dozens of people live under tarps Ukraine has long pleaded
on the streets and in canals in Authorities are searching for the sophisticated fighter to
flood zones, including migrants for a member of the Proud give it a combat edge. It recent-
who arrive daily from various Boys extremist group who ly launched a long-expected
parts of the world. disappeared days before his counteroffensive against the
“We are a vulnerable city being sentencing in a U.S. Capitol Kremlin’s forces without air
on one of the most visited borders riot case, where prosecutors cover, placing its troops at the
in the world and because of our are seeking more than a de- mercy of Russian aviation and
landscape,” Caballero Ramirez cade in prison, according to a artillery.
said. warrant made public Friday. Even so, Air Force Gen.
Hurricane officials said the Christopher Worrell, 52, of Bram Janssen/Associated Press James Hecker, commander of
storm could bring heavy rainfall Naples, Fla., was supposed to Ukrainian helicopters fly over sunflowers in eastern Ukraine. U.S. air forces in Europe and
to the southwestern United be sentenced Friday after be- The nation has pleaded for F-16 jets in the war against Russia. Africa, told reporters in Wash-
States, dumping 3 to 6 inches in ing found guilty of spraying ington that he did not expect
places, with isolated amounts of pepper spray gel on police ton, D.C., encouraged the pub- UKRAINE the F-16s to be a game-changer
up to 10 inches, in portions of officers as part of the mob lic to share any information U.S. OKs nations’ for Ukraine. Getting F-16
southern California and south- storming the Capitol as Con- about his whereabouts. delivery of F-16s squadrons ready for battle
ern Nevada. gress was certifying Joe Bi- Worrell had been on house could take “four or five years,”
“Two to three inches of rainfall den’s presidential victory Jan. arrest in Florida since his The United States has given he said.
in Southern California is un- 6, 2021. Prosecutors had asked release from jail in Washing- its approval for the Nether- But in eastern Ukraine,
heard of” for this time of year, a judge to sentence him to 14 ton in November 2021. lands and Denmark to deliver attack helicopter pilots wel-
said Kristen Corbosiero, a Uni- years. His attorney William Ship- F-16s to Ukraine, officials in comed the news. They said
versity of Albany atmospheric The sentencing was can- ley declined to comment. Washington and Europe said Russia has a clear advantage
scientist who specializes in Pacif- celed and a bench warrant for Phone numbers listed for Friday, in a major gain for in the skies, but the introduc-
ic hurricanes. “That’s a that’s a Worrell’s arrest was issued Worrell and the woman Kyiv, though the fighter jets tion of better fighter jets could
whole summer and fall amount under seal Tuesday, according named as his custodian during are unlikely to affect the war dramatically shift the balance
of rain coming in probably 6 to 12 to court records. The U.S. his house arrest were not any time soon. of power Kyiv’s way.
hours.” attorney’s office for Washing- functional. It was not immediately clear From wire reports

Firefighter aids in Maui recovery efforts

By Claire Partain “He’s really good, but he’s got in College Station, Norsworthy
STA F F WRIT E R a bad job,” said Buck, who also said.
has served on the task force. “It’s “It just requires so much
Woodlands firefighter Bryan a tragedy going on, and the only more. He wasn’t even guaran-
Crivelli has joined Maui search way we can make it a little bit teed a spot until his dog got certi-
and rescue efforts after wildfires better is trying to give them that fied,” Norsworthy said. “It took
killed more than 100 people and closure.” (Pferal) a few years to get where
destroyed the historic Hawaiian The all-volunteer Texas A&M he’s at, but he’s doing a good
town of Lahaina. Task Force 1 is one of 28 teams job.”
On Sunday, Crivelli was dis- across the country that are sent When they’re not on call for
patched as part of the Texas to assist during natural disas- major disasters, Norsworthy,
A&M Task Force 1 with his dog, ters, Woodlands Battalion Chief Crivelli and Pferal spend a third
Pferal, one of 40 cadaver dogs Chris Norsworthy said. of their time on shift at the same
who are searching for human re- Norsworthy and Crivelli fire station. Pferal is certified to
mains in the wreckage, said earned their firefighting badges help locally as well and has
Woodlands Fire Chief Palmer on the same day 20 years ago; helped with search and rescue
Buck. later, they joined the elite task efforts in the Sam Houston Na-
As of Thursday night, teams force at the same time along with Jae C. Hong/Associated Press tional Forest.
had searched 58 percent of the three other Woodlands firefight- Search and rescue team members work in a residential area “The cool thing with Bryan
affected area, and there were 111 ers, Norsworthy said. consumed by a wildfire on Friday in Lahaina, Hawaii. and some of my group that we
confirmed fatalities, according “It was sort of unheard of that got hired with, we’ll go months
to the Maui Police Department. five people from the department tion is the largest disaster that While Norsworthy and three without talking or seeing each
All five wildfires that devas- got on at the same time,” Nors- they could have, so if some- other Woodlands firefighters on other, but we always seem to
tated the island are now at least worthy said. body’s house is on fire, that’s cra- the task force serve as rescue pick back up,” Norsworthy said.
80 percent contained, Maui offi- On most days, Crivelli works zy for them. But disasters that specialists, Crivelli has a much “It’s always a good thing when
cials said. Now, the Federal as a fire truck driver, while Nors- impact the whole community or more specific job as a canine you get to College Station on a
Emergency Management Agen- worthy serves as his battalion region — hurricanes, flooding — handler. He adopted Pferal, a deployment and you see one of
cy’s urban search and rescue chief. But on some days, they’re you see on a much larger scale mixed-breed dog, from a shelter you’re coworkers because you
teams, including Crivelli and on call to report for the most dev- people just being devastated,” after his first dog didn’t pass cer- know somebody there.”
Pferal, are working with the Ha- astating natural disasters in the Norsworthy said. “So it’s tough, tification. Pferal underwent Crivelli could be dispatched
waiian National Guard to help country — from flooding and but having a network of people training for years before the duo with the task force for up to two
with recovery by searching the hurricane devastation to torna- together, we just kind of get were accepted into the compet- weeks as the Hawaiian island
area and determining which does and wildfires. through it and know that you’re itive task force, and the two still continues to recover from the
buildings are safe to re-enter. “Everybody’s personal situa- doing the best that you can do.” spend many weekends training fires.

Former Conroe ISD

FAMILY SERVICE bus monitor arrested,
charged with assault
By Catherine Dominguez released from an area hospital.
STA F F W R I TER According to the arrest affida-
vit, bus surveillance video
A former Conroe ISD bus viewed by a CISD police officer
monitor has been arrested and showed the beginning of the in-
charged in an assault on a17-year- cident where Tisdel and the stu-
old Conroe High School student dent engaged in a verbal argu-
last week. ment and he tells the student
Donald Tisdel is charged with “put your hands on me, that’s
assault causing bodily injury, a what I want.”
Class A misdemeanor, after alleg- The student can then be seen
edly hitting a student multiple moving quickly to the front of the
times on a school bus picking up bus where he bumps chests with
students at Conroe High School. Tisdel. Tisdel then pushes the
Class A misdemeanors are pun- student back and strikes him sev-
ishable by 1 year in jail and a fine eral times with a water bottle, the
of up to $4,000. affidavit states.
In a 30-second video posted to The student was treated and
Instagram and Nextdoor, the stu- released from an area hospital,
dent appears to be exiting the bus authorities said.
when a school district employee CISD Director of Communica-
pushes him to the floor of the bus tions Sarah Blakelock said Aug. 11
Houston ISD's new police chief, Shamara Garner, right, reacts as her cousin and and hits him about four times. As the employee is a bus monitor
the student tried to get up, the with the district’s transportation
Harris County Precinct 7 Sgt. Monica Bibo surprises her on stage with a hug before employee appears to push him department.
pinning a police badge onto a newly sworn in officer at Jack Yates High School on back down several times. Stu- “We are disturbed by this un-
Friday. Garner, a former Houston police officer, became the first woman to serve in dents on the bus can be heard acceptable behavior which is not
telling the student not to hit back. representative of our hundreds
the role in HISD's history. The student then gets up and of hard-working transportation
turns toward the camera where staff,” Blacklock said. “The indi-
JASON FOCHTMAN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER blood can be seen on his head. vidual is no longer employed by
The student was treated and the district.”

Menefee to seek reelection as county attorney in 2024

By Nusaiba Mizan Menefee said some of his sec- Harris order to temporarily block Sen-
STA F F WRIT E R ond-term goals would be “to County ate Bill 1750 from going into ef-
continue to protect the county Attorney fect on Sept. 1, after the Texas
Harris County Attorney against these attacks from state Christian Attorney General’s Office ap-
Christian Menefee said Thurs- officials” and to focus on con- Menefee, the pealed a Travis County judge’s
day he will be running for re- sumer protection. He high- first African Tuesday decision to temporari-
election in 2024, citing in- lighted his office’s role in litiga- American to ly delay the law from going into
creased attention to politics tion such as the $20 million set- hold that effect.
with the upcoming municipal tlement from e-cigarette manu- office, plans “We have been engaged in in-
elections and the primary elec- facturer JUUL Labs after to run for credibly important work from
tion filing period beginning arguing the company decep- reelection. large lawsuits against corpora-
Nov. 11 as the reason for his tively marketed its products to tions to highly publicized fights
commitment now. children, as well as the county with the state of Texas, and I
“I want to make sure once receiving $18 million from think it’s important not to lose
they’re tuned in, they know I Volkswagen after the company sight of the ultimate goal here,
plan to keep serving,” Menefee used software that circumvent- which is to help people in Har-
said. ed emissions monitoring. Brett ris County,” Menefee said. “So I
A Harris County GOP Menefee was elected the first photographer want to make sure that Harris
spokesperson said at this time African American county at- County residents know that de-
they are not aware of any Re- torney in 2020. His office han- environmental polluters and would abolish the county elec- spite all that’s going on, I still
publicans announcing an in- dles civil litigation for the coun- advocate for local control. tions administrator’s office on intend to keep representing
tention to file for the county at- ty. As a candidate, he told the His commitment to reelec- Sept. 1. Harris County asked them as their County Attorney
torney race and that there is Houston Chronicle editorial tion comes amid a heating legal the Texas Supreme Court Wed- and keep making sure their in-
time before filing begins. board he intended to pursue battle over the state law that nesday to grant an emergency terests are at the forefront.”

Muslim group prays for rain amid drought in Bexar Co.

By Gabriella Ybarra prayer is done to address water Samar Zia, 39, said the
STA F F W RIT E R shortages, drought or to ask prayer is also a way for them to
for help extinguishing wild- relate to Muhammad, the Mus-
Under the scorching sun, fires. lim prophet, who spent his en-
rows of Muslim men and wom- For this Friday’s prayers, tire life in Mecca in Saudia
en prayed on their hands and people sought relief from the Arabia.
knees toward Mecca for one extreme drought conditions “It was really hot there, so I
thing — rain. and hot temperatures ravaging imagine he would have done it
Outside the Muslim Chil- Bexar County over the last sev- in his lifetime,” Zia said.
dren’s Education Center in eral weeks. “When we experience things of
North West San Antonio, over Irym Saigal, 52, said she’s the Saudia where we can relate
100 people gathered to perform lived in San Antonio for 22 back to that time, we would
a special prayer known as Sa- years and does not remember a practice the same thing.”
lat-al-Istisqa, or rain prayer. summer being this hot. It’s starting to look like their
Despite it being 100 degrees “It’s been a long time since it prayers may soon be answered.
outside, the men braved the has rained,” Saigal said. “This Forecasts suggest a break in
heat and stood in direct sun- prayer is specifically to ask for triple-digit temperatures next
light while the women prayed rain to come down — the safe week, and there may even be a
behind them in the grass under rain, not the hurricanes and chance for rain. It’s the highest Sam Owens/Staff photographer
the shade of a tree. not the one that is dangerous to chance for rain Bexar County Women gather together to participate in the prayer for rain
Traditionally, the rain anyone.” has seen in weeks. outside of the Muslim Children Education and Civic Center.

Brett Coomer/Staff photographer

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, right, works with law enforcement officers from multiple
agencies Thursday to try to end a standoff with the alleged shooting suspect.

STANDOFF ris County District Attor-

ney’s Office, said Friday.
present during a crime,
and does not provide as-
From page A1 The punishment range is sistance or specific help,
five to 99 years or life in aid or encouragement,
Negotiators tried talking prison but can be en- then they are not consid-
with him, sent a robot in- hanced to a minimum of ered a party to the crime,”
side to make contact and 25 years if the defendant Warren said. “By being
deployed two types of irri- has a criminal history, merely in the car, but not
tant gas. A drone also which Green does, War- actively participating in
hovered overhead during ren said. the crime, then he is not a
the standoff. Murray Newman, Har- party under the law on
Prosecutors identified ris County Criminal Law- Texas.”
the law enforcement offi- yers Association presi-
cials who were wounded dent, said he was sur- Paying for damage
Thursday as Deputy prised that prosecutors The standoff left a dam-
Shaun O’Bannion and are pursuing the charge aged home in its wake,
two U.S. Marshals, Man- over aggravated assault of with gaping holes where
uel Soto and Juan Lara. the peace officer because windows once were.
The officers are expected it requires more to prove. County records appraise
to survive. Aggravated assault of a the home at nearly
Anderson, however, peace officer has the same $200,0000.
suffered a setback in his punishment range, he A man visited the home
recovery, Gonzalez said said. Friday and identified
Friday without elaborat- If a defense attorney ar- himself as the owner, but
ing. The deputy was ini- gues that Green was only declined to provide his
tially hospitalized in crit- trying to slow down the name to a Chronicle re-
ical but stable condition. officer, or scare him, that porter.
A neighbor, who did could convince a jury to “It’s shocking,” he said.
not want to be identified, find Green not guilty of “What else can we say. I
said he and his family the more serious charge, guess the only thing that
were forced to stay up- Newman said. surprised me more than
stairs in their home all At the time of the shoot- anything else is that the
night as an armed officer ing Wednesday, Green front door seems fine.”
set up shop in their living was wanted for skipping A homeowner can
room. court related to charges of reach out to the county
Finally, when the other aggravated assault of a auditor’s office for pay-
measures didn’t work, family member and felon ment if a deputy causes
law enforcement used the in possession of a weap- damage to a home in pur-
Rook to tear open a wall to on, court records show. suit of a suspect, Gilliland
where Green was hiding, He is due in court Mon- said.
Gilliland said. Two of the day, prosecutors said. Emilio Longoria, an as-
machines were used — None of the officers sistant professor at South
one from the sheriff’s of- fired their weapons dur- Texas College of Law, said
fice’s on the front of the ing the Thursday stand- compensation would be-
home and the other from off, Gonzalez added. come clear as soon as the
Houston police — to cap- It was not known how county and sheriff’s office
ture Green. authorities tracked Green make a decision on
The police depart- to the house, but the sher- whether to pay the home-
ment’s Rook features a iff said investigators be- owner for damage to the
booth at the top that al- lieved Green had property. Longoria said
lowed operators to view “bounced around” the he thought state law dic-
inside the home and talk area since the traffic stop tates they had an obliga-
with whoever was on the shooting and that he tion to do so.
other side, Gilliland said. knew the residents of the But recent court cases,
Once the machine tore off Silhouette Ridge home. including one out of the
the back of the home and Area residents trying 10th Circuit Court of Ap-
exposed Green, he sur- to return home on John peals, have differed over
rendered. Ralston Road that eve- who pays when law en-
“We’re proud of our ning were blocked from forcement damages prop-
team for resolving a po- turning north by dozens erty, Longoria said. Be-
tentially deadly standoff of police vehicles. Some fore that court decision in
with a man suspected of people parked and got out 2021, most cases were de-
shooting three peace offi- of their cars to watch the cided on an individual ba-
cers with no further inju- scene from the Sam Hous- sis — why the home was
ries or loss of life,” said Ja- ton Tollway. Others filled damaged, how badly it
son Spencer, chief of staff the parking lot of a nearby was damaged, etc.
for the sheriff’s office. gas station and conve- The court decision
“Our top priority in these nience store. ruled that the government
situations is to preserve Green’s older brother, only owes compensation
human life, even if that who for a time was also in cases that are explicitly
means damaging some sought, was located earli- about eminent domain,
property.” er Thursday. He was tak- Longoria explained. It’s a
en in for questioning and more narrow interpreta-
Charges explained released without charges, tion of the Fifth Amend-
Prosecutors accepted authorities said. ment of the Constitution,
attempted capital murder Warren said charges which requires the gov-
charges for Green because were not appropriate in ernment pay people when
they believed his actions the brother’s case because taking their property.
showed intent to kill the of his actions following Raquel Natalicchio, Chevall
officers, Katie Warren, a the traffic stop. Price and J.R. Gonzales
division chief for the Har- “If a person is merely contributed to this report.

Raquel Natalicchio/Staff photographer

The home on Silhouette Ridge was heavily damaged in the standoff. A sheriff’s
office spokesman said the owner can reach out to the county for payment.

SPACE can affect operations.”

There could also be small glove
Overall, the focus of the Texas
A&M Space Institute will be on
From page A1 boxes to test how abrasive lunar applied research, meaning it will
soil can affect spacesuits and me- prioritize projects that are feasible
and Texas A&M professor in me- chanical systems. Eventually, the from cost, operations and manu-
chanical and aerospace electrical facility could have a machine to facturing perspectives.
engineering. “If we did nothing, simulate reduced gravity. The institute will also seek to
maybe some other organization, This type of research will be develop a future workforce, and it
maybe far away from Texas, crucial as NASA’s Artemis Pro- hopes to boost communication
would go build that facility. And gram works with commercial among the12 Texas A&M colleges
then they would be the center of companies, universities and other and schools that are working on
activity for the next generation.” governments to return humans to 300 active space-related projects.
This year, Texas lawmakers the lunar surface — a feat NASA In the past five years, their proj-
budgeted $200 million to con- has accomplished on only six ects have garnered $125 million in
struct the new Texas A&M build- missions between 1969 and 1972. grants from commercial compa-
ing when they created the Texas “As we look back on our histo- nies as well as competitive awards
Space Commission, which is sup- ry, especially in human space- from NASA and other govern-
posed to boost the state’s presence flight, our experience base is days ment agencies.
in civil, commercial and military NASA/Tribune News Service on the surface,” said Currie- Texas A&M has a long history
space. A launcher is shown at the Kennedy Space Center. The Texas Gregg. “This is kind of a quantum in space research, and Currie-
On Wednesday, the board of re- A&M University System has OK’d the A&M Space Institute. leap in how to design equipment Gregg is one of four former astro-
gents for the Texas A&M Univer- for those environments.” nauts on its faculty.
sity System approved a new orga- up,” said Joe Elabd, vice chancel- never more than 5 degrees above Texas A&M is hoping to con- “I always had this calling, if you
nization, the Texas A&M Space lor for research for the A&M Sys- the horizon. This creates a blind- struct the new facility next to the will, to come share my experienc-
Institute, which will be led by tem. ing light when traveling toward Johnson Space Center. It has sub- es and create the next generation
Nancy Currie-Gregg, a former The new team, which includes the sun and mile-long shadows mitted a proposal for 32 acres of of explorers and engineers to sup-
NASA astronaut and Texas A&M Ambrose, hopes to develop an in- when traveling away from the undeveloped land out of the 240 port space,” she said. “One of the
professor of aerospace engineer- door rock yard at the new facility sun. acres that NASA is making avail- reasons why I picked A&M over
ing and industrial and systems where they can simulate lighting “Lighting is one of the No. 1 able for an Exploration Park out- all the other places is because of
engineering. conditions on the moon. On the challenges,” Currie-Gregg said. “I side its gated area, said Ambrose, the breadth and depth of the
“Now is the time for the Texas lunar South Pole, where NASA can’t tell you how important that who will be the new institute’s as- space-related research that’s al-
A&M University System to step missions intend to land, the sun is is as an operator and how much it sociate director. ready going on here.”

RESTAURANTS very, very lucky to not have a

major power outage,” said Cur-
From page A1 ley, the chief operating officer of
Palacios Murphy, the restaurant
of doughy pita, roast cauliflower group with a portfolio that also
florets or bake fluffy manouche, includes Mandito’s, Lulu’s and
a Mediterranean flatbread. Ev- Popi Burger in Round Top.
ery electronic part of the oven At the modern Vietnamese
was “completely fried,” and a restaurant Kau Ba in Montrose,
repairman is ordering more chef-owner Nikki Tran de-
parts for an appliance that al- scribes keeping the dining room
ready cost $10,000 to buy. temperature at even keel as “tre-
CenterPoint said it respond- mendously difficult.” She said it
ed to the outage affecting 17 cus- has cost nearly $7,000 to update
tomers that day, when the tem- the HVAC system in addition to
perature crept above 100 de- purchasing four additional
grees. units to place throughout the
“Our crews worked diligently restaurant.
to safely make necessary re- The heat has also contributed
pairs as quickly as possible, as to a slower lunch crowd, about
this was a complex restoration 20% to 30% less, Tran said. Over
process, including the replace- at Armandos, Curley noticed
ment of two transformers,” a customers are not coming in for
CenterPoint spokesperson said happy hour as early, and some
via email. “We apologize for the Elizabeth Conley/Staff photographer people dine later.
inconvenience and appreciate In addition to central air, Kau Ba has a couple of wall units to keep the restaurant comfortable. “People say they don’t want
our customers’ patience as we Restaurant owners have been taking extra measures to keep diners cool amid the heat wave. to go out during the heat,” Tran
worked to restore their service.” said. “I’m the same. If I walk 30
Craft Pita had to close for — is a challenge for larger res- feet to my truck, it’s like some-
two-and-a-half days. For a taurants, said Nina Quincy, one is slapping me in the face
small business — Nasr also has president of Underbelly Hospi- with heat.”
a newer second location off Buf- tality, the restaurant group be- Earlier this summer, the Tex-
falo Speedway — the costs hind places such as the newly as Restaurant Association sent
racked up on several fronts: opened Pastore. out a warning about the triple-
nearly $15,000 in revenue, At Underbelly’s Georgia digit temperatures and provid-
$3,000 for air-conditioning re- James steakhouse, the dining ed tips, including guidelines on
pairs and the ongoing cost of the room is kept at 69 degrees, a bit spotting heat illness and sug-
broken oven. lower because the temperature gestions for increasing energy
“Unless lightning strikes can rise quickly between the efficiency.
your building, it’s tough to con- kitchen’s use of live-fire cooking “Texans are no stranger to ex-
vince insurance to cover the and the number of customers treme heat, but the current heat
costs. They don’t consider heat that fill up the space. wave is already wreaking havoc
an act of God,” Nasr said. “Is the “It’s definitely been a strug- for restaurants, their team
city going to compensate me? gle,” Quincy said. Staffers have members and their sales,” said
No. Is the state going to compen- to constantly check the air con- Emily Williams Knight, CEO of
sate me? No.” ditioners. “It’s like the Titanic. If the association.
The lack of accountability Courtesy Michael Ma that thing heats up, we can’t When Craft Pita’s power
and support is hurting restau- Technician Miguel Hernandez fixes an oven at Craft Pita off catch back up.” went out, employee Jad El Sagh-
rants, Houston chefs and res- Fountain View Drive in Tanglewood. Restaurant operators are ir, who does everything from
taurateurs said. used to facing what Mother Na- cooking to working the cash
Over at Burger-Chan, a pop- “It felt like you were eating at an a.m. until about 2 p.m. Aug. 26 ture throws their way, from register, described the heat as
ular burger spot in the Galleria Asian hawker in Southeast to fix equipment in the area. hurricanes to hard freezes. But “walking into hell.” He and oth-
area, owners Diane and Willet Asia.” The Fengs were still figuring this summer’s unrelenting heat er cooks try to stay hydrated
Feng have faced a string of hur- Most customers were under- out a plan last week: Do they is an obstacle that requires con- and will take breaks in the
dles this summer. The couple standing of the situation, but close the entire day in case the stant monitoring. walk-in cooler.
were notified of a scheduled even with signs they put up, at work takes longer? What if they Each morning, the first task The restaurant’s electric bill,
power outage back in late July. least one customer left a two- close and CenterPoint decides Alex Curley checks off his list at like other establishments in
They were able to prepare for it, star Yelp review with com- to complete the project on the Armandos is to read the ther- town, is about 20% to 25% more
but their thermostat unexpect- plaints. Sept. 2 rain date? They have a mostat. He makes sure the staff expensive this year, Nasr said.
edly went out when electricity This week, the Fengs in- private event planned for that sets the River Oaks restaurant But a comfortably cool dining
was restored. Despite the din- stalled ceramic tinting to the afternoon. temperature at 76 at night so the room is essentially a require-
ing room clocking in at nearly restaurant windows in hopes of “Just frustrating,” Diane air conditioner can have a ment for restaurants in Hous-
90 degrees, they decided to stay cooling the dining room. But Feng wrote in an email. break. It’s set at 72 when cus- ton, Nasr and other owners
open for business. they recently received notice Trying to keep dining rooms tomers fill up the seats. said, because customers will ei-
“It got pretty hot — inside felt that CenterPoint is planning an- at comfortable temperatures — “It is beyond challenging in ther stay at home or eat some-
like outside,” Diane Feng said. other power shutdown from 8 which for many is in the low 70s these temperatures. We are where else.

HAWAII with no further details provid-

Housing and Human Concerns
and chief of staff for former
tion will likely take months, she
could easily be extended, he
said. Service providers at the
From page A1 “Given the gravity of the crisis Maui County Mayor Alan Ara- Corrine Hussey Nobriga said properties will offer meals,
we are facing, my team and I will kawa for 11 years. During that it was hard to lay blame for a counseling, financial assistance
criticism from many residents be placing someone in this key time, he said, he often reported tragedy that took everyone by and other disaster aid.
after the deadliest wildfire in the position as quickly as possible, to “emergency operations cen- surprise, even if some of her Gov. Josh Green has said at
United States in more than a and I look forward to making ters” and participated in numer- neighbors raised questions least 1,000 hotel rooms will be
century. that announcement soon,” Bis- ous trainings. about the absence of sirens and set aside. In addition, Airbnb
With the death toll at 111, the sen said in the statement. “So to say that I’m not qual- inadequate evacuation routes. said its nonprofit wing will pro-
search for the missing moved The lack of sirens has ified I think is incorrect,” he The fire moved quickly vide properties for 1,000 people.
beyond the devastated town of emerged as a potential misstep, said. through her neighborhood, The governor also has vowed
Lahaina to other communities part of a series of communica- Arakawa, who noted Andaya though her home was spared. to protect local landowners
that were destroyed. Teams had tion issues that added to the cha- was scrutinized for the job by “One minute we saw the fire from being “victimized” by op-
covered about 58% of the Lahai- os, according to reporting by the the county’s personnel service, over there,” she said, pointing portunistic buyers. Green said
na area, and the fire was 90% Associated Press. said he was disappointed by the toward faraway hills, “and the Wednesday that he instructed
contained as of Thursday night, Hawaii has what it touts as resignation “because now we’re next minute it’s consuming all Attorney General Lopez to work
Maui County officials said. the largest system of outdoor out one person who is really these houses.” toward a moratorium on land
Six forensic anthropologists alert sirens in the world, created qualified.” Displaced residents are transactions in Lahaina, even as
with the Department of Defense after a 1946 tsunami that killed “He was trying to be strong steadily filling hotels that are he acknowledged that this
POW/MIA Accounting Agency more than 150 people on the Big and trying to do the job,” Araka- prepared to house them and would likely face legal challeng-
are assisting in gathering and Island. Its website says the si- wa said about the wildfire re- provide services until at least es.
identifying human remains, the rens may be used to alert for sponse. “He was very, very next spring. Since the flames consumed
Pentagon said in a statement fires. heartbroken about all the things Authorities hope to empty much of Lahaina more than a
Friday. The group is experi- On Wednesday, Andaya vig- that happened.” crowded, uncomfortable group week ago, locals have feared a
enced in verifying DNA from orously defended his qualifica- Hawaii Attorney General shelters by early next week, said rebuilt town could become even
long-lost service members, tions for the job, which he had Anne Lopez said earlier Thurs- Brad Kieserman, vice president more oriented toward wealthy
many of whom died as long ago held since 2017. He said he was day that an outside organization for disaster operations with the visitors.
as World War II. not appointed but had been vet- will conduct “an impartial, in- American Red Cross. Hotels al- The cause of the wildfires is
Mayor Richard Bissen accept- ted, took a civil service exam dependent” review of the gov- so are available for eligible evac- under investigation. But Hawaii
ed Andaya’s resignation effec- and was interviewed by sea- ernment’s response and that of- uees who have spent the last is increasingly at risk from di-
tive immediately, Maui County soned emergency managers. ficials intend “to facilitate any eight days sleeping in cars or sasters, with wildfire rising
announced on Facebook. An- Andaya said he had previous- necessary corrective action and camping in parking lots, he said. fastest, according to an AP anal-
daya cited unspecified health ly been deputy director of the to advance future emergency Contracts with the hotels will ysis of Federal Emergency Man-
reasons for leaving his post, Maui County Department of preparedness.” The investiga- last for at least seven months but agement Agency records.

Chris Fusco Lisa Falkenberg
Jack Sweeney
F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r C H A I R MA N
Jennifer Chang Raj Mankad


Thumbs: Who
Hollywood writers may be on pages of evidence revealing how hard
strike, but anybody famished for Paxton worked to hide his misdeeds,
theatrics needn’t fear. Multi-talented which include interference in the
Houston ISD Superintendent Mike criminal investigations of his bestie
Miles is here. Before the curtain rises and generous campaign donor, real
on his state-ordered takeover of Texas’ estate investor Nate Paul. Looks like
largest school district, Miles already Paxton picked up some super sly tac-
starred in a musical about how his tics from the bad guys he’s supposed
plan will save public education. The to be prosecuting as AG: he used
performance, both dazzling and crin- burner phones and an Uber account
gy, capped a week of headlines about, under the name “Dave P” to be “fer-
of all things, a week-long teacher ried to his lover’s or Paul’s properties AREA 51
training conference. Thousands of more than a dozen times.” When Tex-
teachers, packed into too few sessions as’ top cop provides material like this,
and hangry as they worked through who needs scriptwriters anyway?
lunch, suddenly found themselves in a Then again, couldn’t he come up with
crowd crush as they vied for limited a better pseudonym? How about
seating in required trainings. Safety something like Anthony Weiner’s
concerns ultimately drew the fire sexting alias, “Carlos Danger!”
marshal and police. That’s one way to After the shooting of a Harris
demonstrate how not to manage a County sheriff’s deputy led to a
classroom. Then, at the final convoca- house where the alleged gunman
tion, the surprise theatri- wounded three more
cal extravaganza featured officers Thursday night,
Miles alongside talented
students belting out “I
Miles’ musical, the police used a drone
and a robotic dog to
Dreamed a Dream” from Paxton’s TV enter the property. Fi-
“Les Miserables” and “For
Good” from “Wicked.”
trial provide nally they tore through
the walls with two bull-
We’ve got to give Miles enough dozer-like machines
some credit. Horrible
corporate skits are a part
entertainment. called The Rook until
the suspect surrendered.
of life — at least his had The house, now gouged
good production values. and gaping, its bedroom
Thanks, that is, to fine arts teachers, a and laundry area spilling into public Getty Images
group Miles has deemed non-essential view, resembles a Havel and Ruck Despite decades of UFO sightings and conspiracy theories, the author says
and worthy of lower salaries than sculpture, except without the artful the infamous Area 51 was the testing ground for the Cold War U-2
their ’rithmetic and reading col- reimagining. “It really was something reconnaissance plane and other military technology.
leagues. Oh, the irony, some of the just out of the movies, seeing how they

Military historian
teachers pointed out! Comfort Azagi- operated when things came toward
di, a theater student, took to TikTok to the end,” Harris County Sheriff Ed
express embarrassment over partici- Gonzalez said. For folks on social
pating in a “propaganda play” and told media expressing dismay over the
the Chronicle she felt “tricked.” In the
show, Miles poked fun at himself, and
at everybody’s favorite punching bag:
property damage, we suggest they put
themselves in the shoes of the police
officers and their families as well as explains the truth
behind the secrets
journalists. In one scene, students the neighbors who could have been
playing reporters ask Miles, “why injured in a guns-blazing scenario.
don’t you like children?” and “why are Thank you to the officers who put
you getting rid of the playgrounds?” their lives at risk for the rest of us and
After he responds that he likes chil- we hope for full recoveries for all. By Christopher McKnight Nichols “More Flying Objects Seen in Clark
dren and isn’t getting rid of play- Turns out the Legislature isn’t T H E C O N V ER SAT I O N Sky,” read the June 17, 1959, headline in
grounds, the reporters keep pestering just going after booksellers and the Reno Evening Gazette newspaper.
him and twisting his words. Then he school libraries in its quest to save One of the reasons people can never Reports such as this one of unidenti-
tips his sunglasses down, channels his children from being exposed to any- be entirely sure about what is going on fied flying objects in the 1950s and
inner Army Ranger and says, “Ask me thing more sexual than a biology text- at Area 51 is that it is a highly classi- 1960s fueled controversy and attention
about playgrounds one more time.” Of book diagram. One bill the governor fied secret military facility. It was not for Area 51. When the government
course the most effective way to shut signed into law requires pornographic until 2013 that the U.S. government does not tell the public the full truth,
down the skeptics’ incessant question- sites to verify users are over 18. We even acknowledged the existence and no matter the reasons, secrets can lead
ing is for Miles to deliver on his prom- have to say we like the idea — for kids. name “Area 51.” to wild speculation.
ises. Turn the district around, Mr. When mom and dad shell out hun- This information came out as part Area 51 remains off-limits to civilian
Miles, without crushing the morale of dreds of bucks for their pre-teens’ of a broader set of documents released and regular military air traffic. The 68
teachers and students, and we’ll write phones, it’s not to give them instant through a Freedom of Information Act years of government secrecy has
you a musical ourselves. It’ll be better access to endless hardcore fetish vid- request that made public formerly helped to amplify suspicions, spec-
than “Barbie.” eos. Adults might have some com- classified CIA information about the ulation and conspiracy theories in-
In the meantime, Austin will be plaints. Nothing kills the mood like historical development and testing of cluding crashed alien spaceships,
delivering some must-see reality scanning your driver’s license and the U-2 spy plane. The information space aliens being experimented on,
TV with live broadcasts of the im- uploading it to a sketchy website. No also revealed where it was tested: and even space aliens working at Area
peachment trial of suspended Repub- surprise Pornhub sued over the law Area 51. 51.
lican Attorney General Ken Paxton in saying it violates free speech protec- As a national security historian, I There are much simpler explana-
less than three weeks. Unless, that is, tions. Now, we squeaky clean individ- know there’s a long history of secrets tions for what witnesses have seen
his defense lawyer Tony Buzbee man- uals have never looked at a porn site at Area 51. I also know that none of near Area 51 than anything involving
ages to win a motion to dismiss the ourselves, but we’ve heard that it’s a those secrets have anything to do with aliens.
charges before the trial even gets un- little different than the free speech we space aliens. After all, the public now knows
derway. (Buzbee, by the way, is the publish. When Louisiana passed a The base commonly referred to as about what was being tested at Area
same former Houston mayoral candi- similar law, Pornhub pulled out of the Area 51 is located in a remote area of 51, and when. For example, as U-2 and
date who used wheelbarrows of horse state. Apparently Texas is too big a southern Nevada, roughly 100 miles other test flights increased in the 1950s
manure as props to signify corruption market to give up that easily. The new from Las Vegas. It is in the middle of and 1960s, so did local sightings of
at City Hall. We wonder if anybody law also requires large print warnings the Nevada National Security Site, UFOs. In fact, many UFO sightings
will return the favor outside the Texas that pornography “desensitizes brain which is inside the larger Nellis Air match almost exactly with dates and
Capitol during Paxton’s trial.) Voters, reward circuits, increases conditioned Force Range. The airfield at Area 51 is times of flights of then-classified ex-
Buzbee argues, returned Paxton to responses and weakens brain func- called Homey Airport, and the overall perimental aircraft. And we know that
office already aware of the corruption tion.” Somehow, they left out the part facility is often referred to as Groom more recently classified drone and
allegations against him and he’s pro- about blindness and hair growing on Lake. other aerial surveillance and military
tected by the Texas Constitution from the palms of your hands. Of course, In the early years of the Cold War, technologies have been tested at the
charges for anything that predates his kids will probably find a way around the U.S. and Soviet Union sought new site.
election — which Buzbee creatively the new law. “Retro” pinups under the technological developments. A key In the end, there is no reason to
construes to mean only the most re- mattress or, hey, maybe they can get part of not fighting another world war think that anything other than earthly
cent election. In response, the House tips from Paxton on how to prowl the was, and still is, developing surveil- technologies have been behind the
impeachment officers dropped 4,000 darkest corners of the web. lance technologies that can spy on the strange sights and sounds at Area 51.
enemy. This meant that both the sur-
Schools veillance information and the tech- Christopher McKnight Nichols, a profes-
chief Mike nology to get it were closely held na- sor of history, is the Hayes Chair in Na-
Miles tional security secrets. tional Security Studies at Ohio State
performs Central to all this was the U.S.’s U-2 University.
in a spy plane. It could fly higher than
musical most airplanes and was made to travel
during the over targets all around the world to
livestream take high-resolution photographs and BIBLE VERSE
of the measurements. Area 51 was selected in He heals the brokenhearted and binds
HISD 1955 to test the U-2 in part because its up their wounds.
Convo- remote location could help keep the
cation at plane secret. Psalm 147:3
YouTube Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, 4747 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas, 77027 or [email protected].
We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address
and telephone numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.

Cooper’s hawk?
Photos by Kathy Adams Clark/Contributor

In flight, a Cooper’s hawk looks like a flying “T.”

How to identify A sharp-shinned hawk is about

Or is it a
the size of a blue jay, compared to the
two common crow-sized Cooper’s hawk. But be
careful in judging size because a
Houston predators female sharp-shinned may appear
the same size as a male Cooper’s.
By Gary Clark Here are some easier clues:

C O R R E S P ONDE NT • A sharp-shinned hawk has
pencil-thin legs, while a Cooper’s
“What kind of hawk is this that’s hawk has noticeably thick legs.
eating my birds?” That’s a recent • The sharp-shinned hawk has a
question from a reader. And it’s not small, rounded head with a gray cap
uncommon. Sometimes readers extending from the crown to the
attach phone pics of the predatory nape. The Cooper’s hawk has a large,
birds. block-shaped head with a dark cap
These hawks are usually either contrasting with a pale nape.
sharp-shinned hawks or Cooper’s • When perched, the tail tip of a
hawks. Both consume a primary diet sharp-shinned appears squared off,
of small birds, with a secondary diet while the Cooper’s has a rounded tail
of small mammals. tip. Both have white bands at the tail
They rarely breed in Texas but tip, but the white band of a Cooper’s
become relatively common in our is usually broader.
area as northern breeding popula- • The flight profile of a sharp-
tions migrate here for the winter. shinned is like a flying “T” because
They’re apex predators, meaning the head seems level with the leading
they’re carnivores at the top of the edge of the wings. The flight profile
food chain with few natural preda- of a Cooper’s hawk is like a flying
tors, aside from humans, to attack cross with the head extending be-
them. We may not like it when one yond the leading edge of the wings.
of the hawks grabs a songbird out of Here’s a quick way to identify
our yard, but give them credit for young birds: The juvenile sharp-
hunting their own food. shinned hawk’s underside has coarse
We’re also apex predators, al- streaking extending under the belly.
though aside from hunters and an- A juvenile Cooper’s underside has
glers, we don’t kill animals for food. relatively thin streaking that fades at
We instead buy our meat neatly the belly.
cleaned and packaged at the grocery
store. Email Gary Clark at Texasbirder@com-
Distinguishing a sharp-shinned He is the author of “Book of
hawk from a Cooper’s hawk can be Texas Birds,” with photography by
frustrating when one is perched in a Kathy Adams Clark (Texas A&M Uni-
tree or on a backyard fence. But we Sharp-shinned hawks have a squared-off tail. While in flight, the bird’s head seems level versity Press).
do have clues for identifying them. with the leading edge of its wings.

• Cooper’s and sharp-shinned
hawks are in the genus Accipiter,
which includes the northern
goshawk that rarely shows up in
• Cooper’s hawk was named for
American zoologist William
Cooper (1798–1864), but early
poultry farmers gave it the folk
name “chicken hawk.”
• Cooper’s hawks rarely prey on
free-ranging poultry, instead, they
mainly eat songbirds.
• The sharp-shinned hawk was
named for the ridges on its lower
legs, which resemble human shin
bones. Birders often shorten the
name to “sharpie.”
• The bird carries the folk name
“sparrowhawk,” although it preys
Cooper’s hawks can be seen in neighborhood backyards where on a variety of songbirds, not just Sharp-shinned hawks can often be confused with Cooper’s
they feed on songbirds and small mammals. house sparrows. hawks. Both feed on birds and small rodents.

Features Editor Melissa Aguilar: [email protected]


‘Passages’ filled with confusion and desire

Sexually explicit
love triangle
drama is raw
and engrossing
By Michael Phillips

Five minutes into “Passag-

es,” a scene from a marriage
takes a casually fateful turn,
and one of the year’s best films
is off and running to destina-
tions unknown.
Late at night, a noisy Paris
bistro is hosting a party for a
film crew’s recent completion
of a feature. The director, a
live-wire German émigré
named Tomas, wants to dance.
His reticent English husband,
Martin, sitting somewhat wea-
rily at the bar, declines; the
woman sitting next to Martin,
French schoolteacher Agathe,
Eighty minutes later, direc-
tor and co-writer Ira Sachs’
sexual triangle comes to a per-
fectly judged conclusion that
feels like the only possible way
to close the book on these three SBS Productions
characters. They’re played, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Franz Rogowski star in “Passages.”
with unerring skill, by Franz
Rogowski (Tomas), Ben ‘PASSAGES’ dialogue.) Tomas packs up the most explicit violence but “Passages” does not disguise
Whishaw (Martin) and, as the Unrated: nudity, depictions of some boxes and moves into freak out about simulated love- Tomas’ reckless impulses and
woman in this tale of a man, a sex (originally given an NC-17 but Agathe’s place. Martin, a making, especially gay love- motivations; it does not explain
man and a woman, Adèle Ex- the distributor, Mubi, decided to graphic designer, embarks on making. Sachs, making his first anybody’s behavior, or feelings,
archopoulos. release it unrated) an affair with a novelist and film outside the U.S., called the because explanations aren’t the
As we soon learn, Tomas literary editor (Erwan Kepoa rating “cultural censorship” stuff of drama. Contradictions,
leads with a voracious sexual Running time: 91 minutes Falé), which sparks Tomas’ and an indication of homopho- ambiguities, messy internal
appetite incarnate. He’s a be- Where: Opens Aug. 18 at AMC jealousy while dampening bia that, if anything, is gaining conflicts are, however they feed
guiling, needy, Michael “Cho- Gulf Pointe 30, Houston whatever he has with Agathe. ground, not losing it. the story. The pillow talk in
rus Line” Bennett-sort of nar- ½ (out of 5) Much more happens in “Pas- The filmmaker has been here this compact yet fluid portrait
cissist who shoots first and sages,” including some bracing- before. One of Sachs’ earlier of confusion and desire says a
forgets the questions he might ly honest scenes of intimacy films, “Love Is Strange,” star- great deal with very few words.
be asking himself later. After and male nudity that garnered ring John Lithgow and Alfred At one point (several, in
sleeping with Agathe the night at their apartment: that this an NC-17 rating from the Mo- Molina, got an R rating for the fact), Tomas says to Agathe: “I
of the party, Tomas cycles always happens “when you tion Picture Association. (The lamest of reasons. A few f- love you.” Agathe tells Tomas
home, tired but giddy. Martin, finish a film.” film’s distributor, Mubi, is re- words. Nearly a decade later, she doesn’t know whether to
we gather, has been in this The escalation of events, leasing the film without a rat- we’re still dealing with a volun- believe him. “I say it when I
cuckolded position before, rapid but inevitable, feels natu- ing.) teer ratings board that does not feel it,” he says.
though the script leaves the ral in its pacing and indicates OK, first of all: That’s hypo- know what it is doing, though “You say it when it works for
terms of their marriage, and the rightness of tone estab- critical and misjudged in the you get the feeling it sleeps you,” she replies, and that
the sexual histories of the char- lished by Sachs and his fre- extreme — albeit a typical ex- better at night as long as we rejoinder — no false dramatics,
acters, unstated. quent writing partner Mauricio treme in America, where we continue to give brutality a free barely any inflection — is one
All we know is what we hear Zacharias. (Arlette Langmann sexualize everything except sex pass and sexuality every con- of a hundred little moments
from Martin the morning after is credited with additional and don’t mind an R rating for ceivable ratings obstacle. that stick in “Passages.”


Tin Drum
Asian Kitchen opens
first Texas location
By Greg Morago Tin Drum to this world-class
STA F F WRIT E R city,” said founder and CEO
Steven Chan. “The food scene
After a lengthy drumroll, a here is authentic and genuine.
new Hong Kong-inspired restau- The people are fantastic and
rant from Atlanta has finally inclusive of all walks of life and
arrived in Houston. cuisines. You can see why so
Tin Drum Asian Kitchen, many are drawn here. What an
which announced its first Hous- incredible patchwork quilt of
ton location before the pandem- cultures and personalities. Our
ic, is now open at 1111 Shepherd, Houston partners, Shairoz and
just off the Washington Corri- Avez Maredia, first experienced
dor. Serving a menu of pan- Tin Drum as college students in
Asian fare in a modern café Atlanta and are very excited to
setting, Tin Drum brings togeth- share the food with their friends
er flavors from Japan, China, and family.”
Thailand, India, Vietnam, Korea The menu, described as a
and Singapore, specializing in “greatest hits” list from Asian
stir-fries, wok-tossed noodles, cuisines, begins with street
soups, street snacks and boba snacks such as Tokyo-style Becca Wright
teas. crinkle fries, pot stickers, crab Tin Drum Asian Kitchen, a new pan-Asian restaurant just off the Washington Corridor, features
Set in a 2,200-square-foot Rangoon, spring rolls and miso dishes that reflect the flavors of Japan, China, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Korea and Singapore.
space on the ground floor of an and coconut soups. A variety of
apartment building, the restau- wings (with flavors such as variety of flavors and toppings. porean chow mein, tikka masa- teas, Vietnamese coffee and icy
rant, with 12 locations in the tikka masala, sriracha, orange Made-to-order stir-fry dishes, la, Taiwanese garlic noodles, slushee drinks.
metro Atlanta area, is the chain’s pepper, sesame, mango chili, cooked in 1,000-degree woks in Bangkok sweet chili noodles, Tin Drum Asian Kitchen is
first in Texas. teriyaki, and sweet and sour) an open kitchen, are at the heart Chinatown-style lo mein and open 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday-
“As a longtime admirer of follows, as well as ramen bowls of the menu. The options in- Thai fried rice. There’s also a Thursday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday-
Houston, it’s a privilege to bring (soba or ramen noodles) with a clude pad Thai noodles, Singa- boba bar serving fruit teas, milk Saturday.


L&L Hawaiian Barbecue raising funds for Lahaina fire victims

By Greg Morago this week it will match dona- ment and mission throughout
STA F F W RIT E R tions made on its mobile app the years.”
and online website orders up to L&L, whose corporate head-
As the death toll in the Maui $10,000 through Aug. 31 to the quarters is located in Oahu, has
wildfires continues to rise, a American Red Cross of Hawaii five franchise locations on Maui
Hawaii-based restaurant chain to provide shelter and assis- Island, including two in Lahai-
is raising funds to help those tance to thousands in Lahaina. na, one of which was complete-
affected in the historic town of “We are humbly asking our ly destroyed in the fires.
Lahaina. supporters, customers and Locally, there are restaurant
L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, a franchisees across the nation to locations at 209 Heights Blvd.
Hawaiian comfort-food restau- join us in our effort to support and 1635 Eldridge Parkway in
rant with more than 220 loca- the people of Maui during this Houston, and 23119 Colonial
tions in 14 states, including challenging time,” stated Elisia Parkway in Katy.
three in Houston, is pledging Flores, the company’s CEO. The company also is encour-
financial support to aid the L&L Hawaiian Barbecue “This is a time to show the aging donations for Maui fire
community destroyed by the L&L Hawaiian Barbecue is raising funds for the American Red spirit and strength of aloha, relief directly to the American
massive fires. L&L announced Cross of Hawaii to help victims of the Maui wildfires in Lahaina. which has been our commit- Red Cross of Hawaii.

Today’s Birthday (Aug. 19). You are a seri- Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH For two and
ous person who presents a smooth facade a half days every month, the Moon is in your
because your image is important to you. You sign. This starts this morning (see the Moon
give meticulous attention to details. Alert), and when this happens, you will be
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making im- more emotional. Tonight: See friends.
portant decisions from 4:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHH Despite the
EDT today (1:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. PDT). After fact that the Sun is at the top of your chart
that, the Moon moves from Virgo into Libra. casting you in a flattering spotlight, today
Aries (March 21-April 19) HHH For two and you need a bit of privacy. Be smart and seek
a half days every month, the Moon is directly out ways to keep a low profile. Tonight:
opposite your sign. And when this occurs, Looking good!
you have to be accommodating. Tonight: Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHH Today
MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM Socialize. you might be more involved than usual with
Taurus (April 20-May 20) HHH Home and a female friend or possibly a member of a
family, especially redecorating projects or group. This discussion could be significant.
entertaining at home, are your primary focus Tonight: Travel plans.
right now. Tonight: Cocoon. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH For some
Gemini (May 21-June 20) HHHH It’s Sat- reason, people seem to know personal
urday, and you’re in the mood for fun! Grab details about your private life today. Do
every chance to play and socialize. Tonight: be aware of this in case you have to do
Conversations! some damage control. Meanwhile, if you
Cancer (June 21-July 22) HHH It’s been a can make travel plans, this will please you
busy time for you recently, which makes because you’re eager to discover new things.
this weekend the perfect time to cocoon at Tonight: Check your finances.
home. Tonight: Count your money. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHH This
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH This is an inter- weekend you want to shake things up!
esting weekend, because you’re empowered You’re bored with the same old, same old.
HAGAR THE HORRIBLE with the Sun and Venus in your sign. How- You want adventure, excitement and a
ever, today and tomorrow, you will observe chance to learn something new. Tonight:
your surroundings. Tonight: You’re strong. Important discussions.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH Today you Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) HHH Today and
might find that you identify more closely tomorrow, you’re focused on shared prop-
with the things that you own, which, for ex- erty, taxes, debt and your financial obliga-
ample, is why you might not lend something tions. You need to know how much you have
to someone. Or you might feel very person- in order to know how far you can go. Tonight:
ally about a purchase. Tonight: Lie low. Work.
King Features Syndicate







Dear Abby: I’ve been in work out a compromise. But unless this
a relationship with a won- man can accept you for who you are and
derful man for two years. refrain from trying to change you, keep
He’s a minister. He and him as a friend and nothing more.
his late wife used to travel
all over the world spread- Dear Abby: I’m a gay man who has been
ing the word. I’m from a in a relationship with “Jake” for 42 years.
less conservative, more We have had many difficult relationship
spiritual background. I at- challenges, but we have always stayed
tend an all-denominational together and recently got married. Our
current issue is the thermostat. Jake is REX MORGAN, M.D.
church that accepts everyone. My views
on politics are also different from his. He cold when the temperature in the sum-
constantly quotes the Bible and believes mer is set lower than 75 degrees.
I’ll go to hell if I don’t follow the word of I suggest he use more covers or clothes
God daily. I was baptized Pentecostal at to stay warm since I cannot do anything
a young age, but that is not something I more than throw off all the covers and
lie there sweating. He insists I’m be-
believe anymore, and his constant preach- ing unreasonable for wanting to have a
ing is exhausting. cooler bedroom. I know sleep experts
I am a strong woman, and I have voiced recommend sleeping temperatures in the
how I feel about this. He’s the best man 60-degree range. I can deal with warmer
I’ve ever been with. He’s kind, consider- temps than that, but 75 is hot! How can I
ate, loving, helpful and loves my family. communicate that he can cover up to be
I am recovering from Guillain-Barre comfortable, while I cannot uncover any PHANTOM
syndrome, and he has helped me walk, more?
helped out in the business and has been Hot in South Carolina
so good to me. I am now mostly recovered,
and everything would be perfect except Dear Hot: You have already communi-
for politics and religion. Is there any hope cated rationally with your husband. Offer
for us? him the option of using a heating pad or
Discordant in Colorado a dual-control electric blanket to keep
himself warm at night. The other option
Dear Discordant: Successful relation- would be to sleep in separate bedrooms.
ships (and marriages) are based on You need your sleep, and so does he.
communication, mutual respect and When people are sleep-deprived, they are
boundaries. While some couples are able not their best selves, no matter what the
to negotiate around their political and reli- temperature is. ARGYLE SWEATER HOCUS FOCUS
gious differences, please remember these
are two topics that cause many marriages
to fail. It would be wonderful if you can Andrews McMeel Syndication

Dear Readers: Our homes hardware inside or the screens on the

are filled with all kinds of outside.
high-tech gadgets — from Unplug all equipment before you start
smartphones to comput- to clean.
ers that need special care Heloise
— and they need to be
maintained and cleaned Dear Heloise: I read your column in
properly. The Villages Daily Sun newspaper. Gene
recently wrote to you that his girlfriend
Always read the manuals doesn’t like the smell of garlic on his
that come with the devices hands after prepping. I suggest he buys
before you use them. They kitchen prep gloves or inexpensive latex
will explain how to properly use and gloves to wear while cutting up garlic.
maintain them. Thanks.
Many devices require specific care, so
never use harsh cleaning chemicals or Connie Quick, The Villages, Florida
liquids. [email protected]
They might not be compatible with the King Features Syndicate


Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward, backward,
up, down and diagonally. ©2023 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 49 “Riverdance” 19 Own the road?
1 Bulb that rarely numbers 21 Sponge feature
Friday’s unlisted clue: WHERE YOUR COFFEE COMES FROM needs to be 53 Airport transport, 24 Long or short
replaced maybe amount
Saturday’s unlisted clue
hint: PAPUA NEW —. 6 Steel (oneself) 55 W-2 information 25 Soft stuff
10 Verge 56 Palm reader 26 Penny-__
Brazil 14 Weigh in 57 Simplicity 27 Riker’s spouse on
China 15 Mideast leader 58 Stave off “Star Trek: TNG”
16 Purnell of 59 Puts two and two 30 “Game 7, 1986:
Guatemala “Yellowjackets” together Failure and
Honduras 17 Repetitive sonata 60 Cold drafts Triumph in the
India movement 61 Steppes tents Biggest Game of
Indonesia 18 Shuriken My Life” memoirist
Ivory Coast 20 Topping DOWN Darling
22 Fixes holes in hose 1 Rafael Nadal’s logo 31 “I’ve been here
Nicaragua 23 Where to save for a 2 Atop before”
Peru rainy day? 3 Prompter’s cue 32 Dust in the wind?
Uganda 25 Makes a difference 4 Entry to the Hall of 33 Hydroxyl
Vietnam 28 Alley-__ Fame, e.g. compound
29 Too green 5 One who may find 34 Equinox mo.
30 Film lengths it hard to say no 36 Neck-related
35 Spot for a toaster? 6 Bar tender at an 39 Forte maker
36 Simple bed Apple Store 40 Hours, in Italy
SUDOKU CRYPTOQUIP 37 Square things 7 Rare response 42 Clans
38 Stella alternative from a 5-Down 43 Model material
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains the
numbers 1 to 9.
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for 40 Modest response 8 Tolls 44 Got a bit too
another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the
puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give to compliments 9 Hall of Famer personal
you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. 41 Melody whose no. was 45 Thought the world
©2023 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 42 Member of a retired by the Nets of
sorority founded at and the Sixers 46 App purchasers
Boston University, 10 France : __ :: United 47 Backspace over
familiarly States : Oscar 50 Disney CEO Bob
43 Mark of a decent 11 To the nth degree 51 “Runaways”
student 12 “Dope” and “gucci,” superhero Yorkes
48 Kicked off the e.g. 52 Flightless birds?
covers, say 13 Pick apart, in a way 54 Floor support?

and stairs. They are always up to something.

©2023 King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: I imagine a person should never trust elevators



By Wendy L. Brandes ©2023 Tribune Content Agency 8/19/23

By Bobby Wolff

This deal was played in the Hu-

to watch
bert Phillips Bowl, the English
mixed pivot teams champion-
When North did not put back
to four hearts, West led the
club queen against three no-

SATURDAY trump. On a spade opening,

declarer would have had no
trouble coming to at least nine
tricks, but here, he had only
August 19, 2023 one entry to play a spade up,
and he could not establish the
All times Central. Start times can vary based diamonds before dummy’s club
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on king was knocked out.
Declarer won the club ace in
your on-screen guide. hand and played his diamond
six to the queen, hoping East
FIFA Women’s World Cup: would duck. However, East
won and returned the club
Third Place Match nine, overtaken by West. In
theory, a 6-2 club break was
FOX, 3 a.m. Live needed to make the hand, but
South spurned his legitimate queen for the game-going trick.
The losing teams from the semifinal round chance for a psychological one Maybe West should have
meet at Suncorp Stadium in Milton, Austra- when he ducked the second noticed that it would be best
to abandon clubs at trick four.
lia, to determine the FIFA Women’s World club.
If East had only five spades,
Cup third-place team. He reasoned that West would
probably clear clubs if left on declarer held nine major-suit
lead, to knock out the entry to cards and therefore only four
NFL Preseason ‘Never Too Late to Celebrate’
dummy’s diamonds. Indeed,
when West did continue clubs,
cards in the minors. Either
South would not have a second
NFL Network, beginning at noon Live declarer still had a shot. He
diamond to lead, or he did not
have another club to reach
NFL Network airs four Week 2 NFL preseason ALBERT CAMICIOLI played a spade to the king and
dummy. Thus, it would be safe
then ran the hearts before
games today with the Jacksonville Jaguars for West to exit with the heart
at the Detroit Lions, the Miami Dolphins at Never Too Late (Carlos PenaVega), a substitute teacher at
the school where her mother (Sherry Miller)
exiting on a diamond. That put
East on play to reopen spades
the Houston Texans, the Chicago Bears at the
Indianapolis Colts and the Dallas Cowboys at
to Celebrate works, she takes him up on his offer to join
and establish declarer’s spade

the Spanish class he teaches on the side so LEAD WITH THE ACES ANSWER: There is a case for
the Seattle Seahawks. Hallmark Channel, 7 p.m.  Original Film repeating your spades, but some
Camila’s (Alexa PenaVega) busy work she can finally learn the language of her partnerships play that this ought
Stand Up to Cancer schedule has left her exhausted and with
little time for a life. When she meets Javi
late father. Sparks fly as Javi helps Camila
connect with her roots.
to show a six-card suit. Either
they would have to rebid two no-
Various Networks, 7 p.m. trump (which I abhor with two
small in an unbid suit) to show
This evening, during its eighth televised the 5-3-3-2 distribution, or they

fundraising special, Stand Up to Cancer cel- would distort their hand by rais-
ing clubs or inventing a diamond
ebrates 15 years of funding groundbreaking suit. I’d rebid spades if allowed
cancer research. Over the hourlong special,
entertainers from film, television, music and CLASSIC to — after all, facing a doubleton
honor, spades might be right.
more share the screen to help raise aware-
ness for the continued need for cancer re- Summer Under the Stars: ©2023 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS
search to save lives. The event will air across
several broadcast and cable networks and
streaming services. Visit standuptocancer. TCM, beginning at 5 a.m.
Fred Astaire’s birth name of “Freder- 1980: 301 people aboard Actor Debra Paget is 90.
org for more details. a Saudi Arabian L-1011 died USTA Eastern Tennis Hall
ick Austerlitz” may not have flowed as TURNER ENTERTAINMENT CO. as the jetliner made a fiery of Famer Renee Richards
The Wild Sides smoothly off fans’ lips had he kept it when
he began wowing audiences with his
Shall We Dance (1937) and Carefree emergency return to the
Riyadh airport.
is 89. Former MLB All-Star
BBC America, 7 p.m.  Series Finale (1938), all of which can be seen during Bobby Richardson is 88.
2010: the last American
big-screen singing and dancing, but his today’s Summer Under the Stars salute to combat brigade exited Iraq, Actor Diana Muldaur is 85.
In the finale, “Growing Up,” Mashatu has legendary moves still would have been as seven years and five months Actor Matthew Perry is 54.
become a lush and fruitful land after the Astaire. You can also enjoy Astaire wowing Country singer Clay Walker
memorable — especially those he displayed after the U.S.-led invasion
rains, and animal families welcome their viewers with other partners, including Judy began. is 54. Rapper Fat Joe is 53.
with his most famous dance partner, Gin- Garland in Easter Parade (1948) and Cyd 2020: Kamala Harris Olympic gold medal tennis
next generation. Danger lurks even closer, as ger Rogers, in musicals like Top Hat (1935), accepted the Democratic
the lions see the young as easy prey. Charisse in Silk Stockings (1957). player Mary Joe Fernandez
nomination for vice is 52. Actor Tracie Thoms
president in a speech to the
is 48. Actor Callum Blue
party’s virtual convention,
cementing her place in is 46. Country singer Rissi
history as the first Black and Palmer is 42. Actor Erika
South Asian woman on a Christensen is 41. Actor
major party ticket. Melissa Fumero is 41.















Offense can’t find the juice

Miller, Seattle bullpen limit bats to UP NEXT the opener of a three-game
series against the Mari-
4 hits in 5th shutout loss of the year ASTROS VS. MARINERS ners.
When/where: 6:10 p.m. Houston totaled four
By Matt Kawahara games, the Astros muster- Saturday at Minute Maid hits and was shut out for
STA F F W R I T ER ed six runs against Seattle’s Park. the first time since June 11
pitching staff. Their offense TV/radio: ATTSW, ATTSW2 and fifth time this season. It
A telling moment ar- has looked livelier of late. (Spanish); 740 AM, 790 nullified a night of inepti-
rived in the top of Friday’s Their fourth-inning ploy, AM, 93.3 FM (Spanish), tude in key situations by
fourth inning. Seattle’s Te- though, indicated expecta- 1010 AM (Spanish). the Mariners, who were 0-
oscar Hernández lined a tion of another low-scoring for-17 with men in scoring
leadoff double. A flyout affair. position and stranded 10
moved him to third base. It proved effective. Mike It also proved prescient. runners.
Down by a run, the Astros Ford grounded a chopper The Astros mustered no of- “They kept us in the
drew their infield in. to second baseman Jose Al- fense in being shut out 2-0 game,” manager Dusty
Yi-Chin Lee/Staff photographer These teams had last met tuve, whose throw home by three pitchers — starter Baker said. “Their guy,
Jose Altuve singles off reliever Andres Munoz in the before the All-Star break in beat Hernández and pre- Bryce Miller, Justin Topa that’s the second game he’s
bottom of the ninth Friday for his 1,998th career hit. Houston. Across four vented a run. and Andrés Muñoz — in Astros continues on B5


Brett Coomer/Staff photographer

Texans coach DeMeco Ryans sees a dynamic threat in rookie receiver Tank Dell. But NFL success hasn’t always seemed in the cards for the former Cougar.

By Brooks Kubena The message went answered
STA F F WRIT E R for four months. Of course, it
did. Imagine if a Texans public
The message was going to be relations staffer had discovered

logically absurd. Tank Dell the text, rushed to find general
knew this. But he still felt the manager Nick Caserio, and,
urge to send it anyway. with a huff and a puff, suggested
Dell unlocked his phone. that the franchise zero in on the
There was the date and time in assertive receiver.
pixels. Dec. 29, 2022 — 6:31 p.m. Let’s say such an amusing
There was Dell’s mother looking scene had unfurled. It still
back it him. Ma, I’m about to text Tank Dell bet on himself, forging a path from wouldn’t have fulfilled Dell’s in-
them. There was their house in
Daytona Beach, Fla., and there, community college to UH, all the way to the NFL nermost intent. No, that oc-
curred as soon as Dell hit send.
in the glow of Dell’s phone, was By expressing his desire in a
the Instagram inbox of the NFL movement that felt like faith,
team based in the place where it UP NEXT: TEXANS VS. DOLPHINS Dell preserved the pinnacle of
felt like home. Don’t let me leave When/where: 3 p.m. Saturday at NRG Stadium. TV/radio: KTRK, NFL; his vision from any anxiety or
the city. 610 AM, 100.3 FM, 101.1 FM (Spanish). Texans continues on B3


Nwankwo has grown up to become ‘ringleader’ of Sack Ave.

Run-stopper’s impact on vaunted Don’t call him “Dot.”
“I grew up over time,”
The first true freshman
to start on the Cougars’ de-
D-line goes beyond the stat sheet said Nwankwo, a 5-foot-11, fensive line since Oliver,
295-pound, four-year Nwankwo has built a rep-
By Joseph Duarte worn by three-time All- starter at nose guard. utation as a run-stopper.
STA F F W RIT E R American and Outland “This is a big time in my He’s known as “Block Bul-
Trophy winner Ed Oliver. life where I had to ly,” for his penchant to “eat
Chidozie Nwankwo sat Where had the time change.” double teams for a living,”
back in a chair inside a gone? Coaches can see a Belk said. To fully appreci-
room at TDECU Stadium Now a senior, Nwank- change. Defensive line ate Nwankwo — pro-
in early June when his wo is the “ringleader,” as coach Brian Early said “it nounced wahn-kwuh —
thoughts began to wander coaches describe him, and wouldn’t shock me if he’s you must look beyond the
to his final year in college. veteran voice of the Cou- voted a team captain” be- stat sheet. He doesn’t pile
Four years ago, Nwank- gars’ defensive line known fore the start of the season. up sacks or quarterback
wo was the brash fresh- as Sack Ave. Perhaps an Defensive coordinator hurries. His impact can be
man who arrived on the even bigger development Doug Belk added: “When felt with the double-team
University of Houston this offseason: Nwankwo he speaks, people listen.” blocks he commands from
campus and told coaches dropped the nickname Brett Coomer/Staff photographer Those close to the UH opposing offensive lines.
he wanted to wear No. 10. he’s gone by most of his As a freshman, Chidozie Nwankwo asked for No. 10, football program can hear Nwankwo’s role has been
Yes, that No. 10, previously life. the number worn by Cougars great Ed Oliver. Nwankwo loud and clear. UH continues on B2


Lagway tops list of area’s elite QBs

By Jon Poorman St. Thomas after transferring
STA F F W RIT E R from Shadow Creek. He was
named the All-Greater Houston
With the Houston high Private School Newcomer of the
school football season just one Year after passing for 2,489
week from kickoff, we take a yards and 26 touchdowns with
deeper look at perhaps the most seven interceptions. Lewis,
important position on the field committed to Kansas State for
— quarterback. baseball, also rushed for 640
Below is a list of some of the yards and 11 scores. He’s a big
top signal-callers to watch this reason the Eagles have state
season. Selections are based on championship ambitions in
past performance, but also ex- TAPPS this year.
pectations for the 2023 cam-
paign. Top juniors to watch
Top-rated recruits Kaleb Bailey, Jr., North
Shore (6-1, 195)
D.J. Lagway, Sr., Willis Bailey was on his way to a
(6-3, 225) tremendous sophomore cam-
There are high expectations paign before an ACL injury in
at Willis as head coach Trent Jason Fochtman/Staff photographer Rhonda Taormina/Contributor Joe Buvid/Contributor the fourth game of the season
Miller enters his second season. D.J. Lagway is one of the Trey Owens returns to lead a Mabrey Mettauer is 18-6 as a put him on the sideline. He
Those ambitions are built highest-rated QBs in the U.S. talented Cy-Fair offense. starter at The Woodlands. returns this season to lead a
around Lagway, who has been a North Shore offense with a bevy
star since taking over as the of talent at the skill positions. In
Wildkats’ starter as a sopho- limited action as a freshman,
more. Lagway is the No. 1 quar- Bailey completed 68% of his
terback recruit in the state and passes for 928 yards and 12
one of the highest-rated players touchdowns with just three
in the country. The Florida interceptions.. He also rushed
commit missed a couple games for 783 yards and seven scores.
due to injury toward the end of Joseph Stewart Jr., Jr.,
the 2022 season, which ulti- Hightower (5-11, 175)
mately kept Willis out of the Stewart emerged as a prime-
playoffs. Lagway still posted time player for the Hurricanes
impressive numbers in eight as a sophomore and has plenty
games, completing 67% of his of weapons at his disposal as he
passes for 2,081 yards and 24 enters his second year as the
touchdowns with just five in- starter. He completed 67% of his
terceptions. He also rushed for passes for 2,720 yards and 26
517 yards and seven scores. touchdowns with just five in-
Lagway has accounted for more terceptions last season. Running
than 5,000 yards of total offense back Jeremy Payne and receiver
and 55 touchdowns during his Zion Kearney, both seniors and
high school career, and 2023 Maria Lysaker/Contributor Maria Lysaker/Maria Lysaker Juan DeLeon/Contributor four-star recruits, will give
could be his best season yet. Klein Collins’ Tucker Parks Zion Brown has started eight Barbers Hill’s Kody Fuentes Stewart a lot of talent to work
Trey Owens, Sr., Cy-Fair threw for 31 TDs last season. playoff games for Atascocita. threw for 19 TDs last season. with.
(6-5, 215) Jacorey Watson, Jr., Shad-
Cy-Fair is a strong favorite to also rushed for 600 yards and HIGH starter at quarterback this year. ow Creek (5-11, 175)
repeat as the District 17-6A seven scores. The Wisconsin SCHOOL The Rice commit completed 73% Watson was tossed into the
champion with Owens return- commit has already passed EXTRA of his passes for 685 yards and fire at quarterback last season
ing to lead a talented offense. former Highlander great Eric seven touchdowns without an when Shadow Creek starter
For football
The three-star Texas commit Schmid as the program’s all- interception as a junior. He also Duke Butler went down with an
previews, scan
completed 67% of his passes for time leader in passing yards rushed for 565 yards and 10 injury early on. The four-star
this code.
3,058 yards and 34 touchdowns and passing touchdowns and scores, showing his ability as a receiver recruit performed ad-
with just six interceptions dur- has a chance to further cement ball carrier. Young is a big rea- mirably and helped the Sharks
ing a standout junior campaign himself as one of the greatest disposal. son Tompkins has lofty expecta- finish the regular season un-
for the Bobcats. Owens record- players to ever suit up for The Kody Fuentes, Sr., Barbers tions in District 19-6A this sea- defeated. He accounted for 25
ed multiple touchdown throws Woodlands. Hill (5-10, 180) son. total touchdowns, including 13
in all but one game last season. Fuentes has the Barbers Hill Adam Tran, Sr., Jersey passing, eight receiving and four
Perhaps his top performance Senior playmakers offense poised for more success Village (5-10, 180) rushing. As the full-time signal-
came during a come-from-be- in the third year under head Tran has been starting for caller, he could be in line for
hind victory against district title Tucker Parks, Sr., Klein coach Carl Abseck. He had a Jersey Village since his fresh- some big numbers.
challenger Stratford. Cy-Fair Collins (6-2, 205) breakout campaign as a junior, man season and has been pro- Lloyd Jones III, Jr., Hitch-
trailed 14-0 at the end of the first Parks took a monumental passing for 2,613 yards and 29 ductive every year. He enters his cock (6-4, 210)
quarter before exploding for 31 leap in 2022 during his second touchdowns and rushing for final prep campaign with 6,227 Jones is one of the top-rated
points in the second period. year as the Tigers’ starter. The 282 yards and four scores. career passing yards and 58 quarterback recruits in the state
Owens passed for 333 yards and Western Kentucky commit Those numbers could rise in his touchdowns. Last season was for the 2025 class after passing
five touchdowns in that contest, completed 68% of his passes for second year as the starter, espe- his best yet as he threw for 2,651 for 2,800 yards and 36 touch-
showing his ability to respond 2,533 yards and 31 touchdowns cially with the Eagles’ top three yards and 25 scores while lead- downs a year ago. He also
to adversity and deliver when with just five interceptions. He wide receivers — Brady Thomp- ing his team to the playoffs. He rushed for eight scores. Hitch-
his team needs it most. Owens also rushed for 825 yards and 13 son, Cyler Williams and Tripp has thrown at least one touch- cock has lofty expectations for
will be aided by the return of scores. His presence as the Davis — all returning. down pass in 28 of his 31 games the season after going 11-2 last
his top target — Rice receiver leader of the Klein Collins of- John Solomon, Sr., Dickin- played during his tenure with fall. With an experienced Jones
commit Owen Carter. fense is one of the primary son (5-11, 180) the Falcons. orchestrating the offense along-
Mabrey Mettauer, Sr., The reasons the team is favored to Solomon is a dangerous dual- Karson Gordon, Sr., Epis- side playmakers like Damien
Woodlands (6-5, 215) capture the District 15-6A title threat weapon for the Gators copal (6-1, 175) McDaniel, Bryce Dorsey and
Mettauer showed flashes of once again. and should have even better After transferring from Ridge Kelshaun Johnson, the Bulldogs
brilliance as a freshman, playing Zion Brown, Sr., Atascoc- command of the offense head- Point, Gordon made an immedi- are a dangerous team.
situationally in red-zone packag- ita (6-0, 181) ing into his second year as the ate impact for Episcopal last Adam Schobel, Jr., Colum-
es. Once he took over the show Brown is one of the most starter. He passed for 1,763 yards season as the Knights’ starter. bus (6-5, 200)
as a sophomore, he had the experienced quarterbacks in the and 15 touchdowns last season He completed 63% of his passes Schobel has plenty of football
opportunity to put his talents on Houston area and has high and rushed for 653 yards and 20 for 2,157 yards and 28 touch- pedigree as the son of Colum-
full display. He has lived up to expectations entering his third scores. Dickinson lost to North downs against four intercep- bus head coach Matt Schobel,
that early hype, collecting an year as the starter. The North- Shore in the second round of tions. He also rushed for 699 who played tight end at TCU
18-6 record as the Highlanders’ western State commit has start- the playoffs, but Solomon tallied yards and eight scores. The and in the NFL. Schobel, a
starter over the past two sea- ed eight playoff games over the five total touchdowns and UNLV commit is a gifted ath- Baylor commit, completed 72%
sons. Mettauer was the district past two seasons. Brown passed helped Dickinson give the Mus- lete, who was named the Gator- of his passes for more than
MVP in his first year at the for 2,845 yards and 26 touch- tangs a run for their money. ade Texas Track and Field Ath- 2,800 yards and 36 touchdowns
helm of the offense and had a downs as a junior. He also Wyatt Young, Sr., Tomp- lete of the Year as one of the with just four interceptions last
big junior campaign as well. He rushed for 829 yards and 10 kins (6-1, 195) nation’s top triple jumpers. season. The Cardinals are look-
completed 66% of his passes for scores. He enters this year with Young is the ultimate Swiss Donte Lewis, Sr., St. ing for another strong campaign
2,619 yards and 32 touchdowns four-star receiver and LSU army knife, but he will take the Thomas (6-0, 175) with Schobel leading the charge
with just six interceptions. He commit Jelani Watkins at his reins as the Falcons’ full-time Lewis had a similar impact at after finishing 12-2 last fall.

UH 2021, when Nwankwo was ar-

rested on suspicion he choked
snaps, the second-most of any
UH defensive lineman.
From page B1 his girlfriend and suspended “We need to do a good job of
from the team. A grand jury de- putting him in some single-
described by coaches as “thank- clined to indict Nwankwo, who block situations and get him op-
less” and the “dirtiest, hardest was reinstated to the team. portunities to make some
job” on the field. While not specifically ad- plays,” Early said. “He’s doing
“I’ll let my work speak for it- dressing his off-field legal prob- some impressive stuff that prob-
self,” Nwankwo said. lems, Nwankwo said he’s grown ably only me and his parents see.
Nwankwo heaped plenty of up in his four years at UH. If we put him in some one-on-
pressure on himself when he “Same as every other kid — one situations the whole stadi-
signed with the Cougars. At his wanting to be a kid, wanting to um will get to see what that guy
request, the Foster High School have fun,” Nwankwo said of his can do.”
product was assigned Oliver’s first few seasons. “Unfortunate- As the Cougars prepare for
No. 10 jersey. ly, I can’t do that.” their first Big 12 season, Belk
“You sure?” coach Dana Hol- Asked what he would tell his said Nwankwo is a key to the
gorsen asked. younger self, Nwankwo re- Cougars’ success.
“I can handle it,” Nwankwo sponded: “Just because you can “I think he has tremendous
said. doesn’t mean you should.” respect in the locker room be-
Does Nwankwo regret the de- Early said Nwankwo’s emer- Jason Fochtman/Staff photographer cause of how he approaches
cision? gence as a team leader has been Chidozie Nwankwo, right, earned high praise from defensive football and how he plays every
“It was a bold move,” he said. noticeable this offseason. line coach Doug Belk for his ability to beat double teams. day,” Belk said. “I think he’s go-
“I don’t regret doing it. I em- “He’s really good in the room, ing to have a great year.”
brace it. I still embrace it. There’s really proud of his growth and wants to be a dominant player coming off a career year with 36 If Nwankwo is named a team
still stuff I want to accomplish.” maturity off the field,” Early and show up and make more tackles — double the previous captain?
All of that was nearly derailed said. “He’s still developing as a plays.” season — with 3½ tackles for “It would be an honor,” he
prior to his second season, in player, as well, and I think he On the field, Nwankwo is loss in 12 games. He played 637 said. “I won’t let them down.”

Sports Editor: [email protected] • 713-362-2734 • [email protected]




From page B1 The Texans have signed running
back Larry Rountree, the team
damaging doubt. announced Friday afternoon.
This is why a rookie who Rountree, who is 5-10, 211
measured 5-foot-8, 165 pounds pounds, last played for the Los
at the scouting combine can Angeles Chargers where he spent
stand with such certainty. This two seasons. He has 106 yards
is why Daikiel Shorts, Dell’s po- on 49 carries and one
sition coach at UH, says Dell touchdown in 16 games.
plays “with zero fear in his Rountree gives the Texans
heart.” He’s mastered manifes- depth at running back. Last
tation. He’s learned how to har- week, they released undrafted
bor hope when no one has it in free agent running Xazavian
him but himself. Valladay.
“I feel like, me, I’m the under- As a corresponding move, the
dog,” Dell said. “When you feel Texans waived guard Keaton
like you’re the underdog, you’ve Sutherland. The Texans play the
got to take risks to get what you Dolphins in their second
want.” preseason game on Saturday.
Jonathan M. Alexander
‘Bet on yourself’
Start with Nathaniel Dell Jr.’s
nickname: Tank. It’s short for but against the Patriots, when
Tankhead. His mother, Porsche, Dell led the Texans with five
lovingly called him this when catches, 65 yards and a touch-
he was born because his head down, he spent the flight back
was so much bigger than his to Houston sitting with fellow
body. The moniker stuck dur- rookie Xavier Hutchinson cri-
ing childhood. So did Tank’s tiquing the film.
proportions. Porsche had to as- “The kid had the heart of a li-
sure her son that his head Brett Coomer/Staff photographer on,” said Kiyoshi Harris, Dell’s
would eventually fit his frame. Former Cougars receiver Tank Dell has been an instant hit with the Texans’ coaching staff. head coach at Independence,
Dell’s dimensions were still “and he had a work ethic even
the only thing anybody saw. He ways wanted them to come over bigger than that.”
was overlooked at Mainland and play football. If you didn’t
High within a receiving corps want to play football, he didn’t ‘A dynamic player’
that had three Division I sig- even want to be bothered with Dell is consistently the most
nees, and Florida International, you.” thrilling playmaker during Tex-
the only school to offer him a They lived 15 minutes from ans training camp. He’s the hu-
scholarship, strung him along the beach. By 7, Dell started man highlight reel the franchise
during his senior season, asked running in the sand. By 13, he’d desperately needed at wide re-
him to hold off from announc- turned his beach runs into ceiver. The Texans dealt dis-
ing his commitment, then re- nightly workouts. Sometimes gruntled receiver Brandin
vealed they’d found someone he and his friends would set up Cooks to the Cowboys in the off-
else when Dell’s coach, Terry the agility ladder and cones in season, a package deal that
Anthony, finally called to ask the sand. The constant digging yielded two late-round picks
about the holdup. developed Dell’s speed and ac- that Caserio flipped in draft-
Dell learned he must be the celeration. He developed his day trades to land Dell in the
source of his own success. He most valuable asset, his answer third round and Hutchinson in
even tagged the phrase “bet on to the question: What happens the sixth.
yourself” on his social media once he gets hit? He became an The Texans needed to supply
bios. He’s often gone all in. He untouchable runner in open first-time offensive coordinator
roomed in college with his high space. Bobby Slowik and rookie quar-
school teammate, Brian Jenkins “He knows how to make guys terback C.J. Stroud, the team’s
Jr., whose father, Alabama miss in tight spaces,” said Mar- No. 2 overall pick, with profi-
A&M’s running backs coach, quis Wimberly, Dell’s wide re- cient pass-catchers and de-
made Dell a late addition. But ceiver coach at Independence. pendable downfield options.
after missing most of his fresh- “It’s hard for people to really get Caserio signed veterans Robert
man year with a hip injury, Dell hands on him. Most of the time Woods and Noah Brown, but as
told his roommate he needed to when Tank’s getting tackled, it’s second-year receiver John
find another path. from behind. What I’ve seen Metchie III returns to the field
I’m about to leave. Jenkins him do really well is he usually after battling leukemia, the Tex-
laughed. Bro, you’re not leaving. makes the first person miss. ans will be leaning heavily on
Days later, Jenkins found Dell’s I’ve seen it multiple times Dell.
side of the room was clean. He’d where some of the biggest guys Dell has delivered so far. He’s
already decided to enroll at In- on the field — kids going to Ala- caught deep passes in one-on-
dependence Community Col- Brett Coomer/Staff photographer bama, Tennessee — are falling one drills against starting cor-
lege in southeast Kansas, a Dell wasn’t always ticketed for college stardom and the NFL, on their ankles trying to take nerback Derek Stingley Jr. He’s
school famed for athletic re- taking a winding path that started in community college. him out just because it’s so hard snagged crossers that turned
bounds depicted in the docu- to tackle him.” into 20-yard gains. In joint
mentary “Last Chance U.” The The littlest player in the Kan- practices against the Dolphins
name Independence was apt. sas Jayhawk Community Col- on Wednesday, Dell caught
He’d made the decision without lege Conference became the three straight touchdowns dur-
yet securing the fare for the most feared. On the first game ing 7-on-7 drills in the red zone.
flight. of the 2019 season, Dell caught “I see a dynamic player,”
“So, I get a phone call, and six passes for 148 yards and first-year coach DeMeco Ryans
he’s like, ‘Ma, I’m leaving and three touchdowns, including a said. “He’s electric, and he’s al-
I’m going to Independence, 90-yard bomb. Dell caught 52 ways open.”
Kansas,’” Porsche said. “And catches in 10 games for 766 Christian Harris, a second-
I’m like, ‘Huh?’ He was like, yards and eight touchdowns. year linebacker, said he specifi-
‘Yeah, I talked to them already. I Wimberly said opponents dou- cally used Dell while playing
just need some money to catch ble-teamed him, dropped safe- Madden on Tuesday night. He
the plane, and I’m outta here.’ ties 15-20 yards back, made cor- heaved Dell bombs and set him
And I’m like, ‘Independence… nerbacks start running back- as Houston’s kick returner — a
Kansas?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah. ward immediately upon the role Dell has yet to secure in
I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do.’ snap instead of backpedaling. training camp behind veterans
I’m like, ‘You know me. I’m be- Tank still tore through defenses Steven Sims and Desmond
hind you 100 percent. Whatever with a dizzying series of mo- King.
you decide, I’m behind you. tions, positional slots and “He’s shifty as hell,” Harris
But… do you know what you’re routes. said. “You know what he does.”
doing actually?’ ‘Yes. Let me do “It kind of changed us in how Will Anderson Jr., Houston’s
this.’ I gave him the money.” we recruited,” said Wimberly, No. 3 overall pick, said Dell “can
Dell next called an ex-girl- now a personal trainer based in make anybody miss.” The rook-
friend’s mother. She made the Los Angeles. “You don’t have to ie defensive end has realized
20-hour roundtrip drive from go get that big guy.” what future opponents might
Daytona Beach to Huntsville Life in Independence was as soon concur: “You just have to
and dropped Dell off at the air- quiet for the coaches as it was get to the quarterback fast,
port the following day. As the for the players. Wimberly, a sin- man, so it doesn’t even give him
plane was landing, Dell said he gle man, lived with a group of the opportunity to even get go-
looked out the window and saw coaches at a separate on-cam- ing.”
players doing one-on-one drills Courtesy of Sonja Conley pus dorm. Every weekend, Pass protection may be
on Independence’s football sta- “Hollywood Tank” had one message for his academic adviser Wimberly would see his phone Houston’s most challenging in-
dium. He rushed to his dorm, Sonja Conley’s office wall. He was going to be a star. glow with a text from Dell to un- hibition. The interior offensive
grabbed his cleats and joined lock the field’s gate. He’d drag line has struggled mightily dur-
them. parachute into no-man’s land She laughed. the jugs machine onto the turd ing training camp, and Stroud
“He’s a huge believer in mani- from Division I programs all “I took one look at him and and send a couple hundred spent the majority of his presea-
festing and speaking things into over the country. thought, ‘OK, how is he a foot- passes to Dell, who’d silently son debut against the Patriots
existence,” Shorts said. “But I She used to have a large of- ball player?’” Conley said. “Be- catch them with his head- evading defenders. But the Tex-
think the biggest thing is he fice. Players often lounged cause of his size, you know? He phones on. ans also aim to establish the
doesn’t only speak it into exis- there. There wasn’t much to do had ankles about the size of my Every night around 7, Wim- run, and Woods, noting Dell’s
tence. He works. He pays the in town and few players had forearms. I judged the book by berly said he’d receive a text toughness, called the rookie’s
price for his reward.” cars. A roundtrip bus to the the cover, and he proved me from Dell asking if he could run-blocking underrated.
nearest city, Tulsa, took five wrong.” open the weight room. At first, Woods, 31, is entering his 11th
‘I’m going to be a star’ hours. Porsche once visited her Dell had always been the Dell was the only one at the season with his fourth team.
Sonja Conley was 4 when her son for a game — “when I say smallest. He had his mother’s weight room when Wimberly He’s a two-time, 1,000-yard re-
family moved to Independence. Nothing, Kansas… nothing” — strong metabolism and a frame arrived with the key. After a few ceiver who’s made his living
She’s now lived there 32 years. and noted there wasn’t much to that wouldn’t grow. But he al- weeks, Dell had formed a work- turning crossers into long
She speaks humbly about the eat in town other than Taco ways pushed its limits. He start- out group of 10-15 players. This gains. He recalled how a former
sleepy rural town that’s home to Bell, McDonald’s and a local ed playing for the Pop Warner would’ve required convincing, wide receiver coach once told
about 9,000 people, a number pizza joint. Bucs when he was 5, and grow- Wimberly says: Independence’s him: Be you. It’s good enough
that’s somewhat inflated by the But Conley let the students ing up in Daytona Beach, Por- practices began at 6 a.m., and “Obviously, you’re here for a
800-student community college draw on her office’s dark blue sche said he’d come home after they often had workouts at 5 reason. Be you. Be confident,”
that sits two miles on the out- walls in chalk. Many just wrote practice and set up his own a.m. Woods said he told Dell. “Be
skirts of the county. their names. When Dell arrived workouts in the front yard. She The sleepless habits contin- yourself and let your game do
Conley’s held multiple titles in January 2019, he carved out a bought him a little agility lad- ued at UH and with the Texans. the work. It’s the reason why
in the Independence athletic sizable spot in bold-lettered der, and he’d do footwork drills. Shorts remembers how on road you’re here – keep doing what
department. Athletic Navigator. chalk: HOLLYWOOD TANK. He’d toss the ball up in the air games, the coaching staff would you’re doing. I think Tank —
Success Coach. Really, she’s The word ‘Hollywood’ was al- and catch it himself. wake up at 6 a.m. on game days, I’m just feeding him confidence
somewhere between a counsel- most three times bigger than “When his friends came over, and Dell would already be and he’s a great receiver, a great
or, academic advisor and surro- ‘Tank.’ it was always about football,” working out, stretching, eating technician in his craft and I just
gate mother to the constant “I’m going to be a star, Ms. Porsche said. “They couldn’t before any other players ar- tell him, ‘Be yourself, Tank.
churn of football players who Sonja,” Dell told her. just come over and play. He al- rived. After Dell’s preseason de- You’ll be really good for us.’”


AMERICAN LEAGUE Royals 4, Cubs 3 Braves 4, Giants 0 Twins 5, Pirates 1 Reds 1, Blue Jays 0
East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Kansas City AB R H BI BB SO Avg. San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Pittsburgh AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Toronto AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Garcia 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .284 Wade Jr. 1b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .256 Bae cf 4 0 2 0 1 1 .243 Merrifield 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .301
Baltimore 75 47 .615 — — 5-5 W-1 36-23 39-24 Duffy 3b 2 1 1 0 0 0 .269 a-Slater ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .250 Reynolds dh 5 0 3 1 0 1 .270 Belt dh 3 0 1 0 1 0 .253
Tampa Bay 73 50 .593 2½ +5 ½ 6-4 W-1 40-22 33-28 Witt Jr. ss 4 2 2 2 0 1 .278 Camargo 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .429 Hayes 3b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .258 Guerrero Jr. 1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .264
Massey 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .225 Meckler cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .214 Suwinski lf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .207 Biggio rf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .223
Toronto 67 56 .545 8½ ½ 4-6 L-2 32-27 35-29 Perez 1b 3 0 0 1 0 0 .254 Flores dh 3 0 1 0 0 0 .299 Davis rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .217 Chapman 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .253
Boston 64 58 .525 11 3 6-4 W-1 35-28 29-30 Melendez dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .235 Pederson lf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .231 Rodríguez c 4 0 3 0 0 1 .253 Kirk c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .245
Fermin c 3 0 1 0 1 0 .299 Conforto rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .247 Peguero 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .247 Varsho lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .218
New York 60 62 .492 15 7 2-8 L-6 35-29 25-33 Waters rf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .237 Davis 3b-1b 2 0 0 0 0 1 .243 Rivas 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Espinal ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .216
Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Velázquez lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .241 Bailey c 3 0 1 0 0 1 .264 Williams ss 2 1 1 0 1 1 .212 Kiermaier cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .271
Blanco lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .250 Crawford ss 3 0 0 0 0 3 .194 c-Palacios ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .220 Totals 30 0 3 0 2 7
Minnesota 64 59 .520 — — 5-5 W-1 35-25 29-34 Isbel cf 3 0 1 1 0 0 .234 Estrada 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Totals 34 1 9 1 3 13 Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Cleveland 59 64 .480 5 8 ½ 5-5 W-1 32-29 27-35 Totals 32 4 7 4 1 4 Totals 28 0 2 0 1 13 Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Friedl cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .275
Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Julien dh 2 0 0 0 1 0 .290 McLain 2b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .301
Detroit 55 67 .451 8½ 12 6-4 L-1 26-33 29-34 Morel dh 4 0 0 1 1 1 .256 Acuña Jr. rf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .334 a-Luplow ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 1 .316 De La Cruz ss 2 0 0 0 2 1 .257
Chicago 48 74 .393 15 ½ 19 4-6 L-2 25-33 23-41 Hoerner 2b 4 0 3 1 1 1 .284 Harris II cf 5 1 4 1 0 0 .291 Lewis 3b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .340 Steer 3b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .268
Happ lf 4 0 1 0 1 3 .240 Riley 3b 4 0 1 1 1 2 .280 Kepler rf 5 0 1 0 0 2 .238 Votto 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .210
Kansas City 40 84 .323 24 ½ 28 4-6 W-1 23-40 17-44 Bellinger cf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .323 Olson 1b 5 1 0 1 0 1 .271 Correa ss 2 1 0 0 2 2 .230 Encarnacion-Strand dh 4 1 1 1 0 2 .253
West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .251 Ozuna dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .246 Polanco 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .242 Stephenson c 2 0 1 0 1 1 .243
Gomes c 4 1 2 0 0 1 .269 Rosario lf 4 0 2 1 0 0 .251 Wallner lf 3 1 1 0 0 2 .241 Benson rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .277
Texas 72 50 .590 — — 6-4 L-2 42-22 30-28 Suzuki rf 4 1 2 0 0 1 .255 Murphy c 2 1 1 0 1 1 .278 b-Farmer ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 .242 Fairchild lf 2 0 0 0 1 1 .234
Houston 70 53 .569 2½ +2 ½ 6-4 L-1 33-27 37-26 Candelario 3b-1b 2 0 1 1 2 1 .396 Arcia ss 3 0 0 0 1 1 .280 Gallo lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .185 Totals 28 1 4 1 5 10
Wisdom 1b 3 1 1 0 0 2 .199 Lopez 2b 2 0 0 0 2 1 .368 Solano 1b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .282 Toronto 000 000 000—0 3 0
Seattle 67 55 .549 5 — 7-3 W-4 34-28 33-27 a-Madrigal ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .269 Totals 34 4 10 4 5 8 Vázquez c 4 1 2 0 0 1 .227
Cincinnati 000 000 001—1 4 0
Los Angeles 60 62 .492 12 7 4-6 W-1 31-28 29-34 Totals 35 3 10 3 5 13 San Francisco 000 000 000—0 2 0 Taylor cf 3 1 1 2 1 1 .216
Totals 33 5 10 5 4 11 One out when winning run scored.
Oakland 34 88 .279 38 33 2-8 L-1 18-42 16-46 Kansas City 001 102 000—4 7 1 Atlanta 210 001 00x—4 10 0 E—Chapman (9). LOB—Toronto 6, Cincinnati 7. 2B—Var-
Chicago 000 300 000—3 10 2 a-lined out for Wade Jr. in the 8th. Pittsburgh 000 000 100—1 9 0 sho (18). HR—Encarnacion-Strand (4), off Hicks.
NATIONAL LEAGUE a-pinch hit for Wisdom in the 8th. LOB—San Francisco 4, Atlanta12. 2B—Riley (24), Harris II
(19). 3B—Harris II (3). RBIs—Olson (108), Rosario (58),
Minnesota 000 201 20x—5 10 0 RBIs—Encarnacion-Strand (15). SB—Merrifield (23).
Runners left in scoring position—Toronto 3 (Chapman 2,
E—Duffy (9), Candelario (2), Wisdom (12). LOB—Kansas a-struck out for Julien in the 7th. b- for Wallner in the 7th.
East Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away City 3, Chicago 10. 2B—Melendez (25), Gomes (14). Riley (77), Harris II (37). SB—Harris II (17). c-struck out for Williams in the 9th. Kiermaier); Cincinnati 3 (Benson, Steer, Votto). RISP—To-
HR—Witt Jr. (24), off Taillon. RBIs—Isbel (21), Perez (55), Runners left in scoring position—San Francisco 2 (Slater, LOB—Pittsburgh 11, Minnesota 10. 2B—Williams (3), Ro- ronto 0 for 6; Cincinnati 0 for 4.
Atlanta 79 42 .653 — — 8-2 W-4 41-20 38-22 DP—Toronto 1 (Merrifield, Guerrero Jr., Espinal, Guerrero
Witt Jr. 2 (78), Candelario (4), Morel (60), Hoerner (60). Conforto); Atlanta 8 (Arcia 2, Riley, Olson 3, Acuña Jr. 2). dríguez (4), Bae (10), Kepler (13), Wallner 2 (5), Lewis
Philadelphia 66 56 .541 13 ½ +2 ½ 5-5 L-1 34-24 32-32 SB—Waters (8). CS—Melendez (3), Morel (2). SF—Perez. RISP—San Francisco 0 for 5; Atlanta 3 for 11. (4). HR—Taylor (16), off Jackson. RBIs—Reynolds (60), Jr.).
Runners left in scoring position—Kansas City 2 (Isbel, Pe- Runners moved up—Pederson, Arcia. GIDP—Conforto. Taylor 2 (38), Solano (26), Polanco (27), Wallner (22). Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Miami 63 59 .516 16 ½ ½ 5-5 L-2 37-27 26-32 rez); Chicago 3 (Madrigal, Swanson, Bellinger). RISP- DP—Atlanta 1 (Lopez, Arcia, Olson). SB—Luplow (2). S—Peguero. Berríos 5 2/3 1 0 0 4 8 100 3.39
New York 57 66 .463 23 7 6-4 W-3 31-28 26-38 —Kansas City 1 for 8; Chicago 4 for 11. San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Runners left in scoring position—Pittsburgh 7 (Suwinski 2, Cabrera 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cobb, L, 6-5 5 2/3 8 4 4 2 3 103 3.75 Peguero, Rivas, Davis 2, Hayes); Minnesota 6 (Lewis 2, García 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 4.03
Washington 56 67 .455 24 8 7-3 W-3 28-35 28-32 Ragans, W, 2-1 6 8 3 3 2 9 106 2.51 Alexander 1/3 1 0 0 1 0 8 4.06 Polanco, Kepler, Solano 2). RISP—Pittsburgh 1 for 14; Swanson 1 1 0 0 1 2 28 3.23
Coleman, H, 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 19 7.85 Jackson 1 1 0 0 2 3 30 2.37 Minnesota 3 for 8. Hicks, L, 1-2 1/3 1 1 1 0 0 7 5.14
Central Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Clarke, H, 11 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 15 5.79 Beck 1 0 0 0 0 2 17 3.55 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Milwaukee 66 57 .537 — — 6-4 W-1 33-27 33-30 Cox, H, 4 1/3 0 0 0 1 0 8 3.73 Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Jackson, L, 0-1 4 1/3 4 2 2 3 6 71 3.46
Kennedy 5 3 0 0 1 2 75 3.00
Hernández, S, 2-5 1 1 0 0 1 2 26 4.40 Borucki 1 1 1 1 0 1 21 4.07
Cincinnati 64 59 .520 2 — 5-5 W-2 31-32 33-27 Strider, W, 14-4 7 1 0 0 1 10 97 3.57 Farmer 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 3.99
Selby 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 10 9.53
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Jiménez 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 10 2.68 Gibaut 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 3.24
Chicago 62 59 .512 3 1 5-5 L-1 33-30 29-29 Perdomo 2/3 3 2 2 1 1 13 3.72
Taillon, L, 7-8 6 6 4 2 0 3 91 5.56 Minter, H, 13 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 3 4.28 Sims 1 0 0 0 1 2 21 3.91
Ramirez 1 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 29 3.94
Pittsburgh 54 68 .443 11 ½ 9½ 3-7 L-2 29-32 25-36 Fulmer 1 0 0 0 1 0 14 3.98 Iglesias 1 0 0 0 0 2 13 3.03 Díaz, W, 5-4 1 0 0 0 0 1 17 2.35
Cuas 1 1 0 0 0 0 18 0.00 Inherited runners-scored—Alexander 2-1, Minter 2-0. IB- Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Inherited runners-scored—Cabrera 2-0. HBP—Kennedy
St. Louis 54 69 .439 12 10 5-5 L-3 27-36 27-33 Smyly 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 4.92 B—off Alexander (Riley). HBP—Cobb (Murphy), Strider López, W, 9-6 6 6 0 0 2 7 99 3.51 (Guerrero Jr.). WP—Berríos.
T—2:43. A—37,936 (41,363). (Flores), Jiménez (Davis). WP—Jackson. Thielbar 0 2 1 1 1 0 10 2.16 Umpires—Home, Dan Bellino; First, Phil Cuzzi; Second,
West Division W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away T—2:32. A—40,688 (41,149). Jax, H, 18 1 0 0 0 0 2 11 3.55 Mark Ripperger; Third, Shane Livensparger.
Nationals 8, Phillies 7 Pagán 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 3.02 T—2:38. A—28,502 (43,891).
Los Angeles 74 46 .617 — — 10-0 W-11 41-20 33-26 Red Sox 8, Yankees 3
Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Duran 1 1 0 0 0 3 17 2.83
San Francisco 64 58 .525 11 +½ 3-7 L-2 35-28 29-30 Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Schwarber dh 4 2 2 3 1 1 .182 T—2:50. A—30,687 (38,544).
Bohm 3b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .282 Verdugo rf 5 3 3 0 0 2 .275 American League
Arizona 62 61 .504 13 ½ 2 5-5 L-1 30-31 32-30 Devers 3b 4 2 3 2 1 1 .266 Brewers 9, Rangers 8
Harper 1b 5 1 2 0 0 0 .293 Through August 18
San Diego 59 64 .480 16 ½ 5 4-6 W-1 33-30 26-34 Castellanos rf 5 0 0 0 0 4 .276 Turner dh 5 1 3 2 0 0 .289 Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg. BATTING
Stott 2b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .295 Yoshida lf 4 1 2 4 0 1 .302 Yelich dh 3 3 2 0 2 0 .289
Colorado 47 75 .385 28 16 ½ 3-7 W-1 27-32 20-43 Casas 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .253 Contreras c 5 2 3 3 0 0 .275 G AB R H BA
Turner ss 3 1 0 0 1 2 .248
Story ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Santana 1b 4 1 1 3 1 1 .162 Díaz, TB 104 401 72 129 .322
Realmuto c 4 1 1 2 0 3 .247
Thursday’s results Cave lf 4 1 3 1 0 0 .252 Duran cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .295 Canha lf 5 1 1 2 0 2 .212 Bichette, TOR 106 449 50 144 .321
McGuire c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .273 Adames ss 5 0 3 1 0 0 .206 Naylor, CLE 96 360 41 110 .306
American League National League Rojas cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .288
Reyes 2b 4 1 0 0 0 1 .307 Monasterio 3b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .268 Ohtani, LAA 120 447 92 137 .306
Totals 37 7 10 7 3 10
Seattle 6, Kansas City 4 Washington 10, Boston 7 Totals 38 8 12 8 1 9 Wiemer cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .214 Yoshida, BOS 107 414 59 125 .302
Washington 10, Boston 7 Mets 4, St. Louis 2 Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Merrifield, TOR 114 429 57 129 .301
New York AB R H BI BB SO Avg. a-Frelick ph-cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .233
Abrams ss 5 1 1 3 0 1 .252 Tucker, HOU 120 441 69 131 .297
Detroit at Cleveland, ppd. Arizona 3, San Diego 1 Thomas cf-rf 4 0 3 1 1 1 .285 LeMahieu 3b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .245 Turang 2b 3 1 3 0 1 0 .224
Taylor rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .192 Turner, BOS 110 422 71 122 .289
Dodgers 1, Milwaukee 0 Meneses dh 5 0 0 0 0 1 .280 Judge dh 4 1 1 2 0 1 .281 Ramírez, CLE 117 455 70 130 .286
Bauers 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .210 Totals 39 9 14 9 4 5
Ruiz c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .258 Hays, BAL 108 399 55 112 .281
Friday’s results Smith 1b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .266 Stanton rf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .202 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
RUNS: Semien, Texas, 96; Ohtani, Los Angeles, 94;
Garrett rf-lf 4 2 3 0 0 0 .279 Torres 2b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .267 Semien 2b 4 0 0 1 1 1 .280
American League National League A.García, Texas, 89; N.Lowe, Texas, 76; Kwan, Cleveland,
Alu 2b 4 1 2 2 0 0 .255 McKinney lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .232 Seager ss 4 2 1 0 1 0 .347 75; Robert Jr., Chicago, 75; Y.Díaz, Tampa Bay, 73; Ju-
Seattle 2, Houston 0 Kansas City 4, Cubs 3 Vargas 3b 3 1 0 0 1 0 .238 a-Kiner-Falefa ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .257 Lowe 1b 4 1 1 2 0 1 .276 .Rodríguez, Seattle, 73; Arozarena, Tampa Bay, 71; Breg-
Kansas City 4, Cubs 3 Cincinnati 1, Toronto 0 Rutherford lf 4 2 3 2 0 0 .222 Bader cf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .255 García rf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .256 man, Houston, 71; Turner, Boston, 71.
Detroit 4, Cleveland 2 (G1) Washington 8, Philadelphia 7 1-Call pr-cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .196 Volpe ss 4 1 2 0 0 2 .216 Garver dh 3 2 1 1 1 0 .293 RBI: Tucker, Houston, 92; A.García, Texas, 92; Ohtani,
Totals 37 8 13 8 2 4 Rortvedt c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .105 Heim c 2 0 0 0 1 0 .275 Los Angeles, 89; Devers, Boston, 83; J.Naylor, Cleveland,
Cleveland 4, Detroit 1 (G2) Atlanta 4, San Francisco 0 Totals 35 3 10 3 1 11 b-Grossman ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .234 79; Bregman, Houston, 79; Ju.Rodríguez, Seattle, 79;
Cincinnati 1, Toronto 0 Colorado 14, White Sox 1 Philadelphia 000 600 001—7 10 1
Martinez cf 4 0 0 1 0 2 .348 Semien, Texas, 79; Witt Jr., Kansas City, 78; Turner, Bos-
Washington 010 601 00x—8 13 0 Boston 430 000 001—8 12 0
Boston 8, Yankees 3 Mets 7, St. Louis 1 J.Smith 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .205 ton, 75; Suárez, Seattle, 75.
1-ran for Rutherford in the 8th. New York 001 000 020—3 10 1 HITS: Bichette, Toronto,144; Semien, Texas,141; Ohtani,
Colorado 14, White Sox 1 Minnesota 5, Pittsburgh 1 a-doubled for McKinney in the 9th.
c-Duran ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .284
E—Rojas (2). LOB—Philadelphia 6, Washington 7. Jankowski lf 4 1 2 1 0 0 .286 Los Angeles, 139; Ju.Rodríguez, Seattle, 138; Witt Jr.,
Minnesota 5, Pittsburgh 1 Milwaukee 9, Texas 8 2B—Cave 2 (8), Harper (23), Realmuto (25), Garrett 2 E—Torres (11). LOB—Boston 4, New York 6. 2B—Verdugo Kansas City, 137; Kwan, Cleveland, 132; Y.Díaz, Tampa
Totals 34 8 8 8 4 6
Milwaukee 9, Texas 8 San Diego 4, Arizona 0 (17). HR—Schwarber (31), off Adon; Schwarber (32), off 2 (31), McGuire (11), Volpe (15), Kiner-Falefa (10). Bay, 131; N.Lowe, Texas, 131; Tucker, Houston, 131; J.Ra-
Baltimore 9, Oakland 4 Miami at Dodgers, late Finnegan; Abrams (12), off Lorenzen. RBIs—Realmuto 2 HR—Yoshida (13), off Brito; Judge (23), off Whitlock. Milwaukee 003 000 330—9 14 0 mírez, Cleveland, 130.
(50), Cave (16), Rojas (14), Schwarber 3 (77), Alu 2 (9), RBIs—Turner 2 (75), Yoshida 4 (60), Devers 2 (83), LeMa- Texas 000 301 004—8 8 0 DOUBLES: M.Chapman, Toronto, 35; Ja.Duran, Boston,
Tampa Bay at Angels, late Rutherford 2 (2), Abrams 3 (47), Thomas (69). SB—Ro- hieu (30), Judge 2 (47). 34; N.Lowe, Texas, 33; Seager, Texas, 33; Verdugo, Bos-
a-flied out for Wiemer in the 6th. b-doubled for Heim in
jas (6). Runners left in scoring position—Boston 2 (Verdugo, Sto- the 9th. c-doubled for J.Smith in the 9th. ton, 31; J.Ramírez, Cleveland, 30; Robert Jr., Chicago, 30;
Saturday’s games Runners left in scoring position—Philadelphia 3 (Turner 2, ry); New York 3 (Bader, Rortvedt 2). RISP—Boston 7 for LOB—Milwaukee 7, Texas 3. 2B—Yelich (28), Contreras Semien, Texas, 30; Hays, Baltimore, 29; Renfroe, Los An-
American League Bohm); Washington 3 (Meneses 2, Alu). RISP—Philadel- 11; New York 0 for 6. (28), Canha (4), Taylor (6), Seager (33), Grossman (19), geles, 29; Ju.Rodríguez, Seattle, 29; Santander, Balti-
phia 4 for 10; Washington 6 for 9. Runners moved up—Rortvedt, LeMahieu. GIDP—Yoshida, Duran (19), Jankowski (12). HR—Santana (5), off Sborz; more, 29; Tucker, Houston, 29.
Boston (Crawford 5-6) at Yankees (Cole 10-3), 12:05 p.m. Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Turner, Torres, Rortvedt. TRIPLES: Ohtani, Los Angeles, 7; Witt Jr., Kansas City, 7;
Lowe (15), off Woodruff; Garver (9), off Woodruff. RBIs-
Kansas City (Singer 8-8) at Cubs (Steele 13-3), 1:20 p.m. Lorenzen, L, 2-1 3 1/3 8 7 6 1 1 74 3.54 DP—Boston 2 (Devers, Story, Casas; Devers, Reyes, Ca- —Contreras 3 (57), Canha 2 (8), Adames (52), Santana 3 Franco, Tampa Bay, 6; Kwan, Cleveland, 6; Rosario, Los
Milwaukee (Peralta 9-8) at Texas (Dunning 9-4), 3:05 p.m. sas); New York 2 (Volpe, Torres, Bauers; LeMahieu, Torres, (10), Lowe 2 (65), Garver (32), García (92), Martinez (3), Angeles, 6; Henderson, Baltimore, 5; Kiermaier, Toronto,
Hoffman 1 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 19 2.72
Bauers). Duran (44), Jankowski (27), Semien (79). SB—Semien 5; 10 tied at 4.
Toronto (Bassitt 11-6) at Cincinnati (Williamson 4-2), 5:40 p.m. Soto 1 2 1 1 0 0 16 4.82
Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA HOME RUNS: Ohtani, Los Angeles, 43; Robert Jr., Chica-
Covey 2 2 0 0 1 1 41 4.33 (12), Turang (15), García (8). CS—Canha (1).
Detroit (Rodriguez 8-6) at Cleveland (Bibee 9-2), 6:10 p.m. Bello, W, 9-7 6 6 1 1 1 4 98 3.70 go, 32; A.García, Texas, 30; Devers, Boston, 27; Burger,
Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Pittsburgh (Keller 9-8) at Minnesota (Gray 6-5), 6:10 p.m. Whitlock 2 2 2 2 0 5 33 5.72 Woodruff 5 1/3 3 4 4 2 4 92 2.89
Miami, 25; Tucker, Houston, 24; Witt Jr., Kansas City, 24;
Adon 4 6 6 6 2 3 74 7.00 Judge, New York, 23; Siri, Tampa Bay, 23; Paredes, Tam-
Seattle (Gilbert 10-5) at Houston (Valdez 9-8), 6:10 p.m. Bernardino 1/3 2 0 0 0 1 13 2.70 Peguero, W, 3-4 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 17 3.86 pa Bay, 23.
Ferrer, W, 3-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 3.26 Martin 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 9 1.32
White Sox (Scholtens 1-5) at Colorado (Freeland 4-13), 7:10 p.m. Weems, H, 5 1 1 0 0 0 2 22 2.75 Uribe, H, 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 1.10 STOLEN BASES: E.Ruiz, Oakland, 48; Witt Jr., Kansas
Baltimore (Irvin 1-3) at Oakland (Waldichuk 2-7), 8:07 p.m. Garcia, H, 3 1/3 2 0 0 0 0 9 7.71 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Milner 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 2.36 City, 34; Ju.Rodríguez, Seattle, 32; Franco, Tampa Bay,
Brito, L, 4-6 2 1/3 9 7 6 0 1 46 5.43 Chafin 1/3 2 3 3 1 0 19 11.81 30; Castro, Minnesota, 29; Mateo, Baltimore, 25; J.Lowe,
Tampa Bay (Eflin 12-7) at Angels (Silseth 4-1), 8:07 p.m. Machado, H, 4 2/3 0 0 0 1 2 16 6.04
Hamilton 3 2/3 1 0 0 0 5 43 1.72
Harvey, H, 13 1 0 0 0 0 1 12 2.91 Williams, S, 29-32 2/3 1 1 1 0 0 9 1.53 Tampa Bay, 24; Tucker, Houston, 24; Ja.Duran, Boston,
National League
Finnegan, S, 20-27 1 1 1 1 0 1 14 2.67 Middleton 1 0 0 0 1 1 13 1.04 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA 23; Merrifield, Toronto, 23.
Kansas City (Singer 8-8) at Cubs (Steele 13-3), 1:20 p.m. Weissert 2 2 1 1 0 2 27 4.15 Heaney 3 2/3 7 3 3 1 3 844.27 PITCHING: Gibson, Baltimore, 12-7; Eflin, Tampa Bay,
T—2:42. A—26,747 (41,376).
Milwaukee (Peralta 9-8) at Texas (Dunning 9-4), 3:05 p.m. T—2:46. A—44,566 (47,309). Stratton 2 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 271.42
12-7; McClanahan, Tampa Bay, 11-2; Eovaldi, Texas, 11-3;
Philadelphia (Sánchez 1-3) at Washington (Irvin 3-5), 3:05 p.m. Tigers 4, Guardians 2 (1st game) Kremer, Baltimore,11-5; Bassitt, Toronto,11-6; Cole, New
Mets 7, Cardinals 1 Sborz, L, 5-5, BS, 0-3 1/3 3 3 3 1 1 224.50
York, 10-3; Gilbert, Seattle, 10-5; Ohtani, Los Angeles,
Toronto (Bassitt 11-6) at Cincinnati (Williamson 4-2), 5:40 p.m. Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
New York AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Burke 1 2 3 3 1 0 133.38 10-5; Kirby, Seattle, 10-8.
Pittsburgh (Keller 9-8) at Minnesota (Gray 6-5), 6:10 p.m. Baddoo lf 4 1 2 1 0 1 .227 G.Anderson 2/3 1 0 0 1 0 184.64
Greene cf 4 0 0 0 1 2 .305 Nimmo dh 5 2 3 1 0 1 .269 Leclerc 1 0 0 0 0 0 112.89 National League
Mets (Senga 9-6) at St. Louis (Mikolas 6-8), 6:15 p.m. Vierling 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .270 Locastro lf 5 1 2 0 0 1 .176 Through August 18
T—3:07. A—33,797 (40,000).
San Francisco (Webb 9-9) at Atlanta (Chirinos 5-5), 6:20 p.m. Torkelson 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .231 Alonso 1b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .221 BATTING
White Sox (Scholtens 1-5) at Colorado (Freeland 4-13), 7:10 p.m. Carpenter rf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .285 Lindor ss 5 2 2 1 0 0 .246 Padres 4, Diamondbacks 0
Alvarez c 3 1 1 1 2 0 .223 G AB R H BA
Arizona (Kelly 9-5) at San Diego (Darvish 8-8), 7:40 p.m. Cabrera dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .255 Arizona AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Arraez, MIA 116 454 51 164 .361
McKinstry ss-2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .234 McNeil rf 5 1 2 4 0 0 .259 Carroll rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .267
Miami (Pérez 5-4) at Dodgers (Urías 10-6), 8:10 p.m. Mendick 2b 5 0 1 0 0 1 .191 Freeman, LAD 120 477 102 160 .335
Maton 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .173 Marte 2b 2 0 0 0 2 1 .276 Acuña Jr., ATL 121 485 110 162 .334
a-Short ph-ss 2 0 0 0 0 2 .228 Ortega cf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .269 Pham lf 4 0 1 0 0 3 .245
Araúz 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .105 Bellinger, CHC 90 341 69 110 .323
Rogers c 4 1 2 1 0 0 .208 Walker 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .270 Stott, PHI 114 444 60 131 .295
Totals 34 4 8 4 3 10 Totals 40 7 13 7 3 7 Gurriel Jr. dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .258 Betts, LAD 114 447 98 132 .295
FRIDAY’S GAMES Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. St. Louis
Edman cf
0 0 1 .246
Peterson 3b
b-Kennedy ph
0 0 0 2 .167
0 0 0 1 .182
Harper, PHI 88 331 54 97 .293
Freeman 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .261 Yelich, MIL 119 457 86 132 .289
Palacios cf 1 0 1 1 0 0 .500 Thomas cf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .235

Brewers slip past

Ramírez 3b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .288 Thomas, WAS 121 484 83 138 .285
Laureano rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .167 Goldschmidt dh 4 0 0 0 1 3 .275 c-Lewis ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .174 Hoerner, CHC 112 469 71 133 .284
b-Kwan ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .273 Arenado 3b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .282 Moreno c 3 0 2 0 0 0 .273
RUNS: Acuña Jr., Atlanta, 110; Freeman, Los Angeles,
Gonzalez lf 4 0 1 2 0 1 .238 Motter 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .188 Perdomo ss 3 0 1 0 0 1 .269 102; Betts, Los Angeles, 98; Olson, Atlanta, 96; Riley, At-
Contreras c 3 0 1 0 1 0 .259 Totals 31 0 6 0 3 13 lanta, 89; Yelich, Milwaukee, 86; Carroll, Arizona, 85;

Rangers in opener
Calhoun dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 .289
Arias 1b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .197 O’Neill lf 3 0 2 0 1 0 .243 San Diego AB R H BI BB SO Avg. L.Thomas, Washington, 83; Lindor, New York, 76;
c-Giménez ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .243 Walker rf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .257 Kim 3b 4 1 1 2 0 0 .281 K.Marte, Arizona, 76.
Rocchio ss 3 0 0 0 1 3 .273 Baker 1b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .207 Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .268 RBI: Olson, Atlanta, 108; Alonso, New York, 91; Albies,
Naylor c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .181 a-Burleson ph-1b 1 1 0 0 1 1 .241 Soto lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .263 Atlanta, 90; Arenado, St. Louis, 84; Freeman, Los Ange-
Straw cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .238 Fermín 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .143 Machado dh 1 0 0 0 3 1 .248 les, 83; C.Walker, Arizona, 82; Betts, Los Angeles, 81;
Winn ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Bogaerts ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .267 J.Martinez, Los Angeles, 78; Schwarber, Philadelphia, 77;
W IR E R E P ORT S Totals 32 2 5 2 2 10
Totals 33 1 6 1 5 7 Riley, Atlanta, 77.
Cronenworth 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .229
Detroit 300 000 001—4 8 0 HITS: Arraez, Miami, 164; Acuña Jr., Atlanta, 162; Free-
New York 101 000 500—7 13 0 Sánchez c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .216 man, Los Angeles, 160; L.Thomas, Washington, 138; Ril-
Cleveland 100 000 001—2 5 0 1-Azocar pr 0 1 0 0 0 0 .236
ARLINGTON — Carlos Santana hit a go-ahead, a-struck out for Maton in the 6th. b-tripled for Laureano
St. Louis 000 000
a-struck out for Baker in the 6th.
001—1 6 0
Campusano c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .305
ey, Atlanta, 135; Hoerner, Chicago, 133; Betts, Los Ange-
les, 132; Castellanos, Philadelphia, 132; Yelich, Milwau-
in the 9th. c-popped out for Arias in the 9th.
three-run homer in the seventh inning to lead the E—Arias (6). LOB—Detroit 7, Cleveland 5. 2B—Torkelson LOB—New York 9, St. Louis 10. 2B—O’Neill (9), Palacios Cooper 1b 1 0 0 0 1 0 .217 kee, 132; Stott, Philadelphia, 131.
(1). HR—Nimmo (18), off Thompson; McNeil (6), off a-Gamel ph 1 1 1 0 0 0 .250 DOUBLES: Freeman, Los Angeles, 44; Candelario, Chica-
Milwaukee Brewers to a 9-8 win over the Texas Rang- (26), Cabrera (15), Baddoo (11), Ramírez (30). 3B—Kwan
(6). HR—Baddoo (8), off Williams; Rogers (15), off Mor- Naile. RBIs—Nimmo (51), McNeil 4 (45), Lindor (74), Al- Carpenter 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .165 go, 35; C.Walker, Arizona, 34; Betts, Los Angeles, 32; Acu-
ers in a matchup of division leaders Friday night. gan. RBIs—Baddoo (26), Carpenter (43), Cabrera (21), varez (45), Palacios (1).
Runners left in scoring position—New York 4 (Araúz, Men-
Grisham cf
0 0 0 .211
4 4 5
ña Jr., Atlanta, 29; Castellanos, Philadelphia, 29; Menes-
es, Washington, 29; L.Thomas, Washington, 29; Willi-
Rogers (37), Gonzalez 2 (10). SB—Torkelson (3). S—Bad-
The NL Central-leading Brewers rallied after the doo. dick, Lindor, Nimmo); St. Louis 6 (Walker 3, Goldschmidt,
Arizona 000 000 000—0 6 1
.Contreras, Milwaukee, 28; Yelich, Milwaukee, 28.
Burleson 2). RISP—New York 3 for 10; St. Louis 1 for 7. TRIPLES: Cronenworth, San Diego, 7; K.Marte, Arizona,
AL West-leading Rangers took a 4-3 lead in the sixth Runners left in scoring position—Detroit 6 (Cabrera, Car-
penter 2, McKinstry 2, Vierling); Cleveland 0. New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
San Diego 000 000 04x—4 4 0 7; Benson, Cincinnati, 6; Carroll, Arizona, 6; Hayes, Pitts-
on Adolis Garcia’s RBI single that scored Corey Seager Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Lucchesi, W, 2-0 5 2/3 4 0 0 2 5 84 3.54 a-singled for Cooper in the 8th. b-struck out for Peterson
in the 9th. c-struck out for Thomas in the 9th.
burgh, 6; Marsh, Philadelphia, 6; McCarthy, Arizona, 5;
Realmuto, Philadelphia, 5; 13 tied at 4.
Bickford, H, 1 1/3 0 0 0 1 1 9 9.72
from second. Milwaukee then went on to score six Skubal, W, 3-2
Holton, H, 8
6 3 1 1 1 7 88 3.76
2 0 0 0 1 2 19 1.69 Coonrod 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0.00
1-ran for Sánchez in the 8th. HOME RUNS: Olson, Atlanta, 43; Alonso, New York, 37;
E—Perdomo (4). LOB—Arizona 7, San Diego 4. 2B—Gur- Schwarber, Philadelphia, 32; Betts, Los Angeles, 31; Sol-
unanswered runs over the next two innings. Foley, S, 6-8 1 2 1 1 0 1 15 2.68 Santana 2 2 1 1 2 1 45 5.91
riel Jr. (26), Soto (26). HR—Tatis Jr. (20), off Castro. er, Miami, 30; Riley, Atlanta, 29; Muncy, Los Angeles, 28;
St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA RBIs—Kim 2 (44), Tatis Jr. 2 (65). CS—Kim (7), Moreno C.Walker, Arizona, 28; Albies, Atlanta, 28; Acuña Jr., At-
The Rangers (72-50) lost a series opener for the first Cleveland
Williams, L, 1-4
3 3 2 4 90 3.02 Thompson, L, 2-5 5 6 2 2 1 5 82 3.90 (1). S—Grisham. lanta, 27.
time in August. Herrin 1 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 22 5.19 Suárez 1 2 1 1 1 1 24 7.45 Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA STOLEN BASES: Acuña Jr., Atlanta, 55; Carroll, Arizona,
37; Abrams, Washington, 33; Hoerner, Chicago, 30; Kim,
Naile 3 5 4 4 1 1 50 9.64 Pfaadt 7 1 0 0 3 5 107 6.13
Guardians, Tigers split: Will Brennan hit a tie- Karinchak
1 1/3
0 0 1 2 22 3.72
1 1 0 2 20 3.42 T—2:43. A—42,076 (44,494). Castro, L, 5-6 1/3 3 4 4 0 0 8 5.19 San Diego, 27; McCarthy, Arizona, 26; Yelich, Milwaukee,
25; S.Marte, New York, 24; Friedl, Cincinnati, 23; Stott,
breaking two-run double in Cleveland’s four-run T—2:30. A—0 (34,788). Rockies 14, White Sox 1 Mantiply 2/3 0 0 0 1 0 14 6.65
Philadelphia, 23.
eighth inning, and the Guardians beat visiting Detroit Guardians 4, Tigers 1 (2nd game) Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Lugo 6 5 0 0 3 9 104 3.92
PITCHING: Strider, Atlanta, 14-4; Steele, Chicago, 13-3;
Gallen, Arizona, 13-5; T.Walker, Philadelphia, 13-5; Mor-
4-1 for a doubleheader split. In the opener, Miguel Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Andrus ss
Benintendi lf
3 1
0 0
0 .237
0 .269
Barlow 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 7.27 ton, Atlanta, 12-10; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 11-4; Mus-
Baddoo lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .224 Suarez, W, 2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 9 5.11 grove, San Diego, 10-3; J.Urías, Los Angeles, 10-6.
Cabrera drove in a run to tie Mel Ott for 11th place on a-Vierling ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .269 Robert Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .270
Hader 1 0 0 0 0 3 11 0.82
Vaughn 1b 2 0 1 0 1 0 .252
the career RBIs list as Detroit won 4-2. Greene dh
Torkelson 1b
1 0 0 2
0 0 1 1
.229 Moncada 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .226
T—2:29. A—40,945 (40,222).

Braves 4, Giants 0: Spencer Strider struck out 10 Carpenter rf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .282 Sheets dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .216 Orioles 9, Athletics 4
Ibáñez 2b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .241 Grandal c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .237
and allowed one hit in seven innings in becoming the b-Maton ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .173 Pérez c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .190
Rutschman c
1 3
0 1 0 .272 NOTEBOOK
first 14-game winner in the majors as Atlanta blanked Báez ss 4 0 2 0 0 0 .224 Thompson rf
Sosa 2b
0 0
0 0
1 .150
0 .127
Henderson ss 5 2 3 3 0 1 .242
McKinstry cf-lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .235 Santander rf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .248
visiting San Francisco for its third straight shutout. Short 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .230 Totals 29 1 4 1 1 5 Urías 3b 2 0 1 0 0 0 .254
Nationals 8, Phillies 7: CJ Abrams hit a three-run Haase c 1 0 0 0 1 0 .201 Colorado AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Mountcastle dh 5 1 1 1 0 0 .270 MLB has rescheduled
Totals 30 1 6 1 4 10 Blackmon rf 3 2 1 1 2 0 .275 O’Hearn 1b 5 1 2 0 0 2 .303
homer to cap a six-run fourth inning, and host Wash- Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Kauffmann p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Mullins cf 5 0 1 2 0 1 .253
three Sunday games in
ington beat Philadelphia, spoiling Michael Lorenzen’s Kwan lf 2 0 0 0 2 0 .272 Tovar ss 4 3 2 3 1 0 .264 Hays lf 5 1 2 0 0 1 .281 California because of the
Ramírez dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .286 McMahon 3b 3 3 1 3 2 0 .252 Frazier 2b-rf 5 2 1 1 0 0 .239
first start since throwing a no-hitter nine days earlier. Giménez 2b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .242 Trejo 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .248 Westburg 3b-2b 3 0 1 2 0 1 .264 forecast for Hurricane
Royals 4, Cubs 3: Bobby Witt Jr. hit a go-ahead Gonzalez rf 4 1 0 0 0 0 .231 Rodgers 2b
Jones lf
5 2 2 2 0 1 .231
4 1 1 2 1 0 .275
Totals 42 9 16 9 1 6 Hilary. The changes were
Laureano cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
homer, and Cole Ragans pitched six effective innings Calhoun 1b 3 1 2 0 1 0 .317 Díaz c 5 1 3 2 0 1 .264 Butler cf 5 0 2 0 0 2 .280 announced by the league
Profar dh 4 1 1 0 0 0 .238
to help visiting Kansas City end a three-game skid. Rocchio ss
Brennan cf-rf
1 1 0 3 .271
2 2 0 0 .254 a-Montero ph-1b 1 0 1 1 0 0 .208
Gelof 2b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .292 as Hurricane Hilary
Rooker dh 5 2 3 1 0 1 .246
Reds 1, Blue Jays 0: Christian Encarnacion-Strand Arias 3b 4 0 1 1 0 2 .198 Toglia 1b-rf 4 1 1 0 1 1 .164 Brown rf 5 0 2 2 0 0 .223 churned off Mexico’s
Doyle cf 4 0 0 0 1 1 .193
homered in the ninth inning, and host Cincinnati beat Collins c
1-Straw pr
1 0 2 0 1.000
0 0 0 0 .238 Totals 37 14 13 14 8 4
Diaz 3b
Soderstrom 1b
0 0
1 1
0 0 3
0 0 2
Pacific coast Friday as a
Toronto in a series opener between playoff contenders. Naylor c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Chicago 100 000 000—1 4 0 Kemp lf 3 0 2 1 0 0 .213 powerful Category 4
Totals 30 4 7 4 6 5
Red Sox 8, Yankees 3: Rookie Masataka Yoshida Colorado 500 403 11x—14 13 0 a-Ruiz ph-lf
Langeliers c
0 0
0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
Detroit 000 100 000—1 6 0 a-doubled for Profar in the 8th.
hit a three-run homer four batters into the game and Cleveland 000 000 04x—4 7 0 LOB—Chicago 2, Colorado 7. 2B—Rodgers (4), Profar Allen ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .201 Each of the games —
Totals 39 4 12 4 1 12
drove in four runs to lead Boston past host New York. a-struck out for Baddoo in the 7th. b-struck out for Ibáñez (25), Toglia (4), Montero (8). 3B—Rodgers (1). HR—An-
drus (4), off P.Lambert; Tovar (14), off Kopech; Díaz (12), Arizona at San Diego,
in the 8th. Baltimore 320 220 000—9 16 0
Mets 7, Cardinals 1: Brandon Nimmo hit a leadoff 1-ran for Collins in the 7th. off Kopech; McMahon (21), off Kopech. RBIs—Andrus
(34), Tovar 3 (56), Jones 2 (34), Díaz 2 (53), Blackmon Oakland 110 020 000—4 12 2 Tampa Bay at the Los
home run, Jeff McNeil had a three-run shot, and New LOB—Detroit 7, Cleveland 8. 2B—Ibáñez (18), Calhoun
(2), Brennan (20). RBIs—Ibáñez (22), Rocchio (5), Bren- (28), McMahon 3 (65), Rodgers 2 (9), Montero (21). a-struck out for Kemp in the 8th. Angeles Angels and Mi-
SB—Doyle (16), Díaz (1). E—Diaz (3), Soderstrom (1). LOB—Baltimore 8, Oakland
York beat host St. Louis for its third straight win. nan 2 (33), Arias (14). SB—Báez (11). CS—Arias (4).
Runners left in scoring position—Chicago 0; Colorado 4 9. 2B—Mullins (18), Hays 2 (29), Frazier (17), Rutschman ami at the Los Angeles
Rockies 14, White Sox 1: Ezequiel Tovar, Elias Runners left in scoring position—Detroit 3 (McKinstry, Vi- (McMahon, Doyle 3). RISP—Chicago 0 for 0; Colorado 6
for 18.
(21), Brown (12), Kemp (12), Rooker 2 (15). 3B—O’Hearn
(1). HR—Henderson (20), off Medina. RBIs—Mountcastle Dodgers — will now be
erling, Greene); Cleveland 4 (Giménez, Ramírez, Brennan,
Díaz and Ryan McMahon all homered, Peter Lambert Arias). RISP—Detroit 1 for 7; Cleveland 3 for 9. Runners moved up—Jones, Blackmon, Profar, Doyle. (56), Mullins 2 (52), Henderson 3 (59), Westburg 2 (14),
Frazier (51), Brown 2 (41), Kemp (23), Rooker (50).
played Saturday as part
threw seven innings, and host Colorado beat Chicago. Runners moved up—Baddoo, McKinstry.
DP—Colorado 2 (Toglia, Tovar, Toglia; Toglia, Tovar, To- SB—O’Hearn (4). SF—Westburg. of split doubleheaders.
Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NPERA glia). Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Padres 4, Diamondbacks 0: Fernando Tatis Jr. Wentz 5 4 0 0 2 3 836.62
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gibson, W, 12-7 5 9 4 4 0 6 95 4.97
capped San Diego’s four-run eighth inning with a Brieske, H, 2
Vasquez, H, 1
1 2/3 0 0 0 1 2 272.12
1/3 0 1 1 2 0 113.00
Kopech, L, 5-11 4 6 9 9 4 1 76 5.12 Baumann 1 2 0 0 1 1 21 3.58 LOS ANGELES ANGELS
Honeywell Jr. 2 4 3 3 2 1 43 7.36 Ci.Pérez 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.86
two-run homer, and the Padres beat visiting Arizona. Cisnero, L, 2-4, BS, 2-4 1 3 3 3 1 0 314.89
Cronin 1 1 1 1 1 0 18 7.71 Webb 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0.00 Nolan Schanuel was
Orioles 9, Athletics 4: Gunnar Henderson hit a Cleveland
81 3.24
Shaw 1 2 1 1 1 2 25 6.11 Cano 1 1 0 0 0 2 11 1.72 called up by the club, 40
two-run homer in the second inning and added an Sandlin 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 22 3.60
P.Lambert, W, 3-4
7 4
1 1 1 5 85 5.02 F.Pérez, L, 0-1 1 4 3 3 0 1 23 12.00 days after he was the 11th
RBI single as Baltimore defeated host Oakland. Hentges
De Los Santos, W, 5-2 1/3
1 0
23 5.24
4 2.84
Bruihl 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 13.50 Medina 3 5 4 3 0 1 50 5.44 overall pick in this year’s
Kauffmann 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 8.34 Muller 3 1/3 6 2 2 1 3 67 7.64
Twins 5, Pirates 1: Pablo López pitched six score- Clase, S, 33-42 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 3.09
T—2:17. A—35,249 (50,144). Scott 1 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 26 3.38 amateur draft.
T—2:44. A—31,556 (34,788).
less innings to send host Minnesota past Pittsburgh. T—2:56. A—8,942 (46,847). Wire reports


Peña seeks to rediscover plate prowess

By Matt Kawahara adjustment to a distinctive trol, and the less you move, ging percentage over 82 cognizant of breaking balls at-bats more. So I think
STA F F W RIT E R element of his hitting. the less you have to con- games since May 1. to the point he is late on finding consistent mechan-
“He’s definitely made a trol.” Peña did much of his fastballs. Peña’s average ex- ics was like the next step for
MIAMI — After his na- concerted effort to calm his Peña estimated he intro- damage last season against it velocity on fastballs is just him to get some of the re-
scent postseason last year, hands down,” Astros assis- duced the adjustment at the four-seam fastballs, slug- 87.5 mph compared to 90.1 sults that he wasn’t getting
Jeremy Peña is navigating tant hitting coach Jason end of July. He reached July ging .560 against the pitch. mph last season. His aver- early in the season.”
the trials of a second season Kanzler said. “He has kind 25 batting .232 with a .656 His run value against four- age on breaking pitches is Last year’s move to less-
in the majors. An eruption of that signature bat heli- OPS, the latter mark his seamers in 2022 was plus- two miles per hour higher en Peña’s leg kick and get
with the bat last October copter. He’s getting it over lowest since mid-April. In six, per Baseball Savant. but hasn’t translated to his front foot down earlier
made the Astros shortstop with a little earlier, and he’s 19 games heading into this Peña has been less produc- more hits. His overall was also aimed at getting
the first rookie position quieting it down. He wants weekend’s series against tive against four-seamers ground-ball rate has him to a good position and
player to earn World Series to be in a more consistent the Seattle Mariners, Peña this season with a .447 slug- jumped nearly seven per- offering more time to see
MVP honors and estab- position more often.” was 23-for-72 (.319) with a ging percentage and a mi- centage points. pitches. The kick is some-
lished a standard any hitter Peña will rotate his bat .410 on-base percentage. nus-five run value. He has “He was putting a lot of thing Peña can still work in
would struggle to replicate. before he loads, at times al- “I feel better,” Peña said. also done less damage good swings on breaking and could help him gener-
At 25, Peña is still a most laying it flat behind “I feel like I can get to a against sliders, slugging balls in the zone; he just ate power. Peña, though,
young hitter. His playoff him before bringing up his more consistent position to .293 against that pitch com- was almost always ground- said he is mostly eschewing
outburst helped propel hands to begin his hitting launch from, and I think pared to .478 last season. ing them to the shortstop,” the kick for now.
Houston to a title and out- motion. It’s a move Peña that’s the biggest thing right That comes coupled with Kanzler said. “So it’s not The adjustments under-
weighed his production be- said he has always done now.” some strides against slid- like it was this terrible score Peña’s continued ad-
fore or since. After 110 naturally for “having some The recent stretch for Pe- ers. Peña had a 36.3 percent problem. It’s just that he aptation as a major league
games last season, Peña kind of rhythm, some kind ña comes with caveats. His whiff rate and 25 percent needed to find a way to re- hitter. With his lineup at
owned a .248 average and of timing mechanism and batting average on balls in put-away rate facing sliders fine so those balls that he’s fuller strength, Baker has
.692 OPS. After 110 games being loose.” play the last 19 games is last year. Those are down to getting that can be hit hard, slotted Peña seventh or
this season, his numbers He is still doing that but .442, a pace that won’t be 33.8 and 19.5 percent this he can hit them hard and eighth more of late after a
appear similar: a .247 aver- said in recent weeks he has sustained. Just four of his 23 year. Overall, Peña is chas- put them somewhere in the stint in the second spot,
age and a .679 OPS. tried to make it a smaller hits in that span are for ex- ing slightly fewer pitches outfield.” where Peña thrived during
Reducing his front-leg movement, again paring tra bases, all doubles. Peña outside the zone and show- Deploying his swing his breakout postseason.
kick last September helped the amount of activity be- has not homered in his last ing a more selective ap- from a strong and reliable “These guys (pitchers),
send Peña on his ensuing fore he reaches a hitting po- 33 games, a span of 141 plate proach. His 22.3 percent position is one path toward they go to school on you,”
tear, simplifying the timing sition. appearances. strikeout rate is down from Peña’s potentially capitaliz- Baker said earlier this
and movements in his “I felt like it would give The drop-off in power 24.2 percent last year; his ing on progress he has month. “It’s hard to come
swing. His sophomore me a better chance of recog- from Peña is striking. Peña 6.7 percent walk rate is up made in approach and up to the big leagues and
campaign has restored the nizing pitches, seeing the hit 22 home runs as a rookie from 3.9 percent. preparation. just keep hitting, hitting,
reality of a challenging ball better,” Peña said. “I and ended this April with Astros manager Dusty “He’s making better deci- hitting. So he’s learning and
league. Amid it, Peña is at- feel like the more you move, six in 28 games. He has four Baker has suggested Peña sions,” Kanzler said. “He’s we’re going to help him
tempting another recent the more you have to con- home runs with a .336 slug- is “in between” this season, definitely commanding his learn.”

ASTROS Mariners 2, Astros 0

Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg.

Brantley eager
Rodríguez cf 5 1 4 1 0 0 .274
From page B1 Suárez 3b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .231
T.France 1b 5 0 0 0 0 2 .253
Raleigh c 4 0 0 0 0 3 .221
pitched well against us.

for rehab games

Hernández rf 4 0 3 0 0 1 .252
We’ve got to figure him out. Marlowe lf
Ford dh
0 0
1 1
0 .274
1 .219
Their pitching shut us out Caballero ss 2 0 0 0 1 0 .235
today. Our pitching was Rojas 2b
0 0
9 2
0 2 .182
1 11
good, too. … There’s not Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. By Matt Kawahara my routine of doing my
much you can say.” Altuve 2b
Bregman 3b
1 0
0 0
1 .318
0 .249
STAF F WRI TER weights in the training
The Astros had just one Alvarez lf 3 0 1 0 1 0 .279 room, stay on a rehab
at-bat with a runner in 1-Meyers pr
Diaz 1b
0 0
2 0
0 .227
0 .277
Outfielder Michael schedule to be strong and
scoring position until the Singleton dh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .143 Brantley said he is “ex- maintain everything I did
McCormick rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .285
ninth. Jose Altuve opened Peña ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .245 cited” about how he feels to get to this point.”
the inning with an infield Dubón cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .261 after two minor-league The Astros are initially
Maldonado c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .174
single, his 1,998th career Totals 30 0 4 0 1 3 rehab games as he at- having Brantley play
hit. Alex Bregman hit a po- Seattle 001 001 000—2 9 1 tempts to rejoin the As- every other day on his
tential double-play Houston 000
1-ran for Alvarez in the 9th.
000 000—0 4 3
tros from right shoulder assignment. Brantley has
groundball, but second E—Caballero (6), J.France (1), Peña (12), Graveman (1). surgery. played left field in both
LOB—Seattle 10, Houston 4. 2B—Hernández (23), Diaz
baseman Josh Rojas bob- (16). Brantley was at Minute games at Sugar Land.
bled his exchange. A HR—Rodríguez (21), off J.France; Ford (12), off J.France.
RBIs—Rodríguez (79), Ford (25). SB—Rodríguez 2 (32).
Maid Park on Friday and Manager Dusty Baker
passed ball sent Bregman Runners left in scoring position—Seattle 7 (T.France, Her- worked out with the said the team right now
nández, Raleigh 2, Caballero, Rojas 2); Houston 2 (Single-
to second. ton 2). Astros after playing is “satisfied with every
Yordan Alvarez reached RISP—Seattle 0 for 17; Houston 1 for 3.
Runners moved up—Marlowe 2.
Thursday night with other day” and could
on an infield single, moving GIDP—Diaz, Singleton. Triple-A Sugar Land. reevaluate “at some point
DP—Seattle 2 (Suárez, Caballero, T.France; Rojas,
Bregman to third. Yainer T.France). He’s scheduled to be back in time.”
Diaz, who struck two of the Seattle
Miller, W, 8-4
6 1/3 2 0 0 1 2 82 3.78
in the Sugar Land lineup The Astros have main-
Astros’ hits, grounded the Topa, H, 19 1 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 22 2.20 on Saturday. tained the possibility of
next pitch up the middle for Yi-Chin Lee/Staff photographer Muñoz, S, 7-9 1 2 0 0 0 0 11 2.70
The games are Bran- Brantley returning to
an inning-ending double Mariners starter Bryce Miller delivers a pitch J.France, L, 9-4 6 7 2 2 1 7 105 2.75 tley’s first since his previ- bolster the offense down
play. during the first inning Friday at Minute Maid Park. Graveman 1 0 0 0 0 1 18 2.08 ous minor-league rehab the stretch. Brantley hit
Urquidy 2 2 0 0 0 3 30 5.21
Houston’s best chance Miller allowed two hits, had two strikeouts and a Inherited runners-scored—Topa 1-0. assignment was cut short .288 with a .785 OPS in 64
before that arrived in the walk in 6 1⁄3 innings as he improved to 8-4. HBP—J.France (Caballero). PB—Raleigh (3).
Umpires—Home, Alex MacKay; First, Bruce Dreckman;
in early May. games before his injury
fourth. Alvarez drew a Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Mark Wegner. “I’m doing well, feeling last season, after being
T—2:34. A—38,060 (41,000).
two-out walk from Miller field single in the ninth and half below the zone. And well, recovering well so named an All-Star in
and Diaz lined a double off has13 hits over his last three unfortunately here, right far,” Brantley said. “My 2021.
the left-field wall. Miller games. He is the youngest field and left field doesn’t his last nine outings includ- timing at the plate is In his two rehab
struck out Jon Singleton on player in MLB history to exactly hold the ball well.” ing one relief appearance. better than I probably games, Brantley has two
a backdoor slider to end the have that many hits in a Ford nearly went around expected.” hits in seven at-bats. He
inning. In a matchup of three-game span. on a check-swing with two Diaz’s day Brantley last played in struck a home run Tues-
rookie righthanders, Miller “It’s tough to get hitters strikes before the homer Diaz drew his first start the majors last June and day in his first game with
outdueled J.P. France with out; it’s especially tough but was ruled to have held at first base since June 11. had right shoulder sur- Sugar Land but down-
6 1⁄3 scoreless innings. when they’re hot like that,” up. France was diplomatic With José Abreu sidelined gery last August. He played any significance of
“They’re getting strike France said. “And then he’s when asked about the call. by back inflammation, the began a rehab assign- that result.
one, not walking people,” just a really good hitter. “It was a tough one,” he Astros had started Single- ment in late April and “I just care about con-
Baker said. “They’re a good First at-bat, it was a1-0 fast- said. “The bat was definite- ton at first base in seven played in nine games sistency of swing and just
pitching staff. So you’ve ball in a good spot that he ly out there, but his wrist straight games. Singleton before having a setback. having good at-bat,”
just got to give them credit pulled. Then the third AB, didn’t break. … Do I want it, served as DH on Friday. One ensuing attempt to Brantley said.
for shutting us down.” put the slider where I want- yes. Was it there, I’m not Hesitation to use Diaz at ramp up Brantley’s work-
The Astros had won ed to, he capped it, he didn’t entirely sure.” first seems to stem from his load led to his being shut Illness keeps
eight straight games with hit it super-hard. But I France has authored 12 defense. He handled the down from baseball activ- Tucker out
France on the mound. mean, he did his job, I did quality starts for Houston. lone groundball hit to him ities again in early July.
France offered a chance to my job. That’s just how it Friday’s found him often Friday but was also on the The stop-and-start has Right fielder Kyle
extend the streak with six fell.” working out of the stretch. receiving end of two errant extended Brantley’s hia- Tucker was scratched
strong innings. A raft of This series carries divi- Seattle saw its leadoff hitter pickoff throws, one each tus beyond the one-year from the Astros’ lineup
baserunners against him sional consequence. Hous- reach base in each of its first from France and Kendall mark of the arthroscopic due to illness for Friday’s
produced two runs. Two ton entered 2 1⁄2 games back five innings. Rodríguez, on Graveman. Hernández ad- labral surgery he un- series opener against the
swings did damage against of the first-place Rangers. his home run, was the only vanced to second base on derwent last August. Mariners.
him. Seattle entered six back but one to score. France’s throw, and Rodrí- Having reached the re- Tucker was in Hous-
Julio Rodríguez, the streaking. The Mariners France finished four of guez went first-to-third on hab-games stage of his ton’s original lineup but
Mariners’ scorching lead- arrived at Minute Maid his innings with strikeouts Graveman’s as Diaz ran to recovery once already, “came in sick” to Minute
off man, singled to begin Park with the second-best and stranded multiple run- retrieve the ball. Neither Brantley said, has not led Maid Park, Baker said.
the game. France struck record in the majors since ners in three frames. He eventually scored. to any wariness about the Tucker entered Friday
out the next three batters. It July 1 at 28-13. The Astros navigated some hard con- Diaz struck the two process this time. leading the American
started a theme. France had the fourth-best mark tact against him while hardest-hit balls in play al- “No, it’s the same League with 92 RBIs and
dodged traffic through his in that span at 25-15. striking out seven; Seattle lowed by Miller, a 108.2 thing,” Brantley said. third among qualified AL
outing, holding Seattle hit- averaged a 93.4 mph exit mph single in the second “Just make sure I stay on hitters in OPS (.903).
less over11at-bats with run- Quality from France velocity on 18 balls put into inning and a109.2 double in
ners in scoring position. He This marked just the sec- play. the fourth.
could not dodge two blasts. ond time in 16 major-league “It was kind of a weird
Rodríguez sent a 414-foot starts that France has al- day today,” France said. Urquidy appears
moonshot onto the train lowed multiple home runs. “Stuff didn’t feel the best, José Urquidy sat in the
tracks in the third inning. Rodríguez’s homer in the how it’s been probably the bullpen for the game’s first
He singled in the fifth for third was the first against past couple outings, so it seven innings before work-
his ninth hit in as many at- France since July 5 and end- was definitely more of a ing the final two for Hous-
bats, matching a Mariners ed a stretch of 37 2⁄3 homer- grind. But … when my stuff ton in relief. The righthand-
record. An Eugenio Suárez less innings worked by the didn’t feel the best is when I er started last Sunday but
single gave Seattle two on rookie righthander. Ford ended up getting more was not slated to start in
with no outs. Neither ad- homered in an eight-pitch strikeouts, as opposed to this series with Framber
vanced further as France at-bat in the sixth. days that I can put the ball Valdez and Hunter Brown
retired his next three bat- “The one to Julio … was a wherever I want to and I’ll pitching the next two
ters. backup cutter,” France get three to four.” games.
Zero run support gave said. “And then the one to France emerged from Baker noted postgame
France a razor-thin margin Ford, that was a battle of an the outing with a 2.75 ERA the Astros just began a
for error. He crossed it on AB. … It’s where I wanted on the season. He entered stretch of 13 games in 13
his 100th pitch. Ford got a to throw it. I threw one with the second-lowest days and said Urquidy was
low curveball and lofted it (curveball) below the zone, ERA among American used for “bullpen preserva-
into the right-field seats. he didn’t chase. And then League starters with at tion.” Urquidy worked two
France departed after six he was fouling all the ones least 100 innings after only scoreless innings with two Yi-Chin Lee/Staff photographer
innings in a 2-0 deficit. in the zone and I got that Texas’ Nathan Eovaldi. hits allowed and three Starting pitcher J.P. France delivers a pitch against
Rodríguez added an in- one probably a ball and a France has a 1.98 ERA over strikeouts. the Mariners during the first inning Friday.

[ ]
Aug. 5 Aug. 7
Aug. 10 (ET) (Australia wins on pks, 7-6)
Tuesday WOMEN’S WORLD CUP Wednesday
Aug. 5 5 a.m. Sunday at Stadium Australia, (England wins on pks, 4-2)
SWEDEN 2 Sydney, Australia, Fox 1 COLOMBIA Aug. 7
Aug. 11 Aug. 12 1 COLOMBIA
(Sweden wins on pks, 5-4)
Aug. 8
Aug. 6 3 a.m. Saturday at Brisbane (Australia) Stadium, Fox

Spain, England fighting a familiar battle

was “too woke.” of the women’s World
Resignations by coach Cup, navigating a field of
Vlatko Andonovski on 32 teams on the other side
Thursday and general of the world.
manager Kate Markgraf One hopes Spain’s team
on Friday served as a also feels empowered.
reminder that the team’s Spain has had one of the
failures were almost exclu- roughest journeys, after 15
ANN KILLION sively about tactics and players voiced their un-
C OMME NTA RY personnel. The Amer- happiness with the pro-
icans’ worst-ever finish at gram last year and and 12
The World Cup final a World Cup, bounced in players said they would
between Spain and En- the Round of 16, came boycott World Cup selec-
gland is a battle between because of misguided tion. Their concerns in-
two teams that have never team selection and strate- cluded coach Jorge Vilda’s
won a World Cup — two gy. tactics and his dictatorial
European teams that have That performance was treatment — questioning
never even been in a final eerily familiar to the lack- players about who they
before this. luster showing at the spent time with, checking
They share another Tokyo Olympics, but with- their personal purchases
trait. Both Spain and En- out the weirdness of the and demanding they leave
gland are highly motivated pandemic to blame. Ando- their hotel doors unlocked
by feeling undervalued novski steered both ef- at night. After the players
and diminished by their forts, his only two coach- expressed concerns about
federations. They are ing stints at a major tour- Abbie Parr/Associated Press mental health, the feder-
teams that have been nament. His resignation England’s rise to its first Women’s World Cup final comes at a time when the ation hit back, fully back-
fighting for better treat- was not a surprise. Lionesses have also been fighting for equity with their male counterparts. ing Vilda (whose father
ment, to be heard and U.S. Soccer has a tall was entrenched in Span-
valued. task now, finding the right tant under both Pia Sund- competition and is reaping speed of development, but ish football), and telling
Sound familiar? It coach to guide the team hage and Jill Ellis. Laura the fruits of that devel- the U.S. team’s mission the players they must ask
should. That was the U.S. into a new era, and doing Harvey, who finished opment: Having never and message continues to for forgiveness; treatment
team back in 2019, having it quickly. The Paris Olym- second in the running to made a World Cup prior inspire. the players described as
entered the World Cup pics begin next July and Andonovski in 2019, cur- to 2015, Spain’s third con- “They have been pio- “infantilizing.”
just weeks after filing an while the Olympic tourna- rently coaches the OL secutive trip is culminat- neers, raising the game Only three players
equal pay lawsuit against ment is not seen as being Reign of the NWSL. ing in the final. and opening doors for the returned, so 12 of Spain’s
its own federation. The as important as the World Whoever takes the job In England, women’s rest of the world,” Swed- most talented players are
players were embattled, Cup, it is always an impor- will step into a changed football was banned for ish captain Kosovare Asl- missing this run and may
angry and galvanized. tant test for the Amer- world, as evidenced by the much of the 20th century. lani said on the RE-CAP never play for the national
“It was the great moti- icans, who last won gold rise of Spain and England. Even as recently as the show, adding “don’t talk team again. The conflict
vator,” Christen Press said in 2012. Both teams are from tradi- 2012 London Olympics, I s— about the American has made many feel quea-
on her YouTube RE-CAP Everyone’s top choice tional men’s soccer pow- recall local commentators team.” sy about rooting for the
show. “We don’t win equal would be Sarina Wieg- ers, with federations and mocking the idea of wom- England has been in a fabulous Spanish team, as
pay unless we win the man, the best coach in the corresponding football en playing and anyone fight for performance the federation and Vilda
World Cup. And I wonder world. The Dutch-born cultures that ignored and buying tickets to watch. bonuses but prior to the will likely feel fully vindi-
if we win the World Cup if coach guided the Nether- belittled the women’s They were quickly muted World Cup the team post- cated in their tactics if
we’re not fighting for lands to the European game for years, stunting as the English team ed a message on social Spain prevails.
equal pay.” championship in 2017, the its growth and devel- packed stadiums. media saying it would The U.S. team has been
Those parallel missions World Cup final in 2019 opment. But in recent Premier League teams pause discussions to focus missing from the World
galvanized the team in and now as coach of En- years, fueled by the in- have invested money, on competition, adding, Cup for the past couple of
2019, as their aspirations gland, has won another vestment of both nations’ creating the Women’s “We are disappointed that weeks, but their influence
were belittled by the men European championship robust professional Super League, and are a resolution has not been is still felt. Players around
who run U.S. Soccer, the and has her team in an- leagues, the depth of talent seeing results: England achieved.” the world are fighting for
then-president of the other World Cup final. and skill has exploded. won the European Cham- Defender Lucy Bronze what they deserve. They
United States and Fox The head of England’s Spain’s rise has been pionships last year and all said the players were have learned a lot from the
News. Football Association said fueled mainly by Barcelo- but three on the current feeling “empowered.” And Americans.
Some have wondered if that the federation will na’s investment in its roster play in the WSL. they should be. The En- Now the Americans
the absence of that anger reject any overtures to- women’s team. Barcelona But growth hasn’t creat- glish men won the World need to learn from the rest
and purpose, having set- ward Wiegman, who is has won two of the past ed equity. And that’s Cup in the eighth iteration of the world and catch up
tled their equal pay case under contract until 2025. three Champions Leagues where the American influ- of the event, as hosts in on the field.
last year, hurt the U.S. Other potential candi- and nine of the 23 mem- ence still is a potent force. 1966, a tournament of just
team this summer. That’s dates include Australia bers of Spain’s team play Other countries may be 16 teams. The powerhouse Ann Killion is a columnist
way too simplistic, as coach Tony Gustavsson, a for Barcelona. Spain has outpacing the United English women are in the for the San Francisco Chron-
naive as saying the team highly regarded U.S. assis- been dominating youth States in terms of skill and final of the ninth iteration icle.


Women’s 100-meter dash race to watch

By Eddie Pells Two years after being de- retain global relevance Let’s “sit down and actu-
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS nied a spot in the Olympics since Usain Bolt exited six ally come up with a strategy
after testing positive for years ago. as athletes to create a voice
BUDAPEST, Hungary marijuana, Richardson will When Richardson, with for ourselves,” Richardson
— When she stamped her line up at her first major her orange hair flowing be- implored her fellow ath-
name on the long, illustri- competition when the 100- hind her, streaked across letes in a post from earlier
ous list of American sprint meter heats start Sunday. the finish line first at Olym- this summer.
champions earlier this The meet itself begins Sat- pic trials in 2021, the sport It goes without saying
summer, Sha’Carri Rich- urday with the early round appeared on the cusp of that her platform is bigger if
ardson also set the stakes of the men’s 100, where welcoming a new, colorful she lands on podiums, and
for the year ahead of her Fred Kerley defends his ti- star. Her positive test for that is happening more fre-
and the rest of the fast pack tle and a strong roster of marijuana quashed those quently these days. Much
of 100-meter runners she’s American runners try to hopes, then sparked an in- was made of Jackson run-
going against. repeat last year’s podium tense debate about whether ning her world-leading
“I’m not back. I’m bet- sweep. she was being unfairly sin- 10.65 at the Jamaican cham-
ter,” she declared. In many ways, this year’s gled out for taking a sub- pionships only a day after
Whether that is good meet is a preview of what to Ashley Landis/Associated Press stance that doesn’t improve Richardson had, herself,
enough to win gold medals expect when many of the Sha’Carri Richardson, right, won the women’s 100 performance. set the standard for 2023
starting this week at the same athletes take to the dash at the U.S. Track and Field Championships. Ultimately, the adminis- with a10.71at her own coun-
world championships, then track at the Stade de France trators who write the anti- try’s nationals.
again less than 12 months in Paris. Missing, however, tentially Fraser-Pryce) as body, to the point of saying, doping rulebook kept mari- That, plus Richardson’s
from now at the Paris will be one of the sport’s six-time champions in their ‘Oh, wow’ — because of the juana on the banned list, status as a rookie on the
Olympics, comes down to brightest stars. Sydney event. level of all the sprinters is saying its use cut against world’s biggest stage, could
whether she can finish in McLaughlin-Levrone, who The women’s 100 record out that are running so the spirit of sport. It’s a play into why she is listed as
front of defending and five- skipped the 400-meter — a 35-year-old mark of fast.” stance that places Olympic only the fourth favorite to
time world champion hurdles this season to run 10.49 owned by the late Just as the 100 — and the sports in a different light win the 100, at 9-2, behind
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce in the 400 flat, withdrew Florence Griffith-Joyner — 200, which takes place next than American pro Jackson, Ta Lou and Fra-
and the Jamaican’s team- from the worlds because of has been thought to be in week — will not only be leagues, which generally ser-Pryce, who dealt with a
mate, Shericka Jackson. a nagging knee injury. Her jeopardy ever since Jamai- about Richardson, the 23- have much looser regula- knee injury this spring but
Jackson has the world’s target is Paris, though it’s ca’s Elaine Thompson ran year-old Richardson is not tions on marijuana use. ran 10.82 last month.
best time this year (10.65 still a mystery as to which 10.54 in 2021, about two only about running. Richardson, who was And yet, so many eyes
seconds), but has lost to events she’ll run. weeks after winning her She is a fashion icon, a vocal about the depression will be on the American.
Richardson in their only This year, a familiar cast second Olympic title. voice for the growing she felt after the loss of her When she beat Jackson to
two head-to-head match- threatens the record books: Griffith-Joyner’s hus- awareness about mental- mother in 2021, took more the line by .02 seconds at a
ups in 2023. Fraser-Pryce is Ryan Crouser in shot put, band, coaching great Al health issues in sports and than 12 months to recover Diamond League race in
trying to match pole vaulter Mondo Duplantis in pole Joyner, said he’s noticed has tried to assert herself as her form on the track after Poland last month, Rich-
Sergey Bubka’s record for vault and Faith Kipyegon in sprinters studying Flo-Jo’s a leader for track athletes, missing the Olympics. ardson sounded ready for
world titles in one individu- both the 1,500 and 5,000 old videos, looking for many of whom have long When she reemerged earli- what is to come — over the
al event. Also in the mix is meters have already set clues. felt underpaid and under- er this year, she could be next week, and potentially
Marie-Josée Ta Lou of the world records in 2023. Also, “It may click where they appreciated. Mostly, found on social media, try- the next year.
Ivory Coast, who joins Poland’s Pawel Fajdek has execute right and you’re go- though, she is a lightning ing to engage U.S. athletes “I just want to keep lin-
Richardson and Jackson as won five straight titles in ing to see somebody go rod. Her story serves as a to band together to fight for ing up, keep perfecting my
the three women to crack the hammer throw and 10.48 or 10.3,” Joyner said. litmus test for fans of a improved working condi- craft and keep going,” she
10.8 this year. could join Bubka (and po- “It’s going to click for some- sport that has struggled to tions. said.


GOLF SCOREBOARD ON THE AIR Kiira Riihijarvi...................................................77a-77b—154
Emma Talley...................................................74b-80a—154
Tiffany Arafi ....................................................76b-79a—155
Becky Brewerton ............................................72b-83a—155
Odds Television Sofia Garcia.....................................................75a-80b—155
Home team capitalized Sara Kouskova ................................................76a-79b—155
Auto racing NASCAR Cup: USA 11:30 a.m.
MLB Sydnee Michaels.............................................76a-79b—155
Qualifying Kristyna Napoleaova......................................78a-77b—155
Saturday Yuri Onishi .......................................................79b-76a—155
American League
Auto racing NASCAR Xfinity: Race USA 2:30 p.m. Lisa Pettersson................................................81a-74b—155
Baseball LLWS: Bayamo, Cuba ESPN 11 a.m. Valery Plata.....................................................78b-77a—155
vs. Sydney, Australia Agathe Sauzon ...............................................78a-77b—155
N.Y YANKEES -180 Boston +152
Jennifer Song ..................................................79b-76a—155
CLEVELAND -164 Detroit +138 Baseball LLWS: Gray, Maine ESPN 1 p.m. Michele Thomson...........................................76a-79b—155
HOUSTON -162 Seattle +136 vs.
Tampa Bay -130 at LA ANGELS +110 Holes-in-one
Media, Pa. Name, course, yard, hole, club
Baseball LLWS: ESPN 3 p.m. Chilli Lin, The Woodlands, 68, 14, 9 iron
National League Jack McAlister, High Meadow Ranch, 138, 11, 8 iron
Brno, Czech Rep. vs.
Philadelphia -176 at WASHINGTON +148
Regina, Soccer
ST. LOUIS -148 N.Y Mets +126 Saskatchewan MLS
San Francisco -120 at ATLANTA +102 Baseball LLWS: ESPN 5 p.m.
Henderson, Nev.
LA DODGERS -205 Miami +172 W L T Pts GF GA
at New Albany, Ohio Cincinnati 15 2 6 51 39 25
Interleague Basketball Exhibition: Germany Fox 11 a.m. New England 12 4 7 43 42 28
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE vs. Greece Philadelphia 12 7 4 40 39 26
CHICAGO CUBS -200 Kansas City +168 Nashville 11 8 5 38 31 22
TEXAS -152 Milwaukee +128 Basketball Big3: Semifinals CBS noon Orlando City 10 6 7 37 34 28
Charles Rex Arbogast/Associated Press Toronto -154 at CINCINNATI +130 CFL Montreal at Ottawa CBSSN 6 p.m. Columbus 10 7 6 36 45 33
MINNESOTA -178 Pittsburgh +150 Atlanta 9 7 8 35 42 39
Max Homa watches his bunker shot next to No. 15 Golf World-LPGA: Golf 7:30 a.m.
Chicago White Sox -134 at COLORADO +114 Chicago 8 7 8 32 31 31
World Invitational
during the second round at Olympia Fields. D.C. United 8 10 6 30 32 34
Baseball Golf PGA: Golf noon CF Montréal 9 12 2 29 22 32
Minor leagues BMW Championship CBS 2 p.m. New York 6 9 8 26 22 26

Homa sets mark,

Charlotte FC 6 9 8 26 30 40
Golf USGA: Golf 2 p.m. New York City FC 5 8 11 26 25 30
AAA Pacific Coast League
U.S Men's Amateur NBC 3 p.m. Toronto FC 3 11 10 19 18 33
East W L Pct. GB
Round Rock (Texas) 26 17 .605 1
Golf PGA Champions: Golf 3 p.m. Inter Miami CF 5 14 3 18 22 36

leads BMW by 2
x-Oklahoma City (L.A. Dodgers) 24 19 .558 3 Shaw Charity Classic WESTERN CONFERENCE
Albuquerque (Colorado) 21 22 .488 5 Horse racing Saratoga Live: FS2 noon W L T Pts GF GA
El Paso (San Diego) 21 22 .488 6 Alabama FS2 5 p.m. Saint Louis City SC 13 8 2 41 43 27
Sugar Land (Houston) 14 29 .326 12 Los Angeles FC 10 6 7 37 34 25
Stakes Day
West W L Pct. GB Real Salt Lake 10 7 7 37 35 34
Horse racing Saratoga Live: Fox 2 p.m.
W IR E R EP ORT S closing with five pars. He Las Vegas (Oakland) 26 16 .619 —
Alabama Stakes
Austin FC
10 8 6 36
9 9 5 32
Tacoma (Seattle) 26 17 .605 —
still played a solid round Reno (Arizona) 22 20 .524 4 MLB Boston FS1 noon San Jose 8 7 8 32 28 29
Vancouver 8 7 7 31 38 32
OLYMPIA FIELDS, off the tee and from the Salt Lake (L.A. Angels)
Sacramento (San Francisco)
at N.Y. Yankees FC Dallas 8 9 6 30 25 26
Ill. — Max Homa was fairway, a good recipe for Note: x — denotes first-half winner MLB Milwaukee at Texas BSSW, FS1 3 p.m. Houston 8 10 5 29 26 31
MLB Seattle at Astros ATTSW 6 p.m. Minnesota United 7 8 7 28 26 30
aware of the course re- an Olympia Fields course Thursday’s results
Round Rock 6, Sugar Land 3 Sporting Kansas City 6 11 8 26 31 36
In Spanish ATTSW2
cord at Olympia Fields, that has been drenched Salt Lake 9, Oklahoma City 5
Albuquerque 9, El Paso 5 MLB N.Y. Mets at MLB 6 p.m.
LA Galaxy
6 9 8 26
5 10 7 22
and not just because of by rain and is slowly Las Vegas 7, Reno 3 St. Louis Colorado 3 10 10 19 16 30
Tacoma 9, Sacramento 0
how well he was playing drying out. Friday’s results MLB Tampa Bay MLB 10 p.m.* Note: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
Sunday’s games
Friday in the BMW “Today was one of Round Rock 8, Sugar Land 3 at L.A. Angels Cincinnati at Columbus, 6:30 p.m.
Oklahoma City 6, Salt Lake 1 MMA UFC 292: Undercard ESPN 7 p.m. D.C. United at New York, 6:30 p.m.
Championship. He hap- those days where I shot 4 El Paso 7, Albuquerque 5 Minnesota at New York City FC, 6:30 p.m.
Sacramento 4, Tacoma 2 NFL Preseason: NFL noon
pened to see a video under but it certainly Las Vegas at Reno, late Jacksonville
CF Montréal at Toronto FC, 6:30 p.m.
Orlando City at Chicago, 7:30 p.m.
board just as it flashed a could have been lower Saturday’s games
Round Rock at Sugar Land, 7:05 p.m.
at Detroit Portland at Houston, 7:30 p.m.
Austin FC at Saint Louis City SC, 8:30 p.m.
message that Chris Kirk than that with all the Oklahoma City at Salt Lake, 7:35 p.m. NFL Preseason: Miami KTRK, NFL 3 p.m. Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, 9:30 p.m.
El Paso at Albuquerque, 7:35 p.m. at Texans
was challenging the birdie looks that I had,” Las Vegas at Reno, 8:35 p.m.
Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 9:30 p.m.
Atlanta at Seattle, 9:30 p.m.
NFL Preseason: Chicago NFL 6 p.m.
course record of 63. Kirk said. “But I certainly Tacoma at Sacramento, 8:37 p.m.
at Indianapolis
San Jose at Vancouver, 9:30 p.m.
Express 8, Space Cowboys 3 New England at Nashville, postponed
“Just randomly saw would have taken it at the NFL Preseason: Dallas NFL 9 p.m. FC Dallas at Philadelphia, postponed
Express 000 002 400 — 6 7 2 Charlotte FC at Miami, postponed
that today, and then I had start of the day. I'd gladly Sugar Land 002 100 000 — 3 4 0 at Seattle
to think about it,” Homa take two more of them.” W: Winn (7-6). L: Kuhnel (1-1). Soccer Women's World Cup Fox 4 a.m.* NWSL
Sugar Land: Bielak, Endersby (6), Kuhnel (7), Record (8), (third place): W L T Pts GF GA
said. Homa was at 10-under Cousins (9). Round Rock: Kent, Lee (3), Winn (4), Rodri-
Australia vs. Sweden North Carolina 8 5 2 26 21 13
Homa broke the record 130. guez (7), Speas (9).
Soccer Scottish Cup: CBSSN 6:30 a.m.
Gotham FC
7 4 4
7 4 4
25 34
25 17
even with two bogeys, Greenock Morton OL Reign 7 5 3 24 23 18
Little League World Series
making 10 birdies in his Steen leads At Williamsport, Pa.
at Glasgow Rangers
Premier: USA 9 a.m.
San Diego
6 3 6
6 6 3
24 22
21 21
round of 8-under 62 that World invite Double elimination
Louisville 4 4 7 19 19 16
Thursday’s results Orlando 6 8 1 19 15 21
gave him a two-shot lead Game 5: Willemstad (Curaçao) 2, Sydney (Australia) 1 at Liverpool Houston 4 5 6 18 10 12
over Kirk (66) going into American player Ma- Game 6: Seattle (Wash.) 10, Gray (Maine) 0
Game 7: Taoyuan (Chinese Taipei) 6, Regina (Saskatche-
Soccer Bundesliga: Cologne ABC 11 a.m. Angel City
4 6 5
5 9 1
17 18
16 19
the weekend of the FedEx rissa Steen scored 1-under wan) 0 at Borussia Kansas City 5 10 0 15 17 26
Game 8: El Segundo (Calif.) 4, New Albany (Ohio) 3 Dortmund
Cup postseason event 72 to take a one-shot lead Friday’s results Soccer Serie A: Napoli CBSSN 11:30 a.m.
Note: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
Friday’s result
that determines who goes at the halfway stage of Game 9: Maracaibo (Venezuela) 4, Santiago de Veraguas at Frosinone Kansas City 1, OL Reign 0
(Panama) 3 Saturday’s games
to Tour Championship. the ISPS Handa World Game 10: Nolensville (Tenn.) 8, Smithfield (R.I.) 1 Soccer Premier: NBC 11:30 a.m. Angel City at Louisville, 6:30 p.m.
That's more an issue Invitational on the LPGA Game 11: Tokyo (Japan) 6, Tijuana (Mexico) 1
Game 12: Needville (Texas) 6, Fargo (N.D.) 2
Manchester United Washington at Houston, 7:30 p.m.
Gotham FC at San Diego, 9 p.m.
at Tottenham
for Kirk than Homa, who Tour in Ballymena, Saturday’s games Sunday’s games
Game 13: Bayamo (Cuba) vs. Sydney (Australia), 11 a.m. Soccer Serie A: Monza CBSSN 1:45 p.m. Chicago at Orlando, 6 p.m.
already has two wins this Northern Ireland. Game 14: Media (Pa.) vs. Gray (Maine), 1 p.m. at Inter Milan North Carolina at Portland, 9:30 p.m.
season and is assured of Steen started what was Game 15: Brno (Czech Republic) vs. Regina (Saskatche-
wan), 3 p.m.
Soccer USL: Las Vegas ESPN2 6:30 p.m.
being among the 30 who a very gusty day at 2 Game 16: Henderson (Nev.) vs. New Albany (Ohio), 5 at Detroit Tennis
p.m. Soccer USL: Monterey Bay BSSW 8 p.m.
go to East Lake. Not so under, made two bogeys Western & Southern Open
at San Antonio
for Kirk, who delivered a and three birdies for her Friday’s results

heartwarming win at the round of 72, and moved Basketball Soccer USL: New Mexico ESPN2 8:30 p.m. At Cincinnati

WNBA at San Diego Men’s singles

Honda Classic but is on to the top of the leader- EASTERN W L Pct GB
Softball Athletes Unlimited ESPN2 11 a.m. Quarterfinals
Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, def. Alexei Popyrin, Australia,
the bubble at No. 29 to board with a total of 3 x-New York 25 7 .781 — Tennis ATP-WTA: Western Tennis 11 a.m. 6-1, 7-6 (8).
Connecticut 21 10 .677 3½ & Southern Open Tennis 6 p.m.
reach the FedEx Cup under, ahead of Germa- Atlanta 16 16 .500 9
Carlos Alcaraz (1), Spain, def. Max Purcell, Australia, 4-6,
6-3, 6-4.
Track & field World CNBC 4 a.m.
finale. ny’s Esther Henselei,t Washington 15 16 .484 9½
Championships CNBC noon Women’s singles
Chicago 12 19 .387 12 ½
Kirk never really chal- who shot a 71 at Castle- Indiana 8 24 .250 17 CNBC 2:30 a.m. (Sun.) Quarterfinals
lenged the course record, rock. WESTERN W L Pct GB Track & field World NBC 1:30 p.m. Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. Marketa Vondrousova (10),
Czech Republic, 7-6 (3), 6-1.
x-Las Vegas 28 3 .903 — Championships Karolina Muchova, Czech Republic, def. Marie Bouzkova,
Dallas 17 14 .548 11
Minnesota 15 16 .484 13
WNBA Los Angeles ABC 2 p.m. Czech Republic, 3-0, ret.
at Las Vegas Coco Gauff (7), United States, def. Jasmine Paolini, Italy,
Los Angeles 12 18 .400 15 ½
AROUND SPORTS Seattle 9 22 .290 19 *Joined in progress
6-3, 6-2.

Phoenix 9 22 .290 19 Transactions

Needville tops N.D.
x-clinched playoff spot
Thursday’s result MLB Seattle at Astros 740 AM**, 790 AM 6 p.m.
Las Vegas 88, New York 75 MLB
In Spanish 93.3 FM, 1010 AM
Friday’s results MLB: Suspended San Francisco manager Gabe Kapler for
Dallas 95, Connecticut 75 MiLB Round Rock 92.5 FM 7 p.m. one game and fined an undisclosed amount for returning

to stay unbeaten at Space Cowboys

Washington 83, Indiana 79 to the dugout following his ejection during an August 15
Atlanta 78, Chicago 67 game against Tampa Bay.
New York 85, Phoenix 63 NFL Preseason: Miami 610 AM, 100.3 FM 3 p.m. American League
Minnesota 78, Seattle 70 at Texans CHICAGO WHITE SOX: Placed OF/DH Eloy Jimenez on
Saturday’s games In Spanish 101.1 FM the paternity list. Recalled INF Lenyn Sosa from Charlotte
Los Angeles at Las Vegas, 2 p.m. (IL).
STA F F AND WIRE RE P ORT S NFL NFL Preseason: Dallas 97.5 FM 8:30 p.m. CLEVELAND GUARDIANS: Designated LHP Daniel Norris
at Seattle
Clowney reaches Football **Joined in progress at 7 p.m.
for assignment. Placed C Cam Gallagher on the 7-day IL
and RHP Michael Kelly on the 15-day IL. Recalled RHP
Needville beat Fargo, deal with Ravens NFL
Hunter Gaddis and LHP Tim Herrin from Columbus (IL).
Selected the contract of C Zack Collins from Columbus.
N.D., 6-2 on Friday to AMERICAN CONFERENCE
Recalled RHP James Karinchak from Columbus.
KANSAS CITY ROYALS: Reinstated RHP Taylor Clarke
remain undefeated in the The Ravens have made East W L T Pct PF PA
Harris English 68-67—135
Rickie Fowler 66-69—135
Georgia Hall ....................................................72b-74a—146
Dani Holmqvist...............................................70a-76b—146 from the15-day IL. Optioned RHP Max Castillo to Omaha
Little League World Se- another late addition to Buffalo
N.Y. Jets
Rory McIlroy 65-70—135 Noora Komulainen..........................................71b-75a—146 (IL).
MINNESOTA TWINS: Sent RHP Joe Ryan to St. Paul (IL)
Bronte Law......................................................70a-76b—146
ries in Williamsport, Pa. their defense, agreeing to Miami 0 1 0 .000 3 19
Justin Rose 70-65—135
Scottie Scheffler 66-69—135
Alexa Pano......................................................76a-70b—146 on a rehab assignment.
NEW YORK YANKEES: Recalled RHP Greg Weissert from
Cade Hammonds a contract with edge New England 0 1 0 .000 9 20
Patrick Cantlay 68-68—136
Sophie Witt .....................................................75a-71b—146
Arpichaya Yubol..............................................72a-74b—146 Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
South W L T Pct PF PA
broke the game open rusher Jadeveon Clow- Houston 1 0 0 1.000 20 9
Sungjae Im 68-68—136 Jennifer Chang ................................................74a-73b—147 TORONTO BLUE JAY: Reinstated OF Kevin Kiermaier
from the 10-day IL and RHP Trevor Richards from the 15-
Xander Schauffele 71-65—136 Stephanie Meadow........................................74b-73a—147
with a two-run double off ney. Jacksonville
23 Byeong Hun An 70-67—137 Wichanee Meechai..........................................71a-76b—147 day IL. Optioned OF Nathan Lukes and RHP Jay Jackson
to Buffalo (IL).
the wall in left to drive in The Ravens confirmed Tennessee 0 1 0 .000 17 23 Wyndham Clark 66-71—137 Azahara Munoz...............................................74b-73a—147
Su-Hyun Oh.....................................................72a-75b—147 National League
Corey Conners 67-70—137 CHICAGO CUBS: Claimed RHP Edwin Uceta off waivers
two runs and give Need- the signing Friday. Balti- North W L T Pct PF PA
Tommy Fleetwood 70-67—137
Ana Pelaez Trivino..........................................77b-70a—147
Albane Valenzuela..........................................75b-72a—147 from the New York Mets and optioned him to Iowa (IL).
Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 20 19
ville a 6-2 lead. more's defense has been Pittsburgh 1 0 0 1.000 27 17 Lucas Glover 70-67—137 Chanettee Wannasaen...................................71b-76a—147 CINCINNATI REDS: Released RHP Luke Weaver.
MIAMI MARLINS: Sent RHP J.T. Chargois to Jupiter (FSL)
Viktor Hovland 69-68—137 Weiwei Zhang .................................................73a-74b—147
Easton Benge came dealing with injuries and Cleveland
49 Collin Morikawa 67-70—137 Daniela Darquea.............................................72a-76b—148 on a rehab assignment.
NEW YORK METS: Recalled LHP Joey Lucchesi from Syr-
on in relief in the fifth could also use some pass West W L T Pct PF PA J.T. Poston 69-68—137 Muni He ...........................................................72b-76a—148
Lily May Humphreys.......................................72a-76b—148 acuse (IL).
Russell Henley 69-69—138
inning to secure the win. rushing help. The former L.A. Chargers
Las Vegas
7 Denny McCarthy 69-69—138
Ilhee Lee ..........................................................73a-75b—148 PITTSBURGH PIRATES: Reinstated INF Ji Hwan Bae
from the10-day IL. Optioned INF Jared Triolo to Indianap-
Leona Maguire ................................................73a-75b—148
Benge got two strikeouts Texan has 43 sacks in Denver 0 1 0 .000 17 18 Jordan Spieth 68-70—138 Nastasia Nadaud............................................73a-75b—148 olis (IL). Sent RHP Dauri Moreta to Indianapolis on a re-
hab assignment.
in the fifth with two run- nine seasons since enter- Kansas City 0 1 0 .000 24 26 Sahith Theegala 66-72—138
Cameron Young 67-71—138
Emily Pedersen ...............................................75b-73a—148
Riley Rennell ...................................................75a-73b—148 ST. LOUIS CARDINAL: Placed LF Lars Nootbar on the
ners on and then struck ing the NFL as the No. 1 Keegan Bradley 71-68—139 Emma Spitz ....................................................74a-74b—148 10-day IL. Selected the contract of SS Masyn Winn from
Memphis (IL).
East W L T Pct PF PA Ellinor Sudow..................................................69a-79b—148
out the last two batters in pick in the 2014 draft. Washington 1 0 0 1.000 17 15
Cameron Davis 73-66—139
Adam Svensson 70-69—139
Dewi Weber.....................................................72b-76a—148 WASHINGTON NATIONALS: Sent RHP Tanner Rainey to
Fredericksburg (CRL) on a rehab assignment.
the sixth. N.Y. Giants
38 Eric Cole 72-68—140
Nicole Broch Estrup........................................73a-76b—149
Allison Emrey...................................................71b-78a—149 FOOTBALL
Needville, one of four MISCELLANEOUS Dallas 0 1 0 .000 23 28 Tom Hoge 71-69—140 Alessandra Fanali ...........................................72a-77b—149 NFL
Space Cowboys’
Si Woo Kim 71-69—140 Linnea Johansson...........................................75b-74a—149
unbeaten teams in the South W L T Pct PF PA
Andrew Putnam 70-70—140 Gina Kim..........................................................75a-74b—149
ARIZONA CARDINALS: Signed OL Braylon Jones to a
one-year contract.
New Orleans 1 0 0 1.000 26 24
U.S. half of the bracket, skid hits eight Atlanta 1 0 1 .750 32 16 Sam Burns 71-70—141 Ruixin Liu.........................................................75a-74b—149
Anne-Charlotte Mora .....................................70a-79b—149
BALTIMORE RAVENS: Signed OLB Jadeveon Clowney to
Adam Schenk 72-69—141 a one-year contract. Waived CB Jordan Swann with an
will face El Segundo, Tampa Bay
48 Tony Finau 74-68—142
Madelene Stavnar ..........................................77b-72a—149
Mariajo Uribe...................................................74b-75a—149
injury designation and DB Jaquan Amos with an injury set-
Calif., on Monday at 6 Two-time major league North W L T Pct PF PA
Emiliano Grillo 73-69—142 Hannah Burke.................................................76a-74b—150
CHICAGO BEARS: Placed LB Buddy Johnson on injured
Adam Hadwin 72-70—142 Hayley Davis....................................................75a-75b—150
p.m. All-Star Josh Harrison Chicago 1 0 0 1.000 23 17
Tyrrell Hatton 70-72—142 Leonie Harm ...................................................73b-77a—150
reserve after clearing waivers.
Detroit 1 0 0 1.000 21 16 DETROIT LIONS: Waived WR Denzel Mims with an injury
capped a five-run seventh Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 36 19 Jon Rahm 68-74—142 Lauren Hartlage..............................................73a-77b—150
Alice Hewson ..................................................75b-75a—150
designation. Signed WR Jason Moore.
COLLEGES inning with a two-run Minnesota 0 1 0 .000 13 24 Jason Day 69-74—143
Nick Taylor 71-72—143
Sarah Kemp ....................................................75b-75a—150
GREEN BAY PACKERS: Named Maureen Smith chief fi-
nancial officer.
Texas backs new double as the Express West
1 0 0
17 Brendon Todd 71-72—143
Sara Kjellker ....................................................75b-75a—150
Aline Krauter ...................................................74b-76a—150
HOUSTON TEXANS: Signed RB Larry Rountree. Waived
OL Keaton Sutherland.
Del Conte deal beat the Space Cowboys Seattle 1 0 0 1.000 24 13 Tom Kim 72-72—144
Kurt Kitayama 76-68—144
Meghan MacLaren..........................................75b-75a—150
Yuna Nishimura ..............................................74a-76b—150
INDIANAPOLIS COLTS: Placed DE Genard Avery on in-
L.A. Rams 0 1 0 .000 17 34
8-3 at Constellation Field San Francisco 0 1 0 .000 7 34 Patrick Rodgers 71-73—144 Louise Ridderstrom ........................................74a-76b—150
jured reserve. Signed WR James Washington. Waived WR
Malik Turner with an injury designation.
Sarah Jane Smith...........................................74b-76a—150
The University of Tex- on Friday night. Thursday’s result
Cleveland 18, Philadelphia 18
Sepp Straka 71-74—145
Moa Folke.........................................................71a-80b—151
LOS ANGELES CHARGERS: Waived OT Nicolas Melsop
from injured reserve with a settlement.
Lee Hodges 74-72—146
as recommended Friday Sugar Land had tied Friday’s results Taylor Moore 72-74—146
Nicole Garcia....................................................72a-79b—151
Emma Grechi...................................................74b-77a—151
MIAMI DOLPHINS: Waived DB Mark Gilbert from injured
N.Y. Giants 21, Carolina 19 reserve with a settlement.
that the UT System the game at 3-3 in the Cincinnati 13, Atlanta 13
Seamus Power 76-72—148 Kylie Henry.......................................................76b-75a—151
SEATTLE SEAHAWKS: Waived DT Anthony Montalvo.
Hideki Matsuyama 71-WD Yealimi Noh......................................................71b-80a—151
Board of Regents approve third on a home run by Saturday’s games
Jacksonville at Detroit, Noon
Patricia Isabel Schmidt...................................71a-80b—151
Placed WR Ra’Shaun Henry on injured reserve after clear-
ing waivers.
a seven-year extension Joey Loperfido, his first Miami at Houston, 3 p.m. LPGA Tour Magdalena Simmermacher ...........................76a-75b—151
Dottie Ardina ..................................................73a-79b—152
Buffalo at Pittsburgh, 5:30 p.m. ISPS Handa World Invitational
for athletic director since being promoted Chicago at Indianapolis, 6 p.m.
Ballymena, United Kingdom
Ana Belac ........................................................73b-79a—152
Christina Kim...................................................78a-74b—152
Chris Del Conte worth from Double-A Corpus Tampa Bay at N.Y. Jets, 6:30 p.m.
Kansas City at Arizona, 7 p.m. a-Castlerock (Host Course) Amelia Lewis...................................................73b-79a—152
Yu Liu ...............................................................78b-74a—152
up to $19.255 million, the Christi. But Round Rock New England at Green Bay, 7 p.m. 6,231 yards; Par 73 Jana Melichova ...............................................78a-74b—152
Tennessee at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
school announced. sent the Space Cowboys Denver at San Francisco, 7:30 p.m.
b-Galgorm Castle Pornanong Phatlum ......................................76a-76b—152
Marta Sanz Barrio ..........................................72b-80a—152
6,527 yards; Par 72
The Board of Regents to their eighth straight Las Vegas at L.A. Rams, 8 p.m.
Dallas at Seattle, 9 p.m. Friday’s second round
Lauren Stephenson ........................................77b-75a—152
Ursula Wikstrom.............................................73b-79a—152
will vote on the motion to defeat. Sunday’s game
New Orleans at L.A. Chargers, 6:05 p.m.
Note: Tournament is played on two courses with different Christine Wolf .................................................76b-76a—152
extend Del Conte’s con- U.S. routs Greece: Monday’s game Marissa Steen .................................................70b-72a—142
Liz Young .........................................................78b-74a—152
April Anguarasaranee ....................................76b-77a—153
Baltimore at Washington, 7 p.m.
tract — which would run Anthony Edwards Esther Henseleit..............................................72b-71a—143
Olivia Cowan ...................................................72a-72b—144
Amanda Doherty............................................74a-79b—153
Alexandra Forsterling .....................................76a-77b—153
to round the 2030 fiscal scored 21 points, Camer- Gabriella Cowley .............................................69a-75b—144 Lucy Li..............................................................75a-78b—153
year — at its meeting on Johnson added 13 and Golf Kim Metraux ...................................................69a-75b—144
Ryann O’Toole .................................................71b-73a—144
Polly Mack.......................................................74a-79b—153
PGA Tour Lee-Anne Pace ................................................72a-81b—153
Aug. 23–24. USA Basketball never BMW Championship
Diksha Dagar ...................................................71b-74a—145
Karis Davidson ................................................69a-76b—145
Bianca Pagdanganan.....................................74b-79a—153
Kelly Tan..........................................................77b-76a—153
A former athletic di- trailed Friday in a 108-86 At Olympia Fields, Ill. Soo Bin Joo......................................................71b-74a—145 Gabriella Then ................................................75b-78a—153
Yardage: 7,366; Par: 70 Jasmine Suwannapura ..................................72b-73a—145 Jing Yan ...........................................................75b-78a—153
rector at Rice and TCU, win over Greece in a Friday’s second round Chloe Williams ................................................70a-75b—145 Elin Arvidsson .................................................76b-78a—154
Del Conte has been at UT World Cup tune-up game Max Homa 68-62—130 Casandra Alexander........................................71b-75a—146
Trichat Cheenglab...........................................71b-75a—146
Annabel Dimmock .........................................76b-78a—154
Louise Duncan ................................................78a-76b—154
Chris Kirk 66-66—132
since 2017. in Abu Dhabi, United Matt Fitzpatrick 66-67—133
Peiyun Chien....................................................71b-75a—146
Cara Gainer ......................................................71b-75a—146
Yu-Sang Hou ...................................................73a-81b—154
Annie Park.......................................................74b-80a—154
Joseph Duarte Arab Emirates. Brian Harman 65-68—133
• DOW: 34,765.74, down 180.65 (down 0.5%)
• S&P: 4,404.33, down 33.53 (down 0.8%)
• OIL: $79.38, down $1.61 (down 2.0%)
• NATURAL GAS: $2.59, down 7 cents (down 2.5%)

Stocks Details emerge in Park Lawn

for 3rd offer for Carriage Services
straight By Erica Grieder
ing Carriage Services at about
$507.6 million.
In the days after the letter,
Shares have since backed off,
but are still trading above $30.
The letter obtained by the
Lawn confirmed it had submit-
ted a preliminary all-cash pro-
posal to Carriage’s board. “The

week Park Lawn Corp., a large fu-

neral services company based
in Canada, has made an offer to
dated June 13, was sent, Park
Lawn confirmed it had made an
offer for the business, but did
Chronicle appeared to detail for
the first time the offer that Park
Lawn has said it made but
proposal was made confiden-
tially and subject to the comple-
tion of satisfactory due dili-
buy Houston-based counter- not confirm the details. The of- which Carriage Services has yet gence and the negotiation and
By Stan Choe part Carriage Services. fer was reported on June 29, to confirm. The letter, ad- execution of a mutually satis-
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS Park Lawn, whose U.S. head- and shares of Carriage Servic- dressed to Carriage Services’ factory definitive acquisition
quarters is also in Houston, de- es, which had been trading at board, was signed by Park agreement.”
NEW YORK — Wall Street clined to disclose the terms of about $27, jumped 17 percent to Lawn CEO J. Bradley Green, Park Lawn said it did not in-
limped to the finish line of its the offer, but a letter from Park close at $33.64 on volume of though neither company would tend to comment further on the
third losing week in a row on Lawn to Carriage Services ob- 582,000 shares, according to confirm the veracity of the let- proposal.
Friday. tained by the Chronicle said the Yahoo Finance, more than five ter. Also on June 29, Carriage
The S&P 500 barely budged offer was for $34 a share, valu- times its volume the day before. In a June 29 statement, Park Offer continues on B11
as it ended the week with a loss
of more than 2%, like other U.S.
indexes. It edged down by 0.65,
or less than 0.1%, to 4,369.71.
The Dow Jones Industrial
Average added 25.83 points, or
0.1%, to 34,500.66, and the
Nasdaq composite slipped
26.16, or 0.2%, to 13,290.78.
August has been rough for
the stock market, which has
given back more than a quarter
of the S&P 500’s torrid gains for
the year’s first seven months.
That’s in part because a swift
rise in yields has forced inves-
tors to reconsider whether
stocks got too expensive, par-
ticularly after critics warned
the market rose too far, too
Stocks held a bit steadier Fri-
day after yields eased a bit. Af-
ter topping 4.30% a day before
and nearing its highest level
since 2007, the 10-year Treasury
yield fell back to 4.24%.
Stock markets elsewhere in
the world sank more sharply, as
higher yields globally crank up
the pressure. Higher yields
mean bonds are paying out
more in interest, but they also
make investors less willing to
pay high prices for stocks and
other investments that are less Houston Association of Realtors
stable than bonds. This property at 18740 Palm Beach offers a California waterfront-style home on Lake Conroe north of Houston.
The narrative in the stock

DeMontrond house
market may be poised to flip
from “buy the dip” during the
first half of the year, when trad-
ers saw moments of weakness

among priciest in July

as opportunities to buy low, to
“sell the rip” in the second half
of the year, according to Bank of
America investment strategist
Michael Hartnett.
Stocks continues on B11
Many of the most expensive properties feature extravagant outdoor spaces
Trillions By Marissa Luck

overlooked The most expensive homes

sold during July in Houston
in energy feature several new or recently
built homes and a midcentury

transition mansion in Tanglewood that

had been owned by the De-
Montrond family, owner of
By Nathaniel Bullard more than a dozen regional
B L OOM BE RG auto dealerships. Many of the
month’s priciest homes in-
Last year, global energy tran- clude extravagant outdoor
sition investment topped $1.1 spaces with refrigerators, a
trillion, according to Bloom- summer kitchen and —
bergNEF. The International though not needed now — a
Energy Agency, using a more fireplace.
expansive definition of energy
transition, tracked $1.7 trillion No. 1: 1923 Olympia Drive
in 2022. With 2023’s wind and List price: $5.9 million
solar installations expected to Sold price range:
exceed 440 gigawatts, and $5,081,001 to $5,864,000
equipment costs stable year-on- 4 bedrooms, 5 full baths and
year, it is a new era where a tril- 2 half-bathrooms
lion dollars of investment is the Unique features: Prior
floor, not the ceiling. owners purchased this River
Without being too basic, it is Oaks home in 2020 after it was Houston Association of Realtors
fair to say that invested dollars only on the market for five Renovated in 2021 with a new roof and kitchen among other features, this 7,400-square-foot
flow into things, or more pre- days for between $4.418 mil- home at 1923 Olympia Drive is the Houston area’s highest listing in July at $5.9 million.
cisely, assets. Last year’s $1.1 lion to $5.08 million, according
trillion of investment financed to Houston Association of Re- ic. A focal point is a 60-foot
the construction of wind and altors and Harris County re- wall of sliding steel doors
solar farms and electric vehicle cords. The 7,400-square-foot opening to an outdoor space.
charging networks and large- home was renovated in 2021 The home also has charcoal
scale batteries. Millions of heat with a new roof, new kitchen limestone flooring, lime-
pumps and millions of electric and downstairs utility room washed walls, a designer
vehicles, too. Importantly, and then sold last month. kitchen, and a second-floor
those assets have long lives — with family room and four ad-
from a decade for a car to twice No. 2: 5328 Cherokee St. ditional bedrooms, each with
that much for renewable power List price: $5.4 million their own baths, including a
generation. Sold price range: primary suite.
But tracking dollar flows $4,418,001 to $5,081,000
alone does not capture all of the 5 bedrooms, 5 full baths and No. 3: 10914 Bridgewood
capital aiding decarbonization. 2 half-bathrooms St.
In fact, it is only a fraction of it. Unique features: One List price: $5.2 million
This is why new research block from Rice University, Sold price: $4,418,001 to
from BloombergNEF is impor- this newly constructed, nearly $5,081,000
tant. It is a first step to quantify- 7,000-square-foot home has 6 bedrooms, 6 full baths an 3 Nan Studios/Nan and Co. Properties
ing not just investment in ener- the latest smart-home features half-bathrooms The DeMontrond home at 700 Pine Shadows, a Tanglewood
gy transition, but revenue from and a modern Belgian aesthet- Priciest continues on B9 property that listed for $3.9 million, features a pool area.
Transition continues on B11

Business Editor Jonathan Diamond: [email protected] • 713-362-1513

Solar firms tied to China may face new tariffs

By Jennifer A. Dlouhy Southeast Asia, with the affect- e’s affirmative countrywide cir-
and Michelle Ma ed countries supplying roughly cumvention decisions on Cam-
B L OOM BE RG 75% of modules to the U.S. bodia, Malaysia, Thailand and
Under the ruling, all other so- Vietnam, we’ve successfully
A U.S. government probe has lar manufacturers in the four closed these loopholes,” Rashid
concluded some manufacturers countries will be hit with new said in an emailed statement.
in Asia are illegally bypassing duties unless they certify their “Because ample solar module
tariffs on Chinese solar equip- exports don’t evade the tariffs. supply exists from domestic
ment, exposing them to duties For instance, modules that are manufacturers and non-cir-
that threaten to raise the cost of made using Chinese wafers will cumventing imports, President
renewable power and slow the be spared duties as long as some Biden should immediately end
development of clean energy. key inputs were produced out- his unlawful tariff moratorium
Some solar cells and modules side the country. Most compa- policy and not continue to give
exported from Southeast Asia nies facing new duties would Chinese trade cheats a contin-
could now face tariffs as high as see combined rates under 100%. ued free pass to the U.S. mar-
254% in June 2024, after the Even so, U.S. renewable de- ket.”
Commerce Department deter- velopers were bracing for high- The circumvention probe was
mined that companies operating er costs from using imports sub- a quasi-judicial process, largely
in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thai- ject to the duties or tariff-free dictated by nearly century-old
land and Vietnam are avoiding supplies that can command a U.S. trade law.
the long-standing duties. premium. The Biden administration
The U.S. singled out five com- “The circumvention finding had little “choice to be protec-
panies that are either Chinese or will increase the overall costs of tionist or not,” said James Lu-
linked to China as circumvent- virtually all U.S.-bound solar cier, managing director at re-
ing tariffs: BYD (H.K.) and New products because it will con- search group Capital Alpha
East Solar (Cambodia) in Cam- Paul Sancya/Associated Press file photo strain supply at a time when the Partners. Biden’s two-year safe
bodia; Canadian Solar in Thai- The U.S. Commerce Department cites five companies with ties demand for solar is skyrocket- harbor was designed to address
land; and, in Vietnam, Trina So- to China that could face tariffs of up to 254% in June 2024. ing,” Trina Solar (U.S.) Presi- that inevitability, he said, add-
lar Science & Technology and dent Steven Zhu said in an e- ing: “There was no viable way to
Vina Solar Technology, a unit of law aimed at products tied to deployments while domestic mailed statement. The ruling have Commerce find there was
Longi Green Energy Technolo- China’s Xinjiang region. manufacturing ramps up and “makes it harder, not easier, to no dumping going on.”
gy. The Commerce Department’s developers shuffle suppliers. establish a U.S. supply chain Supporters of the probe said
A senior Commerce official decision could also inflame ten- Some U.S. lobbyists tried un- and a homegrown American the U.S. needed to more vigor-
who briefed reporters on the sions between Washington and successfully to push the Com- workforce.” ously enforce measures first im-
findings said the investigation Beijing, even as the two super- merce Department to go further Still, there should be suffi- posed in 2011 to offset unfair
— which included site visits and powers look for ways to improve and crack down on solar im- cient supply of tariff-free goods pricing and subsidies by China
factory audits — is a signal the relations. ports that contain Chinese- to meet domestic solar demand that have disadvantaged Amer-
Biden-Harris administration is Shares of Canadian Solar made polysilicon and ingots, between 2024 and 2030, said ican rivals. Opponents argued
taking trade enforcement seri- were up 0.2% as of 10:46 a.m. in early precursors in the panel- BloombergNEF analyst Pol Lez- Commerce was ignoring the
ously as well as a warning to New York after paring earlier making process. But the agency cano. complexity of solar cell produc-
other companies engaging in losses of as much as 1.6%. largely hewed to the prelimi- The investigation, which tion in Asia by treating it as a in-
similar circumvention schemes. In the short term, the ruling nary determination it issued last spanned 17 months, was trig- significant processing step.
Ultimately, the ruling should could accelerate U.S. purchases December. gered in response to a petition “We have invested hundreds
bolster U.S. solar manufactur- of affected solar equipment be- At least three companies from California-based manufac- of millions of dollars in cell and
ers, which are already expand- fore the expanded duties go into won’t be hit with expanded tar- turer Auxin Solar. module production in Thailand
ing domestic production capac- force next year, as renewable iffs — Hanwha Q Cells Malaysia, Auxin Chief Executive Officer and Vietnam and most recently
ity with incentives from last power developers look to stock- Jinko Solar Technology and Bo- Mamun Rashid cheered the de- another large-scale wafer pro-
year’s climate law. Many U.S. pile tariff-free gear. Expanded viet Solar Technology — after cision, even as he called on the duction facility in Vietnam,”
power companies had started duties would normally apply al- the Department concluded they administration to impose duties Trina’s Zhu said. “Characteriz-
diversifying their supply chains ready, but President Joe Biden weren’t trying to evade the du- immediately. ing this production as only mi-
ahead of the decision, to mini- issued a proclamation in 2022 ties. “For years the Chinese have nor processing is not an accu-
mize potential exposure to new providing a two-year grace peri- The U.S. solar industry is flouted the U.S. trade remedy rate assessment of the facts and
tariffs and a U.S. forced labor od designed to sustain U.S. solar heavily reliant on imports from laws, and today, with Commerc- against common sense.”

From page B8

Unique features: This new-

ly constructed, 7,600-square-
foot home is on a wooded half-
acre lot in Hunters Creek Vil-
lage of west Houston. High-
lights include high-end kitchen
appliances; vaulted ceiling;
family room with wood burn-
ing fireplace, wet bar and wine
fridge; and an outdoor pavilion
with kitchen in the backyard.

No. 4: 773 Pifer Road

List price: $4.99 million
Sold price: $4,418,001 to
6 bedrooms, 5 full baths, 2
Unique features: Another
newly constructed home, this
one about 7,500 square feet, in
Hunters Creek Village with
Subzero and Wolf appliances,
wet bar and wine wall. Out- Houston Association of Realtors
doors, there’s a pool and kitch- The front lawn at 18740 Palm Beach provides curb appeal for the 8,100-square-foot waterfront home on Lake Conroe.
en on a 21,000-square-foot lot.
home near Houston Country
No. 5: 2530 Stanmore Club features high ceilings, re-
Drive claimed materials and soothing
List price: $4.5 million colors. The primary suite in-
Sold price: $4,418,001 to cludes separate dressing rooms
$5,081,000 and access to a large, covered
5-6 bedrooms, 6 full baths balcony. Outside, a fireplace
and 2 half-bathrooms and summer kitchen overlook a
Unique features: Built this central lawn and pool.
year, this 5,900-square-foot
home’s Cape Cod contempo- No. 8 55 Hollymead Drive,
rary look was inspired by The Woodlands
1920s-era Long Island homes. It List price: $4.4 million
sits on a 9,200-square-foot lot Sold price: $3,830,001 to
in River Oaks. $4,418,000
5-6 bedrooms, 6 full and 2
No. 6: 18740 Palm Beach half-bathrooms
Blvd., Conroe Unique features: This new
List price: $5.2 million 7,000-square-foot home over-
Sold price: $4,418,001 to looks the Palmer Golf Course of
$5,081,000 The Woodlands Country Club.
8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms It features white Austin stone
Unique features: This on the exterior; wide plank
8,100-square-foot mansion has white oak flooring throughout Houston Association of Realtors
a California-coastal style with most of the downstairs; a cov- This River Oaks home at 1923 Olympia Drive has 7,400 square feet. It sold for over $5 million.
panoramic views of Lake Con- ered brick back porch with a
roe. The 4.6-acre lot features an fireplace; a study/office with a No. 10: 700 Pine Shadows
outdoor kitchen, pool, and ac- wall of windows, a fireplace Drive
cess to the beach and a boat and a block paneled wall. List price: $3.9 million
dock. The home was complete- Sold price: $3,830,001 to
ly remodeled and has white oak No. 9: 5835 Indian Trail $4,418,000
flooring, motorized shades, de- List price: $4.2 million 5 bedrooms, 4 full and 2 half-
signer lighting, decorative Sold price: $3,830,001 to bathrooms
stone detail, water well, genera- $4,418,000 Unique features: This was
tor, elevator, a media room and 6 bedrooms, 7 full and 3 half- the longtime Tanglewood
a high-end kitchen with leath- bathrooms home of the DeMontrond fami-
ered quartz counters. Unique features: This ly, owner of more than a dozen
10,187-square-foot Mediterra- regional auto dealerships.
No. 7: 6062 Riverview Way nean-style home sits on 30,000 Built in 1965, the 7,000-square-
List price: $4.3 million square feet backing up to the foot home has been remodeled
Sold price: $3,830,001 to Houston Country Club. The over the years with a tradition-
$4,418,000 home boasts a true wine cellar, al architectural style. The
4-5 bedrooms, 5 full and 2 full-house generator, an eleva- roughly 1-acre property was
half-bathrooms tor, and a primary suite with one of the larger lots in Tangle- Nan Studios/Nan and Co. Properties
Unique features: This sitting room, fireplace, and ac- wood to be sold recently. The DeMontrond family’s longtime home at 700 Pine Shadows
7,200-square-foot Tanglewood cess to the backyard. sold for about $4 million.

Cleveland-Cliffs takeover
of U.S. Steel gets union nod
By Evan
Application has been made with LEGAL NOTICE

Notice To the Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Commission for a MIXED
The Houston Independent
School District is solicit-
ing Request for Proposals
(RFP) via the District’s
electronic bidding portal.
union representing more CITY INC., to be located at 100 Proposers may login to
view specifications and
than 11,000 of U.S. Steel GULF FRWY. N., LEAGUE CITY, submit their responses at
Corp.’s employees, includ-
GALVESTON COUNTY, Texas the following link https://

ing those at the Mon Val-

ley Works, transferred its
Ad 77573. Officer Owner of said
corporation is HWAN JOON KIM
Login.aspx until 12:00
p.m. (CST) Wednesday,
September 13, 2023, for
the following solicitation:
ability to bid for U.S. Steel
to Cleveland-Cliffs on
Thursday, marking a
Lucy Schaly/TNS
With multiple potential bidders, U.S. Steel says it
$74.00* Application has been made with
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage
RFP 23-06-15 Purchase
and Repair of Custodial
slight escalation of the does not need the union’s permission to make a deal. Call the Legals Team Commission for a MIXED Pre-proposal conferences
union’s support for a take- 713-224-6868 BEVERAGE (MB) PERMIT by via Microsoft Teams will
be held in conjunction
over of the Pittsburgh- ing this all unfold: I have as the bargaining repre- Ext. 6435 or 4204 JUMPING WORLD with this RFP. Information
based steelmaker. your back,” he said. sentative for its new em- SHARPSTOWN INC., to be regarding dates, times,
and instructions to re-
The United Steelwork- U.S. Steel responded in ployees, and provide the *$74.00 includes first 36 lines located at 6904 SW FRWY, ceive a link to join the
ers union has exclusively a statement Friday morn- union with “reasonable and 1 Affidavit of Publication UNIT A, HARRIS COUNTY, meeting can be located
Texas 77074. Officer Owner of within the electronic bid-
ding portal under the “E-
supported Cleveland- ing that it does not need assurances” that it will *$1.92 per line over 36 lines said corporation is HWAN JOON vent Details” tab specific
Cliffs in what emerged union support to sell itself. continue to honor U.S. KIM. to this solicitation.
earlier this week as a pub- “While the (basic labor Steel’s commitments.
lic bidding war, choosing agreement) provides the U.S. Steel and USW
to support the Ohio-based USW with successorship have both been ap- BID #23021
steelmaker because of its rights and the right to bid, proached by several bid- NORTHSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2
belief that the company it does not provide the ders. Sewickley-based Es- CITY OF LA PORTE
would continue blast fur- USW or its assignee the mark Inc. said Monday NOTICE TO BIDDERS

nace operations in West- right to veto any transac- that it offered $7.8 billion The City of La Porte will receive bids for the Northwest Neighborhood Drainage Improvements Phase 2
until 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 , at the City Hall Information
ern Pennsylvania and tion,” the company said. in cash. Desk, City of La Porte 604 W. Fairmont Parkway, La Porte, Texas 77571.
save union jobs. “Our commitment and Reuters reported that Proposed drainage improvements will consist of the installation of approximately 420 linear feet of 8’x4’
concrete box culverts via trenchless construction, beneath SH 146; the installation of approximately 990
Cleveland-Cliffs CEO ability to conduct a com- ArcelorMittal SA, the linear feet of 4’x3’ concrete box culverts; and approximately 15,900 cubic yards of excavation for the con-
struction of four detention basins.
Lourenco Goncalves, prehensive and thorough world’s second-largest
whose company has of- review of strategic alter- steelmaker, was consider- All sealed bids shall be submitted including one (1) marked original and one (1) marked duplicate on the
original forms clearly marked with bid number and description.
fered $7.4 billion for its ri- natives to maximize value ing making an offer.
The bids will be opened and publicly read in the Council Chambers immediately after the closing hour for
val steelmaker, made that for our stockholders re- Goncalves also signed the bids on said date.
commitment clear in a main unchanged.” off on a letter from United
No late bids will be considered
statement Thursday According to the agree- Steelworkers agreeing to
A non- mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on August 30, 2023 at 10:00 am, at the City of La Porte
night. ment, any prospective assume the union’s cur- City Hall, Council Chambers, located at 604 West Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX 77571.
“To the employees of buyer will have to recog- rent labor agreement with
Bid documents may be downloaded from , or may be obtained without deposit
U.S. Steel who are watch- nize United Steelworkers U.S. Steel. from; City of La Porte Purchasing Office, 604 West Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX 77571, (281) 470-5126,
[email protected] .

Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, or acceptable Bid Bond, payable to City of La Porte in an amount not

Directive details inspections

less than 5% of the maximum Bid price submitted, must accompany each Bid as guarantee that, if award-
ed the Contract, the Bidder will within fifteen (15) calendar days of award of Contract enter into a Con-
tract and execute Bonds on the forms provided in the Contract Documents.

on possibly faulty engine parts

The successful Bidder must furnish PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BONDS on the forms furnished with
the BIDDING DOCUMENTS, in the amount of 100% of the total Contract price.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Re-
lated Acts) wage rate, as issued by the Texas General Land Office – Community Development & Revitali-
zation and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful
bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against be-
By Ryan Beene cause of race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, or national origin.
and Alan Levin
The City of La Porte is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Section 3 Residents, Minority
B L OOM BE RG Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area
firms are encouraged to submit bids.

WASHINGTON — U.S. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, to waive any and all technicalities and to accept
any bid or part thereof, which in the opinion of the city council, is most advantageous to the city. In case
aviation regulators out- of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating the prices in the bid, the city reserves the right to consider the
lined inspections needed most advantageous bid thereof or to reject the bid.

for potentially faulty parts BID WITHDRAWAL: No Bid shall be withdrawn for a period of60 days after the opening of the Bids with-
out the consent of OWNER.
on some of Pratt & Whit-
ney’s geared turbofan en- All contractors/subcontractors System for Award Management ( registration is not active or
that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assis-
gines that power Airbus’ tance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.
best-selling A320neo John Woike/Tribune News Service This project will be federally funded by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department
model. An FAA directive targets Pratt & Whitney’s geared through the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and administered by the Harris County Community Devel-
opment Services Department (HCCSD). Bidders shall comply with regulations governing the CDBG Disas-
The directive affects 20 turbofan engines on Airbus’ A320neo model. ter Recovery Program (Regulation 24 CFR 570), Applicable requirements include but are not limited to
compliance with the Davis Bacon and Related Acts, Fair Labor Standards, Equal Employment Opportuni-
engines on U.S.-registered ty, Affirmative Action, Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, and contracting with small, minority, and disad-
aircraft, according to a sure turbine discs will cost The July announcement vantage firms, as detailed in the project manual.
regulatory filing by the $8,500 each, according to marked the latest stumble A request for clarifications shall be submitted in writing at or to
[email protected] or delivered to the Purchasing Office at 604 West Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte,
Federal Aviation Admin- the FAA’s airworthiness for RTX’s marquee com- TX 77571. Purchasing will act as the liaison between the requestor and the department representative or
istration on Friday. The directive. Replacing any mercial aircraft engine, Engineer to seek clarification or supplemental instructions appropriate to the request. The deadline for
asking questions will be September 1, 2023 by 5:00 PM.
impact on the worldwide faulty discs will cost oper- which was already caus-
fleet will be larger as other ators about $171,000 ing headaches for airlines
nations adopt the FAA’s apiece. around the globe over du- Competitive Sealed Proposal Notice for
Multi-Campus HVAC System Repairs and Improvements Package C
requirements. The costs could be sub- rability challenges and Project Number: 24-07-09
Pratt, a unit of aero- stantial. Based on the FAA lengthy waits — often sev- Houston Independent School District
space giant RTX Corp., estimates, the total cost eral months long — for re-
The Houston Independent School District will receive Competitive Sealed Proposals from contractors for
said last month that 1,200 across the global fleet pairs to be completed. work on the Multi-Campus HVAC System Repairs and Improvements project. The work includes, but is not
GTF engines must be re- could exceed $400 million The GTF is one of two limited to, the construction of new HVAC systems and associated electrical and structural improvements for
multiple existing HISD Facilities. All required proposal information, except sub-contractor firm information
moved and inspected over if all 1,200 engines that power plants available on and M/WBE required documents, are due no later than Wednesday September 13, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at
4400 West 18th Street, Office of Board Services #1C, Houston, TX 77092. The proposals will be opened, and
the next 12 months after need inspection were the A320neo, the world’s the amounts read aloud.
the company discovered found to have flawed first- best-selling jet. Airlines The Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP), which includes plans and specifications, will be
contamination in the pow- and second-stage discs. have been vocal about the available beginning August 11, 2023, and are on file at:
dered metal used to manu- The FAA cautioned that it disruption that the remov- HISD Solicitation bid website:
facture high-pressure tur- could not determine how al of engines will cause on
There is NO charge to view or download documents. Any questions regarding documents are to be ad-
bine discs could shorten many will actually need their workhorse fleet, with dressed to Matthew Bean, [email protected] .
their life span. The compa- replacement. European discount carrier The Competitive Sealed Proposal process will be utilized as authorized in Senate Bill 1093, Legislative Ses-
ny has said the first 200 RTX executives have Wizz Air Holdings scaling sion 83-2013, Ch. 2269, Subchapter D, of Texas Government Code. The Competitive Sealed Proposal proc-
ess enables HISD to select contractors on the basis of price and qualifications/methodology.
turbines will need acceler- said more than 3,000 earli- back growth plans. U.S.
ated removals by mid-Sep- er inspections tied to the carriers Spirit Airlines Sub-contractor firm information and M/WBE forms, schedules and statements, as required by Section AB of
the RFCSP and in accordance with the Office of Business Assistance, will be received at 12:00 noon, Thurs-
tember. potential flaw found that and JetBlue Airways said day, September 14, 2023, in the Board Services Office #1C, 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092.
Inspections of first- and fewer than 1% needed re- the disruption will idle RESPONSIVE.
second-stage high-pres- placements. more of their fleet. A pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 AM CST, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at HISD Construc-
tion Services Office located at 3200 Center Street, Houston, TX 77007.
There will be a (4) hour window to walk the schools directly after the pre-proposal conference ends.
Deady Middle School – 2500 Broadway St. Houston, Texas 77012 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Status of battery workers poses Patterson Elementary School – 5302 Allendale Rd. Houston, Texas 77017 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Kelso Elementary School – 5800 Southmund St. Houston, Texas 77033 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Gregg Elementary School – 6701 Roxbury Rd. Houston, Texas 77078 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM

strike risk for Detroit automakers For additional information regarding this project, please contact Matthew Bean,
[email protected].
Drawings and Specifications for the RFCSP may be reviewed at the following Houston locations:
By David Welch, Fain understands that au- add more than $80 billion Associated General Contractors /
Gabrielle Coppola tomakers needed to form to each of the automakers’ HISD Construction Services Office (Bond), 3200 Center, Houston, TX 77007, (713) 556-9250
McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge /
and Keith Naughton joint ventures to access labor costs, people famil- Virtual Builders Exchange, 7035 West Tidwell, Suite #J112, Houston, TX. 77092
B L OOM BE RG battery technology, but iar with the companies’ es-
they could have hired the timates have said. NOTICE TO PROPOSERS
One of the more divisive workers at better pay. He Unhappy with what he The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department locat-
ed at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Propos-
topics putting General has a solution in mind: described as too-slow als (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view
specifications and submit their responses at the following link https://
Motors, Ford and Stellan- Have the car companies do progress toward a deal, until 11:00 a.m. (CST) Tuesday, September
tis at risk for potential the hiring at autoworker Fain has called a strike-au- 12, 2023, for the following solicitation:
RFP 23-06-03 Mobile Equipment Insurance
strikes in the coming pay rates, then lease these thorization vote next Pre-proposal conferences via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with
months concerns the staff to the battery ven- week. Results are expected this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to
join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the
thousands of battery tures. Thursday, three weeks to “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.
workers they’ll need the “We’d love to see it, or the day before the UAW’s
next few years. some type of arrangement, current agreements with
The United Auto Work- but the companies have to the car companies are
ers wants to represent be willing to do it,” Fain scheduled to expire.
these hires and for them to said. “Their intent was to The union sees the
get the same pay and bene- create a different class of opening pay scale at Ulti-
fits as union members at workers.” um — GM’s venture with
other facilities. After making landmark LG Energy Solution in
The companies want to concessions to the Detroit Ohio — as a threat to mid-
cordon off this conversa- Three starting in 2007 — dle-class wages for factory
tion from negotiations of and getting just a pair of work. Employees at Ulti-
new four-year labor con-
tracts they’re negotiating
3% raises over the past
four years while auto prof-
um start at $15.50 an hour,
half the top wage at assem-
with the UAW. For one, its soared — Fain is driv- bly plants.
most of their battery facto- ing a hard bargain for his The car companies say
ries are still under con- members. He’s sought a their joint ventures
struction. Plus, these facil- 46% wage increase, resto- weren’t set up to be end
ities aren’t the carmakers’ ration of traditional pen- runs around union wages.
outright — each of them sions, cost-of-living in- They need the expertise of
have set up joint ventures creases, reduced work- battery partners to build
with Asian battery manu- weeks and richer retiree the packs powering their
facturers. benefits. EVs and for these facilities
UAW President Shawn The demands would to be cost-competitive.

OFFER will have no further com-

ment on the topic. We will,
From page B8 however, provide an up-
date when we have more
said in a statement that its news to share.”
board of directors had Park Lawn’s $34-per-
“initiated a process to ex- share offer, according to
plore potential strategic the letter obtained by the
alternatives, possibly in- Chronicle, would have
cluding a sale, merger or provided a 25 percent pre-
other potential strategic or mium to the 20-day, vol-
financial transaction, to ume-weighted average of
maximize shareholder Carriage’s June 12 closing
value.” price of $27.87.
Carriage Services Presi- The deal would have
dent Steven D. Metzger re- been subject to sharehold-
iterated that during a sec- er and regulatory approv-
ond-quarter earnings call als, it said. It didn’t identi-
Aug. 3 in which he de- fy a plan for Carriage’s
tailed the company’s year- management team upon
over-year 24 percent de- the merger.
cline in profit to $8.3 mil- It did, however, suggest
lion. Carriage faced challenges
“As we announced on in what has become a $19
June 29, our board has ini- billion business in the
tiated a process to explore U.S., according to indus-
potential strategic alterna- try research firm IBIS- Raquel Natalicchio/Staff file photo
tives, possibly including a World. Although neither side confirms the offer, Canadian funeral services company Park Lawn Corp. reportedly
merger, sale or other po- “As you are aware,” it has made a $34 per share offer for Houston-based counterpart Carriage Services.
tential strategic or finan- says, “recent industry
cial transaction to maxi- trends following the CO- and Park Lawn have tional, the Houston-based
mize shareholder value. VID-19 pandemic will con- “complementary” portfo- industry behemoth that
As we noted at the time, tinue to put pressure on lios with “minimal geo- operates more than 1,500
there can be no assurance Carriage’s operating re- graphic overlap,” mean- funeral homes and 400 Dinanno, Brian McGill, William
that this process will re- sults. This is having a ing an acquisition of Car- cemeteries across the U.S. Frederking, David
sult in a transaction,” compounding effect on riage by Park Lawn and Canada.
Metzger said. “While the the Company due to its “would create a strong, di- SCI had second-quarter
board continues this re- highly leveraged capital versified deathcare com- revenue in excess of $1 bil- BRIAN BERNARD DINANNO
view process with the structure and the rising pany with national scale.” lion, while Carriage Ser- 04/22/1955 - 08/04/2023
support of outside advis- interest rate environ- A merger also would vices reported $97.7 mil-
ers, we don’t have further ment.” create a larger competitor lion and Park Lawn said it Brian Bernard DiNanno, J. DiNanno, and his mother,
updates at this time and It also says Carriage to Service Corp. Interna- had $85.3 million. 68, of Buffalo, NY, passed Jean M. DiNanno. The fam-
away on August 4, 2023, in ily will be holding a private
Houston, TX. He was born memorial service to celebrate
on April 22, 1955. Brian is Brian’s life. In lieu of flowers,
STOCKS survived by his loving wife,
Cynthia DiNanno, their sons,
donations can be made to a
charity of your choice in his
From page B8 Michael and Robert, his memory. Please join us in
sister, Donna C. Newman, honoring and remembering
In a BofA Global Re- and brother-in-law, Michael Brian’s life. He will be deeply
Newman. Brian was preceded missed by all who knew him.
search report, he pointed in death by his father, Aldo
specifically to how the
trend may follow Micro-
soft, one of the big seven DAVID FREDERKING
tech-oriented stocks re- 11/20/1942 - 08/14/2023
sponsible for the majority
of the S&P 500’s gains ear- David Vernor Frederk-
lier this year. ing 11/20/42 – 8/14/2023.
The group called the David Frederking, 80, of
“Magnificent Seven” has Houston, Texas, passed away
on August 14, 2023. He and
been under pressure re- his beautiful wife Carole were
cently because technology both native Houstonians.
and other high-growth He attended Kinkaid High
stocks are seen as some of School and the University
the biggest losers of high- of Texas. David loved being
er rates. Several are down around other people and
more than 10% from their hearing their stories. He
highs earlier this year. could talk to anyone. He
always wanted to hear what
Microsoft slipped 0.1% you had been doing, especially what the granddaughters had
Friday. Alphabet dropped if it was unusual or funny. going on.
1.9%, and Tesla sank 1.7%. J. David Ake/Associated Press David spent many years as a
Yields are on the march Wall Street is drifting and stocks are mixed a day after their latest tumble in member of Trinity Lutheran David was preceded in
in part because a string of what’s been a messy August. Church and later at St. Timo- death by his parents Wilbur
data has shown the U.S. thy Lutheran Church. He and Helen Frederking and
economy remains resil- ready come down consid- speech late next week at latest quarter than Wall was also a frequent visitor at his brother Dan Frederking.
ient. While that suggests erably since its peak last an event at Jackson Hole, Street had forecast. Memorial Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife
David loved all sports. He Carole, sons Will and Greg
the economy may avoid a summer. Wyoming. Applied Materials also played golf for most of his life, Frederking, daughters in law
long-predicted recession, But economists say the Besides making bor- reported stronger profit was an avid Astros fan and Kim and Nicole Frederking,
it also raises expectations last bit to get inflation rowing more expensive than expected, and its watched his granddaughters granddaughters Margaret,
for the Federal Reserve to down to the Fed’s target for everyone from home- stock rose 3.7%. play sports as much as pos- Meredith, Courtney, Haley
keep its main interest rate may prove the most diffi- buyers to multinational Estee Lauder fell 3.3% sible. He loved being with his and Mia, and his sister Mar-
higher for longer. cult. And a suite of reports corporations, higher despite reporting stronger friends and playing golf at garet Ann Barton.
The Fed last month on the economy recently, yields make the stock profit and revenue than River Oaks Country Club. As
a young Dad he spent count- A funeral service and
hiked the overnight inter- including surprisingly market look more expen- expected. Its profit fore-
less hours at Post Oak Little reception will be held at St.
est rate it controls to the strong sales at U.S. retail- sive unless companies cast for its upcoming fiscal League and Briargrove pool Timothy Lutheran Church
highest level since 2002, ers, has suggested upward suddenly earn much more year fell short of Wall as a coach and parent. In his located at 14225 Hargrave
as it tries to smother high pressure still exists on in- in profits. And while com- Street’s estimates. later years, David was a won- Road, Houston, TX 77070
inflation. High rates work flation. Traders have since panies have reported bet- Even after their August derful and goofy Grandpa. on Friday, August 25, 2023
by slowing the economy ratcheted back their ex- ter earnings for the spring swoons, major U.S. stock He always wanted to hear at 11am.
bluntly and hurting prices pectations for rate cuts than feared, it hasn’t been indexes still look expen-
for investments. through the end of 2024, enough to stop the mar- sive, said Mark Haefele,
Traders had been hop- according to data from ket’s slide. chief investment officer at WILLIAM MCGILL
ing that the Fed was done CME Group. Ross Stores jumped 5% UBS Global Wealth Man- 11/11/1938 - 08/13/2023
hiking rates and would The next big event for for the largest gain in the agement, “and a wide set
William Taylor (Bill) Mc- After the death of his
begin cutting them early markets could be Fed S&P 500 after it reported of outcomes for markets is Gill, age 84, died early Sunday mother, Bill moved to Hill-
next year. Inflation has al- Chair Jerome Powell’s stronger results for the still possible.” morning, August 13, 2023, in sboro in 2008 to be close to
Providence Hospital, Waco, family, and he became an ac-
Texas, from cardiac complica- tive member of the Hillsboro
TRANSITION Sale of electricity is a
service — the user re-
neering firms, diversified
industrial manufacturers
For the climate’s sake,
we need clean energy’s
tions. Visitation is sched-
uled for 6:00 to 8:00 pm,
community. For several years
he enjoyed fellowship with
From page B8 ceives no physical good in and the like. For manu- contribution to GDP to in- Thursday, August 17, 2023, at the Hillsboro Lions Club and
return — and zero-carbon facturers, revenues are crease for decades to Marshall & Marshall Funeral was a member of Friends of
Directors in Hillsboro, Texas. the Hillsboro City Library,
it, too. electricity sales are creat- likely to be a mix of assets come. And at the same Graveside services will take Hillsboro Heritage league,
BloombergNEF identi- ing some of the very big- (turbines and power time, we should watch place at 3:00 pm, Monday, and Hill Count Retired
fied and analyzed more gest companies Bloom- equipment) and services closely to see how its com- August 21, 2023, in Forest Teachers Association. In
than 8,000 public compa- bergNEF measured. (such as long-term con- position changes. Hope- Park Lawndale Cemetery, 2010 he purchased part of
nies with explicit revenue BloombergNEF tracked tracts to maintain the fully there will be even 6900 Lawndale, Houston, the historic Scott-Middleton
exposure to clean energy, just under 800 utilities equipment). Renewable greater clean-energy rev- Texas 77023. farm that had been home to
and came to a number: at with exposure to clean firms and electric utilities enue contributions from Bill was born in Houston Fairview Dairy and Jersey
least $2.56 trillion. That’s energy transactions, of account for the largest the world’s biggest energy on November 11, 1938, Farm. Bill had the mind and
to Lonnie Oral and Patsy energy of an entrepreneur and
more than twice the total which 45% derived more share of clean energy rev- and industrial and tech- Ruth Williams McGill. He enjoyed following agricultural
amount invested in assets than half their revenue enue from companies nology firms. And we’ll graduated from Milby High interests as well as the stock
last year. from zero-carbon power BloombergNEF analyzed, see the long tail of con- School in Houston in 1957 market.
There is some overlap sales. but there are still thou- tributors grow longer, and attended Sam Houston Bill was gregarious,
in these figures, which is Oil and gas company sands of other companies too. State University in Huntsville, generous, and outgoing, and
worth exploring. Sales of hydrocarbon sales are es- with less-concentrated where he received a bachelor’s enjoyed a conversation on
clean-power generation sentially a service too, in sales from the energy degree in 1961 and a master’s any topic. In recent years, his
degree in history in 1965. His health declined, and health
equipment, batteries, that the customer con- transition.
research and master’s thesis issues required a more limited
heat pumps and electric sumes the product for en- Thanks to Bloomberg- focused on the history and lifestyle with fewer trips out-
automobiles are both rev- ergy, or transforms it into NEF’s figures, we can al- significance of the Spindletop side his home.
enue for sellers and all or another petrochemical so measure clean-energy Oil discovery in East Texas. He was preceded in death
part of the investment in a product, without receiv- revenues as a percentage Bill’s career as a history by his parents, Oral and Ruth
fixed asset. ing a long-lived asset in of global gross domestic teacher in Houston ISD in- Williams McGill and sister,
So, a dollar of Tesla or the process. Oil and gas product: 2.6%. More than cluded service at Ross Sterling Mary Alice McGill Nichols
BYD revenue from the companies are investing 60% of that contribution and Milby High Schools. Bright. Bill is survived by
He had an inquisitive mind cousins Betty Lowrance,
sale of an EV is also a dol- in energy transition (to came from companies an enjoyed many years of Hillsboro; Carolyn Williams,
lar invested in EVs as an the tune of more than $30 that derive most of their widespread travel in Europe, Houston; Don Williams,
asset sector. A solar panel billion last year) but it re- revenue from clean ener- Mexico and the United States. Lakehills; and nephews
or turbine sold to a proj- presents less than 10% of gy, and 35% of it came He had a keen memory and John Nichols, Aransas Pass,
ect developer is revenue their total capital expen- from wind and solar com- enjoyed sharing tales of his Frank Nichols, Wheelersburg,
but only part of invest- diture. It also comprises a panies and EV industry work experience and travel Ohio; nieces Stella Hagler,
ment, as an asset’s invest- tiny percentage of total sales. Again, though, the with friends and colleagues. Miller, Missouri, and Wanetta
ment value includes the clean energy investment. long tail is important — Bill retired from teaching Bright, Ozark, Missouri.
after thirty-five years and Memorials may be made to
capitalized costs of con- Then there is a long tail there are thousands of ad- spent time with his mother William Taylor McGill Schol-
struction and services. of other companies sell- ditional companies and close friends, and he arship Fund at Hill College,
It becomes more com- ing energy transition whose clean-energy reve- became a frequent visitor to 112 Lamar Drive, Hillsboro,
plicated, but also more in- goods and services: semi- nue contribute more than casinos in Nevada, Louisiana, Texas 76645.
teresting, after that. conductor makers, engi- 1% of global GDP. and Oklahoma.

103 104 102 99 102 106 104 the south at 6-12 knots today.
79 81 80 78 81 80 81 Seas 2 feet or less. Visibility
generally clear. Tonight: Wind
Partly sunny and hot Mostly sunny and hot Mostly sunny and hot Couple of thunder- Partly sunny and hot Hot with sunshine Hot and humid with 6-12 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
storms sunshine Mainly clear.
20 TO 50 MILES: Wind from
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Sun.
the south-southeast at 7-14
TODAY: Partly sunny and hot; 110s Vancouver Africa
Saskatoon Cairo 100/72/s 98/73/s knots today. Seas 2 feet or
dangerous heat. High 99 to 100s Calgary
less. Visibility generally clear.
104. Winds south-southwest Seattle Cape Town 67/50/s 61/53/pc
90s Regina Winnipeg Casablanca 85/73/pc 88/72/pc Tonight: Wind from the south
4-8 mph. TONIGHT: Clear and 80s Portland Thunder Bay Dakar 84/78/t 85/81/r at 7-14 knots. Seas 2 feet or
humid. Low 76 to 81. Winds Ottawa Johannesburg 76/48/c 77/52/c less. Clear.
south-southwest 6-12 mph. Lagos 84/74/sh 82/74/t
Minneapolis Toronto Boston Asia/Pacific
50s Beijing 94/75/t 90/71/s
40s Detroit Ho Chi Minh City 89/76/t 87/76/t
AIR QUALITY 30s Hong Kong 88/78/t 87/79/t
Salt Lake City New York Islamabad 97/78/s 98/79/s
Today’s forecast for the entire Chicago
20s San Francisco Jakarta 88/77/sh 89/77/sh
metro area by the TCEQ:
10s Denver Washington Karachi 87/76/c 87/77/pc GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 85/75/t 85/74/t Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 86/78/r 89/78/t
-0s New Delhi 95/81/pc 95/82/pc 7:29 a.m. 1.3 1:01 p.m. 0.9
Los Angeles
Ozone watch -10s Seoul 88/74/r 89/76/sh 6:21 p.m. 1.1 --- ---
Little Rock Shanghai 89/80/sh 89/80/sh
Phoenix Atlanta
Good Unhealthy Singapore 85/77/t 85/77/t
Sydney 63/52/s 68/51/s
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain Dallas
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Taipei 88/74/t 90/75/sh BAYOUS through 7 a.m. Friday
Tokyo 92/79/pc 93/80/t Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive Snow Hermosillo
Canada Location stage stage chg.
groups New Orleans Calgary 65/43/c 71/52/c
Flurries Houston
Chihuahua Edmonton 62/37/s 69/47/s Brays Bayou South Main 54 16.74 +0.04
Ice Brazos River Bryan 43 6.38 -0.20
Miami Montreal
86/67/pc Hempstead 50 10.35 +0.09
Yesterday’s readings by the Monterrey Vancouver 74/56/pc 73/57/s Richmond 48 8.12 -0.12
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg 83/53/pc 76/54/pc Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 27.86 -0.01
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 1.50 -0.13
None 0 Mérida Cancún Amsterdam 77/60/pc 76/57/s
Tree pollen Guadalajara Athens 94/78/s 93/79/s
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 0.83 -0.28
Weed pollen Medium 14 Anchorage
Berlin 90/68/s 84/62/s Colorado R. Austin 29 11.73 -1.12
Veracruz Copenhagen 74/63/pc 74/59/pc Bastrop 25 3.20 -0.04
Grass pollen Low 4 Mexico City
Mold spores Low 5355
Villahermosa Forecasts and
Dublin 72/55/pc 72/58/pc La Grange 32 3.13 +0.03
Honolulu Belmopan Frankfurt 90/67/pc 88/65/s Columbus 34 9.32 +0.03
graphics provided by Geneva 96/67/pc 97/68/s
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary Acapulco Wharton 39 6.92 -0.01
front front front AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 89/75/s 90/73/s
Medium Extremely heavy ©2023 London 77/57/c 78/57/pc Bay City 44 2.53 +0.34
Madrid 99/69/pc 103/73/pc Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 38.98 -0.04
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 78/61/t 75/57/t
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.56 none
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 2.70 +0.01
George Bush Intercontinental Today Sun. Today Sun. Rome 90/72/s 92/71/s Spring Branch 36 -1.20 none
Airport through 3 p.m. Fri. Abilene 107/77/s 106/80/s Cleveland 78/62/s 88/70/s Stockholm 69/55/c 65/56/sh New Braunfels 13 9.25 -0.03
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Amarillo
100/72/s Columbus
107/75/pc Denver
91/69/s Vienna
97/71/pc Warsaw
88/66/s 93/68/s Gonzales 31 10.57 -0.89
86/66/sh 89/66/pc Cuero 20 6.34 -0.50
account how the weather will High 102 Beaumont 101/77/s 104/78/s Des Moines 95/75/s 95/74/s Zurich 93/64/pc 94/65/s
Low 81 Brownsville 99/80/pc 100/79/pc Detroit 79/62/s 88/70/s Latin America Victoria 21 3.80 +0.11
feel based on a combination of
Bryan/College St. 106/80/s 108/82/s Duluth 87/63/pc 75/58/pc Dupont 20 6.84 -0.40
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 95 Corpus Christi Bogota 66/50/sh 65/51/sh
comfortable while a rating of 0
100/79/s 102/77/s Fairbanks 60/48/c 54/48/r Buenos Aires 58/45/c 57/48/c Little River Little River 30 0.85 -0.09
Normal low 76 Dallas/Ft. Worth 108/83/s 108/83/s Great Falls 72/54/c 74/54/t Caracas Cameron 30 0.47 +0.04
feels very uncomfortable. 88/76/t 90/77/t
Record high 108 in 1909 El Paso 100/78/c 99/75/s Hartford 76/58/s 84/63/s Havana 90/74/t 90/74/t Navasota R. Easterly 19 2.92 -0.01
Today Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Record low 62 in 1992 Galveston 93/82/pc 93/84/s Honolulu 86/74/r 86/74/sh Kingston 92/79/pc 92/79/pc Neches River Evadale 19 5.10 -0.21
1 0 1 3 4 0 Kingsville 102/79/s 103/78/s Indianapolis 83/65/s 90/70/s Lima 73/65/c 74/66/pc
Precipitation Inches Laredo 106/80/s 105/81/s Jackson, MS 103/76/s 104/76/s Rio de Janeiro Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 11.52 +0.03
82/68/t 76/69/t
24-hour total 0.00 Longview 107/74/s 107/76/s Juneau 60/49/c 63/54/s San Juan 89/81/t 88/79/sh Sabine River Bon Wier 30 14.00 +0.01
UV TODAY Month to date Lubbock
0.00 McAllen 102/71/s 100/73/s Kansas City 103/75/s 101/76/s San Salvador 85/65/pc 85/68/t Deweyville 24 15.06 +1.19
101/80/pc 103/79/pc Las Vegas 86/71/t 80/69/r Santiago
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 2.46 Midland/Odessa 101/73/s 100/74/s Little Rock 98/73/s 99/75/s Sao Paulo
54/49/sh 63/49/c Orange 4 -0.11 +0.31
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. 77/58/t 77/59/pc Burkeville 43 12.95 -0.01
Year to date 29.97 San Angelo 107/74/s 106/76/s Los Angeles 83/71/pc 80/67/r St. Thomas 87/82/pc 87/81/t
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 31.39 San Antonio 104/76/pc 104/79/pc Memphis 93/73/s 95/75/s San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 5.94 +0.01
Texarkana 106/76/s 102/74/s Miami 85/79/t 89/81/t Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.02 none
2 4 9 9 4 2 Other readings Victoria 103/77/s 102/76/pc Milwaukee 84/71/s 87/70/pc Acapulco 91/77/t 89/76/t
W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 93.66 -0.08
Top wind speed 9 mph Waco 106/79/s 109/80/s Minneapolis 94/70/s 84/66/pc Cancun 91/79/s 89/79/t
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Nashville 90/65/pc 95/70/s Guadalajara 80/63/t 73/60/t San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.56 -0.08
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 30.00 in. 100/82/s Guanajuato 72/59/t 68/56/t Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.45 -0.08
Low barometer 29.91 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
80/65/s 87/72/s Mazatlan 91/80/pc 89/79/t Trinity River Goodrich 36 4.94 none
6-7, High Today Sun. Oklahoma City
High dewpoint 78° 106/74/s 105/74/s Merida 98/74/pc 97/74/t
Liberty 26 5.97 +0.03
Low dewpoint 68° Albany, NY 72/57/pc 84/65/pc Orlando 92/77/t 91/78/t Mexico City 73/57/sh 69/54/c
Village Creek Kountze 20 1.54 -0.01
SUN AND MOON Albuquerque 95/70/s 95/69/pc Philadelphia 81/63/s 90/70/s Puerto Vallarta 94/75/t 89/75/r
Average dewpoint 75° Anchorage 60/51/pc 62/50/c Phoenix 100/83/t 101/81/t Tampico 91/78/pc 89/76/t White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 7.65 none
First Full Last New
quarter moon quarter moon High humidity 90% Atlanta 92/71/s 94/73/s Pittsburgh 78/57/s 87/65/pc Veracruz 89/77/pc 87/75/sh
Low humidity 32% Baltimore 85/60/s 91/67/pc Portland, OR 90/61/pc 93/59/pc Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings 75/57/t 72/58/c Sacramento 96/64/s 96/71/s Baghdad 115/92/pc 114/91/pc
Birmingham 91/69/s 95/73/s St. Louis 91/74/pc 100/76/s Beirut 87/78/s 85/75/s Full Latest Release
82/68/c Dubai 100/87/pc 103/87/pc through 7 a.m. Friday pool level cfs
Aug 24 Aug 30 Sep 6 Sep 14 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boise Boston
75/64/t Salt Lake City
83/69/s San Diego
77/71/pc 78/69/r Jerusalem 93/72/s 90/68/s Canyon Dam 909 893.25 81
s - sunny r - rain Buffalo 74/59/s 80/68/pc San Francisco 75/61/pc 83/64/pc Kabul 92/67/s 94/69/s Conroe 201 199.56 0
Sunset tonight 7:59 p.m. pc - partly cloudy sf - snow flurries Charleston, SC 91/75/t 89/72/t Santa Fe 92/60/pc 90/61/pc Mecca 107/82/s 107/85/s
Sunrise Sunday 6:51 a.m. c - cloudy sn - snow Charlotte 88/68/s 93/71/s Seattle 80/59/pc 86/57/pc Riyadh 111/87/pc 110/87/c Houston 41.73 41.95 N.A.
Moonrise today 9:36 a.m. sh - showers i - ice Chicago 86/70/s 93/70/s Tucson 95/76/t 98/74/t Tehran 98/79/pc 97/78/s Lake Travis 681 633.64 915
Moonset today 9:55 p.m. t - thunderstorms Cincinnati 83/63/s 90/70/s Washington, DC 85/64/s 91/71/pc Tel Aviv 90/81/s 88/79/s Livingston 131 128.91

Eminent domain fears stymie pipelines

By Christopher Vondracek While Minnesota has “a real-
STA R T R IBU NE ly strong eminent domain law”
for projects such as the Enbridge
FORT PIERRE, S.D. — A car- Line 3 oil pipeline, which
bon dioxide sequestration pipe- crossed northern Minnesota,
line that may ferry climate-heat- Petersen said CO2 sequestration
ing gas from the stacks of etha- pipelines don’t qualify for the
nol plants to burial points deep same legal authority. “(For) a pri-
in Illinois rock bed may soon vate utility, it’s going to make it
need Minnesota’s approval. But very difficult to take the land. So
first, the project must clear they need to negotiate fairly.”
South Dakota regulators. Both CO2 pipelines are still a
And the farmers attending a long way from breaking ground.
hearing last month in a rodeo Minnesota’s PUC will vote on a
museum were firmly opposed. scope of survey Aug. 31. Similar-
“We’re all pro-ethanol,” said ly, in Nebraska, the companies
Kay Burkhart, who farms out- so far are seeking voluntary
side Valley Springs, S.D., which easements.
hugs the Minnesota state line. Summit’s hearings in Iowa
“But they’re going to force us to and South Dakota begin within
sign an easement that we don’t Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune the month.
want to sign.” Scott O’Konek, with Summit Carbon Solutions, center, talks about his company’s carbon pipeline On the witness stand in Fort
A billion-dollar-plus bet is project at Farmfest near Morgan, Minn. One official said “farmers are really split” about it. Pierre last month, a Navigator
afoot to dramatically lower corn CO2 executive told regulators
ethanol’s carbon footprint by “You don’t have eminent do- Similarly, Summit Carbon, ings, opponents accused Sum- that his company will always
spider-webbing pipelines across main, but you have running wa- which has applied for a permit mit of minimizing the safety first seek voluntary landowner
the Upper Midwest. Omaha- ter and electricity in Minneso- along one of the three branches risks of a pipeline rupture. One easements.
based Navigator CO2 and Iowa’s ta?” asked Burkhart, who wish- it intends to build in Minnesota, woman suggested the company “We strive not to go down that
Summit Carbon Solutions aim es South Dakota’s eminent do- says it’s netted nearly two-thirds bamboozled her infirm mother path,” Chief Financial Officer
to sell more biofuel in green- main law was more narrowly of the private crossings in Min- into signing a contract — a Jeff Allen said. “That is literally
house-conscious California and tailored. “How do you have civi- nesota — including more than charge Summit’s CEO Jimmy the last option available.”
Canada, as well as qualify for lu- lization?” 90% in Jackson and Otter Tail Powell denies. But when pressed by attorney
crative federal tax credits. The same farmers who could counties. Peg Furshong, director of Jorde on whether he would vow
That could translate into a benefit financially often stand The companies declined to programs at Montevideo-based not to seek eminent domain
premium price for many Mid- opposed to the idea of forced ac- discuss whether they’ve paid nonprofit Clean Up the River should the pipeline be approved,
west farmers’ corn. cess to their land. Eminent do- Minnesotans more for ease- Environment, or CURE, fears Allen demurred.
But to do so, they need to run main is typically reserved for ments. But Brian Jorde, an Oma- the company may use Minneso- In the audience, Valley
pipe beneath private land, rivers public projects or utilities, and ha attorney representing land- ta as a prop for showing inves- Springs landowner Dan Nelson
and marshes. these CO2 pipelines are a private owners in South Dakota and Io- tors “some movement in the said he worries that carbon diox-
For Burkhart and others, endeavor. wa, says Minnesota’s high legal project.” ide bursting out of a pipe would
their opposition is largely over At least in Minnesota, the barrier, at least in theory, means This month at FarmFest, Min- overtake campers at nearby Pal-
eminent domain. Under that le- companies are obligated to pay landowners are better protect- nesota’s annual agriculture in- isades State Park.
gal authority, her land can be farmers upfront for entirely vol- ed. dustry gathering, workers at a “You get a 10-mile-an-hour
forcibly traversed for a court-ap- untary easements. “Where they have eminent Summit Carbon booth mostly wind,” Nelson said, “it’ll follow
proved sum of money — includ- “Every one of the other states domain and where they have answered farmers’ polite ques- the creek and be there in 3 ½
ing by CO2 pipeline companies we intend to operate in does pro- survey laws that say we can do tions. minutes.”
in South Dakota. vide a pathway to condemna- what we want, they’re just more “We’re working directly with Nelson said he spoke with the
That’s not the case in Minne- tion,” said Elizabeth Burns- like the Wild West,” Jorde said. the landowners,” said Scott local fire department about
sota, where farmer sentiment is Thompson, the vice president of “When the law protects people, O’Konek, a project manager. who’d answer such a call and
more mixed on the subject. government and public affairs corporations have to treat peo- While Summit has sued dozens was told the volunteers would
Under Minnesota statute, on- with Navigator CO2. “Minneso- ple better.” and dozens of landowners in phone Sioux Falls, which is a 30-
ly natural gas and oil pipelines ta does not.” By comparison, Navigator re- South Dakota, it has needed to minute drive away.
possess that authority. So far, From the exterior, the absence vealed before South Dakota’s work “100% for voluntary ease- Nelson agreed he wasn’t con-
that’s meant a world of differ- of this lever for the pipelines has public utilities commission that ments” in Minnesota. cerned about ethanol’s future. It
ence in the attitudes toward the seemingly made it easier for it had secured only 30% of the “Each landowner is met with was safety consequences that
CO2 pipeline in Minnesota, com- business because in principle, necessary easements in that and negotiated with,” O’Konek scared him. Eminent domain,
pared with Iowa and South Da- the approach feels less hostile. state. said. “A majority of the ease- too.
kota. In those neighboring Navigator says it has gathered But some Minnesotans are al- ments are (already) acquired.” “This is a private enterprise,
states, the proposal has stirred “a bulk” of the easements in so passionately opposed to the Standing not far away, Thom and they want to go through our
anger, with flurries of lawsuits, Minnesota, though it has yet to CO2 pipelines. Petersen, Minnesota Depart- land with eminent domain,”
tense standoffs between survey- formally apply for a route per- At the first round of public lis- ment of Agriculture commis- Nelson said, taking off a baseball
ors and landowners, and calls mit from the state’s Public Util- tening sessions in western Min- sioner, acknowledged “farmers cap emblazoned with a Minne-
for legislative special sessions. ities Commission. nesota this year and in public fil- are really split.” sota company’s logo.

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