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Inuit and Métis women were oppressed and

They signed a treaty discriminated against

Indigenous people prevented from serving in the canadian

armed forces

They can not sustain themselves or their families properly

They were all put on reserves
on reserves
Indian Act
Their land had been taken away from them

They can't do their ceremonies and celebrations or else they

will go to jail

Their ceremonies and celebrations were criminalised

Younger children won't celebrate their ceremonies and
celebrations so when their older they won't know what they

It was in english so they didn't even understand it

Depression and sadness Not know how to love their kids This would probably go on for generations

They might start abusing their children

Physical and sexual abuse

Self-destructive behaviour

Abuse Elder abuse

Domestic violence

Violence against women

Family feuds and family violence

Not enough food

Don't know the way to get home

Running away (From the school)
Leads to death or suicide

Can't have a family (Can't find your family or make a family)

Residential Schools If you end up suicideing after they have kids the kids won't have a father of
mother figure in their family.

In the book Not My Girl, when the girl came back from the
Rejection from family
residential school she was rejected from her family (Mom).

In the book Not My Girl, when the girl came back from the
Rejection from friends residential school she was rejected from her friends

In the book Not My Girl, when the girl came back from the
Rejection from community
residential school she was rejected from her community.
Loss of Culture and Religion

In the book Not My Girl, when the girl first came back from
Can't eat the food
the school she couldn't eat the food (the fish)

In the book Not My Girl, when the girl came back from the
Loss of servile skills residential school she did not know how to hunt, fish or help
her family in any way.

Loss of the language they speak in their tribe

Inability to express emotions or love

Depression Substance abuse


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