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Workplace Emergencies Introductions...............................................3

General Information...............................................................................3

Tenant Emergency Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities...............4

Emergency Coordinator..........................................................................4
Floor Captain..........................................................................................5
Aides for Members with Disabilities......................................................5

General Instructions for Reporting Emergencies..............................6

Medical Emergencies..............................................................................7
Active Shooter & Workplace Violence..................................................9
Bomb Threats..........................................................................................10
Severe Weather & Natural Disasters......................................................11
Extended Power Loss.............................................................................12
Persons with Disabilities.........................................................................13

Zone Listing............................................................................................14
Bomb Threat Card....................................................................................15
SAMPLE Position Matrix........................................................................16
SAMPLE Personnel Roster......................................................................17



This Emergency Action Plan (EAP) establishes guidelines for all reasonably foreseeable
workplace emergencies. Because each emergency situation involves unique circumstances, the
guidelines provide general guidance only. Thoughtful actions based on situation assessment are
always required when responding to an emergency. It is also important to note that emergency
guidelines do not necessarily represent sequential series of steps.

Special Note: Safety and health are the overriding priorities in all emergency situations.
Think before you act and… if you see something, say something!

General Information (Refer to “EAP Position and Personnel Roster”)

Emergencies can be identified as Medical, Fire, Severe Weather, Bomb Threats, Chemical
Spills, Terrorist Attacks, Criminal Acts, Extended Power Loss, etc. Personnel should identify
these emergencies and report them to the Emergency Coordinator and CALL 911 to alert Police.
The local Emergency Services respond to emergencies.

Alerting Personnel

The following apply during fires and other workplace emergencies requiring evacuation:

 The fire alarm will be activated and personnel will calmly evacuate using designated escape
routes giving vocal alarms of “FIRE”, etc.
 Personnel will look into rooms as they leave the suite and notify personnel to exit; do not
delay your evacuation for this purpose.
 Personnel will assemble and remain in the evacuation Assembly Area. Leaving the group
or failing to report to the evacuation Assembly Area can cause unnecessary effort locating
personnel believed to be missing.
 Immediately notify your Floor Captain or the Emergency Coordinator of missing or
unaccounted for personnel.
 Stay alert and listen for instructions.
 Await guidance to disperse, return to the building or take additional measures.
 In the event of a Medical or other emergency that does NOT require evacuation,
CALL 911 to alert Police and notify the Emergency Coordinator.


Authority: Emergency Coordinator, Floor Captain, and Aides for Persons with Disabilities are
responsible only for evacuating personnel out of the suite and assisting personnel to the
Assembly Area. Building Managers assume responsibility once our personnel exit (insert office
information). Upon their arrival, Emergency Services (Incident Commander) will assume

A. Emergency Coordinator (EC)

Non-Emergency Responsibilities:

 Ensure the dissemination, implementation and updating of the EAP.

 Review and update EAP annually.
 Ensure personnel are assigned to all EAP positions.
 Conduct exercises as needed to optimize our personnel emergency response.
 Conduct and document an After Action Review following any emergency event and
provide a copy to the organization’s Director.
 The EAP will be maintained in accordance with (INSERT ALL GUIDANCE TO BE
CONSIDERED) and shall include:

 Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments.

 Procedures to be followed by personnel who remain behind to operate/conduct critical
operational requirements before they evacuate.
 Procedures to account for all personnel following evacuation.

Duties/Responsibility during an Emergency:

 Ensure Floor Captains initiate and complete accountability and/or evacuation.

 Coordinate the orderly evacuation of personnel when needed.
 Obtain accountability for our personnel following the incident and/or evacuation.
 Provide Emergency Response personnel with necessary facility information.
 Notify Building Management & Emergency Response of unaccounted for personnel.

B. Floor Captain (FC)

A minimum of one floor captain will be assigned to each zone (see Attachment 1).

Non-Emergency Responsibilities:

 Understand the building's emergency procedures and be prepared to assume his/her

responsibilities promptly and calmly in an emergency.

 Maintain an accurate roster of all members assigned to his/her zone, which will be
updated at least twice a year and upon the arrival of any new personnel. Provide updated
information on personnel in your zone to the EC within 2 business days.

Duties/Responsibilities during an Emergency:

 Put on a vest, take your cellphone and copy of the EAP Position and Personnel Roster
and ensure accountability for all personnel in your zone.
 During an evacuation, direct people out of your zone and exit via the stairwells; remind
employees NOT to use the elevators, as they will be taken out of service.
 Upon arrival at the Assembly Area, confirm all personnel are present or are
otherwise accounted for (e.g., illness, travel, vacation, meetings).
 Immediately notify Emergency Coordinator of unaccounted for/missing personnel.

C. Aide for Persons with Disabilities (APD)

Non-Emergency Responsibilities:

 Understand the building's emergency procedures and be prepared to assume his/her

responsibilities promptly and calmly in an emergency.

Duties/Responsibilities during an Emergency:

 Put on vest, take your cellphone and copy of the EAP Position and Personnel Roster.
 Locate the Mobility Impaired Person(s) and assist them in getting to the designated
mobility impaired location—the stairwell landing.
 Contact the Emergency Coordinator via the contact information located on your recall
roster and let them know what stairwell you are located in and that you have arrived there
safely with the person needing assistance.
 Continue to wait on stairwell landing until flashing strobes/alarms have been silenced.
Once the alarm has been shut off, assist the person back to their work station.

D. All other Personnel

 Understand all information in the EAP.

 Read updates to the EAP when provided.
 Know the names and contact info for personnel serving as EC/FC/APD, where to find
the AED, evacuation routes and procedures, Assembly Area location.

Summon emergency assistance by CALLING 911

Be prepared to provide the following information:

 Your name and location.

 Phone number from where the call is being made.

 Location of the emergency, including facility name, Bldg #, suite #, full address.

 Type of emergency:

 Medical
 Fire
 Confined Space Rescue
 Hazardous Material
 Criminal Act
 Bomb Threat

 Other important Information:

 Number and condition of victims.

 Location and extent of situation, hazard, fire, etc.
 Involvement of Hazardous Materials (as available, give product name and/or
describe any markings, labels or placards).

 What is needed

DO NOT HANG UP FIRST. Let emergency personnel hang up first.

After the call, station someone to direct Emergency Response personnel to the scene of the


Survey the scene; evaluate personal safety issues. Request

assistance (SHOUT FOR HELP)

Call 911

Provide the following information:

 Number and location of victim(s)
 Nature of injury or illness
 Hazards involved
 Nearest entrance (emergency access point)

Alert trained employees to respond to the victim’s location and bring a first aid kit or Automated
External Defibrillator (AED).

Location of First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillator(s)


Automated External Defibrillator (INSERT LOCATION)

 Only trained responders should provide first aid assistance.
 Do not move the victim unless the victim’s location is unsafe.
 Take “universal precautions” to prevent contact with body fluids and exposure to
bloodborne pathogens.
 Meet the ambulance at the nearest entrance or emergency access point; direct them to


Fire Emergency Plan

If a fire is reported, pull the fire alarm, (if available and not already activated) to warn
occupants to evacuate. Then Dial 911 to alert Fire Department. Provide the following

 Business name and street address

 Nature of fire
 Fire location (building and floor)
 Type of fire alarm (detector, pull station, sprinkler waterflow)
 Location of fire alarm (building and floor)
 Name of person reporting fire
 Telephone number for return call

***Emergency Coordinator and Floor Captains to direct evacuation of personnel***

Evacuation Procedures

 Evacuate building along evacuation routes to primary assembly areas outside.

 Redirect building occupants to stairs and exits away from the fire.
 Prohibit use of elevators.
 Evacuation team to account for all employees and visitors at the Assembly Area.


Profile of an Active Shooter

An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a

confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.

How to respond when an Active Shooter is in your vicinity

1. Evacuate 2. Hide Out 3. Take Action

 Have an escape  Hide in an area out  As a last resort and
route and plan in of the active only when your life is
mind shooters view in imminent danger.
 Leave your  Block entry to your  Attempt to
belongings behind hiding place and lock incapacitate the
 Keep your hands doors. active shooter
visible  Act with physical
aggression and
throw items at the
active shooter

**********************CALL 911 WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO*******************************

How to respond when Law Enforcement arrives on the scene

How you should react when Law Enforcement

 Remain calm and follow officers  Avoid pointing, screaming, and/or
instructions yelling
 Immediately raise hands and  Do not stop to ask officers for help or
spread fingers directions when evacuating. Just
 Avoid making quick movements proceed in the direction from which
towards officers such as attempting to the officers entered the premises.
hold on to them for safety

Information you should provide to Law Enforcement

 Location of active shooter  Number and type of weapon(s)
 Number of shooters, if more than one  Number of potential victims at the
 Physical description of shooter(s) location


Phone Bomb Threat

 Stay calm – do not alarm others.

 Notify your supervisor who will report the threat to law enforcement by
CALLING 911. If supervisor is not present, you make the call.

 Fill out the Bomb Threat Card (See Attachment 2) to assist responding agency.

 Decision to evacuate the building will be made by law enforcement personnel.

 Take the Bomb Threat Card with you if the building is evacuated.

Written Bomb Threat

 Remain calm and leave the message where it is found.

 Do not handle the document any more than necessary to preserve fingerprints and other

 Do not alarm others.

 Notify your supervisor who will report the threat to law enforcement by
CALLING 911. If supervisor is not present, you make the call.

 Do not give information to anyone except supervisor and law enforcement



 When a warning is issued by sirens or other means, seek shelter inside. The
following are recommended locations for shelter:
o Small interior rooms on the lowest floor and without windows,
o Hallways on the lowest floor away from doors and windows, and
o Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or block with no windows.
o When a warning is issued by sirens or other means, seek shelter inside.
 Stay away from outside walls and windows.
 Use arms to protect head and neck.
 Remain sheltered until the tornado threat is announced to be over.

 Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator.
 Keep away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, and electrical power.
 Assist people with disabilities in finding a safe place.
 Evacuate as instructed by the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official.

 Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator.
 Follow the recommended primary or secondary evacuation routes.
 Climb to high ground and stay there.
 Avoid walking or driving through flood water.
 If car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to a higher ground.

 Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator.
 Stay indoors!
 If there is no heat:
o Close off unneeded rooms or areas.
o Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.
o Cover windows at night.
 Eat and drink. Food provides the body with energy and heat, and fluids prevent


In the event of extended power loss to a facility certain precautionary measures should be taken
depending on the geographical location and environment of the facility:

 Unnecessary electrical equipment and appliances should be turned off in the event that
power restoration would surge causing damage to electronics and effecting sensitive

 Facilities with freezing temperatures should turn off and drain the following lines in the
event of a long-term power loss.
o Fire sprinkler system
o Standpipes
o Potable water lines
o Toilets

 Equipment that contain fluids that may freeze due to long term exposure to freezing
temperatures should be moved to heated areas, drained of liquids, or provided with
auxiliary heat sources.

Upon Restoration of heat and power:

 Electronic equipment should be brought up to ambient temperatures before

energizing to prevent condensation from forming on circuitry.

 Fire and potable water piping should be checked for leaks from freeze damage after the heat
has been restored to the facility and water turned back on.


Employee and Supervisor Responsibilities

If you are an employee with a disability, there are critical steps you should take to help ensure
that you will be safe during an emergency. First, inform your supervisor if you require assistance
in the event of an evacuation. Second, work with your supervisor to develop a plan to ensure
your safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. If you do not wish to share your needs with
your supervisor you should review the procedures to be followed in an emergency situation
affecting your assigned facility and familiarize yourself with your evacuation route and assembly

If you are a supervisor, you are responsible for reviewing your facility’s EAP with all
employees under your supervision, including those with disabilities, to ensure that each
employee clearly understands procedures that must be followed during an emergency event. Be
proactive in developing emergency plans to meet the needs of employees with a disability. You
should also include your employees with disabilities in the decision-making process when
selecting special equipment and developing evacuation procedures in collaboration with your
building managers. Ensure the “Aide for Persons
with Disabilities” (see Attachment 3) is notified of any employee that may require special assistance
in the event of evacuation or emergency.


Options for disability evacuation include:

 Shelter in Place—Take immediate shelter at the designated location.
 Evacuation Chair or Other Assistive Device—An evacuation chair or escape chair is a
lightweight wheelchair used to evacuate a physically disabled person from an area of danger,
such as a burning building. The chair is designed to allow an attendant to transfer the person
down stairs more safely than could be done with a normal wheelchair. Such chairs may be
folded to a small size and stowed in much the same manner as other firefighting equipment
such as fire hoses and fire extinguishers.
 Two-person Carry—This is a way to carry a person to safety with the assistance of a partner.
The two assistants link arms to form a backrest and grip wrists to from a seat.

Please remember, when making decisions regarding the best way to evacuate individuals with
disabilities from your building, you should work closely with your local emergency response
personnel and their safety specialists.

ATTACHMENT 1 Zone Listing


ATTACHMENT 2 Bomb Threat Card


Position Name Office Room # Mobile Phone Office Phone

Alternate #1
Alternate #2
Zone A
Floor Captain
Zone A
Floor Captain
Zone B
Floor Captain
Zone B
Floor Captain
Zone C
Floor Captain
Zone C
Floor Captain
Aide for Persons
Aide for
Persons with
Alternate Aide
for Persons
Alternate Aide
for Persons

ATTACHMENT 4 SAMPLE Personnel Roster

List Updated as of XX Jan 20XX


Name Office Room # Mobile Phone Office Phone



Name Office Room # Mobile Phone Office Phone


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