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Oral Communication in Context

Quarter 1 Week 1
(Semi- Detailed)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 Identify the different speech styles used in communication
 Appreciate the use of different speech styles in daily communication
 Create a short skit showing the different speech styles
II. Subject matter
References: K-12 basic Education Curriculum Senior High School Curriculum Guide

III. Procedure
Preliminary activities
1. Prayer
The teacher will choose a student to lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
The teacher will greet the class.

3. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the absentees in the class.

4. Checking of assignment
The teacher will ask the students to pass their assignment if there is.

5. Setting of Classroom Standards

The teacher will tell the students about the things that should be considered
if the class is ongoing.

6. Review
The teacher will ask questions about their previous topic.
“Modals; Express Permission, Obligation, and Prohibition.”

6. Motivation
The teacher will show some pictures of various pictures to the class. The teacher
let the students to imagine that if they are given a chance to talk to them, what
will they tell them, and how will they talk to them.

7. Presentation of objectives
At the end of the lesson you are able to;
 Identify the different speech styles;
 Appreciate the use of different speech styles in any social situations and;
 Create a skit Showing the different speech styles then act it in front of the
Activity 1.1
The teacher will provide a JUMBLED LETTER and let the leaner guess the correct
words and then provide the answer.

Lesson Proper

Communicative Styles the way you communicate has a big impact on how you get
on with people and get the things you want. Good communication skills can help you
avoid conflict and solve problems, they’re also important for making friends and
having healthy relationships.

Types of Speech styles/Communicative styles

 Used generally in very formal setting.
 Most formal communicative style for respectful situation
 Does not require any feedback from the audience
 Usually uses long sentences with good grammar and vocabulary
 The use of language is fixed and relatively static
Application: It’s generally reserve for formal settings such as important ceremonies.

national pledge, anthem, school creeds,
marriage ceremonies, speech for a state ceremony

 Used in speaking to medium to large groups
 May also be used in single hearers- strangers, older persons, professional
 Speaker must frame whole sentences ahead before they are delivered
 Avoids using slang terminologies
 Language is comparatively rigid and has a set, agreed upon vocabulary that is
well documented; is often of a standard variety.
Application: Although it’s used in writing, it also applies to speaking, especially to
medium large- sized groups. It’s also types of speech that should be used when
communicating with strangers such as older people, elders, professionals, and
figures of authority.

meetings, speeches, school lessons, court, a corporate meeting, at a swearing in
ceremony, in an interview or in a classroom
 Used in semi-formal communication
 Happens in two-way participation
 Most operational among other styles
 Speaker does not usually plan what he wants to say
 Sentences end to be shorter Ans spontaneous
Application: Any type of two-way communication, dialogue, whether between two
people or more, there’s no intimacy or any acquaintanceships.

regular conversation at schools, companies, group discussion,
teacher-student, doctor-patient, expert-apprentice

 Language used between friends
 Often very relaxed and focused on just getting the information out Slangs are
quite often used in these instances. This style is used in informal situations
and language
 Relationship between speaker and hearer is closed.
Application: Used between two people with a sense of familiarity and relatively close
relationship, whether in a group or in one- on- one scenario.

Casual conversations with friends, family members, chats, phone calls and messages

 Completely private language used within family of very close friends or group
 Uses personal language codes
 Grammar is unnecessary
 Does not need complete language
 Certain terms of endearment, slangs or expressions whose meaning is shared
with a small subset of persons to person
Application: Used between two people who share an intimate bond.

Examples: Chats between friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, family members.

1. What is the importance of communicative styles?
2. What are the types of speech styles/communicative styles? Its description
and examples.
3. Why do we need to learn the different styles in communication?

The teacher will group the class in to five. The leader of the group will pick a piece of
paper with different styles written on it (Frozen, formal, consultative, casual,
intimate) in front.
Direction: Create a short skit or any situations showing the different speech styles
then act it in front. Used the styles that you have picked.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the speech style used pin each situation. Write the correct answer
on your answer sheet.
1. Counselor and client
2. Letter for friends
3. Announcements
4. The lord’s prayer
5. Inquiring a hotel
6. Talking to siblings
7. Reading a court order
8. Exchange of wedding vows
9. Teenager and mother
10. A suitor to his lover

V. Assignment
Create a three minute speech that talks about Gender Inequality by using any
types of speech.

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