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A survey paper for ES209

Individual Performance Innovative Task


Prince Pier Victor R. Quimno


The survey titled “Customary Issues on Newfangled Approach in the Society”

focused on its objectives to extend its scope about common societal issues that still exists
and still an everyday debate due to various opinions of an individual. It tackles such issues
that is under review by majority and even national authorities. Some members of a
society concur that the existence of, they feel that because of this ailment, their quality of
life and their most treasured ideals are at danger. There should be action taken to address
the issue. The survey itself aimed to get a response from a random sample in order to give
contributions for further studies and to implement statistical analysis based on the data
gathered. The topics are about pandemic issues on vaccination, modal preference on
education and the common norm of exposure of gadgets to the younger ones. Specifically,
the narrowed questions are “Are you in favor of the implementation of mandatory
vaccinations against COVID since the pandemic started? Accordingly, are you willing to be
vaccinated or not?”, “Are you in favor of the continuation of online classes or remote
learning for students? Accordingly, which do you prefer, Online Classes or Face to Face
Classes?”, and lastly “Are you in favor of the exposure of kids to gadgets and social media
during their formative years? Accordingly, would you allow kids to grow up exposed/used
to them?”. With these questions, the survey ensures that these specific questions are set
to determine which of the options do individual prefers as it goaled to give insights for
the objectives.

In regards of sample respondent, it would be variety of respondents that has

different range of age and different gender which there would be youth, adults and
seniors and gender of male and female. The respondents should be 18+ above who are
able to determine and distinguish such types of a society issues, male and female are both
separated but regarding to their opinion, it is treated with utmost confidentiality where
the data is only gathered but applied with ethics and anonymity. According to Lee (2016),
Having opinions is healthy. It indicates a progressive nature – one which signifies that we
are improving to be better, better educated, more knowledgeable people. But because
everyone has opinions, everyone thinks they are deserving of being heard, applauded,
agreed with, admired and liked for their opinions. This is one of the reasons why the study
itself chose random samples between youth, adults and seniors where every detail of
their opinion is important as it gives light to resolve such societal issues that cannot be
solved by a person alone. Through Google Forms, the survey is conducted online together
with consent.

As we aim for a better society, the survey expects responses that the speculations
are made possible to breakthrough limits. In the end of the survey, it looks forward to
answer the untold voice of the respondents. Also, to be backed with summary, findings,
analyzations and conclusions.
Data Sheet 1

Full Name of Surveyor: _Prince Pier Victor R. Quimno__________

Subject Code & Section: __ES-209 & CE2L__________________________

Question 1
Pro-Vax Anti-Vax Pro-Vax Anti-Vax

Total: 10 Total: 8 Total: 10 Total: 8

Question 2
Online F2F Online F2F

Total: 10 Total: 8 Total: 5 Total: 13

Question 3
Pro-Tech Anti-Tech Pro-Tech Anti-Tech

Total: 8 Total: 10 Total: 7 Total: 11

Question 1
Pro-Vax Anti-Vax Pro-Vax Anti-Vax Pro-Vax Anti-Vax

Total: 7 Total: 5 Total: 8 Total: 4 Total: 5 Total: 7

Question 2
Online F2F Online F2F Online F2F

Total: 7 Total: 5 Total: 2 Total: 10 Total: 6 Total: 6

Question 3
Pro-Tech Anti-Tech Pro-Tech Anti-Tech Pro-Tech Anti-Tech

Total: 8 Total: 4 Total: 5 Total: 7 Total: 3 Total: 9

Data Sheet 2

Disclaimer: Rest assured that the following personal information and corresponding answers will be treated
with the utmost confidentiality.


Full Name Age Full Name Age

1.) Jeryl T. Daao 20 1.) Nikka Ann D. Ocaya 20

2.) Joed Binson Rauto 21 2.) Ryzel Vonne T. Dantes 20

3.) Elthon Dave R. Pagalan 20 3.) Geralyn B. Lerazan 21

4.) Azzie Kent D. Panandigan 19 4.) Hazel Ann R. Quimno 21

5.) Mark John H. Carilla 19 5.) Michelle Adran 19

6.) Kent Clifford Tiongson 20 6.) Nicole Robin Rauto 18

7.) John Michael Cabana 32 7.) Louisse Adoracion 33

8.) Kevin L. Quimno 29 8.) Maikee Reyes 28

9.) Lem Lumagod 34 9.) Caryl Queen Neri 27

10.) Alvin Ortiz 49 10.) Nicy Rodriguez 34

11.) Victor Quimno 51 11.) Mary Flor Bustamante 32

12.) Kirvy Jabinar 26 12.) Milky Quimno 26

13.) Hiroo Nakasawa 72 13.) Teresita Reyes 70

14.) Tiquo Marciano 64 14.) Tita R. Widmer 63

15.) Anecito Balaba 64 15.) Gilda Abatayo 61

16.) Jose Reyes Rauto Jr. 60 16.) Dhelia Ortiz 65

17.) Armin Arroyo 68 17.) Chona Neri 60

18.) Raul Velez 61 18.) Ving Q. Marciano 62

Data Sheet 3

Disclaimer: Rest assured that the following personal information and corresponding answers will be treated
with the utmost confidentiality.


Full Name Age Full Name Age Full Name Age

1.) Nikka Ann D. Ocaya 20 1.) Louisse Adoracion 33 1.) Teresita Reyes 70

2.) Ryzel Vonne T.

20 2.) Maikee Reyes 28 2.) Tita R. Widmer 63

3.) Geralyn B. Lerazan 21 3.) Caryl Queen Neri 27 3.) Gilda Abatayo 61

4.) Hazel Ann R. Quimno 21 4.) Nicy Rodriguez 34 4.) Dhelia Ortiz 65

5.) Michelle Adran 19 5.) Mary Flor Bustamante 32 5.) Chona Neri 60

6.) Nicole Robin Rauto 18 6.) Milky Quimno 26 6.) Ving Q. Marciano 62

7.) Jeryl T. Daao 20 7.) John Michael Cabana 32 7.) Hiroo Nakasawa 72

8.) Joed Binson Rauto 21 8.) Kevin L. Quimno 29 8.) Tiquo Marciano 64

9.) Elthon Dave R.

20 9.) Lem Lumagod 34 9.) Anecito Balaba 64

10.) Azzie Kent D.

19 10.) Alvin Ortiz 49 10.) Jose Reyes Rauto Jr. 60

11.) Mark John H. Carilla 19 11.) Victor Quimno 51 11.) Armin Arroyo 68

12.) Kent Clifford

20 12.) Kirvy Jabinar 26 12.) Raul Velez 61

For Data Sheets:

Question No.1: "Are you in favor of the implementation of

mandatory vaccinations against COVID since the pandemic
started? Accordingly, are you willing to be vaccinated or not?"
Male, 10 Female, 10


9 Male, 8 Female, 8

Male Female

Pro-Vax Anti-Vax


Based on the table above with the question “Are you in favor of the implementation
of mandatory vaccinations against COVID since the pandemic started? Accordingly, are you
willing to be vaccinated or not?", it shows that majority of males are in favor of Pro-
vaccination where 10 of it are Pro while the rest of males are Anti-Vaccination. Also, same
with the data of male, majority of females are in favor of Pro-Vaccination and the rest of
8 are Anti-Vaccination. In this graph, it shows that majority of male and female are Pro
with Vaccination whereas both male and female are 55.55% Pro and 44.45% of it are
against Vaccination.
Question No.2: "Are you in favor of the continuation of online
classes or remote learning for students? Accordingly, which do
you prefer, Online Classes or Face to Face Classes?''

14 Female, 13

Male, 10

Male, 8

6 Female, 5

Male Female

Online F2F


Based on the table above with the question "Are you in favor of the continuation of
online classes or remote learning for students? Accordingly, which do you prefer, Online
Classes or Face to Face Classes?'', it shows that 10 of the males’ majority preferred online
and the 8 of males preferred face to face set up. Unlike the data on female, majority of
females preferred online with a count of 13 respondents while the rest of the 5 preferred
online set up. It shows that male and female have different majorities. 55.55% of males
preferred online and 44.45% of males preferred face to face set up. On the other hand,
72.22% of females preferred face to face set up and the rest of 27.78% preferred online
Question No.3: "Are you in favor of the exposure of kids to
gadgets and social media during their formative years?
Accordingly, would you allow kids to grow up exposed/used to
12 Female, 11

Male, 10

Male, 8

8 Female, 7

Male Female

Pro-Tech Anti-Tech


Based on the table above with the question "Are you in favor of the exposure of kids
to gadgets and social media during their formative years? Accordingly, would you allow kids
to grow up exposed/used to them?'', it shows that only 8 of males are Pro-Tech and the
majority of the 10 males are Anti-technology. Same with females, the majority 11 are
Anti-tech and the rest of 7 are all Pro-Technology. Both males and females are in favor
with Anti-tech where the percentage of males who are Anti-tech is 55.55% and the male
Pro-tech are 44.45%. Majority of females are Anti-tech with a percentage of 61.11% and
the rest are Pro-tech with a percentage of 38.89%.
Question No.1: "Are you in favor of the implementation of
mandatory vaccinations against COVID since the pandemic
started? Accordingly, are you willing to be vaccinated or not?"
Adult, 8
Youth, 7 Senior, 7

Youth, 5 Senior, 5
Adult, 4

Youth Adult Senior

Pro-Vax Anti-Vax


Based on the table above with the question “Are you in favor of the implementation
of mandatory vaccinations against COVID since the pandemic started? Accordingly, are you
willing to be vaccinated or not?", it shows that majority of youth and adult are Pro-vax and
majority of seniors are anti-vax. 7 of youth are Pro-vax with a percentage of 58.33% and
the rest are 5 youths with a percentage of 41.66% in whose Anti-vax. While 8 of adults
are Pro-vax with a percentage of 66.66% and the rest of 4 adults are Anti-vax with a
percentage of 33.33%. In contrary to the opinions of youth and adult, majority of seniors
are Anti-vax. 7 seniors are anti with a percentage of 58.33% while the rest of 5 stands
with Pro-vax with a percentage of 41.66%.
Question No.2: "Are you in favor of the continuation of online
classes or remote learning for students? Accordingly, which do
you prefer, Online Classes or Face to Face Classes?''
Adult, 10

Youth, 7
Senior, 6 Senior, 6
Youth, 5

Adult, 2

Youth Adult Senior

Online Youth


Based on the table above with the question "Are you in favor of the continuation of
online classes or remote learning for students? Accordingly, which do you prefer, Online
Classes or Face to Face Classes?'', it shows that most of the youth are in favored with online
set up. 7 youths are in favor of online with a percentage of 58.33% and the rest of 5
preferred face to face set up with a percentage of 41.67%. On the other hand, majority of
adults wanted face to face set up where 10 of it are in favored with a percentage of 83.33%
and the rest of 2 of adults preferred online with a percentage of 16.66%. The data for
seniors shows tie between online and face to face set up, 6 of seniors preferred online and
6 of seniors preferred face to face, both of it has percentage of 50%.
Question No.3: "Are you in favor of the exposure of kids to
gadgets and social media during their formative years?
Accordingly, would you allow kids to grow up exposed/used to
Senior, 9
Youth, 8
Adult , 7

Adult , 5
Youth, 4
Senior, 3

Youth Adult Senior

Pro-Tech Youth


Based on the table above with the question "Are you in favor of the exposure of kids
to gadgets and social media during their formative years? Accordingly, would you allow kids
to grow up exposed/used to them?'', it shows that majority of youth are in support of Pro-
tech where 8 of it are pro with a percentage of 66.66% and the rest of 4 youths are Anti-
tech with a percentage of 33.34%. Regarding to the data of adults it shows that the
majority of 7 adults are Anti-tech with a percentage of 58.33% and the rest of 5 adults are
Pro-tech with a percentage of 41.66%. Obviously to the data of seniors, only the 3 of it are
Pro-tech with a percentage of 25% and the majority of 9 seniors are Anti-tech with a
percentage of 75%.

In summary of data in the first question, most of males and females are in favor of
Pro-Vaccination but it differs regarding to the age. Most of Youth and Adults supports
Vaccination while majority of the Seniors are in favor of Anti-Vaccination. In second
question, most of males are in favor of online class while majority of females chose face
to face modal set up. In terms of age, most of the Youth wanted online set up rather than
face to face. In contrary, majority of adults wanted face to face set up than online. While
in the side of seniors, it shows that it is in between online and face to face set up. The
summary of last question is about exposure of gadgets to kids. Both male and female are
up against Anti-Technology and the remaining of it are Pro-Technology. Regarding to the
age, Youth supports the Pro-Technology while in the side of adult and seniors, it shows
that they are against the technology for some reasons.
In conclusion, there are such societal issues that even age and genders have
different perspectives about facing issues and choosing preferences. To be specific,
various opinion matters as it would be part to resolve an individual issue. Every question
has its pros and cons where every gender and stage of age has their own separate way
that others would not. Cite for example, online class could be good but there are other
learners cannot catch up the lesson easily and they preferred face to face rather than
online class but in the other hand, face to face could be risky because we are not yet living
on a 100% covid-free place. Another example is the mandatory vaccinations, it could be
good for all but not for the higher ages and not for everybody. It may consist of bunch of
research for the others. Last example is about technology, there are others who supports
for the technology as we live forwardly innovated while others disagree in regard of
technology addiction. That is how opinion matters to improve the further study of the
specified issues on society. The recommendation of this study is to understand the issue
very well to address it to the others of the impacts of their supporting stand. This is how
data matters and how opinion counts.

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