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1: Define Industrial Relations? 2: What is Grievance? 3. What is the procedure to certify the standing orders? 4.

What is Subsistence Allowance (Under Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946)? 5. What do you understand Arbitration? 6. What is works committee? And how many members are required to form works committee? 7. What the Section 9A of Industrial Dispute 1947, Act Stipulates about? 8. What is lay off? 9. What is the Main objective of Industrial Employment (Standing Order Act) 1946? 10. What are the Benefits of ESI Scheme? 12. Define Wage under the Minimum wage Act? 13. What is the difference between Salary and Wage? 14. What is the formula to calculate Gratuity? What is the eligibility to get Benefit of Gratuity? What is the maximum limit of payable Gratuity? 15. Define Shift and Relay? 16. What is the definition of Worker under the factories Act, 1948? 17. What do you mean by Retrenchment? What is the procedure for retrenchment? 18. What are the Grievance Redressal Machineries under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947? 19. Welfare officers are to be appointed if the organization is engaging____________or more worker. 20. How many women workers are required to provide crche facilities in factory
under the provision of Factories Act, 1948? 21. Define Hazardous Process?

22. Define Job? 23. What is the new amendment in ESI Act, 1946 regarding coverage of employee? 24. What do you mean by Closure? 25. What is the definition of factory under the factories Act, 1948? 26. The Industrial Employment (standing order) Act 1946, is applicable to every establishment wherein __________ or more workers are employed? 27. What is the definition of Child under the Factories Act, 1948? 28. What is the definition of Workmen under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1948? 29. Which year the Payment of Gratuity Act Enacted? 30. What percentage of employee and employer contribution goes towards the ESI scheme under the Employee State Insurance Act 1948? 31. What is Hallo Effect? 32. What are the principles of natural justice? 33. What is the provision to appoint safety officer under the factories Act, 1948? 34. Canteen is to be provided if engaging employees more than ______ persons (Under the Factories Act 1948). 35. Under the Factories Act 1948, when the Ambulance Room is required to be provided? 36. First Aid Boxes is to be provided for ______ of persons. 37. What is the difference between Training and Development? 38. What do you mean by Set on and Set off (Under payment of Bonus Act). 39. What is the percentage of Maximum Bonus Payable? 40. What is Allocable Surplus? 41. What is Morale? 42. What is Adjudication? 43. What are the duties of Labour Welfare Officer? 44. What are the Objectives of the factories Act 1948?

45. What are the schedules of the Factories Act, 1948?

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